rwrbficrecs · 1 year
June Faves
It’s that time of the month again!! Here’s a few fics I read in June ✨ It’s a bit of a short list for June because I got sucked into a new ship *cough tarlos cough* – but we’re only halfway through this month and I already know July’s post is probably going to be pretty long! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did ❤️
Fall Into You by lucy_in_the_sky I’m a sucker for fics where Henry’s a nurse – combine that with hurt/comfort and I’m there. Alex is a tad clumsy and of course it’s Henry that’s having to deal with patching him up. Also a big fan of Nora’s characterization in this fic! I truly loved this fic so much – definitely one I’ll be coming back to a lot in the future. 
i'd lie by greenandmoss Wow this fic was amazing – I can’t describe how much I loved it. I really felt for Henry in this fic – at times I wanted to shake him so bad, but also I understood where he was coming from. This fic was so beautifully written and was one of those fics that had me thinking about it long after I'd finished 😌
pride is not the word i’m looking for by @livinginrhythm This fic made me realize we’re severely lacking in Leo content. I loved reading something from Leo’s POV and getting more of insight into his character! This is a lovely must read
group therapy by @stutteringpeach This one is hilarious – but it also made me want to sink deep into the ground from second-hand embarrassment. That didn’t stop me from rereading it at least 5 times though 😅
Tell Me All Your Secrets by @everwitch-magiks I have to admit I was apprehensive about reading a fic where Henry dates Liam 😂 but I love everything Evie writes so I knew I was going to love this story regardless of my initial feelings on Henry/Liam. Knowing that it’s Henry/Alex end game was reassuring though, and the progression to that point was very satisfying! (The pining!!) I loved how New York Prite was featured in this fic and seeing Henry & Alex attend was so lovely. 
The Spirit of Giving by @cha-melodius They're neighbours in this fic (which I'm always down for 😂) and I loved how Alex's competitive side really comes out in this! Also fair warning this fic will make you crave some good Mexican food 🥲
and then i was a careless fool (and i fell in love with you) by newmoonrising A canon divergence fic where Henry is still a Prince and Alex is still the First son but make it a Soulmate AU (with a touch of bed sharing)! As someone who loves soulmate fics I don't know how I hadn't discovered this gem sooner ❤️
you took the time to memorize me (my fears, my hopes, my dreams) by @coffeecatsme Alex is a tour guide and I love how their relationship develops even though there’s so much physical distance between them. I didn’t know it was possible but this fic made me hate Mary even more 😩
That's What You Get For Waking Up in Vegas by bleedingballroomfloor Exes to Lovers !! Getting back together!! (at this point I’m just shouting the tags but really this fic was great and you need to read it – also it’s set in Las Vegas c’mon as if that’s not reason enough)
let me take you in by @livinginrhythm This was such a funny story and I love when Henry gets himself into situations that are completely avoidable, but they lead him to Alex so can he really complain? Another story I loved so much I reread it many many times!
Are You Screwing With Me? by @rmd-writes Didn’t know I needed a Grindr meet-cute AU until I read this and it was perfect. While you’re at it, there’s two other stories in this series for two other fandoms !!
(all of me changed like) midnight rain by @coffeecatsme This fic really makes you feel for Alex – it deals with his parents divorce and just wow 🥺
The Sky is Open by @cha-melodius I am often in awe at some of the AU’s authors come up with to dump Henry & Alex in and this was one of them. Unexpected and a very delightful read!
midnight train going anywhere by greenandmoss Loved this fic – Henry & Alex meet on a midnight train and I don’t know what else to say about this fic without spoiling it, so just go read it!  
Every Star That's Ever Fallen Knows the Way to Where We're Going by @dracowillhearaboutthis I love Henry & Alex as childhood friends, so following this WIP was a no brainer. Having Arthur alive is also a lovely bonus ❤️
Little Matters by @pridepages I’m loving reading along as this fic gets updated! Henry is the guardian of his niece and it’s such a beautiful story so far 🥺
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blackoutthewhiteout · 3 years
Everything is as it should be ❤️#trust #trusttheprocess #transformation #regenerate #bepatient #newmoonrising #meditation #manifestation #mantra https://www.instagram.com/p/CO8DnJtjYJU/?igshid=1ihfvpsynn7v8
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buffster · 5 years
New Moon Rising (BTVS 4.19)
This is part of my ongoing Buffyverse Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the shows. You can find the BTVS list here and the ATS list here. Gifs are not mine.
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It’s interesting to re-watch New Moon Rising, because the first time I saw it I was dreading it. At the time I hadn’t taken to Tara at all and did not want Willow to choose her and hurt Oz (I was already spoiled that she did). Who knew Willow and Tara would go on to become such an iconic couple from Buffy, right up there with Buffy and Angel? In the following season I grew to love Tara and the Willow/Oz relationship became a distant memory. 
I don’t entirely blame myself for these feelings, though. Tara wasn’t really much of a character at this point. Her main personality trait seemed to be shy. We knew Oz was stoic but internally a big thinker, quirky, and liked music, which is much more than we got on Tara. She seemed to exist solely to be Willow’s girlfriend for the fourth and even much of the fifth season (anyone else thinking of that out-of-nowhere Tara thinks she’s a demon plot?). 
I have to really admire the respect Tara gives Willow during this whole scenario, though. She doesn’t get possessive, she gives Willow the time and space to make a clear choice, and just overall conducts herself with dignity. It’s behavior worth aspiring to. Especially since we don’t get even a moment of Tara feeling conflicted when Oz is in trouble. She does the right thing with the full expectation that she’s pushing Oz right in to Willow’s arms. Eventually they would decide Tara is a remarkably mature and level-headed person, but at this point I think they just used her as a plot device. Another note on the relationship: Tara knows the whole Oz story already, which contrasts with Buffy and Riley when it comes to Angel. 
Riley: Gotta say. I'm surprised. I didn't think Willow was that kind of girl.
Buffy: What kind of girl?
Riley: Into dangerous guys. She seems smarter than that.
Buffy: Oz is not dangerous. Something happened to him that wasn't his fault. God, I never knew you were such a bigot.
Riley: Whoah! How did we get to bigot? I'm just saying it's a little weird to date anyone that tries to eat you  once a month.
Buffy: Love isn't logical, Rye. People can't just be Joe Sensible about it. God knows I haven't been.
Oz’s return brings up an issue for Buffy and Riley: they have very different attitudes about supernatural creatures. I’d argue we could also have examined the fact that Buffy has told Riley nothing about Angel. It’s an early sign that she just hasn’t let him in. As I said, Tara knows all about Oz, and Riley and Buffy’s relationship has been developed over the season as much (if not more so) as Tara and Willow’s. I think Angel is to blame for this one. It looked like she was learning to fully rely on Angel as her partner, but when she had to kill him that cemented her role as slayer in her mind and therefore other. It’s hard to entirely blame her for distancing herself and treating her relationships as sort of a side item; after all, what if Riley gets possessed and she has to kill him? Or some other shenanigans? The circumstances won’t matter because slayer comes first. Buffy dealt with having to kill Angel, but I think she dealt with it by hardening her heart to ever being that vulnerable again. I’m not saying this isn’t an issue she could overcome, but it is an issue and we see her fall into these habits even more in the fifth season. 
Before I go full meta essay on Buffy’s romantic relationships (let’s save that for after both shows) let’s get back to Riley’s bigotry. He has to make a clear choice this episode between Buffy’s ideologies and the Initiative’s and he chooses Buffy’s. But I think it would be more accurate to say he chose Buffy over the Initiative. He’s able to return to them later and I doubt they’ve changed their attitudes that much. 
Buffy: Is that regulation or something? You have to do those every single morning?
Riley: No. I do them because it's a good way to start the day.
Buffy: Right. And then you have your perfectly balanced breakfast and call your mother.
It’s funny to hear Buffy react like this because it almost sounds like something Faith would say to Buffy. Hmm. I could have a theory that Riley was a really good match for pre-slayer Buffy and that was a big part of her attraction to him. Ultimately, the black-and-white worldview was broken for Buffy and she was forced to see the grey. Unlike Buffy, Riley actually gets the choice. We can’t say for sure, but I feel like after leaving Buffy he eventually goes back to his old ways. 
Willow and Oz finally get to talk. Willow says that Oz has done all these amazing things while she has just been in Sunnydale, but the truth is she is the one who has changed while he hasn’t. He got her a sari and kept her in his mind like a goal to get back to, but Willow had no idea if he was ever coming back and moved on with her life. Oz really needs to work on more communication in his future relationships.  
It was a little convenient that the Initiative showed up to save Tara from werewolf Oz. And then they just let Tara walk off like it’s no big deal? What happened to the undercover concept? Apparently that was just a plot device to play up the drama of Buffy and Riley learning each other’s identities. 
We get a look at the darker concepts of the Initiative when they torture Oz, but once again see that it’s the personal that drives Riley, not the principal. He’s all for killing the werewolf until he realizes he knows Oz and has a connection to Buffy. 
Graham: This can't end well, man.
Riley: You gonna start killing people?
Forrest: I'm thinking just one.
Riley: You and me trained together from day one, Forrest. But I always outranked you. Come after me, you're gonna find out why. 
Riley pulling out some BDE. Buffy and Riley end the episode hiding out together, and she finally decides to tell him about Angel. Convenient, given we’re going to see him next episode. 
Oz: But I couldn't look at you. It turns out the one thing that brings it on, is you. Which falls under the heading of ironic in my book.
I’d forgotten that it’s really Oz who decides to walk away, rather than Willow rejecting him. I think she always would have chosen Tara but couldn’t bear to hurt Oz. I don’t know; the vibe just seemed more regretful than torn throughout the episode. 
Willow goes to Tara and has sexy times right after, too, so that lends credence to the not-really-torn idea. 
Character Notes:
Willow Rosenberg: She considers herself a dog person, but she loves cats too.
Adam: Parts of him were a boy scout...yikes. He’s recruited Spike to his cause.
Buffy Summers: She makes a reference to William Burroughs. She plays dumb sometimes but is incredibly knowledgeable with her references. 
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yorickharris · 4 years
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For those that don’t know. 😁 My favorite show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One of my goals in life is meeting SMG(Buffy), Alyson Hannigan(Willow), Nicholas Brendon(Xander) and Anthony Head (Giles). (I actually did meet Anthony Head but I HATE how I look in that picture.) Honestly I would love to meet anyone on that was on Buffy! 😀 And here is a picture of me with the super incredible awesome Amber Benson. This was at her book signing and I was super nervous to meet her. I don’t geek out too often but yeah I did. 😆 Willow and Tara’s story is so beautiful! As much as I loved Willow and Oz’s, Willow & Tara had such a great story arch that resonated with many viewers. New Moon Rising is one of my favorite episodes which is written by Marti Noxon. . . . #newmoonrising #buffythevampireslayer #willowandtara #Tara #buffyverse #amberbenson #buffyfan #martinoxon #taraandwillow #losangeles #throwbackthursday #tbt #yorickpodcast #podcasts (at Dark Delicacies) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMAi4IyrwNe/?igshid=kxtn2z3s5q7y
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divinelifecoach · 4 years
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This is a true Dashboard Diaries - the sun is setting on another day. Deep reflection on relationship with self. Are you honoring your follow through? Are you backing up your words with actions? Allow space to be still and reflect back over the last 6 months as it is the last Super New Moon of 2020. #lawofattraction #empath #authentic #lightworker #aromatherapist #followthrough #dashboarddiaries #newmoonrising https://www.instagram.com/p/CHlxVeJh-p8/?igshid=7mb20gih2ip5
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natty373 · 4 years
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As the day’s become more juicy & wholesome as they slow down not just with weather but pace of life! 🤗 I celebrate the feeling of more feminine vibrations pulse the earth 🌏 As I feel into language my mother tongue of Hungarian shares agains her wealth “föld”being earth - like folds of our brain 🧠 we are shifting as an organism - all of us combined recognising our union 🌈 the joy of the end is there is a never cycle ** insert NEVER ENDING STORY THEME TUNE ** . . . #rainbows #shakti #newera #newcycle #newmoonrising #spirals #love #joy #rEVOLution #liferefinementtherapies (at Brunswick West, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_TN3NTgxFS/?igshid=fjncpjlntn5h
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neryguide · 5 years
🙌🏻New Moon 🌙 Libra is a peaceful warrior. Letting life show you it's truth by 'what people do' not 'what they say'. Relationships of all kinds are going to reveal A truth. Our mind gets in the way of our heart. It finds ways to criticize, judge, and find fault in. Imagine if you choose to seek the love always. Just as some dig for dirt, go digging for good. You will find it. For what you seek, you shall find. Loving one-self is one of the hardest and most rewarding things we can do. It will open the door to allowing your heart to break free from judgement. Once you understand that all your faults are also your fears waiting to be transcended to your triumphs this is when transformation will take place. Being compassionate toward yourself is the first step into seeing how we are all connected to one thing. The powerful energy of love. Source. Imagine that when you wake up you choose to be kind to yourself (in your head). This will spill over to everything. I believe you can. You need to believe YOU can. ✨.🌟✨ New Moon’s are about Beginnings! Manifestation ritual will help you bring a gift to you and allow a new cycle into reality: A candle for spirit some paper for intention and clear intention for manifesting Green Candle = Money Red Candle = Love White Candle = Purity/Protection On some Paper: Make a list: New Motivation that will bring you to your hearts desire. Let go of old concept’s that need to fall away in order to see the New Life ahead. As always Many Joys in Manifesting and Blessings N #neryguide #planetweather #love #find #newmoonrising #trustinwhatyoufeel #libra #love #intention #manifestation #setacourse #eclipse #emotional #reveal https://www.instagram.com/p/B29nNrdn2UF/?igshid=e8e8s1eciikh
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youmswonderland · 5 years
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H O P E... always ❤ . #sunrise #beauty #naturesgift #newmoonrising (at La Palmyre, Poitou-Charentes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mKpfFI0_K/?igshid=1yqedxkashrf
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justletthembehappy · 6 years
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An underrated legend.
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rwrbficrecs · 1 year
Hey! Do you happen to know any fics where Henry finds out about Alex’s childhood obsession with his poster? I know it’s kinda specific but I’m craving that brand of teasing and fluff right now.
Hi! Here’s a few ❤️
Celebrations by @three-drink-amy Framed by floatingaway4 The B Was Never Silent by @indomitable-love Wedding Part 2: Electric Boogaloo by @ashspren-writes
Also wanted to include the following fics as a bonus! The poster/magazine is mostly only a small mention in these ones but I thought they were still fun to include. (Search “magazine” in them to find the mention) and then i was a careless fool (and i fell in love with you) by newmoonrising Asking For Permission by @cultofsappho But Then You Found Me (And Everything Changed) by Lily_Padd_23, supernatural_mondler everything looks better in the morning. by @chaa-kiao Magazine Posters by @chrysti-e & @kate882 Per Aspera Ad Astra by @springairs There's Nothin' Better by orphan_account  Huge thanks to my lovely new team of volunteers for helping collect these recs ❤️ If you’d like to help out too, check out the Volunteers Page 🥰
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designbysig · 6 years
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Miracles happen to those who believe in them 🌙❤️ #surrender to #love 🌸🙏🏼 #designbysig #jewelrydesigner #dreamcatcher #yogajourney #acceptance #newmoon #newmoonrising #healingfromtheinsideout #namaste #traveller #wanderlust #beachlife #grateful #miracle #onelove #onegod #lgbtqmom (at Montezuma, Costa Rica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuL2PAaAJZU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rg8l7ri2ietd
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samitysamm93-blog · 8 years
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BtVS: Season 4, Episode 19 “New Moon Rising”
What I like about this episode is how Oz comes back and Willow doesn’t get back together with him. It shows that she is moving on in life, and doesn’t want to turn back into the girl she was who lacked confidence. Yes, she will always love Oz, and maybe one day they may be together but that time is not now. 
I also like how we get to find out a bit of what Oz was doing and how his trying to stop the wolf from coming out is going. I like knowing how characters are doing after they leave the show. 
I also like how we find Spike is now being a double agent for Adam. This, of course, should be no surprise, this is in fact, Spike’s nature, he would do anything to get the chip out of his head and to mess with Buffy and the Scoobies.
Riley leaving the Initiative is something else I enjoyed about this episode. It’s him realizing that the Initiative isn’t a good place and is doing things wrong. He also realizes that some orders shouldn’t be taken, sometimes you have to think about what they are asking you to do and decide if that’s actually a moral act. 
Here are some of my favourite quotes from this episode: 
Spike: This all goes down, the chip comes out, yeah? No tricks?
Adam: Scout's honor.
Spike: You were a Boy Scout?
Adam: Parts of me.
Giles: How did you get in?
Spike: The door was unlocked. You might want to watch that, Rupert. Someone dangerous could get in.
Buffy: Or, someone formerly dangerous and currently annoying.
Buffy: [holding a gun to the Colonel's head] Stay back, or I'll pull a William Burroughs on your leader here.
Xander Harris: You'll bore him to death with free prose?
Buffy: Was I the only one awake in English that day?
Colonel McNamara: You're a dead man, Finn.
Riley: No, sir. I'm an anarchist. [punches him]
Oz: I mean, it turns out, the one thing that brings it out of me is you, which falls under the heading of "ironic" in my book.
Willow: It was my fault. I upset you.
Oz: [dryly sarcastic] Well, so we're safe then. 'Cause you'll never do that again.
[Willow has chosen Tara]
Oz: It was stupid to think that you'd just be... waiting.
Willow: I was waiting. I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like if I'm old and blue-haired, and I turn the corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won't be surprised. Because... you're with me, you know?
Oz: I know.
[last lines] Willow: [enters Tara's darkened room with a lit big yellow candle] No candles? Well, I brought one. It's extra flamey.
[Willow steps in, passes the candle to Tara, and closes the door] Willow: Tara, I have to tell you...
Tara: No, I-I understand. You have to be with the person you l-love.
Willow: [smiles] I am.
Tara: [amazed] You mean...?
Willow: I mean. Okay?
Tara: Oh, yes.
Willow: I feel horrible about everything I put you through. A-and I'm gonna make it up to you. Starting right now.
Tara: [smiles] Right now? [Willow smiles and nods. Tara blows out the candle]
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ask-valerius · 5 years
uh-oh I can hear the Baron Blondie von Big Buns coming down the hall. the clap of his cheeks be echoing down the corridor. the Luci booty be backin' up full speed ahead towards ur room. dat Count caboose be on the loose y'all. a deal with yet another demon gone terribly wrong; dem buns be expanding and covering the sun. vesuvia is literally falling 'behind.' #lunareclipse #NewMoonRising
Never thought that perhaps now he’ll get what he deserves?
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We're back! We've not been to Tibet, but Oz has. He's back in Sunnydale, chillin' out, maxin', relaxing all cool, til he discovers Willow's new beau is a belle and he loses control! Check out our discussion on New Moon Rising, by downloading episode 24: Naughty in the Sheets now, by clicking the link in our bio! #oncemorewithpodcast #episode24 #podcast #buffypodcast #oz #danielosborne #sethgreen #newmoonrising #naughtyinthesheets #buffythevampireslayer #buffy #buffyverse #whedonverse #whedon #downloadnow #download #linkinbio #newepisode #btvs #woz #tillow
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Anyone else feeling the weight of this full moon rising?! 🙋🏻 This girl is! ✨🌕✨ • • • #newmoonrising #fullmoon #newmoon #lunareclipse #feelingit #actingalittlecrazy #everythinghurts #whatshappening #tuesday #bellagaia #healthyliving #healthylife #health #wellness
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