#nettle vibes
diddlysquash · 10 months
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I got a commission from @littlestpersimmon of my beloved Nettle! I’m so in love with everything about it, my little fae ranger looks amazing
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
As much as Snowpea is great I do wanna throw some love out there for Nettle too. She's got great goblin design and everything I've seen with her in it has been real fun.
thank you! I have fun drawing her.
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(shirt inspired by a real one seen on @shiftythrifting, one of the best blogs on this website)
(also her gnoll friend's name is Sweet Pea, not Snow Pea, but that's ok Snow Pea could be a cute nickname)
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summerwages · 1 year
standing ovation..
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ride-thedragon · 4 days
So I'm gonna post the alicole fic tomorrow, but it's Pride Month, and I refuse to post only two straight ships (even if I believe the women are sapphic) it's a bad look. So I'm gonna write a sapphic one shot or two, and like always you get too, I'm making a poll for it.
The two most popular get it.
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iambecomeafangirl · 4 months
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Books I’ve read in 2024
JANUARY |  T. Kingfisher "Nettle & bone" 🐓🌿🦴🐶
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
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Nettles👩🏾🐑-Fire & Blood 🔥🐉
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nettleandthorne · 9 months
great british bake off on my tv: wow, look at all these beautiful cakes! such interesting flavours! paul hollywood gave a woman a hug! what a wholesome summery vibe!
me in my WIP doc: each strut of bone is painfully delicate in the way it weaves through the flesh of the beast, and the gravedigger hopes with rising horror that they cannot be its ribs; how can it bear to stand, with bones as thin and as brittle as sugar? how can it not be in pain from the way its skeleton bares itself, yellow-white and awful and cutting through its skin, to the ice and moonlight of the air?
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mosswolf · 4 months
im listening to nettle and bone atm which is my first t kingfisher book and im enjoying, it has seanan mcguire vibes it's fun!! however. i have absolutely nothing to base this on but i am so sure the author must either be/have been active on tumblr. i dont know why i think this. there's nothing specific??? but just. The Accent
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acewithapencil · 2 years
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Baela asking Nettles all about dragon riding (thanks for the sketch suggestion @nobodysuspectsthebutterfly!)
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libraryleopard · 1 year
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Adult fantasy novel
Dark fairytale about a princess-turned-nun/midwife who sets out on a quest to kill her sister's abusive husband with the help of a necromancer, a disgraced knight, a fairy godmother, an undead dog made of bones, and a demonic chicken
Feminist rage and sinister magic alongside a motley crew of characters and an understated romance
Main character of color
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diddlysquash · 4 months
song that is pretty accurate to the character’s story for Nettle and song that just kind of is the character’s vibe for Merry Thing?
Thanks for asking!!
Song that is pretty accurate to Nettle’s story would probably have to be Sleeping Giants by The Crane Wives right now
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And a song that just kinda is Thing’s vibes would probably be Strong Shoulders by Caroline Smith & The Good Night Sleeps
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I’m realizing this would have been easier the other way around, most of Nettle’s playlist is Vibes and Thing’s tend to be more narrative inspired, but this was a fun one!
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frittercrittern · 6 months
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Sona notes! Specifically on wings, because a couple of them can actually make them happen.
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novelconcepts · 1 year
I usually really like the things you recommend, so instead of just picking one myself— which of the T. Kingfisher stories would you pick to read first if you’ve never read anything by them before?
Ooh. The order in which I listed the books is the order I read them—Nettle first, What Moves back in January, finished Good Bones a few minutes ago. Good Bones has the most modern setting, so if you’re uncertain, that might be the most “comfortable” jumping off place, so to speak.
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spectrum-color · 2 years
Ok wow I literally make a post about how creepy and potentially bad Fitz’s Skill contact dream was and then it’s revealed that the one reaching out is Nettle
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
I'm honestly worried about the shows portrayal of Nettles and Daemon's relationship not just because of the writers but also, Matt Smith, from what I've seen he is a pro Daemyra shipper so he probably doesn't want anything going on between Daemon and Nettles. People say he cares so much about Daemon's portrayal and yet we've seen complete injustice to how Daemon is around the family he's created with Laena which in the books showed a different more caring side to Daemon. So yeah no hope there since Matt Smith seems to only care about the relationship between Daemon and Rhaenyra. I also don't think we're going to see any scenes with him and his daughters either probably just Baela but that's it.
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No dig at you anon, but if it’s one thing I’ll give Dumbnyra stans credit for it’s running a good campaign on how much their crap ship is supported by the actors(well Matt because anytime Emma says something they go back to crying about how much E doesn’t understand the character) and show-runners(one moment they are praising the likes of Sara Hess then the next they are stating how much they hate her or convincing themselves that Dumbnyra “pays the bills” while bashing Ryan Condal🤣).
Despite what the crazies say, Matt does not seem like a Dumbnyra shipper. Case in point, I remember at the beginning of the year when they got upset over him saying this in the shows BTS book, House of the Dragon Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty:
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But then they tried to pivot and say that he still somehow ships Dumbnyra despite him saying that their relationship is not built solely off of pure romantic love. He also said this in the recent Deadline article:
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Take these quotes as you will, but Matt always mixes in how much Daemon’s love for Viserys influences his relationship with Rhaenyra(aka Daemon sees Rhaenyra kinda as a vessel for his love of his brother).
You should also consider that Matt (and Emma) are pretty good actors and have chemistry with pretty much everyone else on the show… except each other 🙃(And somebody better not come in here talking about “mature chemistry” because if that’s your idea of “chemistry” please go watch Scandal see Olivia and Fitz, which had two overly grown people who had loads of chemistry, then come back to me 😊).
They aren’t playing them like two people in love so if Matt is a Dumbnyra shipper he’s doing a poor job of showing it. To me, it comes off like he doesn’t want to rock the boat too much.
And don't forget that most of Daemon’s storyline so far has been focused on Viserys(who's dead now) and his proxy Rhaenyra(who he physically abused).
We only got one full episode with him and Laena which the show-runners butchered(and Matt still had more chemistry on screen with Nanna than Emma). Matt can only work with what they give him(plus no one asks him about anyone but Rhaenyra and Viserys), but by season 3 unless they drastically change the storyline, Daemon and Nettles’ relationship takes center stage 🤷🏽‍♀️
At the end of the day, the one who has the final say in Daemon and Nettles happening is Ryan Condal and he is no friend of Dumbnyra(dude might be a bigger Dumbnyra hater than me at this point because he hates how those fans act )🤷🏽‍♀️
As far as scenes with Baela and Rhaena go, again that’s up to the showrunners, but I hope that we do see Daemon behaving like an actual father to them🤞🏽
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nettleandthorne · 8 months
spotify's recommendations on my WIP playlist really aren't hitting; does anyone have advice on any better music recommending tools?
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