#no clue where this shower thought came from but i'll roll with it
bubblegum-blackwood · 8 months
Buffy pegging Spike do you see my vision
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dottydoesstuff · 3 months
You know in the end, I'll always be there (steve harrington x reader)
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Based on the song ‘the promise’ by when in Rome
Part 3 of the Head over Heels mini series
I had to type Dustin so many times that now i'm not sure its a real word
Pls pls pls note that steve not getting Henry's name right is completely intentional and not me accidentally mixing the names up 😭
Will there be a part four soon or will I drop off the face of the earth again ? who knows. I literally have no clue how to end this (completely unintentional) series.
Angst, pining, idiots in love, no use of y/n, 
4k words <3
Dred was eating away at Steve. It has been a week since that god-forsaken party. A week since he’d kissed you. A week since you had left him sitting alone on Tina’s porch. It has been the longest that the two of you have gone without talking since he met you. Steve had hoped that maybe you'd woken up the day after the party and developed a special type of amnesia that only made you forget about the kiss (and Joseph, but that was just wishful thinking) but as time went on the more his hope dwindled. It was clear you were avoiding him, there were no more late night phone calls where the two of you would talk nonsense till passing out, no more dropping by family video and no more afternoons spent driving around Hawkins with no specific destination in mind. Even after you had started seeing Jonah, you and Steve still talked on a daily basis but then he went and fucked it all up. Typical. 
As Steve lay in bed staring at his ceiling, he thought about that day at the lake and how Eddie had so easily picked up on his feelings for you, he then remembered the vow he made himself about how his feelings should not interfere with your friendship. He grabbed the pillow next to him and covered his face before letting out a long groan and then tossed said pillow across his bedroom.
He’s. Fucked. It. Up. 
The one thing he swore to himself he wouldn't do, he went and did anyway.
His heart hurt at the thought that his actions may have pained you in some way but relished as he remembered the feeling of your lips against his.
He truly didn't know what came over him that night at Tina's party. But before he could ponder on that for too long the phone on his bedside table began to ring. 
He answered it in a heartbeat, silently begging for it to be you on the other side. 
Unfortunately for Steve he was met with Dustin's screeching and not your soft voice. 
Dustin was all but begging him for a ride to the arcade which Steve reluctantly agreed to. His shift was due to start in just under an hour anyway so he said he'd pick up Dustin on his way.
After hanging up the phone Steve was plunged back into a vicious silence due to his house being devoid of any life other than himself. For the first time in a week, instead of giving into it and wallowing in self pity, he got up to shower.
Steve pulled up to Dustin's house half an hour later.
“You're late” the younger boy declared as he yanked the door open and clambered into the passenger seat. 
“I don't think we actually agreed on a time” 
Dustin rolled his eyes as he fastened his seatbelt and reached into his pocket for his packet of m&ms. 
“No, no, no” Steve said before snatching the packet out of Dustin's hands. “No eating in my car”
Dustin's look of bewilderment would've made Steve laugh had he not been in such a bitter mood.
“What the hell are you talking about, you let me eat in here all the time” Dustin argued as he attempted to grab the candy back from Steve.
“No, I used to let you eat in here until you went and spilled nerds everywhere, it's been three months and I'm still finding them.”
Dustin rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat as Steve shoved the packet of m&ms into the glove box and went to start the car.
“Your just mad because you and your girlfriend had a fight”
Steve's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at Dustin’s accusation.
“You- my-... what?”
“Yeah, haven't seen you two together in a while.” Dustin said as he waggled his finger in Steve's face.
Steve whacked his hand away from him with a look of disgust on his face. Partly because of what Dustin was saying but mostly because his hand was covered in Cheeto dust.
“First off, she isn’t my girlfriend,” Dustin gave him a sceptical look before starting to argue back.
“And second,” Steve interjected before Dustin could start picking holes in his words “we aren't fighting were both just, y’know… busy”
“Busy.” Dustin repeated, looking doubtful.
“Yeah she's got her stuff going on and I've got mine” 
Steve kept his eyes on the road in front of him as he spoke knowing his face would betray him which would only give the other boy more reason not to believe his words. He hated lying to Dustin but knew that the boy was prone to meddling in others lives and if he knew how Steve really felt about you he couldn't be sure Dustin wouldn't insert himself where he was not wanted. Plus he wasn't really lying, you two hadn’t fought, you were just avoiding Steve like the plague. …There's a difference. 
“I never said her name” Dustin's voice pulled Steve back into reality.
“You knew exactly who I was talking about and I never even said her name”
Steve sat in silence as Dustin gave him a smug smile 
“Whatever man that doesn't prove anything”
“Or maybe it proves everything”
They pull up at a stop light as Dustin finishes. Steve takes the opportunity to open his glovebox and grab the packet of m&ms and throw them at Dustin. They hit him in the face before falling onto his lap.
“Shut up and eat your m&ms”
Dustin looked like the cat who got the damn cream as he ripped open the packet and shoved a handful into his mouth.
“You should go for it though, if you do like her, she’s cool” 
Steve valued Dustin's sentiment, however he would have valued it more if Dustin had finished chewing his m&ms before saying it. He didn't reply though, knowing whatever he said Dustin would have something annoyingly Dustin-ish to retort with.
He continued stewing over Dustin's words in his head until they arrived at family video. Steve had barely finished parking the car before Dustin was opening the door and jumping out, shouting Steve a goodbye over his shoulder as he hurried into the arcade. Steve rolled his eyes affectionately at the younger boy's actions before sighing and reaching to the backseat to grab his family video vest, shrugging it on and adjusting his name tag as he climbed out of his car. 
He’d been standing behind the front counter in a state of monotony for a few minutes (though it felt like hours) before Robin burst through the door.
“You look like a kicked puppy” 
Steve looked up from where he had been staring at the floor and methodically scuffing the carpet with the toe of his shoe. 
“Good morning to you too, Robin”
Robin waved her hand at him dismissively as she walked into the backroom to clock in.
“You need to grow a pair and talk to her Harrington” her voice echoed across the empty store.
“I have no idea what your talking about”
“You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been sat here all week staring longingly at the door waiting for her to walk through it”
“I have not”
“Yes Steve, you have. You're waiting for all your problems to solve themselves, which is what you always do.”
“Oh yeah, your one to talk” steve mumbled 
Robin rolled her eyes as she walked back over to where he sat.
“Even if I did talk to her, what would I even say?”
“Just tell her how you feel, dingus” Robin said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Oh yeah that's a great idea, so what, you want me to go up to her and tell her that I can’t stop thinking about her, that I haven't been able to get her out of my head for like months, that I’m so head over heels in love with her that it hurts and then what will happen Robin? I will loose her forever because incase you haven’t noticed she’s with someone else and so obviously dosn’t feel the same way, so I will live the rest of my life in misery while they go off and get married and have children and I’ll be sat at home with my four cats wishing that I’d just fucking told her when I had the chance.” Steve dropped on the stool by the computer with a huff as he finished his monologue.
Robin stood in silence with an amused look on her face.
“You have always had a flair for the dramatics Harrington” 
Steve buried his head in his hands.
“Look they've been dating for like a month, I highly doubt they’re getting married anytime soon” 
“That's no the point, I-,” Steve stood up from where he sat, avoiding eye contact with Robin as best he could as he walked to grab the trolly full of tapes to be restocked “Look the bottom line is I want her to be happy, and if shes happy with Josh then I should just forget about it”
“No, i'm just going to apologise and say it was a stupid drunken mistake and leave her be”
“Fine, if that's what you want the-”
“It is.” Steve said with such firmness that Robin couldn't argue no matter how much she wanted to. The look in his eyes was one of such finality and sadness that it broke her heart to see. 
She had stood by and watched for months as Steve pined desperately for a totally oblivious you. She had watched as Steve went on date after date trying to get over you but his tactic had failed due to every girl he dated saying that he'd spent a great deal of time talking about you and was clearly harbouring an attachment. The notion made Robin cringe but also feel a great deal of sympathy for her clearly longing friend.
Robin couldn't shake the awful feeling that things were not going to end well for the two of you. She cared for you both greatly and couldn't bear to witness the aftermath of what would surely be an explosive end to your and Steve's friendship.
She was so sure that one of you would have come to your senses and confessed by now, it was completely, glaringly, painfully obvious to anyone outside the two of you that there were feelings involved. The longing stares, the inside jokes that date back years, the constant need to be close to each other and the uncanny ability to know what the other is thinking made Robin a tad envious if she was being completely honest. The two of you had been friends for as long as she could remember and somehow you weren't sick of each other. 
She could tell that probing Steve any longer wouldn't amount to anything so she left him alone to restock the tapes as she manned the front desk, alone. 
The rest of Steve's shift passed mind-numbingly slowly, and without a word from Robin, until the clock on the back wall struck 10 pm and Steve could be released from the hellscape that is family video. Robin had waved him goodbye with a sad smile as she left before he could offer her a ride home. He watched as she fastened her helmet and did up her jacket to try to somewhat protect herself from the downpour that had started 10 minutes ago. He felt like shit watching her go, realising that his misery was contagious and had just forced his best friend to cycle home in the rain rather than have to talk to him. Just as he was about to go into the back to clock out, the phone rang.
He huffed out a breath of air before picking up the receiver and mentally prepared his customer service voice.
“Welcome to family video, what can I help you with ?”
He was expecting a frazzled customer to beg him to stay open late so they could return their tape to avoid a late fee, or maybe a request to reserve the new Top Gun VHS they'd just got in. But that is not what he heard.
“Steve ?”
If he hadn't been listening so intently he would have missed it. It was your voice and hearing it had done a number on his brain. He opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish trying to get some semblance of a word to come out
“Steve? Are you there?”
“Uhh yeah, yes I'm here. What- uhh -what's up?” 
“I didn't know who else to call.” You paused to try and work out what to say. He'd never in his life heard your voice sound so small. Through the static Steve swore he heard a muffled sob, without thinking Steve asked, “Are you crying?” 
Steve talks without thinking far too often and when he says brainless things such as what he just asked you, it makes him want to bang his head on the counter in front of him. Repeatedly. 
“I- Can you come pick me up?” you ask quietly, like you haven't quite decided if you want him to hear you or not, then you start talking very quickly as you add “i'm so sorry, I know its late, it’s just no one else is picking up and my parents would go mad if they knew where I was, plus-”
“Where are you ?” he asked gently, trying to calm you down.
“The Hideout”
That took Steve by surprise. The only time you would go to the Hideout was to see Eddie play with Corroded Coffin and even then you would only stay for his set. The sticky tables, seedy patrons and deafening music not really being to your taste. 
“I’m sorry steve, I know its a trek but-”
“I'll be there in ten minutes”
Didn’t you know that Steve would go to the ends of the earth to make sure you were alright? A ten minute drive was hardly an ultimatum.
“Thank you Steve” your words were quiet but sincere. 
“It's no problem”
There was a few seconds of silence before the line went dead, Steve hoped that you had run out of change and not just hung up on him. 
Steve rushed into the backroom to clock out then back through the store to the front door. He made sure to lock it before covering his head with his jacket and running to his car.
He's not ashamed to say he broke a few traffic laws on his way to the hideout but he was running on pure adrenaline so really he can't be blamed. Your words were swirling around his thoughts. How you had said ‘none of your other friends’, Steve hoped that meant that you still viewed him as a friend and not that you were just trying to spare his feelings. Other is just a five letter word, was he really going to place all his hope in your friendship having a future on a five letter word? He thought that doing so may be setting himself up for disappointment when he realised that you had called him. He knew that you’d tried to call other people first but he was still considered as an option and that made him push his foot on the accelerator a little bit harder. 
Questions clouded his thoughts. Why hasn't your boyfriend picked you up? Why were you at the Hideout? More importantly, why were you crying? Has Jeremiah made you cry? 
He thought about what Robin and Dustin had said to him as he sped further through the sleepy town, how they thought he should tell you how he felt. Perhaps they were right or perhaps they have never cared about someone as much as Steve cares about you so could never understand what was at stake. 
The rain was coming down even heavier now and making the road ahead harder to see, but he pushed on. 
He still hasn't decided whether he would reveal his feelings to you as he arrived at the Hideout. The rain paired with the light coming from the dingy bar made looking through his car windows difficult but he still desperately searched the surrounding area for you. He soon realised that he would have to get out to find you so reached around to the backseats to search for his umbrella. He stuck his hand under the passenger seat and felt the cylindrical object and pulled it out. It was, like everything else in his car, covered in nerds. He got out of the car as he brushed them off whilst cursing Dustin and vowing to never ever let him eat in the car again (he broke that vow within the week)(he's starting to realise that he's awful at keeping promises that he makes to himself). 
The rain showed no signs of easing up as he walked closer to the bar entrance, still scanning the surrounding area, until he finally spotted you. You were sitting hunched over under the awning near the entrance of the bar. Thankfully safe and dry but far from okay. Your knees were pulled up to your chest with your arms wrapped around them and your forehead resting on top facing the floor. Your hair was wet and windswept and your shoes covered in mud. As he walked closed he could see your foot tapping rapidly up and down as you so often did when you're feeling anxious. He stopped next to you and knelt town to softly touch your shoulder. Your head shot up at his touch and for the first time in an agonising week, his eyes met yours. 
Your eyes were red and puffy and your cheeks had streaks of mascara flowing down them confirming what he'd asked you on the phone, your hands shook due to the cold and your voice quivered as you said “you came”.
Steve hated that there was a note of disbelief in your voice.  
“Of course I came, idiot” he attempted to make it sound light and jokey akin to the way you would normally talk to try and make you and himself feel better.
You giggle slightly whilst looking down to wipe the tears from your face. 
Steve didn't know what he was supposed to do next. He didn't know if he was meant to take you home, or back to his house, or sit out here or what. His knees made the decision for him as they began to ache due to his crouched position, so he moved to sit down next to you. Your legs brush up against each other and shoulders bump together in an all too familiar way as he settles.
Your presence was comforting but there was a sense of detachment between you that made Steve feel sick to his stomach. For a while the only noise was the howling wind and sound of chatter from inside the bar. Steve couldn't bear it, silence was not something the two of you heard much of when together.  
“What happened ?” He can't bring himself to look you in the eyes again yet so he settles for looking at the trees swaying in the distance. 
Steve doesn't quite know what he's asking. Whether he's asking what happened tonight for you to end up crying alone outside the Hideout or what happened between the two of you after Tina's party is unknown to him, but both answers pique his interest. 
After a beat of silence you shuffle to sit with your legs outstretched like his and sigh “It's a long story”.
“I’ve got time” as he says it he reaches for your hand which is now resting on your lap and squeezes it whilst giving you a reassuring smile. He has no idea where the surge of confidence came from but he's glad he did it as you hold his hand tightly in return. You both angle yourselves toward each other as you let out a deep breath and try to work out how to tell Steve how you ended up here. 
Your night had been a shitshow, to put it lightly. 
Not just your night, your entire week has been one thing after another. 
It started the minute your boyfriend came stumbling through the door at Tina's party and plunged you back into reality. 
The second you had realised what you'd done, that you'd just kissed Steve, your best friend, the boy you've had a crush on for years and had finally just started to get over, your mind hasn't stopped racing. Because Steve had kissed you. Steve had kissed you. Steve had kissed you and you had no idea what it meant. And it fucking terrifed you. 
Did he do it because he was drunk and horny? or because he liked you? or because he needed the ego boost after all his failed attempts at dating recently? 
The only thing you knew was you needed to get yourself and your very inebriated boyfriend out of Tina's house. So you grabbed Henry by the arm and physically dragged him through the still raging party, out of the front door and away from Steve Harrington. 
You walked home that night, slowly, as Henry stopped every block to throw up into bushes. You took him back to his house and pushed him through his front door, not even bothering to tell him goodbye as you set off back to your house. Despite knowing the dangers that lurked in the shadows of Hawkins you kept walking, trying to make sense of the night's events. Your mind was a conflicted mess and you had no idea how to go about sorting through the jumble. 
On one hand you had Henry, who you'd started dating just over a month ago and who two weeks ago asked you to be his girlfriend. When you introduced Henry to the group you’d been so sure that he and Steve would get along, both being into sports and such but there was animosity between them that you couldn't quite make sense of. Eddie had said not to worry about it, that it was just Steve being protective, and you accepted that for your own peace of mind but now you're wondering if his dislike for Henry stemmed from somewhere else. The thought made your tummy fill with butterflies, that maybe Steve likes you. You smiled to yourself before remembering that you have a boyfriend. Henry was … nice, attractive, on the football team at Indianapolis community college and was decent in bed  but- . You stopped in your tracks, you hadn't realised when listing things about your boyfriend that there would be a but, yet here you were realising that you could be dating Tom fucking Cruise, but he would never be Steve Harrington. 
Steve, your Steve who for so many years had been the one person you can tell everything to, someone who you felt safe around, someone who you have envisioned having around for the rest of your life, someone who you had just kissed and left sitting alone on a porch at Tina's party. Tonight, when your lips met his, a flood of emotions washed over you, and it became clear, what you have felt for Steve wasn't some childish crush, it was love. Shit, You love Steve. The realisation should have scared you shitless but it didn't. Instead you felt a sense of clarity and calm before a storm of overwhelming guilt hit you. 
You did a full three-sixty and began walking back to Tina’s. With each step you took your heart pounded with the realisation that you might be too late, that he’d left and you missed your chance to-, wait.. What were you going to do? 
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prettygirl-gabi · 6 months
What could go good?
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Rating: Mature
Warning: oral (f reseving & giving), fingerings, unprotected sex, creampies, smutty- fluff (at the end), breeding, hair pulling, 4 some, slight name calling, i think there's more but i haveth no clue what im missing, MDNI!!!
Fandom: Obx (outer banks netflix)
Relationships: Rafe x reader x jj x pope
Not proof read... ...
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It had been a long day on the island, from work 2 double shifts on the cut and figure 8 but needless to say I was tired. 
Pulling up at the Chateau and ready to fight anyone who dared to ruined my plans to sleep. "Hi boys, where's kie?" The first to stop his tomfoolery was JJ, "Oh she'd handling shit at home, I think it's her mom's birthday or some shit like that." I nod as I head to John B's room to shower, only for him to run in front of me. "No entrada sweetheart. I need the hot water so I can get ready for my date with Sarah." 
"No, JB please oh pretty please I've worked for like 48 hours straight; please just let me take a shower please I need this." He sighed "I know, but if we're gonna get the gold you gotta let me be my best looking for dinner with her family tonight." I punched his arm "You asshole, J can we go to your place or is your pops home?" JJ gave me that sad smile before shaking his head telling me everything I needed to know. 
"Ohhhh sweet loving Beautiful, handsome-" I was cut off by Pope. "C'mon plus my mom hasn't seen you, and as she stated if she doesn't lay eyes on you soon she's sending out a man hunt." I squeal in happiness, "Yesss we'll be back you asshats." I quickly snatch my keys and give them to Pope.
After a well needed shower some of Momma Havyward's cooking and Pope's clean clothes we headed back to the Chateau for my well deserved sleep. "Oh pops asked me to drop some stuff off at the Cameron's." Laying in the passenger seat I just nodded my head and close my eyes. 
I had woke up to the sound ot tapping on my window. With annoyance on my face I rolled it down. "What can I do for you in this fine day Rafe?" He smirks at me "Well well well few of my friends besides Topper are throwing a party, and we'll here's a special invite for you to come." I look for a sign that he is telling a lie. "Oh Rafey you know the only way I'd come is if yhe crew can too, but that's not all you are here for is it."
 "No, no it's not Y/n, I wanna take you out a day before the party on Friday night, just one date." Smirking at him I rolled my window up, but only for him to keep tapping. "Please I'll promise to act like a good boy the whole time." He begged at me with hopefull eyes. "Fine one date Rafe, anything goes wrong I'm leaving." He rubbed my cheek "Don't worry I'll treat you like the most perfect princess ever."
Before he could try anything else, Pope came back and was ready to go. "Yo everything good here?" He asked as he got back in the car. "Yeah everything goods here we can go home." I say as I roll my window up. "Are you gonna tell me what that was because it looked like some weird shit was going down." I shook my head nothing, its fine lets go home cause I'm tired."
As the week progressed I got more and more worried about this date, but it was to late to back out. The girls were helping me get ready for this date. "I swear Y/n if he tries any thing I will kill him with my bare hands." Sarah said with a serious look on her face. "Oki I believe you." We, mainly the boys thought I should get ready at the Chateau so they can help me with my outfits. Hell JJ was on his knees begging fore me to cancel my date with Rafe, so was Pope; however tonight they are more quite then two common house rats. 
Every single dress, shirt, skirt, hell even shoes were not up to their standards. It was now an hour before and I have not one decent outfit, cause of those two. "Fuck it JJ, Pope outside now!" I stormed out with them both hot on my tail. "Y/n slow, fuck slow down." "How does she have the shortest legs out of all of us and walk so fuckin fast." Pope says as they are trying to keep up with me. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO, YOU BOTH KEEP FUCKING UP ME GETTING READY!" I yelled as I stopped and turn to them. "Its just that we don't think you should go out with him Y/n, like seriously, he's a kook and a Cameron not to mention!" JJ exclaimed while Pope was trying to catch his breath. "Oh really, so Rafe is bad news but Sarah whos also a kook and a Cameron isn't bad news for the crew. Fuck this I'm going home and getting ready there you hypocrites!" I say as I stormed off to my house and finish getting ready by myself.
Rafe came and got me at 8 sharp and treated me like the most perfect princess ever. "So, do you want dessert or do you wanna go to part two of your date?" He asked as I finished my second glass of Stella wine. "Is it possible to get dessert to go?" I ask with a soft smile on my face. "Sure thing pretty girl. Get whatever your little heart wants.
Once we got to the open field with a cute almost drive in movie set up. "I, how did you know." He got out and opened the door for me. "I may or may not have asked Sarah for help." I reached on my tippie toes and kissed his cheek thanks for this really.
Rafe pulled my body close to his and kissed me deeply before making his way to my lower neck. I moan lightly and manage to get out "Rafe I." He rubs his thumbs over my hip bones. "Is that...this something that you want, we don't have to do anything but watch the movie I promised to be a good boy and treat you like the most perfect princess." I rest my head on his chest pondering in thought. "Rafe I've never had sex before." I say shyly
I feel his hands slide up and down my arms "I can change that if you let me." I look at him with gentle eyes and nod my head. "To be fair I didn't plan for us to have any sexual activities so I'm just gonna treat you and worry about me another time." He says as he leads me to the cute tent he had setup for us to watch the movie in. He begins to leave love bites on my neck "your mine for tonight" I whimper,as he lays me bll down and unzips my skirt. "I've been wanting a taste of you ever since you walked out your front door" Rafe slides the skirt down along with my underwear. I jumped slightly at the cold air hitting my freshly shaved, now wet and needy pussy. He pushes a finger inside and I moan "Can I add another one?" He asked with pleading eyes I nod my head "Y-y-yes give me more." Rafe hoverd over me but looks down as he pushes another one inside. Once he had set a good steady pace I moan out and squealed as the pleasure was buliding up "fuck don't stop, harder please Rafey" he removes his fingers, licking them clean and I whimper at the loss of contact.
I was about to protest but he connects his mouth with my pussy "fuck" he giggles and it sends vibrations through my entire body."You like that baby?" I nod my head and push his head down further "uhhhh I'm almost there, oh Rafey." My legs begin to shake and I cry out but he continues, letting me ride out my orgasm. 
Once I come down from my high he starts the princess and the frog while tending to my needs. "I hope that was everything you wanted." He says before laying next to me til we both fell asleep. The next morning he took to my house to get ready for work and waited on me as well.
"So how was your date?" Kie asked as we bussted tables til the boys came in. "It was like so perfect, Kie." JJ grabbed a fry from my plate and aimed for it to go in my shirt "So future kook princess are you going to the party?" "Yes, JJ I am and so is everyone else." I say as squirt ketchup om his nose. "And never call me that again." He wiped his nose on my cheek. "Sure thing lil lady." 
We burst out laughing before I gave him the rest of my food. "Soooo Y/n looks like we'll be in-laws." John B steals a fry off the plate I once had. "We've not discussed if we were officially official yet." "Yeah, probably in a new girl already." Pope says out of poket "Whoah bro what the actual fuck" Jj and Kie smack him at the same time. "I'm sorry but he's a kook and I stand on and behind not liking him."
Over the next few months Rafe would come hang out with the pouges and I at the beach and even a few parties at the Chateau. Just like tonight there was a party at the Chateau it had been like maybe 2 hours into the party when some grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a deep kiss. I turn around to see who it is but they kiss me before I can say anything else. I moan into the kiss only to be yanked into the familiar arms of my boyfriend Rafe. "Bro what the hell, dude shes with me!" Rafe yelled at the person who kissed me. "Well obviously she liked it." I gasp once I heard those words come out of Pope's mouth. Pulling myself from Rafe's arm leaving to gind JJ and everyone else just incase a fight broke out between Rafe and Pope. 
I found JJ first "J, we hey J I need to to help-" before I could say me we could hear people yelling about a fight. JJ and I took off to see Kie, Topper and a random trying to break them apart. "She's mine you pouge get that through your head!" Rafe yelled throwing a punch to Pope's nose. I pushed my way through the crowd with JJ's tight in mine. "Guys plese stop this" I begged and pleaded as i went to break them up only to get hit on the cheek by Rafes elbows. 
"Alright party's over everyone out right now!" JJ yelled coice laced with venom. Within 10 mins everyone was cleared out. Kie went to find JB and Sarah, leaving me with JJ, powp and Rafe. "Alright wanna tell me what the fuck was that Pope." Jj asked getting me some fozen peas fir ny face. "You idiots could have seriously gitten hurt and if im the one tmdoing the parenti g we've hut rock bottom. "Look j, pope kiss Y/n, my girl I felt that evey lick he got from me was well deserved." Rafe sighed before holding his head down. "Look I'm- I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." Pope said before storming out.
Well that was weeks ago I've done my best to avoid everyone including Rafe. "Aye, Y/n we gotta talk." Kie says as she pulls me in The Wreck right before my shift stared. "What Kie, I just wanna do my shift and go home." Ju
"Just, just listen to me. We miss you jj and JB have been giving Pope hell, please just comeback." She begged. "Kie things are weird its nit like how when jb kissed you." I say as I start start working my shift.  
"Table for 3 please." I hear out of Pope's mouth to see JJ and Rafe right behind him. "Get Kie to set you 3." "Yo Kie Y/n is ending her shift lil early and I'll you 500 on the spot." Rafe stated handing her 500 dollars on table and lead me his range rover with the other 2 following close behind. "What, whats happening?" I stop and turn to the three boys staring me down. "We are gonna talk and discuss some things sweetheart, that's all." JJ says in a soft tone, "Now get in princess, please." I get in the car first with the 3 boys right behind me. Rafe put his hand on my thigh. "Everything's good I promise." Rafe state as he pull into his drive way. 
"We just, God fuck ok so... all 3 of us like you in a romantic way." JJ says grabbing at his har as we sit of the front porch. "Yea and we couldn't have a conversation without you, that is until Pope here suggested we share you romantically that is." "Wait please explain." I say look between all 3 boys. "Pope sits up ready to explain. "We fuck, we love you and we put up with each other and we all love you like the beautiful queen you are." I stil there in shock. "So what, what do you think?" Rafe asked with an eager look on his face. "No, no fighting over me, we communicate and I say when things get to much for me, yea." I say nodding my head.
After our I long talk we ended up in One of the guest rooms. The one thing we cabt decided on is who gets to taste this sweet pussy of yours first." Rafe said with an evil smirk on his face. I roll my eyes "bullshit and you kno who's first." Rafe stops smirking and turns to me with his hand around my neck pullingbmy close to his face. "Eatch your mouth princess" I glare at him "I can say whatever I fucking want to say because you're not my dad soooo."
He turns to JJ "You wanna handle this?" JJ walks and stands in from onto me "That's no problem." He stalks up to me even more "Watch your mouth, lil lady. " I roll my eyes "make me!" he chuckles "I have many ways to make you but I'll say it for the last time watch your fucking mouth." I cross my arms with a smirk on my face. "And I said make me." he smirks "Oh I will don't worry." He grips my waist "I'll fuck those manners out of you if I have to" I laugh "yeah rig-" he cuts me off by kissing me intensely. 
I moan "mmm" he pushes my skirt up and connects his mouth with my thighs before he uses two of his fingers amd slowly slide them in my pussy "Oh my goddd." He chuckles and it sends vibrations to my pussy "Yesss" I push his head down and I squeal "fuck J" he smacks my thigh "Watch your mouth." He pushes his two fingers inside of me fast and I cry out "I'm gonna cum" he immediately backs away and before I can protest Pope walks up with a weird looking vibrator."This is a magic wand and it's works wonders but for you it's gonna make you cum over and over again until you can't take it anymore, until you learn your manners."
 I begin to back in to the top of the bed but I feel arms wrap around me and I see strands of blonde hair "I thought we went over the rules already, hmm?" I roll my eyes and I feel a stinging sensation on my ass "Don’t try me babygirl, I'll do way worse then that vibrator." I get lifted to end up skin tio skim with Rafe as he holds me in his lap with my legs spread wide. "Go ahead Pope, she's not going anywhere" Pope chuckles "Should I turn it all the way" JJ looks down at me "Should he put it on it's highest setting, lil lady?" I open my mouth to answer but it's replaced with a moan "holy shit" Rafe yanks on my hair "Watch that mouth of yours princess." The vibrations become more intense within every minute or so, I squeeze my eyes shut and orgasm. "You can cut it off I'll take it from here" JJ and pope leave the bed room and Rafe smiles at me "You look really beautiful princess, by the time we're done with you your gonna be a fucking mess...a moaning non speaking mess." He climbs on top of me "Are you ready for me to do this?" I nod my head "Yes Rafey" he chuckles "Okay." 
He thrusts into me leaving me no time to adjust to his size "Yess babe right there" he wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes lightly. I wrap my legs around him "Please go harder" he slows down "Bad girls don't get rewarded" I pout and he leans down to kiss me then he bites my bottom lip. pHe begins to rub my clit and the pleasure becomes intense "you gonna follow your rules princess" I nod my head "yes" he smacks my inner thigh "Yes what, princess? " I moan "yes daddy." He begins to thrust into me at speeds unknown "you gonna be my good little girl hmm?" I nod my head "Yesss yesss I promise." He moans "Fuck your so tight." I run my nails down his back leaving marks "I'm gonna" I make noises that I didn't know I could even make then I blank out.
I thought we were done until JJ and Pope came back fully naked and noticeable hard."Look at her," Pope laughed mockingly from where he was standing. "Pope I got her pussy, you take her mouth." Pope walked closer to me with my mouth wide open, thrusting his dick in and out of my mouth, both of his hands in my hair. "She loves taking our dicks so much, J. Insatiable little thing."
 I heard Rafe give a small chuckle of his own from behind me, still holding me like a rag doll. JJ thrusts his hips faster while Rafe took the vibrator and put it on my clit with the highest setting. At some point Rafe ended up being in me as well with his own cock thrust in and out of my pussy at a faster speed. Causing me to jerk forwards and gag a little on Pope's dick, making all 3 men laugh. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment, but, ultimately, I'm enjoying myself. "She's so fucking wet, boys" Rafe cooed, smoothing his fingers across my nipples, causing JJ grasping her hips to slam her harder back into him. "She's making a mess. Drenching me and the bed."
 "Stupid slut," Pope spat, taking his cock out of my mouth and running it across my swollen lips. He smacked it lightly across my faces, smearing my own spit around my delicate skin. "Gets wet over being used by her three boyfriends." "Mhm, please," I manage to mutter. 
 "What do you want, our sweet girl ?" Pope hissed as jerked himself to the way JJ and Rafe were fucking into me "Want your cock, Pope." I whimper out andfeel their non stop thrust speed up more. "Good girl, baby" Rafe murmured and squeezed your cheeks with his strong fingers so you pouted, then he dug a little deeper and caused a pain that made your mouth fall open, your tongue sticking out for him. "Take it like a good slut, Y/n."
 I accepted Pope's cock back into my mouth, loving the heavy weight of it on my tongue whilst Rafe kept rammed into me from behind. I felt JJ cave a little over me to press kisses at my neck, causing me to shiver from the chain dangling from his neck.
 Rafe took the chain in his hand lightly and pulled JJ into a kiss over my head. Some how JJ managed to slam into me harder now, the wet sounds filling the house and making me blush. Their large cocks were hitting spaces that I didn't even realise existed and I whined around Pope's dick who laughed as he had the look of amusement across his face as if he weren't being sucked off. "Pretty little slut," Rafe growled and then his fingers drifted to my clit. "You wanna cum? Gotta make us cum first, bunny." 
JJ stopped being over you, proceeding to slam mercilessly inside of me. "Look at her tits bounce," Pope mentioned, "So fucking hot." "Mm," Rafe murmured, "I have a good view of them from back here. So nice and round." "Could use her all day," JJ agreed, "These pretty little lips are amazing." 
"Once we've came, you should try her back here, she so fucking thick and so good." Rafe said, and I whimpered at the degrading comments they were sharing, as if I weren't even here. "She's practically clenching around my cock with every thrust. Greedy little cock slut, in't right baby." He slapped your thigh. 
 "Hmm, maybe I should." Pope hummed and brushed some of your hair out of your face to look down at you, your eyes meeting. "Our greedy little cock slut, Y/n." I whimper as the three of them came in my used holes. I was woren out but some how still wanted and craved for more. "Oh, baby all I have to do is just slide in, fuck so wet and tight for us." Pope say as he slowly slides his dick into my used cunt with me now on all fours.
"Mmm s'big can't take more." I whine out. "Aww c'mon baby take Pope's dick like you took mine, and Rafe's." JJ says as he gently shoves his cock in your mouth. He hears my whimper. smiles and licks his lips. “Pretty, so fucking pretty."
“So good,” Pope groaned as he continue to move in and out of my still full cunt, rolling his hips against mines and working his cock in me. “Fuck yes,” I breathed, and Pope somehow gathered my wrists in one hand, pinning them behind my back. Pope's fingers with his other tightened on my hips, and I watched J's face, contorted in pleasure, mouth open as I sucked his dick like it was my last.
“You look so good making her come,” Rafe managed to murmured, “so fucking hot,” I started feeling that familiar tightness in my cunt as I clench around Popes's dick. “I’m not going to last,” Pope choked out, Wooyoung gripping your head and taking his dick out of your mouth only to thrust it back in faster while, Rafe spoke up. “Let me help,” he reached under me to rub firm and frantic circles against my clit, causing me too arch suddenly in response, with my body trembling.
Pope clung to you, biting out a curse as he started to come, the combination of his frantic thrusts and Rafe's fingers pushing you over the edge again. With your wrists pinned and your hips held in place, I struggled against the three of them as they held me down to ride out my orgasm. Only for JJ to come all over your tits. "Are you okay baby?" I nod my head "Yes I feel fine, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom." As soon as my feet touch the ground I fall but I catch myself on the bed. I look at the three of them "your a fucking incubus or something, I can't even walk" Pope chuckles "I'll carry you." 
They all made their way into the bathroom to help me get cleaned up and taking care of my needs before theirs. "I... I really had fun boys. Thanks." I relax in the bath more, "You did wonderful lil lady, plus you're our girl we gotta make sure you're taken care of." JJ says causing Pope and Rafe to nod I'm agreement.
From that point on the 4 of us we inseparable and the whole island knew it too. No matter where I went one or all of the boys were with me when JB, Sahara or Kie couldn't be.
Thank you for reading! 🩵🩶
@ihe4rttwd @princessbun-ee @rubiehart ....... and many moree....
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter six: Baller to Baller
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Her door flies open......
"Oh so I'm stupid? Where the fuck you been" he snatched her into the room roughly making her smile. "Oh my gosh Melo are you serious right now?" "I asked you a question first what are you doing" currently she was silently thanking God that Jayson refused to come up. "Trying to figure out what your issue is."She looked him up and down "My issue is you ignoring my messages and calls you really this upset that I didn't come earlier so the first thing you do is hop on another nba player?"
"First of all watch your mouth you upset me yeah but you always do and I don't always end up with another man I went out with a friend and we just happened to run into him that's all....if you were so busy why couldn't I spend my time with someone else?" "you did more than spend time your lipstick is smeared" she rolled her eyes "first of I was eating and drinking out of a straw don't play with me and I thought your bitch was here that's why you couldn't be bothered with me right?" "yeah she surprised me so what?" "So why tf you here?! And why did I have to figure out from her Instagram page why not just tell me instead of being a dick" "don't flip this on me" "I'm not I'm just asking the questions you wouldn't answer earlier" "so you didn't fuck that nigga?" "It's not your business" "did you or did you not YN I'm not playing with yo ass" he slightly raised his voice she smiled Between Lamelo and Jayson she was so horny it was too many feelings inside of her at this moment
"nah I didn't but I should've because I was thinking about it the whole night" he balled up his fist thinking about punching the wall but then he stopped himself calming down "ight dawg you a dub" "oh am I?" "Yeah you are" "you asked a question and I'm being honest." "That's true..." "exactly" "so what you in love with that nigga?" "I literally just met him tonight!!" he started walking close to her which cause her to continued walking back until her ass hit the wall.
"Hmmmm what am I gonna do with you?" He was clearly turned on she could really do no wrong to him She bit her lip "I know what I wanted but I'm sure that hoe has been all over you so I don't want that no more" He laughed "I don told you bout talkin bout her" he towered over her making her feel soft and vulnerable.
"This is my mouth I do as I please" "yeah alright mhm" he says blowing her off and kissing her lips quickly she couldn't help but think about the passionate kiss she had just shared with Jayson... that kissed transformed her this one was just .... Cute.
Probably because she just wasn't into it and did Melo even care about her atp she had no clue "mmm you didn't like that one huh?" He asked her reading her face cause one thing about YN is if her mouth doesn't say it her face surely will
"....Where those lips been? I know you've kissed her" "I took a shower before I came here im not nasty I wouldn't double dip like that" "so you fucked her?" "Why does it matter" "that means yes😂" "I didn't though" "alright you get a cookie🥱" she says sarcastically. He leans in kissing her again he grabs the back of her head gently making sure to kisses her aggressively with passion just like she likes his hand fell to her ass squeezing tightly she wishes his fingers would just brush pass her pussy just a little bit to relieve some of the pressure it started to get heated and then....
His phone starts to ring and there it goes.... Reality setting in ... it was her. YN rolled her eyes he pulled away slowly and then answered which made her even more mad this was her time!)
"Where are you I got out the shower and you was gone?" "I just left I ran to the store real quick I'll be back soon" "oh okay... get me a snack or something I haven't had anything to eat" "alright I will" "I love youuuuu" "love you too" she hangs up
YN starts laughing hysterically mostly out of hurt and anger. "I love youuuuuu" she mocks her "stop." "Nah I don't think I will howeverrrrr it's time for you to go isn't that what she was saying? Mommies calling for you" he smirked
"she gotta leave right after the game tomorrow so next time I come to this room you better be naked and waiting for me we not doing this arguing shit ... and stay away from that Nigga!" he says and then walks out of the door. She locks it and grabs her phone
"I'm home new friend I hope you rest well" "good glad you made it safe ... sweet dreams"
He love reacted to her message Jayson already cared about her more it was obvious she should drop Melo but why was it is hard too
One things for sure YN wasn't gonna let Jayson go so easily like she did Lorenzo. If Melo didn't hold up his end of the relationship why should she? When she was available his girlfriend was over shadowing her it seems. But now YN was ready to play the game and win a championship ring...... no play ins
*****Game day*****
She made it a point to look nice today because she was going to be seeing both Jayson and Melo. She dressed cute but casual dragging her close friend with her to sit on Melos side. "Who you think will win tonight?" YN asked her friend while looking over her shades. "Probably the Celtics" YN laughed "damn should we be seating on this side then?" "Hell no but the tickets cheaper over here" she said quietly in here ear "In all seriousness this will be a hella of a game they play hard against each other" she knew Melo might have a personal reason for going so hard since Jayson was out with her last night.
            ********after the game********
The game ended with Melo getting deep into foul trouble he got a technical foul and a flagrant foul he was close to getting fouled out of the game but it was all for a good reason because they won. The game was extra long because it went into double overtime the Celtics clearly started to get tired and it resorted in them taking a L today but they'll be back stronger than ever. One might say it was because two of their star players were out partying last night but 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ who are we to judge.
Anyway YN had dropped her friend off and went straight back to her hotel room packing her things up because she'll be leaving in the morning as she started to get into a rhythm Melo came in trying to kiss on her and she loved it he was always so affectionate when he had the time to be. "I was on fire today straight up killed yo man.... You sure that's what you want?" he grabs her ass hard walking her into the room closer to the bed she moans and her phone vibrates she glances at her watch to read the message and it says....
"Not my best work but come to the game tomorrow and sit on my side I bet I'll win" she smiled at the timing of his message and then slowly pulled away from Melo.... She could potentially have a future with Jayson so now she needs to know if she could have one with Melo. "We should talk...." "Yeah I know you were supposed to be naked you trippin" he joked she shook her head no "where is this going? Will You ever break up with her? Am I forever banned into the shadows? Just lmk" "I'm not breaking up with my girl...." he said in a annoyed tone She bit her lip at least he's honest "can I ask why you want me then... if she doesn't satisfy you and you need me then why do you need her?"
"I don't need anybody! but that's my girl I'm not leaving her just because I like fuckin you and crackin jokes with you" "so I'm just a good time?" "Yeah I thought you been cool with that" "I have been until you started to pretend that this was also a relationship" "how?" "The lines have been blurred for a long time anytime a dude texts me you're worried but especially with You blowing my phone up because I'm out with another guy is boyfriend shit you expect loyalty when you're literally being unfaithful to your girl with me and maybe she doesn't even deserve that I think at first I enjoyed the thrill and the ride of it all but I'm not side chick material and even still I might've been okay if you even said you had some feelings for me or give a fuck about me but you don't and I appreciate you being honest because it makes this easier ..... ima have to bow out gracefully I hope you understand" he smirked
"Oh So what you done?" "Yeah that's what all that meant if you listened to me" he laughed "so you were just fuckin me because of who I am" "Don't do that shit with me my Nigga im actually attracted to you inside and out but it's clear I like you more than you like me but guess what I love myself more than anybody else and I can't allow you to play in my face ... not anymore so yeah im done" he bends down and kisses her forehead
"alright I can't sit here and act like I don't understand.... I understand it's probably for the best anyway this could've got dangerous" she nodded her head "true" "ight see you around?" She nodded her head "see you" he started walking out the door he glanced back one last time and left she sighed .... Well that's done. She sat down for a minute trying to absorb everything that just happened. Her and Melo had been doing this for a little while but it was a large chapter in her life and honestly something that she isn't too proud off. So regardless if this Jayson thing works out she'll be fine. She smiled picking her phone up texting him back
"I can't stay I have to check out  at 11" "mannnn when you coming back?" "🤷🏾‍♀️ when I have a good reason too.... My situation is done too" "oh it is?" "Mhmmm" "okay then I can sweeten the pot stay for two more days you stay tomorrow see me play .... And win stay the next day cause I don't have a game and Deuce will be with his mama I can show you around the city in broad day light" "that right there were the magical words Mr. Tatum let me make sure I can stay in this room text you later with the updates 😬" "okay cool"
She goes down to the front desk. "Hi I was wondering if I could extend my stay four more days?" "Sure what room are you in?" "922" "yes do you want us to run the card on file or do you have another payment?" She thought about it and smirked "actually yeah that's fine" "okay I have you all set anything else?" "Yes can I get some more towels please" "yes I'll have them bring some up" "okay that's all thank you so much for your time have a good day" "you too"
"Thank you for the goodbye gift" she texts Melo "Tf you talking about?" "Ima stay for four more days.... They charge the card on file" "you know what that's fine cause after you done playing games you'll be back it's what I would've paid for the next two hotels anyway" "I'm serious Melo I'm not coming back" "but you already texting me.... Make me come back up there and prove you wrong tonight" she bit her lip "Melo plz" "yeah I bet you wet thinking bout me too" "it doesn't matter ...." "It does I thought I was getting some good pussy fresh from the game and I get told I'm not getting none of that no more .... It's fucked up really when you think about it...
I'm on a high" "your hands still work right?" "😂😂 yeah they do but.... Just let me come back up there and at least say goodbye I can show you what these hands do ... but you already know"
She left him open on one hand she wanted to be finished with him on the other hand the closure might be nice to fully get rid of him...... go all out for one last night and then let him go... yeah she'll do that
"Crazy enough I agree with you.... I thought I would be getting fucked for two days but here we are" "so what? Is that a invite my shoes already on... ttm" "yeah but Fr it's the last time....." "bet I'll be there soon"
Within 20 minutes he was already at the door he walked in shutting the door behind himself quickly staring her up and down fully taking her in she bit her lip before opening her mouth to speak but then he kissed her. "No more talking you been wasting my time" he groaned into the kiss picking her up grabbing her ass he pressed her back against the wall as she moaned when she felt two of his long fingers rub her pussy through her panties slightly as he continued to squeeze her ass getting her warmed up. Fuck she was gonna miss this. He pulled away looking in her eyes she finally spoke. "Is this a good idea?" "I need you ... bad right now does it matter if it's a good idea?" She shrugs he smiled and starts to speak again "But if you want me to stop I will... just let me know" she took a deep breath "no don't stop..." "you sure?" "Yes" "you 100% sure?" She laughed slightly "yes I'm very very very sure I wanna do this.... the hesitation came in with it being right or wrong ..... but wrong or right I want you inside me by the end of the night so can you get me right?"
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a-complex-joke · 6 months
The Angel and The Assassin Chapter 4
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I thought that was the last time I'd see her, I mean I wasn't planning on seeing her in the first place, but I still saved her number on my phone. I continued to work but felt so unfocused, it bothered me that one girl could throw me off so much.
My target that night was eliminated, some rich guy, I don't really remember. That's when it started to rain, I walked back to my apartment soaking wet when I heard someone yell out "Ash" I looked in that direction and saw Amelia, but she wasn't alone there was a guy in front of her and another behind her.
"Hey, What's going on here!" I yelled at them, and they looked at me,
"Nothing man is just escorting this little lady home, so how about you scatter off before somebody gets hurt?" the one in front turned pulling a knife out. "Amelia are you ok," I said to her not giving him a second glance, she laughed slightly
"a little roughed up but could be worse," even now as she is scared for her life, she still tries to make jokes.
"Listen, man, I tried to warn you," the first guy said, going in for a jab with the knife, but stopped staring down the barrel of my gun. "Now how's this, give me the girl and I won't pull the trigger." but They didn't, two bullets later and I was carrying Amelia on my back to my apartment.
"You don't have to carry me, I can walk," she said, trying to convince me.
"I told you it's fine plus I need to work on my weight lifting" I joked with her,
"You smiled! it the first time you've smiled," she said ecstatic,
"I smile just not often," I said.
she laughed, "you should smile more if it works on you".
"So what were you doing around here?" I asked.
"Definitely not trying to find where you live," she answered coyly.
"You really shouldn't get involved with me, You're just a kid"
"Im 17, and I can handle myself fine, thank you very much"
We got back to my apartment not long after, I let her shower, then took mine, when I was dried and dressed I came out to see her staring out the big window at the rain.
she wore some of my old boxers and a large t-shirt, seeing as her clothing was soaked and currently in the dryer." it's coming down now, huh" I say, spooking her. "oh yeah I was just thinking about how I'm going to keep myself dry on my way back to the hotel" she laughed nervously.
"back to the hotel? not in this weather. stay here for the night. I've got one of those couch beds so it's not like I'll be sleeping on some uncomfy couch" I said to her. She sighed looking at me. "you've saved me two times and now you're letting me stay at your place for the night, to say I feel guilty would not fully show my feelings" she laughed a bit upset sounding. "meh it nothing much, id just feel guilty if you were out in the rain more than anything" we sat there quiet for a while "so those guys give you those bruises" I asked "some of them, others are just from banging myself on things, and then anytime my family sees me I might get hit a bit" she said looking down on them.
"your family... you mentioned you not living with them before why did you run away?" She sat there and thought about you for a long time. "one of my brothers has serious anger issues and one day tried to choke me out and my parent literally watching him do it and I had marks on my neck, but they took his side and said I was overreacting, so I packed my bags and left, They live in this town so we run into each other and they're mad that I left so they don't have there little slave" she rolled her eyes.
"Ahh the classic oldest child is only an adult without any of the powerful mindset, so just a maid pretty much," I said.
She laughed "Yup I raised your kids and risked my health and you repay me like this" she half-joked, leaning on me. "Your place is nice, this big window, the bathroom. And the whole aesthetics of it. Feels homey" She just kind of stared up at me, for the first time since we met it seemed like she had no clue what to say.
"You know this totally like one of those badly written lemon fanfics, "i'm in your boxers and the whole there's only one bed trope" she said trying to cut through the awkward silence.
"And what exactly does that mean?"
"Well Lemon is usually meaning smut, the boxers thing is just a common thing the female character ends up wearing for pajamas due to not have any of their own clothes, and the only one bed trope is a way to force the two characters to be close which eventually results in the two confessing their feeling and some time sleeping together in the sexual way"
"Are you saying you want that to happen?"
"What no! I'm just saying if we were two fictional story characters this would be the time when the like 12 year old author would do the forced proximity thing" she said growing red faced.
I laughed.
"Well what would you have said if I said I did want that to happen huh?" she said, getting up in my face.
"Id, say... your way in over your head hun" I pushed her back.
"Fair, so what do we do now, it not even close to a reasonable time to sleep"
"Oh well. I usually just watch tv till I get tired so i guess we could do that"
So we did, episodes after episode of those police and firefighter shows, cuddled up till she fell asleep.
I carried her over to my bed and tucked her in but even half asleep she forced me to craw into bed with her, cuddling up to me.
It didn't feel wrong, it was nice to be snuggled up to someone like that.
The next morning she was gone, left a note saying she had to be at work early. Took her clothes and even started a new load of laundry for me.
I think that's when I knew she'd be a constant part of my life.
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buck-buck-boose · 3 years
I'll Love You 'Til I Die
Masterlist | Playlist
Summary: A Brooklyn schoolgirl fell in love with James Buchanan Barnes at the tender age of nine. With this love she made a vow, promising to love him until her very last breath.
Pairing: Bucky x OFC
Warnings: Language, violence
Word Count: 4.3k
Author's Note: I am... so sorry for taking so long. I was not expecting the start of the semester to be so hectic. I can't promise I'll go back to posting as regularly as during the summer, but I can promise that I'm not disappearing. I promise. I WILL SEE THIS FANFIC THROUGH EVEN IF IT KILLS ME. Thank you for the kind words and support while I've been MIA. Enjoy a chunky chapter.
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Little Saint Lottie
October 27, 1943
“I’m worried about her, Betty.”
“I know, Gladys. I know.”
Lottie couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten a full night’s rest. Days seemed to bleed into each other, with no slumber to distinguish today from tomorrow. It wasn’t long after arriving at Azzano that she realized that he wasn’t waiting for her. Bucky was gone. In his place, dozens of men awaited her arrival with sunken eyes and twitching lips that begged for relief, whether it be through a healing touch or a final blow to the head.
When the realization hit Lottie, there wasn’t much she could do besides throwing herself into her work; if she couldn’t help Bucky, the least she could do was help his brothers in arms. Although anxiety ate her up from the inside out, Lottie had confidence in Bucky’s abilities. He wouldn’t let himself die in some POW camp, he just wouldn’t. Because then who would take care of her and Steve? He’d fight tooth and nail to get back to them, she just knew it.
She threw herself into her work, rarely stopping long enough to have a proper conversation or a full meal; this bad habit of hers came to a halt, though, when she came upon a boisterous redhead in need of stitches. Lottie had been deep in thought while examining the gash above his forehead when the soldier cracked a grin and peered up at her without moving his head too much.
“Do I know you from somewhere?”
Lottie shook her head, “I’m afraid not, Private—” she glanced at his dog tags, “—O’Connor.”
“Ever done pinup? Maybe I know you from one of those cheesecakes we’ve got hanging up.” The man— more of a boy really, with his lanky frame and jovial smile —wiggled his eyebrows and ruined her diligent work of cleaning the blood from his wound.
The question left Lottie flustered; the idea of dozens of men gawking at her scantily clad figure left her feeling mortified, “Certainly not! I find that my talents are better suited for healing.”
O’Connor nodded and inspected her face carefully as she went to work on his gash once more. “I’ve got it!” Lottie nearly jumped away from him when he clapped his hands together, “You’re Little Saint Lottie, in the flesh!” The boy crowed his revelation, earning him glares from the other men recovering in the medic tent.
Lottie nearly dropped the needle that she’d been preparing to thread, “Excuse me?”
“Ah, it’s a funny story,” O’Connor chuckled, “Y’see, Sarge had this little photo he’d take everywhere. Always had it in his pocket, tucked in his helmet, you name it. Wouldn’t let the damn thing go. Anyway, we stole it out of his fatigues one day while he was cleaning up in some river ‘cause we wanted to see what the big deal was. Once we saw it was some dame—” Lottie shot him a look, “—lady, we started yanking his chain about it. He was just about as obsessed with that photo as my Ma is with her holy cards, so when he finally told us your name, we dubbed you ‘Little Saint Lottie,’ patron saint of the one hundred and seventh. That kinda pissed him off, but it’s not like you’re his girl, y’know? Though he sure acted like you were.”
Lottie was speechless. About halfway through his story, her mouth had dropped open and her hands had fallen to her lap. Here she was, looking dumb as an ox, while the soldier in front of her chuckled with childish glee.
“Me and the guys would even ask for your intercession whenever the chaplain came by to pray with us. Poor guy had no clue which saint we were talkin’ about. We tried to give it a place of honor in the tent but Sarge made us run laps when he found out we’d nicked it again.”
O’Connor nearly doubled over in laughter as he watched Lottie’s expression grow in horror. “Well as I’m sure Bucky— Sergeant Barnes has told you, I’m no saint. I’m just a nurse. Now hold still, unless you want these stitches to be more painful than they already are.” Before she could stop herself, the question came tumbling out of her mouth, “Speaking of Sergeant Barnes, do you know—” she fumbled with the needle as she made the first stitch, “—is he alright? Did you see him?” The soldier let out a hiss of pain, “Yeah, I got a glimpse of him while they were takin’ him away. He was battered but alright. There’s no man quite like Sarge, I know he’ll be back. He’d fight tooth and nail to get back. That’s what he said at least, ‘cause he always went on and on about how you needed him and all that. He sure talked about you an awful lot for a guy who hasn’t even asked you to go steady.”
Lottie’s breath hitched at the final comment, the mere idea of going steady with Bucky reducing her to a stuttering schoolgirl. She began to tie off his stitches, “We’ve been best friends for over a decade, it’s perfectly normal to care for each other deeply without bringing affection into it.”
O’Connor shrugged, which jostled her arm slightly, “I’ve never heard a guy talk about his best friend like that.”
Lottie didn’t respond. She gave his fully sutured wound one last glance, “Looks like you’re all set. Now don’t do anything stupid to get it infected.”
He gave her a crooked grin and wiggled his eyebrows, Lottie nearly scolded him but held her tongue, “As you wish, Saint Lottie.”
Lottie rolled her eyes and moved along to the next bed, where another soldier waited with a smile just as wide. It seemed that these men had become pleased as punch to know their patroness had come to grace them with her presence.
The USO’s visit to their camp took Lottie completely by surprise. She’d spent so much time floating from one medic tent to the next that she’d ended up completely out of the loop of the camp’s other goings-on. It wasn’t until she saw the fully-erected stage in the middle of camp that she realized. Her heart beat powerfully within her; with Steve here, she would be one step closer to finding Bucky. One step closer to bringing him home. “They say he’s gonna be here in a few hours,” Mary beamed, obviously giddy to see the Star-Spangled Man up close and in the flesh.
Lottie returned her smile, though it was weak. The weariness was starting to catch up to her, making her feel much older than a youthful twenty-three. Her stomach was in knots with anxiety; she needed to get to Steve as soon as possible.
Betty stood with them as they watched the hustle and bustle of preparations, “I’m pretty sure we’re the only ones looking forward to seeing Captain America. All these boys care about is seeing a bunch of girls dancing for them on stage, not some hunk of meat in a red, white, and blue suit.”
Nancy, who had just joined the conversation, scoffed, “It’s quite disappointing how little you think of these men and their patriotism.”
Gladys rolled her eyes, “They’re still men, Nancy. Scantily clad women or a guy singing about war bonds? They’re gonna prefer the women.”
Several hours later, Gladys was indeed proven right. Although he’d been driven off-stage with jeers and taunts, Lottie was waiting for him with a warm embrace.
“Hey, Lottie,” She could hear the smile in his voice, she felt its warm timbre as it surrounded her and reminded her of home.
“Good to see ya, Stevie.”
Steve pulled away from her and gazed around the camp, a grimace growing on his features, “Things don’t look to good around here.”
Lottie nodded, a twin grimace gracing her lips, “The hundred and seventh started out with two hundred men. Now they’ve only got fifty left. They’re barely holding on.”
Steve’s gaze shot to hers the moment she mentioned the one hundred and seventh, “Lottie that’s— this is Bucky’s—” The desperate look in his eyes made her own calm exterior begin to crack.
“Stevie, I know,” she whispered, a lump forming in her throat and tears pricking at her eyes, “I know, and I’m sorry. He’s not here. They— Those bastards took him, damn them!” For the first time since arriving at camp, Lottie cried. She sobbed and clung to Steve once more, feeling every bit like a scared little girl from days gone by.
Steve rested his hand against her back, “I’ll get him out, Lottie. He’s gotta be alive and I’ll get him out.”
She shook her head and wiped the hot tears from her cheeks, “No, Steve. You’re not going alone. I’m coming with you.”
“Lottie, you know I can’t put you in harm’s way like that—”
“Steve. I’m serious. What do you think I was doing that whole time I was with the SSR? Yes, we were making the serum, but they nearly trained us to death. I can shoot, I can use my knife. I can’t let you go without me.” Her voice was starting to crack, “We have to find Bucky together.”
There was silence between the two of them until Steve finally conceded, a wary gaze in his eyes, “Fine. But you need to be by my side the whole time.” Lottie nodded her chest warming with hope. “C’mon, we need to have a conversation with Colonel Philipps.”
The two of them jogged to his tent with their coats held above their heads to shield them from a sudden shower of rain. They entered the colonel’s tent, looking comical with their wet hair and heaving chests. Around them, soldiers and officials paced to and fro, examining maps or signing off various forms. If Lottie squinted, she could just barely make out the words. Letters of condolences; heartbreakingly clinical letters of regret for the losses of these sons, these brothers, these boys.
“Colonel Phillips,” Steve began, “Are you planning a rescue mission? For the surviving prisoners from the Battle of Azzano?”
The colonel looked back at him with a straight face, “Yeah, it’s called winning the war.”
Steve’s blond eyebrows furrowed, “But if you know where they are why not at least—”
“They’re thirty miles behind the lines. Through some of the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. We’d lose more men than we’d save, but I don’t expect you to understand that because you’re a chorus girl,” before Lottie could protest, he shot her a glance as well, “and you’re just a nurse.”
Steve’s gaze on Colonel Phillips was cool, “I think I understand just fine.”
The colonel pushed past them, “Well then understand it somewhere else. Now if I read the posters correctly, you’ve got someplace to be in thirty minutes.”
“Yes sir, I do.”
Steve grabbed Lottie’s hand and pulled her behind him, “C’mon, we’ve gotta get going. You go get changed.”
Lottie nodded; her medical uniform would impede this mission so she’d need to wear the fatigues that the government had finally issued to them. Her heart raced a mile a minute as she scrambled back to the nurse’s tent to change. She knew that Colonel Philipps would be terribly angry once he found out she’d shirked her night duties, but her loyalties to Bucky took precedence. The recovering soldiers were left in the capable hands of her peers. She swore as she nearly toppled over while yanking her boots on; it was rather hard to get dressed in such a hurry. By the time she was ready and had exited the tent, she was met with the somber faces of Agent Carter and Steve.
“Agent Carter, what are you doing?” For a moment, she feared that they’d already been caught, that the SSR was already putting an end to their mission.
The other woman pursed her lips, “I’m here to help.”
A mere half-hour later and they found themselves in the SSR’s plane, headed to Krausberg, where the POW camp was located. Howard Stark called out to them from the cockpit, “We should be able to drop you right at their doorstep.”
Fear was starting to creep into Lottie’s mind and burrowed itself deep within her gut. She heard the conversation continue all around her, but she was still processing the daunting mission before her. She and Steve up against Hydra. All alone. Even Bucky had struggled against them; he’d lost to them in the Battle of Azzano. Bucky. That’s what worried her most. It’s what filled her with the most fear. If she and Steve got through the Hydra camp safe and sound only to find that he was dead, Lottie wasn’t sure how she’d deal with it. She’d probably go mad, in all honesty. She’d end up in some institution, crying over lucky pennies and charcoal drawings while being molly-coddled by some woman in white. How tragic that would be.
Before her thoughts could become any darker, Lottie was jolted back to reality by the sound of bullets against metal. Steve grabbed his shield and her arm, urging her to join him by the plane’s exit.
Agent Carter shot up from her seat, “Get back here! We’re taking you all the way in!”
He turned to respond, “As soon as I’m clear, you turn this thing around and get the hell out of here!” “You can’t give me orders!”
A smile grew on his face, “The hell I can’t! I’m a captain!”
Steve shifted his goggles and nudged Lottie, “It’s go time. When you see me pull the chute out, you do the same.”
Lottie nodded with a quiet determination, and together, they jumped.
Entering the base was painstakingly quiet; once they’d snuck into a truck and eliminated the guards inside, Steve and Lottie were left to mouth words and offer silent support through unwavering gazes. Once they’d safely passed the gate of the base, they exited the truck and swiftly dealt with any opposition.
Steve led her across the base with caution, giving hand signals when it was safe to turn a corner and sprint across a patch of unobstructed space. The two of them traveled with the shadows, avoiding any spotlights that could catch them in the act. Lottie scarcely felt that she could breathe, it was as if one exhale would reveal their presence to the multitude of guards.
Once they entered the main building, the two of them found themselves in what seemed to be a factory. There were giant sheets of metal everywhere and huge bombs seemed to surround them. Amongst them all, Hydra soldiers transported other metal parts and containers of glowing blue material. That did not bode well with Lottie at all.
Lottie spotted some guards walking to a lower level, jangling keys in hand. “Steve, they might be guarding the prisoners.” Her whisper was barely audible, fear keeping her from speaking any louder.
“The blueprints said they were below the manufacturing level. C’mon.”
They followed the guards onto a walkway that had large circular grates that cut into the metal, each forming the ceiling of small cells that the poor prisoners had been separated into. Lottie and Steve knocked the guards out and stole their keys. The two dropped to the same level as the cells and began unlocking their doors.
One of the soldiers gazed at them through the bars of his cell, “Who are you supposed to be?”
Steve panted from stress, “I’m Captain America.” He gave Lottie an expectant look.
“I guess I’m Little Saint Lottie,” she responded somewhat sarcastically, referencing the retrospectively comical nickname that was developed by the one hundred and seventh.
Some of the men cracked grins, “So you’ve heard our prayers, huh?”
“Loud and clear. Now let’s get you out of here, yeah?”
She tried to ignore the growing horror inside of her upon the realization that none of these men had brilliant blue eyes. Not a dimpled chin in sight.
“Is there anybody else? I’m looking for a Sergeant James Barnes.” It seemed that the same horror was growing within Steve.
A man in a scarlet beret responded, his British accent prim and proper, “There’s an isolation ward in the factory, but no one’s ever come back from it.”
“Alright,” Steve nodded, “The tree line is northwest, 80 yards past the gate. Get out fast and give ‘em hell. We’ll meet you guys out in the clearing with anyone else we find.”
“Wait, you know what you’re doing?” “Yeah. I’ve knocked out Adolf Hitler over two hundred times.”
Lottie couldn’t help but stare at Steve in amazement. Gone was that awkward boy from Brooklyn. He was a man now, a leader who could do anything he put his mind to. He’d grown so much, not just physically, but in his character.
While the prisoners worked their way out of the base, Steve and Lottie began their search for the isolation wards. Lottie tried to ignore the sounds of explosions and men crying out from below them while they traveled across metal catwalks. She could only hope that the cries of pain were coming from Hydra soldiers.
After turning several corners, they found themselves in an old hallway, surrounded by brick on both sides. They hurried down the corridor out of desperation; they knew they were running out of time. Lottie stopped suddenly when she heard a groan. It was close. She drew her weapon and dragged Steve into the room, her heart stuttering and her palms slick with sweat.
“Sergeant. Three-two-five-five-seven…” That voice. Oh, how she knew that voice; she loved it so. Lottie heard it whenever she found the time to fall asleep. It crept into her sweetest dreams but tore her apart whenever it wiggled its way into her nightmares.
Bucky lay in front of them, strapped down to a table; his lips moved ever so slightly as he repeated the same phrase over and over again.
She rushed to his side alongside Steve and nearly let out a cry of happiness. Had the situation not been so dire, she would’ve descended upon him with a bone-crushing embrace and great big sobs of joy by that point.
Lottie whispered a quiet, “Bucky?” His eyes were glazed over and his mouth agape, “Is that— is that—”
“It’s us, Buck,” Steve nodded reassuringly as he tore at the straps across Bucky’s chest. Bucky looked up at him, taking his face in,
“Me and Lottie,” he nodded, tugging her closer so that the two of them could be in Bucky’s field of vision.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at him, finally feeling whole again. She’d gotten her Brooklyn boys back. Bucky only looked back in confusion, “Little Lottie, she— she’s always been here. Always. Stayed with me the whole time.”
It was Lottie and Steve’s turn for confusion. Lottie brushed the hair back from his forehead to calm him down and ground him, “Bucky, I’ve been with the SSR this whole time. We’re here to rescue you.”
Steve nodded and dragged him off the table, “I thought you were dead.”
Bucky was obviously having a hard time processing everything that was happening, “I thought you were smaller.”
Lottie listened as the gunfire intensified, “Come on, we need to move.” Steve threw one of Bucky’s arms over his shoulder and the two fell into step behind her.
“What happened to you?” Bucky grunted out, pain etched into his voice.
“I joined the army.”
“Did it hurt?”
Steve was growing agitated, “A little.”
“Is it permanent?”
“So far.” Lottie huffed, “I’d sure hope so after all that effort I put into it.”
Bucky mustered out a befuddled, “Huh?”
“I helped to create the serum that made him like that.”
“So that’s why you left without saying a word.” Bucky’s tone was only slightly accusatory.
Lottie muttered a weak “Yeah.” They’d need to have a lengthier conversation once he wasn’t struggling to walk five yards.
As they crossed the catwalks to get towards the exit, the factory below them began to combust. Huge flames erupted from the metal contraptions and triggered explosions all around them. They hastily climbed the metal stairs to get to higher ground.
“Captain America, how exciting!” A thick German accent cut through the noise of explosions and gunfire. “I am a great fan of your films!” Before them stood two men; one was a short little fellow clad in a jacket and fedora. The other was tall and wore a distinguished Hydra uniform with its menacing crest emblazoned on his shoulder.
The taller of the two gave Captain America a once over as he strode across the catwalk that separated them, “So, Dr. Erskine managed it after all. Not exactly an improvement, but still, impressive.”
“You’ve got no idea,” Steve snarled and punched the man in the face. The swift blow caused a blotch of redness to appear near his eye and a sinking feeling of realization settled into Lottie’s stomach. This was Schmidt, the monster who used the serum prototype.
Before she could say anything, Schmidt struck back and left a dent in Steve’s shield, “Haven’t I?”
There was a brief scuffle before Schmidt backed off while the other man pulled a lever, pulling the catwalk apart. With a grin, Schmidt began pulling at the skin of his face and revealed fiery red muscle and tissue beneath, just as Lottie had seen when she first began experimenting with the formula. “You are deluded, Captain. You pretend to be a simple soldier, but in reality, you are just afraid to admit that we have left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without fear!”
“Then how come you’re running?”
Steve never got an answer. Schmidt and the other man had already boarded an elevator and left them standing on the catwalk, nearly helpless.
Another explosion went off, cueing the trio to leave, “C’mon, let’s go. Up.” Lottie instructed the men to follow her, though she wasn’t too sure how to escape the factory. All she knew was that they needed to keep ascending the stairs.
When they reached the top of the stairs, they were faced with a metal beam that led to a catwalk with an exit. It was terrifyingly slim, with only enough room to place one foot in front of the other.
“Ladies first,” Bucky murmured, “but I’ll be right behind you.” Lottie felt sure of herself knowing that at least she wouldn’t have to cross on her own.
She took a tentative first step, testing how well it would hold her weight. Lottie tried not to look down at the fiery pit below while she carefully moved along the beam. It was a comfort to have Bucky behind her with his chest nearly pressed against her back as he followed her every step. Lottie had just scrambled over the railing of the catwalk when a jarring explosion shifted the beam’s position and sent it careening downwards. She gasped in horror as Bucky leaped to grab onto the catwalk.
“There’s gotta be a rope or something!”
Steve stared at the two of them from across the pit, “Just go! Get out of here!”
Bucky slammed his fist on the railing, desperation tearing at his voice, “No, not without you!”
“Steve, please! We can’t just leave you here!” Lottie pleaded. Steve couldn’t die, not like this.
With a look of determination, Steve backed up and made a running jump to clear the gap between the two catwalks. An explosion threatened to swallow him up, but he made it over safely, although a little worse for wear.
Lottie and Bucky could only stare in amazement. Steve nodded to them both, “Let’s get outta here.”
Several ladders and a whole lot of dodging later, the trio found themselves trudging towards the tree line.
It was silent amongst the three of them; painfully, dreadfully silent. She decided it was time to break the silence, “Bucky, I—”
“Look, Little Lottie, I know you’re sorry, alright? And I forgive you. Even though you lied to my face and left without saying goodbye, I had a whole lotta time to spend forgiving you.”
Now that the fear of being caught by Hydra soldiers had fully subsided, Lottie allowed herself to let out a sob of joy and nearly threw herself at Bucky. She almost apologized for the force of her embrace since it was likely to hurt a man who’d been captured by Hydra, but he didn’t show any sign of pain. She’d need to remember that for later.
“I missed you so much, Bucky. I really did,” Lottie nearly whimpered. Gosh, she sure sounded lovesick. “I missed you too, Little Lottie.” His embrace was sure and strong, and with it, a flood of memories came back to her. Nights on her fire escape. A birthday evening spent swing dancing. A lucky penny slipped into her hand. For the first time in months, Lottie finally felt whole. Her heart that had been splintered into shards of pain and hopelessness had finally begun to mend itself back together. While she found comfort in his arms and forgiveness, she knew there were still so many words left unsaid; words that he needed and deserved to hear.
“Yeah, I missed you guys too,” Steve muttered, obviously peeved that he was being left out of their moment.
“Aw, come on, Stevie,” Lottie grinned and pulled away from Bucky a little to allow Steve to join their hug.
“And if I remember correctly, Bucky, I think it’s actually Little Saint Lottie now,” she grinned. While she couldn’t see his face at the moment, she just knew it was turning a gorgeous shade of scarlet, based on the sputtering coming out of his mouth.
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cocastyle · 4 years
Robin — THREE
Pairing - Joel Dawson x reader
Word Count - 4,800
A/N - another update for you all! I just wanted to thank everyone for the feedback I have received on this series already! I love seeing people get excited for my writing snd it literally makes my day!
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⭒❃.✮:▹ THREE   ◃:✮.❃⭒
There was something different about letting her feet hit the soil under the circumstances she was currently in. Y/N was used to coming out every once and a while with the hunting team, but this. . .this was different. She wasn't about to stay near by and hurry back to the bunker before the hour was up. No, she was free. She could go wherever she wanted. She could go beyond the 'walls' that the hunting team had established.
And there was no better feeling than knowing all of that.
Y/N looked around with a soft smile playing at her features, closing her eyes for a moment to soak in the sunlight before opening them again and letting out a sigh of content. She turned to Joel after that, her smile only growing at the sight of the boy taking in his surroundings.
The girl had almost forgotten that her best friend hadn't stepped foot on the surface in seven years. Joel looked around as if he couldn't believe he was actually outside and Y/N chuckled softly as she watched him inhale deeply through his nose, his face all scrunched up in a way that she could only find adorable.
Joel's eyes shot open at her laughter, playfully glaring at the girl who just smiled before gesturing towards the map in his hands. "Where to, boss?" Y/N asked.
Joel stared at her for a moment, smiling softly at the way her eyes were squinted in his direction, her hand attempting to shadow her eyes from the sun. The boy cleared his throat and looked away, his hands fumbling with the map which he quickly opened.
Y/N walked over to his side, her arm resting against his shoulder while the two both looked at the paper with looks of concentration. "Where are we?" Joel muttered, his eyes flickering over the map confused. "Well, it's not super useful."
"Don't say that. Look right there. It says avoid that area because our lives depend on it. That's useful," Y/N tried to argue. "Besides, it's the best we could do with such little time since someone decided within a span of five minutes he was leaving the bunker for the first time in seven years."
Joel shot her a look and the girl just winked at him. Letting out a small sigh, Joel began to fold up the map before saying, "You've gone on hunting trips before. Which way should we go?"
Y/N was silent for a moment as she looked around, her finger gently tapping against her lips while she surveyed the area. Finally, she looked to Joel, the boy responding with a smile for they were finally going to start on their journey. However, it quickly disappeared as she said, "I have no clue."
"What? Robin," Joel complained.
"Joel," Y/N mimicked while the boy sighed and scratched his head.
"How do you not know? You've been out here plenty of times," Joel pointed out.
"Yeah, but Connor was always the one with the compass," Y/N explained, her voice softening a bit at the mention of her friend before she hardened and looked up at the boy. "And seeing as that compass is in a decapitated monster's stomach, I don't think I'm going to be very useful."
Joel sighed before looking around again, nervously biting his lip as he tried to decide which way was the best to go. "Okay, well, you know what? We know we gotta head west, right? Well, let's just. . .do that," Joel muttered.
"Wow. I never would've thought of that one," Y/N snorted earning a small glare from the boy.
"I could really go for some non-sarcastic advice right about now," Joel told her while the girl chuckled. "Come on, Robin. Which way should we go?"
"I'm telling you, Joel, I have no idea. Just chose a direction and we'll go with that, okay? I'll follow you whenever you go," she assured him, her words making him still for a moment before he let out a shaky breath and looked around.
"Start with something easy," Joel muttered before finally gesturing one way. "West," he declared before beginning to walk that way, Y/N trotting along behind him.
However, they didn't go every far before Joel was turning on his feet, his hands grabbing ahold of Y/N’s shoulders to turn her around and push her back in the other direction. "Nope, it's this way," he said. "West is this way."
Once again, they didn't get far before Joel let out a sigh and came to a stop. Y/N stopped as well and looked to her best friend as he glanced around. "Shit," he muttered making the girl laugh. Joel glanced her way and the sight of her smile mixed with the sound of her laughter was enough to make him chuckle too.
"Shut up," Joel laughed, gently punching the girl's arm while she just smiled his way. His heart skipped a beat at the action and Joel had to look away, his smile not as bright but still gracing his face. "Split the difference," he finally decided as he gestured forward. "We'll go this way. Done. First decision made."
Y/N cracked her neck before hopping into place beside Joel. The boy looked to her in amusement and she just flashed him that smile of hers.
"Let's do this."
- - -
Dear Aimee,
I am doing it. I'm really doing it!
Honestly, I thought it'd be way worse too. So far, it's not too bad.
Robin makes it easy. She fills the silence with some stories of past hunting trips she's been on. Not really what I want to hear while walking through the very place that holds all the monsters she's talking about. But it's kind of impossible not to get lost in the way she tells a story. She just gets so excited and there's this sparkle in her eyes that makes you want to listen to her talk forever.
We've seen a lot of signs of death, but no actual death, so cross your fingers.
Trying to stay positive. Weather's nice. Getting some fresh air. Spending time with my best friend.
What else can I tell ya?
- - -
"You should've seen the look on Tim's face," Y/N told the boy, her body shaking with laughter as she flashed a smile Joel's way. "But how was I supposed to know that cutting off the monster's head would make bile shoot out of the hole and onto him?"
"Gross," Joel laughed, shaking his head at the girl who just chuckled at the memory. "That's why Tim came back one day and showered for like an hour."
"Yeah. And then everyone got mad at him because he was using so much water," Y/N said earning another round of laughter from the two as they walked through a bus graveyard they had stumbled upon a few minutes prior.
A comfortable silence fell among the two at that point, small smiles still on their faces as they walked through the tall grass and looked around. "Oh," Joel muttered, his arm shooting out and in front of the girl as he slowly backed away from one of the buses. "Watch out. Monster eggs."
Y/N looked at what he was talking about and grimaced before looking around them. "Where do you think the monsters that came out of those eggs went?" she questioned, continuing to glance around while Joel went behind her and began to push her forward.
"I don't really plan on sticking around to find out," Joel admitted, pushing the girl the rest of the way out of the bus graveyard before joining her by her side once again as they approached what seemed to be the remnants of an old neighborhood.
"I wonder what our houses look like now," Y/N muttered, her gaze on the house in front of them that was overrun with vines and other greenery. "You think our things are still there?"
"I'm not sure. Maybe," Joel said, but his gaze was on the ground where he could see something red sticking up off the grass. He bent down to pick the object up, a small smile appearing on his face as he wiped off the grass and realized that the object was a frisbee. "Cool," he muttered causing the girl to look his way. His eyes flickered over the faded lettering as he whispered, "Wham-O."
The words had no sooner left his mouth before the familiar screeching of a monster filled the air. Y/N reacted without hesitation, her hands flying up to grab her katanas which she had by her side within a second.
"No," Joel whispered, the disappointment of already running into a monster after not even a full day on the road almost as strong as his nerves. He subconsciously took a step closer to Y/N who was still holding her katanas up in the air, her eyes narrowed as she surveyed the area.
"We should find somewhere to take cover," Y/N finally said after realizing the monster wasn't as close as she had initially thought.
"Run and hide," Joel remembered, nodding his head slightly. He looked around for a moment before gesturing towards the house. "Hide in the house. Hide in the house."
Y/N stuffed her katanas back into their sheaths before grabbing ahold of Joel's hand. "Come on," she whispered, dragging the boy forward while he quickly stuffed the frisbee into his backpack.
They hurried to the house as quickly and as quietly as possible, only letting go of each other's hand once they reached the door that was wide open. Knowing there wasn't much room to work with the katanas inside, Y/N reached for her crossbow instead. Joel did the same and the two shared a look before slowly creeping inside.
Y/N moved towards the kitchen, her crossbow up as she looked around. Joel was behind her and she didn't pay attention to him until she heard him begin to open something up. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned around in time to see him opening up a fridge.
A loud screech filled the air and Joel slammed the door shut before backing up as quick as possible, Y/N moving to his side with her crossbow aimed at the fridge. She momentarily glanced towards Joe who gave her a nervous smile before whispering, "I think the food's expired."
Y/N rolled her eyes at that, but her lips tugged up slightly in amusement before she slowly nudged the boy out of the kitchen. Once they were out, the two took off towards the back door and into the backyard.
They both hesitated in the middle of the yard while looking to the house to see if the monster had ended up following them. Luckily, it didn't seem to have left the fridge, so Y/N let out a small sigh of relief and returned her crossbow to the hook on her backpack.
"Pro tip about surviving monsters," Y/N began, glancing towards Joel who looked her way. "Never look in a place they could be hiding."
"But that was a refrigerator," Joel argued, his eyes wide.
"Especially refrigerators," Y/N retorted before turning and beginning to walk away. Joel stood there dumbfounded as she left, trying to process why refrigerators would be such a big hiding spot for monsters.
A bubbling sound seemed to snap the boy out of his thoughts and he furrowed his eyebrows before glancing to his left and at a small pond. He could see small bubbles rising from one area and he let out a shaky breath before whispering, "R-Robin?"
"Yes, Joel?" Y/N asked, turning to look back, but she froze at the sight of Joel staring at the pond where not one, not two, but three eyes had popped out of the water to stare at him.
The two were frozen in place as a monster began to emerge from the water. It looked as if it were the mutation of a frog, it's body similar to the amphibian, just larger, grosser and with more eyes.
"Joel," Y/N whispered, reaching up to grab her crossbow. "Back up."
The boy didn't respond, a look of stunned terror on his face as he slowly reached for his crossbow as well. His eyes were filled with tears as he looked at the monster, his throat constricting at the thought of this already being the end.
"Joel," Y/N insisted, but it was too late. The monster's tongue was already shooting towards the boy, but something flew across the air and knocked him out of the way just in time.
Y/N didn't have time to look at what jumped at Joel and reacted quickly, pulling her crossbow out as fast as she possibly could and firing at the monster without hesitation. The arrow managed to land in one of the monster's eyes and it let out a roar that made both Joel and Y/N’s eyes widen in response.
"I think you made it mad!" Joel yelled causing the girl to look his way for the first time. She faltered slightly at the sight of a dog standing atop his chest.
"Is that. . .a dog?" she questioned, her eyes wide with shock.
"Robin!" Joel exclaimed, his voice bringing her back to reality in time for her to dodge the tongue attack that was now being thrown in her direction. The dog ran towards the monster without hesitation, putting itself between Y/N and the creature as it barked.
Joel was on his feet in an instant and attempted to run towards the girl who was trying to pull herself up onto her feet after having the air knocked from her lungs. However, he didn't get far before he was thrown against the wall by a hit from the monster's tongue. He landed with a loud groan, but quickly sat up as he felt something grab ahold of his leg.
"No! No, no, no. No!" Joel cried out as he recognized the tongue of the monster which had wrapped around his ankle. He felt a small tug and began sliding across the ground, a yell escaping his lips as he began picking up speed. He was just about to reach the fallen tree in the yard when he felt a hand grab ahold of his own. Joel's eyes flew upward and he yelled out, "Y/N!"
Y/N had her jaw clenched in concentration, her hand holding on tightly to Joel's as she propped her feet against the tree trunk in order to keep them in place. They could hear the dog barking in the background, but it sounded muffled over the sound of their beating hearts and their own voices.
"Robin," Joel cried, his eyes filling with tears as he brought his other hand up to desperately latch onto hers.
"I gotcha," Y/N assured him. "You're okay." However, it seemed she spoke too soon because the edge of the trunk broke and Y/N suddenly fell forward, the two now sliding across the ground together but with some resistance since the girl was clawing at the ground.
She managed to hook her hand into a small hole in the ground and glanced back at Joel who was yelling in fear before she attempted to look around. Y/N’s eyes landed on the dog that was still barking at the creature and then she looked at the monster before letting out a sigh.
"Joel, you gotta trust me on this, okay?" Y/N asked, her words making the boy look up at her confused.
"Trust you on what?" he replied, but then she was letting go of his hand and Joel began screaming as he reached for the fallen tree.
Y/N rolled up onto her feet before pulling her katanas out of their sheaths. She ran past Joel who was still sliding across the ground towards the monster and ran at the monster at full speed.
The dog must've realized she was attacking because it ran to Joel and bit into the monster's tongue right as Y/N launched herself into the air and sliced the katanas across the monster's face. The monster roared in pain and anger, it's head thrashing to the side and hitting Y/N with so much force that she went flying towards the fence.
However, during the monster's pain and anger, it had managed to let go of Joel who scrambled to his feet. He ran over to Y/N and was quick to help her up, the girl wincing slightly and shoving her katanas back into their sheaths before shaking off the pain once she noticed the monster attempting to pull its way out of the water.
"We need to go!" Joel exclaimed, his arm wrapping around Y/N before the two ran through the hole in the fence and after the dog. They managed to make it through the hole moments before the monster went crashing through the fence and Joel held onto Y/N tighter as they ran, both of their breathing ragged as they followed the dog to who knows where.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Joel yelled after the dog who continued to pick up his speed. "Where are you going?"
"He's not going to answer you!" Y/N yelled before watching as the dog ran into an old bus. "There!"
Joel followed her gaze and was quick to pull her that direction, his arm still wrapped around her waist all the way there before he shoved her through the door first and hurried in after her.
The dog closed the door right behind them and Joel looked at the dog impressed as he whispered, "Whoa. Whoa, that was so cool."
They could hear the faint sound of the monster growing further away and it was only when it was gone that they finally moved. Letting out a small sigh of relief, Y/N leaned back against Joel who wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let his head rest against her own.
"We're alive," he whispered.
"Barely," Y/N muttered, the two letting out shaky breaths as they attempted to slow their breathing down.
Once they had managed to calm down some, the two let go of each other and looked down at the dog. Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N took a step forward and looked around. Inside the bus was a makeshift home of sorts, complete with a bed for both a person and the dog, clothes, some belongings, and numerous crafts lining the inside as if someone had spent the last seven years making nothing but decorations.
"Nice place," Joel commented, looking to the dog who was now laying on his bed. "Can we sit?" The dog glanced at him and Joel looked to Y/N who shrugged. The boy watched the dog hesitantly and made a move to sit down. When the animal didn't show any sign of disagreement, Joel fully sat down. "Thanks."
Y/N walked over as well, but she kneeled down in front of the dog who looked to her with big round eyes. "Hey there, buddy," she whispered, carefully holding her hand out. The dog looked to her hand and leaned forward, sniffing her fingers for a second before licking them. Smiling, Y/N reached forward and let her fingers brush through the dog's hair. "Thank you for saving us back there. Where did you come from, huh? You got a master coming back soon?"
"Robin," Joel whispered. The girl hummed in response and looked his way only to find the boy pointing towards some dishes that looked as if they hadn't been cleaned in a really long time. Y/N instantly put two and two together before looking back at the dog who was leaning into her touch as she scratched behind his ears.
"You all alone?" Joel asked, his eyes flickering over the dog before finally looking at Y/N who he couldn't help but smile at as he watched her interact with the animal.
The dog leaned back at Joel's words and Y/N sighed before standing up and sitting down beside Joel on the bed. "Yeah, us too. I mean, we have each other, but. . .you get what I mean," Joel explained while Y/N smiled softly and placed a hand on top of the boy's.
Joel smiled back and flipped his hand over in order to hold her hand and give it a small squeeze. Feeling content with the comfort his best friend provided him, Joel began to look around until his eyes landed on some graffiti on the bus that read 'Boy.'
"Boy?" he questioned, the name instantly making the dog sit up. Joel and Y/N both shared a look before Joel looked back to the dog. "Is that your name? Boy? Your name is Boy." The dog continued to look at him and Y/N smiled softly as she leaned against Joel.
"I'm Y/N," she said. "But this one right here calls me Robin."
"And I'm Joel," the boy spoke up. "But people call me Batman."
"They do not," Y/N snorted making the boy pout.
"No one calls you Robin," Joel tried to argue.
"You call me Robin," Y/N pointed out.
Knowing he was defeated, Joel looked back to Boy before nodding at the dog. "Nice to meet ya," he said. "Like Robin said earlier. . .thanks, uh. . .thanks for saving my life, Boy."
Boy lowered his head and Y/N just watched the dog with a small smile while Joel used his free hand to pick up a red dress that was lying on the makeshift bed. "Is this a dress?" he asked. However, the words had barely left his mouth before Boy was up and pulling the dress from his grasp.
"Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Sorry," Joel said as Boy ripped the dress away and laid back down on his bed with the dress next to him. "Okay, I won't touch it again."
Y/N let her eyes flicker over Boy, frowning slightly as she realized the dress must've belonged to his owner. Thinking the same thing, Joel asked, "Was that your owner's?"
Boy didn't move and Joel glanced towards Y/N. "It's okay," Joel assured the dog. "You don't have to talk about it. Sorry."
"Did you. . .did you think one of us was her?" Y/N asked, thinking back to the way the dog had grown so protective of them. Boy didn't look at them, but he didn't have to. Y/N was pretty sure he had thought one of them was his owner coming back to him.
"I'm gonna lie down too," Joel said, letting go of Y/N’s hand to pull his backpack off. "Is that o—" The dog looked his way and Joel slowed his actions down. "No, it's okay. Just my backpack." Boy laid back down and Joel let out a small sigh as he set the backpack down. However, he paused as he glanced towards Y/N and it registered in his head that there was only one bed.
"I forgot there's only one bed. Here, you take the bed," Joel told her, already beginning to get up. "I'll just lay on the ground."
Y/N rolled her eyes and reached up to grab the boy's wrist. Joel hesitated and looked back at her while she just gave him a small smile. "We've been best friends for years, Joel. Just shut up and lay down with me," she told him. "Don't worry. I won't bite."
Y/N then gave him a small wink and stood up to take off her backpack and katanas, not noticing the way Joel's cheeks reddened slightly. Although, he wasn't completely sure why that was happening either.
With the bed obviously only being made for one person, the two both had to lay on their side. Joel got on first and leaned all the way back against the far side before opening up his arms. Y/N got in next and laid beside him, the boy freezing as she laid down before he put his arm down at his side not daring to hold the girl like he found himself wanting to.
Y/N was glad Joel couldn't see her face for she was sure she had a slight frown on her face at the fact that he hadn't even wanted to hold her. However, her thoughts were pushed aside as she felt the boy gently nudge her before pointing towards the ceiling where they could see a stuffed dog and girl pinned up next to each other.
"You know," Joel said, glancing over at Boy, "I had a girl, too, once. I mean, I have Y/N, but I'm talking about a different girl. Think you would've really liked her. Yeah, you guys would totally get along. She—She loves dogs. I mean, all animals. She's a big animal lover."
Y/N closed her eyes as the boy began to ramble, especially thankful for not having to face the boy as she listened to him talk about Aimee. Usually she was able to ignore what he was saying, but something about being this close to him, close enough that she could feel his warmth and the way his breath fanned against her neck, and having to hear him talk about another girl was more painful than ever before.
"I haven't seen her in seven years," Joel muttered after a moment of silence. "Long time. That's why I'm trying to go find her. I haven't told anyone this, but I'm kinda nervous about it."
Y/N opened her eyes at that, her face softening at the boy's words. It seemed Boy was touched by his words as well because he got up and plopped down right beside their bed, the dress still in his mouth. He closed his eyes and Y/N smiled softly before reaching down and petting the dog one more time.
"Goodnight, Boy," she whispered, Joel repeating her words while the dog let out a small whine before going to sleep.
A silence filled the room after that, but Y/N knew neither of them were able to sleep. She waited for a moment before whispering, "Are you actually nervous to see Aimee?"
Joel let out a soft sigh, his breath fanning the back of her neck before he whispered, "Yeah." He paused for a moment. "It's been seven years. What if she doesn't want to see me?"
Sighing, the girl turned around in the bed until she was facing Joel. Their faces were an inch or two apart and she noticed Joel's eyes widen slightly in surprise, but it quickly disappeared as he looked into her eyes and relaxed a bit.
Y/N’s eyes searched his own as she said, "Aimee would have to be crazy to not want to see you. You're one of the best people out there, Joel, and that was even before ninety five percent of the population was killed."
Joel smiled softly at that and looked down. "I don't know," he whispered, but the girl quickly shook her head before gently reaching out and forcing his chin up so he could look at her.
"You need to stop doubting yourself, Joel. You have such a big heart and are one of the kindest and funniest people I know. You're making one of the most romantic gestures just daring to take this journey to see her. If she doesn't want to see you, then there's something wrong with her. Trust me. All you need to do is stay calm. Everything will work out in the end," she assured him, smiling softly as she caressed his cheek once with her thumb.
Joel couldn't speak as he looked at her, his eyes flickering over her face for a moment as he tried to process all that she had just said. He couldn't help but notice the rapid beating of his heart. Seeing as it was feeling he had never experienced around the girl before, Joel pushed it aside as nothing but fear of a monster attacking while they slept. But still. . .there was something about the feeling that was familiar. He just couldn't put his finger on it.
Y/N was turning around before Joel could think anymore about it, nestling into the pillow as she closed her eyes. "Besides," she muttered, "your ass dragged me out of that bunker and I'm not about to let you have second thoughts or I'll kill you before any of these monsters can."
Joel chuckled softly at that, his whole body relaxing just because of the girl's presence. He stared at the back of her head for a moment, his eyes trailing down her form before he reached out and slowly let his arm wrap around her waist. Y/N responded by leaning backwards and into his chest while the boy pulled her closer to him and let his face nestle into the crook of her neck.
Y/N smiled softly as her eyes fluttered close once again, a sigh escaping her lips as she whispered out, "Goodnight, Joel."
"Goodnight, Robin."
- - -
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 12
Word Count: 2,510
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning, Pens, Jackets, Canes, Islanders (more to come)
Notes: I literally have no clue what happened the frist time, but let’s try this again. When last we left this story, (Y/N) had just had a steamy encouter with Joel. Now with Svech back at the suite hurt, let’s find out what happens.  As always feedback is greatly appreciated and wanted…hahaha! Luv ya all!! Happy Reading to all!
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A quick run downstairs and a check-in with Carly told you that everything at the hotel was running smoothly. You gave her a recap of what had happened with Svech and told her that you were heading back upstairs to be with him at least until Joel and Dougie got back from practice. By the time you got back up to the suite, the boys were just heading out the door. "Ready to head up to bed?" You asked Svech and his eyebrow shot up. Obviously, you didn't mean it that way as the man was in no way able to perform. Or was he?
"Sure," he said eagerly then hobbled on his crutches to the elevator with you. It took a few minutes to get him into his shared bedroom with Joel, but once you did you propped his foot up on a stack of pillows, making sure to take extra care with it, so as to not cause him any more pain than necessary.
"Yeah," he mumbled and you could see the tiredness in his eyes.
"Do you need anything else?"
"I don't think so."
You dug through your bag and placed the bell you'd found in one of the offices on the nightstand. "Here, in case you need me, just ring this. I'll be downstairs doing some work, but will be up in a flash." He looked so young and innocent just lying there and you swept a bit of hair that had fallen onto his forehead away. "Get some rest."
You went to leave, but he grabbed your wrist, tugging you back in his direction, which caused you to stumble and land awkwardly on his chest; your face a mere inches away from his. He didn't say anything, just cupped your cheek with his free hand and brought your lips to his. It was soft, yet with the right kind of pressure, and he sought entrance to your mouth with a simple glide of his tongue to your lips. You opened for him, deepening the kiss. Svech was gorgeous there was no denying that, but at the same time you felt a little bad after doing what you'd done with Joel last night and now you were kissing his teammate. Though when he moaned into your mouth all thought of that left.
Gently you pushed back from the kiss. "Svech, what are you doing?"
"I want you, (Y/N). I have from the moment I saw you in this bubble a few weeks ago." You tried to think back about running into him at any point before the Canes had actually transferred to your hotel but couldn't recall a time that the two of you met. "Don't worry, I don't expect you to remember. I would come here to play tennis. Well, not really, it was just an excuse to see you. You're so beautiful." His hand caressed your body lightly as he spoke and it ignited a fire deep within you. "I know I'm younger than you, but it doesn't mean that I can't satisfy you."
"Svech it's not that..." For really it wasn't. You had no doubt that he was good in bed, it was just, well, his injury and all.
He must have caught on to your hesitation. "I'm fine I swear, though you'll have to be on top. I just think this is really the optimal time. The guys are gone and won't be around for a couple hours. Say you want me too."
There was a pleading look in his eyes, this sort of need to be wanted. Your body definitely couldn't deny that you craved him. It was just your head that wasn't in sync. You threw caution to the wind and decided to just give in to what your body wanted this time; not that you hadn't been doing that all along. "I want you too."
His hand went to the back of your neck and he drug you down to his lips again for a hard and searing kiss. "Undress for me, beautiful." He whispered out and you stepped back from the bed. Slowly, you unzipped your skirt, then shimmied it down your hips to fall on the floor. Your hands worked each button on your blouse revealing your soft supple skin to his gaze, and look he did. There was a hunger in his eyes as the top fell to the floor and you stood there in only a bra and thong. "Fuck you're gorgeous." He sat up and shucked his shirt over his head before propping himself up against the headboard a bit. "Don't stop now."
A small giggle escaped you at his eagerness. Your hands went to the clasp of your bra, releasing the globes for their confines. Holding the bra with one hand, you let the straps slide off your shoulders, then dropped the garment. You cupped your breasts, gently squeezing them and pulling on the nipples. Svech sucked in a breath of air and you saw him bite down gently on his bottom lip. Your eyes dropped to his crotch, where you could see his erection growing even through his shorts.
Hooking the elastic of your panties, you wiggled them over your hips and glided them down your legs. There was a visible wetness in the crotch that you knew Svech could see, letting him know how badly you wanted him. You sashed back over to the bed, then slid your hand down his chest and abs to the waistband of his shorts. "We're going to need to do something about these." He lifted his hips up, using his upper body strength and you slid them along with his boxers down. It was a bit tricky getting them over his boot, but you managed.
Once that task was accomplished, you went back up and kissed him. "You know you're a really good nurse." He laughed and you joined in, as you straddled his hips.
"Well, I try. Gotta keep my patients happy." His hands went to your hips, while you used his shoulders to steady yourself. "Let me know if I hurt you in any way."
"You're killing me now because I want to be inside you." You chuckled, then took his cock in your one hand and guided it to your entrance. You coated him a bit in your wetness before sinking down on him. "Fuck you feel amazing. So wet...and..." He didn't say anything more as you began to move up and down on his length. "Oh...yeah...fuck..." There was an endless stream of moans out of his mouth. When you swiveled your hips, he almost lost it. "Do that again."
"You're quite the demanding patient," you hissed out as you rode his cock.
"Can't help...it..." he panted. "I've wanted...this...oh fuck...for...mmm...yeah just like that....so long...faster baby." His hips started to rise up, thrusting into you, and you were concerned that he would be putting pressure on his bad foot. Your mind was so lost in making sure that he wasn't hurt, you'd knew that you'd never get off. "I'm so close...are you?"
You weren't but you didn't tell him that. Instead, you grabbed his hand on your hip and moved it to your clit. "I need you to..." you moaned out as he started to rub your little nub, grabbing onto the headboard now to steady you both. "Mmmm...yeah." His movements got faster pushing you to that familiar crest you wanted.
You could feel him tighten his grip with the hand that still held your hip and knew he was close. "Come on baby," he encouraged you and flicked your clit more. It was all you needed, as you screamed out in ecstasy as your orgasm came over you. "Fuck," Svech moaned as your pussy spasmed around him and he thrust deep in you, cumming hard. You were both breathing heavily as you came down off your high and it took a moment for you to collect yourself. As you made a move to roll off him, he held you tightly. "Don't go just yet."
"You've got to be uncomfortable like this." After all, you were practically lying on top of him.
"Quite the opposite, really. Besides, I don't know if we'll get another chance at this. I plan on savoring the moment." His fingertips skated up and down your spine. "You're really something, you know that?"
"I don't know about all that."
"I know I wouldn't have a shot, but if I was a few years older and maybe had a bit more experience in the league. I'd try and steal you away from everyone else here."
“You make me sound like I’m ancient or something. I’m only a few years older than you.”
His hands skimmed up and down your body, fingertips gliding along your ribcage and making you shiver. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just…I can’t even take you out to dinner in Raleigh and buy a bottle of wine.” Damn, you forgot the boy was under twenty-one. You really should’ve thought about things before you jumped into bed with him. Why did your libido have to run rampant around these men? “These guys here are probably showering you with expensive gifts and I just can’t compete with them, though I wish I could. I’d give you the world if I could.”
“Aww Andrei, the fact that you want to do something like that, is just so sweet.” You placed a gentle kiss on his lips. You needed to diffuse the situation before things got too out of hand or the next thing you know he’d be asking for your hand in marriage or something. “I think you’ve had a little too much prescription medication.” He went to protest but you stopped him placing a finger to his lips. “This was fun, but you should rest. Besides I’m sure the others will be back soon.” He nodded as if he finally understood that nothing more was going to happen between the two of you. It was then that you climbed off him and out of bed, picking up your scattered clothes before kissing him one last time. “Get some sleep. If you need anything just ring the bell.”
The tile floor on the hallway felt cold as you made your way down to your room so that you could change into something more comfortable. Hearing Andrei’s declaration really made you start to think. Maybe you should be looking for more than just a fling here and there. Tyler was begging you to let him come to Toronto if the Stars lost or have you fly there if they continued on; maybe it was time to seriously start to consider his offer.
The rest of the morning you buried yourself in paperwork until Dougie and Joel got back early afternoon. Then they took over nursing duties, or at the very minimum getting their teammate food when he wanted. You were still in a cropped hoodie and leggings when you headed downstairs to see how things were going. Thankfully, no one had set the hotel on fire, which was a major accomplishment considering all the rival teams you had under one roof.
“So how goes it with your three roommates?” Carly asked you wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“You don’t even want to know.”
“Of course, I do. I’m living vicariously through you now that Brayden and I are together. Spill the juicy details.”
“Juicy details about what?” You knew that voice, before turning to see that Mat Barzal was standing there, a sheer sheen of sweat lightly coating his forehead, telling you that he had been working out. His shirt clung to his body in all the right places. And those thighs. Ugh! It should be downright illegal to have thighs as muscular as his and shorts that tight.
“We were just talking about…” Carly started to say before you elbowed her.
“It’s just about someone that works here in the hotel. You probably wouldn’t know them, considering you’re staying at the Royal.” God, you sounded like a snob; a snob and a prick. “I mean it’s really just work gossip.”
“Oh well, hopefully, I’ll be moving in here soon. Then maybe you’ll let me in on your little secrets.” He gave you a little wink as if he knew you weren’t exactly talking about some indiscretion of a hotel staff member. Although technically you were. That member just happened to be you.
“I guess if you do get to move, I’ll have to reveal all the dirty laundry this place has going on,” you said flirtatiously, and suddenly you were throwing out that whole idea of settling down.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing what you’d got going on underneath everything.” Mat playfully bantered back, as his eyes roamed your body. His heated stare had your panties getting wet. You were really going to have to do your laundry after the day you had.
“Well, I can see I’m not needed here.” Carly chimed in as you’d completely forgotten about her being there. “I think I’ll go check on what Chef’s preparing for dinner.”
She sauntered off leaving you standing there alone with Mat. “Speaking of dinner. Would you like to get some, say maybe tomorrow night? We’re playing tonight or I’d say in a couple of hours.”
“I’d like that, but it’s not like we can go out to any restaurants.”
“True, though I do remember you mentioning something about a suite you’re staying in.”
Had you mentioned that? You couldn’t really be sure and it didn’t really matter at the moment considering you had roommates. “About that…You see there was kind of a little incident here. Let’s just say it involved a hockey stick and some busted pipes.” Mat looked like he was ready to bust out laughing but he took a deep breath regaining control. “So now I have three people staying there with me.”
“Oh well if it’s your friend there and a couple others I’m sure Tito and a couple guys wouldn’t mind coming along.”
“Yeah,” you said cringing as you told him this next part. “It’s not Carly. It’s three guys from the Canes. Dougie Hamilton, Joel Edmunston and Andrei Svechnikov.” Mat’s eyes widen and his jaw dropped a bit before drawing together to form a hard line on his jaw. He hadn’t seemed like the jealous type in your last encounter but then at the time, it didn’t seem like you were having a foursome every night in your suite. “It’s just temporary.” You were quick to add. “Their room should be fixed in a couple days.”
“I see.” It was a short response and you could tell that he wasn’t pleased. “I guess dinner is off.”
You didn’t want it to be. In fact, Mat was the first guy that you really were interested in more than just a fling with since Sidney. You just needed to come up with another place for dinner and maybe some sort of dessert that involved both of you being naked. That shouldn’t be too hard.
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sweetcherrypie1967 · 3 years
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Sweet Tooth
Now to anyone else this wouldn't be a big deal but to those that knew her, they knew she wasn't one to get very confused. After all, they don't call her the brightest witch of her age for nothing. She was always trying to find a logical explanation for everything she encountered and dealt with it accordingly.
But this had her stumped.
Every week her parents would send many sweets to her to share with her friends. While they were dentists and protested excessive amounts of candy, they trusted she was responsible enough not to use them in excessive amounts. They also knew that Hermione's friends enjoyed sweets very much so they felt no guilt in sending so much. It was a sweet gesture that Hermione looked forwards to every week but this week, however, she had put the sweets in a bowl in the Heads Common Room so that others were free to have some and the next morning they were gone.
She hadn't even had any of her friends in the Common Room since putting this week's batch there. So where could it have gone?
Hermione was contemplating this staring at the empty bowl when the Head Boy came out from his room. His blond hair still wet from just taking a shower as he cheerfully bounded down the steps.
"Good morning Hermione," Draco Malfoy said.
"Good morning, Draco," she said, "you wouldn't happen to know what happened to the sweets my parents sent me, would you?"
He paused mid-stride, looked at the empty bowl and pretended to think hard. "Nope, not a clue," Draco said shrugging before continuing in the room with a spring in his step.
It was a shock to Hermione when she found out that she would have to share the Head Dorms with Draco. It really did make sense why he was chosen as Head Boy, so she shouldn't have been surprised. He was second only to her in their year and earned the position just as much as she did. Hermione was so worried about it that she almost went to McGonagall on the verge of asking to be demoted to Prefect. The more she thought about it though, the she decided that she'd worked too long and hard to get to be the Head Girl so she wasn't going to give it up so easily. So, they put up with each other as neither was willing to back down and they eventually became somewhat friends.
"Well you seem to be in an awfully good mood today," Hermione commented
"You're right, as usual. I am in a fantastic mood today," Draco said plopping down on one of the couches by the fireplace.
"May I ask why?" Hermione said amused. While she did find him a lot more pleasant to be around, it was still rare to catch him in a particularly good mood.
"Because, dearest Hermione, today is the day that I am going to ask out that girl I told you about to Hogsmeade this weekend," he said grinning.
"Oh, that's wonderful!" Hermione said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.
As they were getting closer and trusting each other more, Draco confided -or more like Hermione caught on and he confessed- that he had a secret crush on some mystery girl. He went on about how beautiful and smart and wonderful she was, though Draco refused to reveal her identity. At first Hermione was excited that he was trusting her enough to tell her something so personal, but couldn't help feeling a pang in her chest. She hadn't the slightest idea why until a few weeks ago while talking to her good friend Ginny Weasley.
Hermione has her own crush on the blond boy.
Still, she wouldn't allow it to show, he obviously didn't feel the same as he was so occupied by this other woman. And why should I even hope for anything else? Just because we're friends now doesn't change that he's Draco Malfoy and she's Hermione Granger, they'd never work..
..could they?
"Hey? Hermione?" Draco said bringing her out of her thoughts.
"Hm? Oh sorry, what were you saying?" Hermione said embarrassed.
"I was asking if you were alright, you kinda zoned out there," he said with a charming smile that made her melt.
"Yeah I'm alright, just lost in thought I guess," she explained.
"Ok," Draco said before launching into all his different ideas of where to take this mystery girl. Hermione listened while secretly picturing him and herself going to do these activities, even if she knew they were never going to happen. "I don't know, Hermione..maybe I'm getting my hopes too high," he said sadly.
This snapped her back to reality. Draco Malfoy, aka sexiest boy at Hogwarts, worried about some girl rejecting him? She didn't know whether to be proud he wasn't being too egotistical or worried he's gone mad.
"You're not ill, are you?" Hermione teased.
"I mean it, Hermione. What if she says no?" He worried.
"Where's that Malfoy confidence of yours? Of course she'll say yes," she told him encouragingly.
"I don't know...after all I've done? Me and her haven't had the best track record, I wouldn't blame her," Draco said looking at the fire.
"Draco Malfoy, do you care for this girl?" Hermione asked.
"I think I made that pretty clear," he said rolling his eyes.
"Yes or no," she said bossily.
"Yes," Draco laughed.
"Do you think you could fall for her?" She asked.
Draco looked at her for a moment and thought about what she was asking. "Yes," he said honestly.
"Then that's all that matters. If she rejects you then that just means she isn't the one who's meant for you, you have proven that you've changed time and time again this year so if she can't see that then thats her loss," Hermione said firmly, "besides, would you rather go on without knowing how she'd answer? Without being able to say you tried?"
"You're right, as always. I'm being silly aren't I?" Draco said cracking a smile.
"Yes, yes you are," she told him to which they both laughed.
There was a part of Hermione that selfishly wished this mystery girl would reject to his offer but another that wished she would agree, just so Hermione can see him happy. Only time could tell.
"So when are you going to tell me who this girl is?" Hermione asked him.
"After I ask her," he promised with a twinkle in his eye.
"And when when will you be asking her?" Hermione asked.
"Not telling," Draco said.
It was dinnertime in the Great Hall. Hermione was sitting at the Gryffindor table with Harry Potter along with Ron and Ginny Weasley while Draco was sitting at the Slytherin table with Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Daphne Greengrass. He's been fiddling with his hands nervously the entire time, too anxious to eat anything.
"C'mon mate, why are you so worried? Who in Merlin's name would reject you?" Theo said.
"Any girl that's got a brain," Blaise teased to which Daphne elbowed him, "ouch!..bloody woman...I mean, yeah what he said."
"Really Draco, could you at least tell us who she is? It might be easier for us to help if we knew," Daphne urged.
"No, you'll find out soon enough. I don't need help I..just need a minute," Draco assured his closest friends.
"Dinner will be over soon, you'd better make it fast. Especially if you want to get something to eat," Blaise said.
"Yeah, ok. Here I go," Draco said more to himself than anyone else before standing up and striding across the Great Hall.
Right to the Gryffindor table.
He shook his head as if to rid himself of his nerves and show his famous Malfoy confidence as he got closer. As he approached, Draco could feel all the eyes on him but he paid them no mind.
Not until her eyes were on him.
Draco sat down next to her as if he did it everyday, and he had done this on occasion throughout the current year.
"Hey Hermione, you remember that girl I was telling you about?" Draco asked, knowing everyone within earshot would be listening.
"Yes..oh! Did you ask her? What did she say?" Hermione asked intrigued.
"No actually, I haven't asked her yet," Draco told her, "I'm kinda getting to that."
"You'd better hurry if you want to do it today," Hermione said.
"Yeah, I should," Draco agreed. Hermione went back to her food, expecting him to go off and ask the girl, not wanting to see what would happen.
"Hermione," Draco said trying to regain her attention.
"Yeah?" She said not looking up.
He gently put his hand on her chin and tilted her head to look at him. "Would you like to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" He asked.
"But I thought you were going with that mystery girl?" She said not piecing it together.
Draco sighed dramatically, "for the brightest witch of our age, you really can be . You're the mystery girl. I'm asking you on a date to Hogsmeade."
Her mouth dropped, along with almost everyone else's. Everyone else was still getting used to the idea of Hermione and Draco being friends and now he was asking her on a date?
"Oh! Yes, yes of course!" Hermione said excitedly before crushing him in a hug.
Draco laughed, "and by the way, it was me who ate the candy from your parents," he admitted in a whisper.
"It was you?" She exclaimed but somehow managed to keep the same volume.
"Yes, but don't worry I'll make it up to you," he promised.
And Draco did just that. The first activity the two did together in Hogsmeade was go straight to Honeydukes and let Hermione pick out all the sweets she desired. Draco, of course, picked out many as well for himself and paid for all of it.
"Draco Malfoy, how many sweets did you buy? The whole shop?" Hermione said surprised.
"What can I say? I guess you could say I've got a sweet tooth," Draco told her.
"That's an understatement," Hermione laughed.
They spend the rest of the day doing various things around the small town. Draco took her to a bookshop, the Three Broomsticks and anywhere else she wanted. Back in their Common Room they ate and exchanged their sweets while talking about their day.
All was well.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
��𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔰
Chapter 3: Fall from Grace 
full masterlist // series masterlist
Pairings: dark!Steve Rogers x female!reader
Word count: 3,639 
Warnings: smut, kidnapping, stalking, slight bondage. (MUST BE 18+)
Summary: after the death of your mother, you decided that you were going to do something new to honor her. You chose a perfect camping spot somewhere down South. You thought it was going to be the life-changing vacation that you never had in your life, until Steve Rogers, a man existed in roughness and control all his life, found you.
a/n: chapter three is here!! they are finally going to start their festive, but steve is gentle enough to at least take things slow. things will grow more extreme in future chapters and i hope you’re ready for that. for now, let’s just enjoy, (lowkey) altruistic steve, yeah? enjoy! please leave a like and comment. 
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The next morning, you were woken up by a gentle caress on your hair, with a pair of striking blue eyes greeting you. Not that you had any clue whether it was actually morning. It could've been 3 PM in the afternoon for all you know, but the man before you; Steve Rogers, as he declared his name last night, confirmed it by rolling the words on his lips; "good morning."
You tried to sit up, but you remember that you were still bound in place since last night. He sat by the side of the bed, and he asked; "did you sleep well last night?" You didn't know how to answer that, so you nodded aversely. He smiled, not the menacing smirk that he displayed several times last night, but a suave one, like he was gratified by your sated rejoinder.
"I brought breakfast. You must be starving."  You turned your head to your right side and a saw a small table standing next to you, containing a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, the smell was so mouthwatering that your stomach grumbled at the absence.
You whined and pulled your hands scantily, hoping that it was enough to send him the message. "Oh shit, sorry." He made light of the situation and he moved slightly forward to uncuff you. You sat up and tried to take off the gag but he abruptly blocked your hands from proceeding any further.  
"Let me do it." It was supposed to sound thoughtful as if he was lending a helping hand, but the glare in his eyes expunged the sentiment away for what he acutely implied was; "you don't get to make that decision of your own, little girl."
So you let loose your hands and yield into him to perform the task instead. You never cherished your freedom more than at that moment. You instantly contorted your body and grabbed the plate. You ate like you were a famished vagrant. You moaned at how succulent the meal is.
You ate in silence and he just sat there as he watched you gobbled up your food. The sound of the room was only generated from the clinking sounds of the metal fork hitting the silver platter.
When you were repleted, you put down down the dish and you drank the glass of warm vanilla milk on the tray. You gulped half of the glass and put it back on the tray. You didn't realize the remaining splotch of the milk had stained your upper lip milky white.  
Steve cleaned it with the stroke of his thumb tenderly and he wiped it on his jeans. He didn't waste any second longer as he spoke up; "today, we are going to start our training. We'll go over the rules and learn the basics. We will see how much we can wrap today, and then we'll carry on tomorrow."  
He got on his feet and picked up the tray from the small table, and he continued, "while I prep, you can take a shower."
Take a shower? Does this mean he was going to take you upstairs and let you use his bathroom? That's a good start, maybe, you might find a way to escape through the window or scream for help.
But your vision was cut short by his next instructions. He pointed at the direction of the staircase, but not specifically at it, but rather towards something underneath it; "you see that door over there? It's the bathroom. You can shower there."
You hadn't noticed that door before until it was pointed out.  You had only been here for, you assumed, less than 24 hours, there were a lot of things you had yet to discover. After all, your first night here was restricted; you were bound on all fours and the dimmed bulb on the ceiling could only provide so much.
"I'll give you an hour to be ready for me. I expect you to be all cleaned and fragrant when I come back." He leaned down to your level and spoke composedly. "When I'm back, I want you on your knees, with your hands placed neatly on your thighs and your chin down to the ground, understood?"
You nodded. Ever since you got here, it seems like you had lost your ability to form a sentence, you could mumble a few primary words, but you still felt so caged inside despite not being restrained any longer.
"Words, sweet girl. I want you to use your words."
He raised his eyebrows and made a questioning look, you didn't seem to get to hint, so he proceeded; "yes what?"
Your brain quickly recalls last night's events, where he told you that you may call him sir at "certain times" and you immediately knew that this was the moment he implied.
"Yes... Sir." With that, you earned a murderous smirk on his face as if he was amused by the way the sound of the epithet rolled off your lips.
"Good girl. I'll see you later." He left a kiss on your forehead and fled; passing the staircase, off he go.
You folded your knees and tucked them under your chin. What kind of rules was he planning to go over with you? Is he ever going to let you go? And most importantly, are you truly safe with him?  
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Steve took off from the basement and locked the door behind him. He was amused by how obedient y/n had been so far, he quickly learnt how naive and innocent you were. He was going to have it easy when it comes to molding you into his favorite possession. The girl he had fantasized about for months; you were nearly there. You just needed a little more disciplinaries.
He calculated in head that in a few weeks, you were going to be innately capable of performing his orders. If he wanted you on all fours, with your head pressed down on the mattress and your hands tied tidily on your back, as he pounds vigorously into you, then you were going to do so, with only a single cue.
Yeah, he'll get you there. He just needed patience and perseverance.
He stripped himself off his navy blue plaid shirt and his worn-out jeans. He also pulled down his boxer and put them into the dirty laundry basket as his lengthy cock sprung free. It wobbled as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the lights; the rustic interior came into view. There was a single, broad rectangular mirror on his right side, over the Pecan brown ceramic sink. The tile that topped the cabinet sink resembled the colour of its owner's hair; deep brunette brown.
On the left side, there was a single wooden framed window that was shut due to the windy weather that caused the fallen leaves of the trees to enter his cabin uninvited.
He diverted the shower curtains and climbed into the giant bathtub. He swiveled the shower faucet and let the warm water wash over him. His thoughts migrated to his discoveries last night. He had stolen her phone and her other personal things and stash them in the top racks of his closet.
While she was unconscious, she pressed her button onto the fingerprint passlock, and the screen lit up, displaying all of the menu icons. He looked through all of her social media one by one; her text messages, her Instagram, Facebook, emails, Youtube history, Google history, Google Play Books, and even her Amazon search list. He thoroughly scrolled through every app on her phone he could find, to dig deeper into her personal background.
From what he discovered, he hadn't learned much except; she was a nerd, the number of books she had yet to finish explained that much. Her history search revealed nothing much more than juvenile information, and the most recent ones were camping related info. She was on social media, but she didn't seem to have that many interactions cramming up her notifications. Her emails and text messages mostly consisted of professional matters with her, what he assumed, were her co-workers.
He also read several unanswered texts, saying sentimental things, such as; "I'm truly sorry for your loss." "I'll be here if you need me, call me soon!" "Do you need a friend? I can come over anytime! :)" "She was such a wonderful human being, she's in a better place now." "Stay strong, okay? Thinking about you here."
That made him curious. Why didn't she answer these well-intend messages? Who was this "wonderful human being" her acquaintance talked about? He didn't dwell on those futile questions for too long, he could ask her about it later, but now, he just wanted to learn more about his girl.
He clicked on the gallery icon and there was only a single file. He unfolded it, and the file revealed pictures that she took from the woods; the river, the trees, the scenery, etc. Then as he scrolled down further, pictures of an older woman surfaced. The older woman slightly resembled her. They both have the same eyes and that warm demeanor. Some pictures showed she was in a hospital bed, clad in a hospital gown. She looked pale and frail. He put the math together and concluded that this might be her mother, and that she was ill.
But her peer or whoever the hell that was, texted that she was in a better place now? Does that mean she was deceased? Is that why she came here all alone? To get away from her thoughts?
He'll learn the answers tomorrow, when she's awake, and when she's willing to talk.
After about an hour browsing through her phone, he decided that he had found enough. He decided to delete all her social media accounts and discarded her SIM card and the battery. Then he turned off the device and stash it back to where all her personal belongings were stored.
After he showered under the warm water and cleaned himself enough, he turned off the faucet and stepped out of the bathtub. He dried off his damp hair as he stared into the mirror, acknowledging his God-like, well-defined figure. His chiseled abs and bulky chest that could bring anyone in his way to their knees. He trimmed his unkempt beard just enough to keep it presentable. He brushed his hair until he was satisfied with how dashing he looks.
He stepped out into his room and searched through his wardrobe. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and put it on. He didn't even bother putting on a boxer or briefs, for he knew it would go futile anyway. Nor did he bother putting on a shirt. So he walked into his basement, where his girl was kept; shirtless, and eager.
Let the games begin...
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The warm water washing over you felt pleasant on your skin. You took your time in cleaning yourself up, as your minds keep drifting to the last 24 hours. Still, the remaining questions in your head were; where the hell were you? who the hell was this man? what the hell did he want from you?
You squeezed the bottle of the shampoo onto your hand and you messaged your scalp smoothly despite your restless thoughts. You had walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes earlier, and saw how complete the bathroom was.
It wasn't much, there was a single toilet and a roll of tissue glued around a wall-mounted tissue holder beside it. You also found many feminine toiletries such as; coconut shampoo, lavender body wash, vanilla-scented lotion, deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, razor, blades, shaving lubricant, soap bar, and nail clippers.
In the tiny cabinet sink, there were a few white towels and washcloths. Inside the drawer, there were a few tampons and pads. You truly felt like you were a special guest at a fancy hotel. The cramped bathroom was even a lot neater compared to your own in your apartment.
It makes you wonder... Did he plan all of this? If he did, how long had he been planning for this? Your own questions rose the shivers down your spine. You decided to shake it all away and stepped into the tight space behind the curtains.
You turned on the faucet and let the warm water stream over your skin.
After you were finished, you wrapped one of the towels in the cabinet, around your body. You used it to dry off your face and your hair, then you walked out to the room. You were glad that he hadn't come back yet, so it gave you enough time to get ready.
How... exactly were you going to get ready? You just realized he didn't provide you any clothes or undergarments. So you sat in your bed, still clothed in the towel until you were ready to follow his instructions.
You weren't ready to find out what he meant by "there will be punishments" as he casually stated last night, so you dropped the towel off your body and hung it on the hook behind the bathroom door.
You heard the faint sound of approaching footsteps and you sprinted to the center of the room and knelt. You placed your hands neatly on your thighs as he instructed with your head down, not wanting to stare at his face. Despite it was part of his orders, you were also fearful of gazing into this man's eyes.
The sound of the door opening reverberated through the room, and your hands shook despite being perfectly still on your thighs. Your lips trembled at the mighty presence making a grand entrance. The sound of the approaching footsteps grew harsher and in seconds, a pair of black mudded boots covered feet came into view.
"You listened to my orders well... Good. We are off to a good start. Alright, let's begin our lesson today. You can look up now."
You lifted your head to look at his face, and you trembled. Seeing this man from down here hit you differently. He was majestic in every possible way. You didn't know whether that made you feel safer or even more terrified. He was leaning on a small table pressed to the wall behind him, his hands holding his bodybuilder figure.
"First, I want you to address me as sir when we are engaged in sexual intercourse. You have learned my name but it doesn't mean you can call me by my first name whenever you like."
"Second, I don't wanna hear you talk unless I address you first. If you absolutely need to, you may raise your hand to let me know. The only thing that I wanna hear from that mouth is your compliance, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Third," his eyes darkened. There wasn't a hint of emotions on his face, nothing but stone-cold, hard-rock sobriety. Like a supreme commander, commanding his subordinates. "I expect you to submit to me, fully. Your body and your mind belong to me now. I am in control of the way it works and I am free to choose whatever I want to do to you. No refusal, no recalcitrance, no inquiry. Trust me, the less you resist, the easier this will be."
You were stiffened in place, cemented on spot. He demanded complete submission; a person you had never come across before, the pieces of equipment that were foreign to you, a territory you never had the slightest bit of idea existed... You were forced to yield and accommodate yourself into it. You bit the insides of your cheek to forestall the tears. He already had you impotent, like a wounded animal succumbing to its injuries. Resistance would be vain now. So you let him take the wheel. Even if it means, your temple would be driven by him.
Maybe... Just maybe, after you've pleased him enough by letting him get a grip of you, he might let his guard down and you might even find a way to escape.
But not now, you must work to earn his trust first. You just needed to brace yourself and have self-control. This man promised you that he wasn't going to hurt you, after all, maybe in exchange for a few sexual favors, you might obtain your freedom.
So you entertained him, by saying his two favorite words. "Yes, sir."
"Alright. Now, get on the bed and lay on all fours, like you did last night."
You got on your feet and walked slowly to the mattress. It wasn't a comfortable one. It only had one pillow and not a duvet. It made you miss your own bed dearly.
You laid on the bed, seeking the most comfortable position, despite nothing that would actually make that much difference. You were still placed in the center of the bed, with your head on the pillow.
Steve followed you behind, and he restrained you again to the corners of the bed. He got on top of you, caging your hips with his knees.
"Today, I'm going to teach you how it feels to cum. Fall apart as you give into pleasure... You're never going to be the same once I'm done with you."
He started with nipping the sensitive spot of your neck, followed by the soft caress of his fingers, slowly moving down to your lip, circling around the bud, as he began to collect the wetness there. He moved his head down to your breasts, as he sucked your left nipple with his lips. The feeling overwhelmed you, you had never done this with any man before.
To say you were inexperienced would be an understatement. You had never dated anyone, let alone sleep with one. Your thoughts were jumbled with the sensation, you wanted to push him away, but you were bound in spot, your brain is telling you to tell him to stop, but you couldn't.
His mouth is taking its sweet time, moistening your nipple, as the finger on your bud didn't stop, but rather going faster, rubbing you up and down, that elicited a faint moan from you. What is he doing? What is this feeling? You didn't know. But you let yourself get lost in the moment. Thrilled to let him enlighten you.
He released your nipple with a loud pop and he continued his wrongdoing, by moving down to your most sensitive area. He stared at your sweet cunt and unhesitantly dipped his tongue into it.  The lewd noises he was making with his mouth was making your head spin; you tried to block him out by sealing your thighs but he hindered you by wrapping his large hands around your thighs so tightly, you thought it might leave a red mark of fingers afterward.
His right-hand retreated to your breasts, to pinch the right nipple that was left ignored earlier. He groped you so fiercely that you shrieked from the pain. You shifted your head to the side to hide your pleasure, not noticing that his fingers had released your nipple to shove them inside you.
You threw your head back from the sudden intrusion. Your body felt electrified. The sensation was extraordinary. Him pleasuring you with his tongue was one thing, but his fingers stroking the sensitive spot inside you made you forget the dreary situation you were currently trapped in.
You lifted your head to look down at him, trying to figure out what was happening; you could see him engorging you with his eyes shut, as two of his fingers were scissoring inside of you. Your head was misty, and before you know it, your climax had washed over you. The sudden eruption of euphoria shocked you, as you give in to the bliss. You trembled from the unprecedented explosion your body made, as you panted harshly, ceasing you from moving.
Steve was exultant by his work, how he knew he had successfully taken the first step of breaking down your wall. How he managed to inoculate your brain with pleasure. His mouth and fingers had triumphantly turned you into an incoherent, cum-drunk mess, that you didn't even try to fight or resist him. It would be so much easier to mold you to a more advanced doll now.
He reached to your eye level and caged your head once more with his hands, as he alerted you from your post-cum bliss; "when was the last time you ever came that hard?"
You opened your mouth, with still uneven breathing, and answered; "I- I never..."
He squinted his eyes at you with a puzzled look. "You never what?"
You shuddered, cautious to not provoke him; “I never... Never done that before.” 
You were comfortable with being inexperienced, until now. Until this dangerous man, who had just violated you began to interrogate your personal life; what if your celibacy incensed him because you weren't exactly what he was looking for? What he instead of releasing you, he decided to murder you and bury your body in his backyard?
He sat back, between your spread, cum-drenched thighs, and incredulously asked; "you are a virgin?"
You nodded dubiously. You broke off the gaze on his eyes, to look at the rustic wall shielding you from the world. Then his hand grabbed your chin to your move head back so that you were looking at him again; "hey, it's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are here so I could train you. We've got all the time in the world."
You didn't know how you should react to that; should you smile because of the fact that he wasn't going to murder you? Or should that frighten you instead because that means, one way or another, he was going to corrupt your innocence, and there's nothing you can do about it...
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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The One Where Dabi Gets Involved With Overhaul’s Girl. Part Fourteen.
Edited: 1-15-2021
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The days with Dabi soon turned into two weeks. Two explicitly passionate and exquisite weeks. Somedays you stayed inside your room with him and played games together, uno and monopoly, were two of your go-to games. Dabi had told you he hadn't really played games besides sports with his siblings when he was younger, you had decided to set out to change that. Other days you would leave your room to make your presence seen by Kai's lackeys, both you and Dabi would be seen by his 'loyal' men in a friendly bodyguard and protected manner. Nothing more than what they would assume is a work relation.
It was so arousing and thrilling. One minute you were in Kai's bed, having glorious sweet and precarious sex with Dabi, the next you were eating dinner in the Shiehassaikai bases kitchen and nobody had a clue what you and Dabi had done. No one knew, no one suspected. It was a well-kept secret between you and Dabi, but you had to suppose all things had to come to an end.
"When is he coming back?"
The question rolled off of your lips as you crawled across the bed and over to Dabi's lap. His rough hand comes up and grabs your hips, both giving you support and trying to stop you from sitting down on him or grinding against him.
"He texted me, he'll be back in an hour."
"You think we got time for, um...?"
There was desperation in your voice, practically aching for him to take you again before Kai came home. He was straining against his belt, hot and heavy at you throwing yourself on him, begging him to take you for a second time that morning.
"No, I don't wanna risk it. If he came back while I was in you he'd kill us both on the spot, and I’d like to take my time with you."
Your cheeks burned crimson red, you felt hot and needy yet Dabi and you had already passionately fornicated that morning. You plopped down on the bed next to Dabi and took his hand into yours. You were nervous about Kai coming home. Nervous that things between you and Dabi would change, nervous that Kai would somehow know.
"Nothing’s gonna change when he comes back, right?"
"Course’ not doll."
Dabi placed a swift kiss against your head. It was tender and loving, so reassuring and special before he muttered out more reassuring words to you.
"Nothing's gonna change. I'll still love you even when he makes you cling to him. I’ll love you, but we just can’t be as close. Can’t have as much sex, or kiss. I’m gonna get you out, don't forget I promised you that."
"I can't wait to get out. I want to be far away from him, I want Eri to be far away from him."
Dabi swung his legs off of the bed and turned to you with a half-lidded smile. It churned your stomach every time he smiled at you. Every time you saw his turquoise eyes, every time you saw the glint in his staples. You couldn't remember ever feeling this way about Kai.
"Oh, so we do have time for it."
"No, I want my shirt back, and I want to change the sheets before Kai’s back. You've been awfully horny, Kai must have a tiny dick, or am I just that good?"
You pulled Dabi's shirt up and off your body. You scrounged around in your dresser for a shirt and pair of pants after you threw Dabi his shirt back to him. You supposed you should get in the shower, there was cum on your leg. It wasn't dried, but rather kind of pastry having decided to cuddle instead of clean up after yourselves earlier. Just the knowledge that Kai would be disgusted at you for not immediately cleaning up afterward was euphoric.
"You are good. You're gentle, but rough at the same time. You pay attention to me and what I say... It’s pleasurable."
"That's how it should be."
Dabi collected your sheets and left your room to give you privacy to shower. His heartfelt heavy at your words. He had seen how Kai treated you, he saw the roughness, the violence. It shouldn't have come as such a surprise that he was the same in the bedroom. Getting you out wasn't enough for Dabi, he wanted to hurt Kai, but he supposed getting you and Eri out would have to be enough for now.
Once Dabi left your room you grabbed your clothes, placed them on top of your dresser, and went into the bathroom. You turned the shower handles to make the water hot and climbed in. The water hit you, wetting your hair as it proceeded to run down your back. You watched as it hit your legs and made a milky white residue slide down the floor of the bathtub. Evidence that you and Dabi had been together so intimately.
Sometimes you felt bad, bad, and guilty. You were Kai's girlfriend, you should be loyal to him. You shouldn't be cheating on him, fornicating and fraternizing with a member of the league of villains, which Kai hated. With Dabi. You had to remind yourself what he’d done to Eri. You had to remind yourself that the way Kai had been treating you wasn't right, wasn't normal. You had to remind yourself that a relationship based on threats and hurt wasn't right. It had been happening for so long that you started to normalize it.
You watched the last remnants of your morning with Dabi wash down the drain with a smile on your face. Dabi treated you so well, so right. The last two weeks with him without Kai around were euphoric, completely euphoric. He wasn't there to hurt you, wasn't there to deliver some unjust punishment. Dabi had held you, touched you, and made you feel such pleasure in ways Kai would never accomplish and he would never know. He would never know of the betrayal you delivered to him. He would never know how you developed feelings for Dabi. He would never know how Dabi held you, touched you, loved you. He would never know until you and Eri were long gone.
You stepped out of the bathtub after rinsing the soap off of your body and stepped out into the bathroom floor. Water dripped on top of the towel you had previously laid out. Maybe it was from being around Kai so much, but you hated getting out of the shower and having your feet touch the cold, gross ground while they were wet. You grabbed the second towel you had laid out on a shelf and began running the item over your body, drying off every droplet of water. You grabbed a third and final towel and wrapped it around your head, trapping all the water on your hair in one place and keeping it there until you were ready to deal with it after you were dressed. 
With one towel tightly wound around your hair and the other tightly wrapped across your body and chest, you walked back into your bedroom. Kai was back now, he's sat on the bed, perfectly still just waiting for you. It takes everything in you not to go back into the bathroom, not to lock the door and keep him away from you. The thought is silly and futile, he'd just warp the door. You notice the bed is made and clean now, indications of what you and Dabi did were no longer there. It brings a smile to your face, prideful and glorious, vindictive joy.  
It comes out meek, but you try your best to make it sound happy. You have to play the game. Play the game to win the game, that's what Dabi told you to do. You need to play the game to win the game, play the game to end the game. Just play into him, do what he wants, convince him until you can leave.
"I missed you."
"Did you?"
His reply feels accusatory. Threatening and dangerous, and you have to clench your thighs together. It wasn't arousal or anything of that sort, it was fear. Pure, terrifying, fear. Fear that he somehow knew what you did. The fear he somehow knew of your betrayal. But he couldn't have known. He wasn't here, and he took a lot of his men with him. Dabi was the one who was supposed to watch you for this type of thing, and he wasn't about to snitch on himself.
"I did!"
Kai raises his eyebrows at you. Maybe it was the distance, but this was the nicest he’d spoken to you in a long time. He stood up and walked towards you, billions of nerves erupted in your body. You didn't want him touching you while you weren't yet dressed. His hand reached up like he was about to touch your cheek, but it never comes. He brings it back down to his side instead.
"I read there's an old virus making a comeback. Multiple cases in China, it hasn't hit Japan yet. I want both of us to go and get a check-up."
"Of course, Let me get dressed first!"
"Please be quick, I want us to get blood work done as soon as possible."
You walked over to where you had left your clothes on the edge of your dresser and took a deep breath. Kai was watching you, you knew he was. You hated getting dressed in front of him, you hated having his eyes on you. What he did that night, how he pushed you into letting him defile and touch you, it wasn't right. You were being cautious around him, trying not to entice him. That wasn't something you could afford.
Dabi’s words flooded through your head. You had to play the game. You had to play the game to win the game. Play the game to safely leave the game. You needed to convince Kai. You needed to make him think you were wholeheartedly and completely his. You needed him to think that you loved him completely, that you submitted to him completely.
Instead of discreetly trying to slide your clothes on with your towel wrapped around you, like you usually would, you let the towel drop to the floor. The cold air hit your skin making you shiver, but you paid no mind to it. You didn't look over at Kai, you just kept your eyes forward and head down as you tried to get your clothes on your body without any interruption.
Thank the lord Kai was worried about infecting you with some disease, he wouldn't dare try to touch you or incite some kind of activity right now. You finished pulling your shirt down on your chest, buttoned your jeans over your belly button, and slipped into some slip-on shoes before you turned to Kai, with what you hoped was a smile and not a grimace. You quickly pulled the towel from your hair, squeezing the water off as you pulled before you tossed the towels in the dirty laundry basket.
"I'm ready."
Kai grins at you. It's happy and charming. One of the smiles you used to have but no longer got from him. You would've even taken his hand to make him happier but you knew he wouldn't take it before you both tests ran. You had to suppose that his mysophobia, his fear of getting infected and sick, really made him afraid sometimes. He got ever so irrationally upset over checkups. He demanded everyone got them every three months, and he got completely irate when he saw an ill person. He was happy, grateful even that you weren't acting up at the moment. Grateful and ecstatic that you were being so submitted to him.
"Thank you."
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sambergscott · 4 years
i'll promise that i'll love you for the rest of my life
one giving the other flowers, as requested by @rosalitadiazz AGES ago, also dedicated to @397bartonstreet for the initial idea of amy sleeping in/just being the best and @nine-niall for helping with the marriage highlight reel.... and for making me listen to heartbreak weather on repeat for the last few days and coming up with this title
happy anniversary to jake and amy!!! (also since the ep aired 2 years ago today i'm not *technically* late thank u very much)
One million, fifty one thousand and two hundred minutes after marrying Amy Santiago (or, two years), every moment is as wonderful as day one. He still feels the same rush of excitement when he sees her waiting by their car at the end of a shift, the same swell of pride when she introduces him to someone as her husband, the same “oh my god we’re actually married” moment when he catches her rings glinting in the sunlight. It’s been the best one million, fifty one thousand and two hundred minutes of his life. And while he appreciates every single second they have together, knowing how in their line of work things can change all too easy, their second anniversary presents the perfect opportunity to remind her that everyday he gets to be with someone as amazing as her is crazy to him.
He has flowers, a handmade card, he even hoovered and she’s still asleep.
She never sleeps this late.
Everyone knows she’s the morning person in their relationship and he’s the Get Out Of Bed After Snoozing The Alarm Seventeen Times person. They live together, share a car, and yet most mornings he ends up riding the Subway, squashed between an old woman and a nerdy looking guy who smells like he hasn’t showered in a week, Amy rolling her eyes when he gets to work mid-briefing. The rare days she can get him out of bed early usually involve some kind of bribery using food and/or sex.
The point is, he’s supposed to be the one sleeping in past 11 AM, but ever since their doctor prescribed Clomid to help stimulate ovulation and boost their chances of making a baby, their roles have been totally reversed like Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday.
Pregnant Amy falls asleep anywhere and everywhere. The couch, the car, the cleaning cupboard at work when she was trying to find some Nuclear-strength cleaner to remove the stench of Charles’ lunch from the air before she hurled again.
She could sleep all day if he let her and he quite easily could. She looks so peaceful and cute and free from the stresses of her family asking why they waited so long (well, long for Santiago standards) to start a family. Plus, the messy hair and tiny bit of drool on her chin are impossibly endearing in the way only she can be.
He smiles and wraps his arms around her, resting his head on his shoulder, his hands - like his thoughts - drifting to her growing bump as they inevitably always do.
This time next year they’ll be celebrating with their little boy or girl, telling them all about the insane, magical day that was May 15th 2018. Of course, it might be some time before they can fully grasp the TV-worthy drama of the creepy phone call, the bomb in the vent, the ex-boyfriend proposing - twice! - and the wall of Amy photos, but they will sure as dammit know how beautiful their mom looked in her dress and how happy their dad was when Grandpa Holt finally announced them as husband and wife.
“Can’t breathe,” his wife squeaks, finally awake. “Arms too tight.”
“Oops. Sorry, babe.” He kisses her by way of apology; sometimes when he gets to thinking about that day, about seeing her walk down the shredded paper aisle under the glow of fairy lights, surrounded by the very people who watched them fall in love, he kind of forgets where he is and what he’s doing.
She’s always had that intoxicating effect on him. That’s never gonna change.
“Time is it?” She yawns, stretching her arms above her head.
“Twenty five to,” he pauses to brace himself for her reaction, “...twelve.”
“Twelve?” Horrified, she moves to get out of bed and yeah, he knows her so well. “Let me go,” she huffs in frustration when he forms a barrier to keep her from leaving.
“No can do, Santiago,” he says authoritatively. “You’ve been working yourself to the bone and you’re pregnant. You need to rest. We’ve both got the day off, our dinner reservations aren’t until 8. Just let your husband take care of you for a couple of hours.”
She chews on her lower lip, making her contemplative face that he recognises from sitting opposite her for so many years, preferring watching her piece together the leads in a case rather than work on his own. “Fine,” she eventually concedes. “Happy anniversary, by the way.”
“Happy anniversary,” he returns the sentiment, kissing her again because, well, he can, one of the perks of marrying Amy Santiago (alongside a perfectly organised sock drawer and getting to hang out with the best person in the world 24 sevs). “I got you these,” he adds, procuring the daffodil bouquet he found online.
“Jake,” she sighs dreamily, placing the flowers on her nightstand. “They’re beautiful. And my favourites.”
“I know,” he smirks. He may not be Santiago level smart, but he’s smart when it comes to all things Santiago. “Also made you this.” He hands over the card.
She opens it, instantly tearing up at his sweet message inside, the dam bursting when she notices the scrawled message written with his wrong hand from their unborn baby. “Mine sucks in comparison,” she laments, passing him his card before locking her eyes back on the words ‘happy anniversary to the world’s best mama’.
“It does not suck,” he reassures her, clutching it to his chest. “I’m going to savour it for all times. I want to be buried with it.”
She rolls her eyes, drying her cheeks with the back of her hand. “I thought you wanted to be buried with your original copy of Die Hard.”
“OK, Die Hard and your card. Rhymes for a reason, Ames.”
“You’re such a dork,” she responds, stifling her laughter. “Can’t believe I’ve been married to you for two full years.”
“I know.” He grins. “What was your favourite part?”
Her eyes glimmer with excitement and love and memories of their first anniversary before things turned upside down. “Are you suggesting we do a marriage highlight reel à la NBA inside stuff?”
“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting. I’ll go first. NUMBER FIVE,” he yells in his spot on Ahmad Rashad impression, earning a giggle from his wife. “Number five is that dress you wore on my birthday. Your butt looked the bomb in it.”
“Thanks, babe.” Two years in, she’s used to the constant “your butt is the bomb” comments, often uttered at the most inappropriate of times like when she stands up to brief the squad or play soccer with her brothers, much to her chagrin and their delight.
“Number four,” she quickly moves on. “The time you taught me to play Mario Party and I beat Wario on the first try.”
“That was my worst moment,” he groans.
“And that’s why it’s my best.”
He sighs, considers debating it, engaging in the classic back-and-forth that is the very foundation of their relationship, but it’s moot. She was way better than him. Santiago’s learn fast. It’s in their genes or something. And despite the crushing disappointment when she beat Wario with ease and dork danced her way to the kitchen to grab them both an orange soda, it was still a very fun night and a worthy moment in the highlight reel.
“Number Three. The York murder.”
Immediate understanding spreads across Amy’s face, but he explains anyway.
“I spent three days working that case and you just came in, saw the board and solved it right away.”
“I’m very smart,” she jokes lightheartedly.
“You are,” he agrees, his voice coming out softer and sincerer than even he imagined. “I love that about you. I love your brain. I love how good you are at your job, at figuring out puzzles. I love that you listen to NPR and know so much about the font Helvetica and have read, like, a million books. I love that you do a crossword every night and I love how proud you look when you give me a sports clue and I actually get it right. I love cheering you on at Trivia Nights even when Kylie can’t stop glaring at me. How lucky am I to have the smartest wife in the world?”
Touched, she can barely compile her thoughts to reveal her Number Two.
“The night at Shaw’s, at Hitchcock’s second divorce party, your speech, the way you kissed me, the way you were so gentle when we got home,” she sniffles. “It was special and made me feel so loved and if I say anymore I’m going to cry again, so you go.”
He chuckles knowingly. The pregnancy hormones have been making her extra emotional lately, they can’t even watch commercials anymore without her fully weeping. And while last year Pam and her twisted bowels interrupted before they could get to Number One, this year Number One is obvious. Clear as day. And there’s no one to interrupt.
He pretends to think about it for a minute (because he will always love teasing her, married or not). Only when she grabs his arm and digs her nails into his skin does he put both their hands on her bump and smiles. “Obviously this little guy or gal is Number One.”
She smiles back at him, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.
His own face falls. “Ames?”
“It’s been a hard year, hasn’t it?” She sighs, thinking back to calendars and fertility appointments and the strict no nacho policy.
“Yeah,” he says, “it has. But this next year is gonna be the best one yet.”
“I mean... We’re probably not going to sleep a lot.”
“You might not sleep a lot but I sure will,” he teases, his words falling flat. “Just kidding, babe. Obviously I’m going to get up for all the feeds and diaper changes and whatever else this kid throws at us. Gonna be there for you both. No matter what.”
The pregnancy hormones strike again and she starts crying and, honestly, he can’t wait for this baby to get out, for more reasons than one.
“BRB, I’ll go make your favourite breakfast to make you feel better, don’t grow anymore body parts while I’m gone.”
He returns seven minutes later with pancakes, a ton of fruit, decaf coffee and another kiss. He climbs back into bed, devours his own Nutella pancakes and posts his favourite blurry, drunk on Champagne and love selfie from their makeshift wedding reception at Shaw’s, on Insta with a caption about how he promises he’s gonna love her for the rest of his life.
And he keeps that promise.
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angelsswirl · 4 years
The One With The First Heat
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Ain't it fun? Living in the real world? Ain't it good?
You knew there was something different about your youngest daughter the moment you saw her that morning.
Your first clue was the fact that it took forever for you to get her up for school. Surprisingly, despite her general  grumbling disposition, Peyton was a morning person. She normally woke up before her parents. That morning was different.
Your second clue was Peyton practically sitting under Jisoo the entirety of breakfast. Peyton was your most independent child, she normally did things without her parents and didn't really need the coddling or comfort that her siblings might have at thirteen.
Of course, Jisoo doesn't notice. She's happy to let her kid sit next to her. You're sure Jisoo would try to cradle all of your children like babies if they let her.
So, yes Jisoo doesn't sense a problem, but even if she was aware of something being off with Peyton, she wouldn't know what signs to look for. Not like you do at least.
The third clue came from Peyton herself. Actually, the fourth did too, just that one wasn't so voluntary.
"Mommy, I think I have a fever." You're lip trembled. Peyton had stopped calling you 'mommy' about almost as soon as she had started speaking full sentences.
You managed to suck it down, though. You wouldn't be so easily susceptible to intense emotion if Jisoo would stop getting you pregnant. You had agreed you were done after Peyton, but no, Jisoo's dick had other plans.
But that's beside the point.
You placed the back of your hand on Peyton's forehead. You knew she would be burning up before you even touched her. And sure enough.
As soon as you took your hand away, the fourth clue popped into place. The easily recognizable scent of heat practically hit you like a slap to the face.  And with it comes a wave of tears down your face.
"My baby is growing up."
Peyton just looked at you weirdly. The smell must hit Jisoo, because her head turned sharply towards them, a deep frown on her face.
You pulled Peyton into a tight hug. Ryland and Lia, who honestly you had completely forgotten about, stare at you weirdly too.
Jisoo blew out a sigh, "Well, would you look at the time! It's time for you two to get to school." She quickly grabbed her keys and herded the older girls toward the front door.
"I don't have class until 10:30." Lia grumbled.
"Then sit in the library and study until you do have class." They were pretty much out the door now.
"Is Peyton okay?" Ryland asked softly. Peyton was still being suffocated in that hug.
Jisoo sighed, "She will be." With that, she finally managed to wrangle them out the door.
"Mom? You can let go, now."
You slipped in one last squeeze before releasing Peyton.
It was clear the teenager didn't quite realize what was happening yet. You breifly wondered how long you could keep it that way. Ultimately, you decided against it. Peyton wasn't dumb. She'd figure it out eventually.
"Am I not going to school today?" It was a possibility that Jisoo just forgot her. It's happened before. It wasn't a big deal, it meant she got more breakfast.
"No you're not. You get to stay here with mama and I today."
Peyton shrugged, "Okay. But why? Did I actually have a fever?"
You swallowed harshly, "Yes, but not for the reason you probably think. Your heat started."
Peyton's nose scrunched up. It made sense. She does feel a bit icky and sluggish and like she needs a shower. She frowned, "Well, tell it to go away, I don't want it right now." They both knew it didn't work like that, but Peyton thought it couldn't help. Maybe it was a voluntary thing, and she could opt out or in at her convenience.
"If only it were that easy. Come on, you are going to take a nap, while I schedule a doctor's appointment, and go to the drug store. Jisoo should be back soon." You guided the teenager to your and Jisoo's room. Peyton let herself be guided with a scowl.
You peeled the duvet back and ushered Peyton in, not in the least bit surprised when Peyton drifted toward Jisoo's side.
"I'm not tired, mom."
You hummed, "Sure you're not. I'm going to go get you a tank and some sleep shorts."
Peyton crossed her arms over her chest. She dug her phone out of pocket as you left the room.
Pey Pey: Apparently, I started my heat today. Won't be coming to school today.
Tay Tay: Ew gross
Pey Pey: I know. Mom's freaking out because I'm growing up or something.
Tay Tay: Not to change the subject or anything, but will your sister be here today?
Pey Pey: Yes. Your crush on my sister is getting creepy.
Tay Tay: I'll have you know, my mother raised me to be a great alp-
Pey Pey: Anyway, if Maya asks about me, lie and say I'm skipping or something cool like that.
Tay Tay: How did you successfully manage to interrupt me? We're texting...
Pey Pey: Taylor Bae-Park. Pay attention.
Tay Tay: Whatever. But we both know she will not ask about you. She'd have to stop being teacher's pet for three seconds to do that.
Pey Pey: Don't be mean to her. She's just passionate about learning.
Tay Tay: and my crush on your sister is creepy
Peyton frowned, she pressed dial on the phone and waited as it rung.
Pey Pey: It's what you deserve
Peyton calmly placed her phone on Jisoo's bedside table. You still hadn't come back with her clothes, so she just burrowed down further into the bed as she waited. Seconds later she was out like a light.
You finally came in a few minutes later. You eyed your daughter, "Not tired my ass."
Becoming a parent had made you an excellent multitasker. While you had been gathering Peyton's change of clothes, you had called the doctor and made an appointment later that day, and made a mental list for the trip to the drug store.
Jisoo had came back from taking Ryland to school and tricking Lia into driving herself to college.
Upon arrival Jisoo's nose scrunched up. You pointed a finger at her in warning, "Do not say whatever it is you're thinking. I know. Go cuddle your daughter, while I'm gone. When I come back we'll take her to the doctor."
Jisoo nodded silently. Then did as she was told.
You had gotten back from the drug store an hour later. You placed the Gatorade you had bought next to Peyton's phone. You then gently roused her awake.
"Hey Pey, time to go to the doctor." Both Peyton and Jisoo groaned.
Peyton got out of the bed a bit groggily. Jisoo did not get out of the bed.
"You guys go on without me. I'll stay here and sleep the day away."
"I'm up." Jisoo popped up suddenly, "What are you guys waiting on? We have a doctor's appointment to get to!"
The doctor's visit went about as well as you could have hoped. Peyton is indifferent to a lot of things and this was no exception.
They had gotten the suppressants Peyton needed so she could go back to school the next day. And then headed back to the house.
Peyton plopped down onto the couch next to Jisoo. That's where they stayed until her siblings returned home.
Ryland entered the house first, her nose scrunched up too, but at least she had the common sense not to say anything.
Lia almost said something when she entered, but you assuaged her with a look. You breathed a sigh of relief.
You dodged a bullet there, or so you thought. Your life flashed before your eyes as Maya followed Lia into the house.
Maya didn't say anything. She seemed disoriented and confused and maybe even a bit scared, but that last one was probably because Jisoo was glaring at her.
"Hi, Maya." Peyton greeted shyly.
You're not sure Maya would have been able to reply even if she wanted to.
"Hey Maya, why don't you go home. You can hang out with Lia tommorow." When Peyton's suppressants kicked in went unsaid.
Maya nodded vehemently at you, "Yes ma'am." Lia rolled her eyes, she had just gotten here. Now, she was going to have to drive Maya back to her own home.
Peyton also looked like she wanted to protest, but if she did she'd probably have to answer questions she's not ready to answer.
Maya quickly shuffled out the door, Lia following her reluctantly.
Yes, you had successfully dodged several bullets that day.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Sixty-One
Words: 3.6K
Warning(s): explicit language, sexual situations, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @sinningsixx  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @vamprlestat  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7  @fandomshit6000  @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @shamlessobsession  @scarecrowmax  @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @loveofmyloif  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx  @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor  @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter  @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror  @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze
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I pour dog food into Whisky's bowl, hearing his little paws smack against the floor as he rushes into the kitchen, his collar rattling and his excited panting greeting me when I feel his tongue licking at my arm.
"Good morning." I say to him, patting at his head before he starts eating. 
Once he's finished I'm picking him up as  Nikki comes in, scratching another thing off his to-do list. 
When he steps by me I grab at his hand to stop him and he shakes his head. 
"Nah, I don't need dog hair on me, babe." He grins, dodging me and I follow him. 
"But, daddy, look at this cute little face." I hold the puppy out to him, giving my best puppy dog eyes and Nikki raises a brow. 
"Whisky, tell mommy she can't call me 'daddy' because it'll make me wanna do stuff to her that I don't have time to do right now." He warns, grabbing his packed suit case. 
"We're about to leave for a couple months, Nikki, and he'll be at obedience school. At least hold him for a minute so he won't forget we love him." I suggest and Nikki blinks at me. "I'll give you a blowjob on the way to the airport." I add. 
"Aww, boy, am I gonna miss you!" He takes the happy little Whisky from me and holds him, kissing at his head and calling him a "good boy." "Viv, he's gonna be the best lookin' little stud muffin in that place." He tells me. 
"Speaking of which, maybe they'll figure out a way to combat the humping." I say and Nikki looks at me.
"We're not getting him fixed."
"Are we going to breed him or something?" 
"No, I just don't wanna take his balls, Viv. He's a man's man. He's a good boy. Not a good 'kinda/sorta' boy." 
"He's gonna be more prone to hump anything and everything, and pee on everything more than normal and it'll be a struggle to take him anywhere with other dogs because he'll wanna misbehave."
"Exactly, it'll be like me as a dog." He explains with a smile. "Just look at him, babe. He wants to be just like daddy." 
"Okay, well, if he isn't fixed as soon as he can be, daddy isn't allowed to even breathe the same air as mommy until he gets neutered." I take Whisky back and Nikki cuts his eyes at me. 
"You use your pussy as a like a 'get out of jail free' card anytime you want something and it's annoying." He tells me and I raise my brows. 
"If it's so annoying, why haven't you just put your foot down already?" I ask him, putting Whisky back down on the floor. 
"Because I like the fear of never getting between your legs again. It's thrilling." He jokes and I roll my eyes. 
"Shut up and pack." I chuckle, nudge at him. 
"I'm packed." He states. 
"Four shirts, two pairs of pants, and a Bowie record, isn't 'packed', Nikki." 
"It is when you have money to buy everything else when you get to your destination." He states. 
I ignore him and grab my suit case, about to pack my own stuff. 
When I come back from my closet, two of my bikinis I only wear at home are already laying in the bottom of my suitcase and I look at Nikki, picking the neon pink and bright purple bathing suits up. 
"I already told you earlier, I'm not bringing these, Nikki." I tell him. 
"Why not?"
"The top barely covers my nipples and my boobs spill out, and the bottoms aren't much better."
"But I bought those for you." He reminds me.
"And I like wearing them here, when nobody else is around." 
"At least pack them just in case." 
"--Don't argue, Viv. Trust me, you're gonna want them." He says. 
"Fine." I give in, packing them, and my more modest bikinis, before packing clothes and essentials. 
When I come back with pads and tampons, there's articles of lingerie I've never seen before.
"Nikki." I look at him, holding up a scarlett red number with ribbons that criss-cross down the back and tie in a bow where the base of my spine should go. "Are you up to something?" 
"What are you planning?" I ask him and he scrunches his face up. 
"Nothing, baby, I just thought you'd look pretty in that while I'm knocking your hips lose." He shrugs casually. 
"You hate me wearing lingerie while we're fooling around because it interferes with your ability to see everything." I point out.
"Just accept it. And pack it. Because you'll want it." He mumbles. 
"I know you're up to something, Sixx." I accuse him and he shakes his head. 
"No, I'm not up to anything." He denies.
"Skimpy swimsuits, expensive lingerie, sketchy phone calls with Fred...you're up to something."
"Nope. I'm just looking forward to all the time we're gonna spend together on this tour, is all." He shrugs. 
"Mhmm." I sarcastically let out, doubtfully. 
"I mean, if you wanna spend our anniversary--which lands on our day off--with the guys, our opening band, and screaming fans then that's cool, too, I guess." He shrugs. 
"Oh, shit, we have our anniversary this month?"
I might have remembered our anniversary had I been able to wear my wedding ring but it'd gone missing at that point, and I had no clue where it was. 
And neither did Nikki, honestly. 
"I'm not even gonna say anything about you forgetting our anniversary because I've secretly forgotten our anniversary and your birthday every year until someone reminded me a couple weeks in advance, so..." He smiles innocently and I raise a brow. 
Whisky's picked up a couple hours later and Nikki and I are off to the airport without a moment to waste the second our driver pulls up. 
And then the clothes come off.
We don't even notice we're at the airport until the door is flying open to reveal Fred. 
"Get dressed and c'mon, guys, we're running late." He urges as Nikki marks up my neck with his teeth, causing me to laugh at Fred's face turning red in aggravation.
He slams the door shut and I hear them open the trunk to grab our bags and I hum out, smiling when Nikki presses his lips to mine. 
"We gotta go." I breathe out, moving off of him and he groans. "We can do plenty of this in the hotel." I motion between us, buckling my bra, and he smirks. 
"...And on the plane, and on the bus on the way to the show, and backstage, and during Tommy's drum solo, and after the show." He says slyly, pressing a trail of kisses up my arm to my shoulder. 
"Exactly, so, get dressed." I mumble against his lips when he kisses me again. 
Once we're done, we get out of the car and board the plane. 
The stewardesses are gorgeous blondes, which doesn't surprise me, because if Vince has any say in what their female help looks like, they're going to be blonde. 
"Guys, we need a picture!" Tansy insists. 
"--I want one." She interrupts Fred, her blue eyes silently begging, and he gives in. 
Morbid reality was that Tansy didn't expect to live much longer, and she wanted to take as many pictures as possible for us to remember her by.
No one really expected Nikki to live much longer, either, of course they never told me that until it was obvious he was crashing.
Once we get the picture taken and take off, it only takes ten minutes before Tommy and Nikki are snorting zombie dust like it's pixie stick powder, and demanding alcohol. 
"You guys need to stay as sober as possible for the show!" Doc argues when Nikki calls him an "asshole" for not giving him a whole bottle of whiskey. 
"We'll be fine like we always are, man, just fucking--"
"--Nikki, please, sit down." I gently tug at his arm when he stands as if he's about to march to Doc and start throwing punches. 
He just glares down at me. 
"Please, baby." I ask him, really, really not wanting to deal with a messed up Nikki Sixx before their show even begins. 
He just stares at Doc before plopping back down beside me, lingering in and out of focus. 
As if it can't get any worse, when we land, there's a slew of groupies waiting in the airport. 
Which we only realize this when we're in their sight and they start in out of nowhere. 
And, of course, ignoring Fred's orders--made from the motivation to keep the guys protected and out of trouble, which is why they hired him--Tommy and Vince gladly accept every single woman throwing herself at them, from the comfort of the bathroom. 
The "Girls, Girls, Girls" tour was nicknamed the "Airport Blowjob Tour" because at every airport we came to, and I mean literally every airport, groupies were like Hornets swarming the place with all the motivation in the world to simply blow the band. 
A few of them would make multiple trips to multiple airports, following the guys wherever city they flew to. 
I admired their passion. 
Some of them were more dedicated to trying to blow my husband than I was. 
Which said a lot because I was pretty dedicated. 
"It's hot as satan's balls out here." Nikki groans when we step off the tour bus after leaving the airport. 
"We're in the middle of Arizona, babe." I remind him. 
He just looks at me from behind his sunglasses. 
"What?" I ask as we head to the hotel's building. 
"Nothing." He shakes his head, opening the door to the lobby, letting me walk in first. 
Doc gets everyone checked in, before I'm getting a shower and getting ready for tonight while Nikki and Tommy dick around. 
By the time we all meet at bus to head to the venue, Fred's got the backstage IDs ready for the road crew and Tansy and I. 
"Here." Fred puts the lanyard over my head with my picture on it, under it reading "Vivian, 6½".
"Thank you." I tell him, climbing in to see Nikki already sitting down, bottle of Jack in his hand as he hands Tommy a lighter for his cigarette.
I'm slightly startled, feeling Vince suddenly throw his arm around me, causing me to stop in my tracks.
"I want a drink. I'm gonna hide in the bathroom and you're gonna sneak it to me." He tells me in my ear and I look at him.
Before I can say, "hell no", I can tell he's desperate. 
"Please, Viv. My nerves are eating me alive right now and I can't drink anything without them jumping on me about it." He nods to Nikki and Tommy who aren't paying attention in the slightest. 
"C'mon, move it." Doc nudges at Vince's back to get us to hurry up and sit down so he can get by. 
"Fine, gimme a couple minutes." I mumble to Vince before walking to Nikki, sitting down beside him. 
Vince goes to the bathroom, and Emi and Donna sit in front of me and Nikki as Mick sits with Tommy.
Within a few minutes, I'm actively attempting to slyly sneak Nikki's bottle of Jack back to the bathroom after Nikki abandons it to comment on this month's issue of Hustler Magazine with Tommy. 
I tuck the bottle into my purse, well...the best I can, at least. 
"Baby, can you let me out so I can go use the bathroom." I sweetly ask Nikki, and he doesn't even look at me as he responds: "Sure, babe" and stands up, pointing at a girl in the magazine and going "there's no way she's actually able to do that, that's gotta be edited", and I roll my eyes. I wish he wouldn't look at magazines like that, but it's a lost cause if I try to ask him not to, so I just ignore it the best I can and try to tell myself he doesn't look at them because I'm not good enough or something. 
He just looks at them because guys just like looking at naked girls in explicit positions. 
By the time I get to the bathroom, Vince is snatching the bottle from me as I lock the door behind me, crossing my arms in the small bathroom as he takes a long drink of it. 
"You're welcome." I state to him, and he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 
"Did I thank you?" He smartly asks and I raise my brows. 
"Umm, you should. I'm risking getting an earful from Nikki if he finds out I'm giving his singer--who's on a court mandated sobriety streak--liquor." I blink at him and he rolls his eyes. 
"Oh, please, if he or Tommy were in my shoes they would've put sobriety aside two weeks after it was in place and never would have looked back." He scoffs out. 
I don't argue because it's true. 
"Be nice." Is all I say and he looks at me pointedly. 
"C'mon, Viv, you know it's true. And if it were one of them that got in that wreck with Razzle, and they got caught drinking afterward, nobody would blink an eye because they're Nikki and Tommy."
"Vince, that's not true." I try to tell him.
"Whatever Nikki says, goes. Whatever Nikki wants, he gets. He's the one that put the band together which means his say is the final say, and same with Tommy because he's close with Nikki and Nikki backs him up." 
I can't say anything. 
"And you're not even arguing because you know as well as everyone else that it's true. It's Nikki and Tommy and nobody else fucking matters. Certainly not the washed up singer that nearly killed their careers." 
He hands me the bottle back and I rub my lips together. 
"Thanks." He mumbles before sliding past me to open the door and leave. 
I put the lid back on the bottle and hide it back in my purse before I go back to Nikki and put the bottle back, undetected, my mind reeling over what Vince said. 
It was clear there was a disconnect between Nikki, Tommy, and Vince after Razzle died, and it just got worse and worse as the years went by.
Tommy and Nikki, notorious "Terror Twins" got into more shit than anyone else around us, combined. 
The deepest shit Vince got into was that wreck, and after that he quit a majority of his bullshit on making life for everyone around him, difficult by acting up, and just started moving in silence. 
He'd have his petty moments, but for the most part, he would lay low and leave Tommy and Nikki to raise hell and embarrass the band and their team. 
I could tell he was bothered by the fact that he made a mistake that Nikki or Tommy had a higher chance of making at the time, and because of that, he was kicked out of their little club. 
And the fact that Tommy and Nikki got away with absolutely everything, got to him the most. 
I admit, Vince should have served more time for the Razzle tragedy, but he still had to live knowing Hanoi Rocks was no more, knowing he let fans down, knowing he gutted Razzle's friends, family, band and fans, and knowing--although accidental--he was partly to blame for one of his friends' deaths. 
But Nikki and Tommy didn't give a fuck what they did, who they did it to, why they did it, how they did it, or whether they meant to do it or not. 
And they didn't care because they would always get away with it. 
Vince was tempted to tell me about Vanity, but decided not to because he didn't want to hear shit from Nikki, but also because he'd rather me find out from a place of genuine concern. 
Not just him blurting it to me in order to spite Nikki and finally make sure there was something he didn't get away with doing. 
My lips pull into a wide grin as I cover my mouth before a loud shriek can fall past my lips and alert everyone outside the bathroom of the venue, what's going on in here. 
Nikki continues to slide his hot, warm tongue against my clit as I grind in rhythm with his mouth. 
Just as I'm about to come, someone's banging on the door. 
"C'mon, guys!" It's Fred. "Nikki, you're on in, like, two minutes!"
"Got it!" I reply for him, being that his mouth is busy, and Nikki just grins up at me, causing my third orgasm to begin to build. 
"Nikki, dude, we gotta go!" Tommy calls from the other side of the door. 
Just as I'm coming, the door is unlocked with Fred's key, and I'm too shell shocked to try to get away from Nikki. 
We both just look at Doc, Fred, and Rich Fischer, who are nearly fuming. 
"Fred, what the fuck is wrong?" Nikki snaps as I pull my dress back down, my face burning bright red as I try to fix my hair and my lipstick, and ignore my cum running down my legs. 
"You're about to be late for your first show of this tour over some pussy, that's what the fuck is wrong. Get out there." Doc snaps at him. 
"Wait." I say, taking my crucifix off, handing it to him. 
He takes it with a sly little grin, looking at me before clasping it around his neck for good luck on the first show. 
"Thanks, Viv." He tells me, kissing my cheek before he heads to stage. 
I follow after him, but Doc grabs at my arm, gently, to stop me. 
"What?" I ask him, still embarrassed from earlier. 
"You're not going to be too big of a distraction, are you?" He asks me and I raise my brows. 
"Excuse me?"
"Anytime he's late, Vivian, it's either linked to you or heroin, and he's off smack so he's gonna be onto you more." He explains. 
"We've been married for four years, Doc, and I've never been a 'distraction'. What the hell are you talking about?" I ask. 
He just lets out a breath. 
"Just don't let this happen again." He tells me and I exhale, rolling my jaw. 
"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I assure him, feeling like I've just been scolded by my freaking mother.
Did I mention that Mötley was in their prime and Doc was considerably paranoid of someone throwing a wrench in the machine that was Mötley Crüe? 
Once the show is finished, the guys are given masks for hyperventilation, their sweaty, liquor purging bodies slumped.
After they calm down, it starts. 
"Alright, where we going?" Tommy asks Nikki, punching lightly at his shoulder as Vince is about to get a shower to get the sweat off of him. 
"Strip club, probably." Nikki pants out, drinking a bottle of water in 20 seconds, handing it to me when he's finished. "What about you, Mick, you coming this time?" Nikki asks him and Mick shrugs. 
"Doesn't really matter to me." He states.
"Guys, you want food?" Fred offers, sticking his head in the dressing room. 
"Yes." We all say and he chuckles. 
"Alright, we're on it." He assures us.
"You're not getting a shower?" I ask Nikki and he shakes his head. 
"Nope." He replies and I wrinkle my nose. 
"As long as you shower before you get in the bed with me." I say to him and he smirks. 
"There's two beds in the room." He reminds me. 
I blink at him, blankly. 
"Don't even play like that." I tell him and he chuckles. 
"Don't be a baby, Sixx." He says as he nudges at me and I exaggeratingly move away from him. 
"No, stop." I try to hide my smile as he just gets closer to me again, so I move some more, only causing him to follow. "Nikki, chill out." I say, seeing the look in his eyes: he's up to no good. "Nikki, don't!" 
He's suddenly tugging me into his lap, his sweaty, soaked clothing pressing to my back, causing me to squeal as he tickles at my sides, and I scream out in laughter as I get that nostalgic feeling I felt when I realized I first loved him, and would rather die than go without being with him forever. 
We weren't arguing, we weren't trying to hurt each other, we were getting closer and closer to how we were when we first got married. 
There was no heroin, there was no blatant meanness...we were just starting to learn to be in love with each other again.
I, completely overlooking blatant signs and red flags, figured, "we made it through his heroin addiction, we're making it through fame and public scrutiny, we're getting stronger and stronger and back to normal...mom was wrong, and we can handle anything."
And that was the problem: I felt too fucking secure. 
Hearing and knowing about all these rockstars cheating on their significant others, and I felt prideful that Nikki might've been an asshole, but he'd never do such a thing to me. 
I was beginning to have an arrogance about it.
And that's the thing about us when we get arrogant: God, or the universe, or Karma--whatever we believe--humbles us. 
And I thought all of them had gotten together and made a plan to humble me to absolute hell. 
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rainydaysofspring · 4 years
So, I decided to put those two together and change it up a bit, since they fit really well. 
Request 1: Can you do a fic where Ethan and MC are married and the inters find out? 
Request 2: Ethan proposing to F! MC
Honestly I don't feel very confident about this one. 
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey X MC (Dr. Liliana Summers) 
Trigger Warnings: None
Word Count: 1009
Tag-List: @ethandaddyramsey​ @catchinglikekerosene
If you want to be added or removed from my Tag-List, please let me know.
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He was nervous, to say the least. After everything they've been through, he just wanted to make it right. Wanted to ask her the one question he'd never thought he'd ask.
Ethan stood in his kitchen, cooking his Georgian stuffed chicken. He felt his pocket, making sure the little box was where it was supposed to be. He put the chicken in the oven, preparing the table. Ethan told Liliana he'd have a surprise for dinner, hopefully, she didn't have any clue on what he planned. Not being in his element at all, he struggled a bit to decorate the table, when they invited people over, she did the decorating stuff. But he wanted to make it perfect. So, here he is, candles in his hands, debating where to place them. He settled for the middle of the table, together with the roses he bought.
A while later, he heard their apartment door open and close again, followed by Liliana yelling out she was home. Ethan rushed out of the kitchen, to avoid her seeing the table and what he was cooking.
"Hey you," she said, as Ethan came up to her kissing her. "I'm so hungry, and it smells so good in here. What did you cook?" she asked, curious as to what magic her boyfriend worked in their kitchen again. "Chicken. You wanna eat right away or jump under the shower first?" he asked. "I'll just shower and put on something other than those scrubs." Liliana decided and went off to the bathroom.
While she showered, he did the final touches on the chicken, putting it onto plates as he heard the water being turned off. A few minutes later, Liliana strolled into their dining area, wearing jeans and a simple button-up blouse. She was barefoot and her hair was braided into a French braid. When Liliana first saw their dining table, she let out a small gasp of awe. "Did you decorate this yourself?" she asked as Ethan brought their plates. "I did." he simply said. Even though he didn't want to admit it, but his plan for the evening made him nervous. As soon as Liliana had the first bite of the chicken, she closed her eyes, taking in how good that tasted. "Wow. It's so good." She stated.
After they ate their food, Ethan took his girlfriends hand and led her to the window front, holding her close as they watched over the Skyline of Boston, illuminated by lights from the apartments of other people.
At some point, Ethan realized that the moment wasn't going to get more perfect for what he planned, so he got down on one knee, taking his girls hand and turning her to look at him instead of the skyline of Boston. Out of his pocket, he pulled the box and opened it. Liliana's Eyes clicked at the ring sitting in the box, her brain only slowly registered what was going on in this moment.
Ethan cleared his throat before he started speaking: "I never thought I'd someday be able to do this, let alone to do this with you. When we first met, you were nothing more than another annoying intern. But you were the one that didn't give up when I told them off. You were the one that never, even when I ran, stopped trying. So, when the time was right, I decided to go for it. Liliana, you were the one that made things possible for me, which I thought were never in the cards for my life. This made me realize that I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. And that is why I'm doing this tonight, asking you, Liliana Mae Summers: Do you want to marry me? " Tears of joy rolled down her face, as she gave him the fastest answer she ever gave someone: "YES! Yes, yes, yes!"
Ethan took her finger and put the ring on it, getting up and hugging her tight.
The next day, Liliana woke up laying on Ethan Chest. She stared at her ring, realizing it was real, that she didn't just dream it. The amazing, rose-golden ring was crowned by a round opal, which sat in the middle of two other crystals. She smiled to herself.
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Her smile only faltered, when the loud noise of their alarm clock rang through the room. This would be an interesting day at work.
Later, when she got to Edenbrook, she first went to the diagnostics office, to get an overview of their cases for today. After morning rounds with the interns and her residents, she went on about her day, almost forgetting the event that occurred.
Later, when she got her first break of the day, her friends strolled into the room, talking about their patients and other stuff. Sienna smiled widely, looking at the young attending in expectation. Liliana decided to speak up and tell them. "Guys, I've got something to tell you about." she started, noticing the quite panicked look on everyone's face. "Did you get in trouble again?" Elijah asked. "No, I didn't, I'm not always creating catastrophes," she replied. "Anyways, what I wanted to tell you: Ethan and I got engaged, we're gonna get married!" she said, putting her hand to her chest showing them the ring. Sienna let out a high pitched scream, probably making everyone in the room lose their hearing temporarily." So, I know where dolphins, but still, could we stop screaming like that? " Liliana laughed. After the initial shock of them died down, they all hugged her, wishing her well, being happy with her. "He liked it, so he put a ring on it, huh?" Jackie asked playfully, making Liliana laugh even more. "Damn right, he put a ring on it!" she exclaimed, twirling her hand.
Bryce came up next, crushing her in one of his typical Lahela-Hugs, saying "Shit just got real, huh?" and Liliana happily nodded. Shit just got real, but she wouldn't want it any other way.
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quokkalatte · 6 years
Affinity pt.2
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Part 2
Category: Series
Pairing: Street Racer!Hoseok x Cat Hybrid! Reader
Warnings for this chapter: slight tiny mentions of blood and past abuse, slight language
Author's Note: Honestly this is mostly a filler chapter so it's just not that.....good? idk but I hope you enjoy ♡ as far as posting goes, it may be a bit before I get the next chapter out out I go back to school tomorrow and I'm working too so yeah XP
Tag List: @xinnieally @twilight-loveer @zhangyixingxing1 @jhopespanda @smeunjipark @kaguracysan @timberkat @wxnnabewitch @dust-er130 @sweetcoffeeblandtea @lokathefemale @fairy-lover13 @chari-a @olaxeiii @aejae-ssi @queenofthecliff @dragonwitchgaming @lifeisnorainbow @2seokkyo @chisana-himawari @serendipitiousbutterfly @unknownbluekey @katkit73 @bang-zero
Cannot be Tagged: @musicandbooksandfoodohmy @honeylovetae @lilacbaby11 @cat-the-caitlin @hobi_isadaydream
[Message me to be added to the tag list so you can be notified for future chapters]
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Hoseok waited patiently for you to finish your shower, sitting in the living room to get his heart rate down. He assessed the situation, he was now the owner of a hybrid, not only a hybrid, but one that has been through a lot and still manages to be completely innocent. He also assessed that he had absolutely no clue how to care for one. We're there regulations? Special diets? Oh no did he have to take you to get fixed? The actual thought of taking you to a vet had him experiencing waves of anxiety. He was so worked up that when you walked into the living room he didn't even notice.
"I'm finished" you say, and he jumps and looks up at you. You were clean, ears still slightly damp but had a small shine in the black and grey. Your tail, sticking through the baggy grey sweats, flickered nervously. Now that it was clean, be could see where the clumps had been pulled out. Some pink patches poked through and Hoseok's heart clenched uncomfortably at the sight, and he has reminded of your hands. He licked his lips, a nervous habit, and stood up and walked over to you. You watched him curiously,  and he hands came to your own, and you flinched slightly, but he turned them over.
The skin was a pale red color, the skin still freshly aggravated and probably caused pain. There were slight droplets of blood, but nothing to serious. "Does it hurt?" He asks gently, and you avert your eyes, staring down at your hands.
"No, it doesn't" it was a lie, that was obvious. Hoseok frowned, how many times had you had to keep your pain from Yeonsoo, afraid of being punished further.  
"It does kitten, and if you're hurt you should tell me. You won't get in trouble I promise" He says, and you nod. He let's go of your hands, and goes into the bathroom, rummaging under the sink and pulled out a med kit. When he returned to the living room, you were still standing  where he had left you. He gestured to the couch, taking a seat. You hesitantly sat next to him, your tail curling around your waist securely. He opens the med kit and sets it on the coffee table.  He takes the opened box of gauze and antibiotic cream, and a couple of alcohol patches. You frown, seeing that everything had been used before.  
"Do you get hurt too?" You ask, looking up at him. Hoseok shrugs, ripping open the paper of the patches and pulling out the potent cloth, the smell making you wrinkle your nose as it stung your nose.
"I get scratched a lot when I work with tools. I work as a mechanic and I'm bound to get cuts and bruises. This'll sting a bit, but it'll help" he says and presses the pad to your skin. You hiss, ears pressing flat against your head and tail clenching tightly. A small whimper followed as he wiped the other. Hoseok whispered out a couple of 'sorry' and 'it's okay you're doing great' and applied some antibiotic cream to them, which soothed the burn instantly. "I also used to race motorcycles, and I got road rash a couple of times" he added. You listened intently, your eyes looking up to his concentrated face. He wrapped your hands in the gauze, and when he finished, he gave you a small smile, which made you let out a small purr in thanks.
"Thank you master- I mean Hoseok" you correct yourself quickly and he laughs.
"No problem kitten. Now, there isn't much I can do for your tail, it's already healed" he says, and you glance down at your abused tail, and it flicks self-consciously. "But I'll ask Namjoon what I could put on it. His cat hybrid Jimin used to scratch his as a nervous habit before he was adopted, and Namjoon put something on it to heal the bare patches" he babbles.
"He would pull it when I wasn't paying attention" you told him, and he frowned
"Yes. I would daydream, and if I wasn't listening or answer him, he'd pull it to get my attention. Or he did it if I messed up or did something wrong" your voice was quiet, and Hoseok wanted to comfort you, but he feared you'd flinch away if he tried to pet you.
"You don't have to worry about that anymore Y/n. Yeonsoo won't get his filthy hands on you ever again, not if I have anything to say about it" Hoseok says firmly, and a spark of warmth crept up his spine when you smiled radiantly at him. He returned a small one back."Let's get you to bed"
You had instantly curled up as soon as you fell on the bed, pulling the blanket over yourself and closed your eyes. Hoseok stood in the doorway for a moment. You looked so small, and the baggy clothes didn't help either. You just looked so fragile and he had the same urge to protect you like he did the first time he saw you. A lot has happened in in the past few hours. He made sure you were firmly asleep before walking down the hall and into his own bed to sleep.
There was a dilemma when he dressed for work in the morning. You'd be left alone, and he wasn't sure if he liked the thought of that. You laid out on the couch, stretching out in a cat-like way as you watched him throw on his uniform and pour coffee into a thermos as he rambled on about leaving you at home alone. He was a very interesting human, one that could keep his cool and act nonchalant one moment, and completely be flustered and inadequate the next.
"I don't mind staying at home alone Hoseok, honest" you peer at him from fallen on your face. Hoseok glanced at you, buttoning the navy shirt of his uniform and a piece of bacon dangling from his mouth. You giggled at the sight, and he quickly chewed the rest of the bacon.
"Are you sure? I feel guilty, I could take you in with me" he says, a bit to himself. You wrinkle your nose in distaste.
"No offense Hoseok, but the thought of spending the day in a shop that reeks of motor oil and sweat isn't my idea of a fun time." He laughed and you sat up, taking a piece of bacon and chewed it happily.
"Alright alright, I'm just nervous"
"Really? Couldn't tell. I'll be okay, I've been left alone plenty of times" you say, and Hoseok sighs, and nods
 "Okay kitten." He nods, and walks towards the front door, but freezes and turn back around.
"What do you eat?" He asks suddenly. You cock your head at him, confused.
"Uh, food?"
"What kind? What do you like? Is there a certain thing I should he feeding you?" He asks
"Lots of kinds. I like fish, but not crabs. I can't have regular milk, the fat content makes me break out into hives and I get a belly ache. Ma- He always complained I was expensive and cost him money to feed. I like almond milk even though it has a weird after taste." You say. "And they have supplements for hybrids, like vitamins but I don't need themas long as I get plenty of meat and liquids" you say. Hoseok repeats this under his breath, and nods.
"I don't have any almond milk, but I have fish sticks somewhere in the freezer. But help yourself to the fridge kitten what's mine is yours" he smiles at the way you grin. "I should be home around 5 okay?"
"Okay Hoseok" You yawn, already prepared to take a cat nap in the patch of sun that peeked through his blinds. Hoseok chewed his lip, still unsure of leaving you alone, but you looked content enough, so he grabbed his car keys and headed out to the garage.
 "I'm telling you Hobi, it's a piece of shit. I don't know why you continue to drive it" Kim Taehyung scrunches his nose when Hoseok pulled into the shop. "And it's hideous as well" Hoseok rolled his eyes, stepping out and running a hand through his hair.
"Tae, your specialty is muscle cars, not race cars.  So shut up about my baby she's doing fine" Hoseok pats the hood of his beloved car. No, it wasn't the one he raced with, but it was an older car, and he was attached to it, he better be he fixed it from the ground up. Sure it likes to stall when turning on and the paint needs a new coat, but it was his child. Taehyung chuckles at Hoseok's words, taking a drink of his Pepsi.
"If you call two seconds away from falling apart 'okay' then sure, it's just peachy"
"Don't you have someone's oil to change" Hoseok says hauntily, and Taehyung huffs and slinks back to the back of the garage. Hoseok pulled the buliten down from his desk, checking the recent repos and bring-ins of the week. There had been at least 20 cars repoed for missing payments, which meant 20 angry phone calls he wasn't ready to deal with.
He worked diligently, the garage kept busy with fixing cars and getting them out to their respectable owners, and Hoseok was busy trying to negotiate with angry customers about getting their cars back.
"All you need to do is go to the Repo office off of Dowchien Street and file some paperwork, and pay the fee to get your car back" Hoseok sighed as the old woman cursed him about how she was missing several doctor's appointments and having to take the bus to go to the store. "Ma'am I just take and hold the cars, you need to go to the head office to get it back" Hoseok pressed his knuckles against his skull, rubbing the area as he was cursed out more before the lady finally realized that he wasn't going to give her car back without visiting the office.
"She sounded delightful" Namjoon grinned at Hoseok in the doorway of his office. Hoseok glared up at him, standing and stretching.
"Oh yeah, if you like hearing about irritatable bowel syndrome and bunions needing to be removed" Hoseok shivered and Namjoon laughed. "Put me in a car and on a road any day this day job shit is killing me" He groans.
 "You're the one who wanted to use the shop as a cover Hobi" Namjoon so wisely pointed out. "And you don't hate it either so quit your whining"
"No but I do hate angry people yelling at me for them not making car payments" Hoseok walked past Namjoon and entered the back of the garage. Taehyung and a couple of other employees bustled around repairing different aspects of the cars.
"Hmm if only everyone could see Seoul's Drift King now" Namjoon teases and Hoseok flipped him off as he reached into the mini fridge and pulled out a water bottle, taking a long drink. "So how's your kitty doing?" Namjoon asks
"Okay, I think. She's really jumpy, but she let me dress her hands, does that mean something?"
"Means she trusts you. Took me 3 months before Jimin would be in the same room as me. "
"She still flinches when I touch her though" he frowns
"Can you blame her? I'm not sure she's had a kind touch in awhile.  Give her time Hobi"
"You're right" Hoseok sighs.  "Do you still have that stuff you used on Jimin's tail?"
"Sure, I always keep some in case his anxiety acts up again. Why?"
"Yeonsoo did a number on Y/n's poor tail, she's missing clumps of fur"
"Asshole." Namjoon mutters darkly. "You should have seen him when you left. He got out of his car and vowed to exact revenge or some site evil villains say in the movies. But I'll bring a bottle over for you"
"Thanks, and I'm not too worried about him. I can handle him" Hoseok says.
"If you say so. We've got a new, ah, 'shipment' coming in on Tuesday, are to ready?"
"Aren't I always?"
Hoseok was relieved when he went home that night. He wondered if you were okay. Sure you've been left home before but it didn't feel right just leaving you to your own devices for the whole day in a new place. He stopped by and grabbed take out, not in the mood to cook anything for dinner. He parked in the garage and grabbed the take out, unlocking the door and entering the house. When he stepped in he sensed immediately something was off. It was too quiet. He frowned, glancing around the dimly lit hallway "Y/n?" He called out, inching into the living room. A creak had him on edge and tense. He grabbed a the baseball bat that leaned against the garage door, gripping it tightly as he entered the living room.
You were standing there, wide eyed and chest heaving with breath. Your fur was fluffed out to the max, and your eyes laid on the baseball bat. You wailed, throwing yourself to the floor in front of his feet and grabbed his legs. Hoseok yelped in shock, staring down at you.
"I'm sorry master I'm so so sorry! I w-was just walking and my tail hit it and it fell over! Please forgive me I know I'm a bad cat" you cried, pawing at his shirt and burying your head into his hip.
W-What? Y/n what are you talking about" he frowned, still confused. Your body wracked with sobs, your words incomprehensible. Hoseok set the take out on the counter and dropped the bat to the floor, the crash making you jump and squeak. He pried your hands from his shirt, and knelt down so you were face to face.  
"Calm down Kitten, just tell me what happened" he says slowly, and you whimpered.
"The vase. I broke it. I'm sorry" you say, cheeks puffy and tear tracks down your face.  Hoseok looks over your head and sees the vase that had been sitting on his TV Stand was smashed on the floor in a thousand pieces.  His eyes widened and he immediately began searching your body.
"Are you hurt? You didn't cut yourself did you?" He asks. You hiccup, frowning
"Did you cut yourself on the glass?" He demands,  checking for any sign of blood.
"N-no I- you aren't mad?" You sputter, frowning. You were sure you'd face punishment for breaking his possession. You hadn't even been here long and caused an accident, and you thought for sure Hoseok would be angry and throw you out.
"No I'm not mad Y/n" Hoseok sighs in relief. "I'm just happy you aren't hurt."
"But....but I broke your vase" you frown at him.
"To be honest, you saved me a terrible story to explain to my sister why I got rid of the ugly vase she'd gotten me for Christmas. Now I can say my hybrid accidentally knocked it over" he smiles and you frown
"So I'm not being punished?"
"No it was an accident Y/n" Hoseok frowns and you nod your head in understanding. "Are you hungry?'
"A bit" you admit.
"Good. I brought home take out" he says, standing up and grabbing a broom and dustpan before sweeping up the broken vase, careful not to miss any pieces that could imbed themselves into any soft fleshed feet. You watch him as he worked, still slightly expecting to get yelled at, but after a few minutes you relaxed when it appeared it wouldn't come. Hoseok pulled down two plates, piling on steamed rice and chicken and vegetables and a bunch of assorted foods he always got when he ate take out. He pushed the bigger plate towards you, and you eye it doubtfully.
"Why did you give me your plate Hoseok?" You ask, pushing it back to him. Hoseok shakes his head, pushing it back.
"I didn't. It's yours."
But there's more food on it" you frown
"Yes, I'm not too hungry tonight, and I got extra for you"
"All of it?"
"All of it" He says firmly. You nod, still unsure but when you began eating, it was difficult to stop with all the tasty things he had gotten you, but you didn't touch the gross smelling stuff on the side of the plate. Hoseok noticed this, as he ate the very thing you wouldn't. "You don't like Kim Chi?"
"No. It's gross and vile" you say firmly and Hoseok pouted.
"I'm not sure how we'll get along from now on, I love Kim Chi" he says, and affronted look on his face, but a glimmer in his eye showed that he was kidding,  and you giggled.
"I don't know, guess you'll just have to stop then" you smile mischievously at him and he laugh
"I don't think so kitten" he snorts and continues to eat. Oh god, he thinks, I think I can probably handle her.
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