#night screech
egophiliac · 3 months
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some more Twst pokemon as my brain melts at the impending episode 7 drop tomorrow! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I went with Gholdengo and Cufant for Kalim, and Seviper and Malamar for Jamil! I went back and forth a looooot on whether to give Malamar to Jamil or Azul, but ultimately I think it just fits Jamil better. (Seviper was a given though)
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suntails · 8 months
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do you deserve to be loved?
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praxeus-13 · 5 months
There’s something so heartbreaking about watching your favourite parts of a tv show, the parts that you have loved for years and found so much joy in, being misunderstood, forgotten and erased by it’s predecessors.
13’s beautiful TARDIS interior, and sonic screwdriver erased to make way for nostalgia.
13’s clothes, her entire outfit, burnt up never to be seen again without any explanation.
Yaz, who 13 was in love with, who she wanted to tell everything to and spend the rest of her days with, not even mentioned - not even hinted at!
13’s character, her core personality traits and storyline reduced to ‘woman Doctor’ and fundamentally misunderstood!
13’s fam, the family that she found and built, not even mentioned or reminisced about!
I’m glad that the Timeless Child wasn’t erased, but I feel like so much else was that RTD didn’t properly watch 13’s era. It’s like he was given a summary and only took the parts that he thought was interesting.
13’s memory deserves better! She deserves to have passed on the baton to Ncuti’s Doctor, to have him running around high on regeneration energy while wearing her outfit! To use her sonic for an episode before choosing to make his own!
13 deserves to be remembered as a Doctor who was loved dearly by her companions and fans, as a Doctor who went through so much tragedy right from the start and struggled to deal with that, but still managed to face down her foes! As a someone who was optimistic and kind, but could also be cruel and harsh when needed! She was complicated, she went through so much, I love her and she will always be my Doctor.
She deserves to be remembered as more than ‘woman Doctor’, because she was so much more than that.
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
it's the fact that arthur "merlin is MY servant. he has my absolute trust" pendragon actively notices when merlin's sad and asks him what's bothering him and then tries to cheer him up and beams when merlin smiles again and says "that's better" as though all is right with the world
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carlsdraws · 2 months
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toxicanonymity · 3 months
beach walks PSA / warnings (Hi again!)
night walks joel will be back this week (Fri) weekend. this one is joel-focused, but he's not the only man in the fic.
night walks au | beach walks - prequel
(warnings/spoilers below)
these aren't in order and could change.
WARNINGS: I8+ Angst, drugs, a minor scuffle, dubcon (drugs/location), possessive!joel*, exhibitionism, homoerotic tension if you squint, cuck!billy, but oops you also sit on his face at some point.
*for him. not like stepdad or raider
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swampstew · 3 months
Movie night on the Victoria Punk Part III ~ WALL-E (2008)
. . . Anytime during the movie at all . . .
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Iceman puts things on the top shelf so that Maverick has to call him for help. Tommy Boy quickly discovers the problem with this when he catches Maverick climbing the countertop like a spider monkey.
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nyxfaei · 6 months
“Deerboys like to be hunted” WRONG!!! CHARGE AT YOU WITH MY ANTLERS!
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toxintouch · 1 month
. 🕯 .
. 🕯 🕯 .
. 🕯 MHIN 🕯 .
. 🕯 WITH A 🕯 .
. 🕯 HUSKY 🕯 .
. 🕯 VOICE 🕯 .
. 🕯 🕯 .
. 🕯 .
being a screaming abomination must be hard on your vocal chords.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
What would the IAU boys do if there was a burglar inside their house?
Minorly freak out (or majorly, or not freak out at all depending on who it is), then either get their parents or decide it’s not that big a deal and go after the poor guy themselves. It depends who finds the robber...
Twilight would just pretend he’s like a guard dog and just scare him off— and if that doesn’t work, he probably resorts to crazy barking (he’d only bite if his siblings were in trouble).
Legend would turn invisible and sneak up on the guy and pretend to be a ghost, trip him, make creepy things happen etcetera until the guy freaks out and leaves. Makes things “float around” and does creepy noises all while his brothers are trying not to crack up in the background.
Wild just runs in and smacks the robber and then runs away again so fast he doesn’t know what happened, and keeps it up, also steals his weapon if he’s got one, and trips him and is just generally really annoying to deal with.
Hyrule wouldn’t even hesitate, he’d put a shield up and go after the robber no matter what he threw at him. Or he’d put the robber in a shield and roll him out the door and be like “goodbye so long never come here again!”
Wind does similar stuff as Legend and Wild, he’s just a nuisance with his wind, blowing the guy’s pants down and making him drop things. Probably does something stupid and runs right up to him, and Twilight has to haul him back and be like “HE HAS A GUN WIND CAN WE BE AT LEAST A LITTLE CAUTIOUS”
Four, before his powers show themselves, concocts some sort of clever plan that uses his sibling’s powers to chase the guy off or keep him trapped until they can call the police; after he has his powers, it’s mostly the same, but he also takes into account his own powers, and probably uses the four of himself to overwhelm the robber.
As for Time and Malon?
Malon grabs a frying pan and knocks the robber over the head, and Time just uses his powers enough to make his eyes glow in the dark and scares the crap out of the guy
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elisiassideb1tch · 7 months
JUST FINISHED THE FNAF MOVIE AND OMFG- it's so good I can't even rn
Boutta go through my FNAF phase all over again y'all 😭 (not complaining)
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Domestic zuuka= one of them doing their cultural foods as a surprise (ie zuko cooking something sourther water tribe) and sokka crying over how good the food is
YESSS. THIS!! It’s about the time and effort!! It’s about learning about each others cultures !!! aaHHHh I’m such Whore for this concept
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It's the missed opportunity of the century that Formula 1 didn't just license ABBA's music for intros, highlights, podiums etc
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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oh okay yeah yep mmhmm~🎃
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toxicanonymity · 3 months
night walks PSA / WARNING
I don't want to throw the next one out there with no heads up, so here's where we're at . . . I was stuck on night walks for months, bored with the main timeline. then, one day, I saw a path forward that made me want to write. I don't expect everyone to like it, and that's fine. I split the next one into two parts: a prequel and the main fic.
the prequel is night walks!reader x another guy.
Edit: Beach walks - prequel
Beach Walks Prequel :
Main reader, main timeline.
1-2 mo. after late night dip.
No Joel x reader smut.
Situationship-typical angst.
Explic smut with another guy.
The other guy is not another p-boy
This doesn't automatically mean infidelity.
I plan to post it this weekend.
You don't have to read it.
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