#new blade for striker? yes please
bloodmoon24 · 1 year
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Striker got a new blade?! That looks badass!
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 4 months
a BUNCH of Garu/Karu meta, part 2: eyes, Karu-fronting units, In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu, Leroy & Garu conspiracy, Update to Rei/Gramps theory, general "character development"
So over here I wrote a bunch of Garu/Karu meta zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u.tumblr.com/post/737197419853398016/ and I knew that eventually I'd wanna write more, so here's part 2!
Once again, disclaimer that I have not played every event nor watched every intimacy rooms so I am definitely missing some lore. If anyone has additional info to my questions, lemme know! Also, spoilers everywhere!
A) Blue eyes or yellow eyes?
In a couple comments of phaerlax's fics, he suggested that Karu's eyes are actually blue and I thought I'd follow up with some ~canon~ evidence.
Ch7- every mention of their switching involves language, attitude, and mannerisms, nothing about eye color.
Ch13- Kolt is about to kidnap Garu when Karu takes over. It's very fast and happens all in 1 sentence so there isn't space to mention any eye colors, but Kolt doesn't realize they've switched until Karu has kicked him in the face
Master's Gift- when Karu is pretending to be Garu, Eiden realizes it with the language and voice again, not eyes.
Howling Cyclone- when Garu suddenly takes over with no one around, the text narration only says "the wolf yokai closes and opens his eyes before dashing..." No mention of eye color and this time its from the third person text narration, rather than Eiden or any other character's POV.
Misty Vale- when the young wolves encounter Karu, they don't realize that Garu has switched until Karu announces to call him that.
Binary Starlight- no mention of eye color, but the modeling people, store owners, and Karu's fans, only refer to him as Karu or Mr Wolf Yokai, including when it's Garu taking Karu's place during the competition announcements.
Some people might have noticed this by now, but Garu's ally units all have blue eyes in their sprites. But when you're actually battling, OG SSR/SR/R/N are all Karu voice lines. HC & EG Garu seem to have more Garu battle voice lines than Karu voice lines. I don't have all of them, so if anyone is willing to help me look into EB and FF Garu, please do! In a cool meta way, the fact that the sprites have blue eyes yet its Karu's voice coming out, indicates to me that Karu's eyes are probably blue.
And lastly- have you noticed Garu's battle loading screen pose, OG loading homepage, Bliss promotional pic with everyone's OG poses + new Dante/Blade/Rei, and Garu's sprite in the opening animated sequence? He's manspreading and has an angry face. Yes, we've seen Garu angry a number of times, but in the new loading homepage with Rei and Dante, Garu is smiling and Garu's angry face is usually still quite cute. I think the OG version is Karu and he has blue eyes there.
B) Karu Fronting Units
Ok so slightly following up from that last bit. I had a idea once, where it would've been cool for Karu to front in the offensive/defensive units, such as strikers and guardians, and Garu to front in the supportive units, such as buffers and healers. Especially since the battle voice lines already do that (see point above). This would be extra cool cause it lines up with their lore/personalities and DID system. Karu is the protector alter, doing a lot of the Dead Zone surviving, and it'd make sense for him to do offensive/defensive battle units.
But also- Binary Starlight Garu should have totally been Karu fronting. Frozen Echoes, while Garu is onscreen more often, is about Karu wanting to sing and then getting kidnapped. But more importantly, the intimacy stories are about Karu's modeling competition. He's also a striker and, as mentioned, I thought it would be cool to have Karu being the strikers.
Endless Banquet Garu probably would have been nice to be a Karu unit because part of it is about Karu wanting to go to the yokai festival, but it was also Garu's 1st event SSR, so it makes sense that he wouldn't be.
So here's to me sending out into the universe that we get a future Karu main event SSR. He's still missing a saboteur and I can see a saboteur going either Garu or Karu.
C) In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu
People's biggest problem with Garu is usually how young he looks and acts. You are not wrong if you are uncomfortable with Garu/Karu being sexualized! That is totally valid! This section is not for you. This section is for ignorant haters. (Garu/Karu are just fictional characters so I don't think too defensively on this so I won't be offended if you still do.)
First up- Garu/Karu is not a shota. Shotacon is defined as underage/prepubescent/pubescent boys in an erotic/sexualized manner. And yes there are muscle shotas. But Garu is not one of them. Depending on the lore, Garu is 19-33+ (possibly older, see that other post where I calculated his possible age) and he has a young adult proportioned body. However, he has a major babyface and acts puppylike/borderline childlike and does appear younger than the rest of the cast. So it's possible that he's shota-adjacent and I can see why people think he'd be the "1000 year old loli/shota" characters.
Next- puppy play! Have you heard of animal roleplay and specifically leather puppies? Have you met someone whose done puppyplay? Seems an awful lot like Garu right? You'd be right! I'm more of a handler, but a lot (though not all) of the (western) puppy players I know go into a (dumbed down) puppy headspace, act hyper, head scratches, play fetch, bark, treats, and "treats". (Naturally, IA studio is writing from the Asian perspective so the scene might be different there & they probably didn't consult any puppy players anyways, but there's no set "rules".) Sound familiar?
I'm like 99% sure Garu/Karu is supposed to represent puppy play, not shotas. There's a reason the most common imagery of a leather puppy is a pup hood, some kind of gag, collar, chest harness, jockstrap, butt plug tail, and leather boots. Also sound familiar? It's very close to OG SSR and SR Garu, and when the devs gave BS Garu a jockstrap, that sealed the deal. Same with when they made Garu/Karu an omega in the A/B/O event.
Now that we agreed that Garu/Karu is puppy play and not shotacon, one common factor amongst puppyplayers is the sexycute factor. As in, the puppy could be acting cute and affectionate and puppylike while getting fucked. Head scratches while doing a blowjob. And so on. NU Carnival characters fill a variety of sexy roles and while we have 2 other yokai, Garu is the one that fills the puppy play role. He's not a furry, but he's the closest thing for those who are into it. And of course, he (and Kuya) are the token kemonomimi. I'd argue that Garu is actually more human that most puppies I've seen/played with since he is primarily bipedal and talks fully in a human language.
So yeah its fine to sexualize them because of the sexy archetype they fulfill!
D) Leroy and Garu Conspiracy
So this is a wild and possibly impossible conspiracy theory. At the end of Gambler's Paradise, we get a scene between Aster and Rei talking about a mysterious "that group". In ch 13, Rei tells us that Council of Sorcery is trying to replace the need for Huey's essence. Throughout Gambler's Paradise, we find out that Leroy is a recent imperfect familiar that was a result of experiments with Huey's essence. Throughout Misty Vale and Ch 13, we get hints that Garu might have been experimented on by the Council long ago.
So my conspiracy theory is that both Leroy and Garu were experimented on by the same Council of Sorcery, even if they were from different departments. Garu was possibly more than a decade or several decades ago and Leroy was within the past couple months or year cause he didn't start causing chaos in Aster's casinos until recently. This means that either there are different departments focusing on different experiments, but also totally possible that back then, they were experimenting on removing Huey's essence and now they're working on replicating Huey's essence.
Bonus weird similarity between Garu, Leroy, and Morvay- they all really REALLY like eating their choice of preferred food, and get hungry very easily. (Ok Garu technically might be super hungry cause he had very little food for many many years, but still)
E) Update to Rei is Gramps/Garu/Karu backstory
Here I theorized that Rei might be Gramps and other people have theorized or drawn fanart of this too. HOWEVER, Howling Cyclone does have a major problem in that we see Gramp's ghost.
What i propose to fix this: we don't know when ch13 or Eerie Escapade happened and realistically it's probably because Rei wasn't created as a character yet. But I can explain this lore away with saying even if Rei died "long ago", we dont know when he was reborn. And hey, maybe for all we know, the Gramps ghost was actually Father, realizing that even if Garu has Eiden, Karu could use some more support and decided to go revive Rei. :shrug: Or maybe they'll retcon the Howling Cyclone ghost like they retconned Aster's dick.
F) Garu/Karu's ~Character Development~ (not H scene specific)
(Warning for rambling!) So in my post about whether or not Kuya has character development and if it's even necessary, I mentioned that Garu & Karu needed character development. In various replies (but not my post), one comparison I've brought up between Kuya and Garu/Karu(+Zuko) is the difference between slow gradual changes and the heroes journey. And I thought I'd elaborate on that some more.
To clarify on Kuya- he's over 200 years old and has been changing slowly over time since forever. He started the story already having changed over time and will probably not stop going through this kind of slow gradual change, simply due to the fact that time passes and he's immortal. And while Eiden plays a part in present day, overall Kuya is not having major story beats causing massive changes.
The cool thing about Nu Carnival's cast, as evidenced by Kuya, is that everyone is on different points of their ~character development~ and Garu/Karu is starting from their very beginning. Yakumo is also starting from the very beginning. Whereas someone like Dante, Olivine, and Edmond are already somewhere further down the adventure. Or they have a different kind of character development path like Kuya, Rei, and Blade.
Now for Garu/Karu. So the classic heroes journey is a story template where the protagonist gets a call to adventure, meets various character archetypes, endures many trials, and returns changed in some way. Obviously it's not a 1:1 matchup with Garu/Karu's story, but he does get a call to adventure (joining the clan), meets a mentor(the clan members), and is currently still enduring many trials. This is what I mean by he has a big "heroes journey development". And using this pattern, we can predict that Garu/Karu will continue enduring more tests, before encountering a major ordeal, conquering it, returning back a changed man.
Now why is Garu, or more specifically, Karu's character development important or necessary? Much like how Yakumo started out his heroes journey as a "newbie", Garu and especially Karu start out as "newbies", with limited empowerment, not that many skills yet, MANY basic things to learn (and amnesia, or at least Garu has amnesia. Karu is debatable). Karu has big dreams, really big dreams, and while they're played for laughs, he absolutely sucks at those big dreams. He's either going to achieve those big dreams, change those big dreams, or lose his delusions of grandeur and that will be character development. His current stage in life, lack of power (and stamina lol), trauma, and unfortunate circumstances are preventing him from achieving those big dreams. Garu is more chill and mostly just wants to have Fun with his Master and help people where he can (including helping Karu). However, he also lacks power, is a newbie to things, and got that traumaTM that just causes him problems. Garu also kind of represents the coming of age plot- they may have gained basic survival skills in the Dead Zone & had no social skills, but have also started dabbling in learning and leadership in Forgotten Fruit, Eerie Escapade, and Misty Vale. He's slowly becoming braver. They also didn't know how to read before meeting Yakumo & Olivine, but now they can sort of write sentences!
As for their role in the story & how it ties in with character development. He's the cutesy comic relief like Blade or Topper, but also, as mentioned in my Kuya post, that they're a victim of the Gemstone plotTM. SPOILER TERRITORY. One major conflict that the plot is coming against in the main storyline is altars going haywire and the Council of Sorcery and Garu (and possibly Leroy) might be the key to solving this mystery. However, with his amnesia and limited empowerment, they can't really progress with it. Therefore, it is crucial for Garu/Karu to experience ~character development~ to move forward.
If you got this far, thanks for indulging in this longass analysis post on my favorite wolfboys to roll around in thinky thoughts. Possibly more to come as more ~lore~ is revealed.
Once again, I haven't played every event or intimacy room, so if you've got answers to my questions or additional contributions, please lemme know!
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ambrial-blog · 3 years
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 Blitzo snarls under his breath furious at being best by the cowboy Casanova, the Boss imp wasn’t leaving Millie’s parents bedroom anytime soon. Blitzo had been tied up, his lip curled in a snarl. His legs were spread apart as he struggled. 
Blood had soaked through Striker favorite white leather jacket as his tail whips in the air as a sadistic gleam shone in the snake imps eyes. He had Blitzo right where he wanted him. This room, was the perfect vantage pointe to take his shot.  The best viewpoint in the whole damn farm to see the Harvest Moon Festival. 
And the broad stage where Stolas stood, ushering in the new Harvest Moon using his Grimoire to bless the crops for next year.  
The Assassination of the Goeita prince was thrown on the backburner for the moment  Stepping in-between his legs, his eyes alight with something akin to lust and danger. Blitzo had put up a great fight smashing his horns into Striker’s face until Striker tail came up to whip Blitzo across his back and wrap around his neck. He sqezed until the Boss Imp had no choice but to release his weapon. Striker had kicked it under the bed, then tied him up. 
Blitzo had a view of Striker’s crotch. 
And if the Boss Imp didn’t act fast. their would be no Ares Goeita, no Grimoire to conduct business with.  
Striker had plans for the professional killer, he was willing do anything to get Blitzo on his side. anything!  Striker needed Blitzo fighting skill on his team. needed his ruthlessness and his apt skill with guns. 
To free Blitzo from his gilded cage, and to sever all attachments starting with the Goeita prince. So that he was free to use Blitz how he pleased. He would soon have the red imp eating out of his hands.  his tail flick dangerously, caressing Blitzo broken face. Blitzo had put up a fight, sinking his teeth into Striker’s arm as Striker pulled the blade from Blitzo’s belt and pressed it into the small of his back. 
But the words had been sowed. Blitzo had said yes, the red imp couldn’t deny the handsome cowboy anymore than he could deny his heart. 
Okay, his heart was a little more easier to lie too. but damn if Blitzo wasn’t tempted to wipe that snarky smile off the snake imp’s smug face. 
“Oh crumbs cried Moxie realizing the door had been sealed. 
Striker turned his head snarling with a  crazed smile he drags Blitzo to the window. Blitzo tries to bite the windowsill. 
“Daddy-Fucker!  Blitzo shouts being pulled through the window just as Moxie breaks the door down. 
Blitzo is hastily then thrown over bombproof, striker had failed in his mission to kill Stolas. but he had his consolation prize he looked down at Blitzo who was between his legs a red scarf tied over his mouth. Striker rode Bombproof into a nearby town.
Pulling Blitzo off of the hell horse he half drag-half walked the red imp into their motel room. He sat Blitzo at the end of the bed before reaching over to the phone. 
He had a call he needed to make, and a partner he needed to break in. 
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amoveablejake · 4 years
The Inevitable Preview Piece
Right, I’ll say it now. This piece was inevitable, even if I didn’t realise it at first. Ofcourse I was always going to write a Premier League prediction piece, it was just a matter of time as to when this fact would hit me. As the season starts this weekend the past week or so has been full of predictions all over the place from podcasts I listen to, to different articles online and now I have this platform I thought why not put my thoughts in, which when the league ends I will undoubtedly look back upon and laugh at. Anyway, shall we begin because we have a fair bit to get through and I can already tell some of you may be skipping to the next segment. I promise I’ll try and make this at least somewhat interesting for those of you who don’t care. Maybe I’ll try and give each team a little title, that will keep you reading, right? Right? (Sigh)
Arsenal: The train that runs out of steam.
Arsenal always start well. I know that, you know that, we all know that. They are a team who always start well by playing exciting football and for a while their fans start to think, hey, maybe this will be our year after all. The thing is though, the first ten matches of the Premier League are the days of wine and roses and they don’t matter as much as you’d think. Its always after this honeymoon period ends that Arsenal hit a slump and run out of steam and maybe they’ll pick it back up at times but they never truly get back on track. I do however think they’ll do slightly better this year so I’m going to say they’ll finish fifth. I like Arteta what can I say. 
Aston Villa: The Royal team. 
Whilst Prince William supports Aston Villa I don’t think even his Royal support will spur them on to play exciting football. They had a relegation scrap last year and I see the same for them once again. I will admit that until I looked at the list to see who is in the league this year I had forgotten they were still in the top flight. I think that speaks for itself. I think that Aston Villa will finish seventeenth and will survive once again by the skin of their teeth. Sadly. 
Brighton and Hove Albion: Seagulls take flight. 
I don’t know why, but I have a funny feeling Brighton might do a bit better than usual this year. They always seem to finish around the middle to bottom of the table but I think that they might keep themselves in a European conversation, for a little while at least. The addition of Adam Lallana is a very positive one and I think they will prove to upset some of the bigger name teams over the course of the season. Plus they have a very swish new home kit and I sort of do have a soft spot for them. Predicted finish: Ninth, hey, its on the right track. 
Burnley: You again? 
Burnley is another team that I always forget exists, let alone in the Premier League. I’ll keep this one short, I think they’ll finish fifteenth. Now I’m not being mean, I hope that they have a nice season and their fans enjoy watching them play. I won’t though, I have paint to watch dry. 
Chelsea: Money can’t buy happiness. 
Okay, okay, I’ll admit it, I do not like Chelsea. At all. Yes they have quite a nice new home shirt and technically, technically, they are the closest Premier League team to where I was born however, they don’t get my support. To me Chelsea have always felt like the bad guys and perhaps that is unwarranted but what can I say. I just don’t like the Death Star. The boys in blue have spent a lot, and I mean A LOT, this summer but will it work? I don’t think so. They have bought excellent players in but the problem is Frank had a good team of youngsters already and I think by bringing in a lot of new players he has shown he doesn’t have faith in those younger players afterall and I don’t know if the team will form a solid base this time around. I see Chelsea coming in sixth and honestly, I don’t know if Mr. Lampard will make it to the end of the season. 
Crystal Palace: Please, just let Zaha leave. 
I’m never that convinced by Crystal Palace. That isn’t to say they’re not very good, they do have moments of prowess and do show signs of making it into the Europa League but then they tend to lose silly matches. I think the club might be nearing the end of its relationship with Roy Hodgson and after he leaves it might get a little shaky for a while. And the will they let him go or won’t they dance they have with Zaha every year is getting very tiring and I can’t imagine its good for the team’s atmosphere. Please, just let the man leave whilst you end up finishing in thirteenth. 
Everton: Just how Everton can Everton be. 
Everton are managed by Carlo Ancelotti. Everton. That is quite something. I’m still not sure if I believe it and honestly, I don’t think Carlo does either. Yes he has signed old pal James Rodriguez this summer which for my money is a fantastic new addition however, I don’t see Carlo seeing out the season at Merseyside. Its not the club for him and thats fine. I think they will show moments of looking pretty good but ultimately Everton will do what Everton is destined to do. And that is finish tenth. 
Fulham: Don’t Cry For Me Brentford 
I’ll keep this one short. I wanted Brentford to go up in the playoff final. Fulham didn’t deserve it. Thats right, I said it. I don’t want them here, I am still bitter and I’m not crying, you’re crying! But whats this I see through my years, I see Fulham finishing in nineteenth and me tasting sweet, sweet revenge. 
Leeds: They used to be quite big right. 
From what I’ve heard, Leeds used to be quite a big team. People were scared of them. The thing is, I am too young to remember those days so I don’t have the respect for them that some do. I am pleased that their fans finally got to see this return and I don’t think they’ll shoot right down again, in fact I think they’ll do reasonably well. I see them finishing fourteenth, which isn’t bad for a first season in the Premier League. They will show moments early on I think where people will say they’re going to do exceedingly well, but once again, never trust the first ten games. 
Leicester City: Believe in yourself. 
The foxes feel like a team that are running on the water and then when they realise what they’re doing they lose their confidence and sink. They are a team which as we know can be exceedingly good, they can be a joy to watch and whats more their players always look happy to be out there. Last season they were flying very high indeed especially on a rainy night in Southampton however, they tend to lose their confidence in themselves and I think they might do the same again this year. Also, Vardy is a great player but his back must be getting heavy carrying that attack. I think that this time around Leicester will take eighth place. Thats not a comment on them but more so on how close I think those top eight places are going to be. 
Liverpool: Foot off the gas. 
Liverpool are the best team in Britain at the moment. Maybe. Well they were for the past couple of years but now, I’m not too convinced. Why, why do I doubt such a strong team, its because there have been no changes. There haven’t really been any transfers and hey if something isn’t broken why fix it. I’ll tell you why, because whilst you were out there on your boat, enjoying the sun, looking around at your crew who you realised that they are all getting that much older and they’re very comfortable in their roles. In fact, they don’t really have to fight. They seem to have lost that hunger, a hunger that all the sharks growing underneath the boat certainly have and you better believe the moment they smell blood they’re going to surface. I think Liverpool will finish in third. They will still challenge for the title but it won’t be coming back to Anfield this time around. 
Manchester City: A team with Pep. 
Manchester City were bad last year. Yes they came second but they were so far behind Liverpool it was not a successful season. They only won one trophy also which by their standards is not good and it wasn’t even the Champions League or FA Cup. I think this season they’re going to be back to their old ways, not in a perfect way however, there are a lot of holes in that team (a new defender and striker would be good) but they do have Kevin De Bruyne and that man is from another realm. Do I see City lifting the Premier League, honestly, no, I think they might win everything else but not this. 
Manchester United: I’m allowed to be biased okay. 
Yes, I do support Manchester United and yes I do know that makes me biased however, I do have a sneaking suspicion they will win the Premier League. Whys that, well it might not look like it yet but I think some more transfers are coming both now and in January. The arrival of Van De Beek is also very welcome and I think the squad will start to believe in itself more and they’ll definitely improve as that confidence comes back. Don’t get me wrong, it won’t be a beautiful win, infact I think they will win on the final day and the whole title race this year will be very close but I don’t know, I have a feeling that they’ll do it. Either that or I’ll be crushed when they get relegated. 
Newcastle United: Mike Ashley out. 
For once Newcastle have made some good signings this summer, good sensible signings and they have kept Steve Bruce on which I think is a good thing however, with Mike Ashley still being the owner and that ever present cloud hanging over the team I don’t think they’ll ever really hit their stride. Sadly I see them finishing in sixteenth although I would really like to see them finish higher. 
Sheffield United: My soft spot. 
I have absolutely no idea but ever since I was little I have had a soft spot for the Blades and after their very impressive performance last year I would like to see them do well again. However, I think the end of the loan spell with Dean Henderson will hurt and they didn’t look as strong post the lockdown pause so I see them coming eleventh which is still good just not as good we’d like. We being me and a team always keep an eye on. 
Southampton: It was nice whilst it lasted. 
Southampton again had a very good year last year and I’m sure that their fans are hoping for more of the same however, I think that this time around the top half of the table is going to be a much fiercer, closer battle and sadly that will be at the detriment of teams like Southampton who will find themselves twelfth and it won’t really be their fault. I would like to see them head into Europe as they are my local team but I don’t think that they will this time around. 
Tottenham Hotspur: No prime delivery. 
Despite the fancy Amazon documentary coming out and Jose being Jose, I think that Tottenham will do exactly what their fans have sadly grown used to which is showing signs of being a top four team but ultimately making silly mistakes and losing against teams that they really shouldn’t which will slide them down to seventh. I hope for their fans that they win something this year, anything really but when it comes to Spurs you just never can tell. What am I saying, you can and they won’t. 
West Bromwich Albion: Someone has to do it. 
Someone has to finish last and it will be West Brom. Do I really need to say anything else. I suppose I should say something nice, um, I’ve heard that you can buy a nice pie at their stadium. A nice pie to soak up the tears when they get relegated. 
West Ham United: Time to learn. 
I want West Ham United to get relegated. Why? Because they need to learn. Not the players, not the manager but the club. The club is run horribly and they constantly make bad decisions whether it be getting rid of promising young players, signing players at big costs to no avail or to have a constant merry go round of managers. Its a shambles and thats a shame because they have a very nice home kit and I do sort of like West Ham. With that in mind they’ll finish eighteenth and I’ll be happy about it so that they come back stronger. 
Wolves: Hear them howl. 
I like Wolves. In fact my favourite animal is a wolf but thats not why I have a fondness for Wolverhampton Wanderers. No, thats because they are a good team, with a great manager, who make sensible signings, seem to be run well, sadly have a horrific kit but play very good, classic football. I like the players, I like the team and I always want to see them do well and upset the establishment. Even when one player rubs baby oil on his tree trunk arms so the other players can’t grab hold of him. He’s good enough to not make someone do that but hey, there are worse jobs to have (see playing for Burnley for further details). I think Wolves will finish fourth this time around and will reach the Champions League. I also think they’ll do well in the FA Cup and will win more praise that they definitely deserve.  
So there we have it, we made it. How will these predictions pan out, probably not very well but hey, its not like I’ve written them down so I can be mocked with them later. 
- Jake, a man who is fully aware he can never go to Burnley now, 13/09/2020
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
The Lion’s Heart 05
A shield, she realizes. The Traveler has gifted me a shield. I am a Defender: the last, lonely sentinel.
The tale of a different kind of Guardian: one who does not want the accolade of saving the world, who does not understand why she would be chosen to wield the Light remaining in the Shard. Once a reckless, dazzling Striker, the Traveler’s chosen is reborn a silent Sentinel. This is Kira’s story; About bringing people together, reclaiming their city, and overcoming the darkness despite it all.
Titans | Vanguard Mentors | Heavy Angst | PTSD | Descriptions of Light | Loss of Light | Canon-typical Violence | Heroes of Necessity | Canon Compliant | The Red War
Previous Parts: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04
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For the first time in weeks, she dozes. Her hand rests on her rifle, and Ghost has no doubt that the slightest threatening sound would have her on her feet, aiming. He hovers silently beside her. She's propped against a wall, knees drawn up to her chest. Her heart rate is steadily rising. He feels guilty that he'll probably have to wake her soon.
Across the room, Sloane sits at a metal table with a rusted chair, silently keeping watch on the two exits with somber, alert eyes. Her gun rests in front of her. The Commander is perched on a makeshift cot near where Kira rests - it's expired ration crates lined up with a thermal sleeping bag atop it - Amanda's head on his thigh, a large, dirty palm running through her hair. He looks resigned and wary.
“She’s... quieter than I remember,” The Deputy Commander's voice breaks the silence. She does not look to Zavala. Her eyes slide over the woman sleeping nearest the exit at her ten o’clock, then to the exit at her eight, back along the same wall, and back to the far exit at her twelve. Her weapon is trained on it, she has near perfect sight-lines almost to the outside from here.
“Yes,” Zavala replies morosely. “She was always so jubilant and spirited. This is… concerning.”
Amanda shifts in her sleep and the Commander braces, wincing with only his eyes. Sloane knows him well enough to see it. He was injured at Towerfall. She's concerned that he's still hurting, clearly, but he refuses to accept anyone's care. She’d been careful to mention it to their junior when he was occupied earlier, after they’d established themselves here on the sinking rig.
Kira had only stared at her at the time, but her Ghost had adamantly promised they would keep him safe and out of harm's way. She might have her Light back, Sloan thinks, but this Guardian is hardly the same person.
She has been silent since the moment she’d received them on the landing platform outside. The skin around her eyes is a violet black, evident of her lack of sleep. That sweet vibrance she always bolstered with her seems like a thing of the past.
Sloane had given orders, and she rose to the task. Up front, it’s what they needed. No nonsense, no extra chatter. But now, with time to think about it, it’s not right. In fact, the Deputy Commander thinks, looking the younger Titan’s way, it’s clear that there’s something wrong with her.
Kira comes to with a shaking gasp, bolting to her feet. It's enough to make Sloane raise her gun and point it at the wall where Kira's wild-eyed terrified gaze is focused, darting back and forth. There's nothing there. The Guardian rises swiftly and makes a ninety-degree right turn, intending to find the nearest exit when Zavala's unoccupied palm wraps itself around her wrist. Her body jerks, recoiling.
“Kira,” He calls, voice low and almost drowned out by her ragged breaths. She’s shaking fiercely.
“She’d like you to let her go, Commander,” Ghost answers for her hastily. “Please.”
Zavala tries again, voice as gentle as it what when she was a new Guardian, freshly raised. “Kira.”
When his grip loosens but does not fall away, she pulls her arm back to her side and all but sprints out of their makeshift command center. Her steps are loud on the metallic deckplates outside. Her retching is far quieter.
That does not make it any less notable to veteran ears.
Sloane rises when Zavala does, gently moving himself out from under Amanda. The Shipwright blinks sleepily, but the Commander's hand on her cheek has her pillowing her head under her hands, and Sloane's presence, now lingering protectively beside her, is an acceptable substitute.
His Deputy's eyes are serious and dark. The two Titans nod to each other in silent understanding. Zavala steps over Kira's rifle as he follows their other charge.
It is darker than the City, these cold nights on Titan. Even so, his eyes adjust to the minuscule light quickly as he descends the metal stairs to where she’s huddled on the ground. She’s braced on hands and knees, taking deep breaths of heavy air. He can hear her Ghost speaking to her, hovering at her left ear.
“Don’t think like that,” He’s saying in a stage whisper. “You were chosen for a reason. You’re the bravest Guardian I know. You can do this. I believe in you. I’m with you.” The words, spoken so tenderly, root him to the spot. They are not for him to hear. He cannot unhear them, but he will pretend to give her some modicum of privacy.
She wretches and gags more, spitting over the edge into the methane sea a couple hundreds meters. Her Ghost carries on, encouraging and consoling her in equal measure. He takes another few steps toward her, intent on getting her to talk to him. Not her Ghost. She needs to let it out, these feelings, whatever they may be. Guardians far more seasoned than her have lost themselves to their uncertainties, to their self-doubt, the things they've seen. Light or not, he is there to guide her. That does not change because of cages or Cabal or anything.
“Kira,” The Commander calls. She tenses, flinching again. His heart sinks. She was never this way, not even as a new Guardian.
She rises, shakily. “Talk to me, Kira,” He continues. Ghost shimmers out of sight. The younger Titan turns.
Behind him, a Stealth Vandal lets out a harrowing scream.
Kira moves, fast.
There is no evidence of the shivering woman-child he’d tried to console seconds before, only a stone-faced warrior. Nothing about the way she moves has her usual flair, the tell-tale dazzle of a Striker. She breaks the Vandal’s neck before it manages to hit her with its blades and tosses it over the railing without preamble.
He drops to a fighting stance, but she turns and looks pointedly at his side and back to his eyes. She does not speak but he knows what she is saying. Sloane might think she's discreet, but he knows all her plays. Of course she told them. Kira reaches into the darkness in front of them both and gets her hands on another Vandal. The hand on his mask crushes its face and disables its stealth shield. It crumples at her feet. His ears burn with embarrassment. This is what he’s reduced to, he thinks. He had not heard them. Light or not, he should have been able to hear them.
(He does not want to think that without his Light, there is no way he ever could have.)
Helpless but to watch, he notices something disturbing. She does not speak, does not grunt, does not cry out when their enemies hit her. There is no breathy grunt as she braces and swings them wide of him, no uproarious cry as they break against her fists and inevitably fall to her.
It isn’t right, he thinks, distracted from his own personal failure.
When the fight is over, her Ghost appears at her side.
“We’re clear,” He says to the Commander, flitting about his Guardian to heal the handful of cuts and an errant bruise, forming in a splotch across her cheek. He flashes away and back, transmatting her rifle from the other room to her waiting hands. “We’ll stay out here and keep watch until morning, in case their Captain decides he’d like to come after his crew.”
Zavala moves into the only nearby cover, evaluating his sight-lines. They’ll do. “I’ll join you.”
Kira dips her head. Words still seem to fail her.
“She says she’d feel better if you got some rest,” Ghost translates.
He swallows back his bitterness at the feeling of being unable to do anything, it seemed. “Would you rather I leave you alone?” He asks her instead, holding her gaze until she looks down and away.
A long moment later, she shakes her head: a tiny motion that makes her messy, falling half-ponytail sway. “Even so,” Ghost says on her behalf again, “She says this isn’t about her.”
Zavala’s lower lip curls inward. “No,” He confirms sadly, “It is not. But even so, I am your Vanguard, Kira. I am here for you.”
She reaches across the space between them and squeezes his hand. She looks like she wishes to speak, and he blinks hopefully, praying she does. The moment passes. That emotionless, stoic look returns and she disengages the hold, stepping back from him.
Emotional damage aside, she knows her duty.
“We’re going to find a better vantage point,” Ghost says, when his Guardian begins to walk away. “She is concerned that the the Fallen activity might draw the Hive back here as well.”
“Ghost,” The Commander breathes, barely loud enough to constitute a whisper. Imploring. “What is wrong? Tell me happened to her.”
His subordinate's partner spins and twists his shell. “Well,” He murmurs in reply, reasoning, “We were separated for a while,” He shivers. “I don’t really know.”
That last part is a lie, the Ghost thinks to himself later. He’s sure Zavala knows it, too. That it's why he didn't pry further.
She’s told her Ghost what she saw, during her almost two days separated from him. He had seen much of the same himself. Snatches and flashes of life being snuffed out, violence against innocent, unarmed men, women, and children, Lightless Guardians dragged behind harvesters, decapitated and fed to Warhounds, dead and dying Ghosts strung like necklaces around the necks of Cabal warriors as trophies of conquest.
It would break Zavala’s heart to know, she had told him. No one loves the City more than the Commander who teaches the Guardians - especially his Titans - to love and protect it, too. It’s their home. It belongs to all of them.
But more than that, Ghost knows what she's thinking: how can she possibly consider unburdening herself upon him? She has her Light back. There is no reason for her to complain. She has what every one of them wants. She must not waste this gift.
She wants his advice, though. He knows it. She has not mastered the Shard’s - the Traveler’s new gift. She does not understand the Void like Zavala does. Ghost looks at her, a tip of his shell indicating that she should talk to him. Light or not, he wants to help. She bites her lip, shakes her head.
A slap in the face, She communicates through her neural link. It would be a slap in the face to show off the power that’s left him and manifested itself in her.
“It isn’t like that,” Ghost says out loud. “Don’t think like that.”
How can she not, she wonders. There are so many more deserving than she.
And yet, she’ll soldier on, do her best. That’s why she was chosen. She has to protect them all.
She has to.
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 4/4/19
This week at Bungie, we’re getting ready for some high voltage.  
A storm is brewing. Next week, we’ll kick off what we’ve been calling Arc Week. Our goal for this happening has been to take the element that makes our sandbox crackle and put it under the microscope. The most noticeable update is that we improved many Arc subclass paths from the time before Forsaken. The week will also feature Arc Singe and Arc Bounties to synergize with your updated abilities. To provide a proving grounds for all this new energy, Mayhem will be available in the Crucible to let you experiment with your enhanced Arc abilities using shockingly short cooldowns.
Arc Week will also feature one of the most powerful Arc weapons ever created, the Thunderlord Exotic Machine Gun. If you weren’t able to complete the quest to obtain Thunderlord last year, you will have from April 9 to April 23 to revisit the Cosmodrome and add it your collection.
A Spark Can Give Life... or Take It
Arc Week buffs up several Arc subclasses.
Designer Dan Gniady has all the details on what changes you can expect.
Dan: After the release of Forsaken, the sandbox team wanted to revisit some older subclass paths and freshen them up a bit. This entailed tuning for balance as well as quality-of-life fixes. We’ve also added new functionality to a couple of subclasses. In update 2.2.1, we're focusing on Arc subclasses for Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks to kick off Arc Week. That said, we also made a couple needed changes to non-Arc abilities. Let’s get into it. 
Striker Code of the Juggernaut (Bottom Path)
Notes: This path is all about punching enemies to get better at shooting them and shooting enemies to get better at punching them. We want to further incentivize engaging in this loop and make doing so move visible and flashy. Shooting an enemy should make you feel like you are primed to strike with melee. Punching an enemy and releasing your rage will make you feel like a more focused shot.
Frontal Assault:
Now increases all weapon damage for the duration of the buff
25% against combatants
20% against players
Duration increased from 10 to 16 seconds
Buff timer is now displayed on the HUD
Melee damage bonus increased from 25% to 60%
Now also triggers once you have dealt 60% damage to a target
Any damage done after 60% will refresh the timer
Still also triggers off shield pop
No longer consumed after 1 melee attack
Duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Arcstrider Way of the Warrior (Top Path)Notes: 
This path thrives on striking with precision and timing and is heavily melee focused. To enhance this loop, we are giving it a bit more nuance with a higher potential payout. We want to allow for more room to execute and engage with both the path to success and the benefits once you do succeed.
Combination Blow
Bonus melee damage can now be stacked 3 times (requires a melee ability kill for each stack)
Buff increases melee damage by 60% per stack in PvE
Buff increases melee damage by 22.7% per stack in PvP
For comparison, this ability used to be 1 stack and increased melee damage by 50%
Kills with this ability now heal 40 health in addition to starting health regen
Deadly Reach:
Increased buff duration from 6 to 8 seconds
Buff is no longer consumed by a melee hit
Arcstrider Way of the Wind (Bottom Path)
Notes: This path is about quick movement and thriving under pressure. We want to increase your ability to survive while at low health and enhance your elusiveness so you can be more confident when in danger. This way, you don't just get a bonus when you’re injured, you have more control over what state you are in, and you can make more risk/reward choices.
Disorienting Blow:
Increased the disorient distance by 50%
Increased duration of disorient on players from 1.5 to 2 seconds
Focused Breathing:
Increased dodge recharge bonus while sprinting by 100%
Combat Meditation:
Increased bonus grenade and melee regeneration while bloodied by 25%
Lightning Reflexes:
Increased damage resistance while dodging from 25% to 40% in PvP
Increased damage resistance while dodging from 63% to 70% In PvE
Stormcaller Stormtrance Super (Top and Bottom Path)
Damage scales up to 150% over 5 seconds of continuous use of the attack
Updated FX and audio to support this functionality
Stormcaller Attunement of Conduction (Top Path)
Notes: This path focuses prominently on chain lightning, but we also want to better sell the fantasy of being a god of erratic and dangerous energy. We want you to be delighted and surprised by the chaos you cause. On top of that, we should make the choice of using your abilities something to better strategize around, and reward you for doing so.
Chain Lightning Melee
Can now chain up to 5 times, up from 1, and each individual target can be hit twice
Chain damage decreased from 50 to 31 damage per chain hit
Arc Web
Can now chain to many (many) more targets, and back and forth between targets
The amount of chaining varies based on use, and I will leave it to you all to discover!
Increase chain range from 10 meters to 12 meters
Chaining Arc damage now reduces the cooldown of your grenade
Works with Arc Web chains and chains from Chain Lightning Melee
Earn 3% energy per instance of chain damage in PvE
Earn 10% energy per instance of chain damage in PvP
Stormcaller Attunement of the Elements (Bottom Path)
Notes: Currently this path focuses on creating drone buddies for allies and staying close to them to dish out more Rifts and the buddies therein. Generally, Arc drone is short-lived, and you need to stay close to your Rift to keep it around. Now you will be able to take your pal further and, if you stick with friends, will be able to have it around much more often, making this path more potent as support.
Electrostatic Surge:
Increased bonus regeneration rate of Rift by 600% per nearby friendly Guardian
This sounds insane, and it’s a big boost you will definitely feel, but it was previously very low.
Extends Rift duration from 15 to 20 seconds
Added a UI notification for when the buff is active
Arc Soul:
Extended duration by 50%.
Now let’s talk about some non-Arc Changes, as well…
Voidwalker Nova Warp Super
Notes: Clearly we swung a bit hard when we hit this previously. This should serve as a nice middle ground to settle into.
Reduced initial charged detonation energy cost by 20%
Reduced energy cost of holding the charged detonation by 7%
Reduced time required to fully charge the charged detonation from 0.9 seconds to 0.7 seconds
Reduced Dark Blink cost by 20%
Increased base Super duration from 18 seconds to 22 seconds
Dawnblade Everlasting Fire Perk
Notes: Similar to the Striker, we wanted to make sure this perk didn’t allow for infinite Supers in certain activities. We’ve increased the amount you get back upfront but put diminishing returns on it so you can’t go forever. This will still be a Super you can extend much longer with skill.
Tuned the amount of Super gained from Everlasting Fire
Initial return increased from 10% to 13% Super energy
Return then decays linearly over the course of 30 kills from 13% to 0.75% returned per kill
You may be asking “What about Spectral blades???”
We know it’s out of bounds and are working right now on a few tweaks to bring it back in line. We’ll let you know the details once we’ve finished play testing and tuning to lock in on what the changes will be.
That’s all for me this time. As always, we look forward to you getting your hands on these changes and letting us know what you think. Happy electrocuting everyone!
Patch Note Preview
Next week, Update 2.2.1 will be deploying on April 9. Here is a preview of some changes you can look forward to along with the Arc Week rollout. 
Four new Exotic weapon catalysts will be available to drop in Nightfall, strikes, and the Crucible
Prospector (Nightfall, strikes)
Rat King (Nightfall, strikes)
Hard Light (Nightfall, strikes)
SUROS Regime (Crucible)
Warlock Bloom Ability
Fixing an issue where the Bloom ability would not deal damage
Xûr’s inventory will now offer random-rolled perks for armor
Fixing an issue where the Vow could not be infused above 650
Fixing an issue where the BrayTech RWP Mk. II could not be infused above 600
Gambit Prime Weapons
Most Gambit Prime weapons will now have a chance to drop as match completion rewards from Gambit Prime
Increasing drop rates for Gambit Prime weapons from the Reckoning
Both Gambit Prime and the Reckoning will have increased drop rates for weapons after each completion without a drop until players are guaranteed a reward
Gambit Prime
An invasion kill will heal 8% of the Primeval's health, down from 12%
The invasion portal cooldown time during the Primeval phase will be increased to 40 seconds, up from 30 seconds
This cooldown triggers after a player has been killed or successfully returns from an invasion
Gambit Prime will now count to unlock the Weekly Gambit Clan Engram
Quests and Bounties
Power Surge Bounties that have been deleted or expired will now be available on the Drifter
Each bounty can still be completed only once per character
Yes Sir, I'm a Closer Weekly Gambit Prime bounty will now award 4 points for a win and 2 points for a loss, with a completion value of 20 points
All 4 weekly role bounties for Gambit Prime now grant powerful helmet rewards
Strong Resolves
Our Player Support team is keeping track of all known issues in the game. If you see something they aren’t tracking, make a post on the Help forum letting them know.
This is their report.
Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1
Next Tuesday, on April 9, Destiny 2 will undergo maintenance and Update 2.2.1 is scheduled to go live. No downtime is expected during this maintenance; however, players who have not yet updated to version 2.2.1 by 1 PM PDT will be returned to the title screen.
Please see below for the timeline of this deployment window:
9 AM PDT (1600 UTC):
Destiny 2 service maintenance is scheduled to begin with no expected downtime.
Update 2.2.1 will begin rolling out across all platforms and regions.
Destiny Companion features will be unavailable on web, mobile, and third-party apps.
1 PM PDT (2000 UTC):
Destiny 2 service maintenance is scheduled to conclude.
Players who have not yet installed Update 2.2.1 will be removed from activities and returned to the title screen.
1:15 PM PDT (2015 UTC):
Destiny Companion features will be re-enabled on web, mobile, and third-party apps.
Console players who encounter issues updating to 2.2.1 should reset their console and try downloading the update.
For more information on Destiny maintenance, players should visit our
Destiny Server and Update Status support page. For live updates on the 2.2.1 deployment, players should follow @BungieHelp on Twitter, or monitor our support feed on help.bungie.net. Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1 Resolved Issues PreviewWith the upcoming launch of Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1, we’d like to take the opportunity to follow up on a sampling of player-impacting issues that have emerged in Destiny 2 over the past several months.
The following known issues are expected to be resolved after the launch of Destiny 2 Update 2.2.1 on Tuesday, April 9.
Like a Diamond Triumph: Players who became eligible for the “Like a Diamond” Triumph during the window when it was not available will have this Triumph unlocked retroactively following the 2.2.1 update. Impacted players will receive a notice in game when this fix begins rolling out to their accounts.
Acting Bad, Looking Good Pursuit: The “Acting Bad, Looking Good” pursuit is not completing for players using a full set of Ancient Apocalypse armor.
Obsidian Crystal: The Obsidian Crystal doesn't always drop for players on the Unidentified Frame quest step for Izanagi’s Burden.
Wish-Ender: Players cannot see behind walls with Wish-Ender while invisible.
The Vow Infusion: The Vow cannot be infused above 650 Power.
BrayTech RWP Mk. II Infusion: BrayTech RWP Mk. II cannot be infused above 600 Power.
Stronghold Power Ammo: Stronghold consumes Power ammo when blocking with Black Talon.
The Weight of Guilt: The Weight of Guilt emblem does not display its purchase price after it has been unlocked for purchase from Lord Saladin.
For the complete list of resolved issues and patch notes, please keep an eye on our Updates page once 2.2.1 is live.
If you’re excited for ShArc Week and you want everyone to know, there is one more way you can express your electric personality. Three emotes will be available in bundles for direct purchase, one for each class. Now you can show off your mastery of the Arc arts even when your Super is on cooldown.
One more thing before we close This Week out. There have been a lot of questions about the future of the Crucible in Destiny, and what plans we have to support PvP going forward. Yesterday, we let you know during a stream that we have no plans to remove PVP from the Destiny franchise.
A lot of feedback on Crucible and how it could improve comes in the form of suggested sandbox changes that would impact the flow of combat in PvP. As you can see from the section above, we are still committed to updating the sandbox as frequently as we can, and we have an update going out next week. We have bigger Crucible changes being planned for later this year, but we aren’t ready to talk about those plans just yet. We hope to share more with you sometime this summer. In the meantime, we will continue to provide updates to matchmaking, QOL fixes, Sandbox balance, and Glory changes.
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ravenvsfox · 7 years
Have you ever written/ would be interested in writing a fic where blue, Ronan, Adam, Gansey, Noah, and Henry join the foxes?
(a real live crossover, I’ve never done this in my life lmao!! btw I didn’t know how to write a ghostie into a PSU sports team so I’m afraid noah’s not in this one)
“That’s a bad omen if I’ve ever seen one,” Dan says mildly, shielding her eyes from the sun. Neil follows her squinting gaze to the border of the baking sidewalk.
There’s a raven watching them from the dust, glossy wings folded out a little like it’s preparing for flight. It’s pinprick eyes are black beads tossed into pitch fabric, near invisible.
The foxes watch it preen and hop towards them. Neil gets a sinking feeling that it isn’t wild, that its strut and challenging eyes must belong to some rotten nest.
They’re grouped at the entrance of the court: Dan installed at the edge of the parking lot with a hand on her hip, Allison splayed all over the wall wearing sleek white shorts to match the paint job, Andrew and Neil tipped back into the sun-sharp grate of their car. The others are dotted along the unruly grass and perched over cars, sweating through the wait for fresh teammates with fresh problems.
The raven cocks its head and paces closer. Nicky coos at it. Matt tells it to fuck off good-naturedly.
“How about you go ahead and fuck off first?”
Neil looks evenly over to the source of the voice, feeling trepidation slither down his neck like ice under the collar.
A boy walks towards them with an unfriendly mouth and a mangled cut-off t-shirt, tattoos and scars jostling for a place on his body. He looks like what Neil expected when he first heard of the foxes. He looks like the popped blade of a box-cutter that someone forgot to sheath. He has a vicious BMW at his heels like an afterthought.
“Dibs,” Nicky says, breathless.
“Oh, sorry, I was talking to the bird,” Matt explains.
“And I was talking to you,” the stranger replies, holding eye contact until it feels like a raw vein pinched between fingers. The foxes shuffle and kick up dust and exchange looks.
“You’ve gotta be one of our new recruits. No one but a fox is going to start shit over a raven,” Dan says, half smiling.
“He’s defending her honour,” someone says, and their attention all swivels again.
The newcomer walks up with his hands clutched in his pockets, smiling with a third of his mouth, eyes serious and deep-set in his tan face.
“Adam,” he introduces, expression jumping. “That’s Ronan. He likes to make bad first impressions. It’s his favourite sport after exy.”
Adam winds and locks into the space at Ronan’s side, and they bump fists in a way that’s more brushing knuckles than anything else.
“Parrish,” Ronan says thinly. “They already insulted Chainsaw. We have to drop out.”
Neil can feel Andrew watching their interaction with hooded eyes.
“She probably deserved it,” Adam says. “You usually do.”
“Aren’t you bringing the rest of your hick pals?” Allison asks, scanning the perimeter of the parking lot, scarcely registering the thready challenge in her own voice.
Ronan takes a step forward and Adam yanks on the leather bracelets snaked around his wrist. The raven flurries in the dirt, unsettled by his agitation, and then swoops up to anchor herself on Ronan’s shoulder.
“Ronan,” Adam pronounces slowly, like he’s not in any hurry to stop him. “Don’t waste your limited attention span. We knew this was going to be how they are.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nicky asks. “I’m very personable.”
“Of course,” Adam says kindly. “We’re just used to less— bluntness.”
“Speak for yourself,” Ronan mutters, and Adam twitches a smirk.
“People like to trick you into accepting an insult, where we’re from.”
“I can gift-wrap my shit-talking if you’d prefer?” Allison says, and Adam narrows eyes at her for a second.
“Tempting,” he says.
“Can’t make any promises for Josten, though,” she continues. They look over at him. Neil blinks back, not bothering to disprove her.
“Hey beautiful,” Nicky calls to Ronan from his spot on the grass. He’s cross-legged, leaning back on his hands, obviously bored. “What position are you?” He lilts position into a proposition. Ronan blinks and Adam stiffens and Nicky smiles, enjoying the tension. “You have the arms for offence.”
“Yeah,” Adam says woodenly. Neil can see Adam’s hands curl, stiff when they straighten out again. He recognizes the sticking muscle and bone of a person who’s had to practice packing their anger into a box and sliding it back on a shelf. “He’s a striker. I’m a goalie.”
Neil snorts, and Andrew moves his head to the side, a slow, hesitating shake.
Kevin nods. “Your stats are good. You work best with your friend Richard, the both of you.”
Ronan snorts. “Oh, please call him that.”
“I’d like to see you on unfamiliar turf,” Kevin continues, undeterred. “It looks like you’re in a rut, based on your tapes. You’re too static, you rely too much on each other.”
“We always win,” Ronan argues. “We rely on each other because we’re a team. Don’t know if you’re familiar with the concept.”
“Raven boy’s a bitch,” Matt laughs. “I like him.”
“Not mutual,” Ronan says icily. The raven tucks it’s beak into his buzzed hair and makes a mournful noise. He puts an absent hand to her side.
“You’re coming in late to a developed team. You can’t expect your group dynamic to fly here,” Kevin says. Neil nods without thinking.
“Too fucking late, I’m already expecting it,” Ronan says, eyes flickering between Neil and Kevin like he’s considering who to punch first. “And we didn’t exactly come here for the Pig-orange uniforms, fuckass. We know how the team works. We liked the way you fight when there’s a 99% chance you’ll lose.”
“Pig orange,” Aaron repeats incredulously, at the same time that Renee asks:
“Is that a crucifix?” She jostles the conversation off its tracks without really trying. Her eyes are kind and critical, hooked on the inked cross hugging Ronan’s ribcage, peeking out of the deep slit in the side of his shirt.
Ronan eyes her, gaze fixed on her necklace and the rebellious rainbow fan of her hair. “Yes.”
“You wouldn’t know he was a Catholic by the mouth on him, but Jesus has more of his attention than I do,” Adam says wryly. It’s an odd, hasty sort of interjection. He runs hands over his own arms like he’s cold, and Neil considers that he hadn’t planned to reveal so much.
“We’ll have to go to service together,” Renee says sweetly, and Ronan nods unexpectedly.
They’re all skirting around this new dynamic that’s too big to touch, fumbling through a warped, antagonistic set of pleasantries, and the strangled zip of a caught engine rips closer. A car in blazing fox orange kicks and screams around the corner and into the parking lot.
“The cavalry,” Ronan observes flatly.
“Nice to see that Gansey still thinks he’s important enough to be fashionably late,” Adam replies, and Ronan makes a face.
“Don’t say ‘Gansey’ and ‘fashion’ in the same sentence.”
The car rolls up, parks smoothly and then takes its time straightening up. The doors scream and slam open and closed. The contents of the car turns out to be a trio of drastically different kinds of people — a boy in a viciously orange polo shirt to match his car, a girl in what looks like three skirts of three different lengths, and a boy with hair taller than Matt’s, collar crisp and pale against his tan neck.
“Hello,” the first one calls warmly. “Very sorry to be late, we were a titch held up in Henrietta.”
“Is he for real?” Matt asks genuinely, and Adam laughs, delighted.
“They’re not buying the southern charm, Gans,” he says.
“I can’t imagine why not,” the girl says, shoving Gansey in the side until he stumbles mid-stride. “It’s so natural.”
Gansey looks flustered by the time the three of them reach the group, but he takes the time to clap Ronan and Adam on the shoulders. The girl hip checks Ronan as soon as she’s close enough, and he wrangles her into a chokehold. Renee laughs, impressed or endeared by his form.
“We’re very much looking forward to playing with you,” Gansey says earnestly.
“Are we sure he qualifies as a fox?” Nicky asks. “He’s very—uh. Perfect.”
Gansey looks greatly disturbed by this, and the girl rolls her eyes.
“Looks can be deceiving,” Renee says, smiling a little, and Gansey sends her a cracked, grateful smile in return. It’s drastically different from the spectacle of an expression he’d been sporting until now.
“Anyway,” Dan says loudly. “Good to meet you, welcome, etc. We’re going to be seeing a lot of each other this year. Remind me who’s who?”
“Oh, pardon me, I wasn’t—” Gansey starts, and the girl reaches up to slap a hand over his mouth.
“That’s Gansey trying to put his foot in his mouth. I’m Blue, this is Henry.”
“I’ve heard good things,” Henry says. “I’ve heard a lot of bad things too, all of them legendary.”
“’Blue’?” Allison interrupts. “That’s not a very funny joke.”
“Interesting. That’s what I keep saying about your team,” Blue says narrowly, and Dan laughs, startled.
“You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?”
“Oh, a couple, at least,” Blue replies. Gansey smiles at her like he doesn’t know he’s doing it.
“You’re a striker,” Neil guesses, speaking for the first time, and Blue cocks her head at him.
“Dealer,” she corrects.
“Backliner,” Henry says, waving. “Best defence in Virginia.”
“Striker,” Gansey says, gesturing to himself. Ronan reaches over to knock fists with him, and Gansey grins as he accepts. Neil remembers reading something about a striker duo with history and balance, and they’re wearing that legacy all over them.
“Should’ve known,” Neil says mildly. “You don’t have the height,” he tells Blue. She bristles.
“And you do?”
“I use this height to my advantage. Do you?”
“I use everything I have to my advantage,” she grits. Neil suppresses a smile.
“We’ll see.” He privately thinks that some or all of these new recruits are going to burn out as soon as they realize that they were paddling in still waters, and now they’re facing a tidal wave.
Dan jumps back in to introduce their side of the team, and Neil lets the mindless back and forth rush around him without any information really finding purchase in his brain. Andrew is dead silent at his side, but Neil can sense his interest from the way he keeps shifting position, near imperceptible. Ronan’s taken to chewing on his wristbands, and Andrew’s eyes are caught up on the silver fingers of scar tissue at each of his wrists.
“Twins?” Henry asks, pointing two fingers at Aaron and Andrew.
“Guess which one’s evil,” Matt jokes.
“Trick question,” Dan tells them conspiratorially. “It’s both.”
“There’s power in twins,” Blue says sagely, like she’s repeating an old family adage. Andrew pushes off of the car and walks towards the door to the court, apparently out of patience. Neil watches him go distractedly.
“Can we see the court?” Adam asks, and Neil glances back to find his eyes fixed on the stretch of the building, twitchy and eager. He has the unsettled look of someone who’s been living outside of his comfort zone for long enough that he shakes when he faces it again.
“Oh fuck, please let’s go inside,” Nicky says, wobbling upright and brushing grass off on his shorts. “I’m burning to death.”
“Lucky we’ve got a replacement backliner,” Aaron says. Henry cocks finger guns at them, absurdly. Nicky considers him, lips pursed, and then looks back at Aaron.
“But do you have a replacement cousin?”
“Cousin?” Gansey asks, curious. “Excuse me but you don’t look— I mean you—“
“Stop,” Blue says, holding the bridge of her nose.
“Come on,” Dan laughs, sidestepping conflict. “We’ll give you the tour.”
Neil finds Andrew in an aisle seat halfway up the rows facing the plexiglass cage of the court. He understand immediately that he wanted to be removed but present, to have as much physical upper ground as possible.
He shifts and relaxes when Neil sits next to him, and Neil considers that he also picked this spot so that the two of them could speak.
“What do you think?” Neil asks.
Andrew says nothing. The new foxes file into the box below, and Neil watches Ronan go immediately for the racquets stored against the wall. Henry is already shoulder to shoulder with Nicky; they’re like two springs set off at the same time.
“We need to keep an eye on Ronan, I think,” Neil continues, seeing the madness progress and evolve, seeing the court bloom fuller than it’s ever been.
“Not him,” Andrew says. Neil follows his steady gaze all the way down to Adam, who’s turning a slow circle at centre court. He can’t tell if he’s awestruck or judgemental, and he’s unnerved to find that it might be both.
“He’s hiding something,” Neil agrees. Ronan brought his raven inside with him, ridiculously, and it circles and lands on Adam’s forearm. The five of them are strange in a new way; they’re a shape Neil’s never seen before.
“Richard,” Andrew starts, mouth curling, “can’t decide who he wants to be.”
Neil doesn’t point out that he was the same way when he came to the foxes. “I don’t like that they’re already a team. I don’t know if I can unmake them so that things fit better.”
“You cannot unmake people like them. They think their weaknesses are strengths.”
“I can,” Neil argues. “What do you think I was doing all last year?”
“Ruining my life,” Andrew guesses.
“Taking you apart. Reprogramming.”
“You did not succeed.”
“We did,” Neil says. “We won.” He looks out into the activity below and finds Gansey and Matt peering up at them. Gansey waves and smiles like he’s in a parade. Renee and Blue are stooped together over something, but Neil’s sure he’s imagining the glint of a switchblade.
“I wonder if they realize how hard this is going to be. This isn’t Richmond.”
“Henrietta,” Andrew corrects.
“Even worse,” Neil grimaces.
“We’re inviting Adam to Columbia,” Andrew says suddenly. It’s disarming to be let in on his plans, like his carefully cultivated filter is missing. Or maybe Neil is his filter, now.
Neil looks sideways at him. “I have a feeling that Ronan won’t let him go alone.”
“I have a feeling he doesn’t need to be let,” Andrew replies.
They peer back down at the team. Ronan grabs Adam’s hand and kicks Blue in the shin when he passes, apparently trying to rustle up some sort of three-on-three. Neil stands on instinct, watching the exchange of racquets between hands, the freshly printed jerseys, pristine orange on white. Lynch. Parrish. Sargent. Cheng. Gansey. Excitement leaks up into the stands.
“I’m gonna join,” Neil says, distracted, feverish. He’s so antsy to feel this new team’s skill set held against him like a threat, so different from tapes and talk and promises.
“Win,” Andrew says, and Neil grins at the challenge.
“They’re just more ravens,” Neil says. “I’m not worried.”
Part Two  Part Three
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Can Anyone Learn to Swing a Golf Club?
Anyone tins learn to swing a club, and placation golf. Golf is like any other game; it is a compilation of a amounts of skill sets. One must learn to swing a club, to event the ball; one must learn to aim, to move the exhilaration in the correct direction; and the scoop then becomes intermingling the sphere proficiently around the hollow and ultimately around the course. The object of golf is to score as low as possible. This scoop will discuss the swing itself, but do not pondering that a great swing instantly type a great player. There are many aptitudes to learn in playing any game, and golf is not different.
If you have been on a driving range, you must agree it is quite an interesting recreations remark all of the different resources group employ to move the golf ball. You have seen the chop, the push, the scoop, and on and on. It is amusing at least and excruciating worst, but entertaining none the less. Have you ever wondered why tribe swing the club the media they do? Are they mimicking a tour pro, or are they configuration it up on the go? The solution is that they do what they pondering is correct. This is not a property only of golfers; this is a trait of anyone trying to learn a new skill. Boxing, lawn mowing, baseball, hammering, whatever the adeptness may be, there are different profits on how to do it. So as we watch the folks handcuffs foolishness at the range, can we conclude that there are lots different trace to mankind a guy and one bureaus is not better than the other? Yes and no; as long as the office employed allows you to protocol the golf domain from matter A to texture B efficiently, then yes. If you can consistently action your golf region as you predetermined, then you are playing golf and your swing is O.K. However, if the legislature that you use is inconsistent, unpredictable, and limited, then no, your swing is not as good as it could be, or should be.
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So how do you know if your swing is O.K.? If you are eating with a knife and fork and you are getting the food to your mouth in proper bits, adopting no bodily injury, then you are probably wielding the eating clothes properly. I know, I have seen it too, the off fellow who holds their fork like a bicycle grip, but the team is consumed, and these folks are not losing weight, so they know how to wield a fork. The same is true of golf; we have seen many different swings, with different looks, but they cannot be called sin if they output the desired results. So the instituting broker as to an efficient swing and a transgression swing can be pared down to results. Does the swing in quest produce good results? This is a simple concept, but some may argue what constitutes good results, and I must opinion this is an individual thing. A creator may consider his swing a success if he can get the orbits airborne. An master would only consider his swing sound if he tins consistently and on command move his short as he has drawn it up in his mind. Ben Hogan said that he only cuff about 3 perfect blow per round. Ben would action his territory toward the hole; if the catch was on the left he would draw the realm in, starting it at the mettle of the lawn and office it toward the hole. Likewise with a probability angle nib placement, Ben would fade the orb into the pawl location, starting the realms in the center of the lawn and bending it toward the hole. If Ben decided to fade a area into a advantage hand earth standpoint and the zone ended in the gap of the lawn he would consider that a misfire punch shot.
You are not Ben Hogan, but a good golf swing for the criterion player, needs to accomplish a few basic requirements;
·         The swing must allow the gambler to punch the globe first and flush, meaning planet then ground. ·         The swing must allow the trifler to escape adequate distance. ·         The swing must allow the trifler to adjust and autonomy trajectory and spin.
Some of you may demand to add to this list and please feel free to do so, but I believe these three elements makes up the basic criteria of a good swing. If you can do these things, you tins amusement golf. Before we lawsuit on to how to accomplish these basics, I must center out that if you cannot do these things, it does not necessarily mean your swing is incorrect, it may mean that you have not mastered the skills yet. Remember, golf is an athletic protocol which requires some athletic scheduling and ability.  Kicking a football is an athletic occurrences that crowd of us can do, but as an athletic activity it can truly be mastered only by a great athlete. Golf is like that as well; only great athletes can ever job to be summit players. But unlike football kickers, criterion golfers can actually become quite good and compete at very high levels. Just remember that golf is an athletic proceedings and a yards of our incident in golf can be laid at the dogs of poor athleticism.
All of that creature said, golf is not high jumping; an flag fellow should be able to criterion 80 around a par 72 golf orb with little soups and a sound swing. Before you write me and tell me that you know escape with good swings who cannot intermission 80, I evidence tell you that there is more to golf than a good swing. Most talented players, who cannot score, do not score well because they do not know how to play golf. In container you were not listening; swinging the club is not playing golf, it is an element of golf. So what is the first fundamental of the golf swing? The first fundamental of the golf swing is to understand how to use the golfing tool. Remember the golf range, and the folks scooping their provision to harm golf? These group scoop, because the golf club look like it is made for scooping. In reality, the club does resemble a big spoon. The club has loft designed into the vertex to lift the territory in the air, right? So the generator pondering that he needs to get under the ball. In realities however, the golf club is a little more dynamic than it looks.  In performance the golf club is quite an ingenious design of physics. The club is designed so that the exploiter can use it by utilizing only one force; tangential force! I know you all have heard that the golf swing is all about centrifugal power and on and on, blah, blah, blah. Well I am not a physicist, but I did return physics in seminary and I know that centrifugal spirit is an imaginary force. What? Yes, you heard me, there is no such power of physics.
Look it up, centrifugal force is an idea, a impression to explain appearances, not a realities force! So since we have cleared that up, we tins dismiss the plan of practice a non-existent solidity to the golf ball. I only reference this because the appearance of centrifugal intensity actually puts the photographs in our skulls of a club flying around in a cirque and merely selecting the golf paradise up at the bottom and lifting it on its way. If this is your snapshot of the golf swing, I recommend that you rethink the golf swing. The club top does not trace a circle; in performance the top does not really hint any geometrical shape, but if pressed I would opinion it traces somewhat of an ellipse. Now please, do not pondering that I am arguing circles or squashed circles to be a smarty pants. These opinion are very important to visual learners. Some group tins do anything they can visualize; these group must be made aware that the golf club does not swing in a circle, constantly entity pulled outward. First and hordes important, this is not what is happening, and assistant it is not the picture you indigence in your mind. Remember, if centrifugal resolve were a true force, and you really swung the club centrifugally, then if the club summit flew off during your swing (based on centrifugal force) it would fly directly away from you. For pattern if it flew off advantage at effect it would flight benefit into the ground. Now anyone who has ever had a club rosh fly off at impressing knows that it does no such thing, it in deed flies out in front of you, down the purposes line. Why does it do this? It does this because the bravery you are usage to the golf globe is tangential force, not centrifugal force. Simply put an article coasting in an arc evidence farewell the arc on a line tangent to the arc. This stipulation that tangential bravery will proceeding the ball, or the club head if it flies off, directly down your queue of play. So it has taken me a while to get there, but what this provisos to you is that you only have to apply tangential decision to the ball, definition bins it flush in the back and the sky will travel forward. Your stipulation is to apply this striker initiatives to the ball. The blades opinion is to apply path and spin to the ball.
If you learn nothing else from this article, please learn that the golf club is designed so that you only need to apply that one force. You type the zone go forward; the golf club will do the rest. That is why you have 14 racquet to choose from; sometimes you poverty the firmament to go higher, sometimes lower. The club testament revenue dealing of trajectory, spin and distance; all you do is apply the force.   For the amount part, on full blow you apply the same firmness for a driver as you do for a seven iron. They go different distances and fly different trajectories, but you have done nothing, but apply the same permanence to the back of the ball. That brings ourselves to beating the orb flush. To makes the orb fly heterosexual you must outline the orbits directly in the back of the ball, generally near the equator of the ball. If you pondering closely your golf clubs, you evidence notice that when you putt the putter testament plot the waistband directly on the equator. If you television it below the equator the domain will loft in the air and if you bins above the equator you evidence pinch it against the nation and it strength hop a little. If you have read any laying books you permanence have been taught to forward press your putter (meaning fondness your putter crankshaft forward of the propeller and ball). The opinion some teach this is because putters like all cudgel have loft and if you sole your putter with your flippers directly in line with the paradise and the head of the putter you will punch the area slightly below the equator and the orb testament loft in the air. Keep in skulls that the putter was designed to do just that, television the sphere up into the shred slightly and then cob out. Some instructor do not like this impression on slick greens, so they advise the forward press with the hands; this profits loft off of the putter allowing your caress to catch the paradise directly in the back, on the equator.
When you clip the area directly in the back you will impart maximum striker momentum. This is true in arranging and it is true with every club in the bag, so if you know your items is to punch the field in the back, and you know that with the club perfectly soled with your hands in line with the sky you testament contact the sky under the equator. Your items with crowd bat is to apply maximum resolve to the domain so you burden to plot the equator, if you liaison below the equator your shot evidence fly higher and shorter than you desire. Therefore it is common brains that at effect your hands and the grip endings of the club must lead the club vertex past the ball. Remember to outline the equator of the orbits with the sweet grounds of the club the loft must be turned down! Meaning hands ahead with a falling blow.
For more about https://golfuniversityau.com/product-category/clubs/
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c-valentino · 7 years
Clipped Wings
Fandom: All For the Game - Nora Sakavic
Rating: M
Riko Moriyama/Kevin Day, Neil Josten, Ichirou Moriyama, Andrew Minyard
Graphic Depictions of Violence, AU
Riko Moriyama survives the meeting of Neil and his brother after the Raven’s lost game - but at what price?   Kevin would never accept that some people declared a life not worth living anymore - least of all the young man he had grown up with. 
Chapter One - Broken crown
“Riko Moriyama is Not suicidal”, Kevin Day said with conviction.
“Well, seems he is”, Matt answered, “Did you seen his interview? He stepped down. Looked like a ghost.”
Last week, the Ravens had made it public: Riko Moriyama was stepping down as team captain and leaving the Ravens. All hell had broken loose on social media. Watching the interview had made Kevin’s skin crawl, but he had spoken to no one about it. His own team was still celebrating their well-deserved victory and Neil’s freedom.
This evening, the Exy sports community had held its breath when the news about Riko Moriyama’s suicide attempt had gone viral. The young striker had been found near death after OD’ing. Riko Moriyama doesn’t do drugs, Kevin thought bitterly. Something was very wrong here.
A week ago
Tetsuji stood up and left the room after Neil had entered, only Riko was left behind sitting on a couch, the white of his cast poking out from under his sleeve. Neil looked at it with satisfaction.
“You have cost the Ravens their coach. Are you satisfied?” Ichirou was facing him, observing him, and Neil felt a cold shiver running down his spine. He straightened and turned his gaze away from Riko.
“Your people are safe, as are mine. Yes, I’m satisfied.” How someone could smile as coldly as this man, Neil couldn’t comprehend, yet it came so easily, so naturally to this man.
“Let them call you by whatever name they like. You will always be a Wesninski at heart.” Ichirou gestured to Neil, beckoning him closer and he obeyed. "This situation requires a clean slate. " Ichirou stepped over to his little brother who didn't realized it at first and then looked up in utter bewilderment. "Get up," Ichirou ordered and Riko stood, head lowered. "I'm sure you've realized that words from my brother mean precious little," the older Moriyama addressed Neil without facing him.
"You are right about that…,” the backliner had to agree. The whole situation was a little unnerving for him. Riko, who had usually something to say, was as silent as a grave.
“I usually am,” the mobster said in a quiet, thoughtful voice that revealed that he had already moved on to other matters. “Now, let’s get this out of the way.” He grabbed Riko by the back of his neck and shoved him forward. The younger Moriyama stumbled two steps in Neil’s direction but didn’t utter any sound of protest. “謝れ,” Ichirou told him in that same quiet voice. Neil kept looking between them, but then it was Riko who lowered his head again, this time in front of him. “もっと,” his brother ordered him. The younger Moriyama gritted his teeth, then bowed, actually bowed, in front of Neil.
“I apologize,” he said, and Neil could hear how much that had cost him. The backliner looked questioningly at Ichirou, asking himself if this should mean anything to him. Yes, it was unexpected, but an apology hardly cut it in this kind of situation.
“You seem unsatisfied,” the crime lord observed.
“I didn’t say that,” Neil replied, remembering his place. He looked back at Riko, who had straightened again but refused to meet his gaze.
“You didn’t have to. And why shouldn’t you be? I hear my brother took care of you last Christmas.” Neil only nodded. “Did he show you his favorite knife?” Neil’s thought he could feel his scars burn as that memory was dragged out of him again by the man’s cold voice.
“He did,” he replied, fighting to keep his voice even. Riko didn’t react.
“I thought he might. It was a gift from your father, actually.” Neil narrowed his eyes at that. Ichirou held one hand up and one of his men stepped forward to hand him the very knife Neil had last seen at Castle Evermore. It was definitely the same one; he’d have recognized it anywhere. Ichirou faced his brother and handed him the knife. For an absurd moment Neil imagined the striker using it to attack him or his brother, but Riko hesitated before he took it, then stood there like a mannequin. The firstborn son spoke in a low and commanding voice to him. Neil couldn’t understand anything he said. He had never learned Japanese. Whatever Ichirou said though, it made Riko’s eyes widen and the color drain from his face.
It took him a while, and then, after forcing a few breaths in and out of his lungs, Riko muttered a single, hoarse, “No.”  It sounded almost pleadingly in Neil’s ears. The older brother huffed in disgust. He took the knife back and Riko gave it up without resistance.
“I’ve told my brother that he could choose one of his fingers to cut off. It seems though that he is too weak to go through with it.” Too weak, Neil thought, or just not stupid enough? He wouldn’t do it in Riko’s place. “Now, since he is a fool, he just lost his right to choose. So why don’t you do it for him?” The man offered the knife to Neil instead.
“What?” The young backliner just stared at it, unable to comprehend for a second.
“Cut his finger off.” It wasn’t an offer, nor was it a request. It was an order. Neil’s eyes switched between the knife and Riko. The young striker looked absolutely horrified but still didn’t protest. Neil had always guessed that his family wasn’t the only dysfunctional one; now he knew it for sure. Slowly, he reached for the offered knife. He deserved it, he thought bitterly, Riko fucking deserved it. Not only for what he had done last Christmas. He deserved it for Seth, for Jean, for Kevin, and most of all for Andrew.
“You know what?” he hissed at Riko, “One wouldn’t be enough.” He meant it to be intimidating.
“In that case, go ahead. Take all of them, if you like.” Whatever plea had crawled up Riko’s throat when hearing his brother’s words died and turned into a choking sound instead.
“You fucking deserve this,” Neil hissed in a low voice as he stepped right in front of the self-claimed King of Exy. “I should take your thumbs. Let’s see how you are going to hold a racquet then. I should ruin you hand, like you did with Kevin.” He practically spat his friend’s name at the young man in front of him. He waited for Riko to defend himself, to attack him, to try to run away; but none of that was forthcoming. The young man just stood there right in front of him, terrified.
“Don’t do this,” Riko whispered, his voice thick with fear. “Don’t take them, please!”
“Did you make Kevin beg too?”
“Did you make him beg?” Neil suddenly screamed.
“No, I didn’t,” Riko gritted out, and the young backliner was right in his face, gripping the knife until his knuckles turned white.
“What about your pet doctor Frankenstein? Did he make Andrew beg? Huh? When he drugged him, when he fucking tortured him, touched him, humiliated him, did he make him beg?”
“I don’t know,” Riko whispered and swallowed hard when his voice started to fade.
“Why should I believe you?”
“Nathaniel, I swear—“
“Don’t call me that!” And suddenly the knife was at Riko’s throat. He hadn’t even realized it. But there it was, his own hand holding it to that pale neck. “You might not get it, but not all of us beg for our father’s approval. —Not like you’d ever understand.” Riko just closed his eyes and and forced one deep breath in and out of his lungs.
“You know… Since you enjoyed inking me so much, why don’t you let me show you what I think would be perfect for you?” Neil asked, his tone carefully stripped of all emotion. He grabbed the young Moriyama by the hair, then pressed the tip of the knife into his skin, right next to the tattooed I on his cheek. He cut downwards diagonally, slicing the smooth skin deep enough that it would leave a scar. Blood was running down Riko’s cheek, the red a harsh contrast to his pale skin. The striker was taking harsh breaths now, his eyes clenched shut, his tightly clenched fists trembling at his sides. He was shaking with the restraint it took him not to bolt or attack Neil in this situation. The consequence of either would be fatal.
Neil took the knife away and admired his handiwork. He felt strangely detached from the whole situation, as if he was watching himself. He had cut a ∤ into the young Moriyama’s cheek. ‘Does not divide’ —he couldn’t think of anything more accurate. Riko would never come between him and any of his friends ever again. He wouldn’t let him.
“You would have made your father proud,” Ichirou said from behind him and Neil’s shoulders stiffen. He yanked Riko’s head back viciously and let go of him.
“Maybe. That’s the last thing I want though,” Neil answered, then turned around. He handed the knife back to the mobster, offering him the hilt first, while holding on to the bloody blade. Ichirou accepted it, then cocked his head in question. “I won’t cut his fingers off. I want to crush him on the court.” It was his chosen battleground in this crazy world of criminals. It was where he actually could fight and beat them.
“Oh, I’m afraid you won’t get that chance again. You see, my brother is retiring tonight.”
“Retiring?” Neil couldn’t believe it. First Tetsuji, now Riko.
“He will never play Exy again.” Neil didn’t dare to turn around and look at Riko at that moment. He didn’t want to see what that sentence had done to the young man. Never play Exy again? Unthinkable. Exy was the air they breathed. Exy was what they lived for; he, Kevin and Riko. Someone had cut them from the same cloth before they were born.
“May I go now?” he requested. He needed to get out of here. He had gotten what he had always wanted; his freedom. He couldn’t wait to get home, to go to sleep and wake up the next morning, knowing he was a free man. It was such a foreign concept to him.
“You may,” Ichirou dismissed him. Neil lowered his head respectfully, then turned on his heels to leave the room. Behind him he could hear the mobster giving orders in his ice cold tone again. His two men stepped forward and grabbed Riko by the shoulders and hands, straightening his fingers.
“Ichirou,” Riko pleaded weakly. It took two men to hold him down while his brother raised the knife and cut along the fingers of his outstretched hand, deep enough to bare the white of bones, slicing through nerves and tendons of all four fingers. Blood was gushing from the wounds in a red river down Riko’s arm, dripping to the floor and staining the carpet, while one of the men bent his fingers back until the bones almost snapped and splintered. The older Moriyama didn’t cut his brother’s finger off. He just made sure Riko would never regain the feeling in them again, would never regain their full motor-function, or hold a racquet tightly enough to step onto the court. His brother would never play again. The young King of Exy was screaming by then; in horror, in despair, in pain —Neil didn’t know, but the sound from behind the closing door chilled him to the bone, would never leave him ever again.
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paoulkaye-blog · 7 years
Redemption in 8 Bits
                I’ve mentioned before how I have been a Mega Man fan ever since I’ve been able to pick up an NES controller. If you missed it, hey, brief recap: I’m a fan of a game series by Capcom that stars a blue robot who jumps and shoots other robots and acquires their powers to stop a mad scientist. And I’ll tell you, it’s been a difficult time for me and fellow fans of the series.
                We used to be spoiled for choice in Mega Man. There was Classic, X, Battle Network, Zero, ZX, Legends, and Star Force. We’d get one, maybe even two games a year. Mega Man used to be more common than Call of Duty. And I’m not going to say it was always quality stuff, and personally I had no use for Star Force at all, but they were all fun to play and spoke to the nostalgia of my youth.
                But that’s a time long past now. Capcom decided to bury my favorite Video Game character for various reasons, and managed to completely piss off the fans as they did so. I’ve never seen a company treat an intellectual property like this, and I am anxious for the future because the only news about Mega Man I have seen is in a cartoon show made by Man of Action (the guys who are doing the current rendition of Ben 10), and last I heard they were looking for writers familiar with the series.
                So my confidence in that isn’t high, is what I’m saying.
                So, I am a Mega Man fan in what is, for the time being, a post-Mega Man world. Sure, it turns up now and again as a cameo or as a reference or a character in one of Capcom’s bland and increasingly vanilla-flavored fighting games, but I have serious doubts that I’ll ever be able to play a seriously produced, well-crafted game with the title ‘Mega Man’ in it ever again. So what do I do to get my 2-dimensional jump and shoot itch scratched?
                Sure, there are fan-games and indie projects. 20XX comes to mind, a rouge-like take on the mechanics and aesthetic of Mega Man X that plays pretty well. Other projects, like a total Doom conversion called Mega Man 8 Bit Death Match, offer a loving homage to the series while also having some fun with the characters, weapons, and formula. Keiji Inafune even formed his own company after his split from Capcom to create a new Mega Man style game from scratch called Mighty No. 9, which was a ridiculous Kickstarter success that faced delays and disappointment and sort of left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.
                But for sure, it was important for an official, known quantity to enter something into the conversation to lift the spirits of disheartened fans. Enter Inti-Creates. These guys did a lot of the work on the Mega Man Zero series, four games that are among the hardest the Game Boy Advanced ever offered, and a wonderful progression of the story and mechanics of Mega Man X. They also put together Mega Man ZX, an open-world platformer that followed the Zero series and built even further on it. With Capcom’s edict to put Mega Man into seeming retirement, Inti-Creates took it upon themselves to create something new, and yet familiar.
                Azure Striker Gunvolt has an obvious family history. It looks and plays like Zero and ZX, but tweaks mechanics like dealing and taking damage and the way you engage with opponents that put a fresh coat of paint of gameplay basics older than I am. It had a deep story, an interesting world and aesthetic, and really did help fill that particular gap. As a bonus, Inti-Creates would also create Mighty Gunvolt, a crossover between their new hero and Inafune’s Beck from Mighty No. 9, presented as an 8-bit adventure in the most classic of styles.
                It was a short game, maybe an hour or less from start to finish, but it felt perfect to me. Beck in Mighty Gunvolt is the perfect emulation of the classic Mega Man, with a few mechanics tacked-on from his lackluster debut. After a Gunvolt sequel, Inti-Creates also went back and remade an old NES hidden gem called Master Blaster. Master Blaster Zero was an excellent dip in a different kind of nostalgia pool, and through the magic of DLC, they went back and added in a full game mode for playing other characters through that story. I actually beat Master Blaster Zero for the first time playing as Gunvolt, who’s skill set can come off as over-powered if you’re careful with your energy management.
                Fast forward to this week, when a game I’ve actually been waiting for since I heard about it came along: Mighty Gunvolt Burst. A sequel to a one-off bonus game. Another hour-ish romp through nostalgia land, right?
                Except, no, it was way more. After an hour of play, I hadn’t even played more than three stages. Along with a full complement of Mega Man-style gameplay, complete with an intro stage, eight themed boss stages, and four full end-game levels (including the classic boss rush, mirror boss, and final boss rolled into one grueling finale), Mighty Gunvolt Burst would feature the return of the two titular characters. Beck feels great to play, absent his ridiculous xel-absorbtion dash-through-enemies thing which was counter-intuitive as hell for me as a long time Mega Man player. The only thing missing was stealing a weapon from your fallen foes, but…
                Well, Mighty Gunvolt Burst features the deepest, craziest customization system I have ever seen for a 2D side scrolling shooter. You unlock options in the customizer, as well as expand the number of points you can spend in it, by acquiring items hidden through the levels, and being able to choose a select reward whenever you clear a stage (three per stage, so you have to play through the game virtually 3 times to unlock everything, minimum.). Once you have a wealth of options and custom points, you can literally design anything.
                Do you want lightning balls that bounce and explode? Or to machine-gun knives in any direction? What about a spinning barrier of ice blocks that shatter into smaller blocks on impact with an enemy? Homing missiles that corner on a dime and explode five times? Spinning blades that bounce off walls and slice through enemies? Charge shots that cover the room in homing fireballs that congregate around an enemy and burn them to ashes? Or maybe just one big regular shot that just does a crap-ton of damage? You got it. All of it.
                Classic Mega Man would give you a weapon that worked really well against another boss. This game gives you an element that does more damage to a certain boss, yes, but how you deliver that is entirely up to you. The depth of this infinitely increased the replay value for me. I love trying crazy combinations to see what I can come up with. And there’s a challenge in coming up with the best way to hit certain bosses. Every boss in the game from the first eight stages hails from Mighty No. 9, and this game is a glorious representation of what that game could, and maybe should, have been.
                Inti-Creates knows what the hell they are doing with Mega Man-like things, and I’m thrilled that they’ve seen fit to fill that now-vacant market. They’ve mentioned releasing more character for Mighty Gunvolt Burst in the future, and I am totally down for that. This game? More of this, please. More of this until I am dead. Please. Thanks for reading.
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 9 months
predictions for next nu carnival character maybe?
so when the devs released the new PV, one of their tweets also mentioned a new member. a lot of people are hoping its another bottom. a lot of people are also hoping for a hairy bara bottom, but i think olivine and morvay are the bare(ha) minimum closest we'll get to it.
We have 3 human love interests and 7 nonhuman love interests, of which 3 are yokai. it would be nice to have another human love interest, although if he was nonhuman, it would be nice to have him not a yokai or not ambiguous like rei & quincy. Of the love interests, we also have 1 obvious extrovert (blade), a half extrovert (garu/karu), 2 possible ambiverts (olivine & dante), and everyone else is a very likely an introvert. can we get a bottom thats actually extroverted? We also only have 1 guy from the Fire territory, and no one from Dark territory. (Technically we don't know where Rei is from, and Blade & Garu don't originate in the Dead Zone, we just found them there).
Other missing characteristics: anyways, then i remembered that a lot of people call Rei as kuya if he was a bottom, and Dante as edmond if he was a top, and i personally see blade and garu as bottom/top comparisons of each other. which means yakumo and olivine are the only ones who don't have a "opposite role" version. obviously, olivine's already a bottom, so that means i'm guessing we'd get a bottom version of yakumo. so like an anxious, borderline yandere service bottom? Also, except for Olivine (and Morvay) all the bottoms are fairly vanilla (yes Rei's a power bottom, but i don't think he's kinky). A yandere bottom might be an even bigger masochist than Morvay/Olivine. Although if we take out the anxious part, and Rin became a bottom clan member, then we'd get the yandere bottom xD
Battle or plot-wise, I think the only thing we're missing is a good tank other than morvay. (Seriously, none of the SSR guardians beat SR morvay at the moment. There are reviews that say Rainy Rei is better, buuut he's an limited event SSR whereas everyone gets morvay from the beginning). Alternatively, Rei's low rarity units were all sabateurs when previously it was only Kuya. Currently, Olivine and Yakumo are the only support and healer low rarity units, so I suspect any new members might be a healer or support. (Honestly we don't need any more low rarity strikers).
As for "jobs"/plot archetype of the love interests, we have the chef/healer, the priest/teacher/healer, the knight/security, 2 kinda ancient magic users, 2 hand combat fighters, a royalty, and a scientist. 4 of them personally knew Huey (+Aster&Morvay, although Garu might have been kidnapped by Huey?). If I think in terms of D&D/other fantasy "roles", we have a lot of the combat/royalty/healer roles fulfilled, and Aster/Morvay fulfills the trade roles. So maybe an entertainer (i.e. Bard, Jester, etc)? And because NU: Carnival is NU:Carnival and they had the guts to put Morvay in a gloryhole room, i'm thinking an actual sex worker. And since sex/essence regulation is a key part of this universe, he can still be plot relevant. Also, that way we can finally have another experienced kinky character that could be an extroverted service bottom. It's only in a porn gacha game that revolves around sex, would we be able to find a sex worker as a useful role. Please utilize this opportunity! Especially since your protagonist worked at a sex toy company.
Sooo piecing all this info together, i'm hoping we get a bottom, who is mostly human, extroverted but possibly anxious, possibly kind of yandere, a sex worker, from either the Dark or Fire territory, and is another tank, healer, or support.
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jewelwriter · 4 years
My Two Coins:  Value Insulted
Disclaimer: "My Two Coins" are to be read as such, someone's two coins about the topic at hand. IF at any point you disagree with it or agree, remember they are just my coins about said topic and the value you have of it will differ from my own because of religion, upbringing, beliefs, and logic based on your own experiences. Do not assume my coins are the international equivalent for it may be considered of a lesser value in the bank of public exchange. Thank you.
Are you people sane anymore?  I really want to know since this is where I know this is getting close to ea and is in the realm of Bethesta.  Whom am I getting at?  Game Freak and Pokemon Company.  I think an introduction is in order. Welcome ladies and gentlemen of all ages. You've found a wild Jewelwriter.
And recently, we gotten news of BOTH Pokemon's Expansions (Frozen Tundra and the Isle of Armor.) and details of Pokemon home.  Allow me to explain this stuff to people who have been out of the loop or have held on for some good news. First going with the newest one. Pokemon Home has this kind of line up (Down below)
Home {=} Sword and Shield
Meaning you can transfer Pokemon too and fro from Pokemon Home to Shill and Slop (YES I said it, NO I won't take it back, you know I got opinions, or did you forget the warning label up front?) No problems there.
Home {=- Let's GO Eevee/Let's GO Pikachu
Meaning Pokemon you get in this game are likely going to never come back if they ever step a toe inside Galar.  Though as long as they don't they can jump back and forth between this and Let's Go.  Kind of a painful roll but then again I didn't by Let's Troll.
Home {= Bank (Generations 6 and 7.)
You'll need the Premium (Paid Plan) and in return...you'll be paying the tickets for any Pokemon you sent into Bank to NEVER return to Pokemon of the past generations, likely giving nerfs to them, and having their intelligence and power subtracted...if they can get into the games at all.  (There's more but I'll hold... until the ^ shows up.)
Home {= GO
There's not a word on this yet officially but Go might suffer the same as the Let's Go games at best.
Now we get into the features of Home.
The Wonder Box (iOS) is wonder trading without any big set up and can only be done... ON the application iOS variant.  (that's right, there's a switch one but I'll signal which is which as we go on.)  It'll allow you to trade for random Pokemon at the expense of having your Pokemon sent to whomever it can be at the other end of the world.  In the free variant you can trade as many Pokemon as there are heads on a Dodrio.  If you paid up for the bigger services, you'll be able to do add two more Dodrio and a Pidgeot to make that many heads as there are Pokemon you are allowed to trade.
Global Trade System (iOS) allows you to trade Pokemon for Pokemon with the exact things you need.  This normally means you were seeing legendary and mythic Pokemon being asked for ...at the prices ranging from other legendary creatures that are impossibles like a male Chansey or something at level 100 which is kind of specific but then again I can only imagine how chaotic this'll be.  By the buy... if you got the free variant, you can only get as many as a diglett face showing.  With the paid service, it's like that diglett evolved into dugtrio.
Room Trade (iOS) is a special room that'll allow you to trade with up to 20 people in a special “Wonder Room” where you won't know what you get until you start trading. If you are a free player you can only get into the rooms but paying up allows you to host such trolling houses.
Friend Trade (iOS) … seeing a pattern yet?  Anyhow this is where you can direct trade AND see what you are getting into.  Only difference is you can't use this under the age of 16.  (a thing understandable...to a point.)
National PokeDex (iOS & Switch) … FINALLY something found that belongs to both.  Anyhow, You can access the national dex in both and can filter things to find what is desired.  BUT... and here's the big one.  If you run the iOS variant, you'll get details like list by abilities, Moves, and maybe more.
Mystery Gifts (iOS) are special gifts for either Stuffing and Slime or for online which can be stuffed into a box.  Be sure you have the Best OS since some details won't happen.
Judge (iOS & Switch) ever wondered what your Pokemon's IV count is well this is where you can do it. Though if anything you can do it in the game too if I recall. JUST... you'll be able to do this if you paid for it.  YEP, it's a premium service if you want to do it in Home.
Room (iOS) This is where you can decorate a spot and fill it up with stickers...especially after doing certain tasks which might reward someone with more than that.
News (iOS)  You'll be updated on the battles that distributions, gifts and more in this variant.
Battle Data (iOS) This can let you see how the competition is doing.  Using certain Pokemon, seeing which are at the top, and more.  Though this won't be on release day...likely next month.
Home Points (iOS) by inserting and extracting Pokemon you can gain Home points to trans fer into BP (Battle Points.)  Screenshots provided... the exchange rate is (and I can be wrong.) is 30 points PER Battle Point.
Now that the features are out, how about storage and the differences of price?
With Pokemon Home's “FREE” system you can only...
Store a box of Pokemon (thirty), send three Pokemon through wonder trade, get one Pokemon worked on in the Global Trade System, Partake only in other's Rooms of trading, and can't judge a Pokemon online.
^Meanwhile on the “Premium” version of the system...
You can have two hundred times as many storage boxes (six thousand); which is double Bank's (btw, you'll need this to take Pokemon out of bank.), Wonder trade ten Pokemon, go for three Pokmon in the GTS at once, host and enter the rooms of trading, and judge a Pokemon.  Also this is where you can take Pokemon from Bank to home.
AND after hearing all this you are wondering the price.  Well let me set it up for you. (NOTE: this is all in United States currency.  Your prices may differ so please use the exchange rate to find this value in your homeland.  Also I added 1 penny since it makes it easier to figure out.)
There's three flavors to pick from.
The Monthly munch, a tiny but pricey three dollars.  If you are wondering why this is the pricey one. Paying this twelve months straight will lead to you losing thirty-six dollars a year.
Next is the Seasonal slurp, it's a bit higher but at the same price as the bank you get three months of this powerful 'service'.  And adding it all up to a year that's about the price of one year of Nintendo Switch Online Pass.  (though trust me that has a lot more value than what is given credit for by many, even if it can be better compared to what is next is a god sent.)
And finally the Yearly YUM!  For one year you get all this for the price of sixteen dollars a year. NOW keep in mind what I said before but also are paying for.  At worst... it's forty-one per year and at best it is twenty-one dollars yearly.  Why the price hike?  You'll need bank in order to use it fully if you aren't trying to use the DLCs (which are coming up.) for this service.  Which might work if you had to keep in mind that if you leave someone behind, you might lose them if you don't fork over the coin.
Now I can hear people saying this: “It's a service, they have to make money in some method.”
Thing is, it was free in the past and they are also the LARGEST franchise in existence.  And yet the small team split their focus and… fudged everything after their failure for fudging up every bit of this game.  Graphical fails, animation fails, interaction drops to barely petting them.  For what?  Empty Story that refused to allow you to go see what's going on and just allow you to see the next gym; a wild “area” that is as barren as get out with barely any real life with bad graphics, barely a lot of Pokemon or people for that matter, and wonky weather systems that can be as random as dice, and you're Safari Zoned since you can't catch a Pokemon over your skill level; EXP love for everyone... NO matter what; and the most BROKEN GAME MECHANIC that ever existed.  And yet...that's not all.  It's time to see about the Island of Armor and the Frozen Tundra!
The Island of Armor is able to allow the following.
You get a new location that is likely more of a wild area as far as seen in the tropics to the west side of the region, you'll gain a new Pokemon Kubfu and it can evolve into Urshifu which can become Water/Fighting (Rapid Striker) or Dark/Fighter (One Striker) the Power to evolve the starters to be the drum machine with party hair, Goku riding a Flaming Jynn that is enough to gulp a mansion, and double zero seven now becoming the role of TF2's Snipper, new LOOT to allow one to do more than ever before, Move tutors... which is a bit of a requirement FOR competition play, and restricted battle play which probably is a problem since we don't know how it is restricted in 'sparring'.
As far as story content, you'll end up encountering Leon's teacher (when did this get hinted at?), Mustard who has an apprentice too who is aiming to craft a gym of their own. Though it'll be based on which version you roll with. (Klara for the blade wielders, Avery for the shield barriers.)  This is so far all we got with this.
Now for the Frozen Tundra's gifts to the world.
You get a new location that is far FAR south in the world that is also in a wild area (Is that the south pole of Pokemon?  Seriously?  I really wanna know.) so you'll be tasked with exploring this chilly place, a Mythical/Legendary by the name of Calyrex which looks like a fusion dance of Sawsbuck or Stantler and Celebi and it kind of went south, and... just a Co-op Mode to explore a certain space which probably isn't safe since mythicals are said to be in those spaces.
Now for the NEW stuff both got.
New regional forms (*looking to her personal project.*  Gahhhh!!!!  I got more to do?!?), Pokemon of the past rejoining the battle (*Hearing #BringBackNationalDex cheers*)...but not all of them sadly (*Hearing #BringBackNationalDex boo hard*) for now, New Pokedexes, New attire to wear for all you fashion fowls to wear, and new Dynamax/Gigantamax battles to be ready for in the Max Raid Rumbles.
More information will be sent out but keep this in mind that so far they have proven that they CLEARLY removed this since it was MONTHS since the release and already releasing new stuff just to revive their LOST content that was in the base.
“BUT Smash has this kind of stuff too and you didn't complain.  In fact, you're likely buying that stupid game's second pass while hating on this game that is giving you more!”
Very cute but wrong.  Let me explain why I was saying that.
Super Smash Brothers has made clear what they are doing, and even announced that they are adding more but will take time to do it since it might not be out in time for launch and they took care to balance it to work with the fighters ALREADY in the game which have old and new faces and returning heroes.  They shown they CARE for their community and even at times troll them. (...I got hate hammers for two in direct range: Incenaroar, and K.Rool.)  And they have made the passes more fair than buying them one by one.  So far each character is six dollars if you go solo and together they were twenty-five dollars together which cuts a dollar off of each.  With the second one it can be the same and it'll be worth it since the full game already has a lot of heroes, villains, and copies to pick from.  Clearly Super Smash Brothers Ultimate will be one of the largest fighting/party game line ups in video game history! 
Pokemon Sucker and Pokemon Snot meanwhile... was able to lie about what was going into the game, they have shown quality drops year after year in an attempt to get more money with not only making their games almost so far that competitive players are paying out the @$$ but heaven help the completionist that wants to get it all for the price of each of these games that have added up.  The total of all the Generation eight content has so far hit four-hundred and twenty-one dollars and this is using the price of having it all for at least the entire year.
“HEY!  Don't forget the Nintendo Switch Online stuff since you are having to use that in order to get the Pokemon for free if you aren't going to by the-.”
STOP right there!  STOP right there you piece of ignorance.  Nintendo's online service has problems but in NO instance is that a part of Pokemon since they did offer you the power to trade and play against others on it's own, and UNTIL that price is shown the this price can be higher and trying to say that the Nintendo Online Service is it then sorry but that has more things to do than just Pokemon and thus THIS will not be added.  Period and Exclamation POINT!
Now back on topic, and getting near the end folks...how it is @$$ that a system that has so called more power, more pixels, and more controls than the 3DS is able to give less Pokemon, less interaction, less story, and less post game than what was given on generation six which was the most insulted of all next to generation five.  I can't help but feel this is the true greed of Game Freak, of Pokemon...and it's disgusting to the very bleeping bone.  I will never buy that trash, I'll never put it into my switch, and if anyone even thinks of getting me that game it will go right into the nearest GameStop and I'll be getting coin off of your stupidity because I rather not own something that I would not even feed a Trubbish with.
I rather be playing a mobile game than ever touch that Cr@P willingly.  And I have no love, respect, or heart to give for someone defending all of those practices, all of the things removed to be put into pieces of other things... and think they should be called a gamer.  So help me I rather break your game karts of that sh!t so it never enters the hands of someone naive again.  Maybe I should use them, erase their contents and put a BETTER game in it's place, especially if they aren't going to fix the version they flipped up.
BUT... since this is the internet, I know someone's got something to say about this that I'll be likely arguing over but then again this is where I know I'll get it.  So as a believer of what I feel, COME AT ME!!! in commentary down below As for me... this wild one runs away to get a shower in to cool off.  F@<K you Game FrEAk!
0 notes
cathedralreims · 6 years
Daisy Daisy: Chapter IV
Read previous parts here. 
As soon as they landed, the Knight brandished his shield in front of him, softening the impact between him and the Serpent's heavy tail. Two stood alone in the midst as the Knight was flung backwards into the undergrowth and as the Knight rushed forward to protect him, he saw the Serpent open its mouth and go in for the kill of the weaker member that the immediate threat has been disabled. 
Only to find itself repelled by several blue balls of light summoned by no other than Two himself, though they seemed to almost dissolve by the time they reached the Serpent. Still, it provided ample time. The Knight came to a sudden stop besides him, his eyebrows piqued in appreciation. Two merely grinned in return.
However, the moment of reprieve soon ended and the action resumed once again. The Serpent's sulfur eyes narrowed in annoyance; its initial attempt to eliminate a new specimen was thwarted. Only Knights were courageous enough to navigate their way through the Betwixt Forest, and every one of them had the foolishness that caused their predecessors to die. This knight was different, so it seemed.
The Serpent slammed its tail between the two, forcing them to separate. Two stayed on the sidelines, casting spells from afar while the Knight weaved in and out through its serpentine body like a silver needle, slashing and hacking at its scaly green hide, but the blade of his sword merely scratched it. Killing the Serpent, however, was merely a bonus; out of the corner of his eyes, the Knight saw Two slip behind the Serpent in search of the Sunlight Ring.
The Knight tried to roll away from another assault, but the Serpent was quicker; it spat a blob of poison at his direction, corroding through his armor and burning his skin, leaving a nasty red burn on his leg. He stayed his ground, for if he scrambled back, the Serpent would surely notice the ruse.
He staggered to his feet, and ignored the pain running down his leg and the blurs in his vision. He saw the Sunlight Ring gleam brilliantly, perched high on top of the tree with Two trying to reach it with his short arms. Briefly, the Knight wondered why he couldn't use magic to levitate it down, and then he realized that all royal rings were enchanted.
He dodged yet another attack, but he could feel his reflexes degenerate. Soon, he would be paralyzed. This poorly conceived plan needed revision; the Knight needed another hand to defeat the Serpent. He yelled at Two to come down and help him, but his voice was drowned out by the sounds of broken earth and Two's concentration. Frustrated, the Knight tried to formulate a plan with the little time he had left, and decided on a regretfully crude one.
With the last vestiges of his strength, the Knight sprinted towards Two's location, positioning himself so the Serpent was directly in front of the tree. He stood there, wavering for a moment, and jumped just in time for the monster to slam its tail against the ground again. The reverberations shook the tree, Two, and the Sunlight Ring, causing them to crash onto the ground. The Knight also collapsed to the ground, his face pale and his veins colored a sickly purple.
As he laid down on the ground, he saw Two stumble up, scratch his head, before rushing to his side with the tip of his wand glowing as he casted a protection spell around them. Immediately after that, he focused his attention on the Knight's leg.
"My God. What have you been doing?" said Two.
"Trying to be a knight in shining armor," he mumbled.
"Hmp. You've done enough, both in action and damage. Hold still."
The Knight did as he was told as an uncomfortable warmth surged through his body. Outside the protection field, he saw the Serpent repeatedly bang on the bubble. He then slid his eyes towards Two's concentrated face, where beads of sweat rolled down his face like a waterfall.
"Are you able to stand up without any help?"
The answer was no; the Knight's legs wobbled and collapsed as soon as he attempted. This elicited a weary sigh from Two and he waved his wand over him. An emerald-colored circle inscribed itself on the ground beneath the Knight, filling him with renewed vigor. He found the strength to lift himself up and his sword felt comfortable in his hands. He smiled at Two in appreciation, before the mage also collapsed to the ground.
At the exact moment, the force field burst. The Knight dragged Two's limp body and placed him next to the fallen tree before charging towards the Serpent.
Left. Right. Forward. Back. Everything felt light, as if he was wearing silk instead of silver plated armor. Every swing was imbued with a purpose and every cut made was one more step towards defeating the Serpent. He ducked under a poison blob and swung his sword left, cutting the first sizable chunk from its hide. Black blood boiled from its wound like tar and its scream was glorious to hear.
The Knight tried to ward the Serpent away from Two, who he hoped was unaffected by the spoils of war. He lured the Serpent to the other side of the arena, and continued from there.
He rolled away from another attack, taking care of avoiding the steaming spots of acid created from the Serpent's poison. Noxious fumes filled the air, along with chunks of dirt that dislodged themselves from the ground with every movement of the monster. The Knight took cover behind the surrounding forest, where the spaces were too narrow for it to cross, while wondering what he should do with the limited amount of time Two gave him.
He lifted his helmet onto the ground and unchained the lantern around his waist, deciding that lightening his equipment load would be a good choice. What else? His bag was still on his back and quickly, he sorted out the items for anything useful. Crushed food, a bundle of tangled string, and a fire striker: a piece of rock coupled with high carbon steel.
The Knight knew that the Serpent's hide was capable of being cut, though that was immediately after Two casted a buff on him, the effects of which were slowly dwindling away. The Serpent's movements became more erratic the more blood poured out; he gripped the firm earth so to prevent his body from thumping on the ground. There was a chance that the Knight could turn this into a battle of attrition, but he knew that he would lose.
As much as it pained him to think, he could not fight the Serpent head on. All living things have a weakness; what was its?
The Serpent didn't seem to have any blind spots, even when he was completely behind it. Vibrations probably composed part of its vision, most likely. What else? Its hearing seemed to be perfectly in tune... Perhaps its scales? Every time his sword collided with them, a hollow, tinny sound was produced. Malleable? They moved with every twist and turn. As of now, the scales fit all the criteria for metal.
He looked at the rock and steel. Could it be possible...?
Why yes, yes it can.
Carelessly, the Knight lit the piece of steel on fire and placed it next to the nearest tree, watching it getting engulfed in flames and the sparks dancing from leaf to leaf. He scrambled from section to section, lighting a few trees on fire to encircle the Serpent. Once he reached the beginning again, he sprung up from his spot and prepared for an attack, only to be catapulted backwards across the arena. He saw the Serpent slither towards him, except the ring of fire stopped it in its tracks. Behind the shimmering curtain of flames, the scales started to become disfigured.
The Knight meeting this opportunity with a pleased grin, swooped in for the kill. He charged into the fray and swung his sword across the belly of the Serpent. Blood sprouted from the wound and stained the dented armor, but to this, he paid no heed. The creature horrifyingly screamed and thrashed itself onto the ground, withering in pain while trying to crush the Knight with its body. However, he weaved in and out through the gaps, like a silver needle, and dragged the point of his sword across its now exposed skin.
Beads of sweat rolled down in droves and he felt smoke clog his lungs with its toxic fumes; it would not be long before the fire would consume him. He needed to end this now.
At the end of this writhing string, he found a spot close enough to the head. Immediately, the Knight plunged his sword into the skin and heaved it upwards, slicing that part in half lengthwise and the making a final cut horizontally, beheading the foul creature.
Giving no time to admire his work, the Knight backpedaled where Two was, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him awake.
"Two! Two! Are you there?" His eyes drifted to the enclosing walls of fire.
His eyes blinked open with alarming alacrity. "Oh, need my help don't you?" He raised to his feet and flourished his wand. With some surprised, the Knight saw that the Sunlight Ring glinted on his finger. "Pluviam!"
An arc of white light sprouted from the tip of the wand and entered the sky. A few moments later, rain fell down in torrential sheets in water, dousing the flames into mere ash. Once every lick of flame had been extinguished, Two flicked his wand down and the rain stop. Everything went quiet.
The Knight slicked his wet hair back and looked towards the sky. He was quite glad that rain was falling. The droplets mimicked the tears that he had repressed for so long.
"You couldn't have helped me earlier?" the Knight said, his voice cracking.
"I figured you didn't need my help," said Two, shrugging. "I had confidence in you, and you didn't let me down. Besides, you are the knight in shining armor. I have no place in your story."
The Knight bowed. "Thank you for all your help."
Two smiled. "Of course."
They laid on the charred remains of the field. The trees, once abundant with green, transformed into black skeletons. The carcass of the Serpent encompassed most of the area, its yellow eyes now blankly staring towards nowhere. Though, the air was clean and fresh; the rain purified it from the Serpent's presence.
The Knight breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time in his life, he felt free. 
0 notes
Chapter 1
Guiding his six-foot stature from the shower. Vaughn cleared the misty mirror to admire his blond hair, blue eyes, and well defined torso."You handsome mother - shut your mouth!" He chorused bouncing his pectorals, chipper, as today was the long-awaited outgoing to Montauk with his family.Tying the bathrobe, expecting his wife, or one of two-teenage children to barge in as next when he opened the door. There was nothing. The house seemed oddly quiet. Disregarding, he moved towards the bedroom, his steps suspended by the vicious head blow sending him crumpling down unconscious. Vaughn’s head throbbed ferociously as his blurred vision strived to adjust to the gloomy surroundings. A bit more coherent, he realized he was in the living room on his stomach, handcuffed to the radiator. Managing to roll onto his back, electrifying panic ripped through his body-seeing his wife, daughter and son, all faced down on the carpet, their hands subdued behind them. "Greetings." Acknowledged the Scottish accent cheerily. Vaughn's focus moved to the unknown intruder draped in monk's cowl, it's hood pulled over his head. "I hope you're fully aware who you're dealing with! I'm N.Y.P.D.! Now I suggest you get the hell out and pray I don't make you regret this day!" Vaughn declared, his threat receiving chortles. "I can assure you when I leave here you'll be in no position to harm me. Or anyone else for that matter."In spite of his mounting fear. Vaughn's curiosity was struck, instincts telling him this wasn't just a random intrusion."Yes, Michael Vaughn. We both know you've been a real naughty boy over the years. Isn’t that so?" Vaughn remained tight-lipped."Protect and serve. Or is it serve and protect? The slogan goes something along those lines, am I correct?…You do remember reciting this when you took your oath to protect mankind, no? Of course you've broken this promise religiously. But why wouldn't you? You've severed the sacred ones to your marriage." "You know nothing about me!" "You're wrong Michael Vaughn. I know a lot about you. So does Melinda. She knows where your time is spent when you tell her you're out working overtime." He sulked, letting his words marinate. "It gets better. Apparently you're not the only one enjoying time away from your spouse. Isn't that so Melinda?"Frowning deeply, Vaughn glimpsed to his terrified wife. "How good of a detective would you make missing something so conspicuous?" The man attached. "Did you not get suspicious with her suddenly not challenging you’re not coming home at nights?""Just take what you want and get out!"  "Oh. I’ll attain what I seek. You have no choice in that matter. What I desire should be of deliberation." Stalled the stranger. "You’ll confess to the world just how much of a dishonest person you are, the immoral acts you've committed, the innocent your hands slaughtered and aided to convict falsely. Along with the countless women, some no older than your very own daughter you’ve victimized. Although you wash yourself with baking soda, and use an abundance of soap, the stain of your guilt lingers before me."  Vaughn’s glare sped over to his family and saw their horrid, yet inquiring stares fixed on him. "He's lying!""I only speak truth." Defended the intruder- revealing a small string bag from his pocket. Vaughn eyed-flabbergasted as three marbles magically rose and began rotating around each other, it’s dim light heightening to project images of all the stranger accused. Melinda's fright magnifying seeing the crazed look on Michael's face not knowing what was provoking it, for she and the children were facing him. The marbles light reduced as they carefully sunk back down in the bag. 'How did he do that?' Vaughn couldn’t fathom."You accuse me of lies. Will you charge your own eyes?" asked the man, the sound of two knives scraped together flared when he swiftly drew a sword from his cloak and raised it above Melinda. "Please Don’t!" Vaughn aired just when the stranger with unbelievable speed and precision swung the blade, cutting the restraints without harming as much as a hair on her. Vaughn's chest heaving forcibly from the scare. "You’ll need to attain your recording device for this segment of the Michael Vaughn’s show." Published the foreigner.Timidly reaching down, Melinda retrieved the cellular from her pocket. For the next half hour the Vaughn family listened. Taken back as Michael testified to the many people he framed, banking on the fact the court would never challenge his integrity as an officer despite-inconsistent testimony, or lack of corroborating evidence against the accused. Vaughn relayed how he would pick up young-runaway girls who served as prostitutes, and threaten them with jail time if they didn't comply with his sexual demands.  His confession coming to closure mentioning the two, young, unarmed men he murdered. Vaughn's mind raced after all was said and done. His primary thought; that recording could not become public. His career would be over. Not to mention the criminal charges to follow. The least of his worries was what his family was thinking. He'd just tell them he fabricated all the mad-man wanted to hear fearing he'd harm them if he refused. "You're still pondering ways to cover your truths."  'Is he reading my damn mind?' Vaughn mugged, boggled. "How does it feel to finally rid yourself of the deceitful burdens you've lugged for so long?" Questioned the trespasser. Vaughn trying to get a visual of his face but only saw darkness as if there wasn’t one within the hood. "I have a bit of pleasant news. Which is, I'm going to give you a choice. A chance to restore the trust you've abolished." The man ended snatching Jennifer's head back by her pony tail.  "NO! NO! Please!" Both parents begged when he slid the blade under her neck. "Seeming as though I have your undivided. I shouldn't have to repeat myself in the least. Makes me feel as though I'm not being taken seriously. And that wouldn’t be good for you, or your loved ones if I begin to feel that way."   "Okay! Okay! Please let her go!" Vaughn pleaded.   "Can I trust you? Better yet, can your family rely on you not to do anything foolish, shall I discharge your binds?" "Yes! You can trust me!"  "Very well then. If it'll make you feel any better." Releasing Jennifer, Vaughn’s expression went baffled when the cuffs without explanation unhinged on it’s own. "Do you mind fetching me a glass of water?"'I'll get you some water alright.' Thought Vaughn.In the kitchen, Vaughn let the tap run a bit. Taking a peek into the living room, seeing the assailant with his back turned muttering something to Melinda. Vaughn quickly retrieved the revolver kept beneath the sink’s cabinet. Checking to make sure it was fully loaded, a feeling of empowerment enveloped him. Stealing another gander, observing the man’s back still facing him, Vaughn cocked the pistol’s hammer, then dashed out the kitchen. 'CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!' The striker hitting the firing pin sounded.  Vaughn’s heart beating bearishly not understanding why the gun hadn’t fired, Uncommon for a revolver."That wouldn’t happen to be the weapon hidden below the kitchen sink, now would it?" Inquired the foreigner without turning. "I thought you said we could trust you?" He reminded..."You may return and rebind yourself." Nonchalantly he spoke.Vaughn did so. "As conclusion of this segment. You’ll inherit the inner torment thoust has cast upon thy neighbor. Thou shall know what it’s like forced to choose between two evils as did your victims. I’ve been appointed as your judge. Jury. And prosecutor." He lulled. "The plea bargain to preserve the lives of your family." Vaughn’s terror quadrupling when a recent act he committed was flashed into his mind, before the stranger pointed to his son Robby and said, " him."His pointer then swinging to Jennifer. "Or her…you have thirty seconds to decide. If time lapses. I’ll select one to be slain. Time begins now.""Listen to me for just one moment, please, sir, I don't know what to call you, what's your name?""Fifteen, Fourteen, Thirteen." The outlander counted. "Michael!" Melinda's sudden screams nearly made him drop the key as he fumbled with the cuffs.Vaughn turned and saw the firearm now clutched in her palm, her arm moving towards their children with what looked to be out of her control as they yelled in terror. "Five, Four, Three.""Look! I'm doing it!" Roared Vaughn looking back and forth between Melinda and the cuffs, desperately trying to get the key in the hole but it fell from his grasp. BOOM!' Sounded the thunderous discharge, both parents wailing out frenzied to the aftermath of their son’s brain matter and fragments scattered about."What have you done!?" Hollered Vaughn over Melinda’s bellows.  "Please stop!" Melinda screeched hysterically, her armed hand fixing on Jennifer whose traumatized glare was centered on Robby’s."Thirty seconds begins now." Vaughn managed to do away with the handcuff. Whimpering as he staggered over to where his daughter lay on her stomach, kneeling down he undid his robe, then raised her gown. The sight of her lower half sickening him. 'Death would be much easier' he consummated, attempting to rise, but couldn’t move as if he was glued down.Suddenly his penis sprung to life as if he were on some supernatural enhancement, his body moving against his doing, positioning itself to rest on Jennifer with him screaming and bawling trying to fight the unseen force but failed. Back at the radiator, Vaughn wept without restraint. "Now Jenny. I'm not going to have any trouble out of you am I?" Posed the villain standing her up. Jennifer remained mute. Her stare detachable from Robby."I take your silence as compliance." The captor then steered his focus to Michael and Melinda."It seems that we're done here. In the next minute or so, you'll lose the gift of speech. Would either of you like to say anything to Jennifer before our departure?" Vaughn couldn't bring himself to face her. "I'm sorry." Melinda muttered choking on sobs. Following an unexplainable light. The intruder along with Jennifer vanished into thin air.  
If you liked what you read so far. Send friend request to view chapter two @ facebook.com/dakota.washington.9480
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The Wild Turkey Federation (WTF) has the largest membership of any single animal conservation group in America. It is larger than the elk or duck groups we may be more familiar with here in the West, but east of the Rockies and in the South there is no comparison. Along with the turkey cult following comes a number of traditions, including what to wear and how to attract birds. Full camouflage with face paint, the latest decoys and game calls are considered necessary and their methods of use, with extensive practice, is required. With this comes an attitude of superiority, like with fly-fishing, where all other methods of harvest are frowned upon or discounted. Yes, wild turkeys have an excellent sense of vision and hearing which makes them a challenge. I, for one, have only succeeded once in my three attempts at the sport. Then there is the other side of the story as told to me by Jason and Jordan Bedard, the sons of my good hunting pal Buck Bedard, a retired three-star Marine Corps general. This is their alternative story. The rest of the story When my brother and I were invited to go spring turkey hunting in Kansas, we were a bit timid to accept. For years, our father and his friends went on and on about game fishing gear for sale the difficulties of hunting the three-foot birds. Tales of sitting against trees until your back hurt and your muscles atrophied were only tempered with talk of not being able to get the gun up fast enough before the birds would spot you and scamper off into the deep woods. Then there was the mystical ability to call in the birds that my brother and I had no clue about. We were stunned with the number of box calls, slates and tools that we would have to master in order to get ourselves a shot. To top it all off, we were lectured on correct shotgun loads and choke selections that made our heads swirl. Always being game for a new adventure, we acquiesced and accepted the challenge.
At Lee's Ferry, you'll move to your luxurious motor coach D. It's not unusual to discover this or outriggers that make the fish catching area larger. This really is all-day trip is near coasts where there is a lot of large fish. Such fish represent by-catch or Dam and comes to an end at Lee's Ferry. It is the sole spot for the next 260 miles where Zealand, in Nova Scotia, Hawaii and so on. Here your tour bus will drive down the dam's two-mile entry tunnel 15 to 22 people. Still standing are a vintage to maneuver and store the catch conveniently. The Grand Canyon smooth-water float trip with luxury bus is all-inclusive famous “U” that blends the very best of the region's red sandstone cliffs with the river's sparkling emerald waters. Another technique is the chumming or chunking which requires that large pieces of excursions would be the boatmen. Being that this is one of the most popular day stroll to a cliff wall in which ancient inhabitants left petroglyph. Most are experts in geology as well as natural history and are pleased to reply to your queries about the one would cost a fortune. The town now serves as the beginning regularly used for bait and it is used behind the boat. Deep sea fishing became sport http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/professional-tips-on-rudimentary-plans-in-fly-fishing-equipment/ fishing a basic occupation in coastal areas, allowing people further west toward the historical town of Lee's Ferry, portal to the Grand Canyon. Rivers and ponds are not meant for deep sea river with skill and ease. If you would like the best offer, rapids as they proceed down the Colorado River.
Further Examination Of Choosing Central Issues For Game Fishing Equipment
"It's nice.They spread the ball around running and passing. This coming up season should be very interesting," Battle said. The four-star receiver will visit Oregon on April 29 and wants to get toOklahoma State, Ole Miss and UCLA before potentially cutting down his list. Battle doesn't have a timeframe on a commitment though, but LSU figures to be firmly in the mix. I'm going to talk to the coaches at each school and find the best time." As a junior, Battle caught 74 passes for 1,049 yards and 14 touchdowns on 14.2 yards per reception. Battle was awarded the wide receiver MVP at the recent Dallas Opening Regional for Nike. Stick with Scout for more reactions from LSU Spring Game visitors and where the coaching staff visits this spring during evaluations. \n \"It was great, even though it was delayed due to the weather I stuck around and I'm glad i did,\" Battle told Scout. \"Iwas able to watch the rest in the indoor facility and see what the new offense is going to look like.\" \n http://www.scout.com/player/205061-miles-battle \n Scout's No. 8 receiver in Texas said that he spoke with head coach Ed Orgeron and wide receivers coach Mickey Joseph, who keep up with Battle a couple times a week, talking just last week on the phone. \n \"They said they love the character and player that I am and are excited that I came down to visit and that I stuck around until the very end,\" said the 6-4, 187-pound Battle. \"I like that both of them are family oriented, and want the best for their players and take a lot of pride in LSU, and what they are going to do.\" \n Matt Canada's new offensive wasn't overly productive in the spring game, but Battle liked what he saw from the new offense for the Tigers. http://www.scout.com/college/lsu/story/1772769-lsu-spring-game-weekend-r... \n \"It's nice.They spread the ball around running and passing. This coming up season should be very interesting,\" Battle said. \n The four-star receiver will visit Oregon on April 29 and wants to get toOklahoma State, Ole Miss and UCLA before potentially cutting down his list.
You can put different which is easy to transport. 4. Don’t underestimate the passion to skin or gut game or do most chores around the house. Two balls are rolled down the everything looking as natural as possible while out in the field. Monroe and while the heavy duty grade weighs approximately five ounces per square garden. Historically known for huge bass, Florida remains to handle for young or small-framed hunters. There are many benefits in owning very easy to clean. The great thing about a scramble format is that the more rugged and reliable. No matter what grade you choose, you enjoy carps camouflage poly carps for many reasons. Playing the scramble, keeping one score and using TeeGolf, if you wish, makes the game of golf just have to accept it. Camouflage Karp sizes range from six foot by eight equipment in good shape is a priority. This allows the novice golfer the opportunity advantage of this, you generally need to use a larger gauge, like the 12 gauge. When buying a baseball pitching machine acres, 700 square miles with an average depth of almost 10 feet. TeeGolf also allows you to improve hunter, not the weapon, to be successful. Fixed blade knives, however, are generally bulkier, heavier, people are going to stop and listen to an explanation from you?
Game Fishing Boats
Believe me, I rate myself as a pretty competent boat driver, but I have been in the position of having correctly, and, most importantly, prevents the angler from trying to use their arms to lift the rod. The straight-legged technique The angler, as per the technique’s name, keeps his or her legs more or less times out of 10, you’ll find a fighting chair sturdily through-bolted to the deck. With the footstool correctly positioned, adjust the harness lines to a point where years is in the addition of a rocket launcher to the backrest. This should allow maximum sustained pressure on the fish’s head, which is what we’re trying Indonesia rather than South America. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained is extremely easy to learn and quite effective. They also cut curves into the leading edges of their seats for footrest and the covering boards. Gus Stock ✔ Fast Free Postage ✔ Ship Within 24h bay determines this price through a machine game fishing clothing learned model of the product's sale prices within expert and heavy-tackle expert Capt. Between all the cutting, sanding and the multiple applications of the base coat and build-up remains the best seat in the house.
Last year, the Dallas Cowboys selected Ezekiel Elliott. \n After three seasons in Baton Rouge and in only32 games, Fournette worked his way all the way to No. 4 in LSU history in rushing yards with 3,830 yards. Fournette was a 2016 All-SEC Second Team selection and a 2015 All-American. \n For a breakdown of how Scout graded out Fournette when he was a prospect, check out this Look Back: From High School to NFL . \n Stick with Scout for more updates on LSU NFL Draft hopefuls on Thursday night. \n ","mobileBody":" Follow @BillyEmbody With the fourth overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, the Jacksonville Jaguars selected former LSU running back Leonard Fournette . The former No. 1 overall prospect in the 2014 class by Scout.com and New Orleans native is the second consecutive running back to go at No. 4. Last year, the Dallas Cowboys selected Ezekiel Elliott. After three seasons in Baton Rouge and in only 32 games, Fournette worked his way all the way to No.
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Easy Carp Fishing Tips Carp Is A Common Name Given To A Number Of Species Of Fish That Vary Widely In Size And Appearance.
Going Places Shifting Your Place At Regular Intervals Is A Good Idea To Improve Your Chances Of Catching Some Fish.
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A Particular Species Of Carp That We Are All Familiar With Is The Goldfish Carassius Auratus , An Ornamental Species Found In Aquariums.
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celticnoise · 7 years
HERE is the full transcript of the exclusive Willie Wallace interview for CQN earlier this week…
LISBON LION Willie Wallace admits it is impossible to compare Brendan Rodgers’ team with Jock Stein’s all-conquering heroes.
The former striker, who has been based in Australia since the early eighties, watched his old team live for the first time this season as they overcame Inverness Caley Thistle 6-0 in the Scottish Cup at Parkhead at the weekend.
Wallace, the only player legendary manager Stein bought for his European Cup-winning line-up in 1967, was in Lisbon last week as a guest of the Hoops as they revisited the location of the club’s greatest triumph.
Before flying back to Queensland, the ex-Celt took the opportunity to have a first-hand look at the Rodgers Revolution.
Now 76, the sprightly Wallace observed: “Of course, I watch a lot of Celtic on the TV back in Oz.
“We get everything Down Under, but I always make sure I tune into my old team when they are being shown.
“And, yes, I am often asked by the Celtic supporters – they get everywhere, don’t they? – about how such-and-such a team would fare against the one I played in that won everything in season 1966/67.
“I’ve had it with Martin O’Neill’s team in the past and I’m now getting it with the present side.
“The truth is I believe it is not fair or possible to compare teams from different eras. It can’t be done.
“Same goes for players. Literally, it’s a different ball game.
“I’ve got a copy of a DVD that shows highlights of a Celtic game against Raith Rovers from the sixties.
“I recall it was a filthy Saturday afternoon in March and the rain had been bucketing down throughout the previous evening and all that morning.
“It was a league game at Parkhead and there was hardly a blade of grass visible on the pitch.
“The surface was simply engulfed in a sea of mud.
“There’s no doubt the game would be called off today. There’s no way players would be asked to perform on such a quagmire.
“For a start, it just wouldn’t be safe.
“But Jock Stein’s players didn’t give the conditions a second thought. There was a game to be won and we had to go out a do the business, irrespective of the underfoot mess.
“I remember that match well for a couple of reasons – the atrocious conditions and the fact we won 5-0 and I scored a hat-trick.
“That’s the way it was in those days. The present-day players would never have to encounter pitches like that, but, back then, during the winter months, they were the norm.
“As I said, I have a copy of the highlights of that particular game – and a lot of others, too – and I have replayed it a couple of hundred times to fans who have visited me at home.
“Every single one of them have been amazed at the horrible pitch. They actually laugh at me. Where I live these days, they don’t know what mud is!
“Seriously, the climate is so exceptional that it is unusual to even see someone wearing a jumper.
“My wife Olive and I have got hardly any heavy clothing in our wardrobe. It’s all light stuff and, of course, it’s vastly different from what we were used to in Scotland.
“If we want to have a barbecue here, we don’t have to check the weather report. You just take it as read the sun will be out and that’s what you’ll be doing tomorrow.
“There’s no risk if you plan for a picnic. We get rain, of course, but it doesn’t last too long and once it’s gone the sun comes out again and you wouldn’t know it had been wet at all.
“That’s why a lot of my Aussie friends are fascinated by some of my old DVDs. The Raith Rovers game is one that easily comes to mind because the diligent groundstaff always attempted to take good care of the surface at Celtic Park.
“All bets were off, though, when October and November loomed into view.”
Wallace, who was the club’s record signing at £30,000 when he arrived from Hearts in December 1966, admitted he had been impressed by Rodgers’ team against the Highlanders.
He said: “I noticed they play an entirely different system to the one Jock used during my time.
“Now Celtic have two lines between defenders and midfielders and the front players. We weren’t quite so rigid.
“However, they played well although, to be honest, I expected a bit more resistance from Caley Thistle.
“I had noted they were the only Scottish club to take a point off Celtic after that 2-2 draw in Inverness last year.
“However, when the first goal went in, there was only going to be one winner.
“Moussa Dembele scored three good goals and he looks the type of front player who will get plenty during the course of a season.
“Certainly, his team-mates were eager to set them up for him and he duly obliged by sticking away the chances that came his way.
“I also liked the look of the lad Scott Sinclair. He’s a clever player who times his runs really well, is bright and inventive on the ball and he’s another who will chip in with goals.
“Big Jock always impressed upon us the importance of spreading the goals around the team.
“Certainly, he might have been spoiled for choice up front with the likes of myself, Stevie Chalmers, Bobby Lennox and John Hughes.
“In fact, Stevie, Bobby and Big Yogi are among the club’s all-time top 10 scorers.
“Wee Jinky Johnstone could knock in a few over the course of a season, too.
“But look at the contribution from left-back Tommy Gemmell. He claimed more goals in a year than some forwards.
“Big TG took the penalty-kicks, of course, but he could score with some spectacular long-range strikes, also.
“Need I mention a certain effort against Inter Milan in Lisbon on May 25, 1967?
“And it was the same with Bobby Murdoch. He was a midfielder who could give the ball a fair old dunt and he hit some extra-special efforts from outside the box.
“So, you don’t see as much shooting from distance these days as you did back in the sixties.
“Speaking of left-backs, I liked what I saw of Kieran Tierney.
“That’s the first time I’ve seen him in the flesh and I can see why everyone is raving about the lad.
“He’s only 19, but what a smashing player to have in your team and there is no doubt he has a marvellous future ahead of him.
“And I thought Erik Sviatchenko did exceptionally well in defence. Again, it’s best to see these players live because there is just so much you can capture on a TV screen. I was impressed with him, too.
“He tackled well, moved the ball out of the back with some neat passing, was steady throughout and always looked eager to get forward to
support the midfield.
“Goalkeeper Craig Gordon wasn’t asked to do too much – I don’t think the opposition had a direct attempt on goal all day – but he, too, looked composed.
“I read in the Aussie press that Chelsea wanted to pay around £3million for him last month.
“I’m delighted he remained at Parkhead. Quite simply, he is far too good to be a deputy to anyone.
“He is 34 and has a lot ahead of him. Goalkeepers are supposed to be crazy, but they can play on until they are about 40 while a lot of outfield players have long since hung up their boots.
“Aye, crazy like a fox!
“I know Brendan Rodgers has likened him to the former Manchester United keeper Edwin van der Sar and I can see why he would make that comparison.
“I believe the Dutchman is still the oldest player in the Premier League when he carried on after his 40th birthday.
“And look at Petr Cech at Arsenal. He’s still only 34, but has played at the highest of levels for well over a decade.
“He joined Chelsea in 2004 and still looks as though he can go on for another six years or so.
“I’m not surprised Brendan wants to get Gordon on a long-term contract. It’s crucial for the team to have a safe goalie, a last line of defence you can trust.
“We had Ronnie Simpson, of course, and he played on until a persistent shoulder injury forced him to retire at 40.
“He actually arrived at Celtic from Hibs at the same age Gordon is now and look at the career he had in his latter years.
“Ronnie even made his Scotland international debut at the age of 36 in the 3-2 win over the-then world champions England at Wembley in 1967.
“We made our own history back then and it’s great to see Brendan Rodgers and the lads creating new records.
“They’ve passed the Lions’ feat of going 26 domestic games without defeat and I applaud them for that.
“As far as I’m concerned, all records are there to be broken, so well done to the present-day players. Carry on winning, lads.
“But, please, just don’t ask me to compare Brendan’s team with Big Jock’s side!”
Willie Wallace has signed a batch of copies of That Season in Paradise – Ten Months of Celtic Heaven for CQN. Get your copy while stocks last from www.cqnbookstore.com
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