#nfs 2019
chaos-and-ink · 2 months
Yeah, late nights are the worst for me / They bring out the worst in me / Mind runnin', got me feelin' like it hurts to think / If this is all that I wanted, I don't want it, gotta be more for me
Yeah, late nights get the best of me / They know how to get to me / Suicide thoughts come and go like a guest to me / But I don't wanna die, just wanna get relief
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musicalelo · 6 days
You Are My World - Agnese Stengrevics
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damiandallorso · 2 months
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unibrowzz · 1 year
Any opinion on Australia going internal again? I mean, their best result was an internal selected entry but personally I enjoyed their nf era way more
I literally made a post about this earlier this DAY.
(But basically their four NF selected entries can be ranked as "good" (2020/21), "boring drivel" (2022) and "fucking atrocious" (2019), so it's not like I'm remotely sad to see it go 🤣)
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annamaasblog · 8 months
Minha história com a ana (-20kg que nunca voltaram !)
Ps: nunca fiz nenhum exercício
Vou ser mais ativa aqui porque me ajuda muito a focar, então decidi contar toda minha história com a ana caso alguém queira saber, ou ajude a motivar vcs pq ela literalmente salvou a minha vida!!
Eu conheci a ana em 2018, quando eu tinha 15 anos, pesava 74kg e estava totalmente afundada na depressao, a vida inteira eu fui zoada por ser gorda, escola, família. Minha família me chamava de feia por ser gorda des de criança. Todas minhas amigas estavam sempre saindo com meninos porque eram magras e lindas, e ninguém nunca tinha nem olhado pra mim. Me sentia super mal, tentei fazer dietas e exercícios des de sempre, me levaram em nutricionista e os krl. Nada dava certo, eu só engordava e não tinha mais vontade nem de sair de casa.
Foi quando eu simplesmente pensei “e se eu não comer ?”, fiz nf sem nem saber Oq era, em uma semana emagreci mais rápido do que a minha vida inteira me matando em dietas e exercícios.
Ali virou um vício, em 2 meses eu fui de 74kg pra 58Kg, minha vida MUDOU !!! Eu não estava na minha meta final, mas eu já tinha vontade de viver, todo mundo falou que eu estava muito mais linda, garotos começaram a dar em cima de mim sempre, é totalmente verdade que o tratamento muda quando você está mais magra, minha família nunca mais me chamou de gorda. Literalmente salvou minha vida.
Mas com 58Kg eu não estava satisfeita, não estava super fininha, apenas n era obesa, então eu continuei.
De 2019 até 2022, eu dei uma acalmada na ana, não era tão intensa quando antigamente, mas consegui me firmar no peso de 55/54Kg, que me faz ter uma vida “normal”, mas não é a minha meta final.
Agora eu quero realmente pegar firme e chegar no corpo que eu sonhei minha vida inteira, eu sei que sou capaz e vou conseguir. No mínimo 50Kg que sempre foi um sonho inalcançável. Eu ainda nunca tive coragem de usar um biquíni, e eu quero viver esse momento. Espero que até dezembro, que provavelmente vou pra praia, eu consiga realizar esse sonho.
Não há comida no mundo que me deixaria mais feliz do que usar um biquíni na praia e me sentir maravilhosa, isso é pela minha eu de 15 anos que achava que estava tudo perdido!!!!
*Coisas que me ajudaram muito na época, e a manter o peso mesmo sem a ana*
• Na época da ana que perdi muito peso eu sempre miei quando comia muito, sempre fiz Nf que era Oq mais me fazia perder peso, quando sentia que ia ter compulsão, mastigava Oq queria comer e jogava na privada pra não engolir. Usei laxantes também quando sentia que era necessário. Coca e energéticos sem açúcar tbm foram meus melhores amigos.
Ps: nos meus 5 anos de ana e -20kg NUNCA fiz exercícios, nada mesmo, então se você faz provavelmente vai ter resultados melhores ainda!
• Pra manter o peso sem a ana: se comia muito eu miava, nunca parei, mas era só realmente quando comia demais. Na minha época afastada da ana, vivendo “normal” eu nunca parei de me pesar sempre pra só não perder o controle. Outra coisa que me fez não engordar foi o remédio Orlistate, é bizarro, você literalmente caga gordura kkkkk pesquisem sobre ele, me ajudou a manter.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 4 months
✧*̥˚Damage*̥˚✧ | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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Damage is the first solo album by Nicholas Ross, released in August 2022. The album consists of 6 songs.
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Let You Down (Originally by NF)
Human (Originally by Rag'n'Bone)
Lie (Originally by NF)
Therapy Session (Originally by NF)
Real (Originally by NF)
Outcast (Originally by NF)
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☾ Resource says Nicholas's album Damage was released on his father's birthday, August 24th.
☾ There has been speculation about why Nicholas uses English, but not Korean, in his solo projects. Some believe it is payback to his Korean father while being a tribute to his black mother.
☾ Most fans are happy for the music they can relate to, some of them being overjoyed at having angry music with no cussing.
☾ Commenters are annoyed at his focus on the album instead of contributing to his group, Stray Kids.
☾ Nicholas hinted at solo projects around 2019 before the album's release.
☾ People still wonder why Nicholas is allowed such freedom this early in his music career.
☾ Many have used this album to back their argument of Nicholas not belonging to Stray Kids and needing to be a solo star. Others wish he would stick to group work instead of solo projects. They claim it's "for the better."
Twitter post mentioned
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Nicholas Ross Master List
Tags List: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, @rensahazard, @mynameisnotlaura, @lucianidealz, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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helsex · 2 months
Have you drawn Stress traditionally yet? If you haven’t could you draw her? /nf
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Putting the monster back in stressmonster101 since 2019
[I.D. A traditional drawing of Stressmonster101 from the chest up. The upper part of her face is covered in black shadow and her hair covers one eye. The other eye is just a messy white circle. END I.D.]
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tubborucho · 6 months
HAI u don't have to, but whenever ur free could you maybe make a tubborucho web weave ... /nf
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Tubbo and Cucurucho – EnemiesToLovers.png
This is much more unserious than any of my other web weaves lmao
taglist: @pastelvangelion @smallz-o @salineroses @dynamicworms @cindersnows @deadfishisyeq @snyland @missstrawberry @frubbotoxicyuri @haloberry @mobcharacter255 @thecardboardbutterfly @avianchorus
dm me if you want in or out of taglist
1. @.worldhammerer
2. Quote by Sunity Namjoshi
3. https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/03/20/vanessa-angelica-villarreal-poetry/
4. N/A
5. https://pin.it/lAkDr3L
6. Sick Puppies – I Hate You
7. N/A
8. The Mountain Goats – No Children
9. @.gayarsonist
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mismess · 1 year
Holy crap I love devineaux in your style so much!! Have you drawn him before?? Please unleash them/nf
haha thank you!! I'm glad you like. I have drawn him before but that was back in 2019 when the show was new! My style has evolved a bit since then
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The colored drawings I've posted before, but the sketches haven't seen the light of day till right now :-)
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90s-britpop · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
I love reading.
I am an Oasis fan since I was 15.
I run this blog since 2019.
Thanks for the ask and Happy New Year to all my mutuals! 🎉 🎊 🥰
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anorexicsad · 3 months
Eu definitivamente não quero comer. Estava em um semi-recovery e só não queria admitir!! Eu emagreci comendo, tudo bem, mas eu não quero emagrecer dessa maneira. Desde que comecei a comer mais, não sinto o mesmo controle de antes. Eu preciso de autocontrole, eu preciso voltar a me sentir bem e confiante, e isso só será possível de boca fechada. Ainda me sinto tonta a maior parte do tempo, e isso é ótimo, minha honeymoonphase não se foi tanto assim. O que me traz diversos gatilhos é o tumblr 2012-2019. Quando estou desmotivada, entediada ou desfocada, pesquiso no google "blogs proana 2014", isso ajuda demais!! Todas eram tão mais focadas, eram dias e dias de nf, magrinhas, perfeitas, controladas... e com ótimas dicas. Preciso e sei que vou me tornar uma delas. O tumblr de antigamente era tão melhor, as dicas, as meanspos e principalmente o site de calorias. Meu organismo já começou a se acostumar com mais comida — péssima notícia —, atualmente penso "ah, são só 400calorias, é pouco perto de quantas eu tenho que comer", enquanto a minha eu de antigamente estaria surtando! Costumava pensar que +de99 cals era descontrole. Nunca deixei o transtorno de lado, seja lá qual for. Nunca deixei de contar calorias, nunca deixei de me pesar, nunca deixei de me exercitar e etc, só que o principal infelizmente foi embora. A culpa. Não sinto mais culpa ao comer. Ainda escuto a voz da ana falando o básico de sempre; "você tá gorda", "tem certeza que vai comer?", "isso é muito calórico" e mais coisas que vcs já sabem. Não estou me sentindo culpada pois estou comendo limpo, minha alimentação ultimamente varia entre alface, cenoura, batata inglesa, maça, ovo e salmão. Não quero mais pensar em ser saudável, toda comida tem uma tabela nutricional nao é? Então automaticamente todas engordam! Não importa quanto tempo eu demore para aceitar, a verdade sempre vem á tona. Eu não vou conseguir viver sem a ana, ela já faz parte de mim, ouvir meu estômago roncar é rotina. Eu necessito e clamo por essa validação. Preciso voltar a escuta-lá para cada vez mais ir me tornando frágil, delicada, limpa e controlada ...🦋
Amanhã é meu aniversário e estou desesperada. Uma fatia de 60g do bolo tem 250 calorias e OITENTA E CINCO GRAMAS DE CARBOIDRATO!!!!!!! Estava pensando em mastigar e cuspir, só que vai ser meio impossível já que vou estar cercadakkkk. Pensei em simplesmente recusar, mas sei que infelizmente esta fora do meu alcance. Não abandonei todos os meus hábitos de gorda (AINDA), então, amanhã será o meu dia livre!! Irei comer com moderação, óbvio, mas vou tentar não restringir tanto. Depois que passar, inicio um nf de 4 dias e vejo o que farei depois.
Vou mudar a estética do meu perfil para a de 2014, talvez assim eu me sinta mais acolhida. Qualquer coisinha voltada aquela época será bem-vinda. Tanto gírias, como fotos e escrita.
Boa sorte e -5 quilos a todos! 💋💗🦋
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strawberry-seal77 · 3 months
do you have the original yorse image? friend wants to make a valentine's card with it and "yorse the only one for me"/nf
I have an entire blog about yorse! (@yay-is-for-yorses)
this is what I think is the first yorse, and it's pinned there
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that blog has a bunch of other similar images from the same day (feb 6 2019) if you'd like to have a look
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You been in the animation meme community for longer than 4 years? SAME!! And I'm making a bracket about it! Without further ado lets get into the rules and get your 'Opinions' (hehehe) on the bracket!
-> RULES!!! <-
-> Must be from the timeframe of 2006-2019! Any ones after that I would consider to be too new
-> This is not a battle between the artists who made the original memes, it is a battle between the meme song clip itself! TLDR how nostalgic and how much head bopping would you start doing if this song played in your general vicinity
-> When submitting, please submit the original meme! If it was taken down/ privated, just find another one and make sure to list the original makers name
-> As well as if the original meme is labeled 16+ or NSFW/suggestive try to find one that's not. Staring at UnknownSpy intently
-> You can submit multiple animation memes! Don't submit the same one twice though please pretty please. And don't put multiple in the same submission or I will cry and sob intensely
-> Brackets will be updated (hopefully) every week or so!
-> There'll be (hopefully) a total of 32 or so contestants, depending on how many submissions I get. Could be more could be less I dunno
#on a completely unrelated note < not a poll nor relevant to the bracket
#AM nostalgia attack < poll post
#AM nostalgia calm < not a poll post but relevant to the bracket
Oh is it me time I suppose it's me time. Anyways hi I'm Vector/Jamie at @v3ct0rgraph1cs, I use he/it/wire/beep pronouns, I'm a real life computer robot guy and also the poll mod!!! I've never done a poll bracket before but I've been in the animation meme community for like. 7 years now so I think I'm qualified to do this maybe
I still make animation memes too I only started posting them like 2 years ago when I got toon boom and also a graphics tablet and've been doing it ever since, started from my roots in flipaclip though ✌ my channel is V3CT0RGRAPH1CS if you wanna check it out maybe :]!
Speaking of checking stuff out go check out my partner! They run the @tf2shipswag account and they inspired me to make this one because sillyyyyy, go check it out at @fr0ggs they're very nice and cool and also they take commissions so Get One<3 I'm assaulting you to buy art from my partner /nf
The guy in my pfp his name is Vector he's not me but he might as well be
inspired by @tf2shipswag, @ultimate-objecthead-hoedown, and others :]
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bunny-banana · 1 month
extremely embarassing of me to be promoting my f*nf*c on here but if anyone still remembers and cares a lil about this piece....heres an update mwah
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literaticat · 4 months
Hi! My agent said they would never sub MG and YA at the same time because it’s seen as bad practice. If that’s true, why do I see some authors coming out with MG and YA books in the same year?
I'd tend to agree with your agent -- there's just a LOT of crossover between MG and YA editors/imprints, and while there could be some unusual situations in which it would be OK -- (like for a random made-up example, if you already publish MG, and you are just sending the MG to your current MG editor, and they have said specifically that they don't want YA, and you are only sending the YA to totally unaffiliated YA imprints) -- generally speaking, yeah, it would be kinda weird and confusing and Not Best Practices to try and send a MG and YA out widely simultaneously. I'd want to figure out where the one was landing, and THEN deal with the next one, working around the first one's schedule -- just cleaner logistically.
As for the question part, well, uh... time? There's a lot of time in between when something sells and when it comes out. Rarely, a year. Generally, at least 18 months. For some projects, two years, or more. For many illustrated projects, possibly three years or more. (Sometimes LOTS more!)
Just because two projects are coming out in the same year, doesn't mean they were necessarily SOLD at the same time!
For example: Between October 2022 and October 2023, my client Kate Messner had FIVE books come out from five different publishers. Not unusual for her, she's quite prolific. All of these books came out in the same year -- but none of them sold at the same time.
ONLY THE BEST - picture book - released 10/2022 - sold 5/2016
ONCE UPON A BOOK - picture book - released 2/2023 - sold 12/2019
FERGUS & ZEKE FOR PRESIDENT - early reader - released 5/2023, sold 2/2020
HISTORY SMASHERS: COLUMBUS - mg nf - released 8/2023, sold 8/2021
SCARIEST CAT IN THE WORLD - picture book - released 8/2023, sold 4/2021
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residentraccoon · 3 months
If you told 2020 me that my winners in 2018 (Melovin), 2019 (Keiino) and 2020 (The Roop) would all compete in this nf season in the same year I'd have definitely lost my shit
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