#need to go to bed
faygos · 4 months
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sometimes god tier powers do weird things
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brimstone-cowboy · 15 days
Up late looking up dino facts on Wikipedia and I genuinely got spooked by the idea of mosasaurs…
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youngpettyqueen · 2 months
wrote something unbearably fluffy and I will be posting it on ao3 tomorrow but I wanted to do something a lil different and post it here. this is because I dont have the energy to do the format editing for ao3 rn but I want people to see it right now immediately
garashir, post-canon Cardassia, short and sweet, fluff that will rot your teeth out. enjoy <3
Gentle hands resting on his shoulders rouse Garak from a sleep he didn’t even realize he’d fallen into. He jerks awake with a rather undignified snort, more startled than he’d care to admit as he straightens himself up in his chair. Falling asleep at his desk… he really is getting sloppy.
Those hands squeeze his shoulders gently. He would know that touch anywhere.
“Only me, love,” Julian’s voice murmurs, soft and reassuring, “Didn’t mean to startle you.” 
Garak glances back over his shoulder, wincing slightly at the kink that’s developed in his neck from his awkward sleeping position. “You’ll have to forgive me, my dear,” He replies, offering Julian a tired smile, “I seem to have lost track of the time.”
He takes a moment to give Julian a quick once-over, his eyes heavy with sleep but no less sharp. He looks dishevelled, his hair a mess of loose curls and his jaw lined with a shadow of stubble. He doesn’t have any visible injuries, and his uniform is rumpled, but intact. So today was long, but likely not life-threatening. Good. He’d been worried, before he went and passed out.
Julian smiles back at him, a warm expression, though very tired. The lines under his eyes are deep. “I’ll forgive you, if you forgive me for being so late,” He offers, gently rubbing Garak’s shoulders, “Sorry to have kept you waiting. I was drafting requests for more medical equipment, and lost track of time myself.” He explains.
“How could I ever fault you for such a noble endeavour?” Garak asks, leaning back into Julian’s hands, which are doing wonders for what’s become a permanent stiffness in his shoulders, “I’m sure the staff appreciate your efforts.” His doctor has done marvellously, adapting to working in a Cardassian hospital. It took a couple of crisis situations before the rest of the staff finally took him seriously, but he’s managed to find a place for himself with minimal friction, as far as the hospital staff are concerned. Usually a Human would never have been accepted so quickly, but these are desperate times, and they can seldom afford to turn away such a capable pair of hands. 
“They’ll appreciate it when I actually get the equipment,” Julian replies. He works his thumbs into a knot at the base of Garak’s neck, and Garak all but melts against him, a pleased sound rumbling low in his chest, “Dare I ask what you’re doing with Kukalaka?” 
The question snaps Garak out of his pleased little trance. He glances back at his desk and finds that the bear is, in fact, sitting there, a needle still attached to thread hanging loose from his leg, which is half-sewn to his body. “Ah,” He says, now recalling what he was doing before sleep so unceremoniously claimed him, “Yes, that… well, I was rather hoping to surprise you with that tomorrow…” He hums, feeling a flash of annoyance at his plans being thwarted. 
Julian leans over his shoulder, examining his handiwork. “Oh, Elim…” He murmurs, like Garak has just handed him the world, “You wonderful, wonderful man. You really are too good to me.” He wraps his arms loosely around Garak’s neck, rests his weight against him as he presses his warm cheek to the side of his head.
It never ceases to amaze Garak, just how easy it is to make Julian’s day. The smallest acts have him behaving as if Garak has put the suns in the sky just for him. “Hardly,” He refutes, because he could never be too good for the man who reminds him days after day that good exists in this universe simply by existing, “You may have convinced the little ruffian’s mother that you weren’t upset over Kukalaka being torn asunder, but I know you far better than that. I may not understand the significance of the little fellow, but I would be remiss if I allowed him to remain in tatters when I could easily repair him.” He reasons, and it’s an awfully long way to say I hate to see you sad.
“That little ruffian was all of 3 years old,” Julian points out, a smile in his voice, “And teething, might I add, so understandably cranky. But… thank you,” A warm kiss is pressed to Garak’s cheek, an action that turns him into a puddle of bliss and affection, “I would tell you just how much it means to me, but I’m afraid I’m much too tired to adequately express myself.” He kisses Garak’s cheek again, and nuzzles against him.
Garak hums happily, reaching up to rest a hand on Julian’s arm. “Oh, I don’t know,” He muses, rubbing circles into Julian’s arm with his thumb, “I believe I could infer the depths of your gratitude from, say… more kisses.” He suggests, tilting his head so that he can flash Julian a cheeky grin. 
Julian snorts, buries his face in Garak’s neck as laughter shakes his slender shoulders. When he lifts his head again, he has the loveliest smile lines on his rosy-cheeked face, and the lines under his eyes don’t seem quite so deep anymore. 
“You’re incorrigible.” Julian tells him, earnestly and completely affectionate. 
“Yes,” Garak agrees, “And I do believe you love me for it.” 
“Oh, very much,” Julian agrees, leaning in till his nose taps against Garak’s, “It’s one of your most endearing traits.” 
Garak rubs their noses together, a gesture that is indescribably affectionate and also quite silly. “Tell me again about all those endearing traits of mine?” He requests.
“I’m far too tired for that,” Julian replies, his eyes flicking to Garak’s lips, “I think I’d much rather kiss you silly. Is that an acceptable substitute?” He asks. 
Garak doesn’t respond verbally, just angles his head and pushes up to capture Julian’s lips with his. Julian makes a happy little hum as he kisses him back, and his smile as he presses his lips to Garak’s again and again says more about his gratitude and his love than any string of words ever could. 
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lloronabella · 11 months
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floydsmuse · 25 days
having thoughts about playboy!rhett…😵‍💫
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furnace is an interesting word
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changingplumbob · 4 months
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Thank you kind individuals who sent me stars! I really appreciated it with the time I've been having. I sent some out just now, I meant to do it earlier but this week was heavy. Keep shining everyone!
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ofdarklands · 1 year
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chipthekeeper · 2 months
have had to block so many people who just do not understand that the basic foundation of this show (NOT the fucking book) is two girls that loved each other
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junkdrawer18 · 1 month
CW: mental health, anxiety,OCD, depression
Do you ever get anxious for no reason?
Like you’re just laying down but for some reason your heart starts to race and you can’t put a finger on it. So, you start thinking about everything but then it makes you find a reason to be anxious about everything you think of.
Like how the walls feel like they’re getting closer, but you try to rationalize it. Because you’re not claustrophobic so why does it matter? The walls could be right up on you and you’d be fine. But for some reason it’s freaking you the fuck out.
Or how you’ve worked your job over a year. But tomorrow you have work. And you know you’re good at your job, you fucking love your job. But you’ve never worked this specific day and you don’t know what’s gonna happen and it’s scary.
Or how you know your friends love you. They enjoy hanging out with you, because they wouldn’t if they didn’t. But then why aren’t they texting you back? Because they have their own shit going on in their lives. But they’re active. And they can’t bear for some reason just reacting to your message. But you’re not an overbearing friend right?? And you don’t pressure them about it it’s not a big deal.
But in my little fucking rodent brain everything is a big deal. The world needs to stop for a second. There’s too much going on. Everything, every cell, every atom needs to chill out. Because somewhere it’s raining. Every raindrop has its own story. And everyone you’ve ever met has their own shit going on, little minute details you’ll never find out about because they have lives too.
5 things you can see, four things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste.
Name animals a-z.
Try to name all the states alphabetically.
Everything is okay. Everything will be okay. Take things one day at a time. If that’s too hard take it by the hour, by the minute. You’ve got this even if you don’t think you do because at the end of the day you’ll wind up in bed at home and rinse and repeat everything. All of it.
Things are slowing down and it’s gonna be okay.
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castiellesbian · 2 years
alright that was fun but just remember canon is what you make it
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bluespring864 · 10 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
someone who knows how to chair a meeting (yes I am working too much... but also this makes me so happy because it happens so rarely and it makes everyone's day better. if i ever marry it's probably going to be a competent chairperson :D)
the pineapple-citrus-basilic jam i tried at the Christmas market
the fact that I'm not in a lot of pain recently (it's been that kind of year)
cats. always cats
a friend announcing that they will be in my city unexpectedly this weekend
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starlonkedd · 1 year
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I do not know what I am doing! Brushes are fun
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dragongirlafro · 1 year
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Don’t cry. The Field of Hopes and Dreams sax solo sheet music on my side blog @a-concert-just-for-you, okay?
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cheetotoboy · 2 years
No way Santa’s drinking all that milk and not shitting his brains out all the way into the new year
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