#need Brain to produce happy chemicals from this blog so it gives me motivation/time to draw and schedule posts
thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 6 months
For a blog called the badly drawn sanses, your arts be improveing- at least in my eyes lol. Just saying I like your art <333!
Tumblr media
i'm probably gonna go back to low-effort to curb burnout (posting twice a day and whatnot) but in the meantime, have a Killer in the less non-bad artstyle :D
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What Does ADHD Look Like In Girls? - Things I Wish I Knew Ten Years Ago
Hello world!  
I'm back, as promised, and today I'm going to talk about some stuff I wish I knew ten years ago- ADHD symptoms that are common in girls but often get overlooked. Why, you may ask? Because a teacher or parent normally won't notice that a child is struggling unless it's very apparent – if she is extremely hyperactive and disruptive, for example – or if the child admits that they are struggling. That girl in the corner who's always daydreaming, but still gets good grades? Or the one who has a hard time making friends or making relationships work, but otherwise seems "normal" (whatever that means)? She's going to be passed over while her teacher is busy worrying about the boy who can't stay in his seat for more than five minutes. Plus, girls with ADHD are more likely than boys to internalize their struggles, so if you or your child is anything like me, you might not realize something is off until high school or even later, and even when you do, you might be too embarrassed to ask for help.
If anyone besides my mom ever starts reading this blog, one thing that would make me really really happy and feel as if I've made a difference is if even one young woman out there doesn't have to go through the failed relationships, ruined friendships, and lost semesters that I had to go through before she realizes something deeper is going on than just laziness and being emotional. If you're a girl who often feels like she's getting in her own way and suspects there might be something up, but aren't really sure what it might be, here are some often-overlooked ADHD symptoms that you might relate to.
1.   Daydreaming/Getting Bored in School
As long as I can remember, I've had a hard time paying attention in class. When I was very young, I would get called out for daydreaming all the time. I worked on my French homework in science class, flipped aimlessly through my agenda while the teacher was talking, and doodled all over ever single desk I've ever sat in. In grade five, I got in trouble for – get this – reading a book during a spelling test. Don't ask me how I thought I was gonna get away with that, but I was sooooooo booooooored and the teacher was taking soooooo loooooong to read these words that I knew how to spell in grade one. That's a big reason why inattentiveness in female students often gets overlooked- girls with ADHD don't usually perform poorly, especially in elementary school. Because I was gifted, my inattentiveness was treated as a quirk rather than a problem. I had a handful of teachers who tried to give me harder work to keep me motivated, but more often than not I was left to entertain myself. It always bothered me that kids who needed extra help got IEPs, the latest learning technologies, and one-on-one time with the teacher, but kids like me, who needed an extra challenge, were neglected
 2.     Impulsive Spending
The most important thing to keep in mind when analyzing the behaviour of people with ADHD is that our brains don't produce or transmit enough dopamine, which is the feel-good chemical that controls reward-motivated behaviour. Because of that, we seek out anything that will give us a dopamine rush... the only problem is that those behaviours are usually impulsive. You know the saying money can't buy happiness? Yeah, not necessarily true for ADHD brains. At least for a little while after buying something we've managed to convince ourselves we so totally need, we actually do feel really happy, because we're experiencing a dopamine high. My friend recently got me into doing my makeup properly, and I'm embarrassed to admit how much I've spent at Sephora in the last month.  I know it's dumb, but I do it anyway. Why? Because ADHD brains have a hard time distinguishing what is urgent from what is important. Once I get it in my head that I need that contour kit right now (because what if a surprise event comes up in the next week?), I can't convince myself otherwise. That sense of urgency releases dopamine, which tells my brain that wasting $60 to look more like the MUAs on Instagram will make me happy. And for an hour or two it does!... Until I look at my bank account.  
3.     Relationship Problems
So, dopamine rush-producing behaviours are usually impulsive, right? What does that look like when it comes to romantic relationships? Dopamine-seeking brains love anything that's new and novel, and that includes the first phase of a relationship, when you're sooooo in love and can't get enough of each other. Of course, that phase ends, and neurotypical people settle into a more lowkey relationship just fine. ADHD brains? Not so much. If you don't recognize what you're experiencing as a dopamine withdrawal, you may interpret it is a lack of love from your partner, or as a sign that the relationship is getting boring. I tend to fall into the first category, and people like me can become really insecure thinking that our partner doesn't care about us. We become excessively demanding and need dramatic displays of affection all the time, which naturally alienates our partners. If you're somebody who just gets bored, that can result in two unhealthy behaviours: one, moving really quickly from one relationship to the next and never learning how to be alone, and two, cheating. If any or all of these three behaviours are a pattern in your life, you just might have a dopamine shortage, and are unknowingly looking to your partner(s) to fix it.
4.    Word Vomit
It's really hard for me to explain my tendency to over-explain every little thing (ha, that's ironic), especially if I'm nervous about it. Have you ever taken seven sentences to say something that could have been said in one? Found yourself repeating the same thing in different words three times? I find I do this the most when I'm apologizing, or trying to explain why I did something that someone else didn't like or understand. You think you're being helpful, but really you're just annoying the other person. Then you realize how annoying you're being, and apologize for being annoying five times, and now they're annoyed with you for apologizing for being annoying... okay, that's when you know it's time to turn your phone off and cool down. On top of excessive explaining, ADHD brains can get a little word vomit-y when we're talking about something we're passionate about. Just ask my mom- get me on the Israeli occupation of Palestine, or, at the moment, information about ADHD, and you won't get me off it. Sometimes we don't really know when to shut up. If you have a tendency to keep talking even when you know nobody is listening anymore, then you might want to keep reading.
5.    Road Rage
Everybody road rages once in a while (okay, I'm told that not everyone does, but I don't believe it. Come on, how can you NOT scream at the person in front of you going 5 km under the speed limit?) but I legitimately feel claustrophobic and panicky if I'm on a four-lane highway stuck behind a car in each lane going the same speed and I can't get out to pass them. If the person in front of me is doing something stupid, I could literally run them over I get so frustrated, and not just if I'm already cranky- I yell at someone on the road every single day. I'm told this is “apparently” because of our “inattentiveness” and “inability to sit still”, and not because everyone else on the road is a freaking idiot. I don't know if I believe it, but that's what I'm told, anyway. ADHD brains are also more likely to get into car accidents. I've never been in a major accident while driving, thank God, but I'm only 22, and I've had four minor fender benders that, embarrassingly, didn't involve other cars, but me driving into things in parking lots. Once, I just wasn't looking behind me and backed into a pole. Another time, I thought that texting in the Tim Hortons drive-thru was a good idea. You get the idea.
6.   Forgetfulness
Again, everybody forgets things once in a while. But if you're forgetting or misplacing your homework, your car keys, your purse, your work pants (yes, I have actually lost a pair of pants before) every single day, then there might be a problem. Once, I parked my car near campus, spent the day studying in my friends' office, and then got a ride back to my car at the end of the day. My friend Dan was driving up and down the street I told him I had parked on asking me "is that your car? What about that one?" before I realized that I had parked on a different street on the other side of campus. I never thought being a bit scatterbrained was a problem, and if it only happens once in a while, it probably isn't. But all of these symptoms together paint a different picture.
7.    Difficulties With Motivation
I never really enjoyed studying, and I guess I was lucky that throughout grade school and high school, I didn't have to do very much of it. It's not that I didn't like learning, it's just that studying for extended periods of time is so boring. Even in my first three years of university, my super strict immigrant parents watched me like a hawk, so I did what I needed to do, as difficult as it was at times. That all changed when my fourth year rolled around and I moved to Ottawa for an exchange. With no one to stand at the foot of my bed and scream at me until I dragged myself out of it, I just... didn't. It wasn't because I didn't want to, it was just that I couldn't bring myself to. Same went for going to class, doing my readings, handing in assignments, showing up for exams... it wasn't pretty. This can also be a symptom of depression, and many people with ADHD, myself included, meet the diagnostic criteria for depression. The difference is that people with depression can't get out of bed because they're depressed; people with ADHD get depressed because they won't get out of bed.  We aren't lying in bed all day because our mood is low, but because we struggle with executive functioning - motivation, planning, organizing, and self-managing. Those things happen in the prefrontal cortex, and ours are underdeveloped. It can be hard to distinguish where the cycle begins for you, and before being diagnosed, I thought I had depression for sure, but as soon as my psychiatrist explained how ADHD works to me, it fit like a glove.
8.     Starting Projects and Never Finishing Them
This kind of goes hand in hand with lack of motivation, and it's something I've struggled with all my life. It's also one of the very few ADHD symptoms that isn't also a hallmark of something else, like depression or anxiety, so it should be a huge red flag if it's accompanied by some of these other symptoms! Most people tend to procrastinate things they don't want to do, like studying or cleaning their room. A big indicator that you might be dealing with something more than just laziness is when you procrastinate or don't finish even things you actually really want to do. And it's not because you're lazy or don't want to do it, it's because as great as it sounds, you just... can't. If you've ever started a scrapbook and tossed it to the side three days later, tried to start a club on campus but let it fall to the wayside, or created a blog then never actually updated it (I meant to have this posted a solid five days ago, whooooops), then you know what I'm talking about.
 9.       Being Scatterbrained
You're in the middle of a sentence and you completely lose your train of thought. Alternatively, you'll be halfway through a sentence then think of something more important that you want to say and totally abandon the idea you're halfway through and start talking about the new one instead. You interrupt people a lot, because you feel like you HAVE to say the thought that just popped into your head right now, lest it no longer be relevant if you wait five minutes, or even worse, you forget it again in 30 seconds. You're in the middle of an important text conversation but you open Instagram while you're waiting for them to text back... then half an hour later you're creeping your crush's ex's brother's best friend when you realize you never answered that super important text. You zone out while people are speaking directly to you, which makes you look super rude because it seems like you aren't paying attention. Our inability to focus hard on things can affect our lives in ways you never would have guessed- for example, I am terrible at proofreading and finding typos, and the number of assignments I've handed in with words missing from the middle of sentences is embarrassing. If this sounds like you (and if course, if this happens all day every day rather than once in a blue moon, because everybody get scatterbrained when they're overwhelmed), then you've come to the right place.
10.     Being SUPER Enthusiastic... Sometimes
We've already established that ADHD brains can have trouble with motivation and with staying committed to something long-term, but that doesn't capture the entire picture. If you think of depression as basically always being in a low state, ADHD is different in that you sort of swing from highs to lows and back again. Like I mentioned, ADHD brains don't have enough dopamine transmitters, and we kind of get addicted to anything that does produce a dopamine high. So if something does make us happy or excited, we're gonna be the happiest, most excited people on earth. My psychiatrist gave me a situation where an ADHD person might win $5 on a scratch off ticket, but the way they jump up and down all excited makes the people around them think they've won a million dollars. In my case, this often looks like getting really excited about a paper or assignment for a class I'm particularly interested in. I'll take out books from the library and hyper-focus on planning the assignment for about three days... then the whole "starting a project but never finishing it" kicks in, and that's a whole different story...
11.    Verbal Aggression (As Opposed to Physical Aggression)
Although I don't mean to generalize or to imply that every single boy or girl is the same, this tends to be a notable difference between girls with ADHD and their male counterparts. Girls are much less likely to be physically violent, but when you piss us off, or trigger our Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (that's what my next post is going to be about, by the way!)… watch out. You might get a verbal beatdown like you've never experienced before. This is one of the ugliest and most frustrating things about having ADHD for me. I'll tell the people I love that I hate them, that they're ruining my life, that I wish they were never born; I'll pick on the things I know they're sensitive about and call them every curse word in the book... only to regret it five minutes and sheepishly try to convince this deeply wounded person that I didn't actually mean it. It sucks. Big time.
And finally, the one I really wish I knew all this time...
12.    Being Diagnosed With Something Else
Throughout this post, I've given a dozen examples of the ways ADHD symptoms can appear like symptoms of depression and anxiety. ADHD in girls is notoriously misdiagnosed, and girls with ADHD are three times as likely as boys to be treated for depression before being properly diagnosed. Beyond that, ADHD can be comorbid with anxiety and depression. I've dealt with anxiety and panic attacks since I was eight, and was formally diagnosed with anxiety at 17. When I was diagnosed with ADHD, I was told that I meet all the diagnostic criteria for depression, but it was likely that treating my ADHD would make it go away. My depression went away within literally one week of starting ADHD medication. My anxiety did not go away, but it has been reduced by about 50%. I realized that about half of the somatic experiences I identified as panic attacks were not triggered by mental anxiety but by sensory overload because, as ADHD brains do, I was perceiving way too much of what was going on around me and getting overwhelmed to the point that I would experience panic attack symptoms- dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, you know the drill. Another statistic that would have made a difference in my life is that girls with ADHD are 2.7 times more likely to suffer from anorexia nervosa than girls without ADHD. I struggled with anorexia from age 16 to 19, so this was quite a shock to discover three years later. There's definitely some cool brain science behind that why that is, so maybe it'll be the subject of a future post!
 If you have any questions about this post, or think that you or a loved one might be dealing with ADHD, do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions! I also want to stress that this might seem like a lot, and that anyone dealing with all of this crap would stand out from a mile away, but if that was the case, so many of us wouldn’t go undiagnosed until post-secondary. I experienced all twelve of these signs and symptoms, but the only ones that pushed me to see a psychiatrist were relationship problems, difficulty with motivation, and verbal aggression. Most of these things didn’t seem like they were impacting my day-to-day functioning- I get good grades, have a job, and have no trouble making friends. So please don’t get fall into the trap of telling yourself that what you’re going through “isn’t bad enough to be a real problem.” If something feels off, see a doctor, because you deserve to live the best life possible. 
That’s all for now folks! Stay tuned for my next post about Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria.
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coachingreviewsite · 5 years
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/want-to-step-up-your-improve-your-leadership-skills-read-this-now/
In the world of business, truly great leadership is a beautiful thing to behold. But, not everyone understands what it takes to lead others or to get the most out of other people's potential. The post that follows offers some terrific insights about leadership that can help almost anyone find success in this realm.
When you're a leader, you'll need to be accountable. If you make a mistake, admit it and move on. It can be easy to push the blame onto other people, but this should really be avoided. If you're accountable when you've made a mistake, the people around you will feel the need to be more accountable if they've made a mistake.
    Look for talents that others have. When you look for assistance, it needs to be easy for you to pick who would benefit you most. That applies both to contracting people and hiring them.
  Say thank you to your employees. Many studies have been done on the power of a thanks given from a manager to his or her employees. It increases productivity, often by a lot. Just a little graciousness really can help extend your power as a leader, so be active about it.
  67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes
"It’s easy to be motivated when you’re just getting started with something new. The challenge comes when the newness wears off and you become more aware of the exertion and less aware of its potential rewards. This is why creating good habits is essential to never giving up on your most worthwhile goals. But the […] The post 67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom." https://liveboldandbloom.com/07/quotes/never-give-quotes
Good leaders should be honest people. Do what you can to tell the truth. Remain authentic. When you tell the truth, do so kindly. Be open about any mistakes that have occurred. Mistakes will happen, so you need to accept them. It is those mistakes that you can use to find a new solution. They can provide you with nearly limitless opportunities.
  Be sure to finish everything you start or you risk losing the respect of the people that work under you. Even if something seems particularly difficult, you should give it your all and see it through to the end. No one will look at you the same if you turn into a quitter.
  Take care of yourself. When you're a leader, it can be very easy for you to lose yourself. However, it's important for you to remember that you are not going to be much use if you never sleep and never eat. Make sure that you are caring for yourself so you can best care for those you are leading.
  Be prepared for conflict and try to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Ignoring conflict will make the problem worse and make you look too weak to handle it. Practicing good communication skills with your employees will help them feel more respected even if they don't agree with specific decisions.
  Always remember that there is an inverse relationship between what's on your mind and your personal productivity right now. If something is on your mind, write it down. If you need to, work on it now. If it can wait or can't be helped right this minute, set the paper to the side and get to work on something you can do right now.
  3 Mindset Shifts You Should Make To Manage Your Money Better
"We chat with Gaby Dunn, the expert on being "Bad With Money."" https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/bad-with-money-what-it-really-means-what-to-do-about-it
Learn to delegate properly. A good leader know that they cannot handle everything alone. They need others to do certain tasks. That doesn't mean delegating all of your responsibilities to others, but if you know someone on your team wants to help or can do a certain task better than you, pass it on to them. This will keep things moving forward by letting you work on other tasks that need completed.
  If you want others to trust and respect you as a leader, you need to keep promises. You should never say you are going to do something and then do the exact opposite. If for some reason you are unable to follow through on what you promised, honestly explain why the promise could not be kept.
  Set a good example for your team. Expect the same level of professionalism and conduct from yourself that you expect from your team. Don't expect your team to be friendly and upbeat if you always have a solemn demeanor. If you expect error free work, make sure your own passes muster.
  As a leader, you must set clear, uncomplicated goals. Be sure that your team can attain them, even if they are a challenge. Give a reward for each goal met, and when it is met, hand out the reward immediately. From the time we are children, this example of goals and rewards motivates us to strive to meet new challenges. It's how people work, and it will work in your workplace.
  13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt
"You're reading 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
In Everybody’s Life, there Comes A Phase When We Ask God, “ Why Me, God?”. Right?
Everybody faces bad times, there’s nothing abnormal about it. They teach you new lessons. You can’t blame God for developing you, nor you should!!!
There comes a time when we start to think,” What am I doing with my life?” or “Why I’m lacking behind others?”
These kinds of thoughts come when we get stuck in life and are depressed. It is OK to have these kinds of thoughts but, the thing which important is, when you don’t let them affect you. You should be positive and focus on developing yourself. If you think you’re going through that “bad phase”, then we have come to rescue you. How? We’re sharing here 13 techniques which will help you in self-development. These tips will develop a new and positive mindset in you. Check them out.
13 Techniques for Self Development
1. Learn from Other People: Start learning from the success stories as well as failure stories of other people. Analyze their mistakes and learn a lesson from them because your own experience can be harsh, it’s better to learn by observing than by experiencing it. Read biographies and case studies.
2. Healthy Diet: One of the most important aspects of self-improvement is eating healthy food. You start to become what you eat, a true saying. Eating healthy helps you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Eat vegetables, nuts, fruits, and other natural food products. Avoid eating fast food.
3. Meditation: Meditation is called an exercise of the brain. It allows us to get relief from critical stress and tension. Meditation is an amazing process which makes you feel more relaxed and happy. It aids in anxiety, negative thoughts, and many other health problems.
4. Don’t Compare: Don’t compare yourself and your improvements with anyone else, everyone has their own pace. Try to focus on your result only and you’ll start to see how effectively you have improved yourself. Comparison not only affects your success but also demotivates you.
5. Quit Bad Habits: Start a new life by quitting habits which are harming you in any way. First, know all your bad habits and make a list of them. Then write down the benefits you’ll get after quitting them. For example, when you’ll quit smoking, you’ll save a big portion of your pocket money.
6. Affirm Everyday: You should never belittle the power of positive affirmations. It literally will modify your whole personality, character, and attitude towards life. Affirm every day before going to bed in the night or after waking up in the morning. You’ll start noticing results once you start practicing it daily.
7. Exercise: When we exercise, our body exerts more efforts and thus produce more endorphin into the system. Endorphin is a chemical which makes us feel better, happy, and improves our mood. Apart from this, exercising also builds confidence and develops a positive mindset.
8. Accept: You should accept that there are certain things which you can’t change. There will be times when you will fail, Failure Is OK. Accept the negative thoughts, accept your past, accept other people’s emotions but just start accepting things. You can’t be always in your comfort zone if you want to grow.
9. Learn Something New: Keep learning something new, be it any hobby, language, or any skill. Learning breeds excitement in us and we become more eager to learn. This increases our self-confidence and we want to learn more. And the cycle continues.
10. Be Kind: Always be kind to others if you want to self develop. By being kind you’re showing to others that the world is a decent place to live. Start showing gratitude and give things without any obligations. When you give up anything, be it food, money, time or effort, you start feeling good and your self-esteem increases.
11. Set Goals: When you want to develop yourself, you have to set goals for yourself. Don’t just write your goals, visualize them, make them a part of you. The aim is to direct you in the right direction and towards a wonderful life.
12. Read: There is no better way of learning or enhancing your knowledge than to read about different things. Reading improves creativity, writing skills, language skills, and reduces stress and anxiety. You can read different articles and blogs at Quora,  Medium, Hubspot, Business Insider, etc.
13. Face the Fears: There will be many things you have to do for the first time, face them rather than fearing from them. If you’ll be hesitant in doing these things, you’ll never be able to grow and succeed. In no time, when you start doing these things, you’ll start feeling comfortable.
Now, you just have to be motivated and enthusiastic like you are now after reading this article. Adopt these techniques and make them your habits. After some time you’ll start to see significant changes in yourself and your surroundings. Everybody’s attitude towards you will change. And at the end, the thing is that people around you have not changed, your inner self has improved.
Good Bye And Have a Good Day!!! 
Author’s Bio: Henry Wilson is a motivational speaker and an assignment writer at Instant Assignment Help Australia. Apart from this, he runs an NGO for specially-abled children. In his free time, he likes to educate his NGO children.
You've read 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles." https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/13-techniques-for-self-development-everyone-should-adopt/
Adapt your leadership style to complement the nature of the task at hand and the information available to you. For example, a directive style is appropriate for projects that do not have clearly defined instructions. A supportive style boosts morale and reduces stress caused by projects that are complex, frustrating, and minimally rewarding.
  If you must give criticism, do so constructively and in private. Every member of the staff doesn't need to know about every mistake that is made. Being singled out in a crowd in this way is embarrassing. On the other hand, give compliments publicly. This not only build individual confidence, it lets others see that hard work is appreciated and rewarded.
  Provide an open-door environment and don't be arrogant. Yes, you are a leader, but you are also a team member. You cannot possible do everything by yourself. Ultimately, your team is what makes you or breaks you, so be sure everyone feels important.
  A huge part of successful leadership has to do with the relationships you build and cultivate with the people around you. Networking with people in the community will be vitally important to your business' success. The relationships you have with your employees are also vitally important, and perhaps even more so.
  When it comes to organizations of all sorts, but particularly business enterprises, the existence or absence of strong leadership can be a make or break proposition. The key to exhibiting great leadership involves a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and principles. Hopefully this post has provided sufficient background to foster real success.
0 notes
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/want-to-step-up-your-improve-your-leadership-skills-read-this-now/
In the world of business, truly great leadership is a beautiful thing to behold. But, not everyone understands what it takes to lead others or to get the most out of other people's potential. The post that follows offers some terrific insights about leadership that can help almost anyone find success in this realm.
When you're a leader, you'll need to be accountable. If you make a mistake, admit it and move on. It can be easy to push the blame onto other people, but this should really be avoided. If you're accountable when you've made a mistake, the people around you will feel the need to be more accountable if they've made a mistake.
    Look for talents that others have. When you look for assistance, it needs to be easy for you to pick who would benefit you most. That applies both to contracting people and hiring them.
  Say thank you to your employees. Many studies have been done on the power of a thanks given from a manager to his or her employees. It increases productivity, often by a lot. Just a little graciousness really can help extend your power as a leader, so be active about it.
  67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes
"It’s easy to be motivated when you’re just getting started with something new. The challenge comes when the newness wears off and you become more aware of the exertion and less aware of its potential rewards. This is why creating good habits is essential to never giving up on your most worthwhile goals. But the […] The post 67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom." https://liveboldandbloom.com/07/quotes/never-give-quotes
Good leaders should be honest people. Do what you can to tell the truth. Remain authentic. When you tell the truth, do so kindly. Be open about any mistakes that have occurred. Mistakes will happen, so you need to accept them. It is those mistakes that you can use to find a new solution. They can provide you with nearly limitless opportunities.
  Be sure to finish everything you start or you risk losing the respect of the people that work under you. Even if something seems particularly difficult, you should give it your all and see it through to the end. No one will look at you the same if you turn into a quitter.
  Take care of yourself. When you're a leader, it can be very easy for you to lose yourself. However, it's important for you to remember that you are not going to be much use if you never sleep and never eat. Make sure that you are caring for yourself so you can best care for those you are leading.
  Be prepared for conflict and try to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Ignoring conflict will make the problem worse and make you look too weak to handle it. Practicing good communication skills with your employees will help them feel more respected even if they don't agree with specific decisions.
  Always remember that there is an inverse relationship between what's on your mind and your personal productivity right now. If something is on your mind, write it down. If you need to, work on it now. If it can wait or can't be helped right this minute, set the paper to the side and get to work on something you can do right now.
  3 Mindset Shifts You Should Make To Manage Your Money Better
"We chat with Gaby Dunn, the expert on being "Bad With Money."" https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/bad-with-money-what-it-really-means-what-to-do-about-it
Learn to delegate properly. A good leader know that they cannot handle everything alone. They need others to do certain tasks. That doesn't mean delegating all of your responsibilities to others, but if you know someone on your team wants to help or can do a certain task better than you, pass it on to them. This will keep things moving forward by letting you work on other tasks that need completed.
  If you want others to trust and respect you as a leader, you need to keep promises. You should never say you are going to do something and then do the exact opposite. If for some reason you are unable to follow through on what you promised, honestly explain why the promise could not be kept.
  Set a good example for your team. Expect the same level of professionalism and conduct from yourself that you expect from your team. Don't expect your team to be friendly and upbeat if you always have a solemn demeanor. If you expect error free work, make sure your own passes muster.
  As a leader, you must set clear, uncomplicated goals. Be sure that your team can attain them, even if they are a challenge. Give a reward for each goal met, and when it is met, hand out the reward immediately. From the time we are children, this example of goals and rewards motivates us to strive to meet new challenges. It's how people work, and it will work in your workplace.
  13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt
"You're reading 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
In Everybody’s Life, there Comes A Phase When We Ask God, “ Why Me, God?”. Right?
Everybody faces bad times, there’s nothing abnormal about it. They teach you new lessons. You can’t blame God for developing you, nor you should!!!
There comes a time when we start to think,” What am I doing with my life?” or “Why I’m lacking behind others?”
These kinds of thoughts come when we get stuck in life and are depressed. It is OK to have these kinds of thoughts but, the thing which important is, when you don’t let them affect you. You should be positive and focus on developing yourself. If you think you’re going through that “bad phase”, then we have come to rescue you. How? We’re sharing here 13 techniques which will help you in self-development. These tips will develop a new and positive mindset in you. Check them out.
13 Techniques for Self Development
1. Learn from Other People: Start learning from the success stories as well as failure stories of other people. Analyze their mistakes and learn a lesson from them because your own experience can be harsh, it’s better to learn by observing than by experiencing it. Read biographies and case studies.
2. Healthy Diet: One of the most important aspects of self-improvement is eating healthy food. You start to become what you eat, a true saying. Eating healthy helps you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Eat vegetables, nuts, fruits, and other natural food products. Avoid eating fast food.
3. Meditation: Meditation is called an exercise of the brain. It allows us to get relief from critical stress and tension. Meditation is an amazing process which makes you feel more relaxed and happy. It aids in anxiety, negative thoughts, and many other health problems.
4. Don’t Compare: Don’t compare yourself and your improvements with anyone else, everyone has their own pace. Try to focus on your result only and you’ll start to see how effectively you have improved yourself. Comparison not only affects your success but also demotivates you.
5. Quit Bad Habits: Start a new life by quitting habits which are harming you in any way. First, know all your bad habits and make a list of them. Then write down the benefits you’ll get after quitting them. For example, when you’ll quit smoking, you’ll save a big portion of your pocket money.
6. Affirm Everyday: You should never belittle the power of positive affirmations. It literally will modify your whole personality, character, and attitude towards life. Affirm every day before going to bed in the night or after waking up in the morning. You’ll start noticing results once you start practicing it daily.
7. Exercise: When we exercise, our body exerts more efforts and thus produce more endorphin into the system. Endorphin is a chemical which makes us feel better, happy, and improves our mood. Apart from this, exercising also builds confidence and develops a positive mindset.
8. Accept: You should accept that there are certain things which you can’t change. There will be times when you will fail, Failure Is OK. Accept the negative thoughts, accept your past, accept other people’s emotions but just start accepting things. You can’t be always in your comfort zone if you want to grow.
9. Learn Something New: Keep learning something new, be it any hobby, language, or any skill. Learning breeds excitement in us and we become more eager to learn. This increases our self-confidence and we want to learn more. And the cycle continues.
10. Be Kind: Always be kind to others if you want to self develop. By being kind you’re showing to others that the world is a decent place to live. Start showing gratitude and give things without any obligations. When you give up anything, be it food, money, time or effort, you start feeling good and your self-esteem increases.
11. Set Goals: When you want to develop yourself, you have to set goals for yourself. Don’t just write your goals, visualize them, make them a part of you. The aim is to direct you in the right direction and towards a wonderful life.
12. Read: There is no better way of learning or enhancing your knowledge than to read about different things. Reading improves creativity, writing skills, language skills, and reduces stress and anxiety. You can read different articles and blogs at Quora,  Medium, Hubspot, Business Insider, etc.
13. Face the Fears: There will be many things you have to do for the first time, face them rather than fearing from them. If you’ll be hesitant in doing these things, you’ll never be able to grow and succeed. In no time, when you start doing these things, you’ll start feeling comfortable.
Now, you just have to be motivated and enthusiastic like you are now after reading this article. Adopt these techniques and make them your habits. After some time you’ll start to see significant changes in yourself and your surroundings. Everybody’s attitude towards you will change. And at the end, the thing is that people around you have not changed, your inner self has improved.
Good Bye And Have a Good Day!!! 
Author’s Bio: Henry Wilson is a motivational speaker and an assignment writer at Instant Assignment Help Australia. Apart from this, he runs an NGO for specially-abled children. In his free time, he likes to educate his NGO children.
You've read 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles." https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/13-techniques-for-self-development-everyone-should-adopt/
Adapt your leadership style to complement the nature of the task at hand and the information available to you. For example, a directive style is appropriate for projects that do not have clearly defined instructions. A supportive style boosts morale and reduces stress caused by projects that are complex, frustrating, and minimally rewarding.
  If you must give criticism, do so constructively and in private. Every member of the staff doesn't need to know about every mistake that is made. Being singled out in a crowd in this way is embarrassing. On the other hand, give compliments publicly. This not only build individual confidence, it lets others see that hard work is appreciated and rewarded.
  Provide an open-door environment and don't be arrogant. Yes, you are a leader, but you are also a team member. You cannot possible do everything by yourself. Ultimately, your team is what makes you or breaks you, so be sure everyone feels important.
  A huge part of successful leadership has to do with the relationships you build and cultivate with the people around you. Networking with people in the community will be vitally important to your business' success. The relationships you have with your employees are also vitally important, and perhaps even more so.
  When it comes to organizations of all sorts, but particularly business enterprises, the existence or absence of strong leadership can be a make or break proposition. The key to exhibiting great leadership involves a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and principles. Hopefully this post has provided sufficient background to foster real success.
0 notes
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/want-to-step-up-your-improve-your-leadership-skills-read-this-now/
In the world of business, truly great leadership is a beautiful thing to behold. But, not everyone understands what it takes to lead others or to get the most out of other people's potential. The post that follows offers some terrific insights about leadership that can help almost anyone find success in this realm.
When you're a leader, you'll need to be accountable. If you make a mistake, admit it and move on. It can be easy to push the blame onto other people, but this should really be avoided. If you're accountable when you've made a mistake, the people around you will feel the need to be more accountable if they've made a mistake.
    Look for talents that others have. When you look for assistance, it needs to be easy for you to pick who would benefit you most. That applies both to contracting people and hiring them.
  Say thank you to your employees. Many studies have been done on the power of a thanks given from a manager to his or her employees. It increases productivity, often by a lot. Just a little graciousness really can help extend your power as a leader, so be active about it.
  67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes
"It’s easy to be motivated when you’re just getting started with something new. The challenge comes when the newness wears off and you become more aware of the exertion and less aware of its potential rewards. This is why creating good habits is essential to never giving up on your most worthwhile goals. But the […] The post 67 Encouraging Never Give Up Quotes appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom." https://liveboldandbloom.com/07/quotes/never-give-quotes
Good leaders should be honest people. Do what you can to tell the truth. Remain authentic. When you tell the truth, do so kindly. Be open about any mistakes that have occurred. Mistakes will happen, so you need to accept them. It is those mistakes that you can use to find a new solution. They can provide you with nearly limitless opportunities.
  Be sure to finish everything you start or you risk losing the respect of the people that work under you. Even if something seems particularly difficult, you should give it your all and see it through to the end. No one will look at you the same if you turn into a quitter.
  Take care of yourself. When you're a leader, it can be very easy for you to lose yourself. However, it's important for you to remember that you are not going to be much use if you never sleep and never eat. Make sure that you are caring for yourself so you can best care for those you are leading.
  Be prepared for conflict and try to deal with it before it gets out of hand. Ignoring conflict will make the problem worse and make you look too weak to handle it. Practicing good communication skills with your employees will help them feel more respected even if they don't agree with specific decisions.
  Always remember that there is an inverse relationship between what's on your mind and your personal productivity right now. If something is on your mind, write it down. If you need to, work on it now. If it can wait or can't be helped right this minute, set the paper to the side and get to work on something you can do right now.
  3 Mindset Shifts You Should Make To Manage Your Money Better
"We chat with Gaby Dunn, the expert on being "Bad With Money."" https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/bad-with-money-what-it-really-means-what-to-do-about-it
Learn to delegate properly. A good leader know that they cannot handle everything alone. They need others to do certain tasks. That doesn't mean delegating all of your responsibilities to others, but if you know someone on your team wants to help or can do a certain task better than you, pass it on to them. This will keep things moving forward by letting you work on other tasks that need completed.
  If you want others to trust and respect you as a leader, you need to keep promises. You should never say you are going to do something and then do the exact opposite. If for some reason you are unable to follow through on what you promised, honestly explain why the promise could not be kept.
  Set a good example for your team. Expect the same level of professionalism and conduct from yourself that you expect from your team. Don't expect your team to be friendly and upbeat if you always have a solemn demeanor. If you expect error free work, make sure your own passes muster.
  As a leader, you must set clear, uncomplicated goals. Be sure that your team can attain them, even if they are a challenge. Give a reward for each goal met, and when it is met, hand out the reward immediately. From the time we are children, this example of goals and rewards motivates us to strive to meet new challenges. It's how people work, and it will work in your workplace.
  13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt
"You're reading 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you're enjoying this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles.
In Everybody’s Life, there Comes A Phase When We Ask God, “ Why Me, God?”. Right?
Everybody faces bad times, there’s nothing abnormal about it. They teach you new lessons. You can’t blame God for developing you, nor you should!!!
There comes a time when we start to think,” What am I doing with my life?” or “Why I’m lacking behind others?”
These kinds of thoughts come when we get stuck in life and are depressed. It is OK to have these kinds of thoughts but, the thing which important is, when you don’t let them affect you. You should be positive and focus on developing yourself. If you think you’re going through that “bad phase”, then we have come to rescue you. How? We’re sharing here 13 techniques which will help you in self-development. These tips will develop a new and positive mindset in you. Check them out.
13 Techniques for Self Development
1. Learn from Other People: Start learning from the success stories as well as failure stories of other people. Analyze their mistakes and learn a lesson from them because your own experience can be harsh, it’s better to learn by observing than by experiencing it. Read biographies and case studies.
2. Healthy Diet: One of the most important aspects of self-improvement is eating healthy food. You start to become what you eat, a true saying. Eating healthy helps you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Eat vegetables, nuts, fruits, and other natural food products. Avoid eating fast food.
3. Meditation: Meditation is called an exercise of the brain. It allows us to get relief from critical stress and tension. Meditation is an amazing process which makes you feel more relaxed and happy. It aids in anxiety, negative thoughts, and many other health problems.
4. Don’t Compare: Don’t compare yourself and your improvements with anyone else, everyone has their own pace. Try to focus on your result only and you’ll start to see how effectively you have improved yourself. Comparison not only affects your success but also demotivates you.
5. Quit Bad Habits: Start a new life by quitting habits which are harming you in any way. First, know all your bad habits and make a list of them. Then write down the benefits you’ll get after quitting them. For example, when you’ll quit smoking, you’ll save a big portion of your pocket money.
6. Affirm Everyday: You should never belittle the power of positive affirmations. It literally will modify your whole personality, character, and attitude towards life. Affirm every day before going to bed in the night or after waking up in the morning. You’ll start noticing results once you start practicing it daily.
7. Exercise: When we exercise, our body exerts more efforts and thus produce more endorphin into the system. Endorphin is a chemical which makes us feel better, happy, and improves our mood. Apart from this, exercising also builds confidence and develops a positive mindset.
8. Accept: You should accept that there are certain things which you can’t change. There will be times when you will fail, Failure Is OK. Accept the negative thoughts, accept your past, accept other people’s emotions but just start accepting things. You can’t be always in your comfort zone if you want to grow.
9. Learn Something New: Keep learning something new, be it any hobby, language, or any skill. Learning breeds excitement in us and we become more eager to learn. This increases our self-confidence and we want to learn more. And the cycle continues.
10. Be Kind: Always be kind to others if you want to self develop. By being kind you’re showing to others that the world is a decent place to live. Start showing gratitude and give things without any obligations. When you give up anything, be it food, money, time or effort, you start feeling good and your self-esteem increases.
11. Set Goals: When you want to develop yourself, you have to set goals for yourself. Don’t just write your goals, visualize them, make them a part of you. The aim is to direct you in the right direction and towards a wonderful life.
12. Read: There is no better way of learning or enhancing your knowledge than to read about different things. Reading improves creativity, writing skills, language skills, and reduces stress and anxiety. You can read different articles and blogs at Quora,  Medium, Hubspot, Business Insider, etc.
13. Face the Fears: There will be many things you have to do for the first time, face them rather than fearing from them. If you’ll be hesitant in doing these things, you’ll never be able to grow and succeed. In no time, when you start doing these things, you’ll start feeling comfortable.
Now, you just have to be motivated and enthusiastic like you are now after reading this article. Adopt these techniques and make them your habits. After some time you’ll start to see significant changes in yourself and your surroundings. Everybody’s attitude towards you will change. And at the end, the thing is that people around you have not changed, your inner self has improved.
Good Bye And Have a Good Day!!! 
Author’s Bio: Henry Wilson is a motivational speaker and an assignment writer at Instant Assignment Help Australia. Apart from this, he runs an NGO for specially-abled children. In his free time, he likes to educate his NGO children.
You've read 13 Techniques for Self Development Everyone Should Adopt, originally posted on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement. If you've enjoyed this, please visit our site for more inspirational articles." https://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/13-techniques-for-self-development-everyone-should-adopt/
Adapt your leadership style to complement the nature of the task at hand and the information available to you. For example, a directive style is appropriate for projects that do not have clearly defined instructions. A supportive style boosts morale and reduces stress caused by projects that are complex, frustrating, and minimally rewarding.
  If you must give criticism, do so constructively and in private. Every member of the staff doesn't need to know about every mistake that is made. Being singled out in a crowd in this way is embarrassing. On the other hand, give compliments publicly. This not only build individual confidence, it lets others see that hard work is appreciated and rewarded.
  Provide an open-door environment and don't be arrogant. Yes, you are a leader, but you are also a team member. You cannot possible do everything by yourself. Ultimately, your team is what makes you or breaks you, so be sure everyone feels important.
  A huge part of successful leadership has to do with the relationships you build and cultivate with the people around you. Networking with people in the community will be vitally important to your business' success. The relationships you have with your employees are also vitally important, and perhaps even more so.
  When it comes to organizations of all sorts, but particularly business enterprises, the existence or absence of strong leadership can be a make or break proposition. The key to exhibiting great leadership involves a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and principles. Hopefully this post has provided sufficient background to foster real success.
0 notes