#new York process servers
seriouslycromulent · 5 months
The Surprising Reason John Larroquette Took His Career-Defining Role on 'Night Court'
The comedy ninja reveals all this week's 'Parade' cover story.
UPDATED:JAN 19, 2023
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Get in a car and drive about 30 miles north of Portland, Oregon, into southwest Washington. That’s where you’ll find actor John Larroquette.
He and his wife, Elizabeth, have lived on a piece of rural property for about five years. He collects books and likes to narrate plays in his home recording studio. Sometimes the couple head into the city to try new restaurants and go to the theater and concerts. “It’s really beautiful,” he says. “And at my age, it’s time to slow down and be out somewhere.”
In fact, Larroquette is so fond of his far-from-Hollywood lifestyle that not too long ago, he considered himself retired from the business with a fulfilling career and a room full of trophies to show for it. Never did he think he’d return to grueling TV work, let alone reprise the very role that made him a household name.
Guess what happened next?
Yup, Larroquette, 75, is suiting back up as wise-cracking, endearingly smarmy lawyer Dan Fielding in a new version of the irreverent sitcom Night Court (premiering Jan. 17 on NBC). Set decades after the 1984-92 original, it still chronicles the colorful cast of characters passing through the New York City after-hours courtroom. But now, the Honorable Abby Stone (Melissa Rauch), the daughter of Judge Harry T. Stone (Harry Anderson), bangs the gavel.
Fielding starts the series as a process server, though not for long. “As an actor, I thought it would be an interesting idea to revisit a character 35 years later in his life and see what happened to him,” Larroquette says. “I can’t do the physical comedy and jump over chairs anymore, so my conversations with the producers were about how to find the funny.”
Call it the latest unexpected turn for a seasoned star who began his professional journey as a DJ for “underground” radio in the 1960s, moved from his native New Orleans to Los Angeles to jumpstart his career, once took a gig in exchange for marijuana, played a Klingon in the third Star Trek movie and completed rehab to kick his heavy drinking—all before his very first audition for Night Court in 1983. After the sitcom’s last episode, he won his fifth Emmy (for the drama The Practice) and a 2011 Tony for the Broadway revival of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. He and Elizabeth, wed for 47 years, have three grown children.
“I honestly wish I had a tape recorder going at all times because he’s led such an interesting life and has such wonderful stories,” marvels Rauch, his co-star and a Night Court executive producer. “He’s super-quick, funny and definitely tells it like it is.”
Exhibit A? His interview with Parade, in which he discusses life and death, and everything in between.
Did you sign on to the series right away or was it a tough sell?
When Melissa [Rauch] presented the idea to me, I immediately said, “No thank you.” I didn’t like the idea of being compared to my 35-year-old, younger self. These conversations went on for a year. Then, one day, she told me that she wanted to be on-camera as well, so I decided to try and do it. We ended up pitching the show together, and it got picked up. You know, in New Orleans, there’s a French word called “lagniappe,” which means “a little bonus.” That’s what I consider myself. She’s the heart of the show.
Sadly, a few of your co-stars—including Harry Anderson and Markie Post—have died in recent years. What was it like being on the set without them?
Very emotional. Harry passed away in 2018, but it’s still a tender spot in my heart because he and I were together for a long time even outside of work. Markie and I were very close, and we had exchanged a few emails about the show before she died [in 2021]. She was a big cheerleader for it. And Charlie [Robinson, who played the clerk “Mac”] died when we were shooting the pilot last year. I saw him a lot because we both love the theater. Being on the set—I don’t say this glibly—but it was like seeing dead people. I’d always remember how I had this bizarre and completely sincere family for nine years.
Going back to the 1980s, why did you originally take the Dan Fielding role?
It was a paycheck. This was 1983, and I was still a journeyman actor going from job to job. I was a regular on a series in the ‘70s [Baa Baa Black Sheep], but then I took a few years off to do some extremely heavy drinking. After I got sober and realized I wasn’t going to die, I thought, “What am I going to do?” I had been in a pretty big [1981] movie called Stripes with Bill Murray. I read for Ted Danson’s role in Cheers.
Wait, how far did you get in the Sam Malone casting process?
Oh, I just walked in and did a cold reading along with every other 32-year-old actor at the time. But then I auditioned for the judge in Night Court. The producers asked me to read for this other role of Dan Fielding and I said, “Sure.” Even if I hated the role, I would have taken it because I needed to make money to help pay the rent and support my family and be a responsible member of society. It was luck that I really liked it. Then I got lucky again when NBC picked up the show as a mid-season replacement.
During the height of the show’s popularity, you earned four consecutive Emmys for your performance. That must have felt beyond validating.
Obviously, being acknowledged by your contemporaries was an incredible honor. I don’t say that blithely. It was a remarkable, remarkable feeling. And I was up against some formidable talent—mainly all those guys from Cheers.
Why do you think the character was and is so appealing?
I think because he allowed the audience to know that he wasn’t a bad guy. He was more like a feckless buffoon. He also really wanted to be loved. As a matter of fact, in our pitch, we screened an old scene of Fielding in a hospital bed telling Harry, “I don’t have a life; I have a lifestyle. Nobody has ever said, ‘I love you.’” So when we find Fielding again, he’s loved and lost. And Harry’s daughter forces him out of his cave. It’s a real full-circle moment.
Let’s go back to your own start. Did you have any music skills coming out of New Orleans?
Well, I started playing clarinet in third grade, then I moved to the saxophone in the 1960s. But I euphemistically say that I could talk better than I could blow. So, I took that sax out of my mouth and became a DJ and started using my voice as much as I could. I’ve always loved the analog aspect of audio. I still have some reel-to-reel tape recordings and old microphones.
Is that how you ended up narrating the opening prologue for [the 1974 horror classic] The Texas Chainsaw Massacre?
No, no, that wasn’t through any kind of past work. In the summer of ‘69, I was working as a bartender at a small Colorado resort in a little town called Grand Lake because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life. [Director] Tobe Hooper happened to be in town and we became friendly. Flash forward four years, and I found myself in L.A. collecting unemployment checks and trying to decide if I wanted to be an actor. Tobe heard I was in town and asked for an hour of my time to narrate something for this movie he just did. I said, “Fine!” It was a favor.
Per the Internet, he gave you a joint in lieu of payment. True?
Totally true. He gave me some marijuana or a matchbox or whatever you called it in those days. I walked out of the studio and patted him on his back side and said, “Good luck to you!” Now, I have also narrated the consequential films and did get paid. You do something for free in the 1970s and get a little money in the ‘90s. I’m not a big horror movie fan, so I’ve never seen it. But it’s certainly the one credit that’s stuck strongly to my resume.
But you’ve appeared on the big screen plenty of times. Did you have movie-star aspirations following all your TV success?
The movies I’ve done are mostly forgettable. Blind Date [from 1987] is an exception, but that’s because of Bruce Willis and Kim Basinger. And Blake Edwards directed it. It was funny. But my face is not made for a really big screen. It’s a broad, clown-like face. It’s good for a TV two-shot. And you ride the horse in the direction that it’s going and television was always right there and offering me stuff, so I kept doing that.
You also performed in a musical for the first time in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in 2010. How was that change of pace?
I was hesitant to do it because I had never sung and danced on stage. I was convinced I was going to be fired in the first two or three weeks. I’d keep going in my head, “five, six, seven, eight!” just trying to get the steps down. But I loved the lifestyle of being a stage actor in New York. I loved working with Daniel Radcliffe, and we became fast friends. It got to a point where I couldn’t wait to get to the theater and try it again that night. If you’re given the opportunity to do something that may be a stretch, I think it’s important to try and see if you can pull it off.
Can you talk a bit about your personal life? You seem a little reclusive.
Reclusive isn’t accurate, but I’m definitely an introvert. Elizabeth and I met doing the play Enter Laughing and got married in 1975. She puts up with me, and you can’t ask for much more than that. Our kids are grown. My daughter Lisa is a graphic designer and my son Jonathan has had a podcast for the past 17 years called Uhh Yeah Dude. And my youngest son, Ben, is a musician who graduated from the Berklee School of Music. He actually composed the new theme music for Night Court. They’re all lovely, and I love them dearly.
That’s quite a professional and personal success story, no?
You know, considering where I’m from and the kind of culture I grew up in, yes. I’ve been very successful in my chosen field. And I’m grateful for having done that because there were times when I thought I would not live, much less have a career. It’s nothing to be taken for granted. But I’m very old now. Three quarters of a century. I’m sort of playing with house money from now on, regardless of what happens.
Sorry, but 75 isn’t very old!
Yes, it’s old. It’s old. Please. It’s old. There are certainly people who live longer, but I can go down the list of wonderful friends and coworkers who are now deceased. One being Kirstie Alley, my costar in [the 1990 comedy] Madhouse, who was younger than I am. She was a lovely person, and so funny. There are only a few more exits on the freeway and you’ve got to choose one. But I’m not afraid of the hereafter and I don’t bemoan it. It’s been an interesting ride, and all rides eventually end.
Do you have any sort of words to live by?
As corny as it sounds, take things one day at a time. You know, I learned when I stopped drinking at age 32 that all you have is right now. Use the present in your life as much as you can.
Source: https://parade.com/celebrities/john-larroquette-night-court-cover-story
My thoughts (please feel free to ignore):
I'm sure someone in the fandom has already posted this interview John did last year with Parade magazine when the new Night Court premiered. But I can say that it's new to me, so I'm sharing it in case it's new to someone else too.
I apologize for the highlighted purple sections above. That's just me marking the parts of the interview that resonated with me the most.
I don't know about anyone else, but some parts of his answers to the questions made me feel kind of sad. Partially because he's clearly experiencing grief at the loss of his friends. And partially because John himself may not be with us for much longer (although I hope I'm wrong and he beats Betty White to 100).
But I was talking to my mother about some of his answers, and she said that as someone who has reached an age milestone herself, she understands his perspective. And I guess I do too.
It's important to remember that in any other profession, John would likely be retired by now. So we should really be grateful for any roles he takes or public appearances he makes, and hope that his days ahead are filled with the calm, joy and laughter that he so rightly deserves.
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bfpnola · 1 year
Hi! My name is Camaria, I am 18 years old, and a first-generation low-income freshman at Barnard College of Columbia University. Currently, I am in the process of planning for surgery in October for the removal of a benign jaw tumor, Ameloblastoma.
I became aware of this issue in December 2022 and have been going under treatment as it was a cyst. I spent nearly 5k of my savings paying for that treatment. However, in July, it was discovered that the cyst changed forms, becoming a solid tumor. This is forcing me to undergo serious surgical removal and reconstruction of my jaw. The tumor is eating up my teeth and bones as we speak, so I need this surgery as soon as possible.
I moved away from home a week after hearing the news: from New Orleans, LA to New York City. I am alone in college with little known family near me, planning for this surgery. Both of my parents have no money or savings to help pay for my surgery. My dad was laid off from his welding career due to bad eyesight from age. My mother is supporting my two younger siblings, ages 12 and 17, working as a server in a restaurant to make ends meet.
Bone implants are predicted to cost around 9-12k, and hospital bills are unknown. I also need to get prosthodontist work and dental implants as they are removing at least 7 teeth from my bottom row. Those will cost around 6k-8k, not including the $800 per dental implant. My insurance doesn’t cover any of the costs for my implants or prosthodontist work.
The surgeon has requested I pay 50% of the bone implant cost upfront, amounting to between 4.5k-6k before my surgery date of October 25th.
All donations will go towards the costs of helping me pay my bills. I can’t do this on my own and I’m pleading for help.
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goddesspharo · 1 month
no excuses meme: BEFORE THE BEGINNING
[no excuses WIP meme: ask me about my WIPs]
BEFORE THE BEGINNING — three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
I constantly play with time in my fics (call me Chris Nolan with the way I can't write linearly!) so I'm sure I'll allude to this at some point in the Jurassic Park AU.
The process server hands Jake the manila envelope at 9:59 pm on the dot, which a bit of googling reveals is exactly one minute before the cut-off time in New York City for serving divorce papers on any given business day. He copes with the exquisitely painful knowledge that Nat must've requested rush service from the agency by polishing off every half-full bottle of alcohol in their brownstone – God bless all the booze they hadn't gotten around to cracking open because Hondo called two days before Christmas asking them to get on the first flight to Argentina to check out a cretaceous fossil they might have uncovered – while blasting on repeat that one Dave Matthews Band song that everyone old enough to use the Salinger siblings' bad decisions as a benchmark for their own terrible life choices knew. In hindsight, maybe convincing Natasha that spending Christmas Eve in layover hell was a good idea is the reason he's getting divorced now. However, instead of noodling on that, Jake opens his inbox at half past midnight and takes four tries to hit the reply button on Bradshaw's e-mail about a mysterious opportunity to reinvent the field of paleontology. It takes him entirely too long to find what he's looking for through his Macallan haze before he finally taps on the thumbs up emoji – he hopes; it could also be either the Angelina Jolie thigh emoji or an eggplant – before hitting send and passing out on top of an empty pizza box that Natasha would have killed him for having in their bed if she could stand being in the same room as him.
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bluepeachstudios · 2 years
Ame's TMNT Masterpost
To keep everything together for not only anyone who comes across this hot mess but also for me, I have created this post. ORGANIZATION.
My general blog is @amevello-blue, where I reblog stuff including fanart for the stories I do! I also have a [Ko-Fi] if you're interested in giving me a tip.
Mystic Forest - A fan reboot of TMNT where the turtles were raised in the quarantined forest where they were mutated near New York City. You can also find a bunch of stuff over at @wondrous-art, who co-writes! [Read it!] [Tag!]
Please Just Let Them Hug - A canon compliant 2003 series where I write about the off-screen recovery and domestic things happening between episodes. [Read It!] [Tag!]
The Tortoise and the Hare - A canon divergent 2003 series where Leo and Usagi are definitely gay and start dating. [Read It!] [Art Tag!]
No Room for Dying - Sequel to "The Tortoise and the Hare", taking place during the Ninja Tribunal arc of 2003. [Read it!] [Tag!]
The Great Skittles Heist of 2105 - A Fast Forward AU where the Dark turtles came out of the growth process early, as babies! The turtles adopt them. [Read it!] [Tag!]
2012 Fusion - An alternate universe where the turtles discover new Krang tech that allows them to fuse. [Read it!] [Tag!]
Season X - A continuation of Fast Forward's cancelled Season 2 with a focus on the Dark Turtles and their redemption arc. [Read it!] [Tag!]
Ghost in the Shell - An AU where the Donatello from SAINW that went missing ends up slipping into the Rise universe and watching a version of his own family grow. [Read it!] [Tag!]
TMNT 2003 - All my 2003 art and doodles. [click!]
TMNT Toy Redraw - I draw my old turtle characters based on TMNT toys I had as a kid. [click!]
Ask Doodle - Tag for drawings in response to asks. [click!]
Ame Talks - Text posts only! Or if I go off on a tangent. [click!]
The TMNT Pit: CURRENTLY CLOSED I have a discord server where I show doodles and story snippets before they go up on tumblr, or even parts that never go up anywhere else. It's also just a general TMNT with lots of '03 and Rise love!
Feel free to send me asks about anything! I'm always happy to answer! If you specify an ask towards a character, then I'll answer with art or in-character text! Just make sure you specify which character and for which universe, or I'll default to whatever I'm feelin' at the moment.
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dweemeister · 10 months
November 15, 2023
By Jonathan Mahler, James B. Stewart, and Benjamin Mullin
(The New York Times Magazine) — It was April 2022, and David Zaslav had just closed the deal of a lifetime. From the helm of his relatively small and unglamorous cable company, Discovery, he had taken control of a sprawling entertainment conglomerate that included perhaps the most storied movie studio on the planet, Warner Brothers. The longtime New Yorker had always loved movies, and against the advice of several media peers, he had moved to Hollywood and taken over Jack Warner’s historic office, hauling the old mogul’s desk out of storage and topping it off with an old-time handset telephone. So far things were going great. He had met all the stars and players, was widely feted as the next in line to save the eternally struggling industry and was well into the process of renovating a landmark house in Beverly Hills. “You’re the dog that caught the bus,” the billionaire octogenarian cable pioneer John Malone, one of Discovery’s largest shareholders, told him. All he needed to do now was pay back the $56 billion in debt that he piled onto the new company to make the deal happen.
Money is never just lying around Hollywood, and the town was still reeling from the pandemic. But that was OK. Zaslav had set a “synergy target” — cost cuts, essentially — of $3 billion in the next two years, and now, with the clock ticking, he got to work. To help, he had brought along his chief financial officer from Discovery, an amateur pilot and former McKinsey consultant named Gunnar Wiedenfels. As spring turned to summer, they laid off hundreds of workers, shuttered or reorganized divisions and suspended or canceled hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of programming. Anything we don’t think is awesome, Zaslav told executives, stop production right now. Turn the cameras off.
Cuts are the norm after a merger, but Zaslav and Wiedenfels were pushing things hard, and in sometimes unorthodox directions. By shelving several nearly completed projects — including the animated, direct-to-streaming movie “Scoob!: Holiday Haunt,” and the fourth season of the postapocalyptic TV series “Snowpiercer” — they saved millions in postproduction and marketing costs, as well as residuals down the line, and they locked in hefty tax breaks up front. Like so much of what happened in Hollywood, all this was reminiscent of a Hollywood production — in this case, the beloved 1967 Mel Brooks comedy “The Producers.” There, the producers, Max Bialystock and Leopold Bloom, realized that under the right circumstances, a producer could make more money with a flop than a hit. For Zaslav and Wiedenfels, the money would come from making sure that no one would get to see the shows in the first place.
Then they came for “Batgirl.” The big-ticket streaming project had just finished filming in Scotland when Zaslav took over, and he and Wiedenfels had immediately identified it as a target — a “free ball,” as Zaslav described it to several colleagues. The audience test scores for a very early cut were not encouraging. Still, a number of executives warned him not to shelve it. “Batgirl” was a $90 million entry in a multibillion-dollar universe of movies and television shows based on DC Comics. Michael Keaton was reprising his role as Batman, and sequels were already in the works. Plenty of movies had tested poorly but still earned millions. Killing an all-but-completed movie would alienate the people Zaslav — or at least Hollywood — needed most: the people who made the movies. It was to no avail. On Aug. 2, the word came down: “Batgirl” was dead.
As predicted, the backlash was immediate and emotional. Stunned, the film’s up-and-coming directors, Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, tried to look at their footage, but their access to the production server was denied. The head of the DC unit, Walter Hamada, who was not consulted on the decision, asked to be released from his contract and would leave before the end of the year. Courtenay Valenti, one of the most respected development executives at Warner Brothers, was equally devastated and would be gone in a matter of weeks, ending a 33-year run at the studio. The news dominated the Hollywood trades for days. Under fire, Zaslav defended the decision in an earnings call with analysts, saying he shelved “Batgirl” to protect the DC brand. More quietly, Zaslav also sought cover in the authority of Bryan Lourd, the powerful co-chairman of Creative Artists Agency and a leading arbiter of Hollywood mores. As Zaslav told it to several associates, Lourd had supported the decision, observing that it wasn’t in the interest of C.A.A. clients, like the film’s star, Leslie Grace, to be associated with a bad movie. But a C.A.A. spokeswoman denied that. “Bryan Lourd was not consulted in advance of the studio’s move to cancel ‘Batgirl,’” she said.
At Discovery, producers referred to having their budgets slashed as “getting Gunnared,” and Wiedenfels maintains a hard-boiled, McKinsey-esque attitude toward the bottom line. “It’s hard work,” he says. “You don’t make friends.” Zaslav, a born salesman who would prefer to make friends, is more reflective. “You do sometimes get bloodied,” he said in a wide-ranging interview at Warner Brothers Discovery’s corporate headquarters in New York. But business is business. “We have made unpopular decisions because they were necessary.”
That joke about selling to Saudi Arabia in the end. Just... no.
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organizeworkers · 1 year
Brooklyn restaurant workers move closer to becoming New York City’s first unionized pizzeria
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Alex Dinndorf, a server at Barboncino, told amNewYork Metro that a union would provide him and the others with job security.
“We realized that we’re used to being fired for any reason,” said Dinndorf, who’s been at Barboncino for two years. “It’s a service industry problem.”  
Several workers reached out to the Emergency Workers Organizing Committee (EWOC), which formed in March 2020 to support people struggling with a lack of workplace protections during the pandemic.
Daphna Thier, a labor educator with EWOC, said the volunteer-run organization has helped around 130 union campaigns, including some still actively unionizing, in New York City. Barboncino Workers United, which is what the workers called their union-in-the-making, decided that Barboncino was worth fighting for.
Restaurant unions, up until recently, have been largely formed by workers at chain restaurants such as Starbucks and Chipotle. Thier, who worked as a New York City bartender for more than a decade, is hopeful that Barboncino Workers United could set a precedent for more small businesses.
Read more from the article:
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tragedygroupie · 2 years
Miles bron smut please!!💗💗
thank you so much for this because it inspired me to write this and it may be one of my favorite things i’ve ever written
his parliament’s on fire and his hands are up
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“are you sure her name isn’t on the list?” my friend asks.
“i’m positive.”
it’s some time late at night, and my friends and i are trying to get into one of new york’s most exclusive clubs. we make a game out of it, the pleading and cajoling almost as fun as the actual clubbing.
“can you check for my name? it’s juli pascal,” my best friend giggles.
“girls if i don’t find your name after this, i’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” the bouncer sighs.
“actually, they’re with me.”
i turn around, confused.
an older man with a hamptons tan and aggressively blonde hair walks over to us. a security detail follows him.
“isn’t that right darling?” he asks me, wrapping an arm around my waist.
i smile at him. two can play at this game.
“this would be my boyfriend. HE should be on the list, isn’t that right honey?” i ask.
the bouncer’s face has gone red, and he’s stammering.
“i’m so sorry mr bron, this won’t happen again-“
i turn to my friends and try to convey my disbelief.
“fucking miles bron?!” juli mouths.
i shrug, scarcely able to process it myself.
as we walk through the door, my friends start thanking him profusely.
“thank you so much mr bron, we really appreciate it-“
he waves his hand.
“its no problem ladies. i used to be like you when i was your age, i always love helping out fellow disrupters.”
juli and i dissolve into a fit of giggles, as the rest of the group laughs as well.
“well we really appreciate it.” i say.
he lets go of my waist, and i almost feel disappointed.
“i hope to see you ladies sometime soon,” he says and we all thank him again.
as he walks off, lulu turns to me.
“what the fuck?”
i shrug.
“stranger things have happened.”
juli shakes her head.
“that may be the strangest thing that’s ever fucking happened.”
it’s been an hour and i’m stumbling up to the bar. i’m not really built for clubbing- i hate dancing and i don’t like most men. the most fun part of the night is always trying to get in, and i’m still not entirely over how we did that in the first place.
i sit up at the counter and get on my phone as i wait for the server to come over.
“aren’t you a little young to be drinking?”
i turn around and there he is.
the blonde himself.
“aren’t you a little old to be clubbing?” i shoot back.
he chuckles, putting his hands up in an i surrender pose as he sits down next to me.
“also, i am old enough to drink. in most countries anyway.”
he laughs at that, a full body laugh that makes me wonder if he’s drunk already.
“you’re funny.”
“i do stand up if you’re interested. my best material is on Twitter.”
“i considered buying twitter.” he says thoughtfully as the server comes over.
“i’ll have a rum and coke. you?” he asks.
“the exact same, only no rum please.”
the server bustles off and he looks at me curiously.
“you don’t drink?”
i shake my head.
“i barely drink anything that isn’t coke to begin with.”
we sit quietly for a moment as the server returns with our drinks.
“so do you always do this?” he asks.
“do what?”
“go to clubs that most people can’t get into and try to con your way in?”
i laugh.
“i don’t know if it’s conning. my friends are pretty, they should get in just on hotness alone,” i say as i sip my coke.
“and what about you?”
“i’m gonna be an Oscar winning filmmaker someday. they’re lucky i deign to visit their establishment.”
he laughs.
“what have you directed?”
“nothing yet.”
“i like your confidence.”
we take a swig of our drinks, and i assess him. he’s not a bad looking dude. old enough to be my father, but i’ve skewed towards older men since i was in high school.
“why’d you get us in?” i ask.
“i like your style. you’re disruptive. inbreathiating even.”
i giggle.
“that’s not a real word.”
he goes on like he hasn’t heard me.
“would it be too cheesy if i said it was because you’re pretty?” he asks.
i scoff.
“there are a million models still waiting out there in the cold. i don’t know what you’d see in me that you can’t find in them.”
he shakes his head.
“you’re pretty in a different way. in a… real way.”
why the fuck is this sleazy pick up working?
“a lot of the girls in my world are pretty in a polished way. they’re pretty because they were manufactured to be that way. there’s nothing wrong with that, but you, you’re pretty like a forest fire.”
he grabs my hand as he talks, his eyes never leaving mine.
“you have this chaos and fun and danger to you, and it’s not that cheap thrill shit you get at a theme park. you’re pretty and you’re dangerous in the way a hurricane is.”
my drink is abandoned as i focus entirely on him.
“do you like my kind of pretty?” i ask, feeling like i’m fourteen years old again.
“i wanna drown in it.”
we stare at each other for a moment, and i grab my drink and take a long sip.
“do you dance?” i finally ask.
“yes,” he grins.
“i don’t.”
“well we’ll have to fix that.” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my chair, back to the dance floor.
when we get to the heart of the crowd i stand there, unsure of how to proceed.
“you really don’t dance?” he asks, surprised.
“hmm, if only i had told you.”
he laughs and i hate how infectious it is, because now i have a small smile on my face.
“well you start by doing this.”
he grabs my hands and puts them on his shoulders.
“and then you just kind of-“ he rocks back and forth to the music.
slowly, i move my body with him.
“you’re getting the hang of it!”
i move closer to him, so close that he’s practically grinding on me while i interlock my hands behind his neck.
we sway to the pulsating music, rocking our bodies in time and part of me wants to close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder, but that’s a little too cheesy for a potential fuck with a billionaire playboy.
when the song ends, i look up at him and see the hunger in his eyes.
he wants me, and i want him.
if he’s bad in bed at least i’ll get to sleep on sheets with a thread count higher than my tuition.
“do you wanna go back to your place?”
he grins.
“i thought you’d never ask.”
his apartment makes me want to shank him.
it reeks of money, new money eclecticism with superfluous furniture and nonsensical art pieces.
it makes me cringe. i have to fuck him.
“so do you wanna-“ he asks as i cut him off with a kiss.
he startles, before seemingly coming alive.
he pushes me against the wall, his hands wandering my body as he kisses me hard. his mouth wanders with his hands, kissing and sucking hickeys onto my neck.
“aren’t we… a little… old… for hickeys?” i pant as he chuckles into my skin.
“i wont leave any if you don’t want me to.” he says as he bites my neck.
“now when did i say that?” i breathe.
he’s running his hand up my thigh, and when he starts rubbing me through my underwear i start dissolving into incoherence.
“do you want me to touch you?” he asks coyly.
i nod frantically.
“use your words honey.”
“yes fuck you yes just fucking touch me please.” i spit out.
“so impatient,” he observes and i’m about to tell him to fuck off when he slides a finger inside me and i’m rendered dumb.
he starts pumping it in and out of me, his thumb rubbing circles onto my clit and i’m whimpering, melting into his arms as he coos at me like a baby.
“do you like that?” he asks softly.
i nod into the crook of his neck, thankful that i’m spared eye contact.
as he slides another finger inside me and curls i feel my knees start to buckle.
it’s honestly a little pathetic but i haven’t been finger fucked this well in god knows how long.
as he continues to pump his fingers and rub my clit i feel the coil in my stomach threaten to snap.
“can i, can i?” i start babbling.
“of course sweetheart,” he murmurs, his free hand brushing my hair.
i feel myself fall over the edge as he fingers me through my orgasm, and the whole time he holds me close to him.
when he pulls his fingers out i sneak a look at him and he smiles at me.
“do you think you have another left in you?” he asks.
“god yes,” i breathe.
he picks me up bridal style in his arms and carries me to his bedroom, where he gently lays me down.
strong hands pull my dress over my head, methodically undressing me as i try to tug at his shirt.
he crawls over me and holds my face in his hands for a moment.
i hook my thighs around his waist and when he enters me, it burns deliciously from my cunt throughout my body. he stills a little, letting me adjust, before setting a slow but hard pace.
my eyes are rolling back into my head as i grip the sheets, only to feel his hands on my face.
“eyes on me,” he groans.
he starts speeding up when we make eye contact, slamming into me while he reaches down between us to rub my clit with a fervor i didn’t know he had in him.
as i near my orgasm, i babble, desperately trying to ask permission to cum.
“can i please please please” i pant.
“cum for me darling,” he says.
i feel my body shake as i spasm around him.
my cunt clenching around him must trigger his own release, because he’s cumming deep inside me, hot and thick.
when he pulls out, i’m still shaking and i pray he doesn’t notice how my thighs are trembling, i don’t want to add to his ego.
“are you alright?” he asks.
“yeah,” i stutter out.
“you’re shaking,” he observes.
before i can respond he takes me in his arms, hugging me close to him.
exhausted, i rest my head on his chest.
“imma sleep and if you wake up before me, just pretend like i’m dead,” i mutter.
he laughs.
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Eclipses create atmospheric gravity waves, student teams confirm
Student teams from three U.S. universities became the first to measure what scientists have long predicted: eclipses can generate ripples in Earth's atmosphere called atmospheric gravity waves. The waves' telltale signature emerged in data captured during the North American annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023, as part of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) sponsored by NASA.
Through NEBP, high school and university student teams were stationed along the eclipse path through multiple U.S. states, where they released weather balloons carrying instrument packages designed to conduct engineering studies or atmospheric science experiments. A cluster of science teams located in New Mexico collected the data definitively linking the eclipse to the formation of atmospheric gravity waves, a finding that could lead to improved weather forecasting.
"Understanding how the atmosphere reacts in the special case of eclipses helps us better understand the atmosphere, which in turn helps us make more accurate weather predictions and, ultimately, better understand climate change."
Catching waves in New Mexico
Previous ballooning teams also had hunted atmospheric gravity waves during earlier eclipses, research that was supported by NASA and the National Science Foundation. In 2019, an NEBP team stationed in Chile collected promising data, but hourly balloon releases didn't provide quite enough detail. Attempts to repeat the experiment in 2020 were foiled by COVID-19 travel restrictions in Argentina and a heavy rainstorm that impeded data collection in Chile.
Project leaders factored in these lessons learned when planning for 2023, scheduling balloon releases every 15 minutes and carefully weighing locations with the best potential for success.
"New Mexico looked especially promising," said Jie Gong, a researcher in the NASA Climate and Radiation Lab at the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and co-investigator of the research on atmospheric gravity waves. "The majority of atmospheric gravity sources are convection, weather systems, and mountains. We wanted to eliminate all those possible sources."
The project created a New Mexico "supersite" in the town of Moriarty where four atmospheric science teams were clustered: two from Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire, and one each from the State University of New York (SUNY) Albany and SUNY Oswego.
Students began launching balloons at 10 a.m. the day before the eclipse.
"They worked in shifts through the day and night, and then everyone was on site for the eclipse," said Eric Kelsey, research associate professor at Plymouth State and the NEBP northeast regional lead.
Each balloon released by the science teams carried a radiosonde, an instrument package that measured temperature, location, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed during every second of its climb through the atmosphere. Radiosondes transmitted this stream of raw data to the team on the ground. Students uploaded the data to a shared server, where Gong and two graduate students spent months processing and analyzing it.
Confirmation that the eclipse had generated atmospheric gravity waves in the skies above New Mexico came in spring 2024.
"We put all the data together according to time, and when we plotted that time series, I could already see the stripes in the signal," Gong said. "I bombarded everybody's email. We were quite excited."
For students, learning curves bring opportunity
The program offered many students their first experience in collecting data. But the benefits go beyond technical and scientific skill.
"The students learned a ton through practicing launching weather balloons," Kelsey said. "It was a huge learning curve. They had to work together to figure out all the logistics and troubleshoot. It's good practice of teamwork skills."
"All of this is technically complicated," Des Jardins said. "While the focus now is on the science result, the most important part is that it was students who made this happen."
IMAGE: Plymouth State University students Sarah Brigandi, left, and Sammantha Boulay release a weather balloon from Moriarty, New Mexico, to collect atmospheric data on Oct. 14, 2023. Credit: NASA
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mariacallous · 7 months
De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences wants to bring back the woolly mammoth. Well, not the woolly mammoth exactly, but an Asian elephant gene-edited to give it the fuzzy hair and layer of blubber that allowed its close relative to thrive in sub-zero environments.
To get to these so-called “functional mammoths,” Colossal’s scientists need to solve a whole bunch of challenges: making the right genetic tweaks, growing edited cells into fully formed baby functional mammoths, and finding a space where these animals can thrive. It’s a long, uncertain road, but the startup has just announced a small breakthrough that should ease some of the way forward.
Scientists at Colossal have managed to reprogram Asian elephant cells into an embryonic-like state that can give rise to every other cell type. This opens up a path to creating elephant sperm and eggs in the lab and being able to test gene edits without having to frequently take tissue samples from living elephants. The research, which hasn’t yet been released in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, will be published on the preprint server Biorxiv.
There are only around 30,000 to 50,000 Asian elephants in the wild, so access to these animals—and particularly their sperm and eggs—is extremely limited. Yet Colossal needs these cells if they’re going to figure out how to bring their functional mammoths to life. “With so few fertile female elephants, we really don’t want to interfere with their reproduction at all. We want to do it independently,” says George Church, a Harvard geneticist and Colossal cofounder.
The cells that Colossal created are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and they behave a lot like the stems cells found in an embryo. Embryonic stem cells have the ability to give rise to all kinds of different cell types that make up organisms—a quality that scientists call pluripotency. Most cells, however, lose this ability as the organism develops. Human skin, for instance, can’t spontaneously turn into muscle or cells that line the inside of the intestine.
In 2006, the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka showed it was possible to take mature cells and turn them back into a pluripotent state. Yamanaka’s research was in mice cells, but later scientists followed up by deriving iPSCs for lots of different species, including humans, horses, pigs, cattle, monkeys, and the northern white rhino—a functionally extinct subspecies with only two individuals, both females, remaining in the wild.
Reprogramming Asian elephant cells into iPSCs proved trickier than with other species, says Eriona Hysolli, head of biological sciences at Colossal. As with other species, the scientists reprogrammed the elephant cells by exposing them to a series of different chemicals and then adding proteins called transcription factors that turn on particular genes to change how the cells functions. The whole process took two months, which is much longer than the 5 to 10 days it takes to create mouse iPSCs or the three weeks for human iPSCs.
This difficulty might have to do with the unique biology of elephants, says Vincent Lynch, a developmental biologist at the University at Buffalo in New York who wasn’t involved in the Colossal study. Elephants are the classic example of Peto’s paradox—the idea that very large animals have unusually low rates of cancer given their size. Since cancer can be caused by genetic mutations that accumulate as cells divide, you’d expect that animals with 100 times more cells than humans would have a much higher risk of cancer.
But elephants have cancer rates even lower than humans—a surprising fact given their vast size. One hypothesis for elephants’ cancer-defying biology is that they carry lots of copies of a tumor-suppressing gene called P53. Humans, on the other hand, only have one copy of this gene.
P53 is good for elephant health, but it could be the reason that up until now scientists have struggled to create iPSCs from elephant cells, Lynch says. One way the gene seems to work is by stopping cells from entering a state where they can duplicate indefinitely, which is one of the key features of iPSCs.
Hysolli says that she’d like to reduce the time it takes to create elephant iPSCs, and refine the process so the Colossal team can produce them at a greater scale. The iPSCs will be particularly useful if Colossal’s scientists can turn them into sperm and egg cells, something that Hysolli’s team is already working on. Since there is a relatively limited supply of elephant eggs and sperm, one problem facing the de-extinction project is getting enough genetic diversity to support a population of functional mammoths—develop them from too few individuals, and you risk the negative effects of inbreeding. Being able to create sperm and egg cells in the lab should help with that, Church says.
These cells could also be useful for conservation work, Hysolli says. Colossal has partnered with researchers working on elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus (EEHV), a leading cause of death for young Asian elephants. The iPSCs could be a good way to figure out how the virus infects different cell types. The cells will also be useful for testing whether Colossal’s edits to produce mammoth-like fur and fat layers are working as scientists hope.
“I have no doubt that given enough time and money they will overcome the technical challenges of making a woolly-mammoth-looking elephant,” says Lynch. But he’s less convinced of the ecological benefits of de-extinction. The startup intends to introduce the elephant-mammoth hybrids into the wild to re-create the role once played by the mammoth in the Arctic ecosystem, grazing the land and trampling snow cover, potentially decelerating the melting of permafrost.
“How many hairy Asian elephants do you need to make that work?” Lynch asks. Whether there really is a niche for edited elephants in the Arctic 4,000 years after mammoths last roamed the area is a question that conservationists are still grappling with. Sure, scientists might be able to create mammoth-like Asian elephants, but whether we should is open to much debate.
Colossal’s scientists will be glad if they get to that point. Although they have elephant iPSCs, much of the work of creating elephant-mammoth hybrids is ahead of them. They must figure out how to create elephant sperm and egg cells, master the right edits to tweak their elephants, and take their creation through the 22-month Asian elephant gestation period. And then they have to do it enough times to build a population that can actually deliver on some of their ecological aims.
“It feels very significant,” Church says of the iPSC breakthrough. “This is a very big deal.” If Colossal is going to deliver on its de-extinction mission, then there will be many other moments like this ahead.
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theaxward · 2 months
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[ … ] ❀ you’re not from around here , are you? i figured because you totally just missed { DOROTHEA “THEA” WARD } walking by. don’t tell me you don’t know who { SHE } is/are ? they kind of look like { SAMANTHA LOGAN } and i could be wrong but i think that they might be { 24 } years old right now. they’ve been living in palmview for the last { 10 YEARS }. and i don’t know if anyone has ever told them this before but they kind of remind me of { CLAUDIA } from { INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE }. if you stick around the town long enough you might catch them in action working at { THE CORAL COVE YACHT CLUB } as a { SERVER }. you see this town isn’t really that big of a place, some folks like to call them the { SPITFIRE } of palmview! they took a liking to the name too after a while, go figure. oh crap, they must have heard me yapping. they’re coming this way. i got to warn you though, rumor has it they can pretty { RESENTFUL } at times. i wouldn’t take it too seriously though, from the times i’ve spoken to them they seemed pretty { DEVOTED } to me. we see each other all the time since they live in that { 4 BEDROOM } apartment beside me over in { MANGO BAY }. i better leave you to it. it was nice meeting you!
The Basics:
Name: Dorothea "Thea" Ward
Dorothea: "Gift from God" Thea: "Goddess" Ward: "Watch" or "guard". An unintentional slight by the universe as a reminder of her status as a foster child and not a "true" child of her family.
Age: 24
Birthday: August 30th
Gender: Cis-woman
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Server at the Coral Cove Yacht Club, formerly an actress and playwright
Apartment: Mango Bay Lofts #2A, a four-bedroom apartment with Margaret Gallagher and 2 others
Counterpart: Claudia from Interview with the Vampire
The Personality:
Enneagram: 8w7
Temperament: Choleric
Zodiac: Virgo Sun, Aries Moon
Virtue: Diligence
Sin: Wrath
The Story:
All people come from somewhere, but wherever Thea came from, it had put a bad enough taste in the mouth of others that she was whisked away from there with only the haziest of memories to recall it by. Bouncing between foster homes, she eventually ended up in New York City. The family there had children of her own, all of them older than Thea, and while her foster siblings seemed to like her well enough, the same could not be said for her foster parents.
As a ward of the state, there was no option for Thea to leave until she turned eighteen, and so she attempted to smother the anger and tried to make her peace with the city. Spending as much time as she did roaming the streets, it was only a matter of time that she'd develop a love of the stage. Sneaking into rehearsals on Broadway and small performances tucked away from the neon, Thea found an escape. Another escape came when she turned fourteen.
Her oldest foster sibling, tired of the house, the same routine, and what Thea privately considered the 'astonishing level of bullshit', took her and they both headed south and then further south still. Eventually they arrived in Palmview, a delightfully peaceful town as different from New York City as Thea could imagine. It was delightful, and as she finished up her schooling, she finally was able to take the plunge into acting and playwriting she'd been dreaming of.
Her success was mixed and, in the true fashion of the stage, was comprised of more failures than successes. Palmview was a home for the arts, and she was not the only young person hoping to make a name for themselves. She found success in her 21st year and her plays were performed and she was landing leading roles. Things seemed to be looking up, until the son of one of the richer families in town stole her greatest creation, sold it as his own, and ruined Thea's name in the process.
Now she serves the same demographic that ruined her chances to be something at the yacht club, sometimes even running into the man that stole her magnus opus as his own. She's always been the resilient type, though, and there's no chance that this is going to keep her down. She just needs to figure out her next option. Thea's been trying to figure it out for years now. But she'll get through. She always does.
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shcpcrsistcd · 4 months
natasha rarely left the compound these days, preferring to keep close to base in case one of the other remaining avengers, scattered across the planet and the universe needed to get a hold of her for a report. the ones on earth could reach her via phone, but for others like carol or the remaining guardians, the easiest way to get into contact with earth was at the compound itself. still... sometimes the former spy needed to leave, needed a change of scenery... or a harrowing reminder of her and her friends' failures. the larger cities had suffered the most with the blip, new york, san francisco and dc... new york had never exactly been paradise, but the before and after pictures said everything anyone needed to know. even a year later, many buildings were in need of repair and streets were lined with destruction and garbage. after the battle of new york, nearly ten years ago, the rebuilding of the city had been fairly quick, but fast forward those ten years... and half of the people who'd worked in construction, repairs and sanitation snapped away and general morale down amongst the population that remained, cleanup was... a much slower process. slow... but not at a stand still. everytime she went into the city, there was a little more progress that she could see, but the faces remained the same. that was to be expected. everyone had lost someone in the blip.
she kept the cap on her head that covered the crimson roots that had started coming in pulled low. while she and rogers weren't exactly wanted criminals and could come and go as they pleased without trouble, natasha didn't want to be recognised. the looks she got when she was... she didn't want to deal with them. the ones of betrayal for not having stopped the snap... or the ones that still saw her as some kind of hero. she was no hero and she never was. she never really... wanted to be. she just wanted to atone for the mistakes of her childhood, to wipe her ledger clean. her routine when leaving was the same every time... training... either at a gun range, a ballet studio or fogwell's gym, a hole in the wall in hell's kitchen where she would hit a bag for a few hours. today, it had been the last one and now... she was heading for a diner down the street from it, the most recent newspapers and her tablet in hand so she could torture herself keep herself informed as to the goings on while she forced herself to pick at a somewhat proper meal. she let herself inside and found a booth, setting her boxing gloves into the seat before sliding in herself setting her things on the table in front of her. she mustered up a small, thin lipped smile at the server as she came over to pour a fresh cup of coffee and asked for her order. "just the coffee for now. thank you." she said, her voice low. she took a sip from the off white mug, her eyes scanning the room and pure instinct. the diner was full and yet... the voices she did hear were hushed. everywhere and everyone was quieter these days and this place was no exception despite it once being the completely opposite. she refocused her attentions on one of the newspapers, thumbing through it, occasionally glancing up to observe for any change in activity inside or outside or to sip from her coffee. again, out of pure instinct, always keeping herself aware of her surroundings.
the sound of the bell when the door opened tore her attentions away from her paper again as she observed the new customer who's walked in. blind... as indicated by the stick and sunglasses. a quick glance around told her that all tables were still currently occupied. she took in a breath before sitting back in her side of the booth. "hey... all the tables are taken, but... feel free to join me if you'd like. can't promise i'll be much of a conversationalist though."
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 year
Since 2022, generative AI, which can produce text, images, or other data, has undergone rapid growth, including OpenAI's ChatGPT. Training these AI tools requires feeding the models a large amount of data, a process that is energy intensive. Hugging Face, an AI-developing company based in New York, reported that its multilingual text-generating AI tool consumed about 433 megawatt-hours (MWH) during training, enough to power 40 average American homes for a year.
And AI's energy footprint does not end with training. De Vries's analysis shows that when the tool is put to work -- generating data based on prompts -- every time the tool generates a text or image, it also uses a significant amount of computing power and thus energy. For example, ChatGPT could cost 564 MWh of electricity a day to run.
This extreme scenario is unlikely to happen in the short term because of the high costs associated with additional AI servers and bottlenecks in the AI server supply chain, de Vries says. But the production of AI servers is projected to grow rapidly in the near future. By 2027, worldwide AI-related electricity consumption could increase by 85 to 134 TWh annually based on the projection of AI server production.
The amount is comparable to the annual electricity consumption of countries such as the Netherlands, Argentina, and Sweden. Moreover, improvements in AI efficiency could also enable developers to repurpose some computer processing chips for AI use, which could further increase AI-related electricity consumption
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wedesignyouny · 6 months
Comprehending Uncontested Divorce in New York - Beckerman & Granados, PLLC
Are you considering an uncontested divorce in New York and wondering why you might need a New York Uncontested Divorce Lawyer? Our goal is to simplify the process and provide you with all the information you need to proceed efficiently and cost-effectively with a goal of avoiding Court appearances. Contact Beckerman & Granados, PLLC, today at (718) 374-5642 to schedule a consultation.
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Streamlining Divorce with Uncontested Divorce Attorneys in Queens Filing the correct paperwork is essential for a swift and successful uncontested divorce. Our Queens uncontested divorce lawyers have honed a streamlined process designed to make your divorce more efficient and less financially burdensome. At our firm, we prioritize personal attention to each client, ensuring that your case is handled with care and expertise. We understand the desire to move past a challenging relationship swiftly, without unnecessary delays or worries about paperwork and court procedures.
Understanding New York’s Uncontested Divorce In New York State, there are two primary types of divorce: contested and uncontested. A contested divorce arises when you and your spouse disagree on various aspects of the divorce, such as equitable distribution, child custody, or alimony. In such cases, the Court may be required to make the final decision after a trial, necessitating your presence in Court However, when both you and your spouse agree on the terms of the divorce, you are eligible for an uncontested divorce. This means mutual consent to end the marriage, as well as consensus on property division, child custody, child support, and visitation arrangements. Grounds for an Uncontested Divorce in NYC New York has transitioned to essentially a no-fault ground for divorce, specifically the “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage” lasting at least six months before filing for divorce. This means that if you and your spouse no longer wish to remain married and it’s unlikely that you will reconcile, you can request a “no-fault” divorce by stating there was an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. This is not only the most common but also the most cost-effective approach to an uncontested divorce in New York. Other grounds for divorce in New York include cruel and inhuman treatment, abandonment, imprisonment, adultery, divorce following a legal separation agreement, and divorce following a judgment of separation. These grounds are now almost never used and the Court does not like seeing people argue these grounds when the “no fault option” is readily available. Meeting Residency Requirements To file for divorce in New York, you must meet residency requirements. Either you or your spouse must have been living in New York for at least two continuous years before filing for divorce. Alternatively, one year of continuous residency is sufficient if you meet specific conditions such as getting married in New York or living together as a married couple in New York.
Navigating the Uncontested Divorce Process
Here’s a simplified breakdown of the uncontested divorce process in New York:
1. Free Initial Telephone Consultation: Reach out to our attorneys for an initial consultation at no cost.
2. Sign the retainer agreement, statement of client’s rights, and fill out the intake form. 
3. We then draft the initial papers and upon payment for the index number, We will file a Summons with the County Clerk, initiating your divorce case.
4. You then either have your spouse sign the papers we provide you or have a process server serve the papers within 120 days if concerned your spouse won’t readily sign. 
5. Once we receive back the papers signed by your spouse or upon your spouse’s default, you make the final payment and we prepare all required documents, sending them to you for review and signature.
6. Once we receive the papers you signed back, we file everything with the Court.
7. Judge’s Review: A judge will review and sign the papers. (Sometimes additional work may be required by the Judge before signing)
8. We then file and serve on your spouse notice of entry of the divorce once the Judge signs the papers. 
Estimating the Timeline
The duration of an uncontested divorce in NYC can vary, typically taking between 4 to 18 months from filing to judgment, depending on the county.
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Court Proceedings for Uncontested Divorce
One advantage of an uncontested divorce is that you generally do not need to appear in court or stand before a judge. Instead, specific forms must be completed and filed with the Court, a task efficiently handled by an uncontested divorce attorney. Once the Court Clerk verifies that all necessary paperwork is in order, a judge will review and sign the judgment. The Court will then notify you when the judgment is ready for collection.
Navigating the complexities of divorce can be overwhelming, but with the support of experienced attorneys, the process can be streamlined and more manageable. Consider reaching out to our Queens Uncontested Divorce Lawyers to simplify your divorce journey and ensure a smoother transition to the next chapter of your life. Contact our attorneys at Beckerman & Granados, PLLC, today at (718) 374-5642 to schedule a consultation. Hablamos español.
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eternivex-a · 1 year
Let's Get Rambling... Or Some Shit Like That.
Fandoms: Payday (3), Hardcore Henry, Scarface
Characters: Dallas, Jimmy (HCH), Chains, Hoxton, Tony Montana, Locke
Warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, very very canon divergent, some stuff is referencing an rp I did with my Payday server, and I started this in JANUARY... Sorry it took so long.
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Years had passed since the Payday gangs reign of terror over DC and, in all honesty, the world. Their large number of criminals and their skills proved to be far too overwhelming for anything they came across, then they had been caught after trying to rob the white house. The clowns were gone for good.
That's what the world believed for years in their absence. But each one of the members had been living nothing short of their best lives since they disbanded, they were retired and done. At least, that's what they'd been hoping for- until they were dragged back into it.
Heists had proven to be much more difficult as technology evolved and adapted to the passage of time, the law becoming much more of a challenge, because that was somehow possible. Still, adapting to new situations was something they'd done a hundred times over.
Their contacts were limited, and Locke had become their main ally, and Jimmy had made a surprising return after seeing their first endeavor in New York, wanting to assist his old buddies after so long. But that was really all they had, which was why when Locke called and told them that someone wanted to hire them for a job, they became weary, it was lessened slightly with Locke explaining it was another old friend, but it could've been any number of criminals.
They'd been sent the heists information, a simple drug bust. A fair amount of coke was stolen from their contractor, and they wanted it back. It was money, and a friend, both of which they needed. The main thing that got them looking further into it was the demand that Jimmy be brought aboard for the job, they could pick whoever else came, but Jimmy had to be somewhere in their roster.
All of that led to where they were now, an abandoned office building off of a highway that the gang now used as a safehouse. Hoxton had been complaining about the state of it, after getting so used to the lavish safehouse in DC it was only natural that the Brit wouldn't like the place.
It didn't matter to the others though. The building gave the bare minimum, the only real important part was that they could all hide out, and also- plan. That being just what they were doing in the lounge on the first floor, their masks and firearms strewn about the area with a large blueprint of the building their target gang was hiding in.
"D'you think we can go in through the roof and get the jump on them?" Jimmy suggested, making Dallas shake his head. "We don't know exactly where they're holding the coke until they can sell the stuff, if they're too far below and they hear us then they'll just run." He grumbled, rubbing his forehead. This was a lot easier when they had the dentist around, not something that would be spoken aloud but the sentiment was nonetheless shared with the other members.
Everyone was silent in thought, scratching at their hair and drumming fingers against the old wooden table. "Maybe we c... Hold it." Chains stopped, listening closely as footsteps became audible to everyone else in the room. Panic spread as they realized that someone knew where they were, it wasn't like anyone would just come down here either- even Locke didn't know where the gang were holed up.
Eyes turned to meet one another before they rushed into action, staying as quiet as they could in the process. Chains went straight for his sawed off shotgun while Jimmy grabbed a hold of his akimbo Chimano pistols, Dallas and Hoxton rushed with their firearms to aim down the other side of the hallway in case of a possible ambush.
Chains moved up and went to the door, opposite of the side it would open so he could surprise whoever entered. Jimmy went to the staircase, stopping halfway up to keep aim at the door and being hidden by the dark at the same time. It creaked open ever so slowly, letting the moonlight shine inside. The first noticeable thing was the black suit jacket the intruder wore, a red cuff on the wrist.
They slowly stepped inside, seeming to be unarmed as they looked around, unable to see any of the heisters. The door behind them was closed shut by Chains, who kept his shotgun aimed steadily at their head. The other slowly turned to look him up and down, hands leaving their pockets.
Dark eyes stared down the barrel of Chains shotgun before raising to meet his gaze, "You better make sure you kill me with that, Chains." The man spat with a thick accent, accompanied by a devilish grin, seemingly unfazed by the fact that his entire life could be wiped out with a single pull of the trigger. Only one man that the gang had met spoke like that, with such confidence irradiating from each word, his balls of steel were still there after years. He certainly kept to his word.
"Took you long enough." Tony's grin turned into a genuine smile, "How you doin', mane?" He laughed, smacking Chains on the shoulder lovingly while he lowered the gun. "You scared the shit out of us, I was about to shoot y-"
"TONAYYY!" Jimmy hollered out, rushing down the stairs and jumping off the last 4 steps to crash into the kingpin, nearly sending him off of his feet. "It's been too fuckin' long man!" His smile was wide as he grabbed onto Tony's shoulders, shaking him a little as he spoke.
The enthusiastic shouting was enough to draw the attention of the other two heisters, who now made their way back. Hoxton stopped as soon as he saw who stood there, Dallas noticed quickly and looked back. Hoxton and Tony didn't have anything close to a good history, not after the traded blows and the knife Tony put through Hoxtons shoulder. But these were different times, and they seemed to had moved past that beforehand. It still wasn't enough to change the mix of fear and anger that came bubbling up with those memories, it was only enough to bring it down ever so slightly.
"Would you look at what the cat dragged in?" He piped up, trying to calm his own nerves as he approached the titular Scarface. Tonys gaze moved right past Dallas and focused onto Hoxton, as much as he would've killed to make a crack about the fact that this time Hox hadnt been replaced, he forced himself to hold it down. "It's good to see you too, Hoxton. Dallas." Tony nodded while he formally greeted the two, pulling himself away from Jimmy.
"How'd you find us? What're you even-.." Dallas went quiet as realization hit him, "You're the contractor?" He asked, Tony nodded with a grin. "That's me alright, wanted to see how you boys were doin'. I know you'll get my yeyo back from those fuckin' punks." Rage was evident in his tone as soon as he mentioned the job at hand, but it was clear who it was really directed at.
The kingpin started to push his way past the heisters, going over to the table with blueprints and other pictures scattered along it. "I don't miss this part." He mumbled with a soft chuckle, "You guys found a lot... Shit, the only thing we're missing is where his parents are buried." Jimmy quickly scooted over to Tony, "You want me to see what I can do for that?" He offered.
"...I'm good." Tony set a hand on the table, "You're thinkin' of goin' quiet with this?" He frowned at the sight, standing up a little straighter as he focused further on their written out plans. Hoxton gave a quick glance to Chains, who only shrugged in a silent response. "Something wrong with that, Tony?" Dallas spoke out, standing across the table from the drug lord. "Well, you can go quiet. But I'll pay you more if you make this go loud, real fuckin' loud."
Jimmy's eyes lit up at that, but Dallas squinted. "Excuse me?" He nearly scoffed, "I'll pay you more if you make this go public. I want people to know what happens when 'dey fuck, with Tony fucking Montana." Tony stood a little taller, pressing his palms into the table. "But... If you want to go quiet for it, I can't stop you. My products what I want, but two birds with one big fuckin' gun, right?"
Tony's soft chuckling was the only sound in the room for a few moments before it went quiet, "Well, you know when to go. I'll be on the comms... Or whatever the fuck they're called." Hoxton let out a snicker, "You on those? You know how to even use those?"
Tony rolled his eyes, "Lockes been showin' me how to use 'dat shit. Whatever, just get ready. I know you boys won't disappoint." With that, he went back around the table, giving Jimmy a small pat on the shoulder as he walked by him and back out of the building, shutting the door behind him. "So, I'm assuming stealth is out of the window." Hoxton commented, breaking the silence. "What? Why?" Chains questioned, turning to the other heister.
Hoxton simply jerked his head to the side, pointing directly at Jimmy. "You really think he's gonna let an offer like that go?" Chains hummed low in response, he was right. They could see the eagerly violent enthusiasm in the cokeheads eyes, so that decision was made nearly immediately.
The only decisions to be made afterwards were what weapons to bring, if Tony wanted it public, it was going to be real damn loud, bringing something to bring that volume was all that was left.
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webdesignsposts · 6 months
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sequencefairy · 8 months
About Today and Your Love is a Waterfall :3
About Today is a shyan fic I started writing for someone and then never finished, but I am still committed to actually finishing it someday.
It takes place in an AU where that last BFU filming trip is really the last and there's no Watcher. So, instead of flying back from New York, Ryan and Shane take the train back across America, and realise their feelings somewhere in the flyover states.
Here's a bit:
The train sways and bumps, gently rocking the whole car. Ryan’s hand clenches around the armrest of his seat. “Relax,” Shane admonishes, “it’s like being on a boat, just move with it.”  “Easy for you to say,” Ryan mutters.  Shane huffs a laugh. “You’ll get used to it. See how you do walking on solid ground when we change trains in Chicago, or after we get off in Los Angeles. It always takes me a minute to adjust.”  “You said you’d done this trip before?”  “Yeah,” Shane replies, stretching his arms over his head. One shoulder joint cracks gratifyingly. “Cheaper to drive into New York maybe, or to fly, but I took the train a couple of times through university, just to try it.”  “Feels like something you’d do,” Ryan says. “An old-fashioned choice.”  “You saying I’m old, Bergara?”  “You said it first,” Ryan laughs.
Your Love is a Waterfall is a Moon Knight wip, from Layla's perspective. I have a lot of feelings about her, and what she went through and how the show doesn't really ever address any of them. Have an excerpt:
It’s the wedding in the Maldives that Layla remembers when she is served with divorce papers in her father’s house in Cairo. The process server hands her the envelope, makes a note on his clipboard to acknowledge her receipt of the papers, and leaves. Layla stands in the open doorway, hands shaking, knowing what she’s going to find inside the brown paper envelope before she even unseals it. He hasn’t answered the phone in three months. He hasn’t called. No one has heard from him since the last time he spoke to her, when he landed in Chicago, three months ago. She feels like a wire, wound tight in a pair of hands, ready to be used to choke the life out of something, out of someone. She clenches her jaw so hard she can feel her teeth creaking.  She turns, and slams the door behind her when she goes back into the house. Pitches the envelope as far as she can throw it. It lands somewhere down the hall, but she doesn’t see, because she’s bent at the waist, a scream erupting into the hands she has pressed over her mouth. It’s all she allows herself.
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