#nick x eric x rachel
caelusproject · 3 months
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Rachel and her golden retriever husband and boyfriend. Give her some space, guys-
Reference under 'keep reading'!
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juicedbug · 10 days
ive been sick as a dog AND i got my piercing ripped out this week, but so help me god ill do part three of this jalim fanfic AAAGGGHHH
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cr33pypaper · 2 months
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matixsstuff · 1 year
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kayla-marie-writes · 2 months
Another plug of my fics, because my writer's block is DEAD!!! KaylaMarieWrites on both Wattpad and A03!
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Imagine all the house of ashes getting drunk.
Salim is a giggly bitch. He can't stop smiling or chuckling at any little thing he finds amusing. He tries to keep himself quiet.
Jason is also a happy drunk, but he's loud. He hollers and laughs with a slap of his knee, someone else's back, or the table. He speaks loudly, not having a clear head to register his volume. He is uncoordinated, tumbling over himself, things, people, everything. But he'll laugh about it.
Nick is relatively the same, if not a bit quieter. He sits back and enjoys everything around him from the people he's with or the room he's in. He doesn't talk a lot unless spoken to, or he feels he needs to. He becomes rather peaceful.
Eric's personality does a 180. He becomes confident and even a little flirtatious towards Rachel (and Nick if you ship that. I do), and he's not subtle with it. He'll say things he'll most definitely regret the next day, but drunk words are sober thoughts as they say.
Rachel is like Nick, quiet. But she's relaxed, finally able to shrug off the cold exterior she uses to keep herself safe. She'll let out a laugh every now and then if she finds something particularly funny.
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frogish-person · 19 days
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Idk I saw some Twitter post on Pinterest that said to rederaw as the polycule but I sure as hell can't draw.
(@katzenprinz @thunderwhenhepurrs. Yall may enjoy this. @caelusproject Speak To Me RoyalKay scene of this when👀?)
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(Image IDs in alt)
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ultrabananapudding · 1 year
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Rachel and Eric didn't have the smoothest break-up to say the least
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hedgiestail · 1 year
Ok, so I don't get it. Why fandom bitching at Eric for telling Jason to leave Salim while f'ing Nick do the same at any given opportunity???
He told Jason to leave Merwin, he told Rachel to leave Eric(while Eric risked his buttocks to save Nick from Kurum/Balaty) and he supported Eric at leaving Salim???
Like, folks, have we played the same game or are this depend on choices you make or are everyone just dgaf about Nick?
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chokit-pyrus · 1 year
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yeah. hoa
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eddie-brii · 1 year
Author's notes: *Gasp* She's updating something in less than a month?! Lol, in all seriousness, I'm so happy I have a new proof reader so I can actually get these to you guys! Cuteness ahead and as always, enjoy!
Jason grabbed the ledge, leading them out of the caves and into the welcoming sun. He’d stood for a moment checking to make sure everyone had made it out of hell before he unceremoniously flopped to the ground. The warm sand felt good on his back as he closed his eyes against the sudden brightness.
Jason heard the sound of two other people falling to the ground not far from him. He opened his eyes, thankful for the ball cap that blocked the sun’s rays from completely blinding him. He saw Nicky to his left, on his back the same as him.
To his right was Salim, the older man already resting his forehead on his arm as if he was ready to fall asleep. Jason wouldn’t have blamed him, not with the hell they all had went through. When Salim lifted his head, his expression told a different story. He locked eyes with Jason, heat unrelated to sunshine now play havoc with the marine as he noticed the Iraqi’s gaze drop to his lips.
Jason could hear the others talking but he could barely pay attention. After what felt like a century, Salim rose to his hands and knees. He crawled to Jason as the marine propped himself on one arm, the other grabbed Salim’s uniform shirt.
Their lips met at the same time, both pouring every ounce of relief and euphoria they felt into it. Jason felt the older man’s fingers in his hair, unsure when his hat had fallen off. He couldn’t summon the will to care either, not when Salim slid his tongue across his bottom lip. Jason happily open his mouth to him, tilting his head to the side as his world narrowed to the man he went back for.
Too soon their lungs burned for air.
As they parted, the hand tangled in the older man’s shirt moved to the back of Salim’s head. Jason pulled him forward, resting their foreheads together as they both closed their eyes.
The sound of someone clearing their throat broke the spell over the pair. They both looked over to find the others staring at them with varying degrees of surprise.
“I… didn’t see that coming.” Eric had his eyebrows raised, still trying to process the scene the two men had made. Breaking from their shock, Nick and Rachel turned their heads to the Coronel with incredulous expressions. Jason found himself trying not to laugh, apparently neither man had been as subtle as they’d assumed.
The marine looked back to Salim, catching the other man’s attention. Jason decided to ignore the others in favor of leaning in for another kiss. Before he could continue, the light began to fade from around them.
Everyone turned to look as the sun began to disappear.
“Oh no, not again.”
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caelusproject · 4 months
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"It's a social experiment" - Rachel, probably
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juicedbug · 14 days
Semper Fucking Fi - Part Two
part one
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
Jason rustles uncomfortably in the thin singular blanket he's been given.
Not only are they forced to stay in a prison made entirely of veils of plastic, monitored by Centcom agents in hazmat suits, but they can't even be bothered to provide them with more pleasant sleeping arrangements. Or a change of goddamn clothes.
"Do you think you could quit moving, Lieutenant?" Eric prods from the bed atop of his. Jason figures he chose to share a bunk with him because he learned that Rachel's affair was with none other than Sargent Nick Kay. When Jason found out, he wasn't sure whether to be proud or perturbed.
He rolls his eyes, "With all due respect, Colonel, 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 no. I dunno how the fuck yall are okay with this."
"None of us are okay with it," Nick chimes in from the bottom bed adjacent to Jason's, though he doesn't roll over to properly face him.
"Then why don't we get the fuck out?"
"And how are we supposed to do that?" Rachel takes her turn. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but Centcom won't release us until we clear all their requirements. We should be grateful they even let us shower."
"And sleep," Eric mutters begrudgingly.
Jason shakes his head, running both hands down the length of his face. He feels as if he's damn well losing his mind, sick with worry over Salim. It's been hours. The fuck are they doing with him?
"Well I can't fuckin' sleep.." Jason complains, losing a little more octave to his tone of voice.
Maybe he would've liked the time to sit with his thoughts beforehand, but now such an inkling scares him more than he'd like to admit. It's as if what they've lived through is still with them, lingering in the dark corners of the otherwise empty room.
It's selfish, yet he's relieved he wasn't alone down there, witnessing all they've seen unassisted. He's grateful for Nick and Rachel. Shit, he's even a bit grateful for Eric.
But most of all, he's appreciative of Salim. Not just for his wits and his strength, but for the fact that he was able to keep Jason's head on straight during the whole ordeal. He feels a bit lost without the enemy of his enemy. The sword to his shield.
Jason releases a hefty sigh before he flips to his side, attempting to be a little more mindful of the shitty craftsmanship of he and Eric's shared bunk. He shuts his eyes and realizes he has a sudden fear of the dark. It doesn't feel safe. And if 𝘩𝘦 feels this way, he can't imagine what Salim must be going through right about now.
A scream rips through the air, and the four of them simultaneously sit up. Jason peers at what he can see of his fellow marines questionably. "..'m guessin' I ain't the only one who heard that?"
Nick rolls his shoulders into a tense shrug. "..We could all be hallucinating.."
Like clockwork, another petrified scream sounds, only this time it goes hand in hand with the splatter of blood that's seemingly gone the distance over plastic. Jason moves, tossing his useless blanket to the side and attending to strap each of his boots on one by one.
"Jason, where the hell are you going, man?" Nick prods immediately, though he mimicks the tossing of his blanket.
"In case y'all haven't noticed, we're still very much on vampire territory. 'm goin' to find Salim."
Eric's sigh rips through the air, sounding as dramatic as possible as he, too, also rids himself of his blanket. "How many times are you going to save that man?"
"As many times as it takes," Jason retorts, tugging his cap over the top of his head.
"Kolchek," Rachel urges, jumping from her spot on the top bunk and landing with an apparent ease. "You don't even have a gun," she points out.
And while it's enough to briefly halt Jason, it certainly would never deter him from his focus. "Neither did he," he musters over his shoulder, stalking his way towards the third and fourth scream that's beginning to sound more like a signal.
The little light that's offered within the halls blinks ominously above, bathing the bodies beyond Jason's feet in a soft, brownish glow. It's just a couple of Centcom agents, throats ripped out and armed only with pistols. Jason almost feels bad. They didn't know a single fucking thing about what they were up against.
He cocks the new found gun within his palm and just like that, the previous feel of buzzing emptiness ceases. He proceeds, allowing the perfectly fitting lighting and strokes of blood splatter to guide him down the eerily setting hall.
Jason isn't typically someone who is so readily startled. Or rather, he's done his fucking hardest to present as such for a little over a decade now. However, for the first time since then, he feels his mask slipping.
As he turns into the nearest room, he can't quite place as to how he knew to do so. The sickly twist in his gut moves his legs for him, and when his blood shot eyes dart into the mess of what looks to be some stupidly put together lab, his brain can't possibly process what they've fallen upon.
"..S..Salim.." Jason calls out, lids twitching into a narrow at the slumped over man behind the table. Within his lap is another, and Jason can make out the subtle twitch of his legs and the gush of blood that paints the wall beside them.
He doesn't want to believe it, but he 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 it's Salim. It'd be impressive to misplace that uniform.
"𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬," Jason's voice breaks, his fingers curling around the handle of his firearm tightly. "S-Salim," he says again, a bit more sternly than before.
The hunched over, no doubtedly feasting body before him, pauses. His head lifts, and with it comes a slow turnaround for their gazes to meet. Pointed fangs drenched in crimson and flesh jut from Salim's upper lip, his skin much greyer than any human he's ever met, and his once kind eyes glossed over and vicious.
It appears Jason is too late.
Salim Othman is a 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 vampire.
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prvttystvr · 2 years
Rachel & Nick: fuck you Eric!
Eric: yeah fuck me!
Rachel & Nick:
Eric: please
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buoryok · 2 years
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We appreciate both Racheric and Kingkay, so let’s just say he’s staring at the both.
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Just posted a couple of chapters of a new House of Ashes fic I'm writing on ao3. Here's a sneak peek of the first chapter ;)
Jason dips his hand under the collar of his shirt, pulling out a silver chain with a small metal rectangular tag.
"Here." Jason says, offering it to Salim, "somethin' to remember me by."
Salim stares wide-eyed at the gesture. "Jason, I couldn't -"
"Sure you can, and besides, no one gets my last name right. Maybe it'll help you find me again... if you'd want to..."
Salim smiles that kind, gentle smile that makes Jason's blood pump faster. For a man so deadly, he's oddly innocent looking when he smiles.
Salim takes the silver tag, putting it over his neck. Then he pulls something out of his pocket. A bronze coloured chain with an oval tag with Arabic written on it.
Jason takes it with a confused chuckle. "I appreciate the sentiment, Salim, but... I don't know what the hell this says."
"Something for you to learn then." Salim responds with a smirk.
Jason chuckles again, shaking his head at the idea of trying to learn another language.
Jason takes a moment to admire the Iraqi dog tag before putting it on.
Jason gets the sudden feeling he's being watched. He turns to see Eric and Nick slowly approaching.
"It looks like our time is up, friend."
"Fuck... I guess so..." Jason sighs, letting his head fall limp on his shoulders.
"Jason, can you do me one last favour?"
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