What do Nathan and Hank's voices sound like?
Mod: have you heard the voice of the legend of spyro?
I also like how he speaks it in Spanish
Hank's I don't know how to explain it, it sounds like a strong voice.
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asktotallyhuman · 10 months
How did Boomer come into your lives?
//I have actually answered this question before!
Right here!
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orchid-151 · 1 year
🎒 for Mason and Orchid
🎒 what was my muse’s worst subject in school?
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For Orchid, that would be Physical Education... Or P.E. for some. She's not really a physical fighter...
As for Smith...
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It would be Reading/English (language) class. He is not a reader, he prefers to do things....
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roleplayingorchids · 2 months
The snow fell on the landscape of the dense spruce forest, the wind slowly picking up as the sun slowly started to sink in the distance.
Whispers of a beast that romes in the night brought more fear to the local villagers than any random Illager raid party... descriptions of the beast being as tall and slender as an enderman with more arms and a beak... being blue and furry...
Whether all these rumors are true was another story altogether... many came to search for the rumored beast but have failed... finding themselves waking up at the closest village... mostly unharmed... mostly...
The wind wiped harshly for a moment, only to calm down and allow the snow to fall like a floating allay....
Quick tags~
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veevee-the-artist · 26 days
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Average meal prep for our Wild Duo.
@ninjacat1515 would get the joke/meme. >:3
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tockamybeloved · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you for the tag @gravitasmalfunction
3 ships you like: I always want to answer this question with sailing ships! Okay so keeping with current fandoms, Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua | Li Xiangyi || Xunfeng and Changheng || Shen Cui Xi & Zeng Bao Qin || Bonus: Shen Jinghong and Practically Anyone Else Because Canon Sucks I have ships in older fandoms but I tend not to consume too much media at once. I find it overwhelming.
First ship ever: Benedict and Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing
Last song you heard: Ohhh if I answer this it will give away something I'm working on! So I will answer with the song I heard just before by INXS.
Favourite childhood book: The Secret Garden
Currently reading: Iron Widow, (yes that one) by Xiran Jay Zhao. I bought it when it released because I'd been following her for a while. The Terracotta Dog by Andrea Camilleri
Currently watching: 重生之名流巨星, for um... reasons.
Currently consuming: Oatmeal with raspberries and brown sugar.
Current craving: Bacon. (Also a dozen roses to sit on my table) Tagging, only if you want to! @intricatecaprice @blukoffee @moonsorchid @fablelady @ladyniniane @faenavi @tortoisesshells @ninjacat1515 @circumference-pie
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karmonysan · 2 years
Oh God
i can't stop hearing the illager scream like dros (he's a youtuber) hahaha
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drawing inspired by the drawing of @ninjacat1515
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postscript: i'm your fan ❤
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ask-tdw-0666 · 1 year
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Nether Grandpa(Janis Thornburn) hanging out with his grandson Asher. :3 (WIP)
(Fun fact: Janis was inspired by @ninjacat1515 's Pillager OC Matias. :3)
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Same but Different.
Lil Present for @ninjacat1515
Had an idea last night I wanted to write down. Got some feels for everyone!
Edit: made some changes to the dialogue.
Wild Archie poked the fire before him with a stick, adjusting the logs and twigs in the flames. It was a cold night and he didn't plan on freezing. It's bad enough he got lost in the dark woods... Archie is still not sure how he got separated from Valkory, after all he's usually glued to her hips. He can blame the sudden thick mist that formed in the rooms. All Archie did was look to his left and away from his hero and suddenly he's lost. He should have kept his eyes on her... With a sigh he pushed the bubbling anger away as there's no real reason to be mad at himself. Instead he focuses his attention to be in front of him.
Archie stared at, well, himself. Bright red eyes stared back at his green. It was like staring at a reflection... Minus a few things. Besides the red eyes, this Archie had an impressive set of sharp teeth and scars littering his body. Wild Archie can tell which are from weapons, having some of his own hidden away. He watched as his counterpart eat his rabbit meat raw, crushing the bones like a carrot. Suppressed a shiver at the sound, Archie is still processing what a 'Vampire' is.
Still it was him. Same ish height, same body type, same brows, even down to the color of his nose. It's... Weird to say at least.
Now... You think getting lost in the woods then suddenly crashing into another you would mess with Archie's mind. While it kind of did, however Archie was more concerned about his counterpart's safety. When the Wild Illager found the other with his ankle stuck in some thick roots. Wild Archie had to marvel at the similarities. He too got caught in roots before being found.
At first the Vampire illager hissed and spat at him like a scared animal, eyes narrowed and teeth bared. It took a while before Wild had to convince the vampire he wasn't going to harm him.
"Get away from me!" He yelled, pulling at his leg. Wild Archie cringed at the swollen ankle, remembering his own.
"Hey hey, calm down I won't hurt you!"
"Leave me alone!!"
"Not with you ankle deep in roots! H-Hold still you're going to break something!! Then what will you do with a broken and swollen ankle?!"
They argued back and forward. Vampire Archie on guard while Wild was getting exacerbated.
"I don't trust you. Smelling like a hero!"
Wild Archie was surprised that Vampire Archie could smell Valkory on him. Both of them were rather affectionate with each other, giving each other at least one type of hug a day.
Eventually Wild won over Vampire Archie with the promise for food, a warm fire, and a potion for his ankle. His time with Valkory boosted his confidences and compassion. Any other point in his life, Wild Archie would have thrown up his hands and left the other to fate. But he didn't, Wild Archie sat with the Vampire until he calmed down enough to free him from the roots. With the combination of their strength, the roots were pulled away. Vampire Archie hissed in pain, gripping Wild's clothes tightly and probably punctured a few parts.
Now in the present, Wild Archie turned his head to the brewing stand next to him and watched the pink fluid drink painfully slow into three bottles. Wild Archie will always treasure the Hero's Pouch Valkory's made for him. Somehow the space is way deeper than the pouch and he can store a ludicrous about of stuff in it. Food, water, medical supplies, and much more! Makes travelling so much easier.
Wild Archie now felt the hostility from the short Illager bubbling down. Seems like he won over the other's trust after getting his wound dressed and fed. The silence, however, between the pair was thick and awkward. Just how was this possible, meeting another version of himself? Was that mist magical? He knew his old tribe were deep in the dark woods but surely Walda and her motley crew of evokers didn't try some new crazy magic! Then again it has been a couple of years...
"Sooo..." Wild Archie started, leaning over to the potions and adjusting the bottles. "What'cha doing here in the Dark Woods?"
Wild Archie swallowed quietly, glancing over the vampire. He had one leg curled up to his chest with his arms and head resting on it. The other injured one is laying flat on the ground and slightly elevated. Red eyes glanced at the leafy floor for a second before making up his mind.
"I'm... Trying to find my family." Vampire Archie stated flatly and fidgeted.
"I can help!" Offered Wild Archie, leaning away from the stand. "Between me and Valkory we can track almost anyone down!"
"Valkory? Who's that?"
"A hero?" Replied Vampire, curling up tighter. "How can a hero help?! All of them kill illagers without second thought! Men, women, and children, all of us."
"She's a hero, my friend, and whom I travel with."
There was a beat of silence. Wild Archie's smile wavered slightly at the surprised look on the vampire's face. Then his eyes narrow a little.
"Not Val-"
"No! Do you see my scars?! All of them from heroes and some villagers! I just wanted to be friends yet all rejected and hurt me! Bet she's the same..."
Wild Archie felt rage creep up into his chest. No one will assume such bad things about HIS Hero.
"Not! Valkory!" He shouted, stand up. Vampire Archie cringed back slightly and raised an eyebrow. "My tribe kicked me out for a lie! She fed me! They Starved me! She clothed me! They stole from me! She saved from from the death they condemned me! Whomever you met are not heroes and don't you dare lump her up with those guys!"
Breathing heavily Wild Archie watched Vampire Archie. Both of them glared at each other. The latter staring with cold indifference. Wild Archie was the first to break eye contact. He sat back down hard and watched the brewing stand.
The both of them were so similar yet do different. Wild Archie heard Vampire shift in the leaf litter.
That caught Wild Archie off guard. Looking back up, Archie couldn't stop the words from spilling out.
"Why do you have a good hero..." Murmured Vampire Archie, glancing away and began to pick at a leaf. Wild tilted his head towards the other, guilt building up. He shouldn't have shouted, just wanted to defeat his best friend... Wild Archie slouched in shame as he continued to listen.
"All I got was pain... I just... I just want my family back. I want my grandparents..."
"You got a family?"
"Yes? Don't you?"
"No... They either dead or didn't want a runt."
"Here take all three." He said, hiding the emotion behind his voice. A part of him wanted to be friends with Vampire Archie, to be a hero he never got in the past. Now? Wild isn't sure...
Wild Archie didn't see the other's eyebrows twitched. Silence fell over them, Wild went back to watching the brewing stand while Vampire continued to play with his leaf.
"Your tribe sounds a lot different than mine." Wild commented, fiddling with the bottles again. "What's it like?"
"Wonderful." Answered Vampire Archie, no hesitation on his answer. He smiled at the thought of his tribe. "My grandparents are in charge of it all. He makes sures everyone has their fair share of food, clothes, and care. No one is more important than the other."
"That sounds... Really great. My tribe only favors the strongest. Some of the evokers hoard resources so they can flaunt it." Wild Archie replied. He won't say it out loud but he's jealous of Vampire Archie, having been born into such a caring tribe.
"That's terrible and foolish of them." Vampire Archie sniffed. "Grandpa would have kicked them out in a heart beat."
Finally after so long (Ten Minutes) the potion of healing is finished. Wild Archie skillfully plucked the potions off of the stand then stood up.
As the potion was handed off and Wild was backing away, both heard heavy footsteps approaching. Wild Archie knew this was too big to be Valkory's and already had on hand in the pouch for an artifact. His blood ran cold when a pair of red eyes glinted in the darkness thanks to the fire. Then out from the pitch came the LARGEST illager Wild Archie had ever seen. He was taller than Thord!!
"Grandpa!!" Squealed Vampire Archie, getting onto his knees. The eyes snapped towards the speaker and his face broke out into a large toothy grin.
"Archie my boy!" Quickly he knelt down and gathered vampire Archie into his arms, pulling him into a soft embrace. "Finally! I finally found you!"
Wild Archie had backed away and watched the two hug it out. At first he felt nothing, then jealousy, then.. anger. Hot tears formed and he fight hard to hold them back. Yet he failed miserably.
"Why do..." Mumbled Wild Archie to himself, not caring if the other illagers suddenly look at him. His hands formed into fists and nails dug into the palms. He looked sharply away, angry at everything. "W-why do you get a loving family while I... got nothing... Born as nothing."
Backing more away, Wild Archie didn't say anything as he began to slip into the darkness. He did his hero job and it's time to go. A twig snapped, causing everyone to look in the sound's direction. A large wolf seem to creeps out, silence as the forest. Wait... No. This wasn't a wolf. It's...
"Valkory!" Yelled Wild Archie, his sour mood turned joyous. He ran and met her half way. Crushing into each other, Wild Archie soaked in her affection as she pulled him into a tight hug. Valkory sighed and nuzzled the top of his head, relief pouring out from her form. Parting they both stood up, two friends happy to found each other. Wild Archie looked back, surprised to see the two vampire illagers still by the fire. The larger illager held the smaller close to his chest protectively. Valkory followed Wild Archie's gaze jumped slightly at the sight of them, tilting her head in confusion at Vampire Archie. Everyone stood still for a moment, breath baited. Valkory, her trained hero sense tingling, was the first to move. She gently held Wild Archie's hand and began to pull away. Archie allowed her, allowing himself to look at his vampire counterpart for probably the last time. The other seemed to be thinking about something then the larger illager began to turn away he suddenly spoke.
"You're wrong. You do have a family."
And with that, they disappeared in the dark. Something in Wild Archie's soul felt lighter after that comment. Valkory looked down, confusion painted over her features.
"Later... Let's go home."
Valkory is more than willing to.
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mae910do · 2 years
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Matias Fanart ! This amazing murderous pillager grandpa belongs to @ninjacat1515 !
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vanillaarts · 1 year
14 and 15 for Adrian!
Thanks for the ask, @ninjacat1515!
14. Can he cook/bake?
He can cook very well, actually. He has spent so much time living alone that he has grown used to cooking good meals for his own tastes. However he is the worst baker imaginable. That is why he does not have desert that much. He always either burns it or it turns out terrible and sometimes so tough you can’t bite through it, even with an illagers teeth.
He has no idea why he’s so bad at it, but he just is.
15. Can he sing/dance?
HELL YEAH HE CAN! Adrian loves to sing and dance, but he will not do it in front of people. He is very shy and prefers not to perform for others often, but the people who do see him will say he it really good at both. He found his singing voice on his own, and although he will never say it, likes the sound of his singing voice. He learned how to ballroom dance when he was an evoker, but later on he was taught some ballet moves to help relax and stuff.
He is a bit of a gifted performer, but he will never admit to it.
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piratesangel · 5 years
For those having a bad, rainy or bleak day, here’s two of my cats helping dad by checking for holes in the pot for the deep fry turkey!
Sparkplug is the one in the pot while his little sister, Turbo Jet, is on the outside helping her big brother and playing!
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sargassos · 5 years
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Inspired by a conversation with @ninjacat1515. 
I mentioned that, after two years of neglect, I drew my bow for the first time the other day, to make sure everything was in place before further use. Oh, it felt so good. I’ll actually fire it some this weekend, but damn, I feel strong and wild and I want to run up the mountain and shoot an arrow into the sky!....and then start a wild hunt trying to figure out where it landed. I won’t do that. BUT THE FEELS ARE THERE.
And then somebody told me certain vampires butts would make good for target practice.
We should run now.
With apologies to Tolkien for flagrant missuse of the Black Arrow speech.
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mia-salazar · 5 years
1-5 for the fallout asks!- for Mia
Gonna do my official Fallout character along with Mia. Mia is my Potc fan character. Holly is my fallout character.
1)  which faction did they side with (NCR, legion, yes-man, or house)? 
If Mia was in this world, she would probably side with the NCR. With an already functioning government that, even with it’s flaws, seems to best option. House would be a close second but I can see her saying “Ok Boomer.” and ignoring some of his more controversial decisions and deciding her own outcome.
Holly sides with House. To her, his knowledge of both pre and post war worlds coupled with his gifted mind is more than enough to persuade her. He is the best hope for humanity with his plans to send mankind into space to find more suitable planets to live on. A dream, yes, but this man’s intelligence has proven true. However, she can’t shake the eerie crawling feeling whenever she gets her hands on information detailing in his corporate dealings of centuries before.
2)  preferred armor?
Mia would choose the recon armor. Easy to move in and doesn’t weigh her down as much. She needs to be able to out maneuver her enemies as much as possible.
Having pilfered a set of black combat armor off one of the dead Van Graff guards, Holly received a lot of dirty looks and ultimately decided to ditch that set in exchange for her own NCR Ranger combat armor. Through some modifications (stitching over the NCR logos, for example), she made the set her own. There are only two true consistencies in her wardrobe traveling through the Mojave. A black desperado hat and a pair of authority glasses. However the moment she entered the strip, she felt herself wanting those beautiful dresses some of the high rollers donned for everyday fun.
3) melee, guns, energy weapons, or unarmed?
Mia: She would rock energy weapons. Turning your foes to ash or goo is the way to go.
Holly: Lucky’s her go-to if she can help it. Just the feel of the revolver in her hand feels like holding hands with an old friend. It’s such a gorgeous gun anyway. (Picture below for my followers who aren’t familiar with Fallout)
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A secondary weapon she uses is an assault carbine (GRA). She’s not well versed in a lot of the melee weapons and really has no desire to get close enough to use them in the first place. Though if it does come down to it, she’ll bring out her combat knife. Only time she has ever used a heavy duty weapon was Annabelle against a den of deathclaws and that was the single most terrifying even in her life up to date. One thing to get shot in the head, another to be nearly torn to pieces by 20ft overgrown lizards.
4)  highest skills? secondary skills? lowest skills?
Mia: Sneak and speech would be the highest of skills. Survival, medicine, and energy weapons are secondary.
Holly: Repair is her highest skill along with Science. Speech is secondary. Without a doubt, unarmed is her lowest skill.
5) SPECIAL stats?  For my Potc readers: Link to chart for better understanding
Strength- 4
Perception- 6
Endurance- 4
Charisma- 7
Intelligence- 5
Agility- 9
Luck- 5
Strength- 2
Perception- 7
Endurance- 3
Charisma- 8
Intelligence- 9
Agility- 5
Lucky- 6
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veevee-the-artist · 4 months
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redneckgremlin00 · 6 years
Armando Salazar HC’s
Headstrong and knows what he wants
He’s a very prideful man
Only truly trusts someone that he‘s known for a very long time maybe a few years
Seeks companions who are loyal he finds loyalty as a very important aspect
Lets be honest Lesaro is his bff lol
Seeks a s/o that is loyal
Would love to dance with his s/o even if they don‘t know how to dance he would teach you finds it cute if u step on his toes
Likes to twurl his fingers in your hair doesnt matter if its short,curl,ect.
Would be very hesitant bout letting his s/o going on voyages but if you sweet talk him and mention how great of a pirate hunter he is you just might get whatever you want
Would want a s/o who has them same perspectives on pirates
I can see him loving to give his s/o small kisses to there cheeks,forehead,and lips
Not big on PDA doesnt mean he’s embarrased he’s gotta ego to keep up
But behind closed doors you bet your sweet ass he’ll sweep you off your feet (specially with that Spainard accent)
Speaking of ass he’s got one
Obviously is a domminant man
And when he has time to himself he likes to spend it with his s/o whether it be napping or walking on the beach he’s up for it
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