#no actually. i will KILL on any hill in his defense. i will not be dying. the boromir haters will
dropthecop · 5 months
thought about boromir for a second and now i have to go lie down
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chaethewriter · 9 months
dad!Jake Sully x human!daughter!reader
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In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
previous chapter
next chapter [none]
The air felt so much lighter and the sun much brighter. Cold water droplets landing on your warm skin as you sat under a damp tree, cooling your sweating body down. Your fingertips touched the mossy ground from under you as they disappeared into the green grass that stood tall.
The touch tickled your skin as you enjoyed the peaceful scenery around you.
At ease.
No sounds of war surrounding you or the horrifying screams of the natives filling your eardrums. Just the noise of chirping animals in the background as you inhaled the pandoran air. Your eyes closed as you dozed off, back rested against the same tree you're settling down under.
Your ears twitched. There was a change of background noise. You heard it.
Chirp chirp rustle chirp.
It wasn't loud, but you caught onto it. Your eyes were still closed, waiting for any other unusual sound. A rustle. A thud. The hand that roamed around the high grass moved slowly, but delicately towards your dagger. Your nails dug into the dirt as your hand wrapped around the weapon. You heard another couple of rustles and tried to pinpoint out in your head where THEY would be now. It was more than one.
You could hear soft thuds of footsteps in between a pair of footsteps and the same bush was hit twice. You tried to imagine the scenery in front of you. A small hill in the corner of your right eye, from behind there a small little river flowing down with around the edge a huge bush. Surrounding you just a bunch of naturally placed trees from all sizes. You knew there was a branch just a few meters in front of you. You placed it there for occasions like these. The wood was small, therefore hard to spot thanks to the high grass.
You waited and waited.
Until, snap.
The branch was crushed in half and you jumped from the ground, dagger in hand as you pointed it towards the danger that you would soon face with a soft hiss leaving your lips. Well, a danger isn't what you could really call it, as Lo'ak and Tuk stood in front of you with their hands thrown up in defense.
"Calm down! It's us! Damn, you really got feisty in that form." Lo'ak yelped it out as he took a step back. He then turned to Tuk who was stood on the broken branch. "Tuk! You should watch where you're going! Now our entire stealth plan in scaring sis is ruined!" The words almost escaped his lips with a whine, almost. Tuk's ears ppinted downwards as she gazed at her feet, "I'm sorry..."
A sigh left your lips, shaking your head in the process. You walked up to your siblings. Where you would usually reach Lo'ak around his stomach and Tuk around her neck, you were now facing his neck instead as Tuk reached your stomach.
You put your navy blue hand on her head as you rubbed her head, "It's okay, little Tuk. Lo'ak is just being a meanie! Right?" You then faced your little brother and grabbed him by his cheek. You pulled hard, causing him to yelp out, "right?" You frown as you look up at him, eyes squinted. He immediately nodded in response, his ears flopping slightly as he did so. A small "yes" left his lips and you let go of his cheek in satisfaction.
"Dad wants you back, actually. It's almost dinner time."
"And he sent you?" You raised your eyebrow in suspicion, soon squinting your eyes awaiting an answer from him.
"Okay okay! I actually overheard dad talking to mom so I uhh.... went to get you and took Tuk with me?" He already took a step back as he spoke, scratching behind his neck, "Don't kill me! I just uh, missed you???"
You pinch the bridge of your nose, "Of course you did. You know that if you go somewhere you need to tell someone, especially with taking little Tuk here. I'm not mad, but just, don't wander off without saying a word alright? It's still dangerous out here." You bring your hand to his cheek, this time rubbing it instead of pulling at it like a pillow, "I care about you, you know that right?"
Lo'ak's tail swayed and hit the ground as it did so, nodding his head in understanding, "I'm sorry.."
You shook your head, "no, don't apologize, just, try your best alright? You can also notify me whenever you go somewhere. Now come on you two, we got dinner to catch, don't we?" You pat both of their shoulders, before pulling away and sprinting away.
"Last to get to High Camp gets the tiniest piece of dessert!"
All those years of tormenting yourself, closed off, blinded by anger and sadness. Letting the negative emotions consume you whole. You didn't know what you lived for or why you lived. Negative thoughts taking over your rational way of thinking.
Why did he leave me?
He won't return for me.
Is there something wrong with me?
Did he hate me?
You didn't know what to live for, but now.
"We're back!!" Tuk barged into their shared hut, followed by you and Lo'ak. Neytiri was in a crouched position as she readied the table, but got up once she heard the familiar voice of her daughter, "where were you?! Your father and Neteyam are looking for you as we speak!" She made her way towards Lo'ak, "and you skxawng! What were you thinking bringing your little sister with you!"
Lo'ak's ears point downwards as he got scolded, but you and Tuk soon intervene, "Don't be too hard on him, mother. He can be, unintentionally, reckless. I already talked with him." You explained as you stepped in front of your little brother, putting your hand on his back as you smacked his skin. Tuk stumbled to the front too as she nodded her head, "sis talked to him! And I wanted to explore as well, it's not only on him. It's not so fun to be here the entire day while there is an entire world to explore!"
Neytiri had her hand to her head, shaking her head as the words sunk in, "Lo'ak, Tuk, get to the main grounds to get our dinner."
They obliged to her wishes as they took off, leaving you alone with your mother. You bit the bottom of your lip as you awaited for whatever was to come.
"Are you okay, child?" She put her hand on your shoulder as she spoke. You nodded immediately at her question, "Don't worry, mother. I just needed a quiet place to think, you know?" You smiled softly at the affection. It took Neytiri a while to fully open up to you, flinching every now and then and subconsciously hissing whenever you approached her. The avatar body seemed to help her open up to you, though.
She nodded her head at your words and pulled away from you, "are you going to eat, with us?" You glanced to the table at her question, counting the place she had placed down. Eight plates. You had to stop a smile from appearing on your face, before nodding your head, "Yes, yes I am."
"There you are, was lookin' for ya." Your feet dangled in the air as you sat on a tree branch, mask sitting back on your face. You turned around once you heard that familiar voice, smiling at your father as you pat the branch empty space next to you.
"You disappeared right after dinner. Went looking for you. Didn't know I had to look for a tiny ant instead." Jake sat down next to you with a teasing grin, his palm raising to stroke your hair.
You scoffed at that remark, trying to push his arm away from you, "shut up, old man. I'm not a kid anymore."
"You'll always be my little girl."
Once you looked up at his face, you had noticed he was already staring at you with so much love and care in his eyes.
"This is so embarrassing.." you mumbled from under your mask as you hid your face into his arm. He could only chuckle in response. A peaceful silence took over, the sound of the wind rustling the leaves around you ringing through your ears.
After a few moments, Jake had opened his mouth, "thank you."
You could only look up at him confused, not speaking as you waited for him to explain himself. ", for giving me another chance." He breathed out from under his breath and even though it came out as a mumble, you heard the words loud and clear.
"You're my dad, after all."
The two of you exchanged a smile, before you turned back to look at the scenery, the sun saying goodnight as the moon decided to rise and shine.
"Dad!" Neteyam climbed through the trees with Lo'ak on his heels. The two brothers had sparkles in their eyes as they made their way to the two of you.
"Awee, why did you shrink back?" Lo'ak almost pouted as he pointed your human form out. You could only roll your eyes to visibly show him how you felt about that question.
"Did something happen, boys?" Jake had turned around, voice laced in worry and tenderness as he scanned his boys for any injuries.
"No, we are fine! Uhm we just had the ides to.. Neteyam!" Lo'ak smacked his older brother with his tail, earning a hiss in return.
"You sxwang!" Neteyam threw his arm around his brother's shoulders, before turning to their father, "we wanted to do a... night flight, actually." His ears turned downwards as he suddenly got all shy. His canines dug into his bottom lip as he awaited for his answer.
You smiled at the scene in front of you. This was your cue.
You yawned loudly as you got up from your sitting position, arms stretching as you spoke, "I'm going back to the lab. I'm so exhausted. Have fun! Make sure to bring me a gift." You hugged your father goodnight, soon turning to your not-so-little brothers and also giving each an individual hug, which turned out in them bearhugging you instead.
You watched as the three of them flew off, shuddering at the cold air that came your way from their wings.
Once arriving at the lab, you soon walked to your shared room with Seb and Raja, who were fast asleep as you entered the room. You shook your head with a chuckle as you were met with their snores. You took your bresthing mask off and hung it above your bed, taking a seat on the soft mattress to take a breather and daydream about your day. You trained, played around in your avatar body, ate dinner with your family and connected a lot with nature. A successful day in your eyes.
Thanks to all the activities, you were worn out and soon fast asleep in your bed.
It was late at night as your bedroom door opened, heavy yet quiet footsteps entering the room in just one singular step. He kneeled down, putting a small object on your nightstand and leaning down to kiss you goodnight.
On the object hung a piece of paper with human writing.
'Nete and Lo'ak found this feather. I tried to make it into a hairpiece. Goodnight my little girl.
- love, dad.'
A/N: this is it. The end of the series. My posting schedule went from daily to irregular and I had a lot of blocks in between posting having internal fights with my love for writing and/or under how much pressure I was. I wanted to add more to the ending, but with some help from someone close to me I realized I had told everything I wanted with this story and that I shouldn't force myself to add more than needed. Thank you all so much for being patient and reading this story as it went. I'm planning to pickup writing oneshots again and hope to feel more love when I write rather than pressure. So, until then! <3
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mcybree · 6 months
On 3l!Jimmy and guilt and FH and various tangential things: a post that got out of hand and morphed into something completely different by the end. Enjoy?
I read a good Jimmy analysis post a while back on how important Jimmy’s pride is to him, and how he’ll back himself up when no one else will, often to his own detriment. And this is such a key part of his character, right. Jimmy doesn’t often withdraw or get all nervous and shy when bad shit happens to him, he gets louder and angry and all riled up about it. He projects his insecurities outwards and then picks battles over anything he perceives as an insult.
So it is strange how that seems to be… almost missing in third life. In that series specifically, he withdraws more often than not, he fears making independent decisions, and he makes concessions he typically would rather make a stupid hill to die on than consider:
Joel and Martyn tell Jimmy they feel lied to, and Jimmy is quick to ask how he can make it up to them, agreeing to give them cows for free. Jimmy is threatened by Grian and Scar into giving up his diamond chestplate and he folds easily, then goes home to tell Scott he just “wasn’t thinking.” Jimmy gets blown up by Grian’s tnt trap and says the walls around the flower valley need to go up, he says he’s never leaving his house again, and after it’s all settled he’s afraid to even walk home without Scott.
Honestly the only time he ever picks a fight in true Jimmy fashion is in Episode 1 with Martyn over some stupid sign placement, and then with the red army negotiations when he burned the banner— but that, notably, wasn’t a personal pride thing! It was a very Jimmy way to go about it, but he got defensive because he thought they were going to hurt Scott, and spitting in their faces was the best way he knew how to protect him (as this is how Jimmy typically protects himself).
He’s just very tame, overall. Defanged. He doesn’t stand up for himself like he usually does.
And yknow. If I had to take just. A personal guess as to why that is. I think the difference primarily stems from 3l!Jimmy’s tendency to take on personal blame for things that aren’t even his fault. A Jimmy character feeling bad about the things he’s done isn’t new, he often does do regrettable things, but what sets 3l!Jimmy apart is that he excessively self blames for what are often unsubstantiated reasons.
Grian’s tnt trap triple kill (emphasis on Grian’s) is the most dramatic example. After Jimmy accidentally activates it, he repeatedly stresses just how bad he feels about it, and apologizes to skizz directly, telling him he feels like he’s “ruined everything.” Jimmy blames himself entirely for this incident, to the point where it allows for him and Scott to team up with desert duo, who DIRECTLY SET UP the trap and OUTRIGHT TOOK CREDIT FOR the kills, in the next episode without even a mention of caution or bitterness. This is irrational; if Jimmy were to ask any given person if they genuinely think the deaths were ENTIRELY his fault, I don’t think anybody would seriously say that it was.
Except for Scott. Scott would say it is, and that’s the issue. He did say it, actually, first implying it (“Jimmy I told you that we needed to shoot it from a distance!”) but then outright telling him (“You killed two people!”)*. Scott later backpedals a bit, telling Jimmy that it was Grian and Scar who gave him the loaded gun, and it wasn’t him that brought it. While nice, that sentiment was seemingly too little too late.
* (both of these are said in the scene at about 25:33, ep4 of Scott’s pov in case anyones curious. assuming my timestamps from a year ago are correct if theyre not lmk. I also have rough timestamps for like everything else referenced in here in one big document so if anyone needs them feel free to ask)
This is all to say: I think Jimmy’s self blaming tendencies and, by extension, his unusual lack of self confidence this season are a result of his relationship with Scott. While the TNT trap incident was the catalyst for those feelings being brought so front and center, I believe that Scott created an environment which normalized Jimmy taking on personal blame for things aren’t his fault beforehand, or at the very least disproportionate amounts of it (so when he legitimately fucks up and makes a disastrous mistake, it’s the only thing he thinks to do). Primarily because Scott, himself, blames Jimmy for a lot of things, but also because Jimmy doesn’t understand the motivations behind a lot of how Scott treats him, and has to retroactively fill in the blanks with what makes sense. Full transparency: I am staking this ladder claim on both his undying admiration for Scott seen throughout the entire series that would require a thought process like this to support, and one (1) interaction between him and Martyn in episode 1. However, I’d still argue it’s a significant interaction.
MARTYN: I just seen you get slapped around, like what’s- what’s going on?
JIMMY: I just- Y’know- just. well we’re living opposite each other…
MARTYN: Are you happy living with Scott?
JIMMY: WE’RE LIVING— We’re living opposite each other! And he builds fantastic. And mine just looks like- I’m just not a builder, y’know? Just not a builder.
And. Personally. To me. Answering “What’s going on?” with “I’m just not a builder” in regards to Scott pushing him around implies that Jimmy made a connection between him being a bad builder and Scott’s reaction. In reality, Scott “slapped him around” because Jimmy showed up too early for a deal that he didn’t know about. But Jimmy doesn’t accept that as the reason, and instead traces it back to a personal fault, something he will go on to make a habit of until he dies in the desert.
After all, it becomes very easy to explain away various mishaps and misfortunes as “oh I’m just not a builder” or “oh I must not have been thinking,” when Scott’s favorite activity is implying Jimmy is incompetent and can’t be trusted to do anything on his own. (Some fun scott quotes being “why do I let you do things” “as long as we dont let jimmy do anything we’ll be fine,” and most directly, “see that’s why I said, ‘I dont trust Jimmy with anything’ because he’s incompetent”)
And it’s funny, right? Because Jimmy isn’t one to just let people put him down like that. When other people in other series tell Jimmy that his house is ugly, Jimmy will defend it with pride and stand up for it twice as much to compensate. But when Scott calls his house ugly, he tells Scott to stay put while he quickly runs to try and fix it, and then hurries back to ask if it’s better. Because he admires Scott, he never stops admiring him, he’s always expressing that (“you’re good at everything” “you’re full of good ideas, aren’t you?” “how are you such a good builder?”). And he doesn’t get defensive when Scott says these things, not in the same way— He tries to, but it comes across more desperate than anything (“say something good about me!”) because he places Scott on such a high pedestal and yearns for that approval. Scott is different.
This is how, despite all odds, it gets to him. And it changes how Jimmy perceives himself. Scott doesn’t trust Jimmy not to fuck up any given task, so Jimmy doesn’t trust himself in later episodes, especially post-Dogwarts explosion. The cake scene, while admittedly a very cute moment (so I do hate to cite this here but it’s a good example), works because Scott left a cake in Jimmy’s room without saying anything, and knew that the first thing Jimmy would do is get scared and come get him. Because that is the first thing 3l!Jimmy thinks to do when he’s scared! And it’s entirely unsurprising how it got that way! In the very first episode, Scott tells Jimmy that if it wasn’t for Scott finding him in the beginning, he would’ve been the first to die. It’s generally a joke to point to fh and go “Jimmy is like Scott’s pet lol, Jimmy is like a lost puppy without Scott” but there really is some truth in that, and I find that to be somewhat haunting considering Jimmy takes so much pride in his independence usually. Jimmy’s hesitance towards making independent decisions can also be traced back to Scott finding Jimmy’s independent decisions inherently frustrating but that’s already part of the FH dissection essay I have in my drafts and this post is long enough already. There’s also a whole other discussion to be had about how Scott’s say is the final say no matter what and Jimmy knows that which further deincentivizes independent decision making (REPEATEDLY POINTS TO “I’ll try and sweet talk him, but if he starts hitting me, what can I do?”) but that is also for the essay
I dont know where I was going with this. I think I made my point in the third paragraph but I feel lots of things about these characters and have lots to say so as I kept writing I got more and more emotional and now I think I’ve driven my little block people shaped autism car into a brick wall. I think I’m going to go throw up and then let the earth reclaim me. yeaj that sounds good
TL;DR: girl I dont even know
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whereismyhat5678 · 4 months
Guys. When Brick was introduced to the idea of behind the ear scratches, his entire world changed.
I’d imagine the tower was an absolute nightmare for the big rats. They’d occasionally run into things that could possibly hurt them or even worse, kill them. The Peppino clones to the regular enemies Peppino hits they all troubled the poor things and they never caught a break. And the only reason they stayed there cuz they were sorta trapped, once they entered they couldn’t leave or find an exit.
Brick ran into many things, many things he didn’t like and many things that did end up trying to kill him so he was DEFENSIVE. I’d imagine the reason he started chasing Gustavo was because he immediately thought he was gonna hurt him.
Once they started to fight Gustavo realized how fucking RUTHLESS Brick fought (of course because he was an animal but also cuz of the defense nature). So when they stopped, Gustavo wanted to make up with him.
Brick found out the tremendous glories of pets, he didn’t get any because….well….y’know he was a stray rat- So this feeling was something different. He actually felt pretty safe…which was new! He was cautious at first of course but he soon learned Gustavo wasn’t going to hurt him….he didn’t feel threatened by his presence anymore, he didn’t feel he had to hide like he did with other creatures. He felt relaxed. He felt he was actually going to be okay. And every time Gustavo were to pet him, he felt extremely emotional. He never felt this way, he never experienced this type of affection, or even affection at all!…..
I think Gustavo just naturally likes animals, so he tried to get close to him at first but realized he couldn’t, he had to build trust first. Which they did! Gustavo treated Brick like a sorta person, but also like a pet, where he’d pet him and such. He found it quite odd Brick knew how to smoke a pipe and how to cook for some reason- but he didn’t question it.
The more they grew, the more Brick started to like Gustavo. He saw him as someone he could finally feel safe with. Anything and everything in that tower could hurt him, but Gustavo?…It was a nice change of pace.
Brick is attached to Gustavo. I will die on this hill to say if he isn’t the type of pet to wait for you ALL DAY beside the front door for you to come back I don’t know what life is anymore.
That’s it. I wanted to ramble about Brick because I think he deserves more attention. We love him, he needs love, people, please treat this guy well he’s been through it.
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rgbyshipper101 · 3 months
I got one more in me! Little thing I wrote in an hour.
DP Side Hoes Week 2024
Dani Phantom
Warning: angst and mentions of character death
Danielle stared at the moon over the hill she stood on. A gentle breeze blew through her ragged clothes, offering some relief from the humidity. June was quite warm and it being nighttime didn’t stop that. The rickety sign of Amity Park’s graveyard creaked ominously as it was disturbed, the only sound made since she touched the grass in front of the tree she was facing.
Dani had regrets in her short life. Like the fact that she had to steal food so she could eat. She was too young for a job. Not that she’d want one, anyway. She hated how she had to manipulate people’s kindness in a way so it’d benefited her. It reminded her of how she was when living with Vlad.
Dani grimaced. The name of that man left a bitter taste in her mouth.
There was a time she used to regret not being a better daughter. Not finishing duties on time or failing her training got on his nerves and upset her greatly. The day she got to say she progressed to that point took a while to come to fruition as a result.
But her biggest regret was that she had to help kill her brothers.
Yes, kill. She knew what she was doing. Danny didn’t realize until their showdown in Vlad’s cabin. Her brothers willingly attacked them on “Master’s” orders, but they were mindless. They didn’t understand.
Not like her. Dani never forgot their final expressions as they melted. She helped Danny with her muscular brother and invisibly watched as he took down her skeletal brother. Her tiny brother was so horrified as he melted. And he just got turned into an actual copy of Danny, too…
And her little brother. The one not even out of his chamber had to be forcefully smacked into reality and immediately died as a result.
Danny assured her that that was not her fault, that it was his, but it still happened. Even if that death was caused by self-defense, it doesn't feel that way.
The tree’s branches swayed lightly as another breeze hit it. The bark was peeling lightly and a piece fell on the ground in the middle four mounds. Dani bent down and gently wiped the bark away, smoothing the dirt in the process.
Dani had taken part of each of their remains and buried them here. They all have a little grave that their sister and cousin can come and remember them by. Maybe their souls will rest easier.
Dani clenched her fists as she stood up, eyes hardening. There was one thing she never regretted, though. Attacking and leaving her creator.
Not father. Creator.
He never wanted her. He never wanted any of them. They weren’t perfect. Maybe her little brother would’ve been, but she still would love him just as much as she does her other brothers.
Even if she never showed it. There was no animosity or anything with the siblings, just neutrality. They were all there just to serve a purpose. Her one actual job which made her despise working. The only kind thing she has done for the boys was make their graves. Too late for anything else.
She’s more like Vlad than she thought. And she hates it.
So when she was able to attack him at the Rockies and in his lab in Amity, she let loose and gave him everything she had.
He attacked her first, after all. It was right.
After that, she has tried to better herself to not be like him anymore. To own up to her regrets even if she has no choice in some of them. She’ll never go after anyone else unless they do first.
Dani gave one last remorseful expression at the graves before taking off, disturbing the grass again.
Tears blew behind her as she flew. Danny was wrong. She had a choice to stop what happened, to not fight, to hurt Danny and all of them. Danny didn’t. Danny had to defend himself, including from her. He’s just too nice to keep mentioning it.
Maybe one day she can make it up to them. But for now, flowers will do.
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bcacstuff · 7 months
Thank you for sharing the book. It does however make me more disgusted by him. The whining about 'isolating' in LA and the Quarantine. He never isolated in LA. He was at Pharos 3 times, known for certain by those there during the holidays at the time. He was at Marina's. He was at Sofi. He was with Alex. He makes fun of having his mask down. No matter feeling about masks, it's not funny. He thinks he's rebellious, but the entire passage, illustrates what a jerk he was about it all and aligns with his behavior since March 2020 including HI trip and the filming around for MIK. Protocols be damned against his needs and wants.
I read the chapter with great interest I must say. It's a long chapter and he's complaining a lot. Yes, thinks it's funny. The 'concerns' his 'pale skin' he mentioned a number of times must have killed him... ahem. But perhaps we just know a bit too much of the history here as well....
In defense he tested positive on December 22 or 23 (24 hours prior to flying). On December 23 he canceled the live IG. He tested negative 72 hours prior to flying. But as we know now the incubation period for the coronavirus is between 2 and 14 days. On average, COVID-19 symptoms appear around 5 days after exposure. So he could already had it before the 72 hours. He was first known to be in LA on December 16, doing a photoshoot for men's health.
Recovering takes 10 days to two weeks if you have mild COVID-19 symptoms. But you're most likely not contagious after 10 days. He was at Marina on New Years eve and the Sofi stadium was on January 3rd. Bit a risk to sit in a stadium full of people when you tested positive for Covid just before.... These dates are still within the period of 10 days though or on the edge.
He posted a pic of Pharos on January 5 and we found a story around the same date. (Jan. 6 or 7). Out with Amy S and Paul T in Beverly Hills on January 10th.
But well, back to the chapter, glad Graham wrote a bit of counter thoughts on it and, let's be honest, During all covid Sam has been out and about in many more countries than most likely any of us... so what's he complaining about actually? Ten days in a MIQ with hamburgers and Coca Cola?
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visitorjon456 · 3 months
Murder Drones Ep. 7 Rant Review
Before I get started I just want to say that I respect Liam Vickers/Glitch and co for always trying to put their all into these indie animations shows and bringing them into the light for us all to watch in either awe, amazement or entertainment. But as much as I appreciate their efforts I can't say that the Murder Drones series is flawless nor the handling of certain episode storytelling is good. I'm going to start with the few things that I liked about the episode:
The Good
Mitchell keeping Yeva out of the Cathedral due to immediately noticing the Sentinels disappearances and figuring out somethings up.
J's brief graceful flying paired with Eternal Dream+Techno music as she leaves in the ship.
Typical walking away scene as explosions set off behind them.
The Nori+N vs. Cyn/Uzi fight was kind of cool but I feel like any actual serious/tense moments were wasted due to N not giving it his all in the fight and finally accepting that he has to brutally kill Uzi now.
Khan showing up with a replica of Uzi's railgun and being not nonplused about being lifted into the air or what's happening to the planet at large.
Now that's out of the way; moving on to the bad parts...
The Bad
I hope when episode 8 comes around that Glitch will have a new Murder Drones intro that will feature V along side N and Uzi because I don't know why they couldn't just add Uzi along the previous intros, besides the crew wanting to be silly/mischievous, before episode 7 dropped. I'm not exactly hanged up on it but I do hope it does get changed though.
I'm pretty much always going to die on this hill and say that ep. 7 should have been an almost or full on flashback episode that heavily features the Cabin Fever Test Subjects, particularly Alice, Yeva and Nori, and the Humans as well. The reason for this is because I'm a firm believer that even if you have a small group of main protags of a show/novel that doesn't mean that the spotlight should be fully on them 24/7 and not have any of that be given to side characters that can be just as interesting as the protagonists.
Most importantly of all I want to see how each character was using there Solver powers and how Nori was the most practiced when using it.
I don't like the fact that Nori is just Uzi 2.0 but older and seemingly a bit more mature than Uzi. I would rather headcanon her a egoist, self-assured, aggressive, lack of empathy, talented Solver Host that was sometimes given special privileges by the Humans and the one who deliberately caused the Core Collapse on Copper-9 and almost all of it done without being Solver-possessed.
I dislike the fact that Liam Vickers finds it funny and acceptable to portray Humans as this almost technologically backwards/advanced, idiotic, and bad decision making civilization in Murder Drones. To really illustrate my irritation with this matter; the complete beginning of episode 7: You can't tell me that all those scientists are literally trying to get Nori/Solver under control but not have any 3-4 Solver Test Subjects that are either in the Cathedral with them or just outside the doors, waiting.
And seriously, the Humans have all the Test Subjects wrapped up in chains and stuffed into lockers instead of in high-security rooms. Really, Liam.
I hate how Liam has made Uzi so unbearably emotionally dumb and vulnerable just so things can happen easier within the episode instead of working towards it properly. Like, it's understandable that Uzi starts to get upset and a bit defensive towards N and "Tessa" but she should know better then to keep using the Solver in her state but also to completely go off on her own through the tunnels. It doesn't help matters that N is also forced to be an idiot at times and didn't immediately run to Uzi's side in order to not be separate from each other due to the dangers of the tunnels.
I fucking hate you Liam. You are going to force J to job really hard against three minor characters. Don't even think about it. My heart goes out to you J.
Again the Nori+N vs. Cyn/Uzi fight was okay-ish but is heavily held back with the fact that N won't do what he needs to do and brutally put Uzi down for good.
Just like how I give my condolences to J for what's going to happen to her in the next episode, I also feel sorry for both Tessa and Doll as the former is possibly being worn as a still living skinsuit and the latter got her chest cavity torn out but also got her Core eaten. Of course given the merch leaks we will probably see Doll again in ep. 8.
Liam once again making characters emotionally stupid with Uzi footballing her mother into the fleshy hell pit and N doing fuck all about.
Literally seeing Uzi and N screaming and slowly coming towards each other to hug is the single most over the top thing in this episode and I hope both of them die for it.
Overall this episode is just a 4.8/10 honestly.
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hatedbyiife · 3 months
I completely forgot that I wrote a scene of Somewhere Else to submit as a test script, said script under the cut cause idk where else to put this
[ MARTIN has left the hills. JON sits alone in the field, enjoying the sunshine and the wind. He hears a rustle from behind him. ]
Martin? I thought I told you you can go back; I promise I'll be—
[ JON stops as he see who's behind him. It's ELIAS. ]
Hello, Jon. Apologies for... not being who you were expecting.
[ JON springs to his feet. He looks at the other man with disbelief. ELIAS simply smiles. ]
I-I don't understand. You died. I killed you!
That was months ago, Jon. Things change.
You weren't supposed to.
Oh, come now. Is it so far-fetched to think I can not die?
I had hoped that you killing hundreds and terrorized every person on the planet would be karma enough for you to stay dead.
Things don't always go according to plan, no?
[ ELIAS takes a step forward. JON mirrors it backwards. ]
Why are you so hesitant? It's just me.
That's exactly why.
(chuckles) I'm not as powerful as I used to be. Not at all, actually. And neither are you. So let's drop the hostility, hm? It can just be you and me.
You mean you're actually someone outside of being a monster?
Please, Jon. I'm still human. Well, was.
And I'm supposed to believe you don't want to start another apocalypse?
How? Look around you: we're Somewhere Else. Somewhere that doesn't have fear. Think about it. Since you came here, have you ever once felt that feeling of dread? Of terror?
...I haven't. But that's because I haven't had any reason to be. There's nothing but safety here for me and Martin. And I intend to keep it that way.
You don't need to look so... murder-y.
(serious) I'll kill you again if I need to.
...I see stopping the end of the world has left you... a bit jumpy.
I wonder whose fault that is.
Come now. Think about what I asked, truly.
[ There is a pause as JON thinks. ELIAS’ smile turns into a grin as JON lowers his defensive guard. ]
Exactly my point.
What do you want?
You wouldn’t believe if I said I just wanted to see an old friend?
(clicks his tongue) I thought as much. A shame.
(sighs tiredly) If you really are—
[ A distant shouting can be heard. It’s MARTIN’s voice. He sounds like he’s calling after JON. ]
Well, as much as I would like to stay and chat—
I’m sure you would.
—but it seems your presence is required by someone else. Goodbye for now, Jon. I am sure we’ll meet each other again soon. Very. Soon. This place is only as big as you imagine it to be, after all.
Maybe I should imagine a scenery just for you then. Somewhere far, far away.
Keeping me in your thoughts? That’s sweet of you. I am a romantic, you know.
[ MARTIN’s voice sounds much closer now; there’s a hint of worry in it. ELIAS turns to leave. JON never takes his eyes off him. ]
Oh, one last thing.
[ ELIAS tosses over a handheld tape recorder to JON. JON, out of instinct, catches it. ]
Think of it as a… little gift from me. A souvenir, if you will.
Where did you get this…? It-It didn’t just appear out of nowhere again, did it?
Still paranoid as ever. No, I found it in my jacket when I awoke here. A remnant of our old life.
Why are you giving this to me?
I thought you’d like something to remember the old days with. Wouldn’t want to forget what’s happened now, do we? Maybe you could even record something for old times’ sake.
[ JON doesn't reply. He looks dumbfounded at sight of the tape recorder. ]
No, I doubt you could. Well, I shall take my leave then. Goodbye, Jon.
(suddenly looking up) Elias, wait—
[ ELIAS is gone. Another breeze brushes past him, but this time it's cold. MARTIN appears, out of breath. ]
Jon! I've been trying to call you for ages! I could have sworn you were talking to someone else.
I don't, ah, I don't... I'm sorry.
Who even was that, anyway? I thought it was only us that existed here.
[ JON doesn't reply. He looks down at the tape recorder in his hands. MARTIN looks down and frowns deeply. ]
That's not a good sign.
No, no it isn't.
(pause) ...Come on then. Let's go home.
What about this?
Leave it. I don't want anything coming home with us. We can talk about it over a cup of tea.
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mitchiegonewild · 2 years
aot youtuber headcanons part 1
Eren: "jaegerbamb"
Eren games. ik this sounds like such a cop out answer but cmon...that dude would have streamy-worthy rage-quits, the best lives, and the most entertaining streams
he would repost all the edits people make of him
he moves to twitch after a while on youtube
all of his fans swear hes fine but everyone who's not is like "yeah hes like a 6"
he rarely collabs with anyone but when he does its always with either mikasa or armin who beat his ass, or connie just bc he loves connie
he HATES horror games and his subs know it so they always request those games and 9 times out of 10 he ends up crying
Mikasa: "wiccanest"
she does manifestation and spirituality stuff
she helps all her baby witches and is EXTREMELY avid about doing things the right way so her subs dont get hurt
she looks scary in her thumbnails but shes actually the softest person to ever exist in her vids
her cats are almost always featured in her videos. their names are keyboard and snufkin
shes also pinterest famous and uploads the most random yet aesthetic stuff
she did a gym vlog video with annie once and everyone went crazy bonkers bananas
Armin: "MinnieASMR"
an asmrist and i will die on this hill
he gives out studying tips on there too and does "study with me :)" videos
he did a mukbang once and never again because connie was in his comments like "ZAMN DADDY LOOKS GOOD WHILE HE MONCHIN??😍😍😍" & "THAT CRUNCH AT 8:29 IM ABT TO BUST A NUT😩"
does tiktok lives but falls asleep on them
choked on his water one time while the mic was at full vol still and woke up a good 2/3rds of his streamers
does the best energy plucks
Connie: "conman reacts"
a react channel
hes like coryxkenshin, but he only plays games with eren
hes actually really funny though, and he does a lot of streams so he can interact with people, and he also has a podcast that he hosts with sasha and jean
actually threw up on camera when someone asked if he and sasha were dating (that was the day they both came out LMFAO)
he is strong asf in every single try not to laugh challenge but the SECOND he hears "wenomechainsama" or any low quality meme and he loses it
he and mr beast did a video together once and connie blew a coke up in his face. he was not invited back
Annie: "Annie's How To's"
self defense videos and life inspiration
posts maybe once every four months because she forgets that she has a channel
got acrylics PURELY to show people with long nails how to knock a motherfucker out
actually ended up liking them and gets them when shes not filming
sometimes appears in mikasas videos to do yoga with her
has little 8-minute mindfulness videos
Sasha: "sasha.b"
sasha doesn't do food videos bc im tired of always seeing her with food shit, so i say she does a brittany broski type thing where she literally just does the most unhinged and wild shit whenever and its funny as hell
connie is her sarah schauer and jean is her bestie taylor
shes gone on literally so many podcast episodes and just gets drunk while telling literally the most outrageous stories from her childhood
was a born and raised tennessee girlie that moved to chicago
is mikasas roommate and photobombs her videos almost constantly, but just with a little wave
obsesses over medias and just will not stop talking about it for weeks on end and then moves on in a blink
Jean & Marco: "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal"
they are literally buzzfeed unsolved
jean does not believe in ghosts. marco very much does and says his Catholic Prayers at least thrice in each video
jean twerked for annabelle and she threatened to brutally kill both of them
marcos super respectful and is always like "the dress you have in this picture is just lovely" and jeans like "first of all...youuurrreee nothing but a trashy hoe." and then gets surprised when the ghost targets him
marco fell through a haunted bar's roof and started singing "the lord is my shepherd" and jean stopped himself mid rescue to laugh
a rumor got started that marco was actually dead and a ghost and there is now a national funeral day for marco in the "Jean & Marco V.S. The Paranormal" fandom
Hange: "Science Rulez"
an account purely for middle school science teachers
theyre an actual scientist not just a youtuber but on their off days because they love their job so much they'll do tiny little videos
they are VERY passionate about teaching biology in schools
they have pet turtles and ferrets that they heavily feature and call them their "assistants" (moblit has a "hey, im right here!" voice bite that they usually play)
moblit is their begrudging camera and light man because he just wants to be able to go on vacation with them on their time off
hange covers EVERYTHING from astronomy to fucking quantum physics and always gets comments about how they changed students whole grades and they ALWAYS respond and/or like
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trashywormeateroffics · 11 months
The right universe.
Summary: After Y/N's life turns upside down, she's full of grief. Somehow, one day, she manages to travel to the MCU, where she meets her favorite characters, including a certain god who seems willing to establish a friendship with her. Suddenly she's enwrapped in this new world, where everything she loved in a screen is now reality. How will she react? Will she be able to deal with the ghosts that haunt her? Or will she let them consume her? Will she be open to accept the love she is offered? Read to find out!
Read this on AO3!
Category: F/M.
Relationships: Loki/reader.
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James “Bucky” Barnes, Vision (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, other minor appearances of other characters but these are the main ones, Pepper Potts, Loki (Marvel).
Additional tags: Loki/reader - Freeform, Avenger Loki (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluffyfest, Slow Burn, Friends to lovers, Mutual Pining, Pining a lot because we love to suffer, Domestic Avengers, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark is a parental figure, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, Everyone is a good bro, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, y/n, After Infinity War but no one died and the purple bitch was defeated, Missions, Y/N is a universe traveler, Grief, Therapy, Protective Loki (Marvel), Loki in love.
Chapter 55: The dagger of death.
“Guys, this might sound very stupid but… has any of you watched Lucifer the tv show?”
Everyone stayed silent and she took that as a no.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Natasha asked.
“I might have a plan.”
“What kind of plan?” Steve asked.
“I'm gonna tell it to you and you're gonna think I'm insane but then you're going to realize that it's actually brilliant.”
“Okay, Y/L/N. Spill it.”
“We use a ship to go to Nidavellir. There we forge the dagger of death, then we come back here, and here comes the tricky part.” She said, raising her index finger. “One of us has to die.”
“What?!” Everyone exclaimed, alarmed.
“Just temporarily!” She said, raising her hands in defense.
“Y/N, what the hell are you talking about?”
“There's an episode of Lucifer where he has to retrieve something from hell, and so he dies by someone shocking him and then someone bringing back in the same way.”
“Are you insane? No, let me rephrase that. You are insane.” Wanda told her.
“I knew you would say that, but it's the only way. This is a world threatening event, Thanos like.”
“Y/N, what's your plan? Who even dies?” Steve asked her, unbelieving.
“That's the thing…” Everyone narrowed their eyes. “I do.”
“No way in hell. No pun intended.” Tony said.
“Y/N, you are not killing yourself.” Loki told her firmly.
“Loki, I love you and I hear you, but I'm going to do it.” He looked at her and he knew she would do it anyway. So he thought of the next best idea.
“Fine, then I will go with you.”
“Guys! No one is dying.” Tony said, but Y/N and Loki were not listening.
“Listen, everyone, Steve.” She began, looking at him. “If anyone has a better plan, then we execute it, but no one seems to have something better so… this is it.”
“Y/N, what if you guys die? What if you don't come back?” Wanda asked her, frowning.
“We will come back, it will work. Guys, you've pulled off crazier things, I've seen you do it.” She told them trying to sound encouraging, but the mood had turned grim.
“Alright,” Steve said, “Y/N is right. It's our only way.”
“Thank you, Steve.”
“Just… we need to be careful. We can't afford to lose our resident lunatic.”
“Hey!” She slapped his arm.
And so they began planning the details and preparing themselves for the next war.
After the meeting, Thor, Loki and Y/N headed to New Asgard, where they were to meet Valkyrie and ask her to borrow her ship.
“Your Princes!” She said as soon as they got out of the quinjet. “And my favorite not mortal.”
“Val!” Y/N exclaimed and went to hug her. The other one just patted her head like a dog, not used to physical affection but still in need of it.
“My Queen,” Thor bowed his head, “we come to ask you a favor.”
“Ask away.” She told him as she had her arm wrapped around Y/N's shoulders. “Just no sexual favors please, I've run out of those.”
“What? No.” Y/N told her, frowning. “We need to borrow your ship.”
“My ship? What for?”
“A war is coming and we must go to Nidavellir to forge a deadly weapon.” Loki told her, very seriously. Valkyrie laughed loudly.
“A war? Against who?”
“My sister.”
“So, she's evil and wants to kill you?” Valkyrie asked after Y/N told her the whole story. “Geez, wonder why that sounds familiar…” She said looking at the both Asgardian brothers.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Y/N said, her lips in a tight line.
“And your plan is to forge the dagger of death in Nidavellir and then die temporarily to go to hell and convince Hela, the person who caused Ragnarok and is just as evil, or even more, as your sister, to enchant it?”
“Y-yeah.” She nodded. “In my defense, I watch a lot of tv.”
The warrior laughed and shook her head. Then she looked at Y/N and saw that she was serious, so she shrugged.
“You are insane but… what's another life threatening plan gonna do? Actually kill me?”
“Yes!” Y/N exclaimed, lifting her fists in the air, knowing that she had been convinced.
“But… I am coming with you. You are gonna need someone who knows how to drive my ship properly, not like these two brutes.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Excuse you?” The both brothers said at the same time, making the two women laugh. After the laughter died down and everyone sobered up Thor spoke up.
“Then it is settled. Us four will go to Nidavellir.”
“Are you sure about this?” Natasha asked her, worry etched onto her face.
“I am Nat, this is our only way.”
“Just… be careful, alright? Don't do anything stupid.”
“I probably will but… nothing too stupid.” She said, making the redhead laugh.
“Lady Y/N, let's go!” Thor called from the ship.
Everyone gathered at the garden of the compound to say goodbye to the two Asgardian brothers, Y/N and Valkyrie as they were to be headed to Nidavellir.
“Kid! Be careful.”
“Yes Tony, I will be. I'm going to space, how cool is that?!” She whisper-yelled and the billionaire let out a loud laugh.
“Very cool.” He told her, still smiling. Then he squeezed her shoulders and gave her a nod.
“Darling, we must go.”
“Right. Well everyone, I'll be back. Let's hope.” She crossed her fingers and everyone looked at her disapprovingly.
“Y/N!” Steve scolded.
“I'm joking. Jesus!” She held up her hands. “Alright, bye!”
“Bye!” Everyone waved their hands as she got on the ship and until it disappeared into the sky they didn't stop.
“Alright, one minute for the jump.” Valkyrie said, making Y/N's stomach turn.
Yes, she had traveled universes and fought bad guys and had been kidnapped, but she had never traveled to space. Would she puke her guts out? Would her head explode?
“Darling,” she looked at Loki. “Are you alright?”
“Peachy. Great. Yes.” He looked amused.
“Are you nervous?”
“Ha!” She laughed exaggeratedly. “I'm not.”
They stayed in silence for a moment, but when the jump began, Y/N grabbed Loki's hands tightly. He didn't say anything, but smiled as he tightened his grip on her hand.
When it came into view, everyone gasped. Recovered from its former destruction by the hand of the titan, Nidavellir had once again risen from the ashes. Now not only dwarves lived there but beings from all the realms, beings who worked and lived there, helping their leader, Eitri.
Thor, Valkyrie, Loki and Y/N got out of the ship and approached him.
“Thor!” He exclaimed with joy, as everyone did when they saw the blond Asgardian.
“Eitri! How have you been?”
“Better, better. And you?”
“Great!” Thor bellowed in his usual positive Thor fashion.
“So, what brings you here? Don't tell me you need another hammer!”
“No, no. We need to forge something else.”
“Like what?”
“A dagger of death.” Y/N joined the conversation, finally leaving her spot next to Valkyrie and Loki and walking forward to face the dwarf.
“A dagger of death?” He asked her, frowning.
“Yes. A dagger of death.”
“That is impossible, I cannot help you.”
“Why not?”
“Odin forbade us from creating any weapon that could kill the gods… so Hela would never be able to use it.”
“Eitri,” Thor began, “I understand what you are saying, but Odin is gone and so is Hela.”
“Still, I cannot break an oath.”
“Not even if the universe depended on it?”
“Not even if the universe depended on it.”
Y/N huffed.
“Listen sir, we are gonna get that dagger, whether you want us to or not.”
“I beg your pardon, young lady?”
“The name is Astrid Freyjadottir.” Eitri widened his eyes.
“Astrid Freyjadottir, you are a legend.”
Y/N looked at Loki frowning and he shrugged, communicating with her without words. She looked at the dwarf and stood straight.
“Yes? Well, if I am such a legend, give us the dagger. Please.” She said the last word as an afterthought.
“No, I am the daughter of the völva and I command you to forge the dagger of death. Right now.” She told him firmly. Eitri sighed and bowed his head.
“As you wish.”
“We got it!” Y/N jumped up and down as they got into the ship. Loki smiled at her giddiness.
“You did, Astrid of Asgard.” She began to feel herself grow hot from embarrassment.
“I- We all did.”
“Right, not mortal. Whatever you say.” Valkyrie told her as she settled herself on the captain's seat.
“Alright, my friends! Let's go back!”
“Alright, part two of the plan.” Steve said, hesitant. “You… die.” He told Y/N and Loki.
“Yeah!” She said. “Let's do this!” Loki looked at her, horrified.
“Let's not get too excited.” Natasha told her, almost in a scolding manner.
“Alright,” Steve began again, “let's go over it one more time.”
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
Thoughts on how the initial mansion showdown goes down in Behind Closed Doors-
I imagine Jonathan actually taking a stand and trying to stand up to George, just finally reaching the point of 'this is it, I'm finally making a stand, I'll sooner die on this hill than back down now' and George responds agresively, and it escalates.
There's a screaming match, George calls the cops, (twisting the situation in his favor,) Dio uses the mask, somebody accidentally lights something on fire or knocks over a candle in the chaos and Whoops! Everything is on fire. Speedwagon delayed the cops as best he could but now they showed up at the worst possible moment and there's a shootout. Jonathan is trying to minimize casualties even as people are shooting at him and everything is on fire. George keeps trying to get the cops to attack Jonathan (with some success!) until Dio kills him and then that escalates things more and-
It's a shitshow. Jonathan and Dio survive, but Speebs is the only one to get out without massive injuries. The mansion burns down, everyone is presumed dead.
Dio had the entire thing planned out. He would subtly spark an argument between himself and George in the main hall and carefully escalate it until it became violent, at which Dio would use the mask and kill him “in self defense.” The location was picked specifically because it would be heard by several staff members who could serve as witnesses, and Speedwagon was to arrive slightly later because “he was worried about Jonathan since his father had become quite temperamental as of recent.”
Unfortunately, no plan survives contact with the enemy
And Dio forgot about one very important thing.
it was sheer chance that landed him in the main hall. He’d heard the arguing from upstairs and upon realizing what was going on immediately came down because like hell he was allowing his father to take his anger out on Dio
This is the moment when Jonathan fully sees his father’s behavior for what it is. The subtle manipulation in his words, the way he boxes the victim in despite being smaller, how he’s hovering just close enough to be in personal space and any attempt to move away just brings him closer and louder-
And suddenly it clicks for Jonathan.
What his father was saying and doing….. it was wrong. The way he was yelling at Dio was wrong, the words he were saying were wrong, all of it was wrong wrong wrong
The small voice in his head compared Dio’s current situation to the situation he’d been enduring for 20 years, and for the first time Jonathan didn’t ignore it. Didn’t rebut it. Didn’t suppress it.
Instead, he listened
And the fight only escalated from there, growing more and more chaotic as more variables are thrown in. The cops, the gunshots, the mask, everyone shouting, the fire, all of its going so much and too much and everyone can barley even tell what’s happening-
And then Jonathan gets shot
It’s barely a graze. A flesh wound really, just a small bit off his shoulder that would probably heal in a matter of days.
But for Dio it was enough
He’d been trying to hold it together when the cops arrived. After all, he’s intended to use the mask with only George as a witness, and now he definitely couldn’t just use it to kill George in front of them, that would land him on an examination table and possibly Jonathan and Speedwagon in prison.
But that goes entirely out the window when he sees Jonathan hurt
And he admittedly tunnel visions, shoving the mask on hard enough that it crumbles to dust beneath his fingers as the transformation occurs. Thousands of new sensations flood his senses. Sight, smell, hearing, touch, even taste felt as though they’d been cranked up to 11 and suddenly he can see and hear and smell EVERYTHING
Admittedly, it wasn’t the most ideal in the middle of a fire fight in a burning building while he was trying desperately not to have a panic attack, so Dio mostly has to go on his newfound instincts alone. Luckily he was able to get Jonathan out, but the same couldn’t be said for anyone else. He did feel genuinely bad about the presumed loss of Speedwagon, but he didn’t allow himself to dwell on it for long because he and Jonathan needed to hide
This would also give reason for Speedwagon to join Erina and Zeppeli on their journey to kill Dio. It makes sense that Erina would take care of him given his relation to the fire in the Joestar Mansion, and then later given what Zeppeli has told them about the masks and based on what he witnessed in the mansion, he thinks that the Dio he knew was gone, replaced only with a feral, unthinking beast.
Much to his surprise, that is very much not the case
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day Twooo: what is one of the stupidest things they ever did in their life. (Nothing super drastic like curring your fucking limbs off, more like accidentally microwaved metal and blew up the kitchen) I will let you deciee the fandom!
Okay, just because this ask was super interesting and because you gave me some fandom freedom, of course I had to find ways to work in each of my fandoms, so take this jumble of headcanons and hopefully you’ll enjoy them!
Tsuna, when he was a really young child, no more than four or five, ate a piece of the pink, fluffy insultation because he thought it was cotton candy. Nana almost had a heart attack when she figured out what was in his mouth and rushed him pretty quickly to a doctor.
Ren Gotou, as a child, really wanted to see if the whole ‘electrical appliance in the bathtub’ thing really worked the same way it did on television. So, he ran a bath, stuck a few of his action figures in there along with his second-favourite stuffed animal, plugged in a hair dryer, and tossed it into that bathtub, expecting to see bright flashes of electricity and smoking toys in the water. It was really anticlimactic though, thanks to the GFI switch attached to the hairdryer.
Uno says her name was Catherine…getting caught and arrested so many times is a close second though.
It’s not incredibly stupid like some of the other things, but Momonoki can get really absorbed in her thoughts and has a really bad habit of running into doors, far more often than she should…it’s kind of made a little worse by the fact that she instinctually apologizes for running into them every single time before she figures out that it was just a door.
Kenji tried to ride a pig once. There was another farmer in the village who was bragging about how big his prize hog had gotten and Kenji heard him say that it was almost as big as a horse. So, of course, Kenji figured that meant that the pig was rideable. Turns out, they are most definitely not and Kenji ended up with a lot of scrapes, a bad bite on his arm, and a broken leg.
Tsubaki has bought a snack from the convenience store and because he always takes the receipt but never actually has any use for them, he’s gone to throw out the receipt on the way past the front doors, where the garbage cans normally are, only to throw out his snack and keep the receipt in hand. It’s happened more than once is the really sad part.
Goku has tried to put out a candle by smothering it…with a tissue. Sanzo yelled at him for hours about how he was trying to burn the whole building down and kill them all and Goku isn’t allowed to light candles without supervision, even though that was a long time ago, in his defense.
Jumin, when he was younger and a little more vengeful about his father’s girlfriends, ended up cutting up some of his father’s new girlfriend’s clothes…and blaming it on a pet. A pet they did not have. A pet that could not have gotten into their penthouse without being caught. He’s always been a very, very bad liar, guys.
Fenrir’s parents have a pond in the back of their property. By their pond rests a little boathouse, low enough that, with the help of the tree nearby, it’s pretty easy to get on top of. It’s pretty easy to see where this is going. He and Ray climbed up to the top of the boathouse one day when they were barely teenagers and they seriously misjudged both the depth and distance into the water. There were some pretty serious injuries and both of them have interesting scars to prove just how stupid they used to be.
Unsui and Agon always tried to pull the twin switch when they were really, really young, probably until about second or third grade and always on Agon’s insistence. It would have worked well, except that Unsui always forgot that he was supposed to answer to Agon and would end up only answering to his own name, which got them busted pretty easily every time.
Darry and Soda, back before Pony was even born, used to have a lot of fun playing on a small hill a little way away from the house. They played all the usual games, and it became their spot. Anyway, they decided to highjack some junked tires one day so that they could try rolling down the hill in them, like they’d seen some other kids do. Anyway, long story short, the hill ended at the road and when Darry rolled down in the tire, it ended on the road. Wouldn’t have been so bad…if a car hadn’t been coming…and if Darry hadn’t ended up getting stuck in the tire so badly that he couldn’t wiggle out. If it wasn’t for Soda running and screaming into the road and the driver’s quick reflexes, the situation could have ended very badly. As it was, Soda struggled to get Darry and the tire off the road and had to end up running home to get his mother to come and get Darry out of the tire.
Kento once ate fake fruit thinking it was real. The worst thing – he finished it and just chalked the weird taste up to it being underripe.
Makio, as a kid, on a bet, stuck his hand into a fresh-of-the-stove bowl of soup just to prove that he could. He got a cool scar and ten dollars out of it…almost made the second degree burns worth it.
Ginji once not only blew the breaker in the Honky Tonk (the cost for a new one was added to their tab) but caused a blackout in the entire neighbourhood trying to convince Paul that he could generate enough power to cut drastically back on Paul’s electric bill – drastically enough that Paul should really cut their tab in half. Instead, it increased by about half.
Someone once asked Dmitri for the time. He was holding a hot cup of coffee. When he turned his wrist to check his watch (a watch he was not wearing because he doesn’t actually own a watch since he relies on his cell phone to tell him the time), he ended up dumping the hot coffee on the person who had stopped him.
Atlanta once, when she was about eight or nine, tried to bungee jump from a tree by tying one end of a bungee cord around a tree branch and one end around her ankles. She made sure to tie them really tight, of course, just to be safe. It just didn’t quite work out like she figured it would…that one hurt a lot.
Norman had a friend that Harry didn’t much like, but who would come to stay every couple weekends. She’d pinch Harry’s cheeks and make stupid comments and little Harry really, really didn’t want her over. So, one night, when she had taken her hearing aid out to clean it and then had to use the washroom, he seized his chance. He not only stole this poor woman’s hearing aid but stuck it in the toaster and turned the toaster on. Not only was the hearing aid destroyed, but the toaster ended up on fire. Needless to say, Norman was really, really angry with Harry and he found himself very grounded.
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bopinion · 3 months
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2024 / 09
Aperçu of the Week:
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."
(Siddhārtha Gautama, Indian wisdom teacher and founder of religion)
Bad News of the Week:
Various military scandals are currently rocking Germany. On the one hand, Russian (state) media have published a recording of a confidential conversation between senior air force officers that has been intercepted. And at a sensitive time. It concerns Taurus cruise missiles, which Ukraine desperately wants and which the German government, in particular Chancellor Olaf Scholz, is refusing. His official reason: German personnel were needed on site to ensure the weapon's functionality and, above all, its target settings. And Germany would therefore be a "direct participant in the war". This is precisely what the air force contradicts in this conversation, which was intended to coordinate a briefing on this topic for Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.
Was Scholz just misinformed or did he deliberately give a false reason and hope that nobody would find out? The former would be amateurish, the latter an unworthy political spectacle - and both are out of the question. The fact that the Federal Chancellor also revealed in the same context that the US and British military were already active in Ukraine is just as questionable and raises the same questions. Scholz is often accused of communicating too little. In these cases, less would have been more.
The circumstances of this confidential conversation are also alarming. It appears that the conversation was actually a WebEx meeting to which an unknown (apparently Russian) participant had dialed in. Just like that. And nobody noticed. I was fully aware that cyber espionage is dominated by the Russians. And that Germany is lagging behind in pretty much every aspect of digitalization. But the fact that it seems to be so easy to obtain secret military information should really only be a bad joke. It will be interesting to see what other recordings of confidential conversations the Kremlin still has in the drawer. And when and with what ulterior motives they will be released to the (western) public.
And on the other hand, in the last few days, an investigative team has brought to light an arms deal that fell through ten years ago. In a deal worth billions, the German armaments company Rheinmetall would have built state-of-the-art combat training centers in Russia to train Russian soldiers. Excuse me? You need to know that no German arms manufacturer is allowed to deliver abroad (outside NATO) without the approval of the German government. This has always been a source of debate in the case of Leopard II tanks for Saudi Arabia, for example. And the conservative-liberal coalition in power at the time (yes: Angela Merkel) had actually approved the Russia deal. Excuse me? When Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Sigmar Gabriel, the then Social Democrat Minister of Economic Affairs, fortunately pulled the ripcord. Whereupon Rheinmetall actually wanted to sue the federal government for lost profits. Since then, the issue has been on ice.
Both scandals show one thing very clearly: Defense is not a normal business and weapons are not just any export goods. This goes hand in hand with an immense responsibility. After all, human lives are at stake - protecting the lives of one's own population and killing (at least) the soldiers of another population. Apparently, not everyone involved is aware of this fundamental importance. Otherwise they would not treat it so lightly.
Good News of the Week:
Addison Mitchell McConnell Jr. ("Junior" - really?) will be history. Finally. In the dawn of his political career, the 82-year-old turtle from Capitol hill has shown astonishing wisdom of age - for example, "There is no doubt, none, that former President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the storming of the Capitol" - but that does not change the overall balance of his political life's work. Which, from a European perspective, is questionable to say the least.
In my memory, the long-time leader of the Republican caucus in the US Senate stands for one thing above all: rejection. Holding China accountable for human rights violations? Rejected. Allowing the Democrats' social programs? Rejected. Reappoint judges if you can't nominate them yourself (over 1,000 times!)? Rejected. Not only favor the super-rich in tax reforms? Rejected. And so on...
So now Mitch McConnell has announced that he "only" wants to be a simple senator after the next presidential election. Well. Anyone remember his cognitive failures in several press conferences when he simply freezed? Like his Democratic opponent Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi (who is two years older), McConnell is an argument for the urgent need for an age limit for full-time politicians. But that argument obviously doesn't apply to the top job either...
PS: The above criticism of Donald Jessica Trump came just minutes after the Republican caucus under his leadership acquitted him in his second impeachment trial precisely because of the storming of the Capitol. So much for consistency. But never mind: he's gone. And that's good.
Personal happy moment of the week:
My daughter has a student job in addition to her studies in political science and communications and her involvement in the student organization. The money for the 37th pair of sneakers has to come from somewhere. She currently works in the political department of a leading social media agency. She had doubts at first. Whether she would be able to meet the requirements. And whether the job would meet her expectations. Both seem to be working out. At the weekend, she was praised for her performance by both her agency and its clients. As if she wasn't just an inexperienced young student who didn't need to be taken seriously. But a fully-fledged contributor in the department. Her contract was also extended. Including a pay rise - just one euro, but it's all about the symbolism. After her social year in a kindergarten, this is the second time she has scored points in a job. That makes a clean 100%. And a very proud dad.
I couldn't care less...
...that there will be strikes on our national rail company again. Company co-determination in all its glory - but the behavior of this union (of train drivers) seems increasingly unprofessional. And anything but solution-oriented.
It's fine with me...
...that when setting hashtags, the first suggestion for Donald is still Duck - and not Trump.
As I write this...
...I still have to empty half the cellar. Because one of the many difficult-to-understand regulations in Germany apparently requires a gas meter to be replaced every eight years. And it's in the worst possible place in our house. Thank you, bureaucracy!
Post Scriptum
Even if AfD & Co. don't want to admit it in their general xenophobia, the German labor market would no longer be able to function without immigrants and their children. According to the Federal Statistical Office, for example, nothing would work in cleaning professions with 60%, in gastronomy with 46% or in construction with 38% of the workforce having foreign roots.
The fact that the general proportion on the labor market is then only just under 25% is explained by the dominance of these - with the exception of medical professions - rather low-skilled occupations. For example, the proportion of apprenticeships is only 11%. The proportion is even lower for government occupations. Here, citizens with a migration background still play a very small role, with less than 6% in the police and judiciary.
Demographic change and the imminent retirement of the baby boomers are exacerbating the situation on the labor market. The shortage of skilled workers is already seen as a key risk for Germany as a business location. Society also has a role to play here. After all, together with the difficult German language and excessive bureaucracy, the widespread lack of a welcoming culture is the main reason why very few people consider Germany to be an attractive destination.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
🤔 and 🔥 for the Silmarillion ask game! (I will shamelessly enable WIP procrastination)
oh hell yes, tyvm <3 <3 <3
already answered🤔 here, but just for you here's another one: Finrod can't taste bitterness very well, and finds things like green tea and dark chocolate and dandelions very bland and unenjoyable. He also has an enormous sweet tooth :)
🔥Give us your hottest Silm hot take. Oh you KNOW what I'm going to say: BEREN DID NOTHING WRONG. ever. in his life. i will die on this hill and what's more i will kill on this hill.
"beren should have gone to find his mother and people instead of following his father/after his father's death" - no he should not have, first cuz he had no guarantee they were alive and second cuz he was being actively hunted by morgoth and had a price on his head as high as fingon's. The most caring thing he could do for the (possible) remains of his family was to stay the hell away from them so Morgoth would leave them alone.
"beren was wildly presumptuous to dare to love lúthien/creepy for following her around in the forest/should have broken up with her when thingol told him to" - first off who gave elu thingol internet access. second off do you really think lúthien - you know, lúthien, famous overthrower of dark lords and spurner of fëanorians, ring any bells? - would have put up with any creeper nonsense from beren? i think not.
"beren should have just run away with lúthien" - oh yeah? run where? remember that price on his head? well guess what, it's doubled, because now thingol is also hunting him down. on a more serious note: I think Beren leaving on the silmaril quest is his way of "soft" breaking up with Lúthien. Beren knows that without Thingol's approval, he can offer Lúthien nothing. He has no home, no family, no safe place to raise children - and if she makes a drastic break with her family because of him, she will live to regret it when Beren inevitably dies and leaves her completely alone. Lúthien is the only bit of happiness or hope that Beren has had for years: after she is ripped away, it honestly makes complete sense that Beren would set out on a suicide quest.
"beren shouldn't have asked finrod for help getting a silmaril" - first off, the text never says that he did ask for that help. for all we know, all he asked for was a map. and also - beren has been driven out of any safe place, shelter, or home he's ever had. he is completely alone, friendless, and in despair. finrod and nargothrond was his only hope of a friendly face or a place of shelter: of course he sought finrod out!
(cont) second off, I think it's a patently absurd reading of the text to suggest that beren is knowingly asking finrod to go to his death, even if he does ask for help getting a silmaril. he grew up at the very end of the Long Peace, during a time of (probably) very high tensions, growing darkness, and isolation as each kingdom bolstered their defenses. it's entirely reasonable to believe that he doesn't know the whole sordid history of the silmarils, just that they're gems that morgoth prizes highly - which would be a pretty cool thing to steal! beren alone held dorthonion against morgoth for years, and then managed to pass into doriath: both incredible feats. it's not actually outside of the realm of possibility that beren with a team of elves could successfully infiltrate angband.
(cont again, this is off topic but it's another hot take i have) should finrod, who knew more about the politics at play and had seen morgoth's power firsthand, have told beren no? maybe. i think people make this out to be far more simple of a choice than it actually was, though. thingol knew exactly what he was doing when he asked for a silmaril; and finrod knew thingol knew. asking for a silmaril isn't the kind of thing you do when you're willing to be talked around. the most pragmatic thing for finrod to do would probably have been to just offer beren shelter in nargothrond (not luthien; he can't endanger his alliance with thingol when his people might need to flee to doriath); but beren wouldn't have stayed. given that, i think it was entirely reasonable for finrod to offer support and help, and ask his people to stand behind him. Everything that happened after that was an argument that spiraled wildly out of control (under the influence of the Doom of the Noldor probably...remember that the Noldor are fighting all the Valar in Middle-earth in one way or another, not just Morgoth).
and the final one, the kicker that i see a lot: "beren committed genocide against the dwarves of nogrod" - he...didn't? in fact i feel like he was the only one who reacted kinda proportionally during the ruin of doriath. thingol is an asshole (bad) - the dwarves kill him for it (bad) - the elves kill them back (...not entirely unreasonable? but bad) - the dwarves perform a FULL SCALE INVASION OF DORIATH (what the hell, seriously) and kill A LOT OF LUTHIEN'S PEOPLE - and then beren and lúthien, hearing that the dwarves of nogrod took an ENTIRE ARMY to LUTHIEN'S HOME and KILLED HER FATHER and SLAUGHTERED HER PEOPLE and are now leaving with LUTHIEN'S STUFF to do who-knows-what, attack them right back. which...is fair. in my opinion.
no h8 if u disagree with my beren opinions. but boy do i have them
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creepy-crowleys · 9 months
((Probably going with Demolisher for Crowley's class. Which is... actually the one I think I started her on. The in-game classes don't do much beyond determining your starting weapons - and you can switch from them pretty much once you've finished the tutorial - but I think it works for her. :d))
Responding to cries for help from the alley behind the convenience store, the schoolgirl slips off her uniform jacket, folds it, and stuffs it into her backpack. There will be blood—lots of blood—and she does not want it stained. She slides a ball-peen hammer out as she puts the jacket away and goes off to crack some skulls. The swordsman pivots, opening his soul to Gaia’s will as he slices upward at the looming ak’ab. His blade meets the insect’s carapace with a crack of thunder, nearly deafening the swordsman even as it hurls the ak’ab upward to splatter against the limestone walls of the tomb. She moves faster than the strike team expected. The Orochi sergeant in charge gasps as the old woman they’ve been sent to liquidate instead cuts down two of his men in a single slice. She seems to shrug off bullets and tasers, laughing as she crashes through them. She toys with them—holding back the fire and lightning that course through her—just to enjoy the thrill of battle again. The zombie crouches over its kill, ripping oversized handfuls of steaming-hot flesh from the first hiker’s body. Long has it roamed these backwater hills, growing in might and size as it devoured man and beast alike. It doesn’t even notice the lithe young man in the rainbow shirt until the youth knocks its head clean off with one swing of his blazing golf club. Demolishers channel divinity through implements of war, imbuing their weapons with heavenly radiance and striking like the thunderbolt of Zeus.
Like a Wrecking Ball
Demolishers burn with an inner fire. This wellspring of power is the blessing of Gaia at its simplest and most primal, like a primitive hominid cracking skulls with a jawbone. They smash things and they smash them good. More than any other, the demolisher class includes Bees from all walks of life: athletes, doctors, homemakers, mechanics, musicians, soldiers, students, and more. It is not physical strength that marks a demolisher, nor is there any special training one needs to take a stick and hit things with it. There is only the accursed gift of Gaia. Demolishers may be blunt instruments, but that does not make them incapable of finesse. Besides channeling anima into explosive melee attacks, they also have a natural capacity for protective magics. They can learn to see the invisible, make their skin hard as steel, and surround themselves with mystical barriers. If they live long enough, demolishers can learn to be as adept and subtle as any assassin or punisher.
Property Damage and Noise
Demolishers fight in the front line, leading charges and taking on whole armies by themselves. They’re loud and destructive, and they’re often sent into the field to act as diversions for more discreet operatives. Sometimes, though, the best defense is a good offense … and nothing says “offense” like a one-person wrecking crew.
Where They Fit in the Secret World
... In the Secret World, demolishers could be anyone from anywhere. They manifest their power as walking siege engines, channeling anima to wreak destruction in the most direct way available to any class. ...
Why the Secret Societies Want to Recruit Them
Secret society leaders aren’t immune to the raw, charismatic power of demolishers. Every society wants to find its own modern Hercules, someone who can trade blow for blow with oni and giants. Demolishers often serve an almost symbolic role within societies, representing the epitome of Gaia’s might—and that of the faction for which they work. In the field, demolishers provide excellent support for … squishier … team members. A demolisher in full tactical gear with a breaching maul is a better bullet stopper than a reinforced concrete wall, and much better prepared to smash a draug in the face. Play a demolisher for a simple but effective gameplay loop. Choose this class if you want power by way of channeling tremendous and explosive energy into melee weapons. There’s nothing subtle here.
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Guns are a bit of a hot button issue, especially after gun related incidents. I wholeheartedly believe that politicians use these incidents and their exaggerated outrage as self-marketing to boost their approval ratings and help them get elected again. I have very little faith that politicians actually care about the people.
I believe America should adopt common sense gun controls. This includes requiring every gun owner to attend a mandatory gun safety class.
Any one who hunts already has to take hunters safety, but that's only folks who want a hunting license. There are plenty of people who buy guns for defensive purposes or just because they Like Guns. I live in rural Wyoming, which is like, 90 percent of Wyoming. In my county of nearly 47,000 people, there has been 57 self induced gun injuries in the last year. Some due to a slip up, most due to ignorance.
I don't shoot, I don't find it fun, but my dad taught me how as a kid in case it was something I wanted/had to do. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. Dad drilled into me gun safety by screaming at me when I did something wrong. He was scared I was going to hurt myself and wanted to make sure I would never do it again. It sucked, but it was effective, and I'm glad he did it. The basic gun safety I learned was:
Don't point your gun at something your aren't prepared to shoot, loaded or not.
Treat every gun as if it's loaded, even if you know it isn't.
Treat every gun as if the safety if off, even if you know it's on.
Do not look down the barrel of your own gun. See point 1.
If you think you may have something in the barrel, use a cleaning brush to remove it. If you fire your gun when something it stuck in the barrel, it may stop the bullet and explode in your hand.
Clean your gun regularly. Dad's rule of thumb is to clean it after 5 uses. Not bullets, but after the fifth time you go shooting, clean your gun. This doesn't only extend the life of your gun, but also let's you see if anything is wrong with it, or if parts need replaced.
Practice taking apart and putting back together your gun before you use it. This helps prevent incidents due to incorrect placement of parts.
Put your target on something solid that a bullet won't go through. This ensures that you don't accidentally shoot someone from a distance, or as we where more worried about, someones horse. Dad used his back hoe to dig into a hill on our property to use as a shooting range.
If you are planning to use your gun to hunt, practice with it at a shooting range first, so you know what to expect, especially with the recoil. Many of the injuries this past year were dislocated shoulders from recoil.
Just straight up don't take your gun out of the safe if small children are around. Kids don't know shit and they're curious.
Wait until your child is around 10-11 to teach them how to shoot, and be very serious about it. Stress the importance of gun safety and ensure that they know that while you may be shooting because you enjoy it, guns are dangerous and could hurt or kill people. They are not toys.
This is not an exhaustive list of rules, but the most important one that I have been taught. Whether for fun, defense, or sport, follow gun safety rules to reduce the risk of injuring yourself or others.
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