#nejihina forever
oivsyo · 11 months
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Kiss on the forehead is NejiHina signature love language 🍁
This art was drawn as a b-day gift for my dear friend @cyanis-art
who is a wonderful person and who has supported me from the very beginning of my artistic journey! 💜
Did Hinata's outfit redisign and Neji's costume design.
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You can also see these outfits on this commission art drawn for me by amazing Snow124
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whitelilynh · 1 year
So, everything is supposed to find an end, nothing in life, world or existence is everlasting. Or is it?
Is life a cycle or is it just a one-time occurrence?
Are we supposed to perish and cease from existence forever or does the soul remains? And if it does so, will that soul still hold the essence of the once-person? Would we remain ourselves? Does the soul live in the afterworld, goes back to the origin and melts there forever thus losing the quality of self, or transmigrates to another earthly body to begin the cycle once again?
Would that be a bless or a curse?
If a soul keeps their essence, and remains their self through every transmigration, would they encounter their love once again in every lifetime, in every type of existence? Is there a chance to fix what was left broken or unfinished in the preceding cycle? Can star-crossed lovers receive a chance of redemption?
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houseonthemoon · 1 year
The Best Nejihina fanfiction
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(“Don’t leave me”) Art by Itachi is my evil angel (2007)
I will forever sail with the Nejihina ship. Those girls in the Naruto world chasing after Sasuke? I don’t believe it especially with Neji walking around. And Neji of course only had eyes for one girl, Hinata.
Here are the top 3 best Nejihina fanfics you will ever read
(All story’s on fanfiction)
1. Possession by tranquilwriter
Summary: What if Nejis father was born first instead of Hinata’s? How different would Neji and Hinatas relationship be? Would there be room for Romance. Rated M for later Mature content
This is a long but beautiful read with later steamy chapters. A must read for those wondering if the house roles were reversed 10/10
2. Broken Rules by Writegirl
Summary: everything ends even love. Rated M for Mature Content
If you want to feel something and I mean REALLY feel something this is the story for you. A sense of desperation, love, and duty. What will our young lovers do? Melancholy ending (the artwork above - which is how I found this story- is inspired by this story in a later chapter)
3. Your Smile by MissMinnie08
Summary: I can remember the exact moment that I fell in love with you. You looked up at me . . . And smiled. Rated M for Mature content
This was one of those amazing happily ever after stories that just worked, with LeeSaku thrown in as well 😍 unfortunately the writer deleted the old chapters. At one point it was finished but then she didn’t like her writing and wanted to rewrite it but never finished it. 😭 it was so good why has she not finished it?! MISSMINNIE08 If you see this please finish it!
If you have any fanfiction Nejihina or LeeSaku please share it with me!
Enjoy! And leave a message below on what you think of them.
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pandoraimperatrix · 9 months
Amas Veritas
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NejiHina Week 2023 
Day 2 – Magic 
Had it been truly a memory or just a weird dream? Hinata wasn’t entirely sure. 
She was lurking through the slit between the shoji doors, the angulation of her point of view was low, the vision of a small child, tall shadows stretched on the tatami floor like gashes.  
It wasn’t uncommon to see Hyuuga-sama and Hinata’s otou-sama having heated fights behind closed doors. Young as she had been in that memory, Hinata already knew that was she should pretend to not hear the whispers about her parents’ marriage and her own status as heiress being questioned. It was said that Hyuuga-sama never blessed the marriage between his elder son and Hotaru Hyuuga, the daughter of a disgraced branded souke member, a woman so weak that despite her pure blood, had never even woken her Byakugan. The wedding happened discreetly after an assassination attempt orchestrated by Hyuuga-sama, assassination that only didn’t go through because Hotaru was already two months pregnant and the rebel heir refused to renounce the child. 
Hinata would wonder, all her life, if her father regretted his decision, the only thing making her doubt was the birth of Hanabi, his pride and joy.  
However, that night, there was something shocking different from what Hinata was used to seeing and hearing through the paper walls. Her lord father, the coldest and hardest man she had ever met in her short life, who had never before, and least of all in front of her, betrayed his façade as the pride and glory of the Hyuuga clan. His voice... it was different. No trace of arrogance, not even of rebellion. He sounded less like the inpatient heir, tired of waiting for his moment to shine, the youth in his voice had nothing to do with vigour and strength. He sounded like a whinny child, weak and broken.  
Hinata wouldn’t realise for the longest time, but the night her byakugan activated was the the same her mother died in childbirth and she saw, with the glaring clarity of her bloodline doujutsu, her father crying. 
It never occurred her before that he was capable of doing so. 
Hinata remembered of trying to suffocate with her hands, the gasp of surprise and horror before such absurd scene. Her ears assaulted by the shameful sobs of her father and her grandfather’s voice, years forward, after his body had already rotted into the earth of the Hyuuga mausoleum, Hyuuga-sama's disgusted tone still haunted Hinata’s memories uttering words such as “forbidden jutsu”, “shameful behaviour”, and “impossible”. 
She used to reminisce constantly about that horrible night, especially when Konoha’s oppressive summer wouldn’t let her sleep. And she would trash on sweaty sheets in agony, the horrifying sobs, the cries of despair seemed as real as the maddening buzz of mosquitoes and the high-pitched choir of cicadas.  
But how could it be? How those sounds could belong to the same man that pitted her against her little sister as soon as Hanabi could hold herself up on two legs and dishonoured Hinata when she fell defeated. It could never be Hiashi-sama, that pathetic man, begging for his father to let him bring his weakly wife from the dead, because a Hyuuga would never do that, a Hyuuga do not beg. 
She waited until the end of the last hymn of the last monk.  
The incense Hinata herself had lit, burnt with the others, the sickly-sweet musk of dry ashes, infesting the air of the solemn room making her head go round and round. 
She waited.  
Her tongue felt thick and rough against the roof of her mouth, it was suffocating.  
Yet, she waited. 
She would wait forever if it was necessary. 
After every last empty word of ceremonial grief was uttered. After everyone to left, and ignoring Hanabi’s pleas to come back to the main house with her. Hinata ignored her, against all odds, truly beloved sister as the child sat beside her as Hinata stood unmoving, waiting, next to casket where, surrounded by flowers, rested Neji’s corpse. 
Hiashi’s heiress eventually fell asleep, and her unworthy sister told a bunke guard to take her sleeping child to her quarters, he left with only a nod and Hinata remained waiting until the moon floated high in the heavens. 
Then, knowing no one else would come for her since from the two residents of the Hyuuga Compound that cared for her wellbeing, one was too much of a child to remain alert through that solemn night, and the other lay dead before her, Hinata started to put her plan in motion. 
It wasn’t a good plan, she was aware, in truth, it hardly could be worse, but maybe, if it was well executed... Maybe... No. Surely, she just had to follow the exact instructions. The thing about talentless people like Hinata, there is no space for improvisation, no chance for mistakes to be made. They have to make things exactly how they should till the minor detail. Neji had taught her that. 
She swept the flowers adorning his dead body, white chrysanthemums and lilies falling on the floor, but Hinata only noticed her hands were shaking when she tried to undo his haori’s knot. From all the way too many times she imagined herself doing that, in her fantasies, his skin was never the cold marble, hard and unfeeling under her soft fingertips. 
Hinata had to stop herself for a moment there, taking big gulps of air and trying to suffocate the hysterical bubble of despair growing inside her throat, only noticing that tears ran free down her cheeks when Neji’s crisp white linen shroud stained. 
Had she been in a reasonable mind, and not insane with soul shattering grief, she would have stopped there, she’d know that she should never let herself see what was under the fabric, but she didn’t stop, and she’d never forget. Sobbing silently, she leaned towards him, her back bending forward until her forehead met his, now, as unmarked as hers. 
Was that betrayal, what she was about to do? Ensnare him with chains far heavier than those that used to bind and cage him. Would he hate her when he came to learn what she was about to do? She prayed that he would. Hinata would take a living Neji’s hatred a million times over his love from beyond the grave. 
She straightened herself, rubbed away her tears, hands steading as she parted the sides of his haori and ripped the bandages around his ribcage, exposing the wounds that had taken him away from this world, from her. The large, deep, imprecise incisions took all the space of Neji’s chest, they almost looked fake, as if they were merely kabuki makeup. Almost artful, in the way the lacerations on his flesh seemed as if they were moulded by hand, awfully beautiful the way truly horrifying things tend to be. But the undeniable paleness of death, deeper than the whitest white of the Hyuuga complexion would not let Hinata play herself, there was nothing unreal about those wounds. 
With the same ceremonial kunai she had used to expose his body, her hands moving with precision, Hinata carved over his heart the seal she had copied from the forbidden scrolls she stole from the secret vault under the debris of the old Hyuuga compound, the cursed place where the elders had guarded for eons the secret of evils such as the birdcage seal. 
He didn’t bleed. 
Not even a drop. 
She panicked.  
Was it too late? The scrolls said that blood should mix to bind to souls and pull the dead back to the world of the living. 
But the same blood that ran on her veins had once inhabited his, there was no Hyuuga blood purer than theirs, she truly believed that one day, they would make the ultimate Hyuuga, now... It would never be. Even if she succeeded, the two unnatural beings they would become could never birth a child. 
Refusing to let despair stop her, Hinata cut the sigil on her own breast and then, made two long vertical lashes on her own wrist, not even registering her own pain, only focused on smearing her own living blood over him. 
“My blood,” she chanted, forming the seals with her hands “your blood,” her byakugan came to live and she continued, “our blood.” 
Nothing happened, but she continued, with mad despair ”my blood,” she cut herself again, more blood poured forming a puddle on his chest, “your blood, our blood.” 
“Oh God,” she sobbed, her voice taking the same horrible sonority her wretched father had once used to beg for her mother to be brought back, “please, please, my blood, your blood...”  
And then, after what probably didn’t take long in real time, but felt like centuries to her grieving heart, the blood flowing from her started being absorbed by his wounds, “OUR BLOOD,” she cried as the carved seal burned and closed like a cauterized wound. 
She shook as if she was pierced by the first boulder that hit him, she grabbed onto him, but the invisible force continued to strike her and Hinata’s knees gave in. Locking her jaw to not scream in agony Hinata bended forward, falling and bringing him with her. For a moment, she saw the grotesque scene they were making as if she was dethatched from it. His pristine death bed being showered in red, her blood everywhere, crimson flowers blooming on his white kimono, staining the crushed lily petals, colouring the cheeks of his serene face, deepening the warm tones of his chestnut hair. 
Hinata’s slashed wrists were too weak to sustain her, her body toppled sideways, taking the casket with her, Neji’s body rolled to her side. She took a few shallow gulps of air, the pain was making her delirious, she looked down at herself in disbelief to find her body unchanged, for she knew now exactly how it felt to have your body pierced by enormous stakes. 
And she wanted to laugh. 
It was working. 
But the laugh died when the burning began. Far more terrible than the shadow replica of the wounds that had killed Neji, it was like nature and the gods above and under was releasing the worth over the forbidden act of stealing form Death itself. 
A pain like that could drive one insane, and Hinata was not very distant from that outcome. 
It was like every since piece of her was melting, even the weight of her clothing was unbearable, she pulled her own kimono open, but stopped her mind clearing when she saw, in raw flesh, between her breasts, the seal binding her life to Neji’s. 
As long as she breathed, he would breath too. 
As long as she lived, he would live too. 
Forcing her burning lungs to take some of air in, Hinata turned belly down, and crawled towards Neji, he had fallen face down on the floor, she pulled his cascade of silky hair aside, and when her fingertips reached his face, it was warm. 
A scream awakened her. 
It was a woman from the bunke, a middle-age servant, Hinata’s head was too light to remember her name. She was saying something to Hinata, she was scared. Hinata wishes she would stop shouting. 
She tapped around, apparently her body was lying on something hard, but she wasn’t afraid, she wasn’t in danger. Weird. Finally, she reached to something that could be someone’s shoulder. Her wrists hurt so much, and the smell of blood was everywhere. Her hands reached a face, and when she felt the breathing against her palm her heart skipped a beat, elation and relief taking place of any bodily discomfort. 
The woman stopped shouting, disappeared. Where had she gone? It took every bit of will to make Hinata turn her face to the person beside her. 
Painfully familiar white eyes stared at her. 
Eyes she never thought she’d gaze upon again. 
She sobbed or she laughed, she wasn’t sure and stretched her coagulated blood covered hand to Neji’s face, but before she could reach him a crowd swarmed the desecrated temple, and they were separated, the severance was so violent that Hinata lost conscientiousness. 
The itch caused by the needle in her backhand was maddening, but it had been so difficult for the nurse to tap one of her dry veins that Hinata was afraid of ruining it. Irritation grew as the effects of the drugs they gave her dissipated. She was tired of the hard looks she got every time she asked about Neji, tired of the silence, the nurses, all Hyuuga bunke, must have been ordered to not talk to her. At least she wasn’t at the Konoha’s Hospital under the mercy of the Hokage, but Hinata was smart enough to know that wasn’t a measure to protect her. Obviously, the council wouldn’t want information leaking that the Hyuuga could bring back the dead. 
Then, her lord father was there in her room. 
And to her surprise, for the first time in her life, she wasn’t afraid of him, nor ashamed, not eager to prove herself, the dull old pain of longing for love was gone too. 
Hyuuga Hiashi stared at his disgraced daughter in silence for almost an hour. Hinata didn’t speak either, more out of habit than respect. She should only speak to Hyuuga-sama if he spoke to her, so, she waited.  
There was nothing on his face that betrayed his opinion of what Hinata had done, but she didn’t have to wonder very far, she was, after all, his living disappointment. But if once she had gained that status for betraying his expectations being less of what she was expected to be, her act of rebellion now, the grandiosity of what she had accomplished, that was new. 
What she had done was a crime not only by Hyuuga law, but of the entire Ninja World especially after the war. Better shinobi had been condemned and executed by far less. 
What would Hiashi do with her? What would he do with his weak daughter who done what he had been too afraid to do so many years before? 
But what was done was done, she didn’t regret it, she would never apologise. Neji belonged to her. He had always belonged to her. Ever since he had been given to her to protect with his life, life he had lost to fulfil his duty, it was fair, and it was right despite all nature law saying otherwise, that she returned to him at least half of his sacrifice by sharing her lifeforce with him. 
And she could already feel it. The ghostly beating of his heart echoing each ba-tum of her own. 
“The Hokage will come in the morning,” it was all her father said before turning his back on Hinata who breathed out in relief. 
And, as if knowing what was going on with her, Hinata felt the warm weight of a hand touching hers, but when she looked, there was no one. 
He was staring at her when she woke up for a second time and the sensation was so familiar and so right that she took in the first real breath of air since the end of the war. 
It was dark behind him, the sweet night air blew through the leaves making them tap against the window. 
The weak feeling of the blood loss and chakra depletion was easing on her, or maybe it was his mere presence feeding her strength back, Hinata sat up. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” she whispered, he was weak still, she could feel this tiredness as her own. 
“No,” his voice, even fragile, breaking on the edges, was a miracle, he was a miracle. Her heartbeat increased pulling his with, her eyes glazed and she wanted to apologize for forcing him through the emotions, but he continued, “I should be dead.” 
“Please don’t-” she pleaded, itching to touch him, but he remained static and out of reach. “Don’t say that. Never.” 
They held the silence between then like a newborn child for the longest of times, and then, as if taking pity on her or just manipulated by the mixing of their souls, overpowered by her desire (could he call it hers only? Nothing belonged to only each of them individually now, every feeling, every want, every pain was shared), Neji drew a step toward that woman that ate his death, then he took another, pulled by irresistible current.  
His pale hand crossed the air, graceful like a dove in flight, it landed on her cheek, an act that in his former life would be unthinkable. Hinata sucked a breath at the sensation, shamelessly pressing herself against his warm palm. 
He was real, he was here. 
A shiver overtook both of their bodies, it was more than simple mirroring, she wasn’t just feeling exactly the same things he was feeling, nor what made her human had been cut in half to sustain his unnatural life. 
Everything was more.  
As if the sensations merged and multiplied, feeding from each other, and growing, it was overwhelming, it was suffocating, it was the best thing either of them had ever felt. 
They had been close, of course, far closer than what was proper in their position as a disgraced princess and her lowly guardian, but no line had been crossed. 
Because there was no line.  
The bars separating them in individual cages all through their lives vanished. 
So, when Hinata’s hand pulled the tie of his haori slid her fingertips through the smooth planes of his chest, it was with undeserved naturality, but naturality nonetheless. 
“Your wounds are gone.” 
His hand slipped from her face and she almost cried over the loss, but a moan escaped her lips when he took her wrist and pressed her hand to his only remaining wound. Right over his heart, the binding fuuinjustu she had carved on his soul and on his flesh. 
He had always belonged to her, but now it was beyond any possible attempt of denial. 
Hinata forgot all about trying to preserve the needle in her hand’s vein and searched for her own scar, noticing that Neji winced also feeling the sting when she pulled her hand and the needle slid out of her.  
There it was. 
Right between her breasts, inflamed red skin shaped into the seal of soul binding.  
“Hinata-sama...” There was awe, there was fear, and there was something so much darker in his voice. “What have you done?” 
Oh no... 
She clenched her eyes shut. Her insides turning with feat.  
Please don’t hate me. 
“I could never do that.” 
She snapped her eyes open, and they glanced at each other in astonishment. 
In adoration.  
It had never been a secret, not to her, how he felt about her, that’s why it hurt so badly when he tried to hate her for so long, why even the notion that he could hate her now pieced her heart like a spear. They belonged together, always, and when he didn’t want her, she had to do things to survive. 
There were no such options now, there was no remaining heart in her to offer to anyone else, it all belonged to him, and if he rejected her... When he was dead, she thought she could take it, his hate, but now she knew it would kill her. 
“Hinata-sama,” he breathed her name like a prayer and arched forward, his front touching hers, “what have you done?” he asked again. 
“I couldn’t, I couldn’t do it without you.” 
“Do what?” 
“Live,” she answered with raw honesty. 
“What about-” 
“No!” She sobbed, put a hand over his mouth, almost hurt by the implication even though it was a fair question and she knew it. “He wasn’t you. It had to be you. Don’t you get it?” 
She almost cried at the heavenly sensation of his warm breath against her skin. 
“I do,” he said against her fingers, “It has to be you for me too.” 
And that was more than enough for her to move forward, slide her hand from his mouth to his chin, pulling him down to her and suck his lower lip between hers. 
Neji’s hand fell from her cheek do her neck, cupping the back of her head, shamelessly thrusting his hot moist tongue into her mouth as if he had done that a thousand times before, as if he knew exactly how she liked it.  
Hinata didn’t resist, letting him bend her body to his needs, as his other hand pressed the small of her back forward, their hips meeting and she cried out. 
Eyes opened agape she saw white, white, white. Byakugan white. 
His eyes, the moon, bliss. 
Their body were tingling and they had barely touched yet. 
Whatever destiny found them in the morning, whatever punishment, it was already worth it. 
When she recovered the smallest notion of what was happening to her, she was back in the bed, silky chestnut threads of hair, still smelling like funeral flowers, covered her mouth and nose as his owner licked his way down her neck. 
Hinata helped Neji off his kimono, noticing just now it still was the blood stained one he would have been buried with. There was an especial satisfaction in seeing that piece of fabric leaving his person, it wasn’t just about seeing him naked for her pleasure, there was a feeling of victory. 
She had won. 
Death had tried to steal him from her, and she had snatched him back. 
She was victorious. 
Hinata’s small hands palmed the taut muscles of his back, ready to explore uncharted territory e reclaim her absolute victory, but Neji seemed to have other plans, as he pulled her hands off him, ignoring her whimpers of protest, and locking both of her wrists over her head as his mouth continued its path of fire down her collarbone. 
And again, it was better than whatever she’d planned to do, it was like he knew better than her what would bring her the outmost pleasure, and Hinata wasn’t convinced that was only because of their magical bonding. No. It was just how he was when the subject was her. 
Be cause he was hers. 
Had always been hers. 
And now, he had her too. 
Hinata clamped her thighs viciously around his hips, ears ringing when he moaned against her neck as his hardness pressed against her hot core. 
“Hinata-sama,” he protested? Praised? Begged? 
She glanced at him through her lashes and then offered her neglected mouth for the taking, invitation that he did not dare to decline.  
Still, as his tongue explored her mouth further, Hinata could hear the back of his thoughts, the remains of his conditioning, scandalised reprimands of how out of place he was acting, that he should be disrespecting her, and to that, all she could say was: 
“Please, make love to me.” 
He freed her wrists, maybe out of shock, which was funny considering he was already laying over her. 
Hinata cupped his face, tracing the familiar lines of his cheekbones with her thumbs. 
“Are you sure?” 
She smiled sweetly. 
“You know I am.” 
He took a raggedy breath and leaned forward, his forehead against hers, Hinata relaxed under him, feet massaging lazily the backs of his powerful legs. 
“I still don’t understand... How?” 
“Does it matter?” 
He opened his eyes and stared down at her, so serious, so Hyuuga Neji. 
She giggled and he frowned, but was there was a smile fighting to emerge too. 
“I’ll explain later, I promise, but now...” she moved to press her lips against his ear whispering , “I need to feel you inside of me.” 
She could feel her face burning, not in her wildest dreams she foresaw saying those things, but whatever power that brought him back had changed her too, free from shame, there was no use of denying, of trying to disguise her desires when he could know it all.  
And the urge to unite, the absolute necessity of it, Hinata knew, was unbearable for him too. Even without a mind link, she could tell by how rock hard he was against her pelvis. 
He kissed her again, sucking her tongue inside his mouth, making her moan. If there was little hesitation before, now that he had a spoken consent, there was no hesitation whatsoever and Neji started touching her freely. 
The doctors had already freed her from the confines of her obi, so, the hard work was already done, not that by the way he used his perfect mastery of the gentle fist to cut her bust bindings without giving her a scratch showed that he cared about preserving the integrity of her mourning robes. Hinata sighed when his lips released hers at the same time that his palm cupped her breast for the first time. She opened her eyes to find his locked in his new discovery. Fast string of thoughts shared through their soul binding revealed to her how long he had wanted to do that and Hinata squirmed when he flicked her dusty pink nipple. 
“I apologise, I-“ 
“No,” she said breathy, pulling his hand tighter against her mound, “touch me, please, I can’t bear it when you stop.” 
Neji licked his lips and leaned forward, sucking her neck, spreading open mouth kisses down her collarbone until he was sucking that very same nipple he had just discovered and Hinata’s eyes rolled back in pleasure. She pulled his hair, but the pain echoed only accentuated the bliss. 
His free hand helped her to push away the sleeves of her kimono, and then he sitting on his knees, pulling her up as Hinata rocked against his hard cock, driving both of them to insanity. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, Hinata-sama,” he said as this new position had her above him, foreheads touching as her midnight hair fell around them like a shroud. 
“I don’t think you can.” 
He smiled, besotted, and Hinata felt like a thousand stars were going supernova inside her chest. 
“You know that I mean... I’ve... I’ve never done this.” 
“There isn’t much we can do wrong now, and even if we somehow find a way to make mistakes... I’d rather make mistakes with you. Neji...” 
And maybe saying his name free of the reminder of his position was the magical word to make him finally stop hesitating. 
He didn’t stop again when she reached between them and held his pulsating dick in her small hand, and helped her up as she fumbled to align the tip to her entering, easing herself down slowly. 
Every bit of him entering her was a mix of relief and absolute agony and he must have felt her oxymoronic feelings because even though he didn’t stop her again, his tone was honestly worried as he pushed the hair from her face to the back of her ear. 
“Hinata-sama, are you alright?” 
There was no way he didn’t know it, not with the way they were linked now, but she loved him more than ever for still needing a spoken answer. 
“It’s just... It’s my first time doing this too, can you believe?” He chuckled and moved slightly under her hitting a spot that made any amusement dissolve, she needed him to do that again. 
Hinata rocked against him, arching her back and he followed her movements, still letting her lead but matching her rhythm effortlessly. 
His hands on her undulating hips as she held his face, Hinata kissed him again the overpowering sensation of him moving inside of her was better than everything she had experienced before. And she knew it wasn’t due to their new supernatural bond, no, there was something older, deeper, something powerful. 
She thought about touching herself but Neji’s thumb was already there, flicking her clit, with his free hand he hooked her arm around his neck, and then moved to her breast, squeezing it hard. Hinata’s whole body shook, she was so close. He fell forward, lying her down on the hospital bed, but continued thrusting, Hinata opened her legs wider for him, from her mouth a string of sweet nothings spilled and he drank every drop. 
And then the first rays of sun hit his bright eyes, Hinata touched his face sweetly and arched towards him as the climax broke the two of them in a million pieces, duplicated and them quadrupled exponentially by their bond. 
She was still shaking when Hinata opened her eyes again, brought back to Earth by the unpleasant feeling of Neji pulling out of her and fighting to fit both of them in her small hospital bed. 
“What are we going to do?” she asked in a small voice as he continued lazily spreading small kisses on her sweaty temple and cheekbone. 
“About what?” 
“Father said the Hokage was coming.” 
“Hmm,” he pondered. “We should go, then.” 
She chuckled at how matter-of-factly he sounded about deserting the village he had literally gone to war and died to defend and becoming nukenin. 
“Go where?” 
“Does it matter?” 
She smiled at his echoing question, lifting adoring eyes to him. 
“With you? No, it doesn’t.” 
He held her gaze, and kissed her front, she should have known, that to her, he would be so affectionate. 
“Then, it’s settled.” 
I began writing this fic in 2019, with @azarashionna’s help. It’s crazy to think she’s been gone for so long. I still miss talking to her every single day, and how painful it is that I wrote a fic about bringing someone from the dead with the help of someone I’d lose not much after, someone I cannot bring back. But I can now finish this story, I can now write NejiHina again, I’ve grown enough my grief seem smaller. Ray, this one is for you. @cyanis-art, this one is for you too. I love you both, forever. 
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selinascatnip · 1 year
Hi 👋 @selinascatnip bestie when you have less on your plate and I hope that you will update the next chapter of your awesome 😎 Dickkory fic, wandering worlds soon 🔜 as well as post @ambeautys birthday 🥳 fic soon 🔜 and some titanstober fics. :)
Hi Vanessa, I hope you're doing well.
C's birthday fic is currently in revision phase, first draft already done, and will be published on the 24th.
WW is kinda on hiatus, because my heart isn't in it at the moment, and every single time I forced myself to finish a fic it didn't when I didn't feel like it I ended hating the story.
But I don't ever abandon a fic forever, the Naruto girlies just got the ending of I fic I planned to finish five years ago lmao. I don't think it will be the case for WW because unlike AOH, WW has a script, but the new chapter will come when it is ready, that's all I can say.
I won't say anything for sure about Titanstober, but I don't have anything planned and October has always been VK month to me, I should give my VK girls some love maybe, or even Sailor Moon in general, really, I feel like I'm in debt with a lot of my friends from that fandom.
What I do have planned is to publish another DK for @feaap on December that I haven't started yet, and I plan to give @cyanis-art a hand with the NejiHina Week, because since I'm back here in Ninja Hell, I might as well, and a palate cleansing was long overdue, I've been writing and reading DC fic only since 2018.
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tradervewor · 2 years
Terraria invedit zip file password
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Terraria invedit zip file password how to#
Terraria invedit zip file password how to#
Beginner puzzle 26 unblock me Descargar juegos para samsung chat 335 Cute question forwards Blink 6.54 for blackberry Usernames and passwords for weeworld Cobb county busted Kaffir boy education quotes How to draw a welsh corgi Remedies rosebud arkansas Deoxys dns code white Funny things to post on someones facebook Oak grove island exotic Descargar provincial blackberry Modeldreamgirl password Hbs-700 manual Emoticon de la bandera del barcelona Telstar 8m craigslist Nys lab practical practice Taking expired dulcolax 7h potpourri who manufactures it Recover my files 4.6.8 crack codigo Pre-iep outline examples Pre school coloring pages bethseda pool Yoville coin stealing Nokat syria Nejihina fanfiction lemon Moshi tingaling Phineas sex pics Top listsait sexy Acc225 exercise 8-4 Pthc nymph123 Www.data pengeluaran kim macao Imagenes bad noel para el pin Qhsusb dload Ilonggo jokes and quotes Make a cell out of edible material Jamglue alternatives Julion alvarez presentaciones 2011 How to connect iphone4 with avic f700bt Virtual date sarah guide Download filter shekan 2011 Funny retirement cake quotes Tribe trinidad costume 2013 Ifrance hivion Miranda crosgrove slip Cece jones fake nude Suite life on deck sex fanfic Dali reel Best client and source customs Mcflurryness Forever alone in symbols League of legends random name generator Code telecommande metronic zap5 evolution Bachelorette party mad libs printable Bianca de la garza bio Bb pin facebookargentina Roxanamartines How to draw lady googoo Download bahasa indonesia bb 9700 Www.panet.
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tara2012210 · 3 years
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My animation derivatives~Only in China.
prohibit reproduce without permission.
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incensuous · 2 years
can you recommend some nice shipcest blogs? 👉👈
nonnie, i am SO SORRY i took forever to reply!! i'm going to try to do my best to include a lot of people and for anyone looking to be included, PLEASE reply, and conversely if you don't want to be listed, pls let me know! these are just the cool ones i know of:
@cosmic-artsu - i just really love their art and they draw some cesty ships <3
@amadenchart - ama's OCs Indrys and Vygo are just SO AMAZING
@oivsyo - beautiful NejiHina fan art!!
if i forgot anyone im so sorry i'm an idiot
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kwon91 · 2 years
Opinion on SasuHina?
Currently I hate Hinata with any ninja. I gave her a child in my AU, just because I needed a character ahah But for me, she can be alone forever. But a secret I was a NejiHina fan. The first couple I liked so much it was with Hinata. A joke of Destiny. ahah I was also a SasuSaku fan. The reason I liked them was because of the color of Sasuke and Sakura together. I also hated Karin. ahahahah
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dryades-angeli · 3 years
The Shipping Game
We play a little bit shipping Game. Tell me... The first ship you shipped and why: - The first ship you hated and why: - The last ship you shipped and why: - The last ship you hated and why: - Your BROTP: - The ship that stuck in your mind forever (Your OTP): - Witch ship shouldn´t have to be canon and why: - Witch ship should have be canon and why - Witch character you don´t want to see shipped with anyone in the series and why: - ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~{My answers}~ The first ship you shipped and why: My first ship was Yami Yugi x Seto Kaiba (called Prideshipping by the fans) from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Origin Series. It was during my YGO! Fangirl-Period, as I use the Internet for the first time. I´ve read many fics of them, so I began to ship the two. The first ship you hated and why: Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler / Katsuya Jonouchi (Puppyshipping). For me they were like ice and fire. They hated each other and they just had no chemistry. What made the couple even more unsympathetic to me was the fact that Seto never treated Joey really well and that the shipping name is based on the word "mutt / dog", as Seto calls him. Unfortunately, there were still many proponents of this couple then and still today, who love these interactions in this couple. And that annoyed me extremely, so that I couldn't stand Joey Wheeler afterwards. I was an extreme Seto Fangirl at this time. I've shipped pretty much every ship with Seto: with Tea, with Serenity, a little with Kisara (although I didn't like her either), with Bakura, with Yami, with Pegasus, with his Egyptian form Seth, with Mahad ... Even with Joey a little at first. But like I said. Because of the hype and because too much attemtion only on that ship, I couldn't stand it anymore and I signaled that quite clearly. I didn't attack anyone for that ship. There was no such thing in my youth. I just said that I hate the ship. The last ship you shipped and why: Shikamaru Nara x Ino Yamanaka from the Naruto Series. ShikaIno. I watsch from time to time the @naruto-shipping-confessions here on Thumblr and there was an Entry where someone hatred that ship. But I thought so: Oh... But they´re really cute together. xS The last ship you hated and why: Childe x Kaeya (Chaya) from Genshin Impact. They´ve never ever meet. Kaeya wouldn´t go out with an Fatui, who are indirectly responsible for the fact that Diluc's father Crepus died. Above all, he would get Diluc's displeasure, because he hates Fatui and Diluc is clearly very important to Kaeya. To make it short. The ship doesn´t make sense to me. Your BROTP: Jean x Marco from Attack on Titan.... The ship that stuck in your mind forever (Your OTP): Rhadamanthys no Wyvern x Kanon no Gemini (RhadaKano) from the Saint Seiya series. Rosiel x Katan from Angel Sanctuary. Witch ship shouldn´t have to be canon and why: Naruto Uzumaki x Hinata Hyuga / Uzumaki (NaruHina) from the Naruto Series. Sasuke Uchiha x Sakura Haruno / Uchiha from the Naruto Series. And that SemiCanon-Ship from Attack on Titan, Eren Jäger x Mikasa Ackerman (EreMika). All ships seems unhealthy to me, doesn´t make sence to me and contribute to a story- and charactercrippling. All seems to be developed, just to sell the manga as best as possible. Witch ship should have be canon and why: Eren Jäger x Historia Reiss (EreHisu) from Attack on Titan, Neji Hyuga x Hinata Hyuga (NejiHina) from Naruto and Shikamaru Nara x Ino Yamanaka from Naruto. All are healthy and based ships. Witch character you don´t want to see shipped with anyone in the series and why: Kimimaro Kaguya from Naruto and Hao /Zeke Asakura from Shaman King. I can't imagine a couple with any other character from the series for either of them. I only ship both with my OC. I tagg: @mikotofubar ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Do you wanna join the game? Share this on your page, copy the Questions from the Template, paste them into your answer field and start answering the questions. If you are finished, you can link/tagg some friends to make it, If you want. But whatever
you do, stay respectful to other favourite ships. You can have your Option, but write it down nicely as possible. Thank you. ;)
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unmeinoishi-blog · 8 years
nejihina for the scary otp meme ( lionfiist )
Scary OTP meme: send a pair and I’ll fill this out || accepting
Which one is more fond of scary movies: Neither of themWhich one gets the most excited about Halloween: Hinata, Neji tries to avoid it as a wholeWhich one would be more likely to survive the apocalypse: Neji would never leave her behind at all so it would be either both or neitherWhich one would literally kill for the other: Both, but Neji would kill someone without second thoughtWhich one likes to scare or startle the other: Neji did once, but Hinata was really freaked so he stoppedWhich one is more likely to need comforting when they get spooked: Hinata, though Neji is always more than willing to give itWhich one always puts on a brave face: Neji is either closed off and not letting any one in, or in tears and refusing to let go of herWhich one would be more dangerous if they suddenly became violent: Neji, he would definitely be incredibly dangerous should it become a problemWhich one would be more likely to commit a crime: NejiWhich one believes in ghosts: Hinata, Neji tries desperately to deny it even if he wishes to see his father againWhich one likes to watch spooky show on television: Neither of themWhich one would propose the idea of holding a seance: Definitely neither of themWhich one has nightmares more often: Neji, he has relentless nightmaresWhich one would want to explore a real haunted house: Neither of them, again.
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oivsyo · 3 years
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I posted 62 times in 2021
This is my first year on Tumblr, I started this blog in April. I did it out of the blue and I couldn't imagine that my art would find so much positive feedback and support. I couldn't imagine that I would find a small, still friendly community of ppl who share my interests, who I can just talk to, discuss fictional characters, share headcanons with. I couldn't predict that drawing and NejiHina would become a part of my life again after almost 11 years out of drawing and the fandom. This year was awesome. Thanks to everyone who joined my blog! Next year will be even greater, I feel it <3
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I added 132 tags in 2021
#nejihina - 26 posts
#neji hyuga - 21 posts
#hinata hyuga - 16 posts
#sharing nejihina - 14 posts
#neji x hinata - 14 posts
#nejihinasummerweek - 10 posts
#naruto fanart - 10 posts
#hyuuga neji - 7 posts
#hyuga headcanon - 7 posts
#my artwork - 7 posts
My Top Posts in 2021
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[Daily Ritual]
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Happy B-Day to the best boy! ^o^
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[What If...The Last]
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[Do come back safely]
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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whitelilynh · 10 months
May I know what is your ideal ending for Neji/Hinata and Lucrezia/Cesare? What is their ideal story?
As far as I remember (about Lucresare), they changed their names and began to live quietly in another city, but I could be wrong.
As for Nejihina (judging by your HK), the Hyuga clan apparently accepted them for who they are. And they lived quietly in their home(I judged from your old HCs, perhaps they are already outdated 😅).
Bye! Thank you in advance!
Yes, you're very right 😌. For Lucresare there's no other way, even if there are other plot twists (which I plan) ppl would always see them as the Borgia siblings, they could not be together and happy if they'd stayed at a place were people know their faces and names. So ideally they ran away, changed their names, and raised together Lucrezia's son and Cesare's daughter.
As for NejiHina, you are right again. I have invented many many stories about them, but my favourite is still and forever that they slowly start to realize their true feelings for each other after the war and eventually end up married, co-leading the Hyuga Clan, reformating it, aiding Naruto in the Village's reformation and overall living a tranquil and happy life with their baby twins, Hanabi, Tokuma, Kō and the rest of the clan 💜.
Thanks for asking!
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pandoraimperatrix · 9 months
When the war is over
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NejiHina Week 2023
Day 5 - Choice
NejiHina Week 2023  
Day 5 – Choice  
Will you choose me when the war is over?  
And knowing how well you can read my eyes; I know you can hear the question I’m too much of a coward to voice, your kisses giving me no true answer but the ecstasy of our meetings help me to forget.  
I face hordes of men, slashing and brutalizing their bodies without flinching. Nor death not the dead can stop me while you heart still beats, while air still fills your lungs.   
Living soldiers and supernatural threats alike will never frighten me, only the truth. However, against the silence of your non-answer, I am powerless.  
The meaninglessness of killing, the violence are nothing against the doom befalling over me every time your eyes stray, searching for blue skies. 
From the heavens incompressible horrors fall, with you by my side, in battle, in bed, I fight men and gods alike undaunted.  
But how can I fight truth? How can I win over history? How can I kill the part of me that will not be satisfied, that will always yearn for more and more and more of you. 
I don’t mind the blood anymore, for when you join me at the Nakano River at night, I barely notice the red flowers dissolving, lead away by the currents as you wash me, warm fingertips in my hair, feverish sex engulfing mine in rapture, nor ice-cold water nor our feverish flesh can’t make me forget, but I still pretend.  
I pretend that this is forever, I pretend you will choose me when the war is over.  
Nobody thought the war would last so long.  
But sometimes, I have trouble remembering a time before it.   
There was once truly a time in which I was content by living a life in which I walked always two steps behind you?  
In which the idea of having you moaning my name as I take you against a three as the world ends around us was ridiculous?
There was once truly a time when I slept easily on an empty bed?  
There was once, truly, a sorry past existence in which I didn’t find home in the curve of your soft waist? In which I didn’t know the paths of your body as my own homeland and didn’t know the taste of your mouth?   
Where I was free from the prison of death, the decay of a wartime, where I was accepting of my fate as a creature cursed by the ability of desire what he could never have, of picturing a reality that would never cross the boundaries of his own mind. A pitiful man convinced by himself that his heart’s deepest yearning was impossible and should be buried in shame. 
There was really, such time?  
I’ve lost the count of the men, undead, gods and aliens I have murdered, and yet, I can remember the first night you searched for comfort in my arms, and every night since then. I hear men talking all the time how they can’t sleep, that the dead come to haunt and stela the little rest they can manage to get, but by your side, in our bed, the oblivion of sleep takes me over easily than when I was an innocent man.  
Hinata-sama... No, don’t answer me, please, just take me inside of you again, please make me forget that the war will one day end, and you will remember that you don’t want me. That you gave up on me eons ago, that I’ve lost the right of even wishing you would look at me.  
You will go back to seeing me as nothing but a placeholder. A choice made in haste and despair, something you regret even now as I eat your moans, and bury myself deep inside of you as if I belonged there. After, it will be as always, the forlorn look in your eyes, your silences, even if you can’t let go, because war drives people to hedonism, it’s hard to deny oneself comfort when the world around dies in smoke and ashes.  
Even remaining in my bed, head pillowed on my chest, you’re already gone. 
Averting your eyes as if I won’t notice that you still cry sometimes, when you realize it’s me you see just before climax takes your mind away and all I have left to hold on tight is your quivering body and the torturing feeling that even though I’m the only one that has you, you will never crown me king of your heart. 
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btsasukes · 7 years
Top 10 Naruto ships
Top 10 Naruto ships I got tagged by @goatville thank you for tagging me! This should be fun 😈
Most of these are CRACK I do not ship the canon parings mostly because they don’t make any sense, are forced and bring sadness to my favorite characters. I would rather ship my lovely men and women with people who they are compatible with :)
1) SASUHINA- this right here is my ultimate OTP! Btw I love the sh fandom sm 💓okay now lemme be honest I started shipping them because they looked hella good together. But omg.. I realized their backgrounds are VERY similar and they have so much in common despite the complete opposite personalities that they have.. there are just to many parallels for it to be a coincidence. He is darkness, she is his light and their babies would be on another level: absolutely beautiful and strong(byakusharingan)
2) NARUSAKU- perfect alternate for sasuhina and they had the best development in the manga no one can fight me on this. He treated her like a QUEEN! I didn’t ship it at first because I was too focused on the actual plot but once I discovered shipping fandoms and all the good points the narusaku stans had to say about them BOI I realized that they are meant to be. She is heaven, he is earth and together they complete each other.
3) ITAHINA- lemme be straight up this ship is so hot! They also have somethings in common. They were both heirs to their clans and understood the importance and pressure of becoming a clan head. They are aesthetically pleasing. They are both more on the quiet observant side And when the ot3 itahinasasu gets involved WOOH THATS CRACK TO ME
4) SHIKAINO- everyone who watched original Naruto shipped them at one point. I think they compliment each other well and their teamwork is amazing. I’m still sad that they could never be together because of the ino-shika-cho squad. Would have made some A1 babies not gon lie
5) NEJITEN- I don’t stan it as much as sh and ns but I think they would be great together because they are on the same team and seem to work well together. Also I can’t thing of anyone else to ship Neji with besides Hinata. Also, props to the talented fan artists for making beautiful nejiten fan art and increasing my interest in the ship.
6) SUIKARIN- UHHHH THE CHEMISTRY?????? Suigetsu teasing her was the cutest thing ever + the fact that Karins a tsunder made it better! There was defiantly some sexual tension going on when the two would bicker. ohmygosh I’m still mad kishi didn’t make them canon
7) KAKAHANA- NO not kakashi x Hana (kibas sister) but kakashi x Hanare from that one ‘kakashis love song’ filler. I still watch the fillers #truefan I know I know she came out in one non canon episode but it was cute af so… look it up if you don’t watch the fillers
8) SHIKATEMA- I don’t like them as much as shikaino but this ship is still one of my favorites. An actual canon ship in Naruto that makes sense!! I loved the faint jokes and flirting they had going on. It was obvious they would end up together but I don’t like their kids character design :/ shikadai is a boneless shikamaru
9) NEJIHINA- y'all… this is a guilty pleaser and the fanfictions are on POINT. Neji would not have to DIE FOR NH and them having an “arranged marriage” would make more sense than the BS we have now. We can’t ignore that Neji has a cousin complex!! Hinata and Neji are so soft for each other and he’d protect her forever. Plus idk I heard this somewhere that their child would have the purest Hyuga blood or something like that. Headcanon: Neji would fix the Hyuga system and his seal would finally be removed😤
10) JIRATSU- I’m very sad y'all… she had a second chance at love and Jiraiya LOVED HER!! You could tell she cared about him very much. This was a true pure ship that never got justice. The only bet Tsunade ever won GOSH! And Naruot was like their son…
Honorable mentions: leeten, sasusai, kibahina, shinohina, shikasaku, shikahina, asukure, naruino, leesaku, nagakonan, yahikonan and probably more
Okay I’m going to stop before I shed a tear
I tag @shinobisage09 @cognitivecapricorn @kite-maison @everyone-deserved-better @mandachan21 @mickey10213 @domates-tatli and @ibelieveinyoupointdah
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nejihinata · 7 years
The Queen’s Phoenix
NejiHina | 1736 words | Historical Fantasy AU | Read on AO3 
Thank you @lightscavenger so much for the beta.
This one is an AU based in the South Korean drama The Legend (2005), you do not have to have seen it to understand the story, but if you might, read listening to its OST by Joe Hisaishi, specially Sujini’s and Kiha’s themes.
Even before gathering enough courage to raise his head to look, he knew it was her. After so many years, how could he mistake the sound of her horse’s fast gallop?
Still, he didn’t look when the sound approached and changed for the soft crunching of her steps on the sand.
She was panting, her rich garb in disarray, and those were the fine silks, not the humble ones she wore to travel on a horseback or when they sneaked out of the palace disguised as a peasants. The tresses that should have been in one of the impressive hairdos her ladies usually made for special occasions were a mess of flyways and unravelling plaits. Her pale skin was full of red blotches and there were droplets of sweat growing on her temples, her pouty lips were open as she engulfed great portions of air; not the same vision in the paintings on the palace’s wall, and yet, for the heavens that were punishing him, she’d never looked more breathtaking.
He let the sensations caused by seeing her take him in and replace the deep regret that started burning in his stomach when he first listened to her, for now he would have to do what he cowardly tried to avoid: say goodbye to her.
“Hinata-sama…” he breathed her name like a prayer, tightly grasping the rope holding his boat to the shore, he bowed.
“How dare you!” Her tone was fierce and unmistakably hurt, but her voice was soft as ever, the voice they said was too soft for the role of a Queen, but he knew better. “I told you to never leave my sight. You promised me. I am your Queen, you should obey me,” but the last words sounded like an unroyalish plea.
“Hinata-sama,” he said again, because soon he would swear to never pronounce her name with his dirty lips again. “Please, pretend you’ve never found me.”
“What?” she asked, flabbergasted and more than a bit betrayed.
His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.
“It’s better that way.”
“No!” her tone of broken despair made his heart shrink painfully.
“I believe they’ve told you, haven’t they?”
“I don’t believe them, I don’t believe any of them.”
He sighed and let go of the rope, raising his trembling hands to his head, he untied the knot keeping the ribbons of fabric that hid his most disgusting and shameful secret. She had walked towards him and stepped inside the small boat, and was close enough to touch when he finished unravelling the strips of clothing leaving it plain to see the mark of the Dark Phoenix on his forehead.
The Dark Phoenix meant to drive the world to its destruction and break the Heavenly Queen’s heart, it was also the last fragment to complete the legend of the Queen sent by the heavens. A Queen born under a shooting star and destined to unite the kingdom aided by her four guardians: Shino, the Blue Dragon; Kiba, the White Wolf; Kurenai, the Turtle Snake; and Naruto, the one destined to be by the Queen’s side, the Red Phoenix.
The legend said that the Queen would be torn between her two Phoenixes, and that she should give her heart to the right one, for the other would resent her and turn the world in a pit of fire with his flames.  
A tear fell from her eyes as she lifted her hand to touch the mark.
“Before promising to be by your side, I vowed to forever protect you” his voice broke, “I can’t even do that anymore. Please,” he delicately moved her hand away, and whispered, “let me go.”
“No” she grasped his hand, “I forbid it!”
“I-if you won’t say with me…” she searched for a moment for what to say. “I’ll follow you wherever you go.”
He actually smiled at that. “You can’t. You are the Queen, and the Queen belongs to her palace.”
“My palace is wherever you are” she whispered, letting go of his hands, standing on her toes and bringing their lips together.
His shock was such that he gasped for air, and she used his parted lips to deepen the kiss.
In complete disbelief of what was happening, his only movement was opening his eyes. She was a vision of black messy hair, red and ivory silk, her lips were too soft, her skin so warm, and she was in his arms.
She ended the one-sided kiss and looked up to him behind her wet lashes, her lower lip trembling as she was about to cry.
Something snapped inside Neji, soon he would have to go to his own path towards death, he had nothing else to lose, and he was not about to deny a man’s last wish, not even his own.
He caressed her face with the back of his hand, marvelling, as she leaned to receive the touch, how she was even softer than his imagined all those years. With the same hand, he delicately cupped the back of her head, feeling the silk tresses intertwine with his fingers, and with his other hand, he brought her close by the waist, and then, he kissed her.
He kissed her like he had dreamed of doing ever since they were no more than children hiding in the library. When she had to pretend she was stupid to keep her real personality inconspicuous and herself protected from assassination attempts; and he had to pretend to be just a mere servant and not the one with an oath to protect her.
It was strange how it seemed that only yesterday they were meeting in secret to train their bodies and their minds, to talk, to fall in love, and their lives were simple. It felt like all those memories filled within such a little time, for no amount of time by her side was enough, and yet, now all that was coming to an end. The kiss felt like a millennia of yearning, too much to be sated with just one.
So, when they parted from the kiss, breathless, he’d never wanted her more.
“Stay with me” she pleaded again.
“I can’t,” his voice sounded hoarse as he took a step back from her.
“Do you want me to beg? To fall on my knees?” But she didn’t sound like she was begging, she sounded angry and that she knew exactly the effect those words would have on him.
“Of course not.” His jaw tensed. “Hinata-sama, don’t give away your dignity for such a small matter.”
“Small matter?” She sounded offended. “The man I love is leaving me to his death!”
“You know I have no choice…” he looked away from her.
“Of course you have a choice, there’s always a choice.” She took a step forward, grabbing the front of his haori. “Choose to be with me. You’ve told me you wouldn’t let yourself to be a puppet in the hands of destiny anymore.”
He closed his eyes in a pain-filled expression before opening them again to look at her.
“But you are the destined Queen.”
“No,” she made a pregnant pause and wet her swollen lips, reminding him where they were moments ago, his hand shook at his side aching to touch her again. He wondered if the fire he felt consuming him every time he was in her presence was also a sign of their sad fate. “I am Queen because I’ve decided that the people who murdered my lord father and my lady mother shouldn’t reign. I’m Queen because I’ve decided to defy destiny, but it’s hard, and I don’t want to keep doing this without you.”
“Hinata-sama, they said I’ll break your heart… I don’t want to do that.”
“And yet you are leaving me.”
She still was holding him for her dear life, and, as much as he knew the odds were not in their favour, he felt himself starting to be compelled by her and his determination start to waver, he covered her hands with his, searching for freedom.
“If I go back with you-” a wide smile dawned on her face and he couldn’t help grinning a bit, “-and I said If, what about Naruto? He’s your Phoenix.”
“The heavens might need just one Phoenix, but I need you, too.”
“I don’t think the other guardians will agree, or the nobles. You know this, a Queen must marry.”
“I told you when we were young, only you will be my consort.”
He covered her hands with his and her grip weakened.
“I have nothing to offer you.”
She almost rolled her eyes at that.
“Why are you so stubborn? I don’t need anything else! I need only you. And if you turn into the Dark Phoenix, if you set the world on fire, I’ll be your shield.”
He raised both of his eyebrows.
“I should be the one being your shield.”
“How can you do that if you won’t even be by my side?”
“Protecting you from afar?” it sounded stupid even to him but she didn’t laugh.
“Don’t lie to me. It wasn’t that what you were doing.”
She freed herself from his hands and he felt the loss instantly, even if she grabbed his wrist with one hand. Hinata stepped out of the boat dragging him with her to the shore, then she let go of him, took the dagger she only carried tied to her leg and cut the ropes tying the boat against the current. Then she raised her hand and as if the water obeyed her, the boat floated away.
“Done. Now you can’t go anywhere.” She went back to stand beside him, close enough for their shoulders to touch.
“All my belongings were in that boat.”
She moved so fast that, with their proximity, she almost made them both fall, but he supported her by holding her shoulders, that’s when she noticed that he was smiling.
“I’m sorry!”
“But are you, really?”
She turned beet red, but shook her head slowly.
“It’s alright,” he said with a sigh, “I have now all I ever needed.”
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