#nevermind that i'm so damn lonely too
dadralt · 2 years
i feel like i’m a bad writer because i repress all my emotions so badly and i’m so scared that if i don’t do that my sadness will just eat me away
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myristicisms · 8 months
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@strifesoldier | Cloud Strife sent;;
' You and me. Your body near mine, close. I'm not right when you're not with me. I get the shakes ' oop zack made him codependent...
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Vulnerability, no matter how small or largely given, was always a difficult thing to express; Years of forcing himself into the mold of what Zack thought was the ideal hero only further forcing him to push the overwhelming desire to rely upon someone else to the back of his mind. Being relied upon was the closest he'd ever come to sharing a vulnerable moment with anyone and it was something he cherished far more than even his own life. That much so had never been in the question though, only further proven with each moment where he took a beating to protect those he cared for most, often coming as victorious in each battle he'd carelessly chosen for himself.
Perhaps it was the hubris of a man who has lost damn near everything already or maybe it was just the delusion of someone who had grown lonely over the years, someone who felt as though nobody bothered to know who he was outside of his uniform and rank; At least not until after he'd managed to establish a connection with another person for the first time since... ( Nevermind. ) Zack has come to rely upon being needed, feeling helpful and he's long since found that purpose at the side of his blonde companion. While he'd known that Cloud was capable of taking care of himself well enough, he also couldn't scratch the desperate itch to feel helpful, to do more than just stand beside the other man silently like some brooding shadow.
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Though that's what he's become, hasn't he? Bitter and violent should he feel it necessary to be so, a trained killer unafraid of ripping and rending through flesh that managed to be snagged within the maws of an enraged beast, many saw the once proud warrior as nothing more than a monster as of late; A creature that thrived on combat and the destruction of the very people that made him into who he was today, but not Cloud, never Cloud apparently. Lips curl into a gentle grin at the idea, he was helpful to someone at the very least, even if he'd grown all too protective throughout their time beside one another and perhaps he cared far more than the average friend should have, but then again; Average friends don't go through the same horrors as the duo had to endure together. That's how Zack justified it, anyways.
A rabid guard dog trapped in an endless loop of biting despite never wanting to bring harm to those unfortunate to cross into Zack's poor graces, a feature of which was far easier done than said given how low his tolerance for anyone daring to cause problems for either Cloud or himself truly had become. That dependency, as it seems to be, is reciprocated. Though that hardly came as much of a surprise, being without the blonde felt off, something so viscerally incorrect that his very being often trembled with wrath when the two were separated for too long and the verbal confirmation he wasn't the only one to experience that... ( Validating, freeing even. )
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“ And here I was, stewing about whether I'm being overbearing towards you. ” He huffs out, amusement glimmering within mako stained eyes; An odd calmness kept Zack completely and uncharacteristically still. At times such as this, he'd often be pacing or doing squats, clears his mind and allows the former SOLDIER to focus on his surroundings but instead he simply sat, jaw twitching while his tongue feels at the sharp canines meant for rending through his foes and that familiar emptiness he'd been so prone to slowly seeps in. “ I'm always here though, always nearby until you tell me to go away and mean it, I promise. ”
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growling · 27 days
Top 10 favourite narcissist moments
parasocial hatred. we never talked and I'm not sure you know I exist but I fucking hate you and hope the worst happens to you
getting so pissed over actual talented people that get like 50+ notes minimum for every art and endless praise from their 100+ followers every damn day whining about how much their art sucks and nobody appreciates them or whatever. like shut the fuck up do you just not know how good you have it or are you just fishing for attention. nevermind i have already decided which one and i decided i want you boiled in a pot
not being able to have a normal one without a constant string of supply aka attention and praise from everyone. every time someone talks to me or compliments my epic art skillz or acknowledges me in any way I get such a high I feel like a literal god and feeling giddy nonstop for the whole day, then it fades i start to feel a bit too ignored these past 2 days and a half and i just feel so empty and terrible and my world is destroyed and i need to hurt something now- oh someone said im cool again nevermind i have been fixed the universe is beautiful my future is bright mentally healthy people want me carnally
having a really fucked relationship with the concept of "unconditional love" everything is conditional what are you talking about. and "love" in general, when i say i'm loveless, whether romantically or platonically, i mean it. that doesn't mean i cannot get attached to people or care about them in some other way, no i am not going to explain it in detail right now
there is zero point in talking to anyone else or getting into any relationships because none of these people could ever be on my level. their thinking is so shallow and stupid and they all behave so predictably and enjoy the most nonsensical of things and it's like everyone just gets something that i don't and they're inferior in every way but it feels like they are out for me specifically because I'm not like them and as soon as they find me out I will never be safe there. It's lonely and terrifying but yeah sure I'm the asshole apparently because I secretly feel superior or whatever. contrary to popular opinion being extremely self-centered is not a positive thing for the guy that has it
not caring about anything that doesn't concern me specifically in any way. it's all "support people with low empathy" until they can't ""make up"" for it with high sympathy or just trying harder or something. Everything bad that ever happens is here just for my entertainment or an annoyance. vents and crying and whatnot make me incredibly uncomfortable or annoyed and i mean i will try to listen (because i am a wonderful kind person) but i will have zero idea on how to respond because thorought the entirety of it i didn't really pay attention and just kinda thought "oh my god stfu i don't careeee when can i leave" while envisioning rain code amvs in my mind. unless you unlock my easter egg that is
only doing nice things for praise and making people love me or just to feel good for being such a great person, and getting incredibly dissapointed and sometimes really pissed whenever they're not grateful enough
wow society is a shitshow i don't respect literally any of you people. i should run away and live away from everybody forever but i need to acquire my riches and fame first which will not be hard whatsoever. the struggle never ends
just. lying all the time. and not being able to tell whether you actually like somebody or their attention.
not seeing other people as people (i know they are, it doesn't change that i still feel they aren't), having to slowly spend enough time talking with them and find out enough information on them in order to start seeing them as an actual person. if i don't know who you are then you just aren't that important in the great scheme of things. and if i do know you and get attached (and maybe you also happen to have traits that make you special and better than others almost like me which makes me like you even more) then I decide you're my person now. not in a weird or entitled way, it's just how many of us show protectiveness and whatnot thanks radiostaticsmile for putting that into words. I do feel a bit of an ownership over people I like, kinda like a cat or dog with their people. i'm really not escaping the kittycat allegations am i. god damn it.
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msperfectsheep-posts · 3 months
Natsume's Book of Friends Reaction Blog - Episode 1
(Below the cut as to not destroy my followers' feeds)
My pure unfiltered thoughts, in chronological order, for Episode 1:
oh great we're starting off by calling women despicable--i see how it is, show /j
"just think of all the babes and bikinis you'll meet" what an odd sentence
ooh i love natsume's eyes
they're like a bronzey copper
"is everything okay with you? since you're, like, covered in dirt" "i'm good. anyway--" natsume my friend you were just running from something that called you a despicable woman
"what's weirder: the weather, or natsume" my man is running for his life don't bully him too
nevermind natsume is yokaiphobic. kill him girls
RIP bozo he didn't even make it to a shrine
well that was a short anime
oh god we have an evil advisor yokai edition
everyone keeps misgendering my man natsume this is so sad
AND they're misogynistic towards him
my poor man
"lets tear out her tongue so she can't utter a word" MY MAN CAN'T EVEN SAY HIS PRONOUNS?
oh god this kid has been seeing The Horrors
Takashi Natsume... we have his first name, folks
this poor fucking guy
he gets misgendered and misnamed several times
he gets slammed against a tree and probably breaks several ribs
he's threatened to have his tongue cut out
he has been seeing yokai since he was a kid and was labelled mentally ill and attention seeking for it
he just tripped over a giant rope and landed on said probably broken ribs
the smug fat cat demon: "are you not afraid?"
takashi, clearly dissociating: "i'm just used to it, that's all"
my god the entire yokai world is trying to either deadname or convince him he's a transwoman named reiko
oh that makes more sense. his grandma is reiko. but now this just says more about reiko if her grandson looks practically identical to her???
"unlike humans, we do not concern ourselves with things as inconsequential as gender" based???????
oop cat's gone
"i'm fit as a fiddle, honest!" (had all the experiences above)(takashi you are either Lying or very out of touch with what it means to be fit)
oh AND he's an orphan too
leave the cat in the wall
> calls it the book of friends
> is a roster of every yokai his grandmother took down in combat
oh wait he actually listened to me
the way takashi takes physical pain/damage is so concerning to me. he is constantly falling/running/getting squeezed to death and he just brushes it off afterwards but it isn't in a plot armor-feeling way. it's in a way where it feels like he's just not processing the pain and that's Worse
"and if i happen to die in the process, then so be it" TAKASHI PLEASE
Super interesting first episode!!
Other thoughts now that the episode is done:
I love the animation--I'm by no means someone who can really tell good animation from bad animation because all animation is really cool in my opinion and it's hard for me to usually distinguish what's stylistic and what isn't, but NBoF's animation is so simple but pretty to me??? Like I love the way Takashi is drawn and how he's so deeply expressive with micro-expressions that are usually hard to make on anime faces without being super exaggerated. It has a cozy slice-of-life look but then it hits you with what i saw above and I'm like????? curious to see if it goes further with "Takashi Natsume experiences the horrors in a nice setting" or if it cools down and becomes much more chill with time. I'll have to see but I literally have NO clue
And because you specifically requested this, @versaphile! Hope you enjoy :)
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marshiestars · 1 year
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better
thank you @scrawnytreedemon for tagging!! let’s begin, shall we? :3c
Three Ships: ughhhhh this is real hard because I JUST invented the most horrible, wonderful “why does it work” crackship a few weeks ago, but if I want to include it, I have to ignore one of my three big zelda ships :C
1. Ghiralink. because of course. I feel like it’s illegal to leave this one out or put it any lower. it’s the good food. it’s well-established. I can afford to be picky with my content. it’s great :D
2. Astlink! sorry Kohlink, but Astlink is less likely to scare half my audience away 😔.
tbh I’m still VERY surprised that Astor and Link aren’t paired together nearly as often as Zelast (Astor / Zelda). don’t get me wrong, both are rare pairs, but somehow Astlink is even *rarer* shksjhdjhsshs, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why. either way, it's 'moody goth bitch rejected by society (or maybe he rejected society first, it's a chicken or egg situation tbh) with the perfect golden person that everyone admires who secretly has their own issues'!! and it's about how they're on the complete opposite sides of this huge conflict and yet they find unexpected parallels in each other! and having everything fall apart but deciding to be a better person, even when the rest of the world says it's too late, because that one person believes in you and is willing to give you a chance! darkness and light! it's GOOD FOOD
(...man, I really gotta finish chapter 3 of swordsman and the seer.)
3. ...fuck it. scrawny, I hereby challenge you for the title of Weirdest Fucking Crossover Ship. Ghirahim x Godrick? Sephiroth x the Hollow Knight? I'm intrigued, but not crumbling to ash at the thought.
and so I give you this in place of gushing about Kohlink, which is unbelievably rare, but damn it, at least they're from the same source material! besides, I wasn't the first person to pair them by a long shot, no, no, no.
but there’s a special, lonely sort of pride in knowing you’re probably the first of 8 billion people in the world to ever even think of a pairing. ready? here it is:
R*x D*ng*rv*st x S*np*i from FNF.
(censored their names like that because if this shows up in the tags I’m gonna jump out a window)
yeah, man. I don't even know either.
I mean, I do know, somewhere, and my original train of thought is buried in the memory slush of a few months ago, gone forever. so now we're here. fuck. kill me. why am I writing shit for these two. girl what the hell is this
everyone who reads this post, I want a brick emoji in my inbox to simulate getting one through my window
First Ever Ship: ANYWAY, fuck, I don’t even remember at this point, I've been in greater fandom for so long. wait... oh, son of a bitch, nevermind, I do.
it was Billdip.
DO NOT COME AFTER ME, I DON’T SHIP IT ANYMORE. haven’t for years. I was 12. but I loved Bill Cipher (still do, he's my funny meow meow blorbo <3) and was very upset when the finale happened even though I knew that was how it had to be. but every time Billdip art came across my screen, I saw cool art where he: # 1. was still around and # 2. was more often than not a pretty human / humanoid (this was at the height of his sexymanification). hell, I didn't even give a shit about Dipper honestly, I just wanted more Bill content. and again, being literally 12, I didn’t really stop to think abt any moral implications. but yeah.
(also nowadays I hc Bill as ace sooo)
Last Song: 'She Had The World' by Panic! very nice to sing to, it's right in my range <3
Last Movie: does ‘My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas’ count? it’s a childhood film and practically tradition for me to watch it every year for christmas lol. although this year I’ve been replaying it for... research purposes. yeah. totally not for a lethally cursed fanfic, no sir.
if that doesn’t count, then ‘The Lego Movie’!
Currently Reading: nothing atm!! even as my 'to read' pile gets taller by the day, hhhh
Currently Watching: Minty Christmas, again, but definitely not so I can copy the dialogue verbatim to use as the base for a coked-up christmas crack fic
Currently Consuming: soup <3
Currently Craving: instant ramen, good god, especially if it’s spicy. they have cups for sale in vending machines around campus but they’re all beef and chicken flavour :C
I won't tag anyone else in this because nine people is a lot; far too many to bother with this wall of personal nonsense shdhdj but thanks anyway for tagging me scrawny, my beloved mutual!!! <3
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skzhocomments · 8 months
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 13 - Strawberry buttons
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 12 | Chapter 14
Chapter 13 - Strawberry buttons
word count: 2.9k words
~third person POV~
"So, we're all going to the party on Saturday, right?" Jude spoke excitedly and looked insistently at Lydia and Crystal. It was the second day of Uni, and their small group was eating lunch together in the cafeteria.
Crystal lazily took an apple out of her bag and began eating it, not wanting to respond.
"That damn apple again." Lydia rolled her eyes. "I swear to God, if you don't start eating real meals I'm gonna-"
Just as she started speaking, she got interrupted by a bear hug from behind, which startled her.
"Hey." Jinki kissed her cheek, and she became a blushing mess.
They've been dating ever since Taemin's birthday, and even if it was hard for Lydia to get over her past and overcome her trauma regarding men, she gave him a chance, and she's been very happy since.
"Hi." She smiled. "What's up?"
"We figured we'll eat with you." Jinki sat down next to Lydia, and Taemin followed soon after, and sat down in front of Crystal, next to Jude. Key also sat down next to Jude, on her other side. They've been dating since Taemin's birthday as well, albeit not so openly.
Then, a tray with food appeared out of nowhere in front of Crystal, and Minho stood down next to her with his own tray.
"Eat." He instructed her, and she looked at him dumbfounded.
"Thank you, Minho." Lydia smiled satisfied. "We've been trying to force food down her throat for years, and she wouldn't listen."
"Yea, she only listens to you apparently." Jude chuckled.
"Oh, shut up." Crystal rolled her eyes.
"So, why were you so excited?" Key smiled, asking his girlfriend.
"The party on Saturday. I was just asking the girls if we're all going."
"Oh, I really want to go too!" Taemin smiled.
"Jude, we have plans on Saturday though." Key frowned, and then Jude finally remembered and face-palmed herself.
"Oh, that's right! Nevermind, then!" She smiled and watched Key, who was smiling happily.
"I hate parties, so I'm not going." Lydia shrugged.
"Crystal, Jinki, Minho, are you coming with me?" Taemin asked, hopeful.
"I have football practice for our next game both Saturday evening and Sunday morning..." Minho shook his head.
"I have plans with Lydia." Jinki hugged her side, and she raised a brow and mouthed a 'We do?' to which Jinki simply smirked.
"Crystal, you're my last hope." Taemin pleaded.
"I don't know, I've never been to one of these parties before." She shrugged. Parties weren't exactly her cup of tea. She had low alcohol tolerance, not many friends, and she'd rather watch a movie or something instead of going out to dance with strangers.
"So why not come with me? Maybe you'll find yourself a boyfriend or something-" Taemin started, when Jude elbowed his side.
"I'm not really a hook-up kind of girl anymore." Crystal shrugged.
"Anymore?" Key asked, amused.
"Don't tell me you used to sleep around, because I will never ever believe you." Jude gasped.
"This is not the type of conversation to have at lunch, in Uni." Crystal waved her hand around, trying to dismiss this talk.
After she got kicked out of the orphanage, she used to seek any kind of love or validation from others that she could get, and more often than not, that validation would come in the form of sex, so she would offer her body to almost anyone who wanted it. Sex was the only thing that made her feel a little bit less lonely, it was the only time people gave her any attention, and she was thriving on it, until she realised it was self-destructive. Ever since then, she decided she will no longer sleep with just anyone, or offer her body away just for a few minutes of fake love. She wanted to have a deeper connection with someone before having sex with them, so she hasn't had sex in... years.
"True." Lydia nodded, in her 'Just drop it' way, so they all went back to the main topic of discussion: the party on Saturday.
"Anyway, you have to come with me. Pleeaseee?" Taemin asked again, and Crystal sighed.
"Okay. Why not? Should be fun." She finally gave in with a chuckle, after Taemin did his cute little pout. How could she not?
The weekend came by quick enough, and Taemin was hanging out at Minho's place, waiting for Crystal to be ready.
She decided to wear the dress Minho gifted her, with the cute strawberry buttons, and she didn't exaggerate with the make-up. Just a bit of red on her cheeks and lips, and she was ready to go and dance the night away with Taemin and whoever other of his friends decided to come to the party.
"Some ground rules for your first party from your senior." Minho started up before Crystal and Taemin headed out. "Be careful. Don't get drunk. Don't accept drinks from anyone except Taemin. Not even from whatever 'bar' they've improvised. Unless you see the bottle being unsealed right in front of you, you don't take it. You pour everything yourself. Don't exaggerate on drinks. No drugs. What else?" He stopped for a moment and started rubbing his chin, thinking of more tips they needed to know.
"Come on, Minho, we are not kids. We'll be fine." Taemin brushed him off, to which Minho frowned.
"No. I want you two to be safe, and I expect you to watch over Crystal tonight, okay?"
"If you're so worried you should just come yourself." Taemin protested.
"You know I can't. I have practice tomorrow morning at 7:30."
"Minho, thank you for your concern, but we'll be okay." Crystal tried to assure him. "Taemin and I will stick together."
"You better."
2 hours into the party, Crystal was standing with her back against the living room wall, watching amused how Taemin was starting to get drunk during some random drinking game one of his friends forced him to take part in.
He would stumble sometimes, or say something stupid, which made her laugh to no end. She even filmed some of it, so she can have a memory of this moment forever and show Jude and Lydia in Uni on Monday.
"Hey there." A good-looking, tall and muscular guy approached her, and pressed his back against the wall as well. "Are you a first year? I've never seen you before."
"No." Crystal chuckled. "3rd year. What about you?"
"Woah, a bit older than me, I see." He smiled mischievously and handed her his hand. "Name's Jun. I'm a second year."
"Jun. Noted." She chuckled and shook his hand. "I'm Crystal."
"Such a pretty name! You know, that sounds a lot like my next girlfriend's name."
"Oh, is that so?" Crystal raised an eyebrow. She found his pick-up line kinda corny, but she indulged him either way. Maybe it was good to meet other people. Maybe Taemin was right, and she would find the love of her life at this party, and she would forget all about Minho.
"I hope it is." He winked. "Hey, can I get you anything to drink? Your cup's empty." He pointed to the red cup in her hand. Some cheap-tasting beer used to be in it 20 minutes ago, but she sipped on it enough to finish it while watching Taemin do stupid shit.
She found it ironic how Minho asked Taemin to take care of her, but she was the only sober-enough one between them two. Still, Minho did have a few great points tonight, especially not accepting drinks from strangers.
"Oh, no, I'm good, thanks. Gotta not get too drunk." She chuckled.
"You do you. I'm gonna grab some beer, but do stay here. Don't run away." He raised a finger in the air as if to make sure she'll stay put and went quickly in the kitchen.
"Not gonna go anywhere, no worries." She joked back and smiled, and as soon as the guy turned around, she sighed.
Why was she still thinking about Minho?
Jun returned quickly enough and continued the conversation with her eagerly.
"So, 3rd year Crystal, did you come here with your boyfriend?" He pointed to Taemin, who she's been watching closely.
"No. With my kid." She joked. "He needs an adult to take care of him."
Taemin was now held upside down by two guys she couldn't recognise, and was drinking beer that way, which proved her point further.
"I see. I was worried for a second that you're taken."
"What if I were?" She laughed.
"I'd be very disappointed." He placed a hand on his heart and mimicked heartache. "So, he's just a friend from your class who brought you to the party and abandoned you."
"Looks like it."
"I'm the same. My friend also brought me here, and now she's hooking up with that girl in the corner." He pointed to the sofa in the corner of the room, where one of Crystal's classmates that she thought was called Yura was hungrily kissing some other girl she didn't know.
"At least they're having fun."
"Indeed." Jun raised his can before taking a first sip. "This beer's shit. Now I see why you didn't want any."
"I think your friend is in my class. Is her name Yura?" Crystal tried to keep the conversation flowing, even though she was finding it difficult to actually be interested in the guy.
"Yes! So, you're a business major. I see, smart one!"
"What are you studying?"
"That's less important." He waved his hand around. "What's more important, though, is that you're looking at the next football captain, once the current one retires." He hit his chest with his fist two times and boasted proudly.
Once the current one retires.
Right, it's Minho's last year.
Crystal smiled bitterly.
"Are you in the team?"
"Not yet, but I'll be after next week! I just have to pass their tests, should be easy enough!"
"Oh, good luck! I hope you'll get in!" She smiled, but her mind was elsewhere.
"So, would it be bad if I leaned in and kiss you?" He asked, and leaned in, but Crystal moved away, shocked by the guy's boldness.
She was at a frat party of sorts, yes, but still. So randomly?
"Sorry, that took me by surprise." She chuckled nervously, then saw Taemin approach them with a curious look.
"I see you've made a friend while I was gone." He laughed and stumbled on his feet, and looked drunk.
"Taemin, you should definitely stop drinking." Crystal scolded him.
"And miss out on the fun?! No way, bro!"
Jun's friend, Yura, also approached the trio. Crystal never spoke to her, but they both recognised each other.
"Jun! I didn't know you knew Taemin and Crystal!" She spoke happily and greeted them. Even though Crystal never spoke to her before, she seemed friendly. Taemin just nodded absent-mindedly.
"I just met them both. I'm kinda interested in one of them, though." Jun spoke and looked at Crystal, who just smiled politely in return.
He seemed nice enough. Maybe they'd trade numbers and see they get along and she would really get over Minho this time.
God, why am I thinking about him again?
"I'm gonna head back to my place with my date. The girl's been waiting for me for some time. Do y'all want something to drink before I go?"
"You bet I do!" Jun exclaimed, Taemin nodded as well and told her he wants some wine, and Crystal, noting that Yura was a classmate and that Taemin also accepted a drink from her, decided to accept as well.
She came back with three drinks and handed it to them, then left the party with her date.
Kai arrived at the party, definitely invited by Taemin, and after he said hi to Crystal, he stole Taemin away, leaving her alone with Jun once again.
She sipped on the drink, some kind of alcohol with punch which tasted awful, and after two gulps, she felt like she had enough for the night.
Jun kept talking about something, but Crystal found it hard to focus.
Am I already drunk? But I only had one beer and a few sips of this drink.
She couldn't understand what was happening, and Jun's words started to mix up in her head. Her vision was getting blurry, and all the lights coming from the big disco ball in the middle of the room were tiring and were making her more confused, giving her a big headache.
Jun grabbed her hand and started dragging her away from the living room, up the stairs. Although reluctant, Crystal didn't question it at first, because nothing made sense anymore, but she was starting to panic when her legs stopped cooperating, and she fell on the stairs, scraping her knees. Instead of comforting her, or acting like a decent person, Jun grabbed her arm tightly again and forced her to stand up, muttering up some curse words and telling her to hurry the fuck up.
At this point, Crystal started to cry, but Jun didn't seem to show any compassion. He opened one of the rooms upstairs and shoved her inside, throwing her on the bed and jumping on top of her.
She protested and squirmed under him, but he was just too strong, and she couldn't move away.
"Stop it already!" He shouted, and she cried harder. "It's just going to be more difficult for you if you keep this up."
"Please let go!" She tried speaking through her tears, but he didn't care.
He pressed his mouth against her neck and sucked on it, continuing to move his mouth down her body, and she felt disgusting.
Channelling her whole force, she reached the lamp on the nightstand with her right hand and managed to grab it and smack Jun's head with it, taking him by surprise. She shoved him away from her and tried to run away, but he came to his senses too quickly.
"No!" Crystal screamed when Jun grabbed a handful of her hair with one hand, and the hem of her dress with the other, and pulled her back towards him, some of the strawberry buttons flying on the floor.
"Fucking bitch." He muttered, blood running down his face from the cut in his forehead Crystal caused with the lamp and forced her to look at him, before slapping her left cheek as hard as he could.
Crystal fell down from the impact, and he made her lay down on her stomach on the bed, pressing his body against her. He pushed her head against the pillows, his hand moving up her legs and raising the dress enough to expose her ass.
"Let me go!" She tried again, but her screams were muffled between the pillows, and it was so hard to move when her body was intoxicated like this.
She must've been drugged. That was the only logical explanation for how she was feeling.
"Look at you, wearing a thong like a whore." He spoke, looking at the thin panties. He grabbed the hem of them and started dragging them down her legs, exposing her core. He hit her ass hard and grabbed it, and squeezed it, all the while she was pleading with him to let her go and tried to wiggle out of his grasp, with no success.
Then, he started unzipping his pants, continuing to throw more derogatory insults her way, along the lines of 'slut', 'whore', or 'stupid, worthless cunt', telling her how much she wants it since she wore this short dress and thongs, and how she flirted with him the whole night, leading him on, so what was she expecting?
Crystal felt humiliated and stupid, and she wished she listened more to Minho, and didn't accept that damn drink from her classmate. She cried harder and struggled under him, but it was way too easy for him to overpower her.
"Oh, shut up already!" He shouted annoyed. "You've been teasing me the whole night! It's your fault!"
"Please, no..."
"Just wait, it will feel good. I'm sure a whore like you can take it."
After squirming against him for a while with no apparent success, she lost all hope and started thinking of the worst.
She was going to get raped, and she just had to endure it, because there was nothing else she could do. She's going to protect herself and get in the same headspace she used when her foster parents or Mrs. Lewis would hit her. Jun was not doing anything to her, he just used her body, so she would just separate her mind from her body, and she would be okay.
It will be okay.
Everything will be fine.
She told herself over and over, when the door suddenly opened, and Taemin and Kai busted in the room. Kai threw Jun away from her and hit his face two times, before Jun cursed them both and ran out of the room in a hurry, probably trying to evade all the implications of what he was caught doing.
Taemin rushed towards Crystal and helped her sit up on the bed and rearrange her clothes. She slowly pulled her panties back up, and she felt around the fabric of the dress, at her chest, but it was ruined. The buttons have been ripped off, and the dress was hanging on her body awkwardly, showing her cleavage, so Kai took his jacket off and gave it to her to cover up.
Since Taemin was still too wasted, they decided that Kai would be the one to take Crystal home, so he helped her into a taxi, then into the elevator, and knocked on the door.
Chapter 12 | Chapter 14
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brilliantpride · 11 months
Stupid fucking Magecraft stupid fucking Baobhan-Sith stupid fucking get her out of here. She feels like she's been wandering forever. Of course it's always the Chaldea hallways, too. Always the ones covered in ice, can't even be the empty ones back at Novum Chaldea, or the ones from the old Chaldea before they got iced. Always has to be damn cold in here. Yako punches a wall and sighs, but keeps walking, hoping at some point she'll come across a door or something.
"Damn, when will you just give it a rest?"
Yako glances to her side, and sees another self walking beside her down this endless, empty hallway. She scoffs. "Finally! I was starting to get lonely. So, what, you're here to bother me until I break down emotionally and give up, like Aphrodite and Mnemosyne?"
"Woooow, straight A's! She can use that brain!" The smile on the other Yako is toothy and insincere. "And you know what? I cooould take it slow and gentle, but why don't we cut to the chase? You like it rough anyway, right?"
Before Yako can answer, she finds herself in the clinic. Asclepius throws a pile of papers at her, his face as cold as ever. "That's what the data says. You've burned out your magical circuits too badly to use magic anymore. Your Servants have been dismissed. It took all of my genius just to keep your idiot self alive, let alone conscious, so be grateful you're even standing here to hear the news."
Ah, hey, that's unfair. Yako takes the papers and stands up, tossing them in the trash as she goes. "So what? I still have…" …No, she doesn't. She reaches for her side, but Calesvol isn't there. "Nevermind. I gotta get going." She slams open the clinic door - to see Ritsu and Mash's waiting faces outside. "Uh, 'scuse--"
"Are you all right? You really pushed yourself in that last battle," Mash pipes up. "It was pretty reckless to do what you did."
"And what did I do, exactly?"
The Mash-alike pauses, searching her brain. Ritsu pipes up. "It was reckless and irresponsible." Their words cut right to the quick. "Yako, I just can't have you on my team if you're going to put everyone in danger like that again. Including yourself."
"…" Yako clenches her jaw. Not like they're never doing reckless shit themself. Have they forgotten about the gun that eats away at their life-force to function? --No, hang on, don't get worked up. It's a misery dream, remember. And they still haven't said what she's actually done… though she can fill in the blanks for herself.
Ritsu turns their back on her. "I didn't want things to turn out this way. I thought I could give you a chance, but clearly, I was mistaken."
"Hey, wait a--" Ritsu's already walking away. Yako reaches out a hand, but flinches back at the last minute. "Right… Illusion. It's not them. But… I guess… I can be pretty reckless."
"Damn right you are." Oh, now that's a familiar voice. Your worldbuilding is breaking down, buddy. Yako turns to look at Kama with a nonplussed expression. "I'm always cleaning up after you. And you know what? I'm damn tired of it. I didn't ask to be a Servant in the first place, then I get stuck with an idiot like you, and then I'm forced to be your fucking babysitter? It's torture."
…There's nothing she can say to that. It's completely true. As much as she hates it. Yako's hand curls into a fist, nails digging into her palm, her tail frustratedly swishing behind her. (Why is she getting so worked up? It's a fake. But… it's not like it's a lie.)
Kama glares at her with the fury of a god. "You act like a child, and then get frustrated when people treat you like one. Pick a fucking side. No wonder everyone thinks you're a hassle."
"That's all you have to say? You're a selfish asshole, you know that?"
"…I'm sorry."
"It's like pulling teeth with you." The scene melts away again - no clinic, no hallway, just the bleached-white earth and its crumbling ruins. Kama grips Yako by the shirt collar. "Always 'sorry' at the last minute after nothing can be fixed, because you're too cowardly to apologize when it's actually useful. Always 'sorry' after you've been backed into a corner. Do you even hear yourself? Have you ever thought about another person besides yourself?" They shove Yako away, and turn away with a disgusted expression on their face. "Do you even care about me, or do you just want to use me like everyone else does?"
Yako opens her mouth, and closes it again. Will talking make it worse? Will not talking make it worse? "I-I do care. I really do! You're important to me! I didn't realize how much until you used up your name for me, and--- and I know I won't ever be able to repay you for that, and I was scared of losing you, and I just…"
"This isn't about you!" a thousand voices scream at once. Kama's gentle galaxies turn burning-bright and all-consuming. "…Deal with this shit yourself. I'm tired. Bye." With that, Kama rips open a hole in space and disappears.
And Yako is on her own, once again.
She brings herself to her feet and wanders around. Her heart feels like it's breaking. With every step, she feels further from herself, lost in her own thoughts again.
"Nobody listens to me," her voice echoes. She didn't say that. "Nobody tries to understand me. I mess up everything I do, no matter how hard I try. Especially if I'm trying not to mess up. Why won't everyone get off my back?"
"Who's there?! Stop reading my mind!" Yako whips around, looking for anyone else. "Shut up! Just shut up! I don't want to hear any more!"
"I don't want to hear that I'm not trying hard enough. I don't want to face the reality that I'm not. I don't want to face the truth."
"Please, stop! I don't… want to hear this anymore…" She covers her ears, her heart aching and throat tightening.
"Whenever people ask me why I want to be a hero…"
A figure steps out from behind a wall. It's… herself? "I answer, 'Because I want to help people!' But it's not true, not really. I want to be adored. I want people to think I'm cool. I feel like if I burn myself at both ends for other people, I'll be loved - because I don't really understand what real love is like. As much as I want to tell myself that I'm human, is it really true? Was I ever human to start with?"
"Shut up…" Her voice is breaking. "Shut up, shut up, I don't want to hear this anymore… I hate this. Why is it a bad thing if I want to be loved? I'm sorry I didn't get the handbook when I was born! I'm doing my best! I don't know how to do better!"
"Aww, I know." Her mirror's voice is so gentle. "Even if everyone gives up on you, I know you did the best you could." She can hear the sneer to it. "Don't worry, nobody's ever going to hear about your journey. Even if they do, they can't tell anyone, or you'll get hit with a Sealing Designation by the Mages Association faster than you can say 'Oops'. Nobody's going to know about the sacrifices you had to make or how hard you pushed yourself, or about your time in Tartarus's maze, or about how you were personally trained by several historical figures, yes, personally, don't you believe me? And nobody's going to know about all your mistakes, either. It'll all be just a dream come morning, and you'll wake up in your bed wondering what the hell to do with the rest of your life. Your parents will wonder why you don't just get a normal job like everyone else your age. Sure, they gave up on their dreams for you to strike it rich where they couldn't, but you could still make a modest living in a cubicle somewhere, right? It's not the worst way to live. You'd still be able to do some LARPing as a part-time hero in your spare time."
Yako sinks to her knees. Her mirror crouches down next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "So, really, it's in your best interest to call it quits now. It's a sunk-cost fallacy that's kept you in it this long. Ritsu doesn't need you. Mash definitely doesn't need you. Kama, Connla, and Cú Chulainn? They won't even remember you. Everyone can save the world without you. …If there's a world left to be saved, that is. I mean, it'd suck if you were doing all this and then were left with a bleached-white Earth and no future ahead of you, right? All those worlds and their people, that you just…" she snaps her fingers, "…out of existence. While they were sleeping, too! But, mhm, yep, Ritsu can definitely take the blame for you. It'll be like you weren't even there at all.
"So why keep going?"
…That's the real question, isn't it.
Are you waiting for an answer? Do you really want to hear it? Obviously, you already know everything! But…
One foot in front of the other.
Yako stands back up. Slowly, deliberately. "…It's okay to hesitate. It's okay to be afraid. But don't stop." She steadies her breathing and lets her hands fall down to her sides. "Don't ever stop. Don't ever retreat. Don't ever go back. Wherever the living go, that's where Humanity goes."
Yeah. Okay. She can do this. She takes a deep breath in, and exhales slowly. "You know, this is one of the nicer mental manipulations I've been through. I mean, you're not trying to overwrite my personality, or erase my memories, just… make me give up. But the thing is, I'm just too dumb to know when to give up." She puts her hand out to her side… and feels someone holding it, though it's only for a moment. "You did give me some stuff to think about, so thanks for that. But you left out some other stuff, too. It's not just me and Ritsu out here. It's not just our Servants, either. Everyone in Chaldea is working together to save our world, and there's a lot of people in there way smarter than me. I know they can figure it out."
"But what if they can't?" her mirror laughs. "You've cried yourself to sleep thinking about it!"
"We will."
Her voice reverberates sharply across the dreamscape. The bleached-white surface begins to crack open; the structures around her start to crumble. Beyond her vision, a star shines bright. Her mirror regroups herself. "If you think things are going back to normal once you're done, you're only kidding yourself. There's no going back for you. The blood won't come off your hands. The stench won't leave your body. So why keep fighting?"
Yako pauses.
Yes, it's true that the blood will never come off her hands. She accepted that long ago - told herself never to turn away from the reality of her role. She's taken lives - human lives, when you include the Olympians - and stained her armor with their blood. She delights in battle, craves the sport of it, the moment when everything is on the line and her life flashes before her eyes. Someone trying to interrogate her fears should know better than anyone… "I already told you I'm too stupid to give up. I want to keep going as far as I can go. So long as I'm alive, I'll never stop walking towards that light… Towards my ideal. I'll never be a hero - I'll never even get close - but that doesn't mean I should stop trying to be one. No, it's because of that ideal that I've been able to make it this far, and while I'll keep going, and why I'll never, ever stop trying to reach it. The future I'm fighting for is one where even some nobody like me can have that chance - the chance to be better than they were yesterday."
The rumbling grows louder. Even the sky is crumbling. Everything is falling away as something cracks, cracks, breaks.
"…Well, I'll be damned." The scene finally falls away, the curtain closing on its actors. The one using Yako's voice mumbles to himself. "Were humans always this resilient?"
0 notes
almostcorporeal · 1 year
On Radiohead
I listened to the entire Radiohead discography yesterday because I figured it was about time I gave them a proper second chance and I want to flesh out my Rate Your Music.
Here are my thoughts on each album (:
Pablo Honey - Rating: 1.5/5 The fact that I even have to discuss this album pisses me off. I Do Not Like Pablo Honey is the most succinct way I can put how I feel about this album. It wants to be Nevermind era Nirvana so bad in the first half and then it just loses the plot in the second half. The only song I like on this album, it's opening track "You", I only like because it sounds like a typical wannabe Nirvana grunge song. "Creep" is terrible and the whole band is right to hate it. "Anyone Can Play Guitar" except Radiohead, I guess. Favorite tracks: You
The Bends - Rating: 2.5/5 I can see how this is a clear improvement from the atrocities committed on their debut album, but I still think it falls short of being. meaningful, I guess? However, it does have one of my favorite Radiohead tracks on it ("My Iron Lung". Why is that guitar so fuckin DIRTY I love it) so I will give it that. I feel it closes out strong with "Street Spirit (Fade Out)", but otherwise for the most part the album is largely just more forgettable grunge. Favorite tracks: Fake Plastic Tress, My Iron Lung, Street Spirit (Fade Out)
OK Computer - Rating: 4/5 I can see why this is largely regarded as one of, if not the (according to Rate Your Music lmfao), best albums of all time. However, it feels a bit too mechanical for my taste. The experimentalism that I'm looking for when it comes to Radiohead and their preceding reputation is there, but it feels unnatural and manufactured to me. Which I suppose fits with the album's name. Still fantastic, just not the vibe I'm particularly looking for. Favorite tracks: Karma Police, Lucky
Kid A - Rating: 4.5/5 God, I could gush about this album for a while. This is the album that makes me make a goofy "I Finally Get Radiohead" YouTube video. I've never been the biggest Radiohead fan, but this album really took my breath away. It's lonely, it's cold, it's desolate and bittersweet, full of ghosts. Favorite tracks: Everything In Its Right Place, How To Disappear Completely, Treefingers, Idioteque
Amnesiac - Rating: 3.5/5 I was told that Amnesiac is basically a compilation of stuff Thom didn't think fit with Kid A, and while I agree with that decision to separate the albums, I disagree with the seemingly pervasive fan belief that Amnesiac is bad because of it. It's a bit disjointed I suppose, but considering the source material, I don't think it detracts from the overall mood or enjoyment of the album. Imo Amnesiac is nearly as good as Kid A, which tracks cuz they're cut from the same cloth. Favorite tracks: Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box, Knives Out
Hail To The Thief - Rating: 4/5 This album is definitely leaning more into the electronic experimentation I really enjoyed on Kid A from Radiohead. It sounds very Autechre inspired, it makes me feel like Thom sat in on one too many Warp Records recording sessions and was like "Yeah I can do that too." and God DAMN can he. Supposedly the political messaging behind the lyrics leaves more to be desired but honestly Thom could say nearly anything over this instrumentation and I'd be fine with it. Favorite tracks: Myxomatosis, Scatterbrain, A Wolf at the Door
In Rainbows - Rating: 3.5/5 I had really high hopes for In Rainbows, especially seeing as many of the Radiohead fans around me really enjoy it. However, it ended up just leaving me wanting. It felt more like it was right on the edge of greatness like I did with OK Computer than as if it had achieved what it set out for like I felt with Kid A. Ultimately, I still really like the vibe of this overall album and it's tied with OK Computer as my second favorite Radiohead album. Favorite tracks: 15 Step, Nude, House of Cards
The King of Limbs - Rating: 3/5 I really didn't feel very strongly about this album. For the most part it felt forgettable and middle of the road to me except for Bloom. I loved how the percussion in Bloom sounds like it's falling down the stairs on an alien planet with the synth in the background. I wish I had more to say about this album but I think I'll give it more time and return to it at a later date and reassess. Favorite tracks: Bloom, Feral
A Moon Shaped Pool - Rating: 3/5 I'll just come right out and say it - something about this album scratches my brain really nice. It feels haunting but hopeful at the same time. Also very lonely. I think it's representative of Radiohead's overall sound. It feels much slower than I'm used to from their previous albums but I appreciate Thom showing us all that he can slow down and still put out good music. I'm interested in seeing how their sound evolves from here and I hope this isn't the last we hear from Radiohead. Favorite tracks: Burn The Witch, Daydreaming, Ful Stop
All in all I had a great time listening to this discography and I'm glad I did so I can form my own opinion on "one of the greatest bands of all time". I learned I like Radiohead a lot more than I previously believed in the course of all of this.
Lastly, I leave you with 2 things:
Listen to Autechre, it's what Thom Yorke would want
Radiohead should make a funk album
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ftb-writes · 2 years
It's prompt fill time!
The next prompt is another one of my own design.
The package says they are cherry flavoured, but the cough drop has the same artificial taste as a cherry Twizzler. I never really liked Twizzlers, and my mind is screaming at me to spit the cough drop out, but my allergy-induced bronchitis whispers 'more’.
It's only 8 o'clock, and Ryan is drunk. To be fair, the poor bastard had just gotten dumped by his girl -- cheating on him with his boss, no less -- and then got fired. By the boss Sharon was cheating on him with. He at least has a really strong case for a wrongful termination lawsuit, but he is getting drunk tonight.
Ryan is one of the regulars at the bar, and his favorite spot happened to be the next stool down from my favorite spot. Ryan and I had been old buddies for a few years now, what with our favorite spots putting us next to each other most nights drinking.
I feel bad for him. Ryan is a good guy, and made good money. His only problem was that he wouldn't blow his whole paycheck on his girl who didn't have a job of her own. Smart on his part, really, now.
"Two more for over here, Jim," I tell my favorite bartender, motioning between Ryan and I. "That's bullshit, man," I offered to Ryan. "That lawyer of yours is gonna have a field day, but it's bullshit. Imagine how funny it'll be when your boss's boss fires him for fucking it up so bad and re-hires you, she'll probably come crawling back. And what're you gonna say?"
"Yeah, babe," Ryan slurs sadly.
"No," I order gently. "You're gonna tell her to pound sand. You don't need that shit."
"Dun need that shiii--" Ryan hiccups hard and leans into me. "Jeez, Mike, I'm so friggin glad to have you."
I roll my eyes and pat his back, nodding to Jim. "Yeah buddy, you're damn lucky. Okay, nevermind on the shot for you. I'm gonna have both these and get you home."
"Home's lonely," Ryan slurs. "Why don't I go home with you?"
I choke on the second shot and cough a bit before I hear Ryan snoring. Of course.
I tell Jim I'll see him later and get Ryan into a taxi and tell his snoring ass he's lucky we live in the same building while I the driver the apartment number. The entire drive, Ryan is curled into my side snoring softly. It's cute, and I feel bad for the thought. He doesn't deserve this crap.
I manage to wake him up a bit when we stop, so I'm lucky to not have to drag him up the stairs. I get him into his door, tell him to drink some water and eat something, and head up to my own apartment.
The next morning, I knock on Ryan's door, and he lets me in and thanks me profusely for getting him home and not letting him make too much of an ass of himself.
"I was really drunk. I said a lot of shit I shouldn't have. So thanks."
"Better to say what you need to while you're drunk and have plausible deniability." I hold out the little pill bottle. "Figured you'd want an Advil."
Ryan shakes his head. "I had some. But. Um. Listen, Mike. I want to make an offer. You were right, I'm probably gonna get my job back, or a similar one for the same kinda pay, but I don't… do well, alone. So I wanted to see if you maybe wanted to get a place together. As roomies. You've been my best friend for years now."
I eye him for a moment. He looks a bit embarrassed. "You don't really want to be roommates."
Ryan sags. "I like you. I'm sorry. You were better to me than she ever was, and I just… last night just kind of made it more apparent. But if you only want to be roommates, that's cool. I was gonna test the waters after we'd moved in together."
I set a hand on his arm. "I'm flattered. I am. But… my husband probably wouldn't be too happy."
Mike's eyes get huge. "Oh. Shit. Um. Nevermind then."
"He'd be happier if you moved in with both of us," I continued, and settled closer to him. "Jim."
"The bartender? What about him?"
"That's my husband."
Ryan starts laughing. "Okay. Okay, I guess we're moving in together. Shit. This isn't how I expected this to go. Wow. It's crazy unfair, both of you being so good-looking."
0 notes
jameui · 3 years
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PAIRING: Sim Jaeyun x M!Reader
GENRE: Fluff, Horror
WARNINGS: I would love to put it, but it would be a major spoiler to the plot.
SUMMARY: Every 4 in the morning strange things happen inside your dorm room.
(A/N: it's not really horror-ish, but.. yeah, just something gross i guess.)
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You weren't really fond of being always outside of your dorm. You always liked to tuck yourself in your bed and never left the room unless it's something school related. They may call you a lone wolf for trapping your ownself inside your room, but it wasn't like that in your case. You had friends, three to be specific. You were just really not into socializing much or being around so many people, considering that this day your three friends were attending a party right now as you read your favorite book. In this whole world, your only comfort was your bed and your books. Nothing else more.
Your roommate, also one of your friends who was a party dog, was in the bathroom taking a shower and angry at you for not waking him up at the right time. A few minutes later and Jake was stepping out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging too loose for your liking.
The male continued to mumble and curse 'I'm late', while you just laughed at him that got you a glaring Jake. You rolled your eyes at him and chuckled. "Relax, Jake. It's just a party, not a test."
Jake scoffed as he fit himself in his jeans and shirt. "Easy for you to say. You don't like parties."
You gave him another eye roll as you got up from your bed and approached the male who had on now a jacket. You were able to notice the tine specs of dust on his jacket so you wanted to wipe it off. "Now, don't be out too late. I'm scared of being alone."
Jake nodded his head and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Don't worry, babe. I won't be out too long. I don't want to miss you so much." Jake stated making you giggle as the taller ruffled your hair playfully. "I'll be back before 10." He said as he moved to the door and opened it.
"That's... nevermind, have fun!" You told him as he sent you a flying kiss, you acting like you caught it and placed it on your chest. He chuckled before he left and was now out of your sight.
Did I forget to mention that he was your most loyal boyfriend? Anyways, you walked up to the door and gave Jake one more wave of goodbye as the dog-like person, turned around to give you... his middle finger. You gasped and shouted. "Rude!" You heard a chuckle from Jake before he waved goodbye and smiled.
You chuckled and got back inside your room to finish the book that you were reading.
After a few hours of waiting for Jake, it was already past 9 and you had guessed that maybe Jake got invited in a sleep over, you got yourself turning the lights off and getting ready for bed after you had taken a shower. You finally laid down on your bed and drifted off to sleep, taking a ticket for one to dreamland.
You woke up to the sound of something rattling and banging on the top bunk where Jake's bed was located, at a time around 4 a.m. It was too loud for you that it couldn't give you enough sleep. Was Jake already home? You thought to yourself. "Jake, can you please be quiet? I'm trying to sleep here." You grumbled with your eyes still closed.
A few seconds after and the noise subsided until it turned to silence. You hummed to yourself and felt the drowsiness hit your senses once again, but lost it all at once the moment you shut your eyes back up. You tried to count sheeps in your head, making fake scenarios in your head, just basically counting 1-100 until you fell asleep, but none of these supposed sleeping strategies helped you go back to sleep.
Finally after a few deep breathes and nerve calming, you were able to fall asleep and got that nice nap you so much deserved.
The next morning, you were able to sleep in on your alarm and got late for your first class. "Damn it, Jake. He didn't even wake me up " You groaned in annoyance, hands full of your homeworks.
You arrrived at your classroom and your teacher was kind enough to let you in since it was your first time being late in the class. Perks of being an early bird, I guess, but that still doesn't change the fact that Jake didn't wake you up the moment he needed to. Maybe he was just taking revenge on you, but this was no time for revenges. It's for his education for pete's sake, this is not a matter of fun and games. Just not.
During break, you got up from your seat almost immediately and walked your way to Jake's classroom angrily. As if scripted, you saw Jake talking to his friends your eyes forming a small glare. "Sim Jaeyun." You stomped the rest of your way to Jake and stopped in front of him, glaring up at him while tapping your foot on the ground agitated and crossing your arms. "Why did you do that?"
Jake pulled his brows together in confusion. "Did what?" Jake chuckled and gently placed a kiss on your head, which you always let him do, calming you down a little.
"What do you mean 'did what'? Just this morning, at I think around 4, I knew you got back at the room. You were so loud and didn't give me enough sleep, AND you didn't wake me up." You pouted at Jake who seemed to be more than just confused as ever.
"I don't think so, M/n. I was at Niki's and I had just arrived." Jake answered you, making you knit your brows.
"Gah, forget it. If this is one of your pranks, Jake, no more cookies for you." You threatened and Jake widened his eyes.
"I swear, even the boys know I was there." Jake said. "Believe me, babe." Jake pleaded holding your hand.
You rolled your eyes at him and planted a small kiss on his lips. You do believe him, but now that you do, you started to fear what the thing was that was with you this morning.
The following days, you were able to get enough sleep and didn't experience anything weird happening, so you forgot all about it and shaked it off as just a very vivid nightmare.
Although, one day when Jake was at his mother's house to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Jake decided he needed to stay for a while with his mother since she needs all the comforts she can get for the time being. Now that you were alone, three nights in a row the same thing happened and it felt like a torture it even got to the point where you'd hear whispers and hot breathe on your neck. You knew it wasn't Jake, the smell and the tone of his voice didn't match well with his. Who the fuck was this guy with you inside this room?
You flinched in shock and shook the moment you heard your phone ring. "Fuck, the sun's up already?" You said to yourself and took your phone that you placed from below your bed. You only did that, taking your phone from the ground, but why did it get you shaking?
Thankfully, it was a call from Jake. You immediately accepted it and placed it near your ear. "B-babe? Jake? Hello?"
'Woah, woah, calm down, princess. Why do you sound so shaken up?' You could hear Jake chuckling at the other line.
"A-are you coming back already?" You asked him pitifully.
'Not yet, babe. I might come back after a few more days.' And that was the reply you dreaded the most.
You started to cry and whimper that got Jake taken aback. Sure, he knew you've missed him a lot, but it wasn't like you to cry because you miss him so much. He immediately knew something was up. 'M/n? What's wrong?'
Afraid what was with you could hear you, you whispered. "Help me."
'I'll send the boys there. They'll be there in a few minutes, just stay there.'
A few minutes later, Sunghoon and Jay arrived at your dorm room feeling bad at the current state you were in. You barely moved an inch from your position and your face was stained with your tears. Sunghoon was the one to approach you and got you off your bed as you rode on his back when he insisted to give you a piggyback. "You're alright now, M/n. You don't have to cry anymore." Sunghoon hushed you as nodded your head and buried your face on his back and sighed in relief, eventually falling asleep.
You flinched in shock and shook the moment you heard your phone ring. "Fuck, the sun's up already?" You said to yourself and took your phone that you placed from below your bed. As you were about to pick up your phone, you were able to notice something on the screen of your phone. It didn't look clear enough, so strategically to avoid looking down from under your bed. You tilted your phone at an angle where your screen faced the bottom of your bed.
There you saw the face of your ex boyfriend who you ate to avoid getting imprisoned when he broke up with you. Some boys just doesn't know who the person they're messing with.
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 07 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.6 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Don't Go
Billy did threw the keychain away when he got home. It was on the trash can he has in his bedroom, beside the desk. It remained there, among a few school papers for half an hour before he took it again.
It went right back to it's previous place at the nightstand.
Billy is deliberately skipping class. It's the fourth day now, and he doesn't feel like he'll be returning tomorrow.
He leaves everyday at the same time he would for school, and returns after. But he drives to lonely places where he thinks he can run away from his own mind. But it is everywhere he goes.
She is everywhere he goes.
Billy Hargrove did considered going back to his old ways. He even managed to make his way to the phone, ready to call Stacy again. But when he picked up the phone, he caught himself halfway through her number. The number that belongs to the girl he can't stop thinking about. To the girl he can't ruin. Whose life he can't destroy.
She's too good for him, and he knows that. An angel, as stupid as it may sound coming from a asshole like him. Because that's what Billy thinks he is. He'd live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve (Y/N). Her smile, her laughter, her blushing cheeks. Her amazing, sweet scent, that shine in her eyes when she looks at him.
What does that even mean?
Billy is looking at Hawkins, parked on this cliff. (Y/N) would like it, and he wonders if she ever came here. Probably not, since the only people who know this place are those who come here for a hook up. There are a lot of places Billy would like to show her, some of them would take an hour drive through the woods, but it's worth it. He found them soon after getting into town, because he couldn't handle to stay still, so he drove. Pretty much as he's doing now, constantly running away from something that's inside of him.
Sighing, he pushes the car door close. At this time, he should be leaving school, going to her place as always. Today they'd go over the Biology class, if he's not mistaken. (Y/N) loves it, mostly when it's about animals. She loves birds. She didn't had to tell him that, he got it from the way she smiled as the teacher spoke.
These little things, the small details, as silly as they may be, are making him fall harder.
But he can't.
Well, he can.
But not her. Billy knows who he was. Or who he still is. So he knows what people will say about her. They'll call (Y/N) mean names, say she's just another of his sluts. And that's something he can't do, not to her.
But despite knowing this is the right thing to do, it hurts. It hurts that he has to step away from her, for good this time. Billy doesn't know how he'll live from now on without their daily meetings. Without her soft voice, her sweet scent inebriating him every damn time.
He has it bad.
It's only worse because he remembers it clearly, that day at that stupid parlor, how she said they could try. They could wait and see what happens.
That was a chance. A small one, that probably would lead to nothing, but still, a chance. Something he never thought he'd get. Not with (Y/N). But now, he won't even try anymore.
This might be love, he thinks. Putting someone else's well being before his own.
It's a hard thing to acknowledge, but when it's real, there's no way to run from it.
Sighing, Billy starts the car, putting the daisy keychain on the passenger seat. For a moment he sees her image, looking at him and smiling. On the next second, it's gone.
With a weight on his chest, he maneuvers the car, heading back to the hell on Earth he calls home.
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“I don't know, Nan. He just... He disappeared. Like smoke in the air and I don't know why.” Sitting shotgun in Nancy's car, you let your heart out. Billy didn't show up at school last week, and not today either. It's been five days already, and he doesn't even answer your calls.
“You know Billy Hargrove, (Y/N). I'm not impressed with this sudden change and neither should you.”
“No, Nan...” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “Trust me, Billy... He's not like that. Not with me at least and I know what you'll say. That he lies to get girls but... I've seen how he treats them and so have you. He... He never yelled at me, or called me bad names, he...” You're defending him. The idiot fled with no explanation and still, you're defending him.
“(Y/N), I trust your judgment.” She stops by your place, turning her body towards you. “If what you're saying it true, go after him.”
“Look, I get that you don't want to talk about it because you're scared of having feelings for the bad boy, and I'll wait until you're ready, but honestly, I think you know what you feel.”
Looking down at your hands, you blush. “I really like to be around him, Nancy.” Your voice is low and weak, as you admit it to her and to yourself at the same time. “And I miss him.”
“Don't call him, then. Go after him.” She touches your shoulder, smiling. “...Just don't let Steve know Billy is making you sad because you know he'll freak out.”
“God, no!” Giggling, you reach for your bag on the backseat. Steve looks out for you, even now, and it's good to know he has your back. But you definitely don't need the two guys having a fight over some misunderstanding. “Tell him I'm fine. Because I am. I'll... I'll fix things. And if Billy does want to stay away from me for whatever reason... I'll be alright.”
“Good luck and call me if you need anything.”
“I will. Thank you, Nan.” Giving her a hug, you step out of the car, heading inside. “Mom! I'm home!”
“Hi, darling!” She shouts from upstairs. Taking the chance, you run to the phone, quickly dialing Billy's number. It's not the first time you call, and whenever he picks up, you say ‘hello’ and the call is cut. It breaks your heart every time.
“Who's this?” A female voice answers, slightly pissed.
Relieved, you breathe out. “Hi, Max. It's (Y/N).”
“AKA the reason why the shitface has been locked in his bedroom like a jerk.” She speaks fast, and you furrow your eyebrows and giggle. “I think Billy is in love with you or something.”
“What?” Max says as if it's no big deal, as if she didn't made your heart start beating insanely fast, neck and cheeks heating up. “I-I don't think–”
“Billy never gets upset over a girl so...” Her voice fades, and you hear something in the back, wondering if it's Billy. “He has your keychain, by the way. A daisy flower.”
“Keychain?” You don't remember any keychains, so you just sigh, pacing around. “Max, can you do me a favor? I'm going there so don't let Billy go anywhere. And when I ring the door bell, let him answer it, please.”
“Alright. But don't take too long. Neil will be back around eight.”
“I'm going now. Thanks.” And you hang up, heading to the front door. “Mom, I'm going to get Billy!”
“Alright!” Good thing she doens't ask much questions, God bless her for that.
You try not to drive too fast, and you try to tell yourself this is no big deal. But you don't know what will happen. Preparing yourself for a heartbreak sounds good, so you decide to expect the worse.
So when you're parking on the sidewalk in front of Bill'y house, you know what you'll do. You'll put a finger on his face and ask what the hell he's thinking skipping class like that.
When you reach the front door, you realize you've never been here. Well, Billy did dropped his sister a few times before driving back to your place. And then, you're whole act drops. “Damn it.” Pressing the door bell, you wonder if you'd have enough time to just run back to the car and leave. There's a discussion inside the house, with Billy telling Max to get the door, and she refusing. You would have time to run, but you decide to be brave. So you stand your ground, pressing the bell again.
“Damn you, Maxine.” Billy groans, and on the next second the door is violently pulled open.
You freeze, watching as Billy's face drops. “Hi.” You mutter, looking down at your hands, blushing. You shouldn't be here. This is stupid. Whatever Billy said at Scoops Ahoy, it's over. But still, you want to try. To break through him, even if it means you'll be pushed further away. “C-can we talk?”
There's silence, several seconds of silence. And you curse yourself. Billy would never like you. He's the bad boy Nancy warns you about, that girls like you should avoid. Biting your lip, you feel your throat burning, tears wanting to make their way to your eyes.
“Nevermind, I shouldn't have come.” Pushing the words out, you turn on your heels to leave. But Billy grabs your arm, forcing you to stop. “Let go.” You beg, looking back at him. Your heart is breaking and you don't even know why. You just need to be away from Billy right now, and from all these feelings boiling inside you.
“No, please, just... Don't go.” His grip gets loose, and his hand slides from your forearm to your hand, and he holds it, pulling you inside. “Come in.”
Taking a deep breath, you weakly nod, letting him pull you into the house.
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @vivian-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Impromptu Review
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Thanks for editing this one goes to momirene and Worldsover, and for helpful beta reading feedback from them and one dork who wants to remain anonymous.
Tags: TheLounge, Red Velvet, SNSD (Girl's Generation), Joy, Sunny, loneliness, potential traumatization of cats, a hoard of hell-themed sex toys, a strap on, a butt plug with Jiu's face in it, and bisexual problems.
The front door of Sunny’s apartment swung open so fast that Joy felt a breeze from the vacuum it left behind.
“Joy! You’re here!”
Joy blinked. “Yeah, I said I would come over.”
“It’s been so long since we’ve met up! Come in, come in!”
“It’s only been like a month though.”
Sunny grabbed Joy’s hands and pulled her through the doorway. “It feels like so much longer than that!”
Joy smiled and took her shoes off in the entryway. “You seem more excited than usual.”
“What? How so?”
“Well for one,” Joy said, pointing at the kitchen, “It looks like you prepared for a whole party in here.”
The kitchen’s island was covered in plates of snacks and several variations of alcoholic beverages. Additionally, Sunny was noticeably sweaty, like she had just run around the house preparing for guests. Joy figured it would be best not to bring that up.
“What? No. That? That’s… yeah, that’s a lot of food, isn’t it?” Sunny’s posture drooped, as if she’d already expended all of her energy on her greeting.
Joy pulled her into a side hug. Her height served to straighten Sunny back up. “What’s going on, girl?”
Sunny sighed and leaned her head on Joy’s chest. “I dunno. I’m just excited. Haven’t had a good social night any time recently.”
“Aw! But what about these cutie kitties?”
Sogeum popped her head out from behind the wall and gave Joy her signature droopy, grim stare without so much as a meow. As soon as Joy shuffled in her direction though, she turned and went back into the living room.
“Well, you know. Can’t really have a real conversation with the cats.”
Joy hummed her agreement and stepped into the kitchen. “I’m always happy to talk to you Sunny. They don’t call SM a family for nothing.”
Sunny groaned, loudly.
“Um. Okay,” Joy said when Sunny didn’t elaborate. “Not a family? Just a bunch of really close friends?”
“Yeah, that’ll work better. Not a fan of the family motif.”
Joy picked up a cracker and chomped down. “Gonna… explain? Family is normally a positive thing, isn’t it?”
Sunny grabbed a bottle of wine and yanked the cork out. “Yeah, totally, for sure. Hey, do you like Chardonnay?”
“I…” Joy didn’t want to skirt around whatever issue Sunny was having, but was well-aware of her stubbornness. “I sure do.”
As fancy glasses of white wine were generously poured, Joy made note of Sunny’s slow, unsteady movements. She worried that perhaps Sunny had already started drinking, or wasn’t getting enough sleep.
* * *
“Can you believe that, Joy?”
“No way. It’s just inhuman.”
“Completely! It’s not like green onions are suddenly more expensive to dry out!”
The conversation had started with gossip and cheese snacking when the sun was high. As the sun set, the discussion shifted to the price of instant meals, and the snack plates were all but empty. Joy had to fight the constant urge to fall asleep, as the topics were never much more interesting than that. But she let Sunny lead the talking as much as possible.
Joy was simply relieved that Sunny called her over before diving into her liquor storage. “You should start a petition to regulate the price. I’d be the first to sign it.”
Sunny’s tipsy grin matched Joy’s. Though the alcohol consumption had been slow-going, they had been doing it for several hours. “Oh that would be great press. ‘Washed up idol upset with ramen manufacturers.’”
With an exaggerated roll of the eyes, Joy pointed at a set of boxes in the corner of the living room, currently being used as a lookout tower by Sogeum. “You’re not washed up yet. Look at all of those sponsor gifts. Those weren’t here last time I came over… Wait, they weren’t, were they?”
Sunny giggled. “No, they’re, uh… new.”
Their corporate sponsors weren’t something that Joy, Sunny, or any of the other SM idols discussed often. There were usually so many vying for their attention that it was pointless trying to keep track. But Joy reasoned, somewhat drunkenly, that talking about it might be therapeutic to someone so down on their social status. “Who are they from, anyway?”
A blush deepened the red of Sunny’s already tipsy-glowing cheeks. “Uh… Nobody. Just a regular sponsor, ya know?”
Joy grinned. “Oh, come on. You can tell me. What am I gonna do? Call a press conference to tell the tabloids who’s contributing to your paycheck?”
Sunny rolled her eyes. She shot off the couch, spilling a drop or two of her wine in the process. From Joy’s naturally higher perspective, Sunny didn’t seem that much taller. “Fine,” she said, wobbling, “but you better not make fun of me.”
“I’ll make fun of you for other reasons, like how much I love you, bitch!” Joy blinked at her own shouting. She didn’t know when the alcohol had hit her, but she was beginning to think that she was a little more intoxicated than she previously thought.
Thankfully, the joviality in her voice seemed to encourage Sunny to play along. She set her wine on the coffee table and picked one of the smaller boxes off of the pile. “Disclosure first! We haven’t agreed to any deals yet. They sent me this stuff to try to convince me to shill it. I didn’t reach out to them.”
Joy waved the disclosure off like a mosquito, but Sunny still tossed the box in her direction. The weight inside of it was awkwardly distributed. Joy attempted to catch it, but it wound up ricocheting off the tips of her fingers and nearly knocking over an open, mostly full bottle of soju.
“The fuck is in this thing?”
“I’ve got some ideas but I just know who it’s from. Open it and find out.”
Joy tore into the box with no regard for the care that went into the packaging, which itself was surprisingly discreet. A smirk cracked her lips when she thought about what sorts of deliveries required such discretion. But the smirk faded right away when she got a view of the inside and realized that the packager apparently had the same idea.
Inside was a pair of plastic sheets wrapped asymmetrically around a roughly water bottle sized blob of blood red silicone. A small bit of pink cardboard advertised it as a five-speed, rotation-simulating, self-cleaning, pattern-switching, USB-charging, automatically-lubricating, remote-controlled vibrator with a speaker at the bottom for replicating a set of desired moans and a specialized charging dock.
Joy cleared her throat and stared at the horrifically fancy dildo, and its label, “Dante’s Dive,” unsure if she should toss it back to Sunny, considering it was clearly a personal item.
Sunny reached into what was left of the box, procuring a pretty little decorated card. “Dear Ms. Lee, we at Second Ring Inc were very pleased to hear your impromptu review of our products on a recent episode of ‘Welp, I Guess We’re Talking About This Now’ and wished to send you some additional items to show our appreciation. These are in no way a request for further public review,” Sunny was briefly interrupted by Joy’s disapproving snort, “but should you be interested in a partnership, we have included a phone number at which I, the chief executive officer, Lee Youngjoon, may be reached. Optionally, my username--”
Joy missed a few words as she was shocked by the extreme sound emitted by the vibrator when she pushed a button on the remote control.
“--is ‘worldsover’. As you know, Second Ring specializes in sexual wellness products, of which we’ve sent you a wide variety. They can be enjoyed by couples, or can serve as a fantastic outlet for power singles like yourself…”
Sunny trailed off. Joy was afraid she knew what was coming. “Damn, Sunny. You say so much as three words on national television and they scramble to get right up on your ass, eh?”
It was too late. Sunny was already tipping up the bottom of the soju bottle. A few drops spluttered back out of her mouth as Joy pushed it back down. “Sunny! You’ve said it yourself! You don’t want to get married!”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not still lonely!”
Joy wrapped her arms around Sunny. “You’ve got me. And a million other friends!”
“Fans don’t count.” Sunny’s voice was partially muffled by Joy’s shoulder.
“Ouch. Time for me to delete my Sone club membership. But fine. A hundred other friends. It’s not just me. It’s my members. Your members. And plenty of others. All of NCT would be--Okay, nevermind. Aespa though! They love you too.”
“But I don't want to inconvenience you." Sunny ended so matter-of-factly that Joy had to pause to process the short conversation.
"You know how… You know how you take a road trip, and there's a road block, or really bad construction, and you have to take a detour?"
"Yeah. I'm a detour."
"Come on, Sunny. What you are is the scenic route!”
There was a long silence.
“Was that the end of the metaphor?” Sunny eventually asked.
“I am very drunk.”
“You’re not that drunk.”
“Drunk enough to be shit at metaphors.”
“It’s…” Sunny extricated herself from Joy’s hug. “It’s okay. I think I know what you’re getting at, and I appreciate it. It’s just that a few words don’t really fix a brain, you know?”
Joy nodded slowly, watching as Sogeum casually stalked across the room. “Yup. But believe me. I’m here for you, at least. So if you need a friend, or some company, I’m at the top of your list.”
The cat plopped herself on the floor, right up against Sunny’s leg. Joy giggled. “Fuck off, kitty. I just said I was the top.”
It seemed the topic of conversation was ready to change. Sunny smiled, and it was enough to indicate her understanding.
“So!” Joy moved things along. “A pile of free, top of the line sex toys in your living room. What’s a young woman to do about that?”
Sunny snorted. “Well I’m not going to masturbate while I have company over, that’s for sure.” She grabbed another box from the pile and handed it over, doing her best not to disturb Sogeum’s new resting place.
The new box took mere seconds to open, this time revealing a black silicone butt plug with a red gem in the base. The casing suggested that a picture could be inserted beneath the gem, and it appeared there was one already there as an example. Joy had to flip it around to a variety of angles before she could make out that it contained a headshot of Dreamcatcher’s Jiu making finger hearts on her cheeks. She cocked her head, wondering if the image had actually been authorized.
Another box swapped between the womens’ hands. It took Joy a little longer to open than the last, but it turned out to be that way for a good reason, given that it was gently holding some fragile cargo: A red-tinted glass bottle of lube, labeled as “Juice from the Fruit of The Tree.” The lengthy product title had a snake winding through the letters.
“Well now they’re just really doubling down on this theme, aren’t they?” Sunny asked as she worked out how to open the next package, using her bottle opener as a makeshift knife.
Joy laughed and picked up yet another, now eager to see what kind of wild object it would contain. “Yeah, they really are! No lie, they’re starting to give me some ideas. Talk about sinful.”
“‘Oh I know,’” Sunny mocked the company, as SM artists often did, fingers still struggling to find their way under the first cardboard flap. “‘Let’s send Sunny a whole pile of sex junk. Bet she’s sinful enough to use it all.’ Like, come on Love-eye, or whatever your name is. What’s a single woman gonna do with all this? Hold up a pillow fort?”
“Hey, maybe he doesn’t know you’re single. Maybe there’s some stuff in here that takes two to tangle with… Fuck. Choerry’s got me using alliterations.”
Sunny barely managed to get her fingers inside the box, but her knuckles were turning white from the tightness of it. It seemed that she had left a portion of the packing tape uncut. “I said I was single on the show, though. I don’t think there will be any couples’ toys in here.”
“Oooh, I’m gonna make it a bet now.” Joy smirked. Her next sentence bypassed her verbal filter through the holes left in it by the alcohol. “If you get that thing open and there’s a strap on inside, you have to fuck me with it!”
A jerk of her arms snapped the remainder of the packing tape. Sunny chuckled. “You’re on. There’s no way it is.”
Joy had to admit that Sunny had a point, considering how small the package was. Surely it couldn’t fit a series of leather straps, or a dildo any larger than a couple of inches in any direction. The little voice in the back of her mind that told her making such an offer was stupid quieted down somewhat.
There was a moment of quiet. Sogeum rolled away from Sunny and made her way to the kitchen. Joy picked up another box, confident that she hadn’t just placed herself in an awkward situation. Sunny shook her head, amused. And then…
Joy looked back, but wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at. It was a sort of mass of black string with some silver discs hanging off of it. Another piece of pink paper fluttered to the floor, where Joy picked it up and read aloud.
“‘The Obol.’ As Charon ferried Dante across the Styx and into the hole that is Hell, so too shall this state-of-the-art magnetic harness ferry our exclusive Dante’s Dive dildo into your… partner’s hole…”
There was more to be read, but both women seemed to get the point. The only sound in the room came from Sogeum chomping through some hard cat food in the kitchen. Slowly, their eyes raised and met. They both spoke at the same moment.
“That was a bet’s a joke bet right?”
Their drunken minds needed a moment to detangle their words into distinct sentences. Sunny’s “That was a joke, right?” and Joy’s “A bet’s a bet.”
Sunny started again first. “You know, we don’t have to.”
“I will if you want to.”
Every sentence being exchanged was followed by a palpable stillness. Joy’s heart beat loudly in her own ears, and she swore she could hear Sunny’s too.
“Do you… want to fuck me with that, Sunny?”
Sunny answered instantly. “Yup.”
There was a flurry of action, though it was slowed here and there by a tipsy stumble or two. Sunny gathered up an armful of the items on her coffee table, both sex toys and the bottle of soju, and sprinted for the bedroom. Joy rushed after her, messily attempting and failing to remove some of her clothes on the way.
Sogeum was spooked by the sudden kerfuffle and fled out of sight.
The bedroom was no less hectic. Sunny dropped everything on the bed except the soju, which she took one more swig of directly from the bottle before setting it dangerously close to the edge of her desk. She wiggled out of her shirt and bra, which attracted Joy’s attention instantly.
Joy struck at Sunny’s cleavage, wrapping her fingers as far as they could go around the legendary orbs, and her lips around one of the budding tips. Their differences in height made it awkward, but they very soon found their way to a horizontal state that eased that tension. Unfortunately, it was not on the bed, but on the floor, but they weren’t about to let something like that stop them.
What clothes they were still wearing exploded off their bodies. Joy’s shorts and shirt, Sunny’s pants and socks. All of it ended up in different sections of the room, thrown under and over furniture.
Joy was no stranger to encounters like this, and neither was Sunny. They had shared countless stories with each other… and some spit. But neither had considered their prior make out sessions to be precursors to explicitly sexual action. For her part, however, Joy considered this one differently, and Sunny’s hands searching half-blindly for Joy’s ass confirmed to her that Sunny thought the same.
Backs arched. Legs ground against one another. Open mouths met, trading the alcoholic scents that the women no longer cared to distinguish. Their minds had devoted themselves entirely to the search for physical pleasure.
A lot of exploratory prodding led Sunny’s fingers to the entrance to Joy’s pussy, failing to notice the number of pokes that ended up at Joy's exit. She took some time familiarizing herself with the drenched outer folds.
Joy, however, noticed the poking at her ass. Her mind swam with serotonin, thoughts of other people, and alcoholic fumes that seemed to rearrange the letters of her thoughts into nonsense. Or possibly into inspiration.
Inspiration relevant to the happenings at the prior year's award shows, that is.
Joy tried to pull back the moment Sunny’s fingers dipped inside her. She had opened her mouth to speak but instead groaned and arched herself further into Sunny’s grip on her sanity. "S-Sunny. B-bed."
At least that message was received loud and clear. Sunny dragged her fingers against Joy’s G-spot as she, disappointingly, pulled them out, nearly causing Joy to scream. The same fingers plunged into Joy’s mouth and quieted her as she diligently sucked her own juices from them.
The action transferred to the bed. Fingers immediately found their places again, and Joy bounced on her back in time with Sunny’s brutal shoves. Packaging bounced all around them. It was like a desperate, distracted game of Vegetable Shinobi for Joy, swiping at the jumping dildo. Sunny’s fingers were divine, eye-wateringly so, but Joy wanted something unholy.
Sunny muttered Joy’s name, catching her attention again. She lifted her head to meet for yet another imprecise kiss. Their legs twisted around each other. Joy could hear the desperation in Sunny’s moans, vibrating all the way down her throat, burning like the alcohol. She snaked a hand between them and found Sunny’s clit.
The moans freed themselves as Sunny bucked backward, almost out of Joy’s longer reach. Joy noted the exceptional reaction, and flipped Sunny onto her back, following immediately and putting herself in the position of power Sunny had initiated.
“You’re gonna fuck me with the strap on… right, Sunny?”
Sunny’s eyes widened, and she grabbed the toys.
“No, not yet,” Joy stalled in her most seductive voice. She slid down, nearly falling off the bed, and wrenched Sunny’s legs wide open with her elbows.
Sunny clenched her fingers around the hell-themed dildo for dear life. Joy’s name poured through her lips over and over again as Joy’s lips poured over her pussy.
Joy had to fight Sunny’s strength to keep her spread thighs from clamping around her head. She wanted to keep hearing her senior beg, loud and clear. To that end, she dug in her tongue, unable to penetrate far, but far enough to open Sunny up and feel the wetness flow into her mouth.
“Please… Joy… I’m close… Joy, please! Joy, don’t stop!”
The thought flitted through Joy’s head, that perhaps denying Sunny her orgasm would be fun, but something about the way she said it made Joy wonder if Sunny’s neediness was rooted in her loneliness, more than in her desire to get off. She shifted herself to wrap her arms under Sunny’s legs and pulled. It wasn’t possible for them to be any physically closer than they were, but she wanted to make it feel like they could be.
Sunny’s voice cracked, choked, and broke into a scream. Joy winced as her tongue was squeezed uncomfortably, but she wasn’t about to stop. The back arches, hair grasping, and pained gasps that followed were worth it.
Joy kept it up until Sunny’s body fell back down and her muscles relaxed. Only then, she removed herself to ask, “Need a break before my turn?”
A smile crept up Sunny’s mouth. Her fingers tightened around the dildo she still had in her hand. “Get… back down here.”
If there was any benefit Joy appreciated most about idol training, it was recovery speed, and Sunny still had it. Joy picked up the strap, quickly figuring out how it was supposed to fit and sliding it up Sunny’s legs. The motion doubled as her approach for another make out.
Of course, Joy was still immensely horny. Her interest in making out with Sunny was overshadowed by her desire to get fucked savagely, but she had the wherewithal to hold out, to let it happen naturally. She was always good at letting others take the lead. Whether they led from the top or from the bottom didn’t especially matter to her.
The alcohol made her more impatient than usual though. She forced herself to wait for the five-speed pounding she’d get, but she ground herself against Sunny’s leg in the meantime. Thankfully she didn’t have to wait long. Sunny threw her to the side and attached the vibrator to the unusual strap with very little trouble. Joy fingered herself as she watched.
“Fuck, yes, Sunny. This is going to be so goo--”
Sunny practically tackled Joy. Their lips collided again, strap hovering somewhere between Joy’s legs, but not close enough for her to feel it.
The moment she did, though, Joy grabbed Sunny’s ass and pulled. The lack of accuracy was made up for by the inhuman amount of lubrication present; both Joy’s and the curious synthetic compound that the dildo exuded seemingly of its own volition.
It was almost too much for Joy. The dildo was certainly longer than any she had used before, and bottoming out at full speed meant it hit her rather painfully in the cervix. She hissed, but otherwise just readjusted her legs in Sunny’s way to prevent the same thing from happening so easily again.
The strap held the dildo in place on Sunny’s body well. Despite its genuinely small frame, it seemed to prevent all wiggling. Every one of Sunny’s movements, including the less delicate, more intoxicated ones, translated to sensations that felt to Joy like a biologically attached dick, albeit with a plethora of extra features.
"You're so pretty, Joy," Sunny said. Even though she was doing all the work now, she wasn't nearly as winded as before. Knowing she’d affected Sunny made Joy grin into another kiss.
“No you,” Joy said with a smirk. She knew this would be good, but she truly underestimated how great it would be to see Sunny’s famous tits jiggling with the effort of fucking her. The sheen of sweat covering them would ensure the night wouldn’t be forgotten, even if Joy had another drink or two.
Joy’s first orgasm struck quickly and unexpectedly. Her breath stopped and a shudder spiked through her body from her core to the tips of her toes and fingers and head. The ability to think normally left her for a brief moment. She only kept the fleeting question of whether or not Sunny was able to feel Joy’s climax. Stars popped in and out of existence, obscuring Joy’s view of Sunny’s fantastic body.
It all faded relatively soon after, but it wasn’t enough for Joy. As soon as her lungs refilled, she screamed, “More! Sunny! Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh god!” She was practically numb everywhere, except for every square inch of her that the dildo rubbed, slid, and vibrated against. Her arms and legs wrapped around Sunny on their own.
Joy, eyes half closed, barely registered when Sunny slowed down to grab and open the extra package. She did, however, notice the sudden prodding feeling at her asshole.
She couldn’t even finish Sunny’s name before something slipped its way into her butt. Her vision cleared up enough to see that even while she continued thrusting, Sunny had one hand tucked between them, and it was the source of the extra intrusion.
A couple more thrusts though, and Joy was lost to the pleasure again. She started to pant instead of scream or moan, or perhaps she was whimpering, or speaking fluent Polish. Joy couldn’t have said one way or the other. Another orgasm hit. And another. And another. She knew some time was passing between each one, but whether it was seconds or days between no longer mattered. Her mind was fading out of existence.
Until, that is, it wasn’t.
With seemingly no provocation, Joy suddenly remembered Cheungae. She had been meaning to talk to Sunny about him before they had gotten drunk. Her mind wandered, far, far more than it normally would during such intense sex.
Cheungae had taken her out several times since their first, less-than-professional meeting at the MAMAs with Wheein. Even though Joy knew he was struggling financially, he always insisted on paying for coffee, but would give up if he saw the bill when Joy took him to some of the much higher end restaurants.
He was always so polite, genuine, and humble. He didn’t even question when Joy told him they couldn’t be in a relationship, but instead insisted that they could be friends. Joy wondered if it was fair to him that she was treating him as a boyfriend in every way but name while she was still having a grand old time fucking everyone else in the industry. Cheungae knew about it, but wasn’t part of it.
And yet, sex with Cheungae made Joy feel good. Great, even. She could recreate the sensations in her mind for days afterward. His slim, toned figure hovering over her, his face contorted beautifully in adorable agony, his admittedly mediocre cock managing to hit her just right with every move. She couldn’t stop picturing him.
Another orgasm smashed through Joy’s illusion. The mental image of perfectly human Cheungae was instantly replaced with the very physical image of god-like Sunny. As tended to happen, Joy held her breath as the climax coursed through her. Her muscles contracted until she was holding Sunny in a deathly grip.
“F-fuck. Sunn-ny. Slow… slow down.”
It seemed that the request was desperately needed by both lovers, because rather than simply slow down, Sunny fell over. Joy’s pussy immediately craved to be filled again, but she knew she needed to clear her head. And besides that, she still had an odd full sensation. When her muscles relaxed enough for her to move of her own volition, she reached beneath herself and recoiled again at the feeling of a drenched butt plug. Her fingertips carried a puddle of mixed cum and lube back up.
“I’m sorry… Joy… I think that’s all I have left in me,” Sunny said between gasps.
Joy made note of her own throat and how dry it was. Whatever sound she was making while she borderline hallucinated, she’d be regretting it for a while. “All good. I was losing my sanity. That was unbelievable.”
Sunny giggled. It sounded painful. “The vibrator… or the surprise plug?”
Joy giggled back. “The plug was definitely a surprise. Was that the one with Jiu's face in it?”
“Cool,” Joy sat up, her head swimming in the aftermath. “But I just think it was you using the stuff that made it so good.”
Sunny seemed invigorated by the compliments. She smiled and reached under the bed, making some noise and bringing up a bottle of water. The two of them swapped it back and forth until it was empty and then collapsed into one another, idly feeling each others' bodies up the whole time.
“Does that mean you’re up for another… night like this? Or day?” Sunny asked as she fondled Joy’s tits. It sounded like she had sobered up, at least most of the way. Joy was too afraid of what she would see to look at a clock.
“You fucking know it,” Joy responded while she brushed her fingers up and down Sunny’s inner thighs. It was a reflex for her to agree, but she cringed inwardly as soon as she did, realizing how much more sober she had become herself, and how she wished she wasn’t. She was thinking about Cheungae again.
There was a barrage of light kisses all over her face, neck, and chest. Sunny looked far too happy for Joy to feel okay about retracting her statement.
“Maybe not right now though,” Joy said, just in case Sunny was already getting ideas. “We should really get to bed.”
She didn’t hear any arguments. They simply got up, and only long enough to flip up the duvet, flinging all of the remaining sex toys off, and jumped underneath.
It took a minute for Joy to realize she needed to remove the surprise butt plug. It was easy enough, and she ended up tossing it to the floor without looking at it.
Joy wrapped herself around Sunny. She was usually the big spoon, not that it bothered her. Sunny’s bare back felt comfortably hot against her chest and stomach. Cheungae liked being the big spoon too. He’d swap with her all the time…
“Hey, Sunny?”
“Mmm?” Sunny was on the verge of sleep, it seemed.
Joy lowered her voice, barely above a whisper. “Have you ever thought about… Settling down, I guess? Just being with one person?”
She didn’t expect Sunny to have an immense store of wisdom, but she hoped for more than what she got: a snore.
“Good night to you too, Sunny.”
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happylady215 · 3 years
Have I fallen in love with him...?
Mitsuhide x Reader
(English is not my first language. So, I'm sorry if there's any bad grammars 😅😅)
(Reader POV)
Spring has come. Many beautiful flowers were blooming. Spring is the most beautiful season. Besides enjoying the beauty of flowers, spring is the season where you meet the people you miss or your true love.
…. At least, that’s what I heard from people around here. I was in the middle of preparing to open my teahouse. I have a teahouse located in Azuchi. My shop is not always crowded, but, many people like the food here. This teahouse is the last legacy of my parents. My parents… they died 3 years ago, and it makes me a little lonely everytime I remember them.
While waiting for customers to come, I drink a cup of hot tea. “I’m bored…” The spring wind blew and hit my face. It feels really nice. I closed my eyes, remembering something. “Speaking of spring, it always make me to remember that person…” Yes, spring is the first time where I met that person, my only childhood friend that I missed a lot. “I really want to see him again…”
(Around 10 years ago)
I was playing in a meadow full of flowers. At that time, I found a very large cherry blossoms tree. “It’s so big..!” I thought, while staring at it in amazement. My feet move automatically into that direction. “I wonder how old the tree is?” “I don’t know, maybe almost a hundred years old?” I hear someone answered my question. I was startled and immediately turned my body.
There was a boy who seemed 2-3 years older than me. His eyes were golden, he has silver hair and long lashes. Where did he come from? I’ve never seen him at all. Ah, he actually handsome too, but, why does his smile looks sly like… a fox?
“So you see me as a fox, huh?” he grin.
Wha-?! How did he know what I was thinking about?!
“Are you surprised because I know what were you thinking?”
“H-hey, how did you know what I was thinking?” I asked him.
“Because I’m ‘Satori’, a mhytical creature who can reads people minds. But don’t worry, I won’t eat you.”
Is he being serious? Or just joking? I can’t tell. He just keep smiling.
“Don’t lie to me, there’s no way you’re a monster or anything.”
“Oho? I thought you will get scared with this kind of thing, little mouse.”
“As if! I won’t get scared by that! And, ‘little mouse'?? Did you see me as a little mouse?”
“Didn’t you see me as a ‘fox’ too, earlier?”
Damn, he’s right. I tried to search another topic to change the subject.
“Hey, where are you from? I’ve never seen you. And, are you a noble? Your clothes looks expensive.”
That boy paused for a moment.
“I’m just a merchant son. And yes, I’m not from here, I came here to visit my distant relatives. But sorry, I can’t tell you where I come from.”
“Oh, I see”
“Then, what’s you’re name?”
“Hmmm? Why do you want to know my name, little mouse?”
“You don’t want to be called ‘fox’ forever by me,right? And I don’t want to be called ‘little mouse’ by you either.”
“Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first before asking other people names?”
Ughhh..! how long will he tease me like this?! How annoying!
“My name is (y/n)… (full name). "
“My name is Mitsu, nice too meet you little mouse.”
“Hey, didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to be called ‘little mouse’? And introduce yourself properly, will you? At least, tell me your full name.”
“Hoh~? Since when I will call you by your name? And since when I will introduce myself properly?”
Since that day, Mitsu and I always meet each other and play together. We always meet under that cherry blossoms tree. We became close friend very quickly. He always tease me until make me angry, but he actually has gentle side too. He always cheer me up every time I feel sad, he always protect me whenever someone bully me. But, one day he must return. That day, he came to me to say goodbye. I’m sad. Of course. He’s my bestfriend, how could I not sad?
“Mitsu… will you come here again…?”
“I don’t know.”
“Can we meet each other again…?” my body is a little bit trembling, trying to hold back my tears.
Mitsu noticed that, and then, he hugged me. And slowly, he gently stroked my head.
“Little mouse, I promise that someday we will meet each other again. No matter how long it is, we will meet. I will find you.”
“You’re not lying, right?” I hug Mitsu tightly.
“This time, I’m not lying.”
I can’t hold back my tears anymore. I’m crying while hugging Mitsu. Mitsu kept silent and still stroking my head. He’s gentle touch make me comfortable, it makes me feel calmer.
“Good bye, (y/n)…”
And that’s the first and last time he called my name.
(Back to present)
“Iss..? Miss..? Excuse me? Hello?”
“Huh? Ah!”
“Oh my god, are you tired? You shouldn’t have to open your teahouse if you’re exhausted, dear.” Apperantly there’s a customer who wake me from my nap.
“Oh, no. I’m perfectly fine. Do you order as usual?”
“Yup, as usual, please. I’ll sit on the bench outside, okay?”
“Okay, please wait.”
I can’t believe I fell asleep, and my customer is the one who wake me up. Gosh, this is embarrassing. Why did I dream about that again? Even though I try to forget it. ‘We will meet each other again’ he said. Hah, how funny. It’s been years and we haven’t meet again.
Oh, come on! Why am I keep missing him? This longing makes me uneasy.. Can we really meet again? I’ve been waiting too long. Was it just a lie that time?
“Thank you for your visit, please come back anytime.” I bowed my head to the customer who just walked out of my teahouse.
“Excuse me.” Ah, I guess there’s another customer.
“Yes? May I help you-“ I gasped. My eyes widened staring at the person in front of me in disbelief. Otherwise, that person also looked at me with a look of disbelief.
“Little mouse…? Why... Are you here...?”
Yes, there’s no mistaking it. This person is Mitsu, my childhood friend that I missed a lot since that day. I didn’t answer his question. Instead, I immediately run to him and hug him tightly and can’t hold back my tears once again. Finally… finally, we meet again..! I’m so happy.
“Little mouse, we should go inside first.”
I think my eyes a little bit swollen, it hurts a little. Fortunately, today only a few customers came here. I’m glad they didn’t have to my ugly appearance, now. “Little mouse, how did you ended up here? Aren’t you not from Azuchi? I tought you live in another village a little bit far from Azuchi?” Mitsu ask me while comforting me. His voice sound very gentle. “This teahouse is mine, Mitsu. Our family decide to move to Azuchi, not long after you return to your home. I think it’s 3 months after that.” “Oh, I see… so that’s why I can’t find you..” he mumble. “Did you said something, Mitsu?” “Ah, no. it’s nothing.”
And after that, he explained everything. That time he can't tell his real name because he actually on a secret mission with his father. His real name is Mitsuhide, Akechi Mitsuhide. Oda Nobunaga’s left-hand man that called as ‘Silver Kitsune’, many bad rumours surrounded him. I can’t believe that the ‘Silver Kitsune’ is my childhood friend!?
“How about your family? Are they healthy as usual?”
“Ah, about them… they died 3 years ago because of illness.”
“…. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay. By the way, why did you keep calling me ‘little mouse’? Did you forget that I don’t like being called that??”
“Hooh… You hate it? I thought it’s cute, though.” Finally he smile again.
“Geez, it’s not cute!”
“I’ll call you whatever I want and you can’t deny it.”
He’s teasing me again.
Since then, Mitsu always came to my teahouse when he wasn’t too busy. We chat and spend time just like when we were kids. Oh, how miss am I to feel this atmosphere.
“Mitsu- ah, no. I mean, Mitsuhide.” I still not used to call him by his real name.
“You can call me ‘Mistu’ like you always do. I don’t mind at all.”
“Oh, okay. Mitsu?”
“Are you aware that you have been called ‘Silver Kitsune’? Did you know that there’s many bad rumours surrounded you?”
“Of course I’m aware, little mouse. Because I’m the one who spread those rumours.” He answerd it calmly. He seems very calm I must say.
“What..?! Why did you do that?”
“It’s just part of my job as Lord Nobunaga’s left-hand man, you don’t need to know the details.”
“… still… Don’t you ever feel angry or qualmish by those rumours?”
“What do you mean?”
“People said you have intimidating and cold gaze that makes people scared of you, no ones know what you think, people called you ‘Kitsune’ or ‘Snake’ and anything. Don’t you feel angry?”
Actually I’m the one who angry to hear such rumours.
“Oho? I didn’t know that my rumours became that much. How fascinating.” He chuckle.
“Hahh… nevermind, forget it.”
“But it seems, that you angry with those rumours, little mouse?” It seems he read my mind.
“Of course, I am.”
“Oh? Please do tell the reasons.” He seems interested to hear my reasons.
“Because they’re wrong. You maybe often to tease and trick me, but you never do anything harmful to me. You always protect me. You have gentle side too, you know? You actually care about other people, but you never let anyone see that side of you. I even like it when you’re beside me, Mitsu. I love your gentle touch when you stroke my head. It makes me feel safe and comfortable. But yeah, I’m always comfortable when we’re together.” Unconsciously, I smiled when telling the reasons.
Huh? Why is he even silent? And also lowered his head instead? “Mitsu, what’s wrong?” When I was about to touch him, he slightly back away from me while covering his face. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?” I feel a little bit panic because he didn’t answer me at all.
“Ha…. Haha…Hahahah….” He chuckled.
“Oh, dear. You've never changed a bit since we’re a kid, huh? Always being a straight forward and speak what’s in your mind.”
He finally showed his face. And I’m a little bit surprised what I saw.
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His cheeks were painted with blush to the tips of his ears. This is the first time I’ve seen him like this. The usual Mitsu I’ve known always looks calm and cool.
Ba-thump Ba-thump…!
Oh,god why my heart is pounding right now? I feel my cheeks become hot too.
“Little mouse.”
“Y-Yes!?” dammit, why am I become nervous suddenly??
“Why are you blushing too? Yo’re like an innocent teenager, you know?”
“Hah? Shut up, and stop smiling you-“
“But that’s why I like you since we were kids.” He take one of my hand, and lifted my chin with his other hand. “(y/n)?” this is the second time he call my name.
“Yes?” I felt my cheeks became more hot, because he brought his face closer to me.
“I like you since childhood. You are my first love, who I always miss since then. (y/n), I love you from the bottom of my heart. Will you be my life companion forever?”
“Are you teasing me right now?”
Without any warnings, he suddenly pull me closer and kiss me. He kissed me slowly and gently. It feels nice, I don’t hate it at all. Instead, I feel very happy. It feels like my heart could explode anytime.
After that he release me.
"Do you think I was teasing or lying to you, right now?” he smirk.
My heart is pounding harder right now. What is this feeling? What is this euphoria? I can’t think anything but him. Have i… Have I fallen in love with him….?”
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
first time reader - click here
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TW/SUMMARY: Is bad humour a trigger? Cards against humanity. Loki in the wild. Chaotic Tony, chaotic Reader. Team bonding, a gag chapter lmao
My beta is babey 🥺 @miscmarvelwritings
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If someone had bothered to ask me what kind of relationship I had with Tony, it would've made my brain glitch. In the weeks we spent fucking, sciencing and hanging out with the Avengers, it never once crossed my mind. We had fun and it was easy. Unlike both of our lives, it didn't require much mental energy for us to get what we wanted from each other. For me, it was easier to ignore my skin aching for Tony when he was already spending so much time on me. I wasn't sure if it would ever be enough, really, so taking exactly as much as he was giving was my best bet.
We built things in his workshop with Pete by our side and it wasn't awkward. The spiderling said he was happy as long as we were happy and didn't mind it too much when Tony got handsy. The man had at least some morals and stuck to kisses, ass-slaps and lewd comments which made Peter snort and fake-retch sure, yet the boy never displayed any real discomfort. It was endearing. He really became the little brother I never thought I would have.
The sex was fantastic, to say the least. We fucked on just about every flat surface on the residential floors. Steve caught us once, although I am almost hundred percent sure Tony staged it all on purpose. The good Captain didn't even blush, instead just silently closed the door behind him as I stared in his face, gripping Tony's head with my thighs.
The weather grew dreary yet both of my parents still stayed out of New York. Mother went back to Canada and dad continued his never-ending party on the West Coast, conquering California and living his best life. My house was dark and cold, and I started hanging around the tower more often than ever. If I wasn't with Tony, I was busy catching up Wanda and Bucky on pop culture, teaching Thor how to bake cakes and doing other meaningless, domestic stuff. The Avengers tower bustled with life at all hours and there always was someone...
I never felt lonely. It was such an unusual experience. Comfort and reassurance was always one room away. Be it Thor with his gratuitous amount of physical affection or his brother's incredibly witty, dark humor, I never had to stay one-on-one with my thoughts for too long.
Personally witnessing Bruce's coming out of his shell was the highlight of my life, no lie. I was so used to the quiet, mousy Banner that my brain refused to acknowledge his amazing sense of humour at first; I wasn't sure if he was joking or ... Or what? Truth to be told, Brucie-bear was as snarky as Tony,Loki and Stephen. The sorcerer had started visiting more often too, under the guise of tutoring Wanda, but all of us saw the way he lingered in the communal areas after their study time came to an end.
If loneliness was a sickness then the tower's inhabitants and frequent visitors were beginning their recovery journey.
"Have you guys heard about Cards Against Humanity?" I asked one evening once the movie credits began rolling. Wanda was squished into my side with her legs in her brother's lap; Clint laying atop both siblings like the trash bag that he was. And I meant it fondly.
On the other side of me, I had Bucky and Loki, who had begun to discuss their respective collections of sharp and pointy things once they deemed the movie lacked action. Legally Blonde and action, did they really think..? Nevermind.
"Yes, and if you're offering, the answer is yes," Clint mumbled, reaching for his second pack of Cheetos.
We gathered in a circle as I brought the shoebox that had the original deck plus a couple of expansions. This was beginning to look interesting. "So, I have the special Avengers edition right there..."
"Say no more," Clint even abandoned his snacks. "But I'mma put on the episode of Lucifer I missed. Multitasking," He winked, wrestling the remote from Pietro. We waited patiently as they finished the obligatory round of horsing before settling down for the game.
I explained the rules of the game, choosing to disregard Loki's scoffing and Wanda's doubt about the quality of the humor in the game. We played a few rounds with me explaining some of the deeper pop culture references. At a point where all of us were engrossed, laughing and poking fun at each other, more of the Avengers parked themselves on the couch.
Stephen, Tony and Bruce evidently had been sciencing, all three men having had their safety goggles perched forgotten atop their heads. Sam, Natasha and Steve - probably sparring. All three of them brought the smell of soap and laundry detergent to the room. All of the newcomers observed us with mild interest, periodically glance at the TV.
It was Wanda's turn to be the card Czar. I had to take a moment to finish my last giggling fit.
"Okay, the white card goes..." She paused dramatically. "I never truly understood blank until I encountered blank." With that, she poked the timer app on her phone. The sixty second countdown began.
I did a quick inventory check. Then I snorted. I had to quickly stuff two knuckles in my mouth, biting down, to attempt to silence the hysterical fit of laughter I was on the brink of. Loki was definitely going to stab me but the opportunity was too good to pass. No fear, we die like men.
"Ooh, she's got something," Clint teased, having noticed my shaking shoulders.
The timer beeped. Naturally, Loki went first. He wore a mildly disgusted smirk. "I never truly understood parting the red sea until I encountered third base," The trickster caved and began chuckling.
Somewhere behind me, Sam and Tony began cackling while Stephen and Steve groaned loudly in mild distaste.
"Press F to pay respects," Pietro clapped Loki on the shoulder with a sympathetic chuff. "I raise you - I never truly understood licking things to claim as your own until I encountered the clitoris," The young avenger struggled through laughter, followed by everyone else this time.
"That's a keeper, ladies," Sam's rich baritone quipped.
I laughed along, inwardly preparing for the inevitable. "Yikes," I whispered, side-eyeing Loki. "I never truly understood daddy issues..." I trailed off, hearing Bucky and Steve beginning to tease Tony. "... Until I encountered Loki, the trickster God."
The room drowned in a sea of laughter, Tony and Clint busting a gut so hard they fell over. Said trickster God was less than amused, however, glaring in my direction with the force of a pissed off bee swarm.
"Ow, that's cold, Princess, that's just cold," Clint squeezed out.
"Loki," I abandoned my stack of cards, crawling over Pietro and Bucky on all fours, settling prettily on my knees in front of Loki. Making my very best puppy eyes. "I love you, with all my cold black heart. And you're technically the patron saint of fun and shit, so that means you must approve of this very clever joke," I pouted, batting my eyelashes.
"Baby girl, I think you're laying it on too thick," Tony gasped, slumping on the couch, holding his sides. Everyone kept laughing, now at my feeble attempt at placating the upset Loki.
Who, by the way, looked a bit spooked. Subtly but surely, the raven-haired Asgardian leaned away from me.
"Don't be mad, I'm too cute to be mad at," I finally snorted, pat-pat-patting him on the shoulder. "It's okay, you can join my club. We have hot old dudes and cookies."
That broke it. First, the corner of his mouth twitched. Then, Loki looked away. I saw the storm before it crashed; with a weird noise of his own and his cheeks puffed out, Loki joined in on the shit-fest, howling full volume and doubling over. I followed suit, until all of us were writhing around on the floor. We'd stop and then someone would make another remark and it would go into another round again.
"Menace," Loki scoffed at me, smiling. "And for the record, the hottest old dude, as you put it, would be me." That said, he went back to calmly waiting for his next turn. "I'm about a thousand years old."
"Thor's older," Bruce noted thoughtfully.
Loki scoffed. "That man cannot chew with his mouth shut. If that's considered attractive, I'm leaving this forsaken planet."
That struck a thought within me. One that was brewing a long time, to be honest. "Thor is the god of himbos," I said with the same tone as "Eureka!".
"Shit, you're right," Sam exclaimed, following with another, weaker fit of laughter meanwhile Bruce had to be the one explaining the term to the poor, poor, clueless members of the Avengers.
I need to find a way to award them some kind of points for learning the gen-z lingo. "Patrick" stars maybe, since they lived under a fucking rock?
"Princess, never a boring day with you around. You don't half-ass this shit," Tony's warmth reached me as he shuffled around on the couch, sitting directly behind me. I leaned my back against his legs.
"I'm not a clown," I shot back. Tony stiffened. Dramatically flailing my hand I announced: "I am the whole god-damn circus!"
As the game progressed, we found out that Clint was That Guy - meaning, the dude every CAH group had, the one who grossly overused the "Bees?!" card and made Star Wars references whenever humanly possible. The only even slightly funny joke was about a lightsaber up the ass, in the end all of us finding out that Bucky knew a little too much about modern sex toys - "Hey, I saw one on Amazon, I'll send you the link, Birdman" - to Steve's open-mouthed horror.
What Loki lacked in references he made up in wit. The play on "During sex, I like to think about genetically engineered supersoldiers" had Bucky scrambling to switch places with Wanda whilst Loki himself was attempting to shoot bedroom eyes at Steve. It was a mess.
Bucky's own play had Steve abandon all pretense at being in any way appropriate as he struggled for air. "The Avengers new rules prohibit using Mjölnir as a dildo." Me and Tony became somewhat of a messy guffawing octopus of limbs for a moment after the super-soldier said it.
"Don't. Tell. Thor!" Strange gritted out, hiding his laughter behind a palm, uncharacteristically having lost his stuffy attitude. By god's will the man was attractive when he smiled.
As time ticked, each one of the starting players had attracted a newcomer. There weren't enough cards for everyone to play (Tony had, of course, ordered additional ones but they wouldn't arrive until the next day) so people kind of whispered and pointed at what they thought would fit.
Natasha conspired with Wanda, Sam went to his bird-bro, Bruce was forcefully dragged by Bucky to his side. Surprisingly, Steve teamed up with Loki which made Pietro stick his nose up in the air and promptly declare he needed no backup.
I already had Tony on my side. The genius wasn't of much help, however, he simply annoyed me out of my skull by randomly giggling and making immature jokes. It should've alarmed me that Stephen was eager to join me and Tony - usually he just butted heads with anyone who had any opinion whatsoever.
I was left bewildered upon discovering the wizard liked drama as much as the Kardashian clan and was quite competitive at causing the most shit.
My clown crown felt threatened.
"This one," Tony poked at a card in my hand.
"If you think that's funny, your intellect is obviously overestimated." Stephen dismissively waved a hand. "This one," It was unmistakable whom the trembling finger belonged to. It pointed at a card on the other side.
"Wizards are just hilarious," Tony seeped sarcasm.
"Try me, Beyonce," Stephen murmured darkly.
That was just background noise to me. I had all my undivided attention on the TV, my last two functioning brain cells focused on the scene unfolding right in front of me. The Lucifer episode, the devil and his insatiable thirst for honey. The timer buzzed but I was still drawn towards Tom Ellis dipping two of his fingers first in the honeypot, then in his mouth, all the while looking like a damn snack himself. Illegal. I've never simped so hard for a fictional character.
A golden glow snatched a card out of my grasp, levitating it.
"Girl, what the hell?" Wanda saw my face and attempted to revert me back to earth. "Someone turn off the TV, there's not enough water in the tower to quench her thirst."
"Hey, did you two just - don't ignore me!" Tony whined, managing to tug on my hair and attempt to reach for the card now held in Stephen's grasp, simultaneously.
"I don't blame her," Clint mused. "That right there is one very fine dude."
I shook my head, clearing any untoward thoughts. Focus. "First of all, Bird, you're a dude. That there," I pointed up at the TV. "Is a man. A Man." I emphasised, getting a jealous poke in the back from Tony. "Second of all..." I turned towards Stephen. "The quaffle, the snitch and the AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH!" The last of my sentence was pitched. The sorcerer had raised his arm, clutching the card, and I struggled to reach it.
"What... What did you just say?" Stephen was laughing, not at all phased by me climbing him like a tree to take hold of what's mine. Tony was actively helping - or, trying to. One-handed. The other hand attempted to snatch the rest of the cards from my grasp.
"And that's an F on teamwork," Bucky's sarcasm was complemented by Steve's famous Captain America Is Disappointed In You look.
"Uhh... Guys? What's going on?" Peter's timid voice leaked confusion.
"Hello, friends," Thor boomed, drowning out the boy's questioning noises.
"We're playing a game. Cards Against Humanity."
Wordlessly, Peter towed Thor along with him to find a spot amongst us. And even if Thor didn't get any of the references, he still was good fun. His laugh was infectious. The way he cheered for every winner was incredibly wholesome. Golden space puppy. The urge to immediately pet Thor and give him endless pop-tarts was strong in me.
Loki was one dramatic, vengeful bitch. "Women get turned on by the Devil himself"? I was ready to throw hands with the trickster. Everybody's laughter drowned out any cursing I might or might have not directed towards Loki who looked far too satisfied with himself. I was going to substitute the sugar for his tea with salt one day, mark my words.
I wouldn't admit it over my dead body, but the way he got back at me for the daddy issues joke was kinda funny. Okay, very funny. It was fucking hilarious. I admire a clever man.
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chaotically-cas · 3 years
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You
Grrr I don’t like this one much but whatever
Sodapop & Steve
Warnings: cursing
Words: 672
Taglist: @naturallesbain @therealsehinton @twobitapologist @tulsaokgreasers @donttakemyknives
Song: Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Frankie Valli
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It was a football Monday and the whole gang was gathered around the Curtis’s small tv.
The couch was only large enough to seat a very obnoxious Two Bit Matthews, an intensely interested Darrel Curtis, and Dallas Winston. Who managed to shove away any other potential threats to the seat.
They all were real into the game. But if you asked Steve who was playing that day, anything he said would have been purely a guess.
Steve wasn’t a big football guy, believe it or not. He was too focused on his best friend, Sodapop Curtis.
Sodapop was sitting at Dally’s feet with an intense look of curiosity on his face. Fixated by the game.
Steve was sitting by Two Bit’s feet on the other side of the room. He didn’t like not being next to Sodapop but at least it made him real easy to stare at.
Steve loved the way Soda’s eyes lit up when something interesting happened. He loved the way Soda smiled from ear to ear when the gang would crack jokes. He even loved the way Soda grumped when the other team scored.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of him. And he thought no one had noticed.
Then all of a sudden he felt a pair of rough hands over his eyes and holding his head so he could see.
“Steve! What’s the score” he recognized the voice as Two Bit’s.
“Uhhhh” Steve stuttered really confused.
“Told you so John! You owe me ten bucks!!! Ha! He was too busy looking at Soda!” Two Bit snarled removing his hands and gesturing for Johnny to pay up.
Johnny groaned and handed over a ten dollar bill to the smirking boy.
“What?” Steve asked, snapped out of his thoughts.
“You weren’t even watching the game man. You’re too busy making eyes at Sodapop” Pony chuckled.
“Watch it kid” Steve grumped “was not.”
“Was too” Pony teased back, he liked to get under his skin.
“You watch your mouth” Steve growled getting up. He wiped his hands in his greasy DX jeans and walked to the kitchen.
His brows were furrowed in anger as he got himself a glass of water from the sink. The water tasted oddly bitter but Steve didn’t care. He just needed to wash away the dry lump in his throat.
“Steve?” Steve heard a familiar voice from behind him.
Shit. Steve cursed himself. Sodapop. Shit shit shit.
“Yeah?” Steve responded trying to seem as nonchalant as possible. It didn’t work.
“Were you really looking at me?” Soda asked, leaning up against the counter.
“No” Steve said, still having his back to his best friend.
“Oh. Nevermind then” Soda replied, seeming almost… upset? Did he really sound sad? Steve wondered.
“Why never mind Sodapop?” Steve asked finally turning around.
“I just thought it would be nice. That’s all.” Soda shrugged looking down at the ground.
“You would?” Steve questioned, finally deciding to meet Soda’s eyes.
“You sure do ask a lot of questions dumb ass” Soda laughed “yes I would.”
Soda’s eyes seemed to have a certain shine and spark in them Steve hadn’t noticed before. And Steve looked in his eyes a lot.
“Well then I was” Steve answered trying to hold back l his blush. Which again, didn’t work.
Steve could feel his cheeks heating up with a quite noticeable hot pink blush.
“Do my eyes deceive me? Is Steve Randle… blushing?” Soda teased, taking a step forward to jokingly inspect Steve’s face.
Steve’s breathing hitched as Soda’s hand gently caressed his burning cheek.
“I think he is” Soda smirked with a giggle.
“And what about it?” Steve asked, admiring Sodapop’s practically award winning smile.
“Nothing” Soda shrugged, keeping his hand on Steve’s cheek, which was still ever burning.
“Whatcha thinking about Soda?”
Steve prayed that he and Soda had the same thing on mind. Because the only thing on Steve’s mind was Soda’s lips and having his against them.
“I think you damn well know.” Soda smiled “kiss me you idiot.”
- - - -
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothin' else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
I love you, baby
And if it's quite alright
I need you, baby
To warm the lonely night
I love you, baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
Don't bring me down, I pray
Oh, pretty baby
Now that I've found you, stay
Oh, pretty baby
Trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby
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I Need You
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A/N:  For @deanwanddamons Rock SPN Challenge.
Inspired by the challenge, this wasn’t the song I was assigned, but I will finish and submit that one tonight. First time writing fanfic and this story spilled out first  ::shrugs::  what can I say….
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
WC: 499
Warnings: none/swearing
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
Feedback is appreciated!!
Song lyrics are italic and bold
I need you - Lynyrd Skynyrd
He signed, he already knew what you would say.
“They changed the restrictions….so you could just fly up here, like now.”
You sighed softly, having discussed this more than once since he left. You hated the idea of quarantining for two weeks only to spend a weekend together. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, it had been over 3 months without him, it just wasn’t that simple.
“Jens, they didn’t open them to people just traveling, I can’t just -” you start to say before he cuts you off.
“Then. take. the. goddamn. job Eric offered you!” He growls, sounding simultaneously enraged and near panic.
“Why do you keep saying you can’t? I thought we- Yeah, no, nevermind just forget I said anything. Fuck!.”
He says as he runs his hand down his face trying to calm down.
He takes a sharp breath and holds it, letting it out slowly as you listen in stunned silence.
Taking a moment, you speak softly not wanting to upset him further. “Jay?”
“Yeah?” He replies as you hear him breath out through his nose.
“I wouldn’t even be working with you on set, maybe not even on location, so why do you want me to say yes?” You asked gently.
“Because I fucking need you here that’s why. You don’t see it, because you're not here. Baby,
I feel like I’m gonna lose my damn mind, I get so lonely that I feel I can't go on with this another day.
I come home and there is nothing and no one and the absolute silence is driving me crazy.” He rambles.
“I just want you here so badly, I wanna come home, crawl into bed, wrap my arms around you and forget about everything.”
He takes a deep breath, letting it out shakily.
“Baby I need you. I miss you more everyday.
I'm tryin' to tell you I love you. I'm tryin' to tell you I need you”
The sadness in his voice is evident. Your heart physically aching as you glance at the phone in your hands..
“Jay…I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise it was this bad. I love you so much, I hate that you're feeling like this.” you almost whisper.
“I know honey, sorry I kept insisting I was fine, but it’s bullshit. I’m not, just didn’t want you to worry about anything. Maybe it wouldn’t have gotten too screwed up in my head if I hadn’t tried to act like it wasn’t bothering me.” He said.
“It’s okay, I get it babe, but you can’t be strong and take care of everyone all the time. Gotta let me have a turn every now and then you know’
I sent Eric a message saying yes a few minutes ago. They’re taking care of it and booking me on a flight tonight.” You said, biting your lower lip, waiting for a response.
You hear a deep inhale and a soft chuckle. “Damn it I love you so much.”
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