zegalba · 2 years
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The monk Kuya reciting the nembutsu or invokation of Amitābha Buddha, depicted as six figures of the Buddha coming from his mouth.
Statue by Kosho, early 13th century.
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Who Dwells In This House?
I’ve been mulling over a certain quotation of Honen (法然, 1133–1212), the 12th century Buddhist monk credited with spreading the Pure Land tradition in Japan, and thus founder of movements such as Jodo-Shu and Jodo-Shinshu: “All of our deeds in the realms of saṃsāra result from ties with the three worldly passions of greed, anger, and ignorance. Understand that when the worldly passions of greed,…
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kongque-jiaan · 1 month
The sound of nianfo and the many melodies, musical styles, cadences, and even languages of recitation is so beautiful. I love how the different cultures that have been touched by the Dharma adapt this already beautiful sound to each of their individual aesthetic sensibilities. It's a powerful reminder of the power of Dharma to connect us practitioners across cultures and of the enormous debt of gratitude owed to the Asian cultures that have preserved the tradition.
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soulsevaporate · 3 months
Amitabha Buddha delivers sentient beings through his Name. Amitabha Buddha’s Name consists of immeasurable, boundless and inconceivable merit and virtues. It also consists of unimpeded light shining over all the worlds in the Ten Directions. It is for this reason that his Name is also called the Name of Light. When we exclusively recite his Name, Amitabha Buddha’s light will embrace, receive, and never forsake us. “Embracing and receiving” means protection and deliverance. “Never forsaking” means to never abandon us, and then, at the end of life, receiving us into the Land of Bliss.
Alan Kwan
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nembutalsolution · 5 months
How to Find Reliable Sources for Nembutal Pentobarbital Online
my experience with purchasing Nembutal from PentobarbitalHome.com was positive
In recent times, the online marketplace has become a hub for purchasing various products, including pharmaceuticals. One such product is Nembutal, a barbiturate that is used for anesthesia, sedation, and euthanasia. In this review, I will be discussing my experience with purchasing Nembutal from the online platform, PentobarbitalHome.com.
Product Quality:
Upon receiving the product, I was impressed by the packaging and the overall presentation. The Nembutal solution was contained in a sterile vial, which was sealed and labeled with the appropriate information. The product appeared to be of high quality, and the solution was clear and free of any visible impurities.
One of the primary reasons I chose to purchase Nembutal from PentobarbitalHome.com was the competitive pricing. The cost of the product was significantly lower than what I had found on other websites, making it an attractive option.
Shipping and Delivery:
The shipping and delivery process was smooth and efficient. I received a tracking number shortly after placing my order, and the package arrived within the estimated timeframe. The product was well-packaged, ensuring that it remained undamaged during transit.
Customer Service:
The customer service team at PentobarbitalHome.com was responsive and helpful throughout the entire process. They were available to answer any questions I had and provided prompt assistance when needed.
Overall, my experience with purchasing Nembutal from PentobarbitalHome.com was positive. The product quality was excellent, the pricing was competitive, and the shipping and customer service were top-notch. I would recommend this platform to anyone looking to purchase Nembutal online.
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josho-adrian · 1 year
The Three Buddha Body (Trikaya) and The Two Buddha Body Doctrine accordi...
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solid-arms · 1 year
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megyulmi · 2 months
Chapter 265 Spoilers!
A little detail I want to point out is the direction Yuuji took Sukuna and the Onikenbu statue he points out to him, which is outside of the East Entrance of Kitakami Station.
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First, what the statue represents itself as I think it may have symbolism for the future chapter. Onikenbai (鬼剣舞, The Devil's Sword Dance) is a sword dance usually performed by a group of eight dancers. The name is drawn from the fact that the dancers wear face masks which look like Oni (demons).
The Kitakami area’s local tradition of Onikenbai is technically one form of “Nembutsu Kenbai (Buddhist Enlightenment Dance)”, because the masks the dancers wear for their performance represent a reincarnation of Buddha (the masks have no horns and they are not demons despite their name). It comes from an ascetic monk En no Gyoja, who during the Taiho Era began dancing a “Nembutsu Odori” in prayer for peace, bountiful harvest, and prosperity among the people. After that, this dance became widely known when people were triumphantly going to or returning from war. Therefore Kitakami's demons, which are represented in Onikenbu, are not objects of fear, but are rather incarnations of Buddha, evoking peace. In regard to the Buddhist tradition, it is a kind of dance for the purpose of retiring the dead soul.
As for the direction itself, East is significant in Buddhism as Buddha's enlightenment occurred whilst he was sitting, facing East, under the Bhodi Tree. Additionally, Jikokuten (持國天, Japanese manifestation of Dhṛtarāṣṭrais, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, guarding the Eastern direction) is considered an exemplar of the virtue of strength and is assigned specifically to the protection of the nation. Notably, his symbolic season is Spring and his element is water.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Buddha "Space Lotus"
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kindafondawanda · 1 month
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Hiroaki Takahashi, Nembutsu Pool, Nikko in Autumn
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Kanroji Temple: A lesser-known KnY Holy Site... which is a holy site anyway
There are actually a few Kanroji Temples throughout Japan, but one very small one in Wakayama Prefecture embraces the namesake in some subtle ways. The platform-only train station which shares the name also got in on the fun with green and pink "love" banners with cherry blossom and cat motifs. Although there is not as much to see there now as there was in 2020 during a short promotion they did, there's still a few cute vestiges.
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To borrow a previous analysis of Mitsuri's name: 甘露寺: "甘露 Kanro" is "Sweetness" (in Japanese Buddhism, this is considered a virtue, perhaps you could think of it more like a heavenly sweetness than a gluttonous one) and "寺 ji" ((Buddhist) Temple). Rather than looking at this and thinking "wow, her family is so Buddhist" you could look at it and think "wow, they're probably pretty well-off." It's a wide generalization, but surnames which are also temple names imply that the family was long a (presumably wealthy) patron of the temple, and it carries a high class ring to it.
Besides the name, there are another couple reasons this is such a nice little Mitsuri related spot.
This temple was already known as a bit of a matchmaking spot, because there is a conifer on the premises with leaves that, once they are dried, don't break if you try to pull them apart. In addition, there are little protective "inome" (boar's eye/snout) marks around the roof, which people nowadays look at as upside-down hearts. There was also some romantic episode between the couple who started the Kamakura shogunate here, Minamoto no Yoritomo and Hojo Masako, but Mitsuri and Masako have very different personalities so I'll leave that there.
I did not realize this until I was on my way, but you know Tama, the station master cat? And Nitama, the successor? Kishi Station is the very next train stop. Mitsuri would be thrilled! I was also thrilled to encounter a celebrity, which was not at all on my itinerary for the day. Even got to ride the Tama train.
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It seems that during the Mugen Train hype of 2020, the temple had as many as 200 visitors in a single busy day, when they were displaying a wider banner with the temple's name and a pretty green and pink background. There were signs that cosplayers could hold in front of it, as well as a "love pillar" temporarily installed in the little courtyard. Cosplaying in public isn't welcome in many areas of Japan, so this feels a bit like the equivalent of Christian churches having welcomed Pokemon Go players after they became gyms. This temple does, after all, function first and foremost as a religious institution, specifically for the Jodo sect of Pure Land Buddhism. Still, they are flexible and open-minded with it. Back in 2020 they had Rengoku's words about how growing old and weak being what makes humanity precious written as words of wisdom on the post outside the temple where words of Buddhist-style wisdom are typically posted. Nowadays, although there are also signs saying that the inside is off-limits to anyone not there to worship, there was also a sign saying, "Come, everyone, let us go and pray... (Himejima Gyoumei??)" I love that nod, because Himejima's repetition of the nembutsu (Namu Amida Butsu) is stressed in the Jodo sect.
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Speaking of! Besides o-mamori (protective amulets), it is very common for shrines and temples to have go-shuin, a stamp or handwritten seal, in exchange for a modest fee (more technically, a donation). Many pilgrims (or tourists, that's fine) collect these directly in fancy books, but you can also just take the paper home to put in a book later. Although Kanroji Temple had their own version of these before their unexpected namesake popularity, they now have a second version on green and pink paper. It is the nembutsu written in a "rikenmyogo" calligraphy style. That is, "sword style" calligraphy.
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While the "demon slayers use swords!" association is clearly there, and in their explanation they make a lot of clever use of the 滅 (eliminate) character so prominent in the KnY world, the sword is in regard to how when Buddhist figures are depicted holding swords, this is not so much to slay the enemies of Buddhist teachings, but to sharpen oneself and cut away ones' evils, faults, and worldly attachments--the sources of worldly suffering.
That said, no one is making the fans get rid of their attachment to a hit manga/anime, and there are still a few signs to hold in "I was here" photos.
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The train station, which is surrounded by cherry trees and had a tiny heart graffiti etched into the sign, still has their "love" banners up, as well as a clearly inspired illustration of an anime girl reminding people to show their train passes clearly to the conductor when disembarking (because there are no gates on this train station platform).
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So if you ever find yourself a couple hours away from Osaka on your way to visit Nitama the celebrity station master, just remember you can make another nearby stop in honor of the Love Pillar. If you don't have the luck of riding the Tama train, you might get to ride a strawberry train too.
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The Three Pure Land Sutras
While writing a recent blog post, I realized that I had mentioned, but never explained, what the Three Pure Land Sutras are in the Buddhist tradition, and their significance to Mahayana Buddhism as a whole. Think of this as a handy reference post. I haven’t done one of these in a while. 😊 The Buddhist Canon When you think of most world religions, they are usually based on one or two books.…
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namandabu · 10 months
You think I'm a good person?
If I were a good person, I would be able to accept the Buddha's wisdom without a shred of doubt.
If I were a good person, I would not delight in poison.
If I were a good person, I would do good selflessly, benefiting friends and enemies alike.
And if I were a good person, I would be free. I am not free.
I'm not a good person. That doesn't mean I'm some kind of serial killer or sociopath, going around manipulating and exploiting people for my own gain. But I live my life selfishly. I do things which should not be done, think things which should not be thought, and say things which should not be said.
It is because of this, not in spite of it, that Amida's Vow is the only path for me. I will not accomplish the Buddha Way. I cannot make the Bodhisattva Vows honestly, knowing I won't fulfill them. And this is precisely what makes me the target of the Vow. It actually makes it EASIER to go to the Pure Land because the Path of Birth Through the Nembutsu is designed that way. Shinran states "Even a good person can make it to the Pure Land. How much easier it is for the evil person to get there!"
My karma is heavy. I regret myself. Namu Amida Butsu.
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thekimonogallery · 2 years
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Komyo-ji Temple. This temple is the head temple of the Nishiyama Jodo sect. It is located in Aohirodani, at the foot of Nishiyama, Nagaokakyo City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is the place where the Rikkyo sect was founded, where Enko Daishi Honen, the founder of the sect, was the first in Japan to give birth to the nembutsu "Namu Amidabutsu" when he was 43 years old (1175).
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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Who is Amitabha?
According to Mahayana Buddhist sutras he was a king in the remote period of time. Renouncing his kingdom, he became a monk and was named Dharmakara, which means 'Treasury of Dharma'. Inspired by the teachings of the then Buddha of that time, Lokesvaraja Buddha, who taught him the way to supreme enlightenment many aeons ago, he made forty eight great vows for the saving of the sentient beings. The Eighteenth Vow, which is the basis of the Pure Land, ran like this: 'If upon the attainment of Buddhahood all sentient beings in the ten quarters who aspire in sincerity and faith to be reborn in my land, recite my name up to ten times and fail to be born there, then may I not attain the Perfect Enlightenment...'
Since then, the Bodhisattva Dharmakara, after five aeons of self-cultivation, finally attained the Supreme Enlightenment and became the Buddha Amitabha. This means that his grand and infinitely compassionate vow is now a reality, the paradise known as Pure Land or Sukhavati has been established, suffering beings must and will be delivered if only they will have the full faith to call upon his name.
Calling the Buddha's name with full faith is known to the Chinese as
NIEN-FWO' meaning 'Prayer-recitation'. The Japanese term for this practice is known as 'Nembutsu'. In this practice three important qualities must be present in the mind: Sincerity, Faith and Aspiration to be reborn in the Pure Land. The simple prayer or formula that one needs to repeat is:
Om Amideva Hrih
Om ami dewa hri
which literally mans 'Homage to the Amitabha Buddha' or 'I seek refuge in the Amitabha Buddha'.
Some believe that by reciting these mantras 100,000 times, one will be able to meet Amitabha Buddha in person, and be reborn in the World of Ultimate Bliss at the end of one's life.
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cosmicmote · 3 months
Rainy Day Sentience #'s 68 and 71
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somewhere along the way Orwell wrote that all art is propaganda. he also wrote on auto-hypnosis, how people live their lives in a state and are brought to love it, big brother at least.
I've been pondering again lately on the passage from the larger sutra and how the human realm doesn't seem all that higher than the animal and lower realms, hells included. not that there is any higher or lower, better or worse, realistically, to be divided into here. this gets easier to see once one reaches a shore. on that note, one is an abominable and illusory concept as well, it would be better deprecated than clung to. but anyways, as it says, all is bent on doing evil and we as a species, in taken human forms get all the violence with a tall abundance of hubris added in, often at godly(or goddessly) levels. the middle path, it is called. the hubris is part of what makes for a bigger drop into hell realms once all is done, it's not just the pleasures and seekings with ostensibly fewer sufferings. fear gets to be its own form of glamor, also. we could say it all never ends, even when it's broken down. as an old soul who's ready to depart, lessons learned and unlearned, nembutsu has its appeals -- both as a get out of jail free card and an acknowledgement that we can do "better": but only with other power and conducive lands elsewhere, whatever the pre-arranged seating. it is often stated that love is all we have and need, but it gets so strangely defined -- fathoming itself into stupidity and back, without so much as an effort. hold on. there is no life here without conflict, or friction more precisely, that's part of how samsara works too. of course enlightenment is rare, countless lifetimes spent in what amount to garbled dream states. some people know they play their parts, without knowing. when vision is 360, their is no hindsight, is there.
[35] The Buddha said, "The first evil is this. Devas, humans and lesser beings, including even those that crawl, are bent on doing evil. There is no being that is not. The strong subdue the weak; all inflict serious injuries and kill each other, all devour their prey. Not knowing how to do good, they commit evil and do outrageous and unruly deeds. Later, they receive retribution, [276a] it is natural that they should be destined to evil realms. Demigods keep records of offenders' acts and make sure that they are punished. That is why some are poor and destitute, corrupt, beggarly, lonely, deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, wicked, physically handicapped, deranged, or subnormal. But others are honorable, noble, wealthy, intelligent, or clever. This is the result of good and meritorious acts of benevolence and the performance of their duties to their parents in past lives. ~ Larger Sutra: https://web.mit.edu/stclair/www/larger.html - Hisao Inagaki translation
the earth as a planet has its own karma it goes through as well, and cycles, and kali yuga has its own seasonal weathers. then there's the solar system too; so on and so forth it goes, cascading. in some ways things are looking up from here, but it's only because I know there are other shoes about to drop, if not this year then next. it's a repeating world war on the surface, but underneath and above it's a coming of age where you won't let go of the old. it won't lead to good times for many ahead, but I'm not heavily invested or even bought into it to start with, so.. and I wish we could speak more concisely but that's not how this all works here either, there are forces who make sure of that.
many words and sounds are empty shells and others are fertile seeds, growing various things - we can see which is which, more often than not. empty sea shells and the spirals that lead to them are their own little worlds, aren't they? Ezra Pound wrote of milkweed, the sustenance as to enter arcanum, and he wasn't wrong there either.
the painting above was created using Black Ink, G'mic, and Corel Painter, with additional photograph layered in. where do red bull and monster drinks fit? they don't, really.
graphic and words ©spacetree 2024
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