#netflix documentary prince
don-lichterman · 2 years
Prince Netflix Documentary Rumblings from Cat Glover, Jill Jones, Ruth Arzate
Prince Netflix Documentary Rumblings from Cat Glover, Jill Jones, Ruth Arzate
It’s been quiet on the Prince Netflix Documentary front, and we haven’t heard much about it for a while. Recently, Cat Glover, Jill Jones, and Ruth Arzate have shared with us their thoughts on how the documentary is being handled… and the stories aren’t all the same! Let’s discuss! Support the channel on Patreon: http://patreon.com/PrincesFriend Support the channel via Youtube Membership:…
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schmenne · 2 years
I feel like people on this app hate Harry & Meghan. So, I‘ll be the first one to say it; the new documentary they released is really interesting, I can‘t wait for next Thursday for when they‘ll be releasing the next three episodes, there are so many reasons of why them telling their story is so important - not just to them personally but it‘s also important for the people to be confronted with the issues that should have never been an issue in the first place… I‘m glad that they did this documentary; why should complete strangers make money off off them and their story (which, these strangers know nothing about)? It truly makes the most sense that they are the ones telling their life stories. AND they are being really respectful about it - they could go off (and they have every right to do so) but they still took the higher road.
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didthekingdieyet · 1 year
where is the netflix documentary about the 25 people harry says he killed during his military service
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woahkana · 2 years
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[Harry] so much of what meghan is and how she is, is so similar to my mum she has the same compassion she has the same empathy she has the same confidence she has this warmth about her.  
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breathalyzerfail · 2 years
Me, remembering from the reading assignment that Princess Elody losing her golden ball down a well and frog!Gerard helping get it back was how they first met:
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yongyuan-st · 1 year
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The next documentary produced by Archewell Production for Netflix has a date.
This new series from Archewell Productions follows a group of extraordinary competitors from around the globe – all service members who have suffered life-changing injuries or illnesses – on their road to competing at the Invictus Games.
-- Netflix.
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sashabeauty87 · 2 years
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gwestcyfilms · 1 year
Camilla Parker bowels just proved Harry and Meghan point without having to say anything
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elloras · 1 year
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prernatalvaar · 2 years
instead of watching the crown on netflix, watch these two documentaries on Diana, in her own words. Not made up, or edited, or fabricated. Just in her true words. It needs to be seen in order to have a better understanding about the royal family and the system.
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candicebella · 1 year
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kuwtsussexes · 1 year
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reesellaneous · 2 years
Unpopular opinion but I kinda don’t want to see Harry and Meghan’s relationship in the documentary. I want to know what happened from their pov but I don’t really care about their love story in that way so whatever I know it’s just me because I’m a weird unfeeling robot person.
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hjellacott · 10 months
OK So I'm finishing up the spectacle that is the Harry and Meghan documentary purely out of boredom and a need to see with my own eyes that they really are this massively clueless. I won't say stupid, but come on, it's like they don't know anything. Like, I'm not even an expert, but you study history, study the UK, study the monarchy a bit, study the press and the media a bit, and BAM you can make better decisions.
So one thing that has struck me now is that apparently Prince Harry's reasoning was that if he moved out of the UK, if they worked for the royal family for free, with no taxpayer money, then it'd all be OK. The press wouldn't go after them, they wouldn't have a right to put their private lives out there, and they could lead a private life while still do the good work. And he was sincerely baffled when the Royal Family said no, which I truly am stunned about, because OF COURSE THEY SAID NO. Because Harry was, essentially, delluding himself. So let me explain why Harry's plan could NEVER work.
1- Harry is a British Prince, set to one day be the brother of the king, and he's a british citizen. Therefore, when he goes out and about, he's not just representing the sovereign and doing work in her or his name, he's representing THE COUNTRY. He's the face of the UK, people look at him and his family and based on that judge the ENTIRETY of the country they represent. When he goes and does royal duties, it's not Harry doing charitable work, Harry helping the poor, Harry meeting a country leader... IT'S THE UK THAT DOES IT.
2. Therefore, the Commonwealth citizens have every fucking right in the world to know absolutely everything of what their representatives are doing. Think about it. You don't get to choose to be born in a monarchy, you don't get to choose your royal family, so the very least you get is knowing exactly what the leaders are doing in the name of your country, even in their private lives, because their private decisions also affect the way people will perceive your country, such as when Harry decided to dress as a nazi. And when you see your royal prince goes out to basically have all of the pros without none of the cons, to basically say fuck off to your own country, and go elsewhere, how would you feel? I mean, it's as if a member of your parliament or your congress decides to permanently live in another country but still represent yours. So you have to stay and bite the dust, but he can leave because he's rich?
3. And why is he so rich? because he's inheriting money FROM THE ROYAL FAMILY, from titles, from aristocracy, from the taxpayer, from the colonisation. Or where the fuck do you think the millions that Charles, and also Diana, have at times given him, come from? The whole family shares a fortune nobody is too clear where it comes from, part of it from investments, and it dates back to the colonisation of half the world, you don't get to take it, go, and call it your private money and intend to be left alone.
4. The citizens of the UK have a right to information about anybody that wishes to act in representation of them, doesn't matter if they're paid by the taxpayer or not, because at the end of the day, they're the family, and the business, that leads the country. They are called the Duke and Duchess of SUSSEX, for god fucking sakes. The monarchy is a massive institution of the united KINGDOM. It's its essence. It's super important, of course people have the right to be informed about them, after having to stand having a monarchy imposed on them. And Prince Harry's great uncle Edward VIII abdicated and stopped doing royal duties only to then befriend Hitler, which of course you can imagine the dismay this caused in the UK, so of course the country has learned the lesson and now really wants to know what Harry, who has traditionally been quite a rebel and quite impulsive and caused a lot of fuckery in his teens, is exactly up to, and what his children are up to, anywhere and whenever.
5. Besides Prince Harry also represents the entirety of the Commonwealth Realms, as do any of his royal relatives, and since those are many territories spread out around the world it is super important for the press to publish and spread royal news. The day the royal family becomes invisible and irrelevant, the way Harry wants, even if it's just one member of it, the monarchy will begin to die.
6. Therefore, the ONLY way in the world Harry could defend a desire to never be in the press and get everyone to back him and have the press leave him alone and people not have a right any more to ask about his private life, would be to leave the monarchy, leave the country, renounce every title and privilege, no longer represent the country or the royal family, get a normal job and live an entirely private life wherever he wants.
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woahkana · 2 years
privacy literally means you share what you are comfortable with and it’s not an obligation like when meghan gave birth to archie a few hours later she was greeted by a wall of cameras and bombarded with questions when all she wanted to do was still be in her little bubble with archie and harry so in conclusion privacy means you share what you are comfortable with it doesn’t mean dropping off the face of the earth but some people are too dense to understand that.
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rekdreams247 · 1 year
After watching the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary, I just want to say that these are two amazing and beautiful people that have been through so much that they didn't and still don't deserve. I will not be partaking in or responding to any hate against them.
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