#ngl i already don’t like that they’re bringing him back at all
gay-dorito-dust · 29 days
Ngl the ask where Stan's s/o got sucked into the portal instead made me cry a bit-
Can we have a part2 where reader comes back? Oh god imagine the emotional tension in the room as they walked in.
- 🦑
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Taglist: @amms8f @doggosnoodles12 @c4ss13-bun @lucas1253 @danart501 @cherryblom @marvelous-maniac @repost-account-yall @atseoks @xprntj
Part 1 is right here
Thirty years.
Thirty long years had Stanley been forced to live with the guilt and fear that after everything he and Ford did to put in place for your welcome home would be all for naught if the portal didn’t open, or worse you don’t come through the portal in time. After all there wasn’t a day that went by where Stanley wasn’t reminded of just how helpless and useless he was when you got sucked into the portal, begging for him to help you but couldn’t.
Thirty years had Stanley allowed to let Ford teach him complex maths and physics, even going so far as to teach himself during the nights where he couldn’t sleep without seeing your fearful face, nor the outstretched hand before the portal closed seemingly forever. Which made it a lot harder for him to run the mystery shack during the day as he would be found by Ford, fast asleep at the base of the portal with nothing but a flimsy blanket and a pillow he brought down from your shared his room, holding a framed picture of a younger version of you both mere months before the fiasco that costed Stanley his everything.
During the past three decades did Stanley realised that he’d be more then willing to throw away a large chunk of his life just to have you back. You were his life and without you he couldn’t bare to think about how you’d view him if you could see him now, conning tourists out of their money and just not being a morally perfect person in general, but he knew he couldn’t give up now when he and Ford had come so far already to prepare for the inevitable day that you came home.
‘We’re close Stanley I can feel it.’ Ford had been saying to him for the past week, hoping to uplift his spirit, but one look towards Stanley and Ford could see the plethora of emotions within his eyes that ranged from anxiousness, to sadness, to uncertainty as he looked at a Polaroid picture he kept of you in the breast pocket of his blazer; keeping you close to his heart like he had since the moment you took a chance on him.
‘They’re coming home.’ Ford assures his twin, feeling helpless in helping ease the heartbreak that was obviously still being felt to this day. ‘They’re coming home. You’re going to bring them home Stanley.’ He reaffirms.
‘What if they don’t love me anymore?’ Stanley asked the question that had been lingering on his mind for a long, long time, haunting him constantly that now with the day drawing closer; he couldn’t help but let it out while he had the opportunity to.
Ford sighed as he sat next to Stanley as they looked at the portal. ‘From what I could see from our brief meeting, they love you more than words can describe and would’ve done anything to keep you safe.’ He tells him as while your interactions were brief and not on the greatest of terms, Ford could tell that you were more then willing to risk everything to keep his brother safe and he appreciated you for looking out for his brother and loving him where his family failed to do so on multiple instances.
‘They’re shouldn’t have,’ Stanley said sadly, ‘if they didn’t love me as hard as they did, they’d still be here.’
‘And yet they love you as easily as breathing,’ Ford counters as he rests a hand on his brother’s shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile, ‘and I highly doubt that there is a reality where they didn’t love you as hard as they do.’ Before the twins could continue their conversation, they could hear Dipper and Mabel call for them and they were in silent agreement to continue it on a later date before going to see what the kids wanted them for.
Once the twins left the lab, the portal seemed to slowly spark to life, deciding to bring about your return quicker than Stan and Ford had originally thought. Almost as though whether you were within the multiverse, you were always listening to your Stanley and reacting to his pain as though it was your own.
Dipper and Mabel were more than aware of you due to the stories Stanley told them, he wanted them to know you the way he did in hopes of keeping you alive in some other way other than framed photos and memories that he always revisited in his dreams. They knew you meant a lot to their Grunkle from the way he’d get a distant look in his eyes whenever he sees something that reminded him of you.
Stan’s stories of only stoked the curiosity of Dipper and Mabel as they’d always ask; ‘where are they now?’ Only for Stan to reply with, ‘not here, not anywhere within reach.’
‘Are they dead?’ Dipper asks and could see Stan’s eyes become sharp as steel, his jaw clenched as he inhaled sharply as though he had been doused in cold water.
‘No.’ He said firmly without meaning to. ‘They’re just not here.’
Dipper wanted to press on but stopped when Ford, who had gone back down to the lab, came running into the living room with a wild expression on his face. ‘Stanley! It’s time!’ He cries and without question Stanley got up to his feet and followed after Ford, while Dipper and Mabel naturally followed after him with Soos tailing behind them; wanting to be included in whatever wireless they’d get into without trying.
The moment the family reached the lab, the portal was in full effect, which confused Ford as he swore he didn’t flip any switches to activate the portal and neither did Stanley. It was almost as if the portal had developed sentience but that was impossible to prove as truth as the moment Ford and Stanley realised that Dipper, Mabel and Soos had followed them took presidency over the blaring blue portal that only seemed to get brighter with every passing second.
‘Kids! Go back upstairs now!’ Stanley shouted, something he rarely did unless he thought the kids would be put in genuine danger.
‘No! You and Grunkle Ford have been hiding something from us, only for it to be a portal?’ Dipper exclaims as he looked at both Stan and Ford with confusion akin to the look in yours eyes before you disappeared into the portal against your will. Dipper, being the smart kid he was had a feeling this portal was linked to you in some way, for what would be the reason both of his Grunkles would keep this from him and Mabel unless it had played a major part in your disappearance.
Or the more likely answer being that the portal was the reason for your disappearance.
‘Well explain everything to you soon enough, me and Stanley have very valid reasons.’ Ford says as he eyed the portal as it was practically encasing the entire lab in a blinding light, however when squinting his eyes, Ford could make out a cloaked figure walking towards them with slow, hesitant steps before they picked up their pace as the figure was now breaking out into a sprint, as though coming to a realisation that this was their ticket out of the multiverse.
You were coming home, Ford knew you would as he couldn’t help but smile tearfully, the questions he has for you are endless but he’d much rather you and Stanley have the reunion that has been thirty years in the making.
‘You either tell us or we’re going to shut down the portal!’ Dipper bluffed as he knew the moment he took a single step towards the lever at the end of the lab, he’d be cut off by both his grunkles when he saw how they kept looking towards the mystery figure who was now half of of the portal.
‘We will just please trust us-‘ Stan tried pleading but it fell on deaf ears.
‘Who are they?’ Mabel asked, confused and scared.
‘They’re your great aunt/ uncle y/n!’ Stanley shouted just as you fully stepped out of the portal before it closed behind you for one final time, plunging the room in almost darkness had it not been from the ember coloured gem that hung from your neck. You removed the hood from your head to reveal your aged face and slight hints of silver that streaked your hair permanently.
You looked hardened but soft at the same time, you greeted Mabel, dipper, Ford, Soos with a look that could’ve made them into stone, but the moment you looked at Stanley your eyes widened as a gasp left your lips.
‘Stanley? Honey is that you?’ You asked as you began walking towards him, arms outstretched as though you were worried this was all an illusion from those little fucks from dimension 4.
‘It’s me alright sweetheart, I’m right here, you’re home now and safe.’ Stanley reassured as he greeted you halfway, encasing you in his tight embrace as tears streaked down his face silently as he peppered your face in kisses.
‘Oh Stan! I missed you so much, I thought you would’ve moved on or-‘ you rambled, only to stop when Stan pulled away to look you in the eyes with a serious expression.
‘You’re my one and only doll face, no one else can come close to you sweet pea as all I’ve ever done for the past three decades was try and get you back here, in my arms like your meant to be.’ Stan said as he rested his forehead against your own. ‘I’ve missed you so much, so fucking much that I thought I was going mad without you by my side. I need you and will always need you in my life now and forever.’ He confessed and Mabel gasped at how romantic her Grunkle could be, though then again wasn’t a big surprise considering how highly he talked about you and everything you did that made him fall harder for you.
‘I don’t want to be anywhere but here, with you Stanley Pines.’ You replied as you kissed his lips, weaving your lips against his as you clung on to him in a desperate attempt to familiarise yourself with the man you spent thirty years without. Kissing him felt right, it felt as though your soul was now whole as you melted further into his kiss, allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth and softly groan against him before needing to pull away for air as you both looked at each other star struck.
You felt young again with Stanley holding you in his arms as you admired his aged face and silver hair, still finding him attractive as ever. ‘Lost the mullet did you?’ You asked teasingly as Stan could only pinch your side, causing you to jolt at the contact.
‘I thought you liked my mullet?’ He pouted and you couldn’t help but chuckle as you traced your finger across his bottom lip.
‘I did but I think I like this even more.’ You said lowly as you pecked his lip. ‘You look handsome as I remembered and more my beautiful Stanley Pines.’ You cooed, kissing his jawline and feeling the delicious prickle of his stubble/ beard against your lips.
‘So this is our great aunt/ uncle?’ Dipper asked as he watched as you and Stan greeted each other warmly and happily in love. He saw pictures of you but seeing you in the flesh was different entirely as he looked over at Ford who was still smiling at the reunion.
‘Yes dipper, they are your great aunt/ uncle, they were lost to the portal thirty years ago and it hurt Stanley beyond repair. so much so that he dedicated the past three decades trying to get them back.’ Ford explained briefly, happy knowing that the family was whole as it should’ve been from the very beginning.
‘We’ve got so much to catch up on.’ You told Stanley before casting your gaze towards Soos, Mabel and Dipper. ‘And you can start by introducing me to these three colourful characters.’ You add with a smile as you saw Mabel and dipper looking at you in shock and awe.
‘Those little troublesome kids are your Great niece and nephew, dipper and Mabel and that other guy is Soos, my employee.’ Stan began as he interlocked his hand in yours as you chuckled. ‘Twins, runs in the family huh?’ You said with amusement, ready to get to know your family properly this time either no portal to separate you from them ever again.
‘Like you wouldn’t believe toots.’ Stanley then kissed the side of your head, smiling widely as he finally got what he had hoped for, a family, whole and happy.
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queenofallimagines · 9 months
Satan if you were a satanist before you arrived in the devildom
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A/n: listennnn in between getting dragged by the Lucifer chat bots, writing two really long fics and having brain worms about this Au I’ve had so many thoughts and Satan has landed in my radar☺️ asmo and Simon are NEXT bc guardian angels are a whole DIFFERENT can of worms
I’m gunna use like ACTUAL satanic lore mixed in w the game lore
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- okay so boom
- Right off the bat he can tell you are different
- Sitting back waiting to see how you react to everyone
- Takes note you’re much more respectful to him than the rest
- Thought you were walking on eggshells because you were terrified of him but you ain’t scared at all
- You see through all his pranks
- “He’ll probably see that coming a mile away. Try moving it over here Lucifer don’t check there.”
- Color him impressed
- Does see you don’t really freak out like his brothers when he goes into one of his little rage fits
- When he offered to make the pact with you to piss Lucifer off you were really caught at a pass
- Like for one you technically already have a soft pact with him being a devotee
- But also you don’t want to disrespect him by saying no
- Choosing to not get on Lucifer’s bad side because you still do have a mission to do in that attic, soyou politely decline
- “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to make a pact with you that isn’t built on a mutual trust and understanding”
- He’s always told you to sniff out a trap and you were NOT falling for it
- Blinded by rage for not getting his way, that’s when he lashes out
- He feels something weird in his chest when he looks at you in that moment but he can’t quite understand it. Like a tugging feeling at the back of his head trying to tell him something
- When you get caught I. The middle of the whole “they’re the same person thing” you just roll your eyes
- “No shit they’re not the same person🙄😒 Satan and Lucifer couldn’t be more different, Lucifer is the morning star and Satan is more tricker than anything :/ crazy how yall don’t do research”
- Ngl he almost fell for you right then and there
- He cannot STAND that especially when humans call anything and everything Satan and refer to him and Lucifer like they’re the same person.
- Looks at you with star eyes for a second before sticking to you like glue. He’s very fascinated with you and wants to study you under a microscope
- Ask you if you’re like Solomon and have been studying for years
- Did you manage to get your hands on some devildom textbook somehow?
- Maybe even some texts form the celestial realm
- “Not really but that would be super cool to read.”
- He himself hates misinformation so you be correcting all the demon brothers with the quickness
- Lucifer is very annoyed and Satan is elated
- Notices you looking at him a lot, like you’re analyzing him
- Ofc he’s blunt and isn’t gunna beat around the bush he asks you what you’re doing starring at him like that
- “It’s really nice to see what you actually look like… if you’re shape shifting all the time and this is the form you stay in full time it’s… nice to see you face to face”
- Confused for a second because he doesn’t often make trips directly to the human world even for a summoning
- “Well I mean, in the human world we don’t actually know what you look like. The only book that has a description of what you looked like and are has the pages mysteriously ripped out and have never been found. I assume that was your doing?”
- Shocked pikachu bc he fr forgot he did that in his younger years
- His mischievous tendencies have been delegated directly to Lucifer, he understands the value of books now
- “Ah,,, I do recall doing that. It would make sense why you’re starring at me so hard.”
- Blushes when you call him a pretty boy
- Like he’s in his room kicking his feet giggling
- You bring him his offerings directly
- He won’t even realize you’re doing deity work with him and is just excited to spend time with you
- Whenever you come back home from class or whatever you give him little things you got in your way back or snacks he likes
- Nobody has ever seen satan smile this much
- Lucifer peeps when it’s your turn to cook dinner you just so happen to favor foods Satan likes and uses ingredients he does to cook too
- Will be very suspicious of you mirroring his behavior
- Satan is none the wiser truly he’s assure at familiar feeling is like some star crossed lovers stuff and you were meant to meet by fates hands
- Has so many cute cat themed things in his room from you
- Lucifer is not liking how you seem to be trying to gain his trust for your own reasons but he can’t sense anything malicious.
- He can’t pinpoint any alternate motive for this behavior
- Satan will not notice until someone points it out to him
- Lucy straight up asks you why you’re getting so friendly with him
- Mammon also chimes in that you seem like you’re sucking up to him, and Satan feels conflicted be he doesn’t like how they’re accusing you but also the fact that you might be just being nice to him because you want something is setting his nerves on fire
- Rolling your eyes you shoot back at Lucifer that you’re just worshiping Satan like you usually do
- The old man is takes aback and Satan is like…. I beg your pardon?😀
- “Satan has been my patron for years now, the only thing that’s different is that I can give him my offerings and ask him for help directly”
- Mammon is chewing the carpet he’s supposed to be your first man!
- Satan is flabbergasted and is searching his memory for this information
- Before he remembers
- “How did I not notice??”
- “I thought you knew??”
- “NO???”
- Dinner is wild bc now asmo asking for embarrassing memories of you
- Rip bc Satan gon tell it ALL😭
- I feel like he’d be the type to keep a log so he might not remember every single face and name because he does fuck with some people who summon him
- Grabs your notebook from his room and starts reciting shit BAR FOR BAR
- “Oh yeah i remember this! You were quite a rowdy child picking fights with everyone. Your temper was awful”
- laughing because he’s taking a stroll down memory lane and he’s dragging you along
- Can feel your anger a mile away, he’s in your ear now more than EVER going “don’t you want to go apeshit?”
- Constantly encouraging you to loose your temper on Lucifer
- He feeds off your rage and it feels almost euphoric to him, because he’s an instigator if anything😭
- “Where the fuck is your rage?? Lucifer was definitely disrespecting you👀👀”
- Exhausting
- Lucifer will get on him about having you up for hours on end reading and studying when you need to sleep
- You will NOT fail any class not on his fucking watch! He’s gunna make sure you excel in this exchange program academically
- Even if he’s not who you ask for things he’s helping you
- “Do NOT as belphie for help with dream interpretation I’ll help you!!”
- Very proud to show you off
- “Y’all see MY human?”
- Mammon is trying not to start problems on purpose
- He will probably bend you over Lucifer’s desk bestie it’s inevitable
- If you’re intimate before he knows he’s really gentle and makes sure to take his time with you
- If it’s after he will be rough and mean
- He definitely cares about you and loves you but he will pretend he’s using you as a toy
- As if he’s your god and you’re nothing but a lowly mortal designed to be used and filled up by him
- Choking you out and breeding you for hours on end
- Will be so incredibly gentle with aftercare it’s almost like he’s a different person
- “Look at you drooling and can’t even keep your eyes focused. Pathetic. You’re too stupid to think of anything other than how I’m ruining you”
- Makes you struggle to walk every time
- Gets carried away and marks you everywhere like diavolo asking you why there’s a hickey on your ankle😭
- Almost buys you a collar if Lucifer didn’t stop him
- Wants you to know you belong to him and you’re his little follower
- Tells you how good you are for him and gives you a nice reward
- “You’re so good for me, so eager to please and make me happy. My human deserves a reward hm?”
- Cocky asf for no reason PLEASE humble his ass!!
- Gets off on it when you pin him down and call him pathetic
- “The great avatar of wrath Satan himself bouncing on my lap like a whore desperate to get off.”
- He’s literally turning to mush for you
- Whimpering and looking at you with teary eyes
- “P-please I need to cum I’ll do anything”
- Bites back a moan when you coo at him that he’s so pathetic needing a mortal to get off
- He can feel how mean you are and your anger through your pact and it’s making his body buzz with excitement
- Panting and wiggling his hips he’s begging you to fill him up
- Call him a good kitty and he probably won’t be able to last
- Likes when you punish him like best his ass fr leave bruises make his ass bright red!!
- He’s really just attached to you and will cause a big issue when you have to leave the devildom at the end of the year😅
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wisteriagoesvroom · 6 months
helloooooo :)) sliding in with a generic marvel-esque vaguely criminal organization landoscar au with background lestappen because I am nothing if not predictable
Oscar is their resident poison specialist (he makes new poisons, tests them, makes antidotes, etc. for the organization to use). His preference is plant based poisons, like belladonna and nightshade, because he graduated college with a botany degree and therefore has a lot of knowledge about them that he can put for use. He spends most of his time in his greenhouse full of toxic, beautiful plants that he tends too very, very carefully. They’re his babies.
There’s a whole backstory involved with how he came to join the organization that involves him accidentally killing his college roommate
Lando is a former gymnast turned espionage guy who also does theft on the side for funsies that works for the organization. Like vaguely cat woman-y? Obviously he’s super flexible and super good at his job because duh.
His favorite hobby is breaking into Oscar’s greenhouse via the windows and watching him work. Oscar is super fascinating to him, and he’s enamored with how absolutely brilliant this quiet, stoic boy, with maybe five facial expressions total is.
Lando sits there and listens to Oscar ramble about his complex science things. He doesn’t understand most of it ngl, but he loves the way Oscar’s face lights up when he goes on a long tangent about the chemical properties of cyanide and why it’s superior to arsenic.
Also sometimes lando brings Oscar random pretty shiny things that he stole that he thinks Oscar might like and leaves them on his desk, kind of like a crow. Oscar keeps all of them in a box under his bed. He looks at them when he feels down (he doesn’t tell lando that)
Oscar is equally obsessed with lando but this is already wayyyyyy too long so 😭 you just gotta trust me on this one
And then eventually, the rest of the people in the organization pick up on the growing landoscar feelings situation. Alex and George give lando a bunch of (loving and caring) grief about it. A bet between them is born. “$50 lando is too chicken to confess to Oscar by the end of the month”
Yada yada time skip a week or so and lando and Oscar FINALLY do something about the tension between them one night late in Oscar’s greenhouse, lando freshly back from a mission. Boom they kiss and then lando, being the idiot that he is, as soon as they pull apart, goes “lol George and Alex owe me $50 now”
Cue misunderstanding trope. “Oh you only kissed me for a bet?? You don’t actually have feelings for me 😔 I knew it was too good to be true.”
Lando realizes his mistake but Oscar’s already out the door, disappeared into the night.
And then Oscar gets kidnapped by the enemy 🤗 because he’d normally be more aware and vigilant and stuff but his emotions are really going through it so. The ransom note comes through the next day.
Gonna leave it on that because otherwise I will spiral into a full blown fic when I already have too many wips to finish
I'M SO????? HOW DID U JUST RANDOMLY SLIDE IN HERE WITH THIS???? i am so obsessed with these details my god the POISON? CATMAN ESPIONAGEGYMNAST? christ. and then lando leaving him little gifts like a crow. OSCAR ACCIDENTALLY K-WORDING HIS ROOMMATE (and possible guilt)?? the classic misunderstanding thingy "but oscar gets kidnapped" leading to a climactic rescue oh oh oh this is the stuff of dreams.
idk what to do with myself exactly cus this is so gorgeous. anyway have a moodboard for your efforts cus like my goodness this was lovely to read.
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theflagscene · 7 months
Wait! How!? When!? Where!? How is White suddenly there!? How did Tee meet White!? You can’t just play upbeat music and have the boys running around to show the passage of time and not explain how the fucking villain of the story got the most adorably innocent lil princess boyfriend on the planet!
Phee, bringing Jin on a date to the same place you and Non liked to go is just weird. I hate people who use the same ‘date’ spots for their new partners that they used with their past partners and no, this isn’t me projecting, why do you ask!? Lmao 😂 shut up it’s still tacky af
‘Friend’ the dreaded word.
What is with the ass slapping and window sex!? I mean, I get that they’re supposed to 18 year old boys, who are by definition perverted, but that was some porn level shit. Also, again, no prep. Phee wasn’t even the one blown so it’s not like they were even using spit for lube, or an already lubed condom. What is this, another ABO show? Just having the dudes slick and sliding all over one another apparently.
Ta’s got a decent ass at least, good for him.
“Did you cheat on my brother?” Nah, pretty sure they broke up when Phee saw him being raw dogged by the teacher and then told him to go die, but whatever helps you sleep at night Tan.
“Don’t fall in love with him.” Yeah, I think it’s too late for that.
Oh, mom is not looking so great. Hmm, something tells me that video isn’t real. Mom knows what’s up, it’s finally hit her, her baby’s dead. The actress did a fantastic job of a mother realizing the truth of the death of her child, it’s a startling realization that does take your legs out from under you. Your mind blanks, you can’t think about anything but the last time you saw them, the last terrible thing you said, all you can do is try not to scream. - That got a little too dark and real, sorry.
news.boc.com Cute BoC, very cute.
How long were Phee and Jin supposed to have been fucking by now? Weeks? Months? Because Jin has gotten very emotionally invested very quickly, which is appropriate for teenagers I suppose.
Two years, so they’d be in their what, second year of uni? Tan has gone full mad scientist I see.
Wait, he called to tell Tan that his mom was dead and it was her funeral that day and he just showed tf up! When his dad thought he was still in England!? Lmao, that’s fricking hilarious. I know, I know, wrong reaction to this scene but I’m weird, what can I say.
Oops, bye bye daddy. No wonder Tan is so fucking nuts! That would drive anyone insane. He literally needs Non to be alive otherwise he’s lost everything for nothing.
Is Tan his own guinea pig for his drugs!? Jesus dude, get some help.
Question, were Phee and Jin fucking during their time at university too? Or are you telling me all this ‘I love him’ crap was from one night of decent dick and a few ‘best friend dates’? Like the math ain’t mathing, establish a better timeline here for me when it comes to their relationship because in the first episode it made it seem like they were screwing around for a really long time, months at the very least. But now it seems like they fucked around a couple times in one 12 hour period, Jin decided that was enough to wanna date, caught Phee in a mood because of the fake news report and then they just… what? Kept fucking? Stopped? Jin carried a torch for him for over two years after one night together? Acted like a scorned lover for years because of a single teenaged tryst? Not to be that guy, but girl, you’re coming off a little desperate. I need a more accurate timeline!!!
“This won’t kill them.” Tan, could you try and be a tad more convincing when saying that?
That was a fantastic look from Tan to end on, ngl. Although someone needs to save baby White!
Next episode, we’re back in the present for the most part it seems. Jin somehow still trusts Phee, Fluke somehow gets the gun back and oh look, he holds White hostage, poor bb did nothing, leave him alone! And Tee clearly does know what happened to both Non and Keng as he runs up onto the roof where his uncle is to see the pair… unconscious? Dead? One of each?
I want some backstory about how White fits into all of this next time as well, that would be great. Although considering how little the timeline of events during grade 12 are fully explained, I doubt knowing more about White would make very much sense at this point.
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cocogum · 8 months
How Qilby should’ve destroyed the World of Twelve 💖
(written by yours truly ✨)
Ngl here but Qilby did a bad job trying to destroy the World of Twelve and bring the eliatrope kids with him.
Since he’s gilf material, I decided I was gonna list everything he should’ve done in alphabetical order so that he’ll learn from his past mistakes and try again 🥰🥰
What he wants is: discover the Krosmoz with his brothers and sisters and rule the eliatrope race.
Okay got it, I can make this work 👍
So after a few plannings, I finally did a proper list sheet. Here’s what I recommend babes should’ve done ✨:
#1: Don’t bring Adamaï and Grougal in your lab.
Your ass is aware that Grougal only breaks shit on a constant basis so don’t bring him in your lab where thousands of creatures and experiments have helped the eliatrope race survive and thrive without their home planet. Also, don’t bring Adamaï either cuz that little ugly lizard’s gonna help too.
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#2: Don’t convince Adamai and Grougal to go with you. Just kill them.
Adamaï is specifically related to a stubborn moron who yells half the time when he swings that sword so he’ll obviously won’t be swayed by your words. Instead, what you could do, is talk and let out all your thoughts to him so you could get it out of your system (cuz girlie deserves to vent for a bit ✨).
Then, after you’re done, just kill Adamaï and Grougal. Like that, all your venting would’ve just been actual venting instead of hearing an ugly ass lizard talk back and tell you how insane you are.
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Plus, it’s not like you actually killed these two, they’ll just get reborn someday. Also, they won’t be able to destroy half your shit.
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#3: Go to Rushu and give him access to the World of Twelve.
Now that you got rid of Adamaï and Grougal, go straight to the Shushu dimension and talk to the King, Rushu, in order to make a deal with him so he’ll be able to fuck shit up in the World of Twelve. (I know you’ve already done that, gorgeous but you didn’t do the first two steps).
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Also, specifically tell Rushu to help him kill Phaerys. A baby dragon like Adamaï, even while being possessed by Anathar, wouldn’t do the trick. Besides, you already killed Adamaï so there’s no need for Anathar anyways.
#4: Separate Phaerys and Yugo.
Once Rushu accepts the deal, prepare the portal that will make him, and the rest of his shushus, able to go to the World of Twelve. Once everything is into motion and you guys are finally out of the Shushu dimension, you should immediately make Rushu fight Phaerys. He may be old and filled with experience but Rushu’s the demon king. The chances of him winning against Phaerys are high. Once Phaerys notices Rushu, he’ll expectedly throw Yugo to the side so they ‘could meet later’ when in reality Rushu would’ve been done with him. As soon as you’re alone, go straight for the Crimson Claws Island to search for your Dofus. Don’t waste time talking to Yugo just yet. You don’t owe Yugo anything, make him go to you instead.
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#5: Get your backup Dofus and then kill Balthazar and the eliatrope children.
As soon as you get your backup dofus, you should immediately go to Emrub. Get rid of Balthazar, he’s too old and frail to fight back anyways and besides he’ll just get reborn with Glip someday. After that, kill all them kids. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents??
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You should get rid of everyone in Emrub. There’s no point in trying to convince them to go with you, they’re literally stuck in a timeless dimension so it literally felt like they just got here after seeing their parents die because of you.
I know you don’t want to be alone pookie but this is the only way 💖
To truly start anew you should eradicate everyone that knew what you did, like starting a new page in your life. Yugo can come last since it’ll feel very good to see the one who sealed you off balling his eyes out when he’ll learned you killed the whole race (and his brothers).
But you don’t have to worry baby cuz you’ll just restart the eliatrope race all over again. You know everything so you remember how it even all started in the first place. You just need to get all the Eliatrope Dofus back now.
#6: Get all the other Eliatrope Dofus.
Now that you got your backup Dofus, and killed all the other eliatropes, along with Balthazar, you should leave Emrub and go back to Crimson Claws island so you can immediately start searching for the other Eliatrope Dofus. You can’t leave without them after all.
With the Eliacube in hand, you can just scan where the dofus are in the world and teleport to them.
After you found them all, you can put them in the Zinit.
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#7: NOW you can beat the shit out of Yugo.
It’s always best to do what you have to do first before having fun!
That’s why you’ll feel so good and liberated once you fight Yugo back on the island 🥰🥰
You can now tell him everything you did to their people and what you’re planning on doing now.
By that time, Phaerys should’ve gooten K.O’d by Rushu so that only leaves Yugo to finish off.
Yugo will be expectedly furious and outraged by all the events that took place while he was trying to find you which will only fuel your fun to annihilate him.
Yugo will die from your hands in rage and sorrow and you’ll finally be able to leave everything behind.
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#8: Leave.
Now that you fused with the Eliacube, found your backup Dofus, went to Emrub to kill Balthazar and the eliatrope children, made Rushu kill Phaerys, found the remaining eliatrope Dofus, and killed Yugo after messing with his head a bit, you can finally leave the World of Twelve with the dofus and Eliacube together.
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By leaving the World of Twelve, you’ll drain its wakfu essence and kill the whole planet along with its people. This will also make you note the death of Chibi, making this his shortest life he has ever had in the history of the Krosmoz.
Now that every twelvian is gone, and you have the Eliatrope Dofus and the Eliacube, all that’s left to do is join your sister Shinonome and get reborn along with your other siblings. The process would turn out exactly like your first ever life except that you will drill into your siblings, and all the eliatropes after that, that eliatropes were ALWAYS traveling the Krosmoz and that they’re all travellers by nature. Yugo and Adamaï would believe your lies since they’re adventurers at heart and would gladly help you show new planets and worlds, Chibi and Grougaloragran would use those materials from different worlds and planets to make new technology. Mina and Phaerys would always be fixing the eliatropes’ conflicts and anger, Nora and Efrim will unawarely be supporting your ideals by spreading the encouragement to be free and have fun, making the eliatropes believe that being travellers IS what is free and fun. And since Glip and Balthazar are teachers and the ones who educate the eliatropes about the eliatrope race, they will spread more of your beliefs onto them, spreading your views all throughout the eliatropes and the future generations to come.
THIS is how you get to them.
THIS is how you get your perfect ending.
Don’t hesitate, don’t keep talking to them, even if your sister keeps telling you to stop cuz you bet ur ass she also wants to get out of her damn egg. Cuz WHO in their right mind would want to stay in a freaking EGG for all eternity????
Anyways here’s my take on what Qilby should’ve done back in season 2. Pookie needed a little help so I gave him a list for next time 🥰🥰
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vampyier · 1 year
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4. her again
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after last night scaramouche had woken up on the sofa in the living room, he groaned and immediately got up to brew coffee to start the day
he posted a goodmorning and announced that he was going to stream a game later
after those two posts alone his phone blew up with notifications from his fans asking who the person that entered his room last night was.
he turned off his phone and ignored the people bombarding him with questions and assumptions online.
scaramouche started making breakfast as he usually would but when he went back into his room to use his bathroom and saw you still dozing off on his bed.
he rushed into the bathroom quickly did brushed his teeth and washed his hands going back to the kitchen
he finished making his own breakfast but hesitated at first but after he recalled the events of last night he felt bad and made another meal for you
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he huffed and tried ignoring his friends and the blush that dusted over his cheeks and the tips of his ears
after scaramouche finished eating quickly he covered your meal with another plate
he then went back to his room and started his stream.
( 23 minutes into the stream )
scaramouche had started the stream and began talking and commenting on the game as usual but was still ignoring all the questions about you
lovermouche donates 100 bits : “who was that person answer us scara 😡😡😡”
scaramouche looked at the camera blankly and said “my roommate,” he continued playing the game but in silence as the chat died down a little.
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your eyes slowly opened as you regained consciousness
you yawned as you slowly rose up from the bed tossing the purple blanket off your chest
wait… purple blanket???
your eyes widened as you finally realized where you were, “where the fuck am I???” you exclaimed
scaramouche turned his head towards you as you started freaking out and asking scaramouche how you were in his bed
“wait shit are you streaming right now?” you asked scaramouche as he nodded slowly with a quizzical look due to your sudden outburst
his viewers started asking questions too
heyhaypasia : “guys he said they were just his roommate 😐😐”
belepele : “they’re kinda funny ngl 🤭🤭”
xxbestgamerevrxxii : “i like them more than scara already”
you started hurriedly saying apologies and started to get out.
“do you know where my jacket is? i don’t want your viewers to know how to look and be disappointed,” you shyly said looking down
scaramouche blinked at you then handed a hoodie from his recent merch line, “ you didn’t bring your jacket here, it might still be by the entrance. just use this to hide your identity for now.”
“shit thank you so much, i’m so sorry for causing any problems yesterday,” you kept apologizing while tugging the hoodie over your head and putting it on
“it’s fine…i made breakfast it’s on the counter right now.” scaramouche said with a stoic face but his viewers started going crazy and pointed out how the tip of his ears were bright pink
you didn’t notice since you were pulling the hood over your head and started heading out his door without a word.
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tag list : @beriiov @riabriyn @xoyumiqls
- posting twt n profiles tmr for name :P
- i have no idea how to continue this bru
-cringe but who cares
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☀️ prompt x rockstar!eddie
@oneforthemunny summers writing game is stuck in my mind so my prompt is ☀️
☀️- eddie comes home to see you sunbathing...topless;) can be dom!sub! if you'd like, or sweet smutty goodness. whatever you'd like it to be! have fun with it!
ofc i had to do rockstar!modern!eddie
smutty smut smut 18+, she’s a brat ngl, p in v sex, spanking, in public kinda (they’re in their backyard which to me is huge), he’s soft for like 0.2 seconds, degrading.
of course it’s risky. but the sun is perfect today and i just had to. and tan lines suck. so i went topless. my phone has rung a gazillion times, all probably from eddie, but it’s over at the edge of the pool while i’m in the middle, floating on a neon pink floatie.
“is this why you haven’t answered your phone?” i hear eddie’s voice. i open my eyes and turn to eddie while they’re getting adjusted to the light. “yes.” i smile and turn back. “oh my fucking god.” he rolls his eyes.
i smirk as i hear him grab my phone, place it not on the edge of the pool. i zone out until i hear him jump into the pool. “eddie.” i gasp before it’s too late and i’m being flipped over.
i pop my head out of the water to see him standing and laughing like an idiot. “that’s not funny!” i scream at him, splashing water. “oh. this is how you’re gonna act.” he raises a brow, voice getting stern.
“you pushed me into the water!” i whine. “and? i know you know how to swim.” he retorts. “i didn’t want to get my hair wet!” i whine. “oh. you poor baby.” he mocks me. “oh my god.” i complain, rolling my eyes.
“okay. i let you have your fun. say sorry or i’ll punish you.” he threats. “i didn’t do anything wrong.” i cross my arms over my chest. “oh? okay. get out.” he gets stern, an ache forms between my legs. it was already there from seeing him wet.
i get out and try off as much as i can before he’s snatching the towel from me. he sits down in front of me and i bend over his lap. “don’t even need to be told. maybe there’s some good in you after all.” he smiles and runs his hand down my spine.
“i am good.” i whine. “sure you are.” i can practically hear him roll his eyes. “read that number.” he holds the phone in front of me, the missed calls in red. “how many did you miss?” he asks. “17.” i pout. “mhm. good girl.” he nods, setting my phone down. the praise makes me even more wet.
“and you will count every. single. one.” he grits the last part out. i blush as i feel him slowly and softly remove my bikini bottoms. “remember the safe word?” he asks. “mhm. peppers.” i answer. “good girl.” he says, hand softly rubbing my back.
when he got like this it sends my head into a dizzy. the sweetness of his touch, words, and voice. just for him to treat me harshly a moment later.
i can’t get into my head too much before i feel his palm crack down against my cheek. “one!” i say. he does it again, this time slightly harder. “two!” i cry out. he does the next 2 quickly, back to back. “three, four!” i whine. “mhm. see you are smart. just make dumb decisions.” he pauses for a moment.
he continues again, swapping between compliments and sweet nothings that make me blush and want to hide my face. to harsh words that make me blush in embarrassment.
“ten!” i cry out after he spanks me. “mhm. only seven more.” he nods. “please.” i cry, my cheeks tear stained and in between my legs soaking wet, not just from water. “what? want more or can’t take it anymore?” he asks.
“touch me.” i beg. “aw. that’s cute. but not enough to not be a slut.” he shrugs, spanking me hard this time. “eleven!” i cry, that was the hardest so far. “look at you, so pathetic.” he smirks, bringing his hand down again. “twelve!” i cry out, loud.
“hush, the neighbors are gonna hear, and call the cops.” he warns. “you want that though, huh? sluts like you.” he spanks me. “t-thirteen.” i stutter. “good job. only 4 more left.” he coos. “i can go fast if you want.” he offers. “please.” i beg. “okay.” he smiles.
his hand falls down to between my legs where he glides his pointer finger over my core. i let out a gasp as he removes his finger. he doesn’t give me a warning before his hand is against my flesh.
“fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen!” i cry out. “mhm. good job. you did so good for me.” he coos, softly rubbing my back, not the area he attacked. he wants me to feel all of the pain so the lesson sets in. even though we all know that’s bullshit and it won’t.
“wanna continue? we don’t have to.” he offers. “no please. fuck me.” i whine. “okay.” he smiles. he quickly moves me so i’m laying against the chair and he’s on top.
he doesn’t say anything, just connect our lips. he softly moans into the kiss when i reach for his hair. “ed’s.” i whimper. “i know baby. just let me kiss you.” he responds. eventually he pulls away and pulls down his shorts.
i look down to see his harden cock straining his boxers. i reach down and softly palm him. “shit.” he hisses. i smirk and he removes my hands to pull down his boxers. he quickly strokes himself to get fully hard as he gets situated and lines himself up with me.
he slowly slides in, never breaking eye contact with me. “eddie-” i moan. “shit.” he sighs as he’s fully in. “move, please.” i whine. “patience.” he rolls his eyes but gives in, he starts to thrust into me.
in no time, like my moans fuel him, he’s fucking me rough like there’s no tomorrow, just how i like it. “oh fuck.” i moan as quiet as i can, knowing our neighbors probably can’t hear and or don’t care.
“shit sweetheart.” he pants. “eddie.” i moan. “yeah- fuck.” he groans. “oh fuck.” he grunts. “you feel so good.” i whine. “yeah? who owns this pussy?” he asks, thrusting harder. “you- fuck. you do eddie.” i moan.
“yeah. that’s it. good girl.” he pants. i can see sweat forming on him and i can feel it forming on my chest. “you look so good.” i moan. “hm? this doing it for you?” he asks. “yes.” i pant, looking down at his chest, covered in a layer of sweat.
“oh eddie.” i cry out. “i’m close.” i whine. “be my good girl and hold it for me.” he says. “edd-ie.” i whine. “come on. don’t be a brat.” he snaps. “okay!” i moan.
he continues to fuck me and i hold back until i realize his thrusts are getting sloppier. “please.” i beg. “fuck. yes. cum.” he pants. “ohmygodohmygodohmygod.” i chant as i finish against him. in the heat of my moment he finishes inside of me.
we both come down from the highs and collect ourselves. “feel good?” he asks. “mhm.” i nod and softly kiss him.
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atomsminecraft · 2 years
Court of Darkness sick headcanons because I’m sick and I want this comfort
I’m just guessing with most of these so sorry if they’re inaccurate 😅
I feel like he would either have Jasper bring medicine for you or bring you to his room so he can keep an eye on you
Would probably not let you out of bed ngl 💀
Straight up would be like “You’re sick. Lay back down.”
He would act annoyed but you know he isn’t
I feel like he would force medicine into your mouth if you refuse to take it, or have Jasper dead with that cuz I feel like he would do it better lmao
Is secretly a little worried, would never admit to it though(You can tell though)
If you wanted to get up he would probably carry you to the place you wanted to go(Like the bathroom) then come back after a few minutes to bring you back(If you needed a book though he would have Jasper get it for you)
He would care but would stay a safe distance away so he doesn’t also get sick
Would comb his hand through your hair though when you’re asleep 10/10
As I said before, he would force you to take medicine no matter how bad it tastes
Would probably give you something sweet after though so you aren’t complaining as much
Would get the items you needed like books or paper so you wouldn’t have to get up
Would probably have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Would bring you soup but if you’re too weak to eat it he would help you
Yeah no that’s all I got for him lmao
This man is an expert at this
Would probably try and find a better tasting medicine and in liquid form so you don’t gag from taking a pill
Blankets. Everywhere.
Would have you take a lukewarm bath, would have Violet help you take one if you needed if you aren’t paramours but if you are he would probably help you(and tease you about it)
Would bring you soup that’s meant to help with whatever illness you have and would make sure you eat at least something healthy
Would 100% make you tea, he wouldn’t allow you to drink anything cold
His cold hands feel good on your forehead haha
He would have Knight check up on you and bring you things when he can’t
I feel like you would get better really quickly since he’s an expert at this stuff(at least that’s my guess)
Would help you with any missing work once you’re better
Would probably ask Toa for some help
Would also get you soup that’s meant to help with whatever sickness you have
I don’t know how he would react if you didn’t want to take the medicine but he’d still find a way somehow
He also has cold hands so those would feel good on your forehead
Calms down Robin when he’s worrying about you, allows him to help as well(as much as he can)
I feel like he’s try and bribe you with candy just to take medicine if you refuse to take it, better yet, he would make the medicine look like candy and then be like “well now you have to swallow it since it’s already in there”
Would also have Robin keep an eye on you when he can’t
Like Toa, he would also make you tea
He would stay as close as he can without getting sick but would still make sure you’re ok
Would bring you tea
I feel like he would find a way to put the medicine in your tea
Would also pull the tricking you into thinking the medicine was candy but he would make sure you swallow it with the tea so you either won’t complain about the bitterness of it or to make sure you don’t notice it’s medicine
Would rub your back
If you throw up he would hold up your hair so it stays clean
You would apologize but he would tell you it’s ok
Makes sure you sleep
Would read you a book or tell you a story so you fall asleep as well
Would hold your hand 🥹
I feel like he would try and distract you from any discomfort you’re feeling by telling stories or letting you watch him draw
Would rub your back and make sure you fall asleep
I don’t think he would force you to take medicine but he would still find a way to make you take it
I remember in one event Grayson brought MC fruit when he thought she was sick so yeah that’s what he would do
Would try and find something easy for you to eat
Would try and make some small talk if you’re feeling up to it
He’s likely get some advice from Toa
Would fall asleep with you
Tino would be worried but Lynt doesn’t budge
Tino would convince him not to sleep so close to you so he won’t get sick
He’d probably feed you
He’d make you feel bad for not taking the medicine(unintentionally)💀
Would reward you with something like a sweet bread or a candy
Would encourage you to sleep more(even if you don’t he’s still gonna fall asleep)
Would be so worried omg
“Oh stars… oh no…”
Would make you bread and soup
I feel like he’s also(unintentionally) make you feel bad about not taking the medicine
Would ask Toa and Knight for help
Poor Tino just wants for you to feel better 😭
Would make sure you’re comfortable
Would literally, like, panic if you were in any pain
Would comb his hand through your hair if you wanted it
Would be a little less worried when you’re asleep but still very worried
Bread and soup galore
Would try and make you laugh if you were in any pain
Would take a bath with you
Would also probably feed you
I don’t know what he’d do about not wanting to take medicine though, would probably pull the old candy swicharoo trick then cover your mouth so you can’t spit it out
You want cuddles? Yes ma’am.
Would make sure you’re ok whenever he can
Would help you with your homework after you get better if you ask him
He’d use his ancient magic in you to help you sleep if you are having trouble
You would have more food then you would know what to do with
He’s literally so sweet omg
Would feed you 100%
I feel like he’s carry you to bed
He would make you smile 🥰
Would hold your hand 🥺
Would somehow find a way to make you take your medicine
Would also help you with your homework after you got better and would help catch you up on everything
I feel like he wouldn’t know what to do 💀
Would just give you the medicine and be like “Eat it.”
Would at least try and make you feel better
Shifva(I don’t remember how to spell their name-) would also be there trying to make you feel better
I feel like he’s hold your hand
Would also make you tea
Because he already doesn’t go to lectures he would just stay with you and make sure you’re fine
Would pat your head
I feel like he would read to you, idk it just seems like something he would do
Would also not know what to do LMAO-
He’d try and act like he knows what he’s doing but if he’s actually struggling he’d reluctantly ask Toa for help(everyone just asks Toa for help 💀)
Would read to you about mushrooms
I feel like he would make you a soup with a mushroom that would help you sleep
Would trick you into taking medicine but he would do it in different ways so you never expect it
Would put the medicine in your food, pretend it’s candy, force you to take it, or just trick you into agreeing to take it 💀
I feel like he would braid your hair
Would still stay a comfortable distance away lol
Would hold your hand 🥰
Would sing to you
His voice is like music to your ears 😄
Because he also doesn’t go to class much he’s just stay with you haha
He heard you’re sick and was worried
If he’s busy then he would have Nix or Phinny bring you medicine
I feel like he’s let you stay in his chambers though while you’re sick
Would smile while seeing you asleep 🥰
Would make sure you’re ok
He’s also trick you into taking medicine 😡
“Please” “no” please” “no” “yes” “no” “no” ye- wait��”
He would be so smug about tricking you 💀
Would also comb his hand through your hair
I feel like he would be pretty good at taking care of sick people tbh
Would wake you up every few hours to make sure you eat
He’d be so nice about it omg
Girl would be worried but would try and make you feel better
Would braid your hair so it doesn’t get in the way 🥰
Would also hold your hair back if you threw up
Would have Grayson make you something to eat
Would hold your hand 🥰
She would be so nice and would try so hard to help it would be so sweet
Would simply convince you to take nasty tasting medicine but would give you candy after
She tried to make you food once while you were sick, didn’t go so well 💀
Give her a hug rn 😡
She would also be so sweet omg
Would bathe you 😄
She would rub your back and pat your head
She would also make you tea 🥰
She’d find a way to give you medicine but idk how lol
Would check up on you whenever she can
I feel like she’d light a candle that would help you sleep
Would help you change your cloths whenever you needed it
Would braid your hair and hold it back if you throw up
She’d be so supportive 🥺
Ok that’s all I have but if you have anymore please put them in the comments!
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imbadatwrighting · 2 years
If your orders are open can I request a bill denbrough x male reader fluff or angst? The plot can be anything because there are literally no bill x male readers and I really want one.
I was originally going to make this angst but I don’t trust myself to make amazing angst just yet also sorry this took awhile I didn’t see it until 3 days after it was asked 😭
Late night cuddles
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Pairing: Bill Denbrough x M!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Bill and [name] finally can get some alone time without the crew even if it’s only possible around midnight
Warnings: implied mentions of homophobia & me switching the pov by accident and also it’s kinda short ngl
“Red or blue?”
“R-red,” a voice spoke up, not letting their eyes fall off the food they were currently cutting up, yet knowing that the male sitting down on the couch was talking about which blanket to bring.
“Bill, are you sure you want to bring food with us? By the time we get there it’ll already be 6am,” another voice spoke, walking over to the male in the kitchen, wrapping their arms around his waist and leaning their head on his shoulder.
“I’m a-almost d-done [name], give me another s-second,” the boy replied, starting to slowly sway with the taller boy.
He only received a hum as a reply as the slightly older male readjusted his head to now be placed on top of Bill’s head.
“Swedish fish? You know I don’t like those,” [name] spoke up looking at the small bag of Swedish fish go into Bill’s book bag with the rest of the food.
“T-then don’t e-eat t-them. They’re n-not for y-you,” the other male let out a chuckle soon letting go of Bill’s waist and grabbing the book bag which he put in his back.
“Come on Bill. We don’t have all day you know. Grab your coat and lets go.”
“C-coming,” grabbing the last of the things you and Bill would need, Bill rushed out the door promptly after you.
He gotten his bike and wheeled to catch up with you who gotten a head start and is already way ahead of him. However, it didn’t take long for him to catch up with you soon only being a short distance behind you.
“B-Beverly told m-me t-to tell you t-that she w-wants to m-meet up t-tomorrow just the t-two of y-you,” Bill spoke up. Looking to see if you would have a visible reaction but all he got was a low pitched hum.
“Did she say what time?”
“S-she said t-to tell you ‘t-the s-same as a-always.”
The boy ahead of him never looked back to see Bill yet knew what was going on. “You have no reason to be nervous my love. It’s probably nothing she just asks me on advice about certain things sometimes. Trust me that’s it,” the boy spoke in a quiet and calm voice, and deep at the same time.
The boy behind you blushed a deep shade of red, turning his head to look at the houses he was passing. “I-I’m n-not n-nervous,” he mumbled quietly under his breath yet you could hear him anyways.
You let out a chuckle at your boyfriend’s reaction then speeding up when getting closer to the destination.
“Come on love, I’m here already yet you’re still wallowing in self-pity,” Bill’s face got even redder as he rushed to get over to you and off his bike.
You started to get the things that you put in the basket on your bike but was interrupted by a face smushing itself into your chest.
You looked around seeing the hills and forest around you to make sure no one could see you, knowing it would only make things worse for Bill and cause him to be more embarrassed.
Once you saw no one was looking you slowly and calmly dropped the things you were holding and wrapped your arms around Bill.
“Come on Bill. We can relax all we want when we get situated,” you slowly pushed Bill away from you and picked your things back up.
He grabbed the things that he was carrying and walked up the hill behind you. Looking around he could see some neighborhoods in the distance but both of you aren’t close enough for them to see you and him.
“D-do you t-think we’ll be c-caught?” Bill asked you, imagining the worst scenarios of some adult or teen finding you guys.
“At 12am? I doubt it,” you replied calming Bill’s worries.
“Y-yeah I g-guess y-your right.”
“Always am,” you joked when you reached the top of the hill. Laying the blanket on the fluffy hill and putting your stuff down you then sat down facing the direction of the town.
Bill sat down next to your, leaning his head on your shoulder while you kept staring off in the distance.
“A-are you s-sure?” You looked over at Bill who pulled his head up and looked back at you only to see you put a small smile on your face.
You grabbed him suddenly with both arms and pulled him down in the way in the grass, making him let out a small squeak.
Laughing you positioned your self on top of him with your arms on both sides of his head.
You cooled off and rolled over to the left side of him where he wrapped his arms around your torso and pulled his head into your chest.
“If we are then I don’t care. If we do get caught it’ll be by some crackhead and who’s going to believe them. Especially when they’re saying they found the Bill Denbrough cuddling [name] [last name] the ultimate ‘playboy’.”
He hummed along with that, slightly tightening his grasp on you while you payed to mind to it and stared up at the stars with one hand under your head and the other one holding into Bill.
“I l-love you.” Bill mumbled quietly slowly starting to fall asleep.
“I love you too.”
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pelideswhore · 1 year
the horror and the wild (and achilles)
basically i’m trying to explain why the songs that are in my iliad playlist are there at all and ofc i’m starting with none other than achilles. I’m gonna do this line-by-line so you can listen as you read but i won’t be doing repeated lines. enjoy <3
also, yes, i am aware that the song is written about an abusive relationship between father and child, and i love listening it to it in that sense (yes i’m traumatized) but in this context it’s obvs different. my ability to make everything about achilles is a gift that keeps on giving. if you don’t want this song to have different meaning than what it’s actually about, just stop reading.
You were raised by wolves and voices, every night I hear them howling deep beneath your bed —
The ‘you’ in this line is Achilles, who knew from a very young age that he was destined for greatness. He based his entire personality around the fact, hence the having been ‘raised’ by voices. The ‘wolves’ also remind me of the fact that he a) spent many years in a cave with Charon and b) had many father figures. I mean it. Count them.
They said it all comes down to (you) —
This ties in with the previous line. Achilles really was told that the fate of the war and hence the entirety of Greece depends on him, when he was literally a child. That’s way too much responsibility for a five-year-old if you were looking for parenting tips.
You’re the daughter of silent watching stones, you watch the stars hurl all their fundaments in wonderment at you and yours, forever asking more —
I mostly connect the female part of the song to Thetis. Firstly, I feel like this segment already makes her feel like an ethereal, divine being (although Madeleine’s voice does that well enough ngl), at the same time it also describes her character very well. The fact that the stars ‘hurl all their fundaments’ reminds me of Book (idk what book it is), where Zeus fulfills Thetis’ wish on Achilles’ behalf, no questions asked. I also feel like some people forget that Zeus literally wanted to marry her, she was that gorgeous, so ya.
You are the space that’s in between every page, every chord and every screen. You are the driftwood and the rift, the words I promise I don’t mean —
I don’t know what this means. Love it tho.
We’re drunk, but drinking; sunk, but sinking —
I love this line so much, you have no idea. It brings up the idea that while they all know that they are fated to die and it is guaranteed, there’s still living it in real time. They’re eating, laughing, speaking, with the knowledge that tomorrow they won’t be able to. They’re dead men walking. Also, on a less existential note, it reminds me of the fact that they’ve doomed themselves by starting the war and yet they continue it. They’ve dug themselves a hole and instead of hopping out, they dig deeper.
They thought us blind, we were just blinking —
Patroclus and Achilles now: Their decision to put the war on hold, a momentary action, is the blinking, in relation to “blindness” which would’ve been leaving. The ‘they’ who thought them blind could really be Agamemnon, who underestimates and insults Achilles with the little party he sends to him. Or it could be Hector and the Trojans who believed they were safe … and then Achilles came back.
All the stones and kings of old will hear us screaming at the cold —
The stones are a perfectrepresentation of the Trojan wall and the kings, well, that’s the current Trojan royal family but also all that have passed. They will hear Achilles screaming at the cold, which could be the sea or Patroclus’ corpse if you want to take it literally. When he hears the news of Patroclus’ death, his screams do in fact reach Troy.
Remember me, I ask. Remember me, I sing —
Yeah. Remembrance for Achilles is obviously a big thing, so I’m not going to go super deep here, however the switch from ‘ask’ to ‘sing’ is really nice, considering we’re taking about an epic that was sung in remembrance of Achilles. The first word of the Iliad is literally ‘sing’.
Give me back my heart you wingless (thing) —
This could very much be about the fight for Patroclus’ corpse, but Achilles didn’t even know that was happening at the time, so instead I just make it about Achilles wanting Patroclus to be alive again. He does in fact refer to him as “his soul’s far dearer part”.
Think of all the horrors that I promised you I’d bring —
To me, this sounds like Achilles referring to threats he made to Hector about killing him and bringing destruction to his people. While the threats were empty at the time, now, after Patroclus has died, he takes them very seriously.
I promise you, they’ll sing of every time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child —
In the song, this is the same person as in the lines before and after, considering it’s a song about a father and his son, but to me, this line is about the fact that Achilles wants the affection Patroclus showed him to be remembered. He doesn’t want the love they had to go forgotten. This is 100% caused by the fact that in my writing, Patroclus and Achilles’ hair is a huge thing you might want to look out for if you read it lols. OH also, the fact that he cuts it after Patroclus dies is like a “if you can’t touch it, no one can” moment.
Witness me, old man, I am the wild —
Back to the Trojans. ‘Old man’ here obviously means father but we’ll just ignore that and apply it to Priam, specifically to the scene where he comes to Achilles’ tent and asks for Hector’s corpse back.
You are the son of every dressing up box —
Honestly, I have no idea what this means. It definitely does remind me of Achilles hiding in a costume among the princesses in Skyros, but that doesn’t hold all too much significance. Dressing up is also usually a kids’ game which reminds you that he’s really just a kid pretending to be someone he’s not.
And I am time itself, I slow to let you play. I steal the hours and turn the nights into (day) —
Instead of giving the female voice just to Thetis, I could classify it as divine interference as a whole. This line specifically is giving me Athena vibes, though she is not time itself. The way she refers to what would be battling in this context as ‘playing’ shows how superior she is and how much she looks down upon even her favoured soldiers. It also reiterates for the millionth time that these soldiers are really just children. The fact that Athena has to ‘let’ him or allow him to play illustrates that Achilles is dependent on divine interference to win his battles, but specifically the duel with Hector.
Day by day, oh lord, three things I pray, that I might understand as best I can how bold I was, could be, will be - still am, by god, still am —
Here we get to the self-reflection where Achilles realizes that he was never as great as he thought he’d be, and that he had failed his people by not using that greatness to its full potential. The ‘will be’ and ‘still am’ parts are just him hyping himself up to take revenge on Hector, reminding himself that he does have the strength to do it.
Fret not, dear heart, let not them hear the mutterings of all your fears, the fluttering of all your wings —
I don’t know how deep I can go into this beyond what it literally means. He simply can’t let on that he’s scared. I guess the wings do represent his inner demons, but it’s also kind of funny when you think of him being Podarkes aka. having “winged feet”.
Welcome to the storm, I am thunder —
In the storm that is the war, Achilles is the thunder, the loud thing everyone fears. It’s quite interesting to consider that in reality, thunder is safe. The danger is the lighting. In my mind, Achilles considers Patroclus to be the lightning, which makes sense when you remember that after his death Achilles admits that he is not the best of all Greeks, but Patroclus. This leaves Achilles to be the thunder, the echo of what truly mattered.
Welcome to my table, bring your hunger —
This is similar to the line before. It’s his table, his war. Hector is the one that has to come prepared, ready to fight, but also ready to be served, ready to die.
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 10 months
So I haven’t really posted anything actually spoilery yet but this will be!
Musical daddy Clark truly unreal. I love the opening number so much. I love how much dancing Lauren got to do this show, the joy on her face alone makes me want to cry. She and James had a bit in the opening number we love that duo. She and Joey also have a part in that choreo where they’re looking at each other and that was the moment I was really like oh god this is their first married SK show. Also I know I already brought this up but Joey wearing his ring for Bob is one thing, him wearing it from the very top of the show is NOT okay. I also shouldn’t be allowed to sit close to Lauren because I always get distracted, before it’s been her scars and her ring this time it was her sparkly eyeshadow fun! Also istg Lauren seems smaller every time I see her and the height difference between her and Joey seems worse.
Gift of the magi made me CRY. I forget how good Curt’s voice is and Janaya’s we KNOW is phenomenal and they were just so sweet together. And guys I cannot stress enough how amazing and hilarious this Joey Lauren Brian trio is like it MAKES act 1 for me. The whole song of that part Meredith posted on her story is SO funny. Also I’m fucking in love with Lauren’s costume in act 1 but even more so after the show she accidentally threw it off her head in that part.
L/J/B open little match girl and that song will not get out of my head. I’m not sure between Brian and Joey if the choreo was ever 100% perfect but we all know it adds to the charm. Lauren had to nudge Brian into the right place one show which was v cute. Ali is incredible and I’m so so happy to have her in a full length SK show again (but Lauren understudied match girl and ngl I would kill for rehearsal footage to hear those songs in her voice). This story was such a good showcase of how well SK combines the humour and the emotion.
Scrooge makes a little cameo in both of the stories which sets it up so well, and then the act 1 closer sets up for christmas carol.
I absolutely loved watching Meredith in the band and it’s so special how happy and proud she looks of her friends.
AJ’s scrooge is great and he brings a lot of fun little things to the characters, I think I just have a soft spot for Dylan’s scrooge because I have a soft spot for him that I don’t have for AJ.
The night Curt forgot his very first line in Bah Humbug and just said “yeah!” after Janaya was too funny and Joey put a hand on his back like “it’s okay” they’re all very cute. Honestly though that was probably the biggest fuck up. Joey is just like so so good as Bob obviously it’s perfect casting but it’s perfect casting.
3 spirits was even cooler the way it was staged this time.
Jaime’s I’m the ghost choreo was even funnier. Also nothing can compare with the Brian/Lauren siblings (finally!!) but Lauren was little sister again and was even cuter than last time, she had a little leg pop that was adorable and funny and then a little giggle at the end. And I remember being excited for Joey’s Fezziwig and then being like but he literally has one little part in that song, but he really did have fun with it and he had a cute interaction with Clark and Mere.
I love that scrooge with Curt and even after the 2021 show I’m still in disbelief over Janaya’s voice.
Christmas electricity is just the best fucking thing to see live the energy is so good. I did miss Lauren and Brian starting the song off (Clark was back to singing more of the interludes and we love Clark but there were a few I missed). AJ really was funny in this song. James slays so fucking hard. Lauren was wearing the black boots which I’m obsessed with. But she left early to make her quick change and THAT was when it hit me that I was about to experience the first married priceless.
And truly what to say. There were some ways it wasn’t as bad as previous versions, “this soil is rich” certainly no longer had THOSE implications. But literally just the fact that they *are* married and Joey’s wearing his wedding ring just got me even harder than I thought it would. There was also an EXCESSIVE amount of hand holding. And you’d think I’d be okay after the spin in the 2021 show but they did it in their slow mo section this time which was worse. And if that wasn’t enough, in the last show he spun her TWICE more in the last chorus in a way that definitely was not choreographed which you could see in Lauren’s face and I just. We KNOW they’re both phenomenal actors but we know even more that every bit of that is *real* and I will never recover. I say it every time but I cannot thank Clark enough for writing such a beautiful song for them. And at the end of the song Joey leaned his head on hers and I just looked at him and was like, that is a man who could not be happier performing with his wife. Also I absolutely think he tried to kiss her head the first show but she walked away. He was also the last to leave the stage at the end of the song and he was very proud husband/dad about it all. Jamie and Brian both *consistently* made Lauren break though which is always funny. Also in the first show there was someone in the front row who I think was not participating in cratchit family sing along so Lauren went right up to them and was singing right at them and then Janaya also shout-sang “priceless” at them. Which reminds me I do love that they got their hand mics back for this song. Also the last night Joey fucked up the part where they’re leaning out and wasn’t looking at Lauren when she was looking at him so she was acting offended but then when he did look at her they giggled and I love them endlessly.
Jim and Della became the couple in final ghost which was perfect. The decision to have Joey come out for the cratchit part holding tiny tim’s care bear was fucked up. Lauren leaning on his arm, also fucked up.
There was a new section in christmas day for Jim and Della which was really sweet, and a match girl appearance with an extra couple lines. It did mean we had to lose turkey boy which is kind of a tragedy because it means we’ve never *properly* gotten it live, but I do love love that they tied all the stories together like that and the emotional payoff was so good. We had Lauren donation man and her and AJ were really funny in that bit. Lauren had an entrance while the Bob and Scrooge bit was happening so watching her wait there like a proud wife for him to come and take her arm was 🥺
All that to say this is such a special show and the new additions are perfect and you should absolutely get a digital ticket!!!
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With Friends Like These - thoughts
This is late in the rewatch week, but I watched these today and when I watched this one I was on my computer already and I got the rambles- have some of my unabridged, unhinged thoughts on this episode:
This is going to sound real dumb, but I forgot before doing the rewatch how call-oriented the first season was… like in the fourth season obviously they still go on calls, but they start the episode like this is what we’re doing in our off hours!
Oh the awkwardness of running into someone you knew a long time ago;
Although the one way to make this worse; when someone recognizes you and you either A) think they look vaguely familiar but it’s clear they remember you much more than you remember them, or B) when you see someone and you know exactly where you know them from… but can’t think of their fucking name (seriously is there a graceful way to say, I remember you, but also, I can’t think of your name?)
If you didn’t have a fear of big trucks passing you on the road — like I always feel like I am going the speed limit the car is old but we are TRYING and they still pass me-
Those big trucks are so scary-
Oh Carlos is so sweet and so good at his job… and has such a comforting voice… (is this all we see of Carlos in this episode? I don’t actually remember. We’ll find out).
Coming back after I finished this episode- this WAS the only scene we got for Carlos!
Not near enough of Carlos in this episode-
Am I a terrible person if I say I wish this was Tommy?
Also it’s weird in this first season where Nancy (and Tim) are there and just never… talk.
Genuinely curious — does everyone just… know their blood type?
Like fictional characters always know this and I would have literally no idea; is this something real people know about themselves??
“Don’t you have any friends, Probie?” Oh Marjan-
Ngl, TK looks really good in his track pants…
Although that man is physically incapable of having a backpack and not looking like he’s in first grade.
Oh Paul would be so much fun at a card game.
Like someone brings him and is like “oh he’s not playing, he’s just waiting for a ride” and Paul is watching everybody and just texting the person he’s sitting next to, “okay so his tell is this, and when this guy is bluffing he—”
Judd does NOT want Owen joining in these reindeer games.
Judd, if Tommy were here, she’d say, “trust those instincts, Juddy”.
Like I don’t want to not like Michelle, but going back and watching these, it’s like, I wish Tommy were here-
Like I’m glad Carlos has someone to talk to but still-
Grace looks AMAZING-
And she also is surprised Owen is here to play reindeer games-
Because Judd didn’t mention Billy Tyson is coming over, and Billy sucks.
(Okay maybe he doesn’t say that but seriously. Billy sucks so much. I was nervously hovering during season four, waiting for Billy Tyson to pop out from behind some furniture and be his awful awful self).
Owen, baby, sshh, stop trying to counsel men who don’t love their hair as much as you.
Also I know the point is for Owen and Billy Tyson to snipe at each other — and they’re truly doing a great job — but also, who are these other people?
This always bothers me in scenes like this, like introduce them! Judd! Please tell me about your homies!
The captions say this woman’s name is Yvette; who is she? Is she someone’s mom? (Cause that would actually be adorable, if she was a mom of one of the fallen 126 and Judd invited her).
But also — am I a terrible person for assuming she could ONLY be someone’s mom?
But then who is she?
(None of this matters. But the part I remember from this episode is this part; and you can probably tell, I absolutely cannot stand Billy Tyson).
And nothing against the actor — he was in a handful of Gilmore Girls episodes.
Sans mustache.
Back to what’s actually happening; Judd is looking TENSE during the back and forth.
I saw this mentioned in a post that Marjan literally never touches the smoothie Owen made her and now that I’ve seen it there, I cannot unsee it here.
Marjan would definitely harp on it if she missed one point until it was changed and I love that about her-
(Like this woman is goals. I wish I could stand up for myself in any capacity like this).
Also I’m not proud of how much it made me giggle when Owen said “they have to let him take it orally”.
Yes, I know he meant the test.
Okay, small tangent (such a lie. This post is one unhinged tangent. If you’re still with me, having a nutritional albeit disgusting smoothie on me).
How does firefightering school work anyway?
It definitely seems like it varies state by state — like cause is Mateo only twenty years old here? (Going off of in season four Mateo burned down the school when he was thirteen and Owen says it was ten years ago)
Because also, if Mateo hasn’t graduated the academy, how is he allowed to be there?
Like wouldn’t it go fire cadet, then probie, then firefighter?
And in New York; their fire academy somehow takes two years, and then you’re a probie, then they can’t hire you until you’re 21 — and I still haven’t figured out if you can be a probie before they officially hire you?!
Can anyone explain this?
Anyways- this shows the dynamic of Judd is the oldest brother, than Marjan, than Paul, then, TK, then Mateo would be the youngest brother…
Like no one is going to say no to big sister Marjan!
“Because with that drawl, you read the slowest”. Well, she’s not wrong…
The end of TK with the book is so cute and I don’t know why, but it is.
Billy Tyson is there… because Owen invited him.
Like everyone can see this won’t end well, showing Billy everything — like Owen is GLEEFUL.
Oh those little girls are so cute.
This is a stupid question — are hackles a real thing?
Like what part of the dog are they? (alternative title; I’m sorry I am an idiot lol).
“He loves them. And Cesar Millan”. Other things I didn’t know, that Dog Whisperer is in fact a thing —that reference does make sense here
The little girl telling TK, “you know you have really big muscles?” And Marjan answering, “trust me, he knows” Bahahaa
Oh the impalement part is icky — but that is a very good dog.
“Sir, you should look away for this”. I appreciate that warning.
Owen practicing golfing so he can out-golf Billy later — Owen why is this a person you want to hang out with?
Like I may have bagged on Michelle before, but Owen, god listen to this woman!
“Good god, how many of these are there?” Oh Judd…
Love when Mateo gives the answer to Paul he couldn’t come up with later; attaboy probie!
I simultaneously love all the S1 workout scenes and am mad that we don’t get any later on —
Like give us a Tarlos works out together scene, ya cowards!
I have to think about that scene for a moment…
Oh the possibilities…
I’m back —
The scene where they wake Mateo up to quiz him is kind of adorable—
And I love Mateo’s studying by listening montage.
I do not know enough about golf to know who is out-golfing who.
Oh, Owen’s about to do something so dumb.
Mateo, you need a hug so bad—
Marjan definitely didn’t know what is riding on this for Mateo.
Did Owen know this??
I suspect he might because he asked Marjan to help but I wonder-
“Soon you’re gonna die anyway. Everybody will”. I like this speech a lot—
And Marjan, I feel you freely admitting you don’t know about the Star Wars references.
“I just didn’t know it’d be chunky”. Not something you often think about ashes, I gotta admit.
Also I sound like a broken record, but three calls an episode!
Did any season four episode even have two?
(They all did and this is more common than I think is probably the right answer lol).
We get to see Grace!
Like there is truly nothing you can put in front of this woman that she can’t handle.
*Sigh* I knew this was coming, and it still irks me (well more than irks lol)
Like I love Owen — he is deeply flawed buy deeply caring character who doesn’t deserve the hate he gets, and I thought this before season four which was a much better season for Owen than season three—
Had to say all of this before I got this out —
Oh I should stop shouting? I can do that—
But seriously, why Owen!
You don’t tell TK, your child, the entire reason you have for being in Texas, that you have cancer. No, you let him figure it out.
But a virtual stranger — who has reason to dislike you — you just tell him that rather than say, “No, I don’t like cigars?”
Other things Owen could have said rather than “I have cancer”
“Well, maybe the other patrons of this swanky club would rather you not, Billy, and they pay a lot of money to come here to not inhale that shit”.
“Well Billy, if you’ve beat cancer, shouldn’t you have your whole life ahead of you?”
“Well Billy, I was watching that 70s show and someone on there referred to cigars as like “smoking a dirty sock only easier” and doggone, I agree”.
All of this would have been preferable to ‘I have cancer’. Owen.
You stupid, stupid man.
I do not love seeing grownups be mean to Mateo; this is like Captain Grumpy at the end of season two.
But Mateo lights up when he gets out and they’re all there waiting for him.
“Some of us will be drinking mineral water either way”. This is so weirdly specific and something I did not know was a thing until I started watching this show, and I also don’t drink anything hard.
Like the bar scene made me curious; if they specifically order mineral water, will places just have that on hand??
I do love that Mateo telling his sucky old captain that they’d all be dead soon, to the confusion of everyone else.
He got a 92!
Aww Owen tells Mateo he’s proud of him <3
TK knows something’s up and is worried about his dad :’(
Gonna say it one more time—
Oh, Owen.
You idiot.
Also this is why I can’t stand Billy Tyson, he is literally just there to be a mustache twirling villain — like this man could have literally tied Owen to train tracks and it would have felt the same as this.
He literally says this ain’t personal and follows it up with “but I’m taking your job and either firing or hazing/harassing every single person on your team until they quit”.
I do love that Owen is prepared to fight for his team… but
Oh I just hate Billy Tyson so, so much.
Also wow is this long and unhinged- thank you for reading my many incoherent thoughts!
Now I am up to tell my cat yes, she already had wet food today that's why her dish is empty.
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astrokatsuki · 1 year
SAY MY NAME feat. Gojo Satoru
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SUMMARY You wanted to be like those Pinterest couples and spend time with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend is Satoru so you know that wasn't happening.
WARNING Tooth-rotting fluff, suggestive?? Just kissing lol, food, burnt cookies, choking on said cookies, gojo Satoru, not proofread.
WORD FROM ARTIST I think this is so cute omg, if it’s not like this I don't want it. Gojo’s an idiot ngl. Every title to my work is named after a song btw. 0.6k+
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“You’re going to burn them.”
“Don’t jinx me!” Satoru whines, checking if the cookies are done.
That’s the third time in 5 minutes.
You half-heartedly roll your eyes from your place on top of the kitchen counter.
Fall is what you look forward to every year. The pumpkin patches, the apple cider, the cookies.
You know, the Pillsbury ones with the ghost or pumpkin printed on.
Which is why you bought six packs of them.
“Besides, even if I do burn them, which I’m not going to might I add” He brags turning to face you, his blindfold lying on the couch in the other room.
You’ve never felt as at ease as you do right now. Gojo has always been the strongest, never letting his gaze soften or his guard down. The fact he does both when he’s with you makes a bashful grin tug at your cheeks.
“We still have a billion more packs.” Walking up to you, Satoru sets his hands your waist, peering up at you with his bright blue eyes.
Eyes so blue you could swim in and happily get lost in forever. You wrap your arms around him playing with the white baby hairs on the nape of his neck. The sound of the TV in the living room filling your shared apartment.
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice be a doll the lecture!”
“BEETLEJUICE the musical” playing as background noise with the volume turned all the way down.
It’s obvious you put this movie on.
The white haired idiot forms a smug grin, “You look comfortable, don’t you.” He eyes the warm fleece you’re wearing up and down.
The fleece that you stole from him.
“I’m so warm.” Your voice lowers, as you lean down closer to more warmth– his warmth.
He’s looks so good right now and the domesticity of it all is catching up to you.
“Yeah?” His gaze drops to your lips, as you absentmindedly lick them. His eyes heavy in desire.
“Mhm.” Your nod, lips brushing his as you bringing him into a soft kiss. Your hand steady on his neck, as his hands tighten on your waist.
You love him, and he love you. You’re sure of it– he’s sure of it. You both could get used to doing things like this. It seems like you both are already used to it anyway.
Before the kiss can go any further a loud shrill startles you making your head shoot up and bump into the overhead cabinet behind you.
The cookies are done.
Before anything else, a hand immediately covers the back of your head rubbing it so gently, your heart tingles.
“Careful.” Satoru glares while picking you up to take you off the counter top. Your sock covered feet softly hit the ground of the hardwood floor.
Following closely behind your boyfriend, you shut off the timer as he opens the oven.
You frown glaring at the blue eyed man beside you. He picks one up inspecting it.
He burnt the cookies like you said he would.
“Satoruuuu,” You whine pushing him lightly.
“I really wanted those cookies.” He stares at you, biting back a laugh.
“I’m sure they’re fine, they can’t be that bad.” Blowing one off as much as Satoru could, he takes a bite.
Quickly his grin turns into a frown. He immediately starts coughing, the burnt cookie attacking him. Satoru drops the cookie, rushing to the nearest water source.
Your laughter bubbles over as you kneel over. He’s so stupid, but so cute.
Hearing you laugh makes his heart feel all fuzzy, warmer than anything that fleece could make you feel. He would choke on a burnt cookie a million times over if it meant he could hear you laugh again.
You rub his back soothingly as he gulps water from the sink. You shrug, starting to speak, “At least I bought extra.”
“I’ll make-“
“You’re not making anything, ever.”
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© astrokatsuki 2023
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corvuserpens · 2 years
I’m gonna try to make it make sense bc there were some weird bits to it, but here goes the gist of it:
It began at a nerd shop that used to exist in my town (which closed down a couple of months ago, actually). The clerk was closing up for the night, giving the big window a wash and all that, when the Corinthian, in all white and beige clothes, black shades and everything, shows up. He doesn’t walk in through the door, just pop! He’s there, and he starts going through the books at the counter, like he’s searching for something. There was also a cat, a yellow tortie, who slipped in through the open door, but idk what the cat’s deal was. Anyway.
The clerk notices he’s there and tells him he can’t be there, that they’re closed. The Corinthian turns to him slowly, like he knew the guy was there the whole time and ignored him, until he made the mistake of speaking up. He smiles, you know the smile. Charming but in a creepy way, the kind that gives you chills down your spine. He starts toward the clerk, but before he can say anything, I’m there. 
I don’t know how it happened, I was watching the scene unfold and suddenly I was part of it. Maybe I was the cat? No idea. 
Point is, I’m there, I turn to the clerk and I tell him: “I’ll take care of this. You should probably go home.”
The clerk leaves without protest, he’s out the door in a flash and who can blame him? I wouldn’t want the Corinthian giving me that hungry smile like he can taste my eyeballs already, either. It’s just me and him in the shop now, and he looks a bit annoyed that I interrupted any interaction with the poor clerk. He goes back to rummaging through the books (no idea why, I never found out). Meanwhile, I go to the window and push the blinds down so we can have privacy from any on-lookers outside. 
I go up to him and I say: “Corinthian. You know I’ll have to report this to Lord Morpheus, don’t you?”
He turns to me then, that rebellious smirk on his face, and shrugs. “Go ahead. I don’t care anymore. In fact...”
We hear a buzzing sound: it’s his phone going off. He pulls it out from his pocket and shows me the screen. It’s Dream. 
(Side note, I don’t know HOW DREAM GOT A PHONE or how he’s using it, but it’s him, I know it in my soul).
The Corinthian slides to answer, but he doesn’t put it on speaker, or even brings it to his ear, he just holds the phone in his hand. I can’t hear anyone speaking from the other side, and neither him nor I say anything. We simply stare at each other, as if we’re challenging one another to talk first. He ends the call without a single word being spoken, steps up to me in that deliberately slow gait of a predator (ngl he towered over me and it was scary af) and he says: “I don’t give a fuck anymore whether he knows where I am or not. Go on and report. Makes no difference to me.”
And with that, he turns his back on me and walks out the door.
NOW HERE’S THE REAL KICKER OF THE DREAM, Y’ALL ARE GONNA LOVE THIS: I watch him go, I hesitate, but decide to go after him. It’s pouring rain outside, and it’s freezing, but there’s a cover over the shop’s front so it’s fine. I call out to the Corinthian, and I remember feeling so determined, so resolute in my conviction to what I’m about to do next, and also burning with curiosity. 
He stops in his tracks, looks back at me... And I ask, rather incredulously: “You never told me, does your heart beat?”
He returns to my side, stares down at me and opens his arms. “See for yourself.”
So I step up (cautiously) to him, I put my right ear RIGHT ON HIS CHEST, and there it is: a heart beat, strong and calm and strangely soothing, I remember feeling so instantly at peace and good while listening to it that I even closed my eyes and leaned fully against him. He was so warm and it was so cold out in the street, I swear I could have stayed there listening to his heart for the whole night. I think I was a little bit in love with him for a second, LOOOL. But then I caught myself, stood back and looked up at him with wide eyes, I couldn’t believe what I had just witnessed, and he gives me this smile that is just so... sad. No joy at all, just an empty smile, and he asks me: “Do you understand, now?”
I can’t think of anything to say.
He starts to walk away in the rain, and I stand there for a long ass moment weighting my options, torn between reporting back to Dream because I’m loyal to him (was I a dream myself, I wonder?) and following the Corinthian. I want to know more, I want to go with him and help him find whatever he’s looking for, but just as I start running to catch up to him and reach out to grab his arm, like literal miliseconds away from my fingers touching the sleeve of his coat, MY FUCKING ALARM GOES OFF AND I WOKE UP. SMH.
It was such an amazing dream, I wish it could have gone on for longer. And it’s giving me so many fic ideas, ohhh yes!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
AWWW the feeling’s mutual!! Tumblr wavelength besties fr!! Also I think ive mentioned this before but my acc is so barren so even if you followed me you’d be getting a load of nothing LMFAOO contemplating if I should just straight up revamp the account and actually use it for something besides reading and talking via asks but I’m kinda lazy LOL
And FR!!! I just try to stay away from the fandoms and whatever LMAO although I’ll admit I usually see some AITA posts reposted on insta or TikTok and they’re sometimes really entertaining HAHAHA
I’m ngl I think I’m probably also the main perpetrator of the Karasu req feed LMAOOO but definitely!! I think once people see that you actually even KNOW of Karasu they usually assume you’re probably familiar with the other side characters too like eitaken hiori kaiser etc.
I just saw the color page and ego lowk cooking?? I laughed so hard though I saw one post of it and someone commented “who are these nobodies??” And op replied “THE COACHES” LMFAOOOOOOO
It’s actually insane I think we’re just a wonder of the universe between liking the same people and having manifestation powers atp…..but YESS YONA OF THE DAWN>>>> I actually loved it sm that I went and read the manga imagine my disappointment when I found out it was MONTHLY I mean no wonder why the art quality was so good but I kept losing track of when it actually came out shshshshsj no because fandom is DEAD like where’s everyone at???? Honestly yeah considering how well the manga typically does im surprised they haven’t taken the opportunity to capitalize off of it and continue animating it???? What a shame smh
LMAOOO it’s funny because I also had bllk recommended to me by a friend and at first it was really casual but then they were like you should go read so I said ok (little did I know I’d fall down the rabbit hole….tbf I should’ve seen it coming because the same friend told me to read the jjk and demon slayer manga and once I read the manga there’s no going back LMAOO)
You’ll always be the OG Karasu nation ceo and founder!! Truly no one else doing it like you do!!! Actually I’m kinda worried about his fanon version because from what I’ve seen people already throw him into the same boat as kuroo from hq and according to what I’ve seen the mischaracterization is WILD it’s like your typical fboy shithead and I’m like oh…..so yeah I can imagine it’d be something along the lines of that LMAOO and just imagine when his questionable lines get animated oh boy
Wait that’s so funny I would never have the balls to comment on a dudebro’s post LMAOO what did he say???? I’m crying at the Barou fan categorization SO TRUE THOUGH like no um I’m not talking about muscle man gym rat bench press Barou…..
LMFAOAOA STOP THE TONGUE I CANT BUT FR kaneshiro better watch out we’re coming for his job….
THE FACT THAT THE MOM CAME THJNKING IT WAS A DATE???? BRO…….omg wait that’s kind a crazy scenario though you liking his best friend but his mom still tries to set you guys up that’s wild……LMAO the parent excuse is so real though but omg that’s a struggle fr…..um I’m assuming your dinner plans are cancelled now though HAHA
-Karasu anon
HAHAHA that’s so real though omg finding a niche to use your tumblr blog for can be so difficult…for a while i just used this acct to answer asks abt my fics so i literally had like. 20 followers or smth for the LONGEST time!! it wasn’t until i started posting my writing on here that i began to use the app more and get more followers as a result 😩 if you ever do decide to revamp/do smth with your blog lmk i will jump in line to follow and reblog everything you post 🫡
reddit aita posts with minecraft parkour in the background ARE my guilty pleasure LMAOAAO i let the tiktokers/instagrammers sift through and bring me only the best of the reddit posts for my viewing pleasure so i don’t have to go through all of the shitty ones
PLSSS you started a movement fr!! although it’s funny actually your request for fwtkac was actually sent within fifteen minutes of the request for white butterfly…like no joke i stepped out of the shower (why is this the second shower mention i have made today) and was like “oh two new requests…A KARASU REQUEST 😱🤩😏⁉️” so that’s kind of funny LMAO i forget which one came first ngl i’m p sure it was the hiori one but i ended up answering you first because i reallyyyyy wanted to write for karasu and i figured the time difference wasn’t enough that it would matter who i answered first 😭 so yeah that’s a really random coincidence maybe it’s because i wrote for kaiser?? but ngl he’s pretty popular too…maybe it’s because i don’t have a character list that i’ll write for because i know a lot of my mutuals who take requests only do so for certain characters meanwhile over here it’s a free for all as long as i’m into the fandom
HELP MEEE HOW DOES ONE NOT KNOW THE COACHES 😭😭😭 ego lowkey slaying…he heard we were considering writing a fic for him and had to lock in rq 😩
we are a literal glitch in the matrix…once in a lifetime matchup fr!! but YESSS omg i never got around to reading the manga unfortunately but the show was sooo good and i just love yona as a fmc (plus shinah is the most majestic gorgeous amazing man)!! I ALWAYS WISH THEY WOULD ANIMATE IT MORE hoping for a fruits basket style return for it (not that i’ve watched fruba but i feel like everyone knows abt its random comeback HAHA) okay wait side note idk if you saw my response to that one ask but why does zantetsu look EXACTLY LIKE HAK??? HELLO??? i need itoshi bros simps to hop on zantetsu yukimiya and karasu IMMEDIATELY they are the true romance novel/anime/drama male leads of bllk forget abt rinnie!!
NOOO FREE KARASU FROM THE FBOY RED FLAG ALLEGATIONS honestly he could pull it off better than itoshi bros certain characters but come onnnm otoya and aiku are right there meanwhile karasu still remembers his crush from when he was 8 😓 leave my baby alone…i’m going to have to work overtime to clear his name (honestly though i am expecting it to happen because if fandom can make SEISHIRO NAGI of all characters into a cheater than they can do anything)
HAHAH omg pls dudebros are so funny they talk such a big game but 99% of them are simps tbh when a girl tells them to shut up they do 😭 whenever i’m feeling mischievous i comment silly things on their posts and they respond w like laughing emojis or wtvr instead of going off on me in the comments as they would normally 😪 idk if it’s because my tik tok pfp is an actual picture of me instead of a character or smth so they feel embarrassed to be mean or rude?? regardless it makes me laugh they truly are just a bunch of losers who have too much free time and are stuck in this toxic dudebro community so whenever someone from outside of their perceived circle acknowledges them online they are factory reset
LMAOOO MY POOR PARENTS ARE ALWAYS MY SCAPEGOATS meanwhile they don’t even care what i do as long as i’m safe 😭 that whole situation was wild the dude tricked me into going on a date w him by saying his whole family would be there (i kind of knew his younger sister so i figured it wouldn’t be too awk if everyone was there) and then i showed up and there was literally no one but his mother who then also left??? UM?? it was literally terrifying and YESS his best friend is the only guy i’ve ever genuinely liked but there was a whole mess over there (he had a gf the whole time we were talking and she hated me but i didn’t know she existed??) and this dude knew all abt it and how broken up i was over the whole situation and STILL said “right let me just slide in rq” 😔😔😔 i had the last laugh though because after pretending to have a boyfriend and hiding in the bathroom so he could cry to himself (i saw the tears welling up and i knew i had to give him a minute) i drove home and my family flew to spain the next day!! thankfully i did end up getting out of tn’s dinner plans but ironically we are now flying to switzerland in like a day or so…ig it’s a pattern?? anyways that’s the mira lore drop of the day FHSKDJSK i have so many crazy stories like that i think i just have a general aura of unintentional rizz around me or smth
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percontaion-points · 5 months
Delicious Monsters chapters 21 & 22
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 21
I slammed her door shut and rushed to get ready. There was no premade lunch waiting in the fridge, which wasn’t surprising. It was always like this. There would be promises to make life different, and then something would shift, something I couldn’t see that she could, and suddenly it would be over.
This literally lasted a day.
And you wonder why it is that Daisy is so messed up. 
Instead, I found the goat. 
There wasn’t much else to do but stare. It was quiet. No more bleating. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Mom to not let the guests into the greenhouse. 
I had zero desire to discuss the goat.
I mean, you can guess what happened. 
But actually telling the readers what happened is for fucking squares, I guess. 
I wished that I had Megan’s version of a bad day. A colder-than-usual shower and messy hair. That would be nice.
Chapter 21 summary: Daisy wakes up the next morning to the sound of the goat screaming, and the sound of the birds flapping their wings really hard. The sound of the birds is really triggering to her, because of what happened a week earlier. She finds that the window blind is open, despite the fact that she closed it last night. And her headphones are out, which she’d never do. But she isn’t too worried about the dead, since they’re all attracted to whatever’s in the main house. 
She tries to get Grace to take her across the lake again, but her mum’s motivation to be a good parent has already ended. Daisy is disappointed but not surprised; how can she when it’s like this every couple of months for the two of them? 
As she starts to walk over to where King lives, she sees that there’s already frost on the greenhouse glass, so she goes inside to turn the heater on. Instead, she finds the goat with its throat slashed (the fact of which we don’t discover until the end of the chapter). 
King meets her outside, and they walk over to his house. After Daisy gets into the car, King’s mum comes over and tells Daisy that she’s welcome at their house anytime. Daisy is pretty sure that she won’t take them up on their offer. 
Her school day is glossed over. After school, King has to do grocery shopping for his family, so Daisy decides that if Grace has stopped being a parent, then she’s going to need stuff for lunch every day. As she’s walking around, she runs into one of her classmates, the most bubbly girl that Daisy could find. This was because the happy classmates keep the ghosts away; not because Daisy wanted to be friends. After chatting with Mackenzie a bit, Daisy continues on and sees Katie. She thinks about how different lives that Katie and Grace ended up leaving… But randomly paints Katie as a loser simply because she chose a different path than Grace did. (Yet Katie is the one with the stable job, in a stable marriage, probably not moving from home to home every few months.) 
As they go to check out, Daisy asks King for his phone, and uses it to stalk Noah’s new girlfriend. He immediately identifies Noah as her ex, and then goes on to say that he can get reads on people. But for some reason, not Daisy or Grace. He picked up a bit of info when she was thrashing around in the thornbush, but that’s about it. Daisy tells him to stop being so fucking creepy, and to mind his own goddamned business. Which is kind of fair, NGL.
Chapter 22
I thought about bringing it up with Mom but didn’t. It would just go down like mentioning the worm had.
Pretty sure Daisy could wake up missing an entire arm and Grace would say “It’s all in your head.” 
I got the distinct feeling that little by little, day by day, Mom’s plan was falling apart.
I can’t even pretend to be surprised about this. It’s like she was expecting easy money, and instead, she’s probably pulling back whatever sort of TRAUMA the house caused her 17 years ago. 
“Why did we buy a goat?” I asked. 
Mom’s expression deflated. “Can you just stay on topic and celebrate with me?” 
I pressed my lips into a line. 
“Goat’s milk is good for you.” Mom got her information from a variety of sources, none of which she could accurately cite.
There is literally no way that the ownership and maintenance of a goat (plus the cost of properly pasturing the milk so that you don’t get sick) is somehow less than the cost of going and getting a jug of goat milk from the store. 
But I’m going to file this under “suspicious shit Grace will not stop doing” and move on. 
There was no way the dead in that house wouldn’t eventually create problems. Not to mention, the house must be drawing them in for a reason, and I didn’t think I was wrong to assume that it wasn’t something innocent.
Daisy has already told us that the dead are drawn to misery. Something terrible happened in that house… And judging by Brittany’s chapters, the worst is yet to come. 
She pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head. “Here we go.”
Chapter 22 summary: Helga and Joe came over and butchered the goat for them. Later, when Daisy tries to ask Grace why she even got a goat, her mom is like “Goat milk is good for you!” without further explanation. I said what I said. Grace is more focused on how popular that the Airbnb is getting than over literally anything else. 
However, as her mum goes to leave, Daisy has a sinking feeling that things aren’t half as good as Grace is making them seem. She knows that no matter what happens, Grace is going to blame her for all of this. 
After Grace leaves for her MYSTERY ERRANDS, Daisy meets up with King and Ivy so that they can go into the main house. In there, Daisy has to move away to avoid being touched by a ghost, and King asks her about it. He also asks about his great aunt who died nearby. But Daisy says that only those unsatisfied in life would linger for so long. But even those would eventually pass over. 
King explains to her that the house, when working correctly, is supposed to attract, trap, and release all of the nearby spirits. His great aunt was drawn to the area, and made a blood pact with the land in order to help keep this running. However, they need the homeowner’s permission to do a “factory reset” on the house. Which they really need to do, since the house is currently only trapping the dead, but not sending them on to the afterlife. 
The three of them start to look around the house after that. King refuses to split up, calling it, and I quote, “White people bullshit.” He’s not wrong. 
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