#night shift audio drama
nightshiftpodcast · 2 years
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It’s time to go back!
Night Shift: An Urban Fantasy Audio Drama is crowdfunding for Season 2 – launching next MONDAY!
Help us raise funds to keep the series going and grab some super fun rewards!
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seliyareine · 1 year
Sebastian: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY]
Angelo : What's that?
Sebastian: Remorse code.
Angelo : I'm even angrier now.
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beesandstarsart · 2 years
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Now that out crowdfund campaign is live, I can share this image of Sebastian for Season 2 of @nightshiftpodcast that I’ve been sat on for two months hdhdhdhdh
I can’t wait to share the poster that he’s a part of, but we will have to see if we can get season two funded first!
Click here to help take us back to Echor City 💖
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damnfinecupocoffee · 2 years
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Spencer said something annoying, might be his final straw 😕
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fuckthisshitimin · 2 years
Jonathan Sims, Sebastian Fen, Cecil Palmer and the compulsion to record Things They Probably Shouldn't.
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becaexists · 2 years
It's midnight and I can not stop thinking about North from Night Shift bc they are weirdly embedded in my soul? Like I listened to their playlist in like Dec 2020 when Night Shift was first announced, and it has stayed in my mind ever since (if you look through my playlists, especially my older ones, you can see them, hidden between 'treehouse' by Alex G and dsmp fan songs)
And the fact that they had agoraphobia made me confront the fact that I had it too, when I had just been dismissing it for months as "just wanting to be cautious because of covid", and that while I was thriving from not around people, you can't spend your whole life locked up in your room ignoring the world so you can play minecraft by yourself while listening to lofi music and wilbur soot
Before I knew practically anything about their character, I saw the music picked out for them and recognised it as similar to my music taste (how does one describe it other than "hot enby depression but vibes") and saw something like me: scared and feeling both so incredibly new and experienced at everything. Now I must say, I shouldn't have been so knowledgeable on living, I was only 15, but I was, and the recognition that this person, despite being fictional, was so much like me, I felt safe and secure that I thought "sure, somethings may stay the same, but look at them go, they've got a job they like and they've got an apartment, isn't that so cool? I bet it looks cool, maybe they've got a cat, I can't wait to learn more!"
Just something about how we pick up little pieces of things we like as we go, even if we don't notice at first, like a stone stuck in those indents on the bottom of shoes
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celestialaudience · 1 month
If everyone could recommend their favorite audio dramas to me, please do. I promise I'll listen to it, even if it takes some time. I need all the fiction podcasts you've got, hand them over NOW!
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boombox-fuckboy · 7 months
Don't know anyone here? Pick one and go listen!
Am I missing your favourite? Are they from a fantasy? Let me know!
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359midnightburgers · 28 days
hey buds, what podcasts had a really bizar episode from the pov of a salmon that was swimming upstream but because of dams and side pools and stuff it couldnt go further and it and all its bretheren died? I know I heard this story but I can't for the life of me figure out what podcast it was on, I've been listening to so much new stuff lately. It might also have been one of the featured guest episode/ad spots idk.
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acepodcastweek · 1 year
Did I miss your favourite? Let me know!
Don't know any of these? Pick a show and go listen!
Want to know more about Ace Week Fiction Podcast Festivities? Click here.
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dead-in-the-bread · 3 months
Am i finally posting again only for it to be a podcast rec? Yes.
Now listen to Night Shift. I swear it's so fucking good with an amazing audio quality and the formatting is delicious. It's an urban fantasy mystery podcast set up in the style of those conspiracy theory podcasts. It's amazing and has captured my attention. The only downside abt it is that s2 hasn't come out and it was announced in jan 2023.
I love it, it's amazing, and i need everyone to shut up and listen or i may go mad
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nightshiftpodcast · 1 year
Are there any news regarding season 2? I keep circling back to the asked you answered in June, and just get really curious!
I hope everything goes smoothly on your side, and I look forward to hearing more of this story!
Wishing you a nice day.
Hey, thanks for asking!
I've been meaning to put something out about delays for a few weeks but I've been struggling to find the words and energy. Before I get into it I want to emphasize that these are only delays and I just need more time to complete season 2, which will still be coming as soon as I can get it done. Thank you so much to everyone who has been beautifully patient and remained excited about Season 2 even though I'm a couple of months behind what I predicted!
I won't go too deep into things, but I want to give at least some kind of explanation as to why I'm so behind on everything:
1. Serious illness in my family earlier this year threw off the schedule originally. I lost a good couple of months of productivity through Jan-March because between that and planning my wedding in April, the stress made me sick too. All is well now with both, but I've been struggling to get everything back on track since.
2. I've been promoted twice this year, which is great, but I'm busier and in a pretty intense senior role now that takes up most of my energy and brain power during the week. Last year when I wrote Season 1, I didn't have a full-time job, and I really didn't anticipate the difference.
3. Finally and foremost really, partly because of the points above, I'm struggling with some pretty serious burnout, and I've tried to push through it to finish writing but ultimately I know that's never effective.
Realistically I need to take some time to wind down from creating to recover, although the guilt of trying to get this second season made quickly enough is eating at me.
I'm really super sorry for the delays - it's nothing on the production end, everyone including me is still really enthused to get on with it, it's just that I've hit a huge wall creatively and mentally and the podcast is taking the brunt of it. I really want to get back on track as soon as possible, because I love this show and I want to see Season 2 come to life this year.
Any advice on what to do to get past the burnout and block is greatly appreciated.
And thank you again for everyone's patience, you're all superstars 💚
- J
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seliyareine · 2 years
Angelo: I feel like doing something stupid. 
Sebastian: I’m stupid, do me. 
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littleacebee · 2 years
Hello audio drama community! I would love to interest you in little podcast appreciation-recommendation game. Please reblog/comment and share with me:
One podcast that you think person interested in audio drama should listen to (either because of the influence on the medium, a cool way of using audio format, general amazing sound, performance etc, whatever you think falls in this category)
One podcast that has community around it you love interacting with (fandom, artists, discord server, official accounts, etc)
One podcast that inspired you to create something (fanart, fanfic, something handmade, cosplay, headcanons, something completely original, etc)
One podcast that have music you could listen on repeat (theme, musical episodes, any songs included)
One podcast that’s new and you need more people to join in appreciation (like max one season, even better if not complete)
One podcast you can’t wait for (is not yet released)
RULES: One podcast per category, you can put the same podcasts in few if you want but I encourage trying to pick six different. I know that probably you have more than one that can fit every category but still I ask for one – I don’t want you to treat it as the one you put is your favourite or the best one, just the one you thought about now, is lately on your mind. If you can’t think about one for certain category you can leave it empty. If you want you can add explanations why this one, the description of the podcast or generally show some love but that’s completely voluntary. And if you are official podcast account and want to join the fun, came and join! Put your own podcast in any category and share your other choices.
And of course just have fun with it and share some positivity!
I’ll start:
One podcast that you think person loving audio drama should listen to: The Orphans - extremely interesting way of telling the story with amazing cast and quality
One podcast that has community around it you love interacting with: The Amelia Project - Soon after I listened to TAP the cocoa collars took place and it was so nice to see so many people show love to this podcast. Love you my besties <3
One podcast that inspired you to create something: Stellar Firma - I embroidered one of the quotes and plan on making it into a pillow, it will be an amazing extremely confusing pillow
One podcast that have music you could listen on repeat: Night Shift: An Urban Fantasy Audio Drama - “Give it all up” is stuck in my brain and I already added it to my playlist to listen on repeat
One podcast that’s new and you need more people to join in appreciation: The Kingmaker Histories - Listened to latest episode today and I just love the number of cool dangerous women that are introduced, you would love them tumblr
One podcast you can’t wait for: Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later - Every bit of info I get about this podcast just make me more and more excited
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I know how I mostly reblog popular audio drama stuff. Because I love and adore it, yeah
but also? my brain is full of smallest stories being amazing.
While my own post is. less. in the sea of Everything I love about that medium…
I do appreciate and give all the stars to every podcast that make my soul sing.
This space is very divergent and yet I don’t feel like an outsider anywhere
All the warm and fuzzy feeling but horrific monstrous stories being directly told in my ears
(yup I can’t add more tags but I do give my heart to more indie podcasts to live there)
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becaexists · 2 years
NS characters and undertale/deltarune songs I associate with them
Hi welcome to brainrot: I completed this in about 5 hours? Maybe longer? but anyway, let's get on with the show
Sebastian Fen
‘Wrong Enemy!?’: this one is silly and mischievous sounding, and Seb is always getting up to some sort of mischief
‘Flashback’: Those weird tapes he keeps receiving from his days at Harmony
‘Memory’: Now this has been my favourite piece from this game series since I heard it for the first time, it just evokes this sad nostalgia for what once was, the memories of what came before, of a happier time, even if it was plagued by underlying sadness, so for me this represents Sebastian’s memories of Harmony, which were sad and stressful, but he had hope, he had caring friends, he had a chance at a decent future
‘Run!’: This guy is always getting himself into trouble, no matter what, getting involved with shady people, getting himself arrested, etc.
Angelo Volta
‘Heartache’: Now this is a little bit of an odd one, because from just looking at Angelo, you wouldn’t associate him with this at all, but the reason I’m giving him this specifically because of the trauma flashback in 1.12, because in the game, this plays when you have to fight someone you see as family to “prove yourself”, it’s all very tragic, perfect for our Angel
‘Small Shock’: When he fell in love with Sebastian lmao jk, actually when he shook Seb’s hand and could suddenly feel (which is arguably when he fell for Seb so my first statement is right)
‘MEGALOVANIA’: You know when he was fighting in 1.12? Yeah, play this in the background of that scene and tell me it doesn’t fit, the whole underlying anger from grief and loss, also Angelo seems to have a strong sense of justice and can be very judgemental
‘My Castle Town’: This is kind of how Angelo feels about Augur, it is mighty, it is powerful, but it’s not fully satisfying to him, he’s not fulfilled, he wants more from life, not particularly more power, but something new
Quin Sterling
‘Rouxls Kaard’: the vibes are immaculate, perfect for Quin giving off the vibe of stuck up and snobbish despite being anything but
‘Attack Of The Killer Queen’: If Quin was going to have epic battle music, it would be this
‘Ruins’: It’s sophisticated while still being simple, so I think Quin would vibe to this
‘Alphys’: Man’s a dork and a nerd once you get past the external layer of social awkwardness, so Alphys' theme suits him well
‘Your Best Friend’: He’s here to help Seb! Of course you can trust anything he says! It’s not like he might have another motive for wanting to bring down Augur! Absolutely not!
‘Here We Are’: The melody is broken and chaotic, slightly like Wolfe, with us finding out that he’s actually the one helping HUNTER’s production
Lea Parrish
‘Fields of Hopes and Dreams’: It’s a happy song, and Lea always seems to be an optimist, seeing the best in many situations
‘Metal Crusher’: It’s a good balance of intimidation and fun that suits our beloved ALPHA well
‘Spear Of Justice’: Look, if Lea was going to be any Undertale character, it would be Undyne, they’re very similar, optimistic heroes of the city who just want to protect, but still enjoy a little bit of fun in their down time (also gay)
Adair North
‘You Can Always Come Home’: North just has this lovely safe vibe, and Sebastian constantly goes to them for support when he’s upset
‘Hip Shop’: The vibes!!! They fit so well, I can just imagine them walking home with it playing in their headphones or while they’re making coffee on a quiet shift
‘Girl Next Door’: Super light and bubbly, almost spacey, much like North’s general attitude
‘Tem Shop’: because it’s funny to imagine walking into Night Shift to be greeted by North with this music in the background (“tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!”)
‘Dog Song’: Much like tem shop, it’s just silly and fun, a bit goofy, much like North
Diego Alvarez
‘Fallen Down’: In the game, it plays when interacting with a character who has lost someone they love, but is pushing on with hope that things will get better, much like how Diego never stopped looking for his sister
‘Respite’: It’s sad
‘An Ending’: He’s found his sister, but it’s not how he thought it would be, there are still questions unanswered, and they may never be answered with Vanessa in her current state, but there is hope for justice, for a better ending than her having no memory of even before
‘Reunited’: It’s just perfect for him and Vanessa, he got reunited with his sister after thinking he had truly lost her forever
Vanessa Alvarez
‘Lost Girl’: How could I not give this to her with a title like that, it also fits regardless, forlorn and sad, she was lost physically before, now she’s lost mentally, with no memory of who she was before
‘Darkness Falls’: Sad and dark yet slightly hopeful, much like how she was before she disappeared, and now that she’s been found, she can potentially heal from whatever has happened to her and get that happy ending she wanted before it all happened
‘Dummy!’: the character it’s associated with in the game is a ghost possessing a mannequin who is constantly angry, calling people names and throwing knives at people, need I say more?
‘Rude Buster’: Upbeat and made for fighting while still having darker notes, also it just gives off styx vibes
‘Spookwave’: He’s a spooky weird little guy!
‘She’s Playing Piano’: Ever heard someone angrily play piano? No? Now you have
Oliva Lark
‘Empty Town’: Just an underlying sadness, the feeling of wanting to return to how things once were, even if it wasn’t a particularly good time, but you had people around who cared about you as a person, not just superficial things, or no one caring at all
‘It’s Raining Somewhere Else’: The rain, the piano in the beginning, the distant and muffled sound of people talking, it’s reminding me of when she first showed up in the shop looking for Sebastian
‘A Simple Diversion’: It’s suggested that she’s been lying to Seb to divert him away from certain things, no motive known at the moment though
Joey Finch
‘Before The Story’: Everything we know about Joey is from the past tense, other than the fact that he is likely haunting Seb, it’s got a sad piano sound, along with notes from the main theme of the game, as Joey’s soul is perhaps tied down to Sebastian even after death
‘Ghost Fight’: y’know, because he’s dead
‘So Cold’: y’know, because he’s dead
‘Spider Dance’: the song has a teasing, chaotic nature, upbeat but for one of the later and more difficult bosses of the game, matching the underlying threatening nature Dagger always has about her
‘Death By Glamour’: She’s very dramatic and playful with how she’ll kill you, because if she’s going to kill you, why not add a little fun and glamour?
Jenny Holt
‘Enemy Approaching’: Jenny is not an enemy, but she does have this upbeat sense of justice which I feel like the song embodies
‘Live Report’: She’s a reporter, I just had to give her one of the report themes
Cam Archer
‘Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap’: No reason in particular, just feels right
‘Fallen Down (Reprise)’: It’s matching with Diego, as they’re helping him on his quest to find his sister, motivated by their own mother’s disappearance, but this one is a little more hopeful, a bit more optimistic, matching Cam’s vibes of wanting to help out because it’s the right thing to do in their eyes
‘Don’t Give Up’: Cam is constantly helping others, healing and aiding whenever they can, if they really are a valkyrie like some have been theorising, this is a perfect theme for them
‘Don’t Forget’: The only song with proper lyrics, a reassurance that you are safe despite all the chaos and self-doubt, there is hope
‘Deal Gone Wrong’: Do I need to explain this? Look at the title, the whole thing Sebastian was doing with Aesir was a deal which went very wrong, nearly killing him and now getting him mixed up with Fenrir
‘THE HOLY’: They named themselves after a pantheon of gods, of course they think they’re better than everyone else
‘Elegant Entrance’: Party of rich assholes, they’re gonna have dramatic entrances if they can
‘Queen’: Freja supposedly runs the thing, we can assume she’s the queen of it all
The Veil
‘The Barrier’: something about how ominous and mildly threatening it sounds, also how it sounds slightly like pained breathing just calls me to give this to the Veil itself, because I’m 99% sure that thing is holding the souls of all the innocent people it’s eaten
‘Waterfall’: Also slightly threatening despite being in one of the most visually beautiful areas of the game, Sebastian tells us that if the Veil wasn’t so dangerous everyone would be outside watching it go about in the sky
‘Basement’: Sounds both evil and ethereal somehow
‘Another Medium’: Again, evil and ethereal at the same time somehow
‘Amalgam’: This more suits the Veil-Touched specifically, becoming amalgams of what they once were due to the veil’s volatile nature
‘But The Earth Refused To Die’: With a title like that, it’s obvious why I give it to the Veil
‘ANOTHER HIM’: This plays at the start of the second game in the series, the beginning of creation, the Veil creates new magic users in the form of VTs, but also takes away what it pleases, completely uncontrollable (or is it)
‘Spamton’: this is one of the few songs with spoken words, “now’s your chance to be a big shot”, if that’s not Augur and the ALPHA program, I don’t know what is
‘Chill Jailbreak Alarm to Study and Relax to’: They would totally make this
‘WELCOME TO THE CITY’: Augur is everywhere in Echor, there whole base of operations there, they’re going to be the thing that greets you
‘NOW’S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A’: Yes I am just giving Augur all of Spamton’s songs that I like you cannot stop me
‘CORE’: Just fits with the whole “technology filling the gap left by the magic disappearing” thing
‘Thundersnail’: When you have to speedrun your paperwork idk I’m not an adult with an office job working in fantasy world Amazon
‘Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didnt Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything’: The capitalism vibe of MTT resort matches with the capitalism vibe of Augur
Night Shift Coffee
‘Shop’: It’s cozy, it’s warm, it’s comforting, it’s like a nice warm mug of coffee with people you like
‘Sound Studio’: Happy vibes, joyful, upbeat
‘A Town Called Hometown’: More cozy safe vibes, Night Shift at christmas, bells, snow outside, hot coffee and hot chocolates with mint and cream
Raphael Volta
‘When I Get Happy I Dance Like This’: I have no idea, it just fits for some reason?
‘It’s Showtime!’: Again, just fits, no particular reasoning with this one
Ava Cross
‘You Idiot’: This plays right before you enter possibly the hardest battle you will always face no matter what you do in the game, right before you die and are brought back only to be killed again and again, I know Seb nor Angelo died in their encounter with her, but they came real close
‘The Dark Truth’: Ava can know your deepest fear with just a few words, the most hidden trauma, if that’s not a dark truth, what is?
‘Your Best Nightmare’: She literally makes you hallucinate your worst fears, your best nightmares so to say, feeling them like they’re actually happening even if they’re not real or long since passed
‘The Power of NEO’: She literally describes herself as “something new”, and her power nearly gets both Seb and Angelo killed
Seraphina Volta
‘Battle Against A True Hero’: There’s a feeling of sadness and despair, but nonetheless fighting for what’s right that comes with this, which I feel like would be the vibes if she had to fight Angelo when it was revealed she’s mixed up with Aesir and the production of HUNTER, not wanting to fight Angelo, her younger brother, but being forced to due to the situation
‘Scarlet Forest’: The strings suit her vibes, just slightly condescending, a bit mysterious, while still elegant
Gideon Volta
‘Vs. Susie’: I hate this man so much I wanna fight him so bad
‘I’m Very Bad’: Because he is and I hate him
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