#njada stonearm
Artanis: So . . . are you okay with Farkas and I being together?
Njada Stonearm: Oh yeah! Farkas’s a good person and he’s like a brother to me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d do him if he’d let me.
Artanis: . . . I’m glad we had this talk.
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 23 Group 114
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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The Companions: Kodlak Whitemane, Skjor, Farkas, Vilkas, Aela the Huntress, Njada Stonearm, Ria, Athis, Torvar, Vignar Gray-Mane (& Brill, Eorlund Gray-Mane, Tilma the Haggard)
Iruma's Adopted Family: Suzuki Iruma, Opera, Sullivan
Submissions are still open!
The Companions:
The Companions are a guild of warriors stationed in Whiterun, one of Skyrim’s capital cities. Members of the Companions refer to each other as Shield-Siblings (“Shield-Brother/“Shield-Sister”). Although they claim not to recognize an official leader, Kodlak acts as the guild’s chief advisor and is viewed as a sort of father figure. The guild’s senior members (Kodlak, Skjor, Farkas, Vilkas, Aela) comprise a sub-faction called The Circle and secretly possess the ability to transform into werewolves.
Iruma's Adopted Family:
Iruma's parents sell him to a demon and instead of eating him that demon becomes his doting grandfather and buys him literally everything he could possibly want or need. Opera is his nonbinary catbutler and they are also super protective of Iruma they are all family they love each other Iruma loves them very much and appreciates them for removing him from his abusive parenrs
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TESMERmay 2022 --- MY ideas :)
Ha, ha ha, HAHAHAHAHA!
Long post
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ft. Adoring Fan
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ft. Dravin Llanith
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ft. Baladas Demnevanni
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ft. my Nerevarine Sunny
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ft. Brithaur and Earil
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ft. my Dragonborn Nay and the companions
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ft. Aldos Othran
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ft. Arvel the Swift
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ft. my Nerevarine Sunny and Gureyne Selvilo
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phoenixofthestars · 2 months
love you too Njada 🥰
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Confession: I change the height of certain characters that I interact with a lot, ie The Companions. Farkas is the tallest. Vilkas isn’t quite as tall. I make Njada about 1/4 her original height. Suits her personality.
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madam-whim · 2 years
Making a List
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When Vilkas stepped into the mead hall alongside Aela, both of them in need of a bath after a job involving a cave full of bandits and a chase across what felt like the entirety of the Whiterun plains, he immediately noticed most of the other Companions gathered at the far end of the dining table, involved in an animated discussion about what seemed to be a piece of parchment on the table between them. That in and of itself wasn’t odd – it might just have been a contract of some kind, or a bounty letter, but the fact that Torvar wasn’t nursing a drink and Njada and Athis weren’t fighting caught his attention. He could tell from the look on Aela’s face that she was equally intrigued, and so she was right behind him as he walked over to the group.
“What exactly are you doing?” he asked them, and while he wasn’t quite sure what kind of answer he had expected, “Making a list!” was not it. It was also not a very satisfying answer, a thought Aela immediately voiced.
“A list of what?” she questioned. “It can hardly be more shopping, given that we passed Farkas and Rienn down at the market, and they’re busy lugging around whatever Tilma says we might need.”
“No, no, it’s nothing like that,” Ria said without looking up from, well, the list. She was currently adding something to it, Vilkas noticed, and did not deem it necessary to really answer the question.
“That looks about right,” she finally decided.
Athis, who sat next to her and therefore had the easiest time reading whatever it was she’d written down, nodded. “I’ve had that one thrown at me as well.”
“Would someone please explain what is on that list?” Aela finally cut in, clearly annoyed at being mostly ignored.
“Thanks, Aela,” Vilkas muttered – he was not a very patient man when it came to silly matters such as this.
It was Njada who finally spoke up.
“It’s nothing all that important, just something we’ve been thinking about for a while. You know how you always encounter some draugr whenever you enter an old ruin?”
“Yes, naturally,” Vilkas sighed. “I don’t see how that’s relevant, unless, of course, all of you have suddenly become very interested in the different types of undead warriors.”
“Not quite,” Njada said. “It’s not so much about the draugr themselves, but about what they say. We can’t understand any of it, but they do seem to have some favorite lines. Insults, if we’re right. So we’re making a list.”
“A list. Of insults.” Aela’s eyebrow shot up.
Vilkas could relate, and though he was not sure he really wanted to know, he still asked, “To what end?”
“Actually, that’s where Rienn comes in,” Ria explained. “She once told me that the draugr speak in what she called Dovahzul. The dragon language.”
“So we thought that since she’s pretty good at that shouting business by now, and the shouts are in the same language, she might… translate all of this stuff for us,” Torvar added. “That’s what the list is for, so we don’t forget anything now that we have an expert on hand.”
“And you are sure you have nothing better to do than to bother Rienn with this…?” Aela asked, somewhat amused.
Vilkas supposed that she didn’t quite see the point of knowing what insults some long-dead bonemen were spewing, and neither did he.
“We have some work to do, Athis and I,” Ria admitted. “But there’s no use in leaving now, it’s a vampire den and it’s nearby, so if we left now, we’d have to fight them at night. The sun’s going to go down in an hour or two. I’d rather fight them when I can retreat back into daylight.”
“Smart choice,” Vilkas found himself agreeing, even if he still did not necessarily approve of the way the four of them chose to spend their evening. “You don’t want to be out at night with those things chasing you.”
Nodding, Ria turned back towards the list and began scribbling another entry.
Aela simply shook her head at the others’ antics.
“Well, Vilkas, I think we should leave them to it,” she announced, grabbing his arm and leading him away from the group. “Let’s get ourselves cleaned up, and then we can rescue your woman in case they ambush her as soon as she’s done carrying a week’s worth of food.”
Vilkas simply rolled his eyes at her. “How many times do I have to tell you this? Rienn’s my friend, nothing more.”
“You just keep telling yourself that,” Aela smirked, patting him on the back. “She might still need a rescue, though, so you, my friend, should get rid of all that dust and blood clinging to you.”
The Harbinger rolled his eyes at the huntress, but let himself be pulled down the stairs towards the living quarters anyway.
The first thing he heard when he came back upstairs some time later was laughter. He hadn’t been gone that long – he’d only taken the time to wash up and get the worst of the blood off of his armor – but it seemed that Farkas, Rienn and Tilma have returned from the market. As Aela expected, the other Companions seem to have dragged Rienn into their ‘research’ already.
Farkas, meanwhile, was leaning on a pillar not far from the group, clearly amused, so Vilkas decided to join his brother.
“How long have they been at this?” Farkas greeted him, taking a sip from the mug he was holding.
Vilkas shrugged. “Not sure, but when Aela and I got here, they were already working on their collection of draugr insults and clearly had been at it for a while.”
“Except most of them don’t seem to be insults,” Farkas pointed out. “More like threats of pain and death.”
“Hardly surprising, if you ask me, but then again I suppose they’d find insults more fun.”
“Seems like it,” Farkas confirmed, “given that Athis suggested coming up with their own. Rienn says her vocabulary is limited though, at least where this stuff is concerned.”
“I can imagine,” Vilkas chuckled.
Rienn… did not like curses and insults all that much, and on the rare occasion she was angry enough to use them, the ones she already knew served her well enough.
He could hear her now, her tone exasperated but not yet at a point where rescue was necessary, talking about the one insulting phrase the Companions seemed to have uncovered.
“No, Torvar,” she explained with her face hidden in her hands while the other three cackled, “it’s really just a literal translation. Lir means worm. Nothing else. Dovahzul is very… direct. There aren’t many hidden meanings, and insults based on, let’s say, human anatomy don’t exist. No need to worry.”
“See, told you so,” Njada wheezed, though she was laughing so hard one could barely understand her.
“Do you think,” Farkas asked after listening in on that particular conversation for another few moments, “that it’s time to get Rienn out of there before the others get any other bright ideas?”
Vilkas, noting that there were, in fact, several more drinks than there had been on the table a while ago, nodded. “I think it is. Or else they might want to start learning shouts, and that is a spectacle I don’t want to witness.”
“Into the fray, then,” Farkas huffed as he pushed himself away from the pillar, and Vilkas followed. He still owed Rienn a favor anyway.
Dragonborn or not, there were simply some situations she needed help with, and dealing with slightly drunk Companions intent on learning how to insult dragons and draugr alike in their own language was certainly among them.
@tes-summer-fest​ Day 5: Language
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croptopscout · 10 months
I went to Jorrvaskr to sleep so I could sell all my shit the next morning and Njada was just. dead. literally still half on her bed. and everyone was just asleep like there wasn’t a dead body right there. just a normal day in whiterun
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thequeenofthieves · 2 years
Caitlin: You two should get a room.
Athis & Njada: ???
Vilkas: I agree, this tension is ridiculous.
Athis: But we're only standing next to each other?
Ria: Exactly.
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cherryflavr · 2 years
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Aela the Huntress, to Njada Stonearm, after Njada beats Athis in another wrestling match: You are stronger than me. I would have given him rabies.
Njada Stonearm: What.
Vilkas: *looks off into the middle distance in disappointment*
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paperraptor-blog · 2 years
Skyrim Marriage Options
Slowly growing list of Marriage Options and information about them.
Derkeethus (M)
Darkwater Pass
Trapped in a cell
Can fight
Level cap 30
Mining camp of Darkwater Crossing
Scouts-Many-Marshes (M)
Windhelm in the Argonian Assemblage
Cannot fight
Shahvee (F)
Windhelm docks, Eastmarch
Lives in the Argonian Assemblage
Ainethach (M)
Runs Sanuarach Mine and farmhouse
Cosnach (M)
Loves drinking
Lives in the Warrens
Muiri (F)
The Hag’s Cure in Markarth
Octieve San (M)
Retired veteran
Gambles, and drinks
Lives with daughter Evette
Omluag (M)
Lives in the Warrens
Perth (M)
Soljund’s Sinkhole
Sell things to him
Shares a house with Tuthul
Dark Elf
Athis (M)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Part of the companions 
Avrupa Sarethi (F)
Sarethi Farm
Alchemist with her own farm
Brelyna Maryon (F)
College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Likes Winstead Manor
Can become a vampire
Dravynea the stoneweaver (F)
Jenassa (F)
Drunken huntman in whiterun
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sadistic and obsessed with killing
Excels at stealth
Revyn Sadri (M)
Sadri’s used Wares in Windhelm
Dislikes Thieves
Sondas Drenim (M)
Goldenrock Mine
High Elf
Taarie (F)
Loving as a spouse
Radiant Raiment
Can live with her
Does night fight
Camilla Valerius (F)
The two exes will continue to be in your home.
She will return to Riverwood if her brother dies
Can live with her and her brother
Starts her own store
Gilfre (F)
Mixwater Millowner
Owns her own house
Keeps the household together
Cannot fight
Marcurio (M)
Level cap 40
Can fight
Pavo Attius (M)
Left Hand Mine
Owns Kolskeggr Gold Mind
Owns a house outside Markarth
Will remain in miner’s clothing
Quintus Navale (M)
Takes over the White Phial Shop when employer dies
Ria (F)
Jorrvaskr in whiterun
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Can join the blades
Can be a steward
Senna (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Does not fight
Dislikes breeze home with kids
Enjoys proud spire
Sorex Vinius (M)
Love triangle with Vivienne Ones and Roggvir (beheade)
Flirts with customers after marriage
Hates all homes except Proudspire Manor
Runs the Winking Skeever Inn
Viola Giordano (F)
Owns a home (that rivals Hjerim)
Aela the huntress (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Opens a shop
Dislikes most houses except proud spire
Essential till Glory of the Dead
Level cap 50
Can become vampire (mixed reviews)
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Aeri (F)
Aeri’s House in Anga’s Mill
Owner of Anga’s Mill
Owns her own house
Angrenor Once-Honored (M)
Argis the Bulwark (M) 
Opens a shop
Can fight
Balimund (M)
Owns a house
Adopted son Asbjorn Fire-Tamer
Runs the blacksmith shop
Belrand (M) 
Sellsword for hire
Level cap 40
Benor (M) 
Lives in the guardhouse (not a guard)
Calder (M) 
Level cap 50
Can fight
Erik the Slayer (M)
Can fight
Farkas (M) 
Member of the Companions
Can fight
Little dopey
Great with kids, sweet to a spouse
Monster in battle
Level Cap 50
If you Marry him you can invite Vilkas to be your steward
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Filnjar (M)
Shor’s Stone
Owns a house
Grelka (F)
Iona (F)
Can fight
Constant compliments
Jordis the sword-maiden (F)
Proud spire manor in solitude
Can fight
Level cap 50
Possible bug not allowing marriage
Lydia (F)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Mjoll the lioness (F)
Can fight
Level cap 40
Dislikes Thieves’ Guild
Worry about Markarth house
Like most houses
Where she goes, so does Aerin
Njada Stonearm (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Onmund (M) 
Nord Apprentice at College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level cap 30
Orla (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Daily income
Will not leave temple of Dibella
Roggi Knot-Beard (M) 
Can be a follower and a steward
Level cap 20
Stenvar (M) 
Sense of humor
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sylgja (F)
Shor’s Stone, The Rift
Does not fight
Temba Wide-Arm (F)
Kind and amiable wife
Dislikes breeze home
Does not fight
Mill owner
Torvar (M) 
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level cap 25
Uthgerd (F)
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Owns a house
Vilkas (M)
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level Cap 50
Steward Material
Fierce in a fight
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Vorstag (M)
Lives in the silver-blood inn
Level cap 40
Likes Heljarchen Hall
Candiate for the blades
Sweet and a badass
Wilhelm (M)
Cannot be a follower
Runs the Vilemyr Inn
Ysolda (F)
Whiterun near merchant stalls
Marriage perk: 100 septa’s per day
Does not fight
Crush on Mikael the bard
Drug dealer
Small house in Whiterun
Takes over Banered Mare if Ulda is killed
Likes Herjerchan hall
Gat gro-Shargakh (M)
Left hand mine (Before cleared of forsworn)
Marriage perk: 100 gold daily
Lives in Kolskeggr Mine
Borgakh the steel heart (F)
Mor Khazgur, Haafingar
Daughter of the Chief Larak
Level cap 30
Can fight
Ghorbash the Iron Hand (M)
Dushnikh Yal
Brother of Chief Burguk
Level cap 30
Potential Steward
Can fight
Ghorza gra-Bagoi (F)
Lives with her brother in Understone keep
Great Spouse
Moth gro-Bagol (M)
Understone Keep
Ghorza’s brother
Anwen (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Rayya (F)
Can Fight
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jasper-the-menace · 9 months
who are arenmir's friends? i read your story about them teaming up with krosis and it mentioned the companions, but who else is in their life?
Arenmir has a few friends and a lot more allies.
The Companions' inner circle: Aela, Farkas, and Vilkas
The Graybeards and Paarthurnax
The Companions who aren't in the inner circle: Athis, Njada Stonearm, Ria, and Torvar
Ri'saad's Khajiit Caravan: Ri'saad himself, Khayla, Atahbah, and Ma'randru-jo
They'll be gaining allies as I write more about them, Krosis, and the adventures to gather allies and take down Miraak.
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aardvark-123 · 11 months
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Drathyna acquired nice armour.
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Drathyna joined the Companions, and immediately suffered from Njada Stonearm's queen bee mentality. When will Njada realise that tearing other women down won't elevate her standing, but rather leave her isolated without friends?
By the way, I've decided not to bother with being a Youtube gamer, at least for the time being. I may write more SSLPs like the Silver-Heart Chronicles, though, and of course I'll draw a picture of Drathyna sooner or later.
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ariveth · 1 year
“eavesdrop” 👀
Njada Stonearm. A better name would be stone-tongue, given how brutally blunt she could be. None of the Companions liked Ariveth, this she'd known from the moment she'd first walked into Jorrvaskr, but the fiery warrior was certainly the one most likely to make it vocally known. She turns reluctantly from the dining table she'd been scouring for snacks, facing the warrior with crossed arms.
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"On your orders?"
"Yeah, so best heed well."
"Or what — are you going to challenge me to a duel for Farkas' honour?"
Njada scowls. "He may give you free reign around here, but that doesn't mean anyone else buys the cute act. I can see what you are, even if he can't."
"And what's that?"
"An egotistical, manipulative opportunist."
"Ah, poetic," Ariveth snickers. "C'mon. You think he needs protecting by you, from me? Big, tall, strong man like him? Think he'll be just fine without your concern."
"If you had any decency," Njada snaps, "you'd leave him be. He may not know any better, but he deserves more than to be toyed with."
She's not sure why that grates on her so much, but it propels her forward, her smirk disappearing. "'May not know any better'? I'd be shocked at how little credit you give him, were I not already aware of how often his so-called brothers and sisters disparage him. Think I haven't heard enough shouts of 'icebrains' and 'oaf' since I've been here?"
Njada bristles. "You've no right to judge us," she warns, "you don't know us."
"Right, and I don't care to." She's neither sure nor aware of what possesses her to continue, but the words spill out quick and without pause: "I know him, though. Warm, loyal, quick to forgiveness, selfless with the kindest heart I've known. The most formidable warrior among you; humble about it, too. I couldn't care less about how well he can interpret daedric text or contemplate the aurbis in the face of that."
The nord's eyes narrow. "Oh, such sweet words from a narcissistic, honourless mercenary. No wonder he's fallen for your deceit."
Ariveth smiles humorlessly. "He knows that narcissistic honourless mercenary far better than you'd think. Y'should get used to me being around."
"Fine," Njada sneers. "Bide your time. Sooner or later he'll kick you out himself."
Ariveth's grin widens. "I'll take that bet."
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wispytrails-blog · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://is.gd/SrCyKr
[Modify] NPC Replacer Skyrim: Njada Stonearm Lite v2
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“You don’t just waddle in here and get to speak to the boss. Who do you think you are? If you want to embarrass yourself, I won’t stop you. Kodlak is the Harbinger. He’s the closest thing you’ll find to a leader around here.”
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Njada (5)
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Njada (4)
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Njada (3)
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Njada (2)
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Njada (1)
This post contains mature content. Login to view.
[Modify] NPC Replacer Skyrim: Njada Stonearm
Modify Njada Stonearm to make her more attractive, interesting, and challenging to fight and survive alongside in Skyrim. Modify NPC Lite series is as the name suggest a lightweight mod that mostly uses your installed assets to beautify Njada. [Modify] Lite uses your installed body meshes and skin textures for ultimate optimization and performance friendly experience. All plugins are ESLify and will not count against your load order limit.
Easy Installation – Meet the requirements
then download and install using your favorite mod manager.
Requirements can be found through the following links:
(Choose only one Unofficial Skyrim Patch)
The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch SE
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch AE
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thequeenofthewinter · 2 years
Skyrim Characters Reacting to playing Spin the Bottle
Elisif the Fair: *prays to Diabella that the bottle lands on Falk—er doesn’t land on Ulfric* *spins uncertainly* *watches it spin with anticipation and nervousness* *lands on Falk* *squeals like a schoolgirl* *puts on lipstick*
Falk Firebeard: “Jarl Elisif, are you sure it is wise for you to participate in such ridiculous practices?” *pulls at collar* *backs away carefully from Elisif* “Oh, did you hear that? I think Sybille Stentor is calling my name. *runs away faster than if he were being chased by rampaging dremora*
Farkas: “So, you tell me I spin the bottle, and then I get to kiss someone? Where do I sign up? Can I do it more than once? Can I kiss everyone? *spins bottle* *bottle spins* *bottle spins* *bottle spins* *Farkas watches it with rapt attention* *bottle spins* *bottle spins* *bottle lands on Brynjolf* *full on make out session ensues*
Vilkas: *refuses to play because he is a wet blanket* *Farkas goes after him and drags him back* *reluctantly spins bottle* *bottle lands on Njada* *O_o* *Njada bites him*
Njada Stonearm: *growls ferally* *hisses* *goes back to kissing Vilkas*
Galmar Stone-Fist: “When I was younger, we used to play this game, but it was higher stakes…if you catch my drift.” *doesn’t look impressed* *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Ulfric* *looks at Ulfric with a raised brow* *Ulfric shakes his head but laughs*
Ulfric Stormcloak: *stares others sitting around the circle down intimidatingly* *says nothing* *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Elisif* “I’d sooner kiss the Emperor.” *moves bottle to the Dragonborn* "How would you like to be High Queen of Skyrim?"
Cicero: “Ohhh ho hoo! Kissing? Cicero kissing? Can Cicero kiss you, sweet listener?” *listener backs away carefully* “…can Cicero kiss the Night Mother then?” *crickets*
Brynjolf: “Now this is my type of game, lass.” *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Cicero* *Cicero cackles and pulls out a knife* “Um, lad, I am pretty sure we don’t need knives for this game.” *Cicero moves closer* *Brynjolf turns tail and runs* *Cicero chases while brandishing the knife*
Serana: “Hmm…this seems…interesting. I’ll bite.” *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Vilkas* *Njada hisses* *Serana hisses back* *girl fight ensues* *Serana wins* *accidentally bites Vilkas’ lip* *spits* “Why do you taste like dog?!”
Uthgerd the Unbroken: “Are you sure it is supposed to be kissing and not fighting? I used to play this when I was a girl, but we would fight each other.” *crickets* *shrugs* *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Mjoll* *raises brow* *kisses Mjoll aggressively* *Mjoll bites her lip* *kissing/fighting match ensues* *Aerin cries in a corner*
Vex: “As if any of you could handle me anyway.” *looks at Cicero chasing poor Brynjolf* “If I get that clown, I refuse to play.” *spins bottle* *bottle lands on Serana* *not sure if she is excited or terrified after seeing her accidentally bite Vilkas*
Mjoll the Lioness: “This is fun.” *looks at Uthgerd with a smile and a bloody lip* “Must I spin again?”
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