#nct u johnny sun
sunshyni · 1 day
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nasty | Johnny Suh
Johnny Suh × Fem!Reader | eu diria que é um Slice of Life | um teco Sugestivo | w.c - 0.6k
resumo - Johnny não fazia ideia do porque você estava tão concentrada lendo um livro de capa ilustrada. Bom, agora ele já sabe o motivo.
notinha da Sun - @lovesuhng VOCÊ NÃO SABE O QUÃO BOM É ESCREVER COM O JOHN!! Eu escreveria com ele todos os dias KKKKKK Então, pode me fazer quantos pedidos quiser em relação a esse homem 🙏
Ah e sobre o “livro de capa ilustrada”, é que atualmente os livros com a capa desenhada são os mais 🔥🔥🔥 Tipo “Quebrando o gelo” da Hannah Grace KKKKKK
boa leitura, docinhos!! 💚
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Don't wanna wait on it tonight, I wanna get nasty.
— O que você tá lendo? — Johnny perguntou, engatinhando até você na cama de casal. Você escondeu o livro com o conteúdo contra o peito, assustada com a voz dele de repente. Estava tão concentrada na leitura que nem percebeu que ele estava ali na sua frente.
— Tá escondendo por quê, princesa? Tem algo aí que eu não posso ler? — Ele perguntou com um sorrisinho, pegando o livro de capa ilustrada antes que você pudesse protestar. Você deu um gritinho, e Johnny se levantou com o livro lá no alto, lendo em voz alta e rindo das suas tentativas de alcançá-lo. Ele até se afastou da cama quando você se pôs em pé, tentando recuperar seu bem, mas sem sucesso.
Enquanto isso, Johnny continuava lendo as perversidades daquele livro como se recitasse o poema mais romântico do mundo.
— Johnny Suh, me devolve esse livro — você pediu em tom de aviso e saiu da cama em direção a ele, soltando um gritinho de surpresa quando ele envolveu sua cintura e te ergueu com um só braço, deixando o livro na cabeceira. Você desistiu; agora que ele já sabia do que se tratava sua literatura, não havia mais o que fazer. Envolveu as pernas ao redor da cintura dele, e Johnny te deu um beijo gentil na bochecha, mesmo que você estivesse fingindo estar emburrada.
Ele te deitou no colchão, mas continuou entre suas pernas. Gostava quando você o abraçava daquele jeito. Johnny acariciou sua bochecha; você desviou o olhar, mas um sorrisinho estava nos seus lábios.
— Eu posso fazer aquilo, você sabe, né? Um 69 — Imediatamente você explodiu em risos. Johnny sorriu, contagiado pelo seu bom humor. Enquanto recuperava o fôlego, ele te beijou delicadamente pelo pescoço, criando uma trilha de fogo por onde sua boca passava. — Por que você tá rindo? É sério.
— Johnny, eu não sou assim. Tem que criar o clima pra mim — suas bochechas ruborizaram com a declaração. A verdade é que o básico te agradava; você gostava da lentidão, das preliminares que deixavam tudo em você quente. Gostava de música ambiente, das luzes baixas, e gostava de vê-lo também, de enxergar os íntimos se encontrando. Definitivamente, gostava de tudo isso, e Johnny sabia como te fazer feliz.
— Criar o clima pra você cair de boca no meu pau?
— Johnny! — Ele riu, te abraçando forte, unindo seus corpos o máximo que a calça de moletom folgada e sua camisola de cetim permitiam. Pararam um pouco, só para Johnny beijar sua boca devagar, do jeito que sabia que você gostava. Tinham todo o tempo do mundo, toda a noite para desfrutarem um do outro, e agora, com as alianças nos dedos, tinham o resto da vida para isso.
— Posso ser egoísta e dizer que você foi desenhada pra mim? — Johnny arrumou seu cabelo atrás da orelha e beijou docemente seu lóbulo, causando arrepios por todo o seu corpo. Você pressionou o quadril contra o dele; ele sorriu, sabendo que, mesmo sendo tímida, você tinha seu lado atrevido.
— Assim como cada estrutura anatômica se encaixa perfeitamente, a gente se encaixa — Johnny beijou seus lábios, e você tocou seu lindo rosto, a barba recém-feita e os cabelos ligeiramente bagunçados. Johnny pós-banho era o melhor. — Minha boca encaixa com perfeição na sua.
Ele procurou sua mão e entrelaçou os dedos suavemente.
— Minha mão aninha a sua perfeitamente — você sorriu, e ele continuou fascinado por você, pela sua beleza, pelo simples fato de você ser você. — Meu corpo encaixa no seu.
— Perfeitamente — você completou, acariciando as costas nuas dele, provocando-o com as unhas levemente compridas, arranhando sua pele e arrancando-lhe um suspiro.
— Já pintou o clima pro 69? — Johnny perguntou, enquanto você cobria o rosto, rindo divertida. Ele afastou suas mãos e te beijou até que você cedesse à posição ousada que ele tanto insistia em propor.
Mas vocês tinham o resto da vida para isso.
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notinha da Sun² - me inspirei em “nasty” da Ari pra escrever essa, e mais especificamente nessa playlist:
@sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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babylion · 1 year
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ohhmydyosfics · 2 years
(Johnhyuck) Dust Motes in Sun Beams
“Hey, kiss me.”
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soobinspet · 11 months
can you do Nct 127 venus signs how you did with stray kids pls?
Heyyy I sure can :) I don’t stan them so my opinion is not influenced by anything so that’s gonna be fun to write !
Taeil: He is a Gemini which first of all scream switch (Gemini are double faced bitches lol), his Venus is in Cancer which makes him a sweet loving switch who craves love and physical touch. Cancer are really emotional and they feel things very deeply so I imagine him being turned on by maybe his s/o confessing his feelings to him or his s/o being romantic/transparent about their feelings. He definitely wants a stable relationship, Gemini needs to be in love to have sex and Cancer do too so I don’t see him being into fwb/ons relationship ! He’d be the most compatible with a sweet partner so I’d say someone with their Venus in Pisces/Cancer/Virgo (bc they dedicate themselves to their s/o) and Taurus. Not compatible AT ALL with an s/o with an Aries/Leo/Scorpio Venus.
Johnny: An Aquarius with his Venus in Capricorn. This man is definitely not that much into physical touch or confessing his feelings.It actually probably freaks him out. Aquarius are free partners who hates feeling stuck in a routine or relationship. Capricorn are pretty cold looking but once you know them they’re actually pretty deep and dedicated, so I think he’d be someone dedicated to his s/o’s pleasure. He’d make sure they came and they enjoyed the moment. Would probably wait for his partner to ask for sex first. Most compatible with someone with their Venus as Sagittarius/Leo/Scorpio and Virgo. Not compatible with Pisces/Taurus and Cancer Venus.
Taeyong: A Cancer with a Gemini Venus. Pretty much the same as the first guy. Needs a real relationship, needs to feel loved and craves physical touch. His Venus makes him a reaaaaal switch, that I can assure you lol. He’s compatible/not compatible with the same Venus as Taeil.
Yuta: ok so idk this man at all but imma look into him after posting that lol bc lemme tell u he screams sex. This man is not a lover but a fucker. Definitely doesn’t need love to have sex. He’s a Scorpio with his Venus in Scorpio. Scorpio loves to feel like they have control and loves to feel empowered so he’s a total dom probably turned on by degrading dirty talk. The only time he’d sub would probably be to make fun of how bad their s/o dominates him lol. Definitely loves fwb/ons dynamic. Most compatible with someone he can have control over so Pisces/Libra/Cancer and maaaybe Taurus Venus. Not really compatible into unnatural sub like Sagittarius/Scorpio/Leo or Aries Venus.
Doyoung: Aquarius with a Pisces Venus, complicated lover but sweet loving sex partner. He’s probably not really into talking about his feeling or getting to intimate with those feelings but once it comes to sex he’s pure fluff. Loves to hear I love yous, I am yours… turned on by sweet dirty talk. As long as he’s not locked inside a routine he’s good with staying in a real relationship. Compatible with someone with a Pisces/Cancer/Libra and Taurus Venus. Not that compatible with an Aries/Scorpio/Leo/Sagittarius or Aquarius Venus.
Jaehyun: A full on Aquarius lol. Sun in Aquarius, Venus is Aquarius. If you’re into deep,loving,sweet sex then, that man is not for u lol sorry.You’d definitely never catch him say he loves u during sex or even in your everyday life :/ (he’d probably say he loves u if you’re on your death bed lol). He doesn’t really qualifies himself as a dom or a sub. It just depends on his mood. Compatible with Sagittarius/Leo/Aquarius and Aries Venus. Not compatible with Pisces/Cancer/Libra and Taurus Venus.
Winwin: Scorpio with a Sagittarius Venus, really good at sex considering Sagittarius are ruled by Venus. He probably doesn’t really like serious relationship, he needs to feel free and be able to experiment with as much people as he wants. A dom, a real dom. Sagittarius are firey sex partner with a high sex drive (I am Sagittarius lol) so he’s probably the craziest member to have sex with. He’s always trying his best to try out new things, kinks,positions… he’s a hater of routine so you better not make him bored or he’d definitely leave in a heartbeat. Most compatible with Scorpio/Aquarius/Leo and Aries Venus. Not compatible with Pisces/Cancer/Capricorn Venus.
Mark: Leo with his Venus in Virgo. Confident, fun sexual partner and lover who loves to take initiative. He likes when things go as he planned. Takes sex very seriously and would never let his s/o leave if they didn’t cum. Turn on by real dirty talk, not the dirtiest but dirty enough to turn in on. He’s okay with a serious relationship as much as he’s with a fwb/ons dynamic. Most compatible with Libra/Pisces and Taurus Venus but less compatible with strong Venus such as Sagittarius/Scorpio/Virgo/Leo and Aries.
Donghyuk: Gemini with a Gemini Venus. You never know what to expect from him. He’s a surprising sex partner. Geminis are pretty selfcentered sometimes so I imagine him as more of a taker than a giver. He’s okay with every type of relationship but can get bored pretty easily. Compatible with Sagittarius/Libra/Gemini and Aquarius Venus. Not really compatible with Pisces/Cancer/Taurus Venus.
Jungwoo: Pisces with his Venus in Capricorn. He’s a sweet lover who values his and his s/o’s feeling a lot. His Venus makes him kinda cold/shy about sharing his fantasies/kink so he needs a Venus that can help him open up and feel comfortable. He also needs someone that can make him feel desired and loved. Capricorn are secretive but inside they feel so many different things. Definitely turned on by praise and sweet dirty talk. Most compatible with Libra/Taurus/Pisces and Cancer Venus but also with his opposite and more confident Venus like Sagittarius/Leo or Aries.
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outsidereveries · 9 months
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in the ninth issue you have access to see..
itzy, health check: from what i can see, i pulled (unconsiously) 1 card for each member - i can feel that lia is definitely feeling the worst out of the rest (last card). i really don't want to burden my audience more or less, but it's certain that jype didn't lie how she's really feeling. i feel that the fourth card is possibly yuna; whoever that is, is feeling better rather than a while ago. the middle card imo is, i am assuming, yeji, and i am aware she's gemini sun. whether this is yeji or not, is also healing, possibly from practice or something, related to dancing/exercise(s), but overall, she's ok. the second card is chaeryeong, at least i believe that's her: she is also feeling great. if she had injury or was ill, she's feeling better. the first card is possibly ryujin, i see that she's training a lot more on herself, whether that's about her health or to gain some more muscles, or practicing. if her health was shaky, she's healthier now. i am certain where i saw chaeryeong and lia but i am unsure of the rest of them, but i don't think the difference is much - apart from lia, the rest are feeling great.
why the drama surrounding fifty fifty happened: basically someone got seriously greedy, and i don't think it's someone from the group at all but someone from one of these two companies, i personally believe they're from the givers. there's nothing much but the other side seems to have been through similar times and they're trying to not make the same mistake again. definitely behind the scenes issue.
how outsiders see selena's position surrounding the i-p* conflict: they don't care for some reason? i am not sure that i actually see mixed opinions. she got called out because of it, right? i do see that these opinions aren't actually the ones that are the main point of view from outsiders' side. i actually see that these people actually, idk, don't care. don't get me wrong, but the situation is incredibly complex, even more than the previous one between u-r^ in my opinion because it's more one-sided, like a lot more, and i thought that the first^ was one-sided, the current* is different breed where people are actually aware and when in the previous situation i could actually see the both sides, i cannot in the reoccuring conflict^. the outsiders simply don't care in which side selena is and even if part of them actually do, the rest of them are simply egoistic for not being aware of usa's doings. i do see their main opinion is quite ignorant about this situation and they love how selena says that she cannot change the world with a post. i would say that their opinion could be better but it's egoistical one, and for obvious reasons.
how m'bappe feels about messi winning his 8th ballon d'or: he was happy, to be honest. he isn't jelaous or envious, m'bappe seems to be happy to live in the same era with messi himself. kyllian is feeling that duty for what he's acomplished so far, and he is happy for messi. like, he's like a proud son/brother, similar feeling like that.
johnny nct, career until march 24': not as well as he might expect? he might prefer to renew with sme, and i see that some other people might want to leave.. that will lead his solo career to be stagnant, or even uncertain at some point. it will get better after everything is resolved. since they asked about acting career and overseas activities, the second one is more likely to happen as of now, tbh, but i don't think they'll be in his home country for now.
usa's elections for their next president and their influence after them: yet again, the americans seem to not have choice but "settle" for someone who's less bad. no, no, that's not how it works, americans, either vote for different person who isn't scandalous, or not vote at all and make the elections invalid. their next president might be someone who is still bad but not that bad, you know? i don't see biden, or feel him. i do feel trump and someone else who is way worse than trump. americans might be still dissatisfied that trump won again? i do see trump winning again as of now. i don't think there will be newbies, just familiar faces. the reason i think why trump will win as of now is that the people outside of usa will feel better and not as controlled as of now. unless if there will be a cataclysm where trump isn't candidates, i see trump winning. i don't see biden, but i do see trump. i also feel worse energy from democratic party's side.
blackpink, comeback in the end of 2024? or subunit of them?: since i asked before the group renewals, as of now, lisa seems to be strongly against it, like very strongly. there are unresolved issues between her and yge and unless yge give her these fucking money, she'll oppose. i do see travelling for the girls and important gigs which possibly are group ones but idk, up to that. i don't see subunit debut.
jaemin nct, 2024 career: he might leave sme atp, there's something going on behind the scenes. he'll be overwhelmed :(
what sme thinks of jaemin: very smart but also a person who knows their secrets. if jaemin told sme that he'll reveal everything, they might be afraid of him. also very hardworking person.
what type of scandal boynextdoor might have in the future?: i've heard about the drama about that security guard person. it's not about that. possibly difficulties between 2 of the members (water and fire sign?? big3 is possible too)' personalities. it can be made into bullying scandal, by the way, but it might turn into controversy too, i am not sure how it might turn out.
what red velvet think of "chill kill" era?: tbh they're satisfied, they like it.
what red velvet think of their disbandment rumors: very dissapointed atp, it won't happen!
katseye, overall success: seems to be guaranteed, can do very well for a western girl group with k-pop standarts. won't be very, very famous but it will be enough to be popular.
skz hyunjin, shinee taemin bond: VERY much work-related dynamics, and they match really well. outside of work though.. no. just no. not that they won't match, but it just doesn't exist.
i'll-it, success: not as what they've (belift, hybe) expected. small fanbase outside of south korea, local fandom might be a bit bigger, fans from r u next? are still MAD for how hybe rigged everything. i do see water energy girl standing out, possibly wonhee or youngseo, but it can be both girls tbh. just focus them on solo activities pls
i'll-it, concept: very similar to enhypen, seems to focus on empowerment. might be teen crush?
taylor swift, 2024 career: might be merging with her personal and love life. i do see viral moments, breaking record and similar things. i am unsure if she'll release something in 2024, but she has to be prepared as kelce might cheat on taylor. she might learn about the preparations on it in one way or another and she will try to stop him just for the sake of their popularity (individual, as couple, idqk). she might learn to be more aware of what she actually wants in 2024, she seems to be blind about that.
why treasure's hyunsuk is more scandalous these days: he seems to experiment with his vibe, aesthetics and style. he might've wanted to do it for a while. like, he's aware, but he isn't that sorry from what i see. he's just experimentinnnnng
will hyunsuk be more scandalous: i intepret it as no, he doesn't want to be more extreme.
*israel-palestine ^ukraine-russia
** there's no need to read this since this paragraph isn't related to my usual content. although i do not stand with israel's side, my content that's provided here is directed only to divination-related readings and it will stay this way. personally i agree with selena that a post, or even threads on social medias won't change anything and although taking a side might be nice if we are aware of the conflict in question (doesn't matter which), i personally believe only mass protests for indefinite time will make actual impact, unless if they're restricted by more influental people. (that's to sofia's ex-mayor btw :)) my country has problems that are in the dust for the most of its citizens and we don't look through them. how tf we have to be aware of other issues and conflicts when we aren't aware of our owns? that's issue between israel and palestine. my country and people have no place in this. i really try to support palestinians with what i can, but to take a side? i never chose ukraine or russia. i won't choose israel or palestine either. i do hate some of the countries' laws and so on, but i will stay as neutral as i can. these issues aren't bulgaria's. sorry for this ted talk but i felt it's needed. **
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hwnglx · 1 year
can u do nct jaehyun as a person ty <3
will give you all of 127 ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ
nct 127 as a person based on tarot and astrology ; take it with a grain of salt
taeil gemini sun leo moon
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fool, knofc, hieroph, 8ofw&justice, world&devil+9ofw
taeil is a person with a very laidback and easygoing nature who not only enjoys a more lighthearted attitude in life himself, but makes people around him feel relaxed as well. he doesn't take life too seriously and has a slightly quirky and childlike sense of humor to him. he is a very approachable and sociable guy which makes it hard for others to dislike him. however, despite his "don't worry be happy" kind of character, he does have strong personal values. his gemini sun and leo moon makes him have a confusing duality, where he can he switch from this very go-lucky type of person to someone with a very strong ego. he can be rather quick in playing the victim and remain stuck on his point of view, even when deep down he's aware he's in the wrong.
johnny aquarius sun gemini moon
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2ofc&pagofp, knofp, hieroph, 5ofp+9ofw+5ofc
johnny is someone with a very humble and down to earth personality. his naturally friendly, warm and charismatic character creates a very pleasant environment for the people he's around and you will rarely catch him getting presumptuous or arrogant while interacting with you. he's also someone who's very practical and patient, as well as hardworking and focused when it comes to his work. yet being of such rational and rather unsentimental nature can make it hard for him to sympathize with people who are overly emotional. there's a tendency to become deceptive, since while in your presence, he'll probably pretend he understands you, but in the back of his mind he'll most likely secretly think you're being overdramatic.
taeyong cancer sun leo moon
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queofc, 3ofp&7ofsw, 10ofw
taeyong is a true cancer to the people around him, but a raging leo deep inside. due to his naturally sensitive and compassionate soul, he possesses a natural gift to connect with people and make them feel understood. he's a true caregiver who's good at providing a sympathetic ear to those who are in need of it and has a beautifully calming effect on them. nonetheless, while his sweet nature easily attracts others to him, taeyong tends to get mistrustful of people just as easily and as a result remains very private and careful about how much he shares with others. having a lot of greed and passion for the spotlight, he's also very prone to easily overburdening himself with work, just to fulfill his leo moon's need and craving to stand out amongst his peers.
yuta scorpio sun scorpio moon
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aceofp, char, judg&9ofc, aceofc&knofsw
yuta is very driven in his work and puts a lot of thought and effort into it. he's a grounded hardworker who knows how to take proper care of himself in order to achieve his desired goals and has lazer sharp focus once he sets his eyes onto a certain task. despite also carrying a considerable amount of emotional intensity and understanding with him (a given with double scorpios), he has the tendency to get harsh and insensitive with his words sometimes and as a result hurt others rather easily. yuta can be gentle one minute and forceful the next which can give him a perplexing duality, between sincere sensitivity and overpowering intensity. due to this nature, it's almost like you never know which yuta you're going to get today.
doyoung aquarius sun cancer moon
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4ofsw, magic&knofw, temp, 7ofw, queofw
doyoung is the type of person who can easily adapt to people's energy and the environment he's in. in conflicts, he works hard towards a peaceful resolution while remaining collected and his naturally good intuition helps him understand and accept each parties' emotions. there's a very balanced and calm energy to him, which makes others feel at ease when he's around. however, he still doesn't come without his personal convictions and will absolutely stand his ground once he believes in something. doyoung is great at turning his ambitions into practice but can still become moody, insecure and prefer to hide his emotional vulnerability when he's overwhelmed.
jaehyun aquarius sun taurus moon
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queofp, justice, kingofc, world&devilrx+10ofc&pagofw
jaehyun is someone with a naturally gentle, gracious and tactful nature. he's the type of person who doesn't enjoy conflict and prefers remaining patient and peaceful in times of friction. there's a sense of emotional maturity and a level-headed quality to him, which makes him very pleasant to be around. he does however have the tendency to set himself up to standards that are way too high and become slightly obsessive over having this "perfect" image he made up in his mind. despite having a deep sense of self-satisfaction and contentment that can make him appear very confident, he still can't escape feeling rather uneasy once that inner peace is disturbed when failing to meet his own expectations.
jungwoo pisces sun scorpio moon
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9ofsw, 3ofw&3ofp, highpr, strength
jungwoo is a very sensitive and soft soul. he's the type to experience everyday human emotions at a way higher level than the average person and therefore is very prone to getting his heart wounded by the simplest things. he also enjoys a deep sense of intuition that allows him to empathize with the people around him very easily and gives him a very sweet nature. despite being of such understanding character with others, he can be quick to blame himself for feeling too much and therefore tame his emotions and keep them to himself. over time he's learnt how to manage his emotions in a way that doesn't interfere with his work and there's a lot of inner strength to him, which he however more often than not fails to recognize.
mark leo sun aries moon
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tower+devil, hieroph, fool&4ofc, sun&5ofc, 10ofp
mark lee is the definition of the sun. pleasantly warm and cheerful but just as explosive and volatile. he gives a lot of importance to his career and is not only extremely determined, passionate and enthusiastic about his craft, but also very good at what he does. being the type of person to light up any place or situation, even in times of sadness, makes him a very sociable person you just can't help but love to be around. he's very helpful and generous. however, he possesses an ego just as strong and can be quick to have unexpected explosive outbursts if things don't go the way he wants them to. having a lot of drive and energy, there's a strong need for him to control it in order to avoid becoming too impulsive.
haechan gemini sun leo moon
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pagofw, 6ofw&9ofsw, 3ofsw&2ofc, world&4ofc, 6ofsw&strength
haechan is the type of person who thrives in any social setting and carries himself with a lot of cute and childlike enthusiasm. he's someone who is well-liked by having a naturally charming and funny quality to him and becomes the life of any party he's at. rarely will you find him pondering on negative thoughts and his optimistic outlook on life makes it easy for him to move on from moments of stress. with this type of character however, there is a tendency for him to become overly stubborn in a manner which easily wounds the more sensitive and softhearted people around him. since he's very much a person who thrives off the spotlight, he can easily become self-centered and proud, not taking other people's interests into consideration.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Hello Yongie! Happy Spooky Season!🎃
I want to play the game too!
My big three :
Sun In Sagittarius
Moon In Sagittarius
Ascendant In Taurus
The Idols :
Johnny NCT
Bangchan Stray Kids
Sangyeon The Boyz
Thank u!🧡
Kiss: Johnny
Bite: chan
Murder: Sangyeon
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justalildumpling · 2 years
list your top 10 biases and answer the following questions
~ ty @sungbeam & @polarisjisung for the tag
top 10 biases:
na jaemin (nct)
lee donghyuck (nct)
kim sunwoo (tbz)
kim jisoo (bp)
lee jaehyun (tbz)
zhong chenle (nct)
yu jimin (aespa)
mark lee (nct)
johnny suh (nct)
hwang yeji (itzy)
(lmao the way half of them are from nct😩)
between 1 and 4 who would your rather kiss? jaemin
between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend? haechan! i feel like we’re similar in terms of personality and humour wise and he’s reminds me of my best friend irl☺️
between 5 and 10 who has a better voice? ARUGEHE im so sorry yeji😭 i have to choose hyunjae because UM MISS MA’AM HAVE U HEARD HIS VOICE??? his all about you cover😩😩🫶
between 1 and 8 who is the funniest? they’re both funny in completely different ways but i feel like i resonate with jaemin’s humour more (i think i just have a thing for just weirdass things🤔
between 6 and 9 who would you date? johnny suh. im sorry lele ily and ur daegal but it’s johnny🤷‍♀️ how could i not?
between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with? OMG HWANG YEJI AND HER DANCING SKILLS PLEASEEEEEE if i were to have a collab with any idol i would still choose yeji, she’s just amazing and so so passionate on stage
between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer? mark, our sopa dance king! his simon says cover says it all
between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry? THIS IS ILLEGAL- ok hear me out, kim sunwoo seems like bf material but hyunjae seems like husband material at least to me rn
between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick? are u kidding me? ur making me choose between- i- im sorry im have to choose jaemin🤧🤧 i feel like he cares about others all the time and needs someone to take care of him for a change
between 2 and 3 who has a better smile? both. nope idc if this isn’t allowed but ur making choose between the two suns of the group like that’s not possible😐
between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with? ok, even tho it’s more likely that chenle would leave me in the middle of nowhere at least he won’t be lost with me😭 also just chenle in 7llin in our youth was just wholesome, i want those vibes too
tagging w/ no pressure: @pastelsicheng @sehunniepot @daegall + anyone else who wants to do it!!
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dojae-huh · 2 years
I dont understand why doyoung is pushing himself with woo when I kinda feels like woo is not into him...ofcourse woo can make people laugh and do likes that very much that is also why he likes johnny...but that doesn't mean he have better chemistry with woo even than tae? Why he only care about the promotion and things??
Were you in the fandom when Jungwoo was introduced with U and then added to 127? (2018)
Jungwoo clung to Doyoung like a bur. Literally sometimes.
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Back in 2018 Doyoung took special care of Jungwoo as the new member (similar how he did with Shotaro). He was the welcoming party, the moral support, he showed the ropes and was with Woo for "first times" like flying in an airplane or living abroad in a hotel. Do was in Woo's shoes, when he himself joined 127 with a delay (he got hate from knets as well). Doyoung was a prime target of "confident gay" game as well.
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So Doyoung took care of Woo and showed publicly his acceptance of him (and he is one of t7s members, the beginning). Lucas, Shotaro, WinWin, Xiaojun, Rookies2022 - Doyoung takes care of all new NCT members.
After getting a jealous boyfriend and seeing how Woo assimilated well and developed friendships, Doyoung was gradually distancing himself from Woo, however after the Neo City tour Woo went on a half year hiatus. After he came back, Doyoung renewed his shaperoning. SM also started to push Woo a lot and sent him on programmes and for photoshoots with Do and Jae.
By this point I think Doyoung simply acts out of habit (the way he always insists on his love for Jeno). Jungwoo has other connections fans can like him for (with Mark, Sungchan, MC co-hosts), he is pretty popular, so technically Do can let go of Sabujaks. Still, most duos are long-lived in 127, and Jungwoo is not as confident as he pretends to be (which he hides really well, we get to know about from TMIs and messages from managers and the members).
Before Doyoung helped with variety and modelling. What is happening now is Jungwoo is established as a singer with Do's help. Hyuk might be paired with Woo in the songs, but on the side he is working with Taeil because it's time for him to work on his dream of becoming a songwriter. Plus Woo chose Hyuk as the member who he would be having troubles with if Hyuk was born as his kid. Hyuk annoys even the master of annoyance Woo. Meanwhile Doyoung can match anyone's voice.
Taeyong is a super popular member. As a duo TaeDo are strong and do get content for two on the regular basis. It looks like it is Doyoung who is refusing collabs with Taeyong (Tae wanted him for his soundcloud, he urges Do to write lyrics). He wants Tae to make friends elsewhere.
DoWoo work together well. Yes, they pull in different directions, but most people don't notice it. They don't have chemistry and easy rapport, but as two individuals they work well because they have same goals (popularity) and view on things (it's OK to be fake). Woo can get away with lots of things (like calling Doyoung a "fool"), but ultimately he listens to Doyoung.
Best chemistry combos: JaeDo, TaeDo, 2Dongs.
Middle range: DoWoo, JohnDo, DoYu
Not so good: DoIl, DoMark.
JohnDo had a cold war, Yuta developed his career in Japan, Hyuk is too busy and has Sun&Moon. JaeDo were under the ban.
DoIl are great in physical games, but they have different pace for anything else. Mark is busy, Mark has problems with Do bossing him. He doesn't need to be advertised, he is super popular as it is (and MarkHyuk is the original forever canon ship).
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sunshyni · 3 months
vou te levar pra saturno | johnny suh
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notas da sun: 'cês acharam mesmo que ficariam sem mim nesse final de semana??? Demorei, mas cheguei KKKKKK Respondendo um pedido, olha só ( @lovesuhng me desafiou a escrever algo deste homem e eu não poderia ir contra um pedido da Mika, não é mesmo???) Acho que é a coisa mais dramática que escrevi pra este perfil, é uma mistureba que me agradou demais, envolve principalmente “Saturn” e “Snooze” da SZA, “Cinnamon Girl” da Laninha e “Mirrors” do Justin Timberlake, só musicão porque a mãe tem bom gosto 😎
w.c: 1k
contexto: o Johnny faz parte de uma gangue japonesa “do bem” (é isso ai mesmo, culpa “Walk” e o Yuta em “Mystery in Seoul”) e a protagonista é uma enfermeira de um hospital clandestino.
avisos: menção honrosa ao Yuta em “High & Low” 🙌
boa leitura, docinhos!!!
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— Você só tá com febre, mas vai melhorar depois desse medicamento — Você disse para a garotinha de 10 anos que brincava com as próprias tranças enfeitadas por duas fitas finas de cetim que formavam lacinhos fofos. Seus olhos desfocaram do rostinho infantil e vermelho devido a temperatura corporal e miraram além, para a chuva torrencial que caía lá fora e que coincidentemente combinava e muito com como você estava se sentindo internamente.
Sentia-se tal qual um motoqueiro em direção debaixo de uma chuva sem igual, a viseira do capacete não estava ajudando em nada, a estrada escorregadia e as curvas cada vez mais fechadas e ariscas. Além disso, não tinha sinal em seu celular, verificar um GPS para conferir um melhor caminho para o seu destino se tornara uma tarefa impossível, e você estava oficialmente sozinha.
No entanto, existia alguém, existia uma pessoa em particular que poderia te tirar daquela agonia, mas você recusava a ajuda, por que o que adiantaria aceitá-la de bom grado quando essa pessoa em especial se colocaria diante do temporal para te salvar? Se arriscaria tanto quanto para bancar o herói por sua causa. Você acreditava que aquilo não passava de uma troca de valores, você saía do primeiro plano e Johnny o ocupava confiante e irresistivelmente teimoso.
— Acho que você e o tio John combinam. Por que vocês não namoram? — Você sorriu sem mostrar os lábios para a expressão dúbia da menininha, ele costumava ser famoso entre as crianças do bairro quando não estava conduzindo alguma missão que às vezes envolvia casas de apostas ilegais, o que dava a chance de Yuta Nakamoto, o líder do bando, abdicar do conjunto vermelho social e apostar no casaco pesado animal print egocêntrico.
— Infelizmente, não é tão simples assim, princesa — Ouviu-se dizer e percebeu o quanto aquela frase soava feito uma desculpa esfarrapada para uma criança, de repente sentiu falta da sua infância, de como tudo parecia ser possível, bastava despejar toda sua criatividade num giz de cera e criar o seu mundo partindo das cores primárias, um mundo em que mais pessoas boas existiam, em que o amor era valorizado mais do que cédulas, um mundo em que você acordasse todos os dias dez minutos antes do Suh despertar, só pra tê-lo envolvendo sua cintura num abraço carinhoso na cozinha, a voz grave questionando ao pé do seu ouvido: “Por que acordou? 'Vamo voltar pra cama, por favor”.
Você ajudou a garotinha a descer do leito hospitalar após ouvi-la reclamar sobre o quão adultos tornavam coisas singelas em extremamente complicadas e sua cabeça balançou, num gesto positivo. Virou-se por alguns segundos, organizando suas coisas numa pequena mesinha de trabalho localizada próxima a maca quando Johnny surgiu de súbito, encharcado, uma expressão de dor cobrindo-lhe a face bonita enquanto segurava o próprio braço visualmente machucado.
Sua primeira reação foi levá-lo até o leito, onde ele sentou sem protestar embora tenha resmungado quando você o apalpou do cotovelo até o pulso, havia algo de errado com o seu antebraço mas ele pouco se importava considerando o sorrisinho agridoce que esboçou, mesmo com a probabilidade de ter fraturado algum osso. Você parou de examiná-lo e mirou os olhos castanho escuros, Johnny retribuiu o olhar, só que diferente da sua pessoa, ele te observava com doçura, com tanto carinho que fez sua expressão suavizar, ainda que seu coração batesse sem controle como o trote de um cavalo sem rédeas.
— Na última vez que nos vimos, você praticamente disse que me odiava, quase soletrou isso — Com a mão boa, Johnny segurou o seu queixo com o polegar e o indicador, fixando o olhar no seu, te impedindo de desviá-lo para alguma janela ou qualquer outra coisa presente naquele ambiente. Seus olhos brilhavam com a umidade acumulada e seus lábios tremiam ligeiramente com o anúncio abrupto de lágrimas que, você sabia, rolaram pelas suas bochechas da mesma forma que a chuva caía lá fora, impiedosamente, sem intervalos — Então por que se importa? Por que se preocupa com alguém que você odeia? Me fala.
Você piscou e a primeira lágrima traiçoeira desceu solitária pela sua face, Johnny a capturou com os lábios, beijando seu maxilar antes que a gotinha salgada molhasse seu pescoço, como da última vez quando você mentiu sobre seus sentimentos, afirmando detestá-lo mesmo depois de tê-lo em sua cama, em seu corpo e em seu coração, ele acariciou sua bochecha com a palma levemente calejada, odiava o quanto ele parecia sereno ainda que vivesse transbordando suas emoções, Johnny insistia em transmitir plenitude e calmaria. E pra ele, você tinha o efeito de um entorpecente feito o ópio, aliviava a dor severa e o fazia crer num lugar inventado, num lugar melhor.
— Porque eu não te odeio. Percebi que nem se eu quisesse, eu conseguiria fazer isso.
Johnny te beijou, envolveu sua nuca com a mão e colidiu os próprios lábios nos seus, sentiu o gosto das lágrimas tanto suas quanto as deles que se misturaram, molhando o rosto e o beijo, ele sabia exatamente como estava suportando a dor latejante no braço esquerdo, o remédio tinha nome, sobrenome, uma fragrância fresca característica feito uma brisa marinha no verão e um sorriso gentil, viciante feito um alucinógeno, capaz de fazê-lo se machucar de propósito apenas para te ver, para que você pudesse tocá-lo ainda que platonicamente, o que graças aos céus não era aquele caso.
Johnny gemeu no fundo da garganta, o que te fez separá-lo de si empurrando seus ombros com delicadeza, sem saber ao certo se aquele som fora reproduzido por puro prazer ou se na euforia de pressionar os corpos, você piorara o ferimento, no entanto o Suh dedicou um dos seus melhores sorrisos para você, aliviando sua postura e fazendo você voltar a respirar novamente.
— Eu tô com medo. Tô com medo de te perder... Isso tudo é tão perigoso.
— E o que você acha que é tudo isso? Você tá se arriscando por essas pessoas. Por mim.
Johnny queria e muito te acalmar, queria te mostrar que seriam vocês contra o planeta Terra daquele momento em diante, que vocês poderiam mudar aquela realidade estúpida juntos, que ficariam bem. Por isso ele esfregou o nariz esbelto no seu pescoço, a voz grave provocando seu corpo, incitando seu coração a acelerar de supetão.
— Fica tranquila, eu vou te levar pra Saturno.
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notas da sun²: quis voltar aqui só pra dar uma explicação para vocês. Na própria música da SZA, ela cita Saturno como uma fuga da realidade enfadonha, como se Saturno fosse um lugar melhor, por isso ela diz: “Life is better in Saturn”. Foi exatamente isso que eu quis trazer pra esse texto, como se a protagonista e o Johnny fossem “Saturnos” um para o outro, por isso somente juntos eles conseguem se deslocar para um “lugar melhor”, “um mundo inventado pela criatividade e gizes de cera”, enfim espero que vocês tenham gostado dessa tanto quanto eu gostei 🥰
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@ sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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soulmateszedits · 2 years
nct 127 johnny bf material locks pls 🖤
Hihi! Is here bae🌺💕 hope u enjoy sun⭐
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smileysuh · 2 years
Nova???? Roommates????? It’s so good!!!!!!!! The way heachan is so heachan and pussy hungry mark in the patreon???? I Will consensually suck your dick at any moment if you ask. Finding a mark fic that doesn’t have l mommy thing in it let alone a good fic and mark in this?????? Like yes sir let me gobble that dick up sir, I will kiss him from sun set to sunrise god I love that man so much nova !!!!!! And you understand who these men are so well you write them spectacularly like my kind is blown.
Also my fav is Mikey and it’s hilarious you say bias in 5sos cause I have this recurring dream wher I keep saying “5sos bias” and Michael keeps telling me that’s wrong and to not say it but I keep saying lmao.
But seriously nova? I want to kiss you so bad your writing is so amazing !!!!!
- 💙 anon
Holy heck- mark lee really is one of the greatest lil pussy drunkian baby hoes- I’m glad you enjoyed him in the extension :)
Hyuck usually gets to go first- so it was good for mark to get a turn ✊😭
Lol!!!! Michael is SUCH a sweetheart! I love him for you! Two sweet people 🥺💕 they’re all such important parts of a four piece unit- but Mikey always has so much heart
Thank you for your message!!!!! Imma ask you what I asked another nice anon- who would u want to see with more dirty talk phone call smut???
I’m thinking… Seungcheol (svt), Yunho (ateez), Johnny (nct)
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soobinspet · 11 months
Just read your Nct 127 Venus signs post, and I love it!
Honestly, as an Aquarius Sun and Venus (Capricorn moon, Aries rising). Jaehyun is my bias! I legit two dreams about him the last two nights. And it’s crazy and funny to see that post. Also Johnny be getting me too sometimes.
I’m an Aquarius who definitely tends to be attracted to other Aquarius and Capricorns, with a sprinkle of Virgos… 🙃
I’m glad you liked it !! It was fun to write honestly bc i didn’t know any of them lol
Well Aquarius and Capricorns are pretty similar so it’s no surprises u might be into other Aquarius and Capricorn. Honestly i (a Sagittarius, Virgo rising and Scorpio moon) looove Virgos they just have this sexy aura like I mean they just radiate sex lol i love them and they’re also always the prettiest. Seeing ur big three and ur Venus, you’d be the most compatible with Jaehyun and Johnny lol so your brain isn’t lying to u with those dreams
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moonlight-yuyu · 2 years
hi can i get a mtl ship with nct 127?
scorpio sun
taurus moon
aries rising
scorpio mercury
sagittarius venus
libra mars
thank u :)
thank you so much for requesting I hope you’ll like it!  and take good care of yourself !☀️✨ of course I can here you go hun <33 I hope you’ll like it and feel free to request again 🦋💙
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dearssunshine · 3 years
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210628 7:39 a.m.
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loeyicons · 2 years
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— nct match icons ♡ 120x120 › like ou reblog caso pegue!
✧ se usar crédite á @/loeynely
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