#niqabis in animation
hijabis-in-media · 4 months
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Niqabis in Animation -
X-Men 97 - Sooraya Qadir AKA Dust
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ameera-ameera · 11 months
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Check out my account Ameera on meiker to play fun dress up games
[ID: Eight game thumbnails featuring diverse characters and art styles, including different skin tones, hair textures, headscarves, niqabs, and a wheelchair user. One character is a humanoid bunny, one is a Muppet. The other are humans. /end ID]
List of games and links under the cut
Or check out my Ko-fi shop ameera_ameera for engaging and educational Turkish worksheets!
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[ID: Three thumbnails. They read "Turkish Worksheets", "Sentence Scramble Turkish Worksheet", and "Turkish Cheat Sheet". /end ID]
The games, from top left to bottom right:
Anime Girly
Frog Girl Dress Up Game
Hello Bunny Melody
Niqabi Portrait Maker
Frog Princess Dress Up Game
Sweet Lolita Dress Up Game
Happy Puppet Dress Up
The worksheets, from left to right:
Present Continuous Tense (Şimdiki Zaman) Turkish Worksheet Bundle
Sentence Scramble #1
Turkish Cheat Sheet
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zuxigo · 6 months
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Yeah Penelope canonically just wears her veil thingie because she's shy BUT it's way funnier to think that Penelope from the 1997 anime Tottoko Hamtaro is muslim and niqabi. Eid Mubarak.
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travelingprincess · 2 years
On Memes
As Muslims, we know that we cannot afford to follow along with whatever the people are doing—we have a clear guidance before us, alhamdulillah; a set of principles by which we measure everything we do.
"Are those who know equal to those who do not know?"
—Qur'an (az-Zumar) 39:9
Once we understand the nature of memes and what's involved in them, the rulings attached to joking about the religion, the rulings on picturemaking, and the manners of a Muslim, we will see that dedicating too much time to this pursuit is not praiseworthy.
Joking About the Religion
In a world as irreverent and blaisé as ours, it's easy to see that there are no frontiers which comedy doesn't violate. Rather, those calling for guardrails to humor are openly vilified. Essentially, we're raised with the understanding that you can joke about anything.
Of course, this isn't true, as Allah warns us in the Qur'an:
And if you ask them, they will surely say, "We were only conversing and playing." Say, "Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?" Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.
—Qur'an (at-Tawbah) 9:65-66
Subhanallah, joking about the religion is categorized as kufr, clear cut.
Shaykh ibn Baz brought a consensus from the scholars, who are all in agreement that "if a Muslim reviles Islam, or criticises it, or he reviles the Messenger (ﷺ), or criticises or mocks him, then he is an apostate and a kafir" (Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb by ibn Baz, p. 139).
Shaykh ibn Jibreen has also explained that this kufr makes an individual's spouse haram to them (they're automatically divorced) and the individual is not able to inherit from his Muslim relatives, and so on (Fataawa Islamiyyah, 3/533).
Interesting to note is that mocking the religion is enough to take a person outside of the fold of the religion without the need to refer the matter to scholars / the ulema. It is something which is open and apparent.
With this in mind, is it any wonder that memes and idle internet jokes are a hotbed for this type of fitnah? Imagine how quickly a word of kufr can be uttered in a group, and everyone laughs and all of them have now participated in this?
And when you (Muhammad (ﷺ)) see those who engage in a false conversation about Our Verses by mocking at them, stay away from them till they turn to another topic. And if Shaiytaan causes you to forget, then after the remembrance sit not you in the company of those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong­doers, etc.).
—Qur'an (al-An'am) 6:68
Some of the students of knowledge have gone on to explain that seemingly "simple" things, such as calling the niqabi a ninja or saying that she looks like a letterbox, denigrating the Sunnah beard, making fun of one who wears his trousers above his ankles, and so on—all fall under the category of mocking the religion.
May Allah guide us all and keep us steadfast upon his religion; may He protect us from every kind of fitnah. Ameen.
Another aspect of standard-issue memery is picturemaking. As is quite well-known, picture making (and statuary) are not permissible in Islam.
"...a person came to ibn 'Abbas and said, "I am the person who paints pictures; give me a religious verdict about them." He (ibn 'Abbas) said to him, "Come near me (still further)." He came near him so much so that he placed his hand upon his head and said, "I am going to narrate to you what I heard from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). I heard him say, 'All the painters who make pictures would be in the fire of Hell. The soul will be breathed in every picture prepared by him and it shall punish him in the Hell,' and he (ibn 'Abbas) said, "If you have to do it at all, then paint the pictures of trees and lifeless things..."
—Sahih Muslim 2109c, 2110a
In the hadith, we learn that landscapes and inanimate things (cityscapes, abstract art, etc.) are not forbidden, rather, the prohibition is most stern on living beings, whether human or animal. Though the issue may be somewhat nuanced, the following guidelines are generally agreed upon for the most liberal opinoin on the matter:
avoid living subjects, especially to draw them in their entirety
among living subjects, refrain from making a complete face, or including the eyes and nose
pictures of people or animals must not be hung up in the home or elsewhere
photo manipulation, especially of living beings, is forbidden
With these above points in mind, let us be honest and realistic about what memes typically entail:
they almost always involve photo manipulation of living beings
animal head on human bodies or vice versa (chad doge meme)
manipulation of living beings for gifs (2 legged horse gif)
transferring the faces or facial features of one individual onto another (as when combining memes to double up on a sentiment)
they usually involve living beings, generally; not many memes involve landscapes
often the meaning of a meme itself can be problematic, wherein someone is being denigrated or slandered unjustly
Manners of a Muslim
From the manners of a Muslim is that she does not engage overmuch in frivolity and idle play. It is permissible to joke around from time to time or as the opportunity arises. But to be a jokester, or someone who is known as such, is not for the Muslim to aspire to.
Oftentimes, one starts off in the permissible bounds of joking around and idle chit chat and ends up where it was unnecessary or even impermissible to go. Because as we know, the tongue is the quickest way to jahannam, and all it takes is a single word to get us there.
(Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions). Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).
—Qur'an (Qaf) 50:17-18
The scholars have mentioned, even, that whoever speaks more—fears Allah less. Subhanallah.
Additionally, women should be especially careful with our speech, as we know from authentic hadith that our tongues and our words will cause a large portion of us to enter the Hellfire (may Allah protect us from such a fate, ameen!):
It was narrated that Jabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah (radhiAllah anhu) said, "I attended Eid prayers with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). He started with the prayer before the khutbah, with no adhan or iqamah. Then he stood up, leaning on Bilal (radhiAllah anhu), speaking of fear of Allah (taqwa) and urging us to obey Him. He preached to the people and reminded them. Then he went over to the women and preached to them and reminded them. Then he said, 'Give in charity, for you are the majority of the fuel of Hell.'
A woman with dark cheeks stood up in the midst of the women and said, 'Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?'
He said, 'Because you complain too much and are ungrateful to your husbands.' Then they started to give their jewellery in charity, throwing their earrings and rings into Bilal’s cloak."
—Sahih Muslim 885
In other versions of this hadith as well as the explanations of the people of knowledge, I've heard it said that the "complaining" mentioned here includes being quick to gossip, backbite, curse, or be otherwise careless with our tongues.
From what is normal in joking and playing around, is exaggeration or outright lying for the sake of making others laugh. On this, we have a very specific and explicit hadith:
Mu'awiyyah ibn Haydah reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Woe to one who tells lies to make people laugh. Woe to him! Woe to him!"
—Sunan Abu Dawud 4990
Whatever is repeated thrice is a dire matter indeed, so it isn't something we should take lightly or dismiss out of hand.
In Closing
For the reasons listed above, the Sisters in Sunnah Discord server does not have a meme channel, and the subthread which was created was also taken down. I do not wish to encourage that kind of dedicated space and time-wasting on the pursuit of idle joking. Whatever happens to come up in the main lounge chat is more than sufficient (and truth be told, could probably be toned down a bit.)
Because of the world we live in, I respect that submitting to the decree of Allah may be difficult. It may be something that many of us struggle with. But we should not be from the people who reject the truth when it comes to us, aouthubillah. Let us not, in a moment of knee-jerk, emotional reactions, speak a word displeasing to Our Creator.
May Allah rectify all of our affairs and make us from among those He is pleased with. May He take our souls in a good state and accept our sincere deeds from us. Ameen.
Citations & Resources
Is it permissible for ordinary people to label as a kaafir one who reviles Islam, without referring to the scholars concerning that?
Making Fun of Islam and Repenting From It
Ruling on Drawing Animate Beings Without Showing the Facial Features
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sharbat-jaan · 5 years
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found some more manga hijabis and some niqabis too, have fun🧕🏻🧕🏼🧕🏽🧕🏾🧕🏿💕🧿🌙
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 3 years
can niqabs be multicolored? can you wear floral print niqabs? (sorry I'm a dumb white bitch and googles not giving me results)
Yes! They can be any color! Florals would be okay, but something like, animals would generally not be accepted bcuz there are muslims who adhere to the practice of not depicting animals/humans in art.
I've seen a couple niqabis I know on tiktok make and wear fun niqabs of various print fabrics with things like stars and flowers or things. I was joking a while back about the concept of a plaid flannel niqab, since I was raised a farmboy/farmgirl.
Black niqabs are common for one because its traditional and 2 because black goes with everything. I commonly pair my black niqab with bright scarfs and jilbabs. I have a couple light and bright colored niqabs but its harder to wear because they're more limited in what they go with. It's easier to match a black niqab to an outfit than a bright gold or a lavender niqab to an outfit.
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
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Ages ago, I asked people to send me scenes they wanted me to compared across the Skams, and then I kinda ignored it. This wasn't intentional, but rather because I wanted to do the scenes in chronological order. And the one I got for s1 was the Eva/Jonas breakup scene.
The issue is that Jonas is a very misunderstood character in international fandom. I felt like I couldn't begin to compare the scenes without getting into the fundamental conflict between Eva and Jonas, and I couldn't do that without getting into why Jonas hates Russetide, and I couldn't do that without a long post that was going to swallow up whole the other 7 versions of the scene.
I've never really let go of the idea of doing those comparisons, even though the anons that sent the original asks are probably long gone. I thought of a bunch of different ways to approach the asks, but nothing worked for me. Until recently, where I just decided to first explain Russetide, then compare the different Skam opening speeches, and THEN I will finally compare the breakup scenes.
But instead of explaining Russetide itself, which I think most Skam fans more or less understand, I'm going to explain SJEIKEN 2015. This song perfectly encapsulates what Jonas hates about Russetide. In fact, he quotes it in one of the scenes where he's being a dick to Eva!
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Russetide is a tradition in all of Norway, but western Oslo (where Skam is set) is one of the richest areas in the country and, as such, they really go above and beyond with it. A bus is better than a van, the buses have to be decked out with the best sound systems. The crew has to have not just hoodies but also headbands and other merch, and it all has to follow the theme the crew has chosen. And if you really are the hottest of hot shit, then you actually commission legit artists to write a theme song for your bus. We can see this in s2, where the girls discuss The Penetrators theme song.
There are a bunch of different Norwegian artists that you can commission for your Russe song, but the most famous are probably TIX and the Pøssy Project. The Pøssy Project is a group of multiple songwriters, but all of its members have chosen to keep their identites anonymous because, as it turns out, ~Norwegian adults~ think everything I'm about to explain is trashy and disdainful. The one artist in The Pøssy Project that has always owned his participation in it is Andreas Haukeland, better known as TIX. (You might also know him as this year's ESC entry for Norway.) Why does TIX stand by these songs? Idk, probably because they're extremely popular, chart well, and make money, and by standing by them, he gets to perform them in gigs and profit off those creations.
SJEIKEN 2015 has featured twice in Skam, first in s1e1. It's also the song Pepsi Max is singing when they party at Sana's place in s4. And SJEIKEN 2015 featured so prominently in Skam because the song became a runaway hit the year before (the 2014-15 school year), breaking into the Norwegian charts as well as Spotify most playeds in Norway. It is a tremendously popular song that people loved.
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So, who or what is SJEIKEN 2015 about? SJEIKEN is a 2015 Russe crew (meaning they graduated high school in 2015) who chose to make their Russe theme about... oil sheikhs. That is what sjeiken means. The song itself is about an oil sheikh called Sheikh Yer Bouti who declares tonight to be free of rules. His 400 wives are allowed to get drunk and be whores, just for tonight. Here are the lyrics:
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Now, TIX has recently tried to become a mature artist, and so he was recently asked about SJEIKEN 2015 (again, a song he performs to this day). This was his response:
At a party, I met a girl who was crying over a boy she liked. She had built up her expectations that this would be the night she finally hooked up with him, but she was afraid that if she did, the guys would call her "whore". I thought about it a bit… It's actually quite true - if a boy hooks 10 girls at a party he is a legend, but if a girl hooks up with only one boy she may risk being called loose. That's absolutely ridiculous! So I said to her, "Tonight you are allowed to be a whore. Tonight you are allowed to hook up with him.”
And like, I just want to say this response is horseshit, first of all lol. But in case you for some reason thought this was supposed to be like a feminist anthem for a girls' russe buss (a crew like Los Losers for instance), let me share a picture of the SJEIKEN Russe crew:
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(Count the moc... Oh wait, there aren't any.)
SJEIKEN (the Russe crew) also participated at a Russe event back in 2015. Here is how they chose to stage their song:
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(The one thing I can say about this is that the boy playing a niqabi doesn't appear to have taken it off at any point, which is better than Skam Italia did.)
At this point, you might think that perhaps Jonas might have reason to be appalled that Eva, who he assumed shared his values, decided to get involved in Russefeiring. However, one other thing about Russefeiring is that literally EVERY YOUNG PERSON in Norway is supposed to love all of this shit. My evidence is very anecdotal, but I once asked a Norwegian high school student how many people aren't involved in Russefeiring. He said everyone is, the only people who aren't are the friendless losers. I also came across a Norwegian young woman's blog who said she preferred talking to people from abroad, because she didn't have to explain to them that she never actually did Russe, because to admit she hadn't, would immediately show her to have been a total outcast in high school. Like, this is an issue for people into their twenties.
So Jonas isn't just taking a stance to be cool, the fact that he is vocally opposed to Russefeiring in every way makes him (and the boy squad) total losers. In fact, Chris Schistad referred to Jonas as a nerd and the boy squad plainly wasn't in William's radar at all. It wasn't a thing like in Skam NL, where Kes' squad was leagues and miles above Noah's squad in terms of coolness (MOTHERfucker... don't even try to tell me Gijs was cooler than Kes lmao). Jonas would've been seen as a loser and a burnout, and that's what Jonas was talking about when he told Eva that she was always doing the popular thing to do. Because he very staunchly refused to participate in this tradition, despite the fact that doing so made him an outcast, because, for him, THAT was the moral thing to do.
Having read all this (you poor soul), and being on tumblr like you are, is it really that unthinkable that Jonas would think that Russefeiring and the culture associated with it is crap? Do you really think a 16-year old has the nuance to say, "you know, Russefeiring stands for everything I hate, but since you're friendless because of me, and this is your chance at having friends, I will put my ideals aside and support you in this." Absolutely not lmao. How many of you would even now shit on friends if they stepped outside the line of what tumblr considers woke? How many people on twitter turn on each other for transgressions like stanning the wrong Skams? Jonas was shitty because he was super rigid in what he considered the right way to behave, but in that sense, he was actually one of the most accurate portrayals of a specific type of Gen Z. Unlike idk, characters who quote fucking Animal Farm to talk about school festivals.
(And NOW that all of that has been established, I can finally begin dissecting season 1 lol.)
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aestheticworld99 · 3 years
Ravenclaw Moodboards
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Blonde Ravenclaw girl in love with Bucky Barnes Moodboard
Draco Malfoy and South Indian Ravenclaw In Love Moodboard
Dark Academia/ INFJ/ Slytherclaw/ Libra Sun/ Virgo Moon/ Gemini Rising
Niqabi Muslim/ Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw Christmas Moodboard
Hogwarts Houses Christmas Moodboard
Virgo Slytherin/ Ravenclaw Pisces
Leo/ INTP/ Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw Pride
General Moodboard
Helena Ravenclaw moodboard
Ravenclaw chemist
Hipster Slytherin in love with a nerdy Ravenclaw moodboard
Gryffinclaw moodboard
Ravenclaw/ Ginger/ ENFP/ Bisexual/ Libra
Ravenclaw/ Saggitarius/ Bisexual
Ravenclaw/ INFJ/ Virgo Sun and Moon/ Gemini Rising
Ravenclaw/ Blonde/ Stubborn Taurus/ In love with Draco Malfoy with Masquerade themes
Ravenclaw/ Leo/ Brown Skinned Female
Ravenclaw/ hufflepuff aesthetics
Ravenclaw moodboard (old)
Slytherclaw Girl Moodboard
Rainy day Ravenclaw mood board // Bill Weasley
Ravenclaw Aries INTP
Draco Malfoy x Ravenclaw Artist Moodboard
Ravenclaw/ Ace Female/ Insomniac/ Penchant for studying things she shouldn’t
INTP-T, Writer, Libra, Ravenclaw
Ravenclaw/ hopeless romantic/ Cancer sun / Taurus moon / Cancer rising / INFJ/ Moodboard
Female Ravenclaw, INFJ-T, Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, Virgo Rising
Cancer Sun/ Leo Moon/ Libra Rising/ INFJ/ Gryffinclaw Moodboard
Classy Ravenclaw Hyderabadi Hindu x Draco Malfoy Moodboard
INTJ/ Scorpio/ Slytherclaw/ Animal Lover Moodboard
Slytherin x Ravenclaw Lesbian Moodboard
Vintage Maharashtrian Ravenclaw Moodboard
Ravenclaw/ Female/ Leo Sun/ Scorpio Moon/ Scorpio Rising/ Bookworm
Ravenclaw/ INFJ/ Gemini/ Panromantic/ Genderfluid Moodboard
INTJ, Slytherclaw, Aquarius Sun, violinist, book lover
Female Slytherclaw, INTP, 5w6, Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon, Taurus Rising
INFJ/ Sagittarius,/ Ravenclaw/ Dark Academia/ Writer/ Southeast Asian Moodboard
INFJ, Gemini, Ravenclaw Female /x/ ENFP, Virgo, Gryffindor Male
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hijabonita · 5 years
Why was wearing Niqab traumatizing? I would really love to know your experience
I made the decision to wear it after I completed hajj when I was 14. I was far too young to make such a commitment. I wore it for a week while I was still staying on in SA, then coming back home, I was in Heathrow Airport, and I couldn't deal with the stares, how people were looking at me. It made me feel like a circus animal, like a freak. It made me feel even more outcast than I already felt at that time in my life. It was too much, and I remember running to the toilets and crying uncontrollably. A kind old woman who had been part of my hajj group found me and then went to get my mum. I told my mum I couldn't do it anymore, even after just one week. I felt so guilty and weak. My mum told me it was fine and that she had been against it anyway but it was my decision, but that we had to go tell my dad.
My dad is not an easy guy, and he had been parading me around the hajj group, showing off that his daughter was so great to have begun wearing niqab. He had been making plans that I would begin wearing it at highschool too. And the thought of that also had become too much for me as I was already the only girl in school to wear a full length skirt, and I was already bullied enough as it was.
Anyway, my dad got really angry and began guilting me about it, saying that if we were to die if our up coming flight were to crash, how was I going to justify myself to Allah. I mean, as a 14 year old I was terrified. I think my mum calmed me down and I ended up taking it off before the flight despite him. But I know my dad was more upset that his perfect niqabi daughter had embarrassed him than anything else. He certainly wasn't concerned about my emotional wellbeing or trying to understand me.
So basically, um, after that I had a period of depression, and I lost my faith entirely. I stopped wearing hijab when not out with my parents until I was about 18 when I decided to become a Muslim again.
I totally respect and admire those girls who do wear niqab - they have a strength that I just don't have. I would be scared to have that experience again and fall into a dangerous place once more. I have enough struggles with just wearing the hijab...i couldn't handle any more than that I don't think.
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lostbitterfuck · 5 years
I was with artkhana, we were doing some weird stupid nature shit.. it was a mix bw artkhana and orcas.. we talked about various stuff, like how we could bring a crocodile or some other weird animals to the show, it sounded very stupid to me as were talking, some ugly weird seal like animal, with an ugly trunk appeared. I flinched. Everyone else laughed. They didn't seem to sense any danger from it. The creature hopped on a trash box (long cuboidal) and sucked on the lid to open it. I looked away. It was all too scary. When i checked to see again, some dude had went up close to it and was acting all "ooh it's so cute" and that bullshit. Then the creature somehow had attacked him from behind and started sucking on the back of his head. I lost it, but didn't let a sound out. The dude was saying quietly "help, someone, he got my legs" as his legs were all flabby. I literally started walking back slowly, till i reached the buildings near by that we owned or something. I tried different rooms/apartments and settles in one with no windows. I tried to lock the door by putting stuff behind it but everything was so light it was scary as hell. I waited in there in fear. I found some doors but they had stupid locks from above. I was took weak to just break them and i did not wanna make a sound. Then i found a back door, not sure if it was locked or not so i went out. Found some military kids doing military training or something and i was like arrest me or whatever but they seemed kinda un bothered. So i kept running and running, till i reached the metro station. it was so confusing, i could not quite tell which way it was going or coming from but i decided to get in anuways. Anything better than that creature. The ppl in there were niqabis and they refused to let anyone in claiming the metro was too full, so i tried another door and managed to go in. Then i got home and hoped to never hear about this ever again.
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marsjoram · 3 years
4, 5, 20?
4. favorite character you've drawn?
chara!! i hadn't drawn the undertale characters in forever and i liked the way i re-approached them. oh, either that or the harvester!! i loved her she was a bastard
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did?
i loved/hated writing wingdings by hand for my gaster drawings lol. i also liked drawing the niqabi here consistently be poking out of the panels while the humanity of the hijabi confines her to the inside of the frame. beyond that, i think i like putting a lot of small details that i don't fully remember later kdjfkg
20. what do you think you've improved on the most over the past year?
not to be pessimistic but i don't think i improved much this year 😭i think the way i draw animals, necks, and make character designs are probably a little better though
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dinahawary-auc · 7 years
Week 1 / 1st Class – Reflections (How do we look or not look at things?)
New beginnings bring fresh thoughts. Before attending the first class of “Beyond The Frame” course, I have attentively watched the course promo video and drew a personal vision of possible learning outcomes. In the first class, we took a round in which each student would reflect on what he or she expects from the course and what was his or her comprehension of the promo video. Obviously, each had his own personal vision.
I am aware that each person has his own interpretation of things, but when it came to visuals I thought messages might be clearer. However, our class discussions proved me wrong. Visuals are thought to be just representations of things that had happened at the time of producing these visuals. Every component in the visual is no more the same one. Also, the viewer’s personal experience, knowledge, taste, background and character determine the final perception of a visual or any other piece of Art. I recalled one time I met the former prominent Egyptian writer and novelist, Ibrahim Aslan, and I asked him about what he meant in a certain short story of famous short stories collection that he wrote. The writer smiled and told me: “What you understood is what I meant”. Visuals – like other forms of arts - once disseminated they are no longer solely owned by their producer but they are also identified through the recipients.  
Another surprising concept discussed during class, is Active Looking. Watching the experimental video of the invisible moon-walking bear was quite interesting. It is surprising how focusing on an activity of counting the passes made us all not see an obvious big bear walking among the crowd of ball players. In fact, it was shocking! This brought a question to my mind; how many things do we really miss while we think we are viewing?
I started by thinking of the term “active” describing our action of looking. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, active is being engaged in an action or an activity. A person might assume that he is always engaged in what he is doing especially while doing a very dominant action like looking at something, but I tried to think of the different situations that would result in an non engaged looking. It could be the focus on a certain thing that make us miss another during watching a video, like the invisible moon-walking bear. Or it could be multitasking, think of the many times you were watching an interesting movie or a show during which you answer a phone call, check your Instagram feed or reply to an instant what’s app message. Could it be – again – our personal perception that make us notice some elements and neglect some. What about an emotional distraction; such as, boredom or overthinking.
I came to admit that it might be impossible to claim that we perform complete actions of looking. It makes me wonder about all the things we might miss while looking; the invisibles. Whether in Arts productions or real-life situations, it is always full of invisibles, invisible living and nonliving things. They exist around us, but they are missed intentionally or unintentionally even if they are the most important element of a scene or an art. Recipients will just not see them.
I have a heart for invisibles. In every street, scene, movie, song or painting, I look for invisibles. Whether they are humans, tiny pets or street animals, little details: this small photo in a frame hung on a wall in the house featured in a movie, this sneaky smell I notice when I passed by the unknown shop in El Korba of Heliopolis area, this strange niqabi lady with the clear azure eyes only obvious from her face selling newspapers at the roundabout and insists on replying to your monetary tip with a clear French “Merci” rather than a normal Egyptian “Shukran”. All of these they form bits and pieces of how I live my life. It breaks me to realize that maybe I choose to see these invisibles and make them viewable to me while I simply neglect others and make them invisibles.  This is how my personal perception is tricking me.
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sumi-marias-blog · 7 years
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ORLY breatheable HalalPaint nail polish created by Jeff Pink(founder of ORLY) and MuslimGirl.com for Muslim Women. It is healthier and better for you than regular nail polish. The main ingredients are infused w/Argan Oil, Pro Vitamin B5 + Vitamin C. There are 13 chemicals that are in regular nail polish that are NOT included in ORLY breatheable HalalPaint; these chemicals include: Toluene, Formaldehyde, Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP), Formaldehyde Resin, Camphor, Ethyl Tosylamide, Xylene, Triphenyl Phosphate (TPP), MEHQ/HQ, MIT, Parabens, Animal Derived Ingredients or Gluten. The polish is a breatheable treatment and color creme. I must say I love this nail polish already. The colors I have listed here are Stronger Then Ever (the sparkly red) and The Antidote which is like a red wine color. If anyone is interested in buying, it is available on the ORLY website or these following locations: Ulta Beauty, JCP Salon, Kohls, and Sally Beauty. The bottles run $8.99 in stores and online. Shipping online will be around $6.99. Enjoy sisters. ***Regardless if this nail polish is permeable or not it is a healthier alternative than regular polish and can be worn at certain times of the month. Some consider it adorning themselves and some do not that is up to the Muslimah. Only Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has that right to judge a person. I only included the information I found from researching the product.*** #HalalPaint #Halal #polish #ORLY #nailpolish #Wudufriendly #wudi #Treamtment #healthy #muslimahs #muslimah #muslimas #muslima #ladies #nails #Islam #instaIslam #sisters #ukhtis #ukhti #hijabis #niqabis #women
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I'm starting a private dnd campaign with my friends (I'm the dm) and i have an npc that is loosely inspired by vyrian! She's a niqabi purple tiefling and an artificer (alchemist subclass), she's an inventor and has a potion shop, and worships the deity of knowledge and protection of it. If it bothers you in any way I'll change it though, i just wanted you to know n.n
!!!!! That’s awesome!!!! In original plan with Vyrian I wanted her to be something akin to an artificer lmao. I wanted her to have something tinker-y, but I ended up not going with artificer. Some parts of that original idea do still exist with Vyrian’s design and the inventory she had in game, namely her prosthetic leg that she designed (in part) and upkeeps, and in the campaign, I played with her, the trinket she had on her person was a small clockwork bird that seems to be animated.
Also deity of knowledge is a Vyrian choice, because in the campaign I played her in she was a cleric/rogue (multiclassing queen), and her cleric domain was Knowlege domain.
I’m glad Vyrian inspired your npc! I love seeing more niqabi characters in d&d/ttrpg games óvò
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Week 1 / 1st Class – Reflections (How do we look or not look at things?)
New beginnings bring fresh thoughts. Before attending the first class of “Beyond The Frame” course, I have attentively watched the course promo video and drew a personal vision of possible learning outcomes. In the first class, we took a round in which each student would reflect on what he or she expects from the course and what was his or her comprehension of the promo video. Obviously, each had his own personal vision.
I am aware that each person has his own interpretation of things, but when it came to visuals I thought messages might be clearer. However, our class discussions proved me wrong. Visuals are thought to be just representations of things that had happened at the time of producing these visuals. Every component in the visual is no more the same one. Also, the viewer’s personal experience, knowledge, taste, background and character determine the final perception of a visual or any other piece of Art. I recalled one time I met the former prominent Egyptian writer and novelist, Ibrahim Aslan, and I asked him about what he meant in a certain short story of famous short stories collection that he wrote. The writer smiled and told me: “What you understood is what I meant”. Visuals – like other forms of arts - once disseminated they are no longer solely owned by their producer but they are also identified through the recipients.  
Another surprising concept discussed during class, is Active Looking. Watching the experimental video of the invisible moon-walking bear was quite interesting. It is surprising how focusing on an activity of counting the passes made us all not see an obvious big bear walking among the crowd of ball players. In fact, it was shocking! This brought a question to my mind; how many things do we really miss while we think we are viewing?
I started by thinking of the term “active” describing our action of looking. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, active is being engaged in an action or an activity. A person might assume that he is always engaged in what he is doing especially while doing a very dominant action like looking at something, but I tried to think of the different situations that would result in an non engaged looking. It could be the focus on a certain thing that make us miss another during watching a video, like the invisible moon-walking bear. Or it could be multitasking, think of the many times you were watching an interesting movie or a show during which you answer a phone call, check your Instagram feed or reply to an instant what’s app message. Could it be – again – our personal perception that make us notice some elements and neglect some. What about an emotional distraction; such as, boredom or overthinking.
I came to admit that it might be impossible to claim that we perform complete actions of looking. It makes me wonder about all the things we might miss while looking; the invisibles. Whether in Arts productions or real-life situations, it is always full of invisibles, invisible living and nonliving things. They exist around us, but they are missed intentionally or unintentionally even if they are the most important element of a scene or an art. Recipients will just not see them.
I have a heart for invisibles. In every street, scene, movie, song or painting, I look for invisibles. Whether they are humans, tiny pets or street animals, little details: this small photo in a frame hung on a wall in the house featured in a movie, this sneaky smell I notice when I passed by the unknown shop in El Korba of Heliopolis area, this strange niqabi lady with the clear azure eyes only obvious from her face selling newspapers at the roundabout and insists on replying to your monetary tip with a clear French “Merci” rather than a normal Egyptian “Shukran”. All of these they form bits and pieces of how I live my life. It breaks me to realize that maybe I choose to see these invisibles and make them viewable to me while I simply neglect others and make them invisibles.  This is how my personal perception is tricking me.
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animemuslim · 5 years
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just smile by cahaya-pemimpin
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