#nerida vulchanova
myrachondria · 1 year
◇ Durmstrang Institute ◇
(Informational Sheet)
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Northern Europe, the exact location is unknown. They do put charms on the castle to keep it hidden from Muggles, similar to Hogwarts. However, any visitor gets their memory wiped once they leave, so no one truly knows the location.
School Color:
The school color is red. However, every individual house has their own color.
Castle Description:
Durmstrang school grounds are significantly larger than Hogwart's.
Their castle is much smaller than Hogwarts, only having 4 stories.
Durmstrang is surrounded by lakes and mountains, keeping it well concealed.
Admission Details:
Durmstrang is a private school, so the students' parents would need to be able to afford the tuition since it is fully funded by it.
Durmstrang will not admit any muggleborn students.
Although they do not admit muggleborns, they do not teach the students to have a prejudice against muggleborns.
Because they are privately funded, Durmstrang admits students from all over the world.
Soscrofa - Their house color is gray. Students sorted into this house tend to be the "lone wolf" type and prefer being alone. They tend to be shy and quiet, but will fight back when provoked.
Ucilena - Their house color is black. Students sorted into this house value intellect above all else. They are fairly laid back and easygoing and are able to control their emotions and think rationally in any situation.
Vulpelara - Their house color is blue. Students sorted into this house highly value their friends and family and are also laid back. These students are not aggressive at all unless they need to stand up for loved ones.
Wolverine - Their house color is green. Students sorted into this house are known for their strength and ambition. They are also known for being willing to use any means to achieve their goal.
Core Classes:
Dark Arts
History of Magic
Elective Classes:
Ancient Studies
Arcana High and Low
Art History
Ghoul Studies
Healing Magics
Magical Theory
Rituals & Curses
Study of Ancient Runes
Training of Magical Beasts
Wizarding Politics
Extracurriculars Offered:
Fire Breathing
Dragon Taming
Martial Arts
Noteworthy Students:
Gellert Grindelwald
Viktor Krum
Nerida Vulchanova
Interesting Facts:
Although it is portrayed as an all boys school in the movies, in actuality it is a mixed school (like Hogwarts).
The reason that Durmstrang is able to teach Dark Arts is because it is a private school funded fully by the tuition.
Whereas Hogwarts is similar to a boarding school, Durmstrang is akin to a military school.
Although Durmstrang teaches the Dark Arts, there are some subjects they do not teach (ex. Horcruxes)
When Igor Karkaroff served as the headmaster for Durmstrang he caused the outside world to have an even more negative view of the school.
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dropsofnightshade · 11 months
Recapping Chapters 81 - 85
Harry prepares to board the Nerida, the ship to take him to Durmstrang. He encounters Arie on the dock, and meets Arie’s parents, Bas and Sanne, and Arie’s grandfather, Hendrik. Harry introduces Sirius and Arcturus in turn, and Sirius hits it off with Arie’s parents. Arie’s grandfather is quite reserved though. 
The two boys say goodbye to their relatives and then board the Nerida. They find their friends on the lowest deck of the ship, and see Dani, Adele and Ella interrogating Liam, who apparently had been spotted talking to another girl in their year level, Astrid Feyling. This was apparently a big deal, though Harry was uncertain why. 
Harry had hoped to learn more about Durmstrang on the trip there, but learned his enrolment was not actually complete, and that there was one more thing he needed to do before he could be let in on all of the school’s secrets. 
He did though learn the ship would travel through to the end of the Geirangerfjorden and then dive for the final portion of the trip to reach the school’s location. 
Harry spends the trip to Durmstrang socialising with friends, trying new snacks, and enjoying the sights on deck. He reveals to his friends that he is a Metamorphmagi — though Liam already knew after reading about Harry.
Harry encounters Finn, who appears to be good friends with Arie. Finn mentions the woman in the tailor’s shop that had been with him was his aunt, Annika Vogel. He expects Harry to know the name for some reason, but it is unfamiliar to Harry. 
Liam and Arie comment on the tension between the two boys, and Harry plays it off as lingering awkwardness after their duel. 
When the ship arrives at Durmstrang the other students go ahead while Harry and the first years wait behind to be brought in separately for their sorting. 
The harbourmaster, Halvard Nordhal, takes the students on rowboats to shore and then guides them away from the school through the valley. They meet a teacher, Professor Falk, who explains before the students may enter the school, they must make a pledge in the most sacred place in the school. 
The promise is: “I pledge to conceal the secrets of the Durmstrang Institute and to honour its legacy.” 
Harry is called up first, and follows Professor Falk to a hidden entrance behind a waterfall at the edge of the valley. He enters the space alone, and as he travels down the tunnel he realises there are ashgaräz lining the ceiling and walls.
He hears a disembodied female voice directing him to approach the altar at the back of the cave, and make his pledge. Harry makes his pledge at the altar, and as soon as he does, a ghostly figure of a woman materialises on the other side of the altar. 
She introduces herself as Nerida Vulchanova — the founder of Durmstrang. She guides Harry through his sorting, calling upon the judgment of their kin, the wisdom of the first peoples who practiced magic on this land, and the divine guidance of magic. 
Harry feels like there is a hand steadying him during the ritual sorting, and the touch is like lighting, leaving a lasting impression. 
He is sorted in the House of the Phoenix. Nerida comments that Harry has powerful kin and he bears a heavy legacy. Harry gets the feeling she might be hinting at Morgana, and wonders if perhaps the Dark Lady herself had been called upon in the ritual. But before he can question Nerida, something appears to frighten her and she quickly disappears. 
Harry exits the cave and learns Professor Falk is his head of house as they walk back to join the others. The fives houses of Durmstrang were created during a time of war in this part of the world, and each of the houses had a particular purpose for which it trained its students for war. 
The House of the Dragon is for those with an affinity for combative spellcraft — traditionally the soldiers. They are the largest house at Durmstrang. 
The House of the Griffin is for those with an affinity for defensive spellcraft — traditionally the engineers. They are the second largest house at Durmstrang. 
The House of the Unicorn is for those with an affinity for logistical spellcraft — traditionally the healers, communicators, transporters and constructors. They are the third largest house at Durmstrang. 
The House of the Chimaera is for those with an affinity for runecraft — traditionally the intelligence operatives, saboteurs and disrupters. They are the second smallest house at Durmstrang. 
The House of the Phoenix - Harry’s house, is for those with an affinity for ritual magic — traditionally the spiritual leaders, diplomats and generals. 
Harry realises upon returning that he needs to do something about Tom — he is capable of hearing things outside the diary, and Harry has now made a pledge to conceal the secrets of the school. His belongings, including Tom, and set to be transported up to his new dormitory. 
Harry is escorted by another teacher, Professor Abioye, to the school now that he has been sorted. Professor Abioye is the head of the Unicorn house and he teaches the Healing Arts. 
Harry learns more about the school, and Professor Abioye shares that he offers a fortnightly healing class for those who cannot fit the proper elective into their schedules. 
As they approach the gates to the school a pair of golden statues shaped like eagles swoop them both and Harry learns that these are the guardian eagles, and they survey everyone who enters the school. They are tied to the records of the school, and know exactly who is meant to be entering. Polyjuice Potion, illusory magic, or being in an Animagus form will not fool the guardian eagles. 
Harry also learns that there is a second altar, or hörgr, within a grove of trees maintained inside the school walls, which students are allowed to access to use. 
At the top of the stairs Harry meets Professor König, the head of House of the Chimaera and the Runecraft teacher at Durmstrang. 
Professor Abioye takes Harry to a waiting room across from the great hall to wait for the other students to finish their sorting. Inside, Harry meets Professor Niva and Professor Björnsson.
Professor Niva is the Head of the House of the Dragon and the Duelling professor. Professor Björnsson is the Head of the House of the Griffin and the Martial Magic professor. 
Throughout the evening Harry met the first years who shared the same house as him; Emilia Aho, Klara De Vos, Alexander Sommer and Frida Vester.
Professor Falk informs he and Alexander that as they are both the only boys in their respective year levels, they have the choice of rooming together or having seperate rooms. 
Harry agrees to room with Alexander, as the younger boy is keen to have company, and Harry knows it would not be a true boarding school experience without sharing a dormitory.
The students are all announced to the school one by one, and as Harry is announced he meets his House Captain, Léna Katona, who directs him to sit at the second year table. 
Harry’s friends saved him a seat. After the students are all announced, Headmaster Karkaroff commences the feast, saving his address to the school once dinner is cleared. 
At the dinner table, Harry meets Christian Sørensen, who is from Denmark and a Unicorn like Adele. He has transferred into Mind Arts this year, and so he will be new to the class like Harry. 
Harry learns Christian’s back up if he fails Mind Arts is to arrange a private tutor to teach him. When Harry questions how Christian would find such a tutor, given how few people teach Mind Arts, Christian mentions the National Tutor Register. It is a system in Denmark of regulating people offering teaching services. 
Liam sitting nearby shares that you do not have to be a citizen of a particular country to access their registry.
Harry speaks later with the rest of his friends, still marvelling about meeting the ghost of Nerida Vulchanova. He learns whilst Headmaster Karkaroff handles the day to day responsibilities of running the school, and any public engagements, he answers ultimately to Nerida Vulchanova. 
After Karkaroff’s announcements the students are dismissed to head back to their common rooms. Harry is approached by Ezra, who he had not spotted at the staff table. Ezra informs Harry he was visiting Sirius and Arcturus — he felt guilty about not being able to warn them about the pledge. He hand delivered the legal agreement Harry’s guardians would need to sign for Harry to speak with them about the school.
Sirius and Arcturus had been unhappy to learn about the pledge, but had signed the legal agreement, meaning Harry could communicate more easily with them both. 
Professor Falk interrupted Harry and Ezra’s conversation, asking to speak with Harry privately. She took him to her office, and explained she needed to speak with him about two unauthorised items identified in his belongings. The guardian eagles not only regulate the people who enter, but any items too.
Professor Falk explains the two items that were picked up were a diary and an invisibility cloak. Starting with the diary, Professor Falk informs him it is necromantic in nature. Necromancy is of course illegal in this part of the world, and even just possessing a necromantic item is an offence. 
Professor Falk assures Harry she will not report him — but she does impart a warning. The diary needs to be stored appropriately until it can be discreetly transported back home over the Yuletide break. She has placed the diary in a secure box, which can only be opened by herself or Harry. The box is designed to contain the necromantic influence of the item. Professor Falk tells Harry it is his responsibility to keep the item safe in his belongings - she will not hide it for him. There will be consequences if he tries to bring it back after the Yule break. 
Professor Falk is extremely reluctant to talk much about necromancy or how she knew the diary was necromantic. She shares that for those who are familiar with necromancy, they have a way to detect it
Regarding the invisibility cloak, Professor Falk theorises it was identified by the guardian eagles because they could not ascertain the nature of the item. Professor Falk herself could not work out what type of magic infused the cloak. 
She confirmed Harry could keep it without any special precautions in place, though she was curious for how long the cloak had been in Harry’s family for. Harry answered vaguely, and Professor Falk seemed thoughtful. 
Professor Falk escorted Harry to his common room, passing through the main residential building. All of the house common rooms opened on a communal foyer area. Each door was guarded by a stone statute that represented the symbol of the house.
Harry meets back up with the first years inside the common room, who were waiting for him to appear. They are approached by their house captain, Léna, who gives them a quick tour of the common room and then takes them through to the dormitories. 
Inside their dormitory, Harry and Alexander check their timetables, which are on their beds. There are also maps to help them navigate the school. 
After getting ready for bed, Harry speaks with Sirius and Arcturus and then he writes to Tom in the diary. 
Tom, panicked after being shut inside the secure box and cut off from the world for a period of time, is unable to resist reaching out to Harry’s presence the moment his senses return to him. 
Harry is immediately apprehensive, and Tom realises his impulsive action might have just revealed his true sentience and ability to influence the world to Harry.
Harry interrogates Tom about the diary being a necromantic item, and what necromantic influence is. 
Tom tells Harry a limited amount of information, and Harry remains suspicious. He confronts Tom with his belief that Tom has the ability to interact with the world beyond just being able to hear outside of the diary. 
Tom attacked. 
Harry wakes up with a headache, disoriented in bed. He realises he must have fallen asleep while writing to Tom, as the diary is still open in his lap. He goes to bed soon after, figuring the headache is from tiredness. He lays awake for some time though, feeling strangely on edge, like something is wrong. 
In the morning he still has a headache and his magic feels unusually reactive under his skin, giving him a sense of aimless alarm. 
He and Alexander head to the dining room, and Léna brings them over to meet a girl sitting alone, Mira Zamfir. She is one of the two girls in Harry’s year level.
Mira is cold and rude to Harry and Alexander, ignoring them. 
Harry speaks with Alexander, ignoring the girl in turn. Alexander asks some questions about Hogwarts and Harry is taken aback with how homesick the conversation makes him feel, and also the sharp pain he feels in his head. 
The first year girls arrive together and Mira treats them to the same appraising silence as the boys. Harry spots Astrid Feyling entering the room and sitting down with some older students — she gives Harry a nod of acknowledgement when she catches him looking her way. 
Mira leaves soon after, and Harry decides to head to the owlery to check on Hedwig and then to the hospital wing to pick up a pain relief potion for his headache. 
The first years notice his distraction and discomfort and he admits he has a headache and did not sleep well. They all encourage him to get to the hospital wing.
Harry checks in on Hedwig first, and then heads to the hospital wing. He meets Healer Nyström, who documents his symptoms and performs a simple medical scan. She concludes he does have a headache, likely a tension headache caused by stress or poor sleep. The Healer gives Harry a pain relief potion, which helps immediately. She also prescribes him enough pain relief potions to take one every four hours for no more than two days. The Healer instructs him to return right away if the headache worsened or lasted longer than two days.
Harry enters his first class late, the Alchemy teacher, Professor Sundberg, unimpressed at his tardiness. However, he reads the note Healer Nyström prepared for Harry and calms down quite quickly realising Harry had good reason to be late.
Harry sits next to Jan Łaski, who he met at the DAYS gathering. Arie and Finn sit at the work table next to them. Speaking to Jan, Harry learns that Mira behaves coldly to everyone, and also that she and Astrid do not get along. 
After class, Harry heads to Runecraft. He runs into Liam on the way, who shares the class with him. Harry feels a bit foggy as he walks to class with Liam, feeling like something the other boy said earlier had triggered a thought in Harry. 
Harry’s head started to throb, even though he was not yet due for another pain-relief potion, and he found himself telling Liam that he was having second thoughts about choosing Mind Arts as an elective. 
Liam is confused where this feeling came from, assuring Harry he can help him in class, and Harry feels conflicted. His magic also feels alert.
Liam grows worried about Harry’s behaviour and attempts to enquire if everything is okay, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Dani and Adele, who are also in the Runecraft class with them. 
Professor König teaches them in a blunt manner, but as a Runes Mistress they are fortunate to have her for a teacher. 
Over lunch Harry takes another potion, and notices Finn watching him. 
He walks with Arie to Charms, running into another boy from the DAYS gathering, Luther Verbeke. As they walk Harry keeps dwelling on his conversation with Liam and feels the awful headache flicker to life in his head again. He wonders if he should go back to the hospital wing. 
In the Charms classroom Harry sees Kasia sitting down and joins her with Arie and Luther in tow. Kasia asks him if he is looking forward to Mind Arts that afternoon, and felt the same conflict rise up in him about how he felt about the elective. 
He was saved from answering by the arrival of Professor Hyseni, the cheerful Charms teacher. Harry could sense she had a powerful light magical core. 
Professor Hyseni explained they would be starting the year leaning about the Memory Charm. A shiver runs down Harry’s spine hearing that, and his magic, which had settled back down into a period of calm, suddenly spikes back to life with alarm. 
His head started to throb painfully again. 
Professor Hyseni lectured them all on the Memory Charm and its counter spell, and then got them all up to come practice the Obliviate spell on a target. 
Kasia notices how pale and unwell Harry looks and suggests he go to the hospital wing. After a moment of hesitation, Harry agrees and leaves the classroom. 
Healer Nyström immediately takes him to a private room when she sees him, and scans him again. She concludes his headache has evolved into a migraine, and explains what this is. She gives him a more heavy-duty pain relief potion and explains the best thing to do now is the rest. The potion will also make him feel drowsy. 
Harry wakes up a couple of hours later to Ezra standing outside his room. He learns he has missed his afternoon classes, and it is nearly dinner. 
Alone with Ezra, Harry explains the strange behaviour of his magic, and Ezra theorises it might be his magic reacting to his illness. 
Ezra suggests they find time that weekend for a meditation session, to get to the bottom of the behaviour of his magic. Harry promises to keep Ezra up to date on any changes to his magic, and to come to him if he needs to talk. 
Harry takes his dinner in the hospital wing to avoid the noise of the great hall, and then walks back to the common room after being discharged. 
He does his homework in the study area, and is joined eventually by the first years returning from dinner. Léna comes over to tell Harry Professor Falk wanted to see him and asked Harry to attend her office tomorrow morning before his first class. 
That night Harry talks with Sirius and Arcturus, who are both very worried by his illness and the behaviour of his magic. They agree it is a good idea for Harry to have a meditation session with Ezra that weekend, but Sirius takes it further, wanting to get a second opinion if Harry’s headaches continue. Arcturus is able to diffuse the tension between them, with Harry not wanting to miss any more school and Sirius wanting to pull him out for medical assessment if he remains unwell. 
After his conversation with his guardians, Harry writes to Tom. He informs Tom about missing classes that afternoon and the migraine. Tom shares that he has an idea of what might help.
Harry wakes up, realising he somehow fell asleep again while writing to Tom. 
Fortunately there is no headache this time to wake up to, and the ever-present alarm from his magic is hushed to nothing more than a whisper at the back of his mind. 
He continues to write to Tom, who asks what classes Harry missed that afternoon. Harry confirms he left during Charms and missed Transfiguration and Mind Arts completely. Tom comments that it is a shame, because Harry was particularly looking forward to Mind Arts. 
Harry realised he was looking forward to it, and his earlier doubt about the subject seemed silly now. He couldn’t pinpoint what had him so bothered before about it. 
Harry sleeps well that night, and wakes up still without a headache. After breakfast he visits Professor Falk in her office as requested. 
She checks up on him, having heard he had spent time in the hospital wing. But then she admits she also needs to speak with him about the diary. She has not been entirely transparent with him, and she has been agonising over what to tell him over the past two days. There is apparently some terrible risk to those who know more about necromancy than the average person, though the teacher is vague on the details of this. 
She stresses to him about the need for safe storage of the item, and confesses the real reason why she gave it back to him instead of keeping it herself, was because she is vulnerable to it. 
People with light and neutral magical cores are particularly susceptible to necromantic influence. Someone like Harry, with a dark magical core, is protected from necromantic influence. 
Harry learns necromantic influence can influence the behaviour of people. Even short exposure can be enough to have an impact. Professor Falk is already affected, and so she had no choice but to give it back to Harry. 
Harry is worried about his roommate, Alexander, who has a light magical core. Professor Falk assures him as long as Alexander doesn’t know about the diary and it remains stored appropriately, there is no risk. 
Harry feels guilty knowing the diary is not stored appropriately at all.
He attends Martial Magic first up with Ella, Luther and unfortunately, Finn. Astrid is in the class too, though she doesn’t interact with any of them during class itself. 
Finn gets on Harry’s nerves, but the class is intense enough to distract Harry from his annoyance. They all freshen up after class, and Harry steps out of the change rooms to see Astrid exiting the girl’s area. 
They formally introduce themselves to one another, and Astrid asks if Harry wants to walk to class together, as they both have Mind Arts. 
He happily agrees, and the two get to know each other a bit more as they walk together. 
Astrid mentions the War of Princes, and Harry recalls this is the name of the conflict that was ongoing in the region when Durmstrang was founded. He admits to not knowing much about it, and wanting to know more. 
Astrid asks him if he wants to meet up with her in the library after school and she can show him some books she recommends and Harry agrees. 
They arrive at the Mind Arts classroom and Astrid asks if Harry wants to sit with her, but he regretfully tells her his friend has saved him a seat, seeing the free spot next to Liam. 
Harry sits with Liam and notices Christian and another boy giving him wide eyed looks. Christian tips his head towards Astrid meaningfully, and when Harry still doesn’t get it, Christian whispers to talk after class. 
Kasia arrives and sees the only spot left is next to Astrid. Harry sees her face tighten and asks Liam if the two girls don’t get along. Liam admits he is not sure, but the two tend not to sit together if they can avoid it. 
Professor Sylvan arrives, and she is not what Harry was expecting. She is younger than he imagined, in her thirties, with long red hair and unusual lilac eyes. She gets the students to resume the exercise they had been working on yesterday, and directs Harry over to her to talk. 
Professor Sylvan is unimpressed that Harry was absent from class yesterday, and even though he tries to explain his absence, she does not want to hear it. 
She instructs him he will sit the test he missed yesterday. It is tricky, and Harry does not quite finish it by the end of his allotted time. 
He is made to wait while Professor Sylvan moves the other students onto the next part of their exercise. 
Finally, Harry is able to sit down with the teacher to have his test marked. For any answers he got wrong she put him on the spot to guess again, and she picked apart his written responses. 
It felt a bit like bullying, and Harry just wanted to join the other students to actually practice Occlumency. 
Professor Sylvan made him take a seat again though as she moved the students onto the final part of their exercise, leaving Harry out of it. 
For the final portion of class, Harry was permitted to join the others, as they were moving onto a new exercise. 
After class, Professor Sylvan asks to speak with him again. She asks if he has any practice with Occlusion mediation, and when he answers no, she explains she guided the new student through the exercise yesterday. She tells him he can come to her office after school that day to be caught up on what he missed. 
Harry is surprised at the offer from the acerbic teacher, and readily agrees. 
Outside he finds Liam, Christian, and Christian’s friend waiting for him. Christian introduces his friend as Michael, and interrogates Harry about arriving to class with Astrid. 
He learns from the boys that Astrid keeps to herself, and even though she is popular, she is quite unapproachable. 
Harry has lunch with his friends. He spots Astrid and her friends Sara and Lucja getting up to leave the table at the end of lunch, and approaches them. 
He notices as he does so there is a lot of attention on him from surrounding students at the table, who seem incredulous about him approaching Astrid. 
Sara and Lucja seem cooly distant, but Astrid is as warm as she was earlier. Harry explains he has a catch up class with Professor Sylvan after school, so he can’t meet up with her in the library like they planned. 
Astrid suggests they catch up tomorrow instead, and Harry agrees. 
Dani corners him after Astrid walks away with her friends, and says they have a lot to talk about. 
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vertraymer · 3 years
Winter Fest - Hiver 2021 #2
Le Calendrier de l'Avent, un fest' proposé par FestumSempra, continue !
Pour ce second texte nous avons l'honneur de présenter : L'hirondelle reviendra-t-elle ?, une fic sur les fondateurs et Salazar Serpentard.
Bonne lecture ! <3
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Bien que la période soit chargée, n'hésitez surtout pas à laisser des petits commentaires, des kudos - bref, du love aux auteures ! ;)
Et si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre, participez aux fests, ou juste partager avec nous alors qu'on tente de deviner qui sont les auteurs (qui seront révélés tous les soirs), c'est ici !
A demain où un nouveau texte sera révélé sur notre collection ao3 : https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Winter_Fest ! <3
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crvdence · 7 years
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modern au ; instagram edit  → nerida vulchanova
nerida vulchanova was, for years, the beater star of the bulgarian national quidditch team, until a shoulder injure truncated her interstellar career. 
while recovering, she focused on creating her own female only quidditch team in bulgaria, along with creating “the witch revolution” a feminist network that started getting together all female quidditch players, giving workshops and conferences about the struggles of women inside the professional quidditch world. now, the network has expanded to professors, mediwizards, magizoologists, aurors and all the magical professions.
she’s openly a lesbian, and an advocate for raising awareness for lgbt issues inside the wizarding community.  once a year, she hosts the “queering voices” gala, in which she celebrates and awards lgbt witches and wizards who have excelled in different fields such as: literature, medicine, sports or politics.
right now, she’s the coach of the bulgaria national team, and has brought them to the victory in the last quidditch world cup. she lives between bulgaria and sweden, since she’s dating russian astronomy professor diana zakharova, whom she met during her years attending durmstrang institute. 
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iustusetpeccator · 5 years
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permanent plotting call :: Nerida Vulchanova :: bio
Hit the heart to get something going with Durmstrang Institute’s founder, Nerida Vulchanova! Plot points of particular interest include her cooperation with the Founders of Hogwarts & any interactions with other historical muses.
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magicallymalted · 2 years
Riddle Era Character Sheet - Lyubomir Desislavov Vulchanov
What if it were possible to reverse the cycle of life and death, as one would rewind the hands of a clock?
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࿐ General ࿐
Name: Lyubomir Vulchanov
Name Meanings: Lyubomir: "peace and love" | Vulchanov: "Wolf-like"
Nicknames: Miro, Lev, Lyubo, etc.
Birthdate: May 20th, 1927
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality Type (MBTI): INTJ (The Architect)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Nationality: Norwegian
Ethnic Background: Bulgarian, Russian
Sexuality: Bisexual (but a little private about it)
Residence: Tromsø, Norway | London, England
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࿐ Physical Appearance ࿐
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 80kg (177lbs)
Body Type: Ectomorph
Skin Tone: Pale
Faceclaim(s): Jannis Niewöhner (older, Iain Glen? idk yet)
࿐ Background ࿐
Hometown: Tromsø, Norway
Lyubomir was born in the Vulchanov family's second home in Norway, after they fled from Bulgaria a few generations prior. It was secluded and up until his schooling at Durmstrang, he hardly left unless for special events. There was a strong feeling of being cut off from muggle society and speaking only to purebloods and the occasional half-blood. The walls of the wide corridors displayed several generations of Vulchanovs—some mad, many dead before their time, and very few who lived to accomplish anything as great as Nerida herself.
࿐ Family ࿐
Mother: Petya Vulchanova (née Kostomarova)
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A Russian heiress who left her home after the Revolution of 1905, Petya was admittedly an older match for Desislav, but she knew well how to handle her own. Crafty, stark, and yet surprisingly maternal, she was one of the very few who could've been prepared to enter into a family as turbulent as the ancient Vulchanovs.
After Lyubomir's birth, his mother developed erythroblastosis fetalis and struggled to have any more children. Thus, she somewhat smothered him in an effort to protect him and the family line out of fear of what his father would do if something were to happen to him.
Father: Desislav Vulchanov
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Lyubomir's father was a difficult man who seemed all too out of touch with the society that he appeared so concerned to keep under his hand. A blood purist to the bone with an overbearing and belligerent manner, Lyubomir didn't just have a poor relationship with his father— he was often afraid of him. Speaking out against him took a great deal of courage that Miro often had a hard time pulling together.
Desislav never truly had a formal "job" as there wasn't ever a need for one. The wealth of his line sustained them well enough and it would seem that doing any sort of work that wasn't in his best or future interests was beneath him. Yet, the narcissist in him loved when others would recognize the things that he did do, including philanthropic activities to sustain the calibre of Durmstrang's facilities and education that he deemed appropriate.
Sister: Ivayla Vulchanova
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Iva was six years older than Lyubomir and often acted as his voice when it came to matters of their household and family name, conveying words on his behalf and getting through to their parents when he was unable. She had a great love of the performing arts and worked hard to eventually become a ballerina, but unfortunately her life was cut short when tuberculosis took her at 21. Since then, Lyubomir has had quite a detrimental fascination with the reversal of death.
࿐ Hogwarts/Magic ࿐
Wood: Walnut
Core: Serpent Horn
Length: 12"
Flexibility: Whippy
Schooling: 11-13 Durmstrang, 13-17 Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Best Class: History of Magic
Worst Class: Herbology
Boggart: Losing his mind (if anyone has thoughts on how that may show up feel free to let me know lol)
Riddikulus: tbd
Patronus: Brown Hare
Patronus Memory: Seeing his sister's first performance
Amortentia (what he smells like): Moss, dark chocolate, dusty books
Amortentia (what he smells): [something related to s/o]
Quidditch: No
Prefect: Yes
Clubs: No
OWL Classes (taken independently):
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Exceeds Expectations
Herbology - Poor
Potions - Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic - Outstanding
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Outstanding
Divination - Exceeds Expectations
NEWT Classes:
History of Magic - Outstanding
Transfiguration - Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Exceeds Expectations
Charms - Acceptable
Study of Ancient Runes - Exceeds Expectations
࿐ Career ࿐
11-17: Student 17-22: British Ministry of Magic Archivist 22-39: Norwegian Ministry Archivist 17-Retirement: Necromancy Researcher
Personality & Attitude: Since birth, Lyubomir has always been a quiet and internal individual, much to the chagrin of the rest of his family who often exercised an extroverted disposition meant for entertaining. He was quick to fall to tears in his youth and somewhat naïvely just tried to go along with whatever people wanted from him in an effort to appease them. Later on, many within the Norwegian wizarding society never quite knew what to make of him, especially as the dichotomy of his outer intensity never fit with how he became upon being spoken to. He walked and stared with the severity of someone who had been on the front lines of war, but when he spoke it was often merely the voice of a soft child when contending with the ferocity of high society.
Priorities: Knowledge
Strengths: Introspective, reliable, hardworking, protective, contemplative
Weaknesses: Overcommitment, sensitivity, easily manipulated
Favorites: Snow, wizard chess, coffee, history
Colors: Dark blue, seafoam
Weather: Icy, damp
Hobbies: Wizard chess, reading, collecting chocolate frog cards, ice skating
࿐ Relationships ࿐
Very few at the moment... sad :’) Though anyone can definitely feel free to reach out to discuss something!
S/O: Elodie Dubois (@endlessly-cursed) -
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Miro and Elodie met when the former transferred to Hogwarts through their mutual friend, Tom Riddle. At the time, Elodie was pursuing a relationship with him until his decided path left her with heartbreak. Miro was the one to comfort her after their falling out, and she started to frequent his company often which led to both of them catching feelings. 
After Miro’s own fallout with Tom, he and Elodie became much closer, "unofficially" starting to date in her 6th and his 5th year, before they officially started after graduation, with them moving in together. Although Miro's parents weren't particularly happy about the whole ordeal, his mother managed to convince herself and his father that the relationship was only temporary. She would unfortunately be right.
Over time, Miro's career as an archivist at the ministry got the best of him and he started to sink deeper and deeper into the studies of necromancy. Elodie tried to get him interested in another things, but he always came back to it, and the two started arguing more and more. Elodie then broke it off with an ultimatum: his work or her. With him unwilling to choose, she told him to leave and never return—so that's what he did.
[more tbw]
࿐ History ࿐
The Vulchanovs were a very old and traditional pureblood family that, while not as powerful as they used to be, still held a significant impact among their peers, for better of worse. After Harfang Munter took over Durmstrang in the event of Nerida Vulchanova's death, they never officially attempted to enter back into the spotlight of running the school founded by their ancestor. It may have been because the school had transformed into a very different vision than what Nerida had intended, though many behind closed doors and through hushed whispers thought the reasoning to be the mysterious deaths that henceforth plagued the family line, in addition to the frightful madness that seemed to follow certain members like a shadow.
Some said that they were cursed (potentially by Harfang Munter himself) while others simply chalked it up to being so far removed from the muggle side of life that they were effectively delusional in their perceptions of the world. Lyubomir's great-grandfather was the first one to relocate the family line from their primary residence in Bulgaria to their second home in Norway during the rising tensions with Russia and the Ottoman Empire. He was, as well, another case of unexplainable death.
During his time at Durmstrang, Lyubomir always felt as though there were eyes on him from both students and professors, which he anticipated was brought on by the reputation surrounding his last name. The pressure to excel was overwhelming, and so when he was 13 he plucked up the courage to tell his parents that he was going to Hogwarts instead under the guise of "expanding his knowledge and understanding of the wizarding world."
࿐ Misc & Trivia ࿐
He likes to collect chocolate frog cards, especially as it was something that also helped him learn English
He has an almost obsessive fascination with death and spent most of his adult years studying necromancy and the reversal of death
He was further spurred on during his school years to pursue this line of study by Tom Riddle, who often tried to pull out of him a further fascination and understanding of the Dark Arts
He speaks Bulgarian, Russian, Norwegian, and English
Becoming a prefect helped him find a little more confidence in his own authority
He has a very sensitive nose
He was fired from his job as an archivist for the Ministry after others raised concerns of his spending a little too much time cataloging documents and books pertaining to dangerous topics
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For A Greater Good 13/18
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not my gif. just the text- Threats
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order, joins Durmstrang’s staff at Dumbledore’s request. Her mission? Find a   Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc/mc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
[Part 11] [Part 12]
Warnings: mentions of drug abuse
The first storm of May left the school in a darkness Kate never saw before. The temperature had abruptly dropped; the exams were getting closer and the Quidditch game that week had been cancelled as a result of an avalanche that had reached the castle grounds.
Ranunculus glacialis; Draba lactea; Dryas octopetala; Cicerbita alpina... she was reading the different plants stuck together with Spello-tape and correctly classified that she had hung on the walls of the classroom. The herbarium project had been successful even among the most reluctant students; so much they begged to go to the lake and expand their works of art with aquatic plants.
With a proud smile, Kate looked out the window of the herbology class, following the comings and goings of the students who passed by and lamented their lost quidditch match.
In the distance, Mer Yankelevich was coming from the lake, wearing a large hood to protect herself from the rain.
Her gaze turned to the column. Astrid Rhode and Libor Marek were talking beside it. The teacher must have felt eyes resting on him, for he scanned his surroundings. Realising that it was Kate who was watching him, he turned his attention back to Rhode, who glanced at her as well. “In my experience,” the curse-breaker from Iceland than Rhode had hired had said, “someone has tried to break a curse that does not exist.”
In another time and in another school, all eyes would have been on Kate. Now, free of that burden, she turned to see if her students had finished copying on their scrolls the Herbivicus charm used to make plants grow at high speed.
“I know that the attempt to make the umbrella flowers germinate has not turned out as we expected. They are very obstinate flowers, but we must be even more stubborn. This Friday, we will change the fertiliser we have been using for a more refined one”.
Thunder rumbled on the castle walls and some children began to get restless.
“Perhaps they don’t like this weather,” she joked before climbing onto the platform where her desk was placed. “When we get the optimal conditions for their germination, we’ll practice the spell until they come into bloom. However, and this is very important, we must not let the flowers open yet. We want to prevent them from pollinating naturally before we select them.”
Micael Angelov raised his hand. “What about the fanged geraniums?”
“I’ve been doing several tests and they germinate properly. They are easy to control and that is why we will be working on them after getting at least ten healthy umbrella flowers...”
The classroom door blasted open, revealing a hooded figure. All the sheets and scrolls in the class were scattered with the gust of wind that came in with the stranger. Thinking that it was Mer Yankelevich, she went to the door to ask for explanations, but Corentin’s face stopped her. Surprised, Kate aired her wand to close the door and stop the cold coming in.
The librarian lowered his hood and immediately apologised to the students, who began to whisper.
“I must talk to you,” he murmured.
“Can it wait until the end of the class?”
Corentin nodded and headed for the end of the classroom where he stood on a corner without looking away from the window.  He kept looking outside until the bells indicated the end of the lesson.
“Let me know if you want to go to the greenhouse before Friday and I’ll open the door for you. Jon, you must give me the list of your inventory, ah! Wait! I have your works on the mandrakes corrected, on Wednesday we will comment on it... Be careful outside!”
When the class was free of students, Kate approached Corentin, who was looking at her with a sly smile.
“You are getting more comfortable here.”
“What’s going on?”
“Last night someone went through my desk. Don’t worry, they were unsuccessful. I have the plans well in hand, but that shows that someone has the same goal as us.”
“And also that they have been spying on us.” She waited a moment and added, “This is not a good sign, Corentin.”
“I advise we continue with our... project.” With one hand, he gestured to the windows, and the curtains closed, leaving them in almost total darkness, except for the candlesticks on the ceiling.
He shook his sleeve, and from a black smoke the different scrolls that made up Nerida Vulchanova’s maps appeared.
Kate had some candles levitated, providing light and some warmth around them. From her desk, she took out seven books on magic walls, curses, portals and doors, and as every day since the discovery of Nerida’s painting, they began their study session.
After a couple of hours, Kate dropped her head on the desk with a thud.
“I have superposed all the rooms, corners and nooks of these plans, and they are all dead ends.”
“And there is nothing in these books that works... There are spells, incantations, words and words that say wonderful things and nothing at the same time. It’s like reading a blank page...”
“Did you wake up poetic today?”
“What do you think is inside?” Her voice sounded a little nasal, as she had her entire face smashed against a book, “One of the Deathly Hallows?”
“I doubt it, it’s not known if Grindelwald got any in his time at school and I don’t think, in case he had the elder wand, he came here to hide it.”
She raised her head and scanned the desk “Let me see the room behind the portrait again.”
Corentin gave her the plans,  forming the rectangle that represented the secret room.
“If you look closely, there is no passageway connecting the trophy room to this place, and I have been trying to match it to one of these, but nothing convinces me.”
“We lack information.”
“That’s obvious. But there are no other documents than the ones we have here. There is a possibility that Vulchanova destroyed them.”
“No...” she trailed off. She checked several sheets and held one that was blank. Only a triangle adorned one corner. “My grandmother was a Muggle...”
Corentin raised an eyebrow. “I don’t want you to take this as a lack of interest, but what does it have to do with this?”
“When I was a child, I was not allowed to see my grandparents. One of the conditions for allowing my parents to marry was to cut off contact with that branch of the family, and in return, the Williams offered my grandmother protection from anti-Muggle politics.”
“I’m sure this is going somewhere...”
“Of course my mother didn’t cut off contact. I was very young, but I remember the distinctive smell of...” she sniffed the parchment and a hint of a smirk appeared on her face, “lemonade.”
“I really try to follow you.”
“My mother wrote letters that, in the eyes of wizards, were empty. Muggles have a technique for making invisible ink.”
She extended her arm to one candle and held the paper so close to the flame that Corentin leaned over in his seat for fear that she would burn it.
As Kate moved the parchment, several lines appeared in a copper colour, which Kate recognised perfectly.
Kate chuckled and left the parchment on the table. “I don’t think Vulchanova intended you to live in a controlling regime in order to decipher her map. Just that you knew a little about alchemy.” She pointed to the triangle in the lower corner. Corentin’s eyes shone with excitement.
He grabbed the missing piece of the map and spent long minutes trying to fit the lines over the fragment they already had. Meanwhile, Kate was trying out different pieces of parchment and new lines appeared on the existing maps as she drew them closer to the fire.
“Look,” said Corentin, “it can be accessed in several ways.” From where Nerida’s painting was, two paths branched out showing two tunnels leading to the room.
Kate gasped. By turning one of the sheets of paper, she made the newly discovered lines coincide with others drawn in ink.
Corentin imitated the procedure of heating the scrolls and, as if in a perfectly synchronised dance, they fitted each parchment with the previous one, forming a map of the ground floor that occupied the whole desk.
When Kate placed the last paper, a golden light emanated from one corner. The light moved through the junction between the papers, forking and coming together until it disappeared. Corentin raised a corner, noting with fascination and surprise that they now had a single plan of the castle.
“Wait! It’s disappearing!”
Corentin brought the map closer to the candles and the rooms and passages reappeared, making both of them sigh in relief. “With the Muggle trick that doesn’t happen.”
“Maybe she thought she had to give it a magic twist.”
 After tidying up the room, Corentin left Kate thinking about their more-than-suspicious meetings.. They had to be more careful from that moment on; if someone was watching them, they could get into trouble.
The storm had subsided, and instead of the sky it was Kate’s stomach that was roaring.
Corentin had taken her students’ books back to the library, so she exhaled happily that she could go directly to the dining hall. As she opened the curtains, she came face to face with Libor Marek, sitting on the outside stone wall.
“Good afternoon,” she greeted as she closed the door behind her.
“I thought you’d never get out.”
“Have you... been waiting for me?”
“No. There are rumours that Karkarov has returned to the grounds... I’m here on Rhode’s orders. When the students are eating, the guards reinforce the doors and this area is left empty...”
“I don’t see you too worried.”
Marek huffed and began a thorough inspection of his wand. “I will not hunt down the man who gave me a job.”
“Igor Karkarov...?”
“Yes.” He did not look up. Kate waited for him to say something else, but concluded that she would have to force him.
“Who else did he hire?”
“And how would I know that? I was the last to arrive. Well, Hodges came later, but that was Rhode’s doing.” He shook his head and put his wand up his sleeve before looking around. “I’m going to eat.”
“Didn’t she tell you to stand guard?”
Marek walked up to her and in a raspy voice said, “I would stop whatever it is that you’re doing .”
The difference in height gave Kate some security, but she chose not to adjust her stance to one of defiance; the last thing she wanted was to duel that man again. “Watch your back.”
Marek squinted and left her standing in the cold, wondering if he was referring to himself or someone else.
The rest of the week proved uneventful. After the discovery of Nerida’s complete map, Kate avoided the library as part of an unspoken agreement with Corentin. The librarian, for his part, did not contact her until Thursday afternoon when they enjoyed each other’s company with some tea and biscuits.
Only one sentence was exchanged about their research and that was Corentin commenting nothing out of the ordinary had happened and that only Sheyi Mawut approached the library to borrow a book on batting techniques.
Friday’s class in the greenhouse was fruitful; Kate’s students managed to germinate seven umbrella flowers with the new fertiliser, eight according to the children, who took the flower grew in such a way that it shot up into the air, opening a gap in the greenhouse roof, as a success.
Kate proposed a prize for whoever found the flower when it fell.
The path to her room after the class was full of obstacles; the students, motivated by the proximity of the competition, practiced their spells and incantations in the corridor or moved in groups to see the lists of participants.
Amidst robes and hats, Kate spotted Leron Angelov’s head in the distance. She had no intention of worrying about him until she saw him stagger down the hall. He rested both hands on a door and dropped his head forward.
There were students everywhere, but Kate could perfectly see Cassandra Steiner make her way through to Leron. She opened the door and pushed him into the room.
With firm steps she advanced to the classroom at the end of the corridor and without waiting a second more, she muttered Alohomora, and burst inside.
Like a niffler caught in the middle of a robbery, Cassandra looked up with big eyes. Her expression hardened instantly. She waved her wand to where Kate was and she heard the click of the door closing.
Without her eyes off Leron Angelov, she moved closer to get a better look.
He seemed to be standing in a strange position. His eyelids were not fully closed, his arms hung like two dead weights on either side of his torso and his legs... his legs did not touch the ground.
He floated in the air, without a broom, without a spell. His posture was grotesque, and Kate looked at him in horror because even though she saw no rope, he seemed to be hanging.
“Is... is he dead?” she asked with a trembling voice. She sought the healer’s gaze, but she was busy airing out the desks in the centre to create a larger table. “Steiner, is he dead?”
“No. Shut up. Help me with him.”
Both healers grabbed Angelov’s body and turned it in the air until it was in a horizontal position.
“Hold him against the table.” Kate obeyed and put her hands on Leron’s chest. She had to use a lot of strength as the body insisted on levitating.
Meanwhile, Cassandra moved around the makeshift table, uttering a spell repeatedly. Angelov’s hands and ankles were quickly anchored to the wood.
“You can let go.” She informed, before heading for the windows and starting to close the curtains.
Kate watched his eyes move behind the eyelids, and small wrinkles appeared on his forehead from time to time. As a good healer, she followed the inspection, looking for symptoms that could explain the teacher’s unusual situation.
The buttons on his left sleeve were open, revealing a red and bruised arm.  By removing the sleeve completely, she discovered what Leron Angelov had been hiding.
Puncture marks covered the inside of his elbow, made so fiercely that a wound had begun to form.
Kate let go of a slow breath and reached into the pockets of his tunic.
“You won’t find anything,” announced Cassandra, “I’ve already taken care of it.”
“What is it that makes him be like this?”
“Something called Billywig.” Kate exhaled at the news. She should have deduced that before. She watched as Cassandra opened a small chest, containing several rows of vials, and grabbed one. “Although you already knew…”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t try to fool me. Didn’t Rhode ask you to spy on him? To catch him in the act?”
“I’m pretty sure that Rhode doesn’t know about this.” Steiner stared at her.
“Does he sting himself in the greenhouse?”
“Not since you started using it. Thanks for that, by the way, since you started playing teacher, it has been impossible for us to keep track of him.”
Kate frowned. “Us? Who is ‘us’?”
“You’d better get out of here, things are going to get ugly.” As if on cue, Angelov’s body moved. He opened his eyes, injected with blood, and tried to get rid of his bonds with a force that did not seem like his body.
Cassandra forced the contents of a vial into his mouth until it was empty. In a few moments, Leron fell asleep.
“Calming draught?”
“Do me a favour and stop meddling in matters that don’t concern you.” Kate ignored Cassandra’s attempts to keep her in the dark.
“Steiner, who else knows about this?” she asked with a solemnity unbecoming of the situation. “I need you to trust me.”
She wasn’t entirely convinced, but gave her an answer, anyway.
 “Jorgensen. No one else can know about this, understood? If you tell anyone, I will make sure you never set foot in this school again.”
“I wasn’t planning to do that anyway...” she replied, referring to the part about revealing his secret, but also valid for the latter statement. “May I ask... why do you keep the vials... locked up?”
“Because these potions are not part of the school’s inventory. When Igor Karkarov was here, there was no problem; Rhode implemented a budget for ingredients that Jorgensen has to meet.”
“Don’t you grow your own ingredients?”
“I thought you’d noticed that you’re the first person to use the greenhouse in a decade. Kent sometimes picks some herbs from the forest, but it’s not usual.”
“But why do you have them at the hospital wing?”
“Kent and I buy what we need for the potions, he brews them, and we used to keep them in my room until Rhode started bringing in people from the British ministry, guards, inspectors... so we moved them to a place where they wouldn’t ask questions.”
Kate looked at Leron, who was becoming agitated again. “Kent hasn’t found a formula that won’t make us waste so many potions. For now, this is what we can do.”
“Beats his son, you know?” Kate accused.
“When he’s under the influence of the Billywig liquid, he’s not aware of his actions. Giving him so much calming draught doesn’t help his memory either. Micael went into his room. I hadn’t had time to tie him up and his hand slipped out. He went after him for a while, to make sure he said nothing. Most of the time he doesn’t even go near him.”
“That doesn’t speak in his favour either.”
“I didn’t say he was going to win an award for being father of the year.”
“Why are you doing this? Isn’t it better that he’s in a hospital and not teaching?”
“Look where we are, Williams. Many of us have known each other forever. We take care of each other here.”
“And Micael? Do you take care of him too?”
“Of course we do.”
“What about the sticky box that was with the bottles?” Cassandra rolled her eyes, irritated by the interrogation.
“I pick up the billywigs that Leron leaves all over the place and give them to Jorgensen. What’s left of them is useful in some potions.”
Leron awoke with a start, and the mediwizard came to his aid immediately. When he saw Kate, he gripped Cassandra’s wrist.
“Don’t worry. She knows.” Cassandra got rid of the magical bonds and he stood up slowly. He groped the ground and after a while managed to stand up without floating. He eyed Kate as she aired her wand at the tables, making them return to their original place. She felt his mind on her, and she purposely avoided his stare.
“My wife passed away some years ago.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” She still didn’t look at him.
“I have the feeling that you’re not” at that she raised her head.
“Why is that?”
“Because of the way you looked at me at the staff meeting. With utter...disgust. You have a very expressive face, even when you think you are concealing it.”
“Your perception of me is based on your own experiences.”
“No. No, I know when a person doesn’t like me. And I could say the same thing to you.” A heavy silence fell over them. Kate watched as Cassandra organised her things.
“My son has good grades in Herbology. I didn’t think that could happen.”
“I am not giving him special treatment just because he’s a professor’s son.”
“I meant nothing of the sort. Just implying that you are.... You know how to connect with children. You... talk with them. Right?”
“Yeah, that’s...how you often interact.”
“I’m not sure if you have a wicked sense of humour or you just really despise me.”
“Everyone, at one time or another, loses a loved one. Sometimes prematurely. That doesn’t give us the right to compromise the safety of those who are still alive.”
“Who are you?”
“Excuse me?”
“You appeared out of nowhere. In the middle of the school year, and in a few months you became a teacher and the talk of the town. I hear your name everywhere, from everyone’s lips. And every time I turn around, you are there. One might think... you are up to something.”
“What exactly are you accusing me of?”
“Just an observation. But let me give you a piece of advice...”
“No. I won’t tell anyone about your condition if that’s what you’re worried about. But If you hit Micael again I swear....”
“You shouldn’t be threatening me.”
Kate found herself positively conflicted. She meant it when she said she didn’t want to betray their trust, and as a healer she wanted to help him in any way she could. However, the need to protect the boy was competing with her compassion for his father.
Abstracted by her own thoughts, Cassandra’s voice went unnoticed and only caught the last few sentences.
“We’ll get out first. Rhode will be coming to give the Dark Arts lesson now. Don’t tell her about this.” With one last look, they disappeared out the door, leaving Kate alone with her conscience.
She took a few steps towards the wall and exhaled as she let herself fall back slightly. She rested her head on the stone and closed her eyes, seeking the only thing that could comfort her at that moment.
Perhaps if she concentrated enough, she could connect with his mind as she had done the night they spoke through the flu net. She visualised his freckles when the sun hit them, the movement of his fingers when he drew. She tried to remember his laughter...
She opened her eyes suddenly. Astrid Rhode looked at her with concern.
“Williams, are you all right?”
No, she hadn’t said her name before. A little upset at her cowardice preventing her from talking to Charlie in a way she would never have imagined. She peeled off the wall and nodded fervently.
“Yes! Yes... “
“Is there anything you should tell me?”
“Nothing at the moment, no. Although... I wanted to ask you: why did you send Professor Marek to stand guard at the back of the castle?”
Rhode raised her eyebrows. “I have done no such thing. Why would I?”
[Part 14]
Tag List: @eldritchscreech @meteora-fc @cazreadsstuff @the-navistar-carol
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furacaokatrinv · 3 years
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— Katrin’s Parents
Giorsa Winefrida Vulchanova
42 anos. Liv Tyler.
Giorsa possui longos cabelos negros, pele alva e lábios naturalmente avermelhados, mas seu traço que chama mais atenção são os olhos azuis límpidos como do lago das perolas. Nascida na Bulgária, estudou em Durmstrang na casa Feuer como seus antepassados.
Possui um parentesco distante com Nerida Vulchanova, a fundadora de sua escola. Essa é inclusive uma de suas histórias favoritas, a qual sempre faz questão de lembrar que Nerida teria conquistado ainda mais feitos se os bruxos escandinavos não quisessem suprimi-la para implantar os conceitos puristas e do ocultismo no Instituto Mágico. Este é um ensinamento que passou para Katrin “seja gentil, inteligente, conquiste o poder com as suas ideologias e jamais deixe um homem lhe calar”.
Sua carreira foi construída na medibruxaria. Após a formatura fez residência no St.Mungus, mas seus maiores conhecimentos provem da cultura bruxa milenar dos druidas. Em uma viagem à Irlanda se instalou em uma colônia e com eles aprendeu a valorizar as ervas e fungos mágicos, a natureza como maior catalizador do poder, as fases lunares para amplificar os efeitos e as raízes célticas. Dedicou seu trabalho para a filantropia, migrando de país em país para beneficiar pequenos povoados com seus dons, até se instalar na Islândia e morar definitivamente.
Magnussén Svein Anker
47. Henry Cavil.
Natural da Noruega, é o mais novo entre dois irmãos Ankers. Deveria seguir o legado com a revenda dos Dunkkar na Escandinávia, mas nunca foi um garoto muito obediente. A negligência dos pais que trabalhavam freneticamente como bancários e sua sede por poder e ambição foi seu grande erro.  Em Durmstrang se destacou na magia marcial, artes das trevas e Alquimia.
Após a formatura decidiu embarcar em uma viagem com o Dunkar que lhe era de herança, desbravando os mares em busca de relíquias bruxas para aumentar o seu cofre. A avareza fez com que se ferisse com a magia negra, o fazendo abandonar as expedições depois de casado, mas não se livrar dos objetos embaixo da proa ou de seu comportamento ganancioso.
Aos poucos aprendeu um pouco da amabilidade com a esposa que supriu as faltas do passado, tentando fazer diferente com os filhos. Era totalmente ausente em suas rotinas escolares, mas muito presente em sua educação em casa. Era o responsável por enchê-los de histórias nórdicas ou comprar-lhes livros e mais livros de magia, além das vassouras de quadribol para os meninos.
Sua carreira foi criada no Ministério da Magia como antepassados, trabalhando como desfazedor de feitiços.
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vulchancva · 3 years
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𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ  — Diretamente da casa HAUS LUFT de DURMSTRANG, quem se aproxima é KATRIN VULCHANOVA ANKER Com seus 18 ANOS, está cursando seu SÉTIMO ANO e faz parte de ESTUDOS ANTIGOS, TEORIA DA MAGIA, CLUBE DA MADAME CHARPENTIER em sua escola. Seu status sanguíneo é SANGUE-PURO e dizem por aí que elx se parece muito com o trouxa KAYLEE BRYANT, mas não sabemos se é verdade.
A ligação da família Anker com as águas é inegável. Conhecidos pela invenção dos navios de Durmstrang, os Dunkkar, acumularam certa riqueza com esta venda. Porém, Magnussén levado pela ambição decidiu desbravar os mares como os antepassados escandinavos faziam. Desta forma saqueou alguns tesouros vikings, enfrentou criaturas marítimas, até ancorar no leste da Islândia, ferido e com coração corrompido de avareza e magia das trevas.
Giorsa Vulchanova, uma curandeira do porto, lhe deu um recomeço. Foram meses fechando as feridas em um chalé no meio da floresta, e desta união casaram-se sob a benção de Freya. Optaram por uma vida simples junto à natureza, e assim surgiram os três filhos: Kristján, Katrin e Cayeen, com apenas um ano de diferença. Criados com festas de colheita, histórias vikings e os contos heróicos dos deuses nórdicos, tiveram uma infância feliz.
Sua família materna tinha um parentesco distante com Nerida Vulchanova, a fundadora de Durmstrang que morreu misteriosamente sendo sucedida por Harfang Munter, o diretor que precedeu a fama rígida da escola. Em seu cerne familiar correm contos que Nerida era uma bruxa idealista e muito poderosa que foi silenciada pelos homens que queriam deter do controle e colocar o ensino do ocultismo a todo custo para a sociedade mágica nórdica.
Foi com essa importante identificação que Katrin construiu parte do seu caráter, decidida a honrar os ideais que corriam seu sangue, mesmo que isso a fizesse se distanciar dos propósitos da academia. Não era a garota destemida do clube de duelos, a habilidosa em uma vassoura ou sequer gostava de lutas corporais, mas quando se tratava dos feitiços ancestrais, matérias teorias e seu apreço por varinhologia? Ela certamente se destacava. Este era o motivo para ter sido escolhida pela casa Haus Luft, pois não há quem discorde que a morena é dotada de uma inteligência ímpar e uma amabilidade nata.
Em seu quinto ano um incidente ocorreu para tirar-lhe um pouco dos boletins excelentes. Magnussén ainda mantinha o segredo de esconder os objetos mágicos adquiridos debaixo da proa do antigo Dunkkar. Katrin acordou em uma noite nas férias de verão escutando um sussurrar que chamava por seu nome e ao ir de encontro com as águas e localizar o objeto amaldiçoado, Forsetti decidiu que a balança da justiça deveria ser equilibrada, ou então, esta era a desculpa que o crédulo e culpado pai usava para os dois filhos mais velhos que foram afetados. O navegante por ter artefatos carregados de magia negra causou o desastre kármico de sua família e foi desta forma que Katrin, a filha do meio, começou a demonstrar o que se chamava de terror noturno, pesadelos que lhe tiravam o sono e logo se tornaram a ebulição para tirar-lhe do estado como de uma poção-morto-vivo.
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durmstrangpromo · 4 years
olá amados, tudo belezoca?? para dar um gostinho de quero mais, decidimos liberar para vocês do blog de promo o plot completo do rp!! segue após o read more, espero que vocês gostem <3
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Quando a faca cerimonial corta sua mão, a primeira coisa que você sente é dor - não a dor física do corte, não. É a dor de estar se comprometendo com algo milenar e maior que você, mas ora... Você é só uma criança, não pode entender direito como funciona o mundo. Seu sangue pinga na pira cerimonial e você sente o fogo mágico invadir a ferida, é como se um novo tipo de magia entrasse em suas veias e abrisse seus olhos. A partir daquele momento, nada seria o mesmo.
Quando você olha para as três estátuas de ouro representando as casas, uma delas chama sua atenção de forma distinta, muito diferente do que viu antes. É como se fosse um objeto completamente diferente, e é assim que você percebe como Durmstrang muda a percepção das pessoas. Aquela escola é amaldiçoada, tem uma magia negra fortíssima, e você não sabe como se sentir sobre isso.
Ainda sim, você escolhe a estátua que chamou sua atenção e ouve os alunos daquela casa rugirem. Todos são intimidadores, mas você não percebe que será um deles no futuro, isso nem passa pela sua cabeça. Você presta atenção na fantasma que está de pé atrás da mesa do diretor, olhando de maneira sombria para o que se tornou seu legado. Aquela é Nerida Vulchanova, você sabe disso, todos conhecem a história trágica de como ela morreu da noite pro dia e passou a vagar os corredores da escola - sem nunca proferir uma palavra sobre a causa de sua morte. O diretor que a substituiu começou a tradição de artes das trevas na escola, dizem que ele foi o responsável por ela jamais ter conseguido seguir em frente, e que ela assombrou o homem todos os dias até seu leito de morte.
Os dias passam e você só está feliz que o corte cicatrizou bem. Todo mundo sabe o que acontece quando sua ferida cerimonial infecciona: você não pertence a Durmstrang, e mesmo que você tente ficar, vai acabar se transferindo para outro lugar por algum motivo do destino. Sempre tem uma pessoa que conhece alguém, que conhece alguém, cuja ferida cerimonial infeccionou e... De repente, o aluno sumiu do nada, ninguém mais teve notícias. Dizem que é um processo sigiloso e os professores nunca falam sobre isso, portanto a maior parte das pessoas deve achar que isso é lenda. Não você, depois das coisas que você já viu, aprendeu a respeitar essas coisas na marra. Já viu muita gente com uma cicatriz na mão, mas só soube o que significava depois. Pessoas que se afastaram do método da escola.
Quando você vai para Durmstrang, ninguém te fala que você está fazendo um pacto de sangue com uma entidade mágica secular, mas é exatamente isso que acontece. Com o passar dos anos, o choque passa e se transforma em apatia. Você nem se surpreende mais com os duelos brutais que acontecem no meio do corredor. Claro, a primeira vez que você viu duas pessoas se matando no meio do corredor e ninguém fazendo nada foi definitivamente surpreendente. Brigas são inevitáveis, algum monitor te explicou, a questão é você saber como lidar quando isso acontecer. Por isso, ao invés de proibir os desentendimentos, Durmstrang os incentivava. Você podia brigar com quem quisesse, quando quisesse, na modalidade que quisesse - fosse com varinha ou artes marciais. No entanto, havia um regulamento rígido sobre isso e precisava ser na frente de todo mundo. De certa forma, era uma espetacularização da violência, mas quando Igor Karkaroff era diretor, as coisas eram bem piores. Era brutal.
Depois que Fenrir Magnussen chegou, as coisas mudaram de figura. A maioria dos boggarts que vagava pelos corredores sumiu, os duelos foram regularizados e, pasme... Durmstrang aceitaria todos os tipos de aluno. Você entrou em choque quando soube, certamente era uma brincadeira. Maior choque ainda foi descobrir, em pleno sétimo ano - e o que você esperava que fosse o último -, que você, na verdade, teria mais três anos pela frente.
Mais uma vez a cerimônia de seleção começava e você se pegou rugindo ao receber os selecionados na mesa. Havia uma sensação agridoce em aterrorizar os primeiranistas que chegavam - não porque você era uma pessoa ruim, mas porque aquela era Durmstrang. Não havia outro jeito além de pura intimidação e marcação de território. Durmstrang não é uma escola que te prepara para a vida. Durmstrang é uma escola que te prepara para vencer cada batalha e demolir quem estiver no seu caminho, de um jeito ou de outro.
Lá estava você com seus 21 anos, na primeira turma de 11º ano que Durmstrang formava. E como se todas as mudanças recentes não fossem o bastante, a runa apareceu no bolso de seu uniforme. Não estava ali antes de você se juntar às pessoas no salão para o jantar e você sabe que não é nenhuma runa comum. Você nunca a viu antes mas a pequena pedra de onix com a inscrição em dourada acorda algo dentro de você.
Você sabe que é importante que mantenha em silêncio e alguma mágica lhe sussurra em sua mente, em uma voz etérea que você nunca ouviu antes. "A Ordem do Renascimento Draconiano tem seus olhos em você. Isso significa que você tem um potencial maior do que o Ministério quer que você acredite. Estamos fartos de sermos limitados por esse sistema contraproducente. Abra seus olhos e nos aguarde.". Você nunca ouviu falar dessa tal Ordem, mas o potencial mágico faz seu corpo se arrepiar e você sabe que sua vida está prestes a tomar um rumo jamais imaginado.
Não importa quantas vezes você tentasse se livrar da runa, você simplesmente não conseguia. Ela sempre voltava para você, de um jeito ou de outro. E, com o tempo, você decidiu ignorar. Esperar.
Durmstrang tem um jeito próprio de dar lições nas pessoas, e assim como o visgo do diabo que permeia suas montanhas... Quanto menos você resistir, melhor.
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revcntulet · 5 years
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Located in the far north of the continent the school is willing to accept students from as far afield as Bulgaria. Having existed since at least 1294, Durmstrang is one of the three schools that compete in the Triwizard Tournament, and is notorious for prominently featuring the Dark Arts in its curriculum. Durmstrang was founded during the Middle Ages by the great Bulgarian witch Nerida Vulchanova, who served as the first head of the school. She was succeeded after her mysterious death by Professor Harfang Munter, who established Durmstrang's reputation for emphasising martial magic as part of its curriculum. "Sturm und Drang" literally translates as "tempest and urge" or "charge and rush" but was anglicised as "storm and stress".
A castle is a castle. The architecture doesn’t rearrange itself apparently by mood or day of the week. The water around it is fierce, black and choppy. The wind biting, the cold unrelenting, the snow thick and bitter. The mountains proud and eternal, sometimes blanketed by low cloud at their peaks. The Deathly Hallows glare down at the students from a wall near the entrance hall, the lines carved savagely but with fine dexterity, old magic making wandering eyes drawn to it. 
It’s home.
He hasn’t the strength of body that the traditions of the school most prize, lithe but quickly tired with a staff and achy and stiff after rowing. His friends cover for him, clap him on the back over the sorest muscles but offer him sugar quills to soften the sting. At the start of every term he divvies out the chocolate his father sends by owl. 
There is bigotry laid into the bones of the place but the stifling fog of fear that Durmstrang was well known for has dispersed some in the last twenty years. The Dark Arts curriculum altered, reduced but not gone altogether. 
Red is not his colour.
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durmstrangrp · 4 years
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Nome completo: Anastasiya Vulchonova. O nome dado a filha foi homenagem a sua amada que tragicamente não sobreviveu em um dos duelos. Fora isso, sua mãe lhe deu sem sobrenome do meio para que o nome da família não fosse deixado de lado pelo segundo nome como geralmente fazem. Se pode dizer que a figura materna apostou total na filha para carregar o legado de suas gerações anteriores sobre a família patriarcal, Vichenko.
Idade e data de nascimento: 31 anos, 6 de maio de 1971.
Gênero: Feminino, cisgênero — ela, dela.
Fisionomia assimilada à: Margot Robbie.
Status sanguíneo: Puro sangue.
Ano que formou: 1987.
Casa pertencente: Heili.
Matéria lecionada: Adivinhação.
Clube ou esporte administrado: Clube de Adivinhação.
Conduta analisada: Na perspectiva dos alunos, é um pouco estressante se enturmar com as aulas da professora Anastasiya por se tratar de matéria complexa, mas ainda assim se sucede em deixar as aulas menos entendiantes em geral, no entanto, não deixa de sempre haver um colega furando as suas aulas. Apesar da sua preferência em favorecer mais as alunas e sua seletividade com o restante ser notável, sua disciplina é muito bem comentada entre os profissionais durante seus anos lecionando a matéria, e se espalham no corredor que está cumprindo o legado da fundadora do próprio instituto.
Capaz de produzir um patrono: Sim, ela é capaz de conjurar um ouriço-terrestre em sua forma corpórea. Esse patrono em questão seria devido a sua vida não ser um livro aberto e não se abrir de maneira alguma tornando a sua imagem, assim, intimidadora e solitária. Mas, quem é próximo sabe se acomodar em sua presença e verá que tem uma personalidade gentil e agradável.
Dom mágico especial observado: Clarividência. Assim como outros bruxos raros que o tiveram, a mesma nasceu com o dom, porém sua mãe acredita que ela já possuía o dom desde o seu útero, pois convivia com sonhos indecifráveis e só pereceram depois do parto que foi quando percebeu que sua menina era especial e decidiu manter só o sobrenome da sua família. No entanto, esse dom tem tido um impacto a nossa Vulchonova a ponto de se relacionar de alta afinidade somente com seu familiar pelo seu bem e não deixar as questões emocionais tomarem conta da sua vida. Há quem diga que as visões deixaram-a isolada com a pressão de transcrever as profecias com várias opções alternativas.
Habilidades mágicas observadas: Fora as poções de obscuridade, tem sua especialidade em feitiços domésticos e defesas. Sua concentração em geral é de alta qualidade.
Pontos fracos a serem trabalhados em: Cura. Tem muito a melhorar nesse aspecto, porém diz ela que você não pode trapacear o seu destino.
Fylgjur: Seu familiar toma a forma de um canguru, e atende pelo nome Alla.
Alinhamento de personalidade analisada: Juiz; ordeiro e neutro.
Pontos fortes: Carisma, lealdade, humildade, auto-controle.
Pontos fracos: Paranoia, ingenuidade, desconfiança, pessimismo.
Fobias: Apesar da rixa histórica, no fundo a clarividente tem receio que fosse preciso de dois ramos de sua família se unirem e isso não ser feito antes do tão temido destino e ser tarde demais. Ela também tem medo de ser sugada pelas visões e se perder em seu posto. 
Cidade natal: Kharkiv, Ucrânia.
Estrutura familiar: A família matriarcal estava tendo a mais nova Vuchonova com tantos ensinamentos e lições com o qual a Anastasiya é grata até hoje e as provocações por parte do seu primo solidificaram os posicionamentos da mesma de vez em relação a rivalidade. Ela teve a quem puxar, que inclusive veio da sua mãe solteira que tem rixa com seu irmão, e a filha se preza pela criação da figura materna com todos os cuidados que obteve na infância. Ela a deixava orgulhosa com a sua educação de qualidade e se esforçava bastante nisso para não decepcionar a fundadora de Durmstrang, Nerida Vulchanova, entregando a vitória de bandeja para os Vichenkos. Entretanto, ao decorrer da sua vivência como Vuchonova ela via como o outro ramo prejudicava as mulheres da sua linhagem e por esse fator, tinha como foco em fortalecer essa separação entre ambos.
Moradia durante o ano letivo: Pela sua matéria ser obrigação para a maioria das séries, a professora vive dentro do campus.
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rhodesmystery · 5 years
what do YOU imagine durmstrang like?
okay honestly like @seawives​ gets it right here and here with the like eldritch horror living under the castle thing. They Get Me.
but otherwise like. hm.
how it’s described in book as being remarkably smaller than hogwarts and the fires not being lit for warmth. my takeaway from that has always been some kind of castle carved out of a cliff over a great lake, too, and i’ve kind of always stuck with it.
like the main foundation, is a relatively small castle (if you can consider castles small). a number of rooms for classes and board, of course, but it isn’t holding much else. talkative portraits and winding staircases and maybe if you’re unlucky, six missteps into the catacombs, but it is remarkably sparse in the main foundation, having been considered quite ‘newly’ made compared to the rest that lies below.
something being remarkably sheer, climbing up the side of a mountain for the main ‘foundation’ sitting on the top, is just. spooky. especially imagining that below the main foundation of the castle, the rooms just sprawl into the mountain. some abruptly end, some are magically locked. there’s ones that turn students around, returning them safely to a convenient staircase, and others that keep the brave trapped.
a bulgarian witch in the middle ages was the one who set durmstrang up. i am kind of in the camp that it originally was a likely small school located somewhere else before moving to somewhere vaguely northern europe, with mountains and lakes. okay actually, the ship has always been a thing. always been around. it found the location of the school, and just anchored itself in this fjord, not allowing itself to move for days on end.
koldovstertz exists too, and like literally everyone ever, there are more than the eleven schools around. obviously. durmstrang was started as some sort of early education school, as wizards and witches were getting themselves more organised. away from the fear of the non magical community, but it too started as just a quiet little place to teach the children how to control their magic. but it drew attention, and had to move... and move... and move. whilst other european schools rose up, durmstrang managed to hold it’s own despite being on the smaller side as far as attendance goes
durmstrang is kind of famous (infamous?) for martial magic. i kind of always pictured in house tournaments, and land that kind of sprawls on for training fields, beyond the classroom. from first year, combative ability is tested and tried, and expands beyond classic hexes and protective charms. inventiveness is rewarded.
despite it’s poor reputation and somewhat specific focus, durmstrang surprisingly generates a lot of creative students in the way of making new spells. sure, most of them are pretty much only useful in a duel, but more than one has gone on to create new charms and hexes, so there’s that.
european competitions are rarely held at durmstrang. might be because of that convenient bit of magic which makes people forget just where the school is located once they leave (which makes an unfortunate wandering student lost to the wilderness happen more often than not), but despite the crisp and beautifully maintained quidditch stadium, there just always seems to be an incident of some sort. lots of worries of curses and injury. surprisingly, one of the only places on the grounds with the least amount of death. might just be because durmstrang is just That Good.
the school holds a lot of secrets. secrets and ghosts and monsters. some things manage to bait the students who want the easy way, with whispers in the night and a book conveniently left open in the middle of a hallway. and snap! it takes the student away, shutting closed, until the next one comes along. apparently the library cries at night.
the water is crystal clear. almost deceptively so. over the summer, the students are allowed to swim, as the monsters hibernate. or so the rumour goes. but curse be on those who set toe upon the fjord in the dead of winter. 
there’s no house system in place. or if there was, once nerida vulchanova died, it was dismantled. more than once, there’s an upswing, of treating each classmate like the next opponent. trying to install some sense of competitiveness from a young age. plenty of students manage to throw the teachings aside. some aren’t so lucky.
whilst the hallways, or catacombs, below the main foundation are mildly frightening, by knocking on the correct portrait, thrice, it is easy enough to circumvent them entirely, and make it out onto the fjord unscathed. or there is the great winding staircase that clambers down. once it was just a rickety old rope ladder, but as the mountain grew (or the school did, who was to say what really came first and grew), not many are brave enough to try that anymore.
with such a diverse range of languages, there are translation tools available. each european language experiences an upswing every couple of decades, based on trend or usage. modernly, students would be speaking dominantly german, as lingua franca, and additional classes are held in between. many students walk out of durmstrang’s doors with more than a few languages under their belts.
whatever was below, no one knows if it existed before or after durmstrang’s ship set its anchor in the fjord. it has always just been. more than one curse breaker has been hired in to try to work their way down. whilst there has been progress, and many rooms have been rendered gentle, many curse breakers only last a month at most before the voices get too loud. who do they belong to? no one knows. but the voices continue, and there’s just always, out the corner of their eye, a dark shadow following.
blood purity and idealism nearly killed the institute. the stranglehold it has on the school is lessening, but with such an aggressive focus, and leniency only given to half-bloods as long as their magic parent is in good standing, the attendance of students has dropped considerably. old dormitories have long since been closed off and forgotten, and classes are barely more than twenty students every other year for one entire grade. once karkaroff leaves, there is a huge shift in management, and lots of little changes happen. several european ministries even get involved in management. 
the symbols burned into the walls by grindelwald don’t fade. they glow, sometimes, and once it had been a joyous whisper that those who saw the light were chosen. but now it’s a blight upon the school, and even when portraits are thrown over the top, or curtains or even someone trying to pry the stone from the wall, somehow, they still exist.
(until all the hallows are found, and then lost, do students notice that the symbols no longer exist)
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odette-s · 6 years
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Wizarding Schools: Durmstrang Institute 
The Durmstrang Institute is a wizarding school located in northern Scandinavia. Established in 1294 by Nerida Vulchanova, Durmstrang has earned itself a notorious reputation for incorporating the Dark Arts into its curriculum, as well as not permitting the attendance of Muggle-borns. The Durmstrang coat of arms is an eagle with two heads featuring the school’s name in Latin as well as Cyrillic letters. Several notable witches and wizards have graduated from Durmstrang, including lauded Quidditch player Viktor Krum, as well as the infamous Dark Wizard, Gellert Grindelwald. (x)
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iustusetpeccator · 6 years
♡ (helena & nerida)
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  /  pen-pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muse’s side  /  unrequited from your muse’s side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based off circumstance  /  based off professional matters  /  based off misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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abrcxasmalfoy · 7 years
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1.7k url graphic for @durmstranqs (ily reb)
Durmstrang was founded sometime during the MidMiddle Ages by the great medieval Bulgarian witch Nerida Vulchanova who served as the first head of the school, followed after her mysterious demise by Professor who established Durmstrang’s reputation for emphasising martial magic as an impressive part of its curriculum.
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