#neurodivergent coded
sleepii-freddie · 10 months
The thing about being neurodivergent coded in a way is funny for me because I don't actually know if I'm neurodivergent or not. I even got myself diagnosed and the results I got were ambigious. I'm always wary to call myself Autistic or with ADHD because I don't want to use a label that doesn't apply to me, and I also don't want to harm or upset people who actually have a form of neurodivergence and know it.
I should probably not call myself anything for now, and check in with the person who diagnosed me to ask about the results again.
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advoir · 11 months
Columbo is coded neurodivergent. Every case becomes a special interest. He literally loses sleep over the smallest detail until it has an explanation. He says things like, "There must be something wrong with me. I seem to bother people, I seem to make them nervous." He has a logical reason for everything he does, but his behavior is read as quirky or awkward. He's naturally very considerate, but often clueless about social etiquette. He wears the same clothes every day because everything else feels wrong. He doesn't like to try new foods.
It's nice to see a neurodivergent-coded adult with obvious social "deficits" appreciated, even celebrated, for their contributions.
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scarefox · 9 months
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I hate how Boq is hated for not being able to take the hint that G(a)linda doesn’t like him without her outright saying it.
Oh, you mean the socially awkward character who freaks out when touched, wore the same hat for 4 years straight, and sometimes does these repetitive little movements with his fingers can’t take a hint?
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I find it hilarious when people say yellow guy from dhmis is autistic coded as if the other two main characters aren't also. Full disclosure I'm not autistic to my knowledge at least but hear me out I fuckin dare you to watch the the last episode of the web series when red guy had the desk job or the family episode and tell me this man is neurotypical or duck in the job episode or death.
I could be wrong tho so if any of my autistic homies wanna back me up on this please do
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diazpatcher · 6 months
I've said it before I'll say it again
Lucy Chen is sooooo Adhd coded
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zyphrr44 · 2 years
After watching "Everything Everywhere All At Once", here are some instances that stood out to me as a Neurodivergent/person with OCD.
Spoiler Alert!!! for anyone who hasnt managed to see it yet
The way the "Verse Jumping" tech works & feels:
• Alpha Waymond gives Evelyn a specific set of instructions to be able to Verse Jump.
• He then explains that you have to do basically weird shit coz that would facilitate the mechanics of verse jumping, because doing so is just pure madness and that's exactly why it works.
• Alpha Waymond tries to paper cut his fingers a specific amount of times for it work correctly.
This is too much like doing an OCD ritual, where an individual faces compulsion to do a ritual or something a particular way for something to go a certain way (as OCD makes you think that way).
The way Alpha Gong Gong's team tries to Verse Jump also is similarly chaotic to facilitate such a thing.
• The way Evelyn peers into other versions of herself and lives, or accesses other versions skill set, that leaves both herself or her other selves having lost sense of time and space, feels a lot like dissociation.
I sometimes think/daydream scenarios and I get lost in them. So much I start to think I am in them and do actions like as if I am, as such forgetting momentarily or not having one foot in reality and it takes me a second to ground myself back again.
• Also how Jobu Tupaki feels about everything or herself, feels so ND-coded to me.
Ik Evelyn Wang canonically has ADHD (because Daniel Kwan has it) or atleast coded like that,
I just wanted to point out certain scenes that stood out to me as a Neurodivergent individual.
Will reblog this post more, if I come across other scenes that stand out like this to me
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flyndragon · 2 months
I love the idea of jedi babies with psychometry just.... latching onto random things that have good memories attached and carrying it around like a teddy bear. Like baby Quin found a spatula with a memory of a kid and their parent lovingly making cookies in it and he slept with a dollar store spatula for the next 3 years. Cal found some silverware that a happy group of friends used for all of their special occasions, so his pockets end up full of comfort spoons. and forks. and butter knives.
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avelera · 8 months
Man, there’s all these little beats in OFMD S2 1-3 where people keep EXPECTING Stede to be upset or horrified about Ed’s actions and then he’s just. Not. In a way that reminded me of how a lot of fanon kept softening Stede into someone who doesn’t swear and is horrified at Ed for setting those ships on fire when imo to my eyes he was horrified for Ed because Ed was still so clearly distressed about it.
- Zheng Yi Sao asks Stede how he’s doing now that he knows Ed did horrible things to his crew and there’s this beat and Stede just pivots to, oh yeah, sometimes Ed is troubled. Like it didn’t occur to him to be upset on the crew’s behalf he’s worried about Ed.
- Izzy keeps trying to spare Stede’s feelings and cover up Ed’s spiral, but Stede clocked what was going on with Ed immediately and wasn’t the least bit intimidated or bothered. The knives brought the room together. Of course Ed’s trying to burn the world down or die trying. Duh. And I genuinely don’t think the STUFF in the Revenge mattered even a fraction to Stede as much as the signs of Ed’s breakdown broke his heart. It’s just STUFF, who cares.
- Lucius had to SPECIFICALLY call out Stede for not being surprised or bothered by what happened to him. What Ed did. Stede has to almost consciously remind himself to express polite concern. He just doesn’t actually care, instinctively or automatically, about what happened to Lucius. Part of it is he blames himself more than Ed. Part of it is he just doesn’t care, Ed is the priority.
They’re little blink and you’ll miss it pauses in some cases. Micro-expressions. The absence of a reaction. But honestly, I will scream it to the end of time, Stede is not some nonviolent creampuff scared or upset by Ed’s evil ways. He wants to join Ed in the atrocities. The man ran away to become a pirate. He asked if Lucius was taking notes during a murderous raid.
Stede’s at least a little on some kind of whackadoodle pirate comedy neurodivergence spectrum to the point where he actually really actually struggles to empathize with people, even people he cares about!, if their feelings conflict with his hyperfixation (piracy) and the love of his life (Ed Teach). He’s always, ALWAYS going to pick Ed over Lucius or Izzy or his crew or even his own feelings, if the option is there. He will literally throw himself overboard to get to Ed’s side. No pause. No consideration of anyone else or even his own safety.
Stede sometimes seems to have to consciously remind himself things like, oh yeah, the crew, I need to see to them. Not because he’s heartless or doesn’t care, but because it takes a bit of conscious effort for him to see beyond the laser-focused spotlight of what and who he does care most about, he has to remind himself of social niceties and other people’s feelings (just see him running away in the first place!) when he gets an idea in his head. It’s as if he had to train himself to consciously care about some things other people care about and as a neurodivergent person myself, that felt very familiar in a comedically writ large sort of way. I’d even argue that’s where all his aristocratic social niceties come from. They were his guidebook for how to do things “right” in a world that otherwise made no sense to him outside his hyperfixations. He practiced being a person through the aristocratic training because it was all so foreign to him from the start, including caring, actually caring, about the needs of others. Not because he’s consciously evil or consciously a jerk. The instinct just isn’t there unless he practices at it until it becomes reflex to ask how others are doing, because on his own his brain just doesn’t really notice or care.
I just… hope the fandom notes and has as much FUN as I do noticing all the little moments where even people inside the story of OFMD expect Stede to act in a normal way and instead he remains unhinged, laser-focused on Ed.
Stede’s not just an Ed apologist, he truly doesn’t blame Ed for any of it. He blames only himself. He doesn’t always voice this but he really really only cares about anyone else including the crew as a DISTANT second and he has to consciously REMIND himself to do so. He is able to rally to take action, to care about their physical needs like safety during the rescue, but he still struggles, deeply struggles, to remember to show empathy in a non-performative way for anyone except his special person, Ed.
Stede’s not a creampuff, not a nice guy, not some emotionally or morally perfect angel. He has to consciously practice caring about literally anything else but what he wants to do and his special person. And to me that’s a thousand times more interesting than shoving him in a box labeled “the blond, pacifist do-gooder good guy” in their relationship.
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buglover77 · 1 year
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If I speak I’m in trouble
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theelmoarchive · 3 months
Guys I swear it's not Jay again I swear it's not-
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*this drops out of my pocket*
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purpleenma · 3 months
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When they do my boy wrong in SNW
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I noticed a funny little habit if Boq's and I thought it was a bit familiar.
I also noticed some other funny traits. For example, he's a little hyper fixated on Galinda, always wanting to be around her talk to her or about her. He can have trouble with boundaries and tends to get up in peoples faces. He can have trouble taking hints, maybe because he has problems reading social cues. He has had one or two emotional outbursts, like getting upset over Galinda constantly getting his name wrong.
wonder what that could mean.😉
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Jamie dyslexic, flappy hands, jumping up and down, i don't know I don't know I don't know, tiny shorts, comfortable clothing, hands in shirt/sleeves, dissociation depression anxiety, tongue thing, not picking up on social cues, can't sit "normally" (curled up on the bench, sitting on the floor, etc), explains his feelings in ways a lot of people think are funny or weird but are actually very accurate and the only way he knows how to describe them, needs to be constantly fidgeting and moving around chewing on hoodie string messing with his mom's pant leg, exaggerated facial expressions, sensory issues Tartt, my beloved
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anime-as-textposts · 3 days
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agrebel18 · 11 months
friendly reminder that the hexsquad was initiated because of three kids of color who found love and acceptance in each other after being considered ‘freaks’ especially adding that they all got mistreaten by the very limiting school system
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