Starting my journey, I can't live like this. I need to be like how my mom was. I miss her to death so I'll make her proud and lose all this fat. CW 198 GW 110. I can do this, if my mom could do it I can too...
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th1nn-1ng · 3 months
Craving an empty stomach
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lizizlozing · 2 years
I HATE MYSELF!! I lit rally can’t stop bingeing! I was finally back down to 109 and then today I fucked it all up had an entire bowl of pho, SEVEN cookies (they were really good tho so like I’m not that mad hehehehehehe) and a WHOLE BBQ PLATE but tbh that shit did bust. Like… I HATE ANA like I love food but I also want to LOOK LIKE IM DYINGGGG!!! This is so upsetting like actually, 2 years ago when I was really bad I could just like not eat and my head was so clear and it was beautiful and then after I was FORCED TO RECOVER I developed BINGE EATING WOOOO!! (fuck those ppl they were just bad that I was hotter than them!! And I still am soooo) anyways calories reset at midnight right?? 😜 going to re start tomorrow for time 100000 and hope it actually works LOL will it???? Let’s take a vote! Yes or no. Okay actually tho send tips because I can’t remember shit from when i was skinny (((((CW 118 )))))
#ana #mia #anorexia #pro #thinspo #meanspo #anadiet #restricting #edfoodjournal #twed #edtriggers #skinnyispretty #binge #ed #needtobethin #bodycheck #mealspo #thinspo
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bingerbecky · 3 years
Need this weight off. asap
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immafatbiss · 5 years
Can I go to sleep and wake up the next day like this🤦🏻‍♀️💔
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dunkelgedanken12 · 4 years
A guy thats been physically attracted to me for years told me that it's "only getting better now that you're fit." Like if that doesnt reinforce the idea that being skinny is more attractive then I don't know what does.
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haunted-bymydemons · 4 years
I feel so alone right now
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bonesofmbm · 5 years
binged at lunch. and it was little sandwiches so it was bread. i haven’t eaten carbs in two weeks so i kind of feel like shit a little extra than usual. probably gonna binge at dinner too. lunch binge was for my bffs grandpa’s surprise bday party. dinner binge will be for my coworkers baby shower. two parties in one day ugh. the worst for restricting 😣 just gonna get back on track tomorrow and everything will be fine.
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bekkabinge8-blog · 5 years
How to lose 20 kgs just from my face?
Asking for a friend
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succubusmeru · 5 years
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Mais gorda que isso, só eu mesma.
Uso roupas largas pra disfarçar, vou a festas sem relaxar, sempre tensa tentando manter o foco do NF e ficar sempre ansiosa virou rotina e um tipo de reflexão.
Eu virei sim uma nova versão de mim, agora eu sei, eu estou melhorando.
Eu sei que vou ficar bem, eu vou ser a próxima garota a postar o before/after.
Tiro sempre fotos de mim pra escolher a melhor como before.
Nenhuma delas me agrada, mas já é um começo por pensar assim.
Seguindo firme e forte no NF.
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I need an ANA coach ASAP! Someone, anyone, please!!!!!!! I need a harsh, strict coach that will push me to do whatever it takes to please Ana Please message me if so! Thanks my lovelies🌸
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itis-myvoice · 5 years
i think that one of the problem is that i don't feel sick enough even when i'm in front of my toilet throwing up
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lon-ely-mads-blog · 5 years
Thinspo buddy
I’m looking for a thinspo buddy
Starting weight: 288
Goal weight: 188
Maybe one day down to 150
Please I need help. I’m so tired.
I’m 18
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chroxty-blog · 6 years
First body check on my tumblr. Now my weight is 45,1kg (99,43lb). I can't believe in a week I've been able to gain 2kg (4,4lb) I'm such a week fat idiot. Don't be afraid to comment.
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bingerbecky · 4 years
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Heey guys. I don't know if someone ever read this but I need this blog here and it will be my kind of diary I think. I don't know I think I have to share my feelings, I don't know why but I'll do it. Today 56,5kg. Gw:46kg. I can do it I already lost about 8kg. We'll see
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