Cas x reader, leather jacket cas
“I’ve got something for you,” you explained to Cas as you handing him a decorated paper bag, “I know Christmas isn’t for another month, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”
Castiel gently took the bag from you and pulled out the strategically placed tissue paper. Inside was a heavy charcoal colored leather jacket. He smiled as he felt the familiar fabric between his fingers and let the bag drop to the ground. The angel pulled off his trench coat and set it aside to the bed. As he slid on his new jacket, his eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity. One arm in after the other and it seemed to fit him like a glove. 
“It… it’s like Dean’s. The one that hangs on the chair in his room,” murmured Cas.
“Yeah, I saw you admiring it a few weeks ago and thought you might like one of your own.”
Cas walked over to the tall mirror and shifted his body weight from side to side as he squinted at himself in his reflection. He felt strange without his trench coat but also realized this was one of the first pieces of clothing he’d owned for himself that hadn’t previously belonged to someone else. For a second, he pressed his lips together and tilted his head the way Dean does when he is flirting with someone, thinking it was what men did to look attractive. 
“So… what do you think,” you asked nervously.
“I like it,” said Cas, pointedly. “I’ll wear it on hunts while… as you say, am “scoping the town”, to question people. And it’s heavy, and sturdy…with a pocket for my angel blade.” He thought to himself, he almost looks as handsome as Dean. 
The angel walked his way back over to you and wrapped you up in an all-consuming hug. His scratchy beard and the smooth leather of his jacket rubbed against your skin and sent chills up your spine. Not much could get better than the smell of leather and the warmth of Castiel’s body against your own. It would only be a few hours later that you found yourself near fully naked lying in bed with the ruffled haired angel only being covered by the same heavy leather he’d been prancing around the bunker. 
“Thank you for the jacket, (Y/N),” beamed Cas.
“And the other stuff,” you implied with a smirk.
“Ah, yes and of course the other stuff,” Cas grumbled shyly, burying his face into your neck. 
boom. I answered an ask. a request. from 2017!!!!! 
For fuck sake…Where has the time gone? I just need to apologize to this poor soul that sent me an ask three fucking years ago and I am only answering it now…
*nervously laughs at my mental health*
but I did it. I DID IT! I am in a MUCH better mental health space than I was three years ago and since I’ve been watching the show again it made me miss writing. So, I thought a quick drabble might be a good start to get back into the flow of things.
anyways… yeah. Welp. Let’s see how long it will be until I post a full fic again lol
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Shaaaannnnnnnn!!!!!! Hows about cas needing to be undercover so has to go shopping for something different to wear?
“Hey, you consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town,” says Dean, plainly. 
“He could be an agent or something,” Sam interjects to ease the tension.
“Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent.”
“At least I don’t look like a lumberjack,” grumbles Castiel as he furrows his brow at Dean.
Castiel couldn’t stop replaying this conversation in his head over and over again. He liked his clothes and never thought it was necessary to wear anything else. The trench coat was practical and what he had always worn. Dean never complained before; what changed? Only that now most Demons associate the angel with the dirty trench coat. He supposed a new wardrobe wouldn’t be the worst idea when needing to go undercover. 
On Friday afternoon, Cas decided to take matters into his own hands and explore the next town over for some new clothes. The man at the hotel desk said the best place for a new style would be in West Hollywood. So the newly determined angel hoped in his car and drove a few miles west of where they were investigating the latest case. 
It seemed like endless streets of stores, crowded and bustling with hundreds of people. Not knowing where to begin, Cas paid the driver and hopped out at the nearby intersection. He walked by a store called Vintage Finds, then passed another called Big and Tall, which he thought Sam might like, and finally stopped in front of Angelic Bliss.
“Hey, hunty! Welcome to Angelic Bliss! Damn near Heaven if you ask me! How can I help you today sweetie?” The grinning store clerk looked Castiel up and down a few times and gasped. “Oh me oh my! Well what do we have here? A good ol’ fashion makeover has your name written all over it baby!”
“Don’t you worry angel baby! Mama’s here to help you meet all your needs. Now come over here and sit down. I’m going to grab a few genius ideas that are washing over me.” 
Castiel sat down on the green velvet couch next to the changing rooms and waited waited patiently. Loud sounds of rummaging and the lyrics to a song Cas once heard on the radio was coming from behind a curtain marked in light up letters “SALE”. 
“Oh yes! This one! Definitely not this piece of trash! Hmm, this might work... Now this! Yes, I’m a fucking miracle worker!” The worker came back with a giant pile of clothes hanging in their arms and hung each piece up on the rack near Castiel. “Alright, angel. Let’s get you out of these old rags and into something a little bit more fabulous to match your aura. I read auras, you know? They say I’m the best clairvoyant in WeHo! Yours is phenomenal. I knew you were a good egg the second you walked in here.”
Cas stood up and skimmed through the hanging garments and chose a few that looked interesting. He pulled the curtain closed after stepping into the small changing room and removed the layers he’d grown accustomed. The helpful clerk would throw a new piece over door every few minutes asking about sizes and color preference of which neither Castiel had previously considered important. About an hour later, Cas picked his favorites and was ecstatic with his new wardrobe. 
“Would you like these wrapped or would you like to wear them out?” 
“I’ll wear this out and take the others wrapped. Thank you.” Castiel walked out multiple bags in hand and nodded gently at his new friend behind the register.
“I hope to see you again soon angel cakes! Don’t be a stranger!” 
New shiny boots came clanging up the metal stairs of the hotel lobby.
“Hey, Cas! Where’ve you been...,” Sam stopped mid thought when he saw his best friend standing stiff at the head of the table. “Uh, Cas... what are you wearing?”
“New... uh... duds. For the case. We are going undercover, correct?” 
“Yeah, sure. Hey, Dean! You better come out here!”
Dean came strolling in with a piece of pizza in one had and three beers in the other.
“Sammy! How many times do I gotta remind you not to forget the pie?” Dean opened each beer one by one and sat down next to his brother, not realizing his angel was back. “I mean it’s pie! Cas never forgets it...”
“Speaking of Cas,” chuckled Sam.
“Hello, Dean.” It’s rare that Dean is at a loss for words, but in this moment, a half chewed up piece of pizza fell out of his slightly dropped jaw and there was silence. “I took your advice and went shopping for something to wear so I could uh... blend in with this town. What do you think? Dean? Dean...?”
Dean snapped back from his momentary brain freeze and began to process what was standing before him. Castiel in tight faux leather pants, glittery oxford shoes and a v-neck shirt, which was bedazzled with the words, “Daddy’s little angel”, complete with rhinestone devil horns framing the curly letters. 
“You look... um... you look... ahh...” Dean rubbed his face with both of his hands and tried to formulate some kind of coherent sentence. Then he looked at the angel, and how high he held his head with pride. He couldn’t take this away from him. Wherever he could grab some kind of happiness without consequence, he’d never let it go. “You look good, buddy. Real good. It um, definitely fits you.” His eyes scanned the tight curve hugging fabric. He looked him up, down and up again. 
Sam on the other side of the table sat quietly while internally screaming at the situation he constantly found himself witnessing these days. “I’m going to... head out... and uh get some food. You two catch up.”
Castiel put the other bags of clothes on the table and started to unpack them.
“So, what else you got in there,” Dean inquired nervously. 
@feelmyroarrrr it’s been years since you sent this ask. Sorry 😂
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Forrest Green Forrest Blues (ch1)
Excuse me while I cry in the corner of this site because I deleted this original post on accident and I hate myself because I am standing in the doorway waving bye bye to all of those lovely notes and reblogs and kind words. Anyways, I am reposting this and I’ll be relinking everything. 
Pairing: Castiel x Dean (High School AU)
Words: 2160
Warnings: Nothing really in this chapter. Just getting some groundwork done and meeting the characters.
Notes: This series is based on a bunch of Frank Ocean songs. I got major destiel feels after listening to him all week. So here we go, some destiel AU for your enjoyment. Pull out the tissue boxes.
Summary: Castiel Novak, Carver High’s nerd of the century, always sits at the top of the bleachers when he best friend drags him to games.  He could care less about what the score is because his entire focus is on the feeling of the cigarette between his lips. His only pull to the field is when Dean Winchester, the popular quarterback graces the field with his presence. This is their last year before graduation and everything is about to change.
Ch. 2 Ch.3
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Senior year for Castiel had begun and the hallway walls were plasters with student painted banners advertising the homecoming football game. The blue-eyed kid couldn’t wait for the year to be over. He wanted to get out of the dreadfully small town he grew up in and move to California where his sister now lived. He knew life had so much more to offer than stingy diners and suburban neighborhoods where everyone knew everyone else’s business. The biggest news to hit the town this month was that Mrs. Mills’ cat was saved from the old oak tree. What a joke.
Castiel walked mindlessly down the south wing with his best friend Charlie while she rambled on about her new classes and how she was planning to hack one of the teacher’s lesson plans.
“It will be the biggest laugh of the year if I get Mr. Singer to show the class that video within the first week,” laughed Charlie. She saw that Castiel was staring off into the distance, not paying attention to a word she just said. “Hello? Earth to Cas… It’d be funny, right?” She waved her hand in front of Cas’ face to bring him back to reality.
“Huh? Oh, yeah… sure, “murmured Cas, as he kept walking and nearly running into a stray garbage can.  
“Thanks for your support, best friend,” Charlie said sarcastically while she punched him in the shoulder.
“Sorry, Charlie. I’m just distracted.” Cas sighed and shrugged.
“No kidding… What’s got your brain all fuzzy?” They both stopped when they reached their neighboring lockers.
“Nothing. I just was thinking about California again.”
“Oh right. Your big plans to leave me high and dry after graduation! How could I forget?” Charlie closed her locker after picking out a few books and then leaned on it, waiting for Cas to gather his supplies. “You just can’t wait to leave us all here in the dust, can you,” moped Charlie.
“It’s not like that… plus you could always come with me if you wanted.” Cas finished up and they started walking to their next class.
“You know I can’t do that, Cas… I’ve got my mom to think about.”
“True. Sorry.” There was a brief moment of awkward silence but the five-minute warning bell cuts it off.
“Don’t worry about me, Cas. I’ll be fine here! I’ve got all these lame-os to keep me entertained.” She gestured to the rushing late students sliding through the halls. “ Tell you what… you can make it up to me by coming to the homecoming game tonight with me. I hacked the cheerleader’s uniform order and now their skirts are two inches shorter than they were supposed to be! It’s going to be glorious!”
“Really? A football game… can’t I just make it up to you by doing your English homework?”
Charlie didn’t answer him back. The screechy voice of their math teacher yelled at them through the door to take their seats. There was no use in arguing with Charlie anyhow; she was annoyingly persuasive without effort.
That night, Castiel sat at the very top of the bleachers while the rest of the school stood, cheered and sang along to their team’s fight song.  Sports were never Castiel’s cup of tea. He’d much rather be at home, reading books and listening to music. But the least he could do was pretend to have a good time. He watched Charlie gush over the cheerleaders and giggle at each of them trying to pull their skirts down further.
Cas was the only one who knew Charlie liked girls. In a small town like theirs, that news wouldn’t go over too well with the community. So he understood why she kept quiet but he felt special having been the only one she trusted enough. Cas hadn’t even fully come to terms with his own ever-changing sexuality. He hadn’t even told Charlie about it yet. But he wasn’t even sure what he could label himself as; he just loved… everyone. Not anyone in this town of course, but just people in general. They were all beautiful to him and he wanted to be able to experience it all without boundaries.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, the song was over and the game began. Castiel paid as much attention as he could to the game before some kids playing tag on the playground nearby distracted him.
“Wow! Did you see that play? There’s no way the other team can catch up now!” Charlie whooped and hollered down to the field as the team ran by and waved to their fellow classmates.
Castiel was just about bored out of his mind when something caught his eye. The quarterback was doing a victory dance surrounded by cheerleaders. He put his hands behind his head, made an arrogant duck face with his lips and swayed his hips from side to side.
“Oh great… here we go again. The beloved Dean Winchester, eating up all the attention being thrown at him. He just loves being a ham, doesn’t he?” Castiel rolled his eyes and pulled out a cigarette and lighter from his back pocket. He lit it and took a long drag.
Charlie wasn’t even paying attention to him anymore. For a nerd, she was surprisingly very into sports and she was wrapped up in yelling at the ref for a bad call. So Castiel sat back and babied his death stick while watching the next play. Without knowing why Cas couldn’t peel his eyes away from Dean. He scoffs at each of his arrogant movements but appreciated the way his body gracefully spun and dodged the opposing team. He couldn’t help but smirk to himself when Dean reached the end zone. Cas didn’t understand why he was taking such an interest in this guy… there wasn’t even anything entirely intriguing about him other than his obvious good looks. Castiel shrugged it off and then extinguished the ending butt of his cigarette onto the bleacher seat.
“Okay, class… today we will go through chapters two and three. Then I will assign you project partners for the year and we can get started on our first assignment,” explained Ms. Hanscum.
The instructions generated some bothered grumbles and a few eye rolls. Most of the class wanted to pick their own partners, which the teacher knew would just end up in a mess of distracted teens. So, she chose to randomly assign partners and avoid any of those issues. Ms. Hanscum was Castiel’s favorite teacher. She was funny, smart and accepting. All of which are rare characteristics to find in people of this humdrum town.
“Okay… let’s see… Kevin! You’re with, Lena. Hm… Sam? You’re with… Jo! Now Charlie… who should we pair you with… let’s go with Lisa.” Charlie whooped under her breath, happy she got partnered with the beautiful head cheerleader.
“Sebastian? I’m putting you with Richard. Just don’t take advantage of my kindness on this one, okay? No funny business!” The two trouble making boys gave each other knowing smirks and chuckled to themselves. Ms. Hanscum went through the roster one by one, pairing everyone off. Just when Castiel thought he was forgotten, he heard his name.
“Yes, Ms. Hanscum,” Cas looked up from his desk patiently waiting to hear who he’d be stuck with for the new few months.
“I’m pairing you with Dean Winchester.”
The charming green-eyed student looked up and caught eyes with blue ones. They exchanged awkward smiles and waves across the room and then waited for the rest of the class to be paired off. Class ended and the room was nearly clear when Mrs. Hanscum called Castiel to her desk before he left.
“Mr. Novak? Do you have a moment? I need to speak with you about something.”
“Sure, Ms. H,” Cas replied. “I’ll catch you later Charlie. Save me a seat in Bio.” The messy haired kid waved to his friend and then dropped his bag into a seat.
“Okay… so Castiel… I asked you to stay back after class to discuss this year's project partners situation.”
“You’re probably wondering why I paired you with Dean Winchester.” The kind-hearted teacher sat against her desk, facing her student. “I originally planned on pairing you with Charlie because I know how well you two work together. Then I thought about you and about how incredibly smart you are and how it would go to such a waste if it couldn’t help other people.”
The praise made Castiel blush. Sure, Cas was smart but he also was kind of a rebel. Always making it a point to stick away from the social norm. But he made sure that everything he did, no matter how crazy or fun, it would never compromise his intelligence. Ms. Hanscum was still rambling on about how impressive Cas’ test scores were last year and to Cas it just went in one ear and out the other.
“So back to my original point… Dean Winchester.” She paused for a moment waiting for a response.
“What about him,” Cas asked nonchalantly.
“He’s smart. I know it… but he’s got this bad rap. He is under a tremendous amount of pressure to be perfect. He is the star of the football team and popular… he is under the microscope of this entire school and everyone expects beyond greatness from him. But his grades are slipping; he barely passed my class last year. I think he’s dumbing himself down to look cool. Like some cracked up joke that makes his friends laugh. I’d hate to see him fail over something so immature. So I think it is time for him to surround himself with other types of people.”
“Other people,” Cas asked curiously.
“Yes. People like you. People that aren’t afraid to be themselves or to take risks when they seem scary.”
“Okay,” said Castiel, still confused about her main point. “What exactly do you want me to do about this?”
“So I not only want you to be his project partner this year but I also want you to tutor him… and maybe think about spending time with him outside of school. You know… show him what life can be like beyond this town. There is a whole other world out there and I know you know this... I even hear from Charlie you are thinking of going to college in California.” Ms. Hanscum stood back up and started to organize her desk.
“But Dean doesn’t even know I exist. I don’t even know what I would say to the guy beyond giving him a few book suggestions. We come from two completely different worlds…”
“Exactly,” smiled Donna. “That is what I am hoping for… I know you can do this, Castiel. Just be yourself and everything else will fall into place.” She finished packing up her book bag and started to head out the door. “Thanks again for doing this, Castiel. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Castiel sat for a moment trying to figure out how it was possible to have agreed to this without even saying yes during that entire conversation. He shrugged it off, gathered his things and left the classroom. He was half way down the hall when he saw Lisa leaned on the lockers with Dean pressed against her. Of course, they were making out… typical. Head cheerleader dating the captain of the football team. Their school might as well have been the site for a bad teen RomCom movie. Castiel tried to avert his eyes as much as possible and scurried by them unnoticed. He was suddenly stopped short by a captivating voice. It was deep and smooth like a well-aged whiskey. 
“Hey, Cas! Wait up!”
“Huh? Me? Oh… Hello, Dean.”
“So I guess Ms. H talked to you about tutoring me after school, huh,” Dean commented through his side smile. Castiel noticed his perfect teeth and smooth lips. God, that was annoying.
“Yeah, she mentioned it I guess,” lied Castiel. “You knew about that?”
“Mhm… she asked me if I’d be cool with it yesterday.” Castiel was surprised. He didn’t think Dean even knew who he was, let alone have the guy talk about him with their teacher. He even used the shortened version of his name. “So did you agree? I could really use the help with this class.”
Then Cas realized that Ms. H probably only talked to Dean about the tutoring part of the deal, not so much the being friends part. He figured he’d spare the guy the embarrassment and act as if he knew the same.
“Yes. Of course, I’ll help you,” Cas said sternly but with a small smile.
“Great! That’s awesome… thanks, man.” Dean slapped Cas on the shoulder and he practically fell over from the impact. “This is going to be a great year.”
Castiel would later come to realize this was true. He just didn’t know it yet.
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Hot Tub and Scotch
Pairing: Arthur Ketch x Reader
Words: 770
Warnings: Alcohol, drunk reader, drunk ketch, gentle smut
Note: Requested by @faith-in-dean for my Fic Prompt Game! (Ketch x Reader, hot tub, drinks) I’m still accepting prompts for the game if you’d like to send some in! Happy Reading!
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Deciding to take the weekend off, you’d bought a couple bottles in a variety of alcohol and brought them back to the bunker. With two giant brown paper bags in your arms, you sauntered through the library and set them on the table.
“(Y/N)! Did you know there is a freakin’ hot tub back here?” Dean’s excited howl came from down the hall. He finally was able to unlock a door to a room that was warded up since you all discovered the bunker.
“Fuck,” you stated under your breath, “I forgot the scotch!” Just then a loud knock came from the entrance door. “Damn it, Sam. Did you forget your keys?”
You opened the door haphazardly, already assuming it would be Sam. To your surprise, the arrogant British Men of Letters guy that aggravated you endlessly stood at the door with his hands behind his back.
“Hello, love.” He smirked and leaned against the door frame. Fuck. You hated that his shirt and jacket were so tight on him. He may have been a dick, but damn he had a good body.
“What the hell are you doing here? How did you find us?”
“Your location is no secret to us. You must know that,” he said condescendingly.
“Okay, bye.” Trying to close the door, Ketch’s tattooed hand caught it before it shut.
“Now, now… no need to be cross,” he smirked.  You sighed, hoping he would get the picture and leave. “I’m here in peace. I’ve brought you a little something. A bit of my favorite scotch.”
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“(Y/N)? Is that Sam at the door? Tell him it’s his turn to wash the dishes!” Dean got to the top of the stairs and the moment he saw Ketch, he pulled out his gun. “What the-”
“Dean, it’s fine. Arthur is just here to drop something off.”
“Well, now that I’m here, there’s no use in letting a good affair pass us up, right?” Ketch slid his way in until Dean blocked him with his arm.
“Nuh huh. I don’t think so. Where do ya think you’re going?”
“To open up this bottle. Can I pour you a glass?” Ketch pushed his way in past Dean and brushed your lower back softly before heading down the stairs.
Somewhere between your third and sixth drink, you found yourself playing strip poker with Ketch and unfortunately you were losing. You were down to your bra and underwear when your drunk ass came up with the great idea to go into the hot tub.
Sipping on a glass of neat scotch, your eyes squinted, too buzzed to keep them fully open. Ketch, on the other hand, seemed perfectly sober, although he had had as many, if not more drinks than you. Somehow you forgot the fact that hot water and drinking alcohol doesn’t mix. Now, you could practically feel the scotch run through your veins. The jets of the spa bubbled up foam and floated delicately across your chest. Arthur made no attempt at hiding the fact that he was staring at you. Complete with lust blown eyes and a smirk that made you want to bite his lips.
Next thing you knew, you were straddling his lap, grinding up against his hard cock while he nipped and sucked at the base of your neck. He growled in your ear and bucked his hips up meeting yours, splashing water everywhere. Things started to slow down once he started to rub your clit through the single thin layer of lace. The biting and nipping became sucking and licking. One of his hands moved slowly up from your waist into your now wet hair and tugged firmly.
Ketch gave you one more deep kiss and then reluctantly pulled away. He sighed and pressed his forehead to yours. You tried to talk but you slurred your words and he pressed a single finger to your lips for silence. Standing up, he held you close to his body and you securely wrapped your legs around his waist. Arthur climbed out of the hot tub, still carrying you and grabbed a nearby hanging towel to cover you both.
After he dried the both of you off, he laid you gently on the bed and covered you with the blanket. Nearly fully drifted off into a warm sleep, you smiled up at him and pulled him down for a sloppy kiss. He chuckled and pull away again. As he walked to the door, he sighed, unsatisfied. Arthur Ketch turned back around to look at you one last time; daydreaming about the girl he desperately wants but will never have again.
Forever Tag List: @divinitycas @faith-in-dean @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @splendidcas @bkwrm523 @joanne-egberp @willowing-love @stephizzle94 @kittenofdoomage @a-sea-of-fandoms @chloemac86 @wayward-mirage @monkeymom6467 @lapfulofmisha @bananakid42 @ladyevvie @flowermisha @moonfighter1985  @mint-and-pastel-pink @abaddonwithyall @ilostmyshoe-79  @mrsjohnsmith  @mysupernaturalfics  @aprofoundbondwithdean  @feelmyroarrrr  @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki  @winchesterprincessbride  @teamfreewilllovesyou  @nathaliabakes  @jensensfreckleddick  @thetardishasaquidditchpitch  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @reallyscj  @crowley-trash   @grace-for-sale  @miss-whatshername  @girl-next-door-writes    @winchesterforever12   @chaos-and-the-calm67  @mancamonster  @get-royally-fucked  @winchesterforever12  @redmine-phantomhive  @march-mallow  @supernaturalsuniverseinwriting  @hey65356  @kjerstival  @fairytalesexistxx  @castiel-barnes  @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname  @melbrandes  @hamartiamacguffin  
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castiel x reader, grass, bees, bugs
Castiel laid calmly in the middle of a poppy flower pasture. He picked up a wilted flower and gently pressed two fingers to the soft sunset colored petals. Instantly, the small flower came back to life and he twirled it between his rough fingers. 
“Castiel?” You called out to your soulmate, searching through the grassy fields.  At the top of the hill, there was a man shaped dent in the ocean of flowers. Bees buzzed in sync over the spot and you knew that’s where you would find your angel. He was humming a song that you didn’t know and the bees danced happily around, working hard at collecting pollen. 
“There you are, Cas! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” You laid down next to your love and laced your fingers with his. “You know, that whole longing thing doesn’t go both ways. When you disappear, I still have to search for you.”
“Apologies, Honeybee.” Cas looked to you and squinted with the sun in his eyes. “What do you say we head back to the bunker?” 
“Sounds a like a plan.”
Instead of standing back up to walk to the bunker, you stretched your arms high above your head and then winked at Castiel. Pushing your body forward, you rolled down the grassy hill, giggling the whole way down. Confused, Castiel sat up, tilted his head and squinted his eyes again. 
“Come on, Cas! Try it. It’s fun!” 
Determined to do this correctly, Cas buttoned up his trench coat for maximum speed. He laid down in the same pencil straight fashion as you had just done moments ago. But instead of laughter coming from the angel, deep grumbles and tiny ‘ouches’ were what Cas chose to express. 
“That was extremely unpleasant.” 
“What? That is so much fun, Cas. How could you call that unpleasant?”
“How can you call rolling down a hill full of rocks, bugs, and dirt, fun? I think I rolled over a few of Father’s creations. I better go check.”
“No! Cas, it’s okay. The bugs are fine. Come on, I think I know something better that you’ll enjoy.”
Taking him by the hand you walked side by side down the gravel path toward a tire swing. A big smile wiped across the angel’s face. He dropped your hand and ran to the swing. I’d be hard to forget the cheerful whooping sound that came from Castiel. For the rest of the afternoon, you sat on the grass, watching your beloved angel swing back and forth with the wind in his hair. 
Fic Prompt Game!
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Mr. Ketch x Reader, hair, screams :P
His fingers entwined with the locks of your soft hair. The hair tie that held it up in a ponytail was tossed aside to the floor only moments ago. The time between the when the vampire’s fangs pierced your neck and the sight of its head rolling on the floor was faster than your brain could comprehend. Your screams were still ringing in his ears when he kneeled to the ground in front of you. Arthur wasn’t able to hold back his tears when he finally held you in his arms. His lips were chapped and he was covered in blood, but with his lips against yours, nothing else mattered. 
Fic Prompt Game!
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Send in 2 to 4 SINGLE WORDS with a character or pairing and I will write you a little something :) (ex. Love, Stars, Champagne with Castiel x Reader)
I’m doing this to get some motivation back so I can actually finish writing the fics I started hahaha 
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Fic Prompt Game
The game is to give me 2-4 word only prompts with a character or pairing and I will write something :)
Smutty Wings Morning 
Anxiety New Years Cellphone, Dancing Alcohol 
Wings Worried Amazed 
Impala Pain Feelings 
Fluffy Plus-sized Insecurities 
Loud Sex 
First Time Love 
Cuddling Spooning
Grass Bees Bugs 
Hair Screams 
Other Characters
Love Beautiful Dreams (Lucifer)
Sneaking Out Stargazing Love bites (Gabriel)
Safety Home Rescue (Gadreel)
Rainy Day Cuddles (Lucifer x Cain)
Fire Camping Stars (Dean x Benny)
More coming soon!
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I’m writing Sam angst and I fucking love it. I need to write more Sam.
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Imagine taking Cas into Victoria's Secret...
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“And… what is that one?” Castiel looks nervously around the store. The walls lined with multi colors bras and underwear in all shapes and sizes.
“It’s called a g-string.” You picked it up off the rack and handed it to the angel.
“This material couldn’t sufficiently cover it’s job…” He squinted and pulled at the string fabric. 
“Um, that’s not what it’s really meant for anyways,” you giggled, “It’s more of a fashion choice.” 
You walked down the isle of the bras that were on sale. Picking up a few and handing them to Cas so you could try them on later. His hands were full and was starting to run out of places to carry anything else. 
“Okay… I better stop while I’m ahead. Let me go try these on. You can wait here, I’ll just be a few minutes.” 
Cas piled the lingerie into your arms and sat down on the seats just outside the fitting rooms. Sitting next to him was a man who looked uncomfortable and had five other shopping bags in his lap. The man gave Castiel a simple knowing nod and the angel smiled in return. 
A bright gold sign grabbed Castiel’s attention out of the corner of his eye. Five for twenty-five? Good deal, he thought. He walked over to the table of fanned out underwear and squinted in overwhelmed confusion. 
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“Can I help you,” a squeaky voice asked from behind him. 
“Um, I’m not sure.”
“Are you shopping for a special friend?” She smiled and gestured toward the table full of lingerie. 
“I suppose I could.” Cas picked up a black laced boyshort and stretched it out, examining it’s strength.  
“Great, well that one is a good start! This table is a great deal. You can’t go wrong here. Do you need some recommendations?” 
“I would appreciate that. I have no knowledge of this sort of thing.”
“Okay! Let me see… how about this one… and this… and oh this is so cute! And last but not least, this! Oh I’m sure your friend is going to love these! I know I would.” 
“Thank you, Amy.”
“You’re welc- how did you know my na-?”
“Hey, Cas!” You interrupted, skipping toward him, ready to check out. “Ready to go?”
“Yes, (Y/N).” He smiled and grabbed the clothing you decided were worth purchasing. “Thank you again, Amy.” He waved to her goodbye and smiled. Amy smiled reluctantly and waved, shaking off the confused feeling and turned back to work. “(Y/N), wait outside. I’ll purchase these.” Cas headed over to the cashier and you walked across the way to get a pretzel. 
When you got back to the bunker, Dean and Sam were working away doing research for a hunt. You tossed Sam a bag of food you picked up on your way back home and set the Victoria Secret bags on the table. 
“Ooo la la… did a bit of shopping there did ya, (Y/N),” teased Dean.
“Shut your pie hole, Dean.”
“There is no need to be jealous, Dean. I got us all something.”
“Uh… I’m sorry, what?” Stunned and confused, Dean paused mid chew on his burger. 
Castiel pulled out the red tissue paper that topped the shiny bag and grabbed the items he bought. First, he tossed black booty shorts to Sam. Then a couple thongs to you and finally pink lacy hipsters to Dean. The angel was beaming and the smile on his face went from ear to ear. 
“The young lady at the store, of which I still couldn’t figure out it’s secret, said that these would be perfect for my special friends. I think we all deserve a nice gift after this long year.” Cas smiled and held up one rather skimpy one that he planned on keeping for himself.
Dean opened his mouth, likely about to make a snarky remark when he looked up and saw you holding your finger to your mouth in a hush motion. Why ruin this for Cas? He was happy enough even though the poor thing didn’t realize giving your friends lingerie wasn’t a social norm. 
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“Yeah, uh… thanks, Cas. I guess,” grumbled Dean. He wouldn’t admit it but the soft silk felt great between his fingers and he would definitely be trying them on in the privacy of his own room later that night. 
“Ha! Yeah, thanks, Cas…but these are normally for…,” said Sam. 
“It’s a fashion choice, Sam!” Cas grabbed the boy shorts from the moose’s hand and held it up to the light. “Obviously…” 
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Gif Submitted by @riversong-sam
It was just a game. A tease you could also call it. Something you planned for weeks now and was sitting in the back of your mind. But when Dean came home wearing that fitted white button down with his gun holster swung around his shoulder, you fell weak in the knees. After hanging up his coat, he finally glanced up at you while taking off his cuff links. 
“That was a risky little game you were playing, sweetheart.” He set his cufflinks on the table and began to loosen his tie. “Sending me those messages while I am in the middle of a meeting? And then that picture. I told you not to touch yourself until I got home.��� He came so close to you, almost pressed against your body. “You broke the rules.” Now backed up against the wall, you had no where to escape. His hands were pressed to the wall, trapping your head in place. Then his strong hands gripped your hips and flipped you around. Dean’s silk tie pulled your wrists behind your back and he tied it into a bow. “And now, you must be punished.” 
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Castielxreader: fluffy, wings, he's worried, she's amazed
It was too dangerous to be walking around in his true form. But he couldn’t stand it anymore. As amazing as his vessel was, it was terribly confining and uncomfortable. At every chance he could get, Cas would find a deserted forrest and take a long walk. The angel needed to stretch out his wings. To allow each feather to dance in the wind, to breath fresh air and shine in the light. 
He stops to talk with a bird perched on a snowy branch. The small bird complains of the lack of food from the winter and Castiel reaches into his pocket, pulling out a piece of bread. Gladly, he offers up the loaf and smiles when the bird flies away.
The snap of branch startles Cas back into alert. His angel blade drops into hand and he backs himself against a tree. Listening carefully, he scans his surroundings for any danger. He expects to find a demon but instead he see two soft eyes peaking out from a hallowed out tree trunk. The eyes were big and glossy, amazed at what they were gazing upon. Never in a lifetime had they seen something so magnificent. The sheer size of the wings could stretch across acres of land. 
Castiel looked back in those eyes, bewildered. How was a human watching him in this form of in between? Her eyes did not burn, her mind did not scream; she just simply stared. 
Then it clicked. This before him. This extraordinarily alluring human...was his soulmate. 
Ask Game!
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Gadreel x reader Safety, home, rescue
Before the days of the Garden, Gadreel was quiet, introverted and simple. Before he was given the impossible task of guarding the Garden and protecting the first man and first woman, he focused on his faith. He was undemanding, easily pleased and acted as a mentor to many young angels. 
The day he saved you, a seraph, from a corrupt angel that was torturing you, his ranking in Heaven sky rocketed. He was praised and honored as a hero. God himself gave him more duties and responsibilities. He held his head up high the day he was given the task to watch over the Garden. 
Gadreel’s only weakness was you. Love was something encourage in Heaven, but once he accepted to his lifelong task, he vowed to never love anything as much as he should love mankind. But all in secret, the two of you never parted. You’d meet whenever possible and pray to one another while the other angels kept distracted. His over protective grace watched over you through the ages. But somewhere in between Lucifers corruption, his own corruption and of God’s disappearance, he became lost to you. Lost in the cloud of desire and power. 
Some believe his shame and embarrassment came from his deception of mankind. But in truth, his shame came from loosing you. The night the angels fell and he heard of your death, he became determined to have a new life. One he would be proud to show you. The moment he heard, Dean Winchester pray for help, he felt a whisper in his heart in the sound of your voice saying, “Go to him.” 
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ask game
Send me an ASK with a single character or pairing. Any of the sort (ie xReader or two characters). Then type a few words, 5 words max. No sentences! Just words to give me inspiration. It can be fluff, angst or smut! I will write a paragraph or a more to go with it all :) 
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Aw damn lol hmm.. maybe the cuddling/spooning instead? :) Also can I be added to your forever tag?
Dean was on the run doing Chuck only knows what with Crowley. The bunker was awkwardly quiet and Castiel and Sam could barely look up from their cheap bowls of soup.
Castiel still was not accustomed to eating three meals a day but this can of chicken noodle soup seemed to do the trick while he felt tired and sick. So you stocked up on cans of it for the bunker. Sam of course resorted to a shake yourself salad and after some convincing, took a cup of soup along side of it.
The angel wallowed his way back to your shared room a fell onto the bed, not even bothering to get underneath the covers. He whined and curled himself into a ball, flipping through static covered infomercials. The hint of a smile broke through his face when he saw you walk through the door.
“How are you feeling, my love,” you asked gently.
“Hmmm… I’m fine. How’s Sam? I’m doing everything I can to locate Dean.”
“I need you to worry about yourself, Cas. Don’t worry about Sam. I’ll take care of it. And Dean… he’ll be back when he’s ready.” Castiel sighed in response. Too weak to lift his head and nod. “I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. I hate to see you so weak. I’m worried. You need to relax and rest,” you tremble out with a worried tone.
Cas motioned you over to him with a curl of his fingers and scooted on the bed to make room.
“Just you…”
“Hm? I don’t…” you said confused.
“Just you… all I need. Come here.”
You laid down in front of Castiel’s warm body. The curves of your body molded perfectly against his, and his arms wrapped over you pulling you close. Hot breath ghosted over your ear and Castiel’s hand rubbed your side. He spooned you tight and nuzzled his face into your hair.
“Mmmm… yes. Just you. All I need.”
Castiel fell asleep peacefully for the first time since he’d returned and become human. The sound of his heartbeat and the feeling of his hand around your wrist drifted your own mind into a dream filled night.
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