#need a trip to paris with these men immediately
cheesethunderstormz · 5 months
God if you're listening...
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claratompson · 2 months
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Major Hellstrom, clasping his hands behind his back, stepped out of the car. His eyes were hidden under the visor of a black cap. He looked up at a young girl with blond hair standing on the stairs. At first she didn't make an impression on him.
"Emmanuel Mimieux?"
"Is this your cinema?"
"Yes that's right."
"Tell her to get in the car." - he said to the soldier-driver. Opening the car door, the soldier invited the girl to get in. Emmanuelle swallowed her stubbornness and went down the stairs. As she walked towards the men. A warm wind blew, straightening her blond hair and the hem of her dark blue dress. All this seemed charming to the Sturmbannführer. Approaching her and taking off cap, he introduced himself:
"Sturmbannführer Dieter Hellstrom. Enchanted, mademoiselle." - taking her hand, leaving a kiss. "Hello." - She answered with a shadow of confusion, removing the hand from the major’s grip and getting into the car. During the trip, Emmanuelle looked out the car window, suppressing feelings of fear and anxiety. “How long have you lived in Paris, Mademoiselle Mimieux?”
"Almost two years."
"Do you like it here?"
"Quite." - she answered timidly.
"How did such a young and beautiful girl become the owner cinema?"
“I got the cinema from my aunt Ada Mimieux.”
"And where is she now?"
"She died more than six months ago from fever."
"I condolences." - having built up regret on face, he said.
"How did you meet private Zoller?"
"This happened a week ago, I just I just hung the letters on the counter, when Zoller came up to say hello and ask me for documents."
"Is this the whole dating story?"
"Nothing special."
"But you are special." With he said with unfeigned honesty. The girl looked at him with a puzzled look and immediately looked away without saying anything more.
“I wanted to ask something else. Would you…” - at that moment they arrived at the restaurant and his sentence was interrupted by Zoller, who unceremoniously opened the car door from the girl’s side.
"Oh, Emmanuel! How glad I am that you agreed to come!" (“Did I? However.” - ironically the girl noticed.") Giving the girl his hand, the private helped her out of the car. “You look beautiful.”
"Yes, thank you." - answered evasively
she. The private put his arm around her shoulder, causing she wanted to take him and hit him something hard on the head.
"Come with me, Emmanuel."
Sturmbannführer walked behind them, holding his cap in his right hand. Zoller irritated him to the core. The major could not stand upstarts, which is what the private was. As they approached the table where Dr. Joseph Goebbels and his mistress and translator Francesca Mondino were sitting.
The major watched the young cinema owner.
Dieter noticed how her hands were shaking during Goebbels' interrogation about her cinema.
"These long and neat fingers, sharp and delicate wrists... so..I want to touch her." -
the major noted thoughtfully to himself. Outwardly, the girl looked pale and tired, as if she would faint.
(“Something doesn’t feel good, my head hurts terribly... as if it’s about to explode.”) - closing her eyes from the throbbing pain, Emmanuelle stood up from the table: “Please excuse me.” - and hurriedly headed towards the exit of the restaurant.
The private stood up from the table: “Emmanuel..” but Hellstrom stopped him: “I’ll go get her myself.”
Coming out into the street, the fresh air and drizzle coming from the rain that had begun penetrated the girl’s lungs. She leaned her back against a tree that stood in the courtyard of the restaurant. Covering her face with her hands, she did not immediately notice Major Helstrom approaching her. "Emmanuel, are you okay?"
Out of surprise, the girl was slightly frightened by the presence of the major: “I... no. I just had a headache. I needed fresh air.”
“Me too. In the presence of this whole company, it becomes stuffy and dull, I must admit,” he noted. This phrase made the girl laugh a little. The man came indecently close to her. Emmanuelle looked at him as if she was peering into his soul: “Major Helstrom, you can go. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” Dieter seemed to be hypnotized by her: “What if you faint? How can I leave you here alone like this? Even though I'm an officer, but first of all I am a gentleman and I must make sure that everything is fine with you." "Then, Hellstrom, may I ask you for a favor?"
"Of course." he answered curiously.
“Please, I can’t stand it anymore. I have a terrible headache. Take me home. I beg you. I don’t want to be there anymore,” she begged with a pitiful look. Dieter patted her on the shoulder: “Of course, I will do it for you. Get in the car.”
“Only I need to tell Zoller about this, he won’t just leave it alone.”
“Oh no, leave it to me Emmanuelle. I will relieve you of these worries. Get in the car, in a couple of minutes I will take you home.”
"Thank you." - she said, looking at him gratefully.
Sturmbannführer approached to Private Zoller, turning to Goebbels: "I will excommunicate our hero for a few minutes."
"Of course."
Moving to the side away from the table, Zoller asked excitedly, “What is it? Where is Emmanuel?”
Dieter: "She's not feeling well, so I'll take her home." "Really? It's sad to hear. After all, there are so many questions that Goebbels wanted to ask her."
Dieter: “Are you kidding me? She almost faints, and you’re worried about questions?” - he asked with open irritation.
Zoller: "Yes, you're right. I want to say goodbye to her."
Dieter: “Don’t, Frederick. She’s very tired. I’ll take her home, and you finish here.” - the major answered insistently.
Returning to the car, the major sat in the back seat next to the girl. The major wanted to ask Emmanuelle where she lived, but noticing that the girl had fallen asleep, he ordered the driver to take them to his house. You stop at the house, Dieter decided not to wake the girl, got out of the car and, opening the door on her side, He slowly pulled her out of the car and picked her up. The driver helped him open the door to his home and then left. The man carefully laid her on the bed. He took off her shoes and covered her with a blanket.
Morning has come. The rays of the autumn sun slipped through the curtains of the room, falling on the girl’s face, from which she began to wake up. Sitting down on the bed, she realized that she was in someone else's apartment. Remembering the events of last night, Emmanuelle felt uneasy. “How could I fall asleep so stupidly? Especially in the car of a Gestapo major. You couldn’t imagine anything worse.” - she thought.
At that moment, Hellstrom came into the room with two cups of aromatic coffee, smiling joyfully, he asked: “Mademoiselle, I’m glad that you are already awake. How are you feeling? Yesterday it seemed to me that you weren't feeling well."
Emmanuel: "Yes, that's true, but now I feel much better, thank you, Hellstrom."
The man came closer and handed her coffee: "I think the coffee wouldn't hurt you. And please call me Dieter."
Emmanuel: "Thank you, you are very kind, despite how unceremoniously I fell asleep in your car."
Dieter: “No, that’s not so. I couldn’t neglect your condition. You were so tired and I wanted to help you somehow. Therefore, there can be no question of unceremoniousness on your part.”
After drinking coffee, Emmanuelle began to get out of bed: “Thank you for everything, Dieter. I have to go, I’ve already wasted too much of your time.”
The major came closer and grabbed her by the shoulders: “Don’t say that. For you, my time is limitless. Moreover, I won’t let you go until I feed you breakfast.”
Emmanuel: "I wouldn't want to cause you unnecessary inconvenience."
Dieter smiled, objecting:" Not a word about inconvenience. I insist.”
Emmanuel: “I take it that it would be dangerous to object to you?”
The man grinned and replied: "Only if it forces you to give me time at breakfast."
Emmanuel: "As you wish."
Should I continue?
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Did you see Gillen and Brevoort said Beast (used to be/could have been) was the most romantic x man? Veeeeery interesting. Gillen seemingly wanted to redeem beast in SWORD through his love for Abigail but feels that’s been taken off the table at this point. If only there were some other person he held near and dear to his heart who might be able to give him both love and time to grow past this unfortunate moment
"I'm through with love hangovers,
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It's best that I stay sober.
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No rolling in the clover,
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No Gretna Green trip over.
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No honeymoon in Paris,
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I only feel embarrassed for the,
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Cool cats,
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The charmed kittens,
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Both smitten by the love songs
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That he's written.
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Caught in the sights of a,
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Deadly sniper:
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The magic piper of love.
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The magic piper of love.
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Of love, of love!"
Anon, you beat me to this - the instant I saw that thread on Reddit, I was just besides myself with jimmy legs because I wanted to get back home and post about it immediately.
Over at AIPT Comics, they have this segment called X-Men Mondays, where they'll send out various themed questions to people at the X-office to answer, usually as just kind of a fun, fuckabout sort of thing.
Today's was Valentine's Day themed, because, well, it's the 12th of February, there's not a ton else to talk about.
The question naturally came up.
AIPT: Who, in your opinion, is the most romantic X-character? (And why?)
Everyone gets a look in, from Xavier to Wolverine to Havok to Mystique, but. Okay, so, like. Kieron Gillen answered four times in this thread, and most of it was just funny answers, but in response to THIS question, he said this in response:
Kieron Gillen: You know, Beast in the timeline where my S.W.O.R.D. got past issue 5 would have been good for this, but the timeline we ended up in had (er) somewhat less romance interested Beast. Perhaps someone could go back in time and try and do something about it. “We have to time travel to save Beast!” “Why? Is it all his genocides?” “No, he has to carry on devotedly making blueberry muffins.”
. . . . . . . .
Ladies, gentleman, non-binary individuals. S.W.O.R.D was cancelled 14 years ago. It died in 2009. But Kieron Gillen refuses to stop being salty about it, and you know what? You know what? Fucking good for him, because I'm fucking salty about it too!!!
But, like, this is such a wild answer to me! Just, unprompted, one of the premier comic book talents of the day just being like, hey, fuck you all, I really liked my little Beast-Brand OTP book. This man is one of my people, I know this. Well. I already knew this, to be fair, I got him to sign my trade paperback copy of that exact series, but that was over a decade ago, and he's STILL flying that flag???
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Then Brevoort, who, by the way, is the incoming editor for the X-Men books, said this:
Tom Brevoort: Back in the day, it was the Beast, before he threw over human needs and desires in favor of science. Nightcrawler also had some moves, but he doesn’t really use them as often anymore. So these days, Gambit is the clear winner. Angel wants to be, but he’s mostly all talk. But Gambit thinks about this stuff.
These are.
Interesting comments.
Beast literally could not be less relevant to the wider Krakoan story arc. X-Force exists in its own little bubble of black ops and body horror, and yet, unprompted, both one of the headline members of the talent (who has made sure to put Hank and Abigail in books for no real reason other than he likes them) and the incoming editor are both like, y'know, Hank was a real romantic back in the day. There's some affection there. It gives me hope. It makes me smile.
Now, I hasten to point out, this is not #WonderbeastConfirmed. We have no idea how these last two issues of X-Force are going to play out. But it is.
Oh, I also want to take a moment to call out Anthony Oliveira, who said this:
Anthony Oliveira: If you want the truth, you go to Emma. But nobody wants the truth. So they go to Jean, who can throw you a reality TV and ice cream pity party like you wouldn’t believe. She has those top-of-the-line flowy pajama pants that facilitate conversation, you know? Worst is Hank McCoy, who has been giving bad advice for decades before his war criminal era. One time he took Angelo Espinosa on a car trip that bummed me out so bad I’m still thinking about it 30 years later.
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THAT bummed you out, bro?
Pssh, okay, dude.
Kieron Gillen remains my guy.
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extranenas · 2 months
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the final of 2018 | part one
pairing: luka modric x reader
genre: fluff…?
plot: being on a mens soccer team was hard- but having to be in the world cup finals and play against her husband…?
extra: so for the sake of the story, reader was born in france (but yknow race isnt specified but yknow u got french residency😭😭)
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july 15, 2018 | 3rd person p.o.v
today was the 2018 world cup finals in russia. throughout the entirety of her career- she worked up to finally make it into the damn final, to taste what people said she'd never do, win the world cup.
yes, she is a woman who played on mens teams, she always did. people always said she had a talent that was undeniable- something she couldnt hide and was huge. something that marked her as the greatest woman player to grace the iconic green grass.
starting out in psg's mens team at age 18 in 2006, being the talk of the game because it was a girl on the mens team in 2007, who soon had went to croatia to play around with one of their teams. her trip there caused up in her meeting her future husband and father to her kids.
2007 | 3rd person p.o.v
when psg had decided to go on a tour around europe, they had went over to the balkan side where croatia resided. they had contacted dinamo zagreb, one of the major croatian teams to come over to paris as a "training help" of some sort.
they wanted to show what it was like to train like one of the most well known team- what its like to be on the bigger stage than what they were used to.
when they had arrived at their training facilities- they didnt expect to see a girl in the front of the field with the coaches and managers.
a girl was the player everyone was talking about in the soccer world? this famed player was a girl?
2007 | lukas p.o.v
she went around and shook everyones hand, introducing herself- i found out her name was ___- the captain of the team. i thought it was weird cause why are we training with the womens team?
wait... there's guys coming out instead of girls. is she the captain of the mens team?
"i forgot to mention- yes i play on the mens team- yes im the captain of it. i know this is extremely rare to see a girl- best be known a 19 year old girl be in this position but youre seeing it now."
i nod as she chuckled after her clarification. she was the girl everyone talked about... she was quite pretty too… maybe this wouldnt be bad?
present  | 3rd person p.o.v
people always doubted the girl who was on this level- spewing nonsense like she couldn't be compatible with the mens team- shes too weak and yet she probed them wrong every time. it was unheard of for a girl to do that- but it didnt  mean it was completely new.
what was new though- was dating your (well future)  teammate. throughout 2007 up to 2010, the pair of luka modric and ___ was the ultimate pair on the field and out of. they even went so far to get married in 2010 and two years later, soon their daughter had donned the modric-___ last name. after that, their twin boys in 2016 had also donned that name as well.
even though they went through the troubles of being teammates then rivals while being lovers out of the game- they thought they were used to it. used to the times when ever luka had scored- shed come up running to him- jumping onto his back and giving him a huge kiss on the cheek.
used to the times hed yell from excitement as she did the slide trick- the trick where shed kick the ball under some player and immediately slide between them and score that goal the team desperately needed.
used to the times where hed immediately hug her after every goal she did- kissing her forehead as the crowd roared from the stands. they were used to working and against together on the field.
but it was never at this level. despite cheering on eachother and their team to win the world cup- saying they'd support either one no matter who won it- they never thought theyd get it to the point where they were against eachother on the world cup final.
the country who hasnt won at all and was only 27 years old, and the team who won the 1998 world cup.
three minutes before kick off | ___ p.o.v
i looked around the filled stadium- the atmosphere had never failed to impress me. the cheers, lights, overall pride was just... beautiful... the chance of your country winning... the people who believe you will take them to the top... its just... beautiful...
i soon saw kylian walking up to me- placing his hand on my shoulder as i put mines on top of his- looking at him with a smile.
"if we win... then... what...?"
"we have the best time of our lives, ___. youll be the best of the best- if your husband isnt already 'great' enough."
i let out a tiny laugh- soon looking at the stands to find my kids, adeliene, matteo, and santiago. i wonder how hard it is for them to support your parents when both of them are going against eachother.
i sighed as we got into the lines when they played the national anthems. i sung mines with pride as the other team did with theirs. i soon look around my body to check if anything was out of place- my eyes immediately glancing to my arm with the captains band around it.
i reluctantly walked out of the line with my countries flag to the front of the field to exchange the banners. i wait and see luka walk up with the red, blue, and white flag that had donned the crest in the middle.
i smile before shaking his hand and exchanging the flags- quickly pecking his cheek before whispering.
"good luck mon amour..."
"good luck to you moja ljubav..."
i nod before walking back to my spot- feeling more guilty now that there's a chance that i might steal my husbands dream of winning the world cup.
before i knew it- kickoff was going to start in a few seconds. i immediately got to my spot as a midfielder- yet tried to find my husband on the other side of the field. i did- and blew him a kiss- one he grabbed and took with a smile.
i soon thought about our conversation from before- what would- could- happen.
flashback | 3 person p.o.v
she sat on the hotel room- looking up at her husband with a conflicted face as he looked outside.
"amour...? how do you feel...?"
"... confused... guilty...”
"lukita look at me, please."
she watched as he slowly turned to look at her- his face filled with worry and dread. this wasnt the first time he went to the world cup final- yet this was worser than the one before. she soon got up and cupped his face- kissing his nose.
"baby... i know its hard for the both of us- we both want to win... i know amor..."
"but i dont want to go against you- its so hard to have to be your rival- to pretend we hate eachother whenever youre on the opposite team when i love you with my whole heart and soul- i cant do it on the other cups level... draga... i cant do it on the world cup level... i just cant..."
"i know but... one of us is gonna win... we have to do it whether you like it or dont. baby, if you win, ill be so glad, so happy you finally get what you deserve, something you always worked for...”
"but you... you deserve it more than i do... i want it but-"
"no buts... baby you deserve it... and if i manage to win, i swear ill dedicate every goal to you- every damn goal. it doesnt matter who wins, we still love eachother very much. we'll forever be lm10 and __5... forever...
to be continued 🫶
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dirtyglitterr · 1 year
ꜰᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
Neymar Jr x Original Character Summary: ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ. ᴡᴀꜱ ɪᴛ ʙʏ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ? ʜᴏᴡᴇᴠᴇʀ, ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀʟꜱᴏ ᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.
Warnings: Mature Language
ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
ᴛᴀʟᴇꜱ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴏɴᴛᴇ ᴄᴀʀʟᴏ 
Charles definitely kept his word about taking care of everything. From the private jet to the personal driver down to the fucking hotel, he made sure that I didn't have to worry about anything during my trip. I felt like a VIP the entire time, and I had to admit it was nice. Charles truly went above and beyond, and I was so grateful for his generosity and attention to detail. Then again, I was a little worried; some men, when they spared no expense like this, always expected something in return.
While Charles was still busy at the track, I took advantage of the spa. The bellboy that helped bring my bags to my room told me everything that was available to me that came with my suit. And let me just say it was beyond beautiful. It was the diamond suite at the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo, one of the most difficult hotels to book during the Formula One season. And yet here I was, enjoying the views from my private terrace.
While taking in the beautiful views of Monte-Carlo from the terrace, I couldn't help but snap a couple of photos to send to my mama. While sending my mom the photos, my phone started to ring, and it was Neymar. Fuck. I haven't spoken to him in a few days since, as you know, I basically asked without asking if he loved me more than a friend. And that went how it did. Of course, I felt bad about it, but I guess putting a whole country between us for the weekend was more than enough.
So I answered, "Hey."
"I'm at your place; Onde você está?" My heart sank. Neymar was at my place, and I wasn't there. Fuck, he didn't know that I went to Monaco.
I reluctantly replied, "About that, um, do you remember Charles?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Neymar responded.  "No."
I could feel the tension in Neymar's voice as he replied, "Kind of, or he did?" I knew he was upset, but he had no right to be. If that was true, why did I feel as if I was betraying him in some way by being here with Charles?
"He did...and I said yes."
There was another pause on the other end before he finally spoke again. "And you said yes."
"I've never been to Monaco before, especially to watch an F1 race. So I accepted the offer."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Neymar's voice was now laced with hurt. "I thought we were friends, and you couldn't even tell me you were going to Monaco to see some guy." I could hear the disappointment in his tone, and it made me feel guilty for not telling him earlier. But let us all not forget the wine bottles I filed with the tears that I cried over this man.
"It all happened so fast I forgot," I explained away.
"You forgot or just didn't want to tell me?" I could tell he wasn't buying my excuse. But did I care? no.
"Yeah, I guess I forgot," I admitted.
"You're lying; you didn't tell me because you knew how I'd react." He accused me, and I couldn't deny it. The truth was, I was afraid of his reaction. I didn't want to disappoint or hurt him, which is crazy because he didn't have an issue doing so with me, whether he knew it or not. The last thing I needed was to tell the guy I wanted to love me back about another guy showing interest in me.
"It's not like we're dating or anything." The words came out harsher than I intended, and I regretted them immediately. But fuck it, it's the truth. Regardless of us being married, it didn't matter because it would soon be annulled and a thing of the past. I just couldn't bring myself to be vulnerable with him again, not after everything that had happened. It was better to keep my distance and protect my heart. It just sucked that I had to protect it from him, of all people. "You're single; I'm single, so why would I care how you'd react to me seeing a guy?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant. But deep down, I knew that my words were a defense mechanism. I was scared of getting hurt again, and I didn't want to risk opening up to him.
"If you weren't so busy avoiding me, you would've known that I had plans to take you with me this weekend." He said it with an air of dissatisfaction in his voice. I felt a pang of regret for pushing him away, but I couldn't help the fear that still lingered in my heart.
"I wasn't avoiding you, Neymar." I lied, knowing that if he could see me right now, he'd be able to see through me. "I just had a lot going on."
"Mhm. Yeah, whatever, just stay safe out there." He said, before ending the call. I knew I had to confront my fears and open up to him soon, or risk losing him forever.
"Bienvenue à Monte Carlo, Mia." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist and greeting me further with a kiss on each of my cheeks. I blushed at his affectionate gesture, feeling a warm sensation spreading across my face. Despite my attempts to remain composed and aloof, I couldn't help but feel flattered by his attention.
He was dressed casually, wearing a simple white t-shirt and faded jeans that complimented his fit frame. His hair was tousled and unkempt, giving him a carefree vibe that matched his easygoing demeanor and made me feel at ease.  "I'm glad that I didn't listen to Gigi about my outfit." I smiled. Gigi tried to force me to wear heels, but something in me wanted to feel comfortable. I knew that Charlie and I would be going sightseeing, and I wasn't sure I'd make it back if I wore heels. I decided to wear a flowy floral dress and sandals. The dress swayed gracefully in the breeze, keeping me cool under the hot Monte Carlo sun.
I was grateful that I had trusted my instincts and ignored Gigi's fashion advice. Charlie seemed to appreciate my outfit too, as he smiled, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. He kissed my knuckles gently. "Tu es belle, heels or no heels," he said, his blue eyes sparkling with sincerity. The gesture made me feel special, and I couldn't help but blush.
The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden glow on the luxurious buildings and yachts that surrounded us. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited me in this glamorous city. As I basked in the dazzling surroundings, I heard the revving of an engine and turned to see a sleek gray Ferrari 812 GTS pulling up. I watch the valet step out from the driver's seat and walk around to hand Charles the keys before opening the passenger door for me. "You're picking me up in style, I see," I said, grinning at him.
Charles smirked, slipping on his shades. The sun's rays were bright, but Charles looked cool and collected with his shades on. "Je ne l'aurais pas d'une autre façon. I know how much you like fast cars."
"Can I drive?" I asked,
Arching his brow questioningly, "Can you even drive?"
I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes, Charles. I can drive. I have a license."
Charles chuckled and shook his head. "Alright then, let's see what you've got," he said as he handed me the keys.
I smiled, taking the keys before he had a chance to change his mind, and swiftly got into the driver's seat. I felt a rush of adrenaline as I settled into the comfortable leather seat of the Ferrari. The car was sleek and sporty, and I couldn't wait to take it for a spin. With Charles in the passenger seat, I started up the engine and revved it a few times as I looked over at him. "Tu as l'air nerveux. Détendez-vous." I smirked, gripping the steering wheel. "Put on your seatbelt." Charles chuckled nervously and fumbled with the seatbelt before finally clicking it into place. As I peeled away from the hotel entrance, I could feel the power of the car beneath me, and I couldn't help but let out a whoop of excitement.
I sped expertly through the traffic, weaving in and out of lanes with ease. The sporty car responded to my every touch, and I felt like a pro behind the wheel. Other drivers honked at me as I passed them, but I paid them no mind. I was in my element, and nothing could stop me. As I zoomed down the highway, I couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline. This was what driving was all about speed, power, and control. This must have been what Charles felt every time he raced; it was an addictive feeling, and I was loving every second of it.
"Car!" Charlie panicked as I drifted expertly away from the oncoming car. My heart raced, but my instincts kicked in, and I swerved just in time to avoid the collision, screeching up to our destination. The adrenaline rush was still coursing through my veins, but it was a feeling that I would never forget. As I parked the car and turned off the engine, I couldn't help but smile. Charlie, on the other hand, was white-knuckled and gasping for air. "Putain de merde," he laughed nervously, "where did you learn to drive like that?"
"Let's just say that when I was in college, I had a thing for street racing." I grinned, stepping out of the car and handing the keys to the valet. "But don't worry, I've learned to control my need for speed since then. Besides, we made it here in one piece, didn't we?"
Charlie nodded, still catching his breath. "Je pense que je suis tombé amoureux de toi." he said with a chuckle, getting out of the passenger's side and taking my hand into his.
I couldn't help but tease him, "Oh vraiment? Did you fall in love with me because of my driving skills? If I knew that was all it took, I'm off to a great start then." I whispered in his ear, giving his hand a playful squeeze.
As I kissed the corner of his lips, Charlie's cheeks flushed as he grinned, cupping my cheek and pulling me in for a deeper kiss. "No, it wasn't just your driving skills; C'est plus que ça, beau," he said between kisses. "It was everything about you. You're crazy and unpredictable." I couldn't help but smile against his lips as we stood there, lost in each other's embrace.
Oh fuck, and here I was thinking that I didn't have any game. It hasn't even been 24 hours, and we're already all over each other in public. But I couldn't deny the chemistry between us; it was exciting and new. I guess I was taking my friend's advice to step out of my comfort zone and try something different. And boy, was it worth it. Who knew I had it in me, maybe I should buy a fucking Ferrari.
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findinginga · 8 months
Sociopath or Criminal...
...she seems to be a sick girl
Reading the first report from PI Lab almost took my breath away given the level of deception in which Ingeborga had been engaging. I grew confident that by revealing the level of detail that had been amassed through direct investigation, especially supported by documentation, Inga would have no choice but to relent and admit that she had been dishonest. I was sincerely taken aback when she immediately went on the offensive and attempted to utilize guilt and projection to regain control of the narrative.
I will admit, she had me on my heels for a few minutes as I attempted to defend myself and the reasons I felt it necessary to employ an investigator. It then occurred to me that I was not dealing with just an ordinary scammer who got caught in her own web. Indeed, I was dealing with someone who was demonstrating a significant pathology and doing it in real time. Rather than be shamed by her behavior, Inga was quick to take the offensive. Inga was completely undeterred by the fear of being caught and not only continued to lie when confronted with the truth, she appeared to receive it as a challenge. It became clear that she was experienced and skilled in deflection, projection and gaslighting.
I admit that I would have been completely justified in ending all contact with Ingeborga the moment I revealed the investigatory findings. There was no need for me to gauge the impact, wait for an apology or endure a long-winded explanation of the events leading to the revelatory moment. Apropos of the moment was the confrontation between Sam Spade and Bridid O'Shaunnessey from the Maltese Falcon:
"I don't care what your secrets are. But I can't go ahead without more confidence in you than I've got now. You've got to convince me that you know what this is all about, that you aren't just fiddling around, hoping that it will all come out right in the end.” (Sam Spade)
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There were lies and there were secrets and I wanted desperately to know what they were and which from which. I was not looking for the epiphany that would allow me to cast my time and justify my expenses as a regrettable misadventure. I was trying to understand why the mother of a 5-year-old would compulsively lie about all manner of verifiable facts. Why would she keep secret her marriage? What was the relationship between her mother, husband and she with at least one internet dating site owned and operated by her husband? Why would a married woman, with a young child, fly off to Paris and to Cabo San Lucas? Were these trips paid for with family money or were these trips for another purpose? How many men were ensnared in the same web as I and abdicated good sense to baser instincts?
Oh, yes, then there was the boob job!
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getosboobies · 4 years
reasons i think matchablossom is or has been canon!
once again, i have become overly obsessive and have throughly analysed each and every kaoru & kojiro scene that we currently have. i indulged and created my own list of “ are they besties or are they banging or both “ but i have decided to share it all with you :))
( keep in mind, i’m a reacher and these are just my interpretations. i will go to any extent to prove myself correct - no matter how unlikely )
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so first of all, we have the fact cherry is the only one we have yet to see at joe’s restaurant after hours. this immediately shows that they are extremely comfortable with each other and spend a lot of time together even when they’re not skating. it also potentially suggests cherry is waiting for joe to go home, maybe a habit they’ve developed over time. before these scenes, the producers always show an image of the restaurants front door which states closed. by showing this frame, it obviously gives the impression it’s important for us to know that it is closed and therefore showings us that joe and cherry’s relationship is more than just some rivalry banta and that they have an established friendship built on trust and time. the creators could have just not shown that it was closed and had us assume that’s they were just good friends who spent time together but they went a whole step further and showed us these two men’s personal lives are somewhat intertwined with one another, showing us that they don’t have large boundaries for each other which would be considered strange in contrast to the “ arguing “ we had previously seen between them. if this isn’t enough for you, in these scenes we also see joes uniform unbuttoned so i take this as even more evidence of how comfortable they are around each other. also ! restaurants tend to close quite late ( avg. 8pm-12pm ) and on all the shots of the closed door, it has been dark outside. why wouldn’t cherry be home at this time settling down or something??? or maybe cherry has a lot of love for joe if he’s willing to wait that long for him to finish work... just sayin’. more on this, i analysed the restaurants design and noticed that the plug in the wall is really low down to the ground. maybe this is just one of joes odd design techniques or maybe it was specifically placed for cherry to charge carla, the concept of which, makes me very happy
keeping on the point of joe’s restaurant, whenever we have seen cherry inside he always sits right in front of the kitchen, this is pretty normal unless you think about 1) how much time he spends there 2) how busy restaurants get 3) he came there while he was with a colleague. we’ve already seen that cherry doesn’t mind coming after hours so why did he come during the day if he knew joe would be busy? this is similar to the fact he came in with his colleague in episode 2 - he obviously wasn’t expecting to be able to talk with joe while he was out for a work meal, so why on earth would he sit right in front of where joe would be, which is situated in a considerably inconvenient table for work meal? what i’ve interpreted from this is that cherry’s must enjoy being in joes presence. cherry canonically having anxiety would explain why he likes being close to someone who he knows well, and that cares for him. being able to see and hear joe so close is perhaps very relaxing for cherry.
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now when i watched sk8 for the first time, i gather the impression that joe was a forgive and forget kinda guy when it came to someone who did him wrong. when we’re introduced to adam it’s evident there is some hostility within joe but this does not nearly compare to the anger cherry showed. when suggesting a beef their intentions seem to be completely different. cherry outrightly admitting to his grudge and anger for adam whereas joe seems to just want to prove a point to adam by winning against him ( i mean look at the image above, their facial expressions show it all ). but i noticed that as cherry would speak about adam, joe’s intentions slowly shifted and became far more serious and full of anger. “ there’s someone i’d like to punch “ is a sentence said by joe in episode 8. this is quite different to what we had seen in earlier episodes of him just wanting to make a point. i think this shift was predominantly when joe found cherry at the ocean view. joe knew how cherry was feeling towards adam BEFORE this scene because he knew where to find him, but the realisation that cherry was standing there, alone, and reliving some of his saddest memories probably hit joe that cherry couldn’t do this alone. therefore stepped up his game and met cherry’s loathing so they could do it together. as far as things go, this is one of the most important things they have done for each other because it shows clearly how devoted they are to each other.
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this is one of the most confusing lines in this show thus far. i’m sure it’ll make sense in the oncoming episodes but i have come to two conclusions. so either adam has created this false reality of what happened and has told himself his evil ways stemmed from joe and cherry or, the more likely in my opinion, adam always felt like he was in need of a partner, a rival but also someone to love. this is displayed in the show in his predatory ways, aka, he wants his own ‘eve’. now there’s no ruling whatsoever that a skater needs any sort of dedicated rival, or skate partner, so i believe adam probably got this want from his peers, for example, joe and cherry. adam seems to believe you need to love your ‘eve’ and it gives me the idea that maybe he saw joe and cherry -in love- and decided that was what he wanted, but then as we know he went about it in an extremely toxic way. the “was it so“ was really hard to interpret, he’s clearly quite smug by the way he shrugs and smiles and shows that he’s very confident about what he’s saying but the question is short and leaves a lot unknown, which suggests why cherry and joe don’t respond. either they are as confused as i am, or they have a slight idea what adam could be suggesting and they feel guilty. we all know cherry and joe aren’t bad hearted people but as adam is insinuating ‘no, you guys parted ways from me first’ it could suggest that joe and cherry had perhaps become closer in high school and had developed a stronger bond than they had with adam and this left adam feeling lost and alone. this is more of a canon compliant headcanon that would make sense rather than a fact but it’s certainly something to think about.
one of the most obvious factors in their relationship is how they always know what the other is thinking or planning. we’ve seen in recent episodes that when cherry was racing, joe knew exactly what his motive was even without discussing it, thats enough information to show how well they truly know each other and how connected they really are. it’s also shown with cherry. when joe is racing, and is going extremely fast towards the corner, we see a frame of miya and shadow being worried for him, but then it shifts to cherry watching and there’s not a spec of worry on his face because he KNOWS what joe is planning and knows he will be fine. they know each other’s techniques better than anyone and it shows they don’t doubt each other’s choices one bit.
we learn right from the beginning that cherry and joe like to argue and fight, at first we think this is because they dislike each other but we learn that they are best friends. so when watching back you notice that none of the insults are ever actually insulting. let’s think about it, the most common insults they use are gorilla, dimwit and four-eyes. now to me, none of these actually seem insulting whatsoever and even if they do like to argue a lot it’s obvious they never ever mean any harm to one another.
from analysing the scenes one of the things i’ve noticed the most is how cherry and joe turn up and leave together. when the cops came during the langa x adam skate they both started to run off together leaving everyone else behind. as we know, they spend a lot of their personal lives together but leaving and turning up together every single time we’ve see them there seems like they’re a bit more attached than i originally thought. there’s a chance they meet before hand but why always that late at night? why aren’t they ever at home alone? unless...they live together. i mean it’s a perfectly valid suspicion right now as we’ve never seen either of their homes and we’ve never seen either of them turn up anywhere alone but either way it confirms they spend an awful lot of time together in general life. going back to my original point of them not only turning up and leaving together but they also never leave each other’s sides. there’s a heap of frames that you can see them standing together watching a beef or even just them talking. they’re literally attached at the hip and nothing makes me happier.
the creators of the show have made countless points to show that joe and cherry have a lot of history. from the school references to the fact they have TRAVELLED THE WORLD TOGETHER. they could have just shown one or two so we know that as a general fact they’ve known each other a long time but they bring it up an awful lot for it to be just a general fact. this being shown so much let’s us know that this is important information and that they’ve obviously wanting to lay down a foundation to bring something crucial up. so far they have mentioned their social studies trip, a school excursion, joes love for haunted houses, holiday to La and the Paris bar they went to. now you might be thinking, oh they were in the same school they probably just went on a trip together nothing confirms they were close, well i am here to prove that statement false. joe said he found cherry’s wallet, this not only shows that joe was close to cherry when he lost it but also that he knew where to find it, showing how well he knew cherry. another point is that legal age to drink in Paris is 18 so unless they had fake ID it’s safe to say this is a trip they’ve done since becoming adults and leaving school. it’s also canon that have gone together, so the fact they’ve been travelling as adults together is quite interesting. same with the restaurant in LA, sounds kinda like a date.
over the course of the episodes we’ve seen so far there has been a few comments they have made to each other that suggest a little bit of jealousy. for cherry, these comments are made in episode 6 in the hot spring. cherry brings up joes love for haunted houses and then joe agrees and says it’s because “chicks get scared and grab onto me” * with a smirk *. now what’s interesting about this is cherry’s response. “you really are a scumbag” this insult feels a lot more insulting than usual and the response itself surprised me. at this moment cherry looks away from joe which is an action people tend to do when they’re hurt or pissed off. either works in this scenario but neither make much sense as we know cherry’s already aware of joes status with girls. so why was he mad? well this was obviously a fond memory of cherry’s and joe replying with a statement about girls probably made him a bit angry because that was supposed to be their memory. but joes smirk with the comment makes me rethink, did he state that on purpose to make cherry jealous? obviously we can’t be sure but the entire encounter left me a bit confused. now onto joes jealousy, in episode 2 dub joe says “dude, you’re talking to a machine?” now in context this seems like joe is partially bewildered by the fact cherry is casually talking to his AI skateboard but he also seems slightly jealous that cherry is talking to carla instead of talking to him. this is one of the only scenes where joes facial expressions actually seem insulted rather than just having a bit of fun. he follows this up with “figured you’d give your board a girls name seeing as you can’t get a real one!” why can’t he get a real one? we hear tonnes of girls screaming compliments at cherry when he turns up so he definitely could get a girlfriend if he wanted, and joe no doubt knows this too, so why would he use it as an insult? i’m not sure what to make of this but it’s got to be a factor somewhere.
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more on the haunted mansion chit chat, the line about chicks grabbing onto joe is quite funny when you look at the entire scene, because as soon as they get jumped they grabbed onto each other in fear. seems a little ironic if i do say so myself.
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they both seem very secluded about their personal lives. cherry more specifically does not like the use of his skate name in his personal life or vice versa. joe is the only one we have seen to be aware or use cherry’s real name. the way joe slips up and calls cherry ‘kaoru’ at “S” shows how close they are and how much time they spend together to be able to accidentally mix up the two parts of their lives. this is just an extra point on how conjoined their lives must really be. in the photo above we see how cherry easily calms joe down when he starts to get annoyed. joe is the only one who knows fully about cherry’s life as emotions and cherry is the same for joe.
now one of the most heart wrenching matcha blossom scenes is when joe finds cherry at the ocean view. i have a lot to say about this so let’s start at the beginning. first of all, joe noticed cherry was missing. it’s not like cherry was there for a massive amount of time, so joe noticing that cherry was gone for even as much as an hour or two really says a lot about the placement they have in each other’s lives. there was really no reason for joe to worry about where cherry was considering they’re grown adults but he continued to go out and find him anyways. this is also set in the late afternoon judging by the sky, whereas the previous scene had been set at night at “s”, so this is suggesting the ocean view scene is on a completely different normal day for them (another factor showing how much time they spend together). next, the fact joe knew exactly where to find cherry. this truly shows how much they know and how connected they are to each other but also how well they understand the others coping mechanisms. cherry was dwelling on memories from 7 years ago and yet joe still knew exactly what he was doing and what he was thinking about. plus cherry didn’t even seem surprised when joe turns up. but one thing i noticed is that in this scene is the way they (in this case, didn’t) hold eye contact. while cherry is faced away, joe is staring at him but as soon as cherry meets joes eyes, joe turns away. either joe didn’t want to be caught staring or joe realised something crucial in that moment. i’ll let your mind decide what that is.
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obviously, miyas comment about joe and cherry being his parents is a light hearted joke just to ruin joes chances of flirting with girls but it also implies that the group can tell that joe and cherry are respectively closer than anyone originally thought and they perhaps have caught on that the tension between them is a little bit too gay to be just a bit of banta. obviously in this scene we then see joe looking at cherry’s legs while a blush clearly intensifies on his face. yeah no, this is self explanatory.
one of the things i like about joe and cherry’s relationship is the fact that within that joe also has a somewhat dynamic with carla. although carla is non-living, there has been several interactions between them. for example the beginning of episode 6 on the boat joe recognises carlas voice immediately. i mean straight off i think it’s suspicious as hell that they all happened to be going there at the same time but the fact joe realised cherry must be there because of the sound of an AI skateboard? that’s impressive. also, at the beginning of the series carla is aware of who joe is when calling joe an imbecile, this shows that cherry has obviously had this modified to specifically refer to joe as joe rather than just refer to him as a general person.
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there was a popular tiktok i saw the other day (if anyone has the username of the person please tell me so i can credit them!!) and it showed the two images above. in these photos it shows joes skateboard and his odd looking wheels. the creator of this video further analysed that these reflect the general outlook of a cherry blossom flower. though the actual wheels in real life don’t look as similar to a flower as they do in the show. but now if this is what they’re meant to look like, this is a really sentimental fact and shows how highly joe thinks of cherry in his skating career. but what about his personal life? well that’s where my analysing comes in. i noticed in the dessert joe makes in episode 5 he had a range of fruits displayed on the top as well as a single flower. this flower looks identical to a cherry blossom. once again the reflection of cherry within joes life makes an appearance. we’ve seen that flowers actually mean something in this show (toxic example but adam’s red roses for langa) so it would make sense for this to actually mean something about their relationship. i studied a range of Japanese desserts and, although every chef works differently, most of the dishes tend to only have a display of fruits and no flowers. so i have come to the conclusion that this dish certainly had some symbolism to cherry in joes life, some way or another.
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so overall, their dynamic already shows that they have a very thin and mistakable line between very close best friends and potential lovers. although some of this was based off personal interpretation the majority is cinematic displays and general facts. so take this and use it however you like. let me know your opinions and other factors you have! for all i know i could be completely disproven with the next few episodes but surely if this many people see a bit more than just a friendship there’s got to be a reason for it.
if we can have one lgbt+ character... why not two more?
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Crashed Dates (Day 2: Scarecrow)
Marinette grins at her boyfriend, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as they walk around the pumpkin farm. It was so nice, finally being able to go on cute dates like this. They’d first started dating while he was in Paris on business, around a year ago. Sure, he’d made trips to Paris and she’d made a few to Metropolis, but it was different now that she had moved to Gotham. Now they were able to go on random, unplanned dates, instead of dates that had been planned for weeks. He was definitely worried when she first told him she was moving to Gotham, but she had reassured him that it would be fine. (Not that she had a choice in the matter, Tikki had informed her on her last trip to Metropolis that Gotham was sick, that it was calling out for help and that as the Guardian, it was her job to help it). Gotham was….interesting, but she’d settled in just fine in the two weeks she’d been there.
And so, when he had called her out of the blue to tell her he found a place he thought she’d love, she made sure she had enough layers and jumped at the chance for a day with him. So far, the day had been absolutely perfect. They’d drank hot apple cider, ate warm donuts, taken a trip around the farm on the hayride- everything was great. But for some reason, her amazingly stubborn boyfriend didn’t want to go into the corn maze. 
“Please! You’ll be my favorite person in the whole world.” She begs again, her grin quickly switching into a pout. She keeps pouting, leaning against his arm, until he sighs.
“Fine, we can do the maze.” He says and she cheers, standing on her toes and tugging him down slightly to give him a quick kiss. 
“You are the best!” She says, over enunciating every word. He just grins, giving her another soft kiss. 
“If we get lost, I’m calling the Demon Spawn to come get us out. Pretty sure he has a tracker on my phone.” Jason says, letting her tug him along towards the maze. She just rolls her eyes, grinning. 
“You know you’re secretly touched that he cares enough to track you.” She teases as they near the entrance of the maze.
“Yeah, yeah.” He grumbles, glaring at the scarecrow situated at the entrance of the maze. Marinette raises an eyebrow. 
“You have a problem with men made of straw?” She asks, legitimately confused by his reaction. 
“Geeze M, I knew you were new to Gotham but I forget how new.” He says, pulling her closer. She melts into him, still confused by his reaction, but happy to be close. As they walk through the maze, frustratingly running into deadends, Jason explains Scarecrow. Marinette decides that he’s number two on the list of villains she never wants to meet. Joker is number one. (Joker is also number one on the list of villains she wants to meet, but that’s because she’s always wondered what it would look like to cataclysm a psychotic clown). She’s just about to suggest they call Damian and utilize the tracker that was, undoubtedly on Jason’s phone, when the screaming begins. 
“There isn’t a haunted house here, is there.” Marinette says, her face pale. She wasn’t ready to be a hero again. She’d only defeated Hawkmoth a year ago. Just before meeting Jason. She didn’t want that part of her life again, not now. 
“No, no there’s not.” Jason says, eyes glancing around wildly. Marinette’s heart breaks at the panic on his face. She knew that, despite his tough guy appearance, he struggled. A lot. He had nightmares, constantly, mostly of the time Joker had kidnapped him (hence the whole, cataclysm Joker thing). Pushing down her own fear and doubt, she tightens her grip on his hand and squares her shoulders. 
“Come on.” She instructs, tugging him behind her as she darts through the maze, determined to get out. She stumbles over a rock and lets go of Jason’s hand in time for her to fall into a larger clearing. She curses as she falls, her palms stinging. 
“What have we here?” A voice says. Marinette sits up, staring up at a man in a scarecrow costume and suddenly, Jason’s fear, or rather, dislike, of scarecrows makes more sense. So much more sense. She glances around and lets out a sigh of relief. She’d let go of Jason quick enough. He wasn’t caught up in this. Hopefully, he could call his father. She wasn’t sure if the rumors about Bruce Wayne and Batman dating were true, but Batman was always quick to interfere if it was a Wayne or Wayne adjacent involved. 
“A girl who’s a little pissed that you crashed her date.” She retorts, standing up and brushing her stinging palms off on her jeans. She’d have to get the blood out later, which would be a pain. Better than having the blood on her palms mix with the dirt that also now covered her hands. 
“You’re either very brave or very stupid, little girl. Let’s see how you deal with my newest strain of fear toxin.” He says, and she lunges towards the man, not willing to go down without a fight. Almost immediately, a sharp pinch on her neck has her stumbling back away from the man as she tries to take in her new surroundings. 
She was back in Paris, but it wasn’t the Paris she had left. The city that was healing. Instead this Paris was underwater. Buildings were toppled over, and the moon was in pieces in the sky. She was back there. A place she hadn’t seen in person since she was fourteen, a place that had haunted her nightmares for ten years. She inhales sharply when she sees him. Chat Blanc. But instead of fear, she’s just angry. This isn’t real. It can’t be. Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir. And Adrien was….turning, she realizes that she can almost see him. Out of the corner of her eye, she can almost see Scarecrow, watching her. Waiting for her to react. Anger coursing through her, she charges the man, tackling him all the way to the ground. She pulls back her fist and punches him, repeatedly. 
“How dare you! How dare you use his face like that! You son of a bitch!” She screams as she hits, the roaring in her ears blocking out all other sounds. She keeps her focus on feeling the man she’s hitting, because the second she lets her focus wander, she gets sucked into her surroundings again. The way the sky just looks wrong. The odd haze over everything. And now, the corpses floating in the water closest to her. Adrien. Maman. Papa. She’s not scared, she’s pissed. Sure, those were her biggest fears and that’s definitely why she was seeing them all like that, but she’d already seen it. She’s lived it. They were gone, not coming back. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to fall down and break about it. Not when some asshole with fear toxin was running around randomly injecting people. Suddenly, something is wrapped around her and she’s pulled up. She kicks frantically, trying to get out of the steel grip she’s trapped in. She had to- what did she have to do? Another sharp pinch in her neck makes her eyes droop sleepily. She struggles again, barely able to hear the voice calling her name as she succumbs to the darkness.
Jason Todd feels like a major prick. He watched his girlfriend trip and instead of helping her up, he uses it as a distraction to try and call B. How the fuck was he supposed to know she tripped right into the Scarecrow? He’s cursing himself mentally as he rushes towards the ambulance. Replacement had texted him. 
Marinette was injected. At ambulances near front of farm
And Jason felt like shit. She’d never forgive him, not that he deserved it. He’d left her with one of Gotham’s biggest villains. His heart sinks when he sees the blood on her, and the oxygen mask attached to her face. Fuck. He’s almost to her, when one of the asshole cops stops him. 
“Excuse me, sir, you can’t go over there.” He says and Jason scowls. 
“Like hell I can’t. She’s my girlfriend, let me through.” He says, and the man shakes his head. 
“Family only.” He states. Jason’s about to argue, when a hand lands on his shoulder. 
“I still need to get a statement from Mr. Todd, if you’ll excuse us.” Replacement says, leading him away from the cop. 
“I left her.” He says, the second they’re far enough away. Tim frowns.
“What do you-”
“I mean, I left her. She tripped and instead of checking on her, I was a complete and total asshole and left her so I could call B to get his ass over here and solve the goddamn problem.” Jason says, feeling like even more of an asshole now that he’s said it out loud. 
“Did you see Scarecrow?” Replacement asks. Jason scoffs. 
“Of course not! You really think I would’ve left if I had?” He asks with a glare. 
“No, I don’t. So stop blaming yourself. I literally peeled her off of Scarecrow, she was beating the crap out of him. She’s gonna be tired and scared and confused when she wakes up. Just be there-”
“Jason!” Her terrified voice echoes out and Jason turns, sprinting for the cot he’d seen her on a minute ago. She had ripped the oxygen mask off her face and was looking around while arguing with the paramedic. 
“Ma’am please-” “Marinette!” Jason calls, and her face relaxes as she leaps off the cot and launches herself into his arms. He holds her as she shakes, sobs wracking her body. 
“I saw them.” She mumbles once she calms down a little. He frowns. 
“Saw who?” He asks. 
“My parents. Adrien. Their bodies.” She says, and suddenly, Jason has another name to add to his kill list. Being a complete asshole to all of Gotham, sure. Making his girlfriend see the bodies of those she’d lost? Nope. Now the bastard better hope he didn’t meet Red Hood in an alley. 
“God, Mari, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry I left.” He apologizes, his heart aching when she pushes him away. She frowns up at him and he winces, certain she’s about to break up with him. 
“Left?” She asks and he nods. 
“When you tripped, I swear, I didn’t know Scarecrow was there.” He says. 
“But you got Batman here.” She says and he jerks back. How the hell had she figured it out? When did she- “I know Bruce said he isn’t dating Batman, but honestly, I think he’s just in denial.” She adds. 
“I- what?” 
“Batman always comes when anyone in the Wayne family is in danger. Like, so quickly. And I know that Bruce says it’s just a bunch of rumors, like the whole ‘the butts match’ thing? But I also think that Batman is head over heels for Bruce, and your dad is just kinda clueless.” She rambles. Jason just laughs before pulling her into a deep kiss. She was okay. They were okay. He pulls back and grins at her, until he notices the blood again. 
“Shit, that’s a lot of blood.” He says, taking her hand in his to try and find the source. He glances at her face and raises an eyebrow at the blush that had taken over her face. 
“Oh, um, it’s not mine.” She mumbles. 
“Then who-” “Apparently I beat the hell out of Scarecrow. In my defense, that fear toxin sucked. And I was kinda pissed.” She says, frowning down at the blood on her hands. Jason takes one of his hands and gently tilts her chin up so that she’s looking at him again. He grins at her, giving her a short, soft kiss before pulling back. 
“I love you.” He says, and if the kiss she gave him in return meant anything, she felt the same way.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Let Me Love You.
CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader AU.
Run-through: Things happened between you and your boss over a weekend recently; while on a business trip. Boundaries were crossed, lines were blurred – rather salaciously. Following this; you decide to resign from your dream job because you couldn’t handle the guilt of having been so unethical. So vulnerable and open. Neither could you handle his burning stare at work, nor the craving of being under him each time you looked at him. So you decide to leave before you ruin your own career and further. But then, your boss shows up at your doorstep – determined to make you realize that this isn’t so bad after all…
Themes: smut, fluff, ceo!bucky (because I miss him)
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You felt awful as you stepped into your apartment.
Sighing as you looked around; thinking about how the job you just quit had paid for this lavish home you owned currently. Removing your shoes by the door, dropping your bag and keys beside them you lazily crossed your spacious living room and stepped into the main balcony.
Given you were high up, the view you had of the city was to die for. The sun was going down, and usually you loved sunsets but you couldn’t appreciate this one as much as you wanted to. You were stressed; now jobless.
You thought back to the past week you had just hustled through. Monday was weird; he avoided you like the plague. Tuesday was the same, except you caught him staring in your direction while in a rather important meeting. Wednesday, he still didn’t say a word – except for his usual demands which being his PA you had to meet. Thursday he didn’t come to work; which then gave you more time to think about everything which happened recently, allowing you more time to feel guilty and weird.
And today, given it was Friday he was the busiest he’s been all week. Yet despite that, he managed to send you looks which spoke volumes even in crowded rooms. And you couldn’t take it anymore. You believed you were someone who wouldn’t be able to mix work and pleasure and find a healthy balance, so for the sake of your own peace of mind; you produced a resignation letter and placed it on his desk when he wasn’t in his office. And you left for the day.
You knew he always lingered at his office for a while longer on Fridays. So you were sure that by now he must have found your letter. You wondered if he felt just as awkward and weird as you did, and if so, then he’d accept your resignation without any hesitation.
You sighed one more time, taking in the cool air and the orange-pinkish sky. You walked back inside and decided that soaking in warm water and essential oils would make you feel a little better. So that’s what you went for.
 Thoughts of him filled your head as you soaked in the warm bath water. Your boss. James Buchanan Barnes; powerful name for an equally powerful man. He was the kind of person you couldn’t forget even if you tried. Respect, fame, wealth, authority, power; he had it all.
And recently, just a week ago, he had taken over you as well…
Friday morning you came to work and found out that you would be accompanying your boss on a short business trip. You didn’t make a fuss, even if it meant sacrificing your days off. The paycheck you received each month made up perfectly well for it.
Paris for weekend, to attend a business conference didn’t sound so bad after all.
“Sir, I’ve just been notified that you’ve cancelled the hotel reservations?” you questioned while scrolling through your mails. While you were just a little confused by this, the man in front of you was clearly not.
Sat across you on the dark seat; well-groomed as always – dark suit, perfect hair, perfect face, strong jaw and strong built. He looked like he could be on a magazine cover. Pure, drop dead gorgeous male. Many of your friends often asked you how you kept your calm and composure around him, and how could you not want to jump his bones all the time. To which you answered; you didn’t see your handsome boss in that light.
But oh did you lie.
You were human. And you did find your boss to be super attractive just like the rest of the world did. But did you do anything about it? No. Firstly, that would be highly unprofessional. Secondly, he was way out of your league. Still, it was hard being around a man this handsome. Knowing he was single and available made it worse.
“I did.” he answered, just as confidently as he did everything else. “It’s just one night, Y/N. We’ll stay at my penthouse.” He stated.
You nodded and replied back to your assistant who had initially emailed you about this sudden change. ‘We’ll stay at my penthouse’…
You had shared residence before. Once you spent the night at his mansion because of work load. Then another time you two shared a cabin while on a trip. Once you shared a hotel room because separate rooms weren’t available. But this, today seemed a little different. And you couldn’t place a finger on what it was.
It didn’t rub you the wrong way or anything. He just seemed so cheery, which was unlike the normally slightly grumpy man. But then again, who were you to question his decisions? So you went along.
You two landed in Paris on Saturday morning. The conference was to be held on the same evening, followed by a formal party of some sort, then the two of you would be making your way back home by Sunday evening. Quite a tame weekend… until it wasn’t.
 Throughout the whole conference, you felt a pair of eyes staring at you from across the room. Meanwhile you were talking to an acquaintance – legal advisor of one of the many businessmen who were attending the same conference as your boss. Steve was a friend of a friend but you two were currently bonding more and more due to work.
And little did you know, that Bucky hated it.
He was watching. He’s always watching you. Not in a creepy manner, in a protective way. As a woman, you were somewhat oblivious to the effect you had on people when you entered a room. You never noticed it, but your boss did.
Bucky knew how every man turned their heads to look at you. How every woman envied you. And it was never about what you wore, or how you did your hair. It was always about how you carried yourself, how you walked so confidently, how you were always polite and proper. And so beautiful.
As much as he liked showing you off, Bucky hated it when he wasn’t the only one who had all your attention. Like right now. He clenched his jaw as he studied how this man approached you. Blonde hair, tall and muscular – Bucky hated him immediately. He hated him a little more after he saw how the guy hugged you; a lingering hug which Bucky never got. Then he hated him a little more when he saw how you dragged your hands down the guy’s arm, refusing to let go of him.
You never touched him like that. Bucky asked someone close by and he was told that the guy you were talking to was someone named Steve Rogers, and he was a lawyer and an acquaintance of yours.
He tried to look away but he couldn’t. Bucky envied the guy talking to you. He didn’t like how close he was standing to you. He didn’t like how he kept his hands at your elbows so gently, caging you, keeping you to himself. He hated it.
 Then he asked you about it on the elevator, as you two made your way up to his penthouse to get changed and ready for the party later.
“You know Rogers?” he asked out of nowhere. His tone just as serious and cold as always.
“Yes. He’s… a friend.” You smiled innocently, thinking back to how you and Steve had successfully broken the ice earlier.
 You each took a room inside his lavish penthouse apartment. You immediately loved the place. You had about two hours before the party so there was no need to rush. You took your time, yet your mind couldn’t help but drift towards how your boss has been acting in the past hours. First he was all cheery and warm, and now he’s back to his grumpy self.
Oh well.
You stepped out of your room just in time, your boss was waiting by the foyer dressed in a signature, all black, 3-piece suit. He looked devilishly handsome.
“You look lovely, Y/N.” He said softly as you walked towards him. You couldn’t help but smile and tried to hide your face by looking down at the marble floor. Before you could recover from his rare compliment, he reached for your hand and walked the two of your towards the elevator again.
You noticed it then. The shift between the two of you.
The party was amazing. Lovely people, lovely music, nice conversations; what more does one need? Then again, you could still feel a pair of eyes on you. At some point, you dared to look up and you made eye contact with your boss.
He was staring with an unreadable expression on his face. You shook it off and went back to the conversation you were currently part of, but you could tell he hadn’t stopped staring at you.
 You two met on the elevator again after the party, on your way up for the night.
“You and Rogers seem close.” He pointed out.
You were surprised at the tone he used – that of disgust and anger. “I don’t understand what you mean.”
He scoffed, then turned to you. “Is something going on between you two?” Same tone as before.
Your eyes widened. “No. No, what makes you say that?” part of you wondered why the hell was he so suddenly interested in your personal life.
“Just asking.”
You couldn’t help it. “Are you alright, Mr. Barnes? You haven’t been yourself in the past-,”
He cut you off abruptly. By backing you into the corner of the elevator, the cold metal pressing against your back as his warm hand held you gently at your waist.
“Am I alright?” he mocked in that authoritative voice of his. “No, Miss Y/N. I’m not alright.” He confessed. “I’m not alright with you being so close to me, yet not being able to touch you. I’m not alright with seeing other men making you smile,” he inched his face closer you yours, “making you laugh, dance with you, touch you like I can’t. I hate it.”
His warm breath fanned your face. And as the metal cage got higher and higher, your heartbeat increased in the same tempo. Racing. Rushing. Your thoughts were a mess. Your body was tingling, he was so close. Too close. And you could feel yourself giving into him already.
And you did eventually.
“Then what’s stopping you?” you asked in a whisper, and you heard his little chuckle under his breath. This could be a wrong idea, but it felt right. You looked up into his piercing stormy blue eyes and you saw it; the hunger, the desire, the need.
You were sure yours mirrored the same emotions. Bucky pulled away just for a second, to press the key to stop the elevator from moving upwards any further. Then he turned to you again. “Can I kiss you?” he whispered against your parted lips, barely touching them with his own but the proximity was enough to make you lightheaded.
You nodded quickly and his mouth was on yours immediately. His lips moved against yours perfectly. He slipped his tongue past your lips and stroked the top of your mouth, driving you crazy. His kiss was just how you imagined it would be; hot, passionate, and exciting.
Your hands found their way into his hair and your fingers ran through his soft locks. He pushed his muscular body into yours even more and you gasped as you felt how close he actually was. His body heat wrapping around you.
His hands slowly reached up and slid the straps of your satin gown down your shoulders, letting it fall and bunch around your waist. He had been wanting to do that all night, especially since he saw you dancing with that guy Steve.
Bucky smirked at the sight of the flimsy, lacy lingerie you had on; which he was sure he could tear off your body in less than a second. And he did, allowing the thin material to fall to the floor. He gently touched you wherever he could; letting his hands linger at your breasts and taking his sweet time; caressing and kissing your skin. His lips trailing down your neck; kissing, licking and biting.
His mouth didn’t leave your skin as his hands slipped in between your legs with ease; caressing your inner thighs as he went. His hand slipped into your underwear with no shame, his knuckles gently stroked your wet folds; making you shiver at his touch. He chuckled upon feeling just how aroused you were. “So perfect…” he whispered.
He ran his fingers up and down your folds, gathering and smearing your arousal around as he went. You whimpered quietly against him; your gown barely covered your body. But Bucky was nowhere near complaining. In fact, he had been thinking about what you looked like under that dress since the first time he saw you this evening.
His hand gently wrapped around your throat. He gave it a little squeeze and an involuntary, playful smile formed on your face. His smirk grew, and so did the fire in him. “Like it when I choke you, huh doll?” he spoke, dragging the tip of his nose along your jaw as his other hand slipped under your skirt and rubbed your clothed core. He couldn’t take it any longer. “I need to have you.” he growled. “Now.”
He pushed his two fingers past your entrance with ease and moaned right in your ear as he felt your wet and warm walls immediately welcoming him in. He curled his fingers inside of you, hitting all the right spots which made you weak in the knees. You bucked your hips against his hand involuntarily, and he chuckled as you moaned out loud while he touched you.
Feeling more confident than earlier, you quickly unbuttoned his pants, palming him through his underwear and feeling his erection. You smirked to yourself as he grunted the moment you touched him.
“I want you…” you mumbled breathlessly. All your worries and overthinking left behind, you wanted him bad. And that’s all you could think of at the moment.
Bucky smirked. He lowered his pants and underwear, then he hurried in pulling down your underwear, letting it all fall and pool around your ankles. You stepped out of it and Bucky picked you up by your thighs and kissed you deeply while holding you between him and the metal surface tightly.
Your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms held on to him tightly. His cock briefly brushed against your wet folds in the process and you whimpered through the kiss. Bucky needed to be in you already, all he wanted was to hear you scream his name as you cum around him. So he wasted no time in aligning his throbbing tip to your dripping wet entrance.
He pushed himself into you; stretching you out. His nails digging into your skin as he held you by your hips, and yours scratching at his shoulders as he filled you up; making you whine and moan as he went. You were both gasping by the time he filled you up entirely. His body didn’t feel as foreign as you expected. You two fit perfectly.
Bucky started rocking in and out of you, without wasting any time. You felt all of him; your walls clenched around his thick cock as he started out with slow strokes and then gradually sped up into you. You felt all of him, the bumpy and the velvety skin of his length. He was perfect as he stroked your walls with his pulsating cock. You were a moaning mess in no time.  
His strong arms supported you up by grabbing you at the curve of your ass; holding you against him, as he sped up into you; showing you how much he missed you. He pushed his head into the crook of your neck and swore under his breath, all while occasionally mumbling how much he loves you and how good you feel wrapped around him.
He fucked you relentlessly; earning more and more moans out of you each time his cock stroked your walls. Your hand slid into his hair and you tugged on it each time he pushed into you. You soon felt the familiar pressure forming; pressing inside you as the familiar warmth spread all over your body. You moaned wantonly.
Bucky nibbled at the skin under your ear and you lost all control you had left. Your thoughts became cloudy and all you could focus on was how his body brought you immense pleasure; your mind a foggy mess. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he buried himself completely in you, and he soon quickened his pace; earning even more moans and mewls from you.
He pounded into you as fast as he could, your back slamming into the wall with each thrust; it hurt just a little. Your body moved along with his like a rag doll. And you never complained once. You could hear the wet sounds that he caused and the sounds of your skin clapping against each other – it was all too sinful.
He moaned right into your ear and the sound sent shivers down your back like it always did no matter where he took you. Your legs started to shake around him as he quickened his pace; pounding into you relentlessly. The pleasure built nicely as he took you higher… and higher… and higher. Until you couldn’t hold back anymore. So, you came undone around his cock; screaming his name in the process.  
And that was one of the many times he made you cum around him that night…
 -End of flashback-
You shivered in the warm water at the thought of him deep inside you; how perfect he felt, and how you never wanted to leave that bed with him in it. But then, you thought about how wrong that was; how you shouldn’t have gotten so intimate and personal with your boss. It was wrong, and unethical and a terrible mistake. But it felt good…
Stepping out of your bathroom, wrapped in a soft robe, you felt chills all over your body. Not because of the temperature, but because it felt as though you suddenly weren’t alone in your home. You panicked for a moment. Your heart racing, your thoughts racing faster.
Then you sensed it.
Sensed him.
He was here.
 “Miss Y/N.” He spoke in that damn voice which could make you drop to your knees in less than a second.
Yet you managed to maintain your composure as you slowly turned around to face him. Realization hit you a little late, and you gasped under your breath when you finally saw him standing in the middle of your bedroom. Your initial reaction was to hug your robe tighter around your body.
He looked flawless and powerful as always. Hands shoved in his pockets; accentuating his broad shoulders. That gorgeous smirk on his face. Flawless hair. Flawless face. Bucky smirked. “Oh don’t hide from me. I’ve seen it all, haven’t I?” he teased so effortlessly.
You felt your face getting hotter under his intense gaze. “How did you… how-,”
He cut off your rambling. “I own the building, doll.” he answered like it was the most obvious thing ever.
Right. Of course he owns your apartment building. He also owns half the city.
There was an air of arrogance around him at all times. And you tried so hard to hate it, but you couldn’t. It suited him; the arrogance, the power, the authority. And he sure knew how and when to use it.
You cleared your throat as you kept your eyes focused on the ground, rather than look into his stormy blues ones because they were a new weakness of yours. “You shouldn’t be here.” You mumbled, not hating that he was here.
He scoffed. “Oh?” he raised an eyebrow at you and took a few steps towards you. You were surprisingly not hysterical about the fact that this handsome man found his way into your home out of nowhere. He walked over to you, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into him.
You had no other choice but to look up into his ocean blue eyes and you could feel yourself melting already. He pulled you closer and leaned in, gently kissing along your jaw repeatedly. You closed your eyes and tried your hardest not to sigh in pleasure or moan as you felt the softness of his lips and the roughness of his stubble altogether.
“I’ve missed you.” he whispered against your skin, stopping for a moment and kissed you at the corner of your mouth. His arms circled around you, holding you close to him. Your arms circled around him as well, slowly. You realized you had missed him as well. His warmth, his voice, his mouth. All of him.
And just like that, he took over your very being again. One touch of his lips and you were under his spell with no intention of making it out anytime soon. “I missed you too…” you whispered breathlessly as he kissed your lips gently.
But those few words from you triggered something in him. An irritation he had carried inside since he saw that letter of yours on his desk. Overflowing emotions he couldn’t handle; due to which he was here in the first place.
“Yeah?” he whispered through the kiss, then slide his hand into your hair and tugged on it to pull your face away from his. He clenched his jaw as he looked down at you. He was conflicted, should he be mad that you even dared to think you could just leave him, or should he just fuck some sense into you? “Yet you dared to leave me your resignation with no warning?” Oh. “Huh? Is that how it is now, you think you get to decide everything?”
Oh. So he was mad.
“I didn’t mean-,”
He kept going. “Shut up, babygirl.” He spoke softly. “Now you listen to me,” he inched closer, gently biting your lower lip, “You’re not leaving me. You’re not resigning. You’re not going anywhere.” He stated, then pulled away to look at you again.
There was a fire in his deep blue eyes. “We can’t keep doing this.” You tried to come up with something. An excuse. You were looking for an excuse.
“Why not?”
“It’s wrong.”
He scoffed and then smirked again. “Is it? Does being with me feel so wrong to you now, huh?” he cooed, knowing it was only a matter of another minute or two before you give into him. “That wasn’t the case this past weekend, was it?” He moved the two of you backwards, towards your bed in the middle of the room.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to resist him for too long now. But you still tried, in vain. You sighed loudly, wrapped in his strong embrace. “You’re my boss.”
He chuckled. “I know that.”
“What?” he questioned, already untying your robe as he stopped at the end of your bed.
“You know what. How are we supposed to be professional at work if we’re sleeping together?” you asked.
He smirked looking down at you. “Then let’s not be professional.”
You sighed again. “It’s-,”
He cut you off with a kiss again, sliding your robe down your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. “Shh.” And just like that, you melted under his touch. “It’s okay babygirl, let me take care of you.”
He pushed you down on your bed and held your stare as he undressed himself; smirking as he watched how you grew more and more desperate with each item of clothing he took off. He hovered on top of you in no time.
Bucky lowered his face; pressing his forehead onto yours gently, while he pushed his erected cock past your tight entrance. You moaned out loud as he did. He grunted once he filled you up entirely, and he gave you a couple of seconds to adjust.
You were so full of his thick cock that even forming a proper thought seemed impossible at the moment. You shuddered as you felt all of him. His lips found yours again, attempting to get you to stay quiet while he rolled his hips against yours.
He removed himself and pushed himself back into you, and watched in awe how you struggled to adjust to his size. He lowered his face again, and leaned into your ear. You heard him panting and swearing under his breath as he rocked into you. Your nails sank into his skin, around his shoulders; which you held onto for dear life as he pounded into you.
“Thought you could just leave me, huh? Thought I would let you?” he mumbled right in your ear as he fucked you relentlessly. “You thought I would let you go? Let someone else touch you, pleasure you, fuck you like this? Did you babygirl?” he growled. “Answer me!”
You whined, throwing your head back and moaning at how good he felt. “No… please I didn’t-” you were breathless. You tried matching his thrusts but were unable to; so you simply let go. Your body moved against his like a rag doll.
He growled at how your walls clenched around him. “What? You didn’t what? You didn’t think I’d come back looking for you? You thought I would just let you go because you asked for it?” he accidentally let out a moan, followed by swear words. “You think you make the rules here, doll?”
He reached up and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him. His blue eyes were wild and fierce; staring deep into your soul. His gaze made you tremble in pleasure. He looked so powerful. Broad and strong, hovering above you, his cock buried deep in you. Looking down at you like he owned you.
He kissed you, bit your skin, kissed your open mouth while he rammed into you; and you never complained once. Given his size, he stretched you out completely. And it did hurt, but the pleasure compensated for the pain.
Your legs trembled as you lifted them up to wrap them around his waist. This allowed him to thrust deeper into you, and in the haze he was in, he managed to mumble right in your ear about how good you felt. He was relentless, as though each moan, each mewl which left your lips only encouraged him to get more and more rough.
 At some point, right when your walls started clenching around him and when you were just about to come undone; he removed himself from you and flipped you onto your stomach and pulled you onto your knees by your hips. He kissed the back of your neck and pushed himself inside you again. You felt his hard body press against the curve of your ass as he filled you up again.
You moaned out loud at the new sensation of him rocking into you from behind. Bucky’s hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm of his hand against your lower abdomen. He liked the thrill each time he felt himself thrusting deep within you.
His hand travelled all the way to your throat and he bent down to whisper in your ear, “Can you feel me deep within you?” he boasted as he gently squeezed the side of your throat. But hard enough to make you lose your mind.
“Please…” You could only moan and whimper in response while he kept pounding into you incessantly. You felt him quicken his pace as he chased his own orgasm. And finally he let you, and you came undone all around him – moaning his name out loud.
You woke up an hour later, the sky was darker and you felt a lot better than you had all week. You turned to your side and found your handsome boss passed out next to you. A smile formed on your face involuntarily.
“Don’t just look, you can touch too.” His gruff voice spoke up a second later, his eyes still closed. You chuckled and snuggled closer to him.
“So what now?” you asked, wrapping an arm around his bare torso. His body heat was something you were quickly getting used to.
He took a deep breath, smiled and lazily reached over to place a kiss on your forehead. “Now you let me love you.”
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Truth / Lies
Bio!Dad Bruce
Bio!Dad Masterlist ~~~ Ao3 ~~~ First ~~~ Previous ~~~~~~~~~~
Marinette slipped out of the apartment early the next morning. She ran through the city, the early morning air stung her skin, waking her up more with each step.
Last night was a whirlwind and she didn't let herself think about it. But now she was.
Three months, almost four.
She has only known she was a Wayne for four months.
If this had happened sooner. She shuddered at the thought, yet it still flitted across her mind. She would have married her brother had this happened sooner.
Would she have recognized Damian from the 10 seconds she spent looking at his photo that day. No, she wouldn't and that thought terrified her. If it happened before then, she wouldn't even know she had a brother.
Would Bruce have recognized her, maybe, but then again that was assuming he knew what she looked like. And knowing what and how this happened, they wouldn’t have even met until after the fact.
She didn't even realize she had made her regular circuit until she was back in front of their apartment building. She opened the door and made her way up.
Hopefully Tim was gone, and they wouldn't need to explain last night.
She opened the door and there was not only Tim, but also Dick, Jason, and Bruce. At the table was a statuesque Damian.
"How much did they get out of you?" She tentatively asked.
"They threatened to call Manhunter." Was his answer.
Okay they know nothing, but oh no, oh no, oh no. She sat next to Damian turning into statue number two.
"Mini, the two of you disappeared last night what happened." Dad tried to stay calm, but his patience must have been tested by Sol already.
"Two truths, one lie." She side eyed Damian.
"We were in Nanda Parbat." Damian started.
"We avoided one mind numbing wedding." Marinette continued.
"The order has a larger moral back-bone than the league."
"You two aren't seriously playing this game to stall, are you?!" Tim seemed close to a mental breakdown. Then again, he hasn't slept in a week, so them disappearing may be the straw that broke him.
"Nanda Parbat and the league are tied so 1 and 3 are true." Jason figured.
"I would agree if this wasn't the second time, they said they avoided a wedding." Tim sighed.
"But it doesn't add into any of the others." Dick added.
"This morning their excuse was they were avoiding a wedding." Tim supplied.
"The truths are 1 and 2." Dad spoke definitely.
"Care to fill in the rest of the class B." Jason scoffed.
"Mini looks down for a fraction of a second when she lies, and she didn't when she said 2. Leaving 1 or 3 as the lie. Damian doesn't have a tick but using what he said 1 is true." He explained.
"There is no way for them to make that round trip in such a short time." Dick thought aloud. "Unless the order is filled with magic users. Meaning it is possible. And kidnapping kids could count as a lower moral backbone."
"Okay, so you're right, but kidnapping isn't the reason the League has a larger moral compass." Marinette assured.
"Do we want to know why the League of fucking Assassins has a larger moral backbone than an order of supposedly good magicians?" Jay was the one to speak the question on everyone's mind.
"Well if not saying or attempting to stop marrying two underage people is any indication." Damian scoffed.
"I honestly think it was their idea in the first place." Marinette mused aloud.
"Please for the love of god tell me you two weren't the ones getting married." Tim finally put it together.
"We avoided one hell of a headache inducing wedding. What do you think." She confirmed exasperated.
In a second (4) Errors could be seen on the faces of their family.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" Dad was the first to recover, but his voice was eerily level, scarier than his even tone as Batman.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Neither of them put up a fight, doing exactly as they were told. Not 20 seconds later all six of them were back in the middle of the League of Assassins following a clearly pissed off Bruce Wayne.
Thank kwamii that everyone else seem to know exactly where they were going in this compound because she sure didn’t. She walked right next to Damian the entire time and they were both watching their fathers back.
Twist and turns one after another and they finally came to what she can only describe as a throne room. When she saw the piece of shit that is Damian's maternal grandfather once again.
"Ra's." Was all her father stated. It is no exaggeration when she says that the color drained from that man’s face. She apparently wasn’t the only one contemplating exactly what had gone down last night. And the inevitable reaction of her family. What she failed to notice however, but her father didn’t was next to him was the same monk, still there. "Name." He ordered.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce growled in that instant she stopped breathing.
"Holy shit did Bruce just..." Jason stage whispered to Dick. However, she still couldn’t breathe and just watched the exchange. If she didn’t know her father’s rule to not kill, she would think he would be about to kill both Ra's and Su-Han, but she did know that rule. She’s pretty sure her father my break it though.
Bruce immediately was in a state of shock.
As Batman he had contingencies and plans in place for everything and anything. But this, this never was a probable scenario ever.
Once his shock faded, he saw red, he was absolutely livid. Children, his children, were almost married, for what. A feud that neither knew even existed.
"Mini how long will it take to get to the league with Kaalki?" His voice was dead even, attempting and failing to keep his anger in check. Thank God Hawkmoth was no more.
"Instantaneously, but someone who knows it better should be the one opening the portal." She responded quickly.
"Give the glasses to your brother. Damian open a portal."
Mini handed Damian the glasses, who immediately opened a portal. He walked through with his kids in tow, but he did not stray from his warpath. He found Ra's and another man, who wore the symbol on Mari's box.
"Ra's." Was all he said, knowing he had the man's attention the moment he entered. He showed no attempt to be bored. or uninterested. In fact, if it didn't seem impossible, Bruce would go so far as to say he was scared. He then looked over at the second man. "Name." He spoke again.
"Su-Han." He still spoke with dignity, but fear crept into his voice and stance.
"What the fuck did you try to do to my kids." Bruce demanded.
"It is not like you to visit." Ra's seemed to dance around his question.
"Why my kids?!" His voice rose and patience dwindled. So much so he didn't notice his two youngest slipped out of the room. While the older three seemed to be eating cookies and pastries, watching the show.
"Them being related was an unforeseen factor." Su-Han answered. "For there to be peace the two organizations needed to be unified."
"And both of you rubbed your cumulative two brain cells together and thought marrying two kids together is a valid response."
It was Ra's turn to speak. "Both of your children happen to be the next in line to command both respective organizations. Marriage was simply a contract between the two individual organizations to maintain peace. Although that failed to occur."
"Why did marriage come before I don't know, a god damn Peace treaty." He stopped to breathe.
"Given our history." Su-Han tried to make a point, but he didn't let him.
"You want history, I hear they have been around since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Babylonian Empires."
Both men stood there seemingly trying to formulate any response that could work. “Marriage was the most reliable method to promote unity between the two.”
"Bullshit, you both wanted something quick and easy." An explosion was heard in the compound, sending Ra's into a fighting stance. "You both wanted to make it their responsibility to keep the peace. And when it would fail you would use it as an excuse to return to fighting one another."
A full minute of pure silence when no one so much as moved drawled on. Until the doors opened, and in walked his children, as a fox and a horse with two Kwamii in front of them.
"Are you two the ones responsible for the explosion?"
They looked at one another, then back at him. Damian was the one who answered. "Yes."
"What did you four do?" He asked, although he only did so more out of obligation than curiosity.
"We may have destroyed all the Pools of Miracles." Tikki flew forward and answered.
"You destroyed the Lazarus Pits / Pools!" Was shouted by Ra's and Su-Han.
"Yes, so it's magic cannot be further twisted." Mari stood firm.
"And for the monks to stop using it to extend their lives." Damian added.
"Can I spite them now?" A cat Kwamii he never met before asked him.
"I should be more disappointed, but I'm not." He sighed. "Go on ahead."
"Pigtails your family is the best." The cat cheered. "Now for you two."
The best way to explain what he did was that he phased through each of their hearts and floated on back. The entire time he were a grin that rivaled the cheshire cat.
"Plagg, what did you do?" Tikki tentatively asked.
"What's the fun in telling you now. Plagg cackled. With that they all left, back to Paris. Never mess with his kids, because one they can God damn take care of themselves and two, he may not kill but he will supervise if even one of them is hurt.
~~~~~~~~~~ Taglist: @mochinek0 @justafanwarrior @abrx2002 @ranger-gothamite @fantasiame @moonystars14 @mochegato @bigbeautifulandfullofsugar @maribat-is-lifeblood @iglowinggemma28 @miraculous-ninja @talutah0 @vixen-uchiha @danielslilangel @witchsblackfox @pawsitivelymiraculous @lizziejay @marinettepotterandplagg @colorfulmongerpsychicranch @dast218 @sassakitty @miyla-lokidottir @lilkymilky @tazanna-blythe @tired-butterfly @lozzybowe @smolplantmum @queencommonsense @loopingtangent @chez-pezeater @paintedhope7 @technicallyburninggarden @meme991001 @wannajointhecrabcult @melicmusicmagic @trippingovermyfeet @greatcatblaze @fidget-eep @miraculouslydumb @iamablinkmarvelarmy @laurcad123 @hauntedwintersweets @fc-studios @fusser90 @madking-warqueen @buginetye @little-lady-bird @thebooki3h @iamabrownfox @galla02006 @syrencall @gimpedmercy
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Double Date
(a blurb from the Flatmate series)
…in which “I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel second to you.”
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Word count: 2.4k
This is inspired by the song ’gold rush’ from Taylor’s new album ‘evermore’. This song reminds me so much of the flatmate babiesssss.
Harry didn’t believe in his own ears.
His flatmate?
Going on a date?
No way.
But why would she lie about that? And he knew she hadn’t made that shit up, because the guy existed, and Harry had spoken to him and seen Y/N have a conversation with him several times before. However, never would Harry have thought that the two of them would go on a date. He couldn’t even imagine them holding hands. It was just bizarre. Also, Y/N never went out, and she hated people. Did she know that ‘dating’ required being around a person all the time? It would never work.
“You’re going on a date?” Harry asked as he followed her into the kitchen.
“No,” she answered flatly.
“Okay, then can I come with?”
“No!” cried Y/N as she shoved him aside to get to the fridge.
Harry huffed like an angry child as he leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. “If he’s just a friend, why can’t I come with you?”
“Because it’d be weird! You don’t know my friend.”
“Not true. I had two classes with him last semester.”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?”
Harry’s mouth froze as he opened it and realised he didn’t know the answer. Y/N shut the fridge door and started drinking her milk slowly with an eyebrow raised, waiting for the answer that he didn’t have.
“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “Who the fuck cares what his name is? It’s shady that you don’t want me to hang out with him.”
“He didn’t invite you.”
“But he wouldn’t mind if you did because we’re all friends, aren’t we?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t comment and just brushed right past him. Harry knew it was her way of ending the conversation, so he hurriedly followed her out of the kitchen. She flopped down onto the couch and he came to sit beside her. She grabbed the remote to turn the telly on. He snatched it away, forcing her to stay in the conversation. He wasn’t going to let this end so easily. His need to win all the time was his most toxic trait, according to Layla. But oh well, nobody’s perfect. He had to have at least one flaw.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“No.” Y/N scrunched up her face and reached for the remote. Harry immediately sat on it. “Hey!”
He ignored her reaction. “Then why don’t you want me to go with you and your ‘friend’ to this concert?”
“It’s not a concert. It’s an acoustic night at a cafe.”
“I still wanna go.”
“You’re annoying.” Y/N aggressively hugged a pillow to her chest and turned away from him.
Harry felt guilty. He might have said too much. If he was aware of him being annoying, it must be worse for her. And he never wished to upset her. He just didn’t want her to go on this ‘not really a date’ date.
“What if I bring someone?” he asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N glared at him. “Like...a girl?”
“Or Niall.” He shrugged. “Depends.”
He expected her to be jealous or at least showed that she was jealous. To his disappointment, she gave a nonchalant shrug and said, “Okay.”
“Okay I can go if I bring someone?”
“Sure, then you’ll have someone else to annoy.”
Harry chuckled as he looked at her while she looked somewhere else. “You could be so mean sometimes.”
She rolled her eyes and gave a smirk. “Thank you.”
AJ. That was Y/N’s date’s name.
Why would anyone want to name their child AJ? It was like his parents didn’t even try. Harry hated to be an arsehole. Well, not really. But yeah, he fucking hated this dude.
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this,” Layla mumbled and shot Harry a glare as they followed AJ and Y/N to their table.
“It’d be embarrassing if I’d gone with Niall,” Harry whispered to Layla as they took their seats facing the other two, who were too caught up in their conversation to pay attention to all this shady whispering.
“Just pick another one from your long list of hoes,” Layla said.
“Well, I don’t want to make anyone think I’m taking them on a date.” He flashed her a smile. “So I picked you.”
Layla rolled her eyes and picked up the menu. “Wait. They don’t have anything with alcohol?” she asked aloud.
“Try this vanilla drink. So you wouldn’t be so fucking bitter all the time.”
Layla smacked Harry on the arm for his comment. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Y/N holding back a laugh by biting her lip. If only she knew how cute she looked tonight wearing that babydoll dress and her hair up in a ponytail. He wanted to tell her, but it’d be weird, wouldn’t it? They never complimented each other. And knowing how anxious he’d get, he’d probably say some dumb shit like comparing her to a ghost or something.
“The drinks aren’t the best,” AJ said after the waiter had left with their orders. “But the music is great. My favourite band is playing tonight.”
“Oh, what’s the band’s name?” Y/N asked.
“The Muse.”
“Never heard of them,” Harry said nonchalantly and received a glare from Y/N. He gave her a subtle shrug.
“Well, they’re a small band. But they’re great,” AJ said, smiling.
Layla tapped Harry on the shoulder and leaned in to whisper to him, “He’s handsome and respectful. You don’t stand a chance.”
“You don’t think I’m handsome and respectful?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow.
Layla scoffed. “Handsome, yes. But you’re a hoe.”
Harry was so used to Layla’s sense of humour, he didn’t find these comments offensive at all, just funny, and kinda true. He was far from a saint. “Is that coming from a certified hoe?” he jokingly asked.
Layla smirked and pushed his face away. “Shut the fuck up.”
Harry let out a laugh, shaking his head. When he looked up, he caught Y/N staring. She turned away as quickly as she could but was unable to hide her blushing. Had she been checking him out? He wasn’t complaining. It was flattering, to say the least. With her date sitting right there.
He flinched and turned back to Layla. “What?”
“Stop looking at AJ like he murdered your cat. You’re being embarrassing right now.”
“We’re not actually on a date, Layla.”
“I know.” Layla sighed. “That’s why I’m tolerating you.”
Their drinks were served just in time the opening act - a lady singing Taylor Swift songs - ended, and the main act arrived. Four men stepped on the stage and started setting up their instruments. The main singer introduced themselves as The Muse, and the first song they were going to sing had some weird symbolistic name that Harry forgot as soon as he’d heard it. He was too busy watching Y/N. AJ whispered something into her ear, making her giggle and Harry’s blood boil.
He was most familiar with that laugh. He’d made her laugh like that all the time. Well, yes, it was kinda weird to be gatekeeping someone’s laugh. But the fact that Y/N found this boring bloke funny made Harry’s skin crawl.
Suddenly, Harry caught Layla’s warning stare, so he swallowed his jealousy and took a sip of his coffee, which had already got cold.
The Muse sang two or three songs in a row and interacted with the audience in between little breaks. Meanwhile, AJ entertained Harry, Y/N, and Layla with his boring stories about his academic achievements. Also, he kept bragging about him being able to cook. We get it, Ratatouille, Harry thought. Go open a restaurant in Paris or something!
What Harry found more annoying than this guy having all the qualities a woman would look for in her future husband, was the fact that Y/N was completely infatuated. If she was just being nice, she should win an Oscar for Best Actress.
“Question,” Layla whispered to Harry when AJ and Y/N were lost in their own world again. “Will I be your plus one to their wedding?”
“Shut up,” he scoffed.
Layla shrugged. “I hear wedding bells ringing. Don’t you?”
Fuck bells. Fuck weddings. Fuck AJ. Fuck Layla. Harry wanted to say fuck Y/N, too. But he had a crush on her so he couldn’t hate her. Fuck this whole place. Fuck everyone except for his Y/N.
“Would any of you like to come on stage and perform with us?” asked the lead singer of The Muse.
“Ooooh, this is my favourite part!” AJ said, his green eyes twinkling.
Fuck this dude, Harry thought bitterly, for being handsome.
“You’re gonna sing?” Y/N asked AJ.
“Nah, I suck at singing,” AJ said. “I play the drums, though.”
“I bet you do,” Harry muttered, but it seemed like everyone had heard him. He responded to Y/N’s questioning look with an awkward grin.
“What about you, Harry?” Layla suggested, obviously wanting to start some shit as always. “Would you like to sing?”
“Harry can’t sing,” Y/N said quickly.
Harry blinked at her in surprise. “Hey, I can sing. It’s just I don’t want to.”
“Oh, it’d be fun.”
“No, thank you, AJ,” Harry said between gritted teeth.
AJ looked quite offended. Fortunately, Layla came for the rescue. “I’ll do it,” she shouted with her hand raised. Everyone broke into applause as she got up and made her way to the stage.
“Can she sing?” Y/N asked Harry.
He sighed and lifted his shoulders in a half-shrug. “We could only hope.”
Layla strutted up the steps and waved at Harry, Y/N, and AJ. Suddenly, her heel was caught by a wire, and she tripped, falling headfirst into the lead singer. She knocked them both right off the stage against one of the tables and had the drinks spilt all over them.
Harry was frozen in shock until Layla’s cries snapped him out of it and sent him to his feet as he rushed up to help her.
“You got drunk on vanilla?” Harry asked while trying his best not to laugh at Layla being covered in strawberry smoothies.
“Shut the fuck up!” she cried. “I wanna go home!”
“Is she okay?” Y/N asked.
“No, bitch. Do I look okay to you?!”
“I’ll take her home,” Harry said, helping Layla up and receiving angry looks from the other band members, who were checking up on their friend. The lead singer didn’t break any bones. Thank God. Sighing, Harry turned back to Y/N and AJ. “You two...stay. Carry on with your date. Don’t worry about us.”
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but AJ didn’t let her. “No, we can’t just stay when Layla’s hurt,” he said, eyeing Layla up and down in concern. “You live in the dorm, right?”
“So do I. I’ll take you home.” To Y/N, AJ said, “I’m sorry, Y/N. Next time?”
Y/N pressed her lips into a smile. “Sure. Drive safe, all right?”
“He seems nice,” Harry said as he walked home with Y/N. She’d been so quiet since they’d left the cafe, he was afraid she was mad at him or something.
She gave a nod. To his surprise, she said, “I’m sorry about Layla.”
He gave a dismissive wave. “She’ll be fine. That was probably karma for pushing Liam off the stairs.”
Y/N looked horrified. “On purpose?”
Harry shrugged. “We don’t know. Possibly. I mean, it’s Layla.”
They both laughed together and suddenly went quiet.
“I’m kind of mad at you, though,” Y/N said after another moment.
“Why?” Harry chuckled.
“You shouldn’t have asked to come with us.”
“You said I could if I brought someone.”
“Yes, I didn’t think you’d bring Layla,” she said and rolled her eyes. “Are you two like...hooking up?”
“Ew no, she’s like a sister to me. An awful one.” He laughed and nudged her with his shoulder. “Why? Are you jealous?”
She glared at him. “No. But you two are both attractive. It’s weird that you don’t find each other attractive.”
“You think I’m attractive?” Harry smirked, loving how quickly her face turned red.
“I mean, conventionally attractive.” She cleared her throat, refusing to look at him as they spoke. “Your hair’s always so nice. It falls into place like...dominoes…”
“Dominoes?” Harry chuckled. “Aww, someone’s flustered. Just say you have a crush on me.”
“No,” Y/N said timidly, as if she was unsure. “But...you should stop teasing me like this.”
“Why? It’s fun. I like teasing you.”
“People would think I have a crush on you for real.”
Harry maintained his nonchalant expression, but the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy. “You don’t?” he asked with mock surprise. “And what’s wrong with people thinking you have a crush on me? Everyone has a crush on me.”
That was meant to be a joke. Harry didn’t expect a serious answer from Y/N.
“I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel like they’re second to you. Because sometimes I–” Her mouth clamped shut. She squeezed the strap of her handbag and walked a bit further away from him.
Harry found it amusing. “You what?”
“Y/N, you can’t just say something and never finish it.”
Y/N gave him a glance, biting her lip. “Sometimes I feel like...I care about you too much. It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Why’s caring about me makes you uncomfortable?” He smiled, unable to hold it anymore.
She said nothing and only walked faster to get ahead of him. Harry sped up and fell into steps beside her again as he cleared his throat into his fist. “Just so you know,” he said slowly. “I care about you a lot, too. Don’t worry.”
She didn’t look at him, but he could see her cheeks turning red. He loved it. Her shyness when she was around him made his heart swell. Maybe that was why he enjoyed teasing her. He wanted proof that he could make her feel something, no matter how insignificant it was.
“Okay,” was all she said.
It made him laugh. “You’re being mean.”
“Only to you,” she replied.
“Good,” he said, hoping she’d heard him.
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Last Minute
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Pairing: August Walker x Reader
Prompt: Someone write me a pic where you somehow convince August Walker, your next door neighbor, to babysit to you dog/cat whenever you’re away. Then one day you come back from wherever the hell you went to, he slips up and says “Our son/daughter missed you.”
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: Mentions of nudity and the morning after, implied sexual activities
A/N: This is a Christmas present for the wonderful @raspberrydreamclouds​ who also wrote the prompt. I hope you enjoy!
A/N 2: I decided to give my own dog, Paris, a chance to play a starring role in one of my stories. She’s definitely a character.
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Shimmering rays of gold slipped into the room on the gentle morning breeze. August had woken up a short while earlier to find that the spot beside him on the bed was cold and empty. He had been retired from his life as the Hammer for a few years now. The skills of observation that August had prided himself had completely vanished as soon last night’s romp slipped into his life. The only thing that comforted him was the fact that he could hear the shower turning on. With a groan, the blue-eyed devil removed his legs from where they were tangled up in the sheets and rose to his feet.
Where he had expected to feel the clothes that had been discarded from his latest tryst, August had only felt the cool wooden floor. Glancing around, he noticed that his clothes had been folded up and placed on the dresser. He could just barely remember a soft voice teasing him about making a mess. His arms reached out above his head as he yawned before one of his hands scratches down through the fur on his chest. It just narrowly misses brushing up against his impatient cock. The man remained perplexed while racking his head for the memories of last night.
He chuckled and just then he heard a tender lilt steaming out from the bathroom.
“Hold me close and hold me fast”
This voice was incredibly familiar to him, yet August couldn’t place where he had heard it before.
“The magic spell you cast.”
He couldn’t refrain being drawn into it like a ship in the night. He needed to know who this angel was.
“This is La vie en rose”
Steam seeped out from the cracked doorway as he crept closer.
“When you kiss me, heaven sighs”
The former agent slowly pushed the door the rest of the way open carefully so he didn’t alert his songbird.
“And though I close my eyes”
The glass of the shower door was all fogged up and August could scarcely make out the curve of her breast. Who was she?
“I see La vie en rose”
Her face turned away from the door and he leaned up against the doorframe, content with listening to her siren song. The mystery woman continued to hum the rest of the song as she swayed under the warm water. As if she was listening to his prayers, she slowly turned around. One glance at her face and the bewhiskered man saw that it was you. With a crook of your finger, you drew him closer to your heavenly body. August reached out to open the shower door and-
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A sonorous snort yanked August away from your teasing ways. He immediately sat up and searched his bed for your sleeping form; however, he had the rude awakening that his visions of you were just an incredibly realistic dream. He only found your mutt happily snoring away belly up in the middle of his bed. The blue-eyed devil ran a hand down his face as he glanced at the sun just rising in the distance. Scratching his mustache, August considered his options. Option one consisted of moving the snuffling mutt that had stolen his bed from him, but the chances of waking the needy pup up were high. He wasn’t particularly in the mood for getting attacked with affection this early.
Option two was abandoning his bed for a dog free couch, yet he had a feeling the pup would trail after him. She was rather attached to him which is why you had asked him to watch her. When August had moved in a few years ago, the clingy dog had gotten off her harness and ran all the way back to your townhouse. She happened upon August as he was sitting outside and instantaneously attached herself to his lap. Normally, dogs could sense that he wasn’t the best of men around and would leave him be. This mutt, your little Paris, had decided the former agent was the best person to run to.
Now he had seen you with her a few times and knew that this rascal was never allowed outside with her harness. So when she happened to be outside sans harness and running around freely, August immediately knew he had a runaway pup. By the time you had finally arrived back to your townhouse, which happened to be right next to his own, you were noticeably in tears with the harness and leash in hand as you called out for her. Paris had decided to not even stir from where she decided to rest on his lap and the bewhiskered man had decided it was better to wait for you to return.
He was never good with tears especially when they came from a pretty lady. Even stranger in that moment he wanted to perhaps be the reason the stopped. It was a puzzling thought. August called over to you and let you know that he had your runaway pup. Your cries immediately stopped and you ran towards him, thanking him profusely. Once you had the naughty dog back on her harness, you had hugged him. Given that he was just recently retired from his life as the Hammer, John Lark, and all the other names he went by, August had distinctly noticed how your body seemed to slot up just right against his.
Thinking back, he had never received a hug or any commendation for any of the various contributions he made to his country’s security. It shocked him at first and then it was over before he could even get used to it. You thanked him profusely and in that moment he realized he wanted to hear your voice say his name any way he could get you to. This is the very reason why he had agreed to be your saving grace when your usual sitter had backed out. By this point, he had spent some time getting to know you; there had been a few dinners at each others places and trips to the movies. You had made him welcome in his new home and he didn’t want to mess this up like he had in the past.
August wanted to fuck you of course, it had been awhile since he had the pleasure of someone other than his right hand. But, it was your personality, your beliefs, your way of giving love to those who needed it most, that had really drawn him in. You had rescued Paris and had rehabilitated her and his troubled soul wanted you to do the same for him. You had a lightness in you, an innate goodness, that reached out and soothed the tattered remains of his dark heart. The former secret agent found himself actively seeking you out when he felt he hadn’t seen you in a while. He wanted to spend as much time in your presence as he could.
Granted this desire led to him watching the mutt which he was definitely handling well. It was just a dog after all, a very needy, attached to his hip, dog. Another obnoxious snort broke him from his reflections. It had only been one night so far and he only had three more days of this. He could do this and prove to himself that he doesn’t destroy everything good in his life. It was then he noticed how high the sun was in the sky and decided it was best to get started with his first full day with the mangy mutt. With a slight groan, August rose from his bed and made his way to the kitchen. He was going to need all the caffeine he could get to handle this overexcited bundle of fuzz.
After two cups of coffee, he had deemed himself ready to take the ball of fluff out for her morning walk. The man prayed to whatever was out there that the mutt wouldn’t get off her harness. He really did not have to call you and let you know that he had lost your dog. That would not bode well for his plan of a future with you. The pup was easy enough to wrangle into her harness as soon as he mentioned the magic word walk. August had to laugh at how fast her tail was wagging at the prospect of going out. He was certainly beginning to understand the appeal behind owning a dog.
The two slipped out of the house and into the cold morning air. He allowed the dog to lead him wherever she wanted to go. She seemed eager to sniff various spots along the way and walk at a leisurely pace. It was refreshing to be out in the open air like this even if he was stuck there with the mutt. The rest of the walk continued without issue that was until she caught the scent of home. The poor thing tried dragging him back to her home, but August stood his ground as she whimpered. The sound just might have broken his heart when he realized for the first time that she missed you probably much more than he did.
“Paris! Puppy! You see here, Paris. I miss your mommy too. Luckily you only have to be without her for a few days. Alright pup? Now let’s go have some breakfast. If you come willingly, I might just let you snuggle up on my lap,” the bewhiskered man murmured starring down at the sad dog.
At the mention of food, she immediately bounced back to being the overeager pup he knew her to be. The rest of the days passed by in a similar manner. He would get up, walk the pup, remind her that her mommy would be home soon, feed her, and cuddle with her which he was slowly starting to enjoy. The pure unadulterated love that poured out of this tiny thing soothed him just how you did. He could definitely get used to this puppy love. August had almost forgotten that this furry baby wasn’t even his by the time you returned home. The pup had nestled herself right into his world like she had been a part of it all along.
The chime of the doorbell had the puppy leaping from his lap in circus of barking and jumping. August paused the movie he was watching and he made his way over to the door, careful to avoid tripping over his excited baby. He opened the door to reveal you waiting patiently. If he thought Paris had been going nuts before, it was nothing compared to this display of affection.
“Par-bear!!!,” You squealed as you stepped into the house.
You bent down in front of your puppy and were greeted with a flurry of kisses that August feeling a bit left out.
“How was she?” You beamed up at him.
“Paris was great. Honestly, none of the things you were concerned about came to pass. Our daughter did seem to miss you a little bit,” August admitted as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Our daughter?!?” You questioned with a smirk that could rival one of his.
He could feel the color drawn from his face as he sputtered, desperate to come up with a way to save his from this mess. You stood up and gently placed a hand on his arm before giving his bicep a squeeze.
“Is this your way of finally asking me out?” You teased as a bright smile appeared on your face.
The blue-eyed man could only nod yes not trusting his voice in that very moment.
“Well Paris seems to love you so I’d be happy to go out with you sometime. You know how to reach me.”
In that moment, August was grateful for the fateful day Paris had gotten of her harness. Maybe someone out there was looking out for him after all.
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jaedore · 4 years
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< prev 
parings: jung jaehyun x reader
genre: ceo!au, arranged marriage!au, angst, asshole Jaehyun, swearing
[ ☽ smut | ◇ angst (mental health, therapy) | ☼ fluff ]
note: BB deals with themes of mental and physical abuse, which can be upsetting for some readers. If you feel uncomfortable reading these types of plots, you are advised to not continue. MINORS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, but I advise you to skip the sexual parts.
[ 10.7 words ]
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The brisk winter wind pierces your cheeks and flows past your hair as you look at the view in front of you, the door to your balcony slightly opened. The distant image of the Eiffel Tower illuminates the city below your feet bringing bittersweet memories from long ago. It’s been five years. Five years since you felt his touch, funny how you could still feel his fingertips between other men you decided to indulge yourself in. It made it hard to stay until the sun rose. You hated yourself for it, but how else were you supposed to forget about the man who didn’t want to marry you? His ghost never left you, though. It followed you wherever you went, making you go crazy. That’s why you left the town where the love bloomed and broke, settling down in the city of love, how ironic. Your actions were always contradicting and it still is to this day.
In those five years, you quickly took over the CEO position of Audace, giving your mother the gift of early retirement. Into your first couple of years, you were listed Top 20 in Forbes Magazine, immediately gaining attention for your designs. You always reminded yourself to be humble whenever someone praises you for your work, you weren’t the only one with the hands behind the designs, of course.
Everything was the way it was supposed to be, you felt like the timeline had finally restored itself like it was your job to do so. You haven’t heard much about Jaehyun, you tried to avoid all news outlets about him as much as you could. But it was hard when the image of him would be spread across magazines, you figured that he did dip into the field of modeling, he was bound to with that beautiful face of his. You were roaming the streets of Paris when your eyes brisked over the stand that sold magazines, his face immediately catching your attention. You were proud of him, he looked like he was doing well, better. As you said, you steered away from the topic of him, afraid that maybe you still weren’t over him even if it’s been a couple of years.
News also came out that Jaehyun’s father was finally kicked out of Jung Corporations for his conviction of abuse, no matter how long ago it was, Jaehyun finally grew the courage to stand up to his father. Of course, the stocks plummeted, but with Jaehyun’s quick words of persuasion and work ethic, they soared the next year, earning Jung Corporation a spot on the Forbes Top 20, also. You remember smiling when you saw his company’s name on the same list as you, he did it.
As for the contract of your marriage, it was currently on hold, creating dust in its existence. As time moves on, your mother hopes that you can reopen the contract, but she knows that it’s more than that now, so she leaves it to you, since you’re presently the CEO of Audace and made all the decisions. You’d think that you’d shred that contract by now, but you haven’t. What’s been stopping you?
Jaehyun has made sure to spread his face on every single cover on a magazine, hoping that you’d come across it and come home to him. Ever since you left, he’s gotten no trace of you. He’d call you, text you, but got nothing. He quit trying the third year, thinking that you had blocked him or got a new phone number because he never heard an answer back. Jaehyun even reached out to Haewon and Mark, but they never got the answer he wanted because you never told your closest friends. Were you selfish to do that to them? Too bad that Haewon knew you too well to find out where you were, but trustworthy enough to seal her lips.
It took Jaehyun a long time to accept that you were gone, the memory of you felt like a dream to him. Waking up alone every morning brought anguish to him, the sun telling him that you never came back and that you probably never will. Sometimes he thinks he’s going insane because his memories of you are so distant.
That’s why he traveled to every possible country he’d assumed you’d be in, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Shanghai, London, and even Paris. So when you heard the word of the newest, hottest bachelor was coming to Paris, you knew you’d have to go into hiding because the newest, hottest bachelor was your ex. Being on the cover of dozens of magazines sure had its perks, but for Jaehyun, all he wanted to do was find you. That’s why he left Paris after three weeks, thinking that you had for sure resided there. Which you had, you just didn’t have the courage to come out and face him. You sure did a hell of a good job erasing your existence from his world. You were stubborn, he’s always known that he just didn't know he’d have to go to these lengths to come to that conclusion.
Life went on like that, you two lived your separate lives like there wasn’t a string attached to your fingers, you felt like you two were always meant to say goodbye. Jaehyun has never dared to touch another, for you, and only you solely have his heart. He’d give it to you over and over again if it means getting hurt again. Of course, he didn’t know about your short-lived rendezvous because while you found your lust in other men, begging yourself to be open and find someone, it was never them that refused your love, it was your own doing because you could never find yourself to stay the night. Goodness, you just wanted to feel again. You wanted to love, love like how the sun goes down for the moon every start of the night.
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“You’re not staying the night?”
“Not tonight, Yuta.” you gave him a small smile as you picked up your discarded dress on the floor.
The Japanese model propped himself on his elbows, whistling at your figure as you slip your dress on. You narrowed your eyes at him until you realized a few buttons to your Versace Sweetheart Cady Single-Breasted Blazer was missing.
“Really?” you sighed, falling on your knees to search the floor for those stupid buttons.
“What are you looking for?” Yuta sat up, watching you crouch below the bed.
“You ripped this too hard that the buttons popped out, Yuta,” you snapped.
“It’s fine. Go, I’ll find it. It gives me another excuse to see you again,” he smirked at you.
“Yeah,” you sighed, glancing at him, “that’s very unlikely.”
“And why is that?”
Spotting the lost buttons under the bed, you snatched them in your hand and stood up, giving him a sly look, “Because I never give a man a second chance.” Grabbing your clutch, you smiled at him before shutting the door, seeing him chuckle to himself in denial as he fell back on the bed with his hands behind his head.
That was a lie, you do give men a second chance, but the only man you’d give it to is Jaehyun. No matter how long it’s been, how old you were, how forgotten your relationship was with him, you know that he will always have you, be a part of you.
Tomorrow you were leaving to go back home. It’s been a while since you’ve been back and your parents dearly missed you. It was the annual charity ball your family always attended and they wanted you to come to create social networks with others to build Audace. You were a little hesitant because you knew Jaehyun was going to be there, you just didn't know if you were ready to face him or even to just see him.  
You leave early in the morning so you could land back home by sunrise. And with your bags already packed, you wondered if tonight would finally give you the rest you needed. You spent countless nights unable to sleep, you think it’s insomnia, but your heart tells you differently. You’ve invested in useless doctors that only tell you to just take those ludicrous melatonin gummies. Of course, they never helped.
You throw your bag onto the chair next to your bed, everything was set for you to leave for tomorrow. Your passport, luggage, duffle bags were all in place at the door and for the slightest second, you felt excitement electrocute through your body.
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Maybe it was just you, but the smell of home brought you wistfulness. Should I have stayed? Would everything have been better if I stayed? You had no idea where Jaehyun was or if you’d ever see him on your little trip back home. You wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t see you, you didn’t even bother coming out of your shell when he did.
“Y/n!!!” A familiar squeal was heard from the echoes of the airport.
You closed your eyes and let out a sigh with a smile on your lips. You turn around to see Haewon running to you with a lovely smile on her face, “Hey,” you embrace her in a tight hug, wafting the same perfume she wore when you two were younger.
“You haven’t changed one bit,” Haewon pulled you away by the shoulders, examining your face. You’d beg to differ, but she’d disagree, “I mean, you aged backward! Your skin is glowing and you look so beautiful and youthful. Paris must’ve done its justice on skincare!”
You laugh at her witty remarks, “No, no, no! If anything, you’ve changed! Look at you, you still look like how you did 5 years ago!
“Stop,” Haewon waves at you in disagreement, “come. Let’s get you home,” she grabs onto your arms and heads to the car as her assistants drag your things behind you two.
“So tell me all about Paris!” Haewon blinks at you with wide eyes, like a child excited to receive their favorite candy.
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything! From fashion to food to the monuments. I want to know everything, y/n,” she begs.
You tell her everything. From the fashion shows that you were able to manage, to the sweet and savory meals, even to the fountains in Paris, you told her everything that your fingers brushed past. Haewon sat in envy, wishing that she visited you more often. There was a snip of a moment where regret weighed in your heart, maybe you should’ve called her to come. As you finished telling her about your adventures, you two sat in silence, the hum of the car filling the car. It’s been a while since you saw her and she looked so satisfied to finally have you home even if it was just for a few days.
“How’s Jaehyun?” Your voice barely meets a whisper that almost misses her ears.
Thinning her lips, Haewon looked at you with sincerity but with a little pity, “he’s okay, I think. With modeling and the company, he’s been busy so he hasn’t hung out with Mark a lot. Mark says that he’s doing a lot better, he’s been going out a lot the past couple of years, but he doesn’t talk to anyone or bring them home. We both think that it’s because he’s still not over you, he also still doesn’t talk to Chaeyoung anymore.”
You nod, you weren’t necessarily expecting anything, you just wanted to check up on him, but his name still makes you miss the happier times with him. You hold Haewon’s words like a string in front of you, I hope he is doing better.
The car rolls up to the familiar view of her apartment building, more trees were added around the rectangular architecture bringing out the bareness of it due to the cold weather. As your feet patted the snow, the way up to her apartment was almost unfamiliar. You always thought you’d know the steps to specific places with your eyes closed, but it raised a question to your mind. What if you forgot the most important things? What would you do then? Would they even be important if you had already forgotten them in the first place?
When Haewon opened the door to her apartment, everything about it had changed. The couch was on the opposite side of the room, the dining table that used to be horizontal was now vertical, giving it more space, and the color scheme that was once in hues of pink and greens was now white and browns.
“Wow,” your eyes widen, taking in all the changes, “love what you’ve done with the place.”
“Thank you,” Haewon smiled proudly, “the pink and greens were getting old. Plus, I feel like this is more mature for me.” her laugh rings in your ears as you scan her kitchen, she’s even got new dishes.
You smile back at your best friend, “It’s nice.”
You sit comfortably on her couch as she makes you some warm tea. Your eyes skim through her walls, pictures of you remained nailed to it but in different frames, she’s even added new ones from when she visited you in Paris.  Below them, there were green plants in grey vases, giving it the earthly vibe she always had in her.
“Here,” Haewon hands you your cup of tea as she sits beside you, “so you’re gonna stay with your parents?”
“Yeah, they miss me a lot and I miss them too, so it won’t hurt to stay.”
She pouts a little bit enough for you to notice her bottom lip jutting out, “Aw, that’s okay. Just promise that you’ll say goodbye to me before you leave. If you leave like last time, I’m gonna tell Jaehyun where you are,” Haewon threatens you.
“Hey!” your eyes enlarge in seriousness. You hope she doesn’t and you know she won’t but there’s a sliver of desire that you want her to.
“I’m just kidding, I won’t. I know you don’t want that,” she holds your hand after seeing how serious you were, “You and your little game of fate.” Haewon laughs as she strides to the kitchen to retrieve some snacks.
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By the time you’ve binge-watched a series, finished a whole meal of Chinese takeout, you were drained and out of it. You know it’s getting late as the stars are the only source of light in the sky, other than the street lights.
“I should get going,” you grabbed your jacket that draped over the couch, but when you didn’t hear a peep from Haewon, you turned your head to see her asleep with her mouth opened to the ceiling. You chuckle at the amusing sight of your best friend knocked out with deranged hair and a little drool at the corner of her mouth. You turn off the tv and cover her with the cotton quilt before you kiss her forehead, “goodnight.”
As you quietly shut the door, you call for a cab knowing that you’re on the brink of almost being too late, but since no one’s out, by the time you reach the entrance, the driver is already there and waiting for you.
The night winter air hits your cheeks, turning it a crimson red along with the point of your nose. Home was always the coldest in the wintertime and hottest in the summer, there was no in-between. Puffs of grey smoke escape your mouth as you sit in the heated car, rubbing your hands together for more warmth. You tell the driver your address as you lean back in the seat, letting the drive paint your window with the outside scenery until you see the familiar sight of your home. When you do, you tip the driver with a heavier tip because it’s late at night before striding up to the front gates.
When you walk in the mansion, the lights are off darkness pooling into the large vacant home, echoing your heels. You’re quiet in your steps that lead to your room, afraid that you’d wake your parents up. The empty hallway that leads to your room is still filled with the same pictures, the smell coming from the same candles, the same flowers in the same vases, nothing has really changed around here. It’s as if you never really left, it makes your mind drift to your former shared apartment with Jaehyun. Has he changed anything since I’ve left? Is everything still the same? Does he still even live there? It’s a bittersweet memory, it really is, but you hope for the positive, your heart silently wishing things hadn't been the way it was. That you stayed that night in his arms, hearing his silent breathing as you comb your fingers through his soft, floppy hair. To have his head laying on your chest, hearing your heartbeat go at peace because he was in your arms. You got the good side of him.
You strip off your clothes, discarding them on the cream rug, and letting the warm water spill on your body. Life is a series of choices and if you are lucky enough, miracles. Your youthful mind would have disagreed and thought that you’d do things based on choices, but now, you’re convinced that if fate allows it, it shall be. Miracle or not, you will welcome it with open arms, you’ve grown accustomed to detachment and self-growth. Maybe you were saving yourself for Jaehyun because maybe you truly weren’t over him. Either way, you detach yourself from every man you’ve met because you had a sliver of hope that fate was going to lead him to you. But were you wasting your time in doing so? What if in the end, he wasn’t even yours? You dip your head, letting the water swim through your hair, giving it slight weight. I’m thinking too much. You rub your eyes, not knowing if the sting was from your developing tears or the water. Suddenly, you reach to turn off the water and give yourself a quick dry ahead of pulling your pajamas on.
And now you’re on your bed, your eyes still light as a feather. Your nights always consisted of this, unclosed eyes, frequent gazes at the ceiling or the window by your side, and sometimes tear-stained cheeks. The theory of possibly seeing Jaehyun crossed your mind the entire night, you know you were bound to see him soon so you needed to mentally prepare yourself for the moment. Thankfully for the long night Haewon provided for you, the thought of Jaehyun finally left his home in your mind and you found yourself slowly falling into slumber, anticipating another visit from him in your dreams.
“Honey, honey...honey,” Shaken awake by the sweet voice of your mother, you woke up to the image of her sitting on the edge of her bed. Just like the home, she looked like she didn’t age a day. She was as beautiful as you last remembered her.
“Morning, mother,” you yawn, stretching your limbs towards each side of the wall.
“More like afternoon,” she scoffed, pulling the sheets from you.
You instantly curl your body into a ball, cursing yourself for only wearing a long t-shirt and shorts. You peered at the clock by your bedside seeing 12:30 glancing right back at you. “Sorry, long day yesterday.”
“That’s okay. Get up now, get ready, go eat, and let’s go find a dress for you. The ball’s in a few days.”
Obeying your mother, with stiffness in your body, you were able to brush your teeth, comb your hair, and put on a presentable outfit. As you walk down the stairs to the dining room, you see your mother and father holding hands, laughing as they eat. You stopped in your tracks, standing still on the stairs as your hand gripped on the rail, watching them enjoy each other’s company. A little bit of your heart envied the sight in front of you, all you wanted was to love someone. To care for them, love them, and grow old. Most of all, you wanted to do all of those things with Jaehyun, but-
“You’re here! Come eat, we have to hit the stores before traffic gets heavy,” your mother waves you, immediately cutting you from your thoughts.
You greeted your parents as you sat down. Everything in front of you was luxurious, there were fancy sandwiches, bowls of freshly washed fruit, and cut out aged cheese, along with the bottles of wine scattered across the table. You didn’t even know where to begin, you missed everything from home, especially the food.
“Hurry, eat! I have a ton of places we have to check out,” your mother is persistent in finding you the most extravagant dress, a present for your return home for the couple of days you were here. It’s been 5 years since you’ve been back, of course, she wanted to go all out for her only daughter.
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“Okay this,” your mother points at the lake green colored dress that hugs your body, the silken fabric falling at your feet, “is the one,” with wide eyes she slowly stands up and walks to you with arms open.
“Really?” you tilt your head to the side, observing your reflection.
“Pair it with some clear heels, signature earrings to elongate your neck, leaving the chest open, and voila, the perfect outfit.” the employee persuades you, as they should because that’s what you ended up purchasing.
“Oh no,” the employee waves his hand at you, dismissing your mother’s card, “that gentleman already paid for your entire attire,” he points behind you and you snap your head in his direction.
Like the time had slowed down, the most handsome man that has ever come into your life, stood across the store from you. His gentle gaze sits on your shoulders, but it embraces you instead of piercing through you. His tall physique has become lean, more muscular yet toned. His signature dark hair was styled like the last time you saw it, it was always your favorite.
“Jaehyun,” your whispered tone comes out as a gasp at the man who stood several feet from you.
A friendly smile sits on his face as the air returns to your lungs and as your brain begins to function again. What a sight you desperately missed. You longed to run to his arms and to hug him, kiss him, love him like the old times, but your feet remind you to stop as soon as you see a pair of arms slither his arm. A woman, just around your age interlocks her hand with his and smiles brightly at him. She’s as gorgeous as you can imagine, probably a model, for her body and frame compliments his.
You clear your throat, regaining poise, and give him a slight nod, careful to not look at him again as you turn yourself around to thank the cashier and scurry out of the store.
“That was Jaehyun, wasn’t it?” Your mother cautiously asks, quickly catching up to you.
“L-let's just goes mother, p-please,” you stutter as you reach the car and attempt to open the door, begging her to unlock it.
Cranking up the air conditioner, you rest your head between your hands as they rub your temples. You ask yourself again and again what just happened and if you actually saw him, but your brain knew better than your heart, you did in fact see Jung Jaehyun standing just a few feet from you.
“Are you okay?” she rubs your back as you try to steady your breathing.
“I’m fine, can we just please go home now? We have my dress,” you beg.
Your mother starts the car right away, aware of your little episode. You think that maybe you’re overreacting a little bit, but this was all physical. If you could control it, you would and you wouldn’t be in such a crouched position feeling this way.
When you finally feel your heartbeat becoming steady again, you sit up and lean back into the seat, you stare out the window, completely dazed. You feel like you didn’t even experience seeing Jaehyun. For the first time in five years, he still tugs your heart and how stupid you feel for thinking that there could be the smallest room for you in his heart when you were the one who left him, ignored him, written yourself off from his story. Of course, he already had somebody, somebody that loves him, cares for him, far better off than what you could’ve done. You were the one that left, what were you truly expecting at this point?
As the car drives up to your home, you’re quick to strip yourself and bury under the covers. The room is dark and silent, the most dangerous time for your mind to wander. Fear settles under your skin when the thought of ending up alone crosses your mind. You’ve been alone all of your life before Jaehyun even showed up, who knew how hard it’d be to go back to the forgotten feeling of being alone.
You hadn’t noticed that you’ve knocked out when a faint knock sounds from your door. Your eyes slowly open, but along with your head, it’s too heavy from your thoughts to lift itself. Slowly as the door opens, Haewon peeks her head through and suspects that you’re still asleep when she sees your body calmly fall and rise. Haewon tip-toes to your bed, lifting her heel, afraid that the clanking noise would startle you awake. Without a word, she sits on the edge of your bed and combs her fingers through your hair, removing the loose strands from your face. She hates seeing you like this, so broken. You’ve worked yourself until you were unable to stand, you’ve dismissed all opportunities to feel something from any man and anyone, most of all, you’ve denied your existing love for Jaehyun. But she knows that you know all of that, you just choose to brush it off your shoulder because that’s what you always did. You’d dust things off and shove them down until you’d combust. Five years of shoving things down have resulted in this.
You stayed that for the next few days, curled up in a ball under the mountain of blankets. You despised yourself for not spending time with your parents with the few days you had, but you could barely get up, you didn’t have the energy to even sit. Your mother brought you soup occasionally and stayed there, making sure you finished it to the last drop. She reassured you that it’s okay, to stay in bed and take your time to heal. She also told you to make time to walk around, talk to the workers in the house, or take a walk in the greenhouse, which you did when you could. Heartbreaks were never easy for you anyway.
Before you knew it, tonight was the night for the Annual Charity Ball. There you stood in front of the mirror in the Marchesa Crystal-Embellished Velvet Gown observing how the dress nestled against your body. You always wore expensive gowns like this, but you felt rather insecure for the first time in a while, maybe the reason was that you were finally home after years of never showing up and felt like you had to prove yourself.
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Everyone was gathered in the dimly lit room, waves of laughter, and the clinking of champagne glasses filled the massive ballroom. One of the biggest events for the biggest international companies and here you were, not even reaching ten years of CEO experience and now forced to network with those that have been.
“You’re going to do fine,” Haewon rubs your back, “just don’t look intimidating and you’ll be fine,” she winks at you, but you playfully roll your eyes and push her towards the bar where she was already making her way.
A low voice clears behind you, “Ahem-”
You turn around to reveal an old friend, “Mark!” you jump into his arms, missing the embrace from him.
He pulls away from you with a bright smile shining on his face and carefully eyes you, “You look stunning tonight.”
“Wow,” you smiled, “you clean up very well, I must say Mr. Lee.” you gently punch his arm.
Mark playfully winces, but offers you his arm, “Come on, let me get you something to drink.” you happily take a hold of his arm as he leads you to the bar that was elegantly built, chandeliers decorating the area with white marble counters in addition to the handsome bartenders mixing the most luscious refreshments.
“I’ll have an Old Cuban please, and-” Mark glances at you, waiting for your answer.
“And I’ll have a Gin and Tonic, please.”
“Classy,” Mark cocks an eyebrow at you.
“Always have been.”
As you wait for your drinks, Mark and you take your time to catch up. The need to network and talk to others completely dissolves as you two catch up five years of each other’s lives. You avoid the opportunity to take another drink as Mark orders his second one, but time is lost when you two are immersed in each other’s stories. It makes you realize how much you’ve missed him and how much you missed everyone’s life when you left.
“So where have you been?” The burning question leaves his mouth and you hope that he’s too tipsy to even hear or wait for your answer.
“Just-” you hesitate, seeing his state of giggles and blushed cheeks, “around the globe, traveling here and there.”
Mark laughs and shakes his head, “No, but like, where have you been? You left without saying goodbye and you were gone for five years, y/n.” even though it held humor, you knew Mark enough to know he was being serious.
“I was...I was in-”
“Come on, why didn’t you tell me you were leaving? I thought we were friends.”
“We are Mark, we are!” you repeat to the male, “but I just needed to get away from all of this, I needed to leave.”
“Leave because of what? Because of Jaehyun?”
And like a fever dream, your eyes meet with the owner of the name. He’s across the ballroom, this time his gaze piercing through your chest. It’s intense and possessive, yet also holds a longing for you. A whispered gasp rolls from your throat and your eyes scatter anywhere on your lap, avoiding to look up.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, “I have to go to the bathroom,” you leave a tipsy Mark behind as you race for the bathroom.
Dashing to the nearest bathroom, there’s a ring in your ear against the thumping in your heart, and it’s the only thing you can hear because it’s so loud. You push open the door and slam the stall door shut as you lean against the stone stall. You clutch your chest and play with your collar as you catch your breath, a gust of heat coating your body.
“Y/n?” It’s Haewon.
“Y-yeah?” your voice breaks.
“I saw you run in here, you okay, baby?” you can hear her voice becoming louder as the ring in your ears tunes out.
“I’m fine,” you slowly open the stall to see Haewon standing in front of you with a worried expression.
She gives you an absurd look, fully knowing that you are clearly not okay and she brings you into a hug. “Everything’s going to be okay. Do you want to leave? We can go back to your place and just hang out.”
Haewon’s offer sounds tempting, but you had to remind yourself you were here for a reason. You were here to talk and network, yet you let your emotions take over you. Once again. You give her a compassionate look, a small smile stretching your lips, “No, I’m okay now. Thank you for checking up on me, though. Let’s go,” you rub your forehead as she holds onto your hand, leading you back out to where everyone is.
Your eyes scan everyone in the room, seeing who’s here and who’s who, but they scan over certain someone. Someone who chased you away. Jung Jaehyun stood just a mere few feet away from you. His tall, lean physique would still tower over you if he came closer, his eyes still gleamed against the chandeliers, and he still looked handsome as ever. As soon as you see the familiar arms that belonged to the woman you saw at the store a couple days ago, wrap around his, you’re convinced that you’re just a distant memory for him now. You quickly turn your head, making sure to keep your chin lifted as you follow Haewon, who’s already talking to a bunch of businessmen. You step until you're beside her and join the conversation. Several of them were handsome, bachelors, some your age, a little older, and some a little younger.
They were all polite enough for you to jump in, they included you in their jokes, making you clutch your stomach in laughter. They were good at keeping your mind away from straying.
“So, Y/n,” Johnny Seo, a corporate bank owner speaks up, “how’s the CEO position of Audace treating you?”
“It’s great. You know life is kinda fun when you love what you do,” you reply, earning groans from a bunch of them.
“You’re lucky you were born into such a life like that,” a car enterprise CEO named Ten, speaks up.
You quickly laugh before the conversation turns into a serious one, “you’re always welcome to dream a life that you want if you have the drive for it.” You smile at him before turning your back and heading out to get air.
Outside the ballroom leads to a greenhouse, the lush trees and vibrant-hued flowers compliment the sunset that sits on the horizon outside of the warm, glass structure. Making your way on the stone steps that lead to the edge of the greenhouse that overlooks the city below you, you inhale a deep breath and slowly let it out as you gaze at the orange and pink sky.
“Stunning, isn’t it?” A voice expresses behind you.
“Yeah,” you simply reply before your eyes widen. You knew that voice, you could pick it up from anywhere at any time because it always brought you peace of mind.
The owner of the voice walks until he’s beside you, his body coming in your peripheral vision. At that moment, the familiar smell travels to your nostrils, the warmth from his body embraces your cold one, and that’s when you knew you had nowhere else to go.
“I was talking about you,” Jaehyun replied, his eyes glued to the view in front of him.
You slightly drop your head to the ground, staring at your shoes. There’s a dreading feeling that sits in your bones, anxious if he was going to ask you a series of questions of where you were or why you were gone for such a long time. You weren’t expecting him to approach you but little did you know, he’s been waiting all night to.
“Thank you,” you whisper, keeping your gaze stuck on your shoes. In the corner of your eye, you can see him shifting until he’s fully facing you, but you’re good at doing what you’ve been doing.
“Y/n, where have you been?” Jaehyun asks, his voice is tainted with sadness, yet tinted with a little bit of frustration. “You’ve been gone for five years and I haven’t seen you, talked to you ever since you left. You haven’t picked up any of my calls, you haven’t answered any of my texts. I know I blew up on you and we broke things off, but I-” he slightly pauses to calm himself down. You’re next to him, eyes on your expensive shoes and you look absolutely breathtaking to him. You haven’t aged one bit, you still look like your younger self when he met you, still youthful and beautiful. Like always, you were a literal angel. Instead of continuing to speak, Jaehyun clutched your shoulders and pulled you in his chest, tightly wrapping his arms around your frame.
You let out a surprised gasp when your body collided with Jaehyun’s. The tightness of his arms constricted you like he was trying to tell you to stay. He holds you in that moment, afraid to let you go, knowing that you weren’t going to come back for the next couple of years. Tears begin to grow in his eyes as he feels your arms wrap around his body, your gentle touch brings him to his knees, brings him to tears.
“Jaehyun, please,” you bleed, your voice broken.
He instantly pulls away to see you crying and brings his palms to your cheeks, “Please don’t cry.” he begs you because he knows that if he continues to watch you cry, he would also cry. “I didn’t mean it, I didn’t mean a word back then. I wanted to marry you, I still do. I just said those words out of anger and I know I shouldn’t have. I’m so sorry. Please, y/n, will you ever forgive me?”
“I’m sorry,” you cry out, closing your eyes, letting the tears stream down your face.
“Don’t,” he shakes his head, “I am. I am sorry,” a tear leaves the corner of his eye and he rests his forehead against yours, letting his emotions take over him.
You two stay like that for a bit, holding onto each other, basking in each other’s presence with the sun setting behind you. You gently pull away, holding onto his hands, the ones that became stronger over the past few years, the ones that always set your skin to flames.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, looking at him with bloodshot eyes. Jaehyun gives you a questioning look, “but I have to go.” you bring his hands together, pressing them against your lips before you set them beside his side.
“Please don’t leave me again.” his voice cracks, his heart is unable to bare life without you again.
Your innocent eyes catch him and before you know it, Jaehyun’s proximity is so close you can feel his breath float on your lips. Functioning on your emotions, you close the distance, gently pressing your lips on his. And it’s like you haven’t forgotten the feeling of his lips, you’d never forget it whenever you kissed, it’s like water after a marathon. It’s like sleep after a hard day, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted. But you could no longer have this kind of luxury.
You cup his face, pulling yourself from his lips, “I’m sorry Jaehyun,” you give him a sad smile before backing away, leaving him once again, alone.
As Jaehyun watches you leave, he doesn’t chase after you. He knows you still love him and he still loves you, if fate allows it, you’ll come back. You always do.
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Saying goodbye was harder than you thought, but it was the hardest with Jaehyun. You never said goodbye to him, you just left him there as you did before. You were always leaving, always shoving your emotions down, never facing them head-on.
Life wasn’t always easy, but you tried to make the most of it. You missed Jaehyun dearly, although there was a big part of your heart that longed for him and wanted to go back home to him, a larger part of yourself knew that your clocks were no longer in sync. You both have given each other love and growth and taught each other how to forgive, whether it was silent forgiveness or verbal. Every day you hope that you’d have the courage in yourself to let him back in your life, you know it’s there and you’re ready, you just needed the extra push.  
It’s been months since you returned home. The brisk, winter wind finally cooled you down whenever you opened your windows. The trees were a lush green, blooming with yellow flowers on the tips, and there were chatters from below your window. The people of Paris always loved coming out in the summer to attend the town marketplace, picking fresh produce and bundles of colorful bouquets to bring to their loved ones. Every Saturday you made sure to also go, it was a good way to make friends and grocery shop.
In your stay in Paris, you made a small group of friends. The five of them were always good at bringing you to tears with their jokes and spontaneous stories, it was like being a careless teenager again. Since everyone was always busy with their own lives, you guys made sure to schedule a time of the month to get dinner and catch up. Tonight was one of those nights. Since they’re more on the extemporaneous side, the reservations were always bounced around within the city, giving you the gift of tasting every fine cuisine. Tonight’s reservation was at the Le Jules Verne, the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. That place holds a special place in your heart, heck, this entire city did. You would be lying if you didn't miss Jaehyun every time you’d pass a place you passed long ago on your visit here with him.
“Hey! Y/n, you’re here!” Julian greets you from the table.
“Hi,” you hug her before sitting in your seat, “Adalene isn’t here yet?” you scan the seats as one sits vacant.
“No, you know how she is,” Estelle rolls her eyes from across the round table, “always late.”
“It’s okay, we’ll order wine first,” Diane chirps, raising her hand to the waiter.
You sit yourself down, shifting in your seat to make yourself comfortable. Conversations and giggles are exchanged from across the table, from the hottest gossip to old stories, everything was always such a good memory with these ladies. The food that was brought was slowly chomped down throughout the night, making the night go by a little faster than usual, but you weren’t complaining, you always had a good time with your friends, but something about this place just brought you nostalgia and slowed time down. After a while, the wine bottle was sipped and emptied, while blinded smiles were painted across everyone’s faces with a slight blush.
“Ma’am,” your waiter came to your side of the table.
“Yes?” You glance at him, with a questioning look, your eyes curiously staring at the beverage in his hand.
“The man from the bar brought your drink,” he nodded at the bar, but you were too busy already reaching for it and sipping it.
The glass of red wine looked all too familiar, you knew the texture of it, the smell, and the taste. You memorized on melancholy nights where you locked yourself in your apartment and looked at pictures of Jaehyun or read articles of him. It was the wine that you two had the first time you two came to Paris. It was always hard to forget several little puzzle pieces of him.
As your friends ogled at your bizarre behavior of quickly downing the drink, you finished it in a couple of gulps and set the glass down. Your eyes skimmed the bar, but no sight of Jaehyun was there. You sighed and excused yourself from the table, you were completely losing it that you needed to get fresh air. But as soon as you opened the doors to the balcony of the Eiffel Tower, there he was. His eye-catching self leaning over with his hands clasped before him.
Your forehead creased, “Jaehyun.”
He turned to you, and boy, was this man very dapper in his dark suit with his hair gelled back. You always loved that look on him and now that he’s illuminated in the moonlight, it was a sight you never thought you’d be able to see.  
“Love,” his nickname makes your heart skip a beat, “you got my drink?”
You nodded, slowly making your way to him, “what are you doing here in Paris?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he mumbles under his breath, head falling forward following with a little chuckle, “but I think I know the answer.”
You stay silent beside him, looking at the dark sky that’s littered with stars. With Jaehyun by your side in Paris, it feels as if he’s always been here. It feels like your first time here with him again.
“Congratulations on your successes by the way,” he says, a sincere smile across his lips.
“Thank you, you too.” you return, “Being on Forbes list, especially. That’s a big achievement.”
“Thanks, it was hard after- all of that,” he implies to the incident of his father and how everything went crashing down after that.
“But hey-” you turn to him as he does the same to you, “-you did it. I always knew you could.”
Jaehyun smiles at you, “I got help too,” he whispers, fumbling with his fingers. He lets out a quiet chuckle, “I still am.”
“That’s good, I’m proud of you. I understand how helpful that can be, let me know if you need anything.” you silently say the last part, quietly shunning yourself because you haven’t been present in his life.
Jaehyun thanks you, but looks at you, his gaze peering at your face. Oh how much he’s missed seeing you, having you this close to him. “I’m still in love with you,” he blurts out. Your breath pauses as you turn his way. Your eyes scan his face and it tells you that he genuinely means it.  “And I mean it. There hasn’t been a day where I don’t miss you, where I love you less. Hell, having you not by my side makes me love you even more. It makes me crazy.” He confesses.
You’re dead frozen in your stance, the wind gushes through both of your hair, messing yours up more. Maybe this was a sign, a sign that the world is telling you that the time is now because a large part of yourself knows that if it’s not now, it’s never. The look on his face tells you how much love the man in front of you holds for you and you know that it’ll be there forever. There’s not a question of doubt that crosses his face and nothing will stop him from leaving because he knows you feel the same way. He almost knows you more than you.
“I love you, Jaehyun. I never stopped,” you reveal, your voice slightly breaking from the river of tears you were now producing.
Jaehyun brings you into a hug, his arms find his place around your body and it feels like the last puzzle piece has been placed. He sniffles with you in his arm, he’s dreamt of this moment every night. That you’d be back in his arms and that your love is still there for him. Feeling like this is almost too good to be true, Jaehyun pulls back to see you. Your makeup is almost smeared, but your eyes are delicate as he gazes into them.
Just as you felt the wind dance through your hair once again, Jaehyun pulls you to him, his lips settling on yours, letting the familiar feeling of comfort take over him.
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(a/n: lol listen to kendrick lamar’s love [slow + reverbed] it’ll set the mood hehe)
You struggle to lock your apartment door as you both enter with fumbling feet, tangling your shoes with your fingers as it pleads to be taken off. Once the last shoe hits the ground, Jaehyun pushes you against the wall, fumbling with the buttons of your blouse as he sucks onto your bottom lip. You envelop your hands over his and put it on his chest to let him take his clothes off so you can take off yours smoothly. You can feel a small smile growing on his lips and you pull slightly back.
“I just can’t believe that you’re here with me right now,” he whispers against your lips.
“And I’m here forever,” you coo, reaching for his hand. You lead him to your bedroom, occasionally looking back at him to give him a sly smile. As soon as you’re about to turn the lights on, Jaehyun stops you.
“Leave them off, I love looking at you when the moonlight is shining on your glistening skin,” his voice lowers and it makes your legs go weak.
And just like that, clothes were shed like a second skin and now Jaehyun towered above you. What a wonderful sight to see after a few years. Your fingers trailed from his chest, down to his abdominals, feeling each straining muscle against your fingertips, until it was met with his manhood. Your eyes innocently glanced up at him when you gently grabbed his cock, pressuring the tip just a bit before bringing your hand to it, rubbing it in your palm.
“Oh, baby, you always know how to make me feel good,” Jaehyun lowers himself until he’s groaning in your ear.
You know you’re doing a pleasing job when you feel the tough grip on your hips and when the other hand comes to your core. Jaehyun lets out a little scoff when he realizes how wet you already were.
“You’re so wet,” he whispers in your ear.
“Only for y-you,” you stutter, “oh shit,” your back arches when Jaehyun plunges two fingers in without any warning. Both of your hands shoot up to hold onto his arms as he finds a quick pace for his fingers, occasionally circling his thumb on your clit.
“Baby, baby,” Jaehyun hums as he lowers himself onto his free elbow to litter you with hickies across your neck, later leading to your chest.
Everything is blurred and everything is going so fast, you’re almost convinced that this isn’t even happening, that this is just another dream of yours. You struggle to relax as Jaehyun stops in his tracks, which results in you shooting up to prop yourself on your elbows to only see Jaehyun lowering himself down to your dripping, wet core.
This is definitely not a dream. You let out a loud moan when Jaehyun presses his hot tongue against your core, letting his teeth gently nip at the lips of your pussy.
“Tell me, angel,” the vibrations of his voice shoots pleasure through your spine, “did you fuck anyone while you were here?” You wince when he doesn’t hear an answer from you and harshly pats your pussy. “I don’t like being ignored, you know that, don’t you?” a smirk stretches across his face seeing you sexually frustrated, but you persistently nod.
“I-I did,” you let out another wince when he carefully slaps it again. Jaehyun shakes his head, almost in disappointment, but you pay no attention to it because you’re so aroused at this point that you just need to feel him in you.
“Bad girl,” he shakes his head as he lowers himself back down. His hot breath fans across your clit, making you involuntarily clench around nothing, and Jaehyun notices it but shakes his head.
“Please,” you groan, your fingers tangling in his hair.
“So you’ve been a busy girl, huh?” He mumbles against your pussy.
“Yes, yes, I have been. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you’re in a frenzy. Five years and you haven’t felt his touch, at this point, you feel like he’s just mocking you at this point, “please let me feel you.”
The ability of his tongue is superior to every man you’ve decided to entangle yourself with, no one could match how well Jaehyun could make you feel. And tonight, you were ready to give all of you to him.
“J-Jaehyun,” you drag out, “I’m-”
“What do you want, baby?” Jaehyun asks, looking at you from below.
“E-eat me out.”
Jaehyun lifts himself until he’s hovering over you, there’s darkness in his eyes, foreshadowing that he won’t be gentle. “You have to ask nicely.” he snickers, bringing a hand down to rub your clit, fast.
Your eyes widen from the surprise feeling, a gasp comes out of your mouth and your back arches, your perking nipples touching his chest. Jaehyun seems to notice because he brings his other free hand and pinches it, rolling it between his fingers. You close your eyes, blinded by the feeling and the power he has over you. You’d let him ruin you any way he wants.
“Want...you to...eat. Me. Out, please, please, please,” you’re impatient as you finish your command, sounding snappy, but Jaehyun gives in because he enjoys how needy you sound.
He lowers himself until he’s face to face with your sex again, the wetness and clenching of it arouse him and he doesn’t hesitate to bring his mouth to it, instantly sucking your pussy. You release a loud whine, your hands shooting to his hair. You didn’t expect him to be so rough on you so soon. But he is and as he licks the wetness, drawing circles on your clit simultaneously.
“You taste so good, angel,” he coos, pulling away for a split second before lapping onto your sex again, this time thrusting his tongue in you. The feeling of his tongue fucking you has your stomach tightening, so close to snapping. He lets his tongue explore your walls as he pinches your nipples, forcing them to perk up more than they could.
Jaehyun knows you’re about to climax when your hips begin to rise and your legs start to close in beside his head, but knowing how sensitive you are, Jaehyun gently presses your hips down and pries your legs until they’re as far as your flexibility allows it to go before returning to his deed.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” you curse, sweat beading down your temple. Soon, your coil snaps and you’re shaking in Jaehyun’s grasps, but he gives you no time to come down from your high as he instantly thrusts his cock into you. You gasp, eyes widening as you hold onto him, your hands searching for any kind of leverage on him.
Jaehyun lowers his head into the crook of your neck, kissing it as he thrusts harshly against you. He hears your loud winces above him and he supports himself on his elbows, seeing tears on both sides of your face. “I can stop,” he whispers, afraid that he might’ve been overstimulating you too much.
You persistently shake your head, the pain is a bit overwhelming but the pleasure is worth it. “Please don’t,” you croak, bringing Jaehyun back down to you.
He fucks you like the angel you are, praises fumbling from his lips, “you’re so good, baby. You feel so fucking good.”; “No one feels good as much as you do.”; “God I fucking love you and your tight pussy.” praise after praise has you in a trance as he fucks you dumb.
Jaehyun pulls out and you whine from the empty feeling, cold air reaching your sensitive sex. But he lifts you by the hips, his grasp tight on you as he turns you over, lifting you until you’re on all fours. Jaehyun brings his hand hard on your ass, “promise me you won’t fuck anyone anymore unless he’s me,” he commands with a growl in his voice.
“I promise,” you whine, voice desert dry.
Content in your words, Jaehyun thrusts into you from behind. You let out an elongated cry, his tip reaching farther into you, hitting that sweet, sweet spot repeatedly. His grip on your hips tightens as you look forward to the bruises in your hips the next day.
“Oh baby, you feel so good,” Jaehyun hums, “still tight for me after all these years.”
You moan when he reaches for your breast, kissing your back in doing so. A moan escapes your throat, “only for you. Only for you,” you repeat, closing your eyes.
Jaehyun knows you’re dazed, your words are barely coherent, your pants are almost louder than your moans, and he knows you can barely hold yourself up, noticing at your shaking limbs. So, he wraps his arms around your hot, sweaty body and brings you up until your back is pressed against his chest. You groan from the new position that he puts you in, almost as satisfying as the previous one. Jaehyun gently kisses your shoulder and the place where it meets your neck while he rams into you, his actions contradicting. Nonetheless, it holds so much love. Vulnerable, naked bodies pressed together in the moonlight from Paris that illuminates your bedroom. You’re making love with the love of your life and how much of a roller coaster it took to finally get to this point.
“I love you,” you bring your hands around to his hair, combing your fingers through it, earning a groan from your tugging, “I love you so, so much. I love you and only you” you don’t know if your cry comes from the overwhelming feeling of your emotions or the fact that he’s vigorously ramming into you, reaching so far into you, making you feel like you could crumble in that instant.
“I’m close angel,” he moans in your ear.
“In me, come in me,” you beg, squeezing your eyes closed because you know you’re almost there too.
Jaehyun reaches down to your abused sex and draws circles around your sensitive bud, making you arch away from him, but he’s close to bringing you back to his sweating body. Soon you can feel that coil in your stomach snaps. Both of you let out a series of moans and curses and after staying like that for a bit, Jaehyun brings you down on the bed. He lays next to you catching his breath while holding you as you gasp for more, your body twitching from time to time as it calms down.
“You did well, my love,” he kisses your forehead, staying there for a few seconds, “and I love you too.”
Jaehyun doesn’t know whether or not you finally fell asleep, but he slowly pulls back to get a glance at you. In such a time like this, he thinks you’re absolutely beautiful, hair sticking out in various directions as some stuck to your forehead, your swollen lips that sit plumply on your face, the rare beads of sweat that sat on your temples, and the red flush that blushes your face. Everything about this, about you, is perfect for him. It’s a familiar feeling for him when he holds you, kisses you, makes love to you and it takes him a while until he finally realizes that you are his home.
You’re not sure what time it is when you wake up, but you know it must be around the early afternoon from the fresh sunlight that sneaks through your curtains. You remember the events from yesterday, going out to dinner with your friends, seeing Jaehyun, making love with Jaehyun and that’s when you feel the pair of arms around your waist move just a bit, which confirms that yesterday really wasn’t just another fever dream. With a smile on your face, you turn yourself until you’re facing him. What a beautiful man you managed to get involved with, again. You giggle a little bit when he stirs in his sleep, slightly pouting and you can’t help yourself but peck his lips a couple of times to wake him up.
Your fingers comb through his hair as he struggles to open his eyes, “Hey, sleepyhead,” you laugh.
“Good morning, my love,” whenever Jaehyun calls you that, it makes your heart flip. You felt ridiculous that such a word can make you feel like you're back in high school, experiencing your first, real crush.
“It’s the afternoon,” you mumble, reaching for your phone but he’s quick to wrap his strong arms around your body to keep you close to him.
It’s just like you never left like there wasn’t a whopping five years of nights where you missed being held by him. For you, everything fell back in place. For you, it felt like you were finally back home.
“Hey,” Jaehyun clears his throat and you back away because for a split second you could hear the hesitation in his voice.
With those dark chocolate orbs of his, Jaehyun looks down at you and you’ve never felt more alive in your years of living. He was only two years older than you, and you’re both still considered young, but he’s convinced that you’re the love of his life. You hope that what he says is something good, because after all of this, what would be the point?
“Will you marry me?”
You shot back, completely shocked with your mouth opened and your eyes wide. You really weren’t expecting such a proposal so soon, especially after seeing him for the first/second time in five years. You’re taken aback and completely speechless, you’re stunned and you think you’re losing it until Jaehyun calls out your name.
“Yes,” you reply, “yes, yes, yes!!! Let's get married!” You gleam, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in for a tight embrace.
Jaehyun pulls away from your waist and gives you a sincere look, “I know it’s not the ideal proposal, but I promise when we get back home, I’ll do it right. I’ll do everything right this time,” he declares.
“Oh honey,” you cup his cheek, “there’s nothing you did wrong, we all make mistakes and go through hard times. I’m just glad it all led me back to you.” you lean forward to kiss his forehead as he embraces you again.
It’s time, you were finally getting married to Jaehyun. And for real this time, no contract, no business, just love.
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“By the power given to me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss each other. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jung!”
Cheers throughout the venue fades as Jaehyun leans into your lips, a smile adorning his face as he places a gentle kiss on your lips. Flower petals are thrown in the air and smiles are exchanged between each side of the family.
And after the reception, dinner, first dance, cutting of the cake, bouquet tossing, and after everything fate has put you through, everyone bids you goodbye as you and Jaehyun run out of the reception hall. With the sparklers in their hands, complimenting the sunset in front of you, the cheers of encouragement sing through your ears as Jaehyun opens the car door for you. As he gets in, he gives you a teasing chaste kiss, before waving off to everyone and riding into the sunset.
You always had faith in fate, each decision has its own consequences and leads you on different paths. You often think to yourself if you had chosen a different path, where would it lead you? Would it lead you to the same ending? Or would you end up in a different place? And would the person you love the most be there? Yes. The answer is yes, wherever you go, you’re convinced Jaehyun will always be there. He will follow you like the sun and the moon, he will love you like how the moon leaves to let the sun breathe. Jaehyun will love you to the best of his abilities because you taught him to love himself. He’s almost convinced that you saved his life and he couldn’t be more grateful to have someone like you by his side.
Life was always good at never going the way you wanted it to. Like your mother said, “life isn’t fair,” yet at the time she said it, you were too young and only took it as a grain of salt. Little did you know, the world will throw you in several different directions, the world will bash you, judge you, and sometimes make you feel like it hates you. But when you find love, kindness, and forgiveness within yourself and others, everything that brought darkness will complement the light, showing how sometimes bad things happen so you can grow. Life is hard and no one said it was going to be easy, but right now, life is good. Life is great when you’re with Jung Jaehyun.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Eiffel Over [F.W.] [G.W.]
Characters: Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Word Count: 1600
Requested?: Yes/No(t exactly)
Summary: You take Fred and George to Paris and regret every decision you ever made that lead up to this point.
A/n: people keep asking me to write a fic where the twins take you to paris... this is for everyone who has ever imagined that!! enjoy! (please don’t hate me after reading this fic. please.)
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“I can’t believe we were just flying,” Fred looked over his shoulder at the plane you had just departed, his mouth dropping slightly as he took in the sight.
“You literally played Quidditch at Hogwarts, and your dad had an enchanted car that you stole and drove. How are you so confused over flying?” You replied with an amused shake of your head.
“Because it flies without magic,” Fred said as if it were obvious.
“And it’s got wings,” George added. Fred nodded enthusiastically, “Like a bird.”
You shook your head, “Whatever you guys say. Now come on, we need to grab our suitcases!”
In hindsight, you should’ve assumed that taking the twins to Paris the muggle way would’ve caused chaos and many many questions. But in your defence, you did not expect to turn back from grabbing your suitcase off the conveyor belt to said two grown men sitting on the carousel and riding around on it, handing out the cases to the wrong people.
You sighed, much like a parent whose toddler had drawn on a wall in felt-tip and proudly showcased this fact to them.
Waiting until the conveyor brought the twins back to you, you grabbed each of them by the shirt collar and yanked them off (with a little difficulty, and a lot of strange looks).
“I can’t take you both anywhere,” you pinched the bridge of your nose and lazily gestured to two familiar cases that were making their way towards you, the twins leaning over to grab them.
“Were we not supposed to do that?” George asked innocently, though the look he shared with Fred told you they knew they were not.
“Did you see anyone else doing what you two were?”
“Well no, but we assumed everyone was just being boring,” Fred replied as he followed you out of the airport.
“To be fair, they were being boring, stood around like that. At least we gave them free entertainment,” George added with a shrug of his shoulders.
The taxi ride to the hotel went by quickly and, thankfully, with little to no embarrassment to yourself.
You managed to check in to the hotel when you arrived and get the twins to their room without much more of a hassle, besides Fred yelling out, “Au revoir monsieur! Oui oui baguette!” at the receptionist as the lift doors shut, prompting you to scold him, even if the bemused look on the receptionist’s face made you want to laugh.
“I’m going to settle into my room, sort out my clothes and freshen up. And then we can visit the Eiffel Tower. How does that sound?” You asked, receiving nods of affirmation.
You let yourself into your own room and smiled at the peace and quiet - which was quickly interrupted by a loud banging next door, followed by loud laughter.
You knew you should’ve asked for a room on the opposite side of the hotel to the twins.
It didn’t take long for you to sort out your belongings, flicking on the tv for some background noise as your eyes scoured a map of France, deciding on the best route to the Eiffel Tower. You’d purposely picked a hotel within walking distance, and with it being noon, you had plenty of time to make a day out of the trip.
Hearing more laughter, you decided that they’d had enough time to destroy their hotel room, and grabbed your card key and bag before exiting your own room.
You knocked on their door, hearing an exasperated, “Fred, this is permanent ink!” and bracing yourself for what Fred had used the ink for. To draw on the walls? To write on the table? To-
The door opened and your mouth dropped, “Did you... did you draw a moustache?”
Fred stood proudly in the doorway, an uneven, curly moustache drawn above his upper lip, round glasses - reminiscent of Harry Potter’s - around his eyes, George barely being able to breathe through his laughter behind him.
“I did! Do you like it? It’s a proper French moustache!”
“I can’t believe I’m going to be walking around France with you looking like that,” you stated, only being able to shake your head at him.
“Should’ve seen him panic when he couldn’t get it off,” George chortled, earning a glare from his twin.
“On the bright side, look what we can do!” Fred stepped inside the doorway to the left, George rushing to the right so you couldn’t see them anymore. Then all of a sudden-
“Ouiiiiiiii,” Fred yelled as he moved from the left side of the doorway to the right. “Ouiiiiiiii,” George copied the same movement, just in the opposite direction to what his twin did previously.
And then suddenly they moved back and forth, taking it in turns, yelling out “Ouiiiiiiii!!” whilst all you could do is stand and watch in half shock half confusion.
After a minute or so, both twins stopped as if they hadn’t been doing anything and stepped out of their room, closing the door behind them.
“We’re ready to go now.”
“I don’t know what just happened but I don’t want to ask,” you shook your head, before turning to head down the hallway, gesturing for them to follow you.
It felt later than nearly 1pm to you, with everything that had happened already. You also kept forgetting that Fred had marker pen on his face, and was receiving yet more strange looks from passers by as you began the short walk towards the Eiffel Tower.
“Can we stop at this shop?” George asked, gesturing to a tourist-y type gift shop. You nodded, “Sure, why not. I’ll wait here for you, just be quick, okay?”
The twins disappeared into the shop, emerging maybe ten minutes later sporting matching grins and berets, their ginger hair peaking out either side. Stifling a laugh, you pointed at them, “What on earth-“
“We’re fitting in, Y/n, duh,” George rolled his eyes at you with a shake of his head. “We’re simply showing our fellow Frenchmen that we too, are French,” Fred added, before looking around at the crowds of people passing you by on the pavement.
“Excuse me, sir! Bonjour! Je m’appelle Fredrique, oui oui! Baguette, beret!” He suddenly called out to a middle aged man who happened to be walking by with his dog. He took one glance at Fred and hurried on faster, which you didn’t blame him for.
A pair of 6’3 ginger twins wearing brightly coloured berets and holding baguettes under their armpits, one of which with permanent ink covering his face? Yeah, you figured you’d hurry on by too.
“We’re never going to get to the Eiffel Tower if you two don’t behave. Come on, stop bothering these people!” You grabbed an arm of each of them and pulled them along with you in the direction of the tower.
It didn’t take long for the twins to get distracted again, this time by a gentleman who was stood by the side of the road with a hat in front of him holding change and spare notes.
“Why is he standing so still?” Fred asked, confused.
George nodded at his twin’s question, “And why does he have a moustache like Fred’s?”
“He’s called a mime,” you explained, watching as a young boy stepped over to the hat and dropped a couple of pennies into it. The mime immediately came to life, making the twins jump, pretending to be stuck in a box.
“But he’s not in a box,” Fred frowned, tilting his head to see if the mime was somehow in some kind of invisible contraption.
You shook your head with a smile, “That’s the point, Fred. He is a mime, he mimes different scenarios, one of which being him stuck in a box.”
As soon as you had told the twins this, they decided it was the best thing they’d ever heard, and pretended to be stuck in their own boxes for a solid few minutes, until you swiftly moved them on, dropping some spare coins you had in your pocket from purchasing a magazine at the airport for your flight into the hat. The mime tilted his hat off to you and then you were back on your way to the Eiffel Tower.
As you got closer to the Tower, you hoped you’d be able to make it to the queue without any more distractions from the twins, figuring they couldn’t possibly cause much more trouble... could they?
Alas, as you heard a small scream, and a clash from behind you, you turned around, your eyes widening as you realised Fred had been too busy looking up at the Tower to notice a row of bikes, that he’d very kindly now knocked over, he himself being sent to the floor.
“Fred! Are you okay? Are you hurt?” You crouched down to his level where he was laying on the concrete.
He groaned, sitting up and pulling a knee to his chest, before looking at you and then up at George, “I can’t believe it. Eiffel over.”
The concern dropped from your face as you stared at him with no emotion, George rolling his eyes at the pun, though a smile was tugging the corner of his mouth.
Fred grinned wide, “Geddit? Eiffel? Because we’re in Paris?”
You stood up without another word, grabbing George’s arm and walking away from the eldest twin, much to the loud protests of the eldest twin.
All of this, you realised, and it was only day 1 - next time, you’d come to Paris alone.
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rainingpouringetc · 4 years
so @dianasarrow said this and i couldn’t stop thinking about it so have a lil thomastair fic from the pov of the waiter in paris
Working in a city like Paris meant one was guaranteed to run into some interesting people. There were plenty of interesting characters to go around, and all of them needed to eat. Many of them seemed to enjoy this particular bistro, or perhaps there were simply more of them than he realized. It mattered not in the grand scheme of things; he was just a simple waiter using this job as a means to an end until his living conditions stabilized and he could start saving for bigger, better things.
This was why he turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to most of the goings-on of the little bistro at which he was employed. It really wasn’t any of his business--nor was it of interest to him--who was sleeping with whom and whether this or that event was worth attending. All he wanted was to make it through the day with as little trouble as possible.
Of course, this didn’t mean he was entirely immune to the occasional bit of eavesdropping. After all, the job got boring when it was slow, and this evening was crawling by, dragging itself by its fingertips. There were a few patrons scattered throughout the small restaurant, none of them exceptional in anything but their expensive purchases. He was just beginning to think his brain would explode from an overwhelming sense of ennui when a strange pair of young men walked through the door.
They made for a startling sight, what with their stark differences and contrasting mannerisms. The tall, fair one smiled softly as he glanced around, taking in the various decorations adorning the walls. He reached a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, whispering something to the other. The shorter, darker man had been scowling, but his face lightened as he laughed at his companion’s words.
The waiter swooped in immediately, showing them to a table and handing them menus. The taller man blushed a bit as he took the menu, glancing nervously at the other who then asked for a moment to look it over. Bowing his head in understanding, the waiter turned on his heel, heading to the back of the restaurant to fetch a water pitcher. Surely someone in their vicinity needed a refill.
When he returned, he found that the shorter man was reading off the options and describing them in English. Ah, he thought. Foreigners. It explained much about the odd situation, though the pair still remained rather mysterious.
Several minutes and a few unnecessary trips around the room later, the waiter spotted a raised hand. It was the shorter one, trying to get his attention so as to order. He made his way over to the table, politely asking what they had decided. Once he finished placing the order--two fairly simple dishes, nothing extravagant that would suggest a special occasion--the man turned to his companion. “Anything else, Thomas?” he asked.
The other man--Thomas, apparently--shook his head in answer. He was a quiet one, all right. The waiter assured them that their meals would be out shortly and hurried to the kitchen to give the order to the chef. This night was already much more interesting than he’d expected.
Over the course of the next hour or so, the waiter gleaned a bit more of information about the two men. The tall, fair one was named Thomas, and he had apparently come to Paris armed with no knowledge of the language and no real idea of what to do in the city. The shorter man, whom Thomas called “Alastair,” spoke French beautifully, as well as, it seemed, a multitude of other languages. The pair of men spoke without pause, constantly engaged in conversation as if the world ceased to move around them--as if they were the only ones left in it.
Their conversation took them through a vast range of topics. The waiter might pass one moment to hear them discussing a certain poet or book, then pass again moments later only for them to have jumped to the cultural history of Bombay. It was quite disorienting, and he only knew so much English as was, making it difficult to follow the track of their discussion. Were they really talking about a Russian composer? He heard the name _Scheherazade _repeated multiple times as well, only managing to confuse him further.
One thing was certain: whatever they were speaking about in any particular moment, both of them always appeared to be enjoying themselves immensely. They gestured widely in their debates, laughing and grinning their way through the meal until they finished and pushed their plates to the side and continued in softer, more intimate tones.
As the waiter came over to collect their plates, the one called Alastair quickly asked for a dessert. Anything will do, he said before promptly turning his attention back to Thomas. They resumed their discussion as if there hadn’t been any interruption. The waiter took the hint and made himself scarce, glancing back once to see Alastair laughing, his eyes lighting up as he did so. 
The rest of the restaurant slowly emptied. Only a few more people had come in since the strange pair of men, and many had left since their arrival. They hardly seemed to notice that by the time their desserts were delivered, they were the only diners left.
With nothing left to do but think, the waiter began to speculate about the intriguing relationship between these two strange men. They seemed closer than coworkers or acquaintances, maybe even closer than friends. The thought had crossed his mind a few times during the night, what with the way they talked like everything else--every_one_ else--had disappeared and barely took their eyes off of each other all the while. If this was the case--if they were truly lovers who simply wished to spend an evening out together--he sincerely doubted they were the first to come through here. Paris had always been a bit freer in that regard. Oscar Wilde himself had spent his last days in this very city.
Something shifted in the air, sending the waiter looking up frantically. He realized moments later what it was: the two men were silent, for the first time all night. Thomas was holding his arm out for Alastair to examine, the latter tracing a finger from his wrist to the crook of his elbow. Thomas shivered slightly, looking intently at his companion, who didn’t seem to notice.
Before Thomas could get a word in, Alastair turned to look at the waiter, who flushed slightly at having been caught watching them. Alastair didn’t seem to notice this, either; he simply asked for the check and paid for the meal despite Thomas’s protests. The men stood together, shrugging on their previously discarded jackets. 
As they left, the waiter shook his head. It was unlikely another night would soon be so interesting as this.
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scatter-the-stars · 3 years
Prompt: Aspen
prompter: @qyootip
warnings: age difference, adultery (Kurt cheating with Blaine)
note: while not the main focus of the story, I tried my hardest to fill this prompt the best I could
Part 1
The door to the hotel room closes with a soft click and for the first time that day Blaine lets out a deep exhale and relaxes. He loosens the tie around his neck before walking down the small foyer and into the living area of the hotel room. Surprise lifts his eyebrows when he finds Kurt curled up on one of the couches reading a book.
Of all of his son’s boyfriends, Kurt is the first guy he can recall actually liking. Where his son had a tendency to date wild, chaotic men, he was shocked when he first brought Kurt home a year ago. Kurt was nothing like the men Dex dated before. Kurt was calm and sweet and easy-going. And extremely easy to get along with. That’s why their friendship didn’t surprise him. Why he found it easy to have long, deep conversations about anything with Kurt.
All of that was probably a mistake since Blaine has found himself wanting his son’s boyfriend. Those deep conversations over the past year have lead to feelings and desires he shouldn’t feel for someone so fucking unattainable he’s practically the moon.
“Hey.” He walks over to the small kitchen area and grabs a bottle of water from the fridge. “I thought you and Dex were going out tonight?”
“That was the plan. Then he made friends with some guys he met on the slopes and decided to go drinking with them.”
“He ditched you again?”
Kurt closes the book he’s reading and stands. “It’s okay. He said he’ll make it up to me.”
Blaine wants to say something. To tell Kurt that his son has told him that numerous times and has rarely kept his promise. That Dex has a tendency to make promises he doesn’t keep. That he’s done this to him time and time again. But he keeps the words in. Doesn’t want to anger and upset Kurt any further than what he sees he is. Reminds himself that he has no reason to butt in on someone else’s relationship.
“I’m sorry about that.” He twists the cap off the bottle and takes a long drink. “Why didn’t you go with him?”
“I really wasn’t up for dealing with a bunch of drunk guys. So I stayed back and caught up on some reading.
Blaine further loosens his tie. “If you’re up for it, I have reservations at a restaurant. Want to join me?”
“I’d love to.”
“Great. I’ll get ready and meet you back here in forty minutes.”
Kurt is already waiting for him when he walks out of his room. His breath is stolen at the sight of him. At how stunningly gorgeous he is.
It’s not the first time he’s had such a thought about his son’s boyfriend. The very first time he saw Kurt, he thought he was beauty personified. Seriously contemplated for a moment that Kurt was unreal. Couldn’t believe someone so stunningly beautiful could be real.
He still has those thoughts every time he sees Kurt. Always feels a pang of jealousy toward Dex, then feels guilty for feeling that. Reminds himself to be happy for his son for finding someone so great. Even if his son is screwing up their relationship.
Blaine pulls on his coat to have something to do that isn’t creepily stare at Kurt. “Do you mind if we walk? The restaurant is only a few blocks away.”
“That’s fine. I love walking.”
“Alright. We can head out.”
Aspen is gorgeous as they walk to the restaurant. The sun has just finished setting and the night sky is coming alive with stars. White Christmas lights are wrapped around trees and lit up. A small layer of snow covers everything.
It never fails to put a smile on Blaine’s face. And he always appreciates the beauty around him. Never takes it for granted. Loves that he gets to experience Aspen this way every year.
They reach the restaurant and are immediately escorted to a table after their coats are taken. Blaine takes a seat as Kurt sits across from him.
“This place is nice,” Kurt states.
“It is. I try to come here every time I’m in Aspen.”
A sommelier comes and Blaine orders a bottle of wine.
“I can’t believe you get to come here every year,” Kurt says after the sommelier leaves. “I wanted to come so bad last year, but Dex made those plans and I couldn’t.”
Blaine remembers that. Remembers the disappointment he felt when he found out Kurt wouldn’t be able to come to Aspen with him. Then felt guilt streak through him at realizing he didn’t feel as upset when he realized Dex wouldn’t be there joining him like usual.
“I’m glad you could make it this year.”
“Me too.”
Their server arrives and Blaine’s cock twitches when Kurt orders his food and perfectly speaks French while doing so. He crosses one leg over the other and presses his thighs together for some relief.
“I always love hearing you speak French. I think I only know the bad words.”
Kurt laughs. “I learned because-“
“You want to go to Paris one day,” Blaine finishes.
“Yeah.” Kurt wears a look of surprise. “You remembered that?”
“Of course. You looked so hopeful and determined when you said it. I never forgot how you looked.”
A blush stains Kurt’s cheeks. Blaine wants to reach over and stroke thumb over his cheek. To feel that warmth under his touch.
“Dex doesn’t know I speak French,” Kurt says.
“He doesn’t?”
Kurt shakes his head. “He’s not big on learning much about me.”
“What is he big on, then?”
“Drinking, playing video games, and hanging out with his friends.”
Blaine exhales a heavy breath. He really hoped Dex had gotten past this phase of life he’s in. That he would finally grow up and learn to be a responsible adult. He thought he was headed that way when he started dating Kurt, who is everything he needs his son to be.
“Forgive me for being so forward with my next question, but why are you still with him? You could do so much better, Kurt.” Of course, Blaine wants to tell Kurt the better he’s talking about is himself. That he could treat him how he deserves to be treated.
“I, um… I have my reasons.”
“I hope they’re good ones.”
A grin teases at Kurt’s lips. “They are.”
Blaine really doesn’t want to find out said reasons. Not if they put that kind of look on Kurt’s face.
Their food arrives. They eat and carry an easy conversation throughout the meal. There are several times Blaine shifts in his seat when his cock gives an interested throb as he watches Kurt talk and eat. It’s almost erotic in a torturous way.
After they finish their meal, Blaine orders dessert, gives a friendly smile to the older gentleman who smiles at him from a few tables over.
“Who are you-“ Kurt looks back to see who he’s smiling at. “Oh.” He faces forward, a blank look on his face. “Are you going to talk to him?”
Blaine swears he hears a hint of jealousy in Kurt’s voice. But he doesn’t want to get his hopes up. Squashes that hope that started sprouting before it grows into something that will disappoint him.
“No,” he tells Kurt. “I’m just being friendly.”
“Don’t let me stop you, Blaine, if you want to go talk to him. I understand. You deserve to have some fun this trip.”
“I promise you, Kurt, I’m happy right here. I don’t want to go and talk to him.”
A sad smile spreads across Kurt’s face. “You should. At least then one of us would be having fun.”
Blaine cocks his head at that. “What does that mean?”
Kurt finishes the wine in his glass. He breathes and on the exhale he says, “It means that Dex hasn’t touched me in weeks.”
Blaine sees Kurt’s eyes go wide at his confession. Watches as his cheeks flush from embarrassment as he looks away.
“I shouldn’t have said that,” Kurt softly mumbles. “Can you forget I said that?”
“Of course.” The last thing he wants to do is further embarrass Kurt.
They finish their desserts.
Blaine pays and they leave. Start the walk back to their hotel. A light snow has started falling. He pulls his coat tighter around his body. Shoves his hands into the pockets.
“I love the snow.”
When he says that, Blaine looks at Kurt and nearly stumbles at the sight of him. At his face slightly tipped up to the night sky and lips pulled into a soft smile. At his eyes looking up and taking in the beauty of not just the snow but the wonder of the Earth.
“The sky is so beautiful here,” Kurt softly murmurs, more to himself than anything.
Blaine is positive nothing is as gorgeous as Kurt in that moment. He quickly looks away and mentally scolds himself for that thought; for all the thoughts he’s had of Kurt since they arrived in Aspen two days ago. It’s wrong for so many reasons. Not only is Kurt twenty-two years younger than him, but there is the huge deal of him being his son’s boyfriend. And he should not be having those kinds of thoughts about Dex’s boyfriend.
“Yeah, it is.” He figures he needs a drink and to get laid, like Kurt suggested.
“It’s crazy. You live in the city for so long and you forget that the sky can be so beautiful and amazing.” Kurt looks to Blaine. “You forget a lot of things after a while.”
Blaine sees the sadness pass over Kurt’s face after he says that. He wants to question Kurt and what he’s really talking about but stays quiet. Doesn’t want to push him about something that clearly upsets him.
They don’t talk much after that. In fact, except for a few words from him, Kurt is completely silent. Blaine can see he’s lost in thought. Contemplative about something. There are several times that he wants to pull him into his arms and hold him. To give him the comfort and attention that he so obviously craves but isn’t getting.
The room is quiet when they make their way inside a few minutes later. Kurt calls out for Dex but no reply comes.
“I guess he’s still with his new friends.” Kurt shrugs out of his coat and hangs it in the hallway closet.
Blaine pulls off his coat and hangs it. “I need a drink after walking through that. Do you want one?”
At the small bar that’s set up in the space between the kitchen and living room area, Blaine pours two glasses of whiskey for Kurt and himself.
Kurt walks up next to him and takes the glass he offers. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” Blaine watches Kurt lift the glass to his lips and easily knock back the two fingers of whiskey he poured in it. He bites a groan at the sight. Finds it extremely sexy and arousing. His cock gives a twitch. Heat pools in his belly as Kurt trains his eyes on him while running his tongue along his bottom lip.
He’s not sure what’s happening. But he can feel it. Can feel the tension and pulsing need building between them. It’s palpable. And he isn’t sure he wants to ignore either.
“Kurt-“ His next words die with a surprised Oomph when Kurt suddenly crashes their mouths together.
A beat of time passes between his brain registering what is happening and returning the kiss. The glass he still holds slips from his fingers and falls to the floor. It shatters and sends glass and whiskey scattering at their feet. But he ignores it in favor of pulling Kurt as close as he can. He grabs Kurt and lifts him in his arms; walks with him to the kitchen area and sets him on one of the stools at the breakfast bar.
The sound of another glass shattering against the floor rings in the air a few seconds later. It takes Blaine a second to realize it was the glass Kurt was holding.
Pressed close to Kurt, groaning at their bulges rubbing together, he holds the back of Kurt’s head and deepens the kiss. Pushes his tongue past Kurt’s lips and strokes their tongues together.
Kurt beautifully moans and arches into him. Plants his hands on his ass and squeezes while opening his legs wider and rocking harder into him.
Blaine groans. Ignores that voice in head telling him this is wrong. That reminds him this is Dex’s much younger boyfriend who is probably making decisions because he’s drunk.
That last thought has him pulling back. He breathes heavily. Cock throbbing at the sight of Kurt looking up at him with lust-darkened eyes and kiss-swollen lips.
“Why’d you stop?”
“We shouldn’t do this.” Blaine takes a few steps back to breathe and clear his head. “You’re drunk and not thinking straight.”
Kurt erases the space Blaine created. Presses close to him again. “I’m not drunk, Blaine.”
“Prove it.” It’s stupid of him to encourage Kurt. To encourage whatever this may be.
Kurt smirks. “Fine.”
Blaine lets out a short chuckle when Kurt recites the alphabet. Backwards.
“Told you: not drunk.” Kurt leans in and brushes their mouths together. “Can we continue now?”
Right as he moves to kiss Kurt again, the sound of the main door opening and closing has them jumping apart instantly. Blaine drags the back of his hand across his mouth as Kurt turns away to fix himself. He’s just getting his hard-on down when Dex stumbles into the room right before falling forward and face-planting on the floor.
“Ow,” Dex groans before breaking out into laughter.
“Dammit!” Kurt lets out a tired, annoyed huff of breath. As if this isn’t the first time he’s dealt with this. He makes his way over to his drunk boyfriend.
Blaine walks over and helps Kurt pick Dex up. “Let’s take him to his room.”
They struggle to transport Dex to the room since he tries every few minutes to turn to Kurt and kiss and grope him.
“Stop, Dex,” Kurt says the third time he does this. “Your dad is right there.”
Blaine hides his anger and jealousy when he sees what his son is doing. Grows angrier at the guilt and pleading look in Kurt’s eyes.
He isn’t one to ever truly get angry at his son. But in this moment, he wants to yell at him; to tell him how stupid he’s being.
He grabs Dex and yanks him away from Kurt when he laughs and says he doesn’t care. At least that’s what he thinks he said, the words are too slurred for him to discern much.
“I’m sorry,” Kurt says after he’s deposited Dex on the bed facedown.
“Don’t apologize for him,” he replies. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Help me undress him.”
After undressing Dex down to his underwear, they walk out of the room.
“Thanks for helping me,” Kurt says.
“Of course.”
They don’t say anything. Not about Dex. But especially not about what they were doing before he stumbled into the room.
While cleaning up the broken glass, Blaine momentarily contemplates asking Kurt what that was about. Wants to know how long he’s wanted to do that. But he says nothing. Doesn’t want to put Kurt under that kind of spotlight and pressure right now.
He tosses the last of the glass in the trash.
Kurt’s voice comes close by from behind him.
“Please, look at me,” Kurt pleads in a small, soft voice.
Blaine turns around. Hates the way his breath hitches and cock throbs at the wanton look he gives him. And he knows what Kurt is going to say when he opens his mouth. He stops him before he can speak by saying, “We shouldn’t, Kurt. It’s a mistake.” He can’t believe he’s actually trying to deny himself this. Is trying to be the good guy. But he knows it’s the right thing to do. And he fucking hates doing the right thing.
Kurt steps close to him. Gazes up at him with those blue eyes that easily draw anyone in. Blaine feels like a helpless fly in a spider’s web, and he doesn’t mind one bit at being captured.
“You’re right. It is a mistake.” Kurt draws his hands up Blaine’s stomach and chest. “But some mistakes are worth making.”
Blaine barely has time to respond before Kurt is kissing him.
He knows he should push Kurt away. Should be the big guy and do the right thing. But he can’t. Because he’s weak when it comes to Kurt. Because the right thing to do will never in a million years feel as fucking good as Kurt does.
A soft growl falls from his lips as he lifts Kurt up in his arms. “Fuck. I can’t tell you no.”
Kurt giggles. “Good. Because I really want you to fuck me.”
Blaine carries Kurt the few feet to the living room and sets him down. They both quickly undress and fall to the couch while making out. Kurt’s soft moans at their cocks rubbing together as he grinds down on him only add fuel to the fire he shouldn’t be stoking.
He pulls up for a deep breath after several minutes. Sits up and takes the opportunity to finally take in Kurt’s naked body. As he stares at Kurt’s gorgeous body, he finds it nearly impossible to believe that Dex has all this to play with and seemingly doesn’t want to any longer.
“Holy fuck!” He silently exclaims. Runs a hand over Kurt’s chest. Ghosts the pad of his thumb over a peaked nipple.
Kurt whines and pushes up into the touch. “Please…”
“What do you want?”
“Don’t care.”
Without thinking, Blaine dips his head down and sinks his mouth down around Kurt’s cock. Kurt loudly gasps and grasps at his hair.
He sucks Kurt. Twirls his tongue around the swollen head. Teases the tip into the leaking slit. Moans at the taste of Kurt he gets.
It’s been years since he’s gone down on someone. Mainly because he prefers getting head rather than giving it. But for Kurt he would gladly suck his dick every day for the rest of his life without complaint.
Blaine stops long enough to lift one of Kurt’s legs over his shoulder and suck two fingers into his mouth before resuming what he was doing. While sucking and bobbing his head, he presses one of his wet fingers to Kurt’s hole. Kurt momentarily tenses before relaxing and taking the finger.
He works Kurt open with one then two fingers while still sucking his cock. Finally pulls off after some time and grabs for his pants and the wallet in the back pocket.
Kurt strokes his cock while he rips open the condom packet and rolls it on.
After slicking up his cock, and Kurt hooking his legs over his hips, he guides the head to press against Kurt’s hole. Slowly he presses in until the head is surrounded by Kurt’s wonderful tight heat.
A small voice in the back of his head tells him to stop. To consider the consequences if Dex ever found out. But Blaine slams the door shut in that voice. Blocks out anything it has to say.
Kurt flutters his eyes closed and draws his lower lip between his teeth as Blaine sinks inside him.
Blaine continues to gently rock in and out until he’s fully sheathed inside Kurt’s body. He stills inside him. Hips flush with the curve of his ass. He takes a few moments to calm down and soak up the feeling of Kurt gripping his cock. Now knows for sure that any fantasy he had extremely pales in comparison to the real thing.
Kurt is striking as he stares up at him. From his beautiful blue eyes, the blush staining his cheeks, to the smile that teases at his luscious lips.
“Feels so good.” Kurt clenches around him.
“So do you.” Blaine does a small, shallow thrust. Groans at the amazing sensation of his cock sliding in and out of Kurt.
Kurt crosses his ankles at Blaine’s lower back and pushes him down closer to him. “Please start moving.”
So Blaine does. And he doesn’t go easy on Kurt. He plants one forearm on the cushion by Kurt’s head as his other hand shoots up to grip the armrest and uses the leverage to fuck Kurt as deep and hard as he can. Repeatedly slams his hips forward. Does so hard enough to shove Kurt up the couch every time he thrusts.
“Wait,” Kurt says after several minutes.
Blaine immediately stops and sits up. Thinks Kurt has changed his mind about this whole thing. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Kurt shakes his head. “Just want to move.”
After pulling out of Kurt, he watches him turn over and go to his hands and knees. He groans at the sight of his ass. Wants to do so many dirty things to it. Instead, he settles with pushing back inside and continuing to fuck it.
Hands on Kurt’s hips, he watches his cock repeatedly sink inside Kurt as he fucks him. Can’t tear his eyes away from the sight of Kurt stretching open around his cock. Almost wants to pinch himself to make sure this is real. Because he’s had dreams this amazing and has woken up severally disappointed.
Kurt squeezing his dick and thrusting back on him while softly moaning his name, though, tells him that this is real. That he’s actually fucking his son’s boyfriend.
Talk about a dream come true.
Kurt drops his shoulders to the couch. He grips the edges of the cushions. “Fuck me harder.”
Blaine tightens his grip on Kurt’s hips and increases the force of his thrusts. Grunts and groans as he fucks Kurt like a madman. He doesn’t hold back. Fucks Kurt like he’s wanted to for the past year.
Kurt moans and whimpers beneath him. Takes the brutal movements he’s giving him with ease and without complaint.
When Kurt sits up on his knees, Blaine winds an arm around his chest. He takes his mouth in a rough kiss after he turns his head. Plunges his tongue into Kurt’s mouth. Swallows his deep moan. Stills inside him before completely pulling out seconds later.
“Ride me,” Blaine says after he sits down.
Kurt grins and moves so he’s straddling Blaine’s waist. He grabs at Blaine’s shoulders and lowers his hips.
Blaine bites back a groan as Kurt sinks back down around his cock. “Fu-“ Nothing has ever felt as good as the heat of Kurt surrounding his dick.
“Am I a terrible person if I say I love how you feel inside me? That you feel better than…”
The unfinished thought hangs heavy in the air. Blaine can see the guilt on Kurt’s face.
“If that makes you a terrible person, then I’m a fucking horrible person for not stopping this,” he says to ease what Kurt is feeling.
Kurt leans in and kisses Blaine. “We’re terrible people,” he murmurs against his lips. Starts to gently roll his hips.
Blaine softly hums in agreement. Winds his arms around Kurt and grabs at his shoulders. Gently thrusts up into him.
When it comes to playing by the rules and being a good person, he’s happy to go against what he’s always done. Is more than glad to not do the right thing at this moment.
“Don’t let me go,” Kurt says after reaching back and grabbing Blaine’s knees before leaning back so he’s at an angle.
“I wouldn’t dare.”
Kurt drops his head back and begins to masterfully roll his hips. Moves with the finesse of a dancer. Blaine stares at the beauty of his body. Commits every line and ridge and muscle and scar to memory in case this is the only time this happens. Which he highly believes it will be. Because this can’t happen again. This is a one time time thing. This is them getting out the built-up sexual frustration and tension that’s been between them for the past year.
If this becomes a thing, there’s a better chance of Dex finding out. And that can’t happen. It would devastate Dex and ruin relationships.
So he continues to commit everything to memory.
“Fuck. You’re gorgeous.” There’s no other way to describe how Kurt looks straddling his waist with pleasure written all over his face as he rides his cock.
Kurt sits up and grabs Blaine’s shoulders. “Oh, yeah? You like how I look riding your cock?” He drops his hips and grinds them down.
Blaine groans and flexes his hips up. Grins when Kurt trembles and softly moans. “Love how you look riding my dick,” he growls. “Love watching you fuck yourself on my cock. You’re so fucking hungry for it. You’re so desperate for cock you’re letting your boyfriend’s dad fuck you, aren’t you?”
The words fall from his mouth without hesitation. Blaine knows it has to be the alcohol still coursing through his system that has loosened his tongue. Any other time and he wouldn’t be brave to say what he did. Of course, any other time and he wouldn’t be fucking his son’s boyfriend while said son sleeps only a few feet away.
Kurt softly mewls. “Yes. I needed this.”
That’s a truth Blaine can believe after what Kurt accidentally revealed earlier at dinner. And he’s more than happy to help remedy the situation.
If his son can’t satisfy Kurt, he’ll gladly do the job himself. It’s wrong and fucked-up. But he doesn’t care about that when Kurt feels so fucking amazing. When Kurt looks beyond pleased.
Grabbing Kurt and flipping him to his back on the couch, Blaine sits up on his knees. He grabs the back of Kurt’s knees and pushes them up to his chest. “Oh fuck,” he groans as he sinks deeper inside Kurt’s tight ass.
Kurt arches and lets out a quiet whine. “Fuck me,” he begs. “Fuck me. Make me come.”
Lips smashed together to be quiet, Blaine starts to fuck Kurt as hard as he was doing moments before. Kurt tips his head back and claws at his forearms as he roughly plunges his cock inside him over and over again. He sees him biting his own lower lip to be quiet.
For how hard they try not to make a sound, the noise of their skin slapping together is loud. If Drew wasn’t passed-out drunk, Blaine is positive he would hear that and discover them.
“Look at me, Kurt.” His voice comes out rough and gravelly. Kurt opens his eyes. Blaine sees the pleasure that has darkened his eyes. Sees the deep need he has trouble keeping off his face. “You want to come?”
Kurt nods his head.
Blaine roughly takes Kurt’s jaw in his hand. “Then come untouched.” He crushes their mouths together; shoves his tongue into Kurt’s mouth while continuing to fuck him.
Kurt moans and digs his fingers into Blaine’s back. Moves faster and harder with Blaine.
Several minutes pass before Kurt presses his face into the curve of his neck. Blaine groans when he suddenly sinks his teeth into his skin and comes. He feels the hot splashes of cum coat his stomach as Kurt clenches around his cock.
He thrusts a few more times and comes himself. His cock jerks inside Kurt. He thrust until his orgasm wanes. Collapses on top of Kurt after.
That was easily the best orgasm he’s had in years. And the fact that it happened because of his son’s boyfriend is not lost on him.
“Holy fuck!” Kurt softly exhales near his ear.
“I concur,” Blaine breathlessly replies.
They both lie there in a star of bliss and pleasure. Both of them breathe heavily and say nothing.
It takes a few minutes before Blaine can fully function. He sits up and pulls out of Kurt.
They still say nothing. Time passes and they just stare at each other. The full realization of what they just did slowly starts to dawn on them.
“I… I should go before Dex wakes up and wonders where I am.” Kurt sits up and gathers his clothes. “This was, um… I…” He stands; covers himself with his clothes. “Yeah. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Yeah.” Blaine stays seated for a long time after Kurt scurries away going over in his head what he did. He drops his head in his hands and groans as the reality of the situation fully slams into him.
What the fuck did he just do?
He just fucked his son’s boyfriend.
The next two weeks in Aspen are about to be real interesting.
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