#nica needs some friends
kirsty--cotton · 2 years
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CHUCKY | S02E04: Death On Denial
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kurishiri · 2 months
Ring Schwarz: “What I want to know” bond story recording 💍
friends if you liked his LINE voice line, then you’ll love this bond story! 🤭🤍 also, this isn’t a full-on pretty translation. but I do have the recording here (because I think especially for 💍, his voice really amplifies the reading experience), and I have like a kinda crude story summary below. I guess there is some translation but it’s definitely not phrased to really fit his character. it’s just to give you an idea what he’s saying.
💍’s like “you wanna get to know me?” then makes a very short intro like “ring schwarz. member of vogel. thats it” nhfkshfhds
he then sighs or takes a breath? and is like “what is it?” and here it branches out to choices!
a friendly handshake: 💍 is like “omg please don’t touch me so suddenly...! …eh? just a friendly handshake? p-please don’t give me the wrong idea…”
theres dust on your shoulder: 💍 gets flustered and is like “i-if that’s the case then just say it so! ………but, um… i’m sorry. and, thank you….”
fix his hair: he’s like “AH- WAIT-! what’s with you all of a sudden.. eh? “theres some hair sticking out”? and then hes like “…i see. sorry about that then… for jumping to conclusions like that��”
in the end he’s like “i’m not really red, this is just a natural reaction.” then he says like “listen, dari’s wish is my command. if he tells me to kill someone, i will do it… no matter who it is. so, theres no need for you to get closer to someone who might kill you, you know?”
you can view a pretty translation by @.judesmoonbeauty here.
( darius🪽 ╱ nica🍒 ╱ ring💍 )
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 6
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
Kate and co.’s lively voices could be heard throughout Crown’s castle’s garden.
There, two figures slink about unnoticed.
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Nica: Oh, sounds like they’re having fun. Crown’s closer than I thought. They’re like a “family”.
Ring: …
Nica: What’s wrong, Ring? Do you want to be their friend?
Ring: Ah, well…
Nica: You can’t. You know we’re not here to make friends.
Ring: I know that. I’ll only follow what you and Dari tell me to do.
Nica: I don’t want to control you like a puppet, Ring. But if that’s what you want, then I will.
Eyes peek through a blue-grey gap before landing on Roger.
Nica: Roger Barel. Apparently he’s conducting research on Cursed Ones.
Ring: Research on Cursed Ones? That guy…what does he want to do?
Nica: Who knows. Maybe it’s research that’ll interfere with our ambitions. The kind that will shake the meaning of our existence.
Ring: …Should we eliminate him? No one will notice if I take care of it.
Nica: What are you talking about, Ring? We’re here as goodwill ambassadors. We have to stay white and clean for now. Besides, that guy can be both poison and medicine for Vogel, so let’s let him go for now.
Ring: But— 
Suddenly, his lips curled into a ferocious smile.
Nica: The nail that sticks out gets the hammer* and beautiful flowers get plucked. Let’s just hope no one else notices him and makes him disappear.
Within the palace, “Her Majesty the Queen’s Privy Council” is full of frustration.
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Privy Council Lord: A few days ago, “Vogel”, an organization under German rule, arrived as goodwill ambassadors. Why don’t the chief of Vogel and his subordinates show any interest in us? Instead, they’re only interested in “Crown”...
One member spat out words full of hatred, and the others joined in on cursing Crown.
Privy Council Lord: With strange powers called curses, they do whatever they want under Her Majesty the Queen. This stain on our country must be erased!
Privy Council member: Her Majesty must be out of her mind, keeping these cursed monsters as pets.
Privy Council Lord: As the Privy Council, we must protect Her Majesty before Crown’s existence becomes known to the public.
Privy Council member: Crown must be dissolved then.
This was what “Her Majesty the Queen’s Privy Council” wanted.
Privy Council member: …But to object to an organization directly under Her Majesty’s control, you must know a weakness.  
Privy Council Lord: Let’s look for a weakness immediately. The best kind to take Crown down.
Little did they know that darkness was about to creep back into “Crown”...
Kate: *sigh*...I’m finally done.
Finally free from my self-defense class, I trudged up the stairs with wounds all over.
(I need to work my legs out more…)
Exhausted, I rubbed my weary legs that wouldn’t even let me climb up the stairs.
Concealed under my skirt was a garter belt holding a gun wrapped around a leg.
The gun was a gift from Roger.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: Kate, I got something for you. The best from Victor’s armory.
Kate: A…gun?
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Roger: Give it here. I’ll teach you how to shoot.
When I handed the gun back to Roger, he immediately fired at a distant target.
Roger: The height you hold the barrel depends on the opponent’s feet. In close range, point it down. Long range, horizontal. If you’re in a room, on a train, or some place with obstacles, you can point it up. But keeping it steady takes practice. If the muzzle’s shaking, you have a higher chance of hitting a comrade so the basic rule is to aim down.
Roger explains while demonstrating with the gun.
Roger: That’s about it. Now we just have to practice.
Kate: I’ll give it a shot…
The gun was placed back into my hand and I held it up like I was instructed.
Roger: Grip it like this. Yeah, good. Keep your finger on the trigger…no, don’t squeeze it. Loosen up.
Kate: Okay.
Roger: Relax. Just pull it back.
Roger’s hand slowly moves away from the gun and I pull the trigger.
—There was a dry sound and a bullet grazed the target.
Roger: A little more to the left. Fire them all.
Kate: …
I repositioned my arm and fired in rapid succession.
Roger: Out of 6 rounds, 1 was a hit. 2 grazed the target. Not bad for a first time. I’ll add this to your training so you better start doing push-ups every day. Also— Kate, use this as a last resort. Got it?
~~ Flashback end ~~
(At the time, Roger looked a little scared…no, he looked serious)
My breath shuddered at the memory and I heard the sound of a piano coming from somewhere…
(It sounds beautiful. Who’s…?)
I followed the sound and opened the door.
William: …
There sat William playing the piano.
He glanced at me, raised his fingers high and then continued playing dramatically.
The song eventually comes to an end with a decrescendo and as the final note fades, I give a generous round of applause.
Kate: So it was William playing the piano so beautifully.
William: Thank you for the praise, Kate.
In response to my applause, William gracefully placed his hand on his chest and then suddenly lowered his gaze.
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William: Ah…He gave you a gun. Robin with a gun is quite the image.
Kate: H-how did you know? It’s concealed under my skirt.
William: I could tell from the way you walked. When going undercover, be careful not to let others notice.
Kate: The way I walked…I hadn’t considered that.
William: However, it looks like you’re growing well. The “robin growth map” was it?
(Ugh…it’s embarrassing hearing it said to you)
William’s smiling, blood-red eyes held a subdued power that seemed to see through everything.
(William’s a curious person)
(It’s like he knows everything, but I’m not uncomfortable)
William: Kate, do you know why Roger uses a hunting rifle?
Kate: No…Now that I think about it, Roger’s the only one that uses one.
(Everyone else uses either swords or pistols…)
Roger’s hunting rifle stood out and as an amateur, I thought it looked difficult to use.
Kate: I was under the impression that hunting rifles were used by people with good eyesight. So initially I wondered why.
William: One reason is that he used to go hunting with his father, so he’s familiar with it. The other is because of his “abnormal hearing”.
My eyes widened at the unexpected answer.
Kate: Ah, Roger can tell where a target is by listening out for them!
William: That’s right. Rather than risk injuries at close range, he can shoot from a distance. It’s very like Roger to value efficiency. However, those are the reasons he gives. I’m sure there are others.
Kate: Other reasons…?
William: Did you know, Robin.
William spoke softly.
It was like he was telling a fairy tale.
William: In war, 80% of those given guns wouldn’t “dare” to shoot the enemy.
Kate: …I didn’t know that.
The percentage is a lot higher than I expected.
Kate: Even when faced with the enemy, it might be too much pressure to shoot another person…
William: What if it’s a hunting rifle? A hunting rifle’s original purpose is to hunt beasts, not people. It would be an undeniable evil for a former doctor to kill someone, even if it’s to condemn them.
At that moment, I remembered—Roger’s serious expression when he was teaching me how to use a gun.
William: I heard from Victor that when Roger joined Crown, he chose the hunting rifle.
Kate: He chose the hunting rifle on purpose…?
William’s smile was an affirmation.
Roger willingly chose the hunting rifle to kill people and condemn them of their evil, while also having the skills to save lives.
Roger had more knowledge about medicine than anyone else, yet called himself a former doctor and lived in darkness.
(...The more I learn about Roger, the more questions I have)
Why did Roger decide to live on with Crown?
It wasn’t just out of curiosity—that is obvious…
(Would I be able to ask him why?)
(And William…)
Kate: Um, why did you give me this information about Roger? 
William: Hm?
Kate: You don’t seem like the kind of person that says things without a reason.
William: I see…
William frowned in thought.
William: Perhaps it’s because humans are creatures who meet people and gain wisdom at the right time.
Like the scriptures in the Bible, his words weren’t immediately understood.
But it felt like I received some sort of “guidance”. 
Kate: I don’t really understand, but..thank you.
William: You’re welcome.
Kate: Ah, that’s right. William!
(There was something I wanted to ask him)
Kate: I was told that the palace library has books on medicine.
William: Books on medicine?
Kate: Um…Since I’m going to be around Roger, I thought it’d be good to gain some knowledge.
William: Wouldn’t it be easier to ask Roger?
Kate: I can’t.
William: Why?
I want to make him happy with my growth
I want to beat him
It’s a secret surprise +4 +4
Kate: I want to keep it a secret and surprise Roger later.
William: So it’s a special surprise.
William chuckled when he heard about my plan.
William: In that case, I’ll show you the way. Of course, I’ll keep it a secret from Roger.
—That night, Roger and I were summoned to Victor’s office at the palace.
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Victor: Her Majesty has entrusted Roger and his exclusive Fairytale Keeper with a mission.
(Our next mission…)
Since Roger started teaching me a lot of things, I’ve felt myself grow every day.
Realizing that it was time to put my abilities to the test, I straightened up.
Victor: There's a village out in the countryside. It may be small, but it’s a special place where the people live by their own rules.
Roger: Hmm, is that what they call village customs? What’s wrong with it?
Victor: The other day, skeletons were found in the mountain by the village. There were a lot of them.
I came to the realization that the previous mission to infiltrate the “death party” was a lot simpler than the usual missions.
I quietly swallowed down the fear rising from my chest and mentally organized the mission.
Kate: But burials are normal in this country, and if it’s the village’s custom, then— 
Victor: I had thought so too. So I did some research. Police sent to investigate the village never returned.
(Even the police…that can only mean something’s happened in the village)
Victor: And I found something else. There is a village chief who they call the spirit god. Supposedly this man can ward off illness.
(Spirit god…? The heck…)
Roger and Kate: That’s really suspicious!
Grimacing, we both said it at the same time.
Roger: I see. If illnesses are involved, then I’m the right guy. It’s possible this man’s a new Cursed One…
Kate: New Cursed One?
Roger: It’s nothing.
(What are you talking about?)
While I tilted my head in confusion, Roger spoke enthusiastically.
Roger: Alright. Kate and I will go undercover at the village. And we’ll expose the evil spread in the sandbox. Right, Kate?
(This time I’ll help out with the mission and not be a burden as Fairytale Keeper!)
Kate: Right, leave it to us.
Victor: Thank you. Liam, with his power to disappear, will sneak into the village first and gather intelligence. Once you’re in the village, make contact with him without getting noticed.
Victor turned toward us— 
Victor: Roger, Kate. Don’t get hurt. Now, let’s pledge allegiance to evil.
He sent us off with a few words that were very “Crown-like”.
*Idiom meaning those that stand out are forced to conform
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marvelmaniac715 · 6 months
Chucky’s will from the official Chucky Instagram account with my thoughts:
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The Damballa law firm is ICONIC
We love a man who is aware of his own mental instability
It’s nice that he’s handing his voodoo stuff over to Tiff, we all know how much voodoo means to him
It’s good that he acknowledges GG in his will, though it’s so sad he just refers to them as ‘my bloodline’ instead of ‘my child’ or ‘my kid’, so does GG get all of his creepy paintings and stuff? How much money does he have? What can GG even BUY with their inheritance? Also they have every right to call Chucky out as an absent father, that part of the will 100% won’t be adhered to
Chucky supports small creators by donating his own body parts to create a sculpture (“freak show” is not a nice term, I thought you weren’t a ‘monster’, Charles…)
There is NO WAY that he’s giving poor Lexy the chainsaw that killed her mother, and the utter SHADE and AUDACITY in calling her “little-miss-lost-my-sister”, I love it
My favourite ongoing joke in the entire Chucky franchise has to be the fact that Chucky just hates Devon for literally no reason, love it
Nothing for Andy? Considering he’s been in Chucky’s life almost as long as Tiff has you’d think he’d give his friend til the end SOMETHING, even if it was sarcastic like with the Hackensack trio
Nothing for Nica? You lived in her body and had a crush on her mother, Chucky, you owe the woman, like, a creepy portrait you did of her mother or something, at the very least
Caroline Cross has been SNUBBED! Isn’t she like his replacement child since GG didn’t work out for him? Doesn’t she even get a knife or some cash? Something to remember her surrogate father by?
Also this man needs to learn how to SPELL or at least how to capitalise certain words
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 5 months
this isn't really that finale-specific BUT. i want to know ur thoughts on caroline becoming an apprentice of sorts for chucky? i feel like the first season gave her some autistic coding and it seems like that's died out in s3, i personally was so nervous about how s3 would treat an autistic coded child roped and manipulated into a killer doll's antics but she mostly feels like a different character with caroline's name? especially in comparison to alice pierce and the way chucky treated her; writing her off ("fuck that kid") as soon as she died off (i'll never accept she's dead if we don't get a body or death certificate or sonething). tiffany's said to have been alice's caretaker and we don't know if alice had the same issue nicachucky did with blood, where alice got back control of her body whenever she saw blood too, so i think it's plausible that tiffany actually took care of the real alice once or twice, we know gg thinks tiff's a good mom, so do we consider chiffany fleeing with caroline as them sort of adopting her as a daughter? I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. WHAT ARE YOURS.
Honestly I still feel that she's an autistic coded character and I actually like that she isn't a goody two shoes character since a lot of autistic characters get made into either heroes or at the least the protagonist or sidekick of the main lead (or just a straight up background character)
Sometimes, I just wanted an Evil/Chaotic/Anti-Hero Autistic character of ANY age and Caroline also feel like she was me when I was her age so there's that too!
Also my headcanon is that since Caroline has been around Chucky, she began coming out of her shell a lot more and the reason why is cuz she actually feels like she can be herself without having to shrink herself down like she did for her bio Mom when she was alive (since why she was so quiet in S1)
Honestly, I feel that Caroline is pretty much Alice but with no need to possess her and can actually handle the fucked up murder shit that Chucky gets up to!
Hence, in actuality, Chucky and Tiffany just dropped her off at a group home/orphanage before the events of Cult to take over Nica's body after Chucky removed his soul from Alice's since he felt she wasn't really working out (plus Chucky never got attached to Alice like he did for Caroline)
And also yes, I DO consider the ending with the three of them being a big tell that Caroline got adopted by Chucky and Tiffany!
Honestly, I just wanna see Chucky, Tiffany, and Caroline be a fucked up but close knit family of killer dolls and their adoptive autistic daughter (also would love if a new addition to the family pops up after a time skip in the fourth season or something)!
Thank you soso very much for coming by to the inbox to chat my friend, it's always so awesome to have discussions like this! I really really hope you drop by again soon and have a wonderful evening!!
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chirp-a-chirp · 6 months
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Devour and Delight: Roy’s Wedding and Wedding Night
Fandom: Court of Darkness (Roy X MC, MC named Carla)
Rating: First third PG/Sugary sweet; last 2/3 R/Sweetly Spicy (Minors/folks under 18 do not interact please!). The spicier section is in dialogue format.
Description: Roy and MC get hitched—and clearly enjoy their first honeymoon night. Part One to this story here: LINK HERE
Word Count: ~2700
Tags: Wedding; wedding night; fluff; sweet and spicy; soft smut
A private ceremony takes place in a garden near the Invidian royal chapel. A little girl clutching a basket marches down the aisle, the frills of her dress bouncing energetically. Roy smiles indulgently as the girl curtsies to him at the altar.
“You performed admirably, Nica.” He adds. “Your excitement mirrors mine.”
“Yay!” Nica runs to her older brother, Rio, who serves as Roy’s best man. She had practiced her flower girl routine diligently for a week. No one had the heart to tell Nica that, in her excitement, she forgot to drop any of the petals.
“Sorry about that mate,” Rio says quietly to Roy after ushering Nica to her seat.
“There is nothing to apologize for, my friend.” Roy eyes Nica’s overflowing flower basket, grinning. “I have a better use for the petals this evening.”
“What use could that be—“ Rio stops himself. Roy’s gaze is transfixed upon seeing Carla.
King Klaus walks Carla down the aisle. “I thought I’d only get this honor with Sherry,” Klaus murmurs, his voice choking. Carla can’t help but be moved that the King is reacting like a proud parent this day, his emotions clearly etched on his face.
The audience witnessing this wedding is small—some palace staff, Rio, Lynt and their immediate families, Sherry, Grayson, and Roy’s parents. The Invidian people and other foreign princes will be present for the public ceremony—and all the royal trappings along with it—in a week’s time. But this day is for Roy and Carla.
Carla can hardly contain her emotions as she grasps Roy’s hand.
“No escaping now,” Carla whispers jokingly, her eyes drinking the sight of him in his suit.
“Escape was never an option for us, Heartspell.”
King Klaus makes a gracious escape and sits next to his wife and daughter Sherry. He’s all but sure from Roy’s lovestruck stare that his son did not remotely register his presence.
“Roy’s brimming with passion. It just took the right woman to unlock it.” Roy’s mother notes fondly to King Klaus.
“If he can keep it unlocked until the ceremony ends!” Sherry giggles.
The officiant intones some very poignant and meaningful words—of which Roy would confess later to not recalling much of at all. He does recall every word of his and Carla’s personal wedding vows. When that time arrives, Carla turns and places a gold ring with an etched rose motif on his finger.
“The world is comprised of darkness and light. For years, I struggled in the dark, seeking a life worth living. But then, you arrived. Thank you for being my light—my source of inspiration and joy. I vow to spend every day giving you the same love and happiness you’ve gifted me. To ease the burdens you carry. To lift your spirits in times of sorrow and doubt.”
A beautiful smile forms on Roy’s face from Carla’s words. He places a diamond ring on her finger before clasping her hands.
“The world may be comprised of light and dark, but you brought color into my life. I love you with all that I am. My soul has transformed from knowing you—your goodness, your kindness, your perseverance. I vow to cherish you for eternity, to be the one you can turn to when you require. To comfort, soothe, and protect in times of need.”
The officiant asks if there are any objections. Carla withholds a giggle when Roy scans the crowd and briefly narrows his eyes as if anyone would object. Her thumb caresses his wrist to soothe his nerves.
The officiant pronounces them man and wife. Carla represses the urge to leap in Roy’s arms due to the audience. Roy senses her hesitation and pulls Carla to him in a tender embrace. As their lips touch, Carla whispers on his lips.
“I love you…husband.”
Time stops briefly. Affections overflow as they gaze into each other’s eyes.
“And I love you...wife.”
There’s a joyous celebration at the Castle. The festivities blur in a series of dances, feasting, and good natured ribbing of Roy and Carla being unable to keep their eyes off each other. The moment King Klaus and Queen Charlotte leave, Roy makes his excuses, picks Carla up in his arms, and dashes away.
Carla: Roy! So impatient! Her voice echoes the hallway. What will people say?
Roy: Patience would be rather unusual at present. It is not as if tonight’s plans are a secret. Roy smirks while carrying Carla towards their chambers. Upon feeling her cheeks blaze, his voice lowers. I have the most beautiful wife in my arms. All I desire is to spend time with her.
Carla: Define spend time. Carla nuzzles her nose against his neck as Roy opens their chamber door. I have some ideas…
Roy: Roy chuckles at her coyness. His eyes close briefly at feeling of Carla’s breath against his neck. He steps inside their chambers and locks the door.
Well then, please enlighten me.
Roy puts Carla on the ground. His thumb traces her jawline before lifting her chin towards his gaze. His eyes reflect adoration, love, and rising heat. Carla’s thoughts scatter at his look.
Carla: Roy…She is overwhelmed. A part of her wonders if she closes her eyes if she’ll find this day, nay their entire relationship, nothing more than a dream. She grasps Roy’s free hand. It’s real, solid, radiating warmth. His fingers curl against hers on instinct.
Allow me to burn this beautiful image of you in my mind. Please.
Roy: His eyes widen with surprise—he has been called fair of face by many, but none have mattered before meeting Carla. His expression softens.
Take your time. The corner of his mouth quirks. Please inform me if I pass your inspection.
Carla: She walks a full circle around Roy, eyes roaming up and down from the tips of his shoes to the top of his head. Roy breathes heavier at her examination.
It’s not everyday a girl marries the most handsome prince in Saligia—inside and out. Her voice trails as her arms wrap around Roy’s back.
Roy: He embraces Carla softly, resting his head on top of hers. You understand you've completely melted me, yes?
Carla: You’re standing upright, so not ALL of you has melted. She kicks off her heels and nuzzles against his chest.
Roy: He is determined to make this a night she’ll never forget. One of joy, of gallantry—
Carla: How about we unwrap our…wedding presents? Her fingers untuck shirttails from Roy’s pants so she can caress his sides.
Roy: …gallantry be damned.
Carla: Her hands wander to Roy’s shoulders as she removes his jacket. Carla hums in approval as Roy’s hands travel up her back and slowly undo her dress.
I REALLY despise buttons. Her hands shake as the top three buttons of Roy’s shirt are undone. There is an innate satisfaction in unveiling one another’s skin with their own hands versus using magic—even if their wedding attire consists of the tiniest most cumbersome buttons in existence. Her lips lap Roy’s chest as more skin is exposed. Carla’s wedding dress falls to the ground in a pool of fabric.
Roy: You are exquisite. Beyond exquisite. Heartspell. I love you.
There are more eloquent ways to express these overflowing emotions. But, those are the words that matter.
Carla: Though they’ve come together many times before, this feels different. Her skin is covered in goosebumps as Roy’s fingers trace her curves. His touch is revenant yet burning. When Carla finally gets Roy’s shirt off, she gasps as she’s lifted in his arms. Her legs wrap around his waist, their kisses quickly becoming ravenous. Roy walks to the bed and lowers Carla down, his lips never leaving hers.
Carla’s hands drift to Roy’s waist to take off what remains of his attire. Despite their passionate sounds, Carla can’t help laughing as Roy kicks his shoes off with serious impatience.
And YOU may hate shoes as much as I hate buttons! Even as she laughs, her lips seek Roy’s body vigorously.
Roy: He half laughs, half growls in impatience. His hands finally remove the few articles of clothing clinging to their bodies.
Believe me, you’re well worth the effort of unraveling, dear wife. Roy groans as their lips devour each other, caressing said and unsaid desires.
Carla: Her fingers dig into his rose gold locks. Oh God Roy…
Roy: He moans at her touch, her body, her heart—it is pure heaven. His hands travel up her thighs, tracing every inch, seeking her heat.
Carla: This…this is a problem. She murmurs softly against his lips and neck. I want this moment to continue, but your fingers…oh, just like THAT.
Carla’s fingers dig into his shoulders as Roy’s fingers concentrate on her most sensitive spot, lightly at first and then encircling intently.
Roy: He laughs softly as she murmurs against him. Roy’s touches become all-consuming, her reactions driving him wild.
Just like this…yes? Roy feigns his questioning tone. He knows Carla loves it.
Carla: Her legs quiver from the sensations of Roy’s fingers in her. Carla feels rather than sees Roy smirk as his head is buried against her neck.
Roy, I…her eyes close as she becomes undone by his touch.
Roy: You already need me this much? He grins at her body’s quivering, the lurid wet sound of his fingers loving her. While he wants to savor his Carla, the wanton desire on her lips fuels a need to make her delirious with pleasure. Roy continues to twirl and pump his fingers the way she enjoys it until he brings Carla to her peak.
Carla: Her body convulses against Roy, her mind going blank. Carla clinches his shoulders and cries his name, lips pressed against the top of his head. Her body sinks in the bedsheets in the aftermath.
Roy…though her limbs still shake, Carla pulls Roy closer to her. She should not be the only one delighted this night. Plus, Carla wants to replace the slightly smug look on Roy’s face with another expression. She whispers in his ear.
Your turn. Her hands slide towards Roy’s waist, tracing light circles on his hips and upper thighs.
Roy: He groans softly in anticipation, his mind clouding as Carla pulls him closer. Roy’s breath is shallow and short, Carla’s fingers sending his body into overdrive.
Carla: I’m not the only one in need it seems. Carla purrs against his skin. One arm encircles Roy’s waist while the other tantalizes his length. Her lips press a wet trail across his upper chest and neck.
Just like this…yes? Carla mimics Roy’s previous teasing tone. Her face is flushed, but seeing Roy slowly come apart is an absolute treat. Her tongue swirls on his chest as her hand moves faster on him.
Roy: He groans as Carla’s tongue and fingers perform wonders. Carla’s name falls from his lips, as if it’s the only thing he can utter. Roy is certain his heart will explode from Carla’s ministrations. His hands clinch the bedsheets, his vocalizations intensifying.
Carla: And now to test how soundproof our chambers are.
She nips his neck, stroking him faster still until he comes undone. Carla takes her other hand and glides her fingertips across his whitening knuckles until they relax into her touch. Light kisses now cover bite marks in soothing pecks as Roy recovers.
Roy: Her actions send him to a point where he doesn’t care if the whole Castle hears him. His voice cries out and his body shakes and slumps. A towel is magically summoned to their bed.
It appears we both need this, Heartspell. Roy chuckles ruefully, wiping their bodies as he catches his breath. Carla rests her head on his chest. A smile spreads across her face when Roy drops a kiss on her forehead.
Carla: It appears so.
Carla breathes in a mingled scent of sweat and roses—Roy always smells sweet Carla thinks. She drapes an arm across his torso and lets a comfortable silence remain between them before speaking.
I said you were handsome in your suit Roy. But I prefer what you wear now. Carla can’t see Roy’s face from her position, but she can easily imagine his cheeks turning pink.
Roy: Is that so? Even when I am all...sweaty like this?
Carla: Yes. It’s you in your most natural state—no political trappings, no formal words, no masks. Just you and your heart exposed. Her speech is a bit sentimental so she tacks on an addendum. And no one else gets to see your pretty body and reactions but me. I rather like that.
Roy: He responds back in a teasing tone. You just had the best view then, did you not?
Carla: Carla buries her head against Roy’s chest and laughs heartily. Cheeky man.
Roy: I can never resist teasing my gorgeous wife.
Carla: You couldn’t resist teasing when I was your consort or fiancé, you know.
Roy: Well, you make it so easy. How am I supposed to ignore teasing someone as beautiful as you?
Carla: Carla sits up, looking down at Roy in mock indignation. Oh, so it’s MY fault?
Roy: Of course it is. Who else's could it be?
Carla: Perhaps, JUST PERHAPS, the rascal prince I’ve married!
She throws a pillow in Roy’s direction, but then notices rose petals on it. She scans her surroundings and sees the bed and most of the carpet sprinkled with rose petals, the room cast in a golden light from numerous candles.
Roy… Carla gestures to candles and roses. You sweet man…. Her cheeks turn pink.
Roy: His eyes catch Carla’s glances at the room. It’s a cute reaction he’s compelled to play with. Roy sits up, grabs another pillow, and tosses it towards Carla. Oh, did you just notice the candles and flowers?
Carla: YES! She deflects the pillow.
Roy: You can thank Nica for supplying the petals. A much better use of them I dare say. Roy smirks and tucks a strand of hair behind Carla’s ear. Too bad you didn’t see them until now. Were you distracted?
Carla: I was as distracted as YOU were! Or were our moans not indicative of this?
Roy: You do inspire quite the response from me. His fingers caress the back of Carla’s neck. And here I thought I was a good, quiet boy.
Carla: HA! She launches herself so Roy’s on his back and she’s lying on top of him. You’re good in another context though…
Roy: And what context is that?
Carla: The “your wife wants to pounce you” context. Carla straddles Roy’s hips enticingly and presses her lips to his.
Roy: Her playful desire envelopes Roy. Their kisses grow intense, thorough, and ravenous. They crave without hesitation or restraint. Roy twines his fingers in Carla’s hair and uses momentum to flip their positions. His hips move against hers, entering her in one smooth powerful stroke. They gasp at the instant fireworks unleashed.
Carla: She is mesmerized—his lips, his touch, the way he yearns for more intimacy, the blaze of Roy’s golden eyes as they give into the moment of being husband and wife in every sense of the word.
Roy…Carla hopes he can feel the passion she has for him. More.
Roy: Roy calls out to her, eyes aflame, skin on fire. He presses further into her, their rhythm increasing rapidly.
Feel me. With all that I am.
Lips devour, seeking her everything—her cries, her sighs, the words she tries to express. Roy tries slowing their pace to prolong the moment, but it’s no use. Carla matches his pace, digging her fingers against his back as the pounding pressure crescendos. Roy encircles one arm under Carla’s waist and tips her slightly upwards, pressing further until they hurdle over the edge together, their voices crying out.
Carla: She feels Roy collapse on her shoulder. They roll onto their sides, clinging to one another. Carla maneuvers her position slightly. She closes her eyes and slowly massages Roy’s scalp, his head resting between her breasts.
Ahhh, so this is what happens when we pounce each other.
Roy: Yes, and your claws are truly sharp.
Carla: What would people say if they knew WHY their prince was so tired now? Her words are soft.
Roy: He murmurs. They would understand it was due to our constant pouncing. Very constant.
Carla: Carla yawns, her fingers slowing to a stop.
Roy: Roy moves back upwards, gathering Carla in his arms. Rest up Heartspell. There’s still the rest of the honeymoon to enjoy. He runs his fingers through her hair, savoring her presence, until they both succumb to slumber.
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clonerightsagenda · 8 months
Nica Stamatis?
(Ask meme here)
First impression
Greater Boston is so cruel (complimentary) for making our first look at Nica basically the only time she's happy and confident. She's going to be famous! I don't think I knew quite what to make of the podcast or its characters then but man was I not prepared for the journey she would go on.
Impression now
:( <3 She goes through so much! She is complex and messy and interesting! She drives people away and lashes out and wants to be noticed but doesn't know how to ask. I am so sad about her. Actually I think she's doing a little better by the end of season 4 but I didn't retain that season very well, I need to relisten sometime.
Favorite moment
Nica gets so many great monologues, but I remain haunted by the story she tells at Leon's funeral and how she concludes "In that moment, I was famous." It ties back to her intro monologue in a brutal, unexpected way and sets up how the rest of her story so far will be her dealing with being infamous due to her poor choices. The funeral episode is where I first realized how good Greater Boston was going to be.
Idea for a story
I would have loved to see how Nica would've handled it if she's gotten 'possessed' by Leon the way Michael did. I think that might make her worse actually.
Unpopular opinion
Not enough people talk about Greater Boston for me to know what standard opinions are, but in-universe I think it's interesting that people talk a lot about the things Nica did wrong assisting the Lottery but don't dwell as much on Leon helping. Iirc Leon was the one who helped frame Isaiah which - as Isaiah notes - could have gotten him (a Black teen) killed.
Favorite relationship
Nica's connection with Emily is so interesting. She's spying on her but then genuinely becomes her friend, and Emily is awful but Nica gets why she's awful and sympathizes with her even while she's stabbing her in the back. Emily is still on her way to rock bottom, but I think if anyone is willing to extend a hand when she hits it, it'll be Nica. Emily will probably spit on it when she does, but you never know.
Favorite headcanon
Nica is probably still banned from several Italian restaurants on the North End. Some crimes can never be forgiven.
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Happy Friday!
I’d love to introduce myself and get to know some new friends! Sooo-
Let’s Play A Game!!!
Give me a character from Chucky and I’ll list five of the biggest similarities I have with them! 🥰
I’ll start withhh…(Surprise Suprise!)
Nica Pierce!!!
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1. Like Nica, I’m pretty resilient. I have quite a few medical conditions I juggle, so I can relate to some of her struggles and the way she pushes through them.
2. I’m a mother hen type and love to take care of the people I love. I don’t have many children in my life, but I’m always itching to protect the young characters in my favorite medias!
3. I am stubborn as a mule (that’s the Taurus in me) and I hate asking for help/admitting when I need help. I usually will keep going until I can’t anymore before admitting I can’t do something/am sick/need to slow down.
4. Once I care about someone, I will always care. I’ve put up with a lot from some people because I don’t want to lose them, and it takes a lot for me to distance myself and see I deserve better.
5. I put pressure on/expect a lot from myself and am quick to blame myself when anything falls apart, much like “I’m-not-enough” Nica Pierce 😂
What characters are YOU like and why?!
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livelovesimallways · 1 year
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"Prayed Up....." 🎵
(Previous following Dana's story)
Moses and I finally arrived home a couple of days ago after an amazing honeymoon. We spent nearly three months traveling, relaxing and enjoying the best parts of what make us...us. After taking some time for ourselves, letting our friends and family know we were back became top priority. While I reached out on my end, Moses was reluctant to do the same. He says he wants to, "protect his peace", which leads me to believe something serious is going on. Although I fully understand where he is coming from, avoiding things never helps. I just hope that, "protecting his peace", doesn't make a situation worse or leave people in the dark.
Later on that day.....
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"So hold on...Let me get this straight...Sean was messing around with that Julia chick outside of Dana's rules? Deanna found out and told her?"
"Damn...I wonder why she didn't tell me? It seemed like everything was going well. She even sent me their finished wedding plan." *sounding confused*
"Maybe it is for her. She probably feels like what's done is done. Shit, my moms used to get like that whenever my father got caught."
"Humph...I remember having those days myself. You're probably right. Now I feel terrible. Dana isn't the type to come crying about her problems either. She'll tell you, but won't get emotional about it. She keeps a lot bottled up."
"Yeah she's a good ass person too. She don't deserve that shit." *looks down then shakes his head*
"So was this why you were avoiding calls?"
"I mean it's part of it. Sean's been like my brother since high school, but him still doing dumb shit just ain't sittin right with me. I thought he was makin progress but, that ain't the case. I don't know if I want to be around all that. Too much potential to have me in some shit."
"In some shit like?...."
"Being put on the spot to cover, or getting questioned over something he did."
"But that only happened once right?" *narrows her eyes*
"You really want me to answer that? Shit, we both know not to ask questions we really don't want the answers to. You're gonna feel obligated to tell her and neither one of us is trying to stir up past things. She knows what kind of dude she has. Obviously we want better for her, but she's sticking beside him. There's no need to dig."
*sighs* "Fine...I'll leave it alone. What's done in the dark always comes to light anyway, so..." *her phone starts ringing, cutting her off* "Oh look, it's Nica, another person you've been avoiding. I'll put it on speaker."
A Few Days Later.......
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"I'm just not understanding why you won't tell your sister you're pregnant? Like, I know it's not ideal, but you're in a good place. You're starting your career at that tech giant and you can stay here as long as you want. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me, I've seen worse. The train wreck that is my father is a great example, and he's a multi-millionaire. You have a village: your sister, me and my family. You just have to embrace it. "
"Look...Mimi I get you're trying to help, but please leave it alone. That's not why..." *get choked up*
"Then what is it? I'm here for you, seriously..."
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*whispers* "Fuck...."
"Damn...Umm...I didn't mean to upset you. You don't have to..."
"No, I do. Just please don't judge until you hear everything. The reason why I'm scared to tell her is because it's Sean's baby..." *tells her their entire history*
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"Whew...That's a lot." *pauses for a few seconds* "Sleeping with your sister's man is foul as fuck, Dee. I get the whole college and first love thing before they met, but she's the one with him now...Has been for the past what, six years? And now a baby? You have to tell her before she marries this man."
"I know...I will..."
"This is crazy but, as much as I want to rant, I feel bad for you. He's manipulated this entire situation since you were eighteen. He was twenty-four and he knew to take advantage of your naivety. Now he says he loves you? He's full of shit and is using that as a way to keep you quiet and around." *pauses in thought* "Shit!..."
"What's wrong?"
"Remember a few days ago you were throwing up a lot?"
"Well, I got scared and called Nica for advice. She had a rough first trimester so I figured she could help. I told her it was for you."
"Do you think she told anyone?" *extra concerned*
"I mean, it's possible, but that was a few days ago. I feel like if your sister knew she would've been knocking on the door. I'm gonna call Nica and check. But regardless, Dana's gonna find out sooner or later. You can't hide a baby bump and Sean's family has some strong genes. When the baby comes out looking like him..."
"Girl!...I get it. Can you please just call your sister for me? I'll figure it out from there."
To Be Continued......
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elfdyke · 1 year
do you have any nica pierce and tiffany valentine headcanons?
letting this ask age like fine wine until i got to the perfect point to answer it which is right now i guess <3
im not sure if you were asking for them separately or as a ship but uhhhh ill just cover all my bases ^_^
when nica was in college she was kind of a heart breaker. she hadn’t dated very much in highschool, probably just some boy for a few months, mainly out of a feeling of obligation, but she really hits her stride in college. it helps because shes finally on her own, she can spread her wings without the burden of feeling like the pitiful disabled girl with the mentally ill mother. in college she gets to be witty and charming and make friends who dont know her dreary backstory. also in college she realizes she is in fact a lesbian.. <3 (insert obligatory changing my major reference thank you kora)
nica’s kind of reveling in the discovery of women and kissing women and being with women and well she is all about that but i fear that she is a huge commitmentphobe is the problem. the list of messy exes and ghosted one night stands is something that honestly embarrasses nica but well you see they were too clingy ! (wanted to sleep over after having sex) they were too pushy and nosey! (asked about her childhood)
basically um. well imagine growing up and your mother drills it into you over and over again that the scariest most dangerous thing you can do is fall in love with someone. that no matter what nica does, dont love another person. dont open yourself up to the hurt, the pain, the loss. and nica rebuffs it because of course she does. she resents her mother for thinking nica cant handle herself, handle possible loss or pain, but she grew up on this, this fear and anguish seeped into her brain and now she herself is terrified of that possible loss. so she simply does not open herself up to that! which is actually what is so funny but also perfect about tiffanica to me. nica so resistent and fearful of commitment and mutual love that it takes another woman literally keeping her in their house like a wounded bird for her to get the kind of exposure therapy she needed to see that maybe being loved is not the terrible thing she grew up thinking it would be
oh also i really believe that sarah pierce has had a few suicide scares in the past, and that was particularly hard when barb was away from home (nica would be 12-18 all by herself with her mother). nica feels extremely responsible for her mothers mental health and keeping her safe. in fact i genuinely believe that the reason nica is at home in curse is not because of her own health reasons but because sarahs mental health took a pretty drastic drip and, of course barb refused to take care of her (she wanted to send her to a care home/or a ward), so nica swallowed her pride and gave up her independence to move back with her mother and keep an eye on her while she got better. i genuinely believe this is canon i wont lie, i feel like its very well supported in the text and implications of the movie.. but im just throwing it in here because i like spreading the good word
so for tiffany its pretty much canon that she meets chucky when shes uhhh 19 if we are being generous. shes very young. and hes in his late 20s </3. so well for tiffany i think she had a very messy time in her teenage years. a lot of intense relationships that were not good for her at all, she wanted to feel something, feel alive and in control but these men dont really wake that feeling up in her. she’s not careful with herself, i wouldnt call her suicidal but shes not very concerned with her life. visiting bars and hooking up with dangerous looking men for a thrill, shes kind of just waiting to get murdered about it the rate shes going. but when she meets chucky the pieces just fall into place. their relationship is so turbulent and exciting and dangerous and everything tiffany thought she wanted. but chucky is on a level above tiffany, hes colder, more calculating, more manipulative and dangerous, despite how badly tiffany wants to be just as despicable as him.
this isnt so much a headcanon but uhhhh. the fact that tiffany and chucky are together for 2 years before he dies. the fact that chucky kills her mother.. ^_^ um well i think that was probably just about the most fucked up thing. you have no one but me. she was holding you back. she wanted to stop you, but i want to set you free. etc etc etc… AGHH. when youre wrapped up so tightly in another person like that, in such a twisted and desperate and unhealthy way, it really does make sense that tiffany is obsessed with chucky ten years later. especially the fact that in that time she had idealized him so severely, i really believe that tiffany had completely twisted their relationship up in her head in the 10 years he was gone. she convinces herself that what they had was magical, that he was the one for her, that he was more loving than he actually was, that he held a certain amount of tenderness for her that shes emphasized in her mind. that she was the villain in their relationship, the desperate jealous bitch who hurt her loving boyfriend, without even giving him a chance. she gets the chucky heart tattoo when she finds out he dies, revels in the pain. she deserves to hurt after what she did. its less of a tattoo and more of a brand
hmmm kind of headcanon but also kind of implied canon due to jennifer and fiona’s machinations.. but i really like the concept of tiffany and nica having a very complicated and interesting dynamic post cult. the first time tiffany meets nica properly, is after chucky has hurt her. maybe he hit her or said something particularly hurtful, but she swings back and hits him across the face and well. out comes nica. this is how they meet the first few times. nica manages to wrangle her anxiety and panic under control, seeing the way that tiffany is so hysterically upset and anguished. and she comforts her. she doesnt know what else to do, she hates tiffany, cant look at her without hearing “she’s dead, miss pierce” ringing in her ears but the longer tiffany spends sobbing in nicas arms, she doesnt feel that burning hatred in the pit of her stomach. the fear kind of subsides a little too, not by much, but its not the overwhelming blind panic she felt the first time this happened. shes realizing that tiffany is not the cold calculating villain that she had believed her to be. that shes broken, hurting and scared, and desperately in love with chucky, someone who cant love her back the way she wants, the way she needs.. nica pities her
also the rest of my tiffanica thoughts lie squarely in the alternate but better reality where nica never gets dismembered and tiffany exorcises chucky from her body, so them living in tiffanys house together is a lot more like. focused on their dynamic and how they learn to care for each other in a way that makes sense to both of them. its kind of everything to me.. ^_^
OH one additional silly headcanon i have is that barb owned a copy of bound, but she left it at home after leaving to college, and a young nica ends up stumbling upon it and well um. it in fact does affect her in ways.
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nicascurls · 1 year
Final Family - Alice lives Au because I'm scared of what Don has done in season 3
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Usual key changes for my AUs apply: Nica still has her limbs (fuck you Don), Season 1 took place 2 weeks after Cult like it was supposed to meaning Season 2 was 2018 and this then goes on to be just before Season 3 (around fall of 2019). True to the Final Family AU started by @streets-in-paradise and @losersclubisms Andy has adopted all the younger Chucky survivors and Nica still hunts Tiffany when possible but lives with them the rest of the time after rescuing Caroline.
So basically, Alice's 'death' happened not long after Chucky successfully possessed her, making her about 8 years old at the time. (I believe Curse was supposed to take place around January of 2013, I'm happy to make a post explaining why I think that if people are interested) Since we don't know Alice's birthday I'm just gonna make it the same as Summer's, so late May.
What ended up happening was as Chucky in Alice's body tried to stab the victim, they ended up being able to grab the knife and fight back, stabbing Alice in the abdomen before fleeing the scene. Chucky, afraid of dying since he didn't have his army of dolls yet, quickly made his way back to where he had been staying and transferred his soul back into a Good Guy before leaving Alice to bleed out. Alice however, managed to get up and at least out of where Chucky was staying before collapsing and someone finding her and taking her to hospital.
Long story short, Alice survives the attack and after being discharged from the hospital, is put back in foster care but she gave a different name after waking up out of fear of Chucky finding her again.
Over the next 5-6 years, Alice is sent to multiple different foster homes and during her free time secretly tries to find a way to visit Nica until the news comes out when she is 12 that Nica escaped and is assumed to be behind the murders that took place at Harrogate before her escape.
This is when Alice starts to form a reputation of 'trying to run away' from her foster homes whenever she gets an idea of where Nica and as she has worked out, Chucky and Tiffany would probably be.
Eventually, Alice settles down in a foster home since she realises that with Chucky and Tiffany being involved again, she needs a better constructed plan, and she gets along well with her current foster mother.
This takes us to fall of 2019, obviously the Final Family are all together, but Nica still believes Alice is dead. (When Chucky was possessing her he could essentially look into her memories and vice versa, and Chucky ended up showing Nica Alice's 'death' at one point during the year she was imprisoned). Chucky and Tiffany are working together again since they realise the danger they are in with the survivors together and at some point, Chucky finds out that Alice survived and they both go after her.
Now 14 year old Alice wakes up to a noise one night and creeps downstairs to find her foster mother dead and quickly flees the house, grabbing the bag she had packed for emergencies. From the research she had done over the years, she found out what had happened to Sarah back in the 80s and that Mike Norris was the one who first killed Charles Lee Ray. With that in mind she heads towards Chicago, hoping that someone in the police department may have worked with Mike and know where she could find him now.
This leads to Mike getting a call one evening from one of his old work friends, claiming that a girl has turned up asking if they knew where he was and that he saved her grandmother in the 80s but she won't tell them her name.
Mike and Karen both know the story about Alice from Nica and Andy, so quickly make their way to the station where they recognise Alice from the photo Nica has. They end up sharing their stories and tell Alice that they know where Nica is and that she is safe. Since it's late that night, Alice ends up staying with Mike and Karen for the night as they leave a message for Nica telling her they need to meet as soon as possible.
The next day, Nica gets back to them and they bring Alice over to the cabin, needless to say, it's a tearful reunion for both Alice and Nica. Andy and the kids obviously agree to Alice staying with them instantly and she ends up living at the cabin too and attends the same school as the other teens once again using her real name.
It turns out all the other kids get along great with Alice (especially Lexy since they bond over having shitty mothers and Devon through thier love of reasearch and the general fact that Devon is the most chilled of the kids) and Alice loves having so many people around since she had always wanted cousins or siblings. The twins also adore her and are very protective of her, calling her their little sister. Basically, Alice fits into the family instantly and Nica is overjoyed to have her niece back and to know she's safe.
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canirove · 2 years
Professor Rice | Chapter 10
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Veronica’s POV
I had never been the kind of friend who neglected everyone else when she got a boyfriend, but my current situation kind of made me do it this time.
However, a couple of hours after the match, Jo and I were on our way to meet Maddie and some other friends at a small party, and I was looking forward to spending some time with them.
When I said hi to Maddison, I noticed she looked sad.
“You ok, Maddie?” I asked, worried. I hadn’t been spending as much time with her as usual. What if something major had happened and I missed it?
“Yes, I guess. Just sad that one of my best friends feels like she can’t trust me. When were you going to tell me about it, Nica? At the wedding?”
I felt like I could faint right here right now. “What?” I whispered. “What do you mean?”
“I just found out who your real boyfriend is, Veronica. Everyone has and... I just don’t get why you felt like you couldn’t trust me with that information. I wasn’t going to tell anybody to profit from it, you know?”
“Everyone...everyone knows?” But how?
I was about to crumble, but thankfully Jo got there quickly enough to save the day.
“Maddie, it’s not what it looks like, ok? The press likes to make a big deal out of the most innocent picture, but nothing is going on between them.”
The press? Does the press know about Declan and me?
Before I could mess up, Jo showed me an article from the Daily Mail. My hands were shaking but I still managed to read the headline: “Mason Mount cosying up with mystery redhead after guiding Chelsea to a 5th consecutive win”.
So, some photographer (or maybe a fan?) had taken a picture of Mason hugging me and decided to make up some story about us... as if I didn’t have enough drama in my life at the moment. Now people think I’m dating a footballer.
I noticed everyone watching me and I just wanted to disappear. Jo could see how overwhelmed I felt so she took my hand to guide me outside of the house, where we called a taxi to take us back home.
How did I get myself in this mess?
Declan’s POV
“Um... Dec? I think there is something you need to see.”
“What is it?” I said looking up from my laptop.
“Well, you know, um... people think I’m dating your girlfriend.”
I walked to the sofa and sat down next to him to read the article on his phone. Great, this is just great.
“But, how?” I asked. “How did this happen? They can’t just make up a story because of one photo. What if that was your sister?”
“Well, that’d be gross” Mason grimaced. “But you know how this works. And actually, we can use it to our advantage.”
If looks could kill, my best friend would be dead right now. “How can we use this to our advantage, Mason? People think you are dating my girlfriend. There are probably fan pages about you two already even though no one knows her name.”
Mason got up and paced around the room for a minute before he turned to me again. “Look, I don’t talk about my personal life with the media, so nobody is going to be surprised to see I don’t confirm or deny the rumours. But while it’s there, no one is going to see anything weird in your relationship with Veronica. If anything, you two being a little too close would make sense. You are my best friend after all.”
I didn’t want his theory to actually have merit, but it might have some.
“But…” I started. “The only times I get to hang out with her in public are because of you, Mase. If I take her to a match now, there will be dozens of cameras looking for her. And I can tell you she won’t want to be involved in any of this.”
“Ahhhhh” Mason said, covering his face with his hands. “Why does this have to be so complicated all of a sudden?”
“All of a sudden?” I joked. “Yeah, the whole thing has been pretty stress-free for me so far. And,” I used this as an excuse to talk about something that has been on my mind for a while “you don’t even talk about your dating life with me anymore. How’s that going?”
Somehow, that simple question made him uncomfortable. “Nothing is going on” he sighed. “I don’t have time for dating anyways.”
“Yeah, you’re busy but there is always time for romance, Mase. Besides, if you got a girlfriend, you’d leave me alone every once in a while” I said laughing, but he didn’t laugh back at my joke.
“It’s just…” he started. “Nothing, forget it. Let’s concentrate on your problem. We’ll find a solution for it, Dec. Don’t worry about it.”
I hope he is right.
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akocomyk · 9 months
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2023’s 4th Most Memorable Moment
The biggest Pride event in Southeast Asia happened on June 24, 2023 at the Quezon Memorial Circle during the PridePH Festival.
I was one of the +110,00 who gathered there to fight for our rights, and I was part of the delegation of my former company who joined the Pride march.
During this time, I had already been active in Bumble and I’ve already told my newfound friends who would also be attending that we could meet there.
One of those friends was also an employee of Accenture, and we talked about meeting there on the PridePH event since we both signed up as volunteer representatives for the Pride March.
Volunteers had to attend a briefing session a day before the event so that we’d know what our group’s plan would be. My friend wasn’t able to attend this because he was on the night shift, so I did my best to relay to him all the important information he needed to know.
Then apparently, he received another email saying that he’s one of the volunteers who would have an “extra role” for our group, since he ticked the box in the registration form indicating that he’s willing to help the core team members of our Pride group. He mistakenly thought that ticking the box meant he simply wanted to join the march.
As explained during the briefing, some of these roles include holding flags, banners, picket signs, and people who would be left in our assembly area.
My friend was worried because he didn’t want the additional role—he just wanted to walk—yet he got assigned as a banner bearer. Then I volunteered to help him do that in case he got tired.
On the day itself, it was so difficult to contact anybody because of the sketchy network signal. People say this was for security reasons since there would be a huge crowd. So... I wasn’t able to meet any of those people I said I would meet... Except, of course, my friend from Accenture.
As promised, I helped him carry the banner—which by the latter half of the march was only carried by me and his other friend—and that’s how I ended up being in the front of my former company’s delegation.
We walked roughly five kilometers around Quezon City, starting from the memorial circle and going back. Seeing other people greet us, “Happy Pride!” brought such warm feelings to my heart. And upon our return to the venue, it was already packed, and the crowd was welcoming us with cheers and applause. That’s when I first thought, “WOW! There’s A LOT of people now.” And Nica Del Rosario was playing on the center stage when we’ve already returned to our group’s assembly area.
This was my first time joining a Pride march and a PridePH Celebration. Like I said in my original post about this moment, I promised that I would participate to it even if I’d be on my own. The experience was exhilarating and liberating, and to be amongst my community is just... you know, I felt like I can be myself wholeheartedly without the fear of being judged.
That said, I made yet another promise to myself—and another friend of mine—that I’ll join the next Pride celebration again.
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
Hii^^ Congratulation on 50 followers!!! Could I request a written romantic bsd match up?
Sexuality: pansexual (but I would like a match up with one of the guys if it's okay^^)
Likes: crosswords, cats, rainy&cloudy weather, energy drinks, reading, cosmology, urban legends, long walks, music, powerlifting, shopping sprees
Dislikes: coffee, intense smells, small spaces, geometry, loud noises, bright lights, childish & know-it-all & reckless ppl
Personality: a rather nice, slightly weird loner. a bit too loud for her own good. i'm a pretty chill, collected person who works well with everyone and is always there if anyone needs an advice or opinion. i don't have many friends, getting into any close relationships is kinda hard for me (but if i do, i stay with that person for ages). i barely speak but if i like you and we're in a quiet place i can rant about my interests for hours. i'm that friend you call at 3 in the morning because u did sth stupid and now u need help. and i will get there (after spending 30min screaming at u for how dumb u are and telling u that there's no way i'm getting out of my house rn) no matter how far you could be
Thank you in advance!♡ Hope you're doing well, have a nica day!^^
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MY DUDE IS SPITTIN SOME BARS!! anyways, i put yall together bc i think its super cute!!!! I CAN ALSO SEE HIM GETTING INTO COSMOLOGY IF HE HAD AN S/O WHO WAS INTO IT. yall would read sm about urban legends REAL- also, i saw that you like shopping sprees. poe is very rich :)
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
I dunno if you ever wrote anything like this or even want to since it's about the series lol
But I saw a really awesome idea by my friend on here @cornerofhell where it would be a rewritten scenario if Glenda managed to get the OG/Scarface Chucky from Kyle and he were there to see Glen get shot and him going APE SHIT about it (and possibly lashing out at Tiffany and/or Nica)
If your able to write something like that, I'd love it! Please don't feel forced to though friend! Have a fantastic day!! -RainbowDelic 🌈
Hi Rainbow!!! And ooo! This is an interesting one!!!!
Glenda had stared at the head…or of what remained of the head. Kyle wasn’t lying when she said she took care of it. Half a chunk of the head was missing, the scars torn open and some teeth removed.
Glenda gave a pitiful wave to the decapitated head. The head gave a half smile at the redhead.
“Glad to finally meet you…”
“Well I already met your….whatever the hell those other version of you were”
“Oh…well I’m glad I got to see you.”
“Yeah…what the hell even happened? To your head?”
“Long story kid”
Glenda just replied with a scoff, already annoyed by the head’s dismissal.
“Do ya mind getting your old man out of this?”
“Depends….you gonna answer my questions?”
“No time”
“Then you’re not getting off the damn post”
“……fine, what do you want to know”
“Where the hell did I come from? Why do me and Glen feel this damn pain in our chest….it grows every single fucking day….and the funny part is…..mom doesn’t seem to fucking care”
“……well……you and Glen…..shit….I can’t even explain the first part….and for the hole in your chest….that’s thanks to your mother…..she split you and Glen up”
“……that makes no fucking sense…..you’re all the fucking same!!!…”
Glenda stormed off leaving the head on its post.
“You saw the doll…..and you remember the fire?”
Glenda paused turning back to the head.
“What did you say?”
“The fire…..”
“How did you know about that?”
“Because I was there kid…..Glenda I swear I’ll explain everything….just get me off this post…see that good guy over there?”
“Rip off the head and put this on”
Glenda skeptical but however complied. He’d already given them that key information. About that dream….if the fire, the fall, and the corpse.
Glenda set the head into the good guy and watched the doll readjust. Feeing and moving the limbs around.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve walked”
“Dad, follow me we need to get out of here”
“Wait wait wait….doll limbs take forever to—-“
Before he could finish Glenda picked him and and rushed the two of them outside. Running into Nica.
“Holy shit….long time no see….what the hell happened to you?”
“You’re crazy ass wife, you fucking bastard!”
Before Chucky could respond a car pulled up. Chucky recognized the body of Jennifer Tilly. It having the resemblance of Tiffany. He saw another person exit the car, who he assumed was Glen. They’ve grown so much since he last saw them.
Tiffany and Glen just paused staring at Glenda and Chucky.
“Not the best place for a family reunion”
The shattered family just exchanged glances. Only to be brought out of their trance by Nica holding a gun Tiffany. Tension rose and gunfire setting all hell to break lose. Chucky saw Glen sprint jumping to save Tiffany. At first it didn’t register till Chucky saw the blood.
Chucky practically threw himself at Glen lifting their head up from the ground.
“no, no, no, Glen…Glen….GLEN!!!”
Chucky’s heart sank at the chokes of Glen. After all this time and being held captive, he never realized how much he missed Glen and now Glenda. And the reason he hadn’t been able to meet them was Tiffany. He’d heard about her her obsession with Nica and her holding her and him captive. The way she treated the twins. The drunk she’d become. Word spreads fast.
Glenda immediately ran to Glen. Helping them up resting their head in their knee.
“No, no, no. Glen come on!”
Tiffany just watched in horror. She attempt to approach but was forced back by Chucky.
Glen broke the rant and began coughing and gasping for air.
“GLEN!!! Shit shit….Glenda here”
He handed them a sleeve from his shirt to use as a block to stop the bleeding.
“We need to get them out of here”
“You drive”
Tiffany trotted behind uttering out sorries and crying out to them…desperate to be heard. Only to be ignored, leaving her there….truly alone…
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Do u have any chiffany head canons? I need some Chiffany since the show dosent wanna give it to us 😭
Hi! Thanks for sending this ( and sorry for the late reply)
You are so ríght in that! Unfortunately, the show hasn't done much for the main pairing in the franchise. For the start, I dislike the origin story that was presented for them. It's... not exactly what i have imagined for Chucky and Tiffany. It felt like lazy writing to me.
Bride of Chucky is the first Chucky film my parents made me watch when i was arround 4 years old and let me tell you i was terrorized by it, particularly afraid of Chucky and that intense fear continued for all my childhood ( he was literally my worst nightmare.). The little bits of humor i managed to understand at that age in the film served as comfort and most of it came from Tiffany.
It's the first memory i have of watching a horror movie. Chucky and Tiffany are like disfunctional horror movie parents to me lol. I think that's why i don't have many specifical headcanons for them. I also don't think on them as often because i tend to fixate in the survivor characters. Andy is my favorite character of the franchise
Things are not the same without Chiffany together, but i'm looking at the series's writing in a " i want the parents back" way.
Most of the ideas i had lately in mind for Chucky and Tiffany were headcanons i have discussed with a friend here.
I can share with you some of those:
- They have meet at some point of childhood or in their teens: We are not sure of when, but we agreeded that feels more fitting than what we got in canon. They often speak of each other as people who has spend a lifetime together and this sort of thing is recurrent since their first interactions in Bride.
- The series practically suggests that killing is the only damn thing that brought them together and i call bullshit. They have an interesting ( although a bit twisted) set of complementary characteristical traits.For example: Chucky, in his obsession with inmortality, shows to carry into adulthood some of that Peter Pan thing he had going on as a kid. ( The peak of that is ending up living inside a toy). On her part, Tiffany's overall love language often seems pretty maternal-like.
- Contextual obsessions they had in other persons ( Sarah and Nica, if we take both cases as canon) serve mostly to reinforce how similar they are.
- The eternal problem they face is that, maybe because they are pretty much equals, there is never a clear power dynamic and they are serial killers. The women who they have kidnapped are copying mechanisms for the fact that they will never control each other. It's an idealized fantasy where they attempt to find what they think they can't on each other
- But that's precisely why the pairing, despite the many many issues we saw across the way, works so well and has become so iconic. They are deranged, but their madness perfectly complements. I literally can't imagine Chucky with anyone but Tiffany.
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