#ninnie tag <3
underburningstars · 1 year
Being friends with @jegulusofwesper is a wild ride
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This is the funniest shit ever 😂😂😂
@jegulusofwesper LOOK ITS YOUR WALLPAPER
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moonlitdark · 1 year
I went through your blog all the way back to the 15 questions thing to make sure I remember correctly, and YES i was right you DO have two dogs! So what I am asking is: would you be willing to show us the doggos??? People deserve to know! (Me, I am the people).
So, you want to see my doggos, @al-ghoul? Well, here they are, fresh from their 2nd bath after getting sprayed by a skunk the night before. 🦨🦨🦨
This picture represents neither the first nor the last of such run-ins. In my old neighbourhood, there was a fairly substantial skunk population. Although we remained vigilant while letting the rascals out before bed, we sometimes failed to spot a skulker in the shadows. One night, the dog on the left—let's call her Ninny (not her real name)—charged into the darkness and emerged with a creature grasped in her teeth. As we gaped in horror, she shook it around and then released it. The skunk, unfazed, promptly sprayed poor Ninny right in the face. We can laugh about it now, but the potency of such a direct hit was debilitating for both Ninny and the bystanders now gagging and gasping for air. Months later, we were still haunted by phantom whiffs of Eau de Skunk to remind us of our folly.
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aroacee-of-spades · 2 years
okay so i was gonna go for a nap right? and i was like oo instagram notifications and guess who has liked not one, not even two but THREE of my pics?
alistair nwachukwu! the one who plays adrik in shadow and bone
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1mlostnow · 2 months
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House MD Oc #3, @desire-mona’s Ninny Amesbury, head of pediatrics!!
I loved drawing her hair omg. Took way too many redraws bc I kept messing up the proportions 😭 but it was so so fun
Tag list : @wilsons-three-legged-siamese @rainismdata
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
📖"Merry & Bright"
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Part 4 - Package Deal
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Tags: a/b/o, omega Bucky, alpha Steve, kids/domestic, fingering, anal sex, knotting, multiple orgasms, Voicing, claiming bites, D/s elements, mentions of PTSD, mentions of depression, postpartum, body insecurity, breastfeeding, mpreg, pet names
Word Count: ~7000 (I'm sorry, okay?!😫)
Summary: Steve and Bucky make love for the first time since the birth of their son.
(Or: a prime example of how even my sincere attempts at g-rated domestic kid fics devolve into 6000+ words of smut 🤦🏻‍♀️)
[“You want to know what it looks like?” Steve growls, pulling back with a filthy-wet sound and a voice that’s furious and rough-edged and determined. “It looks like the cunt of the omega who gave me my children. Looks like the cunt I wanna spend the rest of my life fucking, stuffing full of my cock, my cum, my knot … my tongue.”]
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(Wait! I haven't read part 1, 2, 3 yet!)
Steve appears in the doorway to their bedroom after putting the girls to bed. “ ‘And the children were nestled all snug in their beds’ ,” he recites, making Bucky chuckle softly.
“ 'blah blah, something about a long winter’s nap' .” (Which doesn’t sound bad at all to him right about now.) “That took a while," he says, stifling a yawn against the top of Gabe’s head. “They didn’t get their hands on any sugarplums at that party, did they?”
Steve shakes his head. “Naw. Crackers and juice.”
“Juice has sugar.”
“They’re fine. Reading got ‘em down.”
“We still on Stuart Little?”
“Becs begged for an extra chapter,” Steve confirms, smiling from where he’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, eyes full of affection as he watches Bucky feeding their son. “Did you have a nice time tonight, babe?”
Bucky winces first and lies second, so of course his ever-perceptive husband raises an eyebrow and waits him out for the truth. Bucky recounts the encounter with Karen and the other moms. “They wear me out,” he says, letting his eyes slip closed and his head dig back into the pillow that he’s got propped against the headboard. “Even when I promise myself I’m just gonna eat the food and not engage, somehow they draw me in. They have that knack.” 
“Eh. They’re just a bunch’a cotton-headed ninny muggins.”
Bucky snorts. “Yeah well I’m not too far off from ‘em.” He feels Gabe slowing down and trails his fingers through the boy’s wispy hair. “Here I thought it was last week instead of this week. Seven full calendar days off track.”
“Babe, it happens.”
“Hm. No it doesn’t. But you’re sweet for saying so.” He smiles self-deprecatingly. “Neurologist said I’ve got too much white matter, now.”
“Yeah, and he also said it isn’t getting any worse. Lots’a people have brain injuries and manage to live perfectly fine lives.”
Bucky doesn’t miss how Steve substitutes the word ‘fine’ for ‘normal’, and his lips twist wryly. “I know. It’s just, all this time I’ve been blaming it on pregnancy brain, but that'd be wearing off by now.” He groans with his eyes still closed. “Swiss cheese for brains, Stevie, I swear.”
Steve makes a sad tut of disapproval from the doorway. Bucky stubbornly doesn’t open his eyes, but he can hear the soft sounds of Steve padding across the room, then the bed dipping by his side as he slides in next to him. “You’re doing great, Sweetheart,” he encourages.
Despite how much Bucky disagrees with that assessment, he can still hear all the love and warmth in Steve’s voice, can tell that his husband sincerely means it when he leans in and kisses his ear, lips and breath lingering at the craggy, mutilated top. It’s one of the ways that Steve has always silently said ‘I love you’ to Bucky when he knows the omega is in a bad mood, and it somehow manages to worm its way past his churlishness each and every time. “Thanks, Babe,” he mutters.
Steve wiggles in to sit beside him, hip to hip, mindful of Bucky and the baby and not upsetting Gabe’s feeding time. “... Did something else happen today? You seem, I dunno, burdened.”
“I am. I mean I’m just fucking tired, but yeah.”
His hand appears on top of Bucky's thigh. “Tell me?”
Bucky sighs. “Just my emotions goin’ haywire. Hormones. I went jogging and cried in the park.”
Steve never likes to hear that Bucky’s unhappy, which is the main reason why Bucky avoids mentioning it. He’s got a therapist for that shit, after all. “Eh, it was brief. I got over it. But then I realized the play was tonight and I had to scramble to get the girls' costumes together; and right before that, I had to do battle with this snotty little beta at the pharmacy just to try and get my prescription filled, so that didn’t help.”
Bucky ruefully recounts the incident with his birth control medication and the new FDA regulations, and Steve starts to rumble angrily in his chest before the story is halfway through. Bucky opens his eyes to see his Alpha looking all indignant on his behalf. His lips quirk. “Easy there, Big guy.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Steve growls. “I didn’t know there was any kind of legislation like that being considered.”
Steve’s unhappy scent is making Gabe start to pull away, and Bucky rubs the infant’s back. “Calm down. You’re making him squirm.” Steve grumbles but tries to obey, and Bucky relaxes when he feels Gabe go searching for another latch. “I dunno Steve. Things are changing, and I see the signs and it just scares the crap outta me.” 
“What do you mean, ‘changing’?”
“Just ... the little things," he mumbles, knowing that there's a chapter in his book called that, and that Steve probably remembers it, too. Bucky shrugs, avoiding Steve's concerned stare. "A couple of years ago, people weren’t talking so much about church. Now everybody’s back to talking about gender roles all the time.”
“People are allowed to have religion, Buck.”
“It’s not just that. It’s people’s attitudes changing, their whole approach. It scares me. People didn’t used to always be talking about what was ‘decent’ or what was ‘allowed’ on this platform or that. Purity culture, moral absolutism; those things were on the decline, ya know? People didn’t criticize working mothers as much. Omegas didn’t wear their collars in public like it's some sort of fashion statement. 'Tradwives' weren’t trending on TikTok. … Abortion was protected.”
“It’s still protected,” Steve argues. 
“Here it is,” Bucky says peevishly, because they both know about each and every issue that’s been kicked back to the states in recent years. “It’s how fast everybody forgets. Now those bumper stickers are coming back in vogue again, Jesus fish lapel pins. Hell, it’s even normal to launch a friendly chat with a chipper little ‘where do you fellowship?’ They’re banning books all the time—”
“In schools, not public libraries,” Steve interrupts, then hurriedly adds, “I’m not defending it, Buck. I’m just saying there’s a difference.”
“There’s a difference until there’s not a difference,” he snaps. Then, after a beat of fraught silence between them, he whispers, “Please tell me it’s not happening again, Steve.”
“Hey.” Steve shifts beside him, putting an arm behind his back to pull him closer against his side. He kisses the top of his head. “No, Buck. We’ve got intelligence agencies to fight against that, now. That’s what Shield is for. It’s what I do. You’ve gotta know I’d never let you or the girls—the kids,” he hurriedly amends, not yet used to “the girls” no longer being an apt descriptor of their children, “get drawn into a situation like that again. I’d never let it happen, baby, never. You know we have an exit plan if things get bad.”
Bucky nods, swallowing thickly at the mere thought of it. “Yeah,” he whispers against Gabe’s head. He knows that Steve only put that plan together to help assuage Bucky’s lingering fears, his anxiety that never quite goes away completely. “Yeah. We can get out. We have a plan.” He’s whispering it to himself, vaguely recognizes the beginning feelings of a spiral, how his pulse is faster than it should be, audible in his ears, with dread pooling low in his gut like spoiled food.
He whimpers and pushes his nose against Gabe’s hair to soothe himself, inhaling the new baby smell that he still has. “We have a private jet,” he whispers, reminding himself, trying not to let his thoughts flash back to the memory of the retreating rear window of his mom’s car at a border crossing, his sisters’ faces pressed against the glass as they leave him behind in a country where he's not safe anymore …
“Untrackable Quinjet, fly to Canada,” he murmurs, trying to focus on five things that he can see, smell, feel, taste and hear … about Gabe, his son, his—
“Baby,” Steve is mourning by his side. He grips Bucky’s shoulder and gives him a comforting squeeze, which pulls Bucky’s vision back into focus from the panic attack he’d been about to fall into. Steve seems unaware of it. He’s still just cuddling him and talking platitudes in a low voice. “That’s not happening, okay? Things are fine, I promise you.”
Bucky nods, even though he can’t help but to worry, “Then why are people giving up their rights again?” he asks. “You know they’re expanding the Fertility Care Act.”
“I know. But that doesn’t take anyone’s rights away.”
“You know how I feel about it.”
“I know. I know babe. ‘Incentiv—”
“Incentivization is the first step to coercion!” Bucky finishes for him. “Yes. They’re prioritizing citizens who can have kids over ones who can't. How is that fair?!” 
Steve lowers his head. “It’s not.”
“And passing all these restrictive laws? Requiring my Alpha to cosign on my birth control? How can they do that?”
Steve sighs. “We’re still a democracy,” he says sadly. “People still have the right to vote for the policies they want, even if they’re not the same things that you and I want. We’re a self-determining society, babe. If they get enough support for it, enough votes … People still get to make these decisions.”
Bucky grunts. “Well they're making the wrong ones.”
Steve hums in agreement, giving him another squeeze. “Hey now, don’t think about that stuff. Relax with me tonight, that’s what I want.”
“You’re gonna turn the milk sour, you keep worrying like that,” he teases. “C’mere, grumpy.” He dips in and nuzzles against Bucky’s face to try and get a small smile out of him. It kind of works, and Steve hums happily when he feels him soften. “How’s Little man?” he asks, kissing Bucky’s temple and looking down at their son.
“Pretty sure he’s eating in his sleep,” Bucky murmurs. “And I’m about to be too.” 
“Mm. But you’re not eating.” 
“You know what I mean, dummy.”
Steve leans in and noses at his neck, scenting him affectionately. “You smell so good, momma. Smell like home, like mate.” Bucky makes a grumbling sound of complaint at the “momma” and Steve snickers and kisses him in apology. He cups his hand behind Bucky’s flesh one, intimately joining him in cradling their infant son’s head against Bucky’s chest. “Lookit that,” he purrs, and it’s not all innocence to his tone, as he stares at where Gabe is suckling. “I love to see you like this,” he murmurs. “Seeing you feeding him, giving him what he needs. Using that part of yourself for this.”
Bucky groans and lets his eyes fall closed again in mortification. “Steeve.” He feels Steve’s thumb start swiping back and forth on the back of his hand that's cupping Gabe's head.
“Shh. It’s true, momma.” Steve starts peppering kisses against the top of his shoulder as he watches Gabe nursing and Bucky blushing. He speaks softly between the kisses, murmuring intimate words of love against Bucky’s skin: “Love it. Love you. You don’t know what it does to me, to see you with him like this. Watching you takin’ care of him. Knowing that your gorgeous body can do this, can nourish him. The baby you made for me, my son.” His voice is rumbling again by the time he finishes, possessive, and he laces their fingers together and ducks in close to start mouthing at Bucky’s bonding glands—something which he knows turns Bucky on to no end, goddamn him. 
Bucky groans and whines. “Are you serious right now?” Steve’s laugh puffs out against his skin, warm and affectionate, and Bucky drops his head to try and hide the smile he can’t keep off his own face. “Damn you, Rogers.”
“Language, momma Rogers,” Steve purrs, which only serves to make the heat in Bucky’s face worse. “Let me put him down,” he murmurs, kissing Bucky’s neck one last time before moving forward to take Gabe. Bucky hands him over with a tired hum, letting his eyes slip closed again while Steve is gone. 
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He’s surprised when he drifts off to sleep and the next thing he’s aware of is Steve crawling back into the bed with him. “Mmhh, I fell asleep.”
“I can see that.”
“He go down okay?”
“Yep.” Steve pulls him into his arms and lies down with him, kissing his forehead. “You make me so happy, Buck,” he whispers. He trails kisses down his face until he reaches his lips, then presses gentle pecks there until he’s able to coax his way inside for more. He makes out with him lazily, humming in pleasure as Bucky softens and starts to respond to it. He lets one hand roam his body, trailing up and down the omega’s side, then squeezing his waist. “You tired?” he whispers.
Bucky smirks with his eyes closed. “M’ always tired.”
Steve hums in agreement and kisses him some more. “He slept through the night last night.”
“Yeah. Don’t jinx it. Maybe we’ll get lucky again.”
“Want to fool around?” Steve murmurs, already kissing along his jaw towards his neck again. His big hands roam Bucky’s body, caressing his waist and circling behind to grab at his ass. “I miss you.”
Bucky sighs in pleasure, nodding. “I’m fucking tired,” he murmurs—very pointedly not a ‘no’—then shivers when Steve rolls over to cover him with his body, pressing one firm, thick thigh up between his legs. Bucky groans tiredly. “Ohh, Honey.”
“I’ll do all the work,” Steve promises, whispering the words against his neck in a conspiratorial way that makes Bucky chuckle. Steve kisses his bonding gland again. “Mmm, promise. You can just lie here and feel good.”
“Or fall asleep,” Bucky mutters, though as Steve presses his thigh down and rolls his hips, the odds of that happening significantly diminish. Bucky smiles with his eyes still closed and digs his skull back into the pillow, shivering full-body as he feels his dick waking up. “Mm, Stevie. Yeah. Make me feel good?”
“Course,” Steve whispers, before sealing his mouth over the sensitive tissue of Bucky’s bond scar. He hums in pleasure as he sucks hard, coaxing the gland underneath to swell and grow closer to the skin with arousal. He fits his teeth to the shape of it, biting in a quick, sharp nip that makes Bucky gasp. 
“Oh! Steve …”
“You remember what the doctor said,” he teases, scraping his teeth over the spit-wet skin. “Hm? ‘Bout the ways Alpha can help you feel good?”
“Ohh, mm hm.” Bucky’s O.B. and his therapist have told them that stimulation of the glands can help relieve some of the effects of postpartum depression—including regular sex and penetrating bites from a bondmate. They've tried the latter but not the former, but Steve has been more than keen on the idea of helping his omega in both ways.
“What do you say, baby?” he asks, licking and kissing all over his bond scar. “Hm? It's all healed up from last time. Can I?”
Bucky whimpers, weak from the rush of arousal that always comes at hearing Steve ask for this. “Nnn,” he whines uselessly, rolling his body up against the alpha’s bulk. “Ssteve,” he slurs, “Nnn, don’t.”
“Aw, why not?” he coos lazily, still mouthing at that spot. “It’ll feel good, I promise.” He moves up to whisper in Bucky’s ear: “I know how hard it makes you cum when I time it just right.”
Bucky moans pitifully. He tries to remember what his reason for protesting it is, but it’s hard. “It’s almost—oh! mmm—s’almost Thanksgiving. W-we, um … T-tony’s parties, n’ the Turkey Trot …”
Steve lets his teeth drag over the glands again. “Fuck the Turkey Trot. So what? I love seeing you fresh with my mark. And this way everyone else will too. They’ll see it and they’ll know you’re mine. Know I was probably fucking you while I did it, claimin’ you all over again.” His voice is rough and gravelly by the end, full of heat and possession. “You got any idea how much I like that?”
“Hnhh,” Bucky breathes, unable to argue against that reasoning. “Okay.”
“Good boy,” Steve purrs, eliciting another pathetic whine from his mate. Bucky can practically feel Steve’s satisfied grin as he continues to nuzzle into the crook of his neck, mouth never leaving his bonding glands for long. “Smell so fuckin’ good, momma,” he groans, and this time rather than protest the endearment, Bucky keens at the way Steve says it: like Bucky being the mother of his children is the sexiest, most wonderful thing imaginable. Steve keeps kissing a path down his neck and shoulder, over his collarbone and chest, stopping when he reaches the level of his pecs and sealing his mouth to a nipple—the same place where their baby was nursing not even ten minutes ago. 
Bucky shivers in sensitivity and blushes like a madman, his hands flying up to tangle in Steve’s hair. “Nnh, Steve, wait, oh …”
Steve groans and rubs his cheek against his chest, the drag of his facial hair and his hot breath making Bucky’s nipples harden into tight nubs. He brings a hand up to cup one swollen pec and mouths openly at the other, groaning as he stares greedily.  “Fuck, baby, look at you.”
“Steve,” Bucky pants. “Nnn,”
“Mm mn, no. Hush. Just let me play with ‘em.”
Bucky continues to whine about it, but a hardening dick and a leaking asshole don’t lie, and Steve knows him too well to let him get away with such shallow evasion at this point in their marriage.
He settles in for the long feast, humming and grunting in pleasure between kisses and sucks to Bucky’s chest, alternating sides and squeezing whatever he isn’t mouthing over at the moment. “God, baby,” he says between one kiss and the next. “Wish you’d stay like this. Love your body like this. So soft, just for me.”
“Fuck, Steve.”
“Mmhm. Could keep you like this forever. All needy and sensitive.” He traps Bucky’s nipple between his lips and sucks, hard, and Bucky feels that tingly sensation and knows what’s going to happen a second before it does. His hands fly to Steve’s head and he cries out, but there’s no time for him to warn his husband before his body lets out a tiny spurt of breastmilk. Steve only pauses for a second, his mouth still on him, and then he groans loudly against Bucky’s chest. He sucks again, huffing in enjoyment, then lifts up and meets Bucky’s gaze with lust-blown eyes. “Oh honey,” he whispers, sounding devastated. “I almost forgot how sweet you are.”
Bucky’s brain is kind of short circuiting at the sheen on Steve’s lips, wet from his very own breast milk. “Shit,” he exhales shakily. “Alpha.”
Steve growls and drops back down to suck on him some more. Bucky can only lie there and take it, his head tossing on the pillow and hands gripping Steve’s hair as the alpha makes a playground of his chest. Bucky whines and complains, but truth be told there’s something small and squirmy inside of him that secretly loves it when his husband indulges in his body this way. It makes him feel wanted and beautiful, reminds him that Steve loves every part of him, even when Bucky himself doesn’t. “Leave—aah—leave some for the baby,” he eventually manages to say, laughing between pleasured groans and gasps. 
Steve pulls off and comes up to kiss him, tongue swiping past Bucky’s lips and leaving the taste of himself behind. Bucky’s breathing shakily by the time they part, and Steve’s eyes flit over his face. “You okay?” he asks, so sincere in his care for Bucky that it makes Bucky want to give him everything. 
“Yes Alpha,” he whispers, reaching up with his flesh hand and cupping Steve’s jaw with it. “I just love you stupid-much, is all.”
“Stupid much?”
“Mm, yeah, it’s pretty stupid.”
Steve surges down to kiss him thoroughly once more “See?” he teases, knocking their foreheads together. “All that moping didn’t curdle the milk after all.” Bucky huffs and swats at him, and Steve grins and rolls away. “Hang on one sec.” He gets up to undress, and by the time he’s crawling back into bed naked, Bucky’s kicked off his pajama pants as well. Steve slides right back into the cradle of his hips. Between their bellies, his cock is hard, but he makes no move to address it, focused on his mate instead. “What do you want tonight?” he asks gently, tracing Bucky's face on one side and then the other. “Hm? We can do anything you want. Whatever makes you feel good.” 
Bucky softens, in love. That’s how it’s been these past four months: Steve being careful, trying so hard to respect any boundaries, to let Bucky take the lead as they find their way back to intimacy as husbands. Problem is, most days Bucky doesn’t know what he wants. He swallows thickly and rasps out a quiet, “I just wanna feel you.”
Steve hums. He tucks the recently-shortened strands of Bucky’s hair aside, eyes flicking from one ruined ear to the other, amazing Bucky with how his gaze never waivers with any hint of distaste at the mutilated flesh. It’s just love he sees in him. “I think that can be arranged.”
He kisses him, long and languid and indulgent, the kind of kiss that takes its time and never really escalates, more intimate than it has any right to be. By the time he’s kissing down Bucky’s body to put his mouth on his prick, Bucky’s a leaking, mewling mess. 
“Ssteve,” he slurs as he watches his husband’s blond head of hair dip down between his legs and feels his mouth engulf him in sudden, overwhelming warmth. “Oh God.” Bucky’s eyes slip shut and he digs his skull back into the pillow, exhaling through clenched teeth at how good it feels. Steve hums from around his mouthful and Bucky hurriedly grasps at his hair. “Nnn, don’t,” he hisses, trying to calm down even as his hips are shoving up at Steve’s face. “Don’t hum like that, Jesus Christ.”
Steve laughs and pulls off to look up at him. He kisses Bucky’s cockhead and winks. “Sorry. I was just enjoying myself.” Keeping eye contact, he suckles and laves over just the head of Bucky’s dick, then uses his hold at the base to tap it against the flat of his tongue several times. 
“Fuck.” Bucky pants and screws his eyes shut. “It’s been too long. I can’t hold it.”
“Who says you need to hold it?” Steve kisses his hipbone. “Cum as many times as you want to, Sweetheart. As many times as you need.”
Bucky groans. “That sounds like a challenge.”
“Maybe it is.” He goes back to Bucky’s cock, pushing hard at one of his thighs to force him to widen his legs even further. “There we go, good boy. Keep ‘em spread.” 
Bucky peeks down at Steve and sees him staring at … everything. 
Oh. … Oh.
He swallows nervously. It’s been over four months now, and he’s had the go-ahead from the doctor since all the way back at his six-week checkup, but Bucky’s still been self-conscious. They've resumed some recreational activities, but Steve still hasn’t asked to have sex yet. Bucky’s pretty sure he’s waiting for him to initiate. “H-how’s it looking down there?” he asks, trying to insert levity into his tone and failing pretty spectacularly. “Everything … everything good?” 
“Mmm.” Steve caresses his balls, pushing them up and out of the way, feasibly so that he can stare at his perineum and further back to his weeping, clenching hole. “It’s winking at me,” he says, making Bucky’s face go red hot.
“You know what I mean,” he huffs, knocking his heel against Steve’s back halfheartedly. “How’s it … how’s it look?”
Steve hums and pretends to consider it very seriously, moving in even closer. “Looks perfect,” he says, a touch more arousal in his voice this time. And he’s so close now that Bucky can feel the heat of his breath against his skin. Steve’s finger touches just behind his balls and glides all the way back along his taint, up and down, tracing the line of where Bucky knows the stitches were. “All healed up,” he murmurs, sounding pleased. “Pretty and pink.”
Bucky snorts and makes a face. “Yeah, right. Don’t worry Steve, I’ve read all the reality check articles.”
“The what?”
“Stuff on the internet for new mothers. On how wrecked you are after giving birth. They say it’s especially rough on male O’s, and I’ve popped two of these things out, so.” He grimaces. “I think they have like, lasers or something that they can use to try and fix it, or at least make it look nicer.”
“What?” Steve sounds shocked. “Babe. What are you talking about?”
Bucky huffs, not wanting Steve’s false platitudes. “I’m just trying to be realistic, okay?” He squirms impatiently and refuses to look down at the alpha between his legs. “So? Does it look like … ya know, very messed up?” 
Steve’s tensing shoulders and his low growl are the only warnings Bucky gets before his husband’s mouth is sealing itself straight over his taint and sucking ferociously, the accompanying rumble of his growl only intensifying the feeling.
Bucky yelps. “Holy fuck!” His body jolts in place, trying to bow off the bed, but Steve holds him still with strong arms wrapped around his thighs. “Sh-hit,” he gasps, “Steve!”
“You want to know what it looks like?” Steve growls, pulling back with a filthy-wet sound and a voice that’s furious and rough-edged and determined. “It looks like the cunt of the omega who gave me my children. Looks like the cunt I wanna spend the rest of my life fucking, stuffing full of my cock, my cum, my knot … my tongue.” He surges back in, taking turns between tongue-fucking his hole and sucking on his rim as brutally as he can, making loud grunts and groans in the process that are very clearly meant to drive a point home. “Mmph, mmm, hhmph!” 
Bucky gasps and keens, overwrought by Steve’s words just as much as he is by the feeling of his mouth. He doesn’t even consciously think about it as he grabs his cock and starts jerking off, Steve groaning loudly against his ass when he realizes what Bucky’s doing. It only takes another minute of that before he’s coming, riding Steve’s face as his cock pulses in his hand and wets up his belly in spurts of clear omega cum. 
“Oh God, oh, ohh …” His breath hitches in broken moans as he rides the orgasm out. Then the pleasure wanes and he slowly comes back down to earth, panting and dazed, blinking up at nothing but the blank plaster of their bedroom ceiling …
Until Steve reappears in his field of vision, having climbed back up to lie over him once again. Bucky welcomes the press of his alpha’s heavy body on top of him, accepts the slick-tinged flavor of Steve’s tongue when he slots their mouths together and shoves inside, demanding and harsh. “That was number one,” he says, when he’s pulled back and is looking down at Bucky with a satisfied expression. “How many more you gonna give me tonight?”
Internally, Bucky curses. He curses, dies a little bit, and falls deeper in love all at the same time. Meanwhile, externally, he regains his breath and meets Steve’s hungry stare. “I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna wear me out more than the baby,” he says, aiming for a wry drawl but only achieving something that sounds breathless and wrecked instead. He sees Steve’s eyes darken the way they do whenever he’s issued a challenge, and knows he’s in for a hell of a night. “What’re you thinking?” he whispers.
“I’m thinking: I want to see that again, and again,” Steve rasps, voice gone to gravel. “Thinking I want to watch you lose control like that all the goddamn time. For the rest of my life.”
Bucky flushes. “Steve …”
“I’m thinking: that I want to make you feel good in every possible way there is to feel good.” His lips ghost over Bucky’s as he murmurs, “So that you know. Because you clearly don’t—”
“Steve …”
“And so that you never feel like you need to ask me a question about what you ‘look like’ ever again. Not on any part of your beautiful body.”
Bucky groans and tries to turn his face away, But Steve catches him and guides him back with a gentle hand on his cheek. “Uh uh, Sweetheart. You listen to me. I want to make love to you. Until you can’t take it anymore, until you go soft and weak and cryin’ with it.” His hands start wandering over the peaks and valleys of Bucky’s body, caressing his skin. One hand moulds itself to the side of his neck, fingers playing over the texture of his bondmark, while the other glides down, pausing to stop and tweak a nipple, squeeze his waist, grab the fleshy curve of a hip. Very purposefully, he slides his hand to settle into place over his lower belly, hushing him when he feels him start to tense up. “Shh sh sh. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
“Steve, I’m … it’s —”
“Shhh.” He nudges their noses together, chiding and affectionate all at once, because he knows which parts of his body Bucky is most self-conscious of. But he doesn’t move his hand from the territory it’s claimed. “I know,” he whispers. “I know how you feel. But that’s all wrong, baby. And I want to show you.” He kisses him again, only this time it’s tender, almost achingly so. He relents and pulls back. “That’s all, Honey. I just want to make you feel new things, good things. I want to show you. I need to show you.” 
“Show me what?” Bucky whispers, but then Steve stares down at him in that dark and private way that he deeply, intimately recognizes, and he regrets having asked. Bucky trembles and closes his eyes. “Steve, please. You don’t have to …” 
“Look at me,” Steve murmurs. He rests their foreheads together. “I just want you to understand, baby. That when I touch you here,"—his fingers curl possessively into the too-soft flesh of Bucky’s stomach—“I feel something so profound, so far beyond just love or arousal … that I don’t even know what to say to you. You understand? It hurts. I don’t have words for it.” He looks at him imploringly. “You couldn’t be more beautiful than you are to me right now.”
Bucky’s heart beats faster at the intimate confession. He tries to suck his stomach in, tries to tense his abdominals and make himself firm, but Steve tuts at him and pinches the side of his neck, right over his swollen glands. Bucky gasps, eyes shooting back up from where he’d been starting to look down between their bodies at Steve’s hand on him. “I wasn’t.”
“Look at me,” Steve says, and this time it’s in his Voice, the sound of it sending an instant shot of arousal down Bucky’s spine and into his core. His eyes must show it, too, because Steve smiles and purrs deep in his chest. “Yeah,” he encourages, still in the Voice that he so rarely uses with Bucky. “That’s right. Look up here at Alpha. Do as you’re told.”
Bucky licks his lips, aware that his cock is rapidly hardening again. “Steve,” he breathes shakily. “I —”
“Pull your knees up,” he murmurs, and Bucky obeys without a second thought. “Good boy.”
A chirp erupts from Bucky’s throat, unbidden, and he colors in surprise at the sound. “Alpha,” he says, because it’s the only word he can think to say.
Steve smiles and strokes over his bond mark with the roughened pad of a thumb. “Does it feel nice? Want more?”
Bucky nods, blinking, the effects of Steve’s Voice still singing in his veins like a drug. “Yeah.” 
They hardly ever engage in Voiceplay. It’s something Bucky enjoys with his husband, but he’s had bad experiences with other alphas in the past; times when men who weren't Steve assaulted him with what should only ever be used as a tool of lovemaking. Steve knows this, and so he usually avoids Voicing with Bucky unless he knows that the circumstances are just right.
The circumstances are just right. 
Bucky whimpers and reaches down impulsively to cover Steve’s hand where it rests on his belly, but not to pull it away. “Alpha,” he chirps again, fingers curling over Steve’s larger ones.
“This okay?” Steve checks, his eyes scanning his face for even a hint of discomfort. 
But he finds none, and Bucky nods his head in fast approval. “Yeah, yes.”
It’s still achingly vulnerable, having Steve touching this soft, imperfect part of him; but it’s intimate, too, and Bucky wants more of that. He wants Steve to make love to him this way, an Alpha with his omega—capital A, lowercase o.
“S’been so long,” he breathes, his voice hitching as his emotions finally catch up with him. Ridiculously, he starts to feel tearful. He’s missed having this with his mate so much. “So long, Stevie.”
“Baby,” Steve coos. “Don’t cry.”
Bucky sniffles shyly and tucks his face into Steve’s neck, feeling stupid. “Can’t help it,” he mumbles.
Steve’s fingers massage his bond mark and he kisses his temple soothingly. The hand that was on his stomach snakes around, dipping underneath his lower back and tugging them even closer together. “You gonna let me?” he asks. “Gonna let Alpha make you cum again and again?”
“Yeah? Gonna let me give you another bite, make it a good one? Mark you up again for everybody to see?”
Bucky whines and nods, drawing his knees up, wrapping his legs around Steve’s hips and tilting his pelvis to make himself available to his mate. “Please,” he begs. “Please, yes, Steve. I want it, please.”
Steve rumbles deep in his chest and slots their mouths together in a brief, aggressive kiss, then pulls back swiftly and manhandles him onto his belly, pulling him up by the hips into presenting. Bucky cries out in surprise but goes willingly, widening his knees on the bed and pushing his ass back into Steve’s groping hands. “Good boy,” Steve praises, Voice dipping down into that register that’s low and rumbly and lets Bucky know that his Alpha is very pleased with him.
Bucky grunts and wiggles happily until Steve’s hand appears at the back of his neck and pushes down: a wordless, forceful ‘Stay’ that makes him shiver and whine with impatience. “Nnnh.”
The hand flattens at his nape and slowly drags down the length of his spine, appreciative and greedy. “Aw, Sweetheart,” Steve breathes, hips rocking forward. “You’re perfect. Absolutely perfect, y’hear me?” He curses quietly as he digs his fingers into the fat of Bucky’s hips, watches his cock dragging through the wet valley of his ass. “Jesus wept, Honey. Lookit you. Wet dream come to fucking life, I swear.”
Steve only curses this much when he’s incredibly turned on, and the knowledge that it’s his doing has Bucky slicking up even worse than before. He whines and scrubs his face against the bedding as he feels his hole pulse and leak, the slick tickling as it trails down his taint and balls. “Steve,” he pleads, relieved when Steve grabs his hips and continues to take control.
“Shh, s’okay, you’re okay. I’m gonna give you what you need. Gonna take it slow.” His fingers appear at his backside, slipping through all the slick, wetting them up in him. He starts to press in with one finger. “Real slow,” he murmurs. He fucks him on just that one finger, for far longer than he would normally do, taking his time in Bucky’s body, in relearning this touch with him. Bucky makes a miserable noise against the bedsheets and Steve hums, pleased. “Yeah? How’s that feel, Sweetheart?”
Bucky whines and nods, his cheek dragging on the sheets. He feels Steve curling over him, his chest pressing up against his back and then the finger sliding deeper. Bucky moans as it grazes over his prostate. “Oh, God.”
“Uh huh.” Steve’s breath hits right at his ear. He plants his left forearm alongside Bucky’s, holding himself up as he fingers him. Right next to Bucky’s face, their pinky fingers hook together, flesh over metal. Steve kisses the shell of his ear and whispers, “Bucky, honey. You’re so swollen inside, I can feel it.” He strokes his finger, curling gently over that spot that makes Bucky’s vision go blotchy. “I want you to cum like this first,” he whispers. “On my hand a couple’a times. Right on Alpha’s fingers. Okay?”
Bucky sobs and nods. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Steve, please.” He can feel the orgasm coalescing already, the pleasure of Steve’s finger pulling him closer on every pass. “Please, please.”
“Shhh. Remember: slow,” he reminds him, and Bucky’s guts twist up in further delicious arousal and frustration. Steve doesn’t try to edge him, though. He lets him have it, working him up to it steadily, not rushing, kissing his neck again and again as he fucks him on one finger and then two.
That added fullness is what makes Bucky unravel, his body pulsing as he gasps and suddenly falls into his second orgasm.
Steve talks him through it, never stopping the whispered encouragements against his ear: “There we go. That’s it, baby, that’s it. So good.”
Bucky collapses to his stomach, and Steve follows him down, gently nudging his knees inside of Bucky’s to make a space for himself. Bucky complies, boneless from his climax. “Stevie,” he slurs. 
“Right here, baby.” He presses up all along his back, covering him with warmth. “I’m right here.” His hands slide up Bucky’s arms and cover his hands at either side of his head. Bucky moans quietly as Steve laces their fingers together and gives a squeeze. “Hey, gorgeous.” He rolls his hips, cock slotting into place. “You’re so wet.”
Steve rocks leisurely against him and Bucky hums at how slick it is, enjoying the intimacy of rubbing together full-body. He lets his eyes slip closed as he soaks it all in: Steve’s heavy weight, his scent, the scratch of his beard and the heat of his breath in the crook of Bucky’s neck. He wishes they could stay like this forever.
“You feel so good,” he whispers. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Sweetheart.” Steve drags his lips over the sensitive skin of his bondmark. “Can I fuck you, baby?” he asks softly. “You want that, hm? Want Alpha inside of you?”
Bucky is glad that Steve can’t see his face, because his eyes are wet from pleasured, overly-emotional tears, and this way he doesn’t have to bother being embarrassed over what a sap this pregnancy has turned him into. He nods and scrubs his cheek against the bedcovers. “Yeah,” he rasps. “Yeah, Steve. Please.”
Steve hums and kisses him once more, before he reaches down and lines his cock up, dragging the head wetly across his rim a few times with increasing pressure, until it catches. Bucky tenses, because it’s been so long since they’ve done this, and because the last event of real significance that involved his asshole had been childbirth, but Steve soothes him with a sucking kiss to his bondmark. “Relax,” he murmurs, pushing in at the same time and making Bucky gasp softly. “Shh, there you go. See?” 
“Ohh.” Bucky’s eyelids flutter as he’s slowly filled. “Steve.”
“Uh huh.” Steve’s hips kiss his ass as he sinks home all the way. “Juust like that,” he purrs, grinding against him and staying deep inside. “S’it feel nice?”
“Uh huh,” Bucky breathes, lips parted and eyes closed, brow furrowed at how full he is. “Yeah, Stevie … oh …” 
Steve chuckles and kisses his shoulder. “You feel amazing,” he whispers, before he experiments with moving a little more. He keeps pulsing his hips, rocking languidly, gradually building up to a slow pace.
He fucks him gently then, not pulling back to get on his knees or gain any kind of leverage. Instead he stays close, deep; plastered to his back and dragging his cock against his sensitive insides over and over so perfectly. When it pulls a tortured moan from Bucky's throat, Steve encourages him with soft, sucking kisses against his glands. “S’okay.”
“God, Steve.”
“Uh huh. Juust like that. I remember how you like it. Alpha's got you, baby.” Steve sounds like he’s getting close, too, voice laboured as he grunts against Bucky’s neck. “You gonna, ugh, gonna cum again, mamma?”
Bucky whines and nods. “This time,” he begs. “Please, please. Do it.”
The two of them share a bond, and that’s probably the main reason why Steve’s able to tell what he means.
He doesn’t disappoint, either, fucking him smoothly right into another orgasm and timing it perfectly. As soon as Bucky’s body goes rigid and his breath stutters in his throat, Steve’s biting down hard over his bondmark, breaking the skin and piercing the swollen glands beneath. Bucky sobs and comes harder and longer than he has in a long time, crying from how impossibly good it feels.
It’s compounded by the sudden groan that Steve lets out and the rapid inflation of his knot, as the bite sets him off as well: “Nngh!”
While Steve is stuck inside him and lost to his own pleasure, Bucky’s able to rock himself to one more, toe-curlingly delicious orgasm before he finally lets himself go boneless on the bed, fully sated. He knows when Steve is done coming, because the alpha becomes more attentive again, his hands running over Bucky like he’s checking him for injuries sustained. If Bucky hadn’t just come four times, he might've been able to spare a chuckle over it. “Hey,” he says instead. “M’fine, babe.”
“Yeah?” Steve sounds pleased. He gives his hips a lazy roll against Bucky’s ass and nuzzles his freshly-bitten bondmark, groaning at the pheromones that hit him. He licks a big, fat swipe over it with his tongue, groaning and making Bucky hiss. “Mmm," he murmurs. "You’re bleeding."
Steve growls. “Be nice to your Alpha,” he Voices, and  Bucky shivers pleasantly. Steve notices the reaction and gloats. “Hmm. Maybe we should start biting more often.”
“How often?” Bucky’s halfway through a yawn as he says it, and he feels Steve shrug against his back. 
“Once a month?”
He chokes. “Steve!”
“What?” Steve’s snickering. “I like a well-scarred bondmark. S’romantic.” 
“It’s fucking primeval is what it is, you caveman.” Bucky scolds, rolling his eyes. He clenches down purposefully hard on Steve’s knot, smiling at the surprised—Hngnn!—he gets for it. “We already do it on our anniversary every year.”
“And sometimes on Valentine’s,” Steve supplies.
“Exactly. Any more than that and people’ll think we have a fetish.”
“Well, maybe we do,” he purrs, kissing the bite. “And it is what the medical professionals are recommending, after all.”
“Ha, yeah.” 
“... You’re really okay though?” Steve checks. “None of that bothered you? The Voicing, or the—”
“Shh. No. I loved it.” Bucky lets his eyes fall closed. He can still feel his pulse thrumming beneath his skin, bringing the delicious ache and throb of his glands to the forefront. “Every part of it,” he sighs.
Steve laces their fingers together. “Good. ‘Cause I take doctor's orders very seriously, you know.” He rumbles deep in his chest and gives a dirty grind against their tie. “We gotta keep you healthy, Buck. Gotta make sure you’re properly … stimulated.” 
“You suck so bad,” Bucky groans. “Your permission to know my medical information is rescinded.”
“Aw, don’t be that way. I can dick you down again in like, an hour, if you want? Probably. Two hours, tops.”
Bucky yawns, humming as he pretends to consider it. “Tempting offer, but how ‘bout you cuddle me ‘till I pass out, instead?” he says, because he really does think the other night was a fluke, and that he’s destined to be awakened by a baby monitor within the next few hours. Steve wraps his strong arms around him and pulls them to lie on their sides. They spoon like that and enjoy the closeness while they wait for Steve’s knot to go down. Bucky gets goosebumps when Steve starts caressing lazily up and down his side. “Mm, that’s nice.”
“Mmhm.” Steve slots his fingers into the trigger points for the prosthetic. “Let’s take this off,” he whispers, kissing the shell of his ear. 
It’s Bucky’s fucked up ear—a place where he’s usually squirmy and uncomfortable about Steve touching, let alone kissing, but right now it doesn’t bother him at all. Too many endorphins surging through his system, he supposes.
“Okay,” he agrees, since he doesn’t really love sleeping with the arm on anyway (he’s got this paranoia that one day he’ll sleep-punch Steve in the middle of a nightmare or something), and then lies there and listens to the sounds that the arm makes as it’s triggered to disengage from his body. He can’t actually feel anything other than some vague, mechanical movements deep in the arm’s very internal workings. It doesn’t hurt. And then it comes off, a sudden release of weight and tension that Bucky hadn’t even realized was there. He moans quietly at the feeling. “Nnh. Thanks Stevie.”
“You’re welcome.” Steve sets the arm out of the way and resumes his gentle stroking and caressing along Bucky's side, venturing up higher to where the anchor site for the arm begins, implanted permanently into his body.
Bucky can sense his husband looking down at it, can feel the pads of his fingers exploring thoughtfully over the texture of scars and metal edging. He sighs, feeling wistful. “Do you ever wonder what it would’ve been like, if we’d met before?”
Behind him, Steve stills. He’s quiet for a long moment, and just when Bucky thinks he’s not going to answer at all, his caressing starts back up again and he hooks his chin over Bucky’s shoulder. “Sometimes, in a general way," he admits. "But then ... it wouldn't be the you I fell in love with, would it? We wouldn’t be us.” He worms his other arm under his waist and hugs them closer together. “Maybe we’d have less nightmares between the two of us, less therapy,"
Bucky snorts.
"But I wouldn’t choose anything but this. Nothing would be the same if we hadn't met the way we did, y'know? You probably would’ve stayed in college, focused on your career, maybe put off kids too long. I wouldn't have joined Shield, Peggy wouldn't have moved away.” He kisses the ruined edge of Bucky’s ear again, so tender and slow that Bucky knows he’s doing it intentionally. “Just think: Becca wouldn’t exist. And we wouldn’t have Sarah or Gabe, 'cause you and I never would’ve met.”
“We might’ve.”
“Mm, doubtful.” 
Bucky grumbles, displeased at that hypothetical, and Steve hugs him and coos in agreement, “Shh. I know, I know. That would be awful. I’m just saying: you can’t trade the good for the bad. It’s a package deal. And you know what? I’m happy with my package.” He seals his mouth to the fresh bite wound and gives a powerful suck, popping off with a wet sound and a pleased growl. “Very very happy with my package.”
Bucky’s too gooey and in love and fucked out to get the delivery just right, but he at least manages to wiggle his butt against their tie and mutter out a tired but saucy little, “Mmm, yeah. I like your package, too.”
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This has been a fill for:
Steve Rogers Bingo @steverogersbingo
Card: SB3088 (Stark Contrast)
Square B4: PTSD 
Bad Things Happen Bingo @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square B2: Brain damage
Marvel Smash Bingo @marvel-smash-bingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square O4: "I like to see you like this"
AFG Kink Bingo @anyfandomgoesbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square FREE SPACE: lactation kink
MCU Kink Bingo @mcukinkbingo
Card: sarahyellow
Square FREE SPACE: breastfeeding kink
Sebastian Stan Bingo @sebastianstanbingo
Card: sarahowritesostucky
Square B3: Claiming Marks
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@nekoannie-chan I saw you queue fics so I thought I'd apply 😊
19 notes · View notes
Where Heart Doth Hop
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In which you help three of four boys practice a certain Shakespearean performance.
Apologies once again for no posts. It's raining a lot here and the only internet I have is my hotspot and my data gets really slow when it rains. Finally finished reinstalling Windows 10 but now I have to reinstall Word with my slow ass internet >.> since my masterlist is a page and can only be accessed for editing on web (and since my internet is an actual ass), this one might not be there for a bit, but that's why we make master tags lol.
Like I said before, originally written for my Beatles dr but I honestly liked it too much to not post it. This isn't a direct manuscript of this performance, but it's pretty damn close. The audio on that performance (or at least the upload I've seen) was kinda bad, and the audience was super loud (understandably so) so some lines are directly from the original play or just referenced from an outside POV. I watched the performance and read the scene from the play several times while writing this to make it as accurate as possible. It's never explicitly stated where John is (I think at one point, I decided in my head, he was on a date or something), so you can choose your own adventure on that.
Proofed in UK English (probably). Checked with a random TTS website to triple-check for typos and me forgetting to change the person. Sorry I'm posting this at 3 AM, I procrastinated by sleeping all day (it was raining, I couldn't help it!) and then playing the Sims Medieval for an ungodly amount of time. Please excuse my sorry excuse for a name for this one, it's my favorite line and I couldn't come up with anything better. Enjoy!
“Y/N, can you help me with this?” Paul asks when he comes into the sitting room.
“Of course, love, what is it?” you reply.
“Well, we’re supposed to perform this Shakespeare thing and the lads and I wanna run through it, but, well…” He gestures toward George and Rich, noting the lack of John.
“Oh, I can do John’s lines,” you volunteer. “Which character?”
“Okay, you’ll be Thisbe.” He hands you what you assume is John’s copy of the script. “I guess we’ll pretend the coffee table is Wall.”
George and Rich stand back, Paul guiding you to do the same.
“O, I fear my Thisbe’s promise is forgot!” he begins. “And thou, o wall, o sweet and lovely wall, that stands between her father’s ground and mine! Thou, o wall, o sweet and lovely wall, show me thy chink, to blink through with mine eye— But what see I? No Thisbe do I see! O wicked wall, cursed be thy stones for deceiving me!”
He pretends to beat up whatever poor soul plays Wall before addressing the audience about Thisbe’s cue.
You walk to the table and clear your throat. “O wall, full often hast thou heard my moans for parting my fair Pyramus and me! My cherry lips have often kissed thy stones—”
As you continue your line, Paul addresses the audience again before standing across from you. “Thisbe!” he sings. “Thisbe!”
“What?!” you reply in fake annoyance. “My love thou art, my love I think.”
“Meet me at Ninny’s tomb straightaway.”
“Ninny’s tomb; is that still open?” You're trying your hardest not to laugh at the line as you both step back, allowing George and Rich to take their places in front.
“You ladies,” starts Rich. “You who fears the smallest monstrous mouse that walks the floor may now perchance both quake and tremble here, when lion rough in wildest rage doth roar!”
You and Paul nearly dissolve into giggles at Ritchie’s tiny roar before he continues, “And know that I one Ringo the drummer am, for if I was really a lion, I wouldn’t be makin’ all the money I am today, would I?”
He steps back, leaving George alone. You can tell George is having trouble with not having the hecklers' lines practiced, because he’s pure frustrated by the time he gets to, “Look, you, all I have to say is to tell you that this lantern is the moon, you see. I’m the man in the moon. This thorn bush here is my thorn bush, and this doggy-woggy here is my dog.”
You step forward. “So, this is old Ninny’s tomb. George, do you need something to hold in place of a lantern?”
George, with his arm suspended above your head, answers, “It’s fine. Keep goin'.”
“Right.” You feign knocking on the door before opening it. “But where is my love?”
Ritchie pops up in front of you with another roar; you scream, and he begins chasing you round the room before you end in what would be the background.
According to the script, you're—or rather John is—meant to drop a mantle, so you drop your handkerchief on the way back.
“Sweet moon,” says Paul, “I thank thee for thy sunny beams.”
As he begins another sentence, George shakes his head and gestures toward your fallen handkerchief.
“Hello, hello, hello, what’s this?” He begins his line as he picks up the fabric. “Eyes, do you see; how can it be? What dreadful dole is here! Thy mantle good, all covered in blood—” his accent makes the words rhyme, “—o dainty duck, o dear! Come, tears, confound! Out, sword, and wound—” he pulls an imaginary sword from its hilt “—the pap of Pyramus; that left pap where heart doth hop!”
You stare at him in adoration as he speaks, though you don’t think he notices, as he continues, “Thus die I, thus, thus, thus. Now am I dead, now am I fled. Oh, well, you can’t win ‘em all. Tongue, lose thy light, Moon, take thy flight. See ya, George.”
George exits the “stage” as Paul begins fake stabbing himself. “Now, die, die, die, die, die!”
You skip in, humming a tune, and kneel next to him. “Asleep, my love?”
“Die, die, die!” he continues, still stabbing.
“What, dead, my dove?” You begin shaking him as you continue, “Pyramus, arise! O, speak, speak! Quite dumb. Dead, a tomb must cover thy sweet eyes. Those lily lips, his cherry nose, those yellow cowslip cheeks are gone, are gone. Lovers, make moan. His eyes were green as leeks.”
Paul is trying not to laugh as you say, “Tongue, not a word, not a word. Shut up!” You move to sit instead of kneeling. “Not a word. Come, trusty sword. Come, blade, my breast imbrue.”
You stab yourself with Paul’s imaginary blade before saying, “And, farewell, friends; thus Thisbe ends. Adieu, adieu, adieu!”
You and Paul take hands and lie backwards together as he says the line with you.
You're both laughing by the time you stand up.
“Right, I think that was good. Lads?” Paul looks to the other two for confirmation.
They both nod and Rich says, “I like her better than John. She takes the role seriously.”
50 notes · View notes
calico-kiwi · 9 months
The Coffee Trials
Chapter 3: Operation: Begin Skye’s Ridiculous Coffee Trials 2.0 Where We Recreate Our Favorite Beverage From Scratch Without a Recipe (and possibly think of a shorter name) is a go!
Fandom: Maribat (Miraculous Ladybug x DC)
Tags: Tim Drake/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Original Character, fluff & Shenanigans, no plot & no update schedule
Work Summary: Both Tim Drake and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are incredibly successful and busy people. Two people who both view coffee as their lifeblood. When they find themselves needing each other to obtain ultimate coffee rights at their favorite cafe, two total strangers become allies. And friends. And perhaps eventually… something more.
Chapter Summary: Tim and Marinette reconvene at the cafe, where they both agree to participate in the second Coffe Trial. It's there where the trials officially begin. But Skye, always full of surprises, has yet another (unintentional) twist.
Links: ao3 work, ao3 chapter, First Chapter, Previous Chapter, Next Chapter
Read below the Keep Reading!
It had been less than 24 hours since Tim’s, strange but albeit somehow unsurprising, interaction with Skye and Marinette at the coffee shop. He’d been thinking about it all night. And, oh wow it was daytime now. Then yeah, he’d been thinking about it all day too.
He’d gotten a text sometime late last night from Marinette confirming her number and wishing him a good night. Immediately, Tim saved her contact as “Marinette (coffee thief)” and proceeded to raid the house for any available snacks.
It wasn’t until it was once again time for Tim’s nightly visit to the cafe that he’d finally come to a decision. He walked in to find Marinette already sitting in what he assumed was her regular spot talking to Skye.
As soon as the young barista noticed him, their face split into a smug smile. “So what have you decided?” She said it like she already knew his answer.
“I’ll do your silly little second Coffe Trial,” he says, noticing the way Skye’s eyes light up. “ If Marinette agrees to it too. I mean, I beat your first one. I’m sure I can beat this one too.”
“Excellent!” Skye says with a clap of their hands. “Marinette already agreed to it and said she’d go through as long as you did. We can start tonight.”
Marinette snorts from her spot on the couch. “You really have a flair for the dramatic. That last sentence sounded so ominous I’m almost scared for my safety.”
“Almost scared is not fully scared, and so I take your confidence in my ability to not put you in active danger with a bow,” Skye says, ending their retort with an over-exaggerated curtsy.
Rolling her eyes Marinette simply tells the barista, “Ok you theatrical ninny.”
“Ninny?” Tim questions with a barely repressed smile.
Marinette blushes. “My, uh, erm, the first way I learned English was from someone who’d been in Britain for a considerable amount of time, and was a bit of an… outdated old source.”
Tim decided not to comment on the way he saw Mari ever so slightly flinch and discreetly glare at her purse, which sat on her lap. Who was he to judge someone else for being a bit crazy and/or eccentric?
Hell, he throws on a costume and uses a grappling hook to swing across buildings with the adoptive father who dresses up like an emo and depressed bat at night. And that was putting it mildly and barring a whole lot of just as if not more crazy shit.
“Anyway,” Skye says, while wiping down tables “how would the two of you like to proceed?”
“Oh! I have a quick question before we start-“ Marinette replies. “Where exactly will we be making The Motherload? I’m assuming you’re not offering up the cafe’s equipment to us.”
Grinning, the barista pauses her cleaning to place both hands (one still holding a rag) on their hips. “That’s an excellent question, poppet!”
Tim raises an eyebrow and scoffs. “Poppet?”
Raising their hands up in a show of surrender Skye teases, “Hey, I ain’t the one who started using random British words, but I’ll sure as hell jump on the bandwagon.” Her gaze slides over to Marinette, who’s shaking her head.
“Answering your question though, you can make it wherever you please. As long as it’s not in here. Whether it be at one of your guys’ places, or a random cafe you’ve decided to rent out or comondeer, it can be wherever. The drink itself isn’t super complex, so I already know you guys own the required equipment”
Marinette nods before looking over to Tim. “So,” she starts, “how do you wanna do this?”
“Well, seeing as there are no negative consequences when asking for a hint, why don’t we get this week’s hint now? We can brainstorm after and just hang in the cafe the rest of today,” Tim suggests.
Marinette opens her mouth to respond, but before she gets the chance Skye starts waving their arms around frantically. “WOAH WOAH WOAH! No negative consequences?! Did I not mention the consequences?”
Tim narrows his eyes at the barista, and Marinette can clearly be heard in the background saying, “Oh for Gods’ sakes, tu petite merde .”
Skye’s eyes go wide, and she pales slightly. “I-“ Her lips purse. “I didn’t mention the penalty?”
“NO!” Tim and Marinette cry out in sync, looking exasperated.
“Guys I’m so sorry I swear I thought I’d told you there was a price for getting hints. It must’ve slipped my mind when I made the slides and when I was telling you guys.”
Tim sighs, but after running a hand down his face he says, “Well, what’s the penalty for a hint?”
Skye goes back to wiping tables as she tells them, “In exchange for receiving a hint, you have to spin The Wheel of Punishments. Which, as the name implies, is a wheel loaded with various punishments. The punishments range from challenges to scavenger hunts, tasks, and quests.”
“I’m almost scared to ask,” Marinette interrupts hesitantly, “but what do you mean by quests?”
Tim chimes in, adding, “If Skye’s the one making them, they’re gonna be ridiculous.”
Skye grins, mysteriously reassuring, “Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. So, you two still want a hint?”
Marinette and Tim lock eyes, and after Tim gives a shrug, Marinette answers, “Why not?”
Tossing the rag onto the next table they were about to clean, Skye starts skipping towards the front counter. “Perfect!” they exclaim. She hops over the counter and ducks behind the register. The sound of cabinets opening can be heard, before Skye stands up, this time holding a colorful wheel akin to those found on game shows.
“Come one, come all! Step right up and spin the wheel!” Skye makes a grand gesture, sweeping her arm towards Tim and Marinette as they walk over to her. “So, which of you two lovely fellows would like to spin The Wheel of Punishments?” 
Looking over at Marinette, Tim asks, “May I?”
She smiles at him (those definitely aren’t butterflies he’s feeling in his stomach. nope nope nope. probably just his body reacting to the lack of caffeine) before offering, “Go right ahead.”
Taking a breath, Tim steps up to the wheel. He notices that it’s somewhat small. The diameter couldn’t have been more than the length of his phone. Despite that, it was divided into 16 different sections which alternated between the colors of the rainbow. Each section was labeled with one of four letters: C, S, T, or Q. Following each letter was a number.
“Each letter,” Skye starts to explain, “Represents one of the four categories I mentioned earlier. C is for challenges, S is for scavenger hunts, T is for tasks, and Q is for quests. The number represents the specific objective. I have a numbered list of different challenges, a numbered list of different scavenger hunts, etcetera etcetera. Go ahead and spin, then I’ll tell you the objective of whichever you land on.”
“Alright then,” Tim mutters under his breath. He tentatively reaches out towards the wheel before spinning it. They all watch, transfixed, as the wheel starts spining and then begins to slow. Finally, the dial lands on a red section labeled Q#3.
“Which one’s that?” Marinette asks eagerly.
Grabbing her phone from their jeans pocket, Skye replies, “Let me check!”
Not even a moment later, Skye’s lips split into a devilish smirk. She looks up at the two (now very concerned and slightly alarmed) participants of The Second Coffee Trials and pretends to innocently bat their eyes.
“Oh how wonderful!” they cheer, obviously amused.
“I’m actually so scared now,” Marinette whispers; to which Tim nods.
“Every hint comes with a price; you’ve chosen risk, you’ve rolled the dice; a quest which may lead to adventure or woe; to lands beyond, you must go; there is an action which you must do; while bringing me back irrefutable proof.”
“There were absolutely zero actual directions in that,” Tim points out.
“That’s because I’m not done, you impatient swine,” Skye huffs out. “May I get a drumroll please?”
Marinette obliges, lightly drumming her fingers against the counter.
> Next Chapter
AN: Forgive my many spelling mistakes, I have the horrible tendency to only write for this fic in the dead of night. i have this fic on ao3, but I realized I never posted it to tumblr as more than a link. if you wanna keep up with it, but dont wanna subscribe to it on ao3, just ask to be added to the taglist either through this post or an ask to my blog and I'll keep you updated!
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Elf (2003)
Smoking: Graffiti
Hands down my favorite Will Ferrell movie. And in honor of the season here we are 😊
Definitely a lot of product placement in this movie. Which if you don’t know is a Marketing term and how a lot of movies and tv shows make money to support their creation. We had Bob the Builder doll, Mr. Potato Head, Barbie and Etch-a-Sketch all with in the first 3 minutes of the movies. Wonder how much they paid for that 🤔
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We have poor little Orphan Buddy who sees a teddy and decides to go for a late-night crawl and ends up traveling around the world and ends up back at the North Pole.
We have the wonderful Bob Newhart playing his adoptive father. When they are in class, I don’t understand why he’s in the front row. He’s so tall, he can see from the back, I’m sure.
I totally say Cotton-Headed-Ninny-Muggins in a good number of conversations. I would hate to be the Jack in the Box toy tester. Talk about ANXIETY!!!!
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I wonder how much back and neck pain doing all of these scenes with having to hunch down. I like how they have some of the characters based off of the old Rudolf Claymation movie.
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How is his outfit able to keep him that warm? I mean he traveled through the snow-covered mountains; you know that shits cold, and he’s got on leggings and an elf hat. It’s not free candy!!! 🤢
Meeting his father. James Caan, for the first time. Christmas Gram time! His awkward song “Guess what? I love you, I love you, I love you”
I love watching him go up the elevator 😂 "it's a Christmas Tree"
Enter the love interest, Zooey Deschanel. “Best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is to sing loud for all to hear.”
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I love that Mary Steenburgen is in this movie. She is also in another one of my favorite WF movies, Step Brothers. “You can call me night hawk.” Tell me why his name tag says Wanda, but in the line up on IMDB he’s named, Gimbel’s Manager 🤔 wonder if it was a recast at the last minute?
Faizon Love is another of my favorites. But from a totally different movie. The Replacements. Probably the only football movie I like.
The gif I use the most is “You sit on a thrown of lies.” Mainly to my friend Heather 🤣 when I’m teasing her about something. Or calling her a cheater because of a card game 😂
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I wonder how that candy spaghetti tasted. I half want to try it and half want to throw up 🤢
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I swear he has some kind of ADD, maybe its all that sugar 🤣
There is NO WAY Mark Acheson was 26 years old at the time of this 😂 he looks like he’s at least 40 something.
Enter Peter Dinklage, “the elf” that’s too far from the North Pole for WF. I love when he climbs on the table and just attacks him 🤣
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Make the Buddy sighting seem like he’s bigfoot 😂 I swear this movie ☠️
And what saves the day? None other than ZD “the best way to spread Christmas Cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”
And here’s the end of the movie. Thanks for reading this weeks.
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Happy Holidays!
Toke on!
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underburningstars · 1 year
I'm gonna call Reg 'crispy' forever and that's totally on @jegulusofwesper
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jegulusofwesper · 2 years
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I posted 5,361 times in 2022
That's 72 more posts than 2021!
1,070 posts created (20%)
4,291 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,279 of my posts in 2022
#mayane tag 🤍 - 95 posts
#sam tag ☺️ - 80 posts
#ollie tag - 55 posts
#six of crows - 54 posts
#kaz brekker - 52 posts
#regulus black - 46 posts
#stranger things - 43 posts
#ninnie watches cobra kai - 38 posts
#soc - 37 posts
#crooked kingdom - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#also the whole the shorter you are. the angrier you are because you’re closer to hell thing is a lot funnier when you’re picturing a 5’4 reg
My Top Posts in 2022:
can we just talk about
“besides, she was the wraith - the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too.”
“inej’s steps faltered, and she had to fight not to go sliding straight off the edge of the roof. he’s gong to do it. i’m going to watch kaz die”
the thing that makes her almost fall isn’t the sloped roof or the fact that the roof is soaking wet but is the idea that she’s going to watch kaz die. i can’t.
686 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
me on my way to ao3 to read harringrove fics because billy is alive and well no matter what season 4 says
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885 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
by “coming 2023” they mean as soon as it hits midnight on the first of january, right? right?!
967 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
kaz: *angry because he hasn’t seen inej in a couple of weeks*
jesper to wylan: uh-oh be careful the kazmanian devil has been set free
1,581 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
me refusing to read fics unless they have a happy ending because i can’t deal with my comfort characters dying even if they’re dead in canon
2,261 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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19! I should have asked that one first
Favorite brothers scene?
this one is obviously hard, but i think i’ll have to say that last scene in ‘a very supernatural christmas’. it doesn’t have the intensity of many of my favourites like, the church scene in ‘sacrafice’ or the motel room wrecking fist fight scene in ‘when the levee breaks’.
but. it’s so soft. sam waiting there for dean. in a motel room he’s decorated, knowing it’s the last time he’ll ever do it because after dean’s gone he’ll never celebrate a single thing ever again. he’s waiting there with gifts and eggnog, even if it tears his whole heart in two.
when dean walks in, it’s just.. so obvious that sam thinks it’s worth it, just to see that look on dean’s face. their exchanging of gifts (dean, it’s not appropriate to give your brother porn, you lovable weirdo) and sam’s gentle: “dean. do you maybe wanna watch the game?” his hidden little “I love you”; too scared to say it because the moment is so fragile and dean is gonna die and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
that scene always makes me smile, and cry. the sadness and the hope and the bittersweetness vibrates through that scene and makes it so hard hitting for me, in all its cheesiness. or maybe, i’m just a sap. sigh sigh. ♡ ♡ ♡
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aroacee-of-spades · 2 years
all imma say about the movie is the “we call him ✨the 🐺alpha🐺✨” made me laugh suuuuper hard and jackson was the highlight of the movie and good luck when you watch it 🫡
yk what i wasn't expecting much tbh but i'll let yk when I watch it lmao
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seldom-seen-kid · 6 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @holdmesamthatwasbeautiful for this Music Ask Meme, I’m honored my love, thank you <3
✌Somebody To Love - Queen
✌Elusive - Scott Matthews
✌Left Hand Free - Alt J
✌Dazed And Confused - Led Zeppelin
✌One Day Like This - Elbow
✌Mack The Knife - Bobby Darin
✌She’s Electric - Oasis
✌Electric Love - BORNS
✌Enter Sandman - Metallica
✌Night People - You Me At Six
✌Kings Of The Wild Frontier - Adam And The Ants
✌Intro - The XX
✌Dakota - Stereophonics
So there we have it, I’m tagging the lovely @starkerismysin, @mrpeterstark, @im-a-goner--foryou, and @scarletmanuka1. Spell out your url with songs that you love <3 <3 <3
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kmomof4 · 2 years
For the ask game I tagged you in: 😂, 😭, and you choose a third question you'd like to answer!
Hahahahahaha... That's a bit of a twist... reblogging a game and putting the ask in friends ask box, but thank you! This was fun to think about! I couldn't remember particularly funny comments I'd received, so I went back through every ao3 comment I had on my fics to find funny and boy, let me tell you, it was such an emotional boost to remember different fics and the responses to them. So, thank you for that! But now, on to your asks!
😂: What's the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
So, like I said, I couldn't immediately remember any particularly funny comment, but I have few enough fics that I could go back to ao3 and go through every single one. And I did find several that I did laugh out loud at! But these two, tied.
For A One Time Thing? , my offering for this years CS Neverland New Year, @motherkatereloyshipper said: Tree Sex! "She would wreck him before he could wreck her." Fork yeah!
I spat out my drink laughing when I read that.
And then for Coming to Storybrooke, Ch. 3, @wefoundloveunderthelight said: YAS! Go play your stupid games Neal, ya ninny.
That made me laugh out loud.
😭: Have you ever made yourself cry writing a fic?
YES! Last Christmas I posted A Christmas Surprise, a fic prompted on the CSMM Discord by @gingerpolyglot . I'd written it sometime in November and had to sit on it for OVER A MONTH before posting since I set it at Christmas time. That was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to do as a writer because I believed then, and still do, that it was the cutest thing I'd ever written. Anyhow, when writing it, and still to this day when I read it, I cry when Alice starts crying and Killian picks up the song. It just tugs on my heartstrings in the best way ever!
And askee's choice... Has someone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
Is it fair to say all of them? I do not have a huge reader base, so every reader I do have and every comment I receive, just means the world to me. Even if I rarely remember exactly who in my circle has read what and what comment, if any, a particular person left. Anyone who would take the time to read my fic when there are sooooooo many outstanding ones out there, and then comment as well, ALWAYS makes my day!!!
That said, I do have to mention one particular comment from @thisonesatellite about five months after writing my first fic, True Love Song, back in '19. She said that there was a writer inside of me and I deserved to let her out and that the fandom deserved to read and get to know her. My heart about exploded. Stephanie may have moved on from writing CS fan fiction, but she is still a dear friend and an INCREDIBLY talented writer that I have a tremendous amount of respect for, so yeah, that comment has stuck with me all these years and has kept me writing even when I'd much rather read.
Thank you so much for these, babe! It was fun!!
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