#new destiel shippers
runawaydr3amerao3 · 2 months
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While I wouldn't consider myself a "super aggro anti-heller blog", I'm certainly anti-heller and occasionally aggro. So I hate to crush your hopes and dreams, but why would I be annoyed to see Dean not reciprocating Castiel's unrequited love every other day? The meme is inherently dismissive of Destiel. That's the whole entire point. "You're in love with me? Okay... So here's what happened in the news today." If anything, it's bemusing to me that it's seen as some kind of proof for the delusion.
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And of course you'd be seething. Y'all have a fundamental inability to separate reality from fantasy. That's not news to anyone.
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Jensen's anti-Destiel quote sources: [X] [X]
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insanesonofabitch · 11 months
[screaming like that chick in that town who just saw the sky fall] DESTIEL IS NOT ONE-SIDED!!! IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN RECIPROCAL!!! AND DEAN REALIZED THIS. AND CAS REALIZED THIS. BUT THEY ALSO REALIZED THAT THEY WERE DOOMED FROM THE VERY START!!!!!! “The ‘don’t do this cas’ is Dean being homopho—SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
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beatrice-babe · 1 year
hey does anyone know if the Supernatural fandom has discovered the Hozier lyric “that first car was like wings on an angel”?
just feels like there’s a lot of mileage in that one
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schizosamwincester · 3 months
I think a lot about blocking #destiel because I don't want to see destiel posts suggested to me all the time by tumblr... and then I remember destiel news. The one true joy in life. And I just. I can't. I need all news on this hellsite to be delivered to me by the brotherfucker and the gay angel. It is necessary.
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The huntlow ship is blander than flour and has less chemistry than tap water from a white suburban neighborhood. But because it involves an angsty white boy, 70% of fans, who needed to have the words "representation" and "subtext" taken away until they knew how to use them properly, immediately started foaming at the mouth to beam their self insert into the brain of willow park to be hunters tradwife, neoliberal edition.
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thelioncourts · 1 year
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seenthisepisode · 2 years
us politics are trending.........
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wooobejeweled · 2 years
turning 18 unlocked a new era…. constant looming fear of death and illness
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re: your tags on that SPN gifset: technically (in order) a demon possessing his dad; the same demon possessing his granddad; his actual dad; and the (different) demon assigned to torture him in hell.... but the vibes are fully That Nasty in all four
.... there's so much going on in Supernatural. I'm beginning to understand where some of the fucked-up fic on ao3 comes from 😂
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technicalthinker · 10 months
sure sometimes you find yourself listening to a song thinking about a pairing, realizing it is a perfect match, thinking "i wonder if someone has done an edit of it yet?", look it up, find one result but
it turns out to be absolutely editing perfection and just
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curiousorigins · 2 years
This is my random reminder that if you followed me for Supernatural reasons, you probably actually want to follow me here:
My blog of Supernatural stuff. (CuriousOh-Spn) This is my personal blog ({CuriousOrigins}main) and while I may slip up sometimes and post Supernatural stuff, that’s purely on accident. Though just to be extra confusing, my likes and comments on posts while be under this name {CuriousOrigins}.
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tvfangirladdict · 1 month
New Show Rec!!!!
If you enjoy watching two men with black cat/golden retriever energy(and not in the order you'd assuume) behave like a bickering, old married couple while simultaneously calling each other 'babe', telling each other they love them all the time, and kicking ass, I've got a show for you. Seriously, you don't even need subtext with these two, they're just blatantly in love with each other and everyone and their mother knows it.
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I've fallen down a new rabbit hole. I was looking for a new show to watch and decided to give Hawaii Five-0 a shot finally because I've seen some overlapping appreciation in the Buddie, Destiel, and One Chicago Fandoms. And damn, this did not disappoint. How are more people not completely insane over McDanno??????
Personally, I didn't watch before now because even though I enjoyed MacGyver for a while, I didn't want another overdramatic procedural show filled with outlandish action scenes and bad CGI done by CBS. Cop shows are a dime a dozen now, and nothing about it really stuck out to me. But man, I was wrong.
I was thoroughly impressed by the first season. Between the chemistry between Steve and Danny, the amazing fight scenes that are better than most blockbusters, and their focus on character stories, I was hooked faster than ever.
And while the writing went down hill towards the end just like with most shows(I guess there was a lot going on bts and people were unhappy, I don't know much) and we didn't get the ending we wanted, it's still worth the watch. Besides, this is the perfect recipe for more and better fanfiction to be written in my opinion, when viewers are left unsatisfied.
Anyway, I know the shows a few years old now and the fandom's probably pretty quiet, I'd like to recommend this to any of the Buddie, Destiel, Sevasey, Sterek, etc shippers. There's probably other fandoms and ships similar to these that would enjoy McDanno too, but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Basically, two guys working together with 'old married couple' energy and an unprecedented number non-platonic interactions. These two are the worst I've ever seen in the best way.
So if I can share this with even just one person, I'll be happy, because this is so amazing to watch after living off of scraps on shows like 911 and Supernatural.
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asbeel · 2 months
My take on Michael and Adam's relationship
Sure destiel may be the main tragedy of supernatural
Imagine spending over a thousand years with the same person in one confined place. I don't think it has to be said how long of a time that is. Adam and Michael developed mutual respect as equals and also fell in love (confirmed by our lovely #1 midam shipper, Jake Abel, because fuck CW), they are quite literally each other's world.
After escaping the cage, the two of them probably found a peaceful life away from otherworldly drama and lived in domestic bliss. Again, they are together all times of the day for a thousand years!
Adam changed Michael like how Dean changed Castiel. Michael learned the true nature of humanity, the ups and downs, via the eyes of Adam. In season 5, Michael was more than willing to kill off half the human population because that's what he believed to be right and to be God's will. After his time in the cage with Adam, he doesn't kill what is arguably an unimportant amount of people after they witness him smiting Eve. This is definitely not God's will, considering Chuck HAS killed off the same amount of people for less.
On top of that, Adam is able to convince Michael that his father, God, isn't as great as he originally believed. This shows how much Michael had grown in the cage as a person, willing to hear out a human regarding his father's righteousness. It also demonstrates just how much respect Michael has for Adam, because there is no other human in the world who could diss God in front of his most loyal follower. One could argue that the only reason why Michael agreed to help the Winchesters is because of Adam, for Adam.
So when Adam suddenly gets killed by Chuck, Michael is alone for the first time in over a thousand years. Adam, an essential part of Michael's life, gave Michael a new meaning to life, away from heaven. Loneliness like could drive anyone mad, and it's jarring to lose someone like that so suddenly.
As much as I think the canon reason for why Michael betrayed the Winchesters is utter fucking bullshit and definitely a cheap escape the writers didn't think much about, I wouldn't lie if I said it kinda fits. Adam may have changed Michael, but development isn't a straight path uphill, and grief makes people do a lot of things. Adam's death leads Michael to become lost without purpose so much so that he returns to God for a new purpose, to be "God's favourite son" again. Michael is desperate to never be alone again, and God is all powerful, so it isn't far-fetched to assume he had lost hope to get Adam back and resorted to the next best thing, Chuck (if you can't beat em, join em ahh)
Ngl sometimes I think about midam and become sad
Anyways I wanna see some discussions
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scoobydoodean · 28 days
sorry, i'm genuinely confused by your s6 deancas conflict take. i don't think either is the bad guy but i think cas was doing what he could with what he had. i don't think he was in the wrong but i'm curious to know what you think he could've done to be in the right? be honest and upfront? that would jeopardize his mission and put him on the outs with dean. sure, that happened anyway but he did stop raphael
i've also always been confused by dean's "i was here where were you?" because was he though? when they did find out, they punished him and cut him off instead of idk, strategizing with cas. it was a lose/lose situation for cas from the get-go starting with his decision not to involve dean as much as he could help it because cas did care about him. if the issue was working with crowley, cas ended up double-crossing him anyway. if the issue was being dishonest, well, that's nothing new among the winchesters
anyway, i don't have a favorite between deancas because i could never pick but in s6 i very much sympathized with cas so again, i guess i'm curious what you think he could've done differently. i hope this ask doesn't annoy you too much
Let's separate this into two pieces. 1) What I actually said (i.e. the disk horse I was addressing) 2) The utility of Cas's plan to pop Purgatory.
First, what did I say today based partly on a post I made yesterday?
It’s not remotely hard to see that Cas repeatedly uses Dean without his knowledge throughout the season. But you’d think based on how 90% of destiel shippers talk that Cas was waiting on Dean hand and foot while having his own needs ignored by a callous asshole. That’s literally the story people try to tell you while Cas uses Dean for everything from spells to forced labor to a meat shield for Raphael and Virgil while only showing up when Sam and Dean having a lead on an angel weapon is mentioned. They just erase Cas’s problems in order to misrepresent and reduce Dean down to a mean friend who doesn’t deserve him.
I'm wasn't talking about the plan to pop Purgatory and the conflict that happens over it in 6.20 (we can address that in a moment). I'm talking about how a large chunk of destiel fandom erroneously argues that season 6 Dean is a bad friend throughout the entire season who only cared about Cas being useful to him, when Cas is the one who spends the entire season using Dean without his knowledge. You want to have a conversation about something slightly different, which is fine, but don't conflate two common streams of disk horse about separate things. They have some overlap yes—but don't get it twisted.
What could Cas have done differently?
Cas could have asked to use Dean's blood for a spell instead of yanking his wrist over and cutting his palm open for blood without a word, but instead, he did it without asking (and that small act sets the stage for how Cas treats Dean the entire season). Cas could have asked if Sam and Dean would look for leads for him on angelic weapons. He could have asked them if they would look for leads on Purgatory instead of secretly cosigning Crowley coercing them into forced labor capturing alphas. He could have asked them if they would keep Raphael and Virgil off his tail long enough for him and Balthazar to collect their weapons. Instead, Cas used them without their permission or knowledge. All Dean asks in these moments is to be told that Cas needs his help instead of being used without permission.
You seem certain that giving Sam and Dean any information would have "jeopardized his mission"... but how? Setting aside the actual utility of Cas's plan to pop Purgatory for now, Cas actually could have communicated what he needed in every single one of these situations without revealing his plan to pop Purgatory. In fact, that's exactly what he did with Balthazar, isn't it? But again—we're talking about two slightly different things here. EYE was talking about whether or not it's true that Dean was a mean and bad friend who didn't care that Cas needed help and never offered him assistance while Cas moped like a wet cat, back aching from bending over backwards to help Dean with *looks at notes* something. EYE pointed out that Cas absolutely did not fail to make Dean useful to him. He just didn't bother to tell Dean he was doing it. YOU are talking about whether or not the Cas's plan to pop Purgatory was the only viable solution to the Raphael problem and whether Dean should have supported Cas despite everything when the plot was revealed in 6.20. Again—this is a separate (though somewhat interrelated) discourse.
Despite all the crying about Bad Friend Dean, it was Cas who showed through his behavior throughout the season that he would rather treat Dean as a pawn than as a friend. Cas coerces and lies instead of just asking his friend for help. Forgive me if I'm not going to coddle him over it. If you've been in this fandom for a single moment, you know that the fanon fantasy of Dean being a horrible bad mean friend with a angelic guardian waiting on him hand and foot starts long before 6.20 when Dean rejects the finally revealed plan to pop Purgatory, and the whitewashing of Cas's actions and outright denial of Cas using Sam and Dean also starts long before then. So lets not move goal posts. I'm asking people to stop ignoring and misrepresenting every single thing that happened between Dean and Cas leading up to 6.20. I'm asking people to stop assigning all of those things only selective importance (i.e., they're only important when Dean was the "bad friend", but when Cas was, it didn't matter/didn't happen).
Now let's talk about "the plan to pop Purgatory" briefly and the utility of that plan and whether Dean not jumping to help Cas swallow every soul in Purgatory makes him a bad and mean and terrible friend. Multiple people in Cas's life tried to tell him his plans would backfire, and he didn't listen. He ended up starting an apocalypse which was the very thing he was trying to prevent. He just traded out Raphael for the Leviathan and made no meaningful progress toward an actual improvement in terms of "threats to the world as we know it". How exactly did he make anyone better off?
For some reason, some people insist on arguing that while it did backfire spectacularly, it was "the only option" to dispense with Raphael and "there was no other choice", but nobody saying that actually knows that. In fact from a meta/lore perspective, this is just... outright wrong. Archangels have been dealt with in any number of other ways over the course of the show. The Cage. A weird ass egg. The archangel sword. Spellwork. You can invent whatever goddamn lore you want. You cannot reasonably argue it was "the only option" when archangels repeatedly show up and are dispensed with in a variety of ways that aren't "swallowing all the souls in purgatory, going insane, declaring yourself god, and starting a new apocalypse so we're right back where we started".
The only reason "popping Purgatory" is the only plan we get in season 6 is that it's the only plan that Cas allows to be made. He refuses to so much as consider the possibility of anything else because he's so deeply caught in sunk cost fallacy. When Sam and Dean and Bobby finally learn what he's up to and disagree with his plan, Cas breaks Sam' brain to keep them out of his way. When Balthazar disagrees with his plan, Cas murders him.
i've also always been confused by dean's "i was here where were you?" because was he though? when they did find out, they punished him and cut him off instead of idk, strategizing with cas.
...No? It was the other way around.
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Dean tried to get info on what was going on with Cas from 6.03 when he learned about the angelic war onward, and Cas would give vague answers then fly off. In 6.10, Dean asked if there was anything he and Sam could do and Cas said there wasn't. When he found out about Cas working with Crowley, Dean asked to brainstorm a new solution and work as a team and Cas refused to consider this for a single moment. He insisted nothing about his plan was broken despite multiple people warning him, and his own secret-keeping suggested his own conflicted feelings.
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dotthings · 5 months
"Open to interpretation" does not mean you get to tell Destiel shippers how to see the canon, Karen
After the spntwit drama this week I think it matters to emphasize again how hard the antidestiel hatedom was going against how Jensen rolls when it comes to interpretation.
antidestiels continue to behave as if they believe "open to interpretation" means they themselves can dictate to other fans how to see the canon, and they call Destiel shippers and Misha "disgusting" just for speaking our viewpoints of the canon.
Destiel shippers give our take on the text and antis go "well you can't because JENSEN SAID--"
They very obviously do not listen to what Jensen says. Here is Jensen at Dencon 2021, where he pretty much clears the runway for fans to interpret however we please and his praise and appreciation for those readings: “This is the great thing about the show and I think the relationships and some of these characters is that they’re open for interpretation. If you find identity in a character because of whatever reason, fantastic! Great! If that encourages you to be a better person, or to love someone a little harder, to forgive someone for something, fantastic. That’s—that’s I think that’s one of the beautiful things about what we do is that we get to encourage people on a variety of levels.” -Jensen Ackles, DenCon October 2021
(Antis: But you CAN'T, because JENSEN SAID--)
Antis are stuck in a loop of their own making.
This is not the first time Jensen has conveyed his support for fan interpretation.
Jibcon 2015:
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We also know from reports from a virtual m&g a short while after SPN ended that Jensen said he and Misha talked about the confession scene beforehand, and they "didn't want to over-define it" and "the artist isn't going to stand next to that piece of art and tell you what to see. You should be able to see, and it should be able to mean what it means to you and that's--that's the beautiful thing about art." (There is no video, this is pulled from fan reports, but as far as we know this is accurate reporting).
Antis: but you can't because Jensen SAID--
blah blah blah
Yes we can and it's not that we need Jensen's--or anyone's permission--however it's just so heinous how severely antidestiels stomp all over Jensen's respectfulness and protection of fan readings and his appreciation of that, and their lying about how he rolls. They are making very negative insinuations of him, yet somehow everyone else in fandom is the problem but them.
It doesn't add up.
"But you can't say Destiel is real and there was queer coding because JENSEN SAID--"
But Jensen said he's completely cool with how we see it.
He said so.
I have a permit. Jensen signed it. See?
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Get over it. Find a new hobby. Move along.
A further thing--note my highlighting on excerpts from an interview with Jensen Ackles about Big Sky concerning the Beau/Jenny relationship. (TV Insider, 1.18.2023)
The phrasing should sound familiar.
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Yes, that's right, he's used similar language to speak about Dean and Cas. And this is for a het ship.
"leave the audience wanting more" "we gave just a little bit" "but do we need to play it out in a graphic sex scene?" "a kiss wasn't necessarily needed" "let's tiptoe for now" "fired it up in a way that made it not so sexual...two humans really, truly connecting. It wasn't just like, oh, let's rip each other's clothes off."
Put that next to "I don’t think lust is involved with the romanticism" "there's some people that might try to sexualize that" "it was two sentient beings essentially" (Dencon 2021, Vancon 2022)
Isn't that interesting. (Also isn't it interesting he called it "romanticism"?)
Jensen also said something somewhere about how he would like to do a romantic comedy so long as it involves killing zombies. He doesn't hate romance. It's just that he likes genre and action stuff. He's not against, whether it's queer or straight romances.
He's also said he'd like to do a rom-com slash western playing opposite Misha Collins.
Not telling Destiel shippers what to do, but along with antidestiel misinformation spread, the Destiel lane is justly notorious for flinging accusations at him and I think it's relevant that he speaks about a het ship using similar language, and it's relevant how supportive he is of queer readings.
one last thing, this is old, from Jensen's time on Days of our Lives, but he wasn't against playing a queer character.
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gayedmundo · 4 months
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I'm sorry I'm not saying this to hate on Buck/Tommy shippers, if you ship them, that's totally fine, you do you. But to say THIS of all things in relation to Buck/Tommy is wild because how do you not see the irony here? We weren't begging for Destiel just because we wanted a gay couple to exist in Supernatural, we wanted Destiel because it would've been a great story with a ton of buildup and chemistry between the characters and it would be a perfect place to lead the character's storylines. Just like... Buck and Eddie.
Buck's bisexuality is incredibly important on it's own just like it was to make Castiel canonically in love with Dean, but if we're talking about relationships, Buck and Eddie are the obvious parallel to Destiel in this scenario. Them being too afraid to make Eddie like men and therefore writing Buck a new side character love interest would be the parallel to them being too afraid to make Dean bisexual. Do you not see the parallel there? If I just wanted to see a relationship between two men who get together after knowing each other for two episodes, there's any number of shows I could watch for that. There isn't, however, any number of shows I could pick from to see a natural, well-developed, slow burn gay love story. There's a huge difference there, and that's what Dean/Castiel would've been if they had been willing to take the leap. It's also what Buck/Eddie would be.
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