#never apologize for sending me brainrot i love it all
enoughyi · 3 days
71 for the kiss prompt list 👀
#4: In A Position To Talk
Ship: Imelda Reyes x Poppy Sweeting (x f!MC (Julia Wright))
Summary: Poppy is always wary for each and either of them.
Prompt Number: 71. A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss. [>>>link to the list]
Word count: 740. Rating: G.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Hufflepuff pride? Yes. Also, a honourable mention of a certain Aesop Sharp.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @espressoristretto-patronum @caramel-hufflepuff
Everything Poppy knew about Quidditch she learnt on accident.
And facts, details, trivia, let alone girlfriends' experiences, all left her with a petty realisation she'd loved to keep her beloved women away from this pernicious game. Imelda's father lost his ability to walk to it. Julia could loose what remained of her health; granted, she stopped playing after the school was over, yet Imelda insisted on broom races held all across and around British Isles.
Her sound reasoning didn't find understanding from Poppy, however.
They both wanted what would be best for everyone but wasn't there less trauma-inducing sport to choose to upkeep staying fit?.. But if Julia seemed to like the activity, then, maybe, she knows better? She only looked sickly, yet her spirits were lively as ever; were, most days.
Questioning Imelda's choices at some point in life felt like a lecture.
Imelda wasn't a person to take it lightly but somehow, whenever a slightest concerned would jump from Poppy's lips in to the room's quiet ambiance, Imelda's reaction at it wouldn't ever turn volatile.
Instead, she'd sigh and in a carefully-picked-words manner explain worst things could happen to the best of the best regardless the skill. If Julia was present, the brief shadow of her silent comment was irrevocable to appear. Any subtle hint of Sharp's tragic recollection of events lead to his career severely dwindled and washed him ashore near Hogwarts's loch was enough for either to say It Is What It Is.
Poppy would always find a way to digress and say either should pay utmost attention. They weren't Aurors to face dangers obligingly. If they could help, they shouldn't provoke it? Needless, those perils.
Poppy had never anything to answer to the query of was she the one to talk after saving quite a few beast and from as young as she was only ten. Lost and surrendering to a defeat, Poppy would still catch on the lingering feeling of wary, "Julie, Melly. I worry sick about you."
They always helped to ease the tension but never enough to have her anxiety fully let go of. Was it the aftermath still present in the air, even after so much time have passed since the Spring of 1892.; or was it something else entirely, creeping into crevasses of her usual very much collected and some could say, insouciant demeanor, from the recent events of her professional life. Nobody really knew, but a few well-planted, wontly kisses would be of tremendous help.
Once, after Julia kissed them goodnight and went upstairs, Imelda suddenly followed Poppy on her seemed-resolved ask, "So do we. Each of us managed to secure a niche that is nothing but a guess how to navigate, didn't us. Don't worry, we've been unsinkable so far".
"I, I think you're right," Poppy answered. "But that doesn't answer my question. Ten years ago we could afford to be menaces on Hogwarts' behalf." Noticed Imelda preferred to change seats, she shifted a tad. "But not now. I understand we are all compensated well for what we do. But it is, I, I don't know, Imelda. Longer we live, less we can risk."
"Wise words, for the ripe old age of twenty five or six."
Before Imelda uttered an apology in a low brogue, her hands held on Poppy's, firmly. "Not a single bad thing will happen to me or to Julia, I can promise you that. What will happen to Ravenclaw on her own fly, though. She'll tell you herself."
Dry and soft touch of her lips to wrist send shivers up Poppy's arm, stuck warmly between shoulder blades. She couldn't resist Imelda's embrace, either, quickly burying face in her flowery-scented jumper.
A lovely while later, Imelda pressed her chin upwards, so they could kiss. Imelda shyly ushered her agitation away, sighed, "Love you," that breezed through strands of her loose hair.
Cutthroat girl she was, sometimes she interpreted the woes of others a little wrongly. What was it made Imelda feel she needed to be coy?
Poppy wriggled in her arms, adjusting herself to then suffocated her in that kiss, no less; and note to herself: ten years may already had passed, ten more will, twenty, fifty, infinity, but Imelda will always squint at her as if ferocious and feverish kisses, intently impressive on the very memory, were a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw's prerogative.
It was not.
Has never been.
Will not ever become.
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I'd imagine when Childe is away for Harbinger duties, you send letters to eachother, right?? Like everyone in Teyvat does. But Legacy cannot read and Ajax has a little difficulty relaying your messages to him without being able to interact with him (other than like,, shared feelings that Legacy can distinguish as something associated with you). :(((
So instead you figure out to send something for both of them each time. So it's always something like:
A letter and a few photos of you.
A letter and a homemade food (if distance allows it).
A letter and a few trinkets that reminded you of them both.
A letter and a sweater of yours, if only for cuddling and carrying your comforting scent to them, since Legacy definitely cannot fit into human clothes haha. (Childe can and will wear it around for extra comfort though, to Legacy's delight.)
A letter and a few handcrafted origami from the lady that taught you today down the street.
A letter and a plead suggestion to buy Legacy a specific thing on your behalf because he's too far away and only letters can be delivered to his current location, to your dismay.
It's always a letter for Ajax and a little treat for Legacy. So he doesn't miss you so terribly while they're both away from home.
Also I'm really sorry for flooding your inbox dear Wifi I just got really excited you answered my ask and good ideas happen to come to me all together<3
this is absolutely ADORABLE, i'm eating this like a delicious meal
you can bet your life that Childe and Legacy keep all the letters and items you send them, even if it's completely inconvenient due to being on a mission or something- Childe even has a small box he brings to store everything you send so he can keep them safe. Legacy's not let out much apart from battle, especially if they're on a mission or back at Fatui HQ, so he cherishes the moments in the evening where he's allowed to stretch his limbs and admire the gifts you sent. if they're anything handmade, like origami or cards, he'll try to make one for you in return; or he'll find you some sparkly stones in exchange for flowers you've pressed! Legacy and Childe definitely sleep hugging the sweater you sent, it wards off the nightmares that plague their minds
Childe also makes sure to read your letters out loud so Foul Legacy can hear what you've written, always met with a symphony of delighted trills and chirps in his head when you say you miss both of them. they miss you so much, the void left by your absence not even filled by the thrill of fighting and bloodshed, and when you're reunited you get one of the tightest, warmest hugs you've ever received in your life. Childe manages to tell you everything that happened before Legacy hijacks his body to snuggle up to you, purring and smushing his cheek against yours. you help him put all the objects you sent on his favorite shelf- he insists that he wants them displayed there- before tugging you into his arms and falling asleep hugging you, head carefully positioned so his horns don't poke you. even when you wake up the next morning to Childe sleeping beside you, the arm that's wrapped around your waist is still sheathed in violent and black armor, the claws sharp but oh so delicate when against your skin
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Hello ! Glad to see you had a good time relaxing, you really deserved it for writing so many headcanons daily.
I was wondering it you could do how Faust would reacts to the main 6 breaking into the shop ? I love Faust a lot and wonder what her reacting would be. (would she get a knife to protect the shop lol)
Thank you !
The Arcana HCs: When M6 break into your shop (feat. Faust)
~ @the-loong-of-rain this is hilarious and chaotic and I love it so much, thanks for the prompt friend!! (I'm keeping it vague in the intro, so that Asra left Faust in the shop but any of the M6 could be the beloved) - brainrot ~
-- to set the scene --
You had just closed up the shop. Faust has been hanging out on your shoulders all afternoon after Asra dropped her off to run a mysterious errand, and now you're waiting for your beloved to return to you and for you to return the familiar to her master.
You head upstairs to get some water boiling for a nice cup of tea, and then you hear scraping at the shop's back door. You know you locked it. You know your beloved has a key. You grab a broom, unaware of Faust's expert tail pulling a knife from the cutting board behind you, and creep down the stairs to confront your intruder.
Oh, he remembers his lesson from last time
As soon as he manages to fasten the door behind him (lock picking is a tricky business) and make his way into the shop, he's calling out loud apologies and explanations for his behavior
"MC! My love! My light! It is I, your foolish lover, who forgot his key and was reduced to - no! Spare me!!"
You're a little surprised to see his eyes widen with only half-fake fear when you come into view. Next thing you know, he's down on his knees theatrically pleading for mercy from an unseen terror
"No! Not the knife! Not the creature of terror and torment!"
He rises from his knees when you start to laugh, but he keeps his hands out, slowly circling around you to get to the stairs
"But really, MC, could you - ah, could you tell the good lady-snake-Faust-warrior to put down her weapon? She's rather intimidating."
You glance at one of the nearby mirrors in time to see Faust with her tail wrapped around the handle of the knife, following Julian's every movement with its tip
You hold out your hand to the sneaky snake. "If you give me the knife I'll let you squeeze."
They could hear you moving around above them, but what really gives you away is the Mission Impossible theme song that Faust is humming in her head as you make your way down the stairs
One of Asra's greater weaknesses is his inability to pass up the chance to prank someone
Which is why, as you reach the bottom step, they jump out from around the corner with their arms up and one of the loudest roars they know how to make
Clearly, they did not think this through
He startles you so effectively that you jolt a step and a half backwards, which in turn sends Faust flying into the air (Weee!)
They're too busy laughing to see the broom respond to your burst of frenzied magic, sending its handle straight into his diaphragm
And then, as he's doubled over gasping for breath from both his laughter and the broom punch, Faust expertly lands on his back
... she still has her knife
Cue you struggling to hold in your laughter, still sprawled across the bottom step, as Faust threatens Asra never to scare you again
You both hear each other before you see each other
She hears you making your way down the stairs, and is already informing you of the situation by the time you walk into the shop broom in hand. However, she has her back turned as she speaks
"My apologies, my darling, it seems I foolishly misplaced the key you entrusted me with, and when you didn't hear my knock I was required to tinker with your lock and let myself ... in. ... darling?"
"Yes?" You're eyeing the door she came through, somehow looking even more secure than it did when you locked it, and it takes you a second to turn and meet her gaze
She's folding her lips into her mouth, eyes shining with amusement as she looks slightly to your right. "I didn't realize we had such a dignified warrior gracing us with her presence this evening."
You hear a loud clang as Faust drops her knife to wave her tail at Nadia in greeting, and rush to apologize as Nadia waves back
"I am so sorry, I didn't know she had -"
"Perfectly understandable, my love." She glances at your broom stick with a giggle. "You have a formidable security system."
He's been subtly visiting your shop to check on you for years, he knows how to get in without breaking or damaging anything
He's also pretty alert to his surroundings, so he hears you pause upstairs before slowly coming down and knows to expect you coming around the corner
Of course, he doesn't think to call out or make any kind of noise to let you know that it's him
So when you peek around the corner and see your worst fears confirmed in the form of a large, intimidating figure barely lit from the evening light outside, you stop thinking and swing
And Muriel, already focused on your movements and with years of combat reflexes, catches the broomstick in one hand and stops it mid-swing
There's a moment where you stare at him horrified, meeting his own shocked stare, and then to your surprise he's chuckling
"You're lucky Morga's not here to critique your form."
Somehow that makes you laugh too, which only ramps up when you both notice Faust's wide-open snake smile and waving murder weapon
She's already talking as she crosses the shop floor
Which is why, by the time she meets you on the stairs, you're leaning against the railing with (what you think is) a casual attitude, like she just caught you in the middle of sweeping the stairs
You don't expect the burst of laughter that meets you instead
"Portia? Is there something on my face?"
"The - the knife!" She giggles, and then throws up her hands in mock fear. "Danger noodle!" she squeaks breathlessly between cackles
You only get an idea of what she's referencing when you see the glint of Faust's knife out of the corner of your eye, as the snake waves it around wildly to make Portia laugh even harder
You eventually retrieve it and put it away while your beloved tells you about her day
"And then I realized that I forgot my key, so I had to pick the lock -"
"You picked my lock?!"
"Yes?" Portia pauses wide-eyed before her features melt into a mischievous grin. She pulls one of her many hair pins from her pony tail and holds it out. "Want me to teach you how?"
He's crouched only a few steps away from the door when you round the corner, and freezes completely when you make eye contact
"Lucio?" you ask, leaning your broom against the wall and walking forward. "Are you alright?"
"Peachy!" He squeaks, crab walking around you with a strained smile. "Nothing to see here! ... why does the snake have a knife?"
"Why does -" You whirl your head around to meet Faust's wide, innocent eyes as she drops her knife behind your back
You'd pursue the snake's misdeeds, but at that point you feel an unusually strong breeze passing through the shop. When you turn towards the back door you see it swinging idly on it hinges
"What happened to the door?" you ask
"It was like that when I got here?" Lucio's smile is looking more and more like a grimace as you approach the doorway and take a look at the lock
It looks like it's been clawed out of the wood by a frantic cat - or a metal gauntlet. You look back at your lover with a sigh
"I forgot my key and panicked, okay? It was an oopsie!"
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thebearchives · 2 years
slow days in monaco | PG10
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x single mom!reader
REQUESTED: [] yes [X] no
SYNOPSIS: a slow day in monaco is like a bad omen, or so you were told. what happens when formula 1 drivers pierre gasly and charles leclerc enter the café you work at and spark up a conversation with your son?
WARNINGS: fluff, son has a name (thomas), reader can speak both french and english (translations are included), probably more interactions between pierre and the kid (sorry, not sorry. I'm a sucker for guys interacting with kids)
A/N: hello, hello!! first post alert!!! i hope you guys enjoy what i came up with during my dad!pierre brainrot. please don’t be a ghost reader! i love getting feedback, even if it’s just a small comment :)
( originally, this was supposed to be a series, and i’m more than willing to write more parts to this, but i’m not entirely sure if that’s what people want. that being said, send me a message if you'd like another part and I'll see what i can do! )
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although there never truly was such thing as a slow and quiet day in a coffee shop in monte carlo, the mornings were just a little bit more mellow after the start of the formula 1 summer break. or at least they were to you.
this was your first year working at le pain d'amour, a bakery and coffee shop popular with tourists and natives alike, so you didn’t have much to go off of. you had started working there a couple of months prior to the monaco grand prix, and even three months later, you were still recovering from the weeklong madness. 
long gone were the mornings where you made coffee for f1 enthusiasts and team members alike. now, your mornings were spent serving tourists looking for a good instagram-worthy latte, and suit-clad men complaining about their early mornings and lack of vacation days.
unlike other days, today felt like your longest morning shift yet; halfway into your five-hour shift, with only about five customers sitting inside the cafe. ‘a slow day in monaco is like a bad omen,’ your coworker had said. to you, it just felt like torture.
another hour passed, the five customers long gone, now replaced with three individuals who sat scattered around the shop, all busy with their own devices. the bells above the front door chimed announcing the entrance of two men. with the way the two men loudly chattered in french, you doubted the need for the bells in the first place.
you moved from your spot leaning against the counter to the front cash register. your coworker, michelle, had stepped out not too long ago for her break, leaving the cafe in your very capable hands.
“bonjour! welcome to le pain d'amour, i can take your order whenever you guys are ready!” you channelled your best customer service voice and looked up. the smile you slapped onto your face faltered slightly when you realized the faces of the two men standing across from you.
there in front of you stood f1 drivers, charles leclerc and pierre gasly.
you snapped back into reality when charles opened his mouth, “bonjour! can i just get an iced coffee and a croissant sandwich?”
you nodded as you entered his order into the system, “and for you?”
your question was directed to pierre, who had been gazing at the (h/c)-haired boy sitting on one of the stools near the counter. his head snapped back to you, a smile following as he looked over your head at the menu. a quick apology left his lips as he requested some more time, before opting to get the same as his friend but with a cookie as well.
as you turned to make their orders, telling the men to take a seat wherever and that you would call them up whenever their order was ready, you missed pierre gesturing towards the young boy, pulling charles up to sit on the stools near the kid. the alpha tauri driver couldn’t help but miss his nephew as he watched the young boy colour his page with great focus.
the quiet clicks of keys, and the music playing over the speakers was now overshadowed by the aggressive sounds of a crayon scraping against paper and the sound of the two drivers chattering in french. although loud enough for others to hear them, the speed at which the two men spoke made it hard to understand what they were saying.
“maman, regardez ça.” mom, look at this.
you drew your eyes from the espresso machine to the five-year-old, thomas, and the paper held up in his hand. you absorbed the shapes and lines on the paper before looking at the boy who was smiling widely.
“devinez ce que c'est!” guess what it is!
his energy was palpable, no thanks to the three hours he had spent sleeping on the couch in the backroom while you worked outside. you looked back at the machine, noticing the coffee just barely starting to stream. 
you decided to entertain the boy, “hmm,” you furrowed your eyebrows in fake confusion, “est-ce un chien?” is it a dog?
“what?!” he gaped at you, “not even close! réessayer.” try again.
you giggled at the young boy’s exasperated face, “désolé, mon petit. je dois retourner au travail.” sorry, my child. i have to get back to work.
if it wasn’t for sanitary reasons, you would have reached over and ruffled his hair to get him to smile. instead, you resorted to calling out to him again, “stop pouting, amour.”
thomas grumbled, a mess of both french and english, albeit both sloppy, escaping his small lips.
a voice broke his muttering, “puis-je deviner?” can i guess?
both you and the boy looked over to where pierre sat, a small smile gracing his lips. you looked back at the young boy, eyes wide open and jaw slacked. 
you huffed a small laugh, “tommy, ferme ta bouche.” close your mouth.
thomas sat up straight, “you’re in f1!”
he turned to look at you, “maman!! driver! un pilote de course!” a racing driver!
it was endearing, listening to him exclaim in both french and english. you, yourself, had been raised in a bilingual household, with your father being a native english speaker, who met your monégasque mother on his summer vacation. you grew up in a household where both english and french were spoken in tandem, and now, with your own son, you couldn’t help but raise him the same way. 
you turned back to finish making the drinks that said driver had ordered, “oui, and he asked you something. sois poli et réponds-lui.” yes…be nice and answer him.
tommy’s eyes grew wide again and he turned back to the driver next to him, “pouvez-vous répéter votre question?” can you repeat your question?
pierre pointed to the drawing, repeating his question in english this time, “can i guess what you drew?”
thomas looked down at his drawing. an attempt at copying the foam art you had done on his long-empty cup of hot chocolate.
he looked back at you for guidance, gesturing you to come closer to him with his hand. you placed the sandwiches and coffees in front of the drivers, smiling apologetically to pierre for your son’s blatant avoidance of his question. 
“i’ll get you your cookie in just a minute,” you stated, to which he responded, “pas d'inquiétude.” no worries.
as you neared the cookie display, and thomas, he reached up and whispered into your ear, “what if he thinks my drawing is really bad?”
you looked down at the boy, a small smile gracing your lips, “i’m sure he’ll think you’re very talented, and if he doesn’t…” you trailed off as you placed the cookie onto a plate. 
after placing the cookie in front of pierre, you leaned down to whisper in your son’s ear, “i’ll fight him.”
thomas giggled, moving away from you to push his drawing in front of the driver, “maman said if you think i’m a bad drawer, she will fight you.”
charles’ chortle was loud, turning into a series of coughs as he choked on his coffee. you gasped quietly, quickly turning away from the three to avoid pierre’s amused gaze and get charles a tissue, to which he nodded with a red face, eyes watering. you began cleaning your station, ears not having to strain to hear the conversation going on behind you.
as charles’ coughs died down, pierre sighed, “well, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
after a small sip of his own coffee, he continues, “is this a cup?”
you couldn’t see it but pierre was pointing to a spot on the drawing. 
thomas nodded excitedly, “mhm! c'est une tasse comme celle-là.”
the five-year-old pointed to the large array of coffee cups and mugs just to the left of where you stood.
pierre nodded, “is this design on top one of those foam…” he trailed off forgetting the words.
charles piped up from his spot, “latte form art?”
again, thomas nodded fast, “yes! but maman says i can’t have coffee so she makes me it on hot chocolate!”
both charles and pierre nodded at his words, “your mother is very smart, then.”
you turned around just in time to catch thomas nodding super fast, cheeks turning red at the compliment. 
pierre took a bite out of his sandwich and charles decided to reach out and make conversation with the kid, “what’s your name, buddy?”
“thomas! with an h,” he started, going on a ramble about his classmate who also shared the same name, but without the h. 
your attention got pulled from the conversation as you heard the bell chime again. this time, however, it was your coworker coming back from her break, keeping the door open for the person who was leaving the shop.
michelle smiled at you with a wave, tapping on her wrist as if to indicate the time. you looked at your own wrist, eyes widening to realize your shift was due to end in about 10 minutes. as slow as your shift had started, in the presence of the two drivers, you couldn’t help but be amazed at how fast time had passed.
there wasn’t much for you to do, waiting for the time to pass. as thomas continued chatting up the two f1 drivers, you made rounds around the tables placed in the shop, cleaning up any messes left behind.
with thomas and pierre’s loud voices filling up the air, it wasn’t long before michelle pulled you by your arm, eyes widened at the sight of the two very famous men sitting next to your son. her inquisitive look made you laugh quietly, explaining that they had come in not too long ago and had already ordered, and finished most of their food by the looks of it.
the ten minutes went by quickly, and you found yourself apologetically disrupting the very important conversation between thomas, charles, and pierre about whether or not a velociraptor could outrun charles in his ferrari. (charles: “velociraptors cannot run as fast as a racecar.” pierre, smacking his hand on the table: “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet!” thomas: “yeah! raptors are fast!”)
you smoothed out thomas’ hair, “hey, mon petit chou. i’m gonna go get our stuff from the back so we can get ready to go, okay? why don’t you start wrapping up the conversation?”
you left before charles could ask for your opinion on the matter, not wanting to face the wrath of either side if you defended the other.
by the time you made it back out, thomas was sitting on his stool, hunched over a piece of paper, a red pencil crayon held tightly in his hand as he drew something. the plate with pierre’s cookie now sat next to the boy, small teeth marks indicating that instead of the man who had ordered the cookie, the young boy was the one eating it.
pierre, noticing your return, smiled sheepishly as if embarrassed. whether it was for not ensuring your son had packed up before you came back, or for the fact that he got caught giving your son a cookie, you weren’t sure.
 “sorry, he said he wanted to draw something for us,” pierre started, his eyes catching the movement of thomas taking another bite of the cookie before darting back to your amused face, “and sorry for the cookie, i always intended on giving it to him, but i realize now i should have probably asked before if he could have one.”
you smiled at him, “don’t worry about it, either of the things. the cookies are by far his favourite item on the menu and he’s not had one yet, so no harm done.”
charles leaned over from his spot, pushing against pierre, “so, do you think i could beat a velocirapt-”
pierre’s groan cut him off, “fermez-la déjà.” shut up already.
charles poked pierre with his elbow, “no, you,” before he turned back to you, “google says raptors only travel about 40 km/h…”
you laughed, “i’m afraid i cannot give my answer without risking my life,” you gestured your head towards the boy still colouring, now with a blue pencil in his hand instead.
“i think that gave your answer perfectly.” though his words were directed to you, charles couldn’t help but stare at pierre, a cocky smirk planted on his lips.
before pierre could retort, thomas sat up eagerly, “j'ai fini!” i'm done!
he pushed the piece of paper into the middle of the counter, right in front of pierre. looking over thomas’ head, you couldn’t help but smile at the picture he drew.
two racecars, one red and one speckled with blue, the numbers 16 and 10 drawn on either car respectively. in between the two racecars stood four people. three squares bodies and one triangle, three boys and one girl. as thomas pointed at each aspect of his drawing including the people, not that any of them needed any supporting description, you couldn’t help but smile at the fact that the triangle stick figure was connected at the hand to the smallest square figure. you and thomas, holding hands.
after pierre and charles thanked thomas profusely, you helped him hop off the stool. you turned to look at the two drivers one last time, “thank you for keeping him entertained today, you really didn’t have to.”
“nonsense, he’s a good kid.” charles smiled, pierre nodding at his words, “hopefully, we’ll see you both again.”
you smiled, “well, i’m here nearly every morning, so y’know.”
you helped thomas put his backpack on, “have a good summer break, both of you. hope the rest of the season treats you two well!”
the racecar drivers smiled, waving bye to both of you as you walked towards the door. before stepping foot outside, however, thomas turned around.
 “maman’s number is written on the back! bye!”
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A/N: second part is now posted!! read lonely nights in monaco here!!
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bettsfic · 13 days
Hi, Betts! Apologies if you‘ve already answered something of the sort before, I tend to forget that tumblr exists for a few months every once in a while, so I‘m not super up to date with all the topics you‘ve previously discussed! But. I‘ve been writing fics for a couple of years now and, after getting medicated for my adhd, I‘ve also established a pretty reliable and enjoyable system to finish the (long) fic projects I start! However, every time I try to work on something original, I usually tap out after 5-10k words. The excitement, the itch, the brainrot, the daydreaming, it‘s all there but I just lose my motivation at a certain point. Part of it is that creating and writing original characters is incredibly challenging. I‘m using to having a solid base when I write fic characters so it makes sense that having to come up with that base all by myself is new and slightly overwhelming, but ok, I already have ideas to deal with that. However, there is also the fact that I *know* my original stories won’t see the light of day for a hot while — not like my fics that I get to share on ao3 — and that kills my ends up killing my motivation more often than not… I think! Some of my friends and mutuals have offered to beta/read my original stories, so that could help, but since I‘m here writing this, I still haven’t found that push to properly work on my original wips. (Also, I feel like my original writing style is just 10x worse than my fic style… but maybe that‘s just the normal new project bad kind of writing?) I was wondering if you have dealt with something similar and whether you have any tips and tricks to convince myself that my original wips are fun and worth the effort too? Love your advice and your fics :3
when you've written fanfic for a long time, there's one creative muscle that can atrophy, and that's building parameters. in fanfic, the most ridiculous, far fetched AU is still grounded in some way by the text it's responding to. you're playing a game that more or less already has rules. but in original fiction, you have to write the rules before you can play the game. a lot of times that means you write an entire book to figure out the book you're trying to write, and then you rewrite the book.
i almost always come to a grinding halt at about 10k of any original project because that's how long it takes me to find the parameters of the inciting incident. and once i have the parameters, i start over. usually there's one or two paragraphs i keep and which end up guiding the rest of the project. sometimes the parameters are never set and i have to set the whole thing down until a solution comes to me, which can take months or years.
as for external validation/motivation, if you can find a couple good cheerleaders who will read chapters as you finish them and who get invested in the story you're writing, i find that can offer a simulacrum of the immediate satisfaction of posting/updating a fic. i had to have cheerleaders through my first two original novels. i can motivate myself now and don't need them anymore, but lacking them does make writing original work a very lonely endeavor. but if you have good cheerleaders, do whatever you can to keep them. buy them little trinkets, send them birthday cards, kiss them on the mouth. because that kind of friendship and dedication can be such a rarity in the grand scheme of things.
and as always, writing is an endurance sport. it can take years to build up the patience, discipline, and drive to write a novel. even if it doesn't feel like it, getting down a bunch of false starts is still progress. like chess, it's good to know your opening moves, and that initial 5-10k of parameter-building goes waaaaay faster when you know you're going to scrap it anyway. all you're looking for in those early words is that one paragraph that turns the ignition. and once you're on the road and headed in a direction, there's no better feeling than seeing your word count go up and getting obsessed with your own world and characters.
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lillymakesart · 5 months
I've been thinking a lot a lot Mizu thanks to your posts (tho tbh when am I not am I right?) and idk, I'm not good an in depth character analysis, but Mizu feels a lot like the moon; only shining with the permission of whichever sun she has let into her life and into her heart.
But unlike the moon, its not because Mizu cannot shine, but because she doesn't feel worthy of shining.
(Sorry I had a moment of brainrot and none of my friends have watched BES, hope it's okay I dumped this here ;^; )
never apologize to me for sending me bes blessings in my inbox im literally on my knees begging you guys to do this
but YES i am thinking in the same vein!! in my head actually Ringo is the sun and the only light source that Mizu permits to let the light in and reflect back into the world, since Ringo is the only person that she does favors for (e.g. she saves Taigen thinking of him, and promises him that she would save Akemi too)
it can also be thought of in the opposite way too - Mizu is the blinding sun, Ringo (the moon) is the only celestial body worthy enough to catch her light, and Taigen is the earth that circles her and needs her light (maybe Akemi is the stars all around because she doesn't need anything from Mizu and can hold down her business in her own arc)
when I write fics I actually think of Ringo as the sun, Mizu is the blindfolded eldritch beast fighting against her own bubble of darkness (but the sun is trying to show her a lightened path), and Taigen is the guy chasing Mizu on some own personal Moby Dick type shit that literally nobody else but him cares about lmao
my favorite one is from somewhere else on tumblr where Ringo is the kind pet owner that adopted a dirty cat (Mizu) and a dumb dog (Taigen) from the dumpster and he's desperately trying to keep both alive and stop them from killing each other (original author pls come forth if you see this im sorry i could not find you in time to tag)
many interpretations, all good!!! all valid!!! i love literature!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
may i please ask for atsushi x tanizaki with ❤️ Darling? tanizaki brainrot is still going strong sorry 💀
have lovely day 🖤🖤
REY LET'S GO! :D Of course you can have Atsushi and Tanizaki with this prompt! Never apologize for the brainrot; we love to see it jarjaekjrjeakrjkar Have the loveliest of days my dear!
Darling: "Do you want me to tickle you?"
“Gehaha! Naomi!” Atsushi spasmed at the ticklish touch, twisting around. The sight of said girl’s hair flying behind her as she ran out the door was all that remained. “I’ll get her back..”
“Heh, you two sure have been getting close, huh?” Tanizaki smiled from his spot on the nearest couch, his laptop pushed aside as he took a break. Maybe it was due to the day, but his expression looked a bit pinched. “New game?”
“Kinda- I don’t know what got into her, but she’s been tickling me all week! I can’t go on break without my ribs being poked.” The weretiger sighed, running a hand through his hair with a huff of a laugh. “It’s kinda fun, actually. Keeps the day exciting.”
“Hm.” Tanizaki hummed, that pinched expression remaining. Atsushi tilted his head curiously.
“Are you alright? You seem upset- oh gosh, are we making you uncomfortable?”
“What, no! Not at all!” The redhead jumped at Atsushi’s panicked tone, equally anxious. “I’m happy you and Naomi get along, really! And the game looks fun and I-” He snapped his mouth shut, going red.
A beat of silence. Then…
“Tanizaki…do you want us to tickle you?” Atsushi asked, realization flooding into him as he watched the other boy squirm. “Are you feeling left out?”
“I-well- I erm, I don’t-eheheheheh!” As he sputtered, the weretiger closed in, prodding at his sides with quick fingers. “Ahahhahtsuuhuuhushi!”
“You know- if you wanted to play too, you could always jump in.” Atsushi was grinning now, all tiger teeth as he squeezed along Tanizaki’s waist, following him as he tried rolling away. “Can’t say you’ll survive either me or your sister’s attacks, though! We’re rather ruthless when we want to be.”
“Yoohohu dohoohohon’t shahhahhay? Ahehahahaa, mahahhahaybe Iihiihih’ll johoohohoin iihihiihihn nehehhehxt tihihihihme!” Tanizaki squeaked with a roll when Atsushi scribbled along his belly, sending him tumbling to his knees on the floor. “Nohoohohot thehehhehere!”
“Why wait? Right now is a perfect time to participate, don’t you think?” Atsushi giggled as he hovered over the giggly redhead, bringing both hands into his belly and making him shriek. “Here I come, Tanizaki!”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
brainrot, steve with a cheer manager reader who he keeps teasing about wanting to see in the cheer uniform. little does he know for an upcoming pep rally coach is making reader wear a cheerleader uniform to match with the girls and reader refuses to let steve see them in it and calls up the squad (tm) to make sure steve doesn’t see them in the uniform, shenanigans ensue
Ready? Okay!
a/n: BAEEE IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER😭😭😭i have the attention span of a goldfish😐i hope i did you justice with this! credit to the gif owner! enjoy it babes and feel free to send more things! <3
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You clapped your hands causing the girls to gather up all around you.
“Great practice today girls! Sasha, I'm gonna need you to spend some extra time stretching for tomorrow, and girls please catch Chrissy next time, I can't have her having a sprained ankle cause one girl caught her instead of two.”
The girls all nodded their heads, some apologizing to Chrissy for not getting to her on time.
“Okay ladies, before I let you go, please remember to stay healthy and hydrated! Just because you're a cheerleader doesn't mean you can't eat. Say it with me, people!”
“Food is good for your body!” the girls cheered out while giggling. You waved your hand dismissing them and praising them once more before they enjoyed their weekend. A pair of arms snuck up behind you and lifted you causing you to yelp in surprise.
“There's my cheerleader!” Steve said, spinning you around. He placed you down and smiled before he gave you a gentle kiss.
“Not a cheerleader anymore Harrington, I'm the manager now.”
You had been a cheerleader ever since you were a sophomore, but once senior year rolled around you decided to quit. It wasn't giving you that same excitement you felt when you first joined, but coach would rather have you manage the squad than leave it altogether.
“Can't believe I never got to see you in those cute little uniforms, you robbed me of that.”
You let out a snort. “I didn't rob you of anything, you were too busy trying to get Nancy back,” you said with a roll of your eyes. You broke free from his grip picking up the stray pom poms that were littered in front of the bleachers.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. How about you do a quick little routine? Just for me?”
You smirked at him. “Give me an N!”
“N!” Steve shouted with a smile.
“Give me an O!”
“O- hey!”
“Coach please, please don't make me wear the uniform,” you begged following her into the gym.
She laughed and shook her head. “Oh, cmon y/n! Think of it as old times!”
“Old times? Coach, I haven't done any routines for a year! There's no way I could do the routine in time for the big game.”
“Well, then I guess you better start practicing with the girls. Come to me after practice to get your uniform,” she said with a smile. You sulked your way to the squad, tossing your bag down as you sighed.
“Girls, I have a favor to ask.”
The girls all asked what it was, confusion visible on their features.
“Coach said I have to cheer with you guys during the big game.”
They all squealed, excited that you all get to do something together.
“But my boyfriend has been dying to see me wear this uniform.”
“Girl, I get that,” Maria spoke up. “David practically begs me to wear this uniform 24/7.”
Veronica rolled her eyes. “Guys are so stupid, it's not even comfortable for us.”
“Speak for yourself. I love how Justin gets when he-”
“Okay!” you cut her off, clapping your hands. “Scratch practice for today we need to come up with a plan so that he doesn't see me.”
You ran toward the bleachers sitting with the girls and came up with a plan. Once practice was over, coach handed you your uniform. You reluctantly took it and began to walk out of the gym. You smile when you see Steve leaning against his car, sunglasses on his face arms spread ready for you to jump into them. You stuff the uniform in your backpack not caring that it wasn't closed all the way.
“There's my cheerleader!”
You giggled and jumped into his arms giving him a soft kiss.
“I haven't seen you in forever.”
“Steve, you saw me this morning.”
His hands cupped your face, bringing you back in for a kiss.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” he murmured. Kissing Steve is something you'd never get tired of. His hands would stay in your face for a couple of seconds, thumbs rubbing a small pattern on your cheek. Then they'd start to drift down towards your waist, pulling you closer to him. You let out a gasp when you felt his hand reach inside your backpack.
“Steve, wait!”
Steve pulled away with a smile on his face, his eyes focused on the white and green uniform with a splash of gold here and there.
“You weren't supposed to see that!” you said, snatching the skirt out of his hands.
“Please tell me you're wearing that.”
“I can neither confirm, nor deny-”
“Y/n! I expect to see you in that uniform at Friday's game! No excuses!” coach shouted from the school entrance.
You dropped your head down and gave her a thumbs up.
Steve snickered and opened the car door for you with the biggest smile you've ever seen.
“Tell Sinclair I need a ticket to Friday's game.”
You let out a shaky breath as you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was up in a high ponytail with a bow that was decorated with the school’s colors. The pom poms stuck to your clammy hands, and you gave up repeatedly wiping them down on the soft material of your skirt. You used to do this a million times, the nerves never left but they also never had you this shaken up.
Chrissy ran into the locker room sending you a smile.
“Nervous?” she asked while making her way toward you.
“Try terrified.” you chuckled out. “I don't understand, I used to do this all the time. I've never been this nervous.”
Chrissy straightened out your top, resting her hands on your shoulders.
“Do the extra nerves have anything to do with Steve?” she giggled out. You rolled your eyes letting out a sigh.
“I don't want to embarrass myself…what if he sees me mess up a step?”
“Y/n, you've been helping us with the routine and you would watch us like a hawk during practice! Trust me, there's no way you'd mess up!”
Tears pricked the corner of your eyes as you took in Chrissy's sweet words. Maybe she was right. Maybe you had absolutely nothing to worry about! Maybe you could even perform in front of Steve-
Maria burst into the locker room out of breath. “THE EAGLE HAS LANDED.” You ran out of the locker room clapping your hands.
“Alright ladies, remember what we practiced! Let's move people, let's move!”
Steve gave the student a smile muttering thanks as he grabbed the popcorn from her hands. He ate a handful of it, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the buttery flavor melted in his mouth.
“Steve! You made it!” Lucas said while grabbing his hand and bringing him in for a bro hug.
“‘Course I did man! Wouldn't miss it for the world.”
Lucas and Steve chatted for a while catching up on things they may have missed.
“Yeah, man family video is getting pretty popular. I swear nothing is going to beat VHS.”
“Hey, dingus,” Robin said nodding at Steve. “Dingus in training,” she said smirking at Lucas. “Have you guys seen y/n in her uniform?”
Steve choked on the popcorn he was eating.
Lucas was quick to pat him on his back. “Jesus man, you gotta chew the food.”
“She's in uniform?” he gasped out.
“Yeah, dude since 1st period.”
Steve rolled his eyes. Of course, that's why you told him you didn't need a ride this morning! How could he have missed that? Shame on you Steve. Steve shoved his popcorn into the chest of some random kid. He mumbled a goodbye to his two friends walking toward the gym like a man on a mission.
Veronica’s eyes widened as nudged Maria’s shoulder.
“Ow! Damn, bitch have you been working out?”
“Oh my God, you noticed?” she asked with a smile. She shook her head pushing Maria toward the gym. “Shut up! Steve’s here!”
Maria gasped and sprinted to the gym. Veronica looked around frantically, not knowing what to do she threw herself down on the floor in front of Steve.
“Jesus! Are you okay?”
“Yes- I mean ow! My ankle! I sprained my ankle!” she cried out. All eyes were on her as she clung to Steve while sobbing into his legs.
“Crap, let's get you to the nurse,” he said while crouching down and getting ready to pick her up.
“Here man, I'll take her.” a guy said while swooping in and picking her up bridal style.
“Um, no actually I'll go with Steve.”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows at her. “Do I know-”
“Okay! OKAY!” Steve shouted. “I'll take you!”
Veronica sighed and patted the guys back. “Put me down big guy- hey! Easy there, I'm precious cargo.” She “limped” her way to Steve wiping away her tears.
“You're too kind for this-” She stops herself, looking behind Steve, and sees Maria waving her hands around in a no motion. Veronica stands up straight and grabs her pom poms off the ground.
“Wow, suddenly I'm perfectly fine. Thanks, Steve!” she shouted before running off. By the time Steve realized what was happening the doors to the gym were shutting as two basketball players were waving goodbye to Steve.
The girls rushed to their spots next to you out of breath. “Did he make it in?” you whisper, eyes searching for him in the crowd.
“No, Veronica caused a scene to distract him,” Maria whispered.
You leaned back to look at Veronica and noticed that she looked scared. “Hey! You okay?”
She shook her head and looked at you.
“What if I actually sprain my ankle?! What am I gonna do then?!”
“Could everybody please rise for our national anthem?” the school announcer asked. You held back a giggle as you saw Tammy Thompson skip her way to the microphone.
“I swear she sounds like a muppet.” you hear Steve's voice say in the back of your mind. Tammy was in the middle of singing and you and the girls were trying not to giggle. You started to think you could get away with your plan until the gym doors burst open. Your eyes widen, hands flailing around trying to get the attention of the squad. They all gasped when they saw Steve standing at the entrance of the gym door, they gathered around trying to hide you from him but his eyes were quick to find your shrinking figure.
Tammy cleared her throat and finished singing causing scattered claps to come from the crowd. Steve made his way to the bleachers sitting on the bench that was closest to you. He plopped himself down giving you a small wave.
“Get out!” you mouthed to him. He shook his head and pointed in front of you and you saw the girls getting ready to do their routine. you stomped your way over to them glaring at steve when he motioned for you to turn that frown upside down. You force a smile on your face once you hear Chrissy shout “Ready? Okay!”
The routine was done with no mistakes, thankfully coach didn't have you do any flips or get thrown in the air, you just did some usual routine moves.
cheers erupted from the crowd when Lucas caught the ball getting ready to shoot it into the basket. He ran a little bit in the opposite direction before jumping up to take his shot into the basket. The clock had three seconds remaining and the crowd cheered as they saw the ball make its way to the basket. The squad was jumping up and down, pom poms in the air as they cheered for Lucas. Silence overtakes the crowd as the ball hits the backboard of the basket, the ball spinning around the rim twice before falling into the netted material.
You shot up from where you were sitting letting out a big cheer. The basketball team ran towards Lucas, throwing him on top of their shoulders as they chanted his name. You were about to run after them to congratulate Lucas when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. You let out a scream and looked behind you, relaxing when you realized it was Steve.
“You thought you could come up with a plan for me to not see you in this?” he asked over the cheering crowd.
You watched as the crowd began to exit the gym, probably going to some party to celebrate the big win.
You rolled your eyes and glanced at him. “You can't blame a girl for trying.” Steve let out a low whistle as he spun you around watching the air lift the skirt just enough for him to see further up your thighs.
“You're killing me here babe,” he mumbled while placing kisses all over your neck and jaw.
“Steve, you act like you've never seen me in a skirt before-”
“This is a cheer skirt. Very different.” he mumbled against your neck, his hands slowly making their way up your skirt.
“Steve, stop! We're in a gym!”
Steve shook his head ignoring your words as he peppered kisses all over your face.
“Don't care, love knows no boundaries.”
You giggled while pushing him away more causing his grip to tighten on you.
“Steve, please.”
“Please, what pretty girl? Hm? You want me to stop?”
You looked down at your feet. You didn't really know what you were pleading for him to do, you just know he needed to do something.
“Cmon cheerleader.” he teased. “Tell me what's on your mind.”
“Do you…wanna get out of here?” you mumbled. Your hands wrapped themselves behind his neck. Steve looked up at the ceiling, silently thanking whatever God there was for letting him have you all to himself.
“Yes. Yes please, that's all I want.”
You let out a giggle and dragged him out of the gym. You peek your head around the corner of the school building making sure no one saw you two sneaking out. You started to make your way to the car when Steve grabbed you and had you against the wall of the school.
“Steve! We're almost-”
“‘M not gonna make it. God, you look so good in this uniform. You need to wear it more often.”
You opened your mouth ready to tell him that you had to give it back when you heard someone shout your name.
“Keep the uniform l/n… I don't care how good you wash it, I don't need it anymore,” she said with a shake of her head. Once she got in her car and drove off you laid your head on Steve's shoulder letting out a groan.
“So,” Steve said, breaking the silence. “Does this mean you'll wear it more often?”
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lipglossanon · 8 months
i'm sorry i'm jumping on the sending u fics in the inbox trend, but jealous stepbro got me 😵‍💫
like imagine reader and ada become friends, and one day, ada comes over when reader's home alone. and leon comes home from college and he's desperate to fuck his cute lil stepsis, but he gets to ur door and can hear ada flirting with you through it and you laughing
then next thing you know, leon's in ur doorway saying he needs help with smthing, and as soon as you leave the room he's slamming ur door shut and pushing you against it
and all you can do is moan and whimper bc he's fucking you so good against the door, and he's telling you you can't come unless you're as loud as possible for him, and ada's just on the other side of the door pouting bc leon's stolen her cute new friend (that she lowkey-highkey was tryin to fuck)
and leon makes you say that he's the only one who makes you feel like this while he cums and then pulls your panties back up. tells you you to go back and hang out with ada, and is totally getting off on the fact that ada wants you and he's just sent you back in with a pussy dripping with his cum 🤭
sorry i got brainrot
- ✨️
Never apologize for brain rot ✨ anon!!
👏 👏 I love jealous Leon 😤
Or he’d tease you as he’s railing you into next week, all “Shhh gotta keep quiet, princess. Don’t want your little friend to hear how your big brother rearranges your guts do ya? Aww you’re getting so tight. Maybe you’d like her to walk in and see my cock stuffing this cute pussy, huh?”
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erabu-san · 7 months
I always had this idea for Tighnari and Cyno, where Cyno is gone on a mission for an abnormally long time. And Tighnari starts to get worried because normally Cyno would at least send letters, but no letters have been sent whatsoever. Tighnari just copes by saying that y'know he's the general Mahamatra he's a vet busy man. But a couple months past and it gets to the point where Tighnari is genuinely worried- and frustrated- what was Cyno thinking?? Collei obviously starts to get worried as well, because Cyno was never normally gone for this long. Well Cyno was fine in the end, just on a very long, very stressful mission that he didn't want to involve Tighnari or Collei in. When he would return, he'd act like nothing had happened, just waltzes into Tighnari's house like usual and go "Tighnari, I'm back. I'm sorry for being gone for so long, this particular mission was-" and he gets cut off by Tighnari throwing himself into Cyno and giving him the tightest hug ever. Cyno's a bit taken aback, because he wasn't expecting Tighnari to be so worried about him? He thought Tighnari had trust in Cyno that he could take care of himself, which Tighnari replies "Of course I do but that doesn't mean I don't still worry about you! You were gone for MONTHS without a word. How was I supposed to know you were okay?! What if you had gotten hurt?! WHAT IF YOU HAD DIED?!" it's then that Cyno realizes how much he had worried his friend- no, his family. After a large scolding from Tighnari, Collei also hears that Cyno is back and also throws herself at the man. She quickly backs off and apologizes but she has tears in her eyes from how relieved she is to know that Cyno is okay. Cyno was sure never to worry his family like that again
I don't think Tighnari is the type to get emotional often, but I think in that moment when he sees Cyno, still alive and okay. He just can't help but start to tear up with how relieved he is
WAAAAH 😭😭😭 THEY ARE SO SWEET I LOVE THEM SO MUCH thank you for sharing me your brainrot !!
I think !! Tighnari would recognize his footstep from far
And when he is like "I am not dreaming??" He ran to go outside of his house and saw Cyno looking at him (he was on his way to Tighnari's house)
Cyno : oh- I wanted to surprise y-
And Tighnari cut his sentence by jumping on him, giving a hug
After all this emotional scene with tighnari and collei, they give him a big smile
"Welcome back"
Cyno feeling good to be at home again
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
End-of-Year Appreciation Post
Let's see if I can get this done before midnight - I have 36 minutes! But I really wanted to get this posted, so... time for a speedrun! This post won't nearly be able to say everything I wanna say, so, first and foremost: I love and appreciate all of my mutuals and people I've gotten to talk to this year, so thanks for coming to my corner of the internet and gifting me a little (or a lot - because lord knows I don't shut up if someone mentions one of my favourite fandoms) of your time!
With that being said, time for some special thanks!
@wheresmybloodynauglamir The encyclopedia of Star Trek and one of my closest friends on this hellsite. Thanks so much for literally everything you've done for me this year and all the lovely conversations. Let's have a lot more of those next year! Live long and prosper <3
@littlemervie Thank you for indulging my very nichest of niche interests like The Little Prince and for always sending me a kind message when I least expected it.
@fluffle-system My favourite bnuy in the whole world and a fellow FNAF enjoyer. I hope I always get to be the auxiliary to your detective (yes, this is actually sort of an accurate aitiology of how my url came to be - if you know you know). Let's solve more mysteries and riddles together.
@supermarine-silvally You may have only very recently stumbled into my corner of the internet but I adore every conversation we've had and I hope that many more are to come. If I had to make a choice to pass on my OCs to anyone, the great Donna Aurelia would be yours, and that's a great honor, so I hope you know how much I appreciate our conversations!
@carriagelamp We didn't talk too much this year and that's frankly a crime, but I still stare lovingly at every piece of art you've created for me, with me, or simply for the fandoms I'm in - and the ones for fandoms I don't know I stare at from afar. Just letting you know that I smile everytime I see you on my dash :)
@faerieroyal Dolly my beloved! I hereby sincerely apologize for all the times I've hopped into our Discord chat to ramble about my OCs or whine about my hour-long adventures of looking for faceclaims and/or names, but I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. The amount of positivity and support you bring into my life is immesurable and I absolutely adore you for supporting each of my OCs, even if you don't know their fandom, and how you let me introduce you to my newest hyperfixations when the brainrot strikes. - To many more rambling sessions!
@come-along-pond who allowed me to participate in the fyeahonepieceocs blog and gave me a platform to launch my own little project of a OP resources blog from. - Through anon hate and plot bunnies, you've helped me and supported me through so much and I'm really, really thankful for that!
@oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations and everyone else in the Discord Server, thank you so much for suffering through my countless pings and appearing when I need you most to offer your advice and help. You've saved many of my OCs in the past and I'm certain you'll keep doing so in the future.
@starcrossedjedis @bravelittleflower and @ninjasawakenedmystar aka the angels who made Cora's creation possible - and by extention then also that of Lily and La Donna! Thanks so much, my fellow One Piece girlies!
@thehedgehogat221b who has been keeping me tethered to the A-Team fandom, making sure that I never forget how happy it makes me, and who always has time to spare to hear me ramble about Kit Kelley and her conman boyfriend
@daughterofhecata @bistdueinbaum and the entire Die Drei ??? fandom. You brought me onto Tumblr and though I may not be as active in the fandom anymore, Tumblr still considers my blog a Die Drei ??? blog and I don't plan on forgetting my roots anytime soon, so I promise you more detective content in the year 2024 - featuring my beloved Jelena, of course! My token adopted side character... Maybe I'll also hop into the Tatort fandom, who knows? Also, can we make Rosenheim Cops a fandom? I feel kinda lonely and silly over here lol
@claramurphyqueenoffandoms the VoicePlay supporter. Man, was I happy to find someone who loves these dorks as much as I do. We haven't talked much, but thanks so much for enabling the hyperfixation that triggered my character development into a happier person and letting me relive those memories.
@cody-helix02 @thoughpoppiesblow @footprintsinthesxnd @kafka-ohdear and the entire Band of Brothers fandom. You've been so nice to me from day one when I first stumbled into the fandom and you still are incredibly lovely people! I'd like to give something back, so, if you ever need any research done for your fic and you can't find anything, let me know and I'll traverse my resources and my university's library to see what I can find <3 Also, I shall present to you more Anita content in the future! There's one fic featuring Luz and one featuring Bull curently in my projects list!
@maxwellshimbo @asaturnerofficial and all the other lurkers and people I constantly find in my notes - you always brighten my day. I'll have had an awful no good time but then I see you and I go: "Ah yes, my friends are still here" and I feel so much better!
Thanks to much to everyone on and off the list, and have a very lovely new year!
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Heyy, first time asking, and first of all - I love your content!!! I'm in love with your LI characters' interpretations. Could you maybe do M6 with like a thief-for-hire sort of MC? The kind of one that sits around in Rowdy Raven and waits for a job? And is probably very good at invisibility and forget-me spells. Thanks!
The Arcana HCs: M6 with a thief-for-hire MC
~ in the spirit of the Arcana, I'm interpreting this with MC being a hired thief the way Mazelinka is a pirate captain: robbing the rich to feed the poor >:3 this is so much fun, thanks anon! - brainrot ~
He finds you so relentlessly attractive like this that it makes him short circuit
Getting to sit with you in the corner of the Rowdy Raven while you wait for a job becomes his favorite way to pass the time
He'll just watch you over the rim of his mug, slowly losing his train of thought over the effortlessly intimidating and somehow cavalier attitude you give off
Few things make him want to kiss you more than when you talk shop to him
Just casually mention that you need to repair your grappling hook for an upcoming job and he'll drop whatever he's holding
"You know MC, if you wanted something to practice grappling with, all you had to do was ask."
Of course he understands that what you do is risky and serious business
Will wait up for you at rendezvous points instead of at home so he can check that you're alright right away
Malak is already a practicing guard alert
Because you're the harder of the two to notice, rumors spread that Dr Devorak is your point person. He's ecstatic
Immediately intrigued, but won't ask too much about it right away except for when you'll be away from the shop
Assigns Faust to watch over you
Casually appears just as a job is about to go very very wrong and maneuvers you both out of it
Immediately confesses to how they knew what was going on and apologizes for invading your privacy
But he's high on the thrill of getting in trouble like this, and it's for a good cause, and there are things he knows about Vesuvia's back alleys from his own questionable childhood ...
They don't want to form an official partnership, per say, but they would love to accompany you on trickier jobs as an ally
Fascinated by the tricks of the trade, if you have gadgets or tools that he doesn't recognize you'll have to put a lock spell on them so he can only fiddle with them in your presence
Faust is the greatest secret weapon you'll ever have
*knocks out a guard with her tail* Oopsie!
There are warring opinions within her
One adores you. You're resourceful, you have and follow your own moral compass, and you're exceptionally skilled
The other side is concerned
You're breaking the law. She is an agent of the law. Neither of you should consider yourselves an exception to the law, which is why she prefers struggling for reform instead ...
Oh, but you make breaking it look so good
She operates on a need-to-know basis. If you never confess to her, as the Countess, that you stole, then she is under no obligation to bring you to justice
She does prefer you let her know when you will not be available, and if you will be in any significant danger
Stays up for you or sends Chandra to keep an eye out if it's late or risky
The exception to her "don't tell me" attitude is when she is officially off duty as the Countess, and merely Nadia, and very in love with you and your daring exploits
"Tell me, my love, what naughty little things have you been doing behind my back?"
Wasn't really all that impressed until it became clear that you were even better at going unnoticed than he is
Grudgingly curious about how you manage to do that
And also if you would be open to demonstrating for him, not that he's in any need of improvement
Completely on board with your modus operandi. If he had grown up to be a different type of person, he'd be doing it too
As it is, the thought of stealing is still a little uncomfortable for him, so he turns a blind eye to your antics
Though anytime you tell him of a particularly impressive job you'll notice him puffing up with pride just a little bit
Will offer Inanna's services as a lookout and guide wolf. Also as an alert system in case you may be hurt or stuck and need his assistance
Your job has Inanna's full approval. She thinks that what you do is the coolest and lords it over Muriel that she gets to spend time with you at work while he mopes in the woods (her words, not mine)
If she didn't think you were just like a character out of a novel, she does now
She thinks it's awesome
Pumps you for details on all of your jobs and offers to join you on any that she could be of service for
She did spend quite some time on a pirate ship, after all, and nobody is as well connected as she is
Loves hanging out with you in the Rowdy Raven while you wait for commissions, but not too often because she is an ambassador and that wouldn't be good for her credibility
Speaking of her job ...
Highkey struggles not to ask you to steal other countries' state secrets for her when they're being difficult
Thankfully you haven't been faced with declining that request yet
Begs you to teach her some of your skills. One cloaking spell. Just one. No, she's not going to use it to eavesdrop on visiting dignitaries! Okay fine she would, but so what if she did?
Loves reading unrealistic heist novels to you just to hear you verbally rip them to shreds
Saw your thieving skills in action when he was still a ghost/goatman and it was one of his reasons to get on your good side at first, he thought you'd make a great minion
Until it's revealed to both of you that at one point he used to be one of the main people you'd steal from
His visible reaction is an infuriated pout, he doesn't like things being taken from him, and he's still getting used to you being better at some things than he is
This quickly gives way to infatuation. You beat him at something. He thinks that's hot
Will try to bargain you into a thieving partnership
You initially say no, but after it's proven to be an extremely useful skill set on jobs, you agree to taking stealing jobs with him
On the condition that you're in charge
He's delighted by this and it ends up being a great way to further develop his moral compass. It comes more naturally to him to focus on benefiting the greater good than to define the details of his personal ethics
Keeps forgetting that bragging about it is not conducive to getting away with it
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iicheeze · 2 years
im having another Yandere Sam brainrot and yall are gonna hear it
So basically I divorced Shane (big pain) but I did it anyways so no turning back plus i already wiped his memory
for Sam.
And ever since me and Shane are divorced I started having more time for myself and Sam and im kinda glad but like he started being bolder after the divorce????
Like he keeps complimenting me or asking if i want to hang out with him
now im leaning more on the Yandere Sentient Sam whereas he knows hes just a bunch of codes in a game and when he found out the Player divorced Shane he saw an opportunity
he thought that if he was bolder, the Player would like him more and marry him instead of Sebastian, I mean, sure he's nice but he's a basement dweller! And an emo!! Surely you'd like someone who has better style and is a better choice.
I think that Sam would mess up his own lines of codes just to 'accidentally' meet up with you or say his own personal interactions. Because surely, Sam was coded to talk while he's trying to do a kickflip at his skateboard in the first place! Or sending little flirts here and there to blush the Player. So you don't need to worry about it!
But he got bolder and braver as the Player's naivety feeds his ego more and more. So why not make special heart events? Or his flirts getting more sexual.
But if the Player decides to marry him? He'd be so happy it's like Yoba blessed him!
I think he'd change his 14 heart event to something more romantic or personal because all of those heart events are always focused to music and nothing else. He has been patient for so long, so it's alright for him to be selfish, right?
If you decide to divorce him, it could go in two ways. Isolation, or Reject. Isolation goes in Sam refusing to divorce with the Player and once they woke up, they can't leave the house. Meanwhile, Sam just makes up a lie saying that the Farmer is going to another town for who knows how many months for seeds or to sell their produce.
Reject goes in Sam accepting the divorce, but spreads false rumors about you around town, causing everyone to treat you like trash. No matter how many gifts you give them, or how many times you try talking to them, you'll always end up with the same thing. Reject.
Of course, Sam is forgiving! If you choose the Reject option, you can have another fate. Apologize to Sam, and promise him that you'll never leave him, and maybe he'll forgive you! He doesn't want to be mad at his darling all the time, it's tiring!
But of course, that fate will lead to the Isolation ending. What a twisted fate. But, you have to learn to accept it. Love him, or suffer.
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eventual-ghosts · 4 months
tag game
tagged by: @overnighttosunflowers, hihi
last song listened to: I'm in SUCH a music rut right now, and sick of all my spotify recs, but my cousin sent me Last Night (Beer Fear) by Lucy Spraggan, and it's an absolute bop.
currently reading: Mara: Daughter of the Nile which I loved in fifth grade and am seeing if it holds up. So far....kind of...but oh boy was this a book set in ancient Egypt written by a white lady in 1953. Vaguely alarming how little my taste in romance have changed lol. Also Harrow the Ninth, after @overnighttosunflowers and @lurkinglurkerwholurks and another friend badgered me about it aggressively for years. they were right, it is a masterpieces. I deeply apologize for showing up so late to the locked tomb party. I pray it never opens. (spoiler: o wait, it kinda did...)
currently watching: we're barreling through our CR backlog right now, and it feels great to actually watch the episodes we're on finally move up in number. I've also watched an obscene about of costume dramas in the last couple of weeks, including P&P (2005) which (in my controversial opinion) is mid overall but the pining is 10/10, Jane Eyre (2011?), and Sense & Sensibility (1995?).... @rhytons will have me rewatching Phantom Thread sooner rather than later, but I might to Emma. (2020) again first or actually get myself to the theater for The Taste of Things.
currently obsessed with: not really anything and I need to brainrot something, plz send recs. Closest is probably HtN, but I read slowly.
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mushibashiraas · 1 year
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djsjxjsj i hope i'm not late?? i probably am. aaaa my own faultcjxjsj [but] i haven't written for my fave disney nrc malewife (/j ily, jamil bbg—) in a while. but i forgot the contest either ends on the 10th?? or submissions close on the 10th aka. i missed the deadline?? aaaaa for submissions to @merotwst 's and @cvlutos 's #jamilsummercontest (here) aaaaaa also was this also an excuse to write for najma/write some najma-jamil brother-sister action? uhhhh looks away. LISTEN. i love them! the crumbs we got of their interactions are still on my mind aaaaaa lastly, am i also using this fic as an opportunity to brainrot about the new spiderverse movie and its album? yes.
mention of the ramshackle prefect (gn!yuu). but it'll mainly be about jamil and najma bc i love his sister almost as much. spoilers for al'ab naariya story, scarabia chapter plot, jamil's backstory, and maybe???? a spoiler for the new spiderverse movie?? if you squint. also really bad arabic.... i tried.... other than that, i present very cute, soft fluffy letters between reader and jamil detailing their lives apart during summer break (assuming the scalding sands' fireworks festival is in the summer. aaaa).
jamil could practically see (name)'s red face as they read his letter briefly written amidst the asim family chaos.
Dearest (Name),
Kalim and Najma were disappointed you couldn't join me this year for Summer break. I actually had to stop him from convincing his father into sending for you personally... Camels, elephants, and all. You're welcome!
Despite that, they wish you all well. My mother is insisting I return to NRC after break with some of her homemade shawarma. And please tell Grim that there will be enough for him as well.
The fireworks were beautiful but it wasn't the same without you by my side, ya nujumi. I missed turning to the side and seeing your smiling face, eyes alight with a childlike wonder. My heart swells with remembering that first Al'ab Naariya. You turned back to me urging me to join you and the others to dance.
Najma just asked what I was smiling about. I tried to lie but the smug look on her face told her all she needed to know. She'd like to also say a few words.
Hello, (Name)! My older brother is laying on his bed right now screaming into his pillow. Ya ummi and I are laughing right now; she has never laughed so hard in a long time. Yesterday the Asims gave us the afternoon off to enjoy the bazaar. You should see the haul Jamil brought home for you and Grim. There's— lotliIItLyjkq
Sorry, ya shamsi. Najma does not know what she's talking about. I got them as gifts for her— ljyIL
Jamil is lying! He is so red right now, (Name)! I want to take a picture to send you but he took my phone! So awful, right? Ah, the Asims are calling for us and abina is about to bring out the belt if we don't resume our work soon.
My apologies, ya qamar, but as Najma said, I have to return to work. There are rumors from the other servants that Kalim is "missing." He's probably with the animals in the garden. I will write to you again shortly. You are always in my thoughts, (Name), ya hubi. Make sure to not stay up too late talking to Ace and Deuce. Take your medicine and potions and eat at least two full meals a day (I know you're not a fan of breakfast). Don't forget to drink plenty of water too.
With Love,
Jamil Viper.
he wanted to write more and tell them all about the new stalls selling mouthwatering foods, soft, vibrant, assorted silks, and other painted, colorful wares he saw at the bazaar. he wanted to tell her about the concert he miraculously got tickets to for one of their favorite music artists. there was also the pet parrot his parents finally let him get! it had to stay on the asims' property. but kalim said he'd personally look after iago for jamil.
there was also a new playlist he made the other night after coming home from a movie he and his sister went to see. jamil lays in bed thinking of his sister's latest fictional crush and thinking of all the things he'd do to keep his girl and her father while living his best life doing what he loved. jamil wished that were him. he wished he could have (name) by his side, still please his family, and see the world. he wanted to learn about the magic and cultures of other lands in twisted wonderland.
wishes and reality are two separate things, though. and the chance of them intersecting and wishes becoming reality was slim. for now, though, he was content and letting things be. he'll find kalim, drag him to his next meeting with possible mergers and other clients, read the evening itinerary to kalim, go home, help with dinner, wash and dry najma's hair for her, bathe, and go to bed.
....that was the original plan. however, najma must have thought it funny to hide his headphones after she finished her chores and homework.
"what are you looking for, brother?"
jamil glared at the girl leaning against his door frame as he rifled through the belongings on his desk. "you know exactly what i am looking for. drop the act, najma!"
"not until you write another letter to (name)." she grinned and crossed her arms over her chest, straightening her posture.
"huh?!" he stuttered.
"it was written all over your face. you wanted to write and tell them more about everything that you saw and experienced yesterday and today. ever since you came home from school with your friends and (name), you've changed. mom and dad haven't stopped talking about it; they think i went to bed but i can hear them. they aren't as quiet as they think." the younger sister laughed at jamil's stunned face. "you don't know all this since you sleep like that one princess in those fae tales. i've caught you snoring a few times, actually. wanna hear it? i can show you if you don't believe m—"
jamil grabs najma's phone again before she can pull up the videos. "just—! give me back my headphones. and i'll write to (name)."
"nah," najma shrugged and walked off. "letter first. mom and dad are out finishing up some business with kalim's parents in their estate. you can blast your music all you want."
groaning in exasperation, he still couldn't deny that he'd rather have sent (name) a proper letter rather than the one he mailed earlier that afternoon.
normally, he and (name) would text each other or call. but one magic carpet ride after a rough exam, they told him about how they used to write letters to their childhood friends whenever they'd change schools. so the first time jamil and (name)'s other night raven college friends went home for holiday break, he started writing letters to them. and ever since that sweet, thoughtful surprise, whenever they were apart, jamil'd write letters to them while they'd send back recipe cards with handwritten notes featuring the story behind each food. sometimes they'd drop details about their family back home or include tiny magic trinkets or bits of stationary sold at sam's shop. a note and a smiley face tied around each item: "saw this and thought of you, ya qamar. ;p"
bringing himself back to reality, jamil sat down and began another letter. with this one, though, he made sure not to leave out a single detail of his day. softly he smiled as he included lines from old poets and added in folded star maps, photos of a dog he saw sitting outside a cafe, a tea bag from the little old lady next door. but this time — instead of signing off with a simple "With Love" like his last letter — he penned a lyric from their favorite song, nodding his head to the music as it played from his speakers.
"Your my star, hubi. My one light. We gon' link up, just like the rumors."
Jamil Viper.
ya shamsi: my sun
ya qamar: my moon
ya nujumi: my stars
hubi/ya hubi: love/my love
ya ummi: my mother
abina: our father
— is2g if i got the arabic vocab wrong, i am going to cry. @softbajis djsjsj idk if this is right or notdjdjdj i am so upset. oh well....?
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linktheacehero · 2 months
Dawn of the Fourth Day????? Call me intrigued!
*rubs hands together* I brainrot about this one so much.
SO Dawn of the Fourth Day is a roleplay I have with @aheavenscorner BUT we're planning to turn it into a fic! It currently stands at 43k words and we're 3/4ths into the plot.
The premise is a post majoras mask reunion. Link returns to Hyrule after 3 years and Zelda welcomes him with the biggest hug ever cause she's missed him so much (she also does remember the events of the other timeline) The whole story arcs withing 2 years with them being together again, becoming a couple and dealing with a nusiance that is Zelda's aunt and an arrogant suitor potential from her father.
Its so ram packed with fluff and hurt/comfort (and some angst drabbled in) but mainly fluff.
Sharing two snippets because I can
I will do anything to prove that my love is stronger than my family's failed ways. The hero felt a burning sensation in his chest, similarly to when his princess had intertwined her fingers through his hair and nearly kissed him. His gaze flitted down to her lips, just like it had for the past week- only this time he leaned to meet them with his own. It soft with a lingering affection, but the lightning in his veins still roared. As he pulled away, though not far, he looked into Zelda's eyes with a newfound life within his own. "You already have, darling." She was unique, no one in her family was like his Zelda. And he wouldn't have it any other way. ___
If Zelda’s heart could beat any harder, she was convinced it would jump out of her chest. The light was dim, but she was wise and very much not blind — she knew exactly where Link’s gaze had travelled to, for hers had done very much the same. There was a lingering anticipation in the air between them, a breath held in both of their lungs. For all that mattered, time was frozen, and neither would notice if it were not. She met his lips halfway.
"I'm sorry, Link, I—" a sob cut her short, and she crushed him even further. She only remembered crying this hard once. In another life, in which she would be alone forever, she'd cried until her body gave out, with no one to comfort her — she had just sent away the one who could. "How is this not my fault?" Her voice lowered to barely a whisper. "I sent you back in time, and it haunts me every day. I took you to the forest and despite all of that, I—" she sniffed. "I don't think I could let you go ever again. I'm sorry. 'Im sorry." Please, she begged in silence. Never leave again. ---- Link could feel her body tremble in his arms as she cried. He held her close, his arms wrapping her like a blanket of reassurance, a reminder that he was here with her. "You have nothing to apologize, Zel." She had done no wrong, none of it was her fault; not the war, nor Ganondorf achieving the Triforce, nor the injuries he held, and not even the decision of sending him back. He didn't blame her for any of it.
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