#nico di angelo deserves better
i-am-a-daydream · 2 months
i love Percy so much but him telling the rest of the Argo II crew basic fucking horror stories about Nico was really fucked up, especially since the stories were so bad that they shaped Jason’s whole view of Nico as a person and made everyone scared of him.
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thetimetraveler24 · 9 months
Sometimes I think about how people rank Jason as their least favorite because he’s “such a bland character with no personality”, but was he even allowed to have one in the first place?
He’s two years old when Lupa guides him to Camp Jupiter. He’s brought up to be the perfect soldier, the perfect Roman, the perfect hero. He doesn’t know life outside the legion. He’s the son of Jupiter, he has to be great. If he’s not, he’s a failure and a disgrace. If he is then he’s still not the best because there so many other heroes who did it better than him so he has to keep trying harder and harder even though no matter what he’s never going to be good enough because the moment he slips up he’s no longer the perfect hero.
The few times he actually tries to do something he wants, he’s only cut down. Changing the 12th legion to the 1st legion? No, you can’t do that. It’s tradition. You’re wrong. That’s stupid. Joining the 5th cohort? Why would you join those losers? You’re only hurting yourself. You could be great if you join the 1st cohort instead like a good Roman boy.
So why would he try to do anything that cultivates his identity? Why would he try to do anything that brings him joy if everyone around him is just going to suck it right out?
He has no best friends at Camp Jupiter. He has acquaintances. He has people he’s friendly with. Say what you want but Reyna was a coworker. Dakota was cool, Gwen was nice. But none of them make Jason want to stay at Camp Jupiter instead of Camp Half-Blood. He thinks of Reyna but only in terms of he doesn’t want to saddle her with the responsibility of picking a new praetor. He thinks about duty. When he is picking between the camps he’s weighing his options between doing his duty as he’s done his whole life or picking himself for the very first time ever and he picks himself.
And it’s honestly so fucking depressing that the first time Jason picks himself and is actually supported in his decision happens when he is sixteen years old. And most of the people supporting him have only known him for a month.
But then he saddles himself with duty and responsibilities because that’s all he’s ever known and Percy is dying and Jason is a good Roman and a good hero and his job is to sacrifice his life for everyone else because of course it is. So he takes on Pontifex Maximus to build shrines and temples to minor gods and goddesses (not that they shouldn’t be honored but… once again he’s sacrificing his identity for the good of everyone around him).
And then, just as he’s finally discovering an identity for himself—he likes physics, he’s learning about the mortal world and living in it, he’s becoming more than just Jupiters son and Juno’s perfect hero—he’s killed.
Jason never got to be Jason. He only got to be Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Praetor of the 12th Legion, slayer of Krios, one of the Seven, Juno’s Champion, Pontifex Maximus. He always belonged to someone else and never himself.
All this to say, Jason is my favorite of the Seven and although he’s not the eldest nor a daughter, as an eldest daughter I relate so hard and feel very seen in him.
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echo-stimmingrose · 5 months
Rest in peace Micheal Yew and Lee Fletcher, you would have had a field day catching Will sneaking to his boyfriends cabin in the middle of the night.
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dodgytransformer · 2 years
Bianca: Me and Nico only have each other!!!
Bianca, as soon as she hears Artemis say “new family”:
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universe-of-peoples · 3 months
And what if I said that Bianca was more of an accessory to Nico’s story than her own character. What then
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readrantannotate · 8 months
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flower1622 · 8 months
*Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus*
Everyone: 😰😭
*Nico is missing*
Everyone (Except Hazel and Will): Who is Nico?
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Nico: How do you stay so positive all the time?
Will: Delusions
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beans-core · 4 months
Forever sad over the fact that Hazel never got to meet Bianca. :c
Just imagine Hades plopping the three together and being like “yessir they’re all siblings, definitely from the same mother and father, definitely not from a certain Rome counterpart of mine. Just three kids of Hades right here. No one inform Pluto about this, by the way.”
I think Bianca would have rolled her eyes at having to babysit another sibling but would secretly be giddy at having a sister. Hazel would have thrived with an older sister, would have followed Bianca around like a little duckling. Not to mention how happy Nico would have been with both his sisters together. Nico would have been jealous at the start with the girls catching up on years of sister bonding time, but he’d get over it, because ultimately it’s more family to love.
All these kids from the past, and they would get to learn about this new world together (T-T)
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poppitron360 · 5 months
Ok so I’m reading HoH right now, and we’re about to meet Cupid.
I know what’s about to happen. I’ve read the spoilers. I’ve waited for this scene for a long time.
But now I’m scared.
Nico has been through some SHIT. More shit than anyone deserves to go through ever. And while I want to see him happy and gay and with a boyfriend, I know that’s still a long way’s off, he’s got a tonne more shit to go through through before that can happen. Rick is pushing me to my limit here, and I gotta read this scene, but I know that if I scream into my pillow too loud it’ll wake the neighbours. I just don’t wanna see my baby boi getting hurt anymore. What do I do?
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qian-gege · 3 months
Apparently I'm not the only one who loves Nico di Angelo so much I scavenged the entirety of AO3 with him and another character so I'm making a list of all the characters I ship with the one and only Nico di Angelo. (Random order) got inspired to do this by @devils-little-sista
1. William Andrew Solace (Solangelo)
2. Jason Grace (Jasico)
3. Perseus Jackson (Percico)
4. Leo Valdez (Valangelo)
5. Alabaster Torrington (Nicobaster)
6. Aeon (by Avaetin)
7. Thanatos (Thanico)
8. Apollo (Nipollo)
9. Connor/Travis Stoll (even both)
10. Anubis (???)
11. Eros/Cupid (Cupico)
12. Triton (Tritico)
13. Erebus (???)
14. Hermes (don't ask I beg of you)
15. More that I probably forgot : b
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nicodiangelo-we-stan · 5 months
confession time! i didn’t really enjoy tsats because nico was happy, i liked that bastard when he was miserable and relatable, how am i supposed to relate to someone happy now
someone make that italian boy suffer
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asolareclipses · 6 months
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Try not insult Nico challenge: Failed.
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int3r3st1ng · 8 months
Since the series has brought the PJO books back to life, I was suddenly struck that I needed to get this off my chest.
I read the HOO books years ago, after the PJO books as well, and I liked them. Unfortunately, there were many parts I disliked.
This post will probably infuriate so many people and I will be referencing to future books, but I'm not interested in angering you, I'm more interested in what your opinion is after reading mine.
Don't write hate comments and don't strart hating my opinion just because I don't have the same one as you.
Battle with Gaea:
This was the biggest let down.
The battle with Kronos was gorgeous. It was beautiful with a great build up and so many emotions. I adored that entire battle. It literally lives on an invincible throne in my head.
I had high hopes for the battle with Gaea, after all she is more powerful than Kronos, right? It must be harder to defeat her, right? She has to fall to storm or fire, right?
Piper, don't worry I like her character, has so much dam power in her charm speak that she can put a primordial goddess to sleep. Unfortunately, I explicitly remember the prophecy not even mentioning her.
"To storm or fire, the world must fall"
Then Leo and Jason were fire and storm, but I'm pretty sure that "Stormbringer" is Poseidon's title. I get that Percy isn't always meant to be the hero, but he learnt that lesson. He wasn't the hero in his own book series. He stepped back in the Mark of Athena so Annabeth could be the hero. He knew that he couldn't always be the hero, so why did Rick make his arc be he has to learnt he isn't always the hero?
To be honest, I think that if Rick had written it that Piper didn't lull the goddess to sleep, but the seven all fought together again, that would have been better. Imagine the seven all working together. Imagine Percy and Jason creating a storm together. Imagine Leo ending Gaea in one fiery end.
It is honestly such a shame that nothing can shine on this fight, not when it will always live in the shadow of an undefeatable throne.
(Not exactly sorry for what I say)
Percabeth, although cute, is not a perfect ship. They are not the "It" couple and they most certainly not what I would look for in a relationship. I don't want a girlfriend/boyfriend who gives me a nickname that constantly downgrades my intelligence. I don't want a gf/bf who judo flips me onto hard gravel. I most certainly don't want a bf/gf that is scared of me. I don't hate Percabeth, but Percy and Annabeth deserve better. Percy deserves someone that he knows he can talk to about Gabe while Annabeth, even if Percy chose her and gave her love, first needs familial love before romantic love.
Jasper/Jiper, was so bad. Jason got with Piper out of duty and they did break up in the end, but Rick got them to get together in one book. Secondly, Piper is so possessive and obssessive. I don't hate either characters, I just feel that Leo x Jason would have been a much better ship because at least Leo doesn't have fake relationship memories. For Piper, I would give her a girl. First, they would complete the quest then Piper settles down with a girl, like Rick did in Trials of Apollo, which I'm really happy about.
Frazel is cute. I thought the ship was adorable, but once again it felt like Rick was focusing on ships too much. They've known each other for two-three months and are dating by the end of a week. Not how I would plan that. I once again think that them getting through the entire quest would have been much better.
Caleo, in my opinion, is the worst. Leo wanted romantic love to fill the void he felt due to his lack of familial love. Why the hell did Rick think that giving him a love interest was a good idea?! Leo felt like the seventh wheel so Rick should've fixed that by, like, making the other seven want him around. You know, like a family? As for Calypso, I believe she should have either joined the Hunt or she was an asexual lesbian. Either way, I believe she would want to experience the real world before trying a relationship.
Solangelo was, quite frankly, my least favourite. Look, I love Nico and Will. Both are cool characters with so much potential, but it once again felt rushed. It felt wrong that Rick had Nico get over Percy only to get with Will like a week later. Secondly, Will and Nico didn't fit like yin yang. I know you're all thinking "Hey! That's my ship you're sinking!", but you have to admit that Will saying that the loneliness Nico felt at camp was fake. Nico was literally avoided because of his dad. The hell you mean, Will? I believe, Will and Nico shouldn't have gotten together. Nico should have gotten with someone else while Will explored his bi-ness.
There were so many friendship potentials.
Percy and Leo 1. Percy's burn proof-ish 2. Sass 3. Literally both met Calypso so why did Leo hate Percy when he left for the same reason? 4. Should've talked it out and figured it out 5. Bonded over having excellent mothers
Nico and Percy 1. Rick you butchered this entire relationship 2. Percy did trust Nico and had this relationship that essentialy said "The only person who gets to kill Nico is me" and even then Percy wouldn't have killed Nico 3. Took a dam prophecy to save Nico 4. Saved each other's lives 5. Deal with shared trauma 6. Like, cousins? You gave Nico and Jason time, can you please give Percy and Nico some time. They deserve to talk things over and figure things out 7. Percy did what he could for Nico to stay at Camp 8. Percy's response to Nico's accidental trick was completely fair because would you trust the guy who said they would help you but (accidentally, which Percy didn't know) led you to a death trap? 9. Top two most powerful demigods 10. Literally my fav characters (until the Nico fanbase made Nico feel so overrated, still love him though)
Leo and Annabeth 1. Two badass geniuses 2. Two book smart people on a giant boat 3. Both searching for love (Annabeth was hurt by her family and Leo lost his) 4. ADHD madman and ADHD Annabeth "Stay up till 5AM to work" Chase 5. Where was the friendship between the smartypants?
There are more but these are my top 3 platonic relationships that Rick would have explored.
Thanks for reading! You can say your opinion, but no hate comments.
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kaufmann-6 · 1 year
Today is Jason Grace’s birthday!! Our favorite blond superman, who we pretend didn’t die and is happy at his boarding school living a normal life for the first time, making friends and drawing temples for the camps, portraying his role as Pontifex Maximus.
Here are some post-TOA headcanons! Alive!Jason edition.
He and Annabeth have Iris calls every week to talk about his projects and she gives him artechure tips. They had a weird start but turns out they’re good friends!
Is Percy jealous of Annabeth being close to Jason now? Kinda, but he makes up for it Iris Messaging Jason all the time to prove he’s a better friend to Jason than Annabeth lol he’s competitive, especially with his girlfriend involved.
After a five minute scolding from Jason and the disappointed glare #7, Leo gets a big bear hug and him and Jason spend the following night watching a movie and throwing popcorn at each other. After that Jason starts Iris Messaging Leo once in a while. They don’t talk much in these calls, they like to hang while each does their thing. Jason draws and Leo builds stuff. It’s the nice kind of silence.
Piper isn’t the one who calls the most, but when she does, Jason and her talk for hours. He tells her about his drawing and she tells him about her dad and Shel. Jason is happy for her. They’re not as close as before, but they’re getting there and are happy.
Nico is definitely the one Jason sees more. He shadow travels to Jason’s room all the time. Sometimes Jason gets back from lacrosse practice and finds Nico sleeping in his bed. He’s so happy Nico trusts him now and they are friends! They play board games together and Nico annoys Jason into dropping his homework and sneak out to the nearest McDonalds.
Hazel surprisingly Iris Massages Jason quite frequently. She tells Jason stories from when they met for the first time and he helped her feel welcome at the fifth cohort. Jason still doesn’t have all of his memories, but they get closer each time they talk.
At first, Frank and Jason don’t talk much, but one day Jason called Hazel and she was busy with praetor duties, so Frank and Jason ended up talking about nonsense for an hour. After that, they call more and actually become good friends.
When it’s finally summer they all reunite at camp half-blood and spend week committing shenanigans after shenanigans. They don’t have a prophecy above their heads and for the first time, they can be actual teens and have fun. Chiron is tired and Mr D is secretly proud.
Jason is so happy to have this weird big family, he loves them.
Also, Thalia and Rayna showed up with the hunters and they had the biggest capture the flag game ever. The other cabins stepped aside to let the seven + Nico play against the hunters and placed bets on who would win, who was gonna be made a hostage first and who would win in a fight, Jason or Thalia? Clarisse and Will became rich among them all.
When it’s Jason’s 18th birthday, they throw a huge birthday party, making up for the fact that he was in a coma after Caligula tried to kill him on his 17th one, and also for his 16th birthday, that was the day Annabeth and Percy fell in Tartarus.
Jason is so glad that he has all this people around him. That is the best of all birthdays.
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2bluetwo85 · 8 months
I've shed a single tear over PJO, HoO, or ToA somehow, but I found this in a fanfic (daybreak by @coruscatingcatastrophe) and I started crying.
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"They're just kids, aren't they? Kids who have done far more and seen far more shit than most people ever have to. Damaged, exhausted, terrified kids."
Nico's in ninth grade
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