#nature deities
purringbookworm97 · 5 months
A little help
Good morning everyone, I'm finding myself in some sot of a predictament.
I've been contacted by a deity of the Greek system, who claims to be affiliated to nature (and particularly fond of folk music) and of masculine nature, I cannot however find his name, and I'm tearing my hair out about it a little.
Does anyone have a list, or like, a vibe from what I'm telling you? He feels like running through a young hay field at the town festival.
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druidicentropy · 6 months
Honestly ya'll I really dislike the Encyclopedia of Fairies by Bane Theresa, she essentially just went through world mythology and just slapped the fae label onto anything that has any sort of connection with nature and it's so INFRIATING how it directly calls something as being apart of the fae but then within the fucking books own energy itself it directly contradicts itself by mentioning they're a completely different nonhuman species entirely, IT REALLY JUST ANNOYS THE FUCK OUT OF ME😭 I've been thinking about kind of creating my own like speculative classification system for mythological beings purely out of spite for this one book tbh
I personally think she's one of the writers that have influenced this idea that some people have about the "fae existing on every single continent" belief that I've seen some Celtic pagans regurgitate and it honestly doesn't really sit right with me since yeah if you're just casting the net as wide as fucking possible and including every single nonhuman being that's even remotely connected with nature then of course you're gonna come to that conclusion 💀
I've been getting into like speculative biology so this has been on my mind for the last couple of days and just how absolutely disorganized all of the actual classifications for mythological & fictional monsters/beings actually is so I might end up just cobbling together my own methods cuz my autism hates how vague it all ends up being and also how it can sometimes be used negatively against other cultures and is kind of a colonization tactic that's been used for a really long time most notably by the Romans and later on by the colonial powers so even though there's no actual intention to do harm it's somewhat rooted in not great methods if that makes sense?
Kind of just wanted to spew my thoughts on this topic a little bit since it's made me realize how unhelpful the overall classification system for what is/isn't fae is just nonexistent so I wanted to prompt everyone with the following question: what traits do ya'll think something has to have either in their behaviors, traits, use of magic, and appearances for it to actually be classified as being apart of the fae?
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poetryandarete · 1 year
Hymn to the Firetower Gods
(this was written in summer of 2020, when I was able to go “back” to my first university placement after COVID-19 shut down, well...everything. I had a lot of trouble getting used to the land in my new 3-month placement. I remember mostly being tired, anxious and paranoid during that time, but I found this hymn recently and thought I would share)
The Canadian Shield counts on me forgetting about it
I stumble the first few months I’m back – the rock comes up under my feet like the discovery of a worn down carpet in the corners of a room
I’ve spent half a year away from here, with the familiar comfort of aspen roots snug beneath my feet my heels strike wrong and I wobble over escarpments A stranger again
I’m fleshier than the last time my feet touched this rock – Heartbreak and pandemics will do that to you – and it’s a struggle to scale the rocks the way I used to it feels like I’m being judged (Maybe by people but that’s nothing new)  but this land has never liked me much to begin with and my own personal procrastination hasn’t helped me build any relations
I imagine the land spirits don’t like what they see: A puffing purple faced pretend spiritualist who left with so many doors closed and hasn’t bothered to crack one open in her time away
The sandwich I packed has gone slimy with condensation and the clouds have moved in I lose my appetite and shiver I’ve brought my knitting up here with me to infuse it with the Shield and the creeping ground growth and the white pine and the husks of cracked open acorns to sit in nature and forget my pager and my homework and just be
But the sweater I’m knitting is a love song for the cold pine of the Rockies, firm brush-lined needles blocking out the purple mountain light and these stringy sun dappling pine disdain of my stitches I get a call from school and descend back to the parking lot the pines drop a caterpillar on my lunch remains as a disdainful goodbye
I will dream of the firetower tonight, I’m sure – Of climbing that ladder without Ascending above the white pine (I never do, in the dreams
I never want to)
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maekar76 · 8 months
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Solar and Nature Deities in World Mythology
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dionysianivy · 28 days
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 🌬🌿
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E A R T H 🜃
When we connect with the Earth's energy, we tap into a powerful source of vitality and strength that flows through nature. By grounding and centering ourselves, we draw on the Earth's stability to find balance and calm within. Simple practices like standing barefoot on the ground or imagining roots extending from our feet into the soil help us feel deeply connected to the Earth's energy. In tuning into this natural rhythm, we can find comfort and support, especially during times of uncertainty.
Earth Symbols: acorns, trees, stones, leafs.
A I R 🜁
When we connect with the Air element, we tap into the limitless potential of our mind and spirit. Practices like meditation, visualization, and breathwork help us tune into the subtle flow of Air, expanding our awareness and opening up new possibilities. Meditation, in particular, quiets the mind's chatter, allowing us to focus on our breath and find inner peace and clarity. By paying attention to the gentle rise and fall of our breath, we ground ourselves in the present moment and nurture a deep sense of mindfulness.
Air Symbols: feathers, birds, wings, sword
W A T E R 🜄
When we connect with the Water element, we dive deep into the flow of our emotions and intuition, letting ourselves be gently guided by the currents of our subconscious mind. To deepen this connection, spending time near water can be incredibly powerful. Whether you're sitting by a river, taking a bath, or simply drinking a glass of water with intention, you can feel the influence of Water. When we immerse ourselves in water or let its flow wash over us, we allow our emotions to flow freely and surrender to the natural rhythm of life. This opens us to the transformative energy of Water, helping us embrace our inner mysteries and move gracefully through life's changes.
Water Symbols: sea shells, water waves, dolphin, pearl
F I R E 🜂
When we connect with the Fire element, we tap into the fiery depths of our soul, awakening our deepest desires and aspirations. Practices like ritualized burning, candle magic, and sun gazing help us align with Fire's transformative energy, igniting the flame of our true purpose. Ritualized burning is a powerful way to work with Fire's energy. It allows us to release what no longer serves us, creating space for new growth and transformation. By writing down our fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs on paper and then burning it in a sacred fire, we symbolically free ourselves from their grip, clearing the path for fresh starts and new beginnings.
Fire symbols: fire, torchs, dragons, garnet
tip jar♡
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buriedpentacles · 2 months
10 Simple Ways to Worship Mother Nature
These could apply to any earthly god or goddess really, so feel free to borrow any ideas that speak to you! And please tell me about how you worship your deity, I'd love to know 💚🪲
Going for daily, mindful walks. Sometimes I'll listen to music, other times I'll just listen to the world around me.
Wear a lot of greens and browns, as well as recycled and more sustainable fabrics (a lot of my clothes are also thrifted, and I try to avoid overconsumption)
Decorate my space with earthy colours, posters and pieces of the earth - I have crystals, bones, pressed flowers and even rocks and twigs in my room
Learn about nature and the world around me - I am a zoology student so my academic career is also a devotion to Mother Nature but I also learn about what animals I can see locally, I study when and where flowers bloom and how to tell when rain is coming etc
Reconnect with my more primal side - a significant part of my work with Mother Nature is reognising and accepting that humans are animals, and we behave as such; we cannot allow ourselves to become seperate from wilderness. To me, this involves connecting with my intuition and gut feelings, recognising my emotions and desires and working with them
Making and wearing daisy chains or flower crowns
Creating art inspired by the world around me and myself
Caring for animals (that includes other humans) when I can and it's safe: from helping a snail move across the path, to making sure a dying bird can rest peacefully, to giving food and money to the homeless
Loving myself, though it isn't always easy
Spending time outside with my hands in the dirt or streams, speaking with the trees and birds and listening to their replies
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aleck-le-mec · 8 months
“Where are your pagan gods now?”
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Comforting your abandoned dead
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meadowtwins · 2 months
Friendly reminder that the gods won't be angry or dissapointed in you by not daily worship/practice. We're human. We make mistakes. We get tired and have days were we're to exhausted to do anything and they understand!! They know circumstances have changed since ancient years and know our worship cannot be as elaborate as it was back then. Take days off, weeks off, as long as you need to get back into your right headspace. Just thinking about them, cleaning their altar, researching them, all these mundane acts and more let's them know your worship and appreciation!
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deityofhearts · 10 months
sorry i have an air of mischief and whimsy as if that’s my fault
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thesilicontribesman · 7 months
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Roman Gods And Goddesses of the Countryside, Arch of Trajan at Beneventum, 114 CE
These gods and goddesses represent the prosperity of the countryside: Bacchus, god of the vine with his thyrsos (a fennel-stalk staff); Ceres, goddess of corn and the harvest, with a torch; Diana, goddess of hunting and wild animals; and Silvanus, god of woods and fields, who holds a pine branch (in situ, west side, attic).
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
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god-of-annwn · 2 months
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~ Celtic Mythology - Cernunnos
Celtic/Gaulish god of nature and fertility. Often referred to as The Horned One or wild god of the forest.
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That final scene with the gods discussing the future of the Divine Gate was incredible - everyone was at the top of their game!
A huge reason for why I found it especially good, was watching Tal as Melora bare her teeth and refuse to indulge the others' idea of leaving Exandria. She helped lead the pantheon to this rock of elemental chaos, she bound herself to the natural world, she is as much a part of Exandria as the titans had been
But now she's being confronted with a future where she must leave it behind for the sake of the little creatures that inhabit her world. And sure, she made the world liveable for them, but she also made it liveable for her family - of course she wants to stay!
The thing, though, is that we know they leave. In the present day, the Wildmother is tucked behind the Divine Gate where she and her kin cannot physically interfere with their creations. But after learning what we have during these three weeks of Downfall? That feels so much more tragic
Melora has chosen to sever a large part of her connection to Exandria, her home, for everyone's sake but her own
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sangaverage · 17 days
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Something different from me but my S/O works with him so
Here's a Digital offering/ Stimboard for Loki
Credits: 🦌|🦊|🦌|🕊️|X|🕊️|❄️|🦁|❄️
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buriedpentacles · 2 months
"I can't connect to nature because I live in a city" Incorrect.
"I can't connect to nature because I can't travel" Nuh-uh.
"I can't connect to nature because I-" Wrong.
Anyone can connect to nature. Please, remove the mindset that nature is something *out there*. Nature is all around you.
The dandelions peeking through pavement cracks, the birds you don't notice on your windowsill, the brambles in the alleys, the storms and sunshine.
All of this is nature. You are surrounded by it. Notice it, learn about it. Write down when you notice the days getting longer, when more butterflies appear and when ripen blackberries ripen. Connect to the nature that lives outside your window, just past the boundary of your front door.
Watch nature documentaries, build a small windowsill garden, let the spider in your room corner stay for a while.
Connection is not determined by proximity, but by effort.
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tears-of-amber · 28 days
🍂Autumnal Acts Of Devotion To Freyja🍂
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The season of Autumn is coming closer. I can feel the changes slowly but surely in the air. Maybe not the temperature where I live, but DEFINITELY the vibes. Some of this post is based on UPG in regards to Freyja. So don’t come at me if you can’t find historical evidence of some of these MODERN acts being associated with the goddess Freyja.
🍄Pick or purchase a pumpkin and carve the rune Fehu into it in honor of Freyja (you can carve a different sigil or symbol you associate with her instead if that resonates more).
🍄When you go shopping for back to school clothes or just clothes shopping for Autumn weather, consciously include her on your little outing by calling upon her in silent prayer to help you find empowering and pleasing clothes.
🍄Paint your finger nails gold or amber orange, and if you have the skill, you can also add symbols of her painted on your fingernails. The gold on its own is sufficient, though. And it looks just generically autumnal if your worship has to stay discreet!
🍄Enjoy a cup of cinnamon chai with honey or hot chocolate with cream in honor of Freyja.
🍄Wear amber jewelry or craft a necklace (or braclet) out of amber colored beads, then hold it to the west (the traditional direction that Autumn corresponds with), and let the west winds blow through it to bless it with Autumnal energy. Call upon Freyja for her blessing this season, and thank her for her blessings in seasons past.
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meadowtwins · 3 months
Libations Info sheet:
A libation is pouring out a liquid as offerings to the gods. Typically poured into soil or cracks on the ground. Mainly Chthonic Gods get libations as offerings. Chthonic gods are gods associated with the underworld, fertility and earth. Even an Olympic god, which would be the opposite of a Chthonic god, can be classified as one. An example of this would be Dionysus, as he's connected with fertility. The pouring liquid into the earth is symbolic as pouring liquid "directly to the gods", therefore only Chthonic gods.
The liquid can be wine, water, oil, milk or honeyed milk. A god might have a more specific connection to one of those liquid and therefore prefers one. The liquid would usually be served in a chalice (out of any Material) or if not anything else available, just a cup or glass will do. Additionally to any libations would a simple offering prayer be said.
In ancient greece tradition was for libations to happen 2-5 times a day. In the morning, at night and to each meal. These were shared offerings between deity and worshipper. Half of it would be poured into earth while the other would be consumed by the worshipper.
All of these traditions aren't necessary of course as these are modern times. The gods won't be dissapointed or angry with you for not following eon old traditions. But it is a nice sentiment.
Hopefully this post clears the questions someone might have about this act, if anything is unclear, again, just ask.
Happy witching! 🍇🌾
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