phonemantra-blog · 11 days
The future of PC gaming just got a significant boost with the unveiling of GDDR7 memory by Micron Technology at Computex 2024. This next-generation memory standard promises to revolutionize graphics cards, pushing the boundaries of performance and efficiency. Here's a deep dive into what GDDR7 offers and how it will reshape the gaming landscape. GDDR7 Blazing-Fast Speeds and Unmatched Bandwidth The defining feature of GDDR7 is its sheer power. Compared to its predecessor, GDDR6, GDDR7 boasts: Unprecedented Data Transfer Rates: It can transfer data at a staggering 32Gb/s, nearly double the speed of GDDR6's 16Gb/s. Massive Bandwidth: With a bandwidth of 1.5Tb/s, GDDR7 surpasses GDDR6's 768Gb/s by a significant margin. This translates to a smoother and more responsive gaming experience, especially for high-resolution and high-framerate gaming. These improvements are a direct result of Micron's innovative 1-beta technology and the implementation of a pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) signal interface. This interface allows for transmitting three bits of data within two clock cycles, effectively increasing data transmission efficiency by 50% compared to GDDR6. A Smoother, More Immersive Gaming Experience The benefits of GDDR7 extend far beyond raw performance numbers. Here's how it will directly impact your gaming experience: Higher Frame Rates: Expect significant frame rate boosts, especially in demanding titles at resolutions like 1080p, 1440p, and even 4K. Even with ray tracing enabled, GDDR7 promises a smoother and more visually stunning experience. Reduced Response Times: The faster data transfer speeds of GDDR7 translate to lower response times. This translates to crisper visuals and a more responsive gameplay experience, especially in fast-paced games. Improved Power Efficiency: Despite its increased performance, GDDR7 is surprisingly energy-efficient. Micron claims a 50% improvement in efficiency compared to GDDR6. This not only reduces power consumption during gameplay but also allows for cooler-running graphics cards. When Can We Expect GDDR7 Graphics Cards? While GDDR7 represents a significant leap forward, it won't be immediately available in every graphics card. Here's a breakdown of the timeline: Sample Shipments Begun: Micron has already started delivering test samples of GDDR7 memory to major manufacturers like AMD, Nvidia, and Intel. Implementation in Upcoming Flagships: We can expect to see GDDR7 first integrated into the high-end models of the next-generation graphics card series, such as the potential "Super" variants of Nvidia's RTX 50 series or top-tier models in AMD's Radeon RX 8000 lineup. Mainstream Adoption: Widespread adoption of GDDR7 in mainstream graphics cards will likely take some time. Full-scale production of GDDR7 is expected to begin by the end of 2024, and it might take several months for it to trickle down to budget-friendly graphics cards. Unveiling the Future: What to Expect from GDDR7 The arrival of GDDR7 marks a significant turning point in graphics card technology. Here's what this new standard paves the way for: Hyper-Realistic Gaming: With its increased memory bandwidth, GDDR7 opens doors for even more detailed textures, complex lighting effects, and higher resolution rendering, blurring the lines between reality and virtual worlds. Enhanced VR Experiences: The demanding nature of virtual reality (VR) requires immense processing power and memory bandwidth. GDDR7's capabilities could revolutionize VR experiences, creating smoother visuals and faster loading times. Evolving AI in Games: Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in modern games, driving realistic enemy behavior and dynamic environments. GDDR7's improved memory performance could pave the way for even more sophisticated AI in games. FAQs: Q: Will GDDR7 make my current graphics card obsolete? A: Not necessarily. While GDDR7 offers substantial performance improvements, your current graphics card will likely remain functional for many games. However, if you're looking to experience the latest titles at their highest settings and smoothest frame rates, upgrading to a GDDR7-equipped graphics card in the future could be a worthwhile investment. Q: Are there any downsides to GDDR7? A: While Micron claims improved power efficiency, it's important to note that higher performance often comes at the cost of increased heat generation. Independent testing will be crucial to confirm the actual thermal performance of GDDR7 cards. Additionally, the initial adoption of GDDR7 will likely be limited to high-end models, potentially leading to a higher price point compared to GDDR6 counterparts. Q: When should I upgrade to a GDDR7 graphics card? A: The decision to upgrade depends on your individual needs and budget. If you're satisfied with your current gaming experience, there's no need to rush into an upgrade. However, if you're looking for the absolute best performance for demanding games or future-proofing your system, waiting for a GDDR7-equipped graphics card in the high-end or upper-midrange segment might be a good strategy. Q: Are there any alternatives to GDDR7? A: While GDDR7 is currently the most advanced memory standard for graphics cards, other technologies are being explored. GDDR7X, a potential future iteration, is rumored to offer even higher bandwidths. Additionally, high-bandwidth memory (HBM) is another option, but its higher production cost typically limits its use to high-performance computing applications.
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jcloudzero · 5 years
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🤣🤣 I swear the internet has no chill. #xboxseriesx #nextgenerationgaming #perfection https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BPaHxnpvw/?igshid=1qvsp9m1eopda
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ecclesiana · 5 years
Alasan Mengapa Aku Ingin Memiliki Zenfone Max M2
Sebagai seseorang yang udah punya smartphone yang sama selama tiga tahun terakhir, tentunya aku banyak menghadapi masalah-masalah yang datang bersama sebuah ponsel yang mulai kelihatan umurnya. Kayak misalnya, bagaimana kadang-kadang ponselku suka nge-lag jika aku kebanyakan buka aplikasi. Atau storage-nya yang seringkali penuh, sehingga aku nggak bisa install aplikasi-aplikasi baru (belakangan ini bahkan aku sempat menghapus dua-tiga aplikasi cuma supaya bisa mesen tiket kereta di Traveloka). Atau bagaimana baterainya kenapa cepat habis, meskipun aku bahkan cuma melakukan hal-hal standar kayak mendengarkan musik atau mengakses media sosial. Belum lagi fakta kalau aku nggak pernah bisa main game di smartphone layaknya orang-orang lain, hanya karena kapasitas smartphone-ku nggak memungkinkan untuk itu. 
Kadang-kadang, aku sempat berpikir buat ganti ponsel gara-gara itu semua. Untungnya, di tengah-tengah keresahan itu, pada akhirnya aku menemukan jalan keluar: Asus Zenfone Max M2. Aku sendiri memilih Zenfone Max M2 bukannya tanpa alasan. Smartphone yang merupakan penerus dari Zenfone Max Pro M2 yang sudah lebih dulu dirilis ini memiliki banyak keunggulan yang membuatku tergiur untuk memilikinya:
1. Kapasitas baterainya besar
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Dengan kapasitas baterai yang mencapai 4000mAh, Zenfone Max M2 dapat tahan seharian. Sangat cukup untuk melakukan aktivitas berat seperti menggunakan smartphone untuk bermain game atau update di media sosial. (Ini tentu beda dengan smartphone lamaku yang baru dipakai lima jam saja sudah minta di-charge.) Bahkan, jika pemakaiannya nggak terlalu intens, Zenfone Max M2 ini bisa tahan sampai 3-4 hari. Makanya, melihat kapasitas baterainya sendiri sudah membuatku sangat tergiur dengan Zenfone Max M2. 
2. Desain stylish dan sangat mendukung untuk berbagai aktivitas
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Zenfone Max M2 terlihat sangat kekinian dengan desain berponi yang belakangan ini banyak ditemukan pada smartphone-smartphone keluaran terbaru. Dengan layarnya yang sebesar 6.3 inci, berbagai aktivitas seperti menonton video, bermain game, dan mengakses media sosial dapat dilaksanakan dengan sangat nyaman. Meski demikian, dengan ketebalan hanya 7.7 mm, ponsel ini tetap nyaman untuk digenggam.
3. Sistem Android yang digunakan sangat up-to-date
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Sumber: https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/google-announces-android-8-0-calls-it-oreo-these-are-the-key-features-and-devices-to-get-the-update-1030714-2017-08-22
Zenfone Max M2 menggunakan sistem Android Oreo 8.0, OS Android yang dirilis pada Agustus 2017 lalu. Tentunya, ini upgrade dari smartphone lamaku yang cuma mentok di Lollipop. Untuk sekarang, sistem Android ini bisa dibilang up-to-date dan dapat mendukung banyak aplikasi di PlayStore. Selain itu, Android Oreo juga merupakan OS yang pas untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan seperti bermain game.
4. Storage besar, bisa muat banyak aplikasi
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Storage internal Zenfone Max M2 mencapai 64 GB. Cukup untuk menyimpan berbagai macam aplikasi, gambar, musik, dan video. Oleh karena itu, aku merasa kalau aku nggak perlu takut kehabisan storage saat menggunakan Zenfone Max M2 untuk menyimpan banyak foto dan men-download berbagai aplikasi (salah satu keluhanku di smartphone-ku yang sekarang adalah kapasitas penyimpanannya yang amat kecil, sehingga seringkali aku harus menghapus satu aplikasi untuk meng-install aplikasi lain). Selain itu, kapasitas storage ini juga masih bisa di-ekspansi dengan menggunakan slot microSD yang bisa muat hingga 2 TB.
5. Kencang, namun tetap hemat energi
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Zenfone Max M2 memiliki prosesor yang terbilang gahar; Qualcomm Snapdragon 632, yang merupakan upgrade dari prosesor Qualcomm Snapdragon 625. Prosesor ini dikenal memiliki performa yang tinggi, namun tetap hemat daya dan tidak cepat panas. Tentunya prosesor gahar ini sesuai dengan fungsi utama Zenfone Max M2 sebagai ponsel gaming, karena dapat memungkinkan game-game berat sekalipun dapat dimainkan tanpa terjadi lag.
6. Bisa Juga Diandalkan untuk Fotografi
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Zenfone Max M2 memiliki kamera belakang dengan resolusi dual 13 MP (primary camera) dan 2 MP (depth camera) untuk kamera belakang dan 8 MP untuk kamera depan. Selain itu, kedua sisi kamera dalam smartphone ini sudah dilengkapi dengan lampu LED, sehingga sangat mendukung untuk memotret di tempat gelap. Meskipun kamera Zenfone Max M2 tidak sehebat pendahulunya, Zenfone Max Pro M2, kemampuannya dalam memotret jelas tetap bisa diandalkan.
Tentunya, masih banyak kelebihan-kelebihan lain dari Zenfone Max M2 yang menjadikannya smartphone idaman, bukan saja bagi diriku namun juga bagi banyak orang. Buat kalian yang juga menginginkan smartphone baru, Zenfone Max M2 bisa banget, lho, menjadi pilihan kalian!
Tabel Spesifikasi Asus Zenfone Max M2 (dikutip dari https://www.gsmarena.com/asus_zenfone_max_(m2)_zb633kl-9437.php):
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Post ini dibuat dalam rangka keikutsertaan saya dalam kompetisi Zenfone Max M2 Writing Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh yahyakurniawan.net.
Semua gambar, kecuali yang terdapat dalam poin nomor 3, bersumber dari https://www.asus.com/Phone/ZenFone-Max-M2/
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vinuaravindh-blog · 5 years
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duhgameboy · 5 years
#helloworld🌎 @gizmogames.tv is the 🤬 @rockstargames #videogames industry evolving to LIVE GAMES #LIVEGAMES coming soon to your #internet browers #nextgenerationconsole #xbox #playstation #nintendo #nextgenerationgaming #iphone #android #airdroparmy #getdropped 🕹️ #cloudgaming #cloudgame https://www.instagram.com/p/B1g_RJ5hHap/?igshid=e388j79bd1l1
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autiangel · 5 years
Couldn’t be more proud of my Fam @egyptcriss98 @sammattick @marcuspaulk for such an Incredible Creation of Art. Go check out the whole Video (link in Bio) Repost, Share, Show some Love Now...don’t just jump on after they Hit Bigger than they already are‼️ #egyptcriss #sammattick #marcuspaulk #RUN #bornlegends #destinedforgreatness #blessedbeyondmeasure #letsgo #guhh #youngicon #nextgeneration #nextgenerationgaming (at Heaven Sent) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiSJqSg3jK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lty20cqqogdp
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ngp-og · 5 years
Freaky Serial Killer Stranger Mission, Dexter Reference? In #Rdr2 Click Link in Bio for Full Video & More. . . . . . . . . . #reddeadredemption2 #reddead2 #rdr2 #rockstargames #playstation4 #gameroom #ps4pro #playstation #gamelife #console #gaming #gamer #dualshock4 #xbox #xboxone #pc #pcgaming #nanogamesplus #instagaming #ps #psn #gaming🎮 #gamerforlife #gamersofinstagram #gamersunite #controllers #nextgenerationgaming #nintendo #psvr #ps4games (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuvPEQmB5bn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17hliauqm6gk2
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milanjitsinh · 5 years
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AI will become as important in enterprises as in consumer products #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Robotics #robots #humanoid #skill #startup #developers #tech #technology #newgen #newgeneration #nextgenerationgaming #games #game #reallife #time #genration #new #lives #mexico #switzerland #france #chaina #india #cisco (at Milpillas, Aguascalientes, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs5Y34IBgNP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wvevsd7poqec
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sarah2901 · 7 years
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The next generation 😍 #crashbandicoot #nsanetrilogy #nextgenerationgamers #babyboy #ps4 (at Tamworth)
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manjmusik · 7 years
Time for some Virtual Reality with my lil noopsta. Loving his new PS4VR #NEXTGENERATIONGAMING… https://t.co/MX2OLZdf8Y
Time for some Virtual Reality with my lil noopsta. Loving his new PS4VR #NEXTGENERATIONGAMING… https://t.co/MX2OLZdf8Y
— MANJmusik (@MANJmusik) January 11, 2017
via Twitter https://twitter.com/MANJmusik January 11, 2017 at 05:11PM
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ngp-og · 5 years
Mrs Grimshaw Tells and Helps Arthur Wash Up.. In the Countless Hours and Sleepless Nights I’ve Played #RDR2 since it’s Release, This is my First Time seeing this. Hilarious.. . . . . . . . . . #reddeadredemption2 #reddead2 #rdr2 #rockstargames #playstation4 #gameroom #ps4pro #playstation #gamelife #console #gaming #gamer #dualshock4 #xbox #xboxone #pc #pcgaming #nanogamesplus #instagaming #ps #psn #gaming🎮 #gamerforlife #gamersofinstagram #gamersunite #controllers #nextgenerationgaming #nintendo #thegameforplayer #ps4games (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BupmVxPBAqy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1291y42a86fgl
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ngp-og · 5 years
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What Do You Think Of @sekirothegame Please Rate 1-10 . . . . . . . . . . #sekiroshadowsdietwice #playstation4 #gameroom #ps4pro #playstation #gamelife #console #gaming #gamer #dualshock4 #xbox #xboxone #pcgaming #instagaming #ps #psn #gaming🎮 #gamerforlife #gamersofinstagram #gamersunite #controllers #nextgenerationgaming #nintendo #thegameforplayer #ps4games (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvYcmo2Brj7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13k3mylmjbgqq
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