#neji hyuga fanfiction
yu-huuuu · 2 years
Hi!!😊 Happy New Year!!<3
I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE😩 If I wanted someone to write it, it's you! I need this with your type of writing 😩💞
Is it possible if you could do a Naruto Shippuden Neji soulmate AU?
A soulmate AU where both you and your soulmate have the same soulmate mark.
Note: The reader is EXTREMELY strong and comes from a clan that wants strong people and they train the members when they are young so they grow up to become strong and there are other clans that are also the same as the readers clan. They call these type of clans 'The Kenji clans.' translates to: The Strong clans.
So the readers mother thought at first that the readers soulmate might not be strong or able to handle the harsh training from the clan to become strong or anything, and the reader also thought on why she would have a soulmate since she's from one of the Kenji clans and her lifestyle is different and he would probably get killed or die cause of the training (yes the training is THAT harsh😭 and if he isn't strong then he'll have to go to do that training) And her mother also thought that, So because of that the mother arranged a marriage for her and and her fiance who was some dude that cames from a clan that's one of the Kenji clans.
The reader understood but didn't want to be with someone she didn't like. So she ended up having a argument. And when she met the guy she did not and I mean did NOT like him AT ALL, she hated His personality and he got on her nerves way TOO much and he didn't want to marry her either but they both were forced.
And came the day of her and her fiances wedding and so on the day fo their wedding the fiance was literally fighting back and saying he didn't want to marry her and he didn't want to be stuck with someone like her, she hated him A LOT. And I mean
to the point she ended up Killing HIM in their OWN wedding. They fought and fought Infront if everyone on their wedding. And then she decided to kill him. She actived a ablitiy she has, called ' death eye' and her eyes started having a skull in her pupils. And whoever she looks at when the death eye is actived, can die because whoever she make eye contact with when she has the death eye actived, they will also have a skull pupils in their eyes and then their head falls of their neck, they are now beheaded. And just the second she looks at them their head will just fall off. Instead of white, Her wedding was just bloody red.
The readers clan are friends with the Hyuga so the Hyuga clan was invited to the wedding.
Then the reader kills her fiance and a lot of people that she just makes eye contact with and they die because of the death eye. And they see her holding her fiances head with a michiveous look and michiveous smile, then suddenly her fiances head turns into a skull because she disintegrates his skin by putting her hand on his cheek, and then his skin starts to disintegrate, and now she's just holding his skull up close to her face and just smiling, the she unactivated her death eye, and everyone already saw it. And then her soulmate mark starts to burn and then they find out she's Neji Soulmate, LMAO.
Btw the soulmate mark that the reader and neji both have is actually a skull🤭
Context: The reader kills her fiance on her own wedding day by using a ablitiy the 'death eye' then her soulmate mark starts to burn and she finds out that her soulmate is Neji🫢
SO SORRY THIS LOOKS SO LONG😭 IT WAS BECAUSE IF ALL THAT EXPLAINING, aside from the explaining, I wrote what this request is in the context!
Btw the reader is the same age as Neji in Shippuden so she is YOUNG, she didn't want to get married at a young age and to some guy who she HATED.
If you don't feel like doing this, or maybe you feel uncomfortable doing it, or you don't want to do this for whatever reason ignore it!<3
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[ 🌸 ] Annon! For a moment I thought I had deleted your request haha, sorry for the delay. I hope this is exactly what you requested! 
I also hope that all your goals for this year are fulfilled!
characters: neji hyuga ;; some character mentions
genre: fluff ; ;light angst in some parts...
warnings: mentions of the reader not wanting to marry someone cruel;; future dreams destroyed(?);; mentions of future marital infidelities (not with the main couple -nejixreader-);; mentions of spicy stuff;; mentions of blood;; the reader making a massacre on her wedding day;; a hopeful happy ending for the reader?
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enjoy <3
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'angry' would be an understatement to express how you had been feeling during these months...
Your clan was known to be one of the few strong clans that Konoha possessed. And rightly so, they needed strong people, always. You were trained since you were little, you were only four years old when your training began.
'Tough love' that's what your mother called it.
For your clan there was no room for soft and gentle touch, it's not that the people of your clan were inhuman or lacked empathy, it's simply that being a "strong" clan they were Konoha's first line of defense in case of an attack together with other clans. These clans along with yours were called
'The Kenji Clans'.
Your father fought when the nine-tailed fox appeared. Unfortunately, he was just as stubborn as your mother, and he just didn't know when to stop fighting. Eventually, your dad became bedridden with a disease that appeared because his chakra points were weak after that fight against the great beast, he died while you were still in your mother's womb. 
 You never met him, but you did get to know him and learn what his and your mother's relationship was like through stories.
You still remember the nights when your mother tucked you in your bed and if she was in a good mood she would tell you stories about your father. Your favorite story was the one about their first date.
For you, a 5-year-old girl, the meadow of flowers where they had gone to spend the evening and watch the sunset together sounded so enchanting.
But, nothing compared to the third date, the confession of two lovers under thousands of stars while sharing their first kiss sounded magical, almost like a fairy tale.
You wanted that one day. Finding your soul mate and feeling safe with that person…just like your mother once felt.
Your motivation for enduring the cruel training you were subjected to was that one day you would find that special someone and that you could rest easy, without pain or fear, in their arms.
Finally, feeling safe and appreciated, you just didn't care about their gender, much less their skin color, you just hoped to find your soul mate one day. 
That's why you found it cruel to have the only thing you wanted to be taken from you, even though a part of you was okay with it. 
 “You…did what!?”, you tried to control your own anger, but you failed. You had barely arrived home from running errands only to find a very badly behaved Youth and other people with a bad temper. As soon as they left, your mother invited you to the living room to tell you the reason for the visit of those people.
The woman in front of you and the one who gave birth to you raised a thin eyebrow. "Why are you acting like that in front of your own mother? Besides, I thought you agreed with me."
you exhaled trying to control your urge to yell at her, "I was, but I never thought you would do something like an arranged marriage" 
 Your mother let out a mocking snort, “how selfish of you, my child, are you going to let your soul mate suffer through training as cruel as our clan's?” she spoke, but before continuing she used a serious voice "you know that not everyone can handle our type of training" 
 You knew, you knew that not all people could handle the hard training.
years ago, one of the girls from your clan had found out that her soul mate was a boy from the Uchiha clan. The poor boy had not endured the training, which did not make him worthy of marrying the girl. As stubborn as the people of his clan were, the Uchiha boy had promised your clan leaders that he would return the next morning to do the training again and this time he would endure it... Unfortunately, the massacre occurred that same night, so he could never keep his promise to come back.
There were so many better or worse stories than that.
There was one in which a boy from your clan discovered that his soul mate was a civilian, a simple baker from a humble family. Needless to say, for the young woman's safety, he decided not to stay by her side.
Although you could say that; that boy was still in love with that young woman despite having a wife and a son, he seemed not to be interested in his family. It was something sad and bitter to see him with a family, but always thinking and surely longing for that civil woman, something told you that one day he would have an 'adventure' with that baker.
Your mother, in order to avoid something like a "tragic fate", decided that it would be a good idea to get you married before you met your soul mate. Which was one of the many reasons you were mad at her, you didn't agree to get married, especially so young. You still had so many things to do!
But of course, in the eyes of your clan you would be seen as selfish for not wanting to get married...
Your desires... All your dreams no longer mattered and there was nothing to do to stop the anguish that was blooming every second in every part of your being.
Neji wasn't interested. keyword 'was', he no longer knew what to think as he watched the scene in front of him.
The only reason he had come to this engagement ceremony was because Hinata had asked him to accompany her, and he had to protect her in case something happened. As the daughter of the leader of the Hyuga Clan, Hinata had to occasionally attend important events when her father was not available. This was one of those occasions.
"C-come on, Neji...it won't be s-so bad!"
She had been trying to cheer him up with her sweet words, surely his face must have looked more serious and bored than usual this morning. She had been very thoughtful of her to want to cheer him up, but sadly it hadn't worked.
He further placed his muscular body protectively in front of Hinata, preparing to attack and defend in case an attack was directed at his cousin as he activated his Byakugan.
The named bride; "Y/N", had gotten out of control, she had killed her own husband after a silent argument that had occurred mid-vote and had only escalated until you just... well, you killed a few people with your ability just by looking at them. The decapitated bodies of various people adorned the place, ruining the pure and beautiful aesthetic for a more macabre one.
Before all that chaos happened, you looked so beautiful and virginal when you entered the main hall that even Neji's heart fluttered a little when he saw you.
But, he could not look at you or think about you in such an intimate way as it was to see you as something 'beautiful', because; First you were engaged to someone and it would be vulgar of him to think of you that way, and second this kind of thought and emotion was only supposed to be directed at his soul mate.
Now, as you hold the skull of your ex-fiancé and soon-to-be husband while maintaining a macabre smile, he wonders if it was just anger that made you act in such a vile way, or you were just like that, someone cruel who only disguised herself as a gentle being.
 He has so many doubts in his mind, but he can't come to a conclusion, his only thought is to protect his precious cousin who is behind him. 
 He was about to finalize an escape plan to get out of this chaos until he feels a slight burning sensation on the left side of his neck that makes him grunt a bit, worrying the few people left alive around him.
Amidst all the commotion Hinata had asked him if he was okay, he was about to reply when you made a slight strangled sound as you held the left side of your neck dropping your ex-fiancé's skull.
When you finally removed your hand from your neck, Hinata gasped.
“She… y-you… N-Neji! You two have the same mark… you're soul mates!”
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. . .
what the f-
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* shock-shock-shock * I wonder what will happen next...
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Perfect: Neji Fanfiction
If she had to listen to Ino talk about her midriff showing for one more second, she was going to lose it. She could care less about her midriff or anything else when she was lost in this world that definitely wasn’t her own.
“I’ll take that into account.”
She makes her way pass the shy girl, giving her a smile as she goes. She’s got to get out of here fast as she knows that where Ino is Shikamaru and Choji aren’t far behind. She never thought that she would live in a world where she had to avoid Shikamaru. He was normally a good friend of hers, but in this world, he couldn’t carry a conversation longer than two seconds.
            Everything was different here.
Hell, Naruto wasn’t even Naruto. His name was Menma. A little bit of pre-teen Sauske thrown together with all of her Naruto’s cockiness. It was a deadly mix. Still, it was so nice for Minato to invite her to dinner the first night she found herself there with nowhere to go. Seeing Naruto interact with his mother and father was heartwarming. It made her miss her own family. Namely her team, that she hadn’t seen since she arrived. The other members of Team Gai must be on a mission.
            She wondered what the others would be like. Would ferocious Ten-Ten be as shy as this world’s Ino? Would Rock Lee hate Gai Sensei? Would Neji act any different towards her than he normally did? Could she stand it if she did?
            No, that was a foolish thing to think about. Neji was her friend, and she had to get out of here. It didn’t matter how this Neji treated her.
            “There you are!” a voice called, and she turned to see the most heinous thing she could imagine. Guy Sensei was standing there sans green jumper. Of course, he was wearing other clothes, but the sight of him in anything other than his signature leotard was a bit jarring.
            Behind him quickly came up the others.
Thankfully, Lee was still wearing his green suit. Anything else would have probably sent her into shock. Ten-Ten was there too. She smiled cautiously at her team mate. Ten-Ten wiped her brow.
            “There you are. We’ve been waiting for you since we got back yesterday. I thought you would still be in the hospital, but they said you checked out.”
            That was news.
 Perhaps that was when the switch happened. She hadn’t considered this before, but that could also be a possibility. Maybe this world was as real as hers, and the person who belongs here and her just switched places. If that was the case then at least she wasn’t the only one working on this issue.
            Though, what would that say about this her if that “her” was smarter than her? Is she the dumb one?
            “It looks like you’re thinking awfully hard there.”
She felt a hand on her shoulder, and turned to look. Her Neji was never one for physical touch, yet this Neji was so casually touching her shoulder and looking at her with such concern.
            It made her stomach drop.
“Are you all right? We were just heading to get something to eat, you want to come along?”
            The grumbling in her stomach answered for her.
Team 10 had their bbq dates and Team Guy had dumplings. She could live on dumplings, and she was glad to see that that hadn’t changed in this reality.
            The dumplings also provided her with an excuse not to talk. She listened as not quite her Rock Lee and Ten-Ten talked about some of the details from their previous mission.
            She nodded along in the right places, but mostly kept to herself. She thought no one noticed, but as they were leaving Neji grabbed her hand.
            “What’s up with you?”
“What?” she asked, the picture of nonchalance.
            “I’m fine. I’m just heading home.” ‘
“Then, I’ll walk you.” He made a motion like “lead the way”, but as she had been sleeping on the playground for the past week, she could only guess which way her home was. She started walking in the direction she hoped was accurate, but was quickly stalled by another hand on her shoulder.
Neji was looking at her like he had never seen her before.
            “I know that something is wrong. I’ve been watching you, and I just…” he stalled, and the motion failed her deeply. Why couldn’t her Neji ever look at her like this? Like his whole world would fall apart if she wasn’t okay? She knew that her Neji cared for her, but she never knew if he cared for her the way that she has always cared for him. But if this world was the opposite, then she had her answer.
            “You can come home with me,” he finally said. “We can work out whatever this is in the morning.”
            Now that had taken her off guard.
Neji had never invited her to the Hyuga compound. That was strictly off limits as the head of the house was notorious for disliking outside visitors.
            “Are you sure?” she asked.
Neji smiled. “Of course, you know they love seeing you. It’s like your apart of the family. You are like a sister to me.”
            “A sister?”
“Of course. I love you like the sister I never had. Like Hinata Sama.”
            A sister?
“So, you’re not in love with me?”
            Neji looked as if she had asked him to eat the last bit of calamari. Then he let out a loud laugh that would have made her feel better if it had been a gag.
            “Of course not..”
She felt a pull on her midsection. Then that means.
            She was pulled back to her reality as gently as she had fallen into this one.
That other her may be the smart one, but at least, her Neji didn’t break out into laughter when he thought of kissing her.
            “Are you all right?” Lee said as he helped her up. She was on her back in the middle of some field.
            “You just passed out. Are you alright?” Ten-Ten asked. She nodded. Her gaze turning upward, locking with Neji’s.
            “I’m fine,” she said. “I’m perfect.”
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mishellii · 5 months
♢ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ♢
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ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ, ꜱᴀꜱᴜᴋᴇ, ᴋɪʙᴀ, ꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴍᴀʀᴜ, ɴᴇᴊɪ & ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ
a/n: sooo my first headcanons yeiih!! this just came flowing out of me while watching boruto tbh because i'm delusional lmao,,,, anyway, very self indulgent as always :) ignore typos pls i cant spell aaaand enjoy xx
likes & reblogs appreciated <3
warnings: none! SFW :) not proofread
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♢ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ ᴜᴢᴜᴍᴀᴋɪ♢
✿sUCH a messy sleeper
❀he'd toss and turn throughout the whole night, ending up somewhere completely different than where he fell asleep on the bed
❀matching pyjama sets !!!
✿especially seasonal ones, he adores them
❀but not on purpose really, he just pulls it with him due to all his movements
✿u always wake up with it either on the floor or him laying atop of it
❀sometimes he hits u with his elbow or his feet, but pls don't tell him he WILL cry
✿just push him away, boy will not wake up under any circumstances
❀the both of u alWAYS cuddle when falling asleep
✿the usual position is with his arms around your waist, legs thrown over ur own and his face resting next to ur shoulder
❀for that exact reason he's a BIG SPOON !!
❀so so quick to fall asleep, and wakes up after u as well
✿but not at all groggy in the morning !! he's energetic from the second he opens his eyes and sees u preparing breakfast
❀overall just the softest boyfriend ever
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♢ꜱᴀꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ♢
❀now thIS dude sleeps like a corpse
✿he's not particularly prone on cuddling u, but he fairly enjoys having ur head on his chest and feeling ur fingertips draw circles against his skin
❀he'd never admit it tho obviously
✿mostly wears a black lose t-shirt and some short sweats or sumn 
❀just comfortable all around
✿i'm a firm believer in the back position
❀laying flat on the mattress, one arm either around u, or both resting on his belly
✿light sleeper, if i may
❀takes him pretty long to fall asleep as well, but counting ur breath usually calms him and makes it easier
✿u make everything easier for him actually
❀doesn't really care about a blanket, it all really depends on what u prefer while sleeping
✿often awoken by nightmares, but won't ever wake u up or tell u the next day because he thinks it's embarrassing
❀refuses to leave the bed in the morning, but isn't moody at all just very quiet
✿always helps u make breakfast and makes the bed without having to ask him to
❀overall just a calm lover
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♢ᴋɪʙᴀ ɪɴᴜᴢᴜᴋᴀ♢
❀without a doubt, a snorer
✿like IM SORRY LADIES but c'mon
❀but not annoyingly loud, just breathy lil snores
✿the problem with it is: he won't move an INCH away from u ever, he's all up in ur business while sleeping
❀doesn't matter how, he's always got to feel u next to him somehow
✿i take him as a sleep talker too, mumbling incoherent words against your neck which only make u laugh tbh
❀akamaru's got his own bed next to the two of u, but some nights he crawls in between ur bodies, practically suffocating u
✿you really don't mind on colder nights, but in summer kiba makes him get off, due to having such a high body temperature already and he doesn't want u to complain even more
❀wore a shirt and pants at the beginning of ur relationship
✿but now??? u'd have to FORCE him to wear anything more than boxers
❀hates when u don't want to cuddle :(( might as well kill him fr
✿why need a blanket when he has you??
❀doesn't leave the bed AT ALL in the morning, u literally have to grab him by the feet and drag him out of it
✿he's a sweetheart, really
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♢ꜱʜɪᴋᴀᴍᴀʀᴜ ɴᴀʀᴀ♢
❀dude HATES cuddling at the beginning of ur relationship, me thinks
✿but fear not, it just takes a bit of convincing from ur side and he's in on it
❀but it's subtle touches really, like holding his hand or having ur feet intertwined
✿if u've had a bad day, he'd definitely play with your hair to make u fall asleep, he's not a diCK
❀grey sweats all the way !!!!!
✿rarely ever wears a shirt, except for when it's cold of course
❀he seems much more like a light sleeper than not, but he's so grouchy when something wakes him up it's a drag really 
✿has to be completely dark and quiet in his room or he won't be able to close one eye
❀always sleeps on the side closest to the door
✿big on talking about both ur days at night because he's a very private person and loves spending time with u ALONE
❀deep talk at 2am?? u can bet on it
✿forehead kisses!!! once u wake up and neither of u want to get up and start ur day
❀he's such an attentive lover in general, i'm actually going insane 
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♢ɴᴇᴊɪ ʜʏᴜɢᴀ♢
❀oh my lovely boy
✿i feel like he wouldn't move a MUSCLE while sleeping
❀sometimes you have to poke him to make sure he's still alive
❀a light sleeper foshou
✿also ????
❀he would 100% wait for u to fall asleep first
✿would always run his fingertips over your back to make you tired
❀unfortunately, the closest to cuddling u two do, is ur head on his chest
✿he gets sweaty quickly, so he'll often sleep without a shirt (which u don't complain about obviously) and that's the reason why he doesn't necessarily NEED body contact (in this situation only!!)
❀but HUGE PLUS he'll sweet talk you to sleep almost every night 
✿asking about ur day from begin to end
❀he wants to know it ALL
✿in general, he's really big on making you as comfortable as possible before bed
❀would even wait till the morning to go pee because you look so peaceful laying on his chest
✿don't mind him watching u he just thinks ur so pretty ok
❀u wake up to the smell of coffee almost every morning
✿overall, as we been knew, the gentlest gentlemen to perhaps ever gentleman goodbye
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♢ᴋᴀᴋᴀꜱʜɪ ʜᴀᴛᴀᴋᴇ♢
❀poor baby's the king of light sleepers
✿always ready to jump into battle and protect u if he has to, even if u convince him that ur safe and nothing's going to happen :(
❀casually wears a black tanktop and some sweats, mask and shinobi headband easily reachable on the bedside table at his right side
✿definitely enjoys u playing with his hair too much
❀he prefers to fall asleep with his head either on your chest or tugged just under your chin so he can hear you breathe and ur heart beat
✿he's so tragic oh my days
❀anYWAY light snores but only when he's REALLY gone and u rarely ever see him in this state so,,,,,
✿loves listening to ur stories before falling asleep
❀legs & arms intertwined and allathat 
✿you will never lay in bed without him picking up one of his books at least ONCE
❀it really calms him down u know
✿but start a conversation with him, and he's all urs, book long forgotten next to his mask and headband.
❀always wakes up earlier than u, preparing breakfast with said book between his fingers 
✿(he swears he'll close it once ur awake tho)
❀((he does))
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a/n: AHEM i hope u liked it ???? pls tell me ??? AAAA i will see u beans next time bye bye xx
devider by @enchanthings
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Playing with naruto boys hair ──☆*:・゚
Slightly suggestive (kankuro ofc)
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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He loves attention so honesty he is down for anything. Weither your petting his head or braiding it he will always rub into your hand like a little puppy😭 he doesn’t beg for you to play with his hair but he never refuses the offer~
You were braiding his hair while he slowly fell asleep, thinking he was already asleep you started to talk to yourself “ ugh your so cute with your fluffy hair” you whisper “tsk, and you think it makes you look like a hedgehog, a cute hedgehog if anything~” then you can hear him giggle and turn a soft pink “oh my god your awake?!” “Hehehehe…yeahhh” “thanks y/n~”
He thinks he’s so tough and mostly it is but when he gets all soft with you late at night all he wants is to cuddle and for you to play with his hair. He just lays on your chest and when you don’t start playing with his hair he will clear his throat in a very dramatic way!
“AEhemHHHH” “…yes?” “Well? Arent you going to…?” “Huh?” “Play with my hair y/n!!!” “Ohhhhh! I knew that I just wanted to hear you say it~” “Y/N!” You giggle at his neediness 
Straight forward, to the point, just “play with my hair.” And that’s it. He can be very timid but most of the time he’s not ashamed to ask for things!
“Y/n? My darling?” “Yes?” He sits down infront of you “can you play with my hair?” You reach down and kiss his hair softly “of course!” And you drag your fingers through his soft hair you ask “anything else baby?” He whimpers softly at the head massage “I love you y/n…” you giggle “I love you too!”
Every time you see his hair down it’s just an urge to go up to him a play with it, it looks so soft honestly! You never have before but one day after he takes a nice shower and walk out with his hair down and freshly dried you just had to ask!
“Why are You staring at me y/n? You think I’m that handsome?~” he teases “well you are handsome but I’m just looking at your hair” “ah why?” “It looks so soft!” “Oh!…want to touch it?” He walks over to you bowing his head in front of you while giving you cute puppy eyes. You reach for a strand of his hair and just as you thought it was soft as silk! “Oh my god what conditioner do you use babe?” He giggles while sitting down next to you, not moving his head away from your loving hand. You sat there playing with his hair for hours!
He always sees how excited akamaru gets when you pet him so he kinda wondered what if felt like, but he didn’t want to be weird so he didn’t know how to ask. So he didn’t ask!
“What’s up kibaa?” “Hey y/n!!” He lays down on your lap which he does often but this time he did something different “can I have your hand y/n?” “Of course puppy!” He grabs your hand and immediately places it on his head waiting for you to get the hint. “Uh? Heh what are you doing…OHHHHH you want me to play with your hairrr how cutee!!” “Shut up y/n!!! Gosh cant a guy get some pets without being teased.” You laugh at his response. But you gladly gave him all the pets he wanted! (Akamaru was jealous)
Similar to kakashi, you rarely see his hair down so once you saw him relaxing in bed with his hair down you couldn’t resist
You crawl in bed with him which Suprisingly he didn’t realize, but once you started playing with the ends of his hair he opened his eyes to look at you “uh, what are you doing dear?” “Playing with your hair” “w-why?” “Because I Love You?” “Hm, Ok……can you brush it out while your at it? It’ll get frizzy and I’m to lazy to deal with it” “of course! But only if you don’t whine about it” “be gentle and I won’t whine!” He closes his eyes waiting to feel the brush softly dragging through his hair (for now on he always asks you to brush his hair)
He doesn’t mind what you do to him as long as your happy! I feel like his hair gets frizzy in humidity and your happy to take care of it, kind of like shika. Except he asks you to help not because of the frizz he just secretly likes your hands on his hair
He walks up to you after a fresh shower and hands you a comb, detangle stray and a normal brush. You look up at him a little lost just to see his hair poofy and slightly curled “…do you want me to do your hair?” “Yes I don’t know how” (he does he just wants you to do it) “hm Finee, cmon sit in front of me” you took very nice care of his hair which he appreciated so much. Now most of the time when you play with his hair it just turns into you playing salon with him (LOL)
I’ve said it before he loves it when you play with his hair but he will never ask. Normally he just sits next to you and play with his own hair until you do it for him. He thinks he’s so sneaky when he does it but in reality it’s so obvious he wants your attention
He’s currently braiding the ends of his hair which he never does so you knew what he wanted already “neji what are you doing sweetheart?” “Just braiding my hair” He looks up at you with a small smirk hoping you caught on “oh ok!…may I help?” “YES” “…” “uhm I mean…sure!” He’s not smooth at all but let’s just pretend he is- he just lays on his stomach and let’s you do whatever you want to his long hair. You can put it up in a bun or maybe a ponytail, whatever you pick he just likes the attention!
He also LOVESSSS attention, love and care no matter what! He would just jump onto you and beg for you to pet him! Which you always do, especially after a long day he lovesss ittt
“Y/n-Chan! Please! I would do anything just for you to play with my hair!” You look at him for a while just to soak in his pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, but you took to long to respond so he took it as a no apparently. “PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLE-” “YES LEE OK!!” “YAY!” He tucks his head into your hand so you could hold onto his face while playing with his hair, also so he can stare at your beautiful face with love in his eyes
Now this boy has a lot of hair, it’s a like a blanket! So sometimes you just cling to his back and bury your head into his fluffy hair. Other than cuddling into his hair you also love playing with it. One time you put them into two pig tails and he looks ADORABLE! He didn’t take them out the whole day
“Your sooooo CUTEEE AHHH” He is currently twirling his hair which you put into a cute ponytail “ya think so y/n?” “Mhm!! But let’s try something elsee” you take the band holding his hair up out gently as to not put any hair out, then you dragged both hands from his scalp all the way down his hair which made him shiver. You grabbed two pieces of his hair from the front of his head to put them into two buns. After that you took a look at his cute face. “Oh my gosh you look like a cute little bear!” “Ha little?” “Yeah your just a silly little guy!” Which made him blush. He loves moments like this
He is very timid with any new form of physical affection so when you suggested playing with his hair he was a little shy but also confused, why does she want to touch my hair? Is it because it’s red? He didn’t understand but was willing
“I’m ok with you touching my hair I’m just wondering why?” You smile at his curiosity “it’ll feel good sweetheart, I’ll give you a nice head massage~” he likes massages so that comforted him a little. Once you made contact with his hair he felt a little less anxious. “Feel good?” His eyes softened while he turned drowsy “yes…thank you” he fell asleep not to far into the massage, but now you know any time he has trouble sleeping you could put him to sleep by playing with his hair
I’ve said before he LOVES his hair, you rarely get to touch is. But he will let you touch it if you pull it play with it which he does like but never admits it
“Why would I let your touch my glorious hair!” “You let me pull it last night?” “SHUP UP?!” Teasing him is always fun so you get a laugh out of it, but you do really want to play with his hair “no serious let me play with it! I promise you’ll love ittt~” “Ughhhh fineeeee” he mumbled while he sits on his knees infront of you. Once you actually started playing with it He visibly relaxed “told you you’d love ittt” “I don’t love it! I just…yeah fine you win I love it”
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slutfics · 5 months
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characters: obito uchiha, kakashi hakate, itachi uchiha & neji hyuga.
warnings. none. fluff, domestic life, not proofread.
writers note. how i think they’ll act as fathers, kakashi isn’t married i believe and the other ones are dead, so i just wanted to make a little something for my beloveds, especially for obito since he’s been nothing but a nuisance in my head. I love him.
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he’s definitely the ‘big family’ type of guy, probably would want at least four kids, five the highest. yea, he likes having little spawns, even if he doesn’t look like it.
he doesn’t yell or spank his children, however there’s been times when he has yelled because they were acting out.
when he’s irritated, his children would know it’s time to stop, his voice deepens and becomes stern and he has a look that makes them stop whatever behavior they were doing. he could be scary, but other than that he’s a chill dad.
his ‘time-out’ methods are putting his kids in the corner or extending their chores. sometimes he’ll make them clean the front yard and bathroom.
he actually smacks his kids over the head when they don’t listen or throw his slippers at them. depending the age of his children, let’s say ten through fifteen, they’ll think it’s funny before he has them cleaning something they don’t wanna do.
his uchiha genes are stronger than yours, they’ll have his eyes and hair color and depending how many kids you have with him, only couple would have your hair color and eyes (the skin color will possibly slip in). they’re also short tempered.
he likes training his kids and is often proud of them when they finally have it down.
he keeps all of their colorings they’ve made him, he keeps them somewhere safe so they can’t get ruined or lost. (he might go bonkers if they get lost).
he’s a very overprotective dad, his children have to be home at a certain time. he will personally hunt them down if they’re not home by the time sunsets.
obito spoils his children but not to the point where they don’t understand ‘no’ he will put his foot down and doesn’t tolerate tantrums. he also doesn’t have favorites, he knows that isn’t right, especially as a parent, all of his children are treated equally.
wise words from obito to his children: “get your ass down from there right now.” “keep acting like lunatic and I’ll send you home and you won’t come out there until dinner, do you understand?”
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kakashi would only want two kids, a boy and a girl. he sees this as a perfect amount, he’s fine with children, he just doesn’t want a zoo of them, and plus he’ll probably have grandchildren in future.
he’s a very chill and patient dad, he knows how to handle his children and they listen pretty good, however.. they’re sassy and he knows they got that from him and he refuses to admit it. his kids are pretty mean, but they mean well.
he also doesn’t spank his kids, but he does make his kids clean the entire house and makes sure there isn’t a single speck of dust flying around.
kakashi knows his children’s interests and will personally try to understand it, even if some of them are a bit weird.
he’s the type to tell his children that santa won’t bring them presents because they’re misbehaving and won’t listen to him. he’ll also tell them that the boogieman will drag them out of bed by their feet and take them away. (they haven’t slept in their own room for a week).
he likes to pinch his children cheeks, he thinks it’s adorable. he also ruffles their hair, especially if his children possessed his beautiful spiky hair.
kakashi’s genes are strong, but it’s a well mixture of yours, if you have moles, freckles or whatever, your children with kakashi will have them.
there’s been times where he doesn’t know how to handle temper tantrums, the only thing that comes to mind is to send his kids to their room to have them scream it out. (they’ll fall asleep afterwards and by the time they wake up dinner is already done.)
kakashi is a good listener, he knows how to handle his kids emotions and is there for them. however there’s been times he has to be straightforward with them, he knows he can’t always sugarcoat things just because they’re his kids.
kakashi may be chill, but he does have strict rules for his children to follow. he has tied his child to a tree and will do it again if he has to.
kakashi’s wise words to his beloved children: “oh! is that so? would you like me to tell mommy what you have been doing? no, then knock it off.” “you are in big trouble when we get home, you are to clean the bathroom, do I make myself clear?”
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itachi, the gentle soul that he is. he’s also someone who will have two children, genders are irrelevant to him, he’s just happy to have a family, even if his little spawns have him stressing and worried.
he’s the type of dad that you wouldn’t want to be mad, they know it’s time to settle down when he’s upset. itachi doesn’t have to say anything but look at them, and you wouldn’t know if he’s mad, but they do, they know when he’s pissed and that has them shutting up within an instant.
itachi doesn’t lay a hand on them nor does he yell, but he does put them in time-out or send them to their room and have them think about what they have done.
itachi is a rather patient dad, and if his kids are toddlers he would know how to handle them and calm them down. he likes taking them on walks and have them cry on his shoulder as he tells them a little story or something to have them keep their mind occupied. if that doesn’t help, he’ll try putting them down for a nap.
he likes making them their foods. he’s the one who packs their lunch for school and makes them breakfast in the morning, he also makes sure that his kids have healthy meals. yes, he allows his children to eat junk food, just not all the time. he wants his kids to grow big and strong, as he likes to tell them.
he likes listening to them talk about their day at school or just have a casual conversation with them, he really likes quality time.
his children don’t get bullied in school, he’s scared them off, as much as he’s a gentle man, he’s still a scary guy and doesn’t tolerate other children bullying his own. he doesn’t like seeing them cry. however, he will speak the child’s parents in hopes to settle things.
when his kids suggested a game, he lets them win, especially if it’s hide n seek, he knows exactly where his kids are hiding and he hides in the most basic spots for them. (he just really likes hearing their squeals and giggles when they find him.
if his children are older, he would like to know where they are heading off, he doesn’t restrict them from having fun with their friends, he just doesn’t want anything bad happening to them when they are out. they have a certain time they have to be back home. will not tolerate back talk.
he does ground his children, the longest time they have been grounded was three months and no, he doesn’t forget and will make sure they learn they lesson. he loves them, but he will teach them that their actions have consequences.
itachi’s wise words to his children: “you are misbehaving, would like me to grounded you? then stop that.” “I will not be teaching you that, you have not been listening to be for the whole day.”
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neji is aware how difficult it will be to rise kids, so he’ll possibly have two or three kids, genders don’t matter to him, he made them and he’s going to raise them the best he can. there’s a lot of things that he doesn’t tolerate with them and that is back talk, he doesn’t like back talk, at all.
neji definitely spanks his kids, is it hard? no, not at all, but it’s enough to sting and he’s well aware how heavy his hand could be. he also has a major soft spot for them, so spanking his kids isn’t often.
his byakugan does actives when he’s pissed off with them and that could be a scary sight for them and they know they’re in deep trouble, especially when they did something they weren’t supposed to do. his children don’t purposely make him mad, it’s horrifying to them.
neji doesn’t like when his kids cry, it makes his heart pang and he tries his best to comfort them.
his the one who bandages them up when they get hurt and will lecture them as he does so. he knows how reckless children can get, especially when they are unattended. sometimes he’ll have to supervise them.
when he trains his kids, he does not overwork them, once he sees them tired and barely holding themselves up, he’ll either stop or have them rest up a bit before continuing. he makes them tea and food, or give them water then have them shower.
his children have a bedtime routine, his kids need to be well rested and will not stay up to early, he has them study occasionally so they know what they are doing.
he’s the type of parent to pinch his kids arms, that’s a warning sign for them to knock their shits off or they’re in big trouble once they return home. or sometimes he’ll simply just look at them and they’re already know they’re in trouble.
if his children were to snitch on another and they’re yelling who did and who’s denying, everyone is in trouble and they are to stand in the corner until he says they can leave and if they start acting up, he sends them to their room to take a nap or he’ll train them.
neji is a good dad and he’s a bit on the strict side when comes to them, however he doesn’t prevent them from doing things they want to do, as long as it’s not criminal or cause them serious harm. he’s also the type to tell his children to get up back and try again or tell them to walk it off.
neji’s wise words to his kids: “do you want me to give you pow-pow? then stop this nonsense.” “get in the corner and think about what you did.”
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© SLUTFICS. . . please do not repost, steal, copy or publish my works on other platforms, however reblogging and ♡ are greatly appreciated.
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What makes the Naruto boys flustered
Warnings/content: nothing :) Gn! Reader
Characters: Gaara, Sasuke, Neji
A/n: whenever i write one of these, I just pick 2-4 characters I like literally no consistency lol
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Sasuke Uchiha
★ Sasuke was never easily flustered or embarrassed for that matter, hes always been able to keep a straight face in most situations but when it comes to you, it’s a much different circumstance. He can’t handle expressions of love very well, whenever you tell him you love him he turns bright red and most the time you’re met with a half hearted. “S-shut up.” ★
★ He’s not a huge PDA fan, he might hold your hands in public but I wouldn’t hold your breath for it. He loves you, he’s just emotionally stunted. He gets really embarrassed when he just gets caught staring whether it be by you or one of your guys’ friends he’d adamantly deny any part of it. ★
★ When you guys are just at your house together he clings to you like no body’s business, as cold and distant as he may seem he loves being close to you even if he has to swallow his pride to do so. If someone like Naruto caught the Uchiha being clingy he’d never live it down. ★
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★ As the Kazekage, Gaara doesn’t fluster easily. That was until…he met you, his only weakness, someone he’d do anything for. He loves you dearly and can’t help but blush whenever you’re around even if it’s on an unconscious level ★
★ You like being a tease, whenever you’re in a public place whether it be a restaurant or just walking in the park you always have to be touching him in some way, he doesn’t mind but it gets kinda embarrassing when he’s completely flushed in front of the council because of your ministrations ★
★ Or when you guys are just at home and he’s making something for you like the good partner he is and you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist he always folds so fast. His face turning as red as his hair, you have him completely wrapped around your finger. But you know what really gets him? Shoulder and neck kissing, whenever he feels your lips on him he completely melts ★
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Neji Hyuga
★ Since Neji did grow up under the rule of the Hyuga he’s not one to get embarrassed or ashamed easily because of his pride and like Sasuke with his stunted emotional growth. He’s not one of much PDA having grown up in a semi conservative clan so at most he might rest his hand on your waist or just hold your hand but no “egregious” displays. ★
★ When you guys first got together he didn’t really *know* how to accept affection so he was actually pretty awkward even without realizing it. Like when you tried to hug him or just hold him he’d get pretty tense unsure of how to react so you definitely had to help him ease into the idea of physical intimacy and affection. ★
★ When you guys are just by yourselves or at your house, sometimes he initiates physical contact by most the time resting his hand on your thigh or kissing your forehead, once he got used to the concept ge actually really started to enjoy those small acts of intimacy, it made him feel warm in his chest and made his cheeks heat up. He shows his love in his own way. ★ …………………………………………………………………………………
A/n: i don’t like these very much, but I hope you enjoyed reading them anyway, it means a lot. :)
Do not repost
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
hi! could you do the husband headcanons but for sasuke and suigetsu? ty <333
aight lets pop a lil part 2!!! thank you for the ask!!
Husband Headcanons II
for Sasuke and Suigetsu, with additions of Shikamaru, Neji, and Naruto (GN!Reader)
Your fav isn't mentioned? Check out Husband Headcanons 1, or shoot me a request!
Warnings: Crude language, swearing, alcohol mentions, cigarette mentions, lmk if this sucks
A very extravagant ceremony, but only populated by a select few people (friends and family)
The reception lasted until the sun started to shine over the horizon, leaving both you and Sasuke too inebriated to comsumate your marriage that night - the two of you hust stumbled home, tripping over each other's feet, and then threw yourselves onto the Queen bed you shared, falling asleep instantly
Your honeymoon would be a nice week spent in the Tea Lands of the Land of Flowers, sampling various blends and discovering a whole new world of aphrodisiacs
He would give you the time of day, every day, even a decade into your union
Every night, unless he absolutely couldn't, Sasuke would be with you, adoring you and teasing you, helping you care for any children the two of you may share
After so much time and so many events, Sasuke still finds you to be the most beautiful person in the world, and strives to prove his love to you in any way he can, whenever he can
Be that a prolonged embrace, or conversations that stretch forever, Sasuke would provide all the company in the world to you
On the few days he had to call his own, he would spend every waking second with you, taking you anywhere your heart desired
Sasuke would shower you in material love as well, ensuring that no matter which corner of your home you turned to, you'd see something from him and be reminded of his eternal promise
He wanted a massive wedding, and to invite every living creature on the mortal plane - you talked him down, of course, getting him to settle on an open ceremony
A good chunk of people sent their RSVPs back, but you were boggled by how many people indeed turned up - it seemed Suigetsu had friends around the globe, all terribly excited to watch a beautiful ceremony and get totally fucked up at the reception
You and Suigetsu spent most of your reception dancing, with you having to discard your shoes an hour or two deep to properly get into your groove
He carried you home happily, just peaking with vigour, describing the rest of your night in salacious detail
To your joy, he delivered, almost having undershot his own capability
In the day to day, Suigetsu finds that it's easier to just not deligate homely tasks - if it's an issue now, it's your issue, Noticer
That said, he doesn't shirk responsibility by feigning ignorance; Suigetsu is actually very helpful around the house, cleaning up the mess before he left any room
Every few months, he'll come home with a huge bouquet of multi-coloured flowers, with one glass flower, hidden in the lively petals
"When the final flower dies, I'll stop loving you."
You have a collection of the glass flowers on your night stand - they greeted you every morning and whispered about love every night, always reinforcing Suigetsu's commitment to you
You and Shikamaru, being from hauty clans, were sick to death of the arrangement-talks
So, you eloped
At the break of dawn, you and Shikamaru began traveling to the Land of Lightning - you made it to the Land of Hotsprings and got a room at an inn in the Hidden Steam, staying the night, before making it to the Hidden Cloud before noon the next day
The two of you signed the paperwork and paid the fees for an International Marriage License then spent the rest of your wedding day walking around the Hidden Cloud
You had to go back to the Hidden Leaf soon enough, and when you did, you presented the marriage license to your father and told him there was nothing to be done about it - he could keep the dowry and expect no bride price
Both clans were unimpressed by the impulsiveness of your actions, but soon you and Shikamaru were allowed to honeymoon in the Land of Frost, the land which you skipped over in your journey to the Cloud
Despite never making any grand gestures, or writing any sonnets about you, Shikamaru lets you know he loves you in a multitude of other ways
He takes you out constantly, always needing to show you off and find things that you both could enjoy - he's always complimenting you, no matter the audience, just so you know that he thinks you're the most divine sight in the world
The most frequent pastime the two of you share is rolling cigarettes - talking for hours and hours, you and Shikamaru fold, load, and roll the white papers into perfect cylinders
You two would roll too many for one smoker to ever keep up, and you had to stop buying metal tins for storage, switching to folding up paper boxes to put the blems in
It became something of a business, selling the pre-rolled cigarettes in paper boxes to the adults of the village
The dimes you two got for your work and tobacco didn't matter to Shikamaru, he was just content, being present with you in the moment
Sweet darling Neji would have no choice but to invite the entire Hyuga clan, even though he wanted an intimate ceremony
It's okay, it's alright, so long as you're the one coming down the aisle, Neji would be happy
He cries when he sees you, overwhelmed by loving emotions and hope for a future as bright as your smile
Once the wedding guests left, and the ceremony switched to reception, Neji got to cut loose in front of only his closest friends and celebrate the victory of his union with you
He was insatiable at the bar, for only an hour
Then he was pasted to your side, just waiting for the reception to be over, whispering and teasing you about how excited you must be for the after-afterparty
It was projection, but he was right
You two called off the reception early, antsy to get back to your shared home
For the honeymoon, Neji takes you to the Southern border of the Grasslands and Waterlands - to a village that sat at the junction of a waterfall and a luscious field
The village was breathtaking, and Neji took you all over, even behind the waterfall
Neji's constantly taking you different places, allowing you to take the advantage of his position as a DIPLOMAT (yeah, he didn't die, he needed a job) that he wished he could
After every long meeting, he comes back to you, and will always suggest a walk at some point or another, no matter where you are in the world
But your favourite place to walk, and Neji's, was around the Hyuga compound in the Hidden Leaf, and just outside to where you two met - neither of you could turn down a chance to reminisce
Huge ceremony, literally everyone who's anyone is there - Naruto organized firecrackers to shoot off during the uniting kiss, which scared the hell out of you but made him laugh, taking you safely into his arms and placing a reassuring kiss to your lips
The reception seemed to be even bigger, not a soul leaving, and a partying spirit vibrant in the air
You and Naruto wowed the crowd with a series of dances, but settled to watch the communal joy together after a little while
Gentlemanly, Naruto whisked you away from the recption, not wanting to disturb the party but not being able to spend another second not ravishing you like the treat you are
Not just wanting to take you to some stupid Land for your honeymoon, Naruto purchased a sail boat to take you out for a month
On the ocean, the two of you quickly got your bearings and grew even closer than before
You traveled from Land to Land, stopping to port every few weeks to pick up some food and put empty crates back into circulation
At one point, your path crossed with that of a pirate ship - Naruto made quick work of them, ensuring your safety without doubt
It's an entire adventure, out where the horizon blends, melding sky and sea together
Whatever you enjoy, Naruto will not only supply, but try to enjoy, himself
If you like to read, he'll get you every book his wallet can stretch for, and then he'll read the books right after you're done with them, readying himself to talk about themes and motifs with you, even if the concepts don't quite click for him
He's always trying for you - trying new foods, new things, new experiences, new looks
Naruto can't believe you're really in love with him, even after being married for so long, so he feels the need to constantly improve for you, to be the man he thinks you deserve
That's his favourite thing about you: the way you incline him to further his abilities, always encouraging him to be the best he can be
Naruto would just be smitten with you, and always would be, and you would always be his personal cheerleader
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nardo-headcanons · 1 year
Naruto Worldbuilding Headcanon!
Sort of.
Buffing the Byakugan!
The Byakugan was written as an antithesis to the Sharingan but got mostly forgotten. I’m here to change that.
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Well all know that with the Byakugan you can see the chakra points and have x-ray vision + almost 360 degree vision. Additional powers include:
Microscopic vision: Byakugan users can look at blood samples and whole bodies up to a cellular level. Their eyes are basically a substitute for a microscope, x-ray scans, ct-scans and mris. That part where Sasuke could see Deidara‘s cellular bombs with his Sharingan? We’re scrapping that. Only Byakugan users can do that.
Immunity to most visual genjutsus. Byakugan users can see when someone is using or under genjutsu and have a natural immunity against most Sharingan genjutsus, with only things like Tsukuyomi or other powerful Mangekyou genjutsus posing as an actual threat.
Splitting anything chakra made in half. We’ve seen my man Mukai Kohinata doing this to Itachi’s fire ball jutsu and in Neji’s fight against Kidomaru. Using their gentle fist, anything that is made of chakra can be split in half or atleast damaged. This includes Susanoos. Also, Byakugan users can disable the necessary chakra points of an Uchiha to activate the susanoo.
Detecting shifts in mood. There are changes in your chakra when your mood changes, it’s canon. Byakugan users can see when someone is angry, scared, happy, horny, you name it. They can also tell when someone is lying. If someone is trying to suppress their chakra, they can see it too.
Releasing chakra from all their tenketsu. Neji has done it in the fight against kidomaru. Basically it means they can release normal or elemental chakra out of their chakra points, which makes taijutsu pretty useless against them. Ex. when a Byakugan user releases fire chakra while someone is trying to punch them, they’d burn their hands. Medic nin who have a Byakugan can use this tactic to release healing chakra on their whole body, allowing them to heal themselves without using hand signs or the palm technique, if their chakra control allows it. A Byakugan user can also release tiny portions of chakra on their elbows or legs to make their punches stronger or highten their jumps.
There’s no next level Byakugan like the Mangekyou is for the Sharingan, however Byakugan users suffer no permanent damage from overusing their Byakugan. They temporarily have bad eyesight or even blindness, but it passes.
If you have any other ideas, let me know! Feel free to use these in your fics, hcs and scenarios! Tag or dm me so I can read em all <33
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patchofgrey · 3 months
Some one-shots to write out my head cannons for them. Nejiten Head cannon explanations: part one More Nejiten fanfictions by me: ffdotnet | A03
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(art by me...main account: @rikustarlight)
Head cannon: Their first kiss was an impulsive mistake. --
It was almost lunch time. They had been training since well before the sun began to rise and hadn’t stopped since. He was actually surprised that she was willing to wake up as early as they did; she liked her sleep. And yet, she was ready when he tapped at her window, fully dressed and wide awake. Granted, he was a bit surprised when she approached him about a new training time, and was especially surprised when she shared that she wanted to develop a new move with him. This new training schedule had been implemented for the past four weeks and they both seemed to be better off for it. It gave them time to just experiment without Gai and Lee around, it was quiet, and they would really take their time. Tenten was full of determination to have something unique before they retook their chunnin exams. He hummed to himself as he looked at her from a tall wooden post in the middle of the field. His stomach rumbled a bit. She was looking at him from her spot on the ground, expectantly with her cheeks puffed up and her hands on her hips.
“Tenten, maybe we should take a break.” He called to her from a tree. “We’ve been at this for a few hours now. I know you’re tired.”
The bunhead shook her head and turned her back to him. “I almost have it, Neji. Just one more time…” 
“You said that the last time,” the Hyuga murmured. “This is also unlike you. You take your breaks very seriously.”
“Neji, c’mon! I want to get this right!” She whined as she twisted herself to him. “I want a technique that’s unique to me just like how you and Lee have one. I’m so close to getting it right…just one more time!”
“Then, I do have lunch plans with Shikamaru. He should be here shortly.”
“I know, I know! Just please, Neji?”
A sigh escaped his lips. Ever since he started training with his uncle and cousin, he’s missed out on a few of their own training sessions. Sometimes, Neji would bring Tenten to the estate to watch or to (rarely) join in. Hiashi knew that the bunhead had assisted his nephew in his training; he had no issue with having her around.
It was a break from their routine, and he did feel bad for just dropping her to train at the Hyuga estate. Neji owed Tenten big time for helping him develop his rotation for the second fight round of the chunnin exams. However, he did try his best to spend time with her. Whenever he could, he’d stop by her house with sweets; usually as an apology for skipping out on their usual schedule. When they went on missions together, he would always try to buy her something or help her search for something worth bringing back home…like a scroll or some interesting weapons they would come across. He wanted to show his appreciation for her friendship and partnership. She’d smile at him whenever he brought her something. That smile made his chest swell and brighten his mood. Tenten wasn’t materialistic, but it was the best Neji could do for the time being. He would also help her polish and sharpen her blades, and help her around the house if her parents were out. Sometimes, she would get mad at him. He was too helpful; she could do most things herself, but Neji insisted or he would just do it. Balancing his new responsibilities and his friendship was difficult. Tenten was his closest friend after all. 
“Yo!” A voice called from behind Neji.
The pair looked over and saw Shikamaru heading their way. The shadow manipulator nodded at Tenten before turning to Neji and inquiring about their lunch plans. They were going to go one last round, hopefully seeing some improvement. Shikamaru hummed and watched as Tenten reached for her scrolls. He knew she had been working with Neji for a few weeks on this; the Hyuga had shared it with him over a few games of Go. The Nara would ask about her progress and offer some tips to the Hyuga to further assist her. Neji had also expressed that he was worried that his teammate felt some type of way because she did not have a “fancy technique” or a kekkei genkai. She had become obsessed with the idea that she needed something extra and not seeing that she was great how she currently was; she had skills he and Lee struggled in. Tenten was queen of the ninja fundamentals with her perfect aim and adaptability to manage any situation. He didn’t like that Tenten thought she wasn’t good enough. Shikamaru was rather curious as to why the Hyuga made it a priority to ensure Tenten’s wellbeing; sure they’re best friends and teammates but the way he doted in her was a bit…overbearing and protective. As if he felt somewhat responsible to keep Tenten happy. 
“I’ll be over there,” Shikamaru pointed to a nearby tree. “Let me know when you’re ready.” 
Tenten faced Neji fully, determination and exhaustion in her face. They were both tired and hungry. She wanted to finally get this right and see her hard work pay off. Her hands started to weave signs and she channeled her chakra to her fingers. Neji dropped into a defensive stance and she summoned twin blades. 
The Nara watched curiously as they clashed. They moved with such speed and flow it was if they were dancing. He could see why Neji had asked him for advice; it was hard to train with Tenten because they knew almost everything about each other and they had synced up perfectly due to their training. He watched as Tenten’s hands flowed blue, her chakra pouring into her swords. She was in control of this spar, provoking Neji’s next moves, just as Gai-sensei had taught them. The Hyuga swung his own kunai and the bunhead launched herself over him. Mid-jump, Neji watched as she launched her blades at him, her chakra still attached by string like connections. 
Dancing twin blades!
Shikamaru hummed in amusement as Tenten manipulated her blades and attacked Neji with her taijutsu at the same time. Her movements were swift and held rhythm; there was a tempo she was keeping in order to control the fight and since Tenten was able to adjust herself to Neji’s tempo, she was still in control of the situation. This would be quite the drag on the battlefield…she could take out multiple enemies at once with this…and use it as a diversion. The Nara’s dark eyes attempted to track their movements, but he gave up after a while due to the speed in which they were moving. He expected nothing less from Team Gai and their outer worldly speed and stamina. A hum escaped the chunnin’s  throat as he watched Tenten’s chakra rope entangle around Neji; his evasion was no match for Tenten. Her blades whipped back into her hands and she paused. Both panted heavily as they stood still. This technique was very taijutsu dependent and ever since Tenten was humiliated by Temari, she was determined to get better so it would never happen again. Neji had encouraged her to continue to work on her taijutsu; she wasn’t lacking with it, she just needed to incorporate it more into her weapons handling so she could fight in close combat. 
“I…did it.”
Neji let out a hum as the chakra strings faded. Tenten had a lot of chakra which surprised him a bit when they first started sparring. She had way more than he did, and she was continuing to develop it further. Her ability to create solid chakra strings was more of a puppeteer specialty, however, she was able to control the flow as she fought. That form of multitasking was hard to maintain, especially since Neji would be in her face trying to crack her concentration. This with her perfect aim…this is some ANBU shit she’s working on… Shikamaru thought with a smirk. Impressive. 
“Holy shit, I finally did it!” Tenten exclaimed brightly.
Straightening himself, the Hyuga congratulated her on her victory. The bunhead gave a yelp and jumped at her triumph; she had finally perfected her form and technique to her liking. Neji’s face was soft as he called to her. 
“Your hard work paid off, Tenten.” He offered a small smile. “You officially have a technique unique to-mmf!”
Neji’s eyes grew wide as Tenten ran over to him. He felt warmth on his face and his mouth was unable to move. Her arms had flung around his neck and the Hyuga felt something luscious against his own lips. Time had stopped for what seemed to be forever. He could hear Shikamaru give a small gasp of surprise; Neji had forgotten for a split second the Nara was even there. The sweet sent of Tenten’s citrus shampoo filled his nostrils as they embraced. This is…his body froze. She’s… The bunhead’s puckered lips gave a light pop as she removed herself from him. A dazzling smile had spread on her face as she continued to hold him. The Hyuga remained stunned, his brain registering that she had indeed just kissed him. 
“Neji, you’re the best!” She chirped. “I can’t thank you enough for this!”
She released him and took a step back with her smile remaining on her face. Neji’s lips remained slightly ajar as he looked at her in wonder. It took a cough from Shikamaru for the prodigy to snap out of whatever shock he was in. His cheeks were hot and it had tracked to his ears. He felt no embarrassment as he smiled back at her. In a way, the kiss felt right. 
“Of course.” He said. “Anything for you, Tenten.”
Suddenly, Tenten’s eyes grew wide and her cheeks puffed up. It’s possible she had just registered what she had done and now her blush was creeping up her neck. 
“I’ll-uh- get going then. Since Shikamaru is here and you guys have plans…see you later?” The bunhead couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Hn.” The Hyuga nodded and watched as she waved at them before making her way out of the training fields.
Shikamaru whistled, which caused the Hyuga to snap his attention to his friend. The Nara had a wide grin on his face.
“What?” Neji cocked an eyebrow. 
Shikamaru’s eyebrows shot to his forehead. “Dude, you still expect me to believe the two of you are just friends after seeing that?”
The blush was still present on Neji’s face as he rolled his eyes and prompted them to go have their lunch. Shikamaru had accused Neji of having some kind of crush on the bunhead for some time now and this was just too good to back up that assumption. The Nara was not going to let this go, especially since he had the delight of seeing the Hyuga genius in a completely different light of embarrassment. He was going to revel in this moment.
Tenten looked at herself in the mirror. She had just showered after eating her lunch and was trying to process what she had just done to Neji at the training grounds. Did she really just kiss him? She definitely did. Her lips pursed together as she recalled her actions. It wasn’t anything in malice, granted Neji would’ve pushed her off if he was offended by it. Wait, he didn’t push me off. A small gasp was heard.  Maybe he was too surprised to react? In a way she did just technically jump him. But, she pressed her whole mouth on his and kissed him. Running a hand through her damp hair, she sucked her teeth. There was a potential that she could’ve just ruined her friendship with him and now their dynamic would be awkward. And to top it off, it was in front of someone else. Part of her was relieved that it was Shikamaru and not Lee or Gai. They would’ve made such a big deal about it. She could practically hear their declarations of youth and further embarrassment. 
“If he never talks to me again…I totally get it. What the hell was I thinking?” 
That’s it, she wasn’t thinking. She had the intention of grabbing him for a hug, something that was normal for them especially when alone. She hadn't even realized she had kissed him until after she saw his face. I hope he doesn’t hate me after that, mused as she brushed her hair. He did say he would see her later…so, it’s possible he wasn’t mad at her. A bit of guilt washed over her; Neji was a very private person but he was very open about his thoughts to her. Hopefully, he would come to see her later and she could apologize. It was completely out of line for her to do so…he’d forgive her, right? 
After a few minutes, Tenten had finished brushing her hair. She changed into her civilian clothing and sat on her floor. A distraction is what she needed in the meantime. If he didn’t come, she would take herself to his apartment and apologize; it was only right, she thought as she looked through her scrolls. 
Tap tap
Her eyes shot to her balcony. Neji stood in his own civilian clothes, a white T-shirt with dark grey shorts. His curse mark was covered by bandages and his hair was released from the confines of his usual low ponytail. In his hands was a small box. Sweets, she blinked. So, he’s not mad at me. Standing, she opened her balcony door and stepped aside to let him in. The Hyuga took off his shoes and eyed the scrolls littered on her bedroom floor in curiosity, concluding she was probably working on her seals. His gaze traveled back to her and realized her hair was down; she had just finished showering. Her hair curled slightly at the ends as it was evident that she had just brushed it. Neji had only seen Tenten’s hair down once before, during a mission where they had to disguise themselves to gather information. Noticing that she had caught him looking at her, he cleared his throat.
“I got you some red bean buns.” He held up the box. “You liked them last time we tried this desert place…”
“O-oh, thanks! I’ll make us some tea.” Tenten took the box from him and set it on her coffee table. 
Neji hummed as she hustled downstairs and was quick to heat some water. The Hyuga looked around her room. This wasn’t the first time he had been in her apartment. Gai had made it a point to go to each of their houses and introduce himself as their Sensei once they had become gennin. Her room was usually kept neat except for the occasional bundle of opened scrolls where she studied and worked on creating her seals. By her vanity was their team picture they took after passing Gai’s requirements and not being sent back to the academy. A small smile reached his face as he looked at the photo. His team photo was on his bookshelf in his room next to a picture of himself and his father. 
“Okay, tea and buns…” the door had opened and Tenten emerged with a tray.
They sat at the coffee table in silence. The bunhead had full intentions of apologizing…but how does she bring up the topic to him? She could just blurt out her apology, but then the mood would be awkward. Well, it’s kind of awkward right now… she thought to herself as she sipped her tea. 
“How was lunch with Shikamaru?” She asked after a moment of pondering her first point of conversation.
“It was…interesting.” He replied. “We went to get ramen, played Go for a bit…spoke about a few things.”
“Oh? Like what?” She cocked an eyebrow.
His ivory eyes met hers and held their stare for a moment. Her face was showing pure curiosity, and her lips-those incredibly soft and warm lips- were slightly protruding into a slight pout as she waited for him to elaborate.  
“W-well…” he felt his cheeks get warm. “About earlier.”
Tenten’s eyes got wide and her own cheeks flushed a bright red. “Neji, I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over me! I just got caught up in the moment and I didn’t mean to offend you if I did-“
Neji gave a chuckle which caused Tenten to purse her lips together. “Tenten, it’s alright. I was just surprised. I know it was an accident.”
Something lingered in the air as he said the word accident. Neither of them wanted to acknowledge the word itself, but that is what that kiss was; an accident. Then, something dawned on Tenten that horrified her; she never recalled Neji ever mentioning that he had a girlfriend or an interest in other people. That means…
“Was that…” she murmured with big eyes. “Did I take your first kiss?”
A hesitant nod. Tenten gave a loud yelp at this before apologizing again, her blush faded at the horror she just committed. She kissed him unprompted and took his first kiss. She was a shit friend and was so besides herself. Why was he being so nice to her if she took his first kiss? The weapons specialist had just taken something that could not be given back! And he was sitting right in front of her and not angry with her? 
“Tenten.” His calm voice snapped her from her internal self deprecating monologue. 
A frown was on her lips as she looked at him. 
“Was that your first kiss, as well?”
Now that was a question that she didn’t think she’d have to answer. The heat of her shame sprouted once more and she nodded sheepishly. At this, Neji looked at her with surprise. 
“W-why?” She mustered up the question.
A cough. “Well, I just would’ve assumed that you have had your first kiss already by how you…”
She looked at him expectantly. Why did he pause? What was he about to say? 
“You did it so…”
Tenten leaned in, the anticipation was killing her and she was getting restless with  how awkward he was getting.  
“So…what?” She pushed.
His lips parted, then swiftly closed with a smack. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was trying to say, in fact he was struggling to piece a coherent sentence together where he wouldn’t try to seem as though he was insulting her or sounded like an absolute boob. Her kiss had warmth that sent a shiver down his spine in delight, the cushions of her lips were a perfect fit against his when she smashed them against him. He had assumed that she had experience kissing someone. If he recalled correctly, Tenten was one of the cuter girls in their academy years and she was approached by many of the boys. That means she’s probably never had a relationship yet either… the Hyuga thought. To be fair, they barely had time for such things. Now, boys probably avoided her due to the fact that they were always together; Shikamaru was fully convinced at one point that they had been dating. The way Neji would dote on Tenten was seen as more than just friends. But that’s what it was; Neji values Tenten’s friendship with him and he wanted to show his appreciation through doing things for her and making sure she’s happy. What was wrong with that? He was repaying her, in a way, for all the times she was there for him. He could see why Shikamaru thought they were dating. Neji genuinely cares for Tenten and made it a personal goal to keep track of her well being since she was so hard on herself. 
He sighed mentally as he thought about the conversation he had with the shadow manipulator. The Nara had teased him for a while before they actually spoke about it; how Neji felt about what had just happened. He knew he’d have to approach Tenten about it, it was in their best interest to talk about the kiss. Shikamaru pointed out that Tenten had seemed the most comfortable with Neji, and since they knew everything about each other, this situation can be easily resolved. But what did that mean exactly? How did Neji want to resolve this if he didn’t see this as a problem? His mind lingered back to the sensation of her lips against his and he scratched the back of his head.
“Neji! Out with it!” Tenten groaned. “I did it so…what?”
“I…nevermind. It’s nothing…”
Her brown eyes rolled. Typical, she thought as she took a bite of her bun.
“Can we agree to not say or mention it again?” The weapons mistress spoke after a moment. “Just…forget about it?”
Oh, he looked at her in slight surprise. Neji rubbed his thumb against his tea cup, uncertain if he wanted to even forget about it. 
Her eyes got wide as she watched him slowly lean closer to her. His ivory eyes were gentle as his face got closer to hers.
 “Do you really want to forget about it?” He whispered a bit solemnly. 
Chewing on her bottom lip, she shook her head. Her curls bounced slightly and she couldn’t meet his gaze. He took that as a no, but wanted to hear it from her mouth. Neji continued to gaze at her, watching as she fell into deep thought. Over thinking again…his eyebrows arched in concern. An idea sprouted in his mind as he looked at her.
“Look at me, Tenten.” The byakugan user commanded gently. 
And she did. Her eyes met his and she suddenly felt small. Her embarrassment was very apparent and he could tell that she did not want to forget about the kiss. It was smart since it could lead to further distractions. But something in Neji’s chest told him to not let this go. His hands slowly raised, his fingers gently grazing against her cheeks. Swiftly, the prodigy pressed his lips against hers as he cupped her face in his hands. Warm and soft. His lips molded perfectly with hers. Tenten’s body jumped slightly at the sudden action, but she did not pull away. The two of them sat there, fully embracing each other. Neji wasn’t sure how to break it off…not that he really wanted to. And yet he needed to breathe and unfortunately he did remove his lips from hers, his forehead leaning against hers. 
“Neji…wha-“ her eyes were half lidded and her lips were pink.
A smile spread across his face. “Now, we’re even.”
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eiloveir · 2 months
→﹐naruto hc! <3
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‹𝟹 :: ⭑⭒  🗨 !!  naruto characters and their social media habits
warnings: rushed and out-of-character
note: this is just something I decided to create on a whim, though I was inspired by a post on a clock app. i imagined how these characters might use social media, so here it is.
characters: konoha 12
𓋭  ۫   ☔️ ﹒ ❊  ͚
uzumaki naruto
this guy’s the reigning king of shitposting. he’s got a knack for calling out anything he deems “overrated,” and he doesn’t hold back. his feed is a never-ending stream of complaints about everything from minor inconveniences to full-blown disasters. you might see posts about how his ramen was too hot or things like pineapple on pizza. he’s the kind of troll who wouldn’t hesitate to pick a fight with kids on roblox, turning every argument into a battle that leaves them in tears and scrambling to save face (konohamaru). he would also be the type to start internet beefs over the most mundane things. if you’re ever scrolling through your feed and see a heated argument about why a certain trend is lame, chances are he is behind it.
haruno sakura
the feminist and activist extraordinaire! she’s the type of woman who not only supports human rights in every way possible but also cheers on the LGBTQ+ community with gusto—because, spoiler alert, she’s part of it. she’s someone who’s fully aware of the impact social media can have and is determined to use it to amplify her voice and make a real difference. i also think she has multiple social media accounts like a pro—there’s her private twitter account where she rants about how messed up the government is, her ao3 account where she writes fan fiction with a side of social commentary, and of course, her tumblr where she’s a curator of memes, political discourse, and everything in between. (me)
uchiha sasuke
god, bruh. this dude is basically a social media ghost—he hardly ever posts anything, but when he does, it’s like the internet has just won the lottery. he’s that guy who seems to do absolutely nothing yet somehow manages to grab everyone’s attention. he’s not really into posting on social media, but when he does, it’s always so aesthetically pleasing that you’d think he has a personal stylist and a professional photographer on speed dial. he doesn’t even try to make his posts look good; he just rolls out of bed and somehow manages to be effortlessly cool. man could post a picture of his breakfast and it would still get more likes than your entire feed.
nara shikamaru
this lazy ass (me) would probably end up being a streamer, posting about his win streaks and achievements in every game he plays. despite barely lifting a finger to do anything else, he’d be all over social media, bragging about every victory and high score. he’s the kind of guy who’d stream his gaming marathons from the comfort of his bed, racking up followers while casually lounging around in sweatpants. If there’s a leaderboard, you can bet he’s at the top, and he’s not shy about letting everyone know it.
yamanaka ino
girlie is the famous influencer! she’s always buzzing with posts about the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, and social events. like, you know, the kind of Instagram girlie who’s always flaunting her ootd and setting style standards. she’s practically a fashion icon with every outfit she wears. she’s also the type to post inspirational messages like “wear whatever makes you feel good” or “your body, your choice.” she’s incredibly popular across all her social media platforms and has a tiktok account—she’s all about those thirst traps and dance covers.
akimichi choji
my boi would definitely be the type to either watch mukbangs obsessively or become a mukbanger himself. he’d spend hours trying to replicate recipes he’s seen online, turning his kitchen into a culinary experiment zone. and you can bet he’d be posting all about it—sharing his attempts, successes, and occasional fails. his feed would be full of mouthwatering food shots and videos of him devouring his creations, proving that he’s just as passionate about cooking and eating as he is about sharing it with the world.
she’d regularly post about her daily life, giving followers an inside look at her studies or work. her feed would be filled with a lot of photos showcasing her favorite books, snapshots of her workout routines, and candid moments with her for lifers. she’s all about fitness, making her social media a hub for health tips and personal growth. you’d see her posting everything from meal prep ideas to gym selfies. she’d be the type to inspire others with her discipline and positivity.
rock lee
lee would be the type to flood his feed with gym and fitness content, sharing everything from his daily workout routines to personal fitness goals. his posts would be packed with enthusiasm and motivational messages, like “don’t judge a person because of their appearance” and other self-improvement quotes. despite his positive energy, not everyone’s a fan—especially naruto and kiba, who might be more inclined to roll their eyes and make a shitty rant about his optimism.
hyuga neji
this dude, much like sasuke, is totally indifferent to social media. he doesn’t bother with frequent posts but when he does, they’re thoughtful and deliberate. you might see him sharing reflections on life, articles he’s stumbled upon, or insightful news about everyday occurrences. he avoids jumping into pointless online drama or trends, yet somehow, he’s always clued in. that’s thanks to lee and tenten, who can’t stop talking about the latest gossip and social media happenings. despite his apparent disinterest, he picks up on all the chatter and remains surprisingly well-informed about the buzz. so, even though he’s a low-key user, he’s never completely out of the loop.
inuzuka kiba
his socials would be about random rants and memes. he’d post exaggerated complaints about the most trivial matters. his feed would be a fucking mess of humorous and offbeat content—think sarcastic comments, goofy polls, and plenty of memes featuring akamaru. he’d frequently stir up controversies, posting impulsively and diving headfirst into debates. his online presence would be a whirlwind of arguments, especially with naruto, where they often argue over who’s the dumbest between them.
hyuga hinata
she’s the type to be a crocheter, the kind you see on tiktok with an account just for her yarn creations. her feed would be packed with posts showcasing her latest crocheting projects—everything from cozy blankets and stylish scarves to adorable amigurumi (crocheted plush toys). she’d share detailed photos and videos of her work. her account would also feature tutorials and tips for fellow crocheters, helping them improve their skills. she might post about her extensive yarn collection, offer free patterns, and give followers a peek into her crafting process. whether she’s showing off her latest masterpiece or sharing a behind-the-scenes look at her studio, her feed would be a inspiring hub for all things crochet.
aburame shino
the random entomologist on your feed. he would be all about his shit for insects and the natural world. his posts would feature photos of various bugs, often accompanied by educational captions about their behavior, ecology, and characteristics. his feed would include updates from his fieldwork, observations on insect behavior, and informative posts about conservation efforts. while he might occasionally share glimpses of his other interests or hobbies, the focus would remain firmly on nature and entomology. whether he’s showcasing a rare beetle he’s spotted or sharing insights on preserving insect habitats, his content would be a treasure trove of knowledge for fellow nature enthusiasts.
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general--winter · 1 year
How Genin Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Hinata, Sakura, Rock Lee react to going on a go mission in a long time and when they return the reader is waiting for them at the gate and is so happy that they are back that he hugs them and ends up knocking them down and doesn't let go of them for a while and stays with them all day. (The reader and they are in love with each other)
author's note: First post in a long time! I took a little bit of a liberty with some of the characters, but the general idea is there for all of them. It was a while since I got this request and I was working off of the material I had written in my Google Drive (and the majority of this request was written two months ago), so if you would like me to rewrite some of the entries please let me know. I can do that. For now, though, I hope you all enjoy!
rating: general
fandom: naruto
pairings: genin!uzumaki naruto x gn!reader, genin!uchiha sasuke x gn!reader, genin!hyuga neji x gn!reader, genin!hyuga hinata x gn!reader, genin!haruno sakura x gn!reader, genin!rock lee x gn!reader
word count: 2038
summary: Greeting the genins when they come back from a long mission!
Uzumaki Naruto
When returning from a week away, Naruto is dorking out to Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi about how he totally helped out when the enemy was attacking the three of them. Sakura gets in a word about how he was tussling with cats, not enemy shinobi, before you leapt off a roof onto Naruto’s back.
The unexpected piggyback ride leaves him stumbling and bristling, screaming, “WHO IS THAT?!” In response, you lock your legs around his torso and grip his shoulders through the flailing, giggling like a maniac. When he hears your laugh, Naruto whips his head up to get a glimpse of you and… well… this has the result you’d think it would.
The back of his head slams into your nose and you release your grip, the two of you now nursing matching wounds as the rest of Team 7 stands off to the side watching the show with deadpan expressions.
“What was that for, Uzumaki? I was just trying to say hi!” you would quip, pointing a finger from your free hand at him, your other pressing into your face to quell the pain.
“It’s not MY fault that I was ambushed!” he would yell, pointing back at you. At this point, you two were attracting the attention of the civilians and Team 7 needed to drag you two away forcefully.
After the two of you calmed down, you ended up apologizing for scaring Naruto with your silly prank. He laughs it off and accepts, saying it was an accident and that it was pretty funny and harmless in the end. He even offers you another piggyback ride around the village, this time without the headbutting, which causes your heart to beat a little faster as you accept.
Uchiha Sasuke
As usual after returning to Konoha with Team 7, the only people to greet them at the gate were Sakura’s parents. Naruto darted off to… wherever the hell he goes to cause mayhem, while Kakashi simply vanished into the air, leaving Sasuke to make his way home alone. To the empty Uchiha compound. He always took the long way.
However, this particular day, it seemed that he had a shadow — you. Sasuke knew you’d been following him since about halfway through his walk home, when he spotted your ninja garb through the crowds swiftly taking cover in an alleyway. Half of him was always irked by your insistence that you spend time with him. Didn’t you have anything else better to do? But the shameless part of him, the one that yearned for a friend, was thankful that you took the time out of your day to be with him despite his prickly and cold attitude. Besides Team 7, you were the only one that ever kept trying; only you could possibly understand the motives behind that decision. Does he feel guilty about it? Yes, damn it, he does. He should be focused on his goals, not whatever the hell this is. Something in him is healing, though. And tells him to let you in. Just a little bit.
On the threshold of the compound, you stepped from Sasuke’s peripheral and appeared with a bag of treats. “Hey, Sasuke!” you greeted with a wide smile. “I saw you got back while I was out in the markets,” You noted the scrapes and bruises over his body, as well as the state of his clothing and his sour expression. “Rough mission?”
He would respond with an affirmative noise, taking the bag from your hands and leading the way to his house. There, you would chew his ear off with stories about your training and small missions while he sat in silence, sharpening his dull kunai and shuriken from the mission. The rest of the compound may have been haunted by the ghosts of the massacre, but right now, something in Sasuke felt a little bit at ease in that household for the first time in years as you and him munched on junk food together.
Hyuga Neji
The second that you get word that Team Guy is expected to return from their long-term mission, you plant yourself at the gates to welcome them back. They must be far away, however, since you’ve been lounging with the guards for way too long, playing cards and gossiping about practically every other shinobi in the village.
In the blink of an eye, one after another, two flashes of green speed through the gates, leaving clouds of dust billowing. The draft from, assumedly, Lee and Guy’s movements, sent the cards from your game of blackjack spiraling into the air. The chunin assigned guard began lunging for everyone’s cards to get an upper hand, leaving you to struggle for just your own. You had a damn good hand, too! At least you thought? Of course this would happen…
Tenten shot by soon after, begging for her sensei and team mate to “please stop this nonsense”. It barely occurred to you, though, that the one person you were looking for was still missing as you lunged and grabbed for your cards. Your vision had tunneled up with your head, your gaze flickering to the… Huh? Where your cards were once fluttering in the air is now only blue sky.
“Hey!” you shouted, whipping your head down and around. “Which one of you took my cards? Picking on the genin, are you? How—”
“I have them right here,” a voice snarked from your left, putting five fanned-out cards right over your field of vision. “You should probably fold soon. You’ve only got seven out of twenty-one. Unless you’re the one that bet that entire pile of chocolate.”
“Neji! You’re back too!” You snatched the cards from his outstretched hand and turned to the regrouped chunin, throwing your cards down on the dirt face-up. “I fold.” In one fluid motion, you turned and took Neji’s wrapped forearm in your hand, taking him into the streets of Konoha. He opened his mouth to complain, but not before you shut him right up with a wide smirk, telling him this is exactly what he advised.
Hyuga Hinata
Daring not to sprint with the delicate pastries in your grasp, you walked hastily towards the main entrance of Konoha. Team Eight was supposed to already be there. Have you missed them? Maybe Kiba held them up somewhere along the way following some random animal’s poop scent for a prank. That situation would certainly not be ideal, but at least you would be able to see Hinata the second she got back to the village.
Unfortunately, you seemed to be a little late as you caught her in the shadow of the shopping crowds. You approached in her direct view and waved to make sure she wasn’t shocked too much. But you still enjoyed the slight flush of her cheeks and little smile that you could only catch if you were truly paying attention to her.
“Hinata!” you called, handing the box to her as she whispered a greeting in return. “I got you these pastries! I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go find somewhere around to hang out and eat them with me?”
“Oh!” She reached out and snatched the offering with a swiftness you didn’t know she possessed. Still holding it out, Hinata bowed to you with a small “thank you!” coming out before she panicked and took off with an air of sorrow. What you didn’t see was her blush shoot up to her ears and down her neck.
“Ah! No, I wanted to share them!” you sighed with a laugh, beginning the chase. I wanted to spend time with you! Hinata does, too. She just needs a minute to get that darn blush off of her face! Though, when you do catch up with her and sit down, you note that her ears stayed red the rest of the day.
Haruno Sakura
Sakura really wasn’t sure what the heck all of the petals were for. She was initially shocked senseless when her parents weren’t there to greet Team Seven. Everyone milled by like they didn’t exist. Naruto wanted to drag everyone to Ichiraku’s, but being tired of his nonsense after the past week, Sakura allowed her attention and stride to wander away from the group after giving a half-hearted farewell. When she rounded a corner, a cherry blossom petal in the breeze caught her attention.
She thought it wasn’t even cherry blossom season. Was this a genjutsu? Or maybe they were fake. Determined now to find out, Sakura began to follow upwind, the direction from which the petals came from. The further she worked into the forest, the more she was convinced it was a genjutsu — she could smell the cherry blossom. Her hand twitched over her kunai strap as she worked her chakra network overtime to disrupt the illusion.
Awaiting at the destination was what seemed to be a massive pool of the pink petals. If Sakura wasn’t convinced this was some sort of trap, she would be in awe of the beauty surrounding her. A completely normal summer forest with a pocket of spring right here.
“You won’t find any disruptions in your network because there’s no genjutsu.” You rounded a tree trunk, a picnic basket in hand. “I just wanted to get you away from your team for the rest of the day. You’ve probably had more than enough of them.”
“Oh my gosh. Oh my GOSH. You are the best!” Sakura squealed, jumping down from the trees, hugging and twirling you.
You invite her to sit on the blanket of petals you set up, preserves you managed to purchase with your savings from Ino’s family’s store. (Of course, you’d never tell her that.) It seems like you’re able to guess all of her favorite foods and drinks as you whip them out of the basket comedically, pretending to summon everything like a magician.
Until sundown, the two of you are able to enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the quiet ambiance of the surrounding forests of Konoha, the only noises being your uproarious laughter and soft gossip breaking just over the static of the leaves in the wind.
Rock Lee
(The same beginning situation as Neji’s, so if it’s familiar, that’s why!)
The second that you get word that Team Guy is expected to return from their long-term mission, you plant yourself at the gates to welcome them back. They must be far away, however, since you’ve been lounging with the guards for way too long, playing cards and gossiping about practically every other shinobi in the village.
In the blink of an eye, one after another, two flashes of green speed through the gates, leaving clouds of dust billowing. You take off after them across the rooftops without thinking, wanting to greet Lee. Vaguely behind you, you can hear Neji and Tenten yelling at them to stop, that their race was supposed to be over at the gate. It took a good few moments before they actually were able to pump the brakes and de-accelerate, kicking up the dirt road.
You, however, purposefully ram yourself into Lee’s back from above like a hawk, giving him a hug that almost puts him out on the ground. “Welcome back! I missed you,” you yell, interrupting his argument with Guy-sensei on who stepped over the threshold first. He greets you warmly after recovering from the shock, returning your hug with just as much vigor. “I am sorry for leaving for so long, but we are back!”
“Ah, how wonderful youth is!” You forgot that Guy-sensei was right there, so you withdrew, a bit bashful. “Let me ask you, young (Y/N), who did you see enter the village first? You were there, right?”
You confess that in all honesty, you were not focused on that at all, just the fact that your friends were all back. At this point, Tenten and Neji catch up, ready to give the lecture of a life. Which is why you’re not surprised at all when your ride spins around and takes off to avoid the scolding, laughing and trying to figure out where the two of you want to lead them for a post-mission meal.
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thenightwinggraveyard · 3 months
😂 Actually, do you have cool Naruto fic recs for someone who's never seen the show? I keep itching to start it so I can understand some of my friends' interests better but I would just rather... read things. And I know that the fics might not be accurate to personalities or plot, but if you have anything beginner-friendly or fun that might help my brain get more excited to make the effort and watch, I'll take it. I personally like relationship drama but I'm cool with whatever you've got.
i do!!! i watched naruto as a kid but i completely forgot most things so i got into it again by fanfiction. also as a side note; i apologize but i don't read from narutos point of view very often if at all as that is just a personal preference of mine, just a warning in case thats what you were looking for-- and my favourite character is sakura which you'll probably see lmao 😅
without further ado, here are some;
Pray My Name by Chancy_Lurking [G] [ONE-SHOT]
"Your name sounds like the kind of thing you say when you’re afraid,” Sakura finishes.  “A prayer,” Sasuke offers without looking away from the window.  (Team 7 takes a quiet moment to talk about what their names feel like.)
notes: there isn't much of a plot with this one but its a wonderful showcase of the bond that team 7 shares/could share. it floats beside canon not really connected but it could be, and i think its just a great introduction to the way team 7 should be imo!!
tdlr; team 7-centric, friendship/love, acceptance
Terror feeds the Soul by Pleasedial123 [ONE-SHOT]
Sakura is not an idiot. She was praised for her intelligence, reached Top Kunoichi at the Academy for her brains.  So it doesn't take her long after being placed on the powder keg that is Team Seven to realize she is going to die.  Kakashi, career shinobi since age-six, has no idea what the hell is going on with his little pink-haired student or why there is such fear in her eyes. So he gives her head-pats. That's what you do for scared puppies isn't it?
notes: some really good characterization with this one and a deeper look at the subtle hint of corruption/injustice in the shinobi world that canon already gives us.
tdlr; sakura-centric, sakura & kakashi, good characterization, worldbuilding
Just Killing Time by Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling) [G] [ONE-SHOT]
After Wave Country and before the chuunin exam, Team 7 kills time while waiting for Kakashi to show up.
notes: an adorable small fic consisting of freindship and the idea of found family, they're just cute little kids in this and it makes me smile so hard.
tdlr; team 7-centric, friendship, found family, fluff
An Improper Apology Properly Backfires by rex101111 [G] [ONE-SHOT]
Sasuke Uchiha apologizes, or at least makes an attempt. Sakura thinks he could do better than THAT.
notes: its not every day i find a sasusaku fic that i genuinly enjoy, but this one both cracked me up and actually convinced me that they could work as a couple lmao, after some bad canon events, this fic shows a completely done sakura dealing with the fallout and it is gold. featuring naruto and kakashi as unwilling bystanders.
tdlr; sasuke/sakura(canon ship) and team 7-centric, anger issues, canon compliant(mostly), humour
Wildflowers and Incisors by Chancy_Lurking [T] [ONE-SHOT]
There’s a boy Sakura loves the way Naruto loves Sakura, in a shameless and open, but painfully unequal way. There’s a boy Sakura loves the way Hinata loves Naruto, in a way that feels no more like a choice than breathing. Neither of those boys need pretty girls. “We are all really pretty, though,” Ino assures her with a haughty sniff, crossing her leg the other way so her calf rests on Sakura’s shin. “They’re going to be strong, maybe even the strongest ever in the Hidden Leaf,” Sakura says and Hinata doesn’t need convincing, they both know it, so she doesn’t belabor the point. “So, we have to be stronger than them.” (The girls of Konoha band together as friends. Girlhood is easier in a group.)
notes: a wonderful look at the kunoichis in naruto, with friendship for once more important than love. gives them the character development and attention they deserve, but didn't quite fully get in canon.
tdlr; naruto girls-centric, girlhood and friendship, good character development
The Language of Faces by Empatheia [T] [ONE-SHOT]
Ino decides to help Sai learn to function in society. Sai does his best to keep up.
notes: now we're taking the focus off the main characters of naruto to focus on some great side characters-- ino and sai are both charecterized awesomely in this fic. they're awkward and don't really know how to function in society (being a ninja will do that to you) but they clearly grow to care and love for eachother dearly.
tdlr; sai/ino-centric(canon ship), great characterization, awkward first dates
Pushy and Loud and Brave and Proud by bluecatcups [M] [ONE-SHOT]
When Temari meets Shikamaru, she is twelve years old and she is everything she has ever been; pushy and loud and brave and proud. This is the story of who Temari becomes.
notes: thanks to this fic i fell in love with temari as a character. it is a character study at its heart and therefore it has SUPERB characterization, with believable romance and a theme of self-love. i adore this fic.
tdlr; temari/shikimaru-centric(canon ship), character study, romance, found family, self-love (TW for smut and suicidal thoughts)
coming from afar & reaching for the stars by SafelyCapricious [G] [ONE-SHOT]
It had been two weeks since the trial. Two weeks since Sasuke had been given the choice of surrendering his eyes and being allowed to leave, or being stuck for five years without ever being allowed to leave the village. He had chosen the later. And Sakura isn't avoiding him on purpose, but it's still happening and she's kind of okay with it.
notes: a not so romantic retelling of sasuke coming back to konoha. i really enjoy the way sakura is characterized in this and the way all her friendships are potrayed (especially her and sai they are besties). instead of running into sasukes open arms, she decides she doesn't mind keeping to herself.
tdlr; sakura-centric, friendships, good charecterization, awkwardness, self-love
Rules Were Made to Be Broken by MotivationIsDead [T] [COMPLETED]
Kakashi wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Or suffering from heart failure. “I thought you were dead,” he said blankly. He might’ve been going into shock. Obito winced and rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin. “Yeah,” he said, tone stilted. “There’s actually quite the story behind that.” “I should hope so,” was Kakashi’s bland response.
notes: kakashi and obito if obito decided to not go through with his villainous plan. it is a ship, but the way the bond is potrayed just hits so good. something more than friendship and simple love and instead a deep trust, with banger characterization and development. a couple steps away from crack, i laughed so goddamn hard.
this entire fic can be summarized by;
kakashi and obito: fuck it we ball.
tdlr; kakashi/obito-centric(fanon ship), fix-it fic, humour, BAMF kakashi and obito (has an ongoing sequel!!)
Smiles in Spring by Kalira [T] [ONE-SHOT]
One spring day when they are very small, Ino meets a little girl with shy eyes, a beautiful smile, and pink hair, and immediately knows what she wants in her future. Ino's never had any qualms bending the force of her will on the universe to be sure she gets whatever she wants.
notes: ino and sakura are made for eachother in this fic and the progression of their relationship is adorable. some bonus friendship with shikamarau and choji.
tdlr; ino/sakura-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, fluff
Genuinely Delighted by Chancy_Lurking [T] [COMPLETED]
"Lee, in spite of how brash he might’ve seemed, still appeared to be incredibly considerate and Shino would feel wrong to just brush him off. His enthusiasm about asking Shino out was completely genuine, and that was enough to make Shino feel flattered. And anyway, Lee would probably prove to be much more pleasant company than some of the other guys Shino knew."
notes: just a fluffy post-canon fic about some more wonderful side characters, with romance and friendship. lee and shino are so unexpected but work so well in this fic.
tdlr; shino/rock lee-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, fluff
In The Forest by Senka Hitomi (LadyTegan) [T] [COMPLETED]
When the genius of Konoha returns from a mission in a catatonic state, it is up to his old teammate to delve into the depths of his mind and pull him back out. But the dangers of the mind are many, and the road to finding him may be more difficult than she could have imagined.
notes: god i could gush about this fic for so long. everything about it delights me, the characterizations, character development, relationships and just the careful way the plot was constructed. it comes together to form a very inrtiguing and engaging fic.
tdlr; shikimaru/ino-centric(fanon ship), romance & friendship, amazing plot, great characterization
On Qipao, Flirting, and Buying Drinks by needdl [M] [COMPLETED]
Tenten turned beautiful when she was nineteen.
notes: an if neji lived au done so well. the romance is both believable and beautiful.
tdlr; neji/tenten-centric(semi-canon ship), romance & friendship, fluff, coming of age (TW for smut)
About Face by wroth_and_ruin [T] [ONGOING]
A little yellow-haired boy saves Sakura from the bullies. And everything changes.
notes: one of my all time favourite fics it is full of character and life, and the friendship between sakura and naruto is so pure yet all-consuming. they are eachothers persons, eachothers sun, and the world that is being crafted is so engaging. featuring kakashi with teenage angst.
tdlr; naruto and sakura-centric, friendship, found family, fix-it fic, character and plot development, worldbuilding
Retrograde Motion by Crunchysunrises [T] [ABANDONED]
From sixteen to eleven didn't feel like a big jump until she realized that she was now the best ninja in their class. And that tiny Sasuke hates her for it.
notes: the reason this is an honourary mention is because this is the fic that got me into naruto! the first one i read, and the first one that captivated me to read all 100k words (yikes..). so despite the fact that its abandoned im still gonna share it with you in case it interests you ;)
tdlr; time-travel, sakura-centric, great characterization, shit gets done
(i didn't even realize so many of my fav fics were done by chancy_lurking!!! huge shoutout to them they are awesome)
i have some more but i think i'll leave it at this; i hope you find at least one fic that enraptures you!!
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mishellii · 6 months
♢Pregnancy Scare♢
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kiba, shikamaru, neji, naruto , sasuke & kakashi
a/n: ahEM based on real life situations ?? who said that ,,,, anyway had to add kakashi because he's been occupying my mind lately. some of these are straight up crack and some are more serious to switch it up :) also, they're all 20+ ! WEAR PROTECTION KIDS aaand as always hope u enjoy xx
requests: open
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a/n: tysm for reading, let me know if u enjoyed it xx
ps: pics are all off pinterest !
devider by @enchanthings
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Team Dinner! (Might Guy x Reader)
Synopsis: After a mission well done, you and Gai have his team over for dinner. It should be noted that Gai has never cooked (successfully) before.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tags/Warnings: @kakashiswilloffire Kitchen Antics, Reader is Picked Up, Fluff, Wholesome
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You weren’t exactly sure when Gai proposed it, but you had gone with him to the market and marked your calendar for dinner nonetheless. You and Tenten must have had a similar thought as you leaned over Gai’s kitchen counter, brows in various forms of furrowed as Gai worked the cutting board. 
You caught her looking at you in your peripheral and glanced her way to meet her confused stare. Tenten bounced from the cutting board and back to you. All you could offer her was a confused shrug and speculative dip of your lip. She turned her attention back to her teacher, concerned.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything we can do to help, Gai-sensei?” she asked, eyes glued to Gai’s fast-moving kitchen knife. He made short work of a squash, the blade hitting the wood block with a slam sudden enough to make Tenten flinch. Gai shook his head.
“No, no. No guest of mine is being put to work in the kitchen!” His eyes closed as he grinned, throwing two thumbs up and his kitchen knife into the air. You and Tenten shouted simultaneously, both instinctively reaching out in some way or another to catch the knife before Gai could. With a theatric twirl, he turned and caught the knife by the blade between his fingers. You let out a deep sigh. Tenten looked like she was about to pass out. You poured her more sparking juice and nudged the glass into her hand. 
“Where do you want the onions, Gai-sensei?!” Lee spun around from his station at the opposite counter, his eyes puffy and red. He wiped his face against his shoulder. Your lip curled into a slight pout.
You took a clean napkin in your hand, maneuvering around Gai with a light touch on his lower back. He hardly noticed, continuing to speak and wiggle around as he usually did. Lee, always one to wear his emotions freely, continued to cry. He, too, barely acknowledged you even as you gently dapped his free-flowing tears. 
A gentle sound came from the front door. Lee’s head shot up just in time for one of his tears to miss the food.
“Ah, that must be young Neji!” Gai bellowed. 
You slipped the napkin under Lee’s thumb, once again moving around the chaos to answer the door. Sure enough, Neji stood on your doorstep. He wore his usual pout, which you were sure stemmed from a reluctance even to be there. Gai had always been an acquired taste, and Neji was a moody teenage boy, so you couldn’t say you necessarily blamed him. 
“Hey, Neji, it’s good to see you.” He gave a small grunt of acknowledgment as he walked through the door you held open for him. As he stepped into the entryway, the small box hidden under a fold of fabric at his waist didn’t escape your notice. You closed the door behind him as you spoke discretely, “You know, I can put that in the fridge for you.”
Neji froze on the spot. While his blank expression gave nothing away, his relative demeanor told you all you needed to know. He turned, giving you a once over as he tried to decipher any hint of disappointment from you. 
“I brought one, too, if it makes you feel any better,” Tenten chimed in. She hopped up on an adjacent couch, kneeling on the cushions to rest her elbows on the back pillow. “I think the only one who didn’t bring one was Lee.” You rubbed at the back of your neck with a bashful smile. 
“Kinda embarrassing that he has more trust in Gai’s cooking than I do. He’s never made a meal like this, and given how the last ones went…”
Neji frowned—although not by much more than usual. Tenten grimaced at the memory.
“Granted, I think we can all agree that Lee has a little too much faith.” Neji didn’t meet your eye as he sheepishly surrendered his backup dinner to you. You tucked it discretely into your sleeve as he took to scowling at Tenten.
“It actually looks like he’s doing a good job tonight,” you offered. “I told Tenten that if it ends up a disaster, I’ll just give these back to you and pretend they’re leftovers I found in the fridge.” Neji’s brow furrowed. 
“You think that’ll work?”
“Oh, yeah, Gai won’t even bat an eye—” The pleasant smell must have hit you all at the same time. You stopped talking, and all three of you took a deep inhale. Dazed by the scent, you continued, “Uh, yeah, they seem to be doing pretty well there. It doesn’t seem like that will be an issue.”
“Yeah, no, Sensei is surprisingly competent in the kitchen,” Tenten whispered, only to receive a scoff from Neji in return. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Sure enough, Neji did see it. The three of you sat at the counter as Gai and Lee cooked on the opposite side, putting on an oddly fascinating show. You poured Neji a sparkling juice. Your emergency bentos were long forgotten. 
“I would pay money to see this,” Tenten said, entranced as she dug into the chips and dip you had set out on the counter. She held one half of the tray, and you supported the other. “I have never seen curry do that before.” You shook your head slowly in disbelief.
“Out of the pot, in the air, and back into the pot. Like a cartoon.” You ate another chip. “Dare I say it’s art?” Neji scoffed.
“I don’t know about art. I’m still trying to figure out how someone uses the spine of a knife to clean a herring.” 
Gai cleaned his hands in the sink in front of you, and with a triumphant whip of his hand towel, he pronounced,
“Dinner is almost ready!” 
He struck a pose, and you tried not to laugh as you gave Tenten the rest of the chip tray. You cupped the side of Gai’s face, kissing his cheek before you attempted to move past him to grab plates to set the table. He didn’t let you, wrapping two muscular arms around your hips to spin you around the kitchen with a jolly laugh. 
“I will not let you down until you proclaim me House Husband… Extraordinaire!” You yelped as he gave you a light toss, catching you back in his arms as he lowered you into a dip as expertly as any ballroom dancer. You held your hand up to your forehead as if swooning.
“House Husband Extraordinaire, will you please allow me to set the table for your gourmet cuisine?” you declared dramatically, and only then did Gai allow you back on your feet. He spun you under his arm, but when you caught sight of the dinner table, you saw it was already set. Even the dishes that Gai had just cooked were already there.
Gai’s three students stood around the table, waiting patiently for you to join them, each of their expressions warm and sentimental. Lee was crying, blubbering something about a pure and loving relationship. 
You took your seats at the table.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The dinner menu consists of Team Gai's favorite foods: herring soba, curry, and sesame dumplings. Odd combination.
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can i have headcanons of sasuke neji and naruto with a s/o who speaks another language? Like a language from their clan or something thanks and i enjoy your writing keep up the good work <3
A/n: 😭 thank you so much, I haven’t been doing too well, that means so much to me.
Warning/content: nothing, general fluff
Characters: Sasuke, Neji, Naruto
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Sasuke Uchiha
✭ When sasuke first met you, he was kinda unsure how to communicate with you but he very quickly learned that you were very good with hand signs kinda like sign language and knew how to communicate through that even without speaking the same language.✭
✭ After you guys got to know each other, he realizes you’re truly very interesting but he’d rather not speak again before admit he likes you. When you started learning the language they speak in Konoha Sasuke would be patient whenever you tried to speak in the language that wasn’t your own. He’s quietly correct pronunciation and help with spelling but whenever someone brought it up he’d adamantly deny that he cared. ✭
✭ One time, after you guys got much closer, Sasuke learned some of your native language in secret. He always would say “It’s just more convenient, don’t think much of it.” He wanted to learn part of your language to feel more connected with you, he trusts you which is very rare for the closed off Uchiha. He cares but he’d rather die than admit it. Once you guys were in a relationship, he was very patient with you and would tell off anyone who was being rude to you for not necessarily understanding what they were say.✭
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Neji Hyuga
✭ You guys met on a mission between your village and Konoha as diplomats. Neji had heard of your village and your language before but he had never met anyone who spoke the language. After he met you, he became very interested in your culture. Obviously you couldn’t communicate the traditional way and your translator couldn’t always be there so you started to communicate and tell each other about yourselves through drawings. ✭
✭ He found your language beautiful and was very honest about it but not in a flirty type way…..yet. He was very understanding when you were learning his language and forgot a word or maybe couldn’t pronounce it correctly. He liked helping you, it made him feel needed.✭
✭ Once you two got closer, he became interested in learning your language and went to the library to find books either written in your language or to find learning books. He’d say “I want us to communicate more efficiently if Konoha and your village will have a relationship.” You returned the favor when he was learning your language, you couldn’t help but find his embarrassment when he mispronounced something cute. Once he learned compliments in your language you were done for, that’s all he’d call you from now on. He’d say it quietly just to make you shiver✭
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Naruto Uzumaki
✭ To say Naruto was oblivious would be an understatement, when you met he thought you were just shy and didn’t like talking. But when Sakura told him you didn’t speak his language he was embarrassed for lack of a better term and sheepishly apologized for not realizing sooner not realizing you didn’t understand his apology.✭
✭ He started to learn your language and was very upfront about it. He’d always be asking for tips on how to learn faster and be more fluent without as many mistakes. He liked you, he really did and he wasn’t going to hide it. You were a very unique person to him and he wanted to make it obvious he liked you. You couldn’t help but laugh when he mispronounced a word and accidentally said something inappropriate. ✭
✭ Once you guys got together, much like neji he called you by nicknames in your language. The only time he really got serious was when people would cause you trouble, after all no one was going to give you a hard time when he was around. Whether it be someone saying something about how you “don’t listen for the life of you” or how your accent is annoying. Naruto would always be there on your defense. “Don’t listen to them, your language is beautiful!” He’d make sure to reassure you whenever he could.✭
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A/n: Hey! I hope you liked it! Feel free to send more requests, I barely have motivation so please give me something to work off of. Have a good night, love u <3
Tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-heavenly-messenger
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