#nina lucas
therovers · 9 months
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ninalucas · 1 year
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kaceyrps · 2 years
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ahoyvampire · 1 year
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mangohcake · 1 year
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I love NijiEN!!!
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strangemonochromes · 28 days
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Berserk (ベルセルク) // Kentaro Miura
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misschino · 2 months
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Ugh i love nina soo bad
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martiny0rk · 7 months
All of the above
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imperatorrrrr · 20 days
mama’s boy nico is very dear to me i fear. love a man who loves his mom.
he really does love his Mom. It's so gosh darn endearing.
refuses to post anything on Instagram all summer long, including Worlds stuff, any of his workout stuff, anything he's tagged in, any of the charity work he's doing, but logs on to wish his mother a Happy Birthday because he's a good boy.
The Devils did a Moms Trip ages ago like the Dads/Mentors Trips they've done over the past couple of seasons, and I would love to for them to bring that back this season.
The Hischier Family is truly something else I tell ya. Like you can tell Nico is as well adjusted as he is because he had a very stable and supportive and generally good childhood growing up and this family loves each other so much.
The matching family related tattoos that all the Hischier men have.
The fact that Nico idolizes his brother.
Nina going over to Halifax to stay with Nico and his billet family to make sure he was adjusting to life in North America properly.
Luca and Nico stayed with their aunt in Bern when they moved out there at age fifteen to play hockey and Nina went to university around there as well.
The fact that if you're friends with one Hischier Sibling you're friends with all the Hischier Siblings (a la the Hugheses).
The fact that Nina goes on vacations with Nico during Nico's bye weeks or that the Hischier Siblings go on vacations together during the off season.
When Nico first joined the NHL he had very few sponsorships but one of the sponsors he did have was his own father's insurance company.
I could go on really.
I'll share some pictures of Nico and Katja and the Hischiers:
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Rivals or so they thought
➼ Pairing - Luca Kaneshiro x GN!Vtuber Reader
➼ Content - Established relationship, Playful rivalry, fluff & hopefully half correct translations (I know Japanese, a little bit of Swedish and the others I'm still a beginner in but I'm learning so if something isn't translated right, I apologize, I tried my best~! English translations will be included :3)
➼ Ft. Ike Eveland, Ver Vermillion, Vezalius Bandage, Enna Alouette, Mika Melatika, Nina Kosaka and Reimu Endou
➼ ⚠️ Please remember I only write for the personas you see on your screen. I do not and will not write for the people behind the models. Please also remember that behind the models there are very real people with very real emotions. Please be respectful towards our beloved Nijisanji EN livers and do your best to separate the real people from the persona reflected on your screen. Thank you so much and enjoy the story ⚠️
➼ Summary - You debuted in Nijisanji as another mob boss. You were known as Luca's rival in your lore. Behind the scenes, your lore couldn't be more wrong. And it all comes out during one stream... ─═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═──═
Today was the day you debuted, you sat at your desk going through your slide show, letting the viewers get to know you;
" As you know from my lore, I am another mob boss. " You said with a smile looking at your character reference sheet before looking over at the chat;
Chat: ChairKun223: Luca's rival right? What's that like YVT/N?
You couldn't help but smile at the question, adjusting yourself in the chair you hummed softly thinking about a good response,
" I admire him, he and I are polar opposites. He's always smiles. I know when to be serious when it counts. He views his work as play. " You said trying to sound bitter. The image of your golden retriever like lover popped into your head and you had to fight back a fond smile to stay in character for your debut.
You spent the next hour going through the rest of the slide show and talking to chat. Finally ending, your door flung open and your chair was spun around before you were grabbed up off the chair and spun around in a tight hug;
" YOU WERE SO POG BABE! " The one and only Luca Kaneshiro beamed hugging you tight and spinning you around. Your laughs echoed in the room hugging him back.
Despite being rivals in your lore, you were the blond mafia boss's lover and you had been with him long before you debuted, hell you've been together long before HIS debut. He adored you and you adored him. It was hard not to, his puppy like personality and his sense of humor. You two just clicked. Of course your friends and co workers knew about your relationship with Luca and they fully supported you, you hadn't made your relationship public so neither the Lucubs or your community knew about you and Luca.
" Thank you my love! I could hear you watching my stream in the living room. " You said with a cheeky smile, causing him to blush ever so lightly. He set you back down on the floor and he place a soft loving kiss on your cheek.
" I wish we didn't have to hide our relationship! The Lucubs would be so happy that we're together! " Luca whined and grasped your shoulders shaking you lightly.
" I know, me too but gotta make the lore seem real ya goof. " You replied holding onto his wrists as he shook you lightly as not to hurt you.
The next year was full of so many fun collabs with Luca and other streamers. You always had so much fun with the other NIJI EN members. Spending time with them both on streams and outside of streams. You remembered being a simple viewer at one point, watching the NIJI EN talents and wishing you could do what they do and be apart of their world (Little mermaid reference XD ANYWAYS-). And not long after Luca introduced you to Tazumi san, you were given an opportunity to audition and be apart of NIJI EN which you jumped at right away. When you were accepted, Luca was over the moon. He couldn't stop talking about it for days and he even helped you get a model commission and helped you write your lore.
There came a day when you organized a goose goose duck collab, wanting to do another collab with language switch ups, You invited Ike, Ver, Vezalius, Enna, Mika, Nina and Reimu and Luca wanted to tag along and watch the game in VC, you being the sucker you are, agreed to let him sit in. And of course you assigned each a language, You would be sticking with Japanese, Ike had Swedish, Ver had Korean, Zali had French, Enna had Chinese, Mika had Indonesian, Nina had Russian and Reimu was given Spanish. Since you had watched the other collab the language switch up was used in, you knew this was about to get chaotic but you were also incredibly excited. Everything was set up and stream started;
" Alright~! Hello everyone! So as you can see, we're doing another goose goose duck stream with the language twist, so would everyone like to introduce themselves in the languages they were given? " You asked with a smile, Ver deciding to start out;
" Hi everyone, my name is Ver Vermillion, I'm speaking in Korean! 안녕하세요 여러분! 내 이름은 Ver Vermillion, 저는 한국어로 말하고 있습니다! (Hi everyone, my name is Ver Vermillion, I'm speaking in Korean!) "
Ike jumped in straight after Ver,
"Hello everyone, I am Ike Eveland, a Virtual Novelist from Nijisanji EN and part of Luxiem! And one more time, I am talking Swedish. Hej alla, jag är Ike Eveland, a virtuell romanförfattare från Nijisanji EN och en del av Luxiem! Och en gång till, jag är talar Svenska. (Hello everyone, I am Ike Eveland, a virtual novelist from Nijisanji EN and part of Luxiem! And one more time, I am talking Swedish.) "
Zali followed suit with his introduction,
" Hi, hi everyone! My name is Vezalius Bandgae or Zali and today I am speaking French! Salut, Salut tout le monde~! Mon nom est Vezalius Bandage ou Zali et aujourd’hui Je suis parlant français! (Hi, Hi everyone! My name is Vezalius Bandage or Zali and today I am speaking French!) "
Next was Nina,
" Hello, my name is Nina Kosaka. Russaian will be my language. Привет, Меня зовут Nina Kosaka. Русский будет быть мой язык ( Hello, my name is Nina Kosaka. Russian will be my language.) "
Then came Mika,
" My name is Mika Melatika. I speak Indonesian. Nama saya Mika Melatika. Saya berbicara Indonesia (My name is Mika Melatika. I speak Indonesian.) "
Enna chimed in,
" Hello, my name is Enna Alouette. I speak Mandarin Chinese. 你好, 我叫 Enna Alouette. 我说话 普通话 中文. (Hello, my name is Enna Alouette. I speak Mandarin Chinese.) "
Now Reimu jumped in,
" Hello my name is Reimu Endou~! I have been chosen to speak Spanish. Hola mi nombre es Reimu Endou~! He sido elegido para hablar español. (Hello my name is Reimu Endou~! I have been chosen to speak Spanish.) "
And finally you gave your introduction,
" Good morning everyone~! My name is YVT/N! I speak Japanese for this collaboration~! おはようございます 皆さん~! 私の名前は YVT/N! 私は日本語を話します 対して これ コラボ~! (Good morning everyone~! My name is YVT/N! I speak Japanese for this collaboration~!) "
And of course no line of introductions would be complete if Luca didn't chime in to introduce himself,
" HIIIIII GUYS! I'm Luca Kaneshiro! I am just gonna be spending some time in the VC while my game downloads and if it finishes before the collab is over, YVT/N said I could speak backwards so I'm not completely understood, POGGGGGGGGG!!! " He said happily causing the rest of the people in the collab to snicker at his enthusiasm.
" Right~! With introductions out of the way, let's get the first round started! Good luck everyone~! " You beamed as the game began.
And of course, as expected, it was complete chaos. There was zero understanding between anyone. You were walking around trying to find a task before stopping, seeing Enna and Nina having some sort of stand off but not understanding a word either woman was saying.
Within a few rounds, Luca finally was able to join into the fun. The new round started, You ran past Ver being chased yelling in Korean by Ike who was yelling in Swedish but of course you didn't understand what either of them were saying. Before running into Luca who was standing over a dead Enna,
" LUCA! 殺しましたか Enna!? (LUCA! Did you kill Enna?!) " You said backing away
" Tahw?! I nod't dnatsrednu tahw ruoy gniyas TVY/N! (What?! I don't understand what your saying YVT/N!) " Luca stammered out, barely able to get through a sentence.
Hearing Luca struggle at getting a sentence out backwards was enough to cause you to snicker,
" 体の上に立つ Luca! 他に誰が殺しただろう Enna?! (Your standing over a body Luca! Who else could have killed Enna?!) " You said quickly going to report Enna's body.
" 私は見つけた Luca 立っている Enna's 体! (I found Luca standing over Enna's body!) " You spoke out
" Nina jagade mig! (Nina was chasing me!) " Ike called out
" Мне показалось, что я вижу Ike убей кого-нибудь, чтобы я последовал за ним (I thought I saw Ike kill someone so I followed him) " Nina said trying to be heard over the wave of voices
You could see your chat going nuts over the complete chaos this collab was. No one could understand each other and communication was just dead in the water. As the round went on, people were voted out and in the end, the goose ended up winning and the goose turned out to be Ver. Back in the lobby, voices rung out and everyone was finally able to understand each other, everyone was laughing. Luca walked over to you and spoke,
" BABE! I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME THAT KILLED ENNA! " He yelled, faking being hurt
It took a second to realize what Luca had said but when it registered, you looked back to your chat.
Your jaw hit your desk and you couldn't help but nervous laugh,
" L...luca, we're still live. " you said, your eyes still glued on your chat
" What? What I say? " He asked before he looked at his own chat and realized his mistake.
Both chats were going wild with questions and people squealing over the fact that YVT/N and Luca were a couple. It took a few seconds before the others in the collab realized what happened since you and Luca had gone silent. The rest of the collab was filled with you and Luca trying to go the rest of the collab without looking at the chats, each time you ran into another person in the collab, you could only assume they were teasing you since you couldn't understand a word being said.
The end of the collab came, everyone said their goodbyes and you said goodbye to chat, Luca ran in and hugged you apologizing for outting the relationship during the collab and of course you reassured him that it was okay.
From then on, Luca made sure he was incredibly loving even in streams, he was shameless in letting chat know how amazing he thought you were and how much he loved you.
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therovers · 2 years
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Well, hanging out with you is always nice too.
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dearstvckyx · 6 months
𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐨 𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐫
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𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ➜ 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
{a while later, like after album 3s world tour}
Location: New Jersey
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Liked by colecaufield and 215,638,140 other
thelunahischier just gonna leave this here *runs*
tagged nicohischier jackhughes _quinnhughes lhughes_06 ninahischier edwards.73
view all 11,629,149 comments
markestapa: in the words of cardi b: AHHHH WTF
⟶ thelunahischier: 😭
⟶ thelunahischier: NO
⟶ thelunahischier: I CAN AND I DID
⟶ thelunahischier: HE WAS!?
⟶ trevorzegras: no…
⟶ thelunahischier: aweee Z 🥹
lhughes_06: kinda wish i didnt know how babies were made but
⟶ _quinnhughes: LUKE
⟶ jackhughes: 😟
⟶ thelunahischier: LUKE WARREN HUGHES
oliviaholzmacher: SHUT UP WHAT?
⟶ thelunahischier: 🥰
mackie.samo: the way you just posted this and dipped
⟶ thelunahischier: 😜
njdevils: BABY HISCHIER 🥰
⟶ thelunahischier: 🥰
ninahischier: Ich werde Tante
⟶ ninahischier: und Patin
⟶ thelunahischier: because
⟶ mackie.samo: BITCH BECAUSE WHAT?!
⟶ thelunahischier: 🙃
alyssa_duke: IM CRYING WHAT
luca.fantilli: STOP IT LUNA
⟶ thelunahischier: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING
⟶ markestapa: well i mean you kinda did
⟶ lhughes_06: stop it now markestapa
adamfantilli: so no more blonde hair era
⟶ thelunahischier: not for now 🥲
Ich werde eine Tante sein - I'm going to be an aunt
und Patin - and godmother
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ninapedia · 5 months
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IDV Survivor holographic stickers up on my main shop, coming soon to etsy
ninapedia dot art
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ahoyvampire · 1 year
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duskvsdawn · 6 months
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