#next up the sevens as husbands and fathers HEHE
sukinho-tang · 1 year
(until I read "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo")
Let's talk about my new temporary - or not - obsession, deadite!ellie.
I made some pov videos to post on my accounts - TikTok and Instagram -, which I really didn't take long to bring a coincidence in the universe of Evil Dead Rise, let's call it that...
Next - English Translation (🇺🇲) :
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Y/N: Excuse me a little and be quiet cat
Y/N continues: if I don't do like your father and leave you.
Danny, surprised: Y/N how short you are! (technically, being a low blow) Using it to target me.
Y/N: if I'm short, you're underground (worse than she/he)
Angry Danny: Yeah, but I never told anyone that Mom dumped you for an ugly kid who didn't even have eyes! (reference that neighbor of hers hehe)
Y/N, shocked by 'exposed': Danny... Don't say that...
Danny: I told you not to talk about my dad too
Y/N: What father? *dry cut*
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Y/N walking into the apartment crying, locking the door and sliding through it.
Beth confused: why are you crying?
Y/N in tears: why did I lock Ellie in the elevator to play but she ended up being possessed!
*Y/N looking for a place to hide*
Beth being a bitch: you're crying because she ran after you, right?
Y/N: yes
Beth: she-
Ellie on the other side of the door angrily: Open this door now, Y/N!
Y/N screams: NO, YOU WILL KILL ME!
Ellie pretending to be calm: I won't!
Y/N yells again: Yes!
Ellie still pretending: I just want to talk...
Y/N: NO!
Ellie furious as she slams the door: OPEN SOON, Y/N!
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Y/N looking at the invaders while the others are behind her back: Guys, guys... let's be civil here, let's make a deal! You go away and you won't die, what do you think of it?
One of the invaders laughs: and how do you intend to kill us?
Y/N: Oh no! I can't kill you but my girlfriend can
*The attackers are confused*
Y/N looking at Ellie behind the invaders: say "hi" love
Ellie: Hi.
I liked them all, can I say this is my favorite horror movie right now? I think so.
Can we call this short links? Something like that? (ok, i googled it and it's "incorrect quotes"
If you read it, thank you for reading my daydreams without feeling [forgive me for any mistakes, english is not my first language]
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skylinesnsunshines · 3 years
got7 reading: youngjae & yugyeom ideal type + as a boyfriend
hi friends! today i’ll be finishing my got7′s ideal type + as a boyfriend series with our sunshine and dandelion!! for now requests are CLOSED since i have a lot of them and i’ve been starting to get assignments/essays so please be patient with requests as i’m doing my best, you all know the drill so let’s get into it :)
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: ethereal visions tarot, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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5 of cups, 8 of cups, 8 of pentacles rx, the world | engineer, teacher, mouse, earth: persistence, patience, practicality
i got major scorpio vibes when i was shuffling for his ideal type (the two 8 cards) and it’s unsurprising due to his scorpio moon. with the 5 of cups i do feel youngjae wants someone with two contrasting sides like himself, one side is someone who’s incredibly empathetic and feels for others whereas the other is someone who’s optimistic and doesn’t let setbacks slow them down. with the 8 of cups it’s possible that he likes someone who’s very hard to get to know and a bit mysterious cause fire venuses in general find intrigue in people who are a bit difficult to figure out and youngjae’s leo venus can be the type to like the “chase”, i do get the feeling youngjae likes someone who plays a little hard to get. the 8 of pentacles rx tells me youngjae likes someone who’s a bit of a workaholic and very independent, this card can also describe someone who’s always working to improve themselves and aren’t satisfied with mediocrity, just like jackson’s reading i do think youngjae likes a little bit of healthy competition in relationships as it motivates him to be the best version of himself especially when it comes to work (smh fire venuses). with the world card, youngjae wants someone who’s very cultured and is experienced in different aspects of life, i feel like his ideal type would be skilled in different languages and has a high level of intelligence when it comes to different topics, someone who’s multitalented wether it’d be with practicality or creativity would catch youngjae’s eye. his leo venus can make him attracted to the showman types and people who stand out, i do also get the feeling that he wants to have someone who’s very balanced and uses an equal level of emotion and logic to solve problems, his scorpio moon wants someone who’s intense behind closed doors whereas his leo venus wants someone to be outwardly enthusiastic and energetic. 
the engineer card tells me youngjae likes someone who’s able to handle pressure and doesn’t let setbacks dictate their actions, this card also talks about someone who gives creative energy a practical expression so it links back to the points i made earlier about the world card. the teacher card talks about someone who has the ability to communicate knowledge, experience, skill or wisdom which basically reiterates my points from the world card again, i do also get the feeling youngjae gets a lot of energy from those around him so if he has someone to look up to and advise him when he needs it he’ll be incredibly motivated. the mouse card talks about someone who’s organised, resourceful and prepared, since youngjae’s venus and mars is in his 10th house which is ruled by capricorn it’s unsurprising he wants someone who’s reliable and practical, i think spontaneity will work for youngjae at times but due to his fixed placements he prefers to have a schedule and stick to it and would prefer if his partner is the same. earth card basically reiterates the points i made earlier, but he does want a long-lasting relationship and will do anything to keep his relationships lasting for as long as it can, he’s very into to building a firm foundation with his partner however long it takes them as he wants a love that lasts and continues to evolve.
judgement, 2 of cups rx, the sun, 10 of wands rx | scribe, liberator, starfish, jupiter: grow and expand
with the judgement card being the first card i do get the feeling youngjae is an incredibly dedicated boyfriend, in youngjae’s case i feel there’s a few people who catches his eye but only a select few who keeps him engaged so once someone intrigues him he’s gonna be very persistent/dedicated, due to his scorpio moon and leo venus youngjae definitely leads with his heart more than his mind in relationships. the 2 of cups rx tells me youngjae loves very deeply and sometimes struggles with putting up boundaries due to him wanting a very intense love (unsurprising cause of his fixed moon + venus), i feel that there’s also a tendency for him to put his partner on a pedestal and idealise them but it definitely comes from his scorpio moon (i can vouch for this). the sun for our sunshine!! youngjae’s gonna be the happy virus in the relationship and will love messing around, his leo venus and mars can make him someone who loves joking around and have a lighthearted romance, he’s gonna love laughing and having a lot of fun with his partner and he’s probably gonna act like a big kid with them. the 10 of wands rx tells me youngjae could hide a lot of his sadness/burdens from his partner, he’s the type to be a serial optimist and would hate dwelling on negativity for too long which is why he would hide his more somber side cause he doesn’t like burdening other people, he’ll definitely be the type to cheer others first before himself, a true sunshine. 
the scribe tells me youngjae could write a lot for his s.o, wether that’d be poetry or songs youngjae has a way with words due to his scorpio moon, leo venus and jupiter in 3rd, he’s naturally gifted with his words and loves sharing his gift with others as a form of affection. the liberator reiterates the points from the 10 of wands rx card, he’ll definitely try his best to serve others before himself and try his best to make his partner feel as comfortable as they can. the starfish card describes someone who’s uplifting, artistic and expressive, with youngjae’s chart ruler being his leo venus it’s unsurprising that he is incredibly charming and the descriptions fit him perfectly. with the jupiter card i do feel youngjae’s always looking to grow materially, emotionally and spiritually with his partner, it’s possible that he’d be the type to always think about the future and plan where he wants to go and what he wants to achieve, his love has no boundaries.
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the empress, page of swords, queen of wands, 6 of swords rx | rebel, rescuer, nightingale, house ten: structure, discipline, life mission, accomplishments and career
with the empress card, yugyeom wants a nurturer and someone who’s able to take care of him since this card describes someone who often ‘mothers’ and takes care of others because of their innate nature, i also get the feeling yugyeom wants someone more mature age-wise but most importantly emotionally and mentally. with the page of swords however, i do think yugyeom also wants someone who has a childlike wonder/spirit to them due to his gemini moon (gemini represents twins) so someone who’s able to match his level of enthusiasm/curiosity will steal his heart for sure, this card alongside yugyeom’s sagittarius mercury tells me he wants someone who’ll be able to match his humour and even poke fun as sagittarius mercuries love teasing as a form of affection. the queen of wands reiterates my point of yugyeom wanting a mature character but this also tells me yugyeom wants a partner that can hold their own and someone who people see as a leader, i also get the feeling that he’s attracted to the charismatic social butterfly types, he definitely loves an independent individual and will find them even more attractive if they have their own goals they aspire to achieve, his ideal type is someone who uses their strength and their sensitivity. the six of swords rx tells me that his ideal person is someone who has gone through lots of personal hardships and transformation, but instead of acting out of revenge and resentment they’re very gentle and always wants to protects others cause they don’t want to anyone else to experience the feelings they experienced. his ideal type is someone who has a lot of love for themselves and is always willing to give to others, someone who’s very genuine with sharing their love. 
the rebel card definitely gives me queen of wands/page of swords energy, someone who’s willing to stand out and not let have anything/anyone sway them when they have their minds set on something. the rescuer reiterates my point of someone who wants to help others without wanting anything in return, this card also makes me feel that yugyeom is very attracted to leaders and when he sees someone who’s independent yet gentle his heart swoons. the nightingale describes someone who speaks their truth and is unafraid, their way of communication is very direct but it comes from a place of kindness instead of authority. of course yugyeom and his capricorn venus would get the house ten card which is ruled by capricorn, basically reiterates all the points i made but additionally i do feel like yugyeom wants someone who’s well respected in their field, he craves stability and wants to build something with tangible his partner so he’s in it for the long ride. 
as someone who grew up with 3 capricorn venuses i can confirm that these people are more attracted to those older than them
4 of cups rx, king of cups, the magician, high priestess | damsel, companion, unicorn, capricorn: ambition, realism and methodical steps
with the 4 of cups rx i feel yugyeom has a tendency to rationalise his emotions a lot (unsurprising since his only water placement is his sun) so occasionally he might seem a tad detached in relationships, this does tell me however yugyeom often thoroughly analyses his own actions and his partner’s actions (which something cap venuses do often) and then decides on what to do next from that, due to his air moon and earth venus yugyeom’s love language can range from something more action-oriented or something more verbal. king of cups tells me yugyeom’s very mature when it comes to his emotions and has a very nice balance of logic and emotion, yugyeom’s very kind and sensitive but he’s not a pushover so he’ll definitely be the type to check up often and be there for his partner emotionally, i do see him being the type to try his best to make his partner comfortable and let them vent to him as much as they need, he definitely loves emotional intimacy and is very romantic in this sense as he wants to always make sure his partner is loved. the magician card tells me the reason why yugyeom wants someone who’s accomplished is so he can learn from them, yugyeom’s capricorn mars makes him incredibly determined towards his goals and he often feels motivated when those around him are so he’s an incredibly supportive boyfriend and will always be curious when it comes to different things he can learn from his partner. the high priestess tells me yugyeom relies a lot on intuition in relationships, his capricorn mars and venus makes him only act on a situation if he feels it’s right, once he’s committed i also feel he won’t verbalise it as much due to the fact that if he feels like he knows and his partner knows he doesn’t need to say how much he loves them. 
the damsel tells me yugyeom’s a romantic at heart and could occasionally romanticise his relationships, he could also have a tendency to want to be “saved” and rely a lot on his partner when he’s in a relationship. the companion crd does tell me though that yugyeom’s incredibly loyal, dedicateed and unselfish in relationships as once he’s committed he’ll hold on to them for as long as he can, his life can easily revolve around his relationship if he’s not careful. the unicorn describes someone who relies on their intuition a lot as they feel that often a higher power is the one that’s commanding them, i think this is also a major reason why once yugyeom’s committed he’ll do anything to make the relationship work cause his romantic nature believes in “soulmates”. the capricorn card for the capricorn mars and venus i cannot make this up lmao anyways, this basically reiterates my point of yugyeom’s level of loyalty and dedication in relationships, yugyeom only gets into relationships when he feels he and his partner are working towards a mutual goal and he will be incredibly persistent once he has his eyes set on someone and will make sure they know. 
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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smelted-applejuice · 3 years
Left Behind.
Parings; c!Wilbur Soot x Reader Pronouns; she/her Desc; Wilbur Soot left too soon, way too soon.  TW: DEATH, MENTIONS OF DEATH, MOURNING, VANISHING TWIN SYNDROME, PREGNANCY.  
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Requests are open, feeling angsty today  -
The ear-piercing scream that was heard throughout L’manberg was evident. If it wasn't for [YourName]’s brother-in-law, she probably would have hit her head and injured herself. Tommy gently set [YourName] down, in the same amount of shock as her, he watched [YourName] slam the ground and beg for Wilbur to be alive. 
“PLEASE! PLEASE OH MY GOD,” [YourName] sobbed, holding the ground. Her fingers dug into the ruined dirt, her nails getting covered in dirt and soot from the TNT. Philza’s face softened, he had murdered his son for a good cause, but to watch his daughter-in-law break down was just as horrible. He watched [YourName] push herself up and make her way over to the cave Wilbur had dug out for this operation, helping her up, and stood there watching [YourName] cradle Wilbur’s face. 
There, Wilbur laid in the lap of his wife with a smile on his face. The sword that was used to murder him remained in his body as it was hard for Philza to even think about yanking it out, that was his boy, his son, his pride and joy, and he just murdered him. Wilbur’s eyes remained closed no matter how much [YourName] whispered out begging for him to open them up. 
Philza placed a hand on her shoulder, gently forcing her up from her spot. She was too tired to fight back, she just laid limp reaching out for her husband despite the reassurance that he won’t come back- [YourName] believed he would. She just knew Wilbur would awaken and come join her in bed and hold her close just as he did twice before. 
But he never did. 
Wilbur never came, and Tubbo was assigned president while [YourName] mourned the death of her husband. Fundy couldn’t understand why [YourName] was so attached to such a person, but then he remembered she loved him and had a connection with Wilbur that he didn't have. As jealous as he was, Fundy remained around and built a home for himself and his step-mother. 
When everything was finalized, finished, and moved into, it scared everyone when [YourName] fainted in the middle of New L’manberg. Fundy was a moment too late and poor [YourName] had to get stitched for the cut on her forehead. She and Fundy had assumed it was just because she was mourning, but when Philza sat down in front of them after doing more research, they both knew it was way more. 
Fundy placed a hand on his mother’s shoulder and prepped for the news. “[YourName], you’re six weeks pregnant. Twins. I assume you didn’t know this?” Philza spoke, “S-Six weeks?! TWINS?!”  [YourName] repeated frantically making Philza nod. Fundy blinked a few times before letting out a soft scream of a fox, “I’M A BROTHER?!” he asked repeatedly pacing back and forth. “Six weeks, Wilbur died four weeks ago- oh my god, I haven’t been with anyone else, oh my god, Philza-“ [YourName] spoke sending herself into a panic, “That's great, you have a piece of his legacy no one else has..” Phil said gently holding her hands.
[YourName] began to cry, glad to have such a thing with her but mourned her husband. She looked up and realized the excitement had worn off and Fundy and now he was panic pacing. His ears were down and his tail was no longer wagging, he anxiously played with his jacket, so [YourName] dropped Philza and made his way over to Fundy to calm him down. She played with his hair, held his face, and hugged him gently, everything she could to ground and remind Fundy that it’s all okay. It just gave more proof how despite everything happening to her right now, she was ready to parent. And that’s what makes a good parent, a good parent.
Philza softly smiled and sighed out, “Despite everything you’ve gone through, you’re still there for Fundy. You’re a good mother, [YourName].” he explained with a smile. [YourName] glanced away from Fundy for a moment and gently smiled, “Oh, Uhm, thank you?” she said dropping her hands to her step-son’s elbows. Fundy hugged [YourName] while she was still distracted, just sucking in as much [YourName] time he could get before leaving and returning home. Fundy would admit, he’s worried about being left behind, but wouldn’t voice them until dinner. [YourName] thanked Fundy for the food and ate quietly until he spoke up, “You won’t leave me right?” he asked randomly. [YourName] was confused at first, but then it clicked, “Your father wasn’t the best at expressing love once he had a focus. I can do that, even with a new baby coming around- I’ll always have time for you, Fundy. You’re my son, doesn’t matter if I didn’t give birth to you or not.” [YourName] explained with a smile. That smile brought comfort to Fundy, instead of talking he returned focus to his food. For the next few weeks, no updates were given about [YourName]. After her stitches were taken out and things returned normal, she would begin showing- that’s how everyone found out Wilbur was going to have a second kid. Because of this, Tubbo made sure Ghostbur had zero access to [YourName], not wanting to trigger anything inside of him that would result in a negative reaction. Ghostbur wasn’t Wilbur and who knows the powers that ghost has hiding behind him. “I just want to see my wife! How’s [YourName]?” Ghostbur huffed, crossing his arms but quickly recovered floating around Tubbo who was working hard on some paperwork. Tubbo frowned for a moment, he was struggling harder and harder every day to hide [YourName] from Ghostbur. “She’s fine, she misses you too. Now, Ghostbur, go bother Philza, I need to make a few choices.” Tubbo mumbled watching Ghostbur rush through a few walls to return outside and find his father. Ghostbur floated through the top of Philza’s house where he had expected Phil to be, but instead, he was nowhere to be found. He gently floated downstairs, having yet to reveal himself, where he heard his wife’s voice and Philza talk. Joy rushed through his spirited body but halted when he processed that [YourName] was crying. 
“It happens, and luckily one of the twins remained. You didn’t cause this, it’s natural.” Philza comforted, [YourName] nodded “I just- I feel horrible, I didn’t even know that was possible! Wilbur would be so upset” she explained. “Wilbur wouldn’t be upset at you though, some pregnancies result in one twin absorbing the other- and this was one of the cases,” Phil explained letting [YourName] lean against him. She took the water in front of her and drank some of it, not even noticing Ghostbur watching from the steps. 
[YourName] stayed for a few more minutes, but left soon after. “[YourName] is Pregnant?” Ghostbur asked Philza, making him jump and nearly drop the glass he had in his hand. “GHOSTBUR!” Philza yelped, “Oh, hehe sorry, but my dear [YourName]. I-Is Wilbur the father?” Ghostbur asked softly. Phil debated on his next move and softly sighed “You’re the father, you were Wilbur before you were Ghostbur'' he explained gently, he didn’t want to make the ghost worry. “I should go talk to her-“ Ghostbur said, turning around and going to dash off, “NO-“ Philza yelled. 
Ghostbur stopped in his tracks, “Why not?! First Tubbo, now you, I just want to see my wife!” he pouted before pulling some blue out and calming down. Philza sighed, “She’s not ready, she's fragile.” he whispered toward his dead son “She probably will react negatively and confusingly, and we don’t want that or her to get hurt.” he added trying to dumb down their reasoning. Ghostbur just sighed, accepting it as it is. 
It didn’t stop Ghostbur from watching her though, he would go invisible and follow Fundy around the house and watched as his son helped out [YourName] around. “You’re coming up seven months, you need to be careful, I can hear dad screaming at us.” Fundy explained easing his mother into a chair and picking up what she was trying to get, “He’d have to suck it up, I can't be held down.” [YourName] jokingly pouted. Fundy just smiled and patted his mother’s hair, “I’m making lunch, I’ll be back.” he said leaving for the kitchen. 
Ghostbur sat there and watched [YourName] shift in her spot but gently place a hand over top of her enlarged stomach. The womb that housed his and [YourName]’s baby. He wanted to reach out and touch her, but from the observations he’s made, Philza was right. Every night she’d wake up and reach over, what he remembered, to be his side of the bed and proceed to cry on a bad day into his old L’manberg coat. He obviously left his mark on his wife and he didn’t mean the baby.
Around the time [YourName] was suppose to go into labor, her emotions did a one-eighty and she no longer searched for Wilbur’s side of the bed for him or found herself begging for her husband to be alive. She didn’t know why, but it began feeling as if Wilbur was there and holding her hand through every step of the way, and that's why when she gave birth she was more than ready. While Ghostbur took this as she no longer missed him, the reality was [YourName] was just trying to be mentally there for her child. She couldn’t be the one waking up in the middle of the night crying, she had to be stronger. Ghostbur was in distress but didn’t want to tell anyone he’s been stalking his wife and child. He would get scolded by Philza, he had told him to leave them alone. But he just couldn’t he gave into his curious nature and just ended up hurting himself more, he couldn’t speak to [YourName] or give her blue on the nights she needed it more and he sure as hell blamed himself for it. He blamed himself, not Wilbur, and it hurt even worse than he thought it would. 
The morning that [YourName] gave birth, it was hot and humid which added nothing good for the woman. Fundy was off the rails with stress, rushing around to get Philza. He didn’t know that Philza had taught Niki how to assist with labor, so now Fundy had to rush from Philza’s place to Niki’s place which meant an extra ten-twenty minutes of rushing around and leaving his mother in pain at the house. He didn’t want to leave [YourName] alone for more than he had to. By the time he returned to the house with Niki and Philza, [YourName] had managed to get into a spot and had everything right. Philza softly chuckled, “Might as well have the child on your own!” he said jokingly as he double-checked everything was there. Fundy hissed in surprise while [YourName] groaned, not really here for jokes just wanted this to get over with already! Niki shook her head, “It’s okay, [YourName], we’re going to give birth to this baby and the world will have another Soot on their hands!” she comforted patting [YourName]’s leg. The birth lasted HOURS, never in [YourName]’s life had she felt the pain she felt when giving birth to her child. As it was described by her mother, everything had been lifted off her shoulders and the pain was no longer there. The cries of her baby had rung throughout the home and outside she could hear the squeaks and excited yells from Techno and Tommy. They were just here for moral support- well WHEN did they get here? What the fuck? While [YourName] held her child, which turned out to be a girl, she thought back on the many conversations she and Wilbur ended up having before his death. Children were often a topic that was brought up when the future was mentioned, mostly after their marriage when Fundy was still younger. They had agreed on the name Fern, for ferns were pretty and it would- “Fit my perfect Princess,” Wilbur said placing a kiss upon his wife’s head. [YourName] giggled and grabbed Wilbur’s dirty L’manberg coat and dropped it in the water for washing. “You’re crazy, we’re not having a child while we’re at war, Darling.” [YourName] said looking up at him, “I know, but I think Fern would be the perfect name for our daughter, Rowan for a boy! Don’t they sound lovely?” Wilbur asked squatting across from his wife. Fundy had fallen asleep under the tree close by, this moment was perfect. “Absolutely” [YourName] replied leaning over the bucket and kissing her husband’s lips. “Fern.” [YourName] whispered gently rubbing a finger across her daughter’s cheek, Niki looked up from washing her hands and hummed “What?” Niki asked confused. “Fern. I think Fern would be perfect for her. Wilbur often mentioned that name.”  [YourName] reiterated, “Oh! That is a cute name, shall I let the boys know they’re able to come in now?” she asked making the new mother nod. Niki left and entered all the boys under the roof, they entered quietly as possible, Tommy nervously fiddling with his shirt sleeve. [YourName] smiled softly looking up, “Hello boys, meet your niece, sister, and granddaughter; Fern.” she said revealing the sleeping newborn in her arms. Philza smiled, had stepped out of the room, and let  [YourName] have more privacy as the birth went on. Fundy gasped at the smallness while Techno did his best not to melt on stop. Tommy was the first to speak, “It looks like him.” he whispered in awe, Techno nudged his brother harshly making [YourName] giggle. “It’s fine, Wilbur is her father.” she hummed. Finally, her family was mostly complete. A few months would pass, Fern would hit important milestones like eating, teething, crawling, all of those- but it didn’t feel the same without Wilbur. Wilbur must’ve had fox in him because after Fern’s first week, [YourName] and Fundy both noticed itty bitty fox ears and tail on the child. Fundy was beyond excited to show his sister how hunting works as a fox hybrid and how to pick the right berries, it was just a lovely sight to see. For each step, Fundy was there for his sister and his step-mother. For once, Fundy wanted to make Wilbur proud but in his own way. By taking care of his family, something his father couldn’t do. One day, [YourName] got away from Fern and Fundy. Today would be brother and sister bonding while [YourName] had a mother’s day off. She didn’t know what to do, but she finally sucked it up and got dressed. Today would be the first time [YourName] doing what she’s doing. It had been a year since Wilbur’s death and she had yet to visit his grave, and with no one home, she left to visit. To finally be His Visitor.
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tyongxnct · 4 years
𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 - 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝐽𝑎𝑒𝘩𝑦𝑢𝑛
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pairing: Jaehyun x reader
special guests: Johnny, Doyoung and Jaemin.
Genre: angst, marriage!au, cheating!au
warnings: cheating, fainting, mentions of sex If you don’t feel comfortable reading about cheating, then feel free to skip this story. :)
word count: a little more than 12k
song rec: love me or leave me by little mix
note: I’m not a therapist or a doctor. The scenes in the hospital and at the couple therapy are just how I imagined it to be.
extra note: I love Jaehyun and this is PURE fiction.
A/N: thanks to my dear friend @kueey​ for proofreading this with me <3 I hope you guys like this story and please don’t get too mad at Jaehyun hihi ENJOY!!
ps: I AM SO EXCITED FOR NCT 2020 I really look forward to everything we’ll get and I’ll forever support OT23.. I hope that each member gets treated well and is happy and healthy. AND I can’t wait any longer for superm hehe
© tyongxnct on all platforms 
“I can’t believe you! Why? I don’t understand?! Why would you do something like that? Why would you try to destroy our marriage?!”, you were furious and heartbroken. After seven years of being together, you never thought that Jaehyun would cheat on you. You never thought that he’d moan someone else’s name while being with you.
You kissed him. “I missed this so much.”, it was hard for you two, both of you were working and you had a four year old daughter and a five year old son. There was never really time for things like sex. It’s been some time since you slept together, and you couldn’t wait anymore. You missed having Jaehyun close next to you, you missed feeling him inside of you and you missed his touch. “You feel so good, Areum.”, you pushed him away. “W-what?”, you asked, maybe you misheard him. “What do you mean?”, he tried to kiss your neck, but you pushed him again. “W-what did you just say? A-Areum?”, and that was the exact moment Jaehyun knew, that he fucked up. Bad. “N-No I-I didn’t...”, he stuttered. “Get off of me!”, you pushed him again and crawled against the bed rest. “Who is Areum?!” “No one, baby. I’m sorry.”, he tried to get closer again, but you stretched out your hand to stop him. “Don’t come closer! Stop lying to me! Tell me now Jaehyun or I will leave, and you’ll never get the chance to explain!” “Baby- I... It’s... She’s someone from work...” “And?”, you were getting angrier every second. “I-It’s I promise you I’ll never do it again and it’s been weeks since the last time I-”, he couldn’t even look at your face. “Since you what?”, 
“Since I-I slept with her.”, his voice got quieter and quieter. You got up and put on your clothes as fast as you could. “Baby just listen to me. I swear I’m so sorry-”, Jaehyun tried to reach for your arms but you stepped back and looked at him with disgust in your eyes. “For how long?” “Baby-”, “No Jaehyun! Answer the question!”, you couldn’t even cry. “Three months I think...”, a tear fell down Jaehyun’s cheek.
Your man was sleeping with another woman for three months, if he was telling the truth of course.
“You had an affair for three months?”, you were heartbroken. You were fully dressed and opened your bedroom door to leave, but he stopped you, this fight needed to end in the bedroom, your little kids were asleep, and they shouldn’t witness what was happening right now. “No. Don’t go, baby. I’m sorry. I stopped seeing her, I love you.”
“You love me? Funny, last time I checked you said Areum. You said her name! I can’t even look at you! You disgust me so much! What kind of a husband are you huh?! What were you even thinking?!”, tears were finally falling down your cheeks, you couldn’t stop them from falling so you just let them. 
“I said that I’m sorry! I stopped seeing her. I will never do it again, I love you!”, he screamed back at you.
“I can’t believe you! Why? I don’t understand?! Why would you do something like that? Why would you try to destroy our marriage?!”
You really wanted to know why Jaehyun would throw away a 7 year old relationship.
“Look, we didn’t have any second for us in the past, I don’t know, five months and I missed you so much but you were always working and you never had time for me! I felt... lonely or some shit, I don’t know and... and she was there for me in those three months...”, did he just say it was all your fault?
“So, you are telling me that this is my fault? Because I am working and raising two children. You think I was the one who never had time? When you fucked another woman, I was home alone with your kids! You lied to me and now you are fucking blaming me?!”, he couldn’t be serious. “I am the one suffering from all of this! I am suffering right now because of you and you are still blaming me?! I tried so hard to be a good wife, mother, friend and employee and I am still not enough?”, your voice was quiet. Jaehyun felt like he was never good enough for you, he was just ordinary while you were amazing at everything you did. Jaehyun felt like a piece of shit and he needed someone to tell him that he was also good enough, and instead of talking to his wife, he decided to talk to his co-worker and that led to more. 
“What suffering?! I am still with you, I could have left you and stayed with her instead but I chose you!”, words were coming out of his mouth without him processing it, he said things he didn’t mean and he wanted to take them back, but he couldn’t. 
You slapped him. You slapped him so hard that his brain started working again. He deserved it. 
“You chose me? Nobody asked you for that. You are right, maybe you should have stayed with her.”, he looked at you for the first time now, his hand was on his cheek and his heart clenched. 
“I- I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it.”, he cried as he tried to take his words back.
You couldn’t think straight, and you couldn’t stay with him, you needed to leave. Right now.
You opened the bedroom door and put on your shoes as fast as you could. “Don’t leave me, please. Baby don’t go. It’s late... let’s talk about it. Please don’t leave me.”, he was begging you. Without a second glance, you took the keys for your car and left the apartment you shared so many great memories with and now with the worst.
Jaehyun was on his knees crying his heart out. He needed you to come back to him, you needed to know that he was sorry and that he didn’t mean it. 
“Dad?”, Jaemin held his little sister’s hand and watched his father. His little daughter looked confused and his son looked sad.
“My babies why are you up?”, he tried to cover his tears as he walked up to his kids. "You were loud, daddy. Are you crying, daddy?”, she asked her dad as she placed her little hand on his cheek. “Why are you awake, dad?”, his son asked.
“Daddy had a nightmare, but I feel better now. Thanks to you.”, he placed a kiss on his daughter’s forehead and on his son’s. “Tell mommy to give you a goodnight kiss, that helps every time.”, he tried so hard not to cry in front of his kids. “Okay, I’ll tell her, but you have to sleep now, it’s late.”
“Daddy can you sing for me? Mommy always sings me to sleep.”, how could he say no to his one and only daughter. 
Jaehyun didn’t sleep for the whole night, he waited for you to come back, but you didn’t. 
You were driving around Seoul. You didn’t know what to do. Go back home? You couldn’t let your kids notice what was happening between you and Jaehyun and Jaehyun... your heart was broken, and it needed time. You decided to call the only person who could help you right now. Johnny.
“Good morning, what can I do for you at this hour?”, Johnny, one of your oldest friends asked, still half asleep. It was 7 am on a Sunday, of course he was still asleep.
“Hey, Johnny. Sorry for waking you up-”, your voice trembled.
“Did you fucking cry?”, he always knew that something was wrong. “I-…Yes..., Johnny, Jaehyun had an affair.”
“I’m sorry what? What did you just say?”, he didn’t want to believe it. “He slept with his co-worker for three months. I f-found out last night and I didn’t know what to do… so I l-left.”, you started crying. 
“I can’t believe this, where are you? I’m coming to you.”, Johnny didn’t want to leave you alone.
“No, I’m fine, well not fine but Jaehyun and the kids need you. I left last night just like that, and I want to go to my babies, but I-I Johnny I just can’t face him. It hurts so much.”, you tried to stop your tears from falling but you couldn’t.
“Okay, you don’t have to worry, I’ll go to them. But please tell me that you are safe and text me whenever you need me. Do you know where you want to stay already?”, you knew you could count on him. “I have a friend from work I could ask.”, Johnny was the brother you never had, and you were his sister he never had. You were friends since kindergarten, and he was actually the one who introduced you to Jaehyun in college.
“Alright, just let me know you’re safe.”
“Thank you, Johnny.”
Jaehyun was playing with Minah and Jaemin on the floor as he tried to distract his kids. “Daddy is mommy coming back today?”, Minah asked him.
He hoped.
“I don’t really know, baby. Don’t you enjoy playing with your daddy?”, he asked her. “Daddy is the best!”, she hugged him, and tears were forming in his eyes. 
The doorbell rang and Jaehyun and his kids jumped up and hoped to see you standing there, but it was Johnny.
“Uncle Johnny!”, Minah loved her uncle Johnny. “Hey there princess.”, he hugged Minah and high fived Jaemin “Wow, Jaemin. You are growing up so fast.”, and as he looked at his friend, he saw nothing but pain in his eyes.
“Jaemin and Minah, why don’t you go to your room to play. I’ll be there in 5 minutes to play with you, okay?”, Johnny asked the little kids. 
“Why are you here?”, Jaehyun asked. “Is it wrong to look after my friend and his kids?”, Johnny took off his jacket and sat down in the living room.
“She called you, didn’t she? Where is she? Johnny please tell me, I need to know where she is.”, he begged his friend now.
“Listen, Jaehyun, I know that this between you two, but please tell me what in the world did you think you were doing?”
Jaehyun sat down next to him and started crying silently so his kids wouldn’t notice. “Johnny I’m a terrible husband. I fucked up so bad. I-I thought everything was over but-”, he hid his face in his hands. “I fucking said someone else’s name while being with my wife. I am so sorry. I need her I can’t live without her.”
Jaehyun told Johnny everything that has happened last night. Johnny was shocked to hear his friend do such thing. Never did he think that Jaehyun would do that to you. He loved you way too much.
“I am speechless.”
“D-Do you hate me now, too?”, Jaehyun was scared to lose everyone.
“No, I don’t hate you but… you really broke her heart and I don’t know If she’ll stay with you after this.”, he was honest. 
“Johnny I can’t lose her, I’d do anything.”
“It won’t be easy, that’s all I can say. But I’m here for you.”
It’s been three days since you left. You were missing your kids so much, it hurt you so much to be far away from them. You were staying with one of your friends from work, Soobin. She was always there for you and she invited you with open arms.
You decided to talk to your babies, they probably missed you, too. You dialed Jaehyun’s number, you were scared, and your hands were shaking. 
“(Y/n)? H-hello-”, you interrupted Jaehyun before he could say anything more. His voice sounded different. “I want to talk to my kids.”
“A-Aren’t you going to... come back?”, he whispered. 
“I just want to talk to Minah and Jaemin.”
“Okay... Baby? It’s mommy.”
“Mommy!! Mommy I missed you so much!”, Minah said as she talked to her mother after a long time.
“God, baby. Mommy missed you, too. I love you so much, baby. I promise you I’ll come to you as soon as I can.”, you tried to stop your tears.
“Mommy don’t cry. I want to play with you mommy but playing with daddy is also cool. And mommy, Jaemin is not nice! He never wants to play with me.”, she cried into the phone. 
“Okay baby, I’ll talk to him. Can you give me your brother now? I love you.”
“I love you too mommy. Jaemin!! It’s mommy!”
Jaemin was angry, even though he’s just five he noticed that you and Jaehyun were fighting.
“Hello? Jaemin baby can you hear me?”
“Baby I missed you so much. How are you?”, you wanted to talk to him, but he was too angry at you.
“I don’t miss you! I hate you! Dad is crying because of you! I hate you!”, your heart stopped beating. Your son just told you that he hated you. Your own son. You cried, it hurt so much. You didn’t know what to do.
“Baby I’m sorry. I-”
“No! -”
“Jaemin why are you behaving like that? That’s not nice. You are talking to your mother-”, Jaehyun tried to calm his son down.
“No! I hate you!”, he suddenly also screamed at Jaehyun. Jaemin threw the phone on the floor and ran in his room.
Minah started crying and you heard it all, but you couldn’t do anything. Your heart broke at the sound of your babies crying and yelling. Your son hates you. 
Jaehyun took his phone and heard you crying. 
“I’m sorry he didn’t mean it. Don’t take it to heart, he’s... he’s just angry right now. I’ll handle it, okay? Don’t worry.”, Jaehyun wanted you to stop crying but you just couldn’t. You missed your family so much; it tore you apart.
“I’m... I’m sorry.”, you hung up and cried yourself to sleep. Again.
Two days later, you decided to call Johnny. 
“Hey Johnny.”
“How are you? You sound miserable.”, he didn’t want to be mean or anything, but you really sounded like you just died three times.
“Thank you. I am miserable. My son hates me, my husband cheated on me and I didn’t see my kids for a week.”
“Jaemin doesn’t hate you. He’s simply scared and sad, he is a little kid, he doesn’t understand what is happening right now, but he gets that you two are fighting. Of course, he’s angry. I’d be angry, too. Please stop thinking that way.”
“I don’t know. I’m trying so hard but I just- it’s so hard. How’s Jaehyun?”, you asked him. Of course, you were still worried, you love him and even though he broke your heart, he’s the father of your children.
“He’s sick. I mean like seriously he has fever and all that stuff, I was there this morning, he ate some soup but he’s like sick. The kids are always in their rooms playing. He told me to leave, that he’d handle it, but I don’t know. I was going to look after them tonight.”
Jaehyun was sick. You didn’t want to, but you were so worried right now that you decided to go to your family. They needed you and you needed them.
“I’ll go. Thank you for everything.”
“Are you sure?”, Johnny asked.
“I need to be with my family.”
After the phone call with Johnny, you dressed up and drove to your home. It was strange to go there after a week, you missed it so much and you wished that it was all a bad nightmare, but as soon as you arrived in front of your home, you felt all the pain in your heart again.
You opened the door and took off your jacket and shoes. Scenes of the night you left played in front of your eyes. How Jaehyun was crying his heart out and how betrayed you felt.
You saw your husband laying on the couch with your son next to him. Father and son were sleeping, and a smile placed on your face. It warmed your heart to see the two like that. 
But you couldn’t let your son sleep so close to his sick father. You carried your son to his bed and let him sleep there. On your way back you stopped at your daughters’ room and saw her also sleeping. She’s beautiful and you missed your kids so much. You would never leave them again. No matter what would happen. 
You went back to Jaehyun and tried to slowly wake him up. “Jaehyun. Jaehyun wake up, let’s get you to bed.”
Jaehyun slowly opened his eyes and he saw your beautiful face. “Am... Am I still dreaming?”, he put his hand on your cheek. 
“Jaehyun, stop it and get up. I can’t carry you to bed.”, you didn’t want him to touch you, so you pushed his hand away.
“I can’t believe you are real. I love you.”, Jaehyun looked and sounded so sick. His nose was red, and he was shivering. “I’m so cold.”
After you put Jaehyun to bed, you placed your hand on his forehead, just to see how hot he was. “You are burning.”
Jaehyun could hardly open his eyes, but he needed to see you. He missed you so much, he didn’t even know if you were real or not. 
You went to the bathroom and came back with wet towels. “Jaehyun you need to take off your shirt.”
He slowly tried to take off his shirt, but he was too weak. “I’ll help you.” You helped him taking off his shirt and then you placed the hot towels on his body. “It’s so cold. The bed is always so cold when you are gone. Please don’t leave, I hate it when it’s cold.”, Jaehyun was talking in his half-awake state.
You tried to ignore him, but you also hated to sleep without him next to you, but after what he had done, you were too disgusted. 
Jaehyun fell asleep again and you decided to cook a soup and you looked at your home, it was a mess. Well, you could imagine Johnny trying to clean up, but with a sick Jaehyun and two kids, it’s not easy. You cleaned the floor in the living room, putting the toys back to their right places and after that you cleaned up the kitchen a little. The soup was done and then you heard your little daughter crying. She woke up.
“Baby, Mommy is here it’s okay. Stop crying.”, you picked her up and she stopped crying immediately. “Mommy! Mommy I missed you so much!”
“I missed you to honey. I love you so much.”
After playing with your daughter, your son also woke up. “My little man I missed you so much.”, you were about to hug him, but he stepped back. “No! I don’t want you here!”, it hurt you so much to hear that.
“I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll never leave again. It was an emergency I needed to go baby, but I’m back. Didn’t you miss your mom?”
“No, I didn’t I want dad not you!”, your son ran to his dad’s room and jumped on the bad to hug his dad. Jaehyun woke up as his son jumped around. “I don’t want mommy!”, your son cried into his dad’s arms.
“Jaemin I told you to stop saying that.”, Jaehyun sounded so weak. So fragile. 
You decided to leave your son with Jaehyun, you didn’t want him to cry anymore. 
After seeing Jaehyun so sick you thought of calling your mutual friend, who was a doctor. Kim Doyoung.
Doyoung told you that he’d be here in an hour and you poured the soup into a bowl and placed Jaehyun’s food next to him on the nightstand. 
Jaehyun still looked half-asleep. “I need you so much.”, he whispered. You son was back in his room, playing on his own with his car toys.
“I called Doyoung, he’ll be here soon.”, you just said.
You knew that Jaehyun was too weak to eat on his own and you weren’t heartless.
“You need to finish this, okay? Open your mouth.”, you were sitting on the edge of the bed, trying to leave space between you two, so you could just help him eat.
You didn’t look at him, your eyes where everywhere except for his eyes. But Jaehyun, Jaehyun was watching all your moves, and he tried to look at your beautiful face and eyes, but you wouldn’t let him.
After he ate up the doorbell rang. You opened the door and saw Doyoung standing there. “Thank you so much for coming. He’s so sick and you know how he feels in hospitals.”
“No problem, I told you guys whenever you need me, I’d be here.”
Doyoung checked Jaehyun up and it was easy to tell why he was sick. You stood at the door and watched them.
“Were you stressed lately?”, Doyoung asked. 
You looked on the floor, and Jaehyun looked at you and then back at Doyoung.
“Alright, so your body couldn’t handle the stress and that’s how you got sick. You need to avoid stress and you need to stay calm. I’ll give you some pain killers and stay in bed. If anything else happens, just call me. But that’s it for now.”
Jaehyun’s regret and worry ate him up and he was so stressed after you left, that his body reacted like that, your heart clenched, but it wasn’t your fault, you told yourself.
After you thanked Doyoung, he left, and you made dinner for your kids. Jaemin didn’t talk to you but Minah never left your side. 
“Mommy is daddy dying?”, she suddenly asked.
“What? Of course not? Why would you think that?”, you were shocked to hear you daughter ask such a question.
“I don’t know, Jaemin said daddy is dying.”, she shrugged her shoulders and played with her doll.
You seriously needed to talk with him, you knew that he was just sad and scared, but it was too much now. 
You sat Minah on her chair and then you called Jaemin because dinner’s ready. After you called him two times, he didn’t come so you decided to look after him.
“Jaemin, dinner’s waiting for you.”, he was playing with his dinosaurs and ignored you.
“I don’t want to!”, here we go again. “Jaemin you are making mommy really sad. Why do you hate me? I love you so much.”
“Dad always cries, and you screamed at him! You hurt dad!”, oh boy, seeing him like this hurt you so much. 
Jaehyun was standing at the door and listened to his son. It is his fault, not yours. His son should hate him, not you.
“I’m so sorry that you feel that way, don’t be scared, we just talked loud. I don’t want you to think that we were fighting. You know that I love your dad I would never hurt him.”, you tried to hug your son, but he ran out of his room, he didn’t even notice Jaehyun standing there.
Jaehyun looked at you, his heart hurt. Everything was his fault and now you were really suffering the most. How could he tell his son, that he was wrong? That his father is a piece of shit. A cheater. How could he tell his son, that he broke his mother’s heart?
You were still sitting on the floor, with your hands you covered your face and cried. You tried to be quiet but Jaehyun was right there.
He was right behind you now and he placed his hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, please stop crying. I’ll talk to him. I’ll tell him that it’s... that I’m the one who hurt you.”
“D-Don’t touch me.”, you ignored his words as you backed away. “Just go back to bed.”
You wiped away your tears and left Jaehyun alone, his eyes followed you. It hurt him that you react like that to his touches, but he understood. It hurt him, but you were way more hurt.
Back in the kitchen you helped Minah eating her food and Jaemin just looked at his. “Why is dad not with us?”, he asked. 
“Your dad is sick and needs to sleep. I’ll bring him his soup after you eat.”
“I won’t eat without dad.”, he said now. 
“Jaemin, he would love to eat with you-” “I want dad!”, he yelled now. There was no other way. “Okay I’ll get him.”
You went to your bedroom and opened the door slowly. Jaehyun wiped his tears away as fast as he could but you saw it. There was no point in hiding. 
“Uhm, Jaemin won’t eat without you. C-Could you sit with us?”, you asked slowly.
“Y-Yes I’ll be there. Just give me a second.”, he said, and you nodded.
You went back to the kitchen and sat down “Dad’s coming.”, you smiled at your son. Your daughter was eating with her fingers and you watched her. You love her so much and you were ready to do anything for your kids’ happiness.
Jaehyun came and sat next to your son. “Dad! Let’s eat together!”, Jaemin finally started eating.
“Do you want your soup now or later?”, you asked Jaehyun. 
“Now, please.”, he watched his kids eating and it felt almost like before.
Jaehyun was eating his soup and your kids were also eating. Everyone was eating except you.
“Mommy aren’t you hungry?”, Minah asked.
“No, I’m not hungry.”, you said. “But Mommy you always tell us to eat even if we are not hungry. You need to eat, too!”, after that one night, you lost your appetite. You rarely ate, most of the times you would just eat an apple.
“I’ll eat later, okay? You need to finish first.”
“Okay mommy.”
Minah and Jaemin played around with Jaehyun and you were just sitting there and tried to stop the pain. You tried to forget everything, but you couldn’t.
It was already 10pm and your kids were already sleeping. You didn’t know what exactly to do. Jaehyun was in bed and you were sitting on the couch in the living room. 
What was going to happen next? Are you just going to sleep next to him and act like nothing happened? Are you just going to pretend that everything was fine?
You decided to take a hot bath, but first you made Jaehyun a hot tea. You opened the door to the bedroom and saw him sitting there and looking helpless. His nose was still red.
“I made you some tea.”, you put the tea on the nightstand and Jaehyun watched you. 
“Thank you.”, suddenly he held your wrist before you could leave. “W-Where is it?”, he asked. “What do you mean?”, first, you didn’t understand. “Where is the ring? Where’s the wedding ring?”, he was so scared of your answer.
“I took it off.”, you just said, avoiding his gaze.
“Y-You took it off. Why?”, his voice trembled. “It didn’t feel right to wear it.”
“B-But you promised. You promised me that you’d never take it off! You promised me that you’d always wear it.”, tears fell down his cheeks. He was so desperate. It was your wedding ring. The ring that showed that you two belonged together. 
You were angry. How could he say something like that and cry? How could he act like you were the first one to break a promise? You looked into his eyes for the first time. 
“And you promised me to be faithful. You promised me to never break my heart. You promised me to never hurt me and always love me.”, you pulled away your arm from his grip and stepped back. 
“I guess promises are meant to be broken.”
You turned on your heel and went to the bathroom. After you closed the door behind you, you started crying. You tried to be as quiet as possible but Jaehyun heard you. 
You were right. He broke so many promises he made. Jaehyun broke your heart and he’s scared that you’ll never forgive him. You cried and cried and didn’t leave the bathroom for the next two hours. You were finally home but it didn’t feel like it. You were finally with your kids, but your son hated you. Your words really hit Jaehyun. There was no way that you’d forgive him. He was clueless and he regretted everything so much, he didn’t know what to do.
You couldn’t sleep at all that night. You were sleeping on the couch in the living room, but you were scared that your kids would see you. You were worried about the future. What is going to happen to your marriage? The voice in your head always reminded you that ‘Your husband cheated on you’, you couldn’t stop the voice in your head. But it was the reality you had to face.
Minah was the first to wake up. “Good morning baby.”, you lifted her up and kissed her cheeks. “Mommy I’m hungry.” You heard your son waking up and he opened your bedroom door and jumped on the bed.
“Dad wake up!”, he jumped around. 
With Minah in your arms, you went to your bedroom and saw Jaehyun slowly waking up. “Jaemin your dad is still sick. He needs to rest.”.
“It’s alright. I’m feeling better.”, he smiled at his son. “I want to play with daddy, too!”, your daughter said. You placed your daughter on Jaehyun’s lap. “I’ll prepare breakfast.” 
You would never destroy the relationship between Jaehyun and your kids. Jaehyun’s a great dad, no, a wonderful dad. When you told him that you were pregnant with Jaemin he was so excited. He was so careful with you and fulfilled every wish you had. Even after you gave birth, he never left your side and helped you as much as he could. Jaehyun told you that he wanted 10 kids with you, when you got married and even after Minah he didn’t want to stop having kids. 
You smiled at the memory. You started to blame yourself. After giving birth to two kids, your body didn’t look like before. You felt ugly, of course Jaehyun would cheat on you. Look at you. You look like an ugly piece of shit, you thought.
Your thoughts were interrupted with Jaehyun coming into the kitchen with both of your kids in his arms. “Let’s help mommy”, he said and put his kids down.
Suddenly you got angry. Did he think that you can’t even prepare a simple breakfast? You don’t need help. You are strong. 
“I can handle it.”, you said coldly. 
“No, it’s alright, I can help you.”, he wanted to take the pan from your hand. “No, Jaehyun. I don’t need your help.”, you raised your voice a little. You totally forgot that the kids were also in the kitchen.
You hated to be like this in front of the kids, but you couldn’t control your anger. Jaehyun looked at you with an open mouth. Before you could say anything, the doorbell rang. Luckily, your kids were busy with playing on the kitchen floor, you hoped that they didn’t hear your voice raising at Jaehyun.
You went to open the door and saw Johnny standing there with Donuts. “Morning. I have donuts!”, he was happy to see you finally home. He knew that it was hard for you and that’s why he visited you guys. 
“Thank you John-”, before you could finish your sentence, everything went black and you passed out. The last thing you heard was Johnny telling Jaehyun to call an ambulance. 
Jaehyun called the ambulance and ran to you and Johnny. “What... What happened? (Y/n)? Can you hear me? Baby please open your eyes.”, Jaehyun held you in his arms and he totally forgot about his kids who were watching the scene. Johnny saw them standing there and lifted both kids up and brought them to their room. “What is happening to my... my mom?”, Jaemin cried. He was so scared. Your daughter was already crying and screaming. She was also totally scared, and she didn’t understand what was happening. 
“She’ll be fine, don’t worry. You dad’s going to the hospital, they’ll look after her. Don’t worry.” Johnny tried to cheer the kids up, but he also didn’t know what was happening. 
Jaehyun was holding you and crying. It felt like hours until the ambulance came. He never let go of you. 
You woke up in a bright room. You didn’t know where you were or what happened. Your eyes slowly got used to the bright lights and then you saw Jaehyun sitting next to you on a chair, eyes closed. 
You tried to take your hand away, but he didn’t let go. You slowly tried to sit up and Jaehyun also woke up. 
“You’re awake. How are you feeling? Wait never mind, I’ll just call the doctor.” before you could say anything he ran out of the room and called the doctor. 
He came back with the doctor and held your hand again as he sat down next to you. 
“How are you feeling, Mrs. Jung?”, he asked you as he looked through your file.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m alright.”, the doctor couldn’t heal the pain in your heart, obviously. 
“I need to ask you some question. When was the last time you ate something?”, he looked at you and Jaehyun, too. You felt uncomfortable.
“Uhm, I- can’t answer that.”, you looked down.
“Why?”, he asked. “Because I don’t know.”, you answered quietly. Jaehyun looked at you with worry written all over his face. 
The doctor wrote something down and looked back at you. “And sleep? Can you sleep or are you having trouble with that?”
You nodded slowly “It’s hard to fall asleep.”
“How long did you sleep last night?”
“Not at all.”, you didn’t want Jaehyun to know that.
“And the night before?”, the doctor asked. “Maybe two hours?”, you weren’t sure. “Were you stressed lately?”, why is everybody asking you and Jaehyun this. Is it that obvious?
“Y-Yes.”, you finally freed your hand out of Jaehyun’s, who was in his own world right now. This needs to stop, first Jaehyun got sick because of the stress and now you were in the hospital.
“Well, your body needs energy. You must eat to produce energy. And sleep is especially important. Your body and mind need to recover, it seems like your body couldn’t handle it anymore. I don’t know what is going on in your private life, but I recommend you to see a psychologist. Your mental state is connected to your body, and If you don’t do anything about it, your body will also suffer. I’ll give you some vitamins you need to take, and you need to stay for tonight, we need to make sure, you won’t pass out again. Any questions?”, the doctor told you all of this in one go and you knew that it was true. But it was so hard for you. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw the fight in front of you. Every time you ate something, you thought of you husband with someone else and you couldn’t continue eating.
“No. Thank you.”, you said, 
“That’s it then. I hope you get well soon.”, you tried to smile at him, but you were too weak.
After the doctor left, you mind wandered to your kids. “The kids- Jaehyun! The kids, where are my kids?”, you totally forgot that Johnny came to visit.
“They are with Johnny. Don’t worry, he came before you... passed out.”, he looked down, to ashamed to be the reason that you were laying in a hospital bed.
“Where’s my phone?”, you asked. “At home. You can use mine.”, he handed you his. 
You looked at the phone in is hand. Did he saved her number? Did he text her? Is he still texting her? Do they have pictures together? You had thousand questions. “C-Call Johnny. FaceTime.”, you would never touch that phone. After two rings, Johnny answered. 
“Hey, are you guys alright? Where’s (Y/n)?”, he asked. Jaehyun turned the phone to you. “I’m fine, Johnny. Thank you. Can I talk to the kids?”
“Sure. Minah. Jaemin. It’s your mom.”, he handed the phone Jaemin, who was sitting next to Minah. “Mommy! Where are you?”, Minah started crying. “Baby don’t cry. Daddy and I are staying together. Don’t worry okay? We’ll come back home tomorrow.”, you didn’t want to tell her that you were staying at the hospital.
“Jaemin, baby? Can you be a good big brother and look after your sister? I love you two so much.”, your son didn’t say a word. He started crying and you did, too. It broke your heart that he didn’t talk to you. “Daddy.”, Minah cried out. “Yes baby?”, he came closer and he could also be seen now. “Daddy give Mommy a kiss. That will help her. Mommy always kisses us when we are sick.”, she insisted, while crying. Jaehyun and you wanted to stop your daughter from crying and that’s why you nodded after he asked you with his eyes. 
He slowly placed a kiss on your forehead. You had your eyes closed and you missed him so much that it hurt to feel his lips on your skin again. Jaehyun’s eyes were also closed and the kiss felt like forever.
After the call ended, you watched the sun go down. Jaehyun was outside, getting your food. You still didn’t want to eat. But after what happened today, you didn’t want to scare your kids like this again.
He brought you tomato soup, salat and rice with some meat. The soup reminded you, that Jaehyun was still sick.
“Jaehyun.”, you said. “Yes? Is it too hot?”, he asked.
“No, just- You’re still sick, you should rest and eat this, you need it more than I do.”, he looked at you like you were crazy.
“What? No. I’m totally fine. You need to finish all of this and then you’ll sleep. I’m feeling way better.”, you were the most important person for him.
“No but’s. I’ll just buy myself a sandwich or something.”
“This is too much for me. Let’s share. I know that you love tomato soup.”, his heart flipped as you said this. You know everything about him. He didn’t answer, just watched you. “Jaehyun?”
“I said let’s share the soup. Please?”
How could he say no to the most beautiful woman he has ever seen?
After sharing your soup, you slowly finished the rest. It was awkward that Jaehyun was just sitting next to you on the chair. “Jaehyun, go home.”
“What? Why?”
“The chair is uncomfortable, I know that you can’t stand hospitals, and you are sick, and the kids need you-”, he interrupted you “And I need you, and I won’t go anywhere without you. I don’t care If I sleep on this chair or on the floor. I just want to be with you.”
You looked at him for a second and then you hid your face under your blanket. You didn’t know what exactly you felt when he said that, but you felt so many things.
Pain, love, longing. 
You were so exhausted that you fell asleep and Jaehyun watched you. He was scared that it could be the last time he saw your face. Jaehyun couldn’t let you go. He wouldn’t. But what if you do leave him one day? 
Jaehyun and you were finally home. Your kids were at the kindergarten thanks to Johnny. You called in sick for work and Jaehyun did too. You two barely spoke since last night. Whenever he said something, he got short replies from you. 
You were laying on the couch and Jaehyun was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, even though you weren’t hungry, but he insisted. 
Jaehyun was worried. He was determined to cook for you and keep you healthy.  He heard some voices from the living room and thought that you were watching TV or something. But as he stood behind you, he leaned against the doorframe and watched you watching your wedding videos. 
You were so bored, that you decided to watch the happy times. You wanted to see how it was to be happy and in love. You missed that feeling, you missed Jaehyun looking at you like he did on your wedding day. 
In the next clip, you were slow dancing with Jaehyun. Your first dance as a married couple. Everything was perfect. Too good to be true.
Jaehyun heard you sniffing and knew that you were crying again. He placed your breakfast on the table and sat down next to you. Not too close, he didn’t want you to back away or something.
“What happened to us?”, you asked him with a trembling voice. “We were so happy.”
The next clip was the day you gave birth to Jaemin. Jaehyun was crying and he held your hand. “Come on baby, you got this. You are incredible. I love you so much.”
“I love you Jaehyun- Oh god!”, you screamed as you were giving birth. Jaehyun supported you as much as he could. He let you squeeze his hand, scream and yell at him because of the pain you were going through.
“I... I don’t know...”, Jaehyun looked at you and then back at the TV. It was Jaemin’s first birthday. 
“I am not hungry.”, you said. Because you really weren’t.
“You need to eat something. The Doctor strictly told you to-”, he tried to convince you, but you were to angry. 
“I don’t care! I don’t fucking care!”, you yelled at him suddenly. You watched your son smiling happily at you but now, now he hated you. The smile on Jaemin’s face triggered something in you. “This is all your fault! Everything is your fucking fault!”
“I know. I’m sorry. Just eat a little-”, he tried to calm you down.
“I don’t want to eat something I want my son! You did this to me! He hates me because of you! My son hates me. He hates me.”, you were covering your face as you cried. Jaehyun was sitting next to you, helpless. 
“My own son hates me for something I didn’t even do. I don’t deserve all of this. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“I’ll talk to him, please stop crying. You didn’t do anything wrong.”, Jaehyun’s heart arched.
“You will talk to him?”, your blood shot eyes looked at him now. “What are you going to tell him? ‘I cheated on your mother Jaemin.’ huh? ‘You mother didn’t do anything wrong; it was me who fucked someone else.’?! What are you going to tell him?!”, your voice got louder every second. 
Jaehyun was also crying now. “I-I don’t know. Are you ever going to forgive me? I know I fucked up big time and it was the biggest mistake in my life.”, he was about to hold your hand, but you pulled away.
“A mistake you did for three whole months. Why did you even stop? Got too bored with her? Were you looking for someone else to fuck? Two women weren’t enough for you?”, she was furious, and she wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt her. 
“Don’t say that. You are the only one for me, (Y/n). I... You were -are- too good for me. I didn’t know how to express my feelings. I know I made a mistake for months, but I was scared!”, he tried to wipe away his tears, but it didn’t help, tears were falling down his cheeks.
“Obviously, I wasn’t the only one. Would you ever tell me about it? If you hadn’t... If I hadn’t found out that night would you have ever told me?”
Would he? He didn’t know. 
“I-I don’t know...”
You didn’t say anything to this.
“Maybe we should just get a div-”, you said but Jaehyun interrupted you. “Don’t you ever dare say that word. I won’t leave you. Ever. I know you don’t trust me, but I’ll do anything to gain your trust again. I’ll do anything you want me to. I love you so much, I can’t live without you. Please don’t leave me.”, he was on his knees now, looking up to your eyes and then his face fell into your lap and he cried. 
The scene in front of you was heartbreaking. You looked at the TV and saw the clip of you and Jaehyun with Jaemin, a couple hours after you gave birth to Minah. Jaehyun cried out of happiness on the screen and now he was crying and holding onto you like you would disappear if he let go.
“I’ll be better. I promise you I’ll be the man you deserve. I promise you I’ll never hurt you again. Please don’t leave me. I love you. I love you so much.”, he cried and as you put your hand on his head and stroked his hair, you thought that maybe, just maybe, you could work things out.
 “Welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Jung. I’m Dr. Hwang. Since it is your first time here, it would be great if you could tell me a little about yourselves and your relationship.”
A week after your last fight with Jaehyun, you decided to go to couple therapy. You thought, maybe a professional could help you go through all of this. 
“Let’s start with you, Mrs. Jung.”, she smiled at you. 
Jaehyun was sitting on the other edge of the couch and felt uneasy. He feared someone else knowing about what kind of terrible husband he is. He was ashamed and he knew how hard it was for you. 
“Well, I’m 28 and I’m working in a publishing company. That’s basically it.”, you didn’t know what other information she needed to know. 
“Do you have any hobbies? What are you doing in your free time?”, she asked. 
“If playing with my kids and cooking count as a hobby, then yes. And free time. I don’t know, I don’t actually have time for myself.”, you answered honestly.
“Alright. Now you Mr. Jung.”
“Well, I’m 29 and I work as a manager in a company. And I don’t have any hobbies.”
“Okay, thank you. Now please tell me how you two met and about your relationship in general.”
“We met in college.”, Jaehyun began talking with a smile on his face as he remembered how he met you. “It may sound cliché, but we didn’t like each other at first. We teased each other a lot. She looked so cute when she got mad and one day, I couldn’t handle her cuteness, so I just kissed her to shut her up and that’s basically it. I never loved anyone else since that day.”
You smiled, too. You remembered that day so well. You always had a crush on Jaehyun since the first day you met. Who wouldn’t? You were so shy at first but after he started teasing you, you teased him, too. The way you two looked at each other every time while teasing each other, it was like you were waiting for him to kiss you and when he did, you knew that he was the one. The one you’d spend the rest of your life with. The love of your life. 
“That’s a cute story.”, Dr. Hwang smiled. “So please tell me now why you are here.”
It was too hard for you to say it out loud. You waited for Jaehyun to talk about it and he did. He knew it wasn’t easy to talk about it.
“We are here because I... because I cheated on my wife for three months.”, he looked down to his lap.
Dr. Hwang was writing down something as she listened to Jaehyun.
“Okay, please tell me more about it. How and why did you decided to come here? How did it start, and why did you stop?”
“Uhm, my wife found out because I- I said the other, person’s name, while we were... together...”, Jaehyun was so embarrassed. “It started in April, I think, with, uhm, with someone from work. I did it because I felt like I wasn’t good enough for her. (Y/n) is perfect in everything and I am just... me. I felt so little and useless and it is pathetic but I... I needed someone to tell me that I was good enough and... I couldn’t think straight and ended up with the... other person. After the first time I didn’t know what to do. I was too scared to tell (Y/n) and too dumb to stop it. It was our daughter’s birthday when I realized, that I was doing a big mistake and that I was destroying the perfect life I had. And then I broke it off , because I knew that I was hurting my wife, even though she didn’t know it back then. I was disgusted in myself and stopped as soon as I could. I know that nothing justifies my behavior but... I just wanted someone to tell me that I was... good...”
You didn’t know how to feel after he said all of that. Were you hurt because he looked for someone who was there for him? Were you hurt because you weren’t that person? Was everything you fault? 
“Thank you, Mr. Jung. Mrs. Jung please tell me how you felt when you found out.”
That was hard to answer. “Well, I... I felt numb. I didn’t feel anything at first. After I found out, I left for a week. When I was alone I... I realized everything and I only felt pain... After I came back, I was numb again... but everything boiled up in me and I was furious.”
“Okay, thank you. So, I can tell, that you are going through a rough time. Both of you. What do you except to happen, now that you are here?”, she asked. 
“I want my wife to be happy again. I need her to forgive me for everything I’ve ever done because I love her. I want to save our marriage.”
Mrs. Hwang nodded and looked back at you. “I want to save our marriage, too.”
And that was your first session. You looked out of the window as Jaehyun drove home.
“What do you think of her?”, Jaehyun asked after a while. 
“She seemed nice. And you?”
“Yeah. She really seemed nice; I hope she’ll help us.”
After you arrived home it was timer for dinner. Luckily, Johnny watched your kids. He really is the best, you thought.
“Thank you for everything, Johnny. I’m so sorry to drag you into this mess.”, you were cooking dinner with Johnny next to you as Jaehyun played with the kids. 
“I told you guys; I’ll always be there for you. Whatever happens between you two, I’m here for you two. And you know that I love the kids and of course they love me, I mean, Uncle Johnny is way cooler than Uncle Mark.”, he laughed and after a long time, you laughed, too.
Johnny stayed for dinner; it was less awkward. He was talking to Jaehyun and to the kids the whole time. You were playing with your food, slowly eating, because again, you weren’t hungry. Jaehyun watched you from time to time. 
“Mommy??”, you were so deep in thoughts that you didn’t even hear Minah talking to you. 
“Yes honey?”
“Mommy can Uncle Johnny sleep here tonight? Please Mommy!”, Minah said excitingly. 
“But honey-”
“Mommy please?”, Jaemin asked you now. He was careful when he talked to you since you went to the hospital. The next day he saw you at home he cried again and jumped up, he wanted you to lift him up and you did.
“Mommy!”, he cried into your shoulder. “I thought I hurt you because I screamed at you... did you go to the hospital because of me Mommy?”, he cried.
“Oh my god, baby no! No of course not, I love you baby why would you think that.”, you cried, too. 
Minah was in Johnny’s arms and started crying, too. You promised yourself that you’d never scare your kids like this ever again. After that Jaemin was talking to you as if you were fragile and could break any moment, which was the case. 
“I’m sorry Mommy.”, Jaemin held you and never wanted to let go.
“(Y/n)?”, Jaehyun called for you now.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. Uhm, I don’t know... Johnny?”, you looked at him. “I don’t care actually, It’s up to you guys.”
“It’s fine for me.”, Jaehyun didn’t mind.
“Yes! Thank you! Come on Uncle Johnny let’s watch Toy story!”, Minah jumped in her seat and Jaemin smiled brightly.
You on the other side weren’t that happy. For the past weeks you slept on the couch, you didn’t even think of sleeping in your bed with Jaehyun. But If Johnny stays, he needs a place to sleep. 
Your kids were sleeping already and Jaehyun was talking to Johnny in the living room. You placed a blanket and a pillow on the couch and asked him if that was alright for him.
“Yeah don’t worry about me. Thanks.”
“Okay, uhm. I’m going to bed, good night.”
After a long time, you’d sleep in your bedroom again. You were nervous. After changing your clothes and brushing your teeth, you got under the blankets. It felt strange to be in this bed. You were at the edge, one push you’d fall, but this is also Jaehyun’s bed and you were scared to be too close.
It’s been a couple minutes since you were in bed and were laying on your back, eyes open. 
Jaehyun came in and slowly closed the door. None of you talked and as he went to the bathroom, it felt like you could breathe again.
Jaehyun changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, and came back. 
“(Y/n)?”, he asked. 
“Yes?”, you looked at each other now. “C-Can I sleep here? I can also sleep on the floor If you want me to. Or I can sleep with Joh- okay no, just the floor.”
You wanted to laugh when he mentioned sleeping with Johnny, but he looked just like a lost puppy. “Yes, you can sleep here. It’s also your bed after all.”
He nodded and slowly got under the blankets next to you. It felt like years, being with him in the same bed. Jaehyun was also laying on his back, looking up. He tried to give you as much space as you needed but he wanted to touch you, he wanted to hold your hand and kiss you. Jaehyun wanted to breathe in your smell, the scent of vanilla he loved so much. Jaehyun wanted to tell you that he loves you. But he couldn’t.
He turned to the side to look at you. You felt his gaze on you and turned your face to him. The moon shined brightly tonight and was your only source of light. 
Slowly, his hand got closer to your cheek, he was about to stroke your cheek but as you closed your eyes, he just couldn’t. He didn’t deserve to touch you with his dirty hands. 
You thought he’d place his hand on your cheek but as you opened your eyes, you saw the struggle in his. 
“I’m sorry.”, he pulled his hand back.
“Good night, Jaehyun.”, you said as you turned around, your back now facing him.
“Good night.”
Jaehyun was standing in front of you but it seemed like he didn’t see you or hear you. No matter how loud you screamed, Jaehyun never reacted.
“Jaehyun!”, you screamed again. There was a woman standing next to Jaehyun now, you couldn’t see her face. “Jaehyun!”, you screamed again. Jaehyun pulled the unknown woman closer to him and then he hugged her. “What the- Jaehyun? Can’t you see me? Please, Jaehyun?!”
You couldn’t move no matter how hard you tried, nothing worked. “I missed you so much, baby.”, Jaehyun said to the woman. “No Jaehyun! Please don’t! I’m here! I’m right here!”
The woman’s face was blurry, you couldn’t tell who it was. Jaehyun’s hand pulled her by her head and kissed her. He was kissing the woman right in front of your eyes and there was nothing you could do. “Jaehyun! Don’t do this to me please don’t. Please don’t kiss her!”, you were crying so hard that your sight got blurry. 
“(Y/n)! Do you hear me?!”, you could hear Jaehyun’s voice, but it was impossible. He was kissing her. How could he talk to you while he was kissing the other woman?
“Wake up (Y/n)! Everything’s fine, baby. Open your eyes.”
Nothing is fine. Stop kissing her. 
“It’s just a dream. Please wake up.”, he begged.
A dream? More like a nightmare. 
Suddenly you opened your eyes and you were breathing heavily with sweat everywhere. Your heart hurt and you were scared. Was it just a dream? A nightmare?
“Look at me. It was just a dream.”, Jaehyun held you in his arms as he tried to calm you down. 
You didn’t even notice how hard you were crying. You gripped his shirt with your hands and pulled him closer. Too scared to lose him if you let go.
“It’s okay baby. You are safe now. Everything is alright.”, he placed kisses on your hair as he held you. You were slowly able to breathe in a normal rhythm, but you didn’t let him go.
“It... It was so real. J-Jaehyun it felt so real...”, you whispered. 
Little did you know that you were talking in your sleep. Jaehyun heard you crying out loud and he knew exactly what happened in your dream. 
“I know baby, but it was just a nightmare. It wasn’t real, please stop crying.”
You let him go as you thought about your dream. It wasn’t just a dream. It happened. Jaehyun did that to you. He did kiss another woman.
“L-Let me go...”, you whispered. 
“Are you feeling better now?”, he asked as he slowly let you go.
You shook your head. “Is there anything I can do for you?”, he asked now.
“N-No. Nothing I... I just need- I don’t know what I need.”
You really didn’t know what you need. Everything was happening so fast but at the same time so slow.
“I’m going to take a shower.”, you got up and left him alone in your bed. Jaehyun let out a sigh as he tried to get back to sleep. 
But that night, neither of you got any sleep.
One week past and today was your second couple therapy session.
“Is there anything you want to know, Mrs. Jung? Mr. Jung promised to answer all of your questions.”
He really did. Jaehyun promised to tell you everything you wanted to know. 
“Well, there are some questions I have...”
Jaehyun looked at you but you avoided eye contact.
“Go for it, Mrs. Jung. Just ask.”
You played with your fingers as you tried to ask the questions that bothered you for so long now. “My first question is... uhm... You said it was someone from work... do you, still... like... see her?”, your heart was beating hardly against your chest.
“I- uhm, yes. She’s there when I go to work...”, he was also playing with his fingers now, too scared to see your reaction.
“Okay... d-do you talk to her?”
“No. Not like before. I mean... just a little at our meetings, but like we are all talking, I’m not directly talking to her.”, he tried to explain that he really isn’t talking casually to her. Only when it is totally necessary.
“And you stopped... doing it with her, right?”, you asked even though Jaehyun told you many times that it was long over.
“I have another question.”
Jaehyun’s eyes were on you again.
“Did you... When you said that you... uhm... chose me. Did you mean it? No, I mean... why? No no... god this is so stupid... Just tell me why you said that and If you were really about to... choose her...”, Jaehyun’s words that night really hurt you. Choosing your wife over your affair? Did Jaehyun really think about that back then?
You didn’t even notice the tears falling.
“I didn’t mean it like that- I... It was always you. I chose to love you many years ago and I still do and forever will love only you. I don’t know why I said that... I guess I tried to tell you that I was also hurt all the time and... It’s just that I thought... think... that I’m worthless. You are perfect. Literally perfect. And I thought you deserve better, you still do, but I love you. I always thought that you’d be happier... without me. I thought it would be better If we”, he let out a sigh, “broke everything off and the best way to this was to... hurt you. I know it’s stupid and If I could I’d go back in time and beat the shit -sorry- out of me.”, he tried to explain that it wasn’t choosing between you and her but between your life without him and your life with him.
Jaehyun was deep in thoughts as he talked, he tried to explain his stupid situation to you as good as he could, so that you could understand him, even a little. 
 You tried to go through everything in your head, but it was too much. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this right now,” you left Jaehyun and Dr Hwang as you tried to calm down. You got inside of your car and tried to breathe. You closed your eyes shut, trying to delete the images in your head. The images of Jaehyun with another woman. It didn’t stop. Whatever you thought of, you ended up with the same image in your mind.
You didn’t even notice that Jaehyun was sitting next to you. Tears also falling down his cheeks. You felt so helpless. You felt like there was nothing you could do to erase the pain.
“(Y/n), please look at me. Please. I’m trying so hard, I’m so sorry.”, Jaehyun cupped your cheeks. He was looking into your eyes and he wiped off your tears. “I’ll do anything for you. As long as you stop crying. I promise you the pain will stop.”
“Do you really think that? Do you really think that it’ll stop? Do you really think that I’ll be able to forgive you and we’ll be happy again?”, you searched for answers in his eyes.
“I know it. I know that we’ll be happy again. That you’ll be happy again. You are the strongest woman I know, and I will do anything in my hand to make you smile again.”
“I hate to be like that but… C-Can you stop working there? I... I don’t want you to be close to her.”, in the deepest of your mind you told yourself that it didn’t matter where he worked. He could do it again. Even if he changed his workplace, how could you be sure that it won’t happen again?
You tried to ignore the voice inside your head.
“If it’s what you want, of course. I told you I’d do anything for you.”
Silence. There was another question in your head, but you feared the answer.
“Jaehyun?”, you asked.
“Do you still have her number? Or like… anything that involves her on your phone?”, you looked out of the window, you tried to focus so that you wouldn’t cry.
“No, I promise you. There’s nothing that involves her.”
“Okay.”, you sighed. You weren’t sure If you could believe him but at this point it didn’t even matter.
It’s been 8 months since the worst day in your life.
It was a very difficult journey until today. It was hard for you, after the first night you slept in your own bed, you stopped sleeping in the living room. Most of the times you were haunted by nightmares but day after day they became less. You and Jaehyun were close, yet so far from each other. In front of your kids you acted like always, like the happy couple with no failures, but when you were alone, you put a big distance between you two. You never let him touch you and he never tried, knowing how hard it was for you. In those 8 months, you never even kissed. But it was alright, Jaehyun would walk through fire for you.
The furthest of skin ship that happened was a couple months ago when you hugged him. You just hugged him out of nowhere and you didn’t let go for a whole hour. Jaehyun was too scared to put his hands around you but you asked him to.
“Please just hug me back. I need this right now.”
And he slowly hugged you back. Pulling you closer than you already were and softly caressing your hair.
You were still going to couple therapy together. It helped you so much, you wouldn’t know what would’ve happened If you were all alone. Johnny helped you also so much, taking care of the kids and even Jaehyun.
Jaehyun still hates himself. He acted like you were fragile, always trying to make you happy, never crossing any line you set. He came straight home after work and spend all his time with you and your kids. Jaehyun cooks for you to surprise you and he buys a different bouquet of flowers every Sunday for you.
Today, on your son’s sixth birthday, you invited your family and friends to celebrate your baby’s birthday. You never told anyone, except Johnny of course, what happened between you and Jaehyun. You were scared that your dad would rip Jaehyun’s head of and you didn’t want Jaehyun’s parents to know that his son did something as disgusting as that. It was your marriage and it was something between you and Jaehyun, but still, he couldn’t look his and your parents in the eyes. After months, he couldn’t even look you properly in the eyes.
After your son opened his toys, you couldn’t find Jaehyun. You opened your bedroom door and you could hear him crying. He was in the bathroom, sitting on the floor and he covered his face with his hands and just cried.
“Jaehyun?”, you closed the door and kneeled. “Jaehyun why are you crying? Hey, stop crying, Jaemin’s just six… he’s still your little-”
“I-I’m not crying because he’s growing up so fast, well, that’s also a reason but... It’s just…”, he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
You took his hands into your hands and looked at him. His eyes were blood shot red and the tears were falling down, and it seemed like they wouldn’t stop anytime.
“Hey, it’s alright. Look at me- “
“I can’t. I can’t look at you or at our family- I can’t even look at my own children. I just can’t. I don’t deserve any of you. I can’t look at your parents, knowing how much I hurt their daughter. I can’t look at my parents, knowing how disappointed they’d be. I can’t look at you, knowing that I am the reason for the pain in your heart, the tears in your eyes and the nightmares when you sleep. What kind of father am I? I always wanted to be a role model for my son, but now I hope that he never becomes like me.”
You were also crying now, you forgot about your family in the living room and you just cried with Jaehyun in the bathroom. “Jaehyun you are a great father, stop thinking like that. We’ll go through this together, don’t you remember? You promised me that.”
“I know but… what If I’m not good enough? What If I can’t make you happy again? What If- “, before Jaehyun could finish his sentence, you placed your lips on his. It was a slow kiss, you could taste the tears while you kissed him and he could, too. Both of your eyes closed, hand in hand.
Jaehyun was scared to go too far, but you sat on his lap and pulled him closer to you. After you kissed him, even though none of you wanted to stop, you placed your head in the crook of his neck and hugged him.
“I love you so much.”, he said as he hugged you back.
You couldn’t say it. He knew that you couldn’t, and it was alright. Jaehyun would give you all the time in the world. You wanted to tell him, that you loved him so much, but it was hard. But both of you knew, that you loved him.
It was your wedding anniversary one month later, and Jaehyun asked you out. This would be your first date after a whole year. You spent the last anniversary at home with your kids, at that time Jaehyun was rarely at home.
But two days ago, he bought so many roses and decorated your bedroom and asked you out. Jaehyun already asked Johnny to watch your kids and he happily agreed to do so, now it was just up to you. Were you ready to go on a date with Jaehyun?
Yes, you were.
Jaehyun told you to be ready at 7, he was still at work and told you to get ready. You stood in front of your closet, not sure what to wear. “He likes red. Maybe I should wear this- “, you were interrupted by the kids and Johnny.
“Mommy!! Can we come in?”, Jaemin asked.
“Yes, what’s wrong?”, you asked them as they entered your bedroom.
“This is for you.”, Jaemin and Minah handed you a package. “What’s this?”, you asked confused. “Just open it.”, Johnny smiled brightly.
And so, you did. There was a beautiful black dress inside the package. “Daddy told us to give you that!”, Minah said happily.
The dress was beautiful, really beautiful and it looked expensive. How could you were something so expensive, what If you drop anything on it while you eat?
“Mommy come on change we want to see it!!”, Jaemin jumped around.
“Okay okay, now get out.”, you smiled.
After you changed, you looked at the mirror and your jaw dropped. It’s been a long time since you wore something like this. It was a long black dress with thin straps, skintight, with a cut on the left side of your leg. You let your hair open and curled the tips a little. You were so excited; you almost forgot the most important thing.
Your wedding ring.
After you took it off, you only wore it when your family was around. But today you decided to wear it and you wouldn’t take it off again.
“How do I look?”, you asked after you left your room.
“Not better than me, that’s for sure.”, Johnny joked.
“Mommy is a princess!!”, Minah’s eyes shined just like you did.
“You are also a princess, my pretty girl.”, you placed a kiss on her head.
“When I grow up, I am going to marry you mommy.”, Jaemin said.
“Oh my god, can you get any cuter?”, you were about to tear up but the doorbell rang. You opened the door and you saw Jaehyun smiling brightly at you with another bouquet of roses in his hands. He was wearing a suit, and lord, Jaehyun in a suit was your weak point.
“Holy shit. “, he started.
“Jaehyun! Language!”, you hoped that your kids didn’t hear that.
“I’m sorry it’s just. Holy shit.”, he said again.
“I think it’s time to go.”, you waved at your kids and Johnny closed the door, Jaehyun was still in trance.
Jaehyun had a reservation at the restaurant you first went to on your first date
“It’s been so long since we came here, but nothing changed.”, you said, and he agreed with a hum. “God you are so beautiful.”, that was the nth time he told you how beautiful you were.
“Jaehyun stop, don’t make me shy.”
“But you are cute.”, he admired you.
The waiter filled your glasses with wine and as you put your hand around it, Jaehyun noticed the ring.
“You are wearing it?”, he smiled at you.
“Yes, and I don’t want to take it off. Ever again.”, you looked at it with a smile on your face.
“I’m sorry but you have to.”, he said seriously.
“W-What? Why?”
He took out a little box of his Jackett and opened it. “I want to give you this.”, there was a ring inside of the box. “We can’t… restart our marriage and I can’t erase our memories, I can’t undo what happened, but I can promise you, that I’ll love you with every breathe I take and that I’ll give you the happiness you deserve. I’ll do anything as long as you are happy, and I’ll never hurt you again. I can’t imagine my life without you. You gave me two beautiful children and your heart. It’s more than I deserve but I promise you, I will show you how much I love you until my last breath. This ring is my promise to you. I don’t want you to look at your old ring and think about… the bad times. I want you to look at this ring and feel happiness and love.”, Jaehyun was holding your hand and looked at you. For so many months, he couldn’t even talk to you, and now he was looking you straight into the eyes as he talked.
“Is that alright for you?”, he asked then.
You felt like crying again, but you didn’t want to, so you didn’t talk. You nodded your head and smiled at him.
He took off your old ring and replaced it with the new one.
You looked at it with the biggest smile on your face.
Of course, your heart didn’t heal fully, but day by day, the pieces of your broken heart got back together.
“I love you.”, he meant it. Jaehyun really meant it every time he told you he loved you. After being so close to losing you, it felt like his love for you grew and is still growing.
“I love you.”, after a whole year, you finally said it and it felt good. You were happy right now, it felt so good to say it back.
Life isn’t easy, everybody knows that. You could cry all day long and suffer in pain or you could do something to be happy again.
People tend to forget that time is the key. The process of healing takes time and that’s good.
Time heals all our wounds. Sometimes it takes longer but, in the end, you’ll be happy again.
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lordabovehelpme · 3 years
Moving Day- Din Djarin x Reader
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This superb moodboard is done by the fabulous @jedi-jesi
A/n: Well, here it is! I hope you guys enjoy.
This is the next part to my Days Fillled with Love series. You can find the first part here! :) 
It’s comical how all seven of you will try and squeeze into the cockpit. Din pilots while Myles sits on his lap. Reeza is in the small seat to his left with Grogu on her own lap. You sit on the seat to the right with both the twins in your arms.
Usually just Din will pilot while teaching Myles the beginnings of flying. Reeza and Grogu will play in the main hull, and you’ll have the twins. Sometimes, you’ll sit next to him and watch as he explains things to Myles. Or, if all the kids are asleep, you’ll sit on him yourself.  Albeit, everyone is so excited that you all just ended up in the cockpit together.
Today is the day you fly to your new home. The house is located on a small outer rim planet, not known by many people. It’s perfect for living safely with Grogu. Neither the empire nor the republic mapped this planet as valuable. Thus, it has no official name.
It’s similar to Naboo almost. Lakes cover the planet with large flower fields and some forests.
It’s perfect.
“Dad, is that it?” Myles points out the window to something. Looking up, you watch as the Crest approaches a good sized lakehouse.
“That’s it!”
“Wait, I wanna see!” Reeza jumps down from the seat and places Grogu on the ground. She reaches her fathers knee and begins to climb up it.
“Hey, I’m on Dad’s lap.”
“Come here.” Din says as he reaches down and lifts his daughter up onto his shoulders. She squeals and giggles the whole way up. “Hold on.” Her little hands grab the sides of his head and she locks her feet under his armpits. Grogu coos from the floor and pats Din’s leg. “You too?”
The child's big eyes look up at him and he starts his own climb up his father. Myles reaches down and sets him on his own lap.
You bite back a laugh at the sight of them. Your husband overrun with children, while he presses buttons and pulls levers.
“Okay, everyone hold on, we’re landing.”
As soon as you open the door, two children rush by you and up the stairs.
“I want this room!” Reeza shouts and you can hear a door slam shut. Grogu waddles up the stairs after them, wanting to be included in the fun. The twins are fast asleep in their cribs, taking their daily nap seriously.
Laughing quietly you walk in the door, one large palm rests on your lower back. However, it’s not a forceful or guideful hand, more of an assurance that he’s there.
He hasn’t always been as touchy as he is now. When you first were crewmates he was stoic and quiet. He never really talked to you, or to anyone. However, after a few months of you taking care of the kid and just being around he started to really notice you.
Fingertips would start brushing against your shoulder as he passed you. Or he would fully turn to look at you when you spoke, giving you his full attention. One time when he nearly died and you ran to hug him, he didn’t shy away like usual. In fact, he opened his arms and pulled you against him. Holding you tight as he whispers words of untold love.
Now though, he is always touching you in some way. Whether it's his hand on your back as you both walk, or his knee brushing against yours under a table. He needs you the most though at night when he wakes up from a nightmare, echoes of his family's screams playing over and over like a broken record. Memories of the day he lost his parents still haunting him and plaguing him with the thought that it could happen to his own children.
These times he just tucks himself into your embrace, molding his form to your own. His hands move along your skin, tracing memorized skin. You never speak of it, but you can feel the warm tears rush down your shoulder as they fall from his eyes. His mouth moves over your skin, flooding his senses with you. One of your hands will softly tug at his hair while the other rubs along the tense muscles in his back. Sometimes you’ll talk to him about your day, or what the kids did while he was away. Sometimes you’ll just softly hum a tune. But you always tell him over and over how much you love him.
“What are you thinking about cyar’ika?” Din’s voice snaps you from your thoughts.
Your hand reaches up to cup his cheek as you stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “Mmm, just you.”
A smile forms on his face and he chuckles, “Better be good things.”
“No promises.” Giggling, you run away from him and into the house.
“Hey! Come back here.” You can hear the amusement in his voice as he chases you.
Running out the back door and into the field, you slow your pace and let out a breath. Turning towards the lake you smile. It really is a perfect spot to raise a family.
But before you can ponder any longer, a firm slap cracks on your bottom and two arms wrap around your waist.
“Din!” You gasp as another set of giggles falls from your lips. Wiggling around, you try to slide out of his hold.
“Mm no, I’ve caught you.” His helmetless head rests on your shoulder and his mouth attaches to your skin.
He turns you around in his hold so he can face you. Smiling, you press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “Hi handsome.”
With his own grin, he grabs your hips and lifts you. You wrap your legs around his waist, clinging to him as close as you can. A scream sounds throughout the meadow when he falls to the ground. Rolling on top of you, he plasters kiss after kiss on your face. You’re all giggles and smiles.
Leaning back, he looks down at you, a big dopey smile plastered on his features. “You’re so beautiful.” His fingers find your hand and play with the beskar wedding ring you wear.
It amazes you how he can still make your cheeks heat up and your heart skip a beat after all these years. “Hehe, thank you.”
He hums his approval before diving back down to meet your lips.
The sun sets under the horizon, casting pinks and oranges throughout the sky. Crickets start to play their songs and some fireflies start to dance.
You’re sitting between your husband's legs, back up against his chest. His fingers lazily trail along the neckline of your shirt.
Myles, Reeza, and Grogu are running around in the field, trying to catch the glowing bugs. You know Myles and Reeza want them to look at, but you’re not so sure about Grogu’s intentions.
Your theory proves correct when as soon as he gets his little hands on one, it goes straight into his mouth. Reeza looks at him with disgust before going back to her own mission of capturing.
Isabet rests against your chest, soft breaths tickling your skin as she sleeps. Tobbi leans against your own leg, his eyes watching his siblings play. Din’s hand leaves your neckline to softly brush his daughter’s hair.  
“They both look like you, again.”
His body shakes as a chuckle falls from his lips.
“Don’t laugh, as handsome as you are, it’s frustrating.”
Your comment only adds fuel to his amusement and he is full of laughs now.
“Stop it!” The slight shake in your voice gives away your own glee.
A kiss is pressed to the back of your neck. “I love you cyare.”
Smiling, you lean back into his hold. “Love you too, dominant genes and everything.”
Next Part: Stormy Day
Anyway, I hope you guys liked it! Just wanted to say again how much I appreciate each and every one of you! 
Love you guys, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi
If you want to be added to my taglist- just give me a holler! 
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 7)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
catch up: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
masterlist //dialogue prompts
taglist: @madeinheavxn @namelesslosers @stacymaytaylor @drwse @cherries-n-rocknroll
words: 3,336
warnings: some tense in the middle hehe and woman talk.
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It was around seven in the morning. Your head was dizzying and took you ages to get out of bed after blaming the wine for the headache you're feeling now. Roger was a sleepy angel with his blonde messy hair and his back covering his bedside. You had to fix and prepare yourself for work. It's nice going to work from Tuesday to Friday but the work you put in within these eight hours as an accountant in the bank, is exhausting.
"Roger, I have to go..." you knell next to him, softly playing with his hair. His face was turned against yours, you could see him sleeping deeply. What a cutie he was.
"Mmm?" He asked on his sleep, without being aware of what you said.
"Babe?" You kissed his forehead. You haven't done that for ages. Your relationship starts involving again. After the short name you called him, he opened his eyes and seemed kinda lost.
"Wh- where are you going?" He asked again after stretching himself.
"I have to go to work..." you explained.
"I can drive you off." He offered himself.
"No, the public should not see us together, you know, the paps." You narrowed your brows. They always annoyed you.
"Yeah, that's right... I'll have to go to work in a couple of hours too. I'll call you from there. I think I have your office's phone number," he scratched his head and looked at you focused.
"I think you do, yeah. We'll see each other later?" You asked, wishing to be true.
"What a stupid question, of course." He smiled and came closer to you for a kiss. "Laura will be here when you arrive." He slightly squeezed your cheek.
"Nice." you stood on your feet again and attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you.
"Last night was amazing. So refreshing for us, right?" He stated, waiting for your approval.
"Couldn't agree more." You laughed.
"You look so freshly fucked by me, I can see that." He joked and a giggle escaped your mouth.
"Is that visible?" You asked, checking yourself at the mirror.
"Yes, you're happy." He wasnt laughing anymore, he was serious about it and with that, you turned to him smiling. It's true, you were feeling happy. You were happy everytime he gave you pleasure. You give him soul and body, he gives you pleasure and happiness after it. You wanted to feel like that. You needed it by him. You didn't say a word. Just a simple smile to him and it made his day and yours too.
Your work to bank was going to be productive but an unpleasant surprise sooner or later would ruin it all.
At your launch time, you walked with your colleague, Mary, at the bank's restroom, where you can calmly drink some coffee and chat.
"I tried to reach you last night but you wouldn't pick up." Mary started and sipped a little of her coffee. "I was thinking you'd come over at my place to drink some wine and listen to jazz." She added.
"I wasn't home actually and I don't think I'll be again." You nodded your head in refusal while the little spoon you used to mix sugar with coffee was thrown at the sink.
"Wait, you're moving out?" She asked confused.
"Basically I'm moving back to Roger's house. I was living there before the divorce." You answered.
"Holy s-" she was a little louder than she wanted to be but she already covered her mouth with her hand. You made her the shush gesture with your finger. "Holy shit!" She whispered close to you fully excited. "So you two are..." she winked.
"Yes, I think so." You smiled.
"I'm so happy about it, I mean you look happy too, I haven't seen you like this since..." she stopped. "Wait, I haven't seen you like that." She came a little closer to your face trying to check your eyes. "What happened last night, naughty girl?" She winked again and teased your arm. She was open about her relationships to you and so were you to her. She's probably the closest friend you have.
"Mary, that's personal!" You laughed trying to hide your excitement.
"It wasn't so personal to you telling me about R/N's poor sexual skills." She sarcastically raised her brow.
"Yes because he lacked on that, I wouldn't come if I didn't masturbate after-party, y' know?" You hinted and she totally understood. "I wanted to share this problem with you."
"Too pity, he only likes flexing around his cars but on sex, poor guy..." she started. "But you know, I never liked this man. How come you, Roger Taylor's ex-wife and current girlfriend date a man like R/N?" She reminded your standards and she was right. It was all about your image and your dignity.
"I guess I was too hurt by Roger, I couldn't see clearly. I always loved him." You stared at the floor and sipped from your cup.
"And you're back again which is perfect than before. I'm sure Laura will be happier." She smiled.
"She already is." You nodded and smiled back.
"Hey ladies, you have some work to do out there, what's taking you so long?" A colleague of yours, came in the room demanding you to get back to work.
"Sure, we're going back, sorry for that." Mary took the lead and left the room, now both of you went back at your posts.
At the studio
Roger was on studio with Brian and John, fixing their instruments before starting recording. Freddie was yet to be seen so John asked, knowing what was happening. "Everything alright?"
Roger finished fixing his drum kit and turned to John's side, "If you're talking about last night, you better be sure about it. What about Laura?" Roger asked.
"Vera drove them off to school earlier, she said she will pick them up. She'll be in our place." John replied.
"Oh nice then, sure, I'll pick her up, I'm thinking of a fancy dinner with Y/N and Laura at some restaurant." Roger was arranging a dinner with his beloved family, thinking something big.
"Oh, I'm curious to find out!" John smiled.
"Rog," Brian took part in the conversation, coming closer to his bandmates. "You should book a table if you're going to do what I'm thinking." He pressed his hand on Roger's shoulder.
"What do you think I'm going to do?" Roger asked confused.
"Sweet lord," John gasped. "Wait, you're not going to propose her again, right?"
"Why not?" Roger asked in disbelief.
"Roger, it didn't work all this time. Just because you spent two days together doesn't mean you'll be like that again." Brian was negative about Roger's thought.
"And why not? I changed my mind, I was immature, I know. But now I'm different." He tried to defend himself.
"Roger, she might feel pressed if you propose her again." John was trying to explain.
"No she won't, she won't see R/N again, I know it. She ran to me the moment he raised a hand on her." Roger protested.
"He what?" John was shocked. "Y/N would never let a man hit her, what are you talking about?" John couldn't believe his ears.
"Her cheeks were burning when she ran to me and-" Roger was feeling tense.
"Roger, you won't let him get away with it, will you?" Brian crossed his arms.
"What can I do? I am not the one who was assaulted." Roger loudly said, feeling ready to explode.
"Who was assaulted?" Freddie's voice echoed in the studio and his bandmates' gave him a death stare. "What? I'm not late." He arrogantly raised his brow and smoked a bit of his cigarette.
"We were having a conversation about Roger and Y/N." Brian made a briefing of the situation.
"Oh, I'm all ears, did you have sex?" He winked to Roger.
"Yes we did, but that's not the thing." He shook his head in total confusion.
"Alright, alright, what's the matter? I heard about someone getting assaulted?" Freddie asked concerned.
"Yes, Y/N was. He spied on her on Sunday night because she didn't want him to stay there." Roger started.
"Oh, you drove Laura off that night, didn't you? At her flat." Freddie asked, recalling the facts cause he was there that afternoon, at Roger's house.
"Correct. So, Laura kind of wanted me to stay and Y/N made her the favour, but I prepared our ground, I fixed a drink she was relaxed and we ended up making love." Roger felt like missing you right now.
"Oh, that's, that's good!" Brian commented.
"Yes, it is. And what happened next?" John asked, trying to learn all the details. They all wanted actually.
"Well yeah, the next day things were a little awkward between us but in the end it wasn't anymore. That asshole, went at her home, raised a hand on her and my girl ran to my place." Roger said.
"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Freddie gasped. He was nuts.
"She obviously ran to her shelter." John made a romantic comment
"She won't leave it unpunished, will she?" Freddie asked.
"I don't know." Roger thoughtfully said.
"Well, fucking call her," Freddie yelled.
"Stop yelling at me, okay? I'll do it." Roger yelled back and Brian with John shared a laugh.
Roger grabbed the phone and dialled your office's phone number. He was impatient to call you, but at least he had a reason to do it. You picked up from the other side, too busy from your work. "Hello?"
"Y/N?" Roger's voice was unsure and unsteady. He barely spoke to you on the phone. He would call at his early days while on tour.
"Roger? Hi!" You smiled after recognizing his voice. "Are you at the studio?" You stopped archiving loan papers and focused on him.
"Yes, Freddie just arrived." He tried to remain calm.
"Oh, tell the boys I said hi." You giggled.
"Of course." Roger cleared his voice before getting to the topic. "So um, about yesterday, when R/N appeared at your flat, will you sue him or something?" He asked fully concerned about your safety.
"How come asking me this?" You asked confused.
"I was talking to the boys about it, I needed some advice. Will you sue him?" He asked.
"I don't know, Roger. I don't think he'll appear again. Not after what happened. I guess he knows we are starting over." You explained.
"But what if he appears?" He asked.
"Don't panic me, please. I don't want to work in fear."  Now that Roger gave you a reason to be scared, it wouldn't leave your mind that R/N would come again to hurt you. He has shown some red flag signs at the time but you never really paid attention because they weren't a big deal.
"I just care about you, y/n. I want to feel sure that you're not getting hurt or approached by him." His voice lowered but his head was thinking many things.
"Nothing to worry about. I'm happy that you called." You changed the subject trying to talk about something else.
"Um, y/n?" He asked while playing with phone's wire.
"Yeah?" You playfully asked while opening clients' folders to verify their deposits.
"I was thinking if you'd like us to go for dinner tonight, as a family." He finally said kicking out his stress.
"That would be great!" Your eyes got wide opened. You liked the idea.
"Perfect. We'll talk about the details when we get home. I mean, at my place." He clarified.
"Sure. Do you think I should move out?" You asked.
"Yes, come where you were staying first. At my house. I'll help you with that." He offered his help which you couldn't deny.
"Nice then." You said. "Y/n, can you sign these client's papers, please?" A female voice was heard from the back.
"Should I hang up?" Roger asked.
"Yes, we'll talk later! Bye!" You were rushing to hang up.
"Love y-" you hung up and left Roger wondering if you heard his last words. "You." He ended it, being sure now that you didn't hear that. "How did it go?" Roger asked Fred.
"Better than I thought." Freddie giggled.
Recordings today, finished earlier than expected, Queen brainstormed more than usual, making some good progress. They were free to go.
"Should we go to the pub downtown?" Brian asked.
"Sure, I haven't planned anything," Freddie answered and John nodded.
"Roger?" Brian turned to the drummer.
"Go and I'll catch up with you." He smiled and they all left the studio.
Roger was on his way to the bank you work. He parked at the opposite corner waiting for you to finish your work. He wanted you to join him and the rest members at the pub, like the old times. But an unpleasant surprise gave him all the negative vibes he had gathered for a long time. It was R/N who was suspiciously walking towards the bank. Roger knew something was wrong. He carefully checked the road before crossing it.
You were ready to leave, said bye to your colleagues and at the entrance door, the man you used to date for a short period of time stood at your sight.
"Wh-what are you doing here?" You asked trying to remain calm.
"What do you mean what am I doing here?" He let out an evil smile. "I'm here to pay my fucking bills." He was ironic. He didn't mean it literally.
"We're over, R/N. Deal with it." You had to remain quiet and calm. You work there. Gazes started to turn to you two, making you feel embarrassed. You attempted to walk away but his hand stopped you. He was holding a newspaper photo; probably from The Sun, it was Roger and you in it. Oh shit, here we go again you thought. The press smelled gossip.
"You ran to your rock star husband? Wasn't I enough?" He shouted pointing out the photo. It was you and Roger five years ago, exiting a club in the city, but the title caught your attention: Roger Taylor and y/n  y/f/n spotted together after divorce!
"Stop shouting, I work here!" You warned him to stay quiet but he wouldn't. He was risking your job permanent position.
"You don't need to work when your rich husband can give you a luxurious life!" He mocked you and now he pointed to Roger, ready to read the article out loud. "Queen's drummer Roger Taylor was recently reported sharing a not-only-steamy kiss with his ex-wife but a steamy night at his place in West London" Clients and colleagues turned around and saw you standing there fully ashamed and embarrassed. Of course, they knew who you were married to. You really wanted to die. You couldn't handle the situation. "You want me to continue?" He asked with a smile on his face.
"Fuck off." You whispered close to his face and he seemed to enjoy it.
"I think I'm the one who should have said this." He raised his brow. This man is a pure toxic thing. "You take cocks like they're dinner or something, is that your talent?" His voice was louder than expected and all you could do was slap him. That sound was probably heard to the restroom inside. He was pushing the limits and your boss came out of his office, staring at you shocked.
"Mrs Taylor I think you should discuss your personal issues somewhere more private, don't you think?" His voice was strict and you thought that being fired is the most possible scenario.
"Yes, of course, have a nice evening." You tried to walk fastly out of the bank but a gentle hand stopped you. You looked who it was and it was Roger.
"She's not Mrs Taylor. Not yet." Roger defended your place, with R/N, your boss, your colleagues and the clients standing there with their mouths wide open. "Boss, how on earth do you let your employees be disrespected like that?" Roger came closer to him but you tried to stop him. "That asshole right there disrespected your employee and you did nothing!"
"Roger, please stop, I'll lose my job, fucking stop!" You tried to pull him back but he wouldn't do it. "Stop!" You yelled and then he stopped and looked at you.
"I'm trying to defend you." He whispered at your face, he noticed how upset you looked.
"Please. Everyone's looking at us. Let's get out of here." Your eyes begged him to leave as soon as possible.
"And what about this asshole?" Roger pointed out R/N.
"He can't do anything, let's go, please." You wrapped your hands around his arms, not letting go. You walked out of the bank and the man followed you. Oh, shit.
You were walking towards your cars, but R/N wouldn't leave like that, without provoking Roger. He would lose temper in any second.
"According to the musician's neighbours, the previous night was like some Queen concert. Really loud." He was reading out loud the article and Roger looked at him with his one and only death stare.
"Roger please, let's go, don't give him the satisfaction, he's trying to make you lose temper! Don't hit him!" You stopped him. Now people from the bank and pedestrians would whether at Roger and you or R/N.
"What would y/n 's  y/f/n  current partner say about today's hot issue? Can't wait to see more! This couple is so promising. Whether married or not, they never fail to excite us!" He laughed after reading the article. "They paid me thousands for this article. What do you think?" He asked.
"What?" You asked shocked.
"I'm a journalist, you knew that. But I'm also a jealous and a possessive mate, I don't like my partners to fuck around." He came closer to you. He was threatening. Roger would kill him at any second.
"But you hit me. You weren't violent, you despised that." You answered.
"I surely despise violence. But violence brings violence. You betrayed my trust." He yelled.
"That wasn't a reason to hit her!" Roger yelled back.
Paps noticed the drama and clicks were already heard. You were about to be on headlines tomorrow morning.
"But you fucked her! Aren't your groupies enough?" R/N shouted.
"Shut the fuck up! They're taking photos of us and they'll have us on headlines tomorrow, I don't want that!" You pushed him but he wasn't playing.
He was about to push you back but Roger protected you, standing in front of you and getting on hands with R/N.
Three policemen noticed the tense and ran through your place. "What's going on here?" One of them asked.
"He's a random man saying weird things, he won't let us leave!" Roger lied.
"He fucks my wife!" R/n lied back.
"What the hell, you're not my husband!" Your life was such a drama right now, you wanted to go home and hide under your pillows.
"Enough sir, we'll have to keep you at the police station today. You caused enough trouble today. Let the celebrity man with his wife go to the court." The policeman was aware of yours and Roger's status. Roger's fame probably saved your asses for now; Not including your boss firing you the next day, though.
"Um, are you alright?" You asked while hugging Roger.
"Yes. You?" He pulled away to check on you.
"Kinda..." you were feeling upset. You just had to play it cool.
"Listen, the boys are waiting for us at the pub we met, mind joining us?" He whispered at your ear, not wanting the paps to hear you.
"I think I'll need a drink to calm down." You nodded.
"Alright, get on your car and follow me, we'll have to get rid of everyone. They'll follow us." He kissed your lips and that was the second the clicks were heard the most.
Roger smiled at the cameras, acting as if nothing happened and finally drove off.
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Hi! I've been waiting fur your requests to open back up! I'd love to see how RFA +V +Saeran +Vanderwood would react to an MC who bakes really well. Like heaven in your mouth well. Thank you so much!
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who bakes really well
Hii! I’m sorry that it took me so long, opening these Requests also took ages, I hope you can forgive me, hahah. I hope you enjoy the HC. By the way - I suck at baking XD
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,,You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy.... when skies are gray…’’ you summed while you baked your orange chocolate cake.
It had been a long time since you last decided to bake anything, but this was due to your stay at Jumin’s penthouse when the both of you were still unmarried.
Now that you were his wife, you weren’t that shy anymore.
You used the moment of silence to bake a cake for your husband, who was pretty stressed out lately.
You hoped that he would enjoy the desert you prepared with a lot of love.
Just when you finished decorating the beautiful cake, the door opened and Jumin came in.
He began to sniffle and immediately confessed that he could smell something yummy.
With your usual smile, you greeted and kissed him.
,,Would you want to enjoy my cake with a cup of coffee?’’ you asked him, kind of scared that he could reject you due to his work.
But of course Jumin Han would never push you back.
He eagerly nodded and went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.
After ten minutes, you helped him with the coffee and both of you sat on the couch, sipping the brown drink.
Jumin now finally took the fork into his hand and began to eat the soft creation you made.
Suddenly he moaned and looked at you with a shocked expression, making you think that your food was disgusting.
But it was different. Jumin couldn’t believe that you were the one who baked the cake.
,,It’s like an explosion in my mouth. I really love it! Maybe I should organize a coffee and cake project…’’ he began to mumble loudly when he chewed on his third slice of cake.
,,I’m so excited that I will be able to eat a cake made by you!’’ your boyfriend laughed, noticing that he never ate a cake made by you.
,,Don’t expect to much…’’ you mumbled embarrassed.
,,Ah, don’t be so humble…“ he smiled and kept observing you.
You were creating a real masterpiece. Zen couldn’t explain how you did it because you moved so quickly, but he knew that it smelled very very good.
A few moments later, you called him.
,,Yes, what can-” he stopped.
You opened the warm oven and took out the chocolate cake you had just prepared.
,,It’s still hot, but I wanted to show it to you.“ you mumbled.
Zen immediately took out his phone and took a few pictures.
,,I have to post this! My fans have to know how good you are!“ he laughed and posted a photo.
Not long after he posted the photo, he posted the same picture in the group, receiving a lot of responses from Yoosung and Seven that they will come over too.
,,Mc, close the doors. Two idiots are coming over…“ he whispered and took a spoonful of your cake, feeling like he was in heaven right away.
,,How can it be so sweet and soft?“ he asked you in a whiny voice.
For today, he ignored the fact that chocolate was the cause of pimples.
You always loved to bake cakes and prepare desserts.
A few years later, it wasn’t any different.
You still loved to bake sweets and see the ones you loved smile.
,,Mommy!!!!!“ you heard your little girl scream through the house.
Then you heard loud footsteps and suddenly, a blond girl and brown haired man stood in the door.
,,Daddy said I have to wait for my present!“ she whined.
,,Okay and why are you complaining now?“ you asked her and put the big cake in the fridge.
It was a cake with three layers.
It would look like a big princess dress since you planned to put princess in the top.
,,Huh? But your friends always take ages!“ she whined.
,,Don’t complain now,“ you warned and saw her stomping away.
Yoosung approached you and hugged you from behind.
,,You’ve been in here a pretty long time…“ he teased you, overestimating you.
But when he saw the pink-violet cake on the table a few hours later, he didn’t know what to say.
And it even tasted good!
,,You’re wasting such a good talent!“ Yoosung whined and ate a second slice.
It tasted really good, and Yoosung was once again proud to have you as his wife and the mother of his daughter.
When she asked if you would be willing to help her with the coffee shop, she didn’t know that you were such a good baker.
Well, perhaps it was because you just didn’t tell her that you worked in a pastry shop.
One day, she just got up and found three wonderful cakes in the glass cabinet.
Next to them were beautiful cupcakes and muffins.
It wasn’t even 9 AM and you already did half the work.
,,What’s that?’’ she asked you with an amused face and kissed you on your cheek as a good morning greeting.
,,I’m not sure. I think it’s for the garbage. Maybe you could taste the cupcake?’’ you asked her.
She nodded and took one of the cupcakes with the pink glitter on top.
She slowly bit off the cream and then tasted the cake.
,,Oh my god…’’ she mumbled and opened her eyes in shock.
You thought that the worst would come up, but she took three more bites until nothing was left.
,,Okay. I think you need to show me how to do it…’’ she said, staring at the cupcakes and combatting with herself if she should hide them instead of selling them.
Your resume said that you actually worked in a pastry shop in LA and later moved back to Korea.
Unfortunately, your shop in Seoul was sabotaged and you had to give up on your dream.
A little bit later, Unknown and the RFA robbed your time and you didn’t have the time to think about it anymore.
Just a few months later, when you decided to bake a cake to cheer up the RFA, you remembered that you were really good at it.
You decided to bake a really big white cake with a cat on the front and LOLOL on the back.
The icon on the cake would be Zenny and the decoration would be coffee beans.
This way a piece of everyone would be a part of the cake.
And you had to be honest, you were pretty happy with the results.
Of course you hid your cake, and when the RFA came to visit, you and your fiancé, as well as his brother who lived with the two of you, got really emotional. 
,,Woah, when did you do this?!’’ Saeyoung asked you, pretty hyped, and licked his finger that was covered in cream.
,,Hehe. While the both of you were arguing over pizza and chicken.’’ you answered Saeyoung.
His eyes widened when he licked his finger once again.
You thought that the cream was salty and that you mixed up salt and sugar, but apparently he loved your cream.
The cake didn’t even last a day. The RFA only ate the cake and gave you a lot of compliments.
,,I wish my birthday would be every day so that you would have a reason to bake a cake for me!’’ your husband whined and kissed your cheek, thankful for your efforts.
You knew that your boyfriend had a sweet tooth and you wanted to make him happy once in a while.
The past month was hard and it was still the beginning.
And so, while he was in Jumin’s company, trying to get his father and save his older twin brother, you gave your best at home.
You added the ingredients and made an apple-cinnamon-pie.
Of course, ice cream and whipped cream weren't left out.
,,Woah, these are enough calories for a mouthful!’’ you laughed to yourself as you added sugar.
A good odor welcomed the almost red haired man when he opened the brown door.
Did you invite someone?
But you were alone in the kitchen, your clothes completely white from the flour.
Saeran let out a soft laugh as he saw you.
,,Did you grow old on your own without me?’’ he asked you and patted your white hair.
,,Mhh...you simply took too long. I fell in love with the apple pie instead.’’ you teased him and smiled brightly, expecting a kiss while you closed your eyes.
Saeran happily gave you a kiss and then looked at the pie.
,,So I have an enemy now?’’ he asked you.
You were in pain, his words were filled with irony.
But you quickly sliced the pie, added the warm cream and ice cream, and gave him a spoon.
,,Defeat your enemy!’’
He put the spoon in his mouth and mumbled a ,,Mhhhh’’ before he added another spoonful.
,,Oh my god, I don’t want to defeat this pie. Who did-you?!’’ he asked you, laughing now and enjoying the pie.
You happily nodded and gave him a second slice.
The best thing today was to see his smile.
,,Come on, Lucy!’’ you called her.
When your daughter approached you, you explained the baking process step by step.
She even helped you to bake her dad’s birthday cake.
Of course, Jihyun couldn’t stand the surprise. Instead, he entered the kitchen and kept taking pictures of the both of you.
Both of you chuckled as Jihyun was simply obsessed with the pictures.
Your house was filled with photographs, but this was also something beautiful in your eyes.
Later on, the RFA came over and ate the cake with you.
Really, no one believed that you baked the cake and that Lucy helped you!
,,Really! Ask Daddy! He even broke his promise and came into the kitchen to take pictures!’’ Lucy exclaimed.
,,Breaking promises is an old habit of your dad,’’ Yoosung said
But not even Jihyun could believe that you were that great at baking.
It was almost as if he was floating on clouds.
Since then, your job was to bake a cake at least once a week.
You knew that Vanderwood would get angry at you.
Just the fact that the kitchen was a mess would give him a reason to kill you.
But you ignored the death thoughts and instead kept baking for him.
When Vanderwood saw the kitchen, he really was about to kill you but his anger vanished when he saw the beautiful cake with his name decorated with chocolate cream.
His heart grew warm as he thought about you.
A bit later you opened the door, not expecting him so early you totally bumped into him and almost fell on your back.
But your boyfriend caught you before something happened.
His smile was reflecting in your eyes.
,,What you’re doing home already?’’ you asked him, not even trying to hide the candles.
,,I wanted to enjoy my birthday with my princess.’’ he confessed and lead you to his lips.
,,You taste sweet. Did you eat it without me?’’ he asked you with a cute smirk.
You lightly slapped his shoulder and put the candles on the cake.
He quickly blew them out and expected to have to act as if the cake was tasty.
Instead, he had to try his best to not explode from happiness.
It tasted very good.
His eyes widened with every bite he took.
,,Is it okay?’’ you asked him, worried that it would be disgusting.
But from the look on your boyfriend’s face, the cake was more than yummy.
10.11.2019// 01:21 MEST
@foreversunshine-love​ @giulia2372 @sailormoonrocks666
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @r-f-a-journalists
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fifteenskies15 · 4 years
Flamboyantly Worked it Out
(Tengen Uzui)
Summary: Your son is sick right in Kodomo no Hi festival, he wanted to spend it so badly with his family and friends, not wanting to make him unhappy you, Tengen, and the rest of his wives decided to make an "indoor festival" for him
Admin's Note: My first fic about Tengen and reader, this is all for you my dearest fellow Tengen stans, But I'm fully aware that you mostly spend time with his wives too
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"I have renewed my clear and flamboyant priority..."
"First the four of you..."
"Then respectable humans"
"Then myself"
"Even if we're no longer in the corps, we're still going to protect the plain and carefree people, of course since we're still demon hunters till the end of the day"
"Hehehe! Papa!!"
"Ah.. How could I forget?"
"I mean the five of you..."
"and frankly speaking, you guys are all so precious to me, so remember..."
"... Don't die"
"ACCHOO!!!" a high pitched sneeze enacted out from your son's bedroom, lately he's been sneezing a lot "Mom/Dad...what happened? My nose feel stuffy" you compared your body temperature with his "Oh my, Ginjiro, you catch a cold"
"Is it bad? Can I still participate in children's day?" He say as he break into another sneeze, you had a sinking feeling inside your stomach, your son, Ginjiro had been looking forward to spend children's day with his moms and dad/dads, you gulped, trying to be as gentle as possible to say that he can't participate in the festival he's been looking forward to.
"Ginjiro, I'm sorry, but you had to rest... Can you please do that for us?"
Ginjiro's (E/C) eyes start to tear up, you feel guilty to see your seven year old son can't do much for now "B-but...I have been looking forward to this day... I even made my own Kabuto helmet..." You sighed and gently stroke his white hair "I'm so sorry, but chin up... there's always next year..."
Little Ginjiro just sighed and lay back down to his futon, dejectedly, "... It's okay mom/dad... You're just looking out for me...If that's the case, I'll just take a rest..., Love you Mom/dad..." You sighed and pat his head "We love you too, son..." Ginjiro smiled and close his eyes as you came out of his bedroom, sighing.
"I know that sigh quite well, (Name), is everything alright?" Hinatsuru asked you, visibly concerned "It's Ginjiro... he's got a fever and..." You sighed for the second time "...Do you remember that he wanted to go to children's day festival together with all of us this year? Well I'm afraid he can't..."
Hinatsuru then pouted sadly as she heard that her son is sick, with a sigh, she put a comforting hand on you "Oh, I'm so sorry, dear (name), I can't imagine how sad our son is" you sighed softly but smiled at her "It's okay, Hina... It's not even your fault" Hinatsuru hugged you and stroked your (H/C) hair to console you, you lean in to her motherly touch.
"Oh! But I just have a good idea!" Hinatsuru say beaming up, you looked up to her, slightly tilting your head "What is it, Hina?"
"What if we just "bring the festival in"?" She smiled at you, as you tilt your head again "How can we do that, Hina? She just smiled at you until you get what she meant by that.
"Oh, I see how it is" you say smiling at her "Well all and all, we're going to make a koinobori, each carp represent us as his parents, the biggest and black carp, Magoi, symbolize Tengen-sama/and me as his father(s), the red and smaller carp banner, higoi, represent us/all of you as his mothers, Ginjiro is our only son, and frankly speaking he's also our first son, so he's going to have blue carp banner"
Hinatsuru listened closely and nodded as she did, "I see, very well then, what about the food?"
"Hmm, if I recall correctly, we make sweets for him is chimaki (bamboo dumpling) along with Mochi and various array of rice cakes, I don't remember much, but we could always ask Suma, she and Ginjiro had a lot of fun on last year's festival, so she might knew"
"Ah, okay then! Suma and I will handle the sweets, you and Makio can make the carp banners, and that leave Tengen-sama to watch over Ginjiro, and... Maybe stall him for a bit so he won't know what surprise we store for him" you smiled at her and nodded "Great idea! Well then, chop chop! We can't waste the sunlight!"
Hinatsuru smiled as she see how hyped you are, she chuckled and kissed your cheek "Well let's get to work, dear wife/husband" you giggled and do the same gesture to her as you scurry off to find Makio.
"You need me to help make a carp banner? Well, no problem, (name)! I have plenty of free time to make those!" Makio said, grinning at you "That's good to hear, Makio, well let's gather up the items we need!"
"Alright, what do we need?"
You recall what items are required to make the carp banner "Let's see, we need a ryudama, yaguruma, and fukiganashi, I'm sure the general store had those for us and we could make the carp banner ourselves" Makio nodded as she memorized the items you said "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get them now!" She said as she headed out and you follow her.
You and her then bumped into Tengen "Whoa there, what brings my wives/my wife and husband today? You both look agitated"
"Ah, Tengen-sama! Well...we..."
"No, let me guess, you both are going to get item for the carp banners, right?"
"Actually, yes, has Hinatsuru told you what to do?"
He nodded with (unusually) gentle smile on his face "Yeah, she did, don't you worry, my girls/and boy, I will get him busy with my flamboyant tales" he said, slightly flipping his hair as you and Makio giggled at him "But on one condition"
"What is it, Tengen-sama?" You and Makio said in unison "You should let me help you both so this impromptu festival will goes flamboyantly" you and Makio share a look and then nods "Only when Ginjiro is asleep"
"Deal, well now godspeed, you two, time's a wastin'!" He said as he gave you both a "flamboyant" hug as you and Makio headed out from Uzui estate.
"Well! Isn't it just nice! It's been quite a while since I came to the town aside from taking Ginjiro to children festival all those years ago" Makio said taking in the bustling town, people are passing by, vendors selling so many stuff and even food and array of unique shop, "Well since we're both are kunoichi/we're a shinobi we don't have much time to act like normal people"
Makio grinned and elbow your side, slightly chuckling "Hey, I take an offense, I can be normal too, you know?!" You giggled at her "I dunno, you looked angry and hungry 24/7 so basically you're hangry, get it?"
"Oh, I show you hangry!" She said laughing as she chases you as you run while giggling like a kid.
You and Makio had cat and dog chasing game around the town, you were at your advantage at least until Makio use her ninja trick and got you.
"Gotcha, you cute girl/guy!"
"Aaahh!! Noo!! Spare me mercy, Divine Makio!!"
You and Makio burst out laughing before you remember why you're in the town now "Oh dear, we better get those items now!"
"You're right, I'm having fun chasing you around though" she said giggling as you both headed to the general store, a kind old lady greet you both with a smile
"Well, hello, hello! What a pair of beauties/cute couples you are, is there anything I can help with?"
"Well, old lady, do you have...umm...what was it again, (name)?"
"A Ryudama, yaguruma and fukiganashi"
"Yeah, those things"
"Ahh, I see you're going to celebrate the children day, give me a moment, dearies, I'll be right back" the old lady said as she got the item you both required.
"You know, it's a good idea to have the festival in the estate so little Ginjiro can have a good time with all of us, last year we take him to the festival separately, you on his first year, then Hinatsuru, me, Tengen-sama then lastly with Suma"
"Hehe, well it's Hinatsuru's idea, I'm just doing what I need to do" Makio smiled warmly at you and put her hand on your shoulder "Still, it's good to know that you both find a way so we can cheer our son and let him enjoy the festival even though he's under the weather"
"Well, anything for our only kid, and maybe...if Tengen-sama agrees, our future kids too" you say wiggling your eyebrows as Makio laughed and playfully smacked your shoulder "(name)! You naughty girl/boy!" You both burst out laughing again as the old lady bring the required items "Here we go, dearies"
"Thank you, ma'am!" You took out a pouch of money, but the old lady stopped you "Oh, it's free for you, dearie, I may be old but I can't help hearing your conversation with this lady, I take it you made a koinobori for your sick son?"
"Yeah, we are, he's been looking forward to this and there's no way we make him sad just because he can't enjoy it with other kids" Makio said, huffing a bit "Well, you both are certainly are good parents for him! I wish that he'll get well soon so he can enjoy the festival"
You and Makio smiled at her and bowed your head a bit "Thank you very much, old lady! Sorry for the trouble!"
"Think nothing of it, dearies"
You thanked her once again before you and Makio headed home.
"Hina, Suma, how's the food?" You said as you checked the other wives at the kitchen "Oh, (name)! We're doing great! We're just going to make the kashiwa mochi and the Kabuto namagashi, how's the carp banner doing?" Suma asked you as she made the pickled oak leaf for the mochi "Oh we're going to make it now, if you're finished why don't you join us on drawing the carp banner?"
"Oh! I don't know...I mean! I would love to but what if the carp banner turned out to be a mess because of me??"
Hinatsuru shakes her head at Suma "Oh, Suma, it's okay, you're going to do well, and (name) we will join you later, alright?"
"Alright! We're at the genkan if you looked for us!" You said as you headed to the entrance area to join Makio making the carp banner, and to see Tengen already sit next to her
"Oh, Tengen! You're here, I take it that Ginjiro is asleep?" You said as you sit down, joining them "Yup, I figured out I'm going to help you and Makio making this carp banner, we're going to make it, flamboyantly!"
You chuckled at him as you took the fabric "Well in that case, we better get going before our son is awake"
The three of you worked on the banners in peaceful silence, sometimes though, you're being cheeky by smearing the fabric paint on your wife and husband's face "Whoops, my hand slipped" you said nonchalantly while drawing the higoi, trying your best to hide your smirk, unfortunately, Tengen saw that and smeared some on your cheek "Oh, the God of Festivies didn't mean to smear a paint on his wife/husband's face" he said jokingly, as you retaliate him "You were saying?"
You and Tengen keep smearing each other faces with the paint, Makio who made the banner for Ginjiro just laughed and shake her head at her wife and husband/husbands antics, "Now, you guys are going to wake Ginjiro and the banner won't be finished!"
You and Tengen share looks before you both smirk at her and smeared a red paint on her face "Ohh, so this is how we're going to finish the banners huh! It's on!"
The three of you basically chasing around trying to "paint each other faces" while laughing
"Ha! In your face, Makio!"
"You're not getting away with that, (name)!"
"Eat my Flamboyant Surprise attack!!"
Tengen manage to get the paint on your and Makio's nose, you gasped with her "The audacity!" You both then tackled Tengen and smear paint all over his face "Aahh!! Betrayed by my wives/my wife and husband!! I have fallen!!"
The three of you burst out laughing, you hear a giggle and to see Hinatsuru and Suma on the doorway smiling at both of you "Well it looks like you both have fun with making the banners"
You, Tengen and Makio sheepishly get up "Hehe, umm...sorry, we got carried away" Hinatsuru just smiled and sit down "Well let's not waste our time"
Suma joined her with a napkin on her hand, wiping the paint off your face "Hehe, you're actually cute with paint on your face, (name)" you smiled at her and kissed her cheek as a thank you gesture "Thank you, Suma-chan" she smiled and clean Tengen's face then Makio as you all continue making the banners and it pole.
"How's the Magoi banner, Tengen-sama?" Hinatsuru said as she helped you paint the higoi banner "I have made the most flamboyant banner the people ever seen!" Tengen said as he flaunt the black carp banner with jewels that similar to his eye patch he had, you and the other wives smiled at him.
"That is a flamboyant banner, alright" you chuckled "Now then, Tengen, if you don't mind can you attach it on the pole along with the fukiganashi?"
He nodded and start to attach the banner and wind bag on the pole,
"Suma!! You got the color mixed up!!"
You and Hinatsuru look over Makio and Suma's banner, the white paint smeared on the blue paint
"Ahhh!! I'm so sorry, Makio-san!! I knew I would mess it up"
"Quit talking like a coward, Suma!"
You, Tengen and Hinatsuru can only sigh as you approach them "It's okay Suma-chan, I will salvage this, you help Hinatsuru on attaching the ring in the carp's mouth"
"O-okay..." She then went to help Hinatsuru as you help Makio salvage the banner, she sighed "We don't have much time to salvage this" you shook your head and smiled at her "We still can, just leave it to me"
You dip the brush in the bowl of water to clean it and cover the white smudges on the carp's body with blue paint and carefully draw it's scales "See, we're almost finished so don't worry about it, Makio"
Makio sighed and smiled at you "Well, I shouldn't doubt you then" you all continue make the banner together and only few hours later, it's finished.
"Well, looks like we flamboyantly worked it out!" Tengen said as all of you all see how the wind fluttered the carp banners "Not really, Tengen-sama, Ginjiro haven't seen this yet so it's not finished yet, besides I have another thing I got for him" Hinatsuru say smiling at him.
"Hmm, yeah you're right, I wonder if he's awake now"
"I'll go check on him then"
His wives smiled at both of you "We'll get the tea and sweets ready then"
"Thanks for doing this, (name), it was a flamboyant idea to celebrate children's day like this" Tengen said as you both head to Ginjiro's bedroom, you smiled and shook your head "It was all Hinatsuru's idea, so you'll have to thank her instead"
Tengen smiled at you and ruffled your (H/C) hair "Hey don't sweat it, you both did amazingly and flamboyantly, Suma and Makio too, you don't know how lucky I am that I married to four amazing women/three amazing women and a flamboyant man and I have even more flamboyant son, too"
You chuckled and playfully punched his chest "save your sappy words for later, Tengen" he just smirked and slid open the shoji door and to see your son, huddled in blanket hugging his self made Kabuto helmet.
"Hey there kiddo" Tengen smiled and sit next to him "Hey Dad, sniff, and hey Mom/father" he say smiling weakly "what's up?"
"We know you're feeling under the weather, but do you want to get some fresh air for a bit? Spring wind is never that cold so don't worry" he thought of it for a while then smiled "Yeah, okay"
Tengen smiled and carried him on his shoulders as you both lead him outside "We're sorry that you couldn't celebrated the festival at the town, we knew how much you want to"
Ginjiro only smiled and shook his head "It's okay Mom/dad, I know you're worried about me..."
"Damn right we are so we decided to have a little festivies here and now" Tengen said as you both stepped out of the estate "Huh? What do you mean, da...-" he then looked up at the carp banner and his (E/C) eyes sparkled in happiness "Waahh!! A koinobori!! It looks so cool!! Did you guys made this??"
You and Tengen nodded as he pointed out at the banners "That black one is me/and your dad, the red ones are your moms, and the blue one on the bottom? It's you kid, you look awesomely flamboyant"
"Cool" the little boy marveled the carp banner and bounce up excitedly "This is the first time I saw this up close!! It's so cool!"
You and Tengen share a smile before back to Ginjiro "Hey kid, I know you're supposed to eat something warm like soup, but for today, it's an exception"
If it's possible, Ginjiro's eyes sparkled even more "Really?? What is it??"
"You'll see, your moms prepared something for you"
"Ah! You're awake, Ginjiro! Come, come! Sit down and enjoy the food!" Suma said as she excitedly usher Ginjiro to sit, his eyes widen in surprise when he saw array of sweets in front of him
"Wow!! A Kashiwa Mochi!! I got this with Suma kaa-chan last year! Can I eat it? Can I eat it pleeaasee??"
Makio laughed and ruffled his white hair "help yourself! It's all yours!"
"Yay!!" He happily gobbled up the mochi as you, Tengen and the other wives watch him as you all are the rice cakes Hinatsuru made and sipping green tea, you notice once your sullen and sad son became happier as he gobbled up the mochi happily.
"Oh and I have one more thing" Hinatsuru then walked away get something and come back with Kabuto helmet "Here! This is an actual Kabuto helmet to commemorate this day" she said as she displayed it in the middle of the room, Ginjiro excitedly approach it and look at it in awe "Would that mean it's mine too now?" He said looking up at Hinatsuru with his wide and sparkling eyes, she smiled and gently stroked his hair "Yes Ginjiro, We had hope that you will grow into a strong and healthy man just like...-"
"Just like dad/and father!! I will grow up into a strong shinobi and save people..."
The boy strike a dramatic pose
"... Flamboyantly!"
You all laughed at him as if he forget that he's sick, apple really did not fall far from its tree...
"Well, how about it? What's your thoughts on this "in home festival"?" Suma asked him with a smile, Ginjiro smiled brightly that it melt all of everyone's heart.
"This is the best children's day festival EVER!!" he said jumping up and down and hugged all of you "You guys are the best!! I love you all!!"
You share smile with your husband and wives as you both huddled up in a warm hug
"We love you too, Uzui Ginjiro"
Admin 15: Oh whoa, that's the longest story I have ever made, I'm actually quite proud of the outcome, I'm terribly sorry if this story made no sense
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needdl · 5 years
One Spawn at a Time (Part One)
“The baby was due in T-minus four weeks- not that Tenten was going to let that slow her down.”
and YES this has been up FFN and AO3 for a while but in my defense: whatever
Part One    Part Two
The light from the fire cast a warm glow over Neji’s features, softening them and gently casting the divets in his collarbone into shadow as Tenten nestled against his shoulder, clasping his hand in both of her own and tracing over his profile with her gaze. Hopefully Gai and Lee weren’t paying too close of attention to them, absorbed as they were in getting the chicken cooking over the campfire, because she knew her stare was undoubtedly sappy.
It couldn’t be helped- Neji had woken her from her (now daily) late afternoon nap with gentle kisses and soft touches, plus a snack, and she was feeling very fond of him at the moment.
And also very hungry. Hopefully dinner would be ready soon.
She knew Neji was still a little wary over camping right now, what with her due date being in a few weeks and all, but so far the experience had been nothing short of pleasant. Gai and Lee, normally very extreme in dragging Neji and Tenten into their exhausting physical activities, were more than happy to let Tenten stay in the hammock and read her book (aka nap) while they dragged Neji into white-water rafting or something.
It was a win-win, as far as Tenten was concerned, because she and Neji could go for walks in the mornings after breakfast while Lee and Gai did their own thing, then meet back up with them for lunch. Then they could all relax for a bit before the three men departed to go be manly in the woods (or something). Tenten would nap, wake up to eat a snack, and then be up and perky by the time they came back.
Today the three of them had gotten back a little early, but Neji had spent all the extra time cuddling her in their tent and getting her in a very agreeable and snuggly mood. She pretty much trailed him around the campsite after that, clinging to his arm.
Even when he was building up the fire, which probably was very annoying but he was smart enough not to say anything. Then he had to help her stand up from her awkward crouch on the ground.
Lee and Gai had volunteered to cook dinner, so Tenten immediately plastered herself against Neji’s side in Gai’s ugly two-person camping chair and hadn’t moved since. Every once in a while she tugged him down to kiss him. He seemed pretty all right with it, if his tiny smug smiles and gentle touches to her pregnant belly were anything to judge.
She was in such a good mood that she didn't even mind the touches, which normally made her roll her eyes and grouch a bit when anyone other than Neji did it.
(With Neji she bore it with more grace, given that he was like, the father of the baby and all that. Plus he knew she didn't much like it and limited his contact to non-invasive, short touches. Even so, she usually had to swallow her biting jibes- because Neji was sweet and thoughtful even though he was usually the unfair recipient of her bad moods and he deserved to feel their little spawn moving around if he wanted to.)
Neji wrapped his arm around her and brought his hand around to rest on the side of her tummy. She clasped her hand over his and held it there, smiling softly into the firelight as he dropped his head down to nuzzle her temple.
Lee studiously turned over a few pieces of chicken. “Almost ready!” He announced cheerfully. Gai, digging through the cooler in the car to get out the greens for their salad, cheered loudly in response. Tenten ignored them both, cupping Neji’s jaw in her hand and holding him in place while she kissed him thoroughly and admittedly, rather loudly.
“Please stop,” Lee said plaintively.
A week later (and one week closer to her due date), Tenten was feeling arguably the best she had felt for her entire pregnancy. Neji had helped her shave her legs that morning because she couldn’t reach them any more and he was the best husband in the world, plus a bunch of the baby clothes they’d ordered arrived and were waiting in a package on the doorstep when she got home from work.
She dragged it inside and ripped it open eagerly, then spent the next half an hour sitting in the foyer happily blubbering over the tiny socks and shirts and onesies and pants.
I’m going to have a baby, she thought joyfully to herself, and it’s going to be soft and fat and cute and my baby.
She paused to consider the mess around her, wiping at her eyes with the collar of her shirt. Neji would undoubtedly be anticipating opening the clothes just as much as she had, so she began to fold things back up and put them in the box for him to unveil. He probably wouldn’t cry as much as she had though.
She left the box on prominent display on the kitchen counter, then headed upstairs to change into maternity leggings and an oversized tee. (Bless maternity leggings, honestly.) It took her an embarrassing amount of time to get her maternity pantsuit off and the casual wear on, but hey, she was almost thirty-seven weeks pregnant. The whole “moving around” thing wasn’t easy.
She got back down to the kitchen to start on dinner and absently pulled her phone from her purse to find about ten billion texts from Neji checking to make sure she was home safely.
Oops. As she got closer to their due date Neji had gotten more and more tense about her safety, and it had become his norm to check on her at several key points throughout the day. If she didn’t respond promptly enough, she could practically feel his blood pressure rising.
Luckily he hadn’t called her yet, which always indicated peak worry. She sent a quick text confirming she was home, followed by ‘baby clothes came today! got distracted opening them. srry babe xoxo’
‘I see.’ He responded. ‘How do they look?’
‘so small and cute. it’s ridiculous.’
‘Well, babies are small and cute.’
‘omg u are truly a genius.’
‘Don’t be a smart ass.’
‘why? you gonna punish me? :3’
‘Don’t you make three-face at me.’
‘:3 :3 :3’
‘hehe ❤️❤️’
When no answer was forthcoming, she tucked her phone into the waistband of her leggings and moved into the kitchen to look at what food they had for dinner- but not before snagging a bag of chips and ripping it open as one of many early evening snacks.
After a moment spent contemplating their food options, Tenten started pulling out the things she needed to make xiao long bao. She’d cooked up the chicken-based (part of her always mourned the fact she couldn’t use fatty pork to make up a rich broth, but Neji didn’t eat red meat and she loved him so much that she would sacrifice it) soup broth the night before to use in the next few days, so now she just needed to make up the filling and her dough.
She made the filling first, with a chicken (sigh) and shrimp base. There was a moment that she spent looking at the Shaoxing wine and thinking longingly about having a cold beer on a hot day, but she overcame it and quickly used what she needed and put away the bottle. Better not to think of lost pastimes.
She was just about to start adding the hot water to her flour for the dough when she realized what an imminent mess she was about to make and paused to grab an apron.
Once upon a time, Tenten had one single dark navy apron that fit adequately and functioned well. Then she moved in with Neji, who was a disaster in the kitchen if his meals went beyond chopping up vegetables or using a rice cooker. They’d quickly learned that they needed several aprons, because they had to wash them quite a bit. (He was better at cooking now, thank goodness.)
Also, once upon a time Tenten hadn’t been pregnant and her aprons would go on and stay on with one quick loop and tie. Now it was a whole five minutes to get the damned thing on and tie it well enough to stay on.
The baby kicked at her ribs, seemingly catching her disgruntled train of thought and defiantly proving a point.
Making the dough was a labor-intensive and exhausting endeavor, and Tenten quickly immersed herself in kneading it into perfection.
She was concentrating so hard on the task that she didn’t even hear when Neji got home. He walked into the kitchen after she didn’t respond to his quiet greeting and froze, watching her rotund figure work at the dough.
After a moment, his eyes confirmed to him that yes, Tenten was barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen preparing dinner for her husband. Exactly the image she’d vehemently rejected in middle school and high school.
Tenten swore viciously in Mandarin at the dough. “WHY ARE YOU SO STICKY,” she demanded of it. The dough had no excuse for its behavior.
Neji’s soft chuckle caught Tenten’s attention, and she whirled around, startled. Upon seeing him standing there, her entire face lit up, and the resulting leap in his chest made it difficult for a few moments to concentrate on the excited speech she immediately launched in greeting.
He tuned in again in time to hear her say, “-and I’m just wrapping up with the dough and about to get the steamer ready, if you want to go get changed and then help me fold up the dumplings?”
“Very well. But first-” Neji set his briefcase on the counter and crossed over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in for a kiss.
A few minutes later, he pulled away and met Tenten’s dazed eyes. “I’m home,” he told her.
She gazed up at him, looking starstruck, then let out a small, almost shy smile.  “Welcome back.”
Another week closer to her due date- it was just a few days away now- and Tenten was over it.
She was ready to have an actual baby to hold and to coo over and to urp on her and to cry all night- she wanted all of it, especially if it meant no longer being pregnant.
She sprawled out on the bed and glared up at the ceiling, absolutely furious over the mere concept of getting up and dressed and breakfasted and going to work.
“Neji,” she said plaintively, “I’m ready to have this baby.”
There was a loud clattering noise from the bathroom, and Neji called sharply, “What?”
She jerked a little at the frantic tone in his voice, then realized what she had said. “Oh-” She half-attempted to roll over a bit to look at him, but gave up fast. “I don’t mean I’m in labor! Just tired of being pregnant. Didn’t mean to make it sound like that, sorry.”
She could hear Neji exhale in a gust. “Ah.”
They were both quiet again for a minute, as Neji went back to shaving and she went back to doing her best impression of a beached whale (at least, that’s what it seemed like to her. She couldn’t even see over the swell of her belly into the bathroom.)
Neji cleared his throat in the silence. “Maybe you should take ma-”
“Nope.” She called back promptly.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“You were going to suggest, again, that I take an early maternity leave. I’m not taking maternity leave until I go into labor or a week after our due date.”
There was a soothing pitch to his voice when he next replied. “But wouldn’t it be easier? You hate sitting at your desk all day, you’d at least be able to get up and do other things-”
“I do laps around exhibits with the tour guides.”
“But you wouldn’t have to worry about going to work, you could just focus on resting up and prepping for the baby.”
It was tempting, and Tenten cupped her belly with her hand as she thought it over. There was a hopeful silence coming from the bathroom.
“Eh, nah,” Tenten decided. Neji let out a whoosh of air.
“Come over here and help me up,” she raised her arms in the air and flapped her hands at him.
He sighed again, and a few moments later she could see his head over the top of her tummy. He stopped at the end of the bed and frowned at her.
She let her hands fall down to rest at her sides on top of the bed covers. “Hey.”
“Hello.” He wasn’t wearing a shirt. Neither was she, actually.
After a few more seconds of staring at each other, Tenten got a crick in her neck from craning her head to see Neji. She let her skull thump back against the bed.
“So, you’re not going to help me up?”
“I like seeing you stuck on your back like a beetle.”
Tenten let out a loud, startled laugh. “What?!” Neji didn’t make jokes very often, and it always delighted her when he did.
She continued chortling as he smiled down at her, stepping closer to smooth his hand over the tight skin on her belly. He held out his other hand to her and she took it, allowing him to pull her into a sitting position.
She grinned up at him. “That was a good joke.”
“Thank you.”
Tenten leaned over and wrapped her arms around his waist, nestling her head against his stomach and humming happily as he put one arm over her shoulders and cradled her head in the other.
“I like you a lot,” she told him, her voice muffled by his skin.
“I like you too.”
“A lot?”
“Cool.” She mused on it for a few moments, then said, “Then maybe we should get married and have a baby.”
She could hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll have to ask my wife if she’s okay with it.”
“She probably will be. She seems pretty cool. A total babe.”
His chuckle rumbled in his chest, and she fought back a shiver over the low pitch. “You have no idea,” he told her, smoothing a lock of hair over her back.
He pulled away a few moments later and she pouted. “You need to get ready for work,” he reminded her, looking regretful.
“Ugh, work.”
Neji raised his eyebrows and a keen look came over his eye. Tenten cut him off before he could say anything. “Just because I complain about it doesn’t mean I want to stay home!”
He sighed- he was always sighing, apparently he was too refined to roll his eyes- and was about to speak, so Tenten reached around him to grab his butt.
He choked off rather abruptly, eyes wide, and she grinned up at him. Her hands flexed as she dug her fingers in, enjoying herself immensely (Neji’s butt was unreal. And it was her goddamn right to touch her husband’s butt as much as her heart desired.) Neji stared blankly at the wall in front of him as his cheekbones pinked and Tenten gleefully kneaded away.
After a moment, she leaned over- both hands still gripping his ass- and mouthed at his abs. The muscles twitched, and when she glanced up at Neji’s face through her lashes he was clenching his jaw.
Slowly, she drew her hands around to his front and lightly scratched her nails down his abdomen. Just above the waistband of his slacks, she paused, fingers tracing along the edge, then pulled away.
Tenten stood up cheerfully. “Well, I guess I should get ready for work!” She walked into the bathroom and started closing it with great relish.
She caught a glimpse of Neji through the gap. He was standing still, back ramrod straight, and scowling at the wall.
Tenten grinned and closed the door with a sassy little snap.
The day of their due date, both Neji and Tenten spent their time in a haze, flurrying over any movements from the baby and staying up for the entire night “just in case.”
When dawn came and there hadn’t been a single contraction, they realized that maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea, because now they had to go to work. (And also what if the baby had actually come, or came the next day when they were sleep deprived? They had not thought that one through very well.)
Tenten just pitied anyone who had to interact with Neji that day, because the man got very grouchy without his beauty sleep.
Not that she was much better, but at least she had “imminent baby arrival” as an excuse.
Work was uneventful, which was a mixed blessing because it meant she didn’t have to do anything, but it also meant she didn’t have anything to do.
(It made sense and she’d fight anyone who said otherwise.)
Neji texted her constantly throughout the day, checking in on her and complaining about clients. They had a nice long phone conversation at lunch though, which perked up Tenten quite a bit and hopefully did the same for him.
Still, once quitting time rolled around and Tenten was faced with the option of leaving, she took it quite gleefully.
Rather than going straight home though, she took a little detour to Neji’s building in downtown Konoha and rode the elevator up to his office floor.
Udon looked up at her in slight surprise, but gave her a polite smile. “Hello, Huang-hakase.”
“Hi Udon-san. Tenten-san is fine,” she reminded him. “Is Neji busy right now?”
“Nope, he’s clear for the rest of the day.”
Tenten stopped to lean against the reception desk, propping one hand on her lower back. “Was he in a bad mood today?”
“Er-” Udon had the grace to look a little uncomfortable at gossiping about one of his coworkers, even if it was with said coworker’s wife. “Well, he wasn’t in a great mood, but it’s not like he took it out on anyone, really, except maybe Hatake-bucho, and he usually kind of deserves it...”
Tenten grinned. “Sounds about right. Is it okay if I head in, then?”
“Sure, Huang-ha- er, Tenten-san. Would you like me to notify him at all?”
“Nah, we’ll see how snippy he gets before he realizes it’s me.” She waved to Udon over her shoulder and waddled over to Neji’s office, knocking once before busting the door open.
He was sitting at his desk and scowling, eyes on the computer monitor and pen in hand over some documents. At the sound of the door opening his jaw clenched and he snapped, “What.”
She snorted and closed the door behind her. “So it was that kind of a day.”
He jerked his head up and stared at her in surprise. “Tenten.”
“Yep.” She crossed the room and grabbed one of the chairs in front of his desk, then swung it around to sit next to him. “Teach us to not adhere to our sleep schedule, huh?”
“An unfortunate time for such a realization, given that we are due for a baby any day now.”
She gave him a wry grin and leaned in to kiss him briefly. “Well, I got off a little early today and figured I’d stop by. How were your clients from hell?”
“I’ve had worse, but they were… quite obtuse.”
She leaned back in her chair, linking their fingers together and smiling up at him. “I’m all ears, love.”
Four days after their due date and they were all ready for the baby to be born, including said baby. It had been doing somersaults for a few days and kicking up a storm, and while Tenten loved her little dumpling she was ready for the dumpling not do that anymore while she was trying to sleep.
Her obstetrician had recommended sex as ye old standby for inducing labor, so they’d been having a fun time with that, at least.
In fact, they’d spent the entire weekend, uh, trying to induce labor.
But as Sunday drew to a close and there was still no baby in sight, Tenten’s frustration reached its all time high. She had a rage-filled crying session in her bath that night, furious over the fact that she was unwieldy and had swollen ankles and stretch marks and she couldn’t always hold it in completely when she had to use the bathroom and her boobs were sore and she got shooting pains up her back and she didn’t even fucking have her baby yet, the only reason she went through all of this in the first place.
Tenten scrubbed at her eyes, upset with herself for even succumbing to her frustrations. She could hear Neji quietly moving around in their bedroom outside the bathroom door and made an effort to be as silent as possible, not wanting to tip him off and worry him even more.
After a few minutes of calming down, she grabbed her body wash off the rim of the tub and soaped herself up, then rinsed off and started draining the tub. She did feel better now.
Tenten went into labor a little after 11:00PM that very night.
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It’s a Family Tradition!
Thought I’d hop on that Keith birthday bandwagon. Happy birthday to the smol gay, he is loved. 
This is somewhat long and I tried to do “suddel” transitions as it starts from when he’s fourteen to twenty three so.. yeah enjoy!
“Hey Keith,” a voice sang out. Keith stirred slightly in his sleep, the voice and the shaking on his left side becoming more persistent in his mind. “Shiro go away,” the smaller male whined. His eyes cracked open slightly as the older male sat on the bed. “But it’s your birthday! Don’t you want to do something?”
The young teen rolled over. “Shiro I haven’t celebrated my birthday in years. I’m too old.” He began to swatt his hand back as to signal the teacher to leave. Shiro was a bit taken back. “Keith your only fourteen,” the twenty year old cried. The boy looked over his shoulder. “Yeah, too old. Now let me sleep,” he groaned.
Shiro was twenty and Adam was twenty two, they still celebrated their birthdays. They didn’t go all out like a child would, but they still spent time together and did things. “Keith I’m not talking like a party. Just you, Adam, and I. We can go to a park or something or go out to eat.” Keith felt a bit of pain in his heart.
His dad used to do the same.
“Shiro please, I just want to sleep,” he said softly. He was biting back a sob. He was sure he upset the other male when there was no answer, and the weight lifted from his bed. He allowed a few tears to slip out before the blankets were moved. Looking over he watched as the other climbed into the bed.
“What are you doing?” Shiro pulled Keith into a hug. “Spending time with you on your birthday,” he replied casually. Keith froze a bit. This was weird, right? Shit what if his roomate came back? Oh wait.. It was break.. He went home. Actually Keith was the only kid still in the Garrison.
“Shiro?” A hum answered his question. “This is weird.” He hadn’t been held like this since his dad was around! Having a man seven years older than him do it that wasn’t related? Yeah.... no. “How? I’m just hugging you.” The fourteen year old looked up at him. “In my bed,” he pointed out.
“And? You’ve crawled in bed with Adam and I before,” Shiro stated calmly. Keith’s face heated up as he buried his face into the other’s chest. “But you guys never hold me,” he protested. “Adam doesn’t like to cuddle in his sleep, and I need to be holding him to sleep.” He heard a muffled nose from the smaller male.
“What,” he asked with a laugh. Keith shook his head. “Shush, sleepy,” he mumbled as the new found heat was starting to affect him.
He woke to an odd sensation on his foot. Pulling it away, the sensation didn’t let up. “Shiro sthap. I’m ticklish,” he giggled before snuggling into… the oder male. Wait a minute. He opened his eyes to see that Shiro was still at the top of the bed. He shook slightly, a smile on his face, but he was still sleeping.
Suddenly the pace increased, causing the sensation to increase. He squealed, trying to curl into the other. “Shiro,” he cried softly. He was a little freaked out. After what felt like hours (seconds), laughter started to spill from the older male. “Kheith stop it!”
The feeling spread up his leg. “N-Nhohoho! Shiro help!” He was curled as much as he could be into the older male. Shiro’s eyes widened as he held Keith protectively. Looking down he saw Adam smirking at them. “A-Adam st… not the thighs! No, no, no, no , n--nahaha!” The older had pushed the blankets up as to gain access to both males’ legs.
Keith squeaked as figner’s lightly proded at his bare thigh, his sleeping shorts having ridden up in his sleep. He noticed Adam was being much nicer with him than with Shiro. The older was in hysterics as his worst spot was under attack! “I thought you were coming to wake him, not join him.”
Keith curled into Shiro as Adam’s hand found his tummy. “By the way, happy birthday punk. What are you fifteen now?” Keith nodded despite his laughter. Adam stopped letting them both breath. Before he could speak his thought Shiro protested to his earlier comment.
“He… he doesn’t want.. to celebrate,” Shiro panted. Adam moved his left leg from Shiro, so that he was now pinning Keith’s hips to the bed. “Well like it not little man,  we have a tradition to keep,” Adam exclaimed jokingly. “Fifteen minutes of birthday tickles!”  Keith was screaming with laughter.
“Shiro stop,” Keith cried as the paladin pinned him to the floor of the training deck. “What did you think I would forget,” the older teased as he tickled the boy senseless. “Kind of hoho-- aha shit! Not there,” Keith swore as his brother found a sweet spot on his back. “Keith, language,” Shiro fake gasped before digging into the spot a little harder. “I have a few birthdays to make up for, now don’t I? How old are you now? 19,” he asked before moving to Keith’s underarms.
The red paladin shrieked before pulling his arms in and turning his head away. “N-Nhoho!” Shiro smirked before blowing a raspberry onto the exposed skin of his neck.”What’s going on in here,” Allura exclaimed as she burst through the door. “I heard screaming!” The team followed in suit. Shiro didn’t bother to stop, he simply looked at Allura and smiled.
“It’s Keith’s birthday so I thought I’d make up for the one’s I missed in space.” He quickly moved to Keith’s tummy, vibrating his hand along the surface. ‘N-Nhohohahahaha,” the smaller cried.  “Wait today’s your brithday Keith,” Coran asked. A laugh came from behind him. “Who cares? Keith’s ticklish,” Lance exclaimed before he, Hunk and Pidge rushed over to join Shiro.
“S-Shihahahiro! Nhohoho,” Keith cried as the older began to poke at his navel. “Want some help,” Pidge asked, and evil glint in her eye. Shiro smirked. “It’s a family tradition to tickle the birthday person for as many minutes they are in years. I’m almost done with nineteen, but after a little break we can start on eighteen through what… sixteen,” he asked Keith.
As hands pulled away Keith’s eyes widened. “S-Shiro… please don’t.” Soon enough his break was over, and fingers were darting all around as Coran started to sing to him in Altean. Finger’s wiggled under his arms, on his tummy, his hips, his thighs, the back of his knees, and his feet. He loved it! However Allura’s sharp nails were probably the best part, feeling them glide across his back.
“M-Mhahaom,” Keith giggled as Krolia traced her nails up and down his back. “Yes Keith,” she asked. It was her son’s twentieth birthday and she wanted to do something nice together. She remembered Tex always complaining about his back and nerves, this generally helped. “It tickles,” he giggled. “Does it?” That was a word she hadn’t heard in a while, she was trying to think back to when she had. As she pondered she allowed her nails to continue to trace over her son’s back, as Kosmo started to nuzzle and sniff the young adult’s tummy.
“W-Whahait, Kosmo,” he giggled. He tried to push the wolf away, but he persisted. “Y-Yhahaou know how senhesative I am,” he giggled through little huffs from the snout.
Krolia’s eyes sparkled in memory of her husband. He was giggling as her nails drew up and down his tummy, little Keith on his chest. “K-Krolia please,” he squirmed about. Keith giggled softly, moving his pudgy fingers to his dad’s neck. “W-Whahit Keith! I’m ticklish,” he cried softly.
Moving her nails to Keith’s sides she enjoyed the giggles that came from his mouth. It was a nice bonding moment, one she would remember for years to come. This included the next year when she found him upside down at Kosmo’s mercy. “Hehe! N-Not my fhehet,” he giggled as the fur baby decided to investigate the odd “hand”.
“Ehe! Not the feet! Not the fhehet,” Keith cried as Adam and Shiro stopped by his room. Kolvian and Krolia watched in amusement from the sidelines as Keith giggled and hiccuped helplessly. “Happy birthday Keith,” Adam sang out evilly before scratching under the soft, flexing toes. “M-Mhohom help!” Krolia merely shook her head. “I was told this was a family tradition. I wouldn’t want to break that, now would I?” Shiro sent her a soft smile before Keith’s shriek of laughter caught his attention. Adam had moved up to his tummy.
“What are they doing to him,” Kolvian asked from his spot on the windowsill. “It’s called tickling, it’s a bonding thing,” she winked before turning her attention back to her son
“Your the one who could never let go of the bonding moment,” Lance cried as he dug into Keith’s underarms. Keith jerked and thrashed in his lover’s hold. “N-No! Lahahance lehet mehehe go!” Lance chuckled evilly before leaving small kisses all over his boyfriend to intensify the feeling.
“It tickles! T-Too much,” Keith cried out in desperation. It was minute twenty, he didn’t think he could take much more under Lance’s skilled hands. “P-Plehehease Lance.” He did enjoy being tickled, but this was a little too much for first thing in the morning. “Just thr-- two more minutes sweetie! Wouldn’t want to break your fathers’ tradition,” Lance teased. He then started to blow small raspberries and plant small ticklish kisses down Keith’s torso.
“H-Hey whait… t-that,” Keith felt overwhelmed by his nerves. “Once more minute, and then I can give you m present,” Lance let out a perverted huff of a laugh before truly pleasuring the ticklish areas. Keith blushed as he continued to giggle. This was going to be a good twenty third birthday!
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blightarts · 6 years
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Previous Chapter: Our First Step
Next Chapter: Our Second Badge
Disclaimer:  Pokémon is a property of Game Freak and Nintendo, while Endless  Summer is a property of Pixelberry. I do not claim any rights here.
Author’s Note: If the “Keep reading” doesn’t work, go here for the full post.
@princesstopgun, @mechaspirit, @queenaryn, @kaitloyalist, @choicesmarvel, @sceptilemasterr, @hey-its-vy, @skyila, @choicesyouplayandmore, @choicesaholic, @caroonfire, @roseblake, @choices-herald, @jakemckenzietrash, @xo-endlessmayhem-xo, @abhirio, @diego-vii, @izzycheeese
On the path to Orderve City, the three kids, Taari, Kaitlyn and Reginald, trek through Metropeal Forest while also training their Pokémon. During their travels, their respective Pokémon manage to evolve; Taari’s Turtwig evolved in to a Grotle; Kaitlyn’s Piplup evolved into a Prinplup; and Reginald’s Chimchar evolved into a Monferno.
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As they near the clearing of the forest, they are greeted by a familiar voice.
Voice: It’s been a while, Taari. I am proud of your accomplishments in Metropeal City.
Taari recognizes the voice and immediately turns to direction where it came from. Kaitlyn and Reginald followed his gaze. Their eyes widen as they see the elyyshar of Elyys’tel, Varyyn, seated on a tree branch. The king drops down to properly greet the kids.
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Taari rushes towards him and gives him a tight embrace.
Taari: Varyyn!
Varyyn: I’ve heard of your success over my dear, Diego. Excellent work, all of you.
Kaitlyn: Thank you, Mister Varyyn.
Reginald: It was a difficult struggle, but we managed to succeed.
Varyyn turns to Kaitlyn and Reginald.
Varyyn: Ah, Kaitlyn, Reginald, you two have grown quite well.
Taari tilts his head in confusion and drops the embrace.
Taari: You know Kaitlyn?
Varyyn: Of course. After all, she’s—
Before Varyyn could finish, Kaitlyn motions him to keep quiet. He stays silent for a moment and smiles.
Varyyn: Ah, yes. Your parents told me that they will be meeting you in Orderve City.
Kaitlyn: Yes!
Taari: Her parents?
Taari turns towards Kaitlyn.
Taari: Should I know your parents?
Varyyn: You have nothing to worry about for now, Taari.
Varyyn calls out his partner Pokémon, Sceptile
Varyyn: How about we should have a Pokémon battle to see how much you’ve learn after your fight against Diego?
Taari jumps for joy and calls out T’kal.
Taari: Yes, please!
Varyyn smirks.
Varyyn: Why not make this a little more interesting? If you beat my Sceptile right now, I could give you your second badge.
Taari: Deal!
Taari and Varyyn soon create some distance between each other. Afterwards, Reginald and Kaitlyn stand between them.
Reginald: Let the battle… BEGIN!
Taari: Alright, T’kal, use Fi—
Before Taari could finish, Varyyn swings his head, revealing a specially-designed hair tie. Attached to the hair tie is a Mega Stone. Taari is thrown by surprise.
Reginald: Idiot! Did you forget that all La Huerta Gym Leaders have Mega Stones?!
Varyyn taps on his Mega Stone and begins chanting.
Varyyn: Deep within the trees of Elyys’tel, I call upon the great beast… Sceptile, MEGA EVOLVE!
Sceptile glows and begins to undergo Mega Evolution.
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Varyyn: Now, we shall begin the battle, Taari.
Taari steps back for a moment after witnessing Sceptile’s Mega Evolution. But he then steps up.
Taari: Let’s do this!
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Music: Kanto Gym Battle (HGSS)
Taari immediately goes for the offense.
Taari: We’re not going to let Mega Evolution intimidate use. If Reginald can beat Mister Diego’s Mega Lopunny without Mega Evolution, then we can too, right, T’kal?!
T’kal: Rar!!
Taari: That’s the spirit! Now, use Flare Blitz!
T’kal begins to surround himself with flames of very high temperature. Afterwards, he charges towards Mega Sceptile. Varyyn doesn’t say anything to let his Pokémon avoid T’kal’s attack. Eventually, T’kal tackles Mega Sceptile and the latter staggers backwards, but quickly stands back up as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, T’kal staggers due to recoil damage. Taari is surprised by the outcome.
Taari: Wha… WHAT?! I thought Grass-types are supposed to be weak to Fire-types.
Varyyn: You are correct, Taari. But you may not know that Mega Sceptile is part-Dragon-type. It negates the super-effective Fire-type attacks are used against Grass-types.
Taari: EH?!?!
Varyyn: Now, it’s our turn. Sceptile, use Focus Punch!
Mega Sceptile clenches his fist and starts to focus. As his fist starts to glow, he charges towards T’kal. Meanwhile, T’kal stands up and is about to avoid the attack but he was too late. Mega Sceptile was too fast and his Focus Punch connects. The attack delivers massive amounts of damage to T’kal and sends him flying towards a tree. T’kal crashes at the tree and faints. Taari is left astonished.
Reginald: T’kal is unable to battle. Varyyn and his Mega Sceptile wins!
After a few minutes, T’kal is healed and is returned to his pokéball. Sceptile reverts to its original form and is returned to his pokéball as well. The four regroups.
Varyyn: You understand now, Taari? The true power of Mega Evolution and the bonds between a Pokémon and its trainer?
Taari: I managed to get a scope of it, but I understand it a little more now.
Varyyn: Good. There’s still more for you to learn. If you’re ready, then feel free to come back to Elyys’tel city and challenge me again.
Taari: Will do!
Varyyn departs and says his goodbye to the children. Afterwards, the children reach the clearing of Metropeal Forest and finally arrive at Orderve City. Orderve City is a city known for its annual Pokélympics event and also great food. Its most prized restaurant is the Orderve Gym, led by the legendary Raj Bhandarkar. As the children are making they’re way to the Orderve Gym, Reginald accidently bumps into a girl.
Reginald: Oh, I apologize. I didn’t mean to. I was… occupied with a thought.
Girl: That’s fine.
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For a moment, Reginald becomes intimidated by the girl’s glance and he breaks eye contact. His vision lands on the girl’s bag, which has the initials, “LHP” written on it.
Girl: Well, I’ll be going now.
Reginald: …Yeah.
Kaitlyn: Reginald, you’re lagging behind!
Reginald: Oh, sorry!
Reginald rejoins the group and they make their way to the Orderve Gym. As they arrive, they marvel at the sight of it.
Taari: Wow! It’s so awesome! You can even smell the food from here!
Reginald: The idea of mixing a Gym and a restaurant is brilliant. Customers can experience great food and entertaining gym battles all in one reasonable price.
Kaitlyn: Come on! We should go in. It’s time for you guys to meet them.
Taari: Meet who?
Kaitlyn: My parents.
As if on cue, the doors of the gym slide open and three people walk outside. Kaitlyn turns around and beams in delight. On the other hand, Taari and Reginald are stunned. The three people…
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…just so happens to be Jake McKenzie, his wife, Taylor McKenzie (F!MC), and their close friend, Quinn Kelly.
Kaitlyn rushes towards Jake and Taylor. The two take notice of her and immediately smile.
Kaitlyn: Mom! Dad!
Jake: Well, if it isn’t my li’l Marshmallow!
Taylor: Oh, Kaitlyn! You’re here!
The three embraced after not seeing each other for a few days. Reginald approaches the three.
Reginald: It’s good finally meeting you Mister and Missus McKenzie.
Jake: Don’t call us that, Malfoy Jr. And is that you, li’l Blueberry?
Jake, Taylor and Quinn turn towards Taari, who is still stunned.
Taari: Wait! Kaitlyn… your parents…
Kaitlyn: Mhm!
Taari: But that doesn’t make sense! Miss Taylor got back here five years ago. How are so old by now if you’re her child?!
Kaitlyn: It’s because I was adopted when I was seven.
Taari: …Yeah. That makes more sense.
After regaining his composure, Taari joins the group.
Quinn: So, I heard you guys finally got your first badge. That’s great! I’m so proud of you!
Taari: Hehe. Thanks.
Reginald: Thank you.
Kaitlyn: I appreciate it.
Jake: So, my li’l Marshmallow told me that you guys will be battling Pineapple Express?
Reginald: We will. Afterwards, we’ll head on over to the Pokélympics Stadium and sign up for the event. Then, after that, Kaitlyn will be joining her second contest.
Taylor: Sounds like a great plan. We’ll be staying around Orderve City until Kaitlyn’s second contest is over.
Kaitlyn: Yay!
Quinn: Besides, the La Huerta League will be managing this year’s Pokélympics event. It’s going to be a big reunion for all of us.
Reginald: So, that means my father is coming, huh?
While everyone smiles at the exciting new, Reginald clenches his fist, but quickly loosens it. He pretends to smile so that others won’t notice his pain. Taari looks around to look for someone missing within the group, Quinn’s husband, Tyler Kelly (M!MC)
Taari: Hey… Where’s Mister Tyler?
At the mention of his twin brother’s name, Taylor goes on a tantrum.
The children flinch at Taylor’s tantrum. Jake tries to calm her down, while Quinn covers her mouth and breaks into tears. Curious, scared and worried, Taari steps up.
Taari: Wh… Why? What happened to him? What did he do?
Jake manages to calm Taylor and proceeds to comfort Quinn. After regaining her calm, Taylor answers Taari’s questions.
Taylor: Tyler… has been missing for six months now. Ever since after… that incident… he hasn’t been the same. One day, he left us a note, telling us to not look for him or contact him. He said that he’s going to find out exactly what’s going on; why Pokémon are becoming corrupted; how the both of us ended up back in La Huerta; where exactly did Dialga and Palkia go off to.
Reginald: Incident? What incident?
Jake: I think that’s enough questions for now, you two.
Taari looks at Jake comforting Quinn, who is still heartbroken over the loss of her husband.
Taari: I… I’m sorry…
Reginald: Me too…
Quinn: Don’t be.
Quinn wipes of her tears and looks at Taari.
Quinn: You didn’t know. I’m sorry that we did not tell you. It was only between me, Taylor, Jake and Kaitlyn. I didn’t want the others to worry about my dear Tyler.
Taylor approaches Quinn to comfort her too.
Taylor: Come on, Quinn. Let’s head back to your room.
Taylor and Quinn start to head back to Centaurus Resort. Jake turns to the children.
Jake: Sorry you kids have to see that. Once you’re done scoping the Gym, head to the Centaurus Resort just beside the it. We’ve already reserved a room for you three.
Kaitlyn: Thanks, Dad. Take care of auntie Quinn.
Jake: We will, li’l Marshmallow.
As the three adults leave, the three kids enter the gym. They are soon greeted by the receptionist.
Receptionist: Welcome to the Orderve Gym. You must be trainers. I’m sorry but Chef Bhandarkar just finished his last battle for today.
Reginald: That’s fine. We’re just here to scope the gym.
Receptionist: Ah, I see. In that case, come with me. We will meet with Chef Bhandarkar now.
The receptionist escorts the three kids to the kitchen. As they arrive, they are immediately greeted by the head chef, Raj.
Raj: Hello, my little dudes and dudette!
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Taari: Hey, Mister Raj!
Kaitlyn: Mmm! Those are some good-smelling food!
Reginald: Sorry if we’re barging in.
Raj: No problem, li’l Reggie. I was expecting you three anyway. Here…
Raj grabs a bag filled with take-out food and hands it to Kaitlyn.
Raj: Taylor said that you guys will be visiting so I made those for your dinner, free of charge.
Kaitlyn: Wow!
Taari: For free? Really?
Raj nods.
Reginald: Thank you, Chef Raj.
The three children said their goodbyes to Raj and they head to their room in the Centaurus Resort. Meanwhile, on the mountains of La Huerta, Tyler walks on a snowy path, looking for cabins to spend the night.
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After spending the night, Taari, Kaitlyn and Reginald stand in front of the Orderve Gym to obtain their second badge and their second step towards the La Huerta League.
Will Raj be just as challenging as Diego? Or will he be more? FIND OUT ON CHAPTER 8 OF POKÉMON SUMMER VERSION!
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onlylovekpop · 7 years
Trouble Maker | Shin Ho Seok | One-Shot
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wonho (monstax) + you (reader) word count: 7,309 warnings: um yeah so this is a stepbrother!au but technically the parents aint married yet so its more a future stepbrother shitstorm if that makes it any better for your moral compass lol heads up for a tiny bit of underage drinking but mainly car sex and fingering and oral and some blunt dirty talk but i know some of yall are like me and that definitely floats our boats hehe a/n: chatting with my friend and she told me about her dream jon snow was gonna be her stepbrother and they rage fucked each other because they were so bitter about it and i thought wow what a fantastic idea can i write that and she gave me her blessing lol so here we go thanks darling
It was a grey, stormy day when my father called me down to the kitchen for what he deemed a family meeting. Naturally, my mood was sour. My dad was a strait-laced commander in the military and when he summoned me for a father-daughter discussion, I rarely left happy.
Dragging my feet into the kitchen, I hopped on to one of the stools and folded my arms across the bar. Dad moved in front of me on the other side and prepared two cups of hot tea, dropping a slice of lemon in each.
“When are we moving?” I asked irritably, assuming our years in this country were over with and it was time for the next station.
He glanced up from the tea cups with a smile and said, “Surprise. We are here to stay for good, but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“You’re being kept here permanently?” I questioned, understandably skeptical. South Korea had been our home for the past five years and truth be told, I rather loved the place, but I had been uprooted enough times to never fall too in love with anything.
Dad handed me my cup and I sipped the tea gingerly, careful not to burn my mouth. It ran down my throat hotly and I hummed my approval. I never questioned what Dad put in the concoction, but I always slept like a baby afterward and dreamed pleasant dreams.
I safely assumed it was a peace offering.
Bracing his hands on the counter, my Dad fixated his eyes on me and waited until he had snared my undivided attention. Then, he declared, “I’m getting married.”
If there had been any liquid in my mouth, I would have spit it out. That explained the pause.
“Married?” I exclaimed.
“Yes, now before you freak out…” he started calmly.
“To that divorced lady you’ve been dating for six months?” I shouted, voice cracking.
Dad held up his hands and grew stern when he continued, “Seven months and yes, she was married before. So was I.”
“Mom died,” I was quick to remind. “There’s a big difference.”
Dad exhaled, noting the way my face had tensed at the mere mention of my mother. “Baby girl, you gave me your blessing when I started dating again. I waited until you were ready and out of respect to your mother.”
I leaned back in my chair, lowering my head as tears gathered in my eyes.
Dad stepped around the counter quickly, pulling me into his arms and doing his best to soothe me.
“How could you do this to Mom?” I sobbed into my hands. “Didn’t you love her?”
“Of course, I loved her,” my father chided, borderline angry I had posed such a question. “I loved her with every fiber of my being. But she’s gone and she would have wanted us to move on.”
I recoiled and instantly angled away from my father, closing myself off from him and hiding my face behind my long hair.
He called my name softly, but I didn’t respond. In my eyes, in that moment, the devoted relationship we’d had was over.
And I swore I would never forgive him for giving me a stepmother and a stepbrother.
The next morning, I was dressed to impress. Despite already hating these people I had yet to meet, I wanted to knock their socks off when they looked at me.
Stepping outside in my short sundress, my dad flinched and whined, “Do you have to wear that?”
Referring to how the garment hugged my curves, I snorted, “I’m a woman, Dad. This is what we look like.”
He groaned and opened the car door for me. Little did he know, I had made it my new personal mission in life to make him absolutely miserable.
Maybe I hated him. I despised that he could even speak of my mother the way he did. That she wanted us - she wanted me - to move on. Was he implying she would have wanted me to embrace a new mother?
It made me sick and a bitter taste remained in my mouth for the rest of the day.
“You said she has a son?” I asked, staring out the window as the trees ticked by.
“Yes, he is from a previous relationship before she was married,” my dad informed.
“So she and her husband didn’t have any kids together?”
“No, they didn’t and I believe she said her boy is the same age as you.”
“Wow, a pair of teenagers in the same house. How will we entertain ourselves?” I droned with disdain.
My dad furrowed his brow. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Daddy,” I crooned. “Nothing at all.”
The car rolled to a stop outside the ritzy-looking country club. I knew my Dad came here often to play golf with his fellow high-ranking military officials. The food was pretty good and the veranda was to die for with its view of the gardens.
My father pulled out a chair for me like the gentleman he was and I sat at the white-clothed table seated on a private overlook. Apparently, we had arrived first.
The two of us sat in silence. Dad constantly looked to me, expecting a conversation to start at some point. Normally, he and I talked about anything and everything. I could make him laugh until his face turned red.
Not anymore. I was content to never speak to him again for as long as I lived.
He blinked slowly, sadly. Maybe it was then that the same realization hit him.
A few minutes later, he called out to someone and my heart raced. I kept my eyes on the gardens and swallowed the lump in my throat. Though I wanted to be an absolute brat, I reminded myself that this boy was probably in the same boat I was emotionally.
With a grumble, I rose from my chair and finally turned around.
My father ushered in a beautiful, small woman trailed by a stocky, handsome boy. I was even more annoyed, hoping he would be an ugly jerk, but as I watched him bow and address my father with respect, I forced away my frown.
My father spoke my name and introduced, “This is Sunghwa and her son, Wonho.”
“Hello,” I greeted the woman who was to be my new stepmother and added, “You’re very pretty.”
“As are you,” she beamed. “Very beautiful.”
I thanked her and turned to her son, mirroring his bow in silence and awkwardly shuffling back to my seat.
I promise I’m not exaggerating when I say Wonho and I didn’t utter a single word during the brunch. My father and his wife-to-be gabbled back and forth like love-struck kids and the sight made it hard for me to keep food down.
My future stepbrother and I ate our meals and wallowed in the silence until my father suggested a walk through the gardens.
“You two go,” I was quick to interject, locking eyes with Wonho. “I want to order some dessert.”
Wonho cocked an eyebrow, but didn’t argue.
The engaged couple was more than happy for some alone time and bid their goodbyes before practically skipping hand-in-hand toward the veranda.
“Did I hear someone mention dessert?” asked the waiter, Minsoo. He and I knew each other very well, considering my father brought me to this place regularly.
Glancing up at him, I gave him a smile and said, “Yes, a big glass of tea laced with lots of vodka, please.”
Wonho gawked at me in disbelief before a tiny smirk crept over his lips.
Meanwhile, Minsoo rolled his eyes and groaned, “You owe me.”
“Pfft, like hell I do,” I retorted. “I got you a date with Hyomin.”
“It was horrible,” he exclaimed under his breath.
I waved him away, running out of tolerance for his whining. “That’s not my fault. Can I get my drink now, please? Trust me when I say I need it.”
He droned, “Coming right up. But you owe me.”
“Fine. I owe you. Get on with it.”
Minsoo scurried toward the kitchen and I slouched backwards into my chair, crossing my legs and angling toward the view of the gardens.
“Aren’t you eighteen?” asked Wonho blithely.
“Yep,” I replied.
“Drinking age here is nineteen,” he told me, nonchalant it seemed for the time being.
“I’ve lived here six years, but thank you for bringing me up to speed,” I snapped, letting my sarcasm reign free. “Tattle if you want.”
Wonho rubbed a finger over his lip pensively and asked with subtle interest, “What will your father do if you get drunk?”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m not gonna get drunk off of one glass of tea and vodka.”
Minsoo approached with drink in hand.
My eyes lit up and I gave him an over exaggerated grin as I greeted, “Ooh, speak of the devil.”
Minsoo shuffled nervously and murmured under his breath, “Do you think Hyomin will give me another chance?”
“Jesus, Minsoo, I can only do so much as a wingman.”
My waiter friend cleared out and I downed a mouthful of my drink.
“So, we’re going to be siblings soon. Aren’t you excited?” I asked with feigned glee.
Wonho merely glared momentarily before taunting, “My Mom went on and on about how you’re such a good girl. At least, that’s what your Dad told her.”
I snickered. “Those days are over. I’ve been very well-behaved, but that’s because my mom died and I wanted to be nice to him. Now, I can see he’s obviously not grieving anymore and I’m going to be his worst fucking nightmare.”
Just as I set my drink down, Wonho snatched it and to my surprise, took a big gulp. After a pause, he met my eyes and asked, “How can I help?”
I smiled devilishly.
“But what’s wrong with our parents being happy?” Wonho questioned a moment later, pretending to be presented with the biggest moral dilemma of his life.
“I wanna be happy, too,” I crooned, swirling the straw in my drink between my fingers. “Why can’t we do things that make us happy, too? Like being the teenagers that we are.”
“I’m mad she’s getting remarried,” Wonho groaned, taking the tea as I handed it to him for another gulp. “I won’t act like I’m not.”
I shrugged. “She was married before. What’s another time?”
Wonho’s face tensed with anger as he explained, “She���s from one man to the next and never gives a damn about me.”
Snorting, I teased, “Are you saying your mom’s a slut?”
Wonho snatched the glass of tea and helped himself. “What about you?” he asked.
My brows lifted at the inquiry. “Am I slut?”
He nodded and his gaze was glaringly obvious as it traveled down my body.
“No,” I finally responded. “But I could open up to the idea.”
“That was fast,” Wonho said with a laugh and the sound made me smile.
I downed the rest of my drink and rose from my chair, whispering, “How’s this for fast? I’m going to the bathroom. Wait a minute or two and come find me. If you want, of course.”
He gaped briefly before winking his approval.
Striding away, I found the ladies’ room and pushed the door inward, immediately checking the stalls for privacy. With the coast clear, I approached the sinks and smoothed down my dress with a heavy sigh. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I gazed in wonder at how I had changed so much in the past twenty-four hours. I was hurt and overcome with rage.
I snapped from my thoughts when there was a knock at the door. Cracking it open, there stood Wonho and I grabbed a handful of his shirt, pulling him inside. He was quick to lock the door behind us, but the moment he turned back around to face me, our bodies collided and our lips met.
We both tasted of tea and vodka and I couldn’t have been thirstier. I could feel both of us smiling through the kisses, knowing this was stupid and reckless, but we were both too broken to care.
Wonho backed me clumsily into the granite counter, teasing his tongue over my bottom lip until I gave him entrance to my mouth. My fingers found his biceps, squeezing at the feel of hard, bulging muscles beneath. After tracing my touches over his firm shoulders, marveling the iron feel of his back, I reached behind myself and gripped the counter. Wonho looked for my hands, missing them on his body, and noticed what I was doing. He grabbed my thighs, hauling me with ease to the counter.
The granite was cold and my skirt did little to block the chill, but I was too busy locking my ankles behind his hips to give a proper shit. Gripping his face and running my fingers into his smooth hair, our lips parted and Wonho moved his mouth to the side of my neck, biting gently before kissing and sucking at my skin.
I tipped my head back, humming through my pleasure and closing my eyes. “Do you think our parents will be as angry as we are when they find out their kids had been fucking?” I asked snidely.
Wonho stopped his kisses just long enough to growl, “Worse.”
I chuckled and reached for his shirt, proceeding to undo the top buttons.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and we broke away loudly as someone jiggled the handle, quickly shouting for an attendant to have the facilities opened.
“Shit,” Wonho groaned.
“We’ll have to finish this later,” I panted.
He nodded and swallowed to wet his dry throat. “Where?”
“Are you a good climber?”
“Maybe,” he sang with a playful grin.
“I’ll leave my window open.”
Wonho interjected, “Or I can offer to drive you home.”
I clapped my hands and cheered, “Yeah, that’s better. They’ll be happy to get even more time away from us.”
Leaning forward, we shared a quick kiss before Wonho helped me down from the counter. The knocks grew more insistent and I looked to my new partner in crime for an escape.
“Follow my lead,” he whispered, wrapping an arm around my waist and tucking me closely to his side.
Unlocking the door, a woman’s eyes widened at the sight of us and I could see the accusatory glare slowly taking over her face.
“Do you think you can make it to the car, sis?” Wonho asked sweetly.
I nodded. “Yeah, just please don’t let me fall.”
“I would never,” Wonho coaxed, offering his most innocent smile to the woman as she passed by us toward the stalls.
“Is she alright?” the stranger asked.
“Almost fainted. Splashing water on her face seemed to help.”
“Oh, dear. I hope you feel better.”
“Thank you,” I managed feebly, letting Wonho partially carry me out of the bathroom.
The moment we were in the clear, I turned to him and we burst into laughter.
“That was so fucking close,” he murmured.
“My heart was pounding,” I replied, putting a hand over my chest.
“More so than when you were making out with me?” he asked playfully, lifting his eyebrows up and down.
I pushed his arm and whined, “Hey, keep it down!”
“Alright, alright. Get on with the plan. Call your Dad.”
“What’s the rush?” I teased, pulling out my phone and wiggling it in my hand. “Are you that excited to get me naked?”
“Uh, obviously.”
I chortled and dialed my father. Given that he was frolicking through the gardens with his soon to be trophy wife, I was surprised he picked up at all.
“Yes, darling?”
I put on my best simper and began, “Daddy, I’m not feeling too well. Something I ate isn’t agreeing with me. Or maybe it’s the heat.”
Wonho met my mischievous eyes and borderline snorted.
“I’m on my way,” began my father, as if he were reading from a manual.
“Actually, Wonho offered to drive me home,” I quickly interrupted. “And that way you can stay out with your fiancée longer.”
My father was suspicious when he droned, “That’s generous of him.”
“Yeah, he’s annoying and mopey, but at least he’ll be easy to get rid of when I get home,” I lied, raking my tongue over my lip when Wonho gave me an irritated glare.
“Be nice to him. He’ll be your brother soon.”
“Don’t remind me,” I snarled.
“See you in a couple hours, honey,” he chirped.
“Bye, Daddy.”
“Is it wrong if I like the way you say Daddy?” Wonho teased.
I smacked his chest gently and chided, “Yes, it is.”
“Let’s get going.”
As he drove, one hand lazily on the wheel, I looked Wonho up and down like I was picking out my steak at an expensive restaurant. Reaching over, I grabbed his arm and squeezed the muscles with my fingers. Then, I moved to his chest, tracing my fingertips over his dress shirt.
“You’re shredded under that, aren’t you?” I quipped.
“I’m gonna bite the shit out of you,” I warned playfully.
He clocked a brief glance at me and threatened, “Then, I’m gonna bruise the shit out of you.”
“Go for the thighs,” I cooed, crossing my legs and inevitably bringing his gaze to my bared skin. “I’ve always wanted to know what I would look like with marked up thighs.”
“What? No dude has ever been rough enough with you?”
“Ugh, I wish. For me, it’s been nothing but gentle missionary.”
Wonho laughed. “Too bad our parents didn’t hook up sooner.”
“I actually agree.”
My eyes traveled southward and my hand inevitably followed. Wonho sucked in a hard breath when I discovered the hard bulge in his pants.
“I didn’t know you got hard while we were making out?” I teased with glee.
Wonho grabbed my wrist with his free hand to stop me from palming him, snapping, “Why do you think I was in such a hurry to get out of there?”
“The mystery is solved,” I exclaimed, then I slid closer and whispered, “How big is it?”
“Oh, yeah?”
He was quick to add, “Legendary.”
I laughed and teased him, “Well, no one has been inside me for over a year. Are you sure you’ll fit?”
He shuddered visibly and squeezed my wrist a little tighter. “You gonna be a good girl and open up for me?”
Now it was my turn to shiver and I looked down as Wonho easily pulled my hand away, bringing it to my own lap. He used his forearm to press against my stomach, pushing me back into my seat. Then, his hand dipped beneath my skirt.
I let out a ragged breath when he pulled my dress higher and higher until it draped over the tops of my thighs.
“We’re so gonna crash,” I whimpered, holding his forearm as his fingers proceeded to run up and down my slit over my underwear.
“I’m watching the road,” Wonho reminded and it dawned on me he hadn’t actually taken his eyes off the highway this entire time.
I gulped and thanked the heavens silently that I had showered and shaved this morning.
“Someone feels wet,” Wonho growled, pushing at my clothed clit with his thick fingers.
“Oh, shit,” I whined, tipping my head back and colliding harshly into the car seat. Gripping his burly arm, I stroked my palm over his silky skin like he was my anchor.
“Tell me if I need to stop,” he ordered firmly under his breath.
I nodded my understanding.
Wonho pushed aside my panties and dipped two fingers toward my entrance. I adjusted my position on the seat to give him access and lowered my head to sink my teeth into his clothed bicep as he pushed his digits into me slightly.
It had been so long since I had been touched and the rush of danger and rage the two of us shared was a combination I had no idea could get such a visceral reaction out of me.
“Fuck, you are a tight, little thing, aren’t you?” Wonho growled, rolling his hand to get his fingers deeper and deeper.
I whimpered, winching my eyes closed. Feeling my walls stretching to accept him had never felt so good.
“Oh, god,” I rasped, moving my hips to the same pace as his hand. “Pull over.”
“Hang in there, sweetheart,” he crooned. “We’re almost home.”
Wonho was trying to sound tougher than me, but I could hear the strain in his voice and I was convinced the strain in his pants was probably much worse. The sound of my arousal coating his fingers, the way it seemed to echo in the car, was all too much. My face felt hot and my heart was beating wildly.
“Wonho,” I panted, propping a hand against the roof of the car and arching my hips as his fingers picked up speed. “I swear to god. Pull the car over so I can ride your fucking cock.”
That did the trick.
Wonho tapped the brakes and pulled off a sharp turn to a dirt path. We had been on a highway surrounded by trees. The country club was outside the city and nestled at the base of the mountains. It wasn’t surprising he found a dirt road to a small fishing spot.
The moment the car was in park, Wonho tore off his seat belt and pounced on me. I welcomed him with open arms, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him to me as our lips met in a loud collision of teeth and tongues.
“The back seat is tinted,” he managed to tell me between kisses while unbuckling my safety belt.
“No one can see in?”
I braced my hands on his chest and smiled at the bemused look that took over his flushed face. Then, I turned and clambered to the safety of the back seat. He was a fraction of a second behind me and I rolled to my back on the cushions, reaching under my dress and grabbing my panties. Wonho rubbed his hands up my smooth thighs and helped tug the material down until he could pull them from my ankles. I kicked off my shoes and spread my legs, inviting him between them.
To my surprise, Wonho dropped to his stomach and ducked his head under my dress. Just as I was about to ask him what the hell he was doing, I felt his breath on my core.
“Fu…” I started, reaching out to grab the seats with my hands, inevitably scratching the leather when I couldn’t get a solid grip.
Wonho leisurely raked the flat of his tongue up my lower lips before giving my clit a gentle, open-mouth kiss. My chest began heaving for breath and adrenaline raced down my legs. I mentally chastised myself for getting this worked up, but it had been such a long time since someone fucked me up like this.
“Wonho,” I cried out desperately for him as he continued sucking on my clit, moving his head from side to side ever so slowly as he did. Occasionally, he broke away to sink his teeth into the flesh of my inner thigh.
I writhed on the seat, constantly moving underneath him with the way he tortured me. He teased my clit with delicate precision, drawing out every lap of his tongue and every pass of his lips. The sounds he made as his mouth played with my core ricocheted into my ears until they filled with a dull pound.
Arching my back, I closed my eyes and licked my lips, humming with pleasure. Wonho smiled against my folds and looped his muscly arms around my thighs, kneading at my flesh while he reduced me to nothing.
My breaths caught in my throat as he darted his tongue into my entrance and my hips jerked involuntarily against his face when he returned to sucking on my clit.
“Hm?” Wonho finally replied to my shouts of his name.
“I didn’t know,” I stuttered, swallowing to dampen my dry throat from the embarrassing amount of panting I was doing. “You wanted to eat me out.”
“I’m not gonna be that guy that sticks my big dick in a girl that isn’t wet enough to take it,” he told me calmly, kissing my hip bone between his words.
Gulping rather loudly, I stared at the ceiling and asked, “A-am I wet enough for you yet?”
“Yeah, you have been,” Wonho replied in a taunt. “But I am really getting off on watching the way you squirm.”
I reached down and yanked up my dress, finally exposing his head and grabbing a handful of blonde hair. “You little – I’m sorry! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”
Just as I had been about to insult him for teasing me, Wonho went back to my clit, tonguing and biting at the bundle of nerves with a vengeance. My thighs instinctively clamped down on both sides of his head as a buffer for the onslaught of pleasure I felt and a howl left my mouth.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Wonho commented, lifting to rest on his elbows.
I mirrored his moves, glancing down at him and feeling suddenly nervous. “Why did you stop?”
He let out a long, conflicted exhale and said, “I’m giving you a chance to change your mind.”
“Why would I do that?” I asked incredulously.
He cocked his head, unconvinced. “Because you’re only doing this to piss off your father.”
“Maybe. Maybe at first, but…” I trailed, glancing away.
With a shrug, I admitted timidly, “I had no idea you were as hurt and angry as I was. I thought I was alone.”
Wonho smiled and stroked my thigh, craning down to peck a few affectionate kisses along my knee. When he finished, he asked sheepishly, “You wanna be friends?”
“Friends that rage fuck on a regular basis?” I clarified with a tilt of my head.
He bobbed his head in agreement and sang, “In my professional opinion, it would be a good coping mechanism for both of us.”
I snickered. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Wonho’s face turned serious as he added, “I have a condition, though.”
“Let me hear it.”
“You’re not a slut and I’m not gonna let you turn into one just to get back at your Dad. If we start fucking, you don’t fuck anyone else.”
That surprised me and I chose to hide behind my humor. “Ugh, who am I gonna fuck? I don’t like anyone. I pretty much hate people in general.”
Wonho stroked my thigh again and crooned, “You just met me.”
“Yeah, but we’re about to be living in the same house for a while.”
“True. So?”
For a moment, I paused, then relented, “Alright, I won’t fuck anyone else. What about you?”
“I won’t fuck anyone else either, if that’s what you want.”
I nodded and said, “I’m all about equality.”
“Okay, let’s get on with this horrible lapse in moral judgment.”
He grinned mischievously. “As you wish.”
I rolled my eyes.
Wonho kneeled between my thighs and fiddled with his belt. I stayed on my back, arms splayed at my sides as I watched him with bated breath. When he finally pulled his length free, I laughed in disbelief.
“You weren’t kidding,” I exclaimed.
“You think I would use the word legendary so loosely?”
I snorted and crooned, “I’ll never doubt you again.”
“Good,” he coaxed, pumping his fist around his member. “Think you’re ready to take this cock then?”
“Fuck, yes.”
I licked my lips as I watched him settle lower. His dick was slightly above average in length, but it was the girth that had my attention. The boy was thick everywhere else. It was no surprise his equipment would follow suit.
Our eyes met as he grabbed my thighs with his arms and spread me farther. His hands slid softly up my legs, grabbing my knees in his firm hands and holding them up in the air.
“Take your shirt off,” I suddenly demanded, feeling sweat gathering behind my neck.
Wonho shook his head and exhaled, “In a sec, trouble maker. I gotta be in you now.”
I couldn’t agree more. My pussy was throbbing ever since the loss of his mouth and at the sight of his girth, my core was pulsing with desire.
Swallowing to wet my dry throat, I grabbed his arms as Wonho propped himself over me. When his hand left my side and moved to guide himself inside of me, I pulled him closer until I could sink my teeth into his shoulder.
“Wonho,” I shouted as he pushed his cock into my entrance and slid forward slowly. It didn’t matter how slow he was, I was stretched to the max and it was phenomenal.
Wonho slid a hand in my hair and gripped me close to his chest as he settled to the hilt in my velvet walls. “Fuck,” he groaned under his breath, rocking his hips slightly to drive forward, gentle as could be.
On my back in his car, I howled his name and set my nails into his clothed shoulders as he thrust his hips back and forth, plunging into me hard over and over.
Wonho rutted his length sharply into me, a resounding smack echoing in the car. My entire body jolted in place from the harshness of his movement and I bit my lip to keep from crying out.
With a whimper, I reached up to toy my fingers through his hair, holding tightly while he gripped my waist. After another thrust of his hips, I mewled at the pressure and locked my ankles behind his back.
Wonho quickly brought his mouth to mine, breaths passing through each other’s lips. Sweat had already begun to bead around his hairline and I took my time staring at his face, especially his eyes and the way his pupils had blown out.
“Does it hurt?” he asked me, rasping.
I shook my head insistently, worried if I didn’t convince him, he might turn gentle. “No,” I told him. “It’s good. You feel so good.”
The edge of his mouth crooked up in a short smile. He stole a quick kiss before returning his attention to where our bodies met and locked together.
“Damn it, gentle missionary,” Wonho suddenly growled.
“Huh?” I questioned, forgetting my words from earlier.
Wonho gripped my waist and turned, trading our places and putting me on top. Having very little experience in the saddle, I stared down at him with wide, anxious eyes. When I didn’t move, Wonho narrowed his gaze and grabbed my ass with both hands, kneading the flesh before giving both cheeks a healthy slap.
“Get riding,” he ordered, voice husky and thick with arousal.
Letting my hips rise and fall, I kept eye contact with him to see how I was doing until it became too much for me. Swirling myself around him and letting his cock stroke against my sweet spot, I easily decided I was a big fan of being on top.
“How is this?” I asked unsurely.
Wonho fussed, “Do what feels good to you, baby. I promise, I will like it.”
I chortled, “Easy to please?”
“In this tight pussy, yes.”
I gleamed and propped my hands on his burly chest, arching my hips and letting my ass bounce up and down, smacking into the tops of his thighs loudly. My fingers clawed at the material of his shirt and I went to work getting it off of him, wanting badly to feel his skin against my fingertips.
Wonho helped tear the dress shirt free of his body and my mouth watered at his chiseled form beneath me. I stroked my palms up and down his firm pecs, teasing my nails over his hard nipples with every pass. As I kept riding him, letting his length slide back and forth within my walls, Wonho felt it was only fair to discard the dress I was wearing.
In a flash, he grabbed the garment and yanked it over my head, leaving me in only my bra. Wonho reached up and cupped my face, tracing a thumb over my bottom lip as I gaped for breath. Then, his fingers caressed down my neck and to the swell of my breasts. He teased the clothed mounds, kneading and squeezing.
For the first time since I began riding him in the backseat of his car, on a down stroke I dropped deeper into his lap, finally letting Wonho sit balls deep in my heat. The fullness ripped a moan out of my mouth and I winched my eyes closed.
“You good, baby?” Wonho teased, abandoning my breasts to get a solid hold on my hips.
“You’re thick,” I whimpered, tentatively bouncing on his lap again. “Like you’re ripping me in half.”
“You sound thrilled,” he snorted.
“I am,” I quipped, grabbing his hands and guiding them to rest on my bare ass.
“Come on, then. You can go deeper.”
He was referring to the way I now avoided sinking down on his cock as I had before. When he was deepest, it made my thighs shake and I had never been stretched that far.
“Make me,” I suddenly blurted, setting my nails into this chest.
Wonho winced and our eyes locked as I came to a stop.
“I thought you were gonna fuck me?” I asked, looking for trouble and undoubtedly finding it. “Is this all you can do?”
Fire appeared in his eyes and my heart raced with delight at to the prospect of a punishment I was about to get.
Wonho frowned and sat up sharply, reaching around and unsnapping my bra. He lifted me off of his lap, withdrawing his length from me and flipping me on to my stomach. I grabbed the edge of the seat, my hair tumbling into my face and blocking my eyes. I panted desperately for breath as I felt him settle over me, pushing my thighs apart to make room for him.
“You want me to fuck you, huh?” Wonho hissed in my ear, grabbing a handful of my hair.
I said nothing.
A hand cracked across my ass and I squeaked as the sound lingered in the car. Distracted by the stinging sensation fading on my skin, I barely felt the fingertips at my entrance followed by his cock being guided inside.
Wonho let out a shaky groan on my neck as he fully pressed himself into me and I sighed with relief to be filled again, having been aching for something to fill the void he’d left. He lifted slightly and began showering my shoulders with wet kisses, the loud sound of them ringing in my ears.
Slowly, he rocked back and forth, easing his length in and out while murmuring how well I took such a big cock. His pace steadily picked up speed until his hips began smacking into my ass with each thrust. I felt his muscular chest on my shoulders and he abandoned his hold on my hair to reach around and grab my throat instead.
“Wonho,” I cried out, turning my head to see him above me.
Wonho kissed my jaw with affection and held my neck securely, whispering in my ear, “I can’t wait to live in that house with you. I can’t wait to sneak into your room every night.”
“Oh god,” I panted, my mouth watering at the thought.
“You won’t go a day without being sore and feeling what I do to you,” he growled, sliding his free hand beneath me and squeezing my breast. “What do you think about that?”
“I love it,” was the only thing I could manage to say, because it was hopelessly true.
Wonho sank his teeth into the base of my shoulder, bruising the skin until I yelped. “I own this pussy now,” he snarled, turning my head to kiss me on the mouth possessively.
I moaned against his lips as his pelvis picked up speed. He was driving his cock into me now and I struggled against his hold on me as the telltale signs of an orgasm came to my attention.
He raked his hands up and down my sides, occasionally reaching under me to grab my breasts and play with my nipples. When he had his fill of that, his hand traveled to my ass, gripping both cheeks tightly and moving me in tandem with his hips, exposing the sight of my filled pussy to him.
“God damn it,” he huffed, pushing every inch of his thick length into my cunt.
“Don’t stop, I beg you,” I whined like a bitch in heat.
I needed this high. I needed him to fuck all this anger out of me. And truth be told, he was doing a marvelous job.
I couldn’t think about how hurt I was when Wonho was bringing me this much pleasure. For a moment, all I could comprehend was our bodies together, how well we fit. Everything else faded into static. I became only aware of Wonho and what he made me feel.
With another swear word or two, Wonho grabbed both of my hands, lacing his fingers through mine, and used his body to pin me to the seat. He drew back until only the tip of his length remained before forcing back in. My pussy squelched around him and Wonho groaned under his breath at the sound.
“Fuck, I am fucking your brains out,” Wonho said, his voice a full octave lower.
I nodded rapidly and panted, “Harder. Harder, baby.”
“I don’t think this pretty cunt can take much more,” Wonho replied, burrowing his face against my neck. “You’re so goddamn tight.”
“Please, I’m this close,” I begged, flexing my legs around his.
“I’m gonna come in you,” Wonho groaned. “Yes or no?”
For a moment, I paused, pretending to be thinking it over just to frustrate him. When he slowed down, I replied, “Yes, yes, yes. Come in me. I need you.”
“You need me?”
Panicking, I yelled, “Yes.”
“You have me,” he hissed as I clamped down on him. “Now, come for me.”
I keened and arched my back, doing everything I could to give him access to my sweet spot. Swear words tumbled out of my mouth while I squeezed his fingers tangled with my own and flexed my thighs against his between mine.
Parting my lips, I expected to moan at the top of my lungs, but no sound came out. My eyes rolled to some other dimension as my body shivered in pulses. Wonho only sped up, his thrusts growing louder as I became even wetter with the orgasm.
“That’s it,” Wonho murmured, voice trembling against my neck. Suddenly, he sank his teeth into my flesh and bit down, earning a cry from me.
He finally came to a stop, rocking me forward rather roughly as he buried himself inside me as deep as he could. I untangled myself from his hands to brace my palms on the car door, focusing on catching my breath as his cock twitched and emptied his load.
“Fucking hell,” Wonho growled, weighing me down with his body as he shuddered on top of me.
Time passed slowly as we lay there. I didn’t utter a word as I waited for what would happen next. Would this be awkward?
Wonho finally lifted from my back and rested on his hands and knees. Draped on the seat, I turned my head and glanced at him from the corner of my eye.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked gently, reaching down and pushing hair out of my face with the tips of his fingers.
I shook my head and swallowed to wet my dry throat, finally answering, “No.”
Wonho stroked his palm down my naked side, making me bite my lip with arousal at how his skin felt against mine. He reached my hip and pushed down to keep me pinned, withdrawing his softening length from my folds at last.
I hissed when I realized how sore I was from taking his cock, but then I mentally reprimanded myself for how much I liked it.
Wonho suddenly told me he was going to flip me over and before I could protest out of exhaustion, his grip was on my waist, turning me over to my back.
“Let me recover, asshole,” I whined playfully.
Wonho snickered and gazed down at me, raking in the sight of my naked body beneath him. Then, he leaned down and seized my lips in a kiss, dancing his tongue in my mouth.
I moaned with satisfaction at the feel of his soft, pillowy lips and fought the urge to beg for another round.
When Wonho broke away, he smiled and caged my head between his thick arms. “I’m not as angry now,” he joked, eyes scrunching with a laugh.
“Me neither, but I may need a fix tonight,” I mumbled shyly, though I couldn’t imagine why I was shy about asking him for more sex. He was the one who had mentioned it.
“Day or night, baby,” he replied sweetly. “I’ll never turn down a chance to be inside you.”
I simpered, feeling a blush form across my cheeks. Sliding my hands underneath me, I pushed up until I could lean back against the car door, taking a long, steadying breath. Wonho still sat between my bare legs and reached down to grab his pants.
“Ready to get dressed?” he asked quietly.
“Uh, no,” I sighed. “Can’t you tell I’m fucked out?”
“Here,” Wonho said with a chuckle, handing me his shirt. “Put this on and I’ll drive you home. You can stay back here.”
“That’s nice of you.”
I took the button-up shirt from his outstretched hand and pulled it around me, about to start fastening the buttons when Wonho jumped on me, kissing his way up my stomach and between my breasts.
I giggled at the ticklish sensation of the quick trails of his tongue. “What are you doing?”
“God, I wanna take you again,” Wonho growled, sucking a bruise against my collarbone.
“You have my permission,” I breathed, tipping my head back and accidentally smacking my skull on the window.
“Damn it, let me get you home. I don’t want anyone to catch us out here,” Wonho spoke up, shaking his head to come back to his senses. I was impressed he had the strength to be the voice of reason. He buttoned up the shirt to cover me and put on his pants and tank top.
In the backseat, I watched the trees pass us as blurs of green. My eyes blinked tiredly and I wondered if asking Wonho to nap and cuddle with me would be too much. Maybe we would only fuck, nothing more.
“Did you mean it when you said you need me? Or was that the sex talking?” asked Wonho suddenly.
With a shrug, I questioned, “Does it matter?”
Wonho glanced at me in the rearview mirror and told me innocently, “No one has ever needed me before. I liked it.”
“Well, I meant it,” I replied with a comforting smile, realizing this big, strong man was probably a very soft marshmallow at heart. “I think we’ll need each other to get through this.”
Wonho whispered sadly, “Yeah, I don’t have anyone else.”
“Neither do I,” I told him, and our eyes met in the mirror as a silent understanding passed between us.
And there it was. We were two lonely, hurting people and ironically, the thing we hated most had brought us together.
For more oneshots, click here for the masterlist.
Author’s Note: This fiction is written and owned by me. I monitor my work diligently and will take measures to protect my writing if it is stolen or plagiarized.
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 9/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
Fortunately, All Might is nearby and Tenya calls for him. The living legend literally lifts you up and drags you to Recovery Girl again, while Midoriya and Iida are following him, watching you anger up. You tried to escape but the hero is blocking the exit, so you stand immobile to stare at him for five minutes straight, then go back to the seat in front of the heroine and drop your hands on the table.
<<The next time I’ll fucking crush his skull against something so strongly that his bones will turn into dust…>> the student whispers evil murdering plans with a very adapted gaze, <<I’ll beat the shit out of- Ow!>>
<<It’s the same as before.>> says the old lady, <<Your muscles are too tense, I can’t pierce them, you need to relax. I don’t wanna give you more medicines.>>
<<Are you trying to kill me? Ok, I get it, I’ll relax. God fucking dammit- Ouch!>>
<<A lady shouldn’t say those words.>>
<<Grr… Am I allowed to break something?>>
<<No, you must use your hands the most less possible.>>
<<I can use my legs to->>
<<This is my office, you are not allowed to destroy anything.>> her voice is angry but when she sees the student hits the head on the table and stays like that, she pats her gently, <<Calm down, sweetheart.>>
<<Can I have my phone at least? I need music.>> Izuku takes it from your pocket, he searches the title, presses play and leaves the phone near you.
A beautiful song comes out from the speakers, an instrumental one played with violin and other instruments which blend so wonderfully together. It’s so relaxing and well written that Beethoven is a stupid in confront; the compositor selected all deep notes and when it goes to the higher ones, the rhythm doesn’t change so much, it’s the same deep, touching and relaxing song. (Y/N) closes her eyes and softly sings along.
<<It’s very beautiful, young (Y/N). Who wrote it?>> All Might leaves the door now that you’re relaxed, in fact his colleague can do her job easily.
<<Me and my mom.>> she replies with a sleepy voice, <<I love this song…>>
<<You did a wonderful job. Please tell it to your parents too.>>
<<They died in a car accident ten years ago…>> a tear is resting on the edge of your eye, <<This is the last song we composed together… I couldn’t even say sorry to her for what I’ve done.>>
<<Oh… I’m sorry, I asked something bad.>> the hero caresses your back kindly with his big hands, <<But I’m sure they are proud of you. You are strong, gentle and smile everyday->>
<<My father hated me due to my quirk… Control seven forms it’s difficult, I was little and I was training to master a new one, but I burned down the garden… and after that, nothing could grow again on that soil.>>
<<It’s a science reaction, the fire destroys brutally the ground, it takes ages to go back like it was.>> explains Tenya hoping to cheer you up a little, <<It wasn’t your fault.>>
<<Yeah, as if kids can understand that sophisticated mechanism.>> she mutters, <<My father never called me by name, never told me lovely words, never said “happy birthday” or caress me even once… My mom was my light. She was a huge fan of you, All Might-sensei.>>
<<What a big honor.>> the teacher is moved by your story, as Midoriya and Tenya, <<I wanted to meet her.>>
<<She was smiling and saying super cool things about you, she was always arguing with neighbors because her strong sense of justice…>> the girl smiles sadly, <<She taught me how to play the violin and the piano, and was during those days that I decided to become someone like her.>>
<<Can I ask why you hate Endevour so much?>> this time is Recovery Girl who asked the question.
<<Because he is like my father. I know how it feels when you’re bent and broken, how it feels when your dignity is stolen, I know how it feels when someone keeps their chains on you.>> she raises the head and rests her chin on the cold surface, <<Day after day, I defended mom from him, and when we went to a company to produce our last song, my light was taken away from me.>>
<<I see, so you should treasure a lot this song.>> the doctor starts to bandage your hands, <<You father played an instrument too?>>
<<No. Mom’s compositions were so good to be sold almost immediately, he married her just for fame, money and his ego. I feel always so bad when I go to see her… That day, was the first time I argued with her, she was too kind with that shitty husband… I’ve said bad things to her and never said sorry for that.>>
<<You were in the car too?>> Iida asks as he watches your hands be covered by bandages.
<<Yeah, but I don’t remember anything from the accident, only a truck coming towards us, a bright light and then, a few doctors were talking about permanent damages on my back with my grandparents.>> she turns off the music and opens her eyes, <<Ah don’t worry, that damage is only a scar, nothing else.>>
<<Ok sweetheart, you can go.>> Mic announced that in few minutes the next round starts, <<Don’t use them too much, am I clear?>>
<<Yes ma’am! Then->>
<<How can you talk about this tragedy smiling?>> Izuku questioned seeing you like the old days at school.
<<Because if I let this win over me, I could never be a hero.>>
(And here we are at another round! Fighters, get on the stage! We have the ordinary section with a psychic quirk that we haven’t seen yet! He is (choose a name)! And on the other side we have the student who is the most voted to win the festival! She fights with logic and strategy, during this event, we have seen her quirk for the first time, and damn that was cool! I’m talking about (F/N) of the hero course!)
You and your opponent stand in front of each other. Meanwhile, your brain is thinking a way to beat that guy without hurting him. It’s a little bothersome but you must stick up with it.
((Y/N), Recovery Girl reported that your hands aren’t in conditions to fight.) Aizawa’s voice brings you back to the field, (And said that you took a few medicines, do you feel to fight anyway?)
“He looks like a jerk but deep inside, Aizawa-sensei is a good and kind person.” moving the hair behind the ear, you reply with a strong nod, <<Yes, don’t worry Erased Head-sensei. I have all under control!>>
(What, you injured?! (Y/N), how?) Mic is too curious and shocked, Recovery Girl reported that to Aizawa only, and not him.
<<I fell down the stairs… Hehe.>> you admit touching your neck, <<I wasn’t pay attention. Please do not worry, I’m really fine and I can fight until the end!>>
(If you’re ok with this, then should we begin? Ready?! Go!)
The hero course student runs at full speed towards the rival, obligating him to attack for defense but the match is converted in a one-way game. The psychic boy uses his quirk to accelerate and reinforce his attacks but they are all futile, they don’t even hit the target. This situation goes for a while, until you stop and wait with your joined hands on the back, that the opponent reaches you.
(Oh, (Y/N) stopped to dodge and play with her enemy! Is she ready to end the match or she is done? Until now, she dodged everything with a majestic agility, her legs were moving so fast that she danced on the ring! Did you take meds? Your body is too elastic and agile to be numbed by them! Anyway, here we are, (name of the student) charges but (Y/N) doesn’t move!! Wait… Does (name of the student) slowing down?)
The girl closes her eyes as a punch is going to hit her, but the rival falls heavily on the ground almost touching your feet.
<<Please, take distance (Y/N).>> Midnight gets off the pedestal to check the adolescent, <<He passed out…>>
“Maybe I went too far?” you stay still and far from your comrade as ordered. “I was careful to not use it too much…” the teacher stands up and points the whip on the woman.
<<(name of the student) is unconscious! (Y/N) advance to the final round!>>
While the entire stadium is cheering for the overwhelming victory, you make a few steps forward and call the heroine.
<<Excuse me ma’am, can I do something about him? It was my power, I can wake him up. May I?>>  
<<If it was your quirk, then go ahead.>> the woman steps aside and watch over you while kneeling, rest a hand on the student’s back and free strange purple flames. “Three different forms…”
(Woah, what are those?! A new side of your quirk? (Y/N), how many cards are you still hiding?)
<<It’s a secret.>> flames are absorbed by your rival and after a few seconds, he wakes up, <<Are you ok? I apologize, I went too far.>> even with those injured hands, you offer a help to get up, <<Nice fight.>>
<<You too.>> he stands up and shakes your hand gently, <<Congratulations.>>
(These two are the spirit of this festival!! Look at them, shaking hands friendly! Give them another clapping! Oi mummy hero, say something!)
(What should I say? She never used her hands, still her victory was obvious. We don’t know how her quirk works, so as her future opponents. She charged first to move him and do what she wanted, the rest, I suppose she was using her quirk in an efficient way. (Y/N) fought with logic and strategy. As always.)
When you come back to the bleachers, you find Izuku waiting with an opened notebook. You smile and follow him ready to answer all his questions. Iida and Momo are trying to stop him but you first apologize for what happened before, covering yourself with an excuse. Gladly, everyone forgives you laughing and then, they sit in circle.
<<W-what is this?>> you ask a little uncomfortable, <<Maybe do I need to do something to make up?>>
<<(Y/N)-chan can you explain me what happened? Please!>> Izuku is like a leader of a fan club, <<Please!>>
<<That was my third form: Greed.>> she explains, then decides to make everything more interesting, <<But how it works?>> she touches Midoriya and he drops the pen, <<Make your guess.>> with the other hand, she evokes the purple flame from before, but this time is so tiny.
<<I can’t close my fist…>> whisper Izuku, <<How?>>
<<Can I try it?>> Kirishima stands next to you, <<Thanks- What?!>> he falls on his knees and the flame on your hand increases its volume, <<I feels dizzy and heavy…>>
<<How about now?>> smiling, the girl touch Eijiro with the fire and it’s absorbed by his body.
<<Oh!>> he jumps up, <<It’s back!>>
<<And you Izuku?>> she does the same with her friend, <<Can you close your hand now?>>
<<This form steals the energy of other people…>> he starts to write down everything, <<If she touches you, the force is stolen and the same amount is converted in purples flames. Your body is unable to move due to the huge lack of energy and when the flames are absorbed by your own body, the strength you’ve lost is back.>> he stops and looks at you, <<What was its name? I forgot, I was too focused to understand how it worked.>>
<<Greed.>> every time, every time he enters in this mode, it always makes you smile.
<<Greed, the name it’s perfect for- Ah, then the two forms you used in the cavalry battles?>>
<<This is my second form, Lust.>> you touch the ground and the flames freeze everything until you retire them, <<As you saw, it keeps going until I stop it or turn it off.>>
<<I see, so as the deadly sin, this form can’t be satisfied if is free from your control… Cool and dangerous. He has other characteristics?>>
<<Yes, but I won’t say it until I’m obligated to show them.>> Midoriya finishes to write down his thoughts and asks the last one, the lightning one, <<Fifth form, Melancholy.>> after evoking it, everyone shouts their shock.
<<Are flames and not lighting? What?! How!>>
<<I, I!>> Uraraka stands up proudly and explains how it works, and adds: <<So far, she has always the weaker forms between the seven she ha- Ah, now I remember! You touched the earring! So, this mean that you used a strong one!>>
<<What? Earring? Seven forms? Wait, wait!>> Izuku writes something again and asks for more information.
<<Did you not tell him?>> Tenya and Ochako shake their heads, <<Then, I’ve said it to them, so you guys have the right too. My quirk has seven forms that I keep sealed with this earring. It’s almost impossible for me to controlled all of them at once, so and if I take this off, probably I walk with seven fires all around me.>>
<<Amazing!!>> Midoriya writes again when you stop him on his drawing, <<Did I get it wrong?>> you explain that the seven fires are disposed in a semi-circular way upon your head, <<Oh, like this?>>
<<Yes.>> everyone pushes to see the sketch, <<This is how I look like if I don’t have the earring.>>
<<You idiot woman.>> and then Bakugou speaks, <<I’m here you know, and now I know most of your secrets. Are you underestimate me? In the finals, I’ll take my revenge.>>
<<I’m hard to take down.>> you reply, <<And you know that I have another four forms to show and use? Don’t get too cocky or you’re gonna end like our last match, yelling angry hero.>>
<<What?! How did you call me? I’ll kick your ass, you fire bitch!>>
<<Hahaha, I wanna see it if you can actually do it.>> he tried to hit you with a surprise punch from behind, but you block it successfully and easily, <<Mph, try next….>> the girl jumps from her seat holding the hand, <<You fuckin’ ugly son a bitch…>> she crouches down, <<It hurts so much, you jackass…. Fuck me, god fucking damn it->>
<<Uhm, (Y/N)-chan, your another personality is out.>> Izuku’s words bring you back, you are not alone!
<<!!>> she closes her mouth with both hands, <<N-no, I didn’t said->>
<<Pff, ahahaha! (Y/N) you’re really the best!>> Kirishima laughs, honestly amused by your reaction, <<Don’t worry, we are used to Bakugou, and you don’t need to hide from us, we are friends!>> those words are a bless for you, no one is afraid by you or your rough personality, this class is like your new home.
<<What a loser!>> Bakugou stands and goes to the stairs next him, when he’s about to say something, he slips on the ice and hits the head, <<Fucking fuck!>>
<<Watch your step…>> you’re hiding your laugh so hard, <<Izuku don’t laugh!>> everyone is doing the same, that scene was priceless.
<<You motherfucker!>> Katsuki is stopped by your smile, it’s too sly, what else did you do, <<What!>>
<<Stupid bitch!>> he turns his heel and walks away, without notice that his pants have a modify on the back zone.
<<(Y/N)-chan that was…>> Izuku is trying his best to not cry and laugh at the same time, so your friends. See Bakugou’s underwear was priceless, first the epic fall and then the big humiliation.
Quite evil for someone who aims to be a hero.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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juminsmysticmc · 5 years
Saeyoung’s After Life  Chapter 3
Go to Chapter: 1 here/ 2 here
Here we are guys! Did you wait for a long time...? I hope not, hehe! I waned to post a picture for this chapter too but unfortunately there was none.... T.T still enjoy!
,,WHAT?!’’ someone yelled that even the people outside the room shivered. The loud, dark screams belonged to none other than a white haired man who had the position of Prime Minister. His elections were in danger, that’s what he thought when he heard some shocking news.  The two boys he wished would never excist appeared once again.  Two red haired devils who disappeared once, many years ago appeared again.  And now? One of them even made him grandfather.  ,,Two girls and a pregnant wife…’’ he mumbled and looked at the picture of his real little family.  ,,Pfff….’’ he laughed. As if he would feel love for them. As if he would want to see them, meet them.  Never.  The children he had with the red haired woman long time ago were a big mistake, a wrong doing he wished would have never happened and now they even got a family.  The Prime Minister knew that he had to do something to shut them up forever.  He couldn’t leave them.  ,,You know what to do! Do it tomorrow.’’ he snapped and looked out of the window.  ,,Yes Sir.’’ the Assistent said firmly and closed the door behind his back.  He didn’t really want to do the task he was trusted with. He hated it. But he promised loyalty to him. The man looked at the picture in his wallet, the twins smiled on the picture. And the man knew that the two brothers couldn’t smile for a long long time.  He also knew that the both of them would’t be able to smile from now on either. 
,,Stop it!’’ you snapped at your husband Saeyoung.  He was just teaching his older daughter how to use a computer and you hated it ,,She’s just seven!’’  ,,You’re never too young.’’ Saeyoung laughed and talked to his daughter once again.  Yung Mi wasn’t just the older one but also the one who understood the quickest.  ,,Now I will tell you a secret. On mom’s phone on the top there’s always a red symbol. In there there’s written….’’ Saeyoung took out a pencil and draw three letters ,,SOS. It’s for emergencies. Don’t forget it, if something happens you just need to click on it and I-your hero-will know right away that there’s something wrong. I will come to save you right away since the GPS will tell me your location.’’ ,,WOW! Daddy is amazing!’’ the little Yung Mi laughed and looked up at her dad.  You sighted and took Mun Hee’s hand and talked to her since she looked a bit upset ,,Hey baby, should we bake a rainbow cake?’’  You loved to cuddle with your children, they were still so little and stayed by your side. Yung Mi didn’t really like to cuddle but Mun Hee could stay in your arms for ages. 
Perhaps the other reason was that Mun Hee had a few problems to walk. She still needed a little bit of support by her parents but still she was a strong girl.  ,,Young Mi! Stop it now please! Instead come with me! Mommy will go grocery shopping and afterwards we will bake a cake, okay?’’  Well, against food everyone was forgotten.  Young Mi quickly ran away from her beloved hero and run into her mother’s arms, everything for sweets.  ,,I will come with you but only because I need to look after the both of you!’’ 
You and Saeyoung began to laugh.  Luckily nothing happened in the last years. None from the agency came to track down Saeyoung, and his father didn’t do anything either. It was truly paradise.  After you showed your children how to tie their shoes, you told Saeyoung that you were going out.  ,,Take care!’’ he called and looked at you from the window.  He stayed like that until he couldn’t see you anymore, in trace, looking after his little family who was laughing happily at an once again beautiful day.
,,I want to carry the grocery!’’ Young Mi told you and smiled proudly.  ,,Nooooo! I wanna do it!’’ Mun Hee whined and looked at you.  ,,We will buy a lot so that the both of you will carry the bags, yeah?’’ you asked them.  You were satisfied when you saw their smiling faces.  The three of you entered the shop and put all the grocery you needed into the basket.  When you were at the cash desk Mun Hee caught you stroking your swollen belly with eyes filled with love.  ,,Mommy? How did the baby end into your belly?“  Everyone heard the question and so they all stopped to do their work, instead they looked at you with curious eyes.  You felt a bit troubled.  What could you give a seven years old girl as answer?  But before you could even respond, Yung Mi exclaimed that she knew the answer since her father once told her.  You were shocked and so you let go of the butter you were currently holding into your hand. What in the world did Saeyoung just say to her?!  ,,Soooo...Daddy said that if Mommy eats a fortune egg and she has a lot of luck a baby will hatch, like chicken do! And then she will have a baby.“ ,,Yeah, Young Mi, Mun Hee understands...so for the both of us to grow mommy had to eat two eggs, right?“ Her older sister nodded and added ,,She had a lot fortune that the both of us could grow, Mun Hee-Ah! This weren’t normal eggs but golden eggs!“ 
The people around you heard the whole conversation and had to laugh at the sweetness of the both of them.  They were so cute!  And you were proud. You didn’t know of who you were the most proudest, your children or Saeyoung who became a lovely father by now.  ,,Here, for the children.“ the cashier said and gave you three sweets as a present.  ,,Thank you auntie!“ the twins giggled and ran out. You bowed once more to the people around you and tried to catch your children who were already outside.  Didn’t they want to carry the groceries?  ,,Girls, wait for mommy.“ you told them and both if them stopped and waited for you.  You looked at the vitrine, baby stuff was displayed.  You really didn’t look at your daughters for only a few seconds.  You never thought that in that time something could happen.  Mun Hee saw Honey Budda Chips on the other side of the street and approached them.  Of course Yung Mi was watching her clumsy sister and immediately screamed for you. 
You turned around immediately as you heard your daughters screams and noticed that your younger daughter was walking towards the street.  You began to panic and let go of the groceries.  ,,Darling! Come back please!“ you called and followed her.  You almost caught her arm when you heard a loud noise.  You turned around just to see a pitch black car approaching the two of you.  You had no time to think what to do next, you just began to scream and tried to push away your younger daughter.  Unfortunately you failed.  The only thing you could do as her mother was to pray, pray that she would stay save as you tried to shield her from the strong compact.  ,,Mommy! MOMMY!“ Young Mi cried as she saw her mom on the floor, blood around her and her beloved little sister.  Young Mi quickly looked to the car which was speeding away.  She slowly approached her family.  Her tears didn’t stop.  But the little girl quickly reacted and took her mother’s phone and pressed the button her father showed her before, hoping for salvation. 
,,How is she?“ Zen asked Saeran as he entered the hospital.  ,,I don’t know. Saeyoung didn’t tell me yet.“ he responded as he led the RFA to the place Saeyoung was waiting.  His friends saw him, a crying mess, his hair were messy and his hands were trembling.  ,,Saeyoung!“ Yoosung began to sob.  The red haired father looked up, his teary red eyes made the other shiver.  Would you survive? What would happen with the twins?  ,,Young Mi and Mun Hee are currently sleeping. Young Mi was pretty shocked, Mun Hee isn’t hurt badly luckily. But they still want to leave her here to control her.“ Saeran answered for Saeyoung since he couldn’t stop sobbing.  ,,Mc is still in surgery. It‘s still unsure how it will end....“ he added in a much quieter voice.  The RFA looked at Saeyoung. They could feel the regret and sadness.  Saeyoung felt bad, why didn’t he go with her? Why did he leave her alone? Who did this to his wife and children?  Saeyoung thought pretty hard about it. And he only had two answers.  ,,Either the agency or....the prime minister.“ he mumbled and felt the RFA‘s eyes on him. 
,,Mr Choi?“ the doctor called. Saeyoung looked up, his eyes once filled with despair were now filled with hope. ,,I really think that your wife had an angel at her side. The baby is unharmed and so is your wife. She has a laceration and a few scratches. According to the injuries the police and I believe that the driver tried to kill either the child or your wife however showed a bit humanity and didn’t hit them.“ the doctor informed him.  Saeyoung didn’t stop to cry.  His knees got weak and let him fall on the cold hospital floor.  ,,Thank you....Thank you...“ he cried while his arms supported him.  ,,Your wife and children were transferred into the VIP room. Please don’t awake your wife, she needs rest. I would also like to talk to you later since the crash could have fatal risks. But now go to meet your family.“ he ended and left the group who was relieved by the good news.  And so Saeyoung waited patiently for you to awake.  He couldn’t bear to look at his daughter.  Even if the doctor said that she was okay his little Mun Hee was pale like a sheet. 
,,Daddy...?“ Young Mi whispered.  ,,Yes Darling?“ Saeyoung immediately responded and approached his older daughter, stroking her hair away from her face to look at her.  ,,You did well, you know?“ he asked her and praised her.  ,,Daddy I‘m sorry...I wasn‘t looking....“ she mumbled as tears dropped on her father’s hand.  The RFA behind the red haired man stayed mute and sniffed.  It was a heartbreaking moment.  ,,It’s not your fault....you did a good job.“ he tried to convince his daughter who felt bad.  ,,Mun Hee walked on the street and I called mommy and then the car came daddy....but the car didn’t even stop! So quickly!“ she sobbed even louder.  Saeyoung knew that this was a big scar for a seven years old child.  Helplessly he looked at the RFA. ,,Young Mi, let‘s go and take a look if we can find something to eat...“ Yoosung mumbled and wanted to take the girls hand.  Yoosung was one of the people in the RFA she loved the most, of course besides her daddy and uncle Saeran.  But still the girl hid behind her daddy and kept on crying.  And so they decided to stay there. Saeyoung took his normally strong girl and stroked her until she fell asleep once again. He hated to see his daughters crying. He wanted to support them from any violence and trauma and right now he failed at both. 
,,On the CCTV I‘ve found a few things, it’s the only video that didn’t get deleted. They finally made a mistake.“ Saeran said proudly.  ,,Let me guess, you can’t see anything beside Mc and the children right?“  After he got Saeran‘s nod he went on and looked at the RFA.  ,,Do you guys really think that they could delete all CCTV from the streets but couldn’t or forgot a mere shop? The agency would never do such a stupid mistake. No, they must have an immense power. This means that this is a message. A message to stay alert. A message from the prime minister, our father.“ Saeyoung told them and looked at his wife again.   
Go here for Chapter 4
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Tagging: « @khaizusan @sailormoonrocks666 @foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @widya345 @r-f-a-journalists @loveto-hateyou @sleeplesspieces (hope I didn’t forget anyone!!) »
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
I heard that you like pregnancy and drama. I once read the Headcanon where Mc got pushed down. How about a pregnant Mc who gets pushed down? If you don’t want to write it, you don’t have to. I love your writing ❤️
RFA with a pregnant Mc who got pushed down some stairs
Woah….you guys already know me so good! Yeah, I love this request! I couldn’t stop thinking about it! I hope you enjoy it! Tell me your opinion later on! 
,,You look angelic!’’ Jumin praised you as the two of you walked into the huge building. 
,,Hehe, thanks.’’ you chuckled as you walked on his right, his hand resting on your hip, holding into you. 
,,Welcome Mr Han, welcome Mrs Han.’’ the bodyguards greeted you and let you enter the Party the two of you were visting. 
The room was huge and everyone seemed to laugh and have fun. 
,,Ah, there’s father!’’ you exclaimed.
Jumin chuckled as the two of you approached his dad ,,Ah, Mc, good to see you. How’s my grandchild doing?’’ he asked you. 
,,I guess he can’t wait to come out.’’ you answered. 
,,But the baby has still enough time.’’ Jumin participated in the conversation. 
Therest of the Party went on really good, everyone was having fun. 
At some point you and Jumin parted and you began to talk with older women near a staircase. 
,,How many weeks are you pregnant?’’ one woman asked you. 
,,I’m in the 30 week.’’ you answered. 
You went on talking about pregnancy until a drunk man approached you. 
,,Ugh….Sir please leave us alone.’’ a woman said who looked at the man with a disgusted look.
,,Wat ya talking abaut?’’ the man said and pushed the woman who stood in front of you. 
Of course she lost balance and without doing it on propose she pushed you.
You screamed as you felt backwards and caught Jumin’s attention who rushed over to you. 
,,Mc….’’ he mumbled as he saw your body at the end of the stairs. 
Jumin rushed to you and just wanted to take you into his arms when a woman yelled to not touch you.
,,WE DON’T KNOW IF SHE’S HURT…..SHE COULD HAVE A MISCARRIAGE!’’ (Once read this in a Manga….) 
Not long afterwards medical help came and transported you to the best hospital. 
Jumin acompanied your unconscious body as his father took care of the culpit. 
,,I’m okay!’’ you laughed a week later when you got released.
Jumin still felt guilty but he was sure to stay by your side.
,,Mc….isn‘t it time that you stay at home?“ Zen asked you in a sweet voice. 
You looked at him, what did he just said?! 
,,No way.“ you snapped. 
,,I‘m gonna stay here to support ya!“ you yelled. 
Zen hugged you and patted your belly. 
,,Can’t you support me at home…?“ he whined. 
,,Nothing will happen here because this baby‘s daddy is here with me.“ you told him. 
Little did you know, that this wasn’t true at all. 
Because just an hour later, when you went on the stage to dry his sweat, something happened. 
Zen didn’t even expect this accident. 
A make up artist ran away and while running he just pushed you down, causing a big fuss. 
Not even Zen could react that quickly. 
In the next blink of eye your body was down there and Zen was mobilized. 
,,Mc…..?“ his voice trembled. 
He quickly jumped down and checked on you. 
,,YOU CALL THE AMBULANCE!“ he yelled at the nearest person. 
,,I‘m happy that you’re finally staying at home.“ Zen smiled. 
,,Well….“ you mumbled as an answer. 
Even if you would like to go to work you couldn’t since the medical told you to not stand up. 
And you just couldn’t bring this child in danger…
,,Mc let me carry this.“ Jaehee told you when you were about to walk down the stairs. 
,,Oh, thank you!“ you smiled at her, she was as kind as ever. 
But you didn’t expect that someone named SEVEN would scare you like that. 
All you remember was, that you, together with Jaehee began to shriek and since she was about to fall with the plates, you somehow managed to keep her save but ended up falling! 
,,Ahhh….“ you cried and hugged you belly. 
,,What happened?!“ the rest of the RFA came yelling. 
,,Mc what the hell happened?!“ your blonde husband yelled and rushed to you. 
,,I slipped…“ you mumbled between sobs. 
,,It’s my fault...“ Seven confessed then in the hospital, looking down. 
Yoosung didn‘t say a word. 
How should he react at the notice, that his friend pushed his pregnant girlfriend? 
,,Just forgive him.“ you snapped when you were awake. 
,,I told you that I slipped.“ you groaned and tried to fall asleep again. 
,,You heard her…“ Yoosung said and forgave Seven. 
,,Don’t dare to make the same mistake a second time…..“ Yoosung whispered while none listened Yandere-Husband-Modus on.  
Saeyoung (This is from a FF I have written when I began to play MM. I would like to post it in the future….)
,,Let’s go now!’’ you whined and waited for the two boys. 
The three of you were abut to meet the rest of the RFA. 
You wanted to go to a museum together. 
,,Coming.’’ Saeran answered annoyed and looked at his brother who couldn’t stop to smiling. 
,,Hello Jaehee!’’ you hugged your friend when you finally arrived at the parking lot. 
,,Hello Mc! How are you?’’ your best friend asked you with a bright smile. 
,,I’m well! The twins are also strong!’’ you joked and laughed together with her towards the museum. 
The men just walked behind you women and observed the area.
Just when you guys stood in front of a staircase you stopped. Jumin and Jaehee instead decided to go on and waited for you guys. 
,,Give me your hand, Mc. I know that you know that we both know that you could-‚‘’ 
,,Shut up and give me your hand already.’’ you snapped. 
,,Take my hand and don’t let go.’’ you told him with a smile.
Just when he was about to take your hand he heard his brother scream. 
All Saeyoung could see was a man running in our direction. 
Afterwards he just heard you cry. 
You laid there, blood surrounded your body as the man run away. 
Zen didn’t think twice about it and caught the man as Saeyoung tried to calm you who was sobbing. 
,,Everything is fine, Mc…don’t worry, Mc….’’ he cried. 
Luckily nothing happened even through you had to give birth right away.
It was four weeks too early and an unnatural birth but you were fine. 
The man told the police that he thought that you were his ex girlfriend and used the change to get his revenge.
,,I can’t accept that’’ Saeyoung snapped when he found out. 
,,I will try to do something.’’ Jumin answered when he heard his friend. 
Saeyoung was sure that he would get revenge but for now he wanted to enjoy the time he had with his little family…..
16.12.’18// 21:39 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 
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