#no church in the wild
I fear I ate them up
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violetmuses · 2 months
Spill This Blood -  A. Aretas 🔥🖤🩸
Title: Spill This Blood - A. Aretas 🔥🖤🩸
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe 
Character: Armando Aretas 
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: If loyalty is a sin, watch us burn hand in hand. 
Author's Note: Surprise! Here's my sequel to “No Church In The Wild.” Enjoy! 💜
@nelo0wesker @onlyrealjoy @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @yassbishimvintage @spaceacelover @nobodygetsza
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“How you doing?” 
Here through dark circumstances with partner Marcus Burnett, Detective Mike Lowrey greets his estranged son, criminal Armando Aretas. 
“It's a prison.” Armando rasped, dressed in this orange uniform behind bars. 
“Yeah. Well, look.” Lowrey then struggled for a moment. “We need your help. Captain Howard might've been dirty. Do you know anything about that?”
“How much time in prison do I lose from talking about this one?” Aretas nearly shrugged. 
“I'm still working on the exit plan, but I need answers.” Mike repeated himself. “Did Captain Howard work with the cartels?”
“No. He wanted to shut everything down and clean up the mess.” Armando denied this terrible rumor. 
“Wait, but your mother put Captain right on the hit list.” Mike stood puzzled. 
“He was added to it. Your people wanted this plot to look like our work. Your people wanted him dead.” Aretas exposed brand-new information. 
Someone who joined the Miami Police Department wanted Captain Conrad Howard to die. 
“Our people?” Even Marcus Burnett narrowed his eyes across the space. 
“Be careful. You've played this game and don't even know the rules.” Armando warned. “There's dirty players working on your side.”
“That's bullshit.” Marcus would scold these details. 
“Wait, who set everything up?” Mike Lowrey tagged with questions again.
“I saw him one time.” Armando said, remembering this view of someone from the DEA. 
“Can you ID him?” Marcus wanted to see if Armando could identify the possible suspect. 
“Si.” Aretas quickly used his native language of Spanish. 
“What's his name?” Mike would still attempt further. 
“I don't know. Only my mother could deal with him.” Armando continued offering his perspective. 
“Damn. I knew that we should keep the witch alive.” Marcus grumbled. 
“Marcus, be nice.” Mike corrected his longtime partner regarding Armando's deceased mother Isabel Aretas. 
“May she rest in peace.” Burnett pulled weary sarcasm. 
“Really, dude?” Mike faced Marcus through another correcting glance. 
“You slept with a bruja.” Marcus then lifted his brow. “I'm still calling out the truth at this point.”
“Hey…” Armando pulled accented English to distract the officials. 
“My bad.” Mike still apologized to his own son. “Marcus just won't stop talking. What's up?” 
“Is she okay out there?” Armando gently mentioned you for the first time since Mike last visited. 
“Yeah. You'll be with her soon. Don't worry.” Mike walked from Aretas and left with Marcus once more. 
“Someone tried to kill my son, Rita!” Not long after Mike returned to Miami, plotted “inmates” set to kill Armando and this bomb exploded at the prison. 
“What do you need? I know that Armando is part of your family, but he is still a criminal.” AMMO team leader Rita Secada spoke up as expected. 
“Schedule his transfer.” Mike requested. “If we don't move fast, the situation could get even worse and I can't let that shit happen to Armando, all right?” 
“How can we trust your plan?” Attorney and mayoral candidate Adam Lockwood chimed in. 
“We learned that Armando can identify whoever framed Cap.” Mike explained further. 
“Fine, but if anything goes wrong, you're alone with the operation.” Lockwood stepped out grumbling. 
“Who pissed in his cereal this morning?” Marcus tried joking. 
Mike rolled both eyes here, but still planned the next move. 
“We need to tell her what's going on with Armando.” Leaving Rita behind this afternoon, Lowrey entered the hallway and whispered to Marcus about you. 
“Hell no! Not yet.” Realization hit Marcus once Mike acknowledged your position. “Listen to me. If that girl finds out what happened from the wrong place, she'll line up body bags for all of us!” 
“Fuck.” Mike rasped toward his partner and grounded the absolute truth. 
If Detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett  showed up on your doorstep without Armando standing, all hell would have gone loose. 
“We haven't even helped Armando leave prison yet.” Burnett continues. “Don't you dare make that call right now.” 
“What's the move?” Lowrey questioned his best friend for advice. 
“Once we set up Armando's transfer, then we'll all find his girl.” Marcus said. “I don't need you giving out false hope or bringing up scary shit.” 
“Deal. Let's do this.” Mike agreed with this point while leaving the department. 
“You good?” En route to Miami, Mike questioned his son Armando. 
“Never been better.” Aretas mumbled from the towered cage. 
“In about forty-five minutes, you'll see somebody familiar.” Mike nodded. 
“Cool.” Armando held back his smile this time around, exhausted. 
“Get me out of this fucking cage!” Armando shouts as his placed cell nearly falls out of the dipping aircraft.
This organized plan immediately failed. Unknown experts from the dark hijacked Armando's federal transport! 
Scrambling, Marcus struggled to keep everything steady as Mike hurried, opening the main door with this designated key. 
Even handcuffed when Mike caught him, Armando hobbled to the cockpit and yelled through directions for landing. 
“Ah, grab the stick!” Aretas pulsed through fear and chaos while trying to avoid death for everyone. 
“When the hell did you learn how to fly?!” Marcus went on. 
“I'm a drug dealer, man!” Armando just yelled back. Steer to the right! We'll face water.” 
The helicopter crashes right through large ripples, but all three men survived this nightmare. 
Drenched from murky water, Armando Aretas stands in his ruined orange uniform to travel on foot, outright ignoring Lowrey and Burnett. 
“Hey! Where are you going?!” Mike realized that Armando walked off.  
“Fuck out my way.” Pissed off with Lowrey, Aretas stepped even further back and continued the route forward. 
“Look, you are the only person who can identify whoever is doing this!” Mike pulled Armando's collar without hesitation, but Marcus dodged their fight. “We should reach the suspect before they get us.” 
“There is no us!” Armando shoved Lowrey back once more. 
“We gotta stay together, man. Captain Howard left us files with Dorn in Miami.” Mike struggled. 
Y'all better not slow me down. Before we move again, lose your phones.” Armando then took charge. “Either keep up with me or I'll leave you both in the dirt. You're in my world now.” 
Given no other option, Mike and Marcus followed Aretas through the wilderness. 
By nightfall, this makeshift campfire snapped to keep all three men warm. 
“How should we tell her what happened?” Noting you, Mike offered his question near Armando. 
“It's not up to y'all.” Armando defended his own choice regarding you. “We'll go back there and find her first. If the hijackers reached us, who knows what else happened…” 
Damn. Lowrey thought. 
“Fine.” Mike accepted reality. 
“By the way, ya'll are some terrible fucking fugitives.” Armando tossed more wood, still disgruntled. 
After stealing clothes from two idiots, Mike, Marcus, and Armando “found” one rusty pickup truck before Aretas drove away. 
“Did you love my mother?” Armando faces the road when evening returns. 
“I definitely loved her.” Mike told the truth over Isabel despite everything. 
“You sold her out, though.” Aretas darkened this talk with his biological father. Even Marcus squinted. 
“I've made some mistakes.” Mike continued speaking. 
“Like me?” Armando revealed eye contact while facing Mike. 
“Hold on. Now, you know damn-well that's not what I meant.” Lowrey defended himself. 
“Wait a minute...” Marcus tried to interject, but Mike reached the breaking point. 
“Nigga, will you shut the fuck up and let me talk to him? For the last time, this is not your conversation!” Mike couldn't stand Marcus now. 
“So you hate me now?” Flabbergasted, Marcus looked toward his partner. 
“Let ‘em talk.” Armando whispered to Marcus while still driving. 
Though we're judging Marcus, there's progress with Armando.  Mike realized. 
Silenced, Marcus Burnett only watched upcoming streetlights. 
“Shop ahead. I'll go in and use somebody's phone.” Armando set his next plan right as the pickup truck's engine burned out. 
“No help?” Mike glanced toward Aretas for a second. 
“Y'all are detectives. Too recognized.” Armando gestured between Mike and Marcus before leaving this truck himself. 
Mike then watched his son put this trucker  hat back on and enter one neon lighting storefront. 
“Where did he go?” Marcus spoke up again.  
“Doesn't matter.” Mike said. “Let's just wait.”
“Hey.” Armando offered accented English just in case. “Sorry to bother you, but my truck broke down outside. Could I borrow your phone?” 
“Oh, damn. I'm closing up here, but sure.” The food mart clerk nodded. “Want anything else?”
“No cash.” Wearing this Bud Light shirt, Armando tapped both dirty pockets of stolen jeans. Boots stepped along. 
“Don't worry. I've been there when times aren't easy.” The clerk just wanted to help out. 
“Thanks.” Need to call my girl first.” Armando took this cell phone from the counter. 
“I know that's right.” The clerk smiled for a moment while gathering free snacks. 
“Hello?” Your sweet voice responded shortly after Aretas dialed. 
“It's me, baby…” Armando couldn't believe this moment. “Lost my phone, but I'm here.” 
“Armando?” Quiet shock reached your entire body right now. 
Yeah, hey.” Armando confirmed his words and promised that you weren't dreaming. “It's a long story, but I need to meet me somewhere. I'll explain everything.”
“Just say where. I'll find you.” You don't ask questions. 
“There's a rusted truck parked downtown, but the engine's dead.” Armando gestured outside. 
“All right. Love you.” You hung up quickly, but Armando can't help grinning this time. 
“Take care.” Once Aretas returned the phone, this sore clerk bid farewell and handed Armando his bag, watching him leave.
“Sup?” Mike greeted Armando once the driver's seat door opened. 
“My girlfriend will pick us up soon and I got free snacks from the clerk.” Armando offered this bag. 
“Thanks.” Mike nodded. 
“Skittles?” Marcus just seemed nosey all over again. 
“Not supposed to eat that shit, Marcus.” Mike warned his partner as usual.
Within minutes, Armando smiled once more when your car pulled up at last.
“She's here. Let's go.” Aretas ditched that truck again and met you on the sidewalk. 
Immediately recognizing Armando, you bolted each footstep down this path and jumped right into his arms, knocking off the trucker hat. 
Both of you survived. 
Yet once you reached the sidewalk again, your plan started up. 
“Mike, Marcus! Let's go.” You call the Miami detectives. 
Armando hops the passenger seat and you hit that sturdy engine, noticing Lowrey and Burnett. 
“Armando got the front seat!” Marcus yelled while standing near your car with Mike. 
“Get in this damn car before I smack you upside your peasy-ass head!” Mike warned. 
“Have they always bickered like this?” You questioned Armando. 
“Since we met.” Armando rolled his brown eyes and passed gum your way. 
“Goodness.” You finally started driving and moved along. 
“Dorn from AMMO has a boathouse near the harbor. Can you take us there?” Detective Mike Lowrey called from the backseat. 
“What happened? All of you look rough.” You needed to hear the truth no matter what. 
“Long story short, I told you when Captain Howard got framed, but someone hijacked Armando's aircraft. If it wasn't for Armando flying…” Mike trailed his explanation. 
“Who struck down the plane?” You leveled this question. 
“It was probably the same person who just framed Cap.” Mike went on. “Armando can identify the suspect.”
“Done. Just give me an address.” You affirmed and waited to hear more instructions. 
Early daylight moves along this harbor when you finally reach the boathouse. 
“Stay in the car.” Mike warned you and Aretas without thinking twice. 
Because Armando stood as a criminal, Mike and Marcus couldn't take chances with Dorn acting spooked yet. 
“And don't fog up windows tryna be nasty.” Even Marcus pointed, following his partner into the residence and leaving you with Armando. 
When the doors slammed shut, Armando loosened his seatbelt. 
 Your man opened both arms and truly hugged you for the first since lockup. 
“Hi.” Greeting him, you didn't let go of this embrace yet. 
“Hey.” Armando held your cheek, just grateful to see you in person and remain alive. “Still beautiful. No makeup last night?”
“I was sleeping when you called me.” You laughed for a second. 
“Sorry.” His slightly accented English returned to you. “I should join you next time.” 
“Let's knock out this bastard first.” You glance toward Armando and make another vow, planning to help Lowrey and Burnett. 
Back together again. Aretas promised. 
“Hey. Dorn just plotted connections with your laptop.” Tapping your driver's seat window, Mike offered an update. 
“Got it. I can set up here.” You walked around the car, but Armando already gathered your bag from the trunk. 
“Damn, ya'll fast.” Marcus noticed the dynamics with you and Aretas. 
“We're a team.” Armando says. “That's why I don't match with you, Detective.”
“Marcus, look. She might work even faster than Dorn.” Mike acknowledged just how quickly you matched databases from the house. 
While Armando noted countless faces, each rejection seemed more and more disappointing. 
“Wait, zoom in again.” Armando grounded his reality now. 
“Here?” You ask. On screen, this grayscale picture of one man with bright hair caught your attention. 
“That's who ordered the hit on Captain. Text them.” Armando confirms his discovery while you immediately contact Mike and Marcus. 
James McGrath: Former Army Ranger turned DEA agent. Tortured before joining the cartel himself. 
The monster is cornered, but you realize one very significant problem: 
Mcgarth has kidnapped Mike's wife Christine alongside Captain Howard's granddaughter Callie. 
An alligator park located somewhere deep in Florida veiled as the hideout for McGrath’s operation, but you still can't join this battle. 
“There's me, Marcus, Armando, Rita, Kelly and Dorn. That's it.” Mike dropped your help and even relayed the AMMO squad. 
“Why the hell would you leave her out? You know exactly what she's capable of.” Aretas defended your skill. 
“If anything happens to her out there, you'll go right back to prison. You can't set off a bloodbath if she gets hurt.” Mike offered this horrifying perspective. 
Fed up, your steps leave the dock and Armando chases after you. 
“We pushed all that work for nothing! Why did Mike even call me out?” You reached the car once more and planned to leave. 
“Listen…” Armando tried. 
“No. Complete the mission.” You declined this chance, speeding away. 
After taking down James McGrath and saving Callie Howard, Armando Aretas somehow pulls many different strings, finding you once more. 
“Stubborn just like your father.” You open the front door of your home while Armando stands on that porch with flowers. 
“I love you, too.” Aretas chuckled through his accented English and passed one threshold, staying here forever.  
Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain for me? 
Save my soul for me? 
'Cause I'm alone, you see. 
If I'm gon' die for you. 
If I'm gon' kill for you. 
Then I'll spill this blood for you…
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superdynamo · 4 months
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24kmagiic · 13 days
Chapter 27 Now Posted
Read also on AO3
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I’m obsessed with this like you wouldn’t BELIEVE
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glittergroovy · 9 months
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No Church in the Wild - Jay-Z, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, The-Dream
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ungoliantschilde · 5 months
“No Church in the Wild”, by Jay-Z and Kanye, featuring Frank Ocean and The-Dream.
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ma-du · 1 year
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no church in the wild...
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ubyouu · 2 years
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One of my first DTG designs. Look at those dated phones and shoes. This is an oldie.
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me-els · 2 months
Human beings in a mob
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a god?
What's a god to a non-believer
Who don't believe in anything?
Will he make it out alive?
Alright, alright
No church in the wild
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spettriedemoni · 2 months
No Curch in the Wild
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violetmuses · 2 months
No Church In The Wild -  A. Aretas 🔥🖤🩸
Title: No Church In The Wild -  A. Aretas 🔥🖤🩸
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe 
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: If loyalty is a sin, watch us burn hand in hand.
@nelo0wesker @onlyrealjoy @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @spaceacelover @yassbishimvintage
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2016 - Flashback 
Armando Aretas would join his first party of the year. Summertime finally heated through Miami, Florida when others planned this big night. 
Twenty-one at last, Armando watches as his friend Lorenzo Rodriguez stands at the kitchen counter and pours two hefty shots this evening.  
“Fireball. Cheers.” Clinking the glasses, Armando and Zway took their very first chances with alcohol. 
“Shit!” Armando coughed once this liquid ran down. “Get something else. That was bad.”
“All right, I tried.” Laughing, Zway poured himself another Fireball shot and lined up this new drink for Armando, easing the taste instead. 
“That's better.” Armando chilled out, glancing around this space while others finally reached the kitchen. 
Nursing the new drink this time, Armando turned around and noticed you. 
You're so pretty. His heart skips as you greet other people and request your own drink from Zway. 
“Hey.” Aretas proved cordial and introduced himself. “I'm Armando.”
“Hi.” You then greeted Armando with your own smile. “You know Zway?”
“High School.” Armando nodded toward his friend while holding the glass.
“Nice.” You smiled back. 
Just as Armando would continue speaking with you, his phone buzzed in one pocket. 
“Fuck, sorry! I gotta take  this.” Dumping his beverage in the kitchen sink, Armando excused himself from you. 
“Oh no. It's fine, go ahead.” You stepped back without hesitation. 
Armando brought Zway outside, picking up that call right away. 
Law enforcement called. Armando's mother Isabel Aretas had just escaped from prison in Mexico. 
“Stop the party. I gotta go!” Armando grits his teeth and points toward Zway's house. 
Without thinking twice, Zway sprints toward the opposite direction and ends this party for good, claiming that his own family would show up. 
You scrambled with everyone else to leave this house. All around, people would call rides or nearly start running out to avoid more drama
By the end of chaos, Zway locked that front door behind him and immediately called Armando back. 
“C'mon. Pick up!” Zway paced back and forth, terrified when this phone kept ringing. “¡Dios mío!” 
“Zway, Zway!’ Aretas finally responded, but his voice called through panicked screams. 
“I'm here! Where are you?” Zway tried to learn details. 
“Get out of there right now.” Armando's accented English rushed on that other line. “She's planted a bomb under the sink!”
“What the fuck, how many minutes?!” Zway yelled. 
“Cops said you have five minutes left, go!” Before Zway could ask  further questions, Armando hung up once more. 
Shit! Zway thought. 
Right as Zway left this house and sprinted down his street, the bomb exploded! 
Zway survived the explosion, but now, Isabel Aretas lurked elsewhere and still carried dark magic that would haunt everyone beyond words. 
Dangerous corners of South Beach grounded power once Armando Aretas stood tall again. 
Given the carnage of tragedy, Armando stopped trusting law enforcement altogether and took matters into his own hands from now on. 
Now stone, ruthless, and feared, Armando vowed would never look back. 
And yet, other feelings somehow lingered. 
Armando found you once more and honestly explained what happened, giving the truth. 
Instead of drifting away, you've stood right here and remained loyal beside him. 
Tonight, hidden cash veiled near the Miami Harbor. 
“Where are you going?” You whispered to Armando, woken up by mistake. 
“Out. I'll be right back.” He smiled between kisses to say goodbye.
“I know you're armed, but take my knife.” Your three words stop this moment. 
“Kay…” Even Armando's lovely brown eyes darkened once this man sleeved one of your Karambits. 
“Come back to me. Promise?” You held his face regardless.  
“Always.” Armando nodded toward you and dialed Zway's number, departing moments later. 
On your birthday, you woke up alone, but  Armando offered text messages: 
Lo siento, mami. 😭
 I found the money, but this deal crashed. 💸 
I'll be there tonight. For real. 🥺
Still missing you. 😔
Though pissed off, you waited for Armando and couldn't ruin your special occasion. 
While getting ready with this crew, your phone buzzed twice: 
Armando: Outside, Gorgeous. I'm sorry. 😭🖤
“Time to go.” You signaled the update near everyone, leaving. 
This black convertible pulled up downtown, yet the main roof veiled Armando's identity. 
“Happy birthday.” His kisses left more and more apologies. 
“Thank you.” Your mind clouded through forgiveness and everyone hadn't partied yet. 
“One more time?” Zway offered Fireball shots again.
“Hell no!” Armando scrunched up his face, cornered in one section with you as drinks flowed. Guests cracked up. 
“Oh, well. More for me, then. Happy birthday to the Queen.” Zway lifts his beverage and acknowledges you. 
Glasses clinked and Armando only smiled for you this evening. 
“We never dance. Can you move?” You finished your drink and safely walked with Aretas. 
“Don't ask. You already know the answer.” He flirts and turns you around to meet his clothed front. 
Music dropped and for once, Armando just focused on you, letting rhythms sway the night.
Though planning to leave hours later, you  quietly signaled an interruption. 
“What?” Armando hushed near you with weapons on standby. 
“Cops…” You pointed toward another section of the nightclub. 
“Move out of dodge.” Armando knew better and Zway shut down another celebration. 
Last night, Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett killed Zway, putting so much in jeopardy. 
“They got too close. I can't risk anything else right now.” Armando packed his weapons, ready for war. 
“Bloodbath.” You didn't even question him and prepared your own defenses. 
The Miami Police Department would face an absolute storm. 
Captain Conrad Howard died first, in charge when locking up Armando's late father Benito.  
And with each passing bullet, you counted every funeral. 
But when Detective Mike Lowrey stood as this final target, Isabel Aretas emerged from the shadows that night. 
“Matarlos a los dos.” Isabel pulled venom as this  estate in Mexico burned all around.
Right as Armando would kill Lowrey and Burnett here, Isabel shot you in the chest. 
“No!” Immediately, Armando dives near rubble to catch your falling body, but you slip, almost dropping toward the flames. 
“Let me go, it's time. Let me go.” You tried to keep looking at him, but his glance pleaded.
“No, cariño. Te tengo. Espera.” Armando tightened his hold near you, but Mike and Marcus started yelling. 
The mansion is still falling apart, triggered by this destroyed helicopter. 
“Pull her up!” Mike chanted over and over again, wanting to help alongside Marcus. 
Your body escaped fire, yet the gunshots remained, dimming lights from within.
“Somebody fucking shoot her, I don't have my vest!” You rasped and squirmed through the pain, fuming over Isabel. 
You can't even grab Armando's pistol for revenge, closing both eyes. 
With Isabel Aretas dead, Armando found himself rotting in prison for his own crimes. 
But Armando has thought of you since facing lockup. 
“She's alive, man.” After noting decades of confusion, Detective Mike Lowrey stood as Armando's biological father. 
“Where is she?” Armando wanted to confirm everything after losing you again. 
“Outside. See you soon.” Mike walked away, leaving Armando with good news. 
Behind bars, Armando Aretas smiled. 
Human beings in a mob. 
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a God?
What's a God to a non-believer…
Who don't believe in anything?
Will he make it out alive?
Alright, alright. 
No church in the wild…
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unintelligibleclarity · 9 months
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favlurics · 11 months
what’s a mob to a king?
what’s a king to a god?
what’s a god to a non-believer?
0 notes
glittergroovy · 9 months
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No Church in the Wild - Jay-Z, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, The-Dream
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