#no Kate is not ok 🤣
asteraceae-blue · 6 months
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thirteenisloved96 · 16 days
Also i would just like to say Kate Stewart i love you🫶🏻and shes gonna be in the next episode asjsndndnd
Me everytime i see kate stewart:
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pensbridge · 6 days
S3 First Reactions 🪞🐝🦋🪶
❤️ Already fangirled about the whole engagement night - the hugs, Hyacinth!!!
Colin not being able to stay away for that long after their engagement announcement and immediately excusing himself at Anthony's suggestion is exactly what I'd expect of him. ×
❤️ Colin calling out Portia. "out of love." 😢
❤️ "OUR BRIDGERTON NAME" is so important, because it's reiterating that Penelope's getting to choose her family when the one she was born into is so awful
He was so nervous when she didn't respond to their new home.
"Because I love you...Pen." 😢
"Are you sure?" PEN, no 😭😭😭
❤️ That mirror moment (i love how he said "the way your eyes shine when you look at me..." callback to her complimenting his eyes) "...And other things..."
bxtch they stuck with the thread of Colin not opening his eyes to stay in the dream and Pen checking to see if it's real when they kiss
The eye acting of Nicola and Luke! (they are being doe eyes x the intensity of his gaze or w/e it is)
The gulp <3 Nicola
"You are so beautiful."
❤️ The first time!!!
"I hope my husband.." - Fran, AND John -"I would not dream of it" 😯 asdfjgkglyl
Kate & El (got their s2 vibes)
Ahh, the "Do I look a mess?" "You are my mess" was delivered so perfectly.
cute, cute, cute riding through town in carriage (no personal space)
The hand kiss in front of portia!
Colin handing Eloise the spoon 🤣
❤️ the charades game - the cutest thing (they're holding hands)
Also, fuckin Anthony being tooo competitive 😆
Peneloise rights! The back 'n forth in the game 😬
The panic attack was high-octane; the concern in the scene was cute xxx
❤️ Fran looking at John & Violet hating this story lol.....and then, me noticing her realization to another child in love
❤️ The look & collar tug in the church (polin is so dorky & domestic already)
❤️ Soooooo....the spontaneous dance in the church is better than I thought it was gonna be...their goofy footwork, spinning in a multitude of circles "dancing with MY FUTURE WIFE in THE CHURCH WHERE WE WILL BE MARRIED" bye
Part 1, the ton jokes and bullies them and Part 2, we just see people that can't help but get happy and giddy when they see their young love. Violet and Lady Danbury awwing at polin and embracing them in the park!!!
❤️ "I am going to look at the very fine wainscoting" -John, please! 😅
"Not every attachment must be dramatic and hard-fought." - Francesca 😢 bby, you're right
I legit went from this man has the crazy eyes ppl talk about to *tired eyes Wide-Open*... Bi Benedict?! ..I'm getting Bi Benedict?! (I was like: Why?Is?He?Staring?at?him?Like?That? (i knew i sensed the vibes! The Best Surprise!!!)
"This dance does not compare to a private waltz in the church where we'll be married." She's SO cute! "Well perhaps we shall have to add some flourish." Stop. km now (that's so him! he is so dumb; they're married already and dumb as they should be! ×)
Props again with the deaf representation & the sass when Miss Cressida enters the ball
"A scandal writer for a daughter. Can you imagine?" - Portia (i'm sorry i love this whole sequence)
Polin gets more perfectly dork w/stepping on feet being included during their dance at The Mondrich Ball (that's very them)
Thank god for Bridgerton giving us hour long episodes in this 2nd part.
❤️ Eloise admitting she's wrong (and so casually) 😢 ps i think they both have faults but i just love this
❤️ "The column began because I felt powerless in my own home." - Pen (well, i'm glad she said it!)
ok, now Pen admits her faults. all is right again
❤️ Irish accent again
"You are Lady Whistledown." This reveal was everything
omg, was this the scene where he wasn't supposed to cry, but did?! What would I have done without this reaction in such an important moment?! 😢
I love how Penelope highlighted the voiceless as she said she should with Eloise in her new edition of Whistledown
Violet to Agatha - "..but I hope you know that my care for you is not contingent on your aid." 😢 (she sees her)
This whole fight outside the modiste's. 😭
"I have been careful. You have been foolish.."
❤️ "I LOVE YOU" and he was shocked (an 'ily for you' moment) [i was not expecting the follow up to his line to go like that]
❤️ They deserve a hot passionate makeout before they are married where they get completely caught up after fighting.
"What am I chopped liver?" yes Anthony in this situation you are.
❤️ Violet calling in Kanthony for Colin marital advice
❤️ Yellow
The look at each other down the aisle.
❤️ Vows. Weddings on this show are usually so unhappy, but I appreciate that Colin is still so reassuring & clearly beaming about this when there is residual upset/confusion.
❤️ Eloise cryyinng
Ben's line to El- "..The friendship you have with Penelope... As the one you have with Colin." xxx (she doesn't wanna lose them)
"OUR child will always be a Bridgerton, but I should like them to know that they are a Sharma as well." fxck 🥲
"I should like to dance with my husband.."
The disappearing people in the wedding dance. like they're the only 2 ppl in the room! (Bridgerton either has it out for me [to cry] or loves me so much)
ANTHONY 👁👁 Marcus & Violet
Colin's hand caressing on Pen's face at the end of the dance they're really coming for me (bro did he almost kiss her?!??? i freaked out; had to rewind)
The queen excusing all non-Bridgertons + "Penelope, you are a Bridgerton now."
I kind of love that "Everyone except the Bridgertons are to scatter," but Lady Danbury's just there
GOD (I knew it as soon as it was coming) Eloise hugs Pen <3 🥲
ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod bi Ben
❤️ The hair grab!
This printer's assistant is on my shit list
"It is not up to you what we do." 🤭❤️🤣 Colin mad but still ready to defend his wife (as it should be)
"I know my father was a good man and you are a good friend." Violet-Agatha feels
🙀He kept the letters!
💛John's words to Mama Bridgerton (her children's traits)
She said she was a fumbling mess in front of Edmund like 5 minutes before she is fumbling in front of Marcus
"Then how am I meant to help you?" ❤️ "By loving me."
❤️ Pen's love confession
"....to be a young lady to whom no one listens." - Pen!~Eloise shared look
Philippa + her "bugs"
😲 Lady Danbury x Pen (she knew! ❤️)
❤️ Colin's love confession (them crying together x)
El traveling with Johncesca
Mi-MICHAELA Stirling ... Bridgerton I swear if you are queerbaiting
OH MY GOD! Mama Bridgerton's words -FRANCESCA is fumbling her words.
❤️ Colin focussing on the hands in bed
Pen on top!
"Your father is always trying to distract with a clever word &..." "You think my smile is beguiling?" x "I could not have written without the help of Auntie Penelope." They are so obsessed with each other
Philomena?! did i hear that rt? omg Philippa
Yay we got confirmation of Colin's book! (I can only hope they're sitting in bed reading next season).
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The world moves too fast now for anyone to get to the levels of Julia and George in the 90s/early 2000s....now you can literally be hot on Monday and not on Tuesday. The markets are oversaturated and social media has literally changed the world now people literally know every single thing there is to know about you within 30 minutes of you appearing in public and before people had years to get to know and love someone now everyone moves too fast to Carr and if they don't like you now then it's OK cos their is 30 other people exactly like you for them to choose from.
I also think Meghan has overplayed her hand too many times and she the fact she doesn't have a specific demographic to cater to either hurts her and any brand she's trying to build she's too old for the TikTok crowd she's too young and common for the NYC old money society crowds she's not talented or famous enough for Hollywood she literally doesn't have a single space she can occupy even the oh I'm famous cos I married someone famous club is ram packed and the only difference she had was she married royalty but now he's not even royalty he's 3rd row Harry on a commercial flight home and hour later.
She really put a lot into her "The Duchess/Duchess Meghan brand in the 2 or so years she was a royal and then spent the next 3 years completely smashing it to shreds....like why should we care that she's royal if being royal is as awful as she says it is?
Even the mom and baby club is full and it's full of people who actually show their kids 🙈 celebrity lifestyle and wellness?? Full and with people whi project an aspirational lifestyle....do you want to be like the 40 year old ex actress who spends her whole life fighting with her family and suing the press? Nope...me neither.
If she had spent the last 3 years building her own brand instead of trying to tear down the RFs she might be in better shape.
Even the divorce is gonna go against her IMO cos people genuinely just don't like her, she's not authentic and people can spot she's a fake a mile off, that's why the sugars and her PR attack Kate so much Kate is the real deal, anyone with half a brain cell can tell she was born to do this in fact she does it better than most of the people who were born to do this but Kate also knows this takes work she has honed her skills for over 2 decades..... Meghan is too petty, juvenile and lazy to do that or anything close to it.
I don't see WME being a game changer for her either, she loves attaching herself to big brands and names cos it makes her feel important but she doesn't have any follow through and nothing comes of it, have you ever heard of the sadim touch? It's the opposite to the midas touch and that's what she has. I know we all like to joke but she literally turned a prince into a pauper, he was the most popular royal (even more popular than the monarch) and now he's known as the frozen todger guy sitting in the nosebleeds at his fathers coronation 🙈
Sorry for the essay, if you made it this far congrats 🤣🤣
Great essay!!
I agree with you generally, but I think she a window. The royal connection (tenuous as it is right now) is valuable and it differentiates her. Also, the “feminist princess” brand the palace built for her is still compelling. They did a great job for her there. The “royal Rachel Zane” persona would still sell.
WME can’t do miracles, but they can get her a guest spot in The View. They can’t get her a job, but they can get her a guest spot, particularly if she delivers a second season of Archetypes that is not seven episodes of narcissism. She can go on Drew’s show. She can get the ghostwriter to write her a bestselling memoir that is not just cringe bitching about her family. She can get someone talented to write her a few good essays for Time. If she’s smart and she works hard she can do it. If she’s super smart and she divorces him, she has an even better chance of sound it.
But that’s the problem. She’s not smart and she doesn’t work hard. She’s going to buy herself some awards, do some random passive aggressive bitching, pose for a few paps, and call it a day. So, in the end, it’s not going to work out for her.
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meghansmallrocks · 1 year
Oh Harold what have you done?
All one can start with is thank The lord HMTQ isn’t alive today to witness this open brutal assault on all the royal family! Yes Harold has attacked almost every body in his famous long standing family to the point where us British are now getting sickened by his one sided narrow minded missile firing even his much loved cousins father has come under the launch,how does she feel today after having his back throughout most of it ! Harold bangs on about his king in waiting brother, has he forgotten that his beloved mother instillled into them that they watch each other and must support each other I cannot imagine if she where alive today that Harold would be doing all this ! Therin lies the quandary let’s change things up The Princess of wales is still alive and Harold has married his first love Chelsey Daley would this spoilt poor me Prince be kicking up a Dust storm ?? I don’t think so!!! So what happened Harold who and what has made you so angry and hostile that you emotionally damage your own family! If one was to take an educated guess one would point a finger straight at your odious narcissistic wife! Did she whisper in your ear that monetising your pillow talk would be a great idea as let’s face it you don’t have much else! Oh yes Harold you where in the British Armed Forces but it seems you have now brought them in too the firing line so to speak… are you that closed up that you put out into the world that you killed 25 human beings, do you not understand the unwritten rule of not speaking about the happenings of war …Guess Not!
Ironic isn’t it how your evil overlord bangs on about sexist titles for women but gives Kate “Baby Brain!”.
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“I want my father back my brother” are you kidding me after this silly shindig your family are going to come running “Darling Boy we are soooo sorry we love you come back and all will be as before”. You and Your wife will be the star of the show your children will be running around protected under the Titles from the king? My God Harold what planet are you on? The only one I can think of is one in Meghan’s solar system. The thing is now what do we believe? Meghans cap doffing street dancing version or the Royal family who have remained dignified and silent? Now no one is saying your brother and you did not have ballistic rows most siblings do but publicly putting it out there whilst raging that your need for privacy reeks of hypocrisy!
Can I ask you Harold in what context was it ok for your wife to visit HMTQ on her deathbed and you absolutely know this is why you never caught that plane so blame the right person who caused a huge fuss that you missed spending time with Gan Gan in her final moments!
So let’s get to the raw meat of it all The Title’s now we all are pretty aware there is a call for you and your evil overlord ..I mean Wife to be stripped but you Harold will remain as from birth a Prince ergo if you lose the titles she could become Princes Henry of Wales almost equal to Katherine right? Is that why your wife is constantly calling now for you to just give the titles back and why are you resisting Harold does your narrow small mind realise that this would be the final straw for your family???
My last words to you Harold is… please for Gods sake shut your whining self adoring wife down and shut Your extremely huge complaining GOB!!! ….just to give our ears a long needed rest!.
This is all subject to rumours of course 🤣🤣🤣
By Jus Tiz …Who Was Forced To Be Quiet For A While!
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phrackingineffable · 11 months
4x08 thoughts part 2
Love how they all said “body swap” in unison, like sure, this is what we do now.
Love Tunji getting to use his own accent. (I’m sure it’s not his actual accent but hey, closer than the American one!)
Bess is banned from the historical society but “Nick” is not. Nickbody Bess couldn’t have just run in and grabbed them?
Nancy as Ace is way more chill than actual Nancy
Can’t wait to be a fly on the wall next time she speaks ASL with Thom and he’s like wtf happened
The face Kennedy makes right after Thom asks to speak to Ace alone is her single best Ace mannerism of the whole episode.
Awww, Ryan, she DOES need Dad #2!!
I really really hope Nick was just being an ass and doesn’t think that the dessert is actually called a tort.
Ok some of Kennedy’s sulky glares are pretty damn good too. She did a better job than I gave her credit for the first time through.
Law school dude may be many things but he sure as hell isn’t 21 and frankly conventionally attractive is pushing it.
Never gonna get over Alex’s Nancy run.
There is no way Nancy would let that little strand of hair remain in Ace’s face. You know she’d be running her hands through it every three seconds.
No yacht club admin has ever been that rude to a yacht club guest and kept her job.
I love wingman Nick, and George actually smiling!
Where did all these waitresses come from and why did they have to open late if they have them?
Love Ryan’s “oh shit” face
Ok, so it’s great that the black door makes you forget what you did and all, and lucky you for eliminating the guilt, but it doesn’t get rid of the evidence does it? What did the dude that got arrested at the yacht club think would happen? The cops would just go away after he forgot?
The head of the evil angel figurehead looks like an old mannequin that lost its wig.
I love that when the door glows red is when she realizes “the black door!” No sweetie that’s a stripey door.
I know others have pointed this out but it never stops being funny that they tried to stay apart for ONE SINGLE DAY before giving it up as a lost cause.
I have questions about the depths of that ocean.
What, no gratuitous wet tshirts? He got soaked! It even made sense!
Yes, of course the happier memories hurt more. You don’t miss the sad ones.
I mean, banishing with kitchen supplies is sort of your brand, Bess.
“Satellite facility” two blocks away from the original location in a building with a public youth center that we’re all sort of ignoring. 🤣 Also I know Maine’s cost of living isn’t super duper high, but he’s gonna run out of money eventually right? Right? The Claw is not bringing it in.
Ok, you’re literally Dad #2, how is that not family?
Where is Ryan living these days?
I want Costco cake now.
Still mad Ace missed the cake fight.
Love that body swap day is a “normal” day. (Autocorrect says body wasp day. I do not need that episode. Doctor Who was bad enough thank you.)
I remembered the thing I forgot last night!! Those poor set dressers who had to clean up the cake fight! I hope someone saved some for them to eat (unless they never wanted to see cake ever again).
Ok, if cake fights were a regular thing you know Kate bought some tarps. Put down the tarp before you throw the cake!!
Love that choked back confession before “good night”.
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dancingtotuyo · 2 months
Congrats!! 🎉
Ok I have two questions but I’m sending them separately. First, do you associate any songs with Scathed?? 🎶
Do I associate any songs with Scathed? OF COURSE! I’ve got a whole playlist titled “Javi & Emily” which I reveal in its entirety one day 🤣 but for now I’ll give you a few!
Unsteady by X Ambassadors
It’s Nice To Have A Friend and Peace by Taylor Swift
Halo by Beyoncé
Break on Me by Keith Urban
And my current fav (you can thank @janaispunk for this one): Two Weeks Ago by Maisie Peters (it is very current to where we are in their story chapter 9/10)
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kiestrokes · 9 months
I have no idea how many asks I've sent you this week 🤣 Sunny and I have talked about Pretty in Pink before but now I'm asking you.
Between BTS, SKZ, ATZ, who would be in each clique in Pretty in Pink? Bonus if you cast the main characters.
Ok so I find the clique structure less definitive in PiP, it’s mostly Rich vs Poor. So I’ll give you a little casting.
Pretty In Pink: Duckie - Hongjoong, please HJ sing Try a Little Tenderness to me 🤗 (arguably also Taehyung) Andie - Felix (Jimin for Taehyung though) Iona - Yeosang Jenna - Minho Simon - Mingi Blane - Jimin (Yoongi for Jimin and Tae versions) Steff - Jungkook 🫣 Benny - Hyunjin (sorry bby) Kate - Hobi (sorry bby #2)
Sixteen Candles: (my sleep deprived brain went here first) The Nerds my stray kids 😅 these anime loving dorks.
The Loaners ATEEZ! they're that wild mix of nerd, choir boys, skaters and artists.
The Preps Gotta be Bangtan...they're the "popular boys" who are misunderstood.
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angesaurus · 1 year
Have you met any authors or famous people?
I have met: David Boreanaz, Noah Wyle (ER) (they were both INCREDIBLY nice), Kate Flannery (Meredith from the office she was the nicest person on the planet), Joey Fatone from Nysnc (in 2011 lol so not during peak NSYNC days! Also extremely nice), Katherine McPhee (American idol), Marc Paul Gosselar (Zac Morris), Breckin Meyer (also two very nice people), Anna Kendrick, Emily blunt (neither of them were nice and it made me so sad), Tom Hardy (though I did not know who he was at the time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣), a couple actors from the twilight movies (people who played werewolves no one very famous), and I’m sure there were a few more but I am blanking. I met them all because i used to work for a traffic / radio station in Philly and one of the on air people had a show where he interviewed people. Bradley cooper came in on my day off, I was DEVASTED.
I also met the guy who played Mr Belding on saved by the bell, he came to my college.
I’ve also met various bands at music festivals. My favorite one was the lead singer of Relient K because he asked me how long I’d been a fan of the band and I told him since I was in 8th grade and I’m a junior in college now and he was like… wow ok we’re old 🤣
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
The kids getting the titles is no doubt her latest game changer moment she's oh so fond of but IMHO her problem is that she's trying to see something to an audience who has no interest in buying. The royals in HW was a fun novelty and now it's done and people are like (in my best shania voice);ok so you have a royal title that don't impress me much....like what's next? What else do they have to offer? NOTHING. And that's why it won't work, not only do people not care that these two kids they know nothing about have been given a title they literally mean NOTHING in America 🤣🤣🤣 ok so say she gets the TTC carriage and balcony shot that'll get her a few days coverage if she's lucky and then what? NOTHING. Her and Harry are good at getting your attention but they can't hold your attention, I honestly don't see any of this as a win in the long run. She's better off than she was but she's no where near where she thought/wants to be and that will ALWAYS eat away at her. They'll always be one step behind Willam and Kate and THAT will never change.
(in my best Shania voice) - LOVE! I have been listening to 90's country the past few days and when her songs come on I sing at the top of my lungs!
I think the issue is that her being front and center with her kids while standing next to The King is an award for all their bad behavior. It is also something that will be used time and again for all of her future tell-alls, books, interviews, etc. It just gives her more to talk about. They are basically handing her a loaded AR and telling her to point it at them.
They'll always be one step behind Willam and Kate and THAT will never change.
And this is what will ALWAYS bother her more than anything. She might get one side of the balcony but William will be on the other in full military garb with his gorgeous, slim, radiant wife and three beautiful children.
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stevishabitat · 6 months
Live Stevi Reactions to: The Giggle
Soho, lol
Racist German toy maker... how... original... 😒
Oh we're revisiting The Wire now? The evil of TV.
Seasons Greedings, Lois & Clark style, yeah?
Helicopters again? Is this unused 50th footage?
Hugging? We're hugging now? Kate is hugging now???
Everyone is infected with Trumpism? Gross
Definitely Seasons Greedings
So, we're doing the Christmas Invasion again, huh? Torchwood, missiles? Except now it's it's UNIT.
School Reunion vibes
How does DT just *turn on* the big sad eyes??? 🥺🥺🥺
Why has everyone's makeup been so off in these episodes? I thought it was just the promo pics, but no, everyone is just a little fake-tan looking and it looks like thick foundation. Are we afraid of letting white Brits be naturally pale? Trying to hide David's freckles? David had it, NPH had it, even Kate Stewart looked like she was in stage make-up. Wtf? Do BBC make-up artists not know the difference between stage makeup and makeup for HD TV???
I totally forgot about NPH's up close magic skills until this moment
So we're doing Eleventh Hour now? Prisoner Zero?
With choreography? Once More With Feeling...
Ellimist & Crayak
NPH is naaaaasty
Here we go again...
That is creepy as hell
They each have half an outfit
Double or nothing 🤣🤣🤣
This is quite possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen
Twink Battle!!!
The filming looks weird. Were the three of them not actually on-set at the same time? This is definitely giving me "shot separately and stitched together" vibes, which is really unfortunate because it really could have been much better
Self love saves the day 😭😭😭
Bloody hell, was that Lucy Saxon???
I'm thinking 14 needs therapy so that 15 can finally be OK
Then 15 “We're doing rehab out of order" lol, see, told ya
The slow path, idiot.
Your turn to be left behind and you get better than a coral fragment, be grateful
So the ramps mean it's accesible not only for Shirley, but for Wilf too... Feels 😭
Mixed feelings about the 14 thing. It does really solve the whole "weight of the universe" problem of modern Who though. Because let's be honest, it's getting really old and tired.
Still feels a bit cheeseball and a bit iffy for 15 if fucking David Tennant is just hanging around in the background of the storyline.
But seriously, please let us have a truly happy, healthy, joyful Doctor for a change.
Oh holy moly I'm liking 15's theme😍😍😍���😍😍😍
And the jukebox 🤣 And the party lights
Let's have a bit of levity for awhile. The world needs it.
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goshdarnitjay · 5 months
lmao why do I feel like this is Kate and Natasha as werewolves (with Yelena yelling)???? Cuz from all the snippets lately with Natasha and Kate bickering Yelena really seem like the tired single parent out of the three.
but on the side note, why did the golden just sit there and let it happen tho 😭
OK but the golden retriever is Kate 🤣💜💚 while Natasha roasts her for something or other. And yes I agree, the mom-voice is Yelena. she may call Natasha a mom, but she's very Concerned^TM, OK?!
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theatrekidstatus · 6 months
Chapter 19
Anthony ramos pov:"We should throw a baby shower/gender reval party" she suggest "your right ill decorate" "thank you so much"
    "i just woke up from a-WHAT THE HELL" she exclaimed "you dont like it" i asked "no......I LOVE IT" she exclaim. "THANK GOODNESS" i was struggling "let me get me dressed then we can invite people" "ok"
I wore this and anthony wore this
"YOU LOOK SO CUTE BEA" she blurted "ditto" Anthony said "do i l-ook b-ig a-lready" i stutter "your not stupid but that was a pretty dumb questions" she whisper "sorry" i stammer "NO IM SORRY" he squeals "i love you so much" i utter "then how do i love you more?" he questions "lets start inviting people"
Dark bitches in white girl
Will you go to our baby shower?
Morgan Saylor:yes
Brian Marcyes
Justin Bartha:yes
Bobbi Salvör Menuez;yes
Chris Noth:yes
Ralph Rodriguez:yes
Men and monters
Kelvin Harrison Jr:yes
Jasmine Cephas Jones:yes
Chanté Adams:yes
Rob Morgan:hell yA
Lindsey Morgan:mj,
Pico Alexander:sure
Caitlin Stasey:yes sir
Rita Volk:ill be there
Amadeus Serafini:    ill be there early
Jon Rudnitsky:ill tryqns make it
Edward Burns:i got you
Zoe Levin:just for y/n
Cara Buono:for yiu bestie boo
Nicole Beharie:OFC
Millie Bobby Brown:if my mom says yes😭😭
Vera Farmiga:mother says you can go😜
Kyle Chandler:so dose dad
Sally Hawkins:im literally hawkins but ye
Ken Watanabe:why not
Zhang Ziyi:kwollio
Charles Dance:coolio my doolio
Bradley Whitford:yes
Thomas Middleditch:sure
Elizabeth Ludlow:if im not tied or nothing
David Strathairn:no.
Aisha Hinds:YES
Laurie DhuHER:DUR
Jonathan Howard:erm sure
Tyler Crumley:cook
Orelon Sidney:sure
CCH Pounder:is there food
Kelli Garner:yeah OFC
Rose Bianco:why even ask
Lyle Brocato:sure cutie
Josh Winot:his dick odvisouly
Justice Leak:duh stupid bitch
T.C. Matherne:fuck hoe DUR
Al Vicente:YALL ARE SO MEAN😭😭😭 Yeah ant
Natalie Pero:sure ramos
Fiona Hardingham:duh martinez
Paul S. Ryden:mhm ant
Zac Zedalis:cool Anthony
Kenneth Israel:ofc pual
Skylar Denney:WHO
Vince Foster:his middle name
Jesse O'Neill: sí señor
Madeline Brumby: KOOL
Patti Schellhaas KWOLOIO
Joey Beni:CWOOL
Joey Thurmond:mhm
Mason Pikea:sure
Aaron Taylor-Johnson:idk
Bryan Cranston:what ev
T.J. Story:DOY
Jason Liles:DOI
John Bubniak:ig
AlExAnDeR hAmIlToN
                                                                              Guess what
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽:chicken butt?
Pippy poo😀🥹☺️😃😅😊😄😂😇😁🤣🙂😆🥲🙃:imma be der first
Mommy nèa(not dirty🙄)😉😗😝🤓😌😙😜😎😍😚🤪🥸🥰😋🤨🤩😘😛🧐🥳:you littarly live down the street from the, but yes from me
Loser Leslie 🤫😐🙄😲🫠🫤😯🥱🤥😑😦😴😵‍💫😶🫨😧🤤🤐🫥😬😮😪🥴:mhm
Weird David 😮‍💨🤢🤕👹😵🤮🤑👺😵‍💫🤧🤠🤡🤐😷😈💩🥴🤒👿👻🤖:yes sir
ThEy DiDnT sAy I CoUlDnT sIng 🤝🏾🤛🏾✌🏾🤌🏾👍🏾🤜🏾🫰🏾🤏🏾👎🏾🫷🏾🤟🏾🫳🏾👊🏾🫸🏾🤘🏾🫴🏾✊🏾🤞🏾👌🏾👈🏻:what do you take for
Christopforgetme👶🏾🧑🏾👩🏾‍🦰👱🏾‍♂️👧🏻👨🏾🧑🏾‍🦰👩🏾‍🦳🧒🏾👩🏾‍🦱👨🏾‍🦰🧑🏾‍🦳👦🏿🧑🏾‍🦱👱🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍🦳👩🏾👨🏾‍🦱:im littarly her dad💀💀💀duh
Oakyyyyy the uncool tree👉🏾🤚🏾🫲🏾✍🏾👆🏾🖐🏾🫱🏾🙏🏾🖖🏾👇🏾💪🏾🫵🏾☝🏾👋🏾🦾🦶🏾✋🏾🤙🏾🖕🏾🦵🏾: im littarly her bro 💀💀
Unhonset feet
Liam Neeson:i thought i star strucked you
Kate Walsh:lemme wash some clothes AND ILL COME
Jeffrey Donovan:ill be early
Robert Patrick:mhm
Jazzy poo bear😭🙄🔛🔝‼️🗞️🧍🏼‍♀️🫶🏾🤭🎶🗣️🪄✅😑👍🏾🩷😂👦🏿🖕🏾😘❕🔥😔👦🏾💞👹❗️🔊🎩👦🏽: i alr said yes
Michael Malvesti:if you name the baby after me
Devon Diep:if i rember
Herlin Navarro:can i prefromer
Lewis D. Wheeler:might not be social but sure
Jose Guns Alves:i will be social and go
Osmani Rodriguez:duh
Adam Teper:i will be social but wont go
Mark Rhynard:will the Hamilton cast be there
Jeffrey Wright:doy
Guy Cooper:dur
James Milord:doi
Kayla Caulfield:yes
Adrian M. Mompoint:ye
Arthur Hiou:cool
In the fights😜😜😜😜
Melissa Barrera:if you kid dont be shaking they ass for half of the hights
Stephanie Beatriz:ODVI
Ariana Greenblatt:if shes the barrios best
Christopher Jackson:im littarly her third dad
Marc Anthony:sure name twin
Rita Moreno:mabey
Daphne Rubin-Vega:just because i havent seen her in FOREVER
Corey Hawkins:IF THERES FOOD
Leslie Grace:yes
Dascha Polanco:what
Jimmy Smits:can i be the god father
Olga Meredir:GOD MOTHER
Isabella Iannelli:dun
Gregory Diaz IV:mhm
Hailey Jade Panchame:♣︎no♣︎
Luis A. Miranda Jr.:yeah
Susan Pourfar:purr
Hannah Hathaway:bored
Seth Stewart:uh huh
Javier Muñoz:★yes★
Doreen Montalvo:i need to eat
Kadrolsha Ona Carole:today right
The Kid Mero:yes
Nicholas Stewart:yes
Maria Hinojosa:yes
Protest Leader:yes
Serge Onik:yes
Jessica Castro:yes
Daymien Valentino:yes
Leo Moctezuma:yes
Martha Nichols:yes
Julia Harnett:yes
Tom Berklund:yes
Rhapsody James:yes
Ryan Woodle:yes
Noah Catala:yes
Graffiti Pete:yes
Andre Da Silva:yes
Mateo Gómez:yes
Francisco Solorzano:yes
Jos Laniado:yes
Nina Lafarga:yes
Annie Pisapia:yes
Ken Holmes:yes
Nelson Coates:yes
Valéry Lessard:yes
Yesy Garcia:yes
Sam Rockwell:duh
Richard Ayoade:duh
Zazie Beetz:duh
Lilly Singh:mhm
Marc Maron:duh
Alex Borstein:duh
Nyvi Estephan:duh
Onoe Matsuya:duh
Craig Robinson:duh
Yūko Kaida:duh
Jean-Pascal Zadi:duh
Ken Yasuda:duh
Kappei Yamaguchi:duh
Kimiko Saitō:duh
Saverio Raimondo:duh
Fumito Kawai:duh
First Summer Uika:duh
Shohei Osada:duh
Kurt Krömer:duh
Pierre Niney:duh
Elise Schaap:duh
Igor Gotesman:duh
Maasa Takahashi:duh
Sebastian Bezzel:duh
Jannis Niewöhner:duh
Max Giermann:duh
Rômulo Estrela:duh
Fynn Kliemann:duh
Mr. Shark:duh
Alice Belaidi:duh
Andrey Burkovskiy:duh
Sergio Guizé:duh
Walt Dohrn:duh
Babu Santana:duh
Frank Lammers:duh
Mikhail Bashkatov:duh
Joyce Ilg:duh
Luis Lobianco:duh
Valerio Lundini:duh
Barbara Goodson:duh
Gijs Naber:duh
Nasrdin Dchar:duh
Ulrikke Brandstorp:duh
Jody Bernal:duh
Margherita Vicari:xuh
Miss Tarantula:duh
Jeppe Beck Laursen:duh
Denise Aznam:duh
Rayen Panday:duh
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theblogtini · 2 years
Oh don't worry darlings, did you not read that very special article last week that said Meghan and Harry are also prepared to extend olive branches and actually reconcile aaafterrrrr Harry's memoir and their Netflix show is out. Like they totally want to make up and will absolutely do it. But just later. Much much later. They just want to get this pesky business of financial independence out of the way first. Like lol but also wow! Because Meghan is so nice and homely but also such a professional. So it doesn't matter if that boring Kate extends olive branches in December ok, because she will just be copying awesome Meghan who plans to do 10months from now. Meghan has pinky promised, she totally will reconcile (after their careers have bombed and failed in the US)
LOL the articles about their "year of reconciliation" or whatever were priceless.
Oh, we know we caused everyone immense pain and creating a ton of drama for well over 2 years - but now that we're well and truly fucked we're going to make it a point to apologize to everyone. But only AFTER we see how people like the Netflix show and the book - because if those things do well then forget it.
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meghansmallrocks · 1 year
Blessed are those who give without remembering..Evil are those who snipe remembering everything!
It was a sunny day at the castle the mood was somber in the crowd for a Beloved monarch had passed so quickly so unexpected that the crowds wanted to pay their respects. Members of the family were expected to come and shake hands say kind words and respect to be paid but where were they ? Late! . The beloved family where never late always on time never tardy. Nobody had any idear who was going to come but rumours and whispers in the crowd that someone senior was coming but late?..Was it happening nobody could say for sure. Meanwhile a huge argument was ensuing between two brothers as one brother had just received a telephone call saying the younger and his wife where leaving with a camera crew in tow to go and pay their respects lay flowers and receive the crowd with huge adoration and humble words.
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Now the older brother was seething as he could not believe that his tone deaf brother and his evil overlord wife were off by themselves to receive the throngs of people lining the road with cameras in tow, he suddenly realised that the wife needed the all important pictures of her and his brother laying flowers and shaking hands as he was told that the wife had monopolised and monetised pictures of herself visiting children who had died in the most evil awful circumstances that this needed to stop! Immediately the brother dispatched an aide to stop them and picked up the telephone.
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What was said in this telephone call one can imagine wouldn’t have been pleasant as the younger Prince insisted that he and his odious narcissistic wife have the right to go to do the greet and meet and they where doing nothing wrong! Eh? Is he really that blind and idiotic to believe his odious wife’s whispering that dragging his own camera crew to record his wife’s dramatic gestures was so wrong and so disrespectful,that a full on row ensued for over 30 minutes until the older Prince much to his own dignified wife’s horror told the pair to wait and they will come and pick them up in a car but under no circumstances was there to be any film crew or photographers involved! Now the younger Princes wife was not happy not only did she have too sit in the car with the wife she disliked she would not get the all important pictures of her and her moronic husband laying flowers for the crowds she so dearly coveted.
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Oh dear Meghan Windsor did you not realise that William of Wales has ears everywhere being a king in waiting and senior to your mind numbing husband that he would find out what your plans where before you had time to put them in motion? Before you had time to have the all important pictures of you clad in black laying flowers for the crowd weeping? You didn’t did you as you had to sit in a car completely ignored then suffer the indignity of people refusing to shake your hand and aides making sure they took flowers off you so you couldn’t dramatically walk and lay them, then feel the cold hard stare of the Cathrine of wales for all the times you had spoken so badly about her, did you actually think after all that us Joe Public found out about your bullying of underlings that we would believe the Kate made you cry?…..OK THEN!!! ……Then Much to the other wife’s horror you nearly had a argument with an aide because you wanted to put some flowers down showing how demanding and aggressive you really are!
PS..Meghan Windsor maybe you need to think about changing your IMB as it says you are at the coronation 🤣🤣🤣
By Jus Tiz who is now mind numbly bored by Harold The Poor Me Prince!
This is all subject to rumours of course 🤣🤣🤣
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
And with all that it just confuses me even more how Alexi can say Tim and Lucy weren’t meant to ever be a couple. Like you couldn’t put two better characters together to set up the perfect back and forth/opposites attract romance. They are so different. And we’ll besides the fact they are both great actors and have amazing chemistry, Eric and Melissa are smoking hot so that was the first mistake they made if they didn’t want viewers wanting them together. 🤣 they didn’t have to even do anything but look at each other in the pilot episode and I was like, ok I need them to be together and then their chemistry did me in afterwards.
Well now, I think that stems from when they had a script but no actors assigned to roles yet. From the get go Tim was supposed to be this super hardened, by the book TO. and then he gets assigned this wickedly smart, talented and instinctive rookie.
Any other actors in these two roles, and you have a very different show. That OTHER show? That's what Alexi expected to write for - where Nolan could be the focus and no one would care that he gets more screen time and stories than anyone else.
But lol, they didn't hire anyone else.
I think Melissa was going to get hired either way. She was supposed to be Nolan's love interest - the whole series. Like Talia would break them apart, and then they'd eventually find their way back to one another kind of thing. (gross)
But then Eric Winter fought for that role and got it. Hot guy playing not even bad boy cop, but troubled, and in pain cop? with a hot rookie?
Alexi should be mad at casting - but now both actors have multi-year contracts. I mean he could fire one of them but that would get messy and detract from the John Nolan show.
So now, to keep the focus on the Big Head Nolan, he has to find other ways to keep them and their freaking chemistry apart. He just refused to acknowledge that by doing so, he makes more people WANT them to get together. Forbidden love and star crossed lovers? Come on! Two of the biggest romantic relationship tropes out there.
I don't think Alexi writes romances and relationships well in general.
He ruined Kate and Castle in Season 8 pulling the same kind of crap. Wasn't she kidnapped that year? I stopped watching after Season 4 so I don't know.
Whoa. LOL. You hit a nerve apparently. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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