#new horizons has wisps that appear at random
blank-ace · 4 years
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@murfnes Cazal is a character that visits your town at random, trying to sell cookies to everyone that talks to him. Blame @cojick
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lunarhold · 5 years
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─ pairing: rob lucci/reader ─ au: witch ─ warnings: smut, very mild blood & violence ─ words: 12.8k
─ summary: a stranger washes up on shore, and suddenly you find yourself with company. you aren’t sure you’ll survive for a year.
─ a/n: i wrote this in present tense, which i’ve never done before, so i’m hoping it’s decent. also, this didn’t go in the direction i wanted it to, but i just don’t have the motivation to edit it 600x, so this is pretty much pwp
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It’s been a few days since the island’s been back in the Grand Line-- or that’s where you always assume it to be-- and it’s been raining the entire time. You’ve spent much of your time sitting by the window, curled up under a blanket watching the waves roll across the sand. 
The horizon is a blank, empty sea in shades of grey. Half of you hopes someone will show up this time, the other half tells you you want the peace maintained.
It’s later in the day, the sun starting to set in the distance, when the magic of the island ripples, an alert that a living creature has landed on the shore. You set off immediately, allowing the island to lead you further down the beach. It’s several minutes before you finally get there and you’re soaked and chilled to the bone when you do. A cursory scan of the beach reveals nothing, and for a moment you think they’ve moved on already. But upon a second, slower inspection, you spy something.
In the water, sprawled on a piece of ragged driftwood, is a man.
As you wander up to him, you fear he might already be dead. The waxy, water-logged paleness of his skin makes him look like a corpse, and it takes a moment for you to finally make out the faint rise and fall of his chest. His breathing is rapid, uneven, and shallow and you worry he won’t make it through the next ten minutes, let alone the night. 
As you set about preparing to move him, a soft, unfamiliar cooing sounds in your ears, just before a pigeon settles on your shoulder.
“We don’t have pigeons here,” you ponder aloud, pausing in your ministrations for a moment to examine the bird. “Did you come with him?” you ask, gesturing to the unconscious man.
In an unsettling imitation of a human, he cocks his head and nods.
You hum once before turning back to your strange new patient. It takes only a few minutes and a wave of your hand to get him into the house. It’s already expanded inside, a new room appearing adjoining the living room without your input into it.
Settling your guest in bed, you begin to gather the items necessary to heal his wounds. Other than the massive scar on his back, his injuries are minimal. At worst, he had been battered by the sea, sustaining multiple contusions and numerous cuts and scratches. He was one lucky bastard to have avoided any broken bones.
Throughout the entire    time you’re treating the man, the pigeon sits upon your shoulder without a peep, and doesn’t seem inclined to give you any information on either himself or his master.
This set off alarm bells in the back of your mind, but you push it down. At worst, you would need to kick him out of your home, still injured and let him fend for himself. It wouldn’t be the first time that you had taken care of an injured person only to have them turn around and attack you. More often than not, you kicked them flat off the island. 
The alternative wasn’t something you liked to consider.
As you stare down at the handsome stranger, you hope that isn’t the case this time.
In the days that follow, you keep a watchful eye on your patient, waiting for any sign that he’s going to wake up. After a week, you begin to fret that it isn’t going to happen. His complexion is much healthier, and his breathing is even and steady. 
By all accounts, he should be awake by now. 
In fact, he should have been awake a week ago.
There’s another problem as well: the island has already jumped from his plane into its own. Looking out the window, towards where the water should be, reveals a thick fog. If one were to step off into that fog, they would simply find themselves on the other side of the island.
This posed a problem of safety, since you don’t know what type of person he is. If he attacked you, defending yourself wouldn’t be enough anymore.
There’s a soft stirring behind you and the pigeon, who’s barely moved from your shoulder since the first day, cooes loudly and takes off, cuffing your face with his feathers in his excitement.
You spin around at the sound of a man’s voice, deep and rich and groggy, saying, “Hattori.”
He’s standing, and it strikes you just how tall he really is. He towers at least a foot over you, giving you a once over that could have made your skin shrivel. 
“Who are you and where am I?” His eyes never leave you, liquid silver over cold steel, and you shiver.
“I’m _____. You washed up on my island over a week ago, half-dead,” you say, moving over to your kitchen sink. More than anything, you want to examine his wounds now that he’s moving, but the chill radiating from him tells you not to even think it, let alone mention it. 
Instead, you fill a glass of water and hold it out to him. While he had been unconscious, it had been nearly impossible to get him any type of nourishment. You had risked water, but food wasn’t an option. It had come down to small amounts of broth and hope that he would wake before he died of starvation.
His frown deepens, but he takes the cup anyway and almost inhales it, then holds it back out. After he drinks his fill, he pulls on a shirt that you had laid out beside his bed and gives you a curt nod. He doesn’t say anything about food, and you hesitate to offer. The aura he’s giving off is almost terrifying, as if drawing his attention would put you in a crosshair.
“Thank you, but I need to be on my way,” he says as he heads to the door.
“Be my guest,” you say with a shrug, following him at a safe distance out onto the porch. “But I won’t be here when you come back.”
Your words, said in amusement, catch him off guard, and he glares at you with suspicion. “What does that mean?”
“You’ll see,” you say, waving your fingers. When he reaches the grass at the foot of the stairs, your house rises to its feet. “There are dangerous animals on the island,” you call as it begins to walk away, swaying from side to side. “Good luck. You’ll need it.”
The stranger watches the even stranger house disappear into the woods in stunned silence.
Only when it’s fully disappeared and the sound of creaking wood has ceased does Lucci turn to survey his surroundings. It looked like a typical forest, but there’s something that raises the hair on the back of his neck. 
He picks a random direction and begins to walk, knowing he’ll reach shore soon enough.
It takes longer than you expect for him to find you again, though you aren’t sure if it’s because he’s stubborn or because of your ever changing location. Regardless, it’s a few weeks before he shows up again, disgruntled and filthy.
“Well, hello again,” you say from your porch swing. The house eases down to its knees, tucking them underneath the rest of itself until it looks just like a regular house. “Find what you were looking for?” you ask, barely containing the amusement.
He glares at you as he climbs the steps, coming to a stop right in front of you. “Care to explain why I am unable to leave?”
You cock your head to the side, still gently pushing the swing back and forth. “I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little more clear.”
A snarl escapes the man and he leans forward, grabbing the chains in either hand and snatching the swing to a halt. With his lips curled up and his teeth bared, he commands, “Explain, before I decide to set this island alight.” His words, dangerous though they are, are said in such a deep, calm manner that it sends shivers down your spine. It’s clear to you that he can only take so much teasing, and you grow serious, much as you want to have just a little more fun at his expense, you can tell he isn’t joking. “This island only appears in your plane once a year, for approximately seven days. You were unfortunate enough to have washed ashore…” You pause to think for a moment.”...three days before it disappeared back here. You were unconscious for seven in total.”
He curses and pins you with a glare cold enough to freeze water. It’s evident that he’s a man used to getting his way through fear and intimidation. Unfortunately for him, that was going to get him nowhere this time. 
“So there’s no way off.”
“Not for another year,” you tell him, letting your eyes travel over the tree line. Like the coast, most of the island was covered in thin wisps of fog, not quite as thick as at the edge. Here, it was always damp and cold. If there was a sun, you had never seen it.
He’s quiet for a moment, watching you with derisive confusion. When you finally look at him again, he frowns. “You said, ‘your plane’. Are you not human?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the ‘p’ with a smile. “Your world is no longer my home. I can’t leave this island.”
The man’s frown deepens, but he deigns to sit beside you. His huge frame barely fits on the swing, his long legs stretched out in front of him. “That’s why you kept me here?” 
Though he posed it as a question, it sounds like a statement. At first, he had been angry that he was trapped here, but the more he explored, the more he understood that the island was far from normal.
You nod, drawing your legs up underneath you as your companion takes over pushing the swing. You wonder if it’s unconscious, and smile. “That and you would have died had I sent you off. You washed up unconscious, and didn’t wake up for almost a week.” You look over at him, meeting his gaze. “Honestly, I was afraid you might anyway. You didn’t eat anything with me.”
All you get in response is a hum.  There’s some curiosity about how he survived, but you feel it might be a bit too rude to ask.
He’s staring out into the woods now and you lapse into silence, allowing him to gather his thoughts. It had been an infinitely long time since anyone had found your island, and no one had ever actually been stuck on it with you. It was a dangerous gamble, given you knew nothing about him. But you would have felt far too guilty sending him off to his death, so you had cast your lot.
Speaking of which… 
“What’s your name, by the way? If you’re going to be here for a while, I’m going to need to call you by something.”
He turns around to regard you, and the smile he gives is wolfish, the change in his demeanor enough to give you whiplash. 
His eyes glint with danger as he leans in closer. Chills shoot up your spine as his warm breath ghosts over your ear, and they don’t stem from fear.
“Rob Lucci.”
It’s going to be interesting, having him here.
As it turns out, having Lucci around is both a blessing and a curse. He’s strong, far stronger than you, allowing him to take over a lot of the manual labor you had been using magic to complete before. In this way, he avoids being in the house as much as possible, and you begin to wonder if he’s avoiding more than just the house. In his defense though, he tended to get irritable if he sat around too much, so you never say a word about it.
The missing shingles on the roof, the noisy door-hinges, the faucet constantly leaking in the kitchen, all of those are fixed without a word and in record time. Unfortunately, your magic couldn’t make up for your total lack of handiness, and it showed when things broke again after a few weeks. But he took care of it better than you could have dreamed.
His favorite past-time, though, is clearly wood cutting, evidenced by the overflowing pile of logs on the porch. It’s a wonder how he managed to do so much in a single day, but it’s hard to complain about his efficiency. On the other hand…
“There’s no more room on the pile,” he says from behind you.
Next to the window, you had set up a second bird stand for Hattori. You turn from feeding Hattori to look at him, biting your lip as your eyes land on the waistband of his pants and drag slowly up his naked torso. Even in the coolness of the evening, on top of the natural chill of the island, he’s dripping from the exertion of cutting wood. It’s almost impossible to tear your eyes away from the delectable sight, but it’s even harder to meet his eyes when you finally do. 
You would swear he did it on purpose.
He’s wearing that predatory grin again as he watches you watch him. There’s something more to it this time though, like he’s daring you to make a move. He’s only been here a week and yet he seems hellbent on breaking you. It’s impossible for you to pinpoint, but ever since he had moved in, you felt like a fire had been lit for him. 
You swallow the lump in your throat, willing your over enthusiastic heart to calm down. It becomes too hard to think the longer you hold his gaze, so you pick a point just over his shoulder to lock onto. From there, you can see his shoulders rise and fall in laughter as he slips his shirt back on.
“Well, there really isn’t anywhere else to put it,” you say, sounding more hoarse and unsure than you would have liked. He makes you feel like a rabbit, trapped in the den of a wolf and he’s just playing with you before he pounces.
And he was. Lucci was bored, and in the few days he’s been there, he’s come to realize how long it’s been since you’ve had company and therefore how easy it is to rile you up. By the same token, though, something about your shy attraction is appealing to him. 
He’s just waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“I suppose I’ll just have to find something else to do to occupy myself,” he says, picking up an apple from the table before heading back outside. On the way by, he makes sure to pass as close as he can by you, just shy of brushing against you.
Why did that sound so very much like a threat?
One of your favorite past times is gardening. 
While you have a rather large section on the island dedicated to plants grown for consuming, you have another area, attached to the house, that’s reserved for the more delicate plants. 
The plants here are what people generally think of when they think of witch’s herbs. Spindly, long vines that hang down from the ceiling and thread through your hair as you walk underneath them, screaming mandrakes that could kill you when fully grown, and prickly, pale, glowing flowers are just a few of the more interesting specimens that reside here. Each of them needs their own special attention, have their own special requirements, and this is where it’s all met.
The air inside is humid, walking into it is like walking into a sauna. Your clothes stick to you the instant that you enter, and you’re quick to shed anything nonessential. In addition to all of that, the room is very heavily magically charged, both due to the plants themselves as well as the magic you constantly sustained to keep the room acceptable to the conditions the plants needed to thrive.
Lucci had yet to be inside this room, and it was the one place you hoped he wouldn’t enter, largely because you didn’t think he would let you past him without teasing you endlessly. Plus the state of your clothes was just asking for trouble from him, and you couldn’t be sure that you had the willpower to resist him. 
It was like he was a magnet and, as much as you like to attribute it to the idea that you hadn’t been around anyone in years, you felt it was more than that. No one you had met before had such a strong presence, nor had anyone attracted you as much as he did.
On this particular day, though, it seemed your luck had run out. Previously, he had watched you disappear into the greenhouse with nothing more than a smirk, not even curiosity in his eyes as he headed out the front door. 
Today, it seemed, he was curious, or bored, and so when you hear the door open and close somewhere further down the room, you freeze, eyes scanning the dimly lit rows for a sign of the intruder. But you can’t see anyone, and suddenly it feels less like an intrusion and more like a hunt. Where had he gone?
You begin to creep in the opposite direction of the door, since that’s the closest way to the next aisle over. Keeping your ears peeled, you hear...nothing. In fact, you aren’t even sure he was ever actually in the room. Maybe he had simply opened the door, peeked in, and left again.
Your heart beat slows at last, as do your steps, and you look around one last time. Still nothing, so you make your way back to the previous plant you had been tending, losing yourself in it. Several minutes pass, and you’re fully absorbed in your work once more, when a whisper of sound catches your attention a half-second before strong, lithe hands slide over your sides, squeezing lightly before pulling you backwards.
You actually scream out loud, unable to hold it back in your surprise. Heat immediately floods your cheeks, and you fight against Lucci, though the only headway you make is in turning to face him. 
He looms over you, a wicked, amused grin on his face as you begin to smack his chest. 
At least he’s wearing a shirt, you think faintly as your hand finally lays still over his chest. It flexes underneath your palm as he laughs, sounding far too pleased with himself.
The heat of the room, the scare, and the proximity to him is too much for you, and your head begins to spin. You lean forward, resting your head on his chest and willing it to stop long enough for you to escape.
“Can’t handle me, _____?” he asks, a deadly whisper in your ear.
Your face flushes further, which doesn’t help your head any, and you begin to fear your legs might collapse. 
You’re unable to understand his fixation with you. Is he just so bored that he can’t help himself? Is this how he is in his everyday life? 
Considering how he acted when he first showed up, cold and intimidating and ready to fight you, you doubt it’s the latter. Then again, it could have just been nerves. You have no idea, not knowing anything about him other than his name.
And that you’re dangerously attracted to him. You open your eyes to look up at him, unable to really focus in your current state, but you catch the glint of his eyes in the dim light. They look almost feral, as if he’s enjoying what’s going on right now and would have no issues giving you anything you desire, if you only ask. 
And it was so tempting to take everything he had to offer you. 
“Lucci,” you murmur, your fists clenching in his shirt, just before your legs buckle.
He’s quick to catch you, hoisting you up in his arms with a satisfied chuckle, although it wasn’t completely. He enjoyed messing with you, because you’re so easy to rile up. But he’s also aware that the attraction isn’t one sided, though he’s faring better in his own than you are. 
You aren’t even aware of what you do to him whenever he catches you staring at him, your eyes widening as he approaches, the small steps back away from him until you can go no further. 
Not that you tried too hard to get away; the flicker of hope in your eyes told him that much.
The door creaks as it opens and a rush of cool air clears your head almost immediately. As soon as you begin to struggle, Lucci releases you, keeping an arm around your waist in case you stumble. But you don’t, and push away from him with a glare. 
“You’re an ass,” you hiss, weaving around the couch towards your bedroom. You aren’t sure if you’re really mad, or just extremely flustered that you had passed out in his arms, but you know that it’s because of him that it happened, and you aren’t going to let him get away with it. 
He laughs behind you, and you can just imagine the smirk he’s wearing. “I don’t recall doing anything but coming in to find you, _____. You’re the one that collapsed. What would you have done if I wasn’t there?”
Well first off, you wouldn’t have gotten flustered and overheated. 
But he’s finally slipped, even if he doesn’t realize it. You had recognized the bulge against your back when he had come up and pressed himself against you. His trick had done a good job of scaring you, but it had backfired on him. 
You’re sure he can play the game better than you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t play at all.
His eyes narrow, zeroing in on your hips as they sashay back and forth. He’s sure you were doing that on purpose, and wonders if you’ve finally caught on. The door shuts behind you without another word, but he swears he felt a shift in the air, like things are about to get interesting.
And you’ll be sure to lock that damn door behind you from now on.
As it turns out, you don’t have to do a whole lot of anything to entice him further. A new sway to your hips and refusing to give him the time of day is doing wonders to his ego. More than once, he’s come in dripping sweat and wearing his shirt over his shoulder, but you had given him a once over and never looked at him again. 
After the first few times, he starts to grow annoyed, and considers the odds that you’ve lost interest. 
But he can still catch the flush of your cheeks and the sweat on the back of your neck.
When he ghosts his fingers across your back as he passes behind you, you barely suppress a shiver and arch away. And yet, you hardly glance his way. 
He doesn’t like being ignored.
That night, after he gets out of the shower, he decides to push you just a little further, to punish you for your childish antics.
The sound of Lucci’s bedroom door opening catches your attention, and you absentmindedly look up only to nearly choke as he steps out into the living room, sans a shirt and wearing a pair of sweats slung so low on his hips it’s a miracle they’re staying up.
God, had you realized having him around would be so hard on your nerves, you’d have sent him floating back out to sea.
Then again, as you watch him saunter closer, his sharp eyes locking with yours and his lips turning up in a knowing smirk, you probably wouldn’t have. And, being honest with yourself, a larger part of you than you’re willing to acknowledge likes it.
“Feel better?” you ask, and you wince at how brittle your voice sounds in your own ears. It’s a fight to turn away from him, and you keep taking glances from the corner of your eye, watching him approach. 
He knows you’re watching— it’s hard to miss the flicker of your eyes as you fight to focus on the dishes— and strolls up behind you, leaning down over your shoulder so his head is right next to yours. He watches your eyes widen and dart to him before back down to the dishes, and the way your mouth tightens at the corners just a little. There isn’t much more of a reaction than that though, at least not until he spoke directly into your ear, just barely above a whisper, “I do now.”
His fingers skim up your sides, tugging the edges up just enough to expose skin before letting it fall again, his hands planting on your hips. 
You freeze, closing your eyes and fighting the urge to tilt your head to the side and expose your neck to him. Your breathing deepens, the beat of your heart picking up furiously, but just like that, he moves away with a sadistic, satisfied chuckle.
There’s an almost crushing disappointment when he does, but you don’t say a word, just going back to your dishes as if you were completely unphased. That isn’t to say it isn’t difficult, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing how deeply he got under your skin.
Based on the way he continues to laugh though, it doesn’t work. 
It makes you feel better nonetheless.
One night a few weeks later, you’ve curled up outside on the porch swing with a steaming cup of tea, mulling over the last few weeks. 
It’s hard to say for sure, but to you it felt like it might be warmer than the previous day. Of course, there’s just as much chance that it’s wishful thinking. Still you sit, a light blanket thrown over your legs as you watch bats and fireflies flutter in the shadows. It isn’t one of the more exciting ways to pass the time, but it is relaxing, which is something you desperately needed. 
More often than not, when Lucci was actually inside, the air around the house shifted. It may have just been reacting to you, because you’re sure anyone could tell you were attracted to him.
But you’re also afraid of him. He hasn’t done anything, besides displaying a freakish strength, and there have been no outward signs of...well, anything. It was the way he looked at you when he thought you weren’t paying attention. It was dark and predatory and it made your heart race just thinking about it. The aura around him-- it screamed danger, like you would be a fool to get too close.
And yet, you know you’re already trapped, in more ways than one.
Relief is tempered by disappointment that he spends so much time away. When he’s gone, you almost miss the palpable tension between the two of you, miss the way he would tease you to the point you needed to leave the room. But you don’t know if you could survive that tension all the time.
You’re startled out of your thoughts by the creak of the door opening, Lucci’s already immense shadow growing further in the light spilling out. He doesn’t say a word as he closes it behind him and takes the open seat next to you, immediately beginning a gentle swing. Not that he can help it, those long legs aren’t meant to be curled up underneath him. One leg is carefully crossed over the other, his arm coming to rest along the back of the swing, his fingertips just barely grazing the back of your neck as it passes.
The hairs there raise, followed by the ones on your arms, and you look up at him in wonder.
The smirk is there, that knowing look in his eyes as well, saying I know what I do to you. But you wonder if he’s doing it purely to tease you or if he could possibly want more. 
Thinking about it like that makes you nervous, because you aren’t sure if you want more. 
You aren’t stupid. He was leaving the first chance he got. You’re already more attached to him than you want to be, the overwhelming tension not doing you any favors whatsoever. You aren’t sure you want the lingering feelings you would have once he left.
“It’s cold out here,” he says, once more breaking you out of your thoughts. It’s a simple observation, but the way he says it makes it sound like it’s detrimental to your health. 
Somehow you don’t think it’s the problem here.
Doing your best to appear unconcerned, you shrug, throwing your head back as if to look up at the sky, but all you can see is the porch ceiling. “It’s not that bad. Besides, it’s a great place to think.”
He quirks one of his eyebrows at you, the corners of his lips curling up that little bit more as he asks, “About?”
You. Me. Us. You. 
Your face heats up at the thoughts and what could come of them if they slip from your lips. Instead, you shrug again, letting your eyes linger on his for a half-second before they find the darkness behind him. “How you got here. I never did ask, you know. Too busy saving your life and all. So what did happen?”
The smirk flickers and his eyes darken. For a second, you think he might get up and walk away, he looks so angry. But then his face smooths out and he says, “There was a storm. My boat was capsized, destroyed by the waves, I suppose. I don’t recall much after falling into the water. Luck seems to have put me on that piece of wood and carried me to your island.”
You hum, nodding. You had seen the storm clouds quite a ways in the distance that day almost black against the constant grey, but they never reached you, instead heading in the opposite direction.
“That is quite lucky,” you say, picking at a loose thread on the blanket. An awkward silence falls after that, punctuated only by the sound of fluttering wings and the occasional owl hoot. It morphs slowly from awkward to just silent, and that’s comfortable enough for you to drift back into your thoughts, but Lucci breaks it with a question of his own.
“How did you come to be on this island by yourself?” It’s the first time you can remember hearing anything in his voice other than ire or mischief, and it’s surprising the things it did to your stomach.
You grin fondly as you remember the long series of events that had led you here. “I was young, 18 and ready for adventure. I wanted to leave my island and go sailing, to get away from my greedy family, who tried to make me stay and marry into another wealthy family.” 
You could still remember the man they picked for you. At the time, he couldn’t have been more repugnant. Simpering and spineless is what you had assumed, bending to his family’s wishes without argument. Looking back on it years later, you had realized that you had simply been pushing off your own insecurities onto a stranger and that there had been nothing wrong with what he had done. Or his face.
As quick as a flash, Lucci’s image, a predatory smile on his face as he loomed over you, filled your head, and you shook it like a dog with water in its ears. 
Lucci wore the mirror image of your vision, like he could read your mind. You feel his fingers ghost over your shoulder for just a moment, then it’s gone and you wonder if you had imagined it.
“Anyway,” you continue, trying to put your mind back on track. It would do you no good to lose yourself in fantasies, especially not with the object of them right next to you. “Anyway, I didn’t want to, so one night I snuck out. Stole a boat and sailed off.”
At that, he laughed. It sounded derogatory, like he couldn’t picture you off on your own at that age. You frown and lightly punch his arm. He stops laughing almost immediately and pins you with a look somewhere between intrigued and daring you to do it again.
Instead, you turn your nose up to him and continue your story. He only laughs again.
“I was sailing for almost seven years when I stumbled upon this island. The log pose never pointed to it, but I was curious, so I stopped. The witch at the time, Mirabelle, greeted me. It seemed so strange, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.”
Lucci cuts you off then, asking, “Did you not hear stories about this island from other sailors? Even I heard about something similar. ‘Islands that appear and disappear at will, there one minute and gone the next’. Pirates were always spewing that nonsense. Most never mentioned a witch though.” He leans closer then, pushing a lock of hair from your cheek.
You shiver, locking eyes with him. He doesn’t move back, instead remaining close enough that you can feel his breath ghosting across your cheek. Neither of you move, each trying to wait the other out.
You break first, looking down at your lap and moving back as far as the swing would allow. Breathy and unsure, you carry on, now speaking to your legs. You would swear you hear him huff and, maybe it’s wishful thinking, but you would swear it’s in irritation. “Over the week, we shared stories of our childhood, and I told her about my adventures in the Grand Line. Maybe that was what did it, but on the last day she brought up giving her powers up to me. I had thought she wouldn’t actually want to, that she was just venting. But she brought out a contract and everything. Funnily enough, she left out quite a few of the more important details.”
Even after all these years, you still felt the sting every time you thought about how easily you had been tricked. This time, you’re sure you feel Lucci’s touch on the back of your neck, his fingertips or his knuckles dragging down your spine as if to comfort you. 
You ignore it, finishing your story. 
“Obviously, I signed it. As soon as I lifted the pen from the paper, she began to laugh, running out towards the shore. I chased after her, trying to stop her from climbing into my boat. I screamed after her, asking her why she was taking it. She turned and looked at me and I’ll never forget how she looked at me.” It was a cross between cold pity and sheer, unadulterated happiness. “‘You won’t need it,’ she said. I tried to follow her, right up until my feet couldn’t touch the bottom, but couldn’t go any further because the current was too strong.”
An arm curls around your shoulders, Lucci’s fingers digging into your shoulder as if that would comfort you, but he refrained from pulling you close, for which you’re grateful. You don’t want his pity. Don’t need it, either.
He’s silent as you stew. It had long since surpassed anger at her trickery, or even anger at your having fallen for it so easily. You had begun to understand shortly after the island returned to its plane what would have driven her to do something so underhanded. “I was upset at first, because she hadn’t told me the full story about what would happen, but honestly, it hasn’t been so bad.”
“Why didn’t you do what she did? It wouldn’t have been hard,” he answers, watching you carefully. All this time, he had thought you were here unwillingly, but the way you’re speaking, it no longer sounded like that was the case. 
“Honestly, I thought it would be lonely. And, don’t get me wrong, it is. But there’s no expectations here. I don’t have to defend myself from marauding pirates or Marines. I saw a lot of things I didn’t like in the world and, well…” Your head rolls back, resting on your shoulder to look at him.
In the depths of your eyes, he can see warmth tempered by sadness, happiness tempered by loneliness, and want tempered by wariness. 
“Anyway, no one washed up on shore for several years. The island shows up randomly, not always near civilization. I’ve gone a decade without seeing anyone, more than once. It was almost that long before I finally saw someone else, and when he explained that he was on his way back to his family after five years at sea, I realized I didn’t want to leave, or subject someone else to this. I may not always be happy, but I’m content.”
For the third time, silence falls. Punctuating it this time is the warm weight of his arm across your shoulders, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over the sweater you’re wearing. Giving into the temptation, you lean over to rest your head on his shoulder. He had long since stopped wearing his suit jacket, leaving him in only his button down. You had thought his shoulder would be hard from the muscles, but relaxed as he is, it isn’t uncomfortable. 
His head snaps down to look at you, a ghost of a triumphant smile crossing his face, before his arm wraps tighter, forcing you to press fully against him. You go willingly enough, curling your knees up and allowing them to rest against his thighs. Your fingers grab onto his shirt, crumpling the fabric in your fist as your head tucks against his neck.
Suddenly, you realize just how cold it really is out, wrapped up in the warmth he exudes. A flicker of panic, your brain trying to warn you of the danger of being so close to Lucci, flares up, before it’s washed away by the stronger feeling of comfort it brings.
You’re in serious danger of falling asleep like that when he shifts, his free arm looping under your knees. Before he can get much further, you jerk up, pulling away from him.
You smile, hoping to hide your anxiety from him as you stand up on your own. “Ah, ah, I’m not that far gone,” you say, backing away from him. The further you get from him, the clearer you begin to think, and the more embarrassed you begin to feel for giving into him.
He watches you go with an almost unfathomable expression, his face a blank slate; even his usually sharp eyes are like stone. It makes you feel like you’ve done something wrong, like you should have allowed him to whisk you off your feet. But that was dangerous, especially when you already feel so vulnerable in his presence. 
You can only imagine what would happen if you allowed him to get so comfortable handling you like that.
“Goodnight, Lucci,” you say, turning and walking inside, leaving him alone on the porch. Every bone in your body screams at you to go back to him, but you force yourself to continue to your bedroom, shutting the door on your racing heart.
It seemed like every time you took one step forward, something was thrown into your path and you were knocked three backs. This became obvious to you when you found out a rather big secret that Lucci was keeping.
It wasn’t so much the fact that he was hiding it, because it was his to tell, and more what the actual secret entailed. You very much doubted he meant for you to find out at all, let alone the way that you did.
On the night in question, you decided that you wanted to take a walk during the evening, and found yourself a meandering path through the woods to follow. It was one of hundreds, forged by the many animals that called the island home, but you can’t tell the difference between them. You can sense that both predators and prey used to use it regularly, but that lately it had remained empty, and that concerned you. 
There were very few animals that posed a threat to you, but they were there. Generally the animals left you alone, but even before now you had sensed something was riling them up. It had been hard to notice because there were more pressing matters to attend to at the time, but you would hazard a guess it had started when Lucci had washed up on shore. 
Though you couldn’t be sure because you hadn’t been paying much attention, it was also the only thing that had changed on the island in the last few years.
In any case, you had finally noticed the disruption in the flow of magic around the island, mainly that certain species of animals had become far more aggressive, starting to wander closer and closer to your home. It was unlikely that they would outright attack it, or that they could actually do any damage, but you couldn’t be sure what they would do if they were left unchecked.
You didn’t want to face whatever was causing the upset, just scope it out and determine if the solution would be more involved. Sometimes, the problem turned out to be as simple as an injury, though this time you got the feeling that it was deeper than that. 
Based on the way they lurked around and were attacking each other, you imagined something had upset the food chain. The animals and plants each had their own individual auras that you could sense, and the animals had been growing weaker, although so slowly it had been hard to tell it was happening at all. It had become enough of a concern now that you needed to step in and figure something out.
Continuing on as quietly as you can, you allow the many different waves to wash over you, trying to determine which animals are in your vicinity. You know there has to be one nearby, because there’s a complete and total silence around you that only a predator can bring about. Not even the sound of crickets chirping can be heard, no matter how hard you strain to hear.
What you find is a monstrous creature, and as you approach it, sweat beads up on the back of your neck. It’s dangerous to approach one under normal circumstances, but as they’re now riled up, it’s downright stupid. 
Taking the time to cast a small invisibility spell, you step out into the edge of a clearing, scoping out the massive mound of brown fur in the center. It isn’t a natural clearing, but rather the animal-- a bear, by the look of it-- has tamped down the foliage and torn down the trees to make room for its massive body. 
“Shit,” you whisper, raking your eyes over every inch of its body that you can see. It doesn’t seem to be in distress, no labored breathing or cries of pain, and there aren’t any injuries that you can see. So what can it be?
There’s a snort, then the mound-- indeed a bear-- climbs to its feet and rears up on its hind legs with a snarl loud enough to knock you to your knees. The ground rumbles as it lands again, jarring you further. For the first time, you’re really and truly afraid for your safety, and you scuttle backwards, towards the trees. Even if they can’t stop the beast, they’ll hopefully slow it down enough to allow you to get away. On your own, you had no hope of taking it on, let alone down, so your only option is to run.
You stand up on wobbly legs, only to stumble as the bear begins to charge. The clearing isn’t large at all; it would take only a moment for it to reach you, but you aren’t far from the edge. All you need is that second--
Another snarl, smaller but no less menacing, rings out through the air but you don’t turn to look until you’re in the safety of the trees. Hidden behind the trunk of a large tree, you poke your head out to find a leopard, almost half the size of the bear, with its teeth clamped into the scruff of the other animal. Its claws are raking viciously down its back, its head whipping from side to side, trying to tear chunks of flesh from its larger victim. 
A leopard, you think, watching in awe, there are no leopards here. 
Cheetahs and tigers, along with a range of smaller feline species like servals and ocelots, but no leopards. You almost fear for the leopard’s safety, given its far smaller stature, but it’s locked down tight on the other animal’s back, relinquishing its hold just long enough to latch on again and maintain its position.
The bear is writhing in pain, screaming as it swipes at the leopard with terrifyingly oversized paws tipped with wicked looking claws. At last, it fell, rolling onto its back and obscuring your view of the cat, and you’re sure it’s been squished. 
But then it appears, leaping lightly up onto the bear’s side, making a beeline for its prey’s exposed stomach. Before it can make it, though, the bear is up, roaring again as it stumbles towards the treeline in a clear retreat. 
The hairs rose on the back of your neck as you watch the leopard stand in victory in the middle of a puddle of blood, licking its lips like it wanted more. Then it turned to look at you, piercing you with a set of intelligent silver eyes.
Your heart slams into overdrive when you lock eyes with the cat in a moment of recognition. It licked its lips again, taking one silent step towards you, and you turn, booking it through the woods and back towards the safety of your home. 
Though you aren’t sure how safe you really are anymore, given that you had let an animal inside already.
What had been a twenty minute walk out there was reduced by half in your mad dash back, and you’re out of breath, holding your side against the raging stitch there when you reach the house. Doubling over on the porch, you wheeze out what turned out to be a laugh. You collapse to your knees, struggling to get a proper breath in between your hysterics and general lack of air. You freeze when the floorboards creak under you, jerking your head up to meet the silver eyes of your guest, the same eyes you had locked gazes with mere minutes before. 
“Lucci,” you whisper, acknowledging him with a hoarse voice. He’s notably devoid of any blood, but you’re beyond the ability to process what that means. Your lungs hurt and you don’t have the strength to run again as Lucci comes closer, kneeling down and cupping your chin, but you have managed to get your breathing under control.
“You ran,” he says, amusement evident in both his words and his eyes. They’re narrowed, and seem to hold confusion as well, though you can’t fathom why. “Were you scared?”
Well that was a stupid question. Of course you were. 
“My housemate, who is virtually a stranger, turned into a massive leopard without my knowing it could be done, then managed to fend off an even bigger bear all by himself.” You couldn’t even take on those behemoths. You aren’t sure if it was due to their size or the island’s magic or both, but they’re impervious to your attacks. The best you could hope for was to shore up your defenses enough to keep them at bay, although it generally isn’t a problem. “What else should I feel?”
“Gratitude, for one thing. That monster was going to kill you, and you know it. If I hadn’t stepped in, you wouldn’t be here,” he answers. His hands wrap around your upper arms, gently tugging you to your feet. You stumble on legs still trembling from adrenaline and exercise, with Lucci’s arms likely being the only thing keeping you on your feet. 
He has a point, you concede as you fall onto the porch swing. It’s chains creak faintly under your sudden weight, but it was in no danger of falling. Like everything else, it’s magically reinforced to remain in place. “I do appreciate it, Lucci,” you say, raking your fingers angrily through your hair. It wasn’t that you were angry at him, or upset at his secret. In fact, you can’t peg what it is that’s upsetting you. “I just...I don’t know. You’ve been here for months and I feel like I know nothing about you, but I’m just supposed to be okay with it. And then it turns out you can transform into an animal. I can’t even do that.”
Although you now at least knew what was upsetting the animals around you. They must have recognized that Lucci was different from them but, unable to discern how, marked him as another predator, and were now trying to figure out a new chain of command.
He knelt down in front of you, and even then still remains at eye level with you. His brows furrow, silver swirling with anger as he glares at you, telling you without words that he’s going to answer no questions, even if you do ask. 
You wrench your jaw from his hand, glaring at the wall as you bite your lip against the furious tirade brewing in your chest. Against your will, he turns your head to him again, his face now wiped of all emotions. His thumb grazes over the marks your teeth have left in your lip, eyes lingering just a moment too long before meeting yours. It isn’t going to be so easy to deter you from your anger though, and you open your mouth, teeth clacking as you snap at him.
He chuckles, a low, dangerous sound that sends shivers down your spine. 
“And I’m the animal?” he asks, his fingers tightening on your chin, just enough to remind you he’s far stronger than you could ever hope to be. “I have the powers of a Devil Fruit. The Cat Cat Fruit, Leopard Model,” he says, relinquishing his grip to stand. 
You thought he was going to leave, leaving you with a dozen new questions, but to your surprise he sits beside you on the swing. You sit up straight, relaxing into the back of the swing and are met once again with the feeling of fingers ghosting across your neck, followed by the warmth of his arm.
You would be a liar if you said finding out he had strange powers didn’t sting a little, but you would be a fool to say you hadn’t known. Of course this man had secrets, he practically oozed secrecy, nevermind that he divulged very little about himself, other than that he worked for the World Government prior to washing ashore on your island. Beyond that, you know nothing about his hobbies, likes or dislikes, or even his favorite color.
Then again, you decide, maybe there wasn’t much more to him than that. Like the poor villagers from your home island, maybe he was all work and no play.
Pushing that aside to work through later, you pull your legs up underneath you. The sweat had cooled on your body, and you were feeling the chill as the sky grew pink. 
Quick as a flash, Lucci has a blanket in his hand.
“How did you--? That wasn’t--” 
You take the blanket from him, staring at it in confusion. That had been inside. Your heart begins to race in your chest again as you look up from it to him. He’s staring at you with a knowing smirk, waiting for your reaction. 
“Is that another power from your Devil Fruit?” you ask, hoping you don’t sound as nervous as you feel. That was two in a day, and you wonder what else he can do.
“No, I learned that from training for the World Government. I can move so fast I seem to disappear. Did you like it?” he asks with a sneer. He knows he’s playing with fire, revealing so much to you in one go, but he’s curious to see just how far he could push you before you cracked.
It’s easy to recognize the game, it’s one of his favorites, and you aren’t about to fall apart and let him win. 
“I don’t know if I like it, but it’s certainly interesting.” That sounds weak, even to you, but what else could you say? It’s unlikely that he would answer any questions, even if you knew what to ask, and it’s just as unlikely that you would understand the answer. “About this Devil Fruit, though, can you only turn into a cat?” 
Devil Fruits you understood. There was a tree that grew on your home island that produced one. They called it the Whistle Whistle Fruit. It gave a person the power to whistle whatever they wanted at any decibel. You thought it sounded a bit stupid, but the wielder could do some serious damage if they practiced enough. 
He shook his head and stood, making his way out into the grass. You watch curiously as Hattori takes off, coming to settle on the back of the swing beside your shoulder. 
The hairs raise all over your body, your breath coming out in a rush as Lucci shifts before your eyes, growing taller and sprouting spotted yellow fur all over his body. Just as you expect him to fall down onto all fours, it all seems to stop, and he remained up on his hind legs. Somehow, his clothing remained in one piece, stretched taut over the massive barrel chest he now possessed, as well as the increased muscle mass over the rest of his body. 
Your vision begins to spot, darkness closing in at the edges. You curl your hands into fists, digging your nails in as hard as you can to anchor yourself to the pain. You can hear your pulse thrumming in your ears, seconded by a strange, tinny whistling you couldn’t remember hearing before. As quickly as it came on, it passes, leaving your head spinning and your temples throbbing. 
Realizing you’ve stopped breathing, you gasp, taking short, heaving breaths in order to clear the lingering tension.
Lucci stands out in the yard still, tail flicking as he watches you struggle to come to terms with the odd sight. He was sure you were going to pass out, watching the sweat bead and fall from your hairline, rolling down and following the curve of your jaw until it fell to your shirt. 
But you impress him, managing to force it down until you could breathe freely again. 
Even more to his surprise, you stand, making your way down the stairs towards him. He refrains from moving, even though he desperately wants to see how badly it would frighten you. 
Moreso, he’s curious to know what you’re going to do. He is in no fear that you would try to hurt him; even if you did, there was nothing you could do that would harm him, and you would be a fool to try.
Your skin is still drained of all color as you watch him, like a deer might watch a wolf it thinks is sleeping but can’t be sure. Your steps are light, careful, ready to flee at a moments notice, and he can hear your pulse pounding away, see the telltale flickering in your neck. With his heightened sense of smell, he can also tell that that fear is mixed deliciously with a heady desire.
Unconsciously, he licks his lips, his pupils narrowing as you come to stand in front of him.
You don’t miss the flick of his tongue, already zeroed in on his every move, even though the more primal part of you knows you couldn’t get away even if you tried. It wouldn’t stop you, though, your fight-or-flight already on high alert. One wrong move, and you would run without thinking, more than likely causing him to chase on instinct. It would become a hunt, and you weren’t sure what the outcome would be.
A shiver shoots up your spine, and you can’t deny that the idea of a more desirable outcome, one ending with you pinned underneath him and entirely at his mercy, is a prominent reason.
Very slowly, you reach out, running just the tips of your fingers down the fur on his muscular arm. It’s smooth and fine, not quite soft but not coarse like you had imagined, and thick enough to delve your fingers into, but not enough to grab a handful. When they meet one of the many spots that littered his fur, you find that it’s thicker than the gold hairs, more coarse, but still not unpleasant to touch. 
You frown, running your fingers up and down over the rosette, watching the thick fur fold down and spring back up only for you to push it down again. “The spots feel different.”
It isn’t a question, but Lucci shrugs anyway. The smirk has long since faded, and he’s instead enveloped in watching you examine him. It’s a surreal experience to have someone essentially petting him. 
There had never been anyone that he showed this form to that he hadn’t wanted to intimidate or just flat out murder, and so no one had ever been close enough to him to touch him.
The motion startles you from your fixed attention, and you look up, craning your neck back as far as you can in order to see his face. Lucci was tall to begin with, but in this form he had to be at least 12 feet. 
In comparison to the rest of his body, his legs are downright scrawny and, in another situation, you might have laughed. 
But right now, you feel like you’re standing on a fragile precipice, one that could break at the slightest provocation and send you tumbling down to the gods knew what end. It was the last thing you had ever imagined being shown, especially from someone as secretive as Lucci, but he had seemed so willing to show you, and it would be rude to laugh.
Besides, you were already past it, your eyes roaming over his massive chest and up to his face, roving over a face strangely made up of both human and animal features.
Neither of you say anything for a long moment, your heart still thrumming away far too fast in your chest, Lucci simply waiting for your reaction. Some part of him he doesn’t want to acknowledge hopes you wouldn’t run. The animalistic part he’s more prone to listening to hopes you do, but not for the normal reasons.
He knew, as did you, that if you were to run, he would hunt you down, making a game of it for as long as he felt like it. When he pounced, he would claim you, over and over again until he likely would have to carry you home in his arms.
You reach up again as high as you can, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. He allows you to pull him down, following until he’s kneeling before you. Even at this height, he still towers over you, and you have to lift your arms up above your head to reach his face. As carefully as you had his arm, if not moreso, you trail your fingers through the fur from his forehead to his jaw, finding it soft and downy and pleasant to touch. You’re overcome with the urge to rub your face against it to determine just how soft it was.
Tugging on the piece of shirt you still hold in your fist, you pull him the rest of the way down. 
He resists at first, before relaxing in small increments until his face hovers above yours. It doesn’t cross your mind that the position might be uncomfortable for him, and he doesn’t offer a complaint. You register vaguely how his breathing has deepened, his eyes narrowing to half as your nose brushes over his gently. It isn’t wet, but dry and warm. You move on quickly, pressing your cheek to his and allowing the fur to graze your skin. It was just as soft as it had felt against your hands, if not softer.
Your hands slide up, over his shoulders and threading into his hair, relishing how soft the thick, black curls are as well. He doesn’t smell like you thought he would, wearing the same foresty scent of pine and rainwater that he always had. Of their own accord, your arms wrap around his neck, allowing you to press closer to his thick chest.
His hands curl around your sides, almost meeting before lifting you up to stand on your tiptoes, supporting most of that weight with his own strength and clutching you even closer.
“Do you know how dangerous this is?” he asks, squeezing just enough that you can feel his claws press into your skin through your shirt. 
His voice is right in your ear, feral with lust he makes no attempt to hide. 
It had taken every bit of his willpower not to take you prior to this, but the last thread is stretched to the breaking point. One move, one word from you, and he would claim you.
Your breathing hitches, your back arching up into him, and you curl your nails into his neck as heat flares from your toes up to your face. For one short instant, you really believe he might eat you alive, but then it’s gone, replaced by the distinct need to feel him against every inch of you.
“Lucci,” you moan, so quiet it’s almost a whisper, but his ears flick up in surprise. Fingers tipped with razor sharp claws wind through your hair, so careful not to nick your skin or shave your hair that you hardly realize he’s done it until he’s tugging your head back, exposing your neck to his sandpaper tongue. 
It rasps over your pulsepoint, and he feels you tremble in his arms, torn between fear and arousal. Your eyes flutter closed, so you feel rather than see his transformation, and then very human lips latch onto your neck, teeth nipping hard enough to sting before soothing it with his tongue. 
You can rapidly feel your body giving up control to him, unable to do anything but gasp and roll your hips. Your chest brushes against his, your nipples hardening at the light contact.
His lips trail up the column of your throat to your ear, nipping gently before asking, “Is this what you want?”
Afraid your voice won’t work, you nod, eyes opening to look up at him. Instead of returning to you, he shook his head, giving you a teasing look.
“I’m going to need a better answer,” he says, the hand not locked in your hair slipping up underneath your shirt and skimming up your back. Desperate frustration fills you, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “Lucci, yes, please!”
“Good girl,” he whispers. He’s still on his knees, his human height much more manageable, and he leans away from you enough that he could slide his hand up your front. 
A warm, calloused palm splays out across your stomach, pressing gently before it began a slow journey up your ribs. His lips brush yours briefly, not enough to call it a kiss, but it elicited a response all the same. Your lips part, head tilting up to follow him, begging him without words to come back and kiss you properly. 
Instead he smirks, and you realize he had been hoping to distract you as his hand finally cups the heavy weight of your tit in his palm.
Against the tender skin of your breast, his hand feels like sandpaper, but he’s so gentle as he rolls your nipple in his fingers that it feels exquisite. Warmth surges in your stomach, settling down at the juncture of your legs. You shiver as your back arches, seeking more.
His teeth meet your ear again before he lifts you up with one arm, still fondling your breast, like your weight means nothing. You can’t find it in yourself to care, instead allowing your fingers to thread through his hair down to his shoulders as his lips claim yours at last, his tongue immediately delving past your already parted lips and claiming your mouth entirely. 
He tastes of lingering blood and you shudder at the reminder. Your nails graze his neck on their way to the buttons of his shirt. By feel alone, you pluck them open, revealing delicious olive toned skin inch by inch.
You’re jarred a little as he sits down, and when you open your eyes you find yourself in the living room, settled in his lap on the couch. 
He had removed his hand from under your shirt in order to open the front door, and it now found its way back to the hem, pulling it up and over your head. 
His eyes rake from your waist up to your face; his eyes meet yours just long enough for him to flash a wicked grin at you before dropping back down to your heaving chest. You lean back, gripping his knees in each hand and tossing your hair over your shoulder, putting yourself on display for him. 
He likes that, watching you give yourself up willingly to him. It somehow satisfies the more primal part of him that craves seeing you submit to him in every way, but the look in your eyes says you know exactly what you’re doing. 
You’re willing to play his game, if he’s willing to follow the rules.
His fingers wrap in your hair again, his other hand gripping your hip, forcing you to roll down and grind against the bulge in his slacks. Like everything else on him, it was big, and you wanted to see it. 
“Patience,” he says, grabbing your hand as it reaches for the button of his pants. He guides you by the hair, forcing your back to bow more so he could wrap soft lips around the nipple of your untouched breast.
You have to clench your hands into fists to keep from reaching up and pulling him closer. You understand that he wants to take it slow, and it does sound appealing, but a part of you also just wants him to fuck you right then and there. It makes it all the more exciting, though, to hold back and let him lead.
His tongue laps languidly at your breast as you grind against him, eyes half closed as he takes his time. He relishes the faint gasps and whines filling the room as he moves to the other one, feeling his cock throb the longer he draws it out. When you begin to squirm, begging him to stop, he pulls away, pressing one last kiss to your raw, hard bud, and releases your hair. “Those shorts need to go.”
You grip the back of the couch and stand as if you were stretching, pushing your breasts against his chest. As you finger the button of your shorts, he pulls his cock out, giving it a few slow pumps as he takes in the view. You undo it and the fly, hooking your fingers in the waist before pushing them down, allowing them to slide down your legs to your knees, revealing your lack of underwear. They bunch at your knees, and you push them the rest of the way down, bending over far more than necessary, so your face comes dangerously close to his leaking erection. 
It’s as big as you had imagined, surely bigger than anything you’ve taken before, and you kneel down between his knees, taking it into your hands, Lucci’s breath hitching at the soft touch. Your fingers don’t even meet on the other side, and you can feel a new flood of warmth down your thighs at the realization.
Above you, Lucci smirks, able to smell your arousal peak. He watches you without saying a word as you begin to stroke him, poking your tongue out to lap at the pre leaking from the tip. Your mouth engulfs him a moment later, tongue swirling around his head and slit. It’s all you can take, and he groans at the feel of your mouth tight around him, imagining what your dripping cunt will feel like. His fingers grip your hair, pulling you gently off him and up to your feet. 
He relishes the look of confusion and flash of fear, afraid you’ve done something wrong.
He pulls you forward, coaxing you to straddle him as you had before, his cock nestling between your dripping folds. You moan, rocking your hips, covering it in your slick. The friction along your already sensitive clit is driving you dangerously close to the edge, and Lucci lets you continue for only a few moments before he stills you.
“This is your last chance, beauty, to change your mind,” he says, even as his thumb finds your clit and presses hard. 
It’s an unexpected roughness, and your hips jerk in response, your pussy spasming around nothing in pleasure. Even had you entertained the notion of stopping before, it would have been swept away in a rush. His eyes are liquid warmth, watching you with an amused smile as you shake your head enthusiastically.
“Lucci, please,” you moan, seeking more of the friction from his thumb. He acquiesces, rubbing softer circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves, gathering the moisture your body produced up. Your body is torn, not wanting to give up the feeling of his finger but craving him inside you.
“I need more than that, _____.” The deep, throaty way he says your name causes you to gasp. One long finger dips down to toy at your entrance. He has no intentions of slipping it inside you, but he’s more than willing to tease you.
It does the trick, your body instantly clenching in anticipation. “I want you inside me now.” 
You’re whining and you know it, but you also don’t care, willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.
Lucci gives you a dark, hungry look, and wraps his hand around his length. “Sit up,” he says, and his words are laced with so much commanding lust that you don’t even think to argue, instead sitting up on your knees and allowing his head to lodge in your dripping hole. Before you can sink down, he grabs under your thighs, keeping you positioned above him. You whine in frustration, tipping your head. He’s almost where you want him, nestled so deep inside your aching cunt you won’t be able to walk straight when he was through.
You whine as his thick tip splits you open, already stretching you to your limit. Inch by agonizing inch, he lowers you, fucking up into you little by little until he’s sure you can take him further. In your heady daze, you hadn’t considered how much it could hurt, taking something so big, especially since he was sure it had been ages since you had been with anyone. Fortunately, Lucci is in full control and aware, willing to restrain himself for your sake. Though he is a self-admitted sadist, that doesn’t extend to this, and he’s by no means a selfish lover. He doesn’t want to hurt you. 
At least, not unless you ask.
After several long, agonizing minutes, your hips settle down against his, little sparks of pleasure surging from your clit, trapped between your body and his. Your body trembles in his arms, your cunt spasming helplessly around his throbbing length, the only thing keeping you still being his arms locked around you. You’re cradled to his chest, his lips littering your neck with kisses, struggling against the desire to fuck up into the tight heat around his cock. 
“You’re so tight, beauty. You took me so well,” he whispers, licking the shell of your ear.
You’re almost sobbing against his shoulder, nonsensical babbling and begging spilling from your lips, rocking your hips just as much as his arms will allow.
Finally, once you’ve relaxed, he loosens his arms, allowing you free. Instead of the desperate bouncing he expected, you throw your head back, bracing yourself on his knees as you began to roll your hips, taking his cock inside you in deep, slow thrusts over and over. He’s mesmerized, watching the bounce of your breasts, his hands mindlessly gliding up to cup them before running back down your ribs. He can feel the way you twitch underneath his hands, like it tickles, but he’s already past it, one hand on your hip and the other moving down to cup your mound. The feel of his thumb against your clit startles you, your hips stuttering from their rhythm for a moment before they pick up again, faster now as you also sought the pleasure his fingers brought.
You begin to mewl his name, more nonsensical begging falling from your lips in between each call, until your pussy starts to flutter around him. 
His arm slides around, pulling you up and into his chest, his lips seeking out yours. His tongue slides past your parted lips, swirling around yours and swallowing your cries as you cling to him. Your nails leave jagged red lines across his shoulders as the bouncing of your hips become desperate and out of sync, and Lucci takes over, guiding you back into rhythm. The pounding of your hips and the frantic friction on your clit melds together and with one last cry you collapse into his arms. He eases you through your orgasm with gentle rocks of his hips, punctuated by little moans and gasps as you come down.
His hands caress down your thighs and back up, cupping your ass and forcing your hips to move. You shudder and whine, rolling your hips down to engulf his cock in your heat again and again, allowing him to use you to chase his own release. In your ear he whispers colorful praise, growling how good you feel around him, how much he enjoys feeling you squeeze tight around him. 
Your mind is slowly going blank from overstimulation, but you grip his shoulders, digging your nails in and dragging them up and down his back. He tenses when your teeth meet his collarbone, but it quickly passes as you move up his throat.
“Lucci,” you moaned, pressing your lips just underneath his ear. “Oh god, Lucci, you feel so good. I can’t--” You gasp when he rolls his hips up sharply, pressing deep inside you and pinching your clit in the process. 
Your whispered, thankful praise and your pussy clenching around him are his undoing and he stills inside you, his hips jerking several times before he relaxes against the back of the couch.
Your arms wind around his neck and you hide your face in his hair, placing lazy kisses along his throat and shoulder before settling your head there. It’s quiet and still, neither of you wanting to break the peace.
Lucci’s hands wander absentmindedly up and down your back, enjoying the way your breath is still uneven, your body still trembling from exertion. You had looked exquisite as you took him, and already his body is stirring at the thought of taking you again, seeing that wild pleasure on your face again. But for now, he lets you rest against him, comfortable with you in his arms. Right now, he could forget that he was a wanted criminal, a murderer, and that, no matter how much he might possibly, maybe want to stay, he’s already cast his lot with another.
Your breathing deepens and evens out, the steady rise and fall of your back lulling him as well, and, more gently than he could ever remember being, he moves you to lay on the couch, grabbing the blanket off the back and joining you a moment later.
He smiles-- an actual smile-- when you curl right up in his arms, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and go back to sleep. 
Unfortunately, he doesn’t join you for a very long time.
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themonochromesystem · 5 years
There was an animal crossing: new horizons direct today! Here’s the biggest hits from it! Also, this post is very, very long and very in-depth (i spent well over an hour on it) so there is a cut in the beginning to save your dashboard!
btw you can watch the direct for yourself here. And if you enjoy this recap, you might want to join my animal crossing discord server!
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First of all, you can pick your island (and further customise the terrain but I’ll get to that later)
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And you can pick the northern or southern hemisphere! You’ll be able to experience all four seasons regardless of your pick!
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You start off with two villagers! You then get an orientation from Tom Nook, Timmy, and Tommy!
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You can pick where your villagers live!!! You can also see the borders of how much space the tents will take up.
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BTW we’re only four minutes in to a 27 minute presentation so click the “keep reading”  to see the whole recap!
The plaza (the leaf on the map) has Resident Services, which is run by the nooks to provide, well, basic services. They sell tools, flowers, and medicine for wasps! There’s also a crafting table to make more stuff! And it’s open 24/7!!!
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Crafting works by learning the recipe, and then gathering the crafting supplies to make it! You just make it at the crafting bench in the top right corner.
You can customize furniture really easily in this game! And, Custom Designs Are Back! (more on that later)
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The Airport! It’s also open 24/7 and you can travel to other islands and send letter to your residents here! Also it’s run by the cutest dodo bird
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You can have 8 people on one island!
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Nook Inc. Special Services
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iPhone whomst? I only know the Nook Phone
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CEO Tom Nook delivers an Island Broadcast aka morning news to everyone, yall my heart
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The Nook Mileage Program is a lot like MEOW Coupons from acnl! Do some tasks to earn miles, to then get rewards! They’re also used to pay off the Getaway Package cost! (yall gonna need 5,000 miles for that btw)
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We’ve got tool rings y’all!!!
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Wasps, scorpions, and tarantulas are back y’all! Ya know how when you got bit by a tarantula or stung by a scorpion in new leaf you’d just pass out? Well wasps can do that now so #YouCanDieInACNH kldkfjdlfjfhjdffj
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These aren’t here for any particular reason, I just thought the mushroom lights were pretty
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My boy Wisp is back! It looks like you can collect ghosts in this game (which you could do in older games as a friend informed me)
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My other son is also back! 
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Apparently you can get lost and need to call a helicopter to take you home? how big are these islands??
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You can build a house! and the villagers face omfg thats a great screenie Tom Nook is also supplying loans with no interest or deadlines still! thank god
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The secret storage room is also back!
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It appears you can change the direction of the flooring at least!
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The Happy Home Designer-esque room decorator is here!
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Get those snazzy houses! It appears you can have 4 rooms in your house (the main room, one to the left, right, and back)
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You can use Nook Miles Tickets to go on Island Tours! You can do things like the acnl island tours, along with picking up some animal friends! There’s multiple islands and it seems to be random every time.
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Apparently you can jump over small rivers to escape the tarantulas and scorpions fvbvsjfbvjlsfbvhj
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Party Play lets you call residents who live on the same island as you for some local co-op!
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Creatures found by the people you’re playing with are stored in the recycle box at resident services!
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The Nintendo App finally has a gosh damn use! You can scan qr codes from happy home designer and new leaf! As well as talk to the people you’re playing with!
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Part 2 of the Presentation 
Ya’ll you can decide where your new residents will live before-hand! You can invite some residents to live on your island as well!
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More Facilities!!! The facilities shown in the direct were: the museum, nook’s cranny, able sisters, the campsite
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You can move your house AND the shops and facilities once they’re built it seems!
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Town services is supposed to expand into a town hall and ya’ll know what that means!!
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Some other fan favorites will also be visiting the island! These include: Label, Harvey, Celeste, Saharah, Daisy Mae (more on her in a bit), and Kicks!
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Celeste can give you a magic wand that lets you select outfits!
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Daisy Mae is a new NPC who sells turnips! I speculate she’s the child of Joan, but we don’t know yet.
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Fishing Tourneys and Bug Offs are now hosted by CJ and Flick! Flick is my entire aesthetic I love him!!
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Free updates are coming with seasonal festivities! My main man Jack is back yall!
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Island Customization is expansive! Rip homebrew bc there is no need anymore! We have easy paths, bridges, ramps, river customization, cliff customization, AND you can make your own damn waterfalls! (i’d recommend watching the direct starting at 20:49 to fully grasp this bc it’s a lot)
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Happy Birthday to You! 🎶
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Additional Info:
1. Up to 8 people can share an island on the same switch system 2. Animal Crossing Amiibo figures and cards are supported! They mentioned add availability to more Amiibos, so maybe the loz and splatoon ones will be added! 3. No more griefing! Only your best friends can use certain tools while visiting your island!  4. Multiplayer sessions appear to each have their own code! 5. Save backups via the Nintendo Cloud thing aren’t supported. Watch at 25:34 for more information! 6. Pocket camp players can get ACNH themed items! Follow the pocket camp twitter for more info!
So thats it! I say, after spending 2 hours making this long ass post lmao
Thanks for reading this far! Like and reblogs are greatly appreciated and follow the ACNH Bathhouse blog for more animal crossing posts! Check out the ACNH discord server for more fun chats about animal crossing and many other games!
Thanks for reading!!
43 notes · View notes
faunusrights · 5 years
“Yes.” Glynda couldn’t hang up, not without: “I’m—I’m sorry. About what I—”
“It’s alright. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay—” The feed cut. Softly, Glynda said again, “Okay.”
do u know how hard it is to wake up and play animal crossing whilst knowing this chapter looms over yr shoulder,
She was fidgety; even Cinder mentioned her pacing, shooting a critical eye her way. Glynda sat, intent on stillness; moments later, Cinder mentioned her bouncing leg.
i LOVE it when a chapter calls me out just right out of the gate hahaha who gave u the right
"Really?" How long had they been doing that? How long ago had Cinder noticed? "Should I stay?"
cinder: maybe i should tell glynda abt that /see glynda pacing a dent into the floor cinder: ooooooor i could. NOT give her an excuse to bully them for something to do,
On her way down the street, Glynda couldn't help but stare at the car, its tinted windows revealing nothing within. As she passed it, she kept glancing over her shoulder, expecting an attack or something. But nothing came of it.
HJGDFSGSDFHKGHJDF GLYNDA,,,,,,,,,,, can u imagine being in the white fang, and sittin in yr fuckin. TINTED WINDOWED like BULLETPROOF CAR and yr sat on yr ass watching out for cinder “dumbass” fall and suddenly glynda goodwitch, The Top Bitch, comes out and starts GLARING YR CAR DOWN,,, like ah. i think she knows we’re here. hrm. hm.
i would just like. drive to mcdonalds and get some nuggies at that point.
She had a clutch of flash-images and a wash of emotions and impressions, the raw materials of memory, stored as-is without refining. She was quite used to that—most of her missions were hazy and rough in her memory, mere sketches of events.
i cant wait for glynda to become a vlogger if only so she can actually have physical proof of whatever the fuck happens whenever she goes out and about. get her a go-pro.
It told her: despite her restlessness, despite the arduous journey here, and despite the way Vale seemed to call for her from somewhere beyond the horizon, she felt quite content to be where she was.
the difference having a gf has huh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u got a whole ass home (being cased by the fang) a real nice city to live in (its floating and atlas wants yr number) a bunch of unread msgs (from a [redacted] who [redacted]) and its a nice day!!! its all coming together. but probably not for very long,
(i got very distracted at this point making a line graph for the animal crossing stalk market so here we go, x2 edition,)
That meant the nightlife would soon begin. She had never liked crowds; too many people, too much input at once. It was hard to focus, to be comfortable.
/chefs kiss
autistic glynda did u kno: id die for u,
Since she’d blocked Ozpin’s number, there was no chance of receiving anything directly from him—but there was still a moment of pause each time she checked her Scroll, as if expecting his smiling face to appear somehow.
OH YEAH LMAO SHE DID THAT SHIT HUH,,,,,,,,,, i still cannot BELIEVE that happened. GOD. cant wait for this to bite her entire ass right off her body,
By the time she reached the top landing, Winter had replied: “I wasn’t aware that you had additional support on this mission, Professor. I will need their full name and Hunter’s license number.”
To answer Cinder Fall and she doesn’t have a license, but she does have several warrants for her arrest felt like inviting Winter to question not only her integrity, but her sanity as well.
SDHGJFKSKGHDJFGJHDKF i cant say what makes this funnier because 👈😎👈 but HOHOHOHOOOOO could u imagine the fallout if she did just, say that shit. if we just went and fuckin said it like it was no biggie--
Finally, Glynda let her shoulders relax, exhaling deeply, like she would before rushing a Grimm. She wrote it plainly: “The clearance is for Cinder Fall.”
winter rn:
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She’d just have to wriggle her way out of having to talk face-to-face, then return the game to a field she felt slightly more comfortable with: text.
okay this is so funny to me cause i just keep thinking of her sending ‘no reason’ to oz. a MASTER of textual conversion. un fucking PARALLELED in this field, UNRIVALLED,
Glynda tossed a look at the door as well, her mouth pulling into a line; what if Cinder came outside? What if—
Could Winter track her exact position using her Scroll signal? She minimized the projection of Winter’s face and hurried off in a random direction the instant she hit the bottom of the stairs.
i LOVE these two because this is the first time we’ve rly seen glynda like. Actively do smthng to defend cinder in this sort of way? she’s been pretty passivve abt letting cinder take the lead when theyre together but on her own shes thinking of all the contingencies to make sure winter cant find cinder and u know what. thats gay. what will u do for yr not-gf when yr talking to someone who would kick her ass in a hot second,
also im TAKING to grab choice lines here to comment upon but honestly this next section is SO GOOD that im rly struggling to find a line to encapsulate how much i am LOVING this convo. i cant say exactly WHY im loving it because again thats 👈😎👈 BUT KNOW THAT THIS IS VERY GOOD FOOD AND I AM ENJOYING IT. and im also enjoying this line a lot
Winter’s voice was decisive: “Professor, if you hang up on me, I am flying to your location—tonight.”
winter: if y’all dont shut the fuck up back there i am turning this car, city, and continent AROUND,
It was the same thing, over and over: people didn’t understand her and she didn’t understand them. It was an exercise in futility that only gave her grief. In the end, she gave up on trying to explain herself. She resigned to being wrong, to always being wrong, even when she knew she wasn’t.
/reads the next bit
oh are we donning our tinfoil hats? we’re donning our tinfoil hats.
It was so easy. Glynda didn’t stumble over her words even once; didn’t waver. She was built for doing harm. Her anger burned hot and clean; it excised all the hurt like a malignant tumor.
Maybe she really had learned something from Cinder—channeling her frustration, her guilt, her pain, all of it into anger like this was something Glynda was new to. But it felt good. She leaned into it, letting it take the reins; the distressing memories vanished like wisps of smoke, vaporized by the heat of her wrath.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS god this is. SO EXCITING. i also love it when ppl rub off one one another its my FAV thing in the WORLD and this anger is. WOO. this anger is. DANDY. its also a very short-term burst of pleasure glynda so enjoy that hollowed-out whoopsie feeling that i sure get when i Blow Up,
“She butchered my friend!” Winter snarled, the camera shaking as she slapped the desk. “She butchered my friend in the streets like he was cattle! And I have done everything in my power to help you! Everything! To keep her from doing the same to you, and you’ve blown me off or lied or—” Winter’s voice snagged. “And now you tell me—you accuse me—”
It was early evening in Umbraroot, but it must already be night in Atlas. The shadows revealed the unclean angles of Winter’s face: the bruises of exhaustion under her eyes, the lines of stress at the corners of her mouth.
im sorry im just copy-pasting wholesale at this point but OH this is GOOD. i cant rly explain. like. the difference-- because you’d think from the og version this is just a bit more flavouring right? its like getting a bit of hot sauce on yr chicken wings and yr like ‘okay it adds smthng but its not like a side meal’ BUT IT IS A SIDE MEAL this is like a whole basket of fuckin. cheese-baked fries. winter DESERVES this screentime she DESERVES to have presence in this fic and OH does she USE IT im LIVINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
Glynda wanted anger. She wanted fire and brimstone. She wanted a fight.
What she got was the glisten of tears on pale lashes. A hand covering Winter’s trembling mouth.
The ashy taste of remorse in her throat.
She didn’t have anything. Nothing against that. The possibility that Winter might truly care what happened to her had been so insignificantly small and easy to trample. She had forgotten about the losses Winter shouldered the moment Cinder had whispered inheritance.
it’s just like clockwork,
also this chapter feels lengthy but maybe its just cause i got distracted with animal crossing so ill have to do a wordcount check at the end
no its lengthy this is a thicc one,
“I know,” Glynda said. “I know. I know how this sounds. But she’s the only person who makes me feel like—like I make sense.” In her mind, Glynda lay in the darkness of Cinder’s bedroom, watching the glaze of streetlights along her lips as she said you.
you,,,,,,,,, we,,,,,,,,,,,, our,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, its all that gay shit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Cinder Fall is a tremendous liar. She could convince you it is raining in Vacuo, given enough time. Two years ago, I was working on the Argus base, where I met her as a client; she told me she was a merchant seeking entrance into Atlas—she had all her documents in order, her entire persona set up, and she sold it perfectly. She was flawless—and all of it was fake. She gave me no reason to doubt her. She was—”
Winter cut herself off, abruptly. Then: “Once I was comfortable and safe, she burned down my office and murdered my friend.”
YES,,, SLOWLY THE LORE PIECES TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! winter is once bitten twice shy, but mayhaps we mean,,, once burnt,,,, twice shy,,,,,,,,,, hrmmmm,
Glynda told Winter everything.
OH MAN,,,, we’re really getting this messy fucking trio up in this bitch i am SO excited. i am THRILLED. here! we! go!!!!!!!!!! also i said it before but again im so glad winter gets to Be Here for this. sure this has nothing to do w/ her destiny or w/e but shes here now. shes in the uber. she waiting outside.
The dying potted plant Glynda had spotted last time on the back wall’s shelf had been replaced with a new one; this one’s leaves were beginning to shrivel at the ends.
dsfjhhkljsdf side note: is this like that scene in finding nemo where all the new fish see the niece and go ‘oh no we’re gonna die’ but instead its plants getting taken into winters office? they go ‘im sorry, mate, but once you go into her office, you come out TOTALLY dead,’
okay so this whole convo happened and if i try to pick one section ill end up picking it all AAAAAAAAAAAAAA im dying out here. WINTER BLEASE,,, BELIEVE THAT SOMETIMES CINDER CAN TELL A HALF-LIE. A SORTA-TRUTH. A SEMI-HEMI-DEMI HONESTY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
How different would that mission have gone? How different would her life have been?
She found herself saying, “He had so many chances to tell me. Instead, he let me think I was reckless. That I was a danger to other people. I stopped working in teams. I didn’t have many people in my life to begin with, but afterwards was worse. He saw to it that he was all I had, and he let me think it was my fault.”
OOF!!!!!!! O O F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly OOF that shit HURTS BITCH!!!!!!! thats BANANAS. WILD. im also loving (hating???) the increase of painful glynda lore and honestly everyone feels like they have So Much More that builds them up and im THRIVING off it. im also suffering for it.
With the video feed closed, Glynda could see she had new notifications. Missed calls. From Cinder.
Glynda’s stomach lurched. She stowed her Scroll before she could think about them.
At the mouth of the alley, she could see the shape of Cinder’s apartment in the distance. She stood there for a long time, staring, uncertain what to do with her hands, unsure what to do with her heart. Her jaw flexed. She remembered the tears on Winter’s lashes. The friend she’d lost.
Glynda took her first step toward the apartment.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and so the soft domestic shit ends. but nowhere near as explosively as id thought???????? HUH. H U H. must b because we’re gearing up for smthng honk honk honk
ANYWAY!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. this chap was SO good its astonishing (despite the [several] times i got distracted by animal crossing rip me). WINTER!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe this disaster trio is coming together. also cant wait for glynda to tell cinder the shit she just pulled. oh no,
(also the wordcount was 5,931. just in case u were curious)
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nadunacreates · 5 years
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days one to six: sunrise // flower crown // humming // lake // gentle touch // cute animal
set somewhere after the epilogue that has yet to be written; a soft ending; 2k words, continued under the cut.
Radiant is sitting next to her, once again. They’re back out here, once again, with the same mountains and forests surrounding them, stretching as far as they can see. This time, though, time doesn’t matter. They don’t have to hurry back to the city, there’s no rush to be anywhere, no need to pretend that this is not exactly where they’re supposed to be and who they’re supposed to be with. This time, it’s easy to linger, to settle back against the grass that’s cold and wet with dew, to interlace their fingers and tip their heads back, keep their eyes on the horizon and watch the sun rise over the valley, watch the Mountain Beasts rip entire trees out of the ground and crush them to dust with their razor-sharp teeth, grazing contentedly and bleating ‘good morning’s at each other like overgrown, furless sheep.
The air is filled with birdsong and the smell of spring; there are flowers that crane their heads towards the first rays of light, that let the sun’s fingers caress their newborn bodies, and they sigh softly when the warmth of a new day seeps deep into their leaves, makes their blossoms flutter and the color pop. There are busy bees and hungry caterpillars, a wild bunny or two, and it feels like it’s the whole world that’s spreading out before them, finally at peace. Finally able to heal.
Moe startles when Radiant tugs her hand out of Moe’s grasp, when she sighs and tugs off her mask, shoots a sheepish smile in Moe’s direction as she lets her hair fall loose over her shoulders. “It’s better that way,” Kaliope says quietly. Her eyes glow. “I don’t even know why I put it on in the first place.” Moe smiles back at her, but in the end, there’s no need to say anything. She knows why Kaliope put it on in the first place, just as well as Kaliope herself knows it, probably, even if she doesn’t quite want to admit it.
It’s still hard, after all.
Some days are still worse than others, and sometimes the memories press in on them both, barely let them breathe. Memories of both good and bad, of things past that they wish they could change and those that they wouldn’t ever, of light and dark and dark and light, and all these grey spaces in-between. It’s never easy, but sometimes it’s bearable. Sometimes it’s okay, because they’re going to be fine. Because somewhere down the road, they’re going to be okay. And right now, they’re just working towards that goal, day after day, step by step, along that winding path.
Moe realizes she’s still smiling when she blinks the shadow of these memories out of the corners of her eyes, blinks and notices that Kaliope still isn’t holding her hand again, but instead she’s now holding up a flower crown woven of forget-me-nots and daisies and other small plants that Moe doesn’t know the name of, isn’t sure if they’re even flowers or just random weeds. Then again, Kaliope has never needed perfection to love something, to be able to appreciate its inherent beauty in spite of all appearances. (She’s always been the one to look closer, deeper, to listen and wait and figure out the truth for herself, to see beauty from within.) Moe realizes she’s still smiling because it almost hurts when she wants to grin even wider at the sight, when her throat closes up as if that was where these flowers were growing, and even swallowing twice doesn’t do anything about the choking feeling at the back of her throat or about the sudden dryness of her eyes, the way they itch and water and— Moe keeps smiling despite the quiver of her lips, because of the quiver in her lips, and she closes her eyes, leans forward and bows her head in Kaliope’s direction, a silent acquisition followed by an agreeing noise from under her breath, a shaky hum to distract from the way she’s literally rendered speechless. Kaliope laughs a little to herself, softly, and takes care to arrange the flower crown on Moe’s head, to weave it into the short brown locks, to make sure it doesn’t fall apart at the slightest movement. She takes a moment to admire the image once she’s done, after, and there’s a pause during which Moe doesn’t dare to open her eyes. She feels the weight of Kaliope’s gaze on her, though, and it’s a comforting kind of burden. Then Kaliope runs her hand down the side of Moe’s face, oh so gently, cups her palm against her cheek, and lets her thumb stroke along the bone underneath Moe’s right eye, brushes a few stray tears away. She doesn’t say anything, for a while, just hums and stays close and leans forward to touch her forehead against Moe’s when Moe’s breaths finally start to calm, when there’s no hitch to them, anymore.
Moe’s hands itch to touch Kaliope back, return the gesture of reverence, to wrap her up in a hug and just… hold her close, for a while, to know that she’s here and she’s not going anywhere, and it only takes the span of a heartbeat for Moe to remember that she’s allowed to do these things, now, that Kaliope even requested she give in to such whims whenever she wants to — and oh, how she wants to.
Still, she’s careful when she raises her hand to come to a rest on Kaliope’s wrist, on the hand that’s still cupping Moe’s cheek. Kaliope doesn’t flinch or back away, so Moe runs that hand along Kaliope’s arm down to her elbow, up to her shoulder, back down again, following soft curves and well-known paths, until she reaches the cage of her ribs and lets her other hand join it there, and then she wraps both of her arms around Kaliope’s waist, oh so gently, pulls her close — buries her face in her neck and just breathes, for a while.
Kaliope’s own hands come to a rest on Moe’s shoulder blades now, and still she’s running her thumbs back and forth in soothing circles, a subconscious gesture that makes Moe relax a fraction more, until Kaliope is all but holding her up, capable and strong and unyielding, sarcastic and soft and gentle, and gods, how Moe loves her.
She loves her.
It’s not really a revelation.
It’s something she’s known for a while now, the same way she knows when the moon is full or when there’s a storm coming, something that’s ingrained deep in her bones and impossible to get out, something that’s as much a part of her as the blood in her veins and the heart that beats in her chest, only that now that heart beats for Kaliope, too, a thump-thump-thump of you’re-here-beside-me, of no-more-masks-I-know-you-and-you-know-me and let-me-spend-the-rest-of-our-lives-with-you. It’s— it feels like coming home. Coming home to the kind of home where the fireplace is lit during wintertime (because Emerson will never not complain when it’s cold outside and there’s no fire in the hearth), where it smells like fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies (because Maura found that new recipe and had to try it) and where there’s a new painting on the wall (because Lisa has finally found her inspiration again), a home where cat and dog lie curled up next to (and on top of) each other in front of the flames, where Kaliope looks up with a smile and ink-stained fingers when Moe enters, where Moe gets to come home and press a kiss to Kaliope’s lips, where she stumbles forward and lands in Kaliope’s lap (because Farren is a little shit and they just won’t quit match-making Moe even after Moe has found her match). It feels like coming home to a home that’s no longer a pipe dream made of mere wisps and smoke of hopeful thinking, but rather a home that’s made of solid bricks and mortar, steady, sturdy and reliable, comfortable and real, and it’s not something she has to wish upon a star for, but rather something that actually happened that way just last week, and... yes.
Moe might be more than ready to say it now, and she’s never considered herself a coward, doesn’t want to start now, so—
“I love you,” she says, and very much feels as though she just took a tumble down a cliff; her heart is in her throat and her are hands shaking, so she fists them in the material of Radiant’s cloak and hopes for the best. She took a tumble down the cliff and she can’t fly, anymore, but Kaliope will always be there to catch her. She holds her closer still, and Moe can feel the way her fingers shake as she stops drawing patterns on the bare skin of Moe’s neck, as she presses them flat against it instead, as though she has to steady herself. Kaliope breathes in and out and her hair tickles Moe’s nose and her heart beats a steady rhythm against Moe’s chest and then she turns her head to the side, presses her lips to the place where shoulder meets neck, where that scar runs down along Moe’s collarbone, and she says, whisper-quiet, “I love you.”
Moe smiles, again, or maybe still, and she lets herself melt back into Kaliope’s embrace, lets herself just enjoy the moment. There’s nothing more that needs to be said, nothing that couldn’t wait just a few minutes more.
The sun has fully risen now, the Mountain Beasts have moved on, a little, stopped eating trees and started ripping chunks out of the mountainside, instead, and a few of them have trotted down to the water to drink, and it’s their old friend who stops and stares on his way, who cranes his long neck and roars a greeting. Kaliope startles at the sound, but it only takes her half a heartbeat to recognize the sound and know that it isn’t a threat, and then she starts laughing, the full-belly kind of laughter that leaves her unable to hold Moe close anymore, that makes her stomach cramp and her voice go too high, her eyes crinkle and glow brighter, sparkle with mirth, and it makes the hiccups start again.
Kaliope leans into Moe’s side as she’s calming down, then, lets her fingers wrap against Moe’s and lifts those intertwined hands to her mouth to kiss the back of Moe’s hand, but doesn’t quite manage to follow through with the whole pressing-her-lips-to-skin thing, because she hiccups again. Opens her mouth in affront, to protest, hiccups again. She snaps her mouth shut and glares, and this is the moment that Moe’s composure dissolves into laughter as well, carefree for once, just happy to be here, with Kaliope, to enjoy this moment of peace. Freedom.
It’s not perfect. There’s grass stuck to Kaliope’s cheek and her fingers are stained with the color of the flowers she used for the crown, and Moe thinks there’s hair in her mouth and her own legs are getting numb from the way she sits and the fact that the cold and wet grass has really become a nuisance now, but it’s good. It’s good.
They’re alive, they have each other.
Tomorrow will come, and it will come with yet another beautiful sunrise.
It’s more than enough, and Moe loves every second of it.
author’s note at the end, because wow this has gotten long. 
i’m… not bad at writing daily, but rather at being able to produce something actually readable daily. which is why, when i saw how perfectly these first six days of the fluffcember prompts go together, i couldn’t resist writing a single piece for them all. i hope you enjoyed it!
also. i realized pretty late that this whole thing probably counts as a major spoiler because it’s literally an epilogue after an epilogue, but. i kinda don’t care. i also don’t care that i have no idea just what these two have been through, in the end, because i haven’t written it yet. i know what my PLAN is, and i know it’s gonna be ... bad, but honestly my writing rarely goes according to plan, so this might very well end up never happening like that. it was still a nice break from the angst.
(and mountain beasts count as cute animals, right?)
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nyrator · 4 years
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for my first ten days in Animal Crossing New Horizons in picture form (aka the 20th-29th)
because I have close to 3,000 screenshots and it was hard go through them all but I did (mostly because I ran out of the 10,000 limit and had to upload them to my computer anyway)
letsa gooo
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The start of the game.
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Heck yeah, Tommytown. Also shoutouts to Rocket and Teddy, my first new friends in the town. Can’t say I relate to Rocket, but she’s pink and has a pink house eventually so that’s nice. Teddy’s okay, though not a fan of Jocks in general.
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Thanks, random motivational dream K.K.
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The start of Nyville
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People say Timmy and Tommy are the same, and I admittedly was not a fan of them in ACNL, but I know thanks to this game that Tommy is a true friend and I would die for this tanuki
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Also shoutouts to catching like two tarantulas in the first night, jesus
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And in one night, managed to get Blathers to want to join our town.
And then the rest of the days came.
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Met Gulliver (jerk thinks my head is big all the time)
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Made some pro designs and changed my hair
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Lots of good friend visits/visiting (though one random guy I added from Splatoon invaded and stole all my apples, rippp)
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and that was my second day of playing
AND ALSO I’VE RECEIVED A LOT OF NICE LETTERS FROM PEOPLE... I am bad at writing letters and I’m not sure if people would want them public but aaaa thank you for the letters (shout outs to lala-ko in particular what a good AC frienddd)
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Lots of things being built
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Got some reactions~
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MABLE... but, more importantly, that means...
SABLE... the best NPC in the game...
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More friendshippp
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Paid off my first loan~
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Also shoutouts to local friend letting me get some apples to make some furniture for people to move in after some jerk stole all mine
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Also met Harvey, what a dude. ALSO, MY OLD FRIENDS...
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And that was only day three of my adventures.
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Met Wendy, a Peppy Sheep. You’re okay, Wendy, you’re okay.
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they did not have to go that hard but they did
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whoops I didn’t expect it to be that close oh well, I can move things around later so for now everything is next to each other for convenience
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also met a ghost friend and he gave me expensive(?) flooring
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Got a cute alligator friend, you’re okay too, Gayle. ALSO I SEE YOU MABLE...
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Also, finally, new phone, who dis? Dis stylin’ Nyrator. May adjust it later on since I found there’s a template online on how it works.
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Did some fishing as well, apparently caught some rare first that day.
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Nook continues to ruin me financially, but at least I got more storage space.
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Some frog joined, and I think I’d like him if it wasn’t for the burpy noises and the facial hair. Lazy villagers seem great in this game though.
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hello Saharah
thanks for all the rugs/wallpaper I guess
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Thanks, Wendy.
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ALSO SHOUT OUTS TO KOMETA a good friend she got me a lovely heart apron and hair pin and pink hoodie and things and they’re so nice and aaaa thank youuu
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Also made more pixel art designs because why not
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even wendy agrees
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it better, Nook
give me Tommy back to wander the island with his flag and leaf umbrella I miss socializing with Tommy
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excuse you Nook told me you wanted this here
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more friendship
this game a nice game to socialize in with people (even though I’m terrible at it I apologize especially for never imitating anything with anyoneee)
the letters and the casual tours and having fun are really nice, plus it’s nice to just share things like fossils and DIY recipes, good times
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thanks, Wendy
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It took over 50 bait until I failed a catch and failed getting that one achievement again (farthest was 81/100 fishing in a row and I keep getting into the 60s-80s before screwing up, close to 90 today though so we’ll see how it goes), after failing I was like, heck with it, just throw bait over the small fish until a big one appears, and sure enough, my second-to-last bait, and my third large fish, bam, this baby arrives.
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thank you celeste now give me your bow...
Didn’t see a meteor shower at this point, but you better believe I just crafted one today and boy is it good (though stores clothing in the wand which is a bit weird but saves my storage space a bit, I just need to buy multiple hairpins)
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there she is, the jingly girl herself
also I put a podium there but misplaced it, sorry Nook I’ll get it right tomorrow- oh wait you don’t do these outside anymore... ripppp
However, before any of that silly nonsense
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you don’t know how heartwarming it was to be invited to this and celebrate this that morning, had no idea it was happening until it happened, but aaaaaaaaaa so wholesome...
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so anyway back to Nook and Isabelle
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and getting this immediately because heck with all the inventory management in this game
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So Project K, got it. Heck yeah, K.K.
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Also made a town theme (forgot to screenshot it but it’s the Yume Nikki save theme, might change it to Mary Had a Little Lamb though), and also a flag design was already prepareddd
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also hi Gulliver again
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and a campsite...
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heck yeah it’s all coming together
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jerks all of you are jerks but you’re all still pretty okay/10 (not Merry/Kyle level though)
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seriously though rip that podium idea
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thank you mabel...
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And a campsite~
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Kometa gave me this apron and I will continue to cherish it
But yes, that’s about it for today~ Town’s unweeded, campsite’s built, things have been slowing down while at the same time picking up~
DAY 10
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okay cool
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also hello Daisy Mae, the internet loves you for some reason, can I have some turnips
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that is expensive you little snot nosed brat but fine I’ll play your stalk market games, cover my whole town in four million bells worth of turnips again like ACNL...
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Also thanks Lyle, I’m a B apparently.
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Wow okay I don’t even have a choice, rippp
at least he’s smug, smug villagers are the best personality of villagers
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heckk yeahhhh bad placements all arounddddd
I can’t wait to start fixing this island up to a better shape, rip my haphazard placement (I admit I kind of miss the randomness of earlier games, having this much control is weird)
I may have ran out of screenshot space early the next day and thus uploaded them all to my computer because I need that space (10,000 screenshots, man...)
Got a lot accomplished, I feel~ Still haven’t paid off my back room loan, but I got a bridge paid, got another bridge on the opposite side being built, and I saw some meteor showers the past two nights AND GOT A STAR WAND...
Got Gwen and Hamphrey also moving in and can’t get Merry in town just yet but she’s in the campsite, watching, waiting... debating if I should get ten randos first before moving cards in, though
Also met Gulliver/Celeste/Wisp again the past few days, and also today is the beginning of Easter stuff (so many eggs, also random esports fish guy, he’s weird, also NO BLANCA, rip my empty-faced April Fools cat dude thing (apparently a girl in the US? but I will continue to be a weeb and think of them as their Japanese selves mostly because the voices tend to be masculine)
but yeah made like over 100 wishes in two days and got a bunch of neat star things (not as many as I’d thought I’d get but I’ll take it)
Also, SABLE IS A FRIEND and I love the clothing store but am weirded out that I can’t seem to order things in bulk, just what I’m wearing in the dressing room, which is awkward. Oh wellll
(also may have realized I never got a recent passport screenshot so went and did thattt, should think up more titles maybe)
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evwuniverse · 4 years
Animal Crossing New Horizons Beginner Review
Animal Crossing has been around since April 14, 2001, with its first release from the franchise for the Nintendo GameCube. Since then Nintendo has built a loyal fan-based community of individuals who’ve fallen in love with the game. Trying to be non-biased in this review (I’ll try my best!) I’m going to explain the positives and negatives of the recently released Animal Crossing game called Animal Crossing New Horizons which came out March 20, 2020. Every part of the review will be broken up into sections so you can read specifically the part you’re looking for. This is going to be a very long and extensive review covering hopefully everything you need to know about the game and whether or not you should obtain it if you haven’t already.
Animal Crossing Timeline (all of the games from 2001-2020):
2001 - Animal Crossing
Console = Nintendo GameCube
2005 - Animal Crossing: Wild World
Console = Nintendo DS
2008 - Animal Crossing: City Folk
Console = Nintendo Wii
2012 - Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Console = Nintendo 3DS
2020 - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Console = Nintendo Switch
Who is Animal Crossing For?
The rating for Animal Crossing is for anyone 3+ and is family-friendly.
The point of the game is to build up an island filled with animals who are your neighbors which later on become your “best friends.” It falls under the category of social simulation. When you’re building up this utopian island you’ll notice it starting from the very beginning with lots of grassy areas, trees, weeds, and some flowers here and there. As you progress forward you get a town hall, market store, clothing store, and a museum. You’ll also, have other animals who want to move to your island so you’ll start to see more houses that you find the placing for in Animal Crossing New Horizons. This is something not yet seen in the Animal Crossing franchise. We were never able to choose where we could put an animal's house. They would just randomly build anywhere. This is a nice feature we’ve been given this time around!
Game Progression Shops and Lore of the Game:
Nook’s Cranny: The Market
During the progression of the game, the Nook’s Cranny ran by Timmy and Tommy two young raccoons that aren’t blood-related to Tom Nook. Both Timmy and Tommy are apprentices of Tom Nook’s Tom Nook considers himself more of a mentor or teacher. He is known for wanting to teach others good economic principles to help them from suffering financially in the future and making the same mistakes he had made. Their names were revealed in Animal Crossing New Leaf and this time around they’ve joined us as the shop owners of Nook’s Cranny in Animal Crossing New Horizons.
You’ll start with basically a wooden shack called Nook’s Cranny and with time you’ll slowly build up to an actual market store almost looking like a cute little town flower shop from the outside. This will continue to change during the progression of the game. However, to be honest I haven’t gotten far enough in the game yet to see the other changes that there supposedly are.
Dodo Airlines and Mystery Island Tours:
Airport Itself:
Dodo Airlines is a new part of Animal Crossing New Horizons this is a more organized way of being able to visit other friends and players islands. Before in other Animal Crossing games such as Animal Crossing New Leaf, you would go into a small building that was a train station. There would be a monkey that would grant you access to leave to other towns. Instead, they have an airport in New Horizons it’s run by two characters Dodo Orville and Dodo Wilbur. This is also where you can invite others to visit your town. From here they’ve added new things such as Mystery Tours which you’re able to take by using a Nook Miles Ticket. This will take you to a random island that contains bug, fish, items, and other resources that may not be accessible on your island. Some islands have special trees such as bamboo, foreign fruit trees, and rare flowers, The foreign fruit trees will always be the same foreign fruit.
I’ll be honest from my experience every time I’ve used a Nook Miles ticket to do the Mystery Island tours I’ve yet to come across an island with resources I didn’t already have on my starter island. For example, the fruit I started with was apples. I’ve only had Mystery islands with Apples and Peaches so far. I currently have both fruits so I only obtain those fruits on the Mystery Island tours to sell them for a small amount of money on my island. So just know it will be possible if you’re anything like me that you’ll keep getting islands with non-special properties. Or maybe I’m just unlucky?
Harv’s Island:
Another thing that’s unlocked at the airport is at a certain point in the game you’ll have access to travel to a place called Harv’s Is; and which is new and specific to only Animal Crossing New Horizons. This is also shortly termed as phototopia and is a photo studio you can go to and take pictures with the animals in your town. Set up rooms the way YOU want them with PROPS, have as many characters as you would like in the photo, and take photos with character summoned via amiibo figurines which are store-bought action figures if collecting those are your style.
Post Office:
Dodo airlines though it is an airport it doubles as the post office. Back in past Animal Crossing games in the franchise, there was its own separate post office you could go too. Now everything is contained in one place which honestly I find nice. Only because I feel it takes up fewer buildings on the island and more room to make your island your own. Doubling as the post office you’re able to send your postcards and letters via a card stand in the airport. When the card stand is accessed via your character the player can choose between multiple designs for their letters. Some of the letters will be marked with “Limited Availability” these are cards that are only available for purchase until the dates that are listed on the card. Sending a letter costs 200 bells and they’re able to be sent to a current resident of the player’s island, your future self, or a player from another town who is on their “best friends” list via the online service on your new Nook phone (which will be discussed later in this review).
Dodo Codes:
Previously in other Animal Crossing versions, you only had the option to invite or go to an island. However, now there’s an added safety precaution if the players want to use it in New Horizons. This option is called Dodo codes. These codes are five-character passwords that allow the players to visit your island or someone else's island even without having to be friends on the Nintendo Switch. The number of characters that can be on a single island has doubled since previous games in the franchise from four to eight people on an island at any given time.
Multiplayer Access and Rules:
A few things that have changed from previous versions of Animal Crossing:
If you go to another person island and you’re not a “best friend” on their island you’ll be unable to use tools such as shovels, axes, watering cans, fishing rods, and nets.
You’re able to move objects inside of your house even if other players are inside the house with you.
Actions that can’t be performed with an open airport gate:
Buying items via Nook Shopping (via Nook stop or the App)
Changing a design pattern
Inviting an animal to your Campsite via Amiibo
Using Island Designer
Visiting another island (Including Mystery Tours and Harv’s Island)
Sending a card via the card stand at the airport
Actions that cannot be performed with visitors on the island:
Picking up, placing or moving any outdoor furniture
Placing (but not removing) fences
Picking up, placing or moving furniture inside your house (unless all visitors are outside the home)
Using the overview mode for designing your house
Donating items to the museum or having fossils assessed
Wisp will refuse to accept collected spirit pieces (something you’ll find out about later on in your gameplay)
Tom Nook and Isabelle don’t provide any services
Island residents don’t accept gifts
Hitting rocks (without eating fruit) doesn’t provide any resources
Balloons won’t appear to use a slingshot on
Misc gameplay changed with visitors on the island:
Fishbait doesn’t work but is consumed
Wasps, scorpions, and tarantulas don’t spawn
K.K. Slider concerts have the music sent by mail the next day rather than in pockets
There is no entry fee for the Fishing Tourney and other rule changes.
As you can see the airport is the main hub for everything you do multiplayer related. This is pretty much the new hub in your game, yes you can consider the Town Hall as your main hub. But only when it comes to single-player actions. Which now brings me to the Town Hall.
Town Hall (AKA Residential Services):
Town Hall is a little bit different then what it was in past versions of the game... It’s gotten a facelift to catch up with the other advancements that have been added. You’ll quickly learn that Residential Services is the most important aspect of building on your island. This is where you’ll learn all of the basics when it comes to crafting in the game and deciding where you build features such as bridges around your island. Most bridges ahead of time cost you 168,000 bells so keep saving those bells and don’t spend them all of the time. You’ll thank me later on in the progression of the game if you decide to buy it. As you develop your island, the services inside and the exterior of the building will change. You’ll start with a tent for the Residential Services which will later become a grand beautiful Town Hall in the middle of your town with cobblestone right out front of it.
What you can do at Residential Services:
DIY workbench to craft new items
Nook stop which is the Island ATM (this is your bank, shopping catalog like sears, and the Nook Miles shop all in one)
Recycling box (you can pick up these items and either sell them or keep them for yourself I’ve gotten materials when I was low and some nice furniture from it)
Tom Nook and the services he provides, an example is paying off your loan, expanding your home, building bridges and inclines, terraforming, moving buildings, and so much more.
The Residential Services building is open 24 hours a day seven days a week. To unlock Isabelle which yes she is in this game which was super exciting for me when I started playing it. She provides information and services to better improve your island and the characters who live on it. Some of the services she performs are as followed:
Island evaluations (as if your real-life work evaluations weren’t enough for ya!)
Changing the island tune
Changing the island flag
The ability to change certain aspects, such as the catchphrase of a villager. (which I have yet to experience but have heard about this feature)
When you upgrade your Residential Services to Town Hall after a few days of playing the game a lot of characters will come to visit your towns such as Label, Redd, Leif, and the skunk who sells the shoes from Kick’s shoe store. They have small little stands in the cobblestone square right in front of the Town Hall. But keep in mind they only come on specific days during the week.
Blather’s Museum:
Yes, I called it Blather’s Museum instead of just Museum just saying the museum is soooo boring! This is where everything you collect such as fossils, fish, bugs, and now artwork go. You’re able to make donations to the museum and visit whenever you would like. At the time of typing this post, it is National Museum week. From May 18th- May 31st there is a stamp collection event at your Museum. You have to play the game to get the Museum on your island. This is also an unlockable place but not hard to obtain just by playing the game you’re able to obtain it rather quickly.
Able Sisters Clothing Store:
This is another place you unlock after unlocking the Town Hall in the middle of your island. Who could forget the able sister's store? the main place for character customization! and let me tell you the clothes so far in New Horizons are worth the game itself. There are so many cute outfits I’ve bought so many and wasted so many bells on clothes I can’t even tell you how much was bought on impulse. This store will be a money sucker in New Horizons. This is unlocked after one of the able sisters visits your island with her tiny kiosk in front of Town Hall. It takes a few days to unlock but it’s easy to do so once you unlock the able sisters you gain more in-game features., One of these features is the return of pattern design and custom content designs. This can also be done via your Nook phone.
Some background information about the Able Sisters clothing shop. The shop is owned and ran by two sisters Sable and Mable otherwise known as the able sisters. The store was run and owned by their parents before they had inherited it after their parents had suffered a fatal sewing accident. Sable inherited the store and also takes care of her younger sister Mabel.
Let’s talk about Designs! after unlocking the Able Sisters clothing store in New Horizons you’ll have access to the design kiosk which can be accessed via the Able Sisters store. Designs are player-created patterns that allow the player to create customizable objects that best suit their needs in the game. This can be clothing, headgear, umbrellas, paintings, wallpaper, flooring, and outside paths and landscaping.
PRO Designs:
A PRO design is considered to be a more advanced design. Unlike regular designs, the PRO designs have the pattern on the reverse and obverse on the clothing which means the player can customize the front, back, and each sleeve. PRO designs take up one pattern slot and just like normal patterns can be displayed and used through the Able Sisters store.
Sharing Designs:
When the player first uses the Custom Designs Kiosk in the back of the Able Sisters store once the store is unlocked. They’re assigned a creator code, which can be shared and used by other players to find all of the code owner’s designs. Individual designs are also assigned a unique code when posted. Using this feature requires you to have an active Nintendo Online subscription which is one of the cheapest subscriptions I’ve ever paid for a video game console subscription to use multiplayer features in games. Highly recommend buying if you haven’t already.
Currently from what I’m aware of these are all of the shops you unlock early in the game. I’m sure there are more but as I continue to play I’ll continue to update this post for everyone to keep the data relevant.
In New Horizons they’ve introduced a new game-specific modification. Crafting! this is so different, new, and yet exciting for an Animal Crossing game and this is the first time something like this has ever been seen in the franchise. Crafting in the game can be used to make tools, furniture, and other various items in the game. Crafting is done through DIY Recipes. Your island has a huge flow of natural resources to craft with that can be used to make tools consistently. Trust me you’ll be crafting tools way more than anything else. In this game, your tools get worn out a break after a while of use except for the vaulting pole that has yet to break for me since I’ve made it. This is a nice sense of false security since all of my other tools break consistently. Below are the steps for crafting as explained by the official Animal Crossing New Horizons website.
Lean DIY Recipes: Learn recipes as you go about your day and participate in island activities to obtain them. One way I’ve obtained them through my island is they wash up in little jars with a message. You can get once a day by this.
Gather Materials: The island is abundant in resources such as tree branches, stones, and even weeds.
Visit Tom Nook’s Workbench: With the right materials you need to complete a recipe you just bring them to the workbench click the item you want to make and you’re on your merry way.
And you saw it here folks! it’s as easy as 1,2,3 it’s not super complicated and gives you something to do if you start getting bored in the game. You can obtain crafting resources on Mystery Island Tours as well so clear out those islands of their resources and stock them away for a rainy day.
Overall Conclusion:
Overall, Animal Crossing New Horizons brings to the table something for everyone to enjoy. From crafting, to decorating, relaxing, and talking to your friendly neighborhood animals it’s hard to get bored on the island unless you have completed everything in the one full cycle of a day on your game. Gathering resources takes me about 3 hours to get wood and branches from all of the trees. That’s just one round of shaking trees for branches I’ve notices on my own that the branches respawn so if you wanted you could do that all day long. The crafting is a nice change and adds some challenge to the game. Also, being able to decorate and place items anywhere you please on your island is so. nice when it comes to customization it almost turns this game into an open world creative sandbox. This is something I love in my experience playing. Do I think it’s worth it in my personal opinion? yes and no I think it’s worth trying out and you get a lot of hours of gameplay per day. However, the reason I say no is because based on an opinion if your not someone into a go with the flow not following a full storyline game and want more of an up paced environment this probably won’t be the game for you. If you’re looking for something relaxing that’s a great time waster go for it!
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No More Time
I wrote this when Antonio only had one season out, so keep that in mind in terms of timeline. This is angst. It is sad. This is what y’all wanted. Have fun :)
“So, do you guys like, prefer one blood type over the other?” MC asked.
“We tend to, yes,” Antonio answered, eyes on the road, “Preference is dependent on the individual’s tastes.”
“So, what would you say is the most popular blood type then?”
“Probably O-,” he shrugged, “It’s rare, and O just has a richer flavor.”
“Like cake from a fancy restaurant as opposed to cake from a Walmart?” she compared.
“Are you referring to the quality or price?” his brows furrowed.
He snorted, a small smile of amusement on his lips.
“Sooooo,” she raised her brows, implying something.
“So?” he asked.
“Come on, you know,” she smiled.
“MC, I can’t answer something without knowing the question.”
“Is my blood Walmart or Gucci?” she blurted.
“It’s…” he paused thoughtfully, “It’s more….. Louis Vuitton, Givenchy?” he answered uncertainty.
“Well those both sounded foreign and expensive, so I’ll take that as a compliment,” MC blinked.
He laughed before explaining, “Regardless, in the end we’ll take what’s there. It leaves too much of a pattern if you target a particular blood type all the time.”
“Makes sense,” MC admitted.
Outside the sleek white sports car, the faint lights of Havenfall began appearing on the dark horizon. If it weren’t for the fact that Antonio still lived there and she had Havenfall’s Finest to accompany her, MC would have left with him months ago. He’d already taken her to LA, and had offered a quick tour around Europe’s basics like Paris and Venice. She’d declined, figuring they should save it for a time where they could afford to stay longer and enjoy it more.
Now, they were coming back from a restaurant that was out of town, where MC had tried out some new cuisine and actually had the chance to have some real conversations with Antonio. On her phone were several texts from the group chat, mainly JD joking about how they might end up finding a dead body soon tonight.
From the responding threats to block a contact, MC figured Razi and Mac didn’t really take it too well.
She yawned as she texted back reassurance of her safety. Antonio was taking her home, and nothing else was happening (despite what JD was insinuating).
“They’re still worried, I assume?” he guessed.
“Give them some time,” she sighed.
“Oh no, I understand,” he acknowledged, not at all bitter, “They have pretty much no reason to trust me. That’s just how it is.”
“At least you’re aware,” she commended.
“Trust me, I am,” he assured, “Besides—“
Whatever he was about to say was cut off by shattered glass and the brakes screeching. MC cursed rather violently as she felt the sting of several cuts on various parts of her body.
“GET DOWN!” he warned, yanking her arm before her skull was crushed with a something.
“Not again!” she groaned, “When will this random-attack-in-the-middle-of-the-night bullshit end?!”
“Show yourself!” Antonio ignored her and challenged the assailant.
“If you say so, bloodsucker,” a female voice answered.
Antonio paled, straight up blanched before whispering, “You.”
“Miss me?” a pale girl dressed in all black answered, sauntering relaxedly in front of the car with a whip in one hand and a gun in the other.
“You just never give up, do you?” he seethed, beyond irritated.
“Where would be the fun in that?” she asked, her easy smirk dropping before her voice dropped, low and threatening, “Now hand the girl over.”
“She’s with me by will,” he informed, tight-lipped, “Contrary to popular belief.”
“Being under the influence of mind control conflicts with that,” she narrowed her eyes, “Now, give her to me.”
“He’s not mind controlling me,” MC spoke up.
The woman shook her head in disapproval, “Of course you trained her to deny any allegations. You’re sick, all of you.”
“Don’t bother,” he told MC, “There’s no other reason anyone would be around vampires to her.”
“Because in the end, all they use humans for is satisfying their appetites,” the huntress raised her gun, pointing it directly to Antonio’s forehead, “Now, don’t make me say the same thing three times.”
Antonio was stone-still, silent as fog.
Then, he wisped away into nothing, a hole in the car seat burning where a bullet was fired.
MC had no idea where he planned to reappear in the night, but was surprised to find his form coalescing behind the huntress after such a direct attack. Faster than light, she turned, cracking her whip at him. His eyes were glowing, sharp canines jutting out his mouth.
“You damn hunters,” he growled, “Persistent bastards, I’ll give you that.”
“We only protect the innocent,” she seethed, graceful features absolutely murderous, “You’re the one exploiting a young woman in the middle of the night.”
“We went to eat Thai food,” he told the truth, rolling his eyes like all of this was bullshit, “Do I need to show you the bill, pictures of the food? Or will you try to stake my phone as well?”
“Hand. The girl. Over,” she repeated, arms tensed to raise her weapons.
“She’s not influenced,” he repeated too.
“That’s it!” she declared, firing another bullet at him.
By a hair’s breadth, he avoided its mark, warping away behind her once again and throwing her harshly against a tree. She rolled up with what had to be years of practice, getting up again after impact with that same fury in her eyes. Antonio didn’t seem surprised at her durability, only dodging again as she fired even more bullets.
MC picked up her phone, eyes never leaving the fight. She lowered the brightness to keep conspicuous and sent several quick texts.
Huntress, whip, Antonio’s fighting her.
Outside of town, come quickly.
Then, she screamed as the front of the car was crushed in, the woman’s body having been thrown onto it violently.
Quickly, MC scanned for Antonio, jumping as he appeared beside the door and began pulling her out of the car.
“Hurry, go,” he told her, “I don’t sense any more of them. Hide somewhere, anywhere, I’ll find you.”
“All right, I texted the others,” she explained, breaths short and shallow, “They should be here soon.”
“Got it, and whatever you do,” he gripped her shoulder, “Don’t let her take you anywhere. She’ll keep you with her and interrogate you. So go, run.”
MC nodded, sprinting away from the fight before Antonio dodged another crack from the whip. She knew what she could fight against and what she couldn’t, and this was the latter.
“Don’t you dare!” the woman shouted, running after her.
The vampire manifested in front of her before she could get close to MC, who was far slower than either of them even at her most panicked speed.
“She stays out of this,” he declared, “This is personal.”
“Get out of my way,” she ordered.
“Over my dead body and my dead body only,” he threatened.
“That can be arranged,” she bit back with absolutely no humor.
“Alright ladies,” an authoritative voice broke their rhythm, “Enough is enough.”
MC stopped as she heard Mac’s heavy footsteps approach them. A faint glow surrounded Razi in his djinn form, lighting the area where everyone had gathered. JD’s massive wings accompanied that glow, their eyes diluted with hellish gold.
Mac’s voice was almost a growl as she spoke again, “This is not your territory.”
“All territory is Helsing territory as long as there are vampires,” she countered, “Unless you permit homicidal, undead monsters in your territory.”
“We wouldn’t be defending him if he didn’t deserve it,” the sheriff said.
“Then why does he have that woman hypnotized?” she asked pointedly.
“She’s not under hypnosis,” JD cut in, “Trust me, we’ve exhausted that possibility a long time ago. She’s with him willingly.”
“Oh God,” her features twisted with disgust.
“The feeling’s mutual,” Razi acknowledged.
“What’s your name anyway?” Mac asked, “It would be helpful for negotiation.”
“Vanessa Helsing,” she answered.
“All right, Vanessa,” the werewolf started, “We appreciate your concern for civilians’ safety, but it is not needed at the moment. If you drop this now, all matters will be left in peace.”
“I have a mission, this is not something I am able to walk away from,” she argued.
“Then it seems we do have a problem,” Mac warned, “There’s four of us and one of you, Ms. Helsing. I wouldn’t test your chances.”
“You’re seriously siding with him?!” she gestured furiously to Antonio, who’s lips drew back in distaste.
“Listen, even if you gathered evidence of his guilt and had a solid alibi, the local courthouse won’t take Helsing vs. Vasquez because supernatural court cases are not a thing,” Mac explained, “Now drop it, because they will look into property damage and disturbing the peace.”
Vanessa’s red lips thinned, a very reluctant, “Fine,” escaping her mouth.
“Now, hand over your weapons,” Mac held her hand out, “Just until Mr. Vasquez gets in his car and leaves.”
Working her jaw, Vanessa approached the sheriff, giving her the whip and gun stiffly and coldly.
“Your others too,” Mac said, “All of them.”
MC started to relax more and more as she became less and less armed. She couldn’t name any of the weapons, but pretty soon Razi and JD had to pitch in to collect all of them. She stepped out of the cover of the trees, approaching the scene hesitantly as the last of Vanessa’s things were handed over.
Antonio saw her and signaled her over, eyes dimming little by little. He seemed to finally relax just before a sharp piece of wood poked out of his chest and he froze.
Mackenzie growled in outrage, dropping the other weapons and pouncing at Vanessa. The huntress had a gun that that fired stakes in her hand, which she dropped as well to dodge the sheriff. She was almost hit with a roaring ball of fire and shimmering strike of magic before scarcely missing them.
Before any more attacks could be made though, she threw something at the ground, smoke exploding everywhere and blinding everyone.
Then she was gone.
Antonio, however, was on the ground already, eyes wide as blood trailed out of the sides of his mouth and he took shallow breaths.
She wanted to yell out his name, but all she could do was mouth it. MC couldn’t remember running over to him, only that she was kneeling next to his body, hands shaking as she placed his head on her lap and watched the blood pool through his white shirt.
It had been stabbed directly through the heart.
Vaguely, MC remembered him informing her of how fresh human blood could heal a vampire if injured, and she rolled up her sleeve, a deep cut still bleeding on her forearm.
“Come on, Antonio,” she whispered, dipping her arm down to his mouth.
“MC,” he tried to speak, voice choked and croaking.
“Drink it,” she demanded, “Now’s not the time to be self-conscious about drinking, come on.”
He still seemed to have protests, but she forced the blood into his mouth, feeling his lips close over it to drink. He gulped it down, too weak to even suck from the wound.
Once his arms were finally strong enough to work again though, he forced her arm away from his mouth, breaths still short and quick. She protested, but he shook his head, coughing slightly afterwards.
“You just slowed it down,” he wheezed out,” All you did was make the process last longer.”
“No, no,” she shook her head, “Antonio, if you keep drinking, we can get it out—“
“MC, it doesn’t matter if I’m drinking blood, as soon as this stake is removed, I die,” he coughed, thick brows strained together.
“Antonio come on there has to be something,” MC insisted, her throat closing as she refrained from crying, “We can call Diego, ask him what to do.”
“He will tell you the same thing,” he shook his head, “I’ve seen it myself. At this point, there is no salvation.”
“You can’t—” MC started, forgetting that the others were there as well, “You can’t just die!”
“I’ve already pushed my luck for five centuries,” he shook his head, “It was only a matter of time, MC.”
“Antonio, please, you can’t just—” she attempted to speak, the last few words ending in sobs, “You can’t just die. Please, not you too.”
She was pathetic, tears rolling down her cheeks as the blood reached the sleeves of his shirt. A gentle, warm sort of understanding filled his features as he watched, even if there were tight lines all over his face as a result of pain.
“Hello?” a voice on someone’s phone asked, “Razi?”
MC’s head shot up in recognition at the voice.
“Diego, there’s been an attack,” Razi spoke into the phone.
“Oh, God, what happened?”
“It’s…” he trailed off, “It’s Antonio.”
“Is he all right?”
“...What happened?”
Even MC, who could only faintly hear the doctor and Razi, noticed the slight panic in his voice.
“He was staked,” Razi explained.
“Is… is he not dead yet?”
Utter terror in that one sentence.
“No. MC let him have some blood, but…. It was through the heart.”
“Through the heart?” the doctor asked, “I… Razi, there’s nothing I can do. If it had been anywhere else, blood would have been enough.”
“MC,” Antonio spoke suddenly, hand dipping into his jacket pocket, “MC, here.”
He took out his wallet and car keys, taking her other hand and putting them into her palm.
“Antonio, no—no, I don’t want these,” she shook her head, refusing them.
“Take them,” he closed his hands over hers, not letting her give them back, “I need you to have them with you. There’s a safe in my apartment with cash for emergencies. Victor will know where. Let him know it was Van Helsing, and that he’s not safe here anymore.”
“If anyone who doesn’t know the truth asks, it was a car accident,” he insisted, “If the police keep interrogating you—“
“If they keep interrogating you,” he persisted, determined to finish his sentence, “I have a lawyer who knows everything. You won’t be legally obligated to answer any questions. Victor will know who that is too.”
“Antonio, stop acting like this is hopeless—“
“It is hopeless!” he told her before coughing raggedly, “You heard Diego, there’s nothing anyone can do!”
“Razi, please, is there any magic you have that can fix this?” she asked, hiccuping with sobs as she turned to him.
“MC!” Antonio coughed, gripping her cheek and redirecting her to face him, “Look at me, look at me.”
She did, tears blurring her vision as she her chest shuddered.
“You’ll be fine, all right? You’ll be okay,” he reassured, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, “Don’t stay here. I know how much you want to leave, so don’t waste your life here. Grace will—“
He coughed again, blood pouring out his lips.
“She’ll graduate in Barcelona,” he reassured, swallowing tightly, “You don’t have to worry about her. Go to college like you wanted to. Anywhere, just go.”
“Antonio, now isn’t the time for this!” she insisted.
“There is no time left!” he told her, features strained with anger, “Don’t hang on to me, don’t mourn me forever. Don’t make the same mistake I made.”
“Razi, is that him still talking?” Diego’s voice asked, small and faint.
“Yes,” Razi nodded solemnly.
“Can…. can I talk to him?” Diego asked.
Antonio nodded before Razi could answer, the djinn bending down and holding the phone near him so he could speak to him.
“Yes, I’m here,” he choked out.
“Antonio, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left—“
“No, I’m sorry,” he cut Diego off, “I’m sorry for what I did to you, for what I became. I’m sorry I spent all these years hating you when I could’ve spent them with you as my friend.”
The others can’t decide whether to be shocked, heartbroken, or both.
Antonio was crying.
“Antonio, don’t start regretting things like this, not when—“ Diego sounded like he was crying as well, “Not when you’re about to—“
He couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I’ll regret everything regardless,” Antonio shook his head, looking weaker and weaker with every word, “Diego, lo siento. Perdóname, por favor.”
“Te perdono,” Diego said immediately, voice tight and miserable, “Te perdono, Antonio.”
“Estoy asustado,” he seemed to be confessing something, choking on more tears, “Estoy muy asustado.”
“No tengas miedo,” Diego said in a reassuring voice, “Dios guarda tu alma.”
Whatever he’d just said, Antonio didn’t look very convinced of it.
“Adiós, mi hermano,” he said then, utter heartbreak in every word.
MC only somewhat heard Diego ask Razi in English to stay on the phone, in case something happened.
Yet from the dull, empty look in Antonio’s red eyes, she could tell nothing would.
“Evita…” he said then, “Evita, I’m so sorry.”
MC knew that was his sister somehow, knew without him ever telling her. He talked about her the same way she felt about Grace.
“I want to see her again,” he confessed, to whom, MC wasn’t sure, “I miss her so much.”
“You will,” she promised him, speaking past tears, “I know you will.”
Antonio only shook his head, “I won’t. She… she belongs in Heaven. I don’t.”
“Antonio, that’s not true—“
“It is,” he interrupted, thoroughly convinced, “You know it, and I know it. Wherever I end up, it won’t be paradise.”
It hurt the others to watch MC start sobbing. However, they didn’t leave, only stayed behind her, knowing what was to come.
“Listen to me,” he said, obviously with great effort, “Don’t get involved with vampires anymore. Don’t. They will tear you to pieces and they’ll hurt you, just like I tried to.”
MC nodded, knowing there was no more arguing with him.
“Stay with the others. If someone comes after you, if Igor returns, go find Diego. He’ll help you,” he promised.
She opened her mouth to speak, but only sobs came out, barely able to even see his face in the dark anymore through her tears.
“Shh,” he wiped at her cheeks, taking her hand in his free one, “Hey, you’ll be alright, I promise. Remember what I told you. After this, go do the things you couldn’t do. Have what I never got to give you, MC.”
He was paling already, skin ashen and grayed. Raising her hand, he kissed the back of it gently, seeming as though that simple action took immense concentration to accomplish.
“I love you,” he told her, red eyes unfocused as he smiled sadly, “You needed to hear that at least once. I do love you.”
MC’s heart twisted, more tears gushing out of her eyes. The blood had spread from the stake in his heart all the way to sleeves now.
“Thank you, MC,” he told her, knowing he was out of time, “For everything. Thank you.”
And that’s when his heart stopped beating.
The others expected wails of grief, but all they got was frozen silence. Her trembling hand squeezed his lifeless one, which he never squeezed back.
And then, he dissolved into ash, the wind carrying him away into eternal silence.
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shadowdianne · 6 years
A series of random words for story prompts, pick the ones that inspire you?: Candles, Sunset, Adrenaline, Drowning, Teeth, Suit, Roses, Hoofbeats, Tender, Halo, Inferno. [Pairings are up to you, I love your writing! Have fun! 😘]
Well, thank you for reaching out and letting mewrite a story with all of these words as one single one shot 😉 As soon as I read them all an idea came to mind and I felt that,considering the amount of times I’m asked to write Emma as a vampire, that itcould be something you’d enjoy. I hope I was right on that one!
Still, if you happen to prefer a story for eachword after this just drop by and I’ll be more than happy to do so.
Thank you for the ask!
PS: Set on an AU; Emma is transformed into theDarkSwan and creates her own unique realm while at it. Regina tries to saveher.
The skin ofthe horse was covered in a fine sheet of sweat, its warm breath a cloud infront of both rider and mount as the sun at their back painted oranges and redson the sky above them. The path they were trying to follow was becoming blurrierwith each passing moment and, under the hooves of the horse, pebbles clashedagainst each other. Its sound enough to almost drown the sound of another horseneighing at their back
Come back before the last sunray hits theground.
Magic and timewere about to run out and, under the pale silhouettes of the first appearingstars, Regina grasped the reins and narrowed her eyes, trying to see thetelling pulsing light of a portal. Purple magic bursting out of her skin,adrenaline rushing through her veins, she saw the titillating glow just as thefog that had been licking the undersides of her horse ever since she hadescaped the castle finally closed around them; its grey, pearly color darkeningand thickening quickly as the portal’s light blinked lazily, almost dead.
Spurringthe horse and not listening to its angry neighs, Regina glanced at her back,her sight straining on the few seconds she let herself glance away from the treacherouspath she was in. Just as she had expected, hoofbeats echoing through the fogand haloed with dirty white -almost grey- magic Emma’s own horse was quicklyclosing the little distance she had managed to win a few seconds ago, back whenshe had used her last magic reserve into propelling her and her mount down thehill. The sharp rocks and uneven ground were worthy enough to be a trap for thepoor horse she was currently trying to direct to the quickly weakening portal.
Emma’smount, however, even with the grey glow of the blonde’s -now white-haired-magic glowing around it, didn’t seem as bothered or as tired as Regina’s horseand, muttering curses through clenched teeth, Regina realized the last dyingsunray was about to be swallowed by the darkness that seemed to erupt from theoutline of the tall castle that reigned over the horizon at her back.
She was outof time.
A risk, shethought, glancing down at the dark and red dress she still had on, purplesparks trying helplessly to transform into its usual fireballs, she had takenthe moment she had heard where Emma was. Chocking as she felt her magic falterinside of her, she jumped from her horse; a practiced movement she was gladthat she seemed to still remember how she needed to do it, and started to runtowards the portal, the curving and wrapping ends of the glowing vortex risinga few meters away from her.
If shemanaged, she thought as the thundering echoes of Emma’s horse became closer andcloser, to simply touch the portal as the white-haired woman grasped her shecould, perhaps…
She hadknown, she thought again, the memory of purple roses coming back from herscrambled thoughts, that she was taking a risk, a risk no one seemed preparedto take except her as news had started to arrive of a new realm. One thatsucked darkness and magic in a way that could only be Emma’s newfound powers.She had known the moment she had been sent there with only a few warning wordsfrom Gold and Snow’s teary beg of both of them returning safe and sound, thatshe could get trapped into the web and magic she had felt pulsing and singinginside her veins, inside her lungs, the moment she had known Emma was there,waiting for her.
The castlehad surprised her, of course: The roses and the candles flanking both sides ofthe main staircase that led to the wooden-made doors something that she couldhave had on her Evil Queen days. It hadn’t taken her that much to realize thatEmma had constructed the realm while thinking of her, her smirk and dark greeneyes telling her as much as the wooden doors had parted and there, waiting forher while draped in shadows and magic, had stood the blonde. Dark suit andglimmering fangs the last piece of a puzzle that made Regina’s mind reel.
“I’vemissed you.” The taller woman had said, matter of fact, and yet softly. Theshadow of a kiss had been swiftly dropped on Regina’s hand, dress appearing ontop of her clothes, being formed out of the shadows, pulsing and fitting to thebrunette’s body, snug on her ribcage and chest as Emma waited, smirk in place. “Iwas starting to wonder if I was going to need to cross myself.”
Her graspwas tender, and Regina had swallowed at the words, realizing belatedly that heranger, her worry, had slipped away, suffused in a way with relief. Relief offinally having Emma standing in front of her.
“You didn’tanswer to the dagger when we called.” She had answered, softly, and she had glancedat Emma’s lips as they parted, fangs more pronounced while the woman chuckled.
“Being onanother realm has its perks.” Her answer hadn’t been enough and yet Regina hadfound herself nodding.
That hadbeen her first mistake perhaps; thinking that, maybe, she could work with Emma’spsyche. Even if every inch of the white-haired woman’s body called for her in away the power the blonde had previously sported didn’t. She guessed that it wasthe residual black power of the dagger, calling for her in the same way Emmahad pushed her aside, saving her from it as she had stabbed the vortex, tearson her eyes.
Or it couldvery well have been just her own desire to kiss the other woman, admit what shefelt, ask her to come back to Storybrooke, to her.
Back to thepresent, she heard Emma’s feet hitting the ground as she took one final leaptowards the portal as that final sunray disappeared. The portal exploded in amillion shards of light that fell to the ground, robbing her her breath as sheturned, drowning in the power that was pressed against her skin, seeking anentrance her own magic was unable to grant.
She hadseen the risk, she thought as Emma strolled towards her, one hand alreadyextended, grey wisps creating shadows on the fog that now reached Regina’swaist.
“Stay.” Sheasked, green eyes seeking hers, face in shadows and want written on the waymagic curled and breathed and Regina could feel her willpower dwindling as shefelt the call of power urging her again, coiling on her chest and lower belly,going further still as the voice of the Queen returned to her.
Why not,she considered, magic hot now, washing over her, infernal flames starting tolight up inside her chest. She could stay, she could…
And, with anod, she took Emma’s hand.
She didn’tfeel pain when the woman’s teeth sink onto her skin.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
All recipes and rewards for the Easter event explained • Eurogamer.net
Bunny Day, which is Easter in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, is upon us.
This egg-themed event not only sees the return of Zipper T. Bunny, but allows you to collect a variety of special furniture and clothing rewards, which will only be available during Bunny Day.
Below you’ll discover everything we know about the event, including the dates for this year’s Bunny Day and the final Bunny Day reward.
On this page:
How to start the Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons explained
Bunny Day may be officially on Sunday 12th April in New Horizons, but your egg hunt begins from Wednesday, April 1st.
First, however, you need to ensure that you’ve downloaded the necessary patch for Bunny Day. You’ll know if you’ve done this currently because either Tom Nook or Isabelle will announce the upcoming Bunny Day event in their daily announcement.
Isabelle will announce the beginning of Bunny Day.
If it doesn’t come up, then try closing and re-opening the game.
Once you’ve seen this announcement, it’s time to hunt down Zipper T. Bunny, who’ll be hiding somewhere on your island. Sadly, you won’t be discovering the mystery of who exactly in this bunny suit, because it is a costume – check the back for the zip.
We found Zipper hiding behind a tree, but that doesn’t mean you will. If you’re trouble finding Zipper, then keep your ears open for the sound of them jumping up and down.
If you can hear the low, slightly ominous, sounds of weird costume feet hitting the ground, then Zipper is close by.
Not creepy at all…
Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons explained
Once you’ve found Zipper for the first time in New Horizons, they’ll explain that they’ve hidden six different types of eggs around the island.
It’s up to you to find these eggs and use them to create the Bunny Day furniture, which will also be hidden around your island in the run up to Bunny Day.
Every day leading up to Bunny Day Zipper will hide a new Bunny Day DIY Recipe around your island for you to find and create.
If you craft all of the Bunny Day DIY Recipes by Bunny Day itself, then Zipper will have a special surprise for you.
Let’s go through those Bunny Day recipes now…
Bunny Day recipes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
In celebration of Bunny Day, Zipper T. Bunny has hidden a variety of egg themed DIY recipes around your island and, the closer we get to Bunny Day, the more DIY recipes they will hide.
There are a variety of ways to find these DIY recipes and Zipper will help you begin your collection by giving you the DIY recipe for the Bunny Day bed. They will also mention that if you can find and craft all the Bunny Day DIY recipes by or on the actual Bunny Day (Sunday April 12th), then Zipper will have a special reward for you.
There are a number of ways that you can find the other Bunny Day DIY recipes, which include:
Receiving the DIY recipes from talking to villagers
Shooting down Bunny Day themed balloons
Finding Bunny Day message-in-a-bottles on the beach
Below you’ll find all the Bunny Day furniture recipes:
If you collect enough of one type of egg, you’ll eventually discover the DIY recipe for the outfit themed around the design of that egg.
How many eggs you need to find appears to be random for each player. We discovered the Leaf-egg outfit recipes after finding nine Leaf eggs, but it took catching over 15 Water eggs (not a hard feat) to find the recipes for the Water-egg outfit.
Below you’ll find all the Bunny Day outfits:
Once you’ve found all the DIY recipes for the egg inspired outfits, you’ll discover the DIY recipes for both the Egg party dress and Egg party hat. This will happen immediately after you discover the sixth egg outfit DIY recipe and doesn’t, thankfully, require you to craft any of the egg outfits.
Below you’ll find the DIY recipes for both the Egg party dress and Egg party hat:
Outfit Piece Materials Egg party dress
3x Earth egg 3x Stone egg 3x Leaf egg 3x Wood egg 3x Sky egg 3x Water egg Egg party hat
2x Earth egg 2x Stone egg 2x Leaf egg 2x Wood egg 2x Sky egg 2x Water egg
Bunny Day final rewards in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
To get the final rewards in Bunny Day, speak to Bunny T Zipper on Bunny Day itself – Sunday, April 12th.
They will give you a new recipe – a Bunny Day Arch.
You must craft this and all the above recipes (you don’t need to do clothing) to receive the Wobbling Zipper Toy recipe.
Craft that, and you can then create the final Bunny Day reward – a Bunny Day Wand.
You’re finally done! Remember you can also receive a Bunny Day Basket by handing over one of each Egg – no receipt or crafting required.
Also, if you are short on an Egg, you can give three of one Egg type for another.
Bunny Day event dates in Animal Crossing: New Horizons explained
Bunny Day will only occur once a year in New Horizons and, this year, it will start on Wednesday, April 1st and end on Sunday, April 12th.
This gives you a whole 12 days to go completely egg crazy.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons has arrived! After you’ve set up character customisation, your island name and chosen the correct season for your hemisphere, it’s time to get to work on your new holiday life. Thankfully, we have some Animal Crossing New Horizons tips for that. There is fish to catch (including Stringfish and Sturgeon), bugs to catch, Bamboo, flowers and fruit to grow, hairstyles to unlock, villagers to add, shooting stars to wish upon, tools to craft (such as the new ladder and vaulting pole), materials (such Iron and Gold Nuggets) to find, Tarantulas to catch, wasp stings to avoid and Nook Miles and Bells to make, and of course, a house, museum and most importantly, the town hall and Isabelle to unlock where you can change the Town Tune and check your island star rating. You can also meet Gulliver and Wisp on your travels. Finally – you can take part in multiplayer, download QR code designs, complete your activities ahead of the Animal Crossing daily reset time, use amiibo and learning about the upcoming Bunny Day Easter event and Cherry blossom event.
How to access Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons explained
If you want to take part in Bunny Day in New Horizons, then you need to make sure that you’ve downloaded all the currently available patches for the game.
To do this make sure your Nintendo Switch is connected to the Internet and then try to start playing New Horizons. If there’s a patch available, you’ll be prompted to do so.
Now simply follow the instructions on your Nintendo Switch and wait for the download to be completed.
With that done you just have to wait for Bunny Day to arrive to take part in this egg filled event.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/04/all-recipes-and-rewards-for-the-easter-event-explained-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-recipes-and-rewards-for-the-easter-event-explained-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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