#nerd to biker
alphajocklover · 4 months
I saw this super hot biker dude on my way home and I was wondering if you could make me like him? I’ve always been a nice guy but I want to experience life as a total bad boy. I mean everything, the muscles, the tattoos, the straight promiscuous sex, being in a gang doing crime. All the bad boy biker things. You think you could make me that way dude?
I actually haven’t done much with bikers. I don’t really know why, but besides that one wolverine based transformation I haven’t so much as mentioned bikers. I suppose it could be because I’m slightly obsessed with jocks and tend to focus on them more than others but it’s not like I haven’t reported on different transformations, like surfers, dilfs, and even greasers before. Yet I’ve almost never mentioned bikers before, and I’ve absolutely never turned someone into one. There's a first time for everything though, and bikers are really hot. However, before we turn you into a bad boy biker we need to figure out how you’re going to become one. Most of the transformation methods I have on hand are jock based. But… There is one thing I have on hand that would be perfect for you.
It’s a motorcycle. Yes I own a motorcycle. It’s not really mine, I’ve never ridden it or used it. I actually inherited it from an Uncle, but that’s another story. I haven’t got a clue on how to ride it, and if I was going to use a motorcycle I’d probably use something else. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a well made machine, and it looks cool as hell, but if I were to put the key in the ignition and start the engine… while you can probably guess where this is going.
It won’t happen all at once. It’s going to be a more gradual than you’d think. You’ll gain muscle slowly over the next few weeks, just slowly enough that it seems less like magic and more like an unexpected growth spurt. The mental changes will go at about the same rate, with you slowly losing old interest over the next few weeks, replacing your geeky hobbies with more… biker appropriate ones. You’re going to end up with a fascination with motorcycles, a love of beer, and a knack for getting into trouble. The most starling change will probably be the tattoos, as I believe they’ll just appear towards the end of your transformation. In a matter of weeks you’ll go from a skinny nothing to a beefy, beer guzzling, motorcycle obsessed, pussy fucking leader of a biker gang. Yes, you’ll be the leader. You’ll probably attract a gang quickly without much effort too. People are gonna be drawn to you, your sheer badass manliness.
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No more mister nice guy for you. From here on out you’re anything but fucking nice.
**hey there guys! Hope you like the Biker TF. It was nice to try something new. And it gave me an idea for the mystery uncle I mentioned. Enjoy!**
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every time i get into a new media i end up thinking of a teen beach movie au for it. i never do anything w these aus but there r so fun 2 just play with in my head like barbies <3
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nerds-yearbook · 8 days
The first episode of Biker Mice from Mars premiered on September 18, 1993. The cartoon had the voice talent of Brad Garrett (Greasepit), Dorian Harewood (Modo), Rob Paulsen (Throttle), Jess Harnell (Exterminator), Ian Ziering (Vinnie), Leeza Miller McGee (Charley), Neil Ross (Plutarkian General), William Morgan Shepherd (Lawrence Limburger) and Susan Silo (Dr Karbunkle). ("Rock and Ride", Biker Mice from Mars, TV, Event)
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blitzy-blitzwing · 7 months
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He’s wearing a suit jacket!! 🤣
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Sure, on the surface, a biker and book nerd don’t have much in common. But in certain situations, they have everything in common. Situations like escaping into a café to avoid their respective friends’ comments about their lack of a love life, for example.
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Fooling around with more fantastical designs for the Layered Earth.
Nocturne and Sonata here were normal people, once, but they got a little too cuddly with some particularly weird magic artifacts, and now they’re, uh, not quite Angels and not quite Prophets. Angels are defined by their still being human but not having proper Humanity, and prophets by their being beyond human while retaining their all important capital-H Humanity. These two are more like… if something wanted to be part of Humanity, picked two weird college kids to be their models, kinda-possessed-kinda-replaced-kinda-cloned said college students and now they’re weird leggy army birdie thingies with twice the dramatic dispositions, and three times the urge to sing a capella in many-part harmony, and four times the audacity to dress like that.
Edit to say please click for better quality why do the pixels always get murdered
Close ups under the cut
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that-glitter-chick · 6 months
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phantomcomet · 9 months
Honestly, I would love a zombie movie about a group of furries. Their fur suits are thick enough to prevent bites/scratches and the heads prevent cross contamination from blood splatter. At some point the main group meets a bunch of college mascots and they have a spiderman pointing meme moment before they exchange resources and knowledge and maybe group together for a while.
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blackflcgs · 2 years
isrighthand  sent: > I can’t stop thinking about your hands on me. x 
The clubhouse is uncharacteristically quiet for a weekend night as far as activity goes, likely because at half past midnight, their bar down the road is still open and so the party hasn’t migrated yet.
Ed’s taking advantage of it rather than hanging in his room, music blaring as he plays a solo game of 8 ball on the pool table. He’s got the music up enough he doesn’t really hear his phone go off so much as he feels it vibrate in his pocket.
He leans on the pool stick as he unlocks his phone, a smile breaking upon his face the moment he sees a text from Izzy. Ed had been thinking of him, but elected to hold off on texting or calling until the morning just in case Izzy had been sleeping.
That smile turns into a smirk once he reads that text. He doesn’t hesitate to reply.
> that right babe? tell me how i’m touching you
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heyimspade · 2 years
I love reading webtoons. My favorites being; UnOrdinary, The Gamer, I Love Yoo, Let's Play, The Adventures of God, Here's the SHITuation, and Jock&Nerd.
Recently, Jock&Nerd has developed a storyline about a buff redheaded biker chick that is in love our scrawny, tiny nerd.
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kimmkittyx3 · 11 months
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Come hang out with me :)
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cryoverkiltmilk · 1 year
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The duality of man.
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thefunkfactory · 2 months
Biker Breath
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Zane was riding home from work on his bicycle when he passed a pile of stuff sitting on the curb with a sign attached saying “For Free”. Zane stopped to inspect what all was left out on the street and saw a super nice looking biker helmet, carefully picking it up he noticed some scratches and dings on the helmet but besides that it was still in perfect working condition. While he was examining it Zane noticed the rancid scent emanating out of the helmet. Holding his nose, Zane began to put the helmet back onto the curb when he heard a voice in his head that wasn’t his, it was a deeper, more masculine voice demanding him to put the helmet on. Wanting to resist, Zane set the helmet down and turned his back to it and the other stuff on the curb when the voice again demanded “Put on the helmet”, Zane was overcome with the need to put the helmet on. As he lifted the helmet up over his head Zane pleaded with the voice “Please…No…It reeks”. Feeling the voice command him to lower the helmet on his head, Zane’s mind and body obediently obeyed as he lost control of both. Upon lowering the helmet onto his head Zane could smell the reeking stench of the helmet. It reeked of sweat and B.O., the previous owner had obviously never even attempted to clean it.
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Regaining consciousness and control of his body, Zane tried to take the helmet off, but quickly he heard the voice command “Breath in deep wimp” Zane once again obediently followed orders and took in a deep whiff of the helmet’s noxious stench. Zane would have normally been disgusted but he wasn’t, in fact he loved the rancid stench of sweat trapped in the helmet. Zane heard another command echo through his head, “Get on your puny bike loser”. Zane sat on his metal bicycle and began to pedal away. With every pedal, he bike became more akin to what a real man would ride. It slowly transformed into a fast and slick motorcycle.
Zane revved the bike instinctually and he felt his dick shoot to life at the same time, it was weird, Zane never was interested in motorcycles but his body was aching for more. Zane’s puny body was sitting atop a nice expensive motorcycle now but his body and face were still that of a wimpy nerd. That was soon to change, the voice started describing what a biker boy should be like. “Biker boys are unhygienic beasts who never wear deodorant, shower once a week, and never brush their teeth, all of that is for weak pussies” Zane could suddenly remember why the helmet smelled so bad, it was HIS stench that was infused into the helmet. Zane breathed in another deep whiff of the stink HE cultivated and let out a pleasurable sigh, breathing out a torrent of funky smelling breath, Zane added to the stench and made himself more loopy. Feeling his weak body get light and tingly Zane kept riding his newly minted motorcycle, he stopped at a red light and looked over at the car next to him, “Had I always had such big muscles?” Zane thought to himself as he saw his reflection in the car’s window. “No…can’t be I…” he took a breath in and inhaled more of his noxious B.O. and bad breath, “…I have always been this buff duhhh” Zane pulled off and sped home away from the stop light. Arriving home his brother was getting out of his car in the driveway, pulling up was surprised when he saw the man on the motorcycle, he looked like a stranger to him. “Hey man I think you got the wrong address” Zane’s brother told the now insanely ripped Zane, “Whatchu mean bro this my crashpad!” Zane said loudly. “Nah my brother lives here with me and my dad not you” Zanes brother remarked. Zane got off his bike and walked up to his little bro, “Heeeeeeeeeeey man chillax…no need to get your pantiessssss in a bunch” Zane drew out certain syllables on words so that he could breathe out his nasty breath that smelled like he had just eaten garlic, and fish, and hadn’t brushed his teeth in weeks. Zane’s brother’s eyes glazed over upon smelling his older brother’s stale and stinky breath, “Oh hey bro welcome home” Zane reached an arm around his brother’s shoulder and they walked to the house together. “Yeaaaaaaahhh you love your big bro’s stinking breath dont cha lil man” Zane laughed and purposely let out a blast of his funky breath into his brother’s face, “Yea…bro I- I love how…stinky…your breath i- is…I wish I was m-more like you”His brother said mindlessly as if in a trance. “Well in that case lil bro I wanna take you on a ride tonight okay? You can wear my helmet I jusssssst got it” Zane breathed out more of his rank breath while he spoke. “Yea…uhh like…totally bro…” His lil bro responded not knowing that the ride would seal his fate just how his brother’s was.
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hello-eden · 6 months
Fake Human au
 Au where the ghosts leave the ghost Zone and get fake human bodies. When the ghosts leave the Ghost Zone they get a temporary human body that can only sustain them for one to three days. This means that Danny looks like he's just beating up random people. I definitely want there to be an assumption that Danny is in some sort of gang or Mafia dealings. especially when he's  more powerful  and maybe a ghost King which means all these people are listening to him.
Outside looking at Danny his grades drop and he starts getting into fights. especially because I imagine Danny doesn't have a ghost form in the human world. I think he still has a ghost form but only in the ghost zone. Danny looks like he is regularly skipping class to get into fights with random people. It can be anywhere to people who look like bikers or skinny nerds but it looks like he's fighting them. 
 Danny is seen as very powerful because he can be in the human world wherever he wants while other ghosts have to take time in between trips. Danny can skip between the Realms at any point especially because he has the portal in his literal home. The main reason for this post is the fact that it looks like Danny is Raising in the ranks of some sort of gang if you have no idea about the ghost and I think that's funny.
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tojisun · 11 months
do you think biker!simon has an instagram account to share some videos or photos of his motor? even he shares his own photos, he won't take off his helmet i suppose hehe :3
YEA I DO!!! biker!simon’s instagram account was made so he can follow his friends (not just the squad but also those that he met in meet ups) and also biking events. he first gained traction because of the bit he’s got going on wherein no one knows how he looks like until now, but then clips of his tricks during meet ups get posted and naturally people are drawn to him. add the fact that this well-built man with a sexy voice is also just a big bike nerd? yeah, people are enamoured for sure.
it’s not like he’s influencer famous, which he’s fucking thankful for, but simon becomes a household name for bikers and fans alike. then, your name came along and all of a sudden, a power couple just bloomed right before simon’s followers’ eyes. of course they’ve got to extend the support your way.
at first they’re following you because of simon; because they see just how cute he is whenever he talks about you – always posting you on his account or story; always finding ways to include you in the topic (with limitations of course) and tag you in posts. and god his followers adore seeing simon act so smitten and in love.
but you’re just too beautiful and sweet and kind.
what started as curious support became genuine; often they’d even ask simon where you are when simon’s account goes live during a meet up (all his followers know by now that every time simon’s live during a meet up, it’s actually johnny using simon’s phone), and simon would wag his finger in front of the camera as if to say “secret.” it’s johnny who would thankfully grace them with a normal reply, doing so by flipping the camera to show you to them. and, well, they wouldn’t be able to blame simon for wanting to keep you all for himself because they’d see you perched on his bike, wrapped in leather while wearing your and simon’s matching helmet, looking all parts divinely and untouchable.
simon would mass like comments that always compliment you. his favourite? “@yourname please please step on me. i promise i’ll bark”. simon laughed at the ridiculousness of it before liking the comment and replying to the original commenter with “get in line, lad.”
HHHH BUT YEA!! i absolutely see simon having a decent-following instagram account that is full of pictures of you, the two of you driving around, and his bike.
i searched through the trenches (my room) and was able to find my old phone!! i revived it for a short smau of biker!simon and what i think his account would look like (also featuring a short one of reader’s account!). check under the cut <333
click through the individual pictures for better quality and so that u can see the captions teehee!!
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i enjoyed making these omg!! hope u loved them toooo <333
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Okay hear me out 🗣️ i came out of these ideas because i was talking to these characters in character AI and plus one of them my sister shifted in to (the second one).
› 💌 𖥻 pretty nerd girl x the Bad boys:
: ̗̀➛‎ shifting to a reality where you are the pretty nerd girl and you met the mysterious hot dangerous Bad boys of the collage, you really was curious about them, should you approach them? It could surely change your life from boring into exciting one.
› 💌 𖥻‎ rich girl x Bodyguard:
: ̗̀➛ shifting to a reality where you are living a rich lifestyle and you live in a mansion or penthouse + you have a hot handsome Bodyguard protecting you and living with you (+ you Can add any interesting scenarios 😉).
› 💌 𖥻‎ agent x Spy:
: ̗̀➛ you are a Spy who is secretly spying on this agent to gain information from him and checking all his movement, then he realized someone is definitely watching him and he suddenly found you (+ you Can add enemies to lovers type of relationship).
› 💌 𖥻‎ human x vampire 🥀:
: ̗̀➛ one day night, you were camping with your Friends but while going to the Woods to search for Firewoods you got Lost and then you suddenly saw a figure of a tall man and he approached you and tried to help you get back to your camping site but little didn’t you know that he was planning to keep you because he fell in love at first sight with you.
› 💌 𖥻‎ academic Guy x academic girl:
: ̗̀➛ he was definitely your rival, you both Always tried to compete with each others and see who’s gonna rank the first place in your whole highschool, one day your teacher told the whole class that you all going to partner up for the school project and the teacher put you with your rival..and that when your relationship with him started changing 🤭.
› 💌 𖥻‎ the popular player Guy x hard to get girl:
: ̗̀➛ that jerk player Guy, Always thinking that he Always got what he wanted with girls, one day he approached you and called you “cute” and tried to flirt with you and you were definitely different ,you were really cold and you did really crush his ego, from that day on he promised that he will do all it takes for him just to see you smile.
› 💌 𖥻‎ demon Guy x human girl:
: ̗̀➛ you tried all different methods to summon a demon but you didn’t expect that you’ll summon a demon lord, he appeared in front of you tall and handsome, you asked him for help (choose anything you want him to help you with) and he agreed but with one condition that you’ll give him your soul After your end of Time, with Time he spend all his days with you and he began having feelings for you.
› 💌 𖥻‎ popular girl x introvert Guy:
: ̗̀➛ you were the most popular girl in your whole high school, you really had a crush on this masked face introvert Guy he really appeared handsome and you really were curious how he looks behind that Mask, one day you were with your Friend group and he bumped into you and his things all fell down you kneeled and tried to help him but he refused coldly and he walked away, you rushed behind him and stopped him and you told him that you just meant to help him and nothing else..then you started talking to him, complimenting him and you two relationship developed..he never believed that a popular girl was this nice and kind to him..you really caught him off guard.
› 💌 𖥻‎ biker Guy x pretty girl:
: ̗̀➛ you had this Guy best Friend who was really handsome, he was waiting for you in his bike to have a ride around the city, you get in and you wrapped your arms around his waist and he started his bike and driving around the city in the street night..it was really beautiful you felt like you was in a movie and you felt such an adrenaline.
› 💌 𖥻‎ detective x killer:
: ̗̀➛ you were the most known detective in the town, you had a Partner and you tried to solve this mysterious crime case,little by little you found the killer and you were interrogating him in the interrogation room, he couldn’t stop looking at you, and you asked him “ tell me why you did this? Why did you kill them?” And he Said “for you detective..it was for you” and you replied “why for me?” And he replied with a smirk "to get your attention”.
If yall want part 3 let me know.
-Xoxo, Eli
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