#nikolaj gogol'
garadinervi · 1 year
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Nikolaj Gogol', (1842), The Overcoat, in The Overcoat, and Other Tales of Good and Evil, Translated with an Introduction by David Magarshack (1957), Robert Bentley, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 1979, pp. 233-240
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long-life-to-bsd · 1 year
Exam season
Pairings: kunikida, dazai, ranpo, nikolai × reader
Tw: mentions of having to do an exam🥲, slightly suggestive, Dazai
Unfortunately I'm writing this to cope with the fact that tomorrow I start a very bad exam session... Yeah, let's go
He was a math teacher and that would be very helpful because he would be super serious about you doing good on this exam.
He asks you to repeat everything out loud to him and prepares tests to help you.
He would be very strict (because he knows from his experience what his best for a student). But the second he realised he had been to harsh with you he would immediately apologise.
Lots of compliments and kisses every time you do something good
He will make sure you follow an healthy routine during exam season: prepares you healthy meal and snacks, makes sure you get at least seven hours of sleep (mostly because he loves sleeping with you)
Helps you dealing with stress and anxiety
Would also be very gentle and caring and would make the day before and after the exam just about you.
He would be so so so proud of you (and happy that you are a cultured woman)
Thanks to his help you would never fail. He would start preparing you months before. But absolutely no cheating.
Going to give you the a very nice reward😏
Slightly annoyed by the fact you cannot give him all the attention he wants.
But he likes the fact that at least one in the relationship has a better education (truly concerned about bsd characters education, like... basic human rights where?)
Would randomly close your book or interrupt you for a kiss
Or would say something "Why don't we continue in bed? Every time you are right I will make sure you'll fell soooo good!" ""Sure Dazai, like you know the difference between-every topic you want-?"
Makes sure you are not to stressed or tense: he gives you the best massages ever.
Great support the day of the exam: like, he would be outside waiting for you with giant posters and other members of the agency.
Would not help you actually studying. Absolutely not.
Does not know a thing about the topic you've being studying
Finds you sexy between all those books and paper and would let you know.
He makes sure the professor knows he better not let you fail.
He would always make sure you have a sweet snack while studying.
Would be silently keep you company while he eats them.
He gets bored easily but if you want to repeat everything to him he will listen.
Doesn't find what you are studying interesting, but honestly do you?
Would immediately understand when you are to stress and help you with that.
Very supportive and proud of you. Moreover he loves seeing you studying like that because you look smart and loves to be in a power couple: you to could easily destroy anyone just by looking at them.
Lots of hugs
Would suggest you to use sweets as rewards to study more. Even though he would prefer another kind of reward.
If you fail (which is not going to happen) he'll ruin the professor reputation telling his darkest secrets.
(Don't ask me way, I just thought he could be nice, I would want him during my exam season🙃)
"Dove, don't worry, if you fail you can always work with me!? You don't need to study Russian literature to be a terrorist!!"
Would randomly close your books and guess what, it's quiz time
Would actually prepare little quizzes just for you exam even though he really doesn't understand why you do that (really why are we doing this)
He your answer is incorrect well, you just choose death. Everywhere you go you would find the right answer written on a sticky note. He would wake you up in your sleep and asks you that.
Special rewards (and punishments). Would use the exam as an excuse for this. Like you have time
You could never fail this exam. He made sure of it, he personally threatened the professor and their entire family just for you. How sweet.
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ilmomentoingiusto · 1 year
Lo ripeto, tuttavia, a beneficio di coloro a cui piace che i libri diano loro «gente vera» e «vero crimine» e un «messaggio» (quell’orrore degli orrori preso a prestito dal gergo dei riformatori quaccheri). Anime morte non li condurrà da nessuna parte.
Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolaj Gogol’ 
Gente vera e vero crimine - Paolo Nori
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
me ⚔️ collections of short stories
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suetravelblog · 3 months
Kromatika 2023 2024 Slovenska Filharmonija Ljubljana
Slovenska Filharmonija – gov.si Last night’s performance by the Slovenia Symphony Orchestra was exceptional. Seeing them live on stage was a fantastic experience! Bulgarian Conductor Rossen Milanov led the orchestra. Rossen Milanov Conductor – cd-cc.si kromatika Kromatika 2023 2024 The Kromatika 2023 2024 performance last night was the sixth in a series of nine. Kromatika concerts highlight the…
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appuntibrevi · 10 months
La gente si immagina che l’intelletto umano si trovi nella testa; niente affatto: l’intelletto lo porta il vento che arriva dal Mar Caspio.
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terymlxyrstdus · 11 months
Nikolaj Gogol literally couldn’t write ever again after death of his close friend Dostojevskij.
But yeah sure, they were just really really good friends.
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julias-74 · 1 year
Aleksey Savrasov (Russian, 1830 - 1897)
..Il vecchio, ampio giardino che si stendeva dietro alla casa, affacciandosi sul villaggio per poi sperdersi nei campi, coperto di vegetazione e inselvatichito, sembrava da solo illuminare quest'ampio borgo, ed esso solo era del tutto pittoresco nella sua suggestiva desolazione. Simili a nuvole verdi e a cupole irregolari di foglie palpitanti posavano sull'orizzonte celeste le cime aggrovigliate degli alberi cresciuti in perfetta libertà. Il candido tronco di una colossale betulla, privo di chioma, schiantato da una bufera o da un temporale, si levava da questa macchia verde e si librava tondo nell'aria, come una dritta e lucente colonna di marmo; la frattura sghemba, appuntita, con la quale culminava in alto invece del capitello, risaltava scura su quel niveo candore, come un berretto o un uccello nero. Il luppolo, che in basso soffocava i cespugli di sambuco, di sorbo e di nocciolo selvatico, e che poi correva lungo la sommità di tutto lo steccato, alla fine risaliva verso l'alto e avviluppava fino a metà la betulla spaccata. Raggiunto quel punto, da lì si calava verso il basso e cominciava ad agganciare le cime di altri alberi, o penzolava nell'aria, arricciando ad anelli i suoi uncini sottili, prensili, che ciondolavano lievi nell'aria. A tratti il verde folto degli alberi, rischiarato dal sole, si diradava un poco e mostrava l'oscura profondità che s'apriva tra di essi, spalancandosi come fauci scure; tutto era avvolto nell'ombra, e s'intravedevano appena una stradina stretta che fuggiva via, delle balaustre in rovina, un chioschetto traballante, un tronco di salice cavo e decrepito, una caragana canuta, che lasciava sporgere da dietro il salice le sue setole fitte, foglie e frasche rinsecchite incredibilmente folte, intrecciate e aggrovigliate tra loro, e, infine, un giovane ramo d'acero, che tendeva da un lato le sue zampe-foglie verdi, sotto una delle quali era penetrato, Dio sa come, il sole, tramutandolo improvvisamente in qualcosa di diafano e incandescente, che riluceva splendido in quella fitta oscurità. Da un lato, proprio in fondo al giardino, alcuni tremoli ad alto fusto, che sovrastavano tutte le altre piante, reggevano enormi nidi di corvi sulle loro sommità trepidanti. Alcune di esse avevano i rami rotti ma non completamente staccati, che pendevano insieme alle foglie secche. Insomma, tutto era così bello, d'una bellezza che né la natura né l'arte sanno inventare, ma che si realizza soltanto quando esse si uniscono, quando sui lavoro dell'uomo, affastellato spesso senza scopo, passa il bulino della natura, che alleggerisce le masse pesanti, annienta l'eccesso di simmetria e i miseri difetti attraverso i quali si rivela il progetto, mal dissimulato, nudo, e che conferisce un prodigioso calore a tutto quel che era stato creato nel gelo di una purezza e di un ordine regolati..
Nikolaj Gogol', Le anime morte, 1842
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oubliettemagazine · 2 years
Il cappotto di Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol': un racconto che insegna a risparmiare
Il cappotto di Nikolaj Vasil’evič Gogol’: un racconto che insegna a risparmiare
“Il cappotto” di Nikolaj Vasil’evič Gogol’ fa parte dei “Racconti di Pietroburgo” o pietroburghesi, ambientati nella città omonima. Racconti di Pietroburgo di Nikolaj Vasil’evič Gogol’ La raccolta fu pubblicata successivamente alla dipartita dell’autore, condensando tre racconti confluiti nella raccolta “Arabeschi” e due immediatamente successivi. Sono dunque cinque: La Prospettiva Nevskij, Le…
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clamarcap · 2 years
    Aram Il’ič Chačaturjan (1903 - 1978): «Gopak», dal balletto Gajane (1942). Wiener Philharmoniker diretti dall’autore.   Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij (1840 - 1893): Gopak, dall’opera Mazeppa (atto I, scena 1a), rappresentata per la prima volta nel 1884. London Symphony Orchestra, dir. Geoffrey Simon.   Modest Musorgskij (1839 - 1881): Gopak, dall’opera comica La fiera di Soročynci (atto III, scena…
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Nikolaj Gogol', (1842), The Overcoat, in The Overcoat, and Other Tales of Good and Evil, Translated with an Introduction by David Magarshack (1957), Robert Bentley, Inc., Cambridge, MA, 1979, pp. 264-267
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long-life-to-bsd · 1 year
Free time
Pairings: fyodor, nikolai, ango × reader
Summary: some not so long headcanons about how those very busy men would spent their free time with you
Warnings: some suggestive content (but really nothing to much), Fyodor
Doesn't have a lot of free time: obviously he is busy doing his rat things.
You can sit next to him though, just be quiet. If you annoy him while he is working he will find a way to stop that and it's not a nice one.
But sometimes he has normal free time to spend with you and he likes doing that, it's relaxing.
You would definitely play chess. And you always loose, sometimes even on purpose. That one time you won he questioned his tactics for a week, rethought every second of the match only to conclude that you cheated. Which didn't make him happy and he ignored you till said sorry (for something you didn't do)
Or you would play an instrument. He would love to play the cello while you play the piano slowly entering in a competition, trying to prove his superiority. But he would always applaud once you've finished your piece.
Has more free time than Fyodof
He definitely teaches you some magic trick. Like little kids you would prepare a little magic show for Fyodor (who isn't a big fan).
If you don't want to learn them he can either force you to try them or you can also just watch: remember to applaud though.
Dressing up with theatre clothes. He likes inventing the dumbest stories for you two to play.
Also circus tricks. They are more difficult to teach you but he always has fun seeing you falling. He also gets a bit handy when trying them, but it's not a big deal (for him at least).
"Free time?" Just joking, since he is in a relationship with you he' trying his hardest to be there with you.
When you are together phones are forbidden.
He does love doing creative stuff and funny dates with you to build special memories (and to forget the atrocities he sees every day)
I feel like he loves building Legos with you. Would buy those gigantic sets or those little flowers one.
Cooking sessions. You often try new recepies and he loves bringing the leftovers to work: he thinks about you while eating and he brags about you.
Doesn't mind reliving all the stress in the old fun way: since he is rarely there better use all the time.
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ilmomentoingiusto · 1 year
“Se leggessimo Gogol’, signori?”, e si sedevano e leggevano
Fëdor Dostoevskij
Cosa Dite? - Paolo Nori
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intotheclash · 6 days
S'addormentò di quel sonno mirabile, di cui dormono solo i fortunati, che non sanno che siano né emorroidi, né pulci, né troppo elevate capacità intellettuali.
Nikolaj Vasil'evič Gogol' - Le anime morte
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poesiablog60 · 1 year
"Molti libri devono essere letti per rendersi conto di quanto poco si sappia."
Nikolaj Gogol
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riseofamoonycake · 1 month
Per il character ask game:
Sigma + 15 Gogol + 19 Jouno + 5
Jouno + 5 - What is the first song that comes to mind when you think about them
E.T. of Katy Perry, due to all the astronomic and stellar discourse I had about this charater ahahahah especially the part about the abduction. Oh yes. Oooooh yes.
Sigma + 15 - What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Gogol + 19 - How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Hmmm, well I don't know if it is canon or not, but please, Nikolaj, get free from Dostoevskij as soon as possible. I BEG YOU.
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