#nct 2018 soulmate au
peachymhaechan · 6 years
“That’s new.”
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Genre: fluff, soulmate au
Warning: language is that of a sailor’s
A/N: this is the second in the lil soulmate au series i’m writing this summer!! ten is one of my main bias wreckers (let’s be real tho- i’m a damn thot and all of nct attacks me on the daily) and this kiLLED ME. hope you enjoy!!
everyone has different soulmate quirks
your best friend only saw black and white until she met her s/o, then she saw the world in color
your parents had what you called the High School Musical quirk, where when one got a song stuck in their head, the other got the same song stuck in their head
all of your friends had these really cool and cute quirks
meanwhile, yours was.... odd to say the least
your quirk happened to be piercings
you just,,, got a piercing out of the blue
whoever your soulmate was, he or she loved body modifications
whenever your s/o would get a piercing, you’d get the same piercing
weird, but that was your life, man
the first time it happened was An Experience
imagine: you chilling in class, listening to a boring ass lecture, 
when you feel a sting in your ear 
and you reach up to see what the dealio is
and ?? you feel an earring ?? and blood ?? uhhhhhhhhh
nobody is paying attention to you so you just,, sat in the back of the class in a mini panic like ?? ! what the fuck !! what the complete fuck just happened !! 
finally, a tiny bit of blood dripped onto your desk and you were like // gotta blast // and done straight up bolted
you ran to the bathroom and found that you did, indeed, have a random ass piercing in your cartilage
“cool but what in The Complete Fuck”
so you took a picture of it just to prove to your friends that you weren’t insane
and then took it out and that was the end of it, right?
this bitch wrong. yeet! 
three days later, after you had forgotten about the mystery that was your lil piercing, it came back
except that time, you were at family dinner
you were chowing down when you felt it again
“-and then I got stuck in traffic on the way to work, and.... is your ear bleeding?” 
you felt your ear and sure enough, there was an earring and your ear had that tingly numb feeling any time you get a piercing
“is there an earring there?” you asked, already knowing the answer
“Y/N what the hell?”
you didn't know any more than your parents did so you shrugged in a what-can-ya-do? way
“It happened a couple of days ago in class but I didn't think anything of it, so I took the earring out and, well.... it came back, I guess.” 
“Hon, I’d hate to break it to you, but I think that is your quirk,” your dad said, to which you thought ???
hol up, this don’t add up 
it really did tho and you were just being a dumb thot oof
don't worry, i’m a dumb thot, too
“I mean.... okay, I guess.... sounds fake, but..... whatever.....” 
and lo and behold, you kept getting piercings
it’d be at the most random (and inconvenient) times
taking a final? that sucks man, it’d be a shame if someone //got some body modifications done//
at a funeral? shit bitch, you ain’t special, get some work done on your lobe at the viewing
tryna take a phat nap? tough luck, you won’t be able to sleep on your side for another week bc your soulmate was a grade A asshat
you had no idea who your soulmate was, but you did know that they had good taste in piercings
little did you know, he thought the same thing
there were a few occasions where he would be in dance practice and would have to stop bc?? ow ?? new earring?? 
but also,,, you’d be a dick back to him and would get piercings at ungodly hours of the night
let’s just say... you quickly became an expert on how to safely and cleanly give piercings
you, at four in the damn morning: this is for getting one done when I was in the middle of a presentation worth 40% of my final grade, you nasty thot
SM started promotions for their new group called NCT U
all of your friends became obsessed with the group and you were strung along with them
when the music video for The Seventh Sense was released, you found yourself drawn to one member in particular
his name was Ten and holy shit
that boy could dance
you immediately chose him as your bias and you thought, “okay, this is nice, but also the end of it.” 
wrong again!!
your friends (who were amazing, btw) managed to score tickets to a meet and greet the boys were having
the couple of weeks beforehand, you were getting ready okay
mentally preparing, like //holy shit, dawg//
then the day came
you woke up and looked in the mirror and thought, “My ear is looking a little boring. I have some space right there, might as well fill it.” 
so, you being you, picked up your needle (DISINFECTED, OF COURSE!! In this house we SAFELY give ourselves body modifications!!) and went to town
ngl you were feeling yourself, lookin all cute or whateva with that new sassy piercing you had going on
it wasn’t too over the top but it was enough for you to feel like you were going to walk in the building, get swarmed by paparazzi, and shut the place down
you know the feeling^^
the time for the meet n greet rolls around
you were incredibly nervous
I mean, hello?? meeting ten?? scary shit, dude
you got in line and met all of the other members first
damn sm had to put him on the very end smh
but when you got there
oh man
you were suuuuuuper fuckin nervous dawg
full on shaking, blushing,,,, a whole ass mess
he grabbed your hand and gave you that reassuring smile of his (you know the one) 
“Are you nervous?” he asked, chuckling a little bit
Him on the outside: confident
Him on the inside: panicked, omg the person standing in front of me is so beautiful, they’re literally quaking omg how do I calm them down
“Just a little,” you sheepishly told him, not even trying to hide it
He took both of your hands and interlaced your fingers and
holy shit
your hands fit perfectly together?? 
uhhhhhhh did somebody say #meanttobe?? 
you guys talked for a bit 
it was mainly just you telling him like
hey i’m a big fan!! I really love you, very much!! your dancing is actually beautiful and it’s inspiring to see someone who is so passionate at what they love doing just that, doing what they love!! 
and the whole time he sat there and went full damn uwu
he thought, “I can sit here all day and listen to them talk.” 
but unfortunately the meet and greet couldn’t last forever :(
just as you were about to go, you noticed something, though
his piercings were
you had seen pictures of the boy from the day before and something was,,,,, off
you finally realized what it was, tho
“That’s new,” you said, pointing to the earring that just,,, popped up overnight
the piercings you had were the exact same
“Hey, if you don’t mind me asking.... when did you get that one done?” you asked, and you saw something in his eyes click
“It popped up this morning...… Why?” he answered, secretly hoping You Were The One
lucky for him :)
you touched your own ear 
“Because I gave myself this piercing this morning...”
something in his eyes told you that he knew
he knew that you were his soulmate
his heart was beating so fast
he dropped his fake flirting persona immediately bc ya know
why would he want to be like that with the person he’d spend the rest of his life with ??
ten leaned in close and whispered, “write your phone number down.” 
homeboy decided to shoot his shot!!
it worked, bc you quickly scribbled down your number on a piece of paper and handed it to him
the meet and greet couldn’t last forever tho and before you knew it, the staff were forcing you to leave
before you left, ten gave your hand one last squeeze and you were rushed away:(
you left feeling very ?.!
before you went to bed that night (not that you were going to bc hello?? that shit seriously happened today!!)
you got a text from an unknown number
“hey, this is ten! just wanted to say hi and that i’m glad I got to finally meet my soulmate!! also- sorry sm forces us both to get so many piercings all the time lol” 
your heart was beating out of your chest
full uwu bitch
bc yes !! 
you were ecstatic to finally meet your soulmate, the person you would spend the rest of your life with
and you were ecstatic to meet the boy with the beautiful piercings
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maple-snoopyzen · 5 years
[11:11]Soulmate!Winwin holds your hand as the compass tied to it finally points in the right direction.
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mistymark · 6 years
the one with the soulmates.
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johnny suh x reader // 1.5k words // soulmate!au // strangers to lovers!au
summary; in which soulmates can hear snippets of each other’s thoughts and what the fuck is going on his head
warnings; swearing
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“I wonder how many teeth I have.”
You groaned, rolling over in bed to check the clock on your nightstand. 5:32am. The voice that seemed to echo in your room didn’t surprise you; you’d gotten used to hearing your soulmate’s voice as if he was speaking out loud, but what really had you shocked was the fact that your soulmate was awake this early.
And counting teeth?
“29? What? Surely, it has to be an even number, right? Let me ask Doyoung.”
You leant back into your pillow, staring at the ceiling to try and clear your mind of all your thoughts, so that you’d be able to hear your soulmate’s more clearly. It was something you did rarely, not wanting to invade into someone else’s mind too often, even if they were your soulmate.
The soulmate bond that you had was rare; most people had more vague soulmate clues, or random ones that made it very difficult to find their soulmate. You and your soulmate, however, had been given a very specific bond, yet neither of you had really learnt to master it. Despite how much you practiced as kids and teens, you were unable to directly control what the other heard nor what you could hear yourself.
However, you had discovered that if you attempted to clear your mind of your own thoughts, you could hear him more often. You had, unfortunately, discovered this at your first and last meditation and yoga class. Whilst everyone had been able to sit in silence and focus on their mind and body or whatever – you can’t really remember what the instructor had been saying – you were trying to hold in your laughter. Your soulmate had been attempting to cook, apparently, and someone had set something on fire…
Either way, you couldn’t go back. Not after being kicked out for not being able to sit still and stay quiet.
“You should go to the dentist,” the voice mocked someone else. Probably Doyoung, you thought. You had to admit, after your soulmate had gone through puberty, you found his voice extremely attractive.
“Wait, shit, I think I really do need to go to the dentist.” You couldn’t help but giggle at times like this; when your soulmate was so scatter-brained or just… humorous.
You threw the duvet from your body and walked into the bathroom, letting your mind wander to your own thoughts; your plans for the day, what time your shift started, did you have enough time to get a coffee before class?
Your own thoughts formed a barrier between the two of you and it wasn’t until later that day that you heard your soulmate again: “Ow!”
The sudden shout of pain almost made you fall out of your chair. Sitting in the silent library, studying for a final you had later that month, it felt like he had just yelled in your ear.
“OW! Ow, ow, ow, stop, stop stop!” You immediately felt concerned for your soulmate, worried that something was wrong, or that he had injured himself somehow. But your concern slipped away when his next thought came through: “This sucks. I hate the dentist.”
You felt yourself raise an eyebrow at him, even though he couldn’t see you. What an idiot.
Your boots squelched in the rain as you huddled under your umbrella, running as fast as you could to the small bookstore just off of campus. Your shift started in less than five minutes, and you had to clock in before the hour started.
“I knew I should’ve brought my umbrella,” the voice chastised. “Where’s Jaehyun; I’m going to go blame Jaehyun.”
Somehow your soulmate’s voice calmed you a little bit in your mad rush to reach the Huddler & Hound bookstore, and you arrived two minutes early. Frantically clocking into the system in the staff room out back, you shook off the water from your umbrella and stuffed your bag into a locker, removing your coat to reveal your green work polo, with a small dog embroidered in the corner.
You made your way to the front counter, ready to begin serving customers when his voice interrupted you again, seemingly much louder than before, “What the fuck is this shit? I mean, a book for babies? Babies don’t read.”
You felt yourself laugh, and you attempted to hide it with a cough when your customer looked up at you in confusion. Sometimes it was easy to forget only you could hear his voice.
The rain stopped outside briefly, and you looked wistfully out the window. God, I would kill for a coffee right now.
“Finally, we can leave.” There was a pause. “Shit, how did I lose Jaehyun again?”
“Is this all for today?” You asked the next customer politely, taking her stack of books and scanning them. “Cash or card?”
“Jaehyun!” You winced a little from how loud your soulmate’s thoughts could be, and attempted to ignore them.
The lady in front of you took the bag from your hand, a sympathetic smile on her face, “Gosh, you’d think he’d know to keep quiet in a book store.”
You felt your eyes widen, “Y-you could hear him, too?” He’s here?
She stopped as she turned to walk away, a confused and slightly terrified look on her face, “The man shouting ‘Jae, hun?’ Yeah, I heard it. Pretty sure the entire block did.”
You didn’t even tell her goodbye, you were already rounding the counter to look for the perpetrator. The person belonging to the voice in your head. Shit, this place is a lot bigger when you’re looking for someone.
You remembered he had been criticizing the baby books, so you decided to check the children’s section first. When you rounded the corner, you saw two boys crouched in the kids’ chairs, reading out loud to each other and dramatically pointing at pictures on the pages. They both froze when you appeared.
They both looked about your age, and were both really attractive, so you were hoping one of them was the owner of the voice.
A faint “damn” could be heard in the back of your mind, but you were too focused on your own thoughts to realise.
“Um, could you guys keep it down back here? I’m really sorry, but we’ve had a few complaints,” you squeezed your hands together, looking at both of them for any signs of recognition. Nothing.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” one of them flashed a smile at you apologetically, and you nodded, turning to walk back to the cash register. His voice was too smooth to be your soulmate’s, too soft. Way to get my hopes up.
“That’s her.” You froze. “Couldn’t forget that voice.” You felt yourself smile a little.
You spun around on your heel and stuck your hand out, “I’m Y/n. What’re your names?”
The taller one of the two slotted his hand into yours, “Johnny.”
You stared at Johnny as you shook the other’s, “Jaehyun.”
“It’s really nice to meet you, Johnny,” you breathed. He smiled, his entire face lighting up. My god, you could really get used to that smile. He was gorgeous when he was smiling.
He laughed, “Gorgeous, huh?”
You felt your face go red as blood rushed to your cheeks. You forgot about the bond for a second.
He decided to save you from embarrassment, “I think you’re gorgeous, too.”
You felt a smile tugging at your lips and you beamed at him. God, he was so handsome. You stared at him in wonder and excitement, taking him all in. No wonder he was your soulmate, you were already falling for him. He stared back at you, a smirk on his lips.
“Am I missing something?” Jaehyun glanced between you two curiously, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Johnny laughed, “Oh, right. Jaehyun-” He gestured towards you, “-this is my soulmate, Y/n.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrow quirked up at the mention of Johnny’s soulmate, having known how much it bothered him that he knew his soulmate, and all they had to do was actually meet. He clapped Johnny on the shoulder, “Right, well, we have to get to practice. So… say goodbye, Romeo.”
This seemed to spur Johnny into action, and he quickly dug his phone out of his pocket, holding it out to you, “Can I have your number, gorgeous?”
Your face felt hot. What was this boy doing to you? You nodded shyly, typing in your number under the contact ‘Y/n (gorgeous :D)’.
“A classic emoticon,” Johnny wolf-whistled in appreciation. “You are definitely my soulmate.” He winked at you as he left the store, leaving you standing in the kid’s section of the bookstore, stunned.
You had met your soulmate. Now, all you had to do was ask him on a date.
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thekpopaus · 5 years
Silver Spoon
Johnny Seo x Reader
Summary: You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you planned to keep it there. Everything in your life goes as you planned until the name of your soulmate appears on your arm. The plan for the rest of your life included marrying some rich business man’s heir and partying your days away. That all changes, however, when the universe decides to make your life a living hell. The cause of your nightmare is the name on your wrist, the name that belongs to a lowly stable hand. 
Word Count:
Warnings: Angst???? Language????
Part One
Manicured fingers gently balancing thin stemmed glasses of champagne. Red and gold and blue silk cascading down long legs to reveal gold and silver stilettos. Black tuxedos and bow ties, casual handshakes and gentle conversation. This is your comfort zone, you’d been attending these types of events since you were a child. The outfits and makeup had changed throughout that time of course, and this was the first time you’d been able to enjoy champagne. Legally, that is. 
Before you were born, your father and three of his college friends had formed a new shipping business. Your father ended up being the CEO after the company took off. Millions of dollars later, you and the rest of your family lived in the finest homes money could buy. Your mother had drawers full of jewelry she’d only worn once or twice until she found something more eye catching to take it’s place. Both of your brothers had cars, BMW’s, Porsche, a Lamborghini each, and all the horses they had room in the barn for. 
Designer clothing was your vice. Gucci, Versace, Burberry, and Chanel lined your closets. At least three pairs of shoes were a must for each new outfit, along with necklaces, earrings, bangles and sunglasses. As if you were even outside long enough for the sunglasses to be anything more than a fashion statement. 
Waking up, eating meals fit for a five star restaurant, having your hair and makeup done, and going to events like these were your life. It was all that really mattered to you or anyone else for that matter. Your oldest brother planned on taking your father’s place when he decided to retire. Your other brother was in college and planned on going into the horse racing business later on. Only on the owners side, of course. Neither of you understood how people could shovel horse shit or spend long hours in a pasture pushing around a 1,000 pound beast and be happy about it. 
You thanked your lucky stars everyday that you were born wealthy, that the ability to never work a day in your life was just handed to you. You had been prepared to live the rest of your life in luxury, until about an hour ago. 
Life, for you, has never been plagued by unknown factors. From the time you were born until now, your life had been under your control. You controlled who you hung out with, who you dated, even who you went to school with. The school principals were easy to pay off, letting you decide what classes you wanted with your friends, and who you wanted moved to another class. You decided what you wanted to eat, to wear, to buy, even to name. At six years old your parents bought you a pet cat which you refused to name anything other than Princess Snowball Fluffy Moon Chocolate Sprinkles. So, Princess Snowball Fluffy Moon Chocolate Sprinkles it was. 
The only thing you could not control in your entire life, was the name that appeared on your arm tonight, your 21st birthday. It had already started early this morning before you had woken up. The first letter, J, was already inked on your skin in flowing script. Your mother was excited. All you could think about was how you would cover it up if the name was someone other than a rich son of one of your fathers friends.
Another letter showed up during breakfast. An o joined the J, in the same flowing lettering. During your shower an h and then n. It moved rather quickly after that, “Johnny” was etched on your skin in what looked like black ink. The twirls and loops on the letters fortunately not ugly. It’s said that your soulmates handwriting is as it appears in the tattoos. 
You had your hopes up as you were finding a dress for this evenings event. Surely your soulmate had to be an up and coming businessman with such delicate handwriting. Handwriting meant to seal huge company agreements worth lots of money. 
With that hopeful thought on your mind you called for your car. You weren’t entirely what this event was for, as per usual. You intended to treat it as a 21st birthday party anyway, you could drink as much champagne as you wanted now. 
Thoughts of drinking yourself stupid kept you from thinking too hard about the new name on your wrist. Soulmates rarely meet each other within a few months of the tattoos, let alone 24 hours. That’s an issue to worry about another day. Tonight was for partying, and you planned to end in your 21st birthday with a bang.
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danvmar · 6 years
Chenle: *stares off into space*
Lucas: What's wrong?
Chenle: What happens if a Kangaroo jumps on a trampoline?
Lucas: *stares off into space too*
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obikinbrainrot · 6 years
It’s Me (soulmate!mark)
Summary: In a world where everyone has a tattoo on their wrist that changes every day according to a particular even your soulmate will face today. Sometimes it's promotion, funeral, new pet, or something boring like school, work, and haircut. One day, your soulmate get the words "meeting soulmate."
Genre: fluff, mark x reader
Word Count: 1k
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you were born with “first pacifier” in black ink on your wrist
so your parents knew your soulmate was older, but only by a few weeks
(mark’s parents were ecstatic when they saw the words “born” appear on his wrist)
as a baby, not much happened.
“12 hour nap”
“new toy truck”
“mom’s lullaby”
“dad’s birthday”
“first step”
you never understood what they were, but you didn’t question them. it was just part of your body
your tattoo always faded and reappeared with different words at exactly 5pm
(mark’s tattoo changed at exactly 7am. he would always wake up in time to watch it change, smiling when it did)
your parents knew that your tattoo changed when it was midnight in your soulmate’s time and vice versa
in preschool, you see “fought bullies” on your wrist
concerned, you finally ask your parents about the tattoo
they were even more concerned. when they explained everything, you understood why
they suggested that you write in a journal, saying everything you wished you could to you soulmate. when you finally meet your soulmate, you could give it to them
it was a trendy thing
you took out a new notebook
“11/04/XX, ‘fought bullies’”
“i wunt to fite dem to. gud job, solemat!”
“12/02/XX, ‘100 on test’”
“good job! i wunt gud good grads to!”
years passed
you just entered high school, and you know he lives somewhere in the pacific standard time
you still keep up with the journal if you wanted to write something. you already filled the 1st journal, and the 2nd is almost done.
you wrote in it like a diary during middle school
oof you didn’t want your soulmate to read that
before middle school, you thought your soulmate was pretty nerdy. every day was almost just “school” and “study” and “play in snow.”
luckily, there were no more bullies
during middle school, your soulmate seemed to find their passion: music
“guitar lessons” “dance lessons” “songwriting” “first rap”
there was an occasional “story writing”
you wondered what kind of music they liked, what kind of lyrics do they write, what’s their favorite food, where are they?
you were so curious and so impatient to meet them
it didn’t help that one of your friends had already found his soulmate
last year, ten found taeyong, an upperclassman from another school, on instagram.
they were so in love, it was nauseating
but you were envious. they looked so happy together
one day, your tattoo changed to “packing”
then it changed to “moving”
you wrote in your journal, “are you moving houses? i hope it’s not too stressful. take care of yourself”
and you moved on
then something weird happened
your tattoo didn’t change at 5pm like it usually did
“mom? dad? it’s not changing???”
your soulmate moved timezones
all day, you watched it, waiting for it to change
the clock had just struck midnight
the word “moving” faded, and “unpacking” appeared
you fist pumped, jumping up and down in your room. “yES BOI!”
the next few days were mostly “unpacking” and “exploring” with a few “songwriting” here and there
then “first day”
you woke up and smiled, assuming it meant school
you wrote “hope you have a good first day back. fight any bullies!” in your journal.
as class started, your teacher makes an announcement
“everyone, we have a new student. please welcome lee minhyung.”
everyone clapped, but you were like “oh shit”
the cutest boy with the most adorable, puppy-like eyes entered the classroom, and you just stared like an idiot
your... soulmate??
“uh—hEllo. i—uh—go by mark. i’m from vancouver, canada, and i like to—um—write lyrics and play guitar... peace. lezzgEtit. hope we can be friends.”
he looked nervous, but that only made him more cute
you didn’t want to get your hopes up too high. it could be a coincidence
unfortunately, he didn’t sit anywhere near to you, and the teacher was starting class
your knee was bouncing up and down, wanting the class to end as soon as possible
finally, the bell rang, and you had a ten-minute break
you launch from your seat to where mark sat, but he had already gotten up to talk to people
he seemed to be talking to everyone
“i’m mark. i do—play—guitar.”
“i’m mark. i’m from canada. i just moved here.”
“hi, i’m m—uh—hi. i-i like snow. i play in snow a lot.”
finally someone noticed. “wait, mark does that say meet soulmate??”
that caught everyone’s attention immediately
“mark, mine says ‘school’!”
“wait, is your birthday in may?”
“did you get a dog for christmas?”
“what does your soulmate do?”
mark was overwhelmed by the flood of questions
“w-w-w-wait, i-i-i don’t h—my s-soulmate—no, i—”
desperate, you yelled
you realized everyone was quiet and all attention was on you
flushed, you went on
“y-your birthday is august 2nd, you have an older brother, and you once fought bullies when you were younger. you got a 100 on a test for the first time in 1st grade. you once threw up after bad seafood, so i don’t think you like it anymore. you bought from the ice cream man a lot. you’re not very good at science. i think your favorite color is blue because you painted your room blue. you got into guitar first, and then dance, and then song wri-”
mark swiftly lifted you from the chair and hugged you tightly.
“finally. you’re finally here. i wanted to see you so much.”
you couldn’t help the tears welling up as you hugged him just as tightly, ignoring the pictures and videos your classmates were taking.
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luvsyuta · 6 years
catch me if you can. [m.l]
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status ; on going
genre ; social media au, fluff, angst, comedy, romance
warnings ; cursing, use of drugs & alcohol and slight mention of physical abuse
summary ;  everyone can hear their soulmate’s voice once they’ve reached a certain age. who would’ve known the top student & sweetest boy in school, na jaemin’s soulmate was the rebellious, troublesome and exact opposite of him, y/n.
characters ; na jaemin, kim dongyoung, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, mark lee, huang renjun, zhong chenle, wong yukhei, jung yoonoh, kim jungwoo.
↳ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 19.5 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 [coming soon!]
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ghostofvixx · 6 years
Who do you think you are?|NJM|
Anon: Can you write a soulmate au with jaemin pretty please?❤ (But if you don't write for the dreamies it can be with Jungwoo) -Thank youu❤❤
A/N: I’M SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG. Now I have to study a lot of things if I don’t want to fail so studying comes first 😔. Anyways I hope you like it💕
Warning: this is incredibly surrealistic but I was so blocked, I’m sorry.
Mentions Harry Potter.
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You will never understand how this soulmate thing works for you. While some people dream with them, or know everything about them but their face, or have a tattoo with their name, you feel like you know nothing.
At least you do have a tattoo, you just don’t know how you are supposed to find out who your soulmate knowing just that little piece of information.
“Dobby” you muttered as you pass your fingertips all over the tattoo. “Whose lame ass would have Dobby as their favorite character?”.
You don’t think it’s lame at all, it’s just that you don’t want to have that funny elf from Harry Potter in your left wrist.
You envy your soulmate only because the name they have tattooed is “Luna Lovegood”.
That’s how your relationship with your soulmate works. While some other soulmates have in common their love for music or their love for flowers, the thing you have in common with your soulmate is a book. A certain book or saga that has made your life a little better ever since you read it. In your case, Harry Potter.
You have tattooed Dobby since his favorite character is Dobby, and he has tattooed Luna or Luna Lovegood.
You remember perfectly the day when you were finally able to read it.
You’ve known about Harry Potter ever since you were little. You parents used to read the books for you until you were able to read them by yourself. You could say you’ve grown up with all the characters.
At the age of ten, some weird little black dots appeared in your left wrist, you began to get worried, but your parents told you not to worry about it, even if those dots were getting bigger every year. At the age of sixteen you could read Dobby's name, then your parents explained you everything.
When you met Jaemin you were eighteen. You weren't interested in meeting your soulmate, at least not as interested as you were when your parents told you at the age of sixteen that you were about to meet him.
The first year was exciting, however the second year you lost all interest. You began to study harder and forgot about that damn tattoo.
Then the day came.
Sooyeon and Mirae were playing with some papel balls while you were just sitting in the middle of them, waiting for your Science teacher to arrive. Some students were there too, but no one usually payed attention to your energetic friends. They usually stop before the teacher comes in, so he doesn’t notice them.
That day, however, that changed.
“Come on girls, stop it before the teacher comes.”
“There’s five more minutes before he comes into the classroom, don’t worry Y/N.” Said Haneul.
You watch said otherwise.
“Actually it’s already the time.”
“What do you m-“
It happened so fast. Haneul bowed a little to check the time in your watch and compare it to hers. Sooyeon, who hadn’t realized what Haneul did, threw the ball.
Since Haneul wasn’t completely stood up, the ball passed her head, hitting the person who was coming into the class in that moment.
You teacher.
Haneul and Sooyeon raised their hands, trying to look innocent, and so did you. You were aware that if you did it too, you would take part of the blame as well, but that movement was something you were used to do being friends with this girls.
“Choi Haneul, Yo Sooyeon, you are grounded.” You began to release the air you had been holding in when he spoke again. “And you too Y/N, I know it’s always the three of you.”
You tried not to turn around to choke your friends with your own hands.
And that’s how the three of you, and just the three of you had to leave the class to go to the library, in the first floor, just to write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of throwing a paper ball to your teachers. Unbelievable, but truth.
When you finished, Haneul and Soyoung began to play with your pencil case.
“If something happens because you couldn’t keep quiet for the rest of the hour, I swear I’ll strangle you this time for real.” You warned.
Your left wrist began to sting a little. You scratched it feeling frustrated, why did Dobby had to be annoying in that exact moment? You tried to focus in something else, but instead of stinging now it hurt, a bearable pain.
“I shouldn’t have scratched it so hard” you murmured.
Then your friends began to shout a little louder than they should.
“What’s wrong?”
“Y/N WE’RE SORRY PLEASE DON’T KILL US” Sooyeon said before you could be aware of what was happening.
Haneul was looking through the window, her hands on her head, your pencil case nowhere to be seen.
“If I weren’t so stressed because I had money inside it, I would be killing you.” You headed to the door without thinking about it a lot.
“Y/N, what if any teacher sees you? You’ll be grounded one more hour for leaving the library when you were told not to”.
“Oh my god girls, why do you give me more trouble than solutions?” You asked, this time being you the one with your hands on your head. “There’s only one way of going down then”
There was a tree near the window, if you sat in the window and put your hands to the front, you could reach it without problems. It seemed a little unstable though, so you weren’t sure about how that was going to turn out. Normally you wouldn’t have done that, not even in your wildest dreams, but then your felt strong, as if you were completely sure you could do it.
So you did, you hugged the trunk of the tree and sat in a branch when you found one. The distance wasn’t very high, you were almost there, but then you wrist began to hurt again, all of the sudden. And not just a little, this was the hardest that something has ever hurted in your entire life, all the energy you thought you had, suddenly disappeared, making you lose the strength in the upper part of your body. Since your legs and foot were doing biggest part of the job, and there were only a few centimeters from your position to the ground, you managed to fall without hurting yourself a lot. However, you landed a little bit in your left foot, making you lose balance and fall on your ass, with your ankle bent.
“Oh my god why is the the second time in a day that something falls from the sky?”
You looked up to see a guy around your age, with pink hair and probably the sweetest smile you had ever seen, holding your green pencil case.
“I bet this is the weirdest thing it has ever happened to you” You commented after thirty long seconds of analyzing the situation , trying to break the ice and to distract yourself from not only the pain in your left wrist, but also your ankle.
“I’m literally friends with the weirdest people alive, the personification of stupidity, me included. Don’t worry about that.”
You were glad that at least he didn’t seem awkward at all. At least not as awkward as you.
“Oh, sorry. Do you need help?” He asked as he suddenly stood up andoffered you his hand.
“No! No problem” You tried not to look desperate as you made an effort to stand up “I’m perfectly fi-“ you fell on your ass again and he chuckled. “Yes, maybe I do need a little help”
You held his hand trying to look anywhere but his face, that’s why you don’t notice the tattoo in his right wrist, and the look in his face when he saw yours.
“Anyways, I guess I’ll try to get to the infirmary, if my foot wants to, of course. It was nice talking to you uh...”
He seemed to snap back to reality and then he analyzed what you had just said.
“Na Jaemin. And if you think Na Jaemin is going to let you walk around on your own when you can barely stand up you are wrong.”
“Fine Na Jaemin, I’m Y/N, and I’ll let you win this time”
And then both of you headed to the infirmary, your hand holding his shoulder and his hands settled around you without touching you, just making sure you didn’t fall.
“Okay so while we wait, why don’t you tell me something about you?”
“Such as...” You asked.
“Such as what are we going to tell the teacher. I’m defenitely not telling whoever is inside there that you fell from a tree, you know?”
“Oh shit I’ll have to think of something”
Normally there are some teacher who have basic knowledge about this situations to take action when necessary, only calling the emergency services if it’s extremely necessary.
“What if the teacher inside is the one that ground me?” You panicked holding Jaemin’s arm for a second.
You defenitely did not expect the pain in your wrist to fade away as if it had never existed or even made you loose balance from the trunk. You looked at him, surprised, but you decided to forget about your idea as you saw how his face didn’t change at all.
“Come on, you should take a sit as soon as possible, it’ll hurt even more otherwise” he advised as you got close to the infirmary.
Lucky you, it was your English teacher who helped you. A girl who had been teaching for a few years, so she was still very energetic and interested in her job.
“Well, I tried to fix it but anyways you should go to the hospital this afternoon, I wouldn’t trust myself with this stuff” she laughed making you smile a little, she was lovely. “By the way, how did you ended up like that?”
“Wel... You’ll see... I was running down the stair and then I kinda fell but not exactly like that and then it just... Happened.”
Jaemin tried not to laugh at you and you cursed under your breath, thinking that your show wasn’t convincing at all. Such things didn’t went unnoticed to your teacher, but she sighed in resignation and let it pass.
“I don’t want to know what you and your boyfriend are up to, just be careful, alright?”
Before you could deny it, Jaemin held your arm and you got that feeling of peace and serenity once again, as if he could have some type of power over you.
“We will, Y/N is very sensible, she knows what she’s doing”
Your teacher raised an eyebrow this time but she just turned, letting you know she wasn’t interested in playing games with you.
After you had thanked her, you sat on a bench outside the infirmary.
Now that you were sitting and relaxed, you realized how much your ankle and your wrist hurt, even making you feel dizzy. Unconsciously your body looked for Jaemin’s, sitting right beside you, resting your head on his shoulder. He just accepted it as if it were completely normal and you hadn’t met him an hour ago. You didn’t understand it, your ankle why did your tattoo hurt so bad? Why did it only stopped hurting when you were touching him?
It had to be what you were thinking of lately, so you decided to try.
“So... Which book is your favorite one, Jaemin?” You were afraid you knew the answer.
“Why all of the sudden? Are you okay?” Even if you weren’t looking at his face, something in you made you picture him smiling. “It would be Harry Potter though, those books have basically seen me growing up”.
You took a look at his wrists, both of them, finding a little drawing in black ink as simple but elegant as yours. The name, however, was Luna.
“This is funny” you said placing your left wrist right beside his right wrist, where the tattoo was.
“Oh, so you finally realized.” He tried to cover up his nervousness with a grin.
“Hold on, you knew and you never told me?”
“I found it out when I helped you to stand up. I’ve been looking at your tattoo all the time, I don’t know why you didn’t realize sooner, I think was making it very obvious.”
“Oh so now you think you have the right to get all sassy? Excuse me sir but, who the hell has Dobby as their favorite character? Do you know how many times I’ve been teased by my friends about this freaking tattoo? Like, Dobby? You have Sirius, Ron, Lupin, Hermione, and you chose Dobby!” You raised your voice a little to emphasize your anger, but once again his smiling personality made you stop.
“Forgive me for liking someone as pure and innocent as Dobby.”
“I’ll forgive you Na Jaemin, but we have a lot of talking to do”
“We do, but we have a lot of history to go through first” he winked.
Note #1 Jaemin’s a littl flirt.
Note #2 you don’t hate it at all.
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The Stars and the Sand
~The Stars and the Sand~Nct!Soulmate Au Part 2
Parts out --> Part 1//Part 1.5//Thanksgiving Special//Part 2 (Congratulations you are here!!)//Part 2.5// Part 3 No links for now cause I'm lazy...
A/N Yes you read that right, finally a real part 2 instead of just little extras and bonuses. Fair warning this might be awful I have no real idea and I’m once again too lazy to properly edit this or edit it at all so there’s probably a ton of errors and it probably sucks but here it is anyway cause if I don’t post it now I might not ever! Either way, I hope you enjoy this part 2! One more thing before I actually get into it I’m a jerk who totally lied to you! I promised you’d find out his name in part 2, but I decided it would be better if you didn’t learn his name until they met, also because I just really love seeing all your guesses and letting you get involved in this...if you’re really pissed and you message me in private I might share the answer with you, but I’d really like to continue to keep it a secret because it’ll work better this way. So you’ll for sure find out in the next part cause that one will be the last part unless you guys want some extreme drama and angst type stuff to go down...let me know if you do and I’ll make it happen, if not next part will be the last one. Also feel free to just comment and talk to me I love hearing from you even if you don’t like something I did in the story feedback is appreciated and it’s nice just to know that people are reading this and have things to say, that being said if you’re just gonna cuss me out and complain and say you hate it without saying why please just don't share I'm not gonna take unjustified hate it's rude and cruel, if you have justification let me know and we can have a civil discussion but please don't just scream at me and not tell me why I suck.
Description: He was the sun and she was the moon and they were soulmates. Which was both a blessing and a curse. She needed his light and warmth and he needed her to reflect it back to him, but they were ever so distant, both unable to truly reach each other. He reached out for her every way he could, but only in his darkest moments could she ever be found.
Genre: Same as the last few parts angst and fluff, lots of fluff this time around some really crappy angst near the end I don’t know this whole post is probably crap but oh well
Warnings: Cursing, panic attack, mentions of suicide, alcohol, abandonment that’s it I think...
Word count: 4161 words
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(Not my gif once again, what a surprise, but it’s super cute so major props to the creator all credit to them and their amazing art) Also bold is written, italicized are thought/dreamt
She stood at the foot of a wide staircase looking up. She wore a delicate ballgown and silver heels, diamonds dripped off of her from her ears, her neck, her wrists, and fingers. She was looking up, looking up at him, the shadowy figure at the top of the stairs, a silhouette, her view blinded by the lights shining brightly behind him from the very lively ballroom full of people, an audience he was disappointing by disappearing to chase her down. The lights framed him like a golden halo, a sign that he was from the heavens and her from the Earth below. She couldn't see his eyes, but she knew they were locked with her own and were transfixed on her whether that was out of shock and wonder or disgust or hurt and betrayal she knew not, all she knew was he was frozen at the top of the stairs looking down and she was stuck at the bottom looking up. Ultimately it was her who broke from this spell that kept them stuck in place and she turned and ran towards the woods, but as she left him behind she heard his voice echo in her head "I'll find you again, my dear cinnamon, I will. I swear it to you on all the stars and every piece of sand." It was the last thing she heard before morning brought her back to her senses, and the first thing that day that tipped her off to the fact that she may be falling for the boy she swore she’d never love.
It was still early in the morning when she rose from her bed and began the trek downstairs to make breakfast for herself, Taeyong, and their Aunt. Jinki and Soonkyu were never home these days and so she had simply stopped making them breakfast. She trudged down the stairs all the while cursing the game of checkers that had spelled her doom and forced this early morning on her when she lost to Taeyong yet again. She was beginning to think she was just bad at games... Either way there she was standing in the kitchen over a frying pan when the first message of the day from her soulmate appeared on her skin, "Hello, cinnamon!! I hope you have a great day, cause I know I will (how can I not when you're my soulmate), if your day starts going bad remember there are more reasons to smile than pieces of sand in the world, and though most of them revolve around you there are other reasons made just to see your beautiful smile, love you!!" She smiled fondly at the sweet and loving words written on her skin in red ink. 
She was still smiling and humming lightly to herself when Taeyong emerged from his room and entered the kitchen. "I've never seen you this happy to make breakfast, so imposter answer me this, who are you and what have you done with my baby sister?" Taeyong asked as he sat down on one of the stools behind the counter. 
"What's wrong with being happy, Tae?" She questioned giving him a quizzical look when he didn't respond she explained slightly, "There's just a lot of reasons to smile, more in fact than pieces of sand on Earth," She said but he was still very confused, so he stared at her like she'd lost her mind until she began to dish up the food and he became too distracted to care. Then she went to go wake her aunt and it was on their return to the kitchen that her aunt told her something that had her reeling and confused the rest of the day.
He woke up after a very restful sleep and for once truly enjoyed, truly loved the sun, it's greeting, and its companionship. Sure, he had always preferred sunny weather, but he'd never truly loved the sun with complete sincerity until today. So, it was the sun and his new found appreciation for it, no, his newfound understanding that inspired him to do what he did that day, though it had truly begun with sand and the color red. He'd woken up to soft fingers of light on his cheek and light dancing across the now smudged drawings from the day before, flowers and stars, the moon and the sea fuzzy and hazy from both his sleepy eyes and time, wear and tear applied to even the most beautiful things. The light had illuminated these beautiful scenes that screamed to the world no matter how broken we both are no matter how distant we are still beautiful, the world is still beautiful and we are inseparable in ways that not even the sun and the moon could understand. He and the sun had truly become one that morning when he woke up and once again saw the world as beautiful when he woke up and smiled at the pot of flowers on his windowsill and at the trees outside and the birds amongst its leaves singing loudly. Most of all though, it was because he loved the moon, he shined for her and told her she was beautiful, he illuminated her and taught her to shine, to love her own skin, she had grown up knowing and believing she was beautiful because he told her she was with the drawings he covered her with. He reminded her of the beauty and that was the suns role. It may be warm, it may be destructive, but it was also a light giver, a life giver, an illuminator, a seer of beauty, an appreciator of art, a witness to the extravagance and brilliance of life, and a general life enthusiast who gave his everything to everything he did. Today he would share that light and he would show her even more beautiful things and then he would tell her what was most beautiful. 
That morning after telling her there were many reasons to smile, he began to tell her what they were and just like his mornings his list began with morning coffee the soothing warm liquid that woke him up and gave him energy, a life giver of its own sort, perhaps just a simple falsehood, but that didn't make it's presence in his life any less sweet and good. He found the next items on his list when his neighbor's little sister showed up at his door with her hair pulled up an apron on and flour on her face.
"Write your mom a note, you're coming over for breakfast," She said quickly shoving him towards the kitchen to write said note.
"Nuh-uh, I am making my mom some breakfast and then I'll join you," He replied and she sighed before waving her arm at him and letting him begin.
While he cooked she wrote a note to his mom and once both were complete they left together and walked over to her house. There he found a pile of chocolate chip pancakes waiting for him and the two siblings. Several bowls of toppings were scattered on the counter as well, none of them healthy other than the bananas and strawberries but that was to be expected from the two siblings, one a college student and the other a high school senior just about to graduate and join the two boys in university. Taeil did usually remain on the healthier side but they had a cheat day once a week where his little sister was entirely in charge of deciding what they ate and when, it was his way of making sure her voice was always heard, and today was very clearly that day.  
After eating and laughing over stacks of chocolate chip pancakes with some of his favorite people in the world, he was very aware of what the next two things he'd write to her would be. It was very obviously chocolate chip pancakes and friends who are like family or family that are your friends. A little while later these same siblings gave him the next thing he'd write to her too.
She knew she was in trouble as soon as the fourth thing appeared on her arm, yes everything else he'd written had been cute and sweet and lovely and made her smile, but this fourth thing only made it more obvious to her that he was meant for her and she knew there was no way she would be able to avoid falling in love with him, not when he gave her more reasons to smile than there were stars in the sky. 
She had burst out laughing when the fourth thing had appeared on her skin in orange ink and promptly squealed about it only moments later, though it wasn't really anything to squeal over it was weird and funny and charming and darling and adorable and oh god how she loved it, oh how it made her smile. This, of course, gained Taeyong's attention especially since he was seated on the floor in front of her position on the couch and she was very loud...and also nearly kicked him in the head. "What did he say now?" Taeyong asked pushing her into a sitting position and joining her on the couch. She didn't answer just smiled. So, he took her arm and searched for new writing and found it there on her wrist in orange. "You're going to think this is really dumb, but my neighbors have a pair of salt and pepper shakers that are shaped like dinosaurs and I thought it was really funny..." Taeyong read aloud before fixing his sister with a look of annoyance, it was one of those done parent looks that each of them saw many parents and older siblings give out, not that their own mother had ever given it to either of them nor had either of their siblings, Jinki had been too depressed after his soulmate's tragic end and Soonkyu hadn't been home since she left on her honeymoon and she'd always been so kind and loving and supportive until then. She'd been 100% smiles until she was abandoned at a train station. The first time they ever heard her cry was over the phone when she told them what had happened. "Only you would find that so adorable, I'm serious you're meant to be," Taeyong said reigning in his thoughts before they went too far down the rabbit hole. This was one wonderland he didn't want to experience. 
His little sister just stuck out her tongue and then shoved him off the couch. No other response other than those two actions to his words. He sighed as soon as he hit the ground and then decided to be a little drama queen, at least that's what his baby sister would have said if you asked her to explain what happened next. 
"How dare you?!" He called out in quite the dramatic fashion, flinging his arms around and throwing one over his eyes before continuing, "I trusted you, I loved you," He exclaimed slightly being very over dramatic about his slight fall to the ground. "I can't believe it, my own sister...my killer..." He mused before feigning a dramatic death scene. She laughed softly at her older brother and he shot up into a sitting position. "Don't laugh this is a serious moment, I've just died! What kind of sister are you?" He questioned acting all hurt and then promptly returning to his "dead" position. She stifled back the laugh that was rising in her throat and decided to join his antics. 
"Oh no! Taeyong! What have I done! I never meant to kill you!" She said throwing an arm over her eyes in a dramatic fashion and pausing on the couch for a moment before coming to kneel beside him, who was now the one trying to hide his laughter. "Can you forgive me?" She pleaded in a very obviously fake and overdramatic voice. Then a moment of silence before they both burst out laughing loudly. They were consumed by the best kind of laughter, the uncontrollable, unceasing, and extremely loud laughter that shook you and made you cry and caused your side to ache and that only subsided after a soft fade to silence as you wiped your eyes and clutched your side. "I love my brother," she thought softly to herself, but her soulmate heard her and smiled gently at her kind words and the way she said them and that was how he found the fifth item for his list, a family that loves you. It wasn't long before that too was written on her skin in green ink. She smiled at that one too, especially the little pink heart drawn next to it. 
It was in that moment that she remembered the words of her aunt, the words that had never truly left her today, they'd been lingering all day and leaving her with only questions and no answers. 
"Love him while you can," Her aunt had told her when she'd woken her up and her aunt had seen the words on her skin in various colors, only two at the time, but enough for her aunt to feel the need to tell her this. The words had surprised her especially coming from the aunt who had cursed love and soulmates for as long as she'd known her, the aunt who fell into drunken stupors every night and woke with hangovers every morning. She'd wanted to ask how her aunt could say that when every other moment she preached against love and it's poisonous claws, but they had made it downstairs too fast and there was no chance.
After these five things alone she knew she did love him, but even then she was still terrified, because her aunts comment had not told her that the love would last nor that it would be good just that she should love him, and she still saw her aunt pick up the bottle later that day when she and Taeyong had plopped down in front of the tv to watch a drama they were both highly invested in. Still heard the muttered curses against love and the man who had left her. So she was left to wonder why should she love if one day she too would be cursed to wander halls like a ghost and know a life of liquor and anger and nothing more? What was the point of love if all it did was hurt? 
Yet, she couldn't help but love the boy who wrote things like, I saw a squirrel today it stared at me for like ten seconds, so basically I won a staring contest with a squirrel, my neighbor's sister is belting out Fantastic Baby really loud and headbanging and it's highly amusing, there are really pretty flowers in my neighbors' yard and my yard too by the way, or there was a really cute puppy on a walk today and I think puppies existing at all is a reason to smile, we don't deserve dogs. She loved the boy who found all the possible reasons to smile in all the littlest things. 
She fell asleep reading all the reasons to smile and he fell asleep with a silver pen in hand ready to write yet another reason to smile. Neither of them expected to be waking up a few hours later in such complete panic and terror.
She was on the floor sobbing and shaking and in the middle of a panic attack when she heard his voice in her head singing to her softly and saw more writing appearing on her arms, writing she couldn't read through the tears and the shaking and the fear. 
He woke up to curse words, a panicked voice, and jumbled thoughts streaming through his head erratically in her voice, once lyrical and beautiful now panicked, strung out, and thin. He felt her panic in his mind and for a moment almost began to panic himself before realizing that wouldn't help her. So he sang her a song, the very song her favorite quote and drawing were inspired by (It's Miracle, specifically the NCT Dream cover if you're curious, it might also contain a hint as to who her soulmate is ;) ). He wrote words to her carefully and calmly and prayed she would be able to read them all the while still singing to her. "I love you," He wrote "You're beautiful," "Look at the moon, find it and know I'm looking at it too and I'm here," "The moon knows you well, I tell the moon all about you at night, it'll watch over you tonight since I can't," "Believe me if I were with you I'd hold you in my arms and make you hot cocoa and make sure you felt safe and loved," He wrote so many different things trying to get her to see them, trying to calm her with soothing words of love and when his song finished he sang another and another until her jumbled thoughts latched onto the words and started thinking them back to him, she was beginning to calm and as she calmed so did he. 
"Did you mean everything you wrote?" She asked when her thoughts were finally her own again and not that panicked mess of pain and hopelessness and she had read everything he'd written on their shared skin. 
"I did," He responded gently and began to draw a little flower on his skin. "I do love you and even though I haven't seen you I know you're beautiful, I stare at the moon all the time and I tell the moon about you every night except for tonight cause I was too busy writing to you, I sure would've done anything to help you if I were there," He concluded and only silence greeted him for a minute.
"I'm sorry about that, I must have woken you up," She said after a moment and he sighed softly.
"You don't have to apologize, you don't choose when you have a panic attack," He replied shaking his head and continuing to draw flowers and hearts on his skin. "If you don't mind me asking, was there a cause or did it just happen?" 
"They're usually unexpected, just kind of come whenever, but this time it was a nightmare, I was falling," She replied too shaken to bother lying, plus she just needed to talk to someone and there was no way she'd be bothering Taeyong when she'd heard him crying to himself earlier and she knew he needed sleep. They could comfort each other in the morning but for now, she needed someone to talk, to listen, to be present.
"Do you fear falling?" He questioned, trying to better understand his soulmate, the female voice in his head, the soft handwriting he'd seen only a few times.
“No, it just brings back a time when I watched someone I cared about fall from a very high height," She replied softly careful about what she said not yet wanting to tell him everything, but if he asked she'd share.
"How often do you have them?" He asked swaying the topics, he'd felt her apprehension, her desire not to tell him, but her willingness to tell him if he asked, he wouldn't ask if only to give her what she truly wanted.
"Pretty often, often enough that we moved all the way out here so I could actually attend university, frequent enough that I can't stay in a dorm," She answered pretending it didn't bother her, but he saw right through it and knew she wanted desperately to just lead a normal life, she wanted to not fear having a soulmate, she wanted to love and be loved without fear, she wanted to trust people, live in dorms, and not have panic attacks but something long ago had changed everything for her. He wanted to know what it was but if she wasn't ready he wouldn't push it. "It's gotten better though, I used to not be able to sleep at all, then I could sleep only a little, then they were everyday, now they're frequent but not nearly that often," She explained trying to comfort him before letting out a sigh and deciding it was time he knew. "It's why I wanted to ignore you," She said softly.
"Because you have panic attacks?" He questioned seeking clarification for her words. 
"No, because of the event that caused the panic attacks," She responded and then sucked in a shaky breath, "I watched my mother swan dive off a roof because my father, her soulmate had left her, my family is cursed when it comes to soulmates," She concluded and he nodded silently in understanding, it only made him love her more, no that was a lie, it only made him realize how much he loved her when his heart broke at her tender, vulnerable, and entirely true words.
"I can stop if you want, if I make it worse, if I'm hurting you I can stop," He said softly after a moments pause, he would rather never write to her again, rather ignore her than hurt her any more than he might have already. 
"Please don't stop," She replied softly, "I m getting better because of you, it's nice to have someone to talk to all the time, someone who cares, it's nice to be loved by more than just my brother and a few friends," She continued knowing that as much as her aunt said she loved her she didn't, you can't love someone if you spend 95% of your time incapable of comprehensible thoughts, and as much as her eldest siblings would tell her they loved her when they were still around you don't just abandon people you love as they had, you don't leave and never come back and you certainly don't ingrain fear into every fiber of their being just because life has hurt you. Taeyong, Chenle, Renjun, and Jeno were the only ones who loved her so totally beside her unknown soulmate. He heard these thoughts too and nearly screamed when he heard Chenle's name run through his head, she was that close and yet she was so far away.
"Cinnamon," He began slowly bringing her attention back to his familiar voice. "I wish I could send you a bouquet of flowers, my neighbor has a whole section of books in his library about the language of flowers so I'd get him to help me, but if I remember right I already know what flowers I'd put in it, I'd put bluebells, dahlias, forget-me-nots, and peach blossoms into a bouquet and give it to you if only I could find you," He told her, what he didn't tell her was what it was he thought those flowers meant, he also didn't tell her that Chenle's soulmate was his neighbor's sister, the very one that had made him come over for pancakes dusted in flour and messy with the efforts of cooking. He didn't tell her that even if he hadn't met her he saw her in the stars in the sky every time he looked out his window at night, didn't tell her that he loved her with more love than the vast expanse of the universe, didn't tell her that if they got a second together for every grain of sand in the world or every star in the entire unending galaxies and universes that still wouldn't be enough time. He didn't tell her that he'd never leave her, because he knew she wouldn't believe him and it would just hurt her if she thought he was making a false promise just to make her feel better. So he stuck with just wishing he could buy her a bouquet and she heard none of these other secrets. Knew none of the promises he'd made to both of them in his heart. 
"I'd buy you coffee," She replied after a moment of silence between them, "there's a cafe near my house, I'd take you there and buy you a cup of coffee," She continued and the weight of what she'd just said made him weightless. That was the night he learned that the best conversations were held under the stars after a day of counting grains of sand. Nothing had ever mattered to him more than the simple words I'd buy you coffee in that specific moment. In any other moment those words would have had very little significance, but at this moment, in her voice in his head, in this way they meant everything. Context truly was everything and that night everything changed and nothing could ever be the same. Nothing could ever go back to the way it had been there would be no hope of her ever being able to ignore him ever again. Their worlds had shifted, the tides had shifted, and that single moment was the beginning and end of everything they'd ever known.
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(Not my gif again, still not a surprise, credit it to whoever made this gem)
A/N hope you liked it, you probably didn’t but yay to anyone who did! Like and comment and tell me what you thought, honestly just talk to me, it doesn’t even have to be about the story, I just like hearing from all of you!
~Bonus for whoever made it here (Not any story just an extra little tidbit because I’m extra)~
Meaning of flowers (cause I'm extra af and put way too much thought into this story that like 5 people will probably enjoy): blue bells= humility, and constancy, depict devotion towards loved one; I will be constant; also, everlasting love, dahlias= positive changes, commitment, honesty, everlasting commitment; forever thine, forget-me-nots= true love, remembrance, fidelity, long-lasting connection, peach blossoms= this heart is thine; I am your captive; I am yours
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fujierfilm · 6 years
soulmate au | writer! jisung + artist! chenle
anything you write\draw\do to your skin it appears on your soulmate's skin
chenle doodles on his arms all the time
jisung being like "youre gonna get ink poisoning but go off i guess"
jisung also writes story ideas on his arms tho sO
jisung wants to know how can chenle draw so well on the bACK OF HIS HAND
never actually met face to face so :/
they call each other by their last names
jisung is to stupid to realize that the kid who raised his hand in class with the sun drawn on his hand is the same person who drew the sun that's on his hand
chenle is clumsy af
"whAT DID YOU DO????" "lol i hit my hand on the doornob calm down"
chenle draw excessivly on his arms when he runs out of paper
"ran out of pages in your sketchbook?" "mhmm" "jeez i barely have enough room to write my name"
exchanged phone numbers but mainly use their arms for communication (unless it's like midnight or smth)
"you could not handle me irl" "im pretty sure i can, i have to deal with donghyuk and yukhei flirting with mark" "you dont get it, im about as loud as yukhei" "you knOW YUKHEI????"
the friend all know that they're soulmates but if you even mention telling them they'll be like "lol hell no"
they have met but only, like, to ask for a pen or smth so they could talk to each other ironically
the only reason they figure it out is because jisung compliments chenle's arm drawings and then finds their messeges on his wrist
everyone is like "finally" and congratulate them
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kyufiber-moved · 6 years
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「johnny seo」 → soulmate // requested by anonymous
„ put your hand on mine let’s dance in the daytime without any music our party is filled with word bubbles every time i breathe, i feel your scent „
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henyderys · 6 years
Dokun ✨
AU draft
There’s an urban legend about the great fountain that decorates the downtown of N-City. They said that if you throw a penny in this fountain you will meet your soulmate in the next days. People found this story a little romantic and go to the fountain hoping to find their other half. But some people don’t think like that, and find this story like what it is; just a legend without a purpose, a fairytale for children.
Kim Doyoung is one of them. He don’t believe in the legend, he thinks that’s just a fairytale the old ladies of the town invented to make money with souvenirs. He was just an skeptical person and maybe a little grumpy, until he met the kind and smiley boy of the library near the downtown, Qian Kun who’s waiting to meet his soulmate.
Their paths cross unexpectedly and not in the best way. They have different personalities and perspectives of the world that is difficult to get along, they try to avoid each other but somehow they always meet together. They have no other option but to get along, specially since they have mutuals friends.
What will happen next?
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daehwifi · 6 years
- admin xion
genre: fluff (but really dramatic?)  group/member: nct/lee donghyuck ft. huang renjun  word count: 3, 260 (the most i’ve ever written LOLOL)  requested: jade attacking me with cute jisung/taeyong scenarios is a full on screech for a cute donghyuck scenario side notes: i love jade tysm for cheering me up when i was crying over something stupid PAHAHHHA @loveleehyuck // it’s a messy scenario 
prompt:  where you’re limited to a certain amount of sticky notes. you are able to write whatever you want on it and that note would magically appear in your s/o’s line of sight during that day
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the whole ‘soulmate talk’ was treated as though it was the ‘puberty-talk’
it came with many rules like it was written in the government laws 
the light bulb of love (your heart) would ‘flicker’ when your soulmate is nearby, then magically, a set of sticky notes would be sent to your mail
your older siblings were scolded if they wrote something idiotic or harsh on their sticky notes towards their soulmate
especially since you are limited to a variation of 60 - 90 sticky notes 
you may think that’d be enough to get to know their soulmate and contact each other in real life 
but there was a catch to this whole dilemma 
the whole ‘soulmate’ thing won’t spark until you’re on your last sticky note 
and it’s possible for your soulmate not to like you back 
so within your 60 - 90 sticky notes, you basically have to fall in love with one another or else you’re destined to be alone  
unless you’re willing to go through the troubled some process of attempting to locate them in real life and start the whole sticky note situation all over again
a sigh escaped renjun’s lips while he slapped down a pack of sticky notes
“guess what came in the mail today?” renjun muttered under his breath
you stared at the pack of sticky notes that changed color for every 10 
“you sound disappointed for finding your soulmate,” you pointed out and nudged the pack towards him
“i don’t want to fall in love! that’s too much work!” renjun blurted 
“my mom and dad are gonna yell at me if i just end up drawing moomin in different poses through this whole entire set,” he added while carelessly flipping through the pack 
renjun and you have been friends for quite a while 
so, it was clear that you weren’t his soulmate
or else the pack of sticky notes would’ve come in the mail for each other quite a while ago  
“she might like moomin though,” you exclaimed, trying to enlighten the heavy mood renjun gave off 
“but- what if i say something wrong? i got a pack of 65 notes. all these 65 sticky notes matter,” renjun mumbled under his breath
he wasn’t wrong 
every single sticky note mattered 
“i’m sure she’ll like you back,” you commented and gave him a small pat on the back for reassurance 
another sigh escaped his lips before the bell rung 
he quickly took the pack of sticky notes and shoved it inside his bag before faintly saying bye and wondered off to class
“he really is stressed over it...” you thought to yourself 
on your hand, you’ve always wondered what that ‘flicker’ felt like 
a possible spark? 
fireworks exploding inside your stomach? 
you’d sit there and imagine what your soulmate would look like and sometimes, what would you even say on your sticky notes? 
you were left envious multiple times after hearing all the stories of your friends finding their soulmates
you were glad for them, but also jealous 
“how far away is my soulmate?” you wondered 
you aimlessly looked down onto the floor, getting lost into thought 
out of the nowhere, someone accidentally bumps into your shoulder and quickly apologizes before returning to their giddy self 
you turned around and noticed a boy wearing an in-n-out hat on top of his orange hair chasing after another boy 
to the looks of it, he was in the class that went on a trip to america together for three days for the end of the year 
(your class went to italy instead)
you only were able to see his back and found yourself accepting his apology although he couldn’t hear you 
right when you turned around and continued walking to class, the boy stopped his tracks and looked at you 
you both didn’t know why 
but for some reason, you both smiled to yourselves afterwards 
school soon ended while you stood on the heels of your shoes, waiting for the bus to arrive 
you heard a familiar laugh and looked at the sight, seeing the same two boys whom you interacted with earlier 
you finally saw the boy with the orange-hair clearly 
his smile was almost rectangular-like, but awfully admirable while his eyes formed up every time he broke out into a smile 
the boy standing next to him who was constantly throwing jokes (using some english phrases here and there) playfully joked about soulmates while nudging his shoulder 
“hey! we get it- you have a soulmate and i don’t,” you heard the orange-hair boy speak 
you tuned out of their conversation while the bus came to sight on the busy road 
the familiar bus pulled up at the stop and opened the doors while the bus driver greeted you with a welcoming smile
you took a special bus to go home since you were one of the people in the handful of students who lived ‘far’ away from school
it was more like a 20-minute walk for you, but there were no schools around your area even more so your parents encouraged you to take the bus the school provided 
you hopped on and sat down at your usual seat, staring out the black tinted window while the doors closed 
the bus passed by the two friends, but you couldn’t help but notice that the orange-hair boy and you made direct eye contact within that split second
or maybe you were just overthinking it 
you stretched your legs and cracked your knuckles before taking another sip of your water 
studying for three hours straight was obviously draining but you didn’t want to stop and lose your motivation for it 
the house was awfully quiet today
especially since your siblings moved in with their soulmate’s quite recently and your mom and dad were out for groceries 
to take a break from all the studying, you decided to go check the mail to see if anything new popped up (since it is the daily mail would come in)
you threw on a light coat and a pair of sneakers and headed out your door with your keys 
the mailman was at your mailbox with a small smile on his face 
of course, the two of you were mutuals after interacting more once
“anything new?” you asked while shoving your hands into your pocket 
the mailman nodded eagerly and handed you a small white box with a number on it 
‘60′ you read off the top 
you fringed your forehead and tilted your head in confusion
“that’s all the came in today,” he exclaimed before going off to the next house with a smile 
while walking back to the front porch, you attempted to slowly open the box and ripped open the tape on the sides 
but just as you were about to lift up the lid of the box, you could feel your heart rate increasing for an unknown reason 
being a bit cautious, you proceeded 
there in your hands, were 60 sticky notes 
you stood there in shock
meanwhile, your neighbors were making small talk with the mailman as well whilst him handing them their mail 
you could hear a small giggle while you turned your head towards them with slightly pink cheeks 
“congrats sweetie! you found your soulmate!” they congratulated 
of course, you came to school the next day a bit nervous
you had thoughts that it might have been the orange-hair boy but you didn’t want to boast about it and somehow be wrong 
the pack of sticky notes were in your bag and you lost sleep attempting to figure out what to write 
the weather didn’t seem to shine as much either, which only brought you to even a gloomier mood and made you even more stressed 
it was raining awfully hard, causing your breaks to be indoors 
whenever the class would get silent, you’d heard the sounds of the harsh water droplets, clashing against the mirror 
on the bright side, you were able to relate to how renjun felt about the whole sticky note idea
he was too scared and still hasn’t written anything
from hating the idea, to coming up with scenarios of what might possibly happened, the two of you were at a stump of not knowing what to do with your possible soulmates 
the question if they should write to you first floated around more than once as well, but only brought the two of you a bigger defeat 
you groaned in frustration from your bus being cancelled as well due to the weather
therefore, you were forced to walk home 
if the weather did clear up, the buses would still be cancelled since it was an official announcement and would practically confuse everyone 
especially the people who had already scheduled rides with their parents or their friends parents 
you had hope that the weather would clear up so that the walk home wouldn’t be even more gloomy 
there were signs of the sun shining through the grey clouds but it’d clash with rain despite the bright sun 
walking home at first was quite the bore 
you’d usually talk to the people who were on your bus, but they had all pitched rides while you were forced to walk home instead
you knew you way home if you were to walk
it was just bothersome 
with an umbrella in your hand, you held the pack of sticky notes in the other with a soft sigh
luckily, the raining seemed to get lighter by every block you’d walk in which resulted to a small smile appearing on your face 
but when you finally glanced away from the sticky notes, you found yourself stopping your steps and looked at the wall to your left
a sudden flash of ‘pink’ wasn’t normal to you on your gloomy walk 
it was a pink sticky note with text on it 
blankly, you turned towards it and took it off the wall 
‘...have you ate yet?’ you read
you rolled around on your bed holding the sticky note in your hand
in the other, you had your set of blank sticky notes and a pen 
you sighed out of frustration before screaming into your pillow and kicking your legs around like a kid throwing a temper tantrum 
when that flash of motivation hit you, you quickly wrote back on the sticky note and pasted it onto your wall before you thought twice 
‘no, i haven’t ):’ you read one last time before the sticky note faded into your wall 
not even a minute later until a orange sticky note appeared on the blank space of your wall that you were staring into
‘please make sure to eat!’ you read with a soft smile and forming pink cheeks 
you couldn’t help but roll around in your bed like a child, with a smile that didn’t want to fade away after exchanging a couple of sticky notes 
‘go to sleep... it’s getting late’ you read off the sticky note before yawning
it was a weird feeling you’ve never felt in your life before 
you felt as though someone cared about you so much although you rarely knew them 
your lower lip jutted out, causing you to slightly pout when reading that but you couldn’t deny the fact that you were getting a bit tired 
‘ah- wAIT DON’T GO TO SLEEP YET I DON’T KNOW YOUR NAME’ you read off of another sticky note that appeared suddenly 
your cheeks began to hurt from smiling too much while your heart rate increased 
maybe it was because you were under the influence of knowing that you’ve found your soulmate
but you didn’t want this feeling to fade away
‘i’m y/n! what’s yours?’ you wrote back and watched the blue sticky note fade away onto your wall
‘lee donghyuck ♡ make sure to remember it! now get some rest ):’ he wrote back cutely, making you smile for the 50th time 
you could feel your heart almost exploding out of your chest while approaching donghyuck with a sheet in your hand
he had forgotten to take the homework from his teacher 
you had the same exact class next and as she was handing out the sheets of paper with names assigned on them, she realized that she had forgotten to give donghyuck his 
when she was giving you your sheet, she asked for you to give him his sheet for her and you were forced to agree 
the soulmate gods were really playing with your heartstrings today
he noticed how his friend randomly stopped talking and his eyes locked onto yours
donghyuck turned around and saw a nervous y/n approaching him
he couldn’t help but cutely smile from ear to ear 
“y-you forgot your homework,” you softly spoke while handing him the sheet of paper nervously 
he accepted it easily but his eyes stayed locked on your face, which resulted to red cheeks
he admired all the little details about you and couldn’t help but fall in love even more 
donghyuck opened his mouth but he found no words to come out of his mouth because of how speechless he is due to your beauty 
meanwhile, you were panicked and become scared that you said something wrong (although you said one sentence) 
“uh- okay bye!” you quickly blurted and turned around 
but before you could run off in embarrassment, a soft hand grabbed your wrist and stopped you 
“donghyuck woah-” the boy who he was talking to earlier spoke in english
[i swear if you all don’t know who the heck this boy is it’s mark who else would blurt random english in a dramatic kdrama scene] 
donghyuck opened his mouth once more, but he couldn’t find the right words to say 
until a light bulb flickered inside his head 
he quickly let go of your wrist and rummaged through his bag that was laid on his seat 
he grabbed out the sticky notes and a pen and quickly wrote something down
he rushed over to a nearby wall and stuck it on there 
(although he could’ve clearly just gave you the sticky note but the poor bub was too flustered and couldn’t think straight with you around) 
within seconds, you found a sticky note appearing on the floor 
you kneeled down to pick it up and couldn’t help but smile like an idiot reading the message 
‘thank you (:’ written in the center
‘sorryicouldn’tsayanythingyou’rejustreallyprettyandmyheart-’ written extremely small in the corner  
“y/n! she replied to me!” you heard a familiar voice behind you 
turning around was renjun with a soft smile flailing a sticky note in his hand
he ran up to you, noticing your extremely red cheeks and how you were interacting with people he’s never seen before 
when you glanced at donghyuck, he looked almost jealous to see a male friend being comfortable with you 
‘you looked really pretty today i’m sorry i couldn’t talk i got too nervous’ you read off the sticky note that appeared on your fridge 
you smiled to yourself while placing it to the side and sat down to reply
‘it’s okay, maybe we’ll talk face to face without being nervous one day,’ 
‘that seems almost impossible because i get too shy around you since you’re so pretty’ he replied, with the text getting smaller mid-way of the sentence 
‘that was really cheesy i’M SORRY’ another sticky note appeared making you smile even wider 
throughout the weeks, you and donghyuck have been getting to know each other
the more you got to know him, the more you fell in love with his personality 
there were times where the two of you hung out in real life (in which resulted to be the cutest thing ever)
donghyuck would get all nervous and in the corner of your eye, you can see his group of friends pushing him towards you to talk to you
but once you guys break the ice, you feel so warm being around him as though he was your sun 
donghyuck would mention all the things you guys have talked about over the sticky notes and slowly become more comfortable with talking to you
when you’d go to the movies with his group of friends and yours as well, the two of you would sit beside each other and he’d whisper about how he’s tired midway
donghyuck would then help himself to your shoulder and lean against it because he’s grown that comfortable with you 
queue renjun groaning in the background about how cheesy you guys are before his soulmate kisses him on the cheek, making his ears go red out of the nowhere
whenever a cheesy pun would be mad in the movie, donghyuck would laugh softly and hearing that against your ear makes your heart race so much 
being with him overall makes you fall even more in love with him
even if the only way you guys could communicate was through sticky notes
you both came to a point of your relationship where the sticky notes began to lessen and you’d begin writing really small on the sticky note to fit more information down 
donghyuck ended up having four sticky notes left while you were  left with three
you were nervous- even more nervous than you were when this first begun but you knew for a matter of fact that donghyuck definitely was your soulmate 
beforehand, you were laying in bed simply staring at your ceiling and thinking about the whole entire soulmate thing
“what if donghyuck doesn’t like me in the end?” you mumble to yourself in doubt 
there was a small voice inside of you that told you not to believe that but a bigger voice that shouted that he deserved better in the end 
you couldn’t help but sigh and grow even more frustrated 
you could only talk to donghyuck through phone now
and it’s not something you’d complain about because late night calls with him are the best
but it worried you that if you don’t send the last sticky note, donghyuck might fall in love with someone else 
even if you did send it, he might reject and the two of you would have to go through this whole entire process again 
and you just grew so goddamn scared of not being able to tell him how you love him 
and that’s when the light bulb flickered inside your head 
you shot up from your bed and quickly rushed to your desk, grabbing the three sticky notes and a pen 
the same adrenaline that rushed through you the first time that you responded to donghyuck came back like a boomerang 
you could feel your heart racing but it was better if you did it know rather than having to think about it, then end up not doing it 
‘i’ you wrote on one of the sticky notes
you quickly pulled it away from the others and placed it onto your blank wall, watching it slowly disappear as your attention goes back onto the next
‘love’ yet again, you repeated the same steps
‘you’ you wrote without any hesitations before you quickly slapped it onto your wall and watched it slowly fade away like ink in water 
before you could even feel doubtful of yourself and begin thinking of the worst scenarios, a pink sticky note appeared on your desk one by one 
your eyes went across each one, carefully and admired donghyuck’s familiar handwriting the four sticky notes in front of you
 ‘i’ ‘love’ ‘you’ ‘more ♡ ‘ 
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milk-scenarios · 6 years
“there’s something about you.” II
anon asked: ‘Can you do a part 2 for Jaemin soulmate because I need to know how her soulmate counter went off ahaha kk my heart’
anon asked: ‘The Jaemin soulmate!au ripped my heart out I swear 😩 any possibility for a part 2? I love your writing btw thank you!’
!! i hoped someone would ask; i was pondering about making it open ended until i got these requests hehe
jaemin x reader
desc.: “how long were you going to lead me on?” 
[read part I here]
 it took you two years. two years to supress your own thoughts of how come your timer went off and not his. it was your final year of high school. every day, you continued to see jaemin and his soulmate together. as time passed, you began to distance yourself from him. it was better for you. you didn’t want to get in the way of his happiness. doing so was never easy. 
 you missed joking around during lunch.
 you missed sharing homework answers.
 you hated admitting you missed jaemin. did you even have the right to miss him? 
 was he ever yours in the first place?
 you were headed to the classroom to eat with renjun and jisung, who you had met when the new school year came. you enjoyed eating in the quiet and empty classroom with them and talked often about the bombarded assignments you had. the two of them knew about what happened with jaemin and did their best to console you. but there is only so much you can do with what you can’t control. 
 you were almost going to enter the classroom when you spotted jaemin’s soulmate at the far end of the hallway. she was pretty. her hair was tied up nicely, and she was eating lunch standing around with her friends. you weren’t particularly interested in what they were discussing and decided to enter the classroom. 
 “how are you and jaemin?”
 you couldn’t help but pause hearing his name. maybe you weren’t fully recovered from it yet. in an attempt to not look like you were eavesdropping, you pulled out your cellphone and drafted a text to renjun. 
 “jaemin? he’s cute and sweet, sure,” you could hear her voice echo in the empty hall. “is there something wrong with him?” the voice from before spoke up. “i just returned him his water bottle and he called me his soulmate,” she said, awkwardly chuckling. “did your timer not go off?” “my timer went off months before i met him while i was in the city and i guess i missed the chance to ever meet my sou—” 
 you pushed open the door to the classroom to face a surprised jisung and renjun. you didn’t want to hear anymore of the conversation outside. jaemin wasn’t her soulmate. jaemin wasn’t aware that he was being led on. jaemin was in the same boat you were. 
 “hey hey hey, is everything okay?” jisung stands from his seat to meet you next to the door. you put down the lunch in your hands and take a sigh. renjun pulls out a chair for you and the three of you take a seat. “did.. did something happen?” jisung finally asks. renjun unties the the bag holding your lunch and sets it out in front of you. 
 “eat first, then we can talk,” renjun said, continuing to devour his lunch. the three of you ate in silence until jisung stole something off renjun’s plate. “eat your own food, fool,” renjun smacked his hand. the little bit of positivity radiating from them caused you to smile and play along. the fun only lasted so long until you all returned to eating.
 “jaemin’s soulmate,” you paused, ”has another soulmate.” “what?” the two of them respond in unison. “you’re kidding right? both of your soulmate timers messed up?” renjun’s eyebrows furrowed. you half smiled, “what’re the odds, right?”
 the lunch bell rang, signaling students to head back to class. renjun and jisung gave you a light pat on the back. “let us know if we can do anything. it’s wrong to think she’s leading him on, but it’s really your choice if you want to tell him or not. i’ll see you after school, yeah?” you nod at renjun before he leaves. 
 the rest of the afternoon, you couldn’t help but be conflicted on whether it was an issue you should meddle in or not. it was almost like fate was playing a game with you because as you left, you bumped into someone. as if your day couldn’t get any more eventful, you met eyes with jaemin’s soulmate. “oh i’m so sorry, i wasn’t paying attention,” she said, helping you up. “thank you,” you nodded at her. 
 she paused for a second, scanning your face. “you—you’re jaemin’s friend right?” you were taken aback from her question. “we don’t talk that much anymore,” you reassured. “oh. i see,” she responded. “well i’m sorry i was super careless haha,” she waved, heading the opposite direction. 
 “are you going to tell him?” 
 the words slipped out of your mouth without you realizing it. the girl stops. “so you did hear,” she says, not turning to face you. you almost questioned her, but she answered your question before you could ask.
“i saw you in the hallway. and no. he won’t want to see me after this,” she says. “you’re leading him on, you know that,” you swallowed. “that wasn’t my intention. i’m not trying to hurt him,” she finally turns her head to face you. “it’s too late for you to say that,” you state flatly before turning to leave. 
 she cracks a smile without you noticing. “if the two of you don’t talk anymore, why worry about him so much? you’re not his soulmate, are you?” 
 you say nothing to her and only head home. the evening was spent pondering on whether you should say something or not. your fingers attempted to type text after text to the contact labeled ‘jaemin is the bestest :-).’ you hadn’t changed it since he named himself. the last text message between the two of you happened a while ago. 
 jaemin: was that essay supposed to be printed?
 you: yeah
 jaemin: okay thankss
 you turned off your phone and went to work on your homework. throughout the process, your mind kept tailing to sending that text message. it didn’t take long before you did send something. “it’s too late to regret it now,” you huffed. 
 you: can we talk?
 jaemin: yeah! it’s been a while :)
 you weren’t expecting him to respond so quickly. 
 you: no i meant
 you: i heard something today and i don’t know if you’ll believe me but i figured you might want to know 
 jaemin: there’s no reason for me not to trust you
 you: it’s about your soulmate.
 jaemin: if it’s about how she’s been out of it lately then
 you: no jaemin, i heard her talking today
 you: her soulmate timer didn’t go off when she met you.
 you: her soulmate timer went off before you ever met.
 he didn’t respond. his read receipts were off and you had no idea if he had read your message or not. you sighed and stared at the notes in front of you. there was only one page left. finishing the last few questions, you put away your homework and went about your night. right before bed, your phone did ding. 
 jaemin: thanks for letting me know.
 you arrived earlier than usual that morning to school. the sun was peeking through the trees from across the street. there were only a few people at school besides you. the library was a few paces from where you were. as you rounded the way, you spotted jaemin. it was then you saw his proposed soulmate next to him; they were talking. 
 “what did you call me out here for nana?” she tilted her head, using his nickname. jaemin had his hands in his jacket pockets and said nothing. taking a sigh, he faced her directly. “i know we aren’t soulmates. i even asked your friends to make sure,” he huffed. you could see her mess with the zipper on her jacket. “i just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me,” he laughed to himself. 
“jaemin i didn—” 
“didn’t mean to let me actually be convinced you were my soulmate? didn’t mean to make me actually fall for you? what is it?” he looked at her in defeat. 
 she stared at the ground and said nothing. “how long were you going to lead me on?” he muttered, upset in his voice. “i didn’t know what to tell you, you can’t expect me to know what to do if someone mistakes me as their soulmate!” she raised her voice at him. “you know what you don’t do? lead them on!” there was a pause afterwards. 
“fine, i’m sorry,” she shrugged in defeat. “i didn’t mean to hurt you, nana.” 
“please don’t call me that,” jaemin responded dryly as he turned to leave. 
you sent him a text message.
 you: i’m sorry i dropped that on you
 jaemin: don’t be.
 jaemin: i should be grateful you let me know
 jaemin: plus something about you telling me made it all the more truthful
 jaemin: do you think we could be friends again?
 there was something you wanted to say more than anything else.
 you: jaemin you’re my soulmate
 you: jaemin we’re already friends
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danvmar · 6 years
Jisung: Can I have some of your cookies?
Taeyong: I got this for Mother's Day.
Jisung: You're only a Mother because of me.
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huangels · 6 years
watercolored paints - jaehyun
a/n: since the first scenario was just fluff, i thought i could make this a little angsty. i hope you like it!
summary: The tragic death of your soon to be fiance led to the colors of your world bleeding away. Your life began to feel completely empty and meaningless… until you meet a guy named Jaehyun.
genre: fluff, light angst?, soulmates au
warnings: slight mention of shootings and death but just a little at the beginning of the story :p
word count: 2.3k
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It's been two years since your world reverted back to the two most dreadful colors.
It's been two years since you've lost everything in this world that had mattered to you.
[2 years ago]
You're happily trotting down the sidewalk, a gift bag in one hand and a bouquet of colorful flowers in the other. It's your boyfriend's graduation ceremony from medical school today. He's also been selected to be one of the three people to give out speeches at the ceremony, which he's really excited about. He has spent all his life studying and stressing out over the multiple exams he's taken. It's finally the time he has been waiting for, the time where he's finally free.
Now that he has more time on his hands, he promises that he would spend every day with you. You guys can finally travel around the world like you have always wanted. He'll take you on dates every week and shower you with love, giving you all the affection you deserve for the lack of attention over the years. He even promises to surprise you with something big, which turns out to be a proposal as you accidentally found a beautiful diamond ring in your bedroom. Your smile grows as you examine the ring, but quickly close the case and put it back since you don't want to completely spoil the surprise.
Throughout his tough times, you both had many arguments due to his stress and your concern. But, it had always ended up with the both apologizing to each other because the two of you understood each other's position. That's what you love most about your relationship with your boyfriend, how understanding and devoted the both of you are.  
You walk to your parked car and slide in, carefully setting the gift and the flowers on the passenger seat and your purse in front of it.
It's currently 10:30 am and the graduation ceremony doesn't start until 12 am. It'll only take about 30 minutes to arrive at the university, which means that you are going to be an hour early. Yet, you don't mind. For him, you will go a day early and camp outside, waiting.
You make your way to the University football field, which is where the event is held. Surprisingly, there are already many cars that fill up the parking lots, families and friends piling into the stadium. It takes about an hour to get there because of all the traffic and pedestrians. Not wanting a bad seat far away from the field, you turn to collect the gifts, but something causes you to halt immediately.
A gunshot.
Then, multiple gunshots.
Followed by a crowd of screams.
You quickly get out of the car leaving everything behind, not even closing the door. All that runs through your mind is him.
Is he okay?  Is he hurt? I need to find him. I need to call 911. A series of thoughts and questions erupt in your head.
Soon, a herd of people starts running out of the stadium entrances, still screaming in fear.
Abruptly, what seems like a machine gun fires rapidly.
You feel dizzy, not knowing what to do. You hold onto the side door of your car, knees already feeling heavy. Everything looks like a blend of watercolor paints.
It all melts away.
Then, all you see is black and white. The same black and white you lived through in your early years of life. The faces of the terrified people are all dull shades of grey. Your knees finally give out as you fall to the concrete ground, tears blocking your field of vision, causing everything to look like one big gloomy dark cloud.
Shortly, police sirens are heard and they come hurling into the stadium, shouting orders.
You stay put, too stunned to get up as you weep into your hands.
He is gone...
[Present day]
"Welcome to Cafe Noir, may I take your order?" you ask in a monotone voice with an even duller face. For the past two years since the incident, you've given up on everything. You have dropped out of college and stopped your degree in international business. Now, you work at a cafe bistro, living in a small two-room apartment, everything looking as gray as ever.
"A hot chocolates please...Y/N," the young man says with a bright smile, dimples forming, as he looks at your nametag, "Why do you look so down?"
You don't answer as you write the order on a cup and start to make the drink. Usually, there is someone there to help you out but today, not many workers came in.
Without paying much attention, you tilt the kettle full of hot water a little too roughly, causing some boiling water to spill on your hand.
"Oh, be careful! Are you okay?" the man asks as he peers over the counter. You wince as you quickly shuffle to the sink to rinse your hand under room temperature water for a few seconds. Then, as if nothing has happened, you return to making his drink.
Finally, you finish the order and hand the man his hot chocolate.
"I'm sorry for the delay," you apologize and lightly bow your head. He takes it in his hands but doesn't leave.
"No problem. You got hurt, it's understandable," he replies, blowing on the hot chocolate, "Is your hand alright?"
"Yes, thank you," you say nodding again. A silence falls in between you guys. You're about to walk away and clean up a bit around the counter before the man stops you.
"My name is Jaehyun by the way, nice to meet you!" he introduces himself, holding out his large hand. Hesitantly, you take it in your's with a slight shake before withdrawing. This causes him to chuckle. After the introduction, he still remains standing there, waiting for something.
"And you'r- Oh right, I already know your name," he says, knocking the side of his head with his free hand. A small smile cracks upon your face, but it quickly disappears. The man, Jaehyun, is tall, with soft features but chiseled points. He has messy dirty blond hair and the cutest dimples. Any girl would falter at his looks. However, you're still mourning over your boyfriend's death, not being ready to move on yet.
"Well, I'll see you around Y/N!" Jaehyun says as he waves goodbye and walks towards the door. Still looking back at you with a smile, Jaehyun accidentally walks right into the door as someone on the other side pushes it open. The hot chocolate flies out of his hand and towards the ground.
Surprisingly, you giggle at the situation. Normally, you would groan or sigh in annoyance if someone spilled their drink, having to clean up the mess. But this time is different. His actions are...cute.
Jaehyun's hands hastily aim for the napkins dispenser, pulling out a handful of them. He tries to clean off the door as he apologizes to the stranger, who walked away. You watch him desperately try to wipe the drink away. Customers in the cafe stare at him weirdly, as well as people walking by. Since he did help clean up the mess he has made, you decide to make another hot chocolate for him in the meantime.
As he stands up from his spot by the door, you appear behind him with a new cup of hot chocolate in your hand. He turns around, slightly jumping at your sudden appearance. You hand the warm cup to Jaehyun and flash a small smile.
"Oh no it's okay," he says, pushing the cup away from him. You slightly roll your eyes.
"It's the cafe's rules: if you accidentally spill your drink, you get a refill," you lie, wanting him to take the offering, "Besides, you helped clean up, so thank you for that."
His dimples reappear as he grabs the cup. Jaehyun reaches into his pockets and takes out his wallet. You shake your head and softly push his hand down. Your hand makes contact with his, which causes the both of you to blush slightly.
"A refill is free if you didn't know," you say with a light chuckle. This may be the most you've smiled in the past two years. You reach for the door handle and open it for Jaehyun.
"So that you won't walk into it again," you joke as he walks out the door, laughing, then out of view. You bite your lower lip as you walk back to the counter. Did I actually smile and joke right now? What is happening?
You slightly shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts.
The next customer steps up to the register as you ask for their order, which was also a hot chocolate. You smile to yourself thinking about Jaehyun. As the hot chocolate exits the machine, you do a double take. What seems like the color brown from what you remember flows out of the machine. You rub your eyes, not believing what you just saw. You glance back into the white cup and inside, is a light brown liquid.
It can't be... Am I that tired? Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me?
Days pass as Jaehyun becomes a regular customer at the cafe. He talks to you often and the both of you got to know each other more, as he always sits right at the counter.
Every time, he orders a hot chocolate and every time, the same color brown appears.
It isn't just your eyes deceiving you. You might've found your new soulmate.
The more you talk and hang out with Jaehyun the more colors you start to experience again. First, brown, then red, and pink, and yellow. But you still can't see all colors, since there's still a lot of gray spots in the world.
One day Jaehyun musters up the courage and approaches you during a particularly uncrowded day at work.
"Y/N? I know we haven't known each other for the longest time, but I want to get to know you more. Do you think we can maybe...I don't know...hang out...outside of this cafe?" he asks shyly, playing with the rim of his hot chocolate cup. It takes a second for you to gather your thoughts because on one hand, you actually really enjoy his presence but on the other, you're afraid of moving on.
But when life gives you lemons, you go on a date with them, right?
"Hang out as in friends hanging out or...hang out as in...a date?" a smile teases your lips.
"A date - I mean! Up to you, whichever you would like."
"A date it is then."
His pretty brown eyes light up and his milky skin seems to be gleaming. The usual dimples forming as he smiles widely.
"Really? Okay! I'll swing by after your shift later?"
"Sounds great."
Jaehyun claps his hands as he runs out of the cafe, almost crashing into the door for the second time.
Soon, it's 5:25 pm as you take off your apron and hang it up in the break room. Your shift ends at 5:30 pm this evening. You sit down at a small table and wait for Jaehyun to arrive for your date.
As the clock strikes 5:30 pm, Jaehyun enters the bistro, with a bouquet of flowers with the colors of red, pink, orange, yellow, and the rest are still gray. Even though you can't quite recognize all the colors of the flowers, you still love them.
The both of you stop at an ice cream shop before heading to a nearby park. It's the perfect spot to see the sunset, you remember coming here often to relieve stress and anxiety. Jaehyun leads you to a bench that perfectly faces the scenery, with the sun setting and the trees calmly blowing in the wind. You still can't see most of the colors of the sky or the trees, but you bet it is a wonderful sight.
Jaehyun scoots closer to you but not too close so that you still had room to move comfortably. He looks down at his hands, fumbling them once again. It seems like he's thinking about a lot of things in his head. You slightly turn towards him.
"What's wrong Jaehyun?" you ask, tilting your head to the side. He looks up at the view in front of him.
"All the colors...aren't they beautiful? I've never seen them before," he responds, staring at the sky. You gaze at him for a moment, enjoying the view of his handsome face, before turning towards the sunset again. You'd much rather look at his face than the sunset, mostly because Jaehyun is the only thing all full of color you can see. As Jaehyun keeps gaping at the view, you move closer and place your head on his shoulders. He tenses up for a split second before relaxing his muscles. It takes everything in him to reach for your hands and hold them tightly.
"Yeah, it really is a beautiful sight," you reply, while a pearled tear rolls down your cheek, as all the colors of the world burst into the sky, creating a lovely mix of watercolored paints.
"Do you see those colors, Y/N?" Jaehyun asks again in his most comforting voice. You simply nod, too amazed by the vibrant colors of the sky that you once thought you’d never witness again. 
You watch the line where the heavens kiss the earth. Your wide eyes observe the vivid gleaming collision of the sunset. Twinkling stars soon spark up the sky as the firey star of the day descends further behind the seam of the world. You glance behind your shoulder, seeing your shadows slowly shrinking towards your feet. You look back to the horizon, only a few bright streaks remain, before the illuminating moon rests upon the sky.
The sun has set.
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