#nice greyface
hislittleraincloud · 26 days
i have the exact satin dress! bought mine from asos a few years back... it costs me less than £30 tho 🌚
LOL Which one, the light one or the black one (hardly used, I believe she wore a collar on it/over it for the Joyce scene)?
...And can you stride out of an antebellum mansion for an old wet teacher in it? 🌚
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I only know a few things about Miller's Girl wardrobe, like how this bish's accessories together cost more than one month of my rent (her sunglasses plus her snakeskin backpack). With all that money going into accessories, you would think that they would have at LEAST one wardrobe change for certain scenes that were obviously filmed the same day but were not 'the same day' and can only be explained by flashback or some other out-of-order happening. I can explain this in a bit, I've been wanting to, because I tend to notice shit like this.
ETA: The black one
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Did you watch Peter in The Devil’s Hour? If so can I send Gideon/Clara crossover ship fic prompts?🙂
Sorry Greyscale, but...
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geraniumplant · 5 months
Sanzo because he's a good looking blond. 🦊 for fairly intimidating
How Intimidating Am I? ~
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𖤓 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ " I don't understand why my hair color makes me so intimidating.
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nether-twins · 1 year
Four Agents of Doom appeared at the front door, half of them having red lights on their antennae and eyes, half of them green. None were aggressive, however, only performing a roboticized version of "Feliz Navidad" complete with little dancing gestures synced in time with the music.
Cue everyone looking confused as heck by what they’re seeing, as well as lowering their weapons once they realized the little guys weren’t there to do what they were usually programmed to do. Riot tilts his head to the side and tries to touch one of them with his paws while Apollo uses their tail to scratch their head.
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“Where... did they come from? And why are they perfoming for us?”
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“Beats me. But you gotta admit, they’re not that bad.”
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“I suppose you’re right there...”
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silvcrignis · 1 year
How do people expect me to remember threads 4+ months ago? I can't remember last week...
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((Employing a proper tagging system on your blog so you can seperate threads like that, investing in a RP thread tracker if you're that shit at keeping up on your own, properly using your Tumblr's draft function...? Have these like become fuckin foreign concepts to the Tumplr RPC in the time I've been away?))
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
What kind of training regimen gives you a build like that anyway? You're not enhancing are you?
"I'm almost offended, greyface. But it's a fair enough question, I guess, considering the amount of Twinkie wrappers Jarv finds in the trash, and the fact that I know the number of all the local Chinese takeouts off by heart."
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"First off, no, I don't enhance. Despite what Reverend Can't-Hit-A-Stryker and Graydon't-Ask-Me-About-My-Bloodline Creed might tell you, mutant bodies are all natural."
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"Second, you start off with your basic human mutant genome, which is just naturally inclined towards a stronger, healthier, longer lived physique, regardless of how your X-gene manifested - and this isn't any of that homo superior bull-dookey, that's just scientific fact.
You ever wonder why a lot of mutants tend to be pretty built despite not having access to a gym, well, nature gave us a leg up there."
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"Third, you exercise, and you bounce everywhere, and you jump, and you burn off more calories than you take in - which is saying something, considering the fact that I can eat multiple chicken buckets without feeling sick, but it's true!"
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"Fourth, you take up some dangerous, active hobbies, like being a superhero! You won't ever be sedentary again, your cardio is never in doubt, you keep muscle tone or you die - it's a great incentive to stay in shape!"
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"Fifth, and most importantly - you become the single sexiest Avenger and New Defender there is, you find yourself a nice club on a Saturday night, and, well.
You dance the night away~"
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dragonmasterhiccup · 11 days
Have a sparkler•ᴗ• on second thought, let's light the fireworks:D *Uses sparkler to light the fireworks* Kaboom!^ᴗ^
"Oh! Uh, thanks? Wait, fireworks? Where--oh! A little warning would have been nice, greyface!!"
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plenilune · 14 days
this is random and possibly strange but I've been on tumblr a long time now (like 14 years... not thinking about it) and I know you've been here quite awhile too and I think I've followed you for... most of my time on here? I remember you posting song sessions on livejournal and I think I've seen every color of your hair but I've never actually talked to you but idk I just wanted to tell you you've been a constant of my tumblr experience and every time I see you on my dash it's like seeing a really cool neighbor from afar and I'm like "oh there they are, nice"
this is so sweet, greyfaced friend, and there are several people in my universe I feel this way about and that makes me happy. the last time I got back on tumblr after a very long absence I noticed that a couple of people had changed pronouns and they were all people I followed for incredible art and photography posting who rarely if ever posted anything personal and it was just like. smiling at someone you always see at the bus stop getting on different buses. <3
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allan-bravecog-and-co · 9 months
A Toon-sized suit flutters over to the large Sellbot boss, a box in hands. Well. More like her rubber hosey robot arms are holding onto it for dear life. It's a nice sandwich Vema had ordered for him, since she noted he'd been having it rough the past few days.
hello mr. bravecog! i wanted to bring you this. those greyfaces are being really cruel to you! that isn't nice of them! i hope this makes you feel better, though! if you would like, i can shoo them off so they won't keep bugging you.
"Oh! Uh.. Thank you, Velma. I appreciate the care." He says, almost forcing his face to turn over to smile. He gently takes the... Unnecessarily large foodstuffs from Velma's hands, and very gently pats her on the head with one finger, like you would any other critter that's very very small in comparison to you.
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noiizemaze · 1 month
The shoe has been revealed. It's waved around uselessly in threat.
The chair is not high enough. The greyface scrambles on to the top and tosses the shoe. It bonks off the spider's helm. There's still terrified screaming. It's louder now, in fact.
Bonk! Tarantulas topples over and stays that way, a reedy sort of whine dripping out. That wasn’t very nice.
What a mess.
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jinanreona · 11 months
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Anonymous sent:
hands him a Kirby hat to wear
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He quirks a brow at the hideous hat of... some sort of weird, video game creature. Needless to say, he doesn’t make a move to accept it, uncertain what the greyface wanted him to do with it. Certainly, the stranger didn’t want him to have it, right? After all, it’s size was much too puny to fit around his hair.
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“...Tch, nice hat. Why don’t you go show it off to the radish sprout. I bet he'd be more impressived with that thing than I am~” Shroud could deal with randos giving out hats to people. Leona had much more important things to do~
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jaxfromthatcircus · 4 months
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If the greyfaces got to pet those ears, so could they! Cue a hand reaching to scratch against the side of one of the petal soft ears and Lily chuckled. “Anons aren't the only ones who give wanna ya some ear scritches~”
And a kiss to each ear, of course.
"Y'know you got special privileges...~"
He mutters while purring, almost sitting on stop of Lily just to get those nice scritches from his boyfriend, and for it, making sure to kiss all over his face too!
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xxlordalexanderxx · 5 months
🕯️ - About any of them tbh
Send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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♦️—Another gem in my treasure hoard, Hax gives me hope that I'm deserving of respect and love. They are always so kind me and understanding and patient. Something I appreciate very much. Them and little Taygete always bring a smile to my face when they come around for a visit or if I visit them in their cozy little cabin. I have a hard time fitting in there, but I make the best of it. I love Hax very much, they bring me delight and pleasure and I savor it like the bowl of peaches they are~ I try not to think about the scathing words from their inner deamon, from that awful day. But I wonder if some part of them, meant it.—♦️
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♦️—Eath is a charming lass, we both share a love for tea and rocks and plants so there are a lot of delightful conversations and interactions to be had. I hate hearing that folks on her neck of the woods are after her, for whatever reason. I don't like to dip my talons in anyone's affairs but I will fiercely protect her if I need too.
She gets on well with Cromwell, which is nice—the poor fellow needs someone to talk too other than myself.
While I'm not too much in the know of Eath or Hax's lives I do know Eath has a melancholy feeling about Father's Day. I may not be her father, or even a father figure for that manner. But if she cares for another fatherly hug again I'm always happy to provide. I do give the best hugs, as I've been told many times.—♦️
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♦️—I really do fancy Grimbright. We have a similar interests in tormenting those who seek to annoy us or make trouble for us. We have a little game we play, they bring me some poor sod and I viciously devour them. Like a disposal machine of some sort. Or I'll capture some greyfaces release, them into the wilds and see how many of them we can catch and who catches the most. It's quite fun.
While I'm trying to be a better person, I never truly will be good. Being wrenched is in my blood. Except now I direct my vileness at those who deserve it and those are in abundance. I appreciate having friends who see the best in my violent side for a change.
I'm thinking of asking if Grimbright would like to become a personal bounty hunter for me. If they have the time. I know they are busy with taking care of Eath and Hax and I wish not to impose.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind getting to know Grimbright more, perhaps a few drinks and a lovely dinner someday~—♦️
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❌| Not Accepting anymore
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sanguine-salvation · 8 months
[ For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing. - ACCEPTING ]
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"... I have a feeling I've left myself open to being ganged up on in this little game. Well. Not the first time. Not the first time while naked, either." They shrug and ease back into a smile before standing up again and slipping their thumbs under their waistband, pressing it down just enough to peek their hipbones while they gave a flash of teeth as they met the greyface's eyes.
Zsasz favored comfort and ease over showiness most of the times, but lounging in the safety of the underworld accepting bar afforded them a chance to dress a bit more to... accentuate their work, and so they had been a little more elaborate in their choice of pants. But, such is the game, and so off they go. They unbutton them, carefully, purposefully slow, then slide them down along their thighs while watching the greyface with prowling curiosity, measuring the gaze coming back at them.
Almost like a tiger watching a mouse.
Another smattering of scars of course, but as more and more of their body is revealed, their figure begins to strike out more than the injuries do. Despite the strength and muscle, Viktor's legs are clearly meant for agility and stealth, and their hipbones bear the edges of the red tattoo that wraps around from the small of their back. And their athletics of choice has, well, had some very nice results— as far as anyone taking a peek from behind could tell you.
They spare no taunting as they roll them down their shins, slipping their feet through and lightly kicking them up into their hand. There's nothing left but some tight black briefs, low on their hips.
"Happy? Sorry, you're not a winner today." They trace their fingers across the band of the briefs. "Rare occasion, don't ask." They pout and look edgewise at some irritating circumstance, but they snap into a smile, warmth cracking as the bitter chill started to break through the facade, and they lean forward. They slink up to the greyface, reach up, and slowly tilt the their chin— and gaze— up from the prize to meet their own icy eyes with a soft but almost feral purr.
"Oh, don't be too sad. Consider it a consolation prize and don't press your luck, my poor little zombie." If eyes alone could slit necks. "You're already unlucky enough."
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gingerinvermont · 1 year
Not a question but it’s just nice to have you posting more frequently…missed you ☺️✨
Thanks greyface! I feel like I’m *always* on here, but I guess I go through lulls of not posting much of my own stuff.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 16 days
"Hey, guys! How have you greyfaces been? It's been a little....quiet, as of late, but, uh, that's to be expected since the seemingly endless chill of winter has finally receded! Toothless and I have been going for some extra flights and enjoying the nice weather."
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