#nerve poison
Whumptober #16: No Way Out
Option: Paralytic Drugs
A paralytic drug with a side-effect of the whumpee feeling as though their blood is on fire. They cannot scream, and they cannot move. Everyday is agony. 
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darlingod · 7 months
With the least amount of respect possible, Locke was so funny sometimes. He was so shameless and it was so entertaining. He will not be missed but his lines (and character) will for sure be laughed at by me
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mugentakeda · 7 months
i deeply understand the hilarity in zuko being dumb in fics but when i read fics that are centered around him and iroh they always depict iroh being too wise when iroh being stupid occasionally was literally part of book 1 and 2s comedy. its important to me personally. mind you if zukos head wasnt nearly entirely bald against his will in book 1 then most of it would be grey hairs and it would be all irohs fault. buying random knick knacks off zukos monthly banishment budget when he had mouths to feed. turning the whole ship around for a singular tile off his nonsensical board game (itd been a farse to keep him off the gaangs trail but still.). his funky ass sandals. that ship is too small for him not to be washing his feet. running around hot springs while butt ass naked. flirting with women. making zuko socialize with zhaos bald and ignorant self
and thats not even covering book 2. eating poisonous flowers in the middle of nowhere then nearly dying. ruining the potential of zuko having a situationship with the cool mysterious tall boy with curved swords in ba sing se just to heat up his lame tea. No wonder zuko always lost it with him. i know i wouldve too. occasionally hed play the dumb old man card if it benefit him in some way but im telling u rn the other 85% was him just being stupid. It runs in the family. i wont stand for this erasure
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koipalm · 6 months
For sy attendant au - what are SQQ attitude and feelings towards SY, if you don't mind me asking?
Because what I read so far hadn't painted him in good light. Like sure - he wants to survive and SY is an key asset in that, but the way he goes around it is... questionable.
so i answered this ask about it but i just realized that i dont think i tagged it with anything so. MY BAD thats my bad
the long and short of it is that sqq is definitely not a good person in this au lol. granted theres less of the overt child abuse because sy is able to stop some of that but sy still is very much a servant to him. one of the better things about this au is that sqq really just sees sy as a means to an end.. there is some attachment to him but sqq really does not really see sy as someone with his own agenda outside of like. living comfortably. its kind of good in a way that like sqq will grant sy a general amount of mobility around the sect because of sy's vague position and he doesnt reeaally care what shen yuan is doing if its not actively doing work for the peak or sqq.
sqq really sees sy as more of like. a political pawn? in a way. like he keeps sy close for appearances around the sect and he does in some way feel like hes doing charity work because by extension of working for him sy is granted a fair amount of power and status. but he doesnt care what shen yuan does in his free time or for fun. sqq is not the worst person of all in this au but he is definitely someone who isnt afraid of using others to help himself. that and like. its definitely a pat on the back for him of being able to say "well you were sent here to take my place and instead of killing you as was my right i HELPED you and i even gave you your own place on this peak and look at you now. youre mingling with some of the best and the brightest that the cultivation world has to offer" like nevermind that he isnt interested in helping sy with his own cultivation lawl
ok that wasnt short at all sorry but sqq is using sy but he also feels like hes helping him a bit. its a pretty unequal give and take so they definitely have an unhealthy relationship. that being said i think sy goes out of his way to misunderstand sqq a lot because he allows his hate of sqq to shape how he sees his actions.. so he doesnt put a lot of effort into actually examining how sqq differs from the book. also now that ive had a lot of time to think on this au i dont really think that sy's end goal in all of this would be to LEAVE as much as it would be he would want an actual firm position and leverage over sqq so he didnt feel so unstable. that and he does feel indebted to sqq. he could probably handle being around the guy if sqq didnt have so much say over his life
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rxttenfish · 1 year
this is such a minor gripe but the submersible did NOT experience rapid decompression. it experienced rapid COMPRESSION. at that depth they were under almost 400 atmospheres of pressure. rapid decompression is what makes things explode, rapid compression is what makes them crumple like an empty soda can.
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glcive · 4 months
poison poison was written about her i just know it
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swordmaid · 7 months
for me… FOR ME..!!! and for shri’iia specifically the lock in for astarion’s romance is his graveyard scene in act 3.
i think it is too quick for shri’iia to be moving on to another relationship considering her previous one was with her mistress who essentially groomed and isolated her for like … more than hundred years. learning to chase her own desires and not moulding herself to what anyone wants her to be is something so new to her…!!! and something that she’s still learning how to be comfortable with….
and what I like abt romancing astarion with her is that I usually go for the dialogue path in his act 2 confession scene where you can ask him:
- what do YOU want to do?
and he goes like honestly idk what we’re doing but /this/ is nice. it just feels like two people exploring the option to love for the first time and taking things in their own pace rather than jumping straight into the relationship. they’re going at a snails pace… they don’t know what they’re doing but they like this feeling and the vibe and they want to more of it but they’re not ready to commit to anything yet and it’s fine for them …!! and they’re only committing by the end in the graveyard scene where significant time has passed and they’ve learnt a little more about themselves and they’re both more confident about their own desires and also how they want to be loved.
like it is so fitting I think… and sweet… not to mention astarion being a high elf & a vampire and shri’iia being a drow, they have all the time of the world for themselves so I def think they would want to take their time. except if shri’iia turns into a mindflayer or drider by the end then that plan is out the window lol
#now I’m thinking who else I can romance with her .. maybe lae’zel ??#since the thing with her is that she doesn’t get vulnerable in act 1 so the scenes where the romances#are kind of heart to hearts like shadowheart’s or karlach’s (😭😭😭) is out of the question since it doesn’t fit her …#like she’d rather sleep with someone first than actually get to know them 😭 hence astarion and lae’zel …#gale and wyll… I am hmmm about it on one hand her approval with wyll in act 1 is not even high enough 😭😭#and I don’t think she can be sweet enough to chase after him in the party .. she was kind of like ok fine whatever when he said he’s not in#the mood … gale I think can be a contender .. I actually don’t know how his route goes so I’m not sure abt that …#but the thing is … she gets vulnerable LATER ..!! and why astarion’s romance work for her is i hc after their act 2 scene#they’re just in a situationship rather than actual relationship … like they’re dating (yes!) but also dating (hmmmm)#and it’s only in his last scene where they both lock in bc I think that’s enough time for her to process her OWN trauma and also for her#own character development … like she has to learn how to trust (ack!!!!) which is the thing that you don’t do when you’re raised in lolth’s#cult …. and her mistress manipulated her trust too so it’s even more nerve wracking for her bc she doesn’t want someone to have that power#over her again .. but now she has to learn how to give it away freely … without being scared … bites my hand …!!!!#and astarion graveyard scene where he wants to live again vs shri’iia learning how to trust again and trying to live without the fear of#someone betraying you and using you and the paranoia that comes with it … urck urgh goughhhhhh critical hit …#also I have a hc that she actually is quite good at making poisons since her mother sold alchemy herbs and components#and she gives him poison as a courting gift lol .. also like a way to protect him 🤭 but she won’t admit that … she’s like if you want it#take it if you don’t idc 🤷‍♀️ (she does..) i hc that she gets flustered at sincerity actually#their relationship for me is like they’re both two little shits and a general menace to society (both charlatans)#but if they had to hold hands she’d get too flustered too and he’s like honestly what are you a child? (smug face making fun of her)#I have this little comic idea for them when they held hands for the first time and she’s like ouggghhh 😳😮‍💨 flustered and sweating and he’s#like hihi 🤭😎 but then their hands starts to get sweaty and then he’s like ew that’s disgusting and she’s like ok if u hate it let go then#and he’s like no YOU let go 🙄 but they don’t let go now they have to suffer through the sweaty hand holding alas such is fate …
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agendratum · 1 year
#i remember last summer when the situation with zzh was happening#people made lists of like tumblr accounts to not interact with basically if you#were siding towards a certain belief in that situation and wanted to keep you mental health afloating#mostly meaning you didn't wanna see people grabbing pitchforks and poisoning your time on this website and also in the fandom#yeah yeah i know “trusting other people to form opinions about people you never interacted with for you????”#i didn't care i wanted a resemblance of peace i was thinking about myself and i'm thinking about myself now#so i can tell you it saved me a lot of nerves back then#which makes me kinda wish someone would do this now#because i can tell you this#don't get me wrong i'm waiting for an official statement waiting for whatever that conference will even be like#waiting for a conclusion that would be made after an actual investigation and not a bunch of twitter infowars#but for now? i don't wanna see people jumping to conclusions based on words of someone already proven to lie and fabricate shit before#if you're distancing yourself from the situation or the person because this is too heavy for you i get it but#i also wish for you understanding if i stop interacting with you#cause that is not something i want to see i'm sorry#and if someone needs to unfollow or block me because you value your mental health i encourage you to do this#i don't really ever post much drama related shit or at least try to#but i know where i'm staying in this all for the time being and if someone doesn't wanna see that#i hope you won't force yourself#that being said#if it will be proven that he did all that and is guilty? then well fuck#but he might be you know your average person getting accused of something he didn't do#and average people might still suck! which is why again and again#i beg people to stop idolizing actors artists musicians internet personas#that involves the rest of the cast as well#you don't know any of them#they're not your friends#don't set yourself up for a disappointment please#there is not a single person in the world who “hasn't done anything wrong in their lives ever”#anyway i hope i phrased myself more or less clearly and i hope i wont make another post like this one ever again
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lacnunga · 3 months
Not my 50-something coworker buying a tattoo gun off of temu and tattooing himself. Bro!! You're too old to be doing this shit!
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sundaytragedy · 4 months
Wanna rewire my entire personality to one one that my fp adores tbh I know exactly what they desire and I can tweak it anytime and they probably wouldn't realize I really really really just want to be by your side but.... I don't want to be different. It's taken me so long to even accept this and connect all these fragments into the same person I've been the same person all along but I still struggle to believe that
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wild-at-mind · 4 months
Listened to the podcast series 'Eight years hard Labour' which is about the Corbyn years of Labour, and they talk a lot about the Labour party internal divide- there was the internal right wing, who were more like centrists, and the internal left wing, which was the Corbyn side. To tell you where I stand on this man: I voted for Labour, and therefore Corbyn, in both the 2017 and 2019 elections but was absolutely not part of his cult of personality, and I found it disturbing how devoted people got so quickly. Mainly the leftist queer people section of my social circle were doing a LOT of facebook meme posting in the run up to particularly the 2019 election. I could literally look down my feed and see a very long, very detailed defense of how Corbyn could not possibly be even the teeniest bit antisemitic, and below that a different Corbyn devotee would be proclaiming that the only reason Jewish Brits would not vote for Corbyn was because they were all too wealthy. I mean....what more conclusion could I possibly draw from that?? I do not care to get caught in the weeds of whether Corbyn knew what was in the fucking mural or not before saying it shouldn't have been removed, and I know the tabloids really did do plenty of smear jobs on him, but the fact that I could see his devoted supporters becoming antisemitic before my eyes was incredibly damning and was all I needed really. Anyway, obviously Corbyn lost the 2019 election by a massive amount and it was a surprise to literally no one except Corbyn's fans who had been in social media meme echo chambers the whole time. Corbyn left the Labour party and now we have Starmer who leaves a lot to be desired, but is still the head of the most left wing mainstream party. But it made me think- what hope is there for left wing politics in the UK? Can we ever hope for a hard left of the left leaning party that doesn't go off in these weird antisemitic, Putin defending directions? (Oh god...imagine Corbyn being PM during the Ukraine war. :S) Do we always have to settle for centrism just to be on the left of the Tories? We have had leftist governments in our history that brought in genuine social change, the formation of the NHS being the biggest example, so it is possible, but why are things so right wing now, and for so long, especially while things are so objectively shitty for so many people? I don't expect anyone has any answers but I want to hope for better. There are massive limitations to party politics, but I'm not an anarchist and I do think running the country is a job someone has to do. I don't know how to make things better, I just know that genuine compassion for all people is needed in order to do it, not just some people, and I don't know if hard left conspiracy types can ever feel that for people they consider their enemy.
#uk politics#i'm just rambling#btw i did comment on both the corbyn defense screed and the 'jews are all rich' screed (2nd one unfriended also)#1st one i said maybe with the same effort someone made in making this long defense corbyn should put that effort into#meeting Jewish populations in the uk and reassuring them! The person posting it was even like '...oh yeah he probably should shouldn't he'#the corbyn campaign in 2019 was a mess anyway which the podcast goes into in more detail#btw the putin defending part comes from Corbyn's response to the poisoning of the Skripals#he said there was no reason to think it was russia and also said we should send the nerve agent to russia for testing#i'm not saying we should be like 'omg red scare russia is attacking!!!!' but there was evidence to suggest it was putin#which only became more clear- not to mention the accidental death of Dawn Sturgess which happened not long after as a consequence#genuinely so fucked up! this all happened in my hometown and the surrounding area so it's particularly close to home#Corbyn just reacted super weirdly to the whole thing- he was the leader of the labour party but behaving like an online commentator#which i assume is a plus for some and a minus for most#i've tried joining a local socialist group twice now and they are pushing for a socialist party in government#but it's all super corbyn-y vibes with them- i swear it takes very little for them to start ranting about how corbyn was smeared or w/e#like...can we move on from this please!!!#and lessons learned- forget it!#anyway i'm done rambling now.
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odysseys-blood · 5 months
its so stupid to me when someone goes up to somebody (recently in the inboxes of palestinians doing their damndest to share information about whats going on with the genocide of their own people and some of yall still cant take being spoon fed this as if its the worst thing to happen to you to just pay attention (but it happens also after any catastrophe yall just rock up to anyone you judge an affected minority be it someone of another race, culture, gender, sexuality w/e)) and you ask "well who should i vote for"
thats your choice
when you turned 18 in the us of a you gained the right to choose whoever the hell you want on the ballot for president. nobody can make you vote for somebody or withold it. you make that decision. you should be able to think for yourself. do some research and stop talking out of your ass because that is literally the least you could do.
and also you shouldn't be going to someone (especially someone who this is of he least concern of) and go "well what do you think i think i have to vote for x because *despite every atrocity they've ever comitted* theyre still better than the other guy!" because what do you want? forgiveness? you made a choice. you also just told somebody that this choice WILL AFFECT that it was the only choice available to you (even though it wasnt). and then act like they should be grateful. like you're doing them a favor.
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worm-wood-words · 6 months
Too tired to write but also can't stop The Scenes™ from playing out in my mind.
#bits about Arvel's healing magic and also the man in the bar healing Kahn's broken bones#i mean it's not perfect and it's painful for both the man and Kahn for different reasons but it does work in the end#also just sort of trying to flesh out the healing magic in my head. for most people who have it (mostly loethan) it's close#range or on touch. depending on the person it might hurt or drain the caster too and they might have to be able to see#the specific injury or at least where it is (such as when the man in the bar has to cut into Kahn's leg and arm to see his bones)#it almost never works on nerve damage. never on organs except maybe internal bleeding or injuries so severe the organs are#exposed. (basically just trying to say it won't heal organ failure). so it's pretty much best for broken bones and cuts. works better the#more recent the injury was. technically has the ability to regrow limbs but that's most likely never shown. (torn between whether#or not veren gets his arm regrown or a prosthetic. probably prosthetic since he lost it years ago)#doesn't work on illnesses or poisoning or stuff like that. that's still the domain of alchemists. also since on the areas it shuts#does. I'm not retyping that. on the areas it does heal its just rapid cell regrowth which most of the time is fine. but then there's#Arvel. who can do it both on touch and at range and uses the whole rapid cell growth thing as a method of torture. add the whole#light minions thing and the fact that his abilities include a rapid healing factor on himself (and that unlike a lot of people#his abilities work rapidly on others and he can easily get over any drain it has on him)#and yeah it's understandable why Len loses the first fight and why a lot of people don't stand up to him much. even his wife who doesn't#have powers at all ends up progressively more afraid of him. like the only way to possibly wound him in a meaningful way is to get the#drop on him and find some way to inflict severe damage on a vital spot and keep whatever you used to do that inside of him long enough#for him to eventually not be able to heal around it anymore. i don't know just thinking about how he's such a twisting of typically 'good#guy' powers. like his main things are light and healing he should be the hero or like high up supporting cast but nope he's just#trying to subjugate everyone and rule the whole damn continent because of a might makes right ethos and the fact that he does#certainly have might on his side#maggot original
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elainemorisi · 7 months
was informed at parent-teacher conferences today that my four year old child, when subjected to the interminable fake-church weekly all school meeting recently, threw herself to the ground and, at a yell, implored her teacher to "poison me, [teacher], poison me!"
needless to say, could not be prouder
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zevrans · 2 years
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Waiting on my replacement seizure alarm to arrive today. Between 8am and 2pm. Oh boy.
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