#no dice no devil the devil has no interest
blazinginferno626 · 1 year
The Devil’s episode tier list
Okay so today DD made an official tier list of the devil’s favorite episodes of the cuphead show. I love how clearly biased the devil’s opinions are on episodes. 
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Of course, the A++ episodes are the episodes that either center around him or the ones that have devil in the title. A+ are episodes that have him in it but, aren’t him centric. A (for that one scene) are the episodes that have him in only one scene. No devil, No dice, No interest (gonna come back to that one in a it) are the episodes that don’t have him or apparently King Dice in them at all. And a special category that are unseen episodes involving him or King Dice. 
Okay first off is the no devil, no dice, no interest category.
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This seems to imply if there were a King Dice episode without the devil he would take interest. Like that would be so fucking gay.  I wonder if there could/are any episodes that have King Dice but no devil.
Now onto the special category. Wow we’ve got a lot of unfinished episodes. So for those who don’t know This category is for episodes that were storyboarded but never got animated. Meaning that theoretically if the show were to get renewed these episodes would be able to be produced. 
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I didn’t add evil and vile because we already knew about that episode. But apparently there is another episode with them or that episode is a two parter. Then we have the devil’s new henchman I have no idea what this could be about maybe that unseen henchman origin that dd talked about on twitter. Dice on Ice again no idea maybe King Dice learns how to figure skate or something idk. Then we have a VERY DEVIL WEDDING a lot of people think this is about the devil marrying somebody but maybe he’s trying to ruin a wedding. So this was an interesting development let’s hope Netflix renews the show so these can see the light of day. Happy Easter everybody.
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triple-pupil · 1 year
Some stupid shit me and @thewingedgoat did on one of his whiteboards.
Context: Cagney Carnation fought the Devil and beat the shit out of him.
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"Stupid, ass flower"
"Damn, boss, You gonna clean that?"
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"Clean the cat"
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"NO! It's gonna hurt like shit!"
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"Evil bitch"
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*Screams in autotune*
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This is me and Robin making commentary.
"He's turning abstract out of sheer pain"
Very true.
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"Boss, yer bein' too dramatic"
I love that last one-
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erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (3)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: one, two, four, five
Word Count: around 2K again.
Warnings: minimum context of the arlong park part of the story (background), MUTUAL FLIRTING, forbiden pinning of them both, Buggy has his body back *wiggling eyebrows*, sexy times
A/N: devil works hard but i'm working harder, every 5 free min i have from work/class/practices i'm writing on my phone, i'ts actually insane and i love it (ROAD TO CHAPTER 4?? If you like this one and want the next one, please let me know!)
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Oh, he was mad. He was really mad.
Maybe "sexually frustrated" was a way more accurate term given the circumstances but the feeling was so strong, so visceral, he was sure he was reaching a point where jumping to the sea to end that agony -even if a bit exaggerated, like him always, everywhere and for everything- was justified.
Somewhere in Arlong Park, Buggy could feel the boner pressing his pants, demanding to be satisfied; dirty talk was one of his true passions and when (Y/N) played that card on him, being capable of picturing himself with her on his lap, that damn woman so -actually- close to his face in that moment he was already tasting her lips, her low, smooth voice driving him insane, he could not help it, but get turned on so easily and so strong is been hours, and he's still mad, incapable of stop thinking about that.
That is, perhaps, the reason he feels relief as soon as the sun rises and Usopp is back on the helm again, asking for directions as Buggy, in fact, demands to go faster. Like instead of slicing and dicing his body, his power could control the wind that propelled the boat or the force of the waves against the hull.
(Y/N) ran away just after such a -even if brief- conversation. She may have broken his balls with that dirty trick, but she was equally a victim of her own game. She knew what to say to push Buggy and leave him so stunned -to speak- that the poor clown didn't have the chance to fight back at that moment, not without his body to help him keep her in that kitchen, lift her up on the counter, force her to back down, regret even thinking she could do that to him, and then, only then, yes, fuck her until she wakes up the rest of her little and - according to him - pathetic crew with her moans.
Or so the girl imagined, leaning against the door of her room, eyes closed, heart slightly racing, fighting the temptation to lie down on the bed and masturbate thinking about what had just happened.
Which included him. Him!! What the hell, was she actually losing her mind? All that damn flirting had really gotten into her, for fucks sake, because regardless of her finding him quite interesting when they met, this attraction was something else.
Lately everything around her was something else. Did she really think through the decision of leaving her mercenary life behind and follow those kids to the Grand Line? Did she really think through the decision of flirting back with a psychopath clown?
Because in the end it's just that, right? Flirting. Was nothing else, is nothing else, and will be nothing else. She doesn’t want it to be something more, that's for sure; there's no need for unnecessary complications and extra headaches. In the meantime, it's fun, a bit of a backfire kind of situation, a bit -sexually- frustrating, but fun.
After a good ol' resting night and already some hours into the new day, (Y/N) notices that it's been a lot, since their encounter in the kitchen to be precise, that Buggy not only doesn't flirt with her, but doesn't talk that much or even look at her as amazed as before. Of course, he is, also, way less annoying, which Zoro subtly points out clearly pleased with how calm, nice and silent this morning is.
At some point she shakes her head, knowing, or at least guessing, the reason for this behavior, so she decides to check no one's around and the rudder is locked in the right direction, and then goes to where the bag with his head is, closed probably by the sniper when he got the last indications he needed from him. She opens it, lowering it until the clown's head is free on top of that barrel.
"How are you doing, Bugs?" she starts with a funny little smile, looking intently at him as she leans her back forward to leave her face level with his. "It's been hours I don't hear your raspy voice, I'm starting to miss it."
Silence. Absolute indifference besides the sidelong glance he gives her because let's face it, Buggy is annoyingly proud, extremely, exaggeratedly, but he loves attention. He likes nothing more than receiving it, no matter where, when, and from who, and she could see it as soon as they met.
"Also your silly nicknames for me" She grants, giving in. She would also be mad as hell if someone leaves her as horny as she knew she left him, so she doesn't have any problem being the one to start the tug-war this time.
"Already tired of the shidiots?" He finally asks, almost drily, after a minute; now he is the one to play difficult, huh? "No wonder, they don't even know where to start being pirates."
"Oh, of course, because no one compares to the famous Buggy The Clown, the colorful nightmare or the East Blue." Playful, she retreats a bit, resting her hip in the barrel, arms crossed over her chest.
"Quit the sarcasm doll, you know I'm right." Well, he was, in fact, right. None of them had real experience in the whole i-wanna-become-a-pirate thing, still, they were doing pretty good to be newbies. She was quite proud of them.
"I cannot wait to have my body back" he then murmurs, adding before she could say anything else about her new friends. "To do what?" She asks, you know, like she didn't know.
"Take a guess"
"Recover your spotlight? Find a new crew and a way to enter the Grand Line to go search the One Piece and be the king of the pirates?" (Y/N) mocks, clearly enjoying being the annoying one this time.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah'' Buggy rolls his eyes, scoffing. ''All that, but not before making you regret what you did last night." To that accusation she gasps, resting her right hand over her chest "What did I do last night?"
The clown falls silent again, but his mood is completely different. Right now he's not pissed off, it's obvious that this time, instead of flirting with her in a casual and natural way, he’s thinking what to say, choosing carefully his words to return a fraction of the effect she had on him hours ago.
His eyes darken, and his voice goes octanes lower and raspier. "Sweetheart, there will be no possible escape from what I plan to do with you. At the slightest opportunity I will make you cum on me so many times you will be the one to find the One Piece without needing to go to the Grand Line, but first…'' He pauses, breathes, and lets it go calmly, like the intimidating, psychopathic calculator she saw at the circus and not that flirty cartoonish version she got to know on the ship. ''you will beg for it."
She knows she shouldn't surrender to this type of tease, but she also can't and doesn't want to avoid it. Getting heavily carried away, without thinking about it twice, one of the girl's hands slides to the back of his neck, slipping under the bandana, and tugs his hair aggressively as she leans in again to speak close to his face. He grunts in pure satisfaction, closing his eyes for a second. Of course (Y/N) is, once again, taking advantage of the fact that he cannot defend himself no being more than a head, and the fact is that he enjoys like a condemned bastard those small but intense gestures the girl has given him since they met at the circus.
He can't wait to break a woman like her. And oh, he will.
"Are you sure about that?" Hearing distant steps, someone from the crew coming out on deck and climbing the stairs, she gets some distance from him, acting naturally, closing the bag again around his head. "My expectations just skyrocketed, I hope you don't disappoint."
By the end of the day, the Konomi Islands begin to appear on the horizon, and as soon as they set foot on them, shits get really serious. The situation of the poor people who live there is heartbreaking, so for two days, no one dares to make a single joke, Luffy's usual energy and bubbly positivity is nowhere to be seen, and of course, the interactions of (Y/N) and Buggy are reduced to = 0. The clown's head is no longer of any real use to them, and it’s poor Sanji, the new recruit, who’s carrying it around just in case.
At least until they reach Arlong Park.
Again, (Y/N) is not exactly the type of mercenary expert in martial arts and although she knows how to defend herself, fighting like Zoro or Sanji is, in few words, impossible. Her only advantage is being very, very fast, and knowing how to use the scenery to her advantage, so it doesn't take long for her to hide here and there among the different tents and attractions in the area to get rid of the most straggler fishmen, with a knife she got long ago during one of her jobs, capable of cutting their tough skin easily.
Everything happens so fast and is so chaotic that apart from some screams and blows in the background and having seen Usopp running towards the forest, (Y/N) is completely unaware of what is happening in the main complex.
A strong pull on her left arm activates her flight or fight response as one last fish falls dead to the ground in front of her. Raising the knife, in a quick movement, she tries to defend herself by aiming at the stranger's neck, although in vain; a pair of lips whose red has already been worn for days impact against hers, stealing her breath, a small moan escaping her. Eyes wide open, she barely registers the blurry color of Buggy's nose when two strong hands squeeze her hips as if the life of the clown depended on it, pushing the girl against the wall of the building behind them, cornering her without any type of delicacy.
She hadn't heard from him since they reached the island. Hell, she didn't even know he had got his full body back and was already so close to it that air was unable to pass between each other.
Of course, the moment the clown's head joined the rest of himself -the feeling much better than he remembered- he fucked off his captors and decided to flee. Not before making a vital stop along the way.
The ideas about how to proceed with her once he was whole were very, very different in his wild fantasies, but when he saw the girl's back, he knew that the only thing that would -partially- calm his yearning would be to kiss her before disappearing as fast as possible. To taste her lips, to feel her warmth.
Still not recovered from the shock of the kiss, Y/N doesn't remove the knife from the clown's neck, but he couldn't care less; quite the opposite. He is so turned on and waited so much -again, exaggerated- for this he doesn't know yet how he will be able to break the kiss, take distance from her, and run away.
Passionately carried away, moved by his most primitive instincts, Buggy sneaks one of his legs between hers, pressing in between them as Y/N inhales through her nose and her free hand flies to his vest, pulling it a little.
It wasn't the time, nor the place, to think about fucking that asshole, but damn, after all the teasing and the tension and the adrenaline of the fight--
And just when she starts fully giving in to him, he retreats just enough, panting a bit, and looks at her now red, stained lips, eyes darkened and full of lust. Just like hers.
"Hate to leave you like this sweetheart but I have things to do and places to go. I don't want people relating me to Arlong, I would hate the bad press on my persona." He whispers, cracking his usual cruel, playful smirk when he finally puts some distance between each other.
‘’It's time to exit stage left.’’ Buggy adds, theatrically raising both hands in the air. ‘’I promise I’ll see you around.’’
And like this, he stars running away again. Where? She doesn't know, or even guess at this moment, too busy registering the kiss in her memory, the way his lips felt on hers, how his nose pressed her cheek the entire time, or his hands grabbed onto her for dear life.
''You better'', she whispers to herself.
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nicolacoughlan · 4 months
at this point it almost feels like joe alwyn was the one kept locked away for 6 years because the man couldn't fill up his car or get a haircut without getting stalked. the photos coming out now are at events where he has an opportunity to know it's coming, select his clothing and styling, wear a pin representing a cause that's important to him. he has control of his appearances now instead of gritting his teeth during pap walks for backgrid.
we know how ts feels when she feels the narrative is being pulled out of her control ("gaslit by an entire system"). a sense of control over one's own life seems essential for sanity and i don't think it's fair for people to gloss over the part where she agreed to the level of privacy he needed and publicly endorsed it during some of her media statements made during the relationship (which i applaud for being unusually restrained and mature at the time). extreme extroverts and extreme introverts can try to make it work but neither is wrong if it doesn't work (if the breakdown is specifically about that difference between them) and it's kinda crappy to couch it in terms of "being locked away" now. especially since some of the locking away was due to a global pandemic.
joe alwyn wasn't on my radar for most of the 6 years except 1) i felt her music entered a new era of relationship contentment and grown up sensuality that reflected late 20s/early 30s womanhood and then transitioned into a more literary set of albums (folkmore) that had a broader focus thematically and 2) i heard little about him and there was effectively zero romantic drama for 5 full years. what a break for her (and us!).
now i'm more impressed by him than ever. he's quiet in the wake of it all, focuses on his industry commitments and the work he's doing, and absolutely glows with newfound relaxed joy. i absolutely do not think women shouldn't be entitled to have strong, deep emotions and write about those experiences. her work is perhaps the strongest ever in terms of conveying a feminine quixotic, idealized romantic viewpoint and then the flipside of idealizing (it's giving BPD!!!) which is devaluation/disillusionment/disenchantment, resentment, feelings of being deceived or let down ("maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up" being the early and best example).
the way joe has handled this, though, has made his status in my mind go from "just some guy" to an example of stability and fortitude that interests me. I personally believe that not publicly suffering is not necessarily a sign of callous lack of empathy - sometimes it means maturity and perspective. sw*fties harassing her exes want/ed to see a public mea culpa/punishment/expression of suffering that they feel equals their idols' - it's giving fatal attraction from those fans. maybe we don't need our past partners to suffer. maybe processing feelings involves personal reflection and doesn't require another party.
i'll leave off with this to support idealization/devaluation (the classic bpd trend):
Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel
Say you're sorry, that face of an angel
And I damn sure would've never danced with the devil
Dear reader, when you aim at the devil
He looks up, grinning like a devil
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rainbowdaisy13 · 6 months
*As always, these are my thoughts and connections Im making as I watch—I do not claim to know anything secret or for this to be taken as fact*
So we start out the Spotify Video with a pan out of the whole scene which is essentially Taylor-World with her as the centerpiece—song choice is Cruel Summer which is heavily Kaylor coded
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The next scene is these two people in love in what we find out later is Taylor’s eye. Shes wearing Miss Americana and the other person is a taller woman with her face covered by leaves—why would her face need to be covered? The infamous red scarf is present which has now become a symbol for Taylor’s affections (IBYTAM video)
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Next we see the clock moving closer to Midnight and a woman dressed in lavendar answering the phone upside down. Shes got clock earrings on and seems to be real excited about whatever she’s talking about
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Next a close up of the Lover House burning in Taylors hand—this symbolism is so important to Taylor it’s *the* thing she has in her hand—could’ve been anything but it’s that
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Pan out and we get another tall face covered (again why can’t we see who these people are?) stranger step into frame next to the Sunset and Vine street crossing—a Gorgeous reference, which is also heavily Kaylor coded
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We switch to seeing the clock again move closer to Midnight and hear the lyrics “I’m always waiting for you to be waiting below” as we see this gentlemen covered in clocks checking both his watches—is it time yet?? Is it happening?? I believe the people in yellow represent us in this fandom constantly checking our watches asking WHEN TAYLOR
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Next we get an Angel / Devil scene where the dice seem to add up to 89 and 13 at different times. What interests me more is that the Angel first aims for the dice—she’s gonna kill The Game—and at the last second changes her mind and decides nope she’s gonna take down the Devil who is playing the Game
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After the Angel presumably takes out the Devil, the clock finally strikes Midnight and an ensuing earthquake appears shaking everyone up—this is wild to me—once we meet her after Midnight she knows the world will be shaken by her truth. But don’t worry! Tree is there measuring the aftershocks and noting how TS The Business is impacted
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Next we get shots of a girl with her face covered playing guitar, 2 people fishing, and people dancing in the snow in a cave—if yall have any connections with those add on, nothing super jumped out to me. I DID love the Fox peaking out of the KT boot though
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Then we see another person in yellow trying to see through the leaves in the snowglobe—again I think this represents this fandom. There’s also another woman in Orange, with her face covered, sitting next to a dog that resembles Karlie’s dog
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And my fave part where it all comes together, the closing shot of all the small people in Taylor World is again focused on the 2 lovebirds—it’s revealed they are in Taylor’s eye, and she winks as we hear “I don’t wanna keep secrets just to keep you”
A Masterpiece as always well done Mastermind
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
rolling the devil’s dice
kinktober prompt: sweat | 4k | explicit tags: omegaverse, alpha steve, omega eddie, camboy steve, scent kink
read on ao3
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Eddie's an idiot. Certifiable. Undeniable.
Just- he knows better than to do shit like this.
But that doesn't stop him from being an idiot from time to time.
He started watching this camboy's streams - King Steve, he calls himself - months ago.
He was just looking at first, just browsing to see what was out there, see if there were any cute alphas he could find to jerk it to.
He thought his type was maybe a bit different from what he assumed was normal for everyone else. He's not interested in the macho alpha type, the type to get possessive and mean and demanding when they sniff out an omega slicking up.
No, he tends to go for softer types of alphas. Alphas who don't think with their knot, for one. Alphas who let their omega take charge sometimes, let their omega lead them instead of forcing them to follow, who don't subscribe to the whole "weak omega, strong alpha" shtick.
It's not even that he doesn't enjoy being taken apart and pieced back together by someone - he loves being a good boy for another omega - someone who gets it, someone who isn't demanding it from him. He loves betas who can get him out of his head for a little bit.
It's that most of the alphas he's encountered have been ones who expect him to be the one who's submissive and that grates on his fucking nerves. He does not like alphas who think that sex between them can only be one way.
So he specifically has to go searching for ones who don't fit the typical "alpha" vibe.
He has to leave his small town for the city nearby and go to alternative clubs to find alphas who aren't afraid of getting their asses fucked and showing how much they like it. Because those tend to be the ones that won't act like a raging asshole when it comes time for Eddie's heat.
He thought it might be a tall order, finding even one alpha online who checked all his boxes, but maybe it was presumptuous of him to think that. But he grew up in a small, backwards town in Indiana. The alphas here were hardheaded assholes who couldn't take no for an answer most of the time and wanted their omegas to be perfect, petite housewives.
But online, there's a plethora of alphas to choose from. Alpha women and men who spread themselves out on a bed and take themselves apart for their audience to see. Alphas who jerk themselves dry, whimpering the entire fucking time.
Eddie doesn't really have the spare money to subscribe to all the lovely alphas he sees when browsing OnlyFans for the first time, but he can spare enough money for one subscription, which means he has to make a choice.
He finds a few people that he might like to subscribe to and then he finds him.
King Steve.
The name alone almost deterred him because - really? - an alpha who names themselves "king" is probably exactly like all the alphas from bumfuck, Indiana.
But he's pretty and that draws Eddie in. He's gorgeous with soft looking hair and pretty moles scattered all over the parts of his body Eddie can see.
From the one-minute preview clip of his pretty face with his mouth dropped open, sounds of him jerking off his probably equally pretty out of frame cock and the couple free lewd pictures to lure people in, he can see that he's fucking beautiful. It's enough to make Eddie pause his search and look deeper, go to his twitter page and see more photos and short video clips.
There's a tiny video clip on twitter of him fucking himself open with a large dildo and it has Eddie wet and aching in the 60 seconds it takes to watch it.
He's phenomenal. And exactly what Eddie's looking for.
So he subscribed to him and he's tuned in for his weekly live streams every week since.
Steve seems like he was practically made for Eddie. With his strong, muscular body and his charming persona, he's everything Eddie wanted going into this.
The problem lies with Eddie's inability to separate a fan-based, parasocial relationship from real life. Because he feels like he's starting to like Steve more than is normal for someone just subscribing to his OF.
The little tidbits he learns about him from his streams - and he doesn't even know if any of it is real, that's the whole fucking problem - make him like Steve even more.
From hearing about his school life - he's studying to become a physical therapist - to hearing about his best friend who's a beta who he once thought he was in love with. He likes learning these things about him. He likes interacting with him in the chat before the live stream starts because Steve is witty and funny and Eddie is so, so stupid.
He likes it when he types something into the chat during a performance and Steve responds to him, personally, because in the moment, it feels like Steve is purposefully searching for Eddie's username in the chat. He does it a lot, but maybe Eddie is just sending in better material than the average ur so hot comment or the weird shit some other people send.
He knows it's bad when he starts thinking about plans for his next heat and his first thought, instinctively, is to tell Steve about it because maybe Steve can - what, exactly? Drop what he's doing wherever he is in the world and fly to Indianapolis?
Eddie flushes and feels so stupid that he even thought to tell him. He doesn't mention it in the chat during the next live stream but he desperately wants to know how Steve would respond.
He doesn't even know him but he likes watching him so much it's apparently turned his brain to mush.
During the following live stream, though, Steve says he's thinking about setting up a contest of sorts and wants to gauge the audience's interest. The gist of it is whoever wants to can pay their way to getting Steve's PO Box info to send him an item of their choosing - it could be scent related or a toy they want him to try out, but Steve will use whatever it is to make himself come on one of the streams.
It's stupid how Eddie is instantly dripping slick, thinking about Steve opening up a pair of Eddie's underwear on stream, covered in his scent and his sweat and his slick and his cum and jerking off onto it, mixing their scents together. He doesn't really believe in fated mates or anything, but if he did, he'd think this would be the perfect opportunity for the universe to prove him wrong.
It's also stupid because Steve has to have tons of subscribers and more than a few of them are interested and are already dropping tips large enough to cover his entry fee.
So Eddie knows it's stupid. He knows he probably won't be the one picked, but he wants to do it anyway. He works an extra shift to cover the cost of entry and the shipping fees and the special scent-proof packaging to keep the scent of his items ripe for Steve.
The deadline to ship stuff to Steve falls right after Eddie is scheduled to have his heat so he knows exactly what he's going to give him.
He spends his entire heat thinking about Steve. He thinks about what it would be like if he were with him. How Steve would probably let Eddie take charge, let him ride Steve's knot until he was satisfied, would let Eddie fuck him when waiting for Steve to get hard again after knotting him.
He just knows in his bones that Steve would take such good care of him, be a good alpha and get him off as many times and in as many ways as he wants.
He comes a ridiculous amount of times and his sweat and slick absolutely soaks through the underwear he's wearing and the shirt he placed beneath him. His scent is permeating both items and he's almost purring at the thought of Steve smelling them.
When he's all wrung out and pleasantly sore from fucking himself over and over and over again, he uses the scent-proofing packaging to bag up his underwear and shirt.
He hesitates before closing the box he's shipping them in and ends up throwing in his guitar pick necklace.
He's so embarrassed to be doing this. To have such a weirdly strong connection with a stranger who wouldn't give him the time of day if they ever bumped into each other in real life. And now he's giving him what feels like a piece of himself.
Eddie groans. It's not like he'll even be the one who's chosen, you know?
The chances are slim and he doesn't know what's going to happen to the packages Steve doesn't choose. Is he going to throw them out? Is Eddie literally just throwing his money away on this? Maybe so.
But he can't help but desperately wish that it's his package that'll be chosen.
He waits patiently for the stream where Steve will choose and the day it comes, he sits in front of his laptop impatiently.
He's been jittery all week.
He can't believe he spent so much money on this. On the special scent-proof packaging so that the scent didn't fade and so that he didn't get weird looks when he went to drop the package off. Plus the shipping costs. And on top of all that, he pays a monthly subscription to this guy, and he paid additional money to be sent the address of the PO box where the package should be delivered.
He's sweating, sitting here thinking about Steve opening up his package on camera and liking how he smells. He wants that so bad, but he knows there are so many others who sent stuff to him too, and there's no guarantee his package is the one that will be chosen. He called it a lottery for a reason.
And Eddie stupidly threw money he didn't have at him because he's so down bad for him.
When the stream starts, after he does his standard greeting, Steve says, "I had my friend Rob help me out since there were so many packages. You all really surprised me. I thought I'd have maybe ten to choose from and could just put them in a grab bag and pick from there but we had almost 40 packages! Four, zero! So my friend numbered them all and I'm going to do a random number generator so you all can see I'm not cheating."
He holds up his phone and shows them a picture of the packages strewn across his living room with the boxes already labeled in sharpie and then pulls back to tap a few times and then shows them the website where he's getting a randomly generated number. He hits the generate button and it pops out number 22.
Steve turns the phone back towards himself and throws his head back laughing. "Ooh! Twenty-two is a good number. Rob, can you grab that one for me?"
He chats with them for another minute while his friend is getting the package.
"Thanks babe," Steve says when he's handed a package labeled 22 in sharpie.
It's a box that is the same size as the one Eddie sent but he can't be sure it's his. He's biting his nails here.
Steve reads the chat again before opening the box and he laughs and says, "Don't worry, my darlings, Robbie was just helping out and now they're leaving. They said they do not want to be here when the fun actually starts."
He doesn't open the package right away, building the suspense. He puts it aside and starts pulling off his shirt.
"To get ready for whatever awaits me in this package," he says with a wink. It makes sense but goddamn does Eddie want to know if it's his.
He gets his shirt off and Eddie can't even complain because he loves looking at Steve's body. He just wishes he'd hurry the fuck up.
He unbuttons his pants, but doesn't take them off before he sits back down and opens the box.
"Okay, so the first thing I see is a scent-proof bag, which is exciting! That means I'll get to scent whatever's in there. Let's see if there is anything else." Steve rummages around and takes out- oh. Oh fuck.
He takes out Eddie's necklace.
It's his package. Jesus fucking Christ.
He really didn't expect it to be his, but now that it is, a flood of slick flows out of him at the thought of Steve getting to scent his clothes. His fingernails are digging into his palms as he tries to calm himself down.
Steve puts the necklace on - puts Eddie's necklace on. If he wears the necklace for the rest of the stream, Eddie doesn't know if he's going to survive it.
His whole body is tingling with arousal and it's so sudden and so unexpected that he has to get up and pace back and forth for a minute.
Steve starts speaking on screen, so Eddie walks back over to his laptop.
Steve is looking at the pick and saying, "-must be a musician, then? Or you just really like music. I don't- I think this is a band's name on here, but I've never heard of it. I won't say it on stream since that might be like- doxing, if it's your band, but I'll keep this on for the stream." He puts the side of the pick with the band's name facing in towards his chest.
Oh fuck. In his fit of stupidity, he sent his pick necklace that has Corroded Coffin's logo engraved on it.
He can't even take a moment to think about his stupidity because his skin is buzzing and he's more excited about Steve opening the rest of the package than he is worried about accidentally getting doxed. He's more excited than he has been about anything in a really long time.
He might have a slight Steve problem, but it's okay. It's manageable. It's going to be fine, watching him scent Eddie's slick and cum coated clothes is going to be fine, right?
This is going to sate whatever obsession he has with him and that'll be the end of it. Then he can move on, right?
He hopes he's right.
Back on the stream, Steve is getting ready to open the scent-proof packaging so that he can scent the clothes. It's - the anticipation is killing him.
He says, "I'm gonna get started now, I think." He grabs his box cutter and cuts into the scent-proof packaging to open it. He tosses the box cutter on his desk and reaches inside to grab what Eddie sent him.
Eddie's on the edge of his fucking seat, watching intently. Watching for any minuscule detail, any indication that he likes what he smells.
It turns out that he doesn't need to be looking so closely because as his hands touch the items Eddie sent, Steve is groaning and bringing Eddie's underwear up to his face to get it even closer.
Steve gasps out, "Fuck- it's. This is- I can't even talk right now, what the fuck?"
He's gripping Eddie's panties - because he went out and bought a sexy pair of panties for this, another expense he doesn't have the money for - tightly, inhaling long and deep pulls of breath in, making these sweet noises in his throat.
Eddie's not going to survive this at all. He's dripping wet, and aching about it.
Steve moves one of his hands below the view of the camera and knocks the box to the ground and groans deep in his throat. They can't see what he's doing from this angle, but it's a little obvious with the jerky movements of his shoulder.
He groans, deep and drawn out, like he normally does after a long session with one of his dildos drawing those noises out of him.
He scoots his chair back, likely remembering that he's live and people probably expect to see his cock at some point tonight. And-
His dick is already out - just pulled out of his pants hastily - and it's pulsing cum out over his fist, which is gripped tight around his knot. He- he doesn't ever knot on camera.
He's talked about it before, about how it's usually too much and leaves him too sensitive without an omega hole to milk it, so he doesn't knot even off camera most of the time.
But he's.
He scented Eddie's panties and immediately got his cock out and knotted his fist.
The thought makes Eddie dizzy. Makes his already shot nerves go haywire and he's kicking his pants off before he can think about it, still staring at Steve's cock, wet and glistening, still twitching and kicking out come.
He gets a hand around his cock and can't stop himself from planting his feet and thrusting up into his fist. Seeing Steve like this - and because of him - has him on the edge immediately. He's soaking his underwear much like he did during his heat, smearing his scent everywhere.
He can't look away from the screen. He sees Steve still taking in breaths of air with Eddie panties under his nose, sees the way he starts to get shivery after another minute of squeezing his knot with his hand.
Eddie jerks himself hard and fast, fucking up into it and moaning, louder than he has any right to. Watching Steve get all sensitive like he talked about, without a hole, without Eddie's hole around his knot to make it better, has Eddie gasping and coming in no time.
He gets his come everywhere, up his shirt and on his chair and on the floor, and it's like they're in sync for a second, both of their cocks leaking and twitching in time with each other before the comedown. Like Steve was just waiting for Eddie to get there before he stopped coming.
Steve whines on the screen, tightening his fist around his knot. Eddie squeezes his cock in sympathy. He wishes he was there, wishes it was his hole that was wrapped tight around Steve's knot instead of his fist. He wishes he could scent Steve right now, have Steve scent him back, nose buried in his neck.
He shivers thinking about Steve licking over his scent gland as he writhes on his knot.
Steve lowers the hand that has Eddie's panties in them. He looks dazed. Genuinely, truly dazed.
He looks into the camera, lets out a shaky breath, and says, "So that was, um, that was unexpected."
He's still got tremors running through his body, fist still tight around his knot. He's absolutely covered in cum. It's all over his fist and dripping down onto his pants, streaked up his chest. Eddie wants to clean him up with his tongue.
He looks down at himself and seems to realize the state he's in.
"I hate to end this early, but I have to, I need to- I still can't think right now. I gotta go," Steve says, looking to the side where he can see the chat. "Sorry, guys. Hope you enjoyed that, but I'm a mess and need to shower."
He ends the stream before Eddie can even think about saying anything in the chat.
And what would he say anyway? Oh, hi! I'm the one whose scent just rocketed you into knotting your fist for the first time for the entire internet to see. Care to chat?
He's so pathetic.
He exits out of the ended stream and cleans up the mess he made before showering.
He has a lot of thoughts in the shower. He never once believed in fate or mates or any of that, but his scent alone was enough to have Steve knotting up and that has to mean something, right? Or maybe he just wants it to mean something.
He could be alone in thinking that and Steve could already have someone, maybe whoever Robbie is. He scrubs a hand down his face and tries not to let his mind wander too much. Fuck.
He knew he shouldn't have sent anything. It's just his fucking luck that he'd be the one picked and now what? He's even more obsessed with Steve, getting jealous over imagined boyfriends and thinking they might be fated mates.
He gets out of the shower and towels off.
He tries not to think about it over the next few days, but his mind keeps on coming back to it. Of course it does. He's never seen anything like it. Never seen or heard through the grapevine about anyone who this sort of thing happened to. With just a scent, an alpha popping a knot. It's like something from the movies. He can't not think about it.
He contemplates messaging Steve, because of course he does. But he doesn't want to seem like he's desperate for attention. There's probably a hundred of his followers who are claiming the package belonged to them. It's not like he put a note or a return address on the package other than the store he shipped it from. He didn't think this far ahead because he didn't think there was ever a chance of anything like this happening.
He wonders if Steve cares who sent it. If he's laid up with his boyfriend while Eddie panics over this. If he's back to his normal life outside of streaming and not thinking about this at all.
He wants Steve to be thinking about it.
He has to message him, right? He can't just let this go - there's a more than likely chance that Steve, this alpha he's been obsessed with for way too long, is connected to him in some way.
He's still not sure if he believes in fated mates and all that, but this has to mean something. It has to.
He's determined to figure out a way to word a message that doesn't have him looking completely pathetic, but it turns out he doesn't have to.
When he logs back onto the website, there's a message waiting for him. From two days ago.
Hi! So I think you're the one who sent me the package that I opened on camera last week. At least I hope you are. I've been looking, trying to find who you were because a bunch of followers sent packages and you probably already know that so why am I telling you this. But a bunch of people messaged me saying they sent the package, but none of them could tell me the return address on it or even what state it came from. Anyway, I wanted to find you myself since it doesn't seem like you reached out unless I missed it? I looked up the band on the necklace in the package, and one of the members is named Eddie and they're from the same state the package was mailed from and then I went through the people who tipped and were sent the PO box to send stuff to and your handle is EddietheBanished and that kind of fit, so. So I'm hoping it's you. Like, I'm really, really hoping it's you. And I'm hoping you'll want to talk. It's okay if it's overwhelming and you'd rather not deal with it, but I really, really want to talk if you do. Let me know. Stevie
part 2
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illululusion · 8 months
I have not been normal about nerdy prudes must die since it came out so it seems its time for me to write my analysis of 'the summoning'.
I will put a cut down here because holy shit i did not think i was this normal about them this is long. also spoilers for nerdy prudes must die!
Now the summoning is what I would consider the climax of the show.* The scene answers the big questions of the show. Not by just stating the answer like the mayor does, it shows us. it also shows us the oh so beloved oh moment of Steph knowing she loves Peter.
The scene also uses some form of chekov's gun multiple times.
We've been told that the school was built at what used to be a black altar. this scene shows what such a black altar allows someone to do. especially in combination with the book.
A literal chekov's gun, the gun Grace stole and then Steph got is heavily implied to be used. (finally)
As i've stated before the love situation. We knew Steph and Peter had something going for them but this only confirms it.
THE PHONE! Steph thinks her phone is the thing she cherishes most, which is not a big stretch, we've seen her be willing to suffer injury to protect her phone. (a lovely little detail)
they setup Grace using the book against dirty dudes.
I may be missing something whoops but yeah,
now the scène itself has a lovely buildup. First the three are in very low energy summoning the lords in black. The frightened energy is just seeping out of them, you know this is their last resort. Then the lords in black appear, from a pure darkness, with a high energy slightly discordant song (the piano and the guitar clash a slight bit). This stands in contrast with the slow piano music under the teens throughout the scene. Within this song the lords in black seem unsurprised by the situation, they seem elated even. They also clearly state they are not forces of good at most they can be considered gray ("us spawn of the Black and White") however the other pieces of lyrics are very much against that assumption.
Let's look at some of the dialogue a bit more closely why not? I wont be looking at all of the dialogue because thats a bit too insane even for me.
"Out of the depths of Hell and back" Us spawn of the Black and White" "Cover our souls with robes of black" "And take up the arms of night"
This seems to me even like they chose to be in the black, they are from hell they're from the night.
"Nibbleline wants his sacrifice And Wiggly wants his wrath We dance around the pentagram And take all our kingdoms back"
The previous shows intent: sacrifice, wrath, getting what they deserve.
"You summon us once you summon us twice, You gamble it on a roll of the dice"
Now this is what predicts Grace's dirty dudes must die. it also seems to imply that Steph's father among others used the book foolishly, the chance of victory seemed to outweigh the risks.
"The devil has won it can't be undone The book has all but closed on your life"
Shows that the lords know the teens are in no position to bargain. They know theyre above them.
Wiggly: Don't be so formal, Stephie. We're all paly-wals here. I mean, look at us. We even hold court in your own tongue and form. Go Nighthawks! (Lords in Black laughing) Pokey: Our true forms would melt your minds. WIggly: Don't frighten them, Pokey, you nasty boy.
This is what we'll see more in this scene wiggly is the medium between the will of the lords in black and the teens. An interesting detail. This also seems to be Wiggly trying to make the teens be less guarded. THeyre showing some sort of "goodwill", like "hey we could easily kill you but we're throwing you a rock let's see what can happen.". Additionally, this also shows them being more powerful than the teens again.
"The Lords in Black will help you yes You stupid silly girl Why help you with the Jagerman When we can help the world!"
Once again a show of power, why even ask for help they're already there just show them what you can give them. They have got all the time for anything, theyre more powerfull than just stopping that jagerman.
"Steph: What about a bargain? We'll give you whatever you want. Just get rid of Jagerman!"
A show that the teens have no other choice. THe fact they have heard the lords in black say theyre from hell doesn't matter anymore. They're at a low point.
"Whatever we want we want we want Whatever we want we get Whatever you want you want you want Forever in our debt"
no other way to say this other than: "you fucked up kids"
Wiggly: "Oh, you'll hardly miss it. We just want what you cherish most."
hmmm understatements are fun. I love these paradoxical statements.
Wiggly: One of you must give up the thing you treasure above all else. Pokey: Do it, or die!
Once again a lovely power statement, though that's not what I found interesting. The interesting part about this is that they only ask for ONE of them fo give up what they cherish most. They could ask for way more, they've made that clear. So why ask for only one thing?
"We don't give a shit about your phone"
This is the one moment I feel like the lords in black loose their composure. My hypothesis? they don't like people lying to themselves when something is very clear.
"The Lords in Black the Lords in Black call us"
The chorus sing the lords in black call us, WHO ARE THE CHORUS I NEED TO KNOW.
"Out of the depths of hell and back Us spawn of the black and white Cover our souls with robes of black And take up the arms of night You summon us once you summon us twice You gamble it on a roll of the dice La la la la la la la la la la The devil has won it can't be undone The book has all but closed on your life"
JUSt one thing: A lovely circular closure to the scene.
OKAY thats the dialogue wooooo (theres more to be said about it probably but also I just My brain want to get to the next part.)
Okay Okay okay okay now for the fun part!
The lovely staging and costume and its so wonderfull.
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So in the above image we can see the lords in black as well as the teens. As i've stated before the lords in black like to make a show in power and the dynamics are very much powerless vs. allpowerfull.
Now what the positioning on the stage does is show this contrast as well. The lords in black are all over the stage standing, moving, dancing. High energy high standing. This while the teens are sitting on the floor, all together, they're as small as they can be in this setting. This shows how little power they have at this point.
The lighting as well as the costumes adds a lot as well:
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See the teens here? no special lighting aside from the effects of the lords. This is in incredible contrast with the lords. colourful and bright. This is similarly the case with their costumes, the teens all have quite plain clothes, nothing special for a costume definitely, we do have the more unique clothing to define each character** but that falls away once you look at the lords:
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Wiggly: bright green light (so much fun green isnt used in stage lighting often i am in love), Green clothing, a suit with glossy pants a crown and of course the wiggly doll in the back.
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Nibbly: SO PINk, but also fleshy pink somehow. the lighting isnt as obvious but it is still pink. here the sparkes return. The giant lolly. just the giant lolly.
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Blinky: Interesting choice to have the face as obscured as it is. once again i cant say the lighting is very obvious but it is there. The purple orange colour contrast makes them stand out. when in comparison to the others his costume isnt as showy.
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Tinky: HOLY SHIT THE EYESHADOW. which isnt visible because.... yes the lighting! yellow lighting! the outfit isn't as sparkly but because it is the brightest outfit of them all I doubt that would have been neccesary. It keeps the balance. I am also Biassed I love this getup.
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Pokey: once again: LIGHTING! blue! but also, Pokey I feel is the least obvious lord in black in the scene, the positioning on the side of the stage across from Tinky the yellow and blue contrast how fun. especially as Wiggly (green) is in the middle. just so good.
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I just wanted to add some more because look at how wiggly is so much higher in this scene, he needs to look down on the teens, but doesn't do that often, not even bothered to look at them wow. Also quick note wiggly seems the most bothered by the summoning, wonder why.
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And whenever all of the lords are singing with their discordant choreography, the lighting goes all disco and far brighter. A great detail to show they're individuals but are similar. see how the light is not green here? yeah that happens whenever all of the lords are speaking.
All in all I think Nerdy prudes must die is now in my top three favourite starkid shows. and I will be using the lords in black as inspiration in the play I'm in currently as well because this is exactly the type of thing we were looking for. and also I am not going to be able to think about anything but this show for ages.
I highly encourage anyone to give their opinions or whatever they noticed because I need it I would love to hear them. GO NIGHTHAWKS!
1* Now this comes at a relatively late time in the (already very long) show. At the 2 hour point we've been following our dear cast for around 4/5ths of the show. Now keep in mind this is doesn't matter much, but I think it's interesting that they chose to have the climax at this point. The play being as long as it is means they had to have been very confident in their ability to keep the viewers attention and especially with the slow buildup.
2** OH MY GOODNESS I JUST REALISED HOW WELL STEPH AND PETER's PALLETTES WORK TOGETHER. like theyre both earth tones. the green and brown fit together so well, and then you also have the patterns, different but still similar enough to not clash.
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mrfippstuff · 1 year
Something I really find interesting about the Horsemen is that whatever their power is, there’s something about themselves that works in opposition to their strengths.
As stated by Pochita, the Control Devil wanted to form equal relationships with other people, to be genuinely loved and to have a family, but that words in opposite of their powers, where they can have complete control over anyone they think as lesser than them. Makima desperately wanted that, the one movie that got a reaction of her, made her cry, was a scene of two men hugging, and when she brought it the other hybrids to fight the Chainsaw Devil, Katana Man, Reze and Quanxi were all fawning over, she wanted to create her “perfect world” all for this. But she wasn’t capable of extending this sentiment to other people, she only ever saw them as tools, lesser beings and dogs to be commanded by their master. Denji was the one person who was willing to show her complete and unconditional love, but she had no problem destroying all his happiness just so she could get to Pochita, and in the end her never even bothering to see him is what led to her defeat.
That’s why I am eager to see Nayuta return. Pochita told Denji to give her lots of hugs, and he does, he wants to give her a normal life, and to see her through college. Nayuta is in a position that Makima never was, the Control Devil’s dream is right there for her, it’s being handed to her without any of the baggage of her previous incarnation, and I really want to see if and how she’s able to give the same love that Denji is giving her. Being unable to feel love and affection for other people make Makima one of the dangerous enemies Denji ever fought because anyone and everyone only existed to further their goals, but a Control Devil capable of feeling genuine love for other people? I imagine that they would be one of the weakest devils you could encounter, but would be one of the happiest ones out there.
Then there is War. They have the power to turn anything they perceive as “theirs” into a weapon, but the strength of that weapon is shaped by the “guilt” they would feel by transforming it. War wants to kill Chainsaw Man, and wants as many and powerful weapons as they can get, but they clearly have no problems doing so, they don’t care what they turn into a weapon, meaning that the actual strength of those weapons is limited. That’s why the possessed a human, because they can feel things like guilt, and anything that they turn into a weapon can be more powerful than anything War can produce. Yoru created a number of pencil spears to fight Yuko, but none of them worked, Asa creates a sword from the uniform her mother gave her, fails to hit Yuko at all, and still turns her into diced bits. That’s how powerful the guilt can translate into.
But here’s something interesting; Yoru shares Asa’s brain and body, she knows what Asa is thinking at any moment, she can feel the things Asa does, not only on a physical level, but an emotional level. Asa is beginning to like Denji, meaning Yoru feels secondhand emotions for him. Yoru is the one who tries to turn Denji into a weapon, but that little bit of affection she feels for him means she has guilt over this. Meaning that the longer that Yoru resides within Asa’s body, the more she can potentially grow as a person, come to care about things, and feel guilt over her actions, which will increase the power of the weapons she makes, but hinder her ability to create them in the first place.
I am really curious to see what the deal with the Famine Devil is. She says she wants to “help” her little sister, but Yoru was clearly very alarmed to her presence. Whatever powers Fami possesses, I imagine that like with Makima and Yoru, that there is something about her that hinders them, the same applying to Death whenever they show up.
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hauntedkidpersona · 7 months
Once upon a time// Chapter-5
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Pairing- Polybts x reader
Summary-Choosing a husband is not easy, but bring in the seven princes and your in a lot of trouble.
Warnings: Duality of humans, Mistress, Y/N is a badass, Detachment issues, Cold behaviour, Strangers to enemies, Nudity, sexual jokes, talks of orgasm (nothing we don't know)
Overview: Life isn't like fairytale. You knew it the moment you reached a ripe age of nineteen. Which meant, your now a women who is in a hurry to be wed and bring prosperity and fame to your Kingdom. For this, you have readily accepted the self-groom event which requires you to select your husband out of all the potential Kings and Princes alike. But what happens when you select, not one. Not two but seven grooms? Chaos.
A/n- Taglist is open for now.
Tags- @singukieee @shadowyjellyfishfest @inlovewithallmusic @lachimolala22019
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The laughter of your maids echoed across the inner quarters, it was a peaceful afternoon. Even though the place outside was burning through the onslaught of the summer, like hot coal it would burn anyone unlucky.
But inside here, you were enjoying the breeze near the kadamba trees that were in full bloom. Looking over the crystal clear pool whose stage was graced in lotuses of all colours- purple being the most dominant.
"She is cheating, Princess." A shrill noise had you turn into the commotion, watching as the maids that littered around for a small play of chausar break into an argument.
Anika glares, "I wasn't, the rules didn't say you could back away your dices."
You sigh, taking measured sips of the cool lemonade. The Sky Palace was breathtaking, made of white marbles. It stood in stark contrast to its name, resembling the sheer vastness of the benevolent King that reins the land you trudge in delight. He sure has taken a great deal out of the small request you had of him.
But who knew your peaceful days would end soon.
Young and naive. That's what your father calls you. But how can one expect a 16 year old to behave like some matured person. Your days were peaceful, passing with the vivid imagination of the books you read. You had no interest in anything, and so you were even described as a lazy wart. For except beauty you possessed no special qualities of a royal. You were pampered and spoiled rotten, throwing tantrums was second nature by now.
But all that changed when you fell for him, the sweet man who would bring all your imagination to life. But who knew he was just a vile human waiting for an opportunity. Which he got.
You shut your eyes tightly, fisting your palms wherein the warm water failed to match the intensity with which your heart burned. You hissed, inspecting the now bloody palm pierced by your nails. The blood swirled into the water, burning through and through. You imagine his blood pouring out as you ruthlessly kill him, without an ounce of mercy. You can't wait to be blessed by his screams of terror, him begging for his life while you get the upper hand. You can't wait until you meet him again.
They were right. When a woman decides to take revenge, even the devil sits down to take lessons.
You have a deal with the King of the Sun Kingdom. You keep the Princes from leaving their duties, while he in return gets you what you want.
Simple as that.
Getting out, you wrap yourself in a towel.
Not waiting to call out Anika to bring your clothes, you walk out. Face stoic and heart made of steel.
"Princess," you somewhat hear Anika gasping at your blatant disregard of modesty.
You look ahead, glaring at Jin who was now looking at you with a wide open mouth. Is that your book in his hand? Did he fucking read it?
The fuck.
Jin couldn't take his eyes off of you. Your wet hair, swirling and parted as it clung to your hips. Your curves being defined but he cursed that cloth that was in between. He can't admire the beauty in front of him. The book and revenge was long forgotten as he spluttered, cheeks flushing in embarassment while you glared at him.
Poisonous, that's what your looks are. Dangerous and deadly, it could kill a man if you chose that body as a weapon of seduction.
"Get. Out. Right. Now." You shouted, partly screamed so loud that he knew the palace guards would be coming to check. Scrambling out of the bed, he almost falls but nonetheless he stands up quickly. Coughing a bit, as he rushes out with prominent red cheeks that burns in shame and embarassment.
"Are you mad, you were almost naked in front of him. Have some shame Princess, what will he think of you?" Anika blabbers as you plop onto your bed, effortlessly hiding your book for which you became so defensive.
"Are you even listening-
You rolled your eyes, the next second, a cloth was strewn right at your face. Knocking you off from the train of thoughts you boarded long time ago. You sit up, furiously, "So what, He is my husband and moreover I don't care. I am confident on my body, whoever sees it will die for it."
Your tone drops, dripping in arrogance. Why not? History is proof of how men kill, die and wage war for beauty. Your a women who knows how to manipulate pathetic men with your charms. You don't shy away by them who eye you in lust, knowing they can't ever have you. Same goes for that Prince Jin. He can watch you but can never have you.
Giving you a solemn look, Anika helps you in dressing. The quiet that follows is suffocating, but your in no hurry to pause it.
Decked in gold, you shimmer at the red robes that make you look lethal. That's what you like to do, terrorize others so they don't overstep their boundaries. With power comes responsibilities and with that, you build walls; too high to climb.
"Princess—" Keeping a hand on your shoulders, Anika turns you around; "You should know that the fire that burns in you will one day burn you too. I know it demands and reckons you to be rude, mean, cold and rebellious. But someday, this fire will burn out and all you will be left with is loneliness. So please try to be nice to the Princes, so that in future you have someone to care for you."
Pushing her hands away, you smile at her. "Loneliness doesn't scare me, people do. For you know what to expect from being alone but you can never say the same for the other. I am not here to make friends, for I have far greater enemies to take care of."
Jin clears his throat, avoiding looking at anyone as he speeds up inside the common place where all of his brothers from another mother gather. Maybe he can find someone free from his duties.
Entering inside the room, he is met with Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook who seem to be busy in their own world. Taking a seat, Jin pours himself a drink and gulps it down in one go. Which did not go unnoticed by them.
"Brother, you look like you ran a marathon." It was Taehyung who takes a jab first, as Yoongi chuckles.
"I did, that witch." He groans, unable to get the image of her out of his mind. You had no shame, whatsoever. Walking like that in front of him. What were you upto? He now knows, why your beauty is praised by all. It was as if you were carved by the celestial beings, and no you weren't petite. You had curves in all the right places and damn that white cloth of yours hid nothing to his imagination. Hiding that body beneath all that robes should be illegal. As soon as that thought arises, he bites his lip upto the point of bleeding.
No way.
He can't fall in your trap. Your purposely seducing him, trying to seperate him from Irene and he won't let you do that. Never.
Sensing whom he was calling witch, Taehyung inquires, "Why, what happened?"
"I saw her naked." He shouts, mad at God knows whom. Him, you or the situation.
Taehyung gasps, as Yoongi who was in the process of enjoying his drink coughs violently. While Jungkook, the innocent lamb's eyes were as wide as saucers. Cheeks tinting a dark shade of red.
After gathering himself, Yoongi and the others bombards him with questions,
"Are you kidding me? How?"
"Damn, It should have been me."
"How-w, I mean did you two do it?"
"What about Irene then?"
Jin sighs, glaring at Taehyung who was accusing him of seeing you like that. It should have been him, not his elder brother.
"Guys, do you think we can do it. I had rather die and she had rather kill me than bed me. As for seeing her naked, she had a cloth wrapped around her. I saw her cause she might have thought nobody was there and came out of the bath in minimal clothing."
Yoongi hums, not interested in knowing anything. While Taehyung smirks, clearly amused.
Entering inside the royal library, you heave a sigh. But that quickly changes when you see no guards on sight, where are they? Lacking on their duties like this. Shameful. Going inside, you frown. You can feel it in your gut, something isn't right. The silence being far more merciless than you. You look around, the sun rays exuding rays across the large windows that keep it's brilliance intact. You keep walking, your footsteps being the only companion.
A rustle, snaps you as you strike; pulling the stranger hiding behind the shelves as your knife is freed from your robes and clutched against the intruder's throat in blatant disregard of their life. You press it, drawing blood that takes a coppery path along the pale skin of that women.
She screams, flailing against your arms but it was futile. "Leave me, Prince- someone save me."
"Shh, damsel in distress. From when your allowed inside the royal library huh? Who gave you the permission and the audacity?" You push back the knife, grabbing her chin harshly. You bring her close, nails digging into her flesh.
Irene flails grabbing her hands to free herself, "Prince gave me permission."
You smirk, "But the King told you to stay far away then how dare you to have the courage to spread your whore legs inside my quarters and on my bed bitch. Tell me, from where this defiance comes. Let me end that for once and all." She hissed. You were so done with her. You push her away, as you continue; "Get this in your damn head. If you love Prince Jin so much than stay where your put. Don't try to meddle in affairs your not allowed to. Your just his mistress, so don't try to anger me otherwise I would have you thrown out of the Palace faster than you spread that damn legs of yours."
Irene glares at you, "That will only happen if you come out alive, Prince loves me and it's you who has to get out of here."
"Oh Finally, I was waiting for when you drop the act and now here we are." You laugh, her empty threats not stirring you in the slightest.
Having enough, Irene raises her hand to slap you but your reflexes ground her, holding her hand you attack her eyes, stopping mere inces away. Her eyes widen in fear, as she stands in absolute terror. "One wrong move, and I will kill you."
She trembles, "You call me a whore but the real slut is you who has seven men as her husband's."
"Atleast I am not running behind other's husband. Poor you, living as Mistress and already soiled and ruined. If in future the Prince leaves you-" You mock her, hitting a nerve when she grits her teeth.
"What's happening here?" A voice thunders, as you quickly back away. Bowing down to the King that strides in with his guards on tail. Beside you Irene defiantly falls on the ground, disregarding all your warnings. Such an actor.
"My King, Princess hurt me. She wants to kill me, please save me." She wails, as you cringe at her act. Wrong move women.
The King raises an eyebrow, looking at you who shakes her head. She is really looking for trouble. Testing your patience, all because she was the beloved of Jin. You internally smirk, you will let her know today who holds the real power. Enough of the drama.
Hearing the commotion, Prince Namjoon and Prince Hoseok also arrive at the scene.
"Is it true?" King looks at you, as you feel the gaze of others burning upon you.
"Why would I? She is Nobody. It's actually her who thought it would be nice to fuck my husband in front of me. My King, she was inside my inner quarters the other day and she dared to soil my bed alongside Prince Jin. I was just warning her not to push her luck. And lastly, I have to defend myself if someone tries to raise their hands on me." You speak, keeping your mind calm and tone strict.
You didn't want to bring their act up but she left you with no options. If in future, she wishes to harm you than its better if you steer clear of her. For proof you called for the maids and guards that were present while this happened. They gave the same reply, even revealing your act of burning the sheets and everything that had soiled your room.
Irene gasps, "No, she is lying My King. Believe me."
"And If you had a problem then why didn't you say it the moment it happened? Why wait for now?" Namjoon interjects, clearly supporting Irene. You scoff.
Another thorn on way. Very well.
You smile at him, "I wanted to have peace with the Mistress of my husband but she clearly doesn't want that. Instead she is showing her powers, acting on wimp just because Prince Jin supports her. No maid is allowed inside the royal library, unless they are cleaning it and yet here she was. I warned her to stay in her place and in return she threatened to unalive me. Just because Prince Jin loves her." You mock, eyes glaring down at the women who refuses to look up. But judging by how tightly she is fisting her hand, you know she is furious. What a sight to see.
Hoseok looks astonished, "You threatened to kill the Princess, Irene? Is that true?"
Irene shakes her head, but that all stops when the King speaks, "Enough, you crossed your limits today. Guards, throw her out for she dared to raise a hand on a royal and moreover she had the audacity to enter the inner quarters of the future Queen. Going as far as threatening her—" he paused, looking down at the women his son dares to love, "But not before whipping her 200 times."
Just then, you heard hurried footsteps. Looking up, your met with a furious Jin and behind him an equally mad Yoongi who is accompanied by other Princes. "Father, leave Irene. She did nothing." Rushing towards her, he is about to take her in his arms but is stopped abruptly by the King who shows him a hand that clearly indicates him to stay right where he is.
"My decision is final. She is nothing but a servant slash Mistress. As far as I know, the law doesn't allow servants to attack Royals which she did and you even brought her to your wife's chambers to—" he stops, taking a deep breath to calm down the fury which is eager to erupt on his elder son. "—Shameless. Your blinded by her, how would you know what she does huh? Guards take her out, and If the Prince does something behind my back then kill the cause. Once and for all."
It was as if ice cold water was smacked against Jin who stared at his father with a blank look. Irene is taken by guards, while you try hard not to fidget. You know Jin won't leave you for this. Never. And damn you for not stopping the punishment of Irene. Your mind berates you. Jin used to spend the night at Irene's and in return you had a peaceful sleep.
But now your doomed.
Tch. Gone was your peaceful sleep. Better keep an eye on this raging Bull who might kill you in sleep.
The commotion soon dies down, as the King is escorted out. You also join him, cause only a fool will stay inside with seven wolves who are waiting to rip you apart. Anika would have your head for this. She told you to befriend the Princes but here you are, already making more enemies.
It's night by the time your done with your royal duties. Your returning to your quarters, limbs aching for some relief. Anika has found you, and she is berating you for the chaos that you didn't cause. You ignore her.
A maid rushes to you, "Princess, please do something. Prince Jin has gone mad and is destroying everything inside the inner quarters. He is also very drunk."
You sigh, nodding at her as you step inside your chamber. Not before ordering others to stay outside. The door is closed behind you, as you walk towards the man who throws the jug of water across the room with a force that cracks it in half.
Sensing your presence, Jin grins like a maniac.
"I was waiting for you."
You frown, already hating the stench of alcohol that graces you the second he moves close. Backing away, you maintain a dignified distance for you know Jin is not in his right mind.
Getting hurt is the last thing in your mind, especially when your dead tired.
Looking down, you show respect for the Prince. "Sorry, but we will talk later."
"You—," Jin comes to grab you, but before that you attack his pressure point. Knocking him out cold.
Going limp, Jin tumbles down. But before he reaches the rock hard ground, you grab him and pull him up.
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Daylight comes as a fresh ocean current carrying birdsong and the aroma of petals, her rays deep-soaked in the love and laughter of the ages. But to Jin, it was like a wake up call for the pounding headache that he feels. Groaning, he turns around the soft bed. Opening his eyes, he is met with the unfamiliar room. It suddenly clicks.
Getting up, he is furious to know that you knocked him out. The whole room is back to how it was- neat, elegant and serene. Unlike the destruction that he matted out in drunk stupor.
He will kill you today for sure.
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Writing Notes: Divination (pt. 2)
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The Sorceress by John William Waterhouse (1913, oil on canvas)
Divining the Future:
It seems humans have for a very long time been troubled by the opacity of the future. They'd like to have a better sense of what lies ahead, and they've come up with some ingenious ways of trying to get at that information, each of which has a name.
The suffix -mancy means "divination." Divination is the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events, or to discover hidden knowledge. Divination usually involves the interpretation of omens or, if you're really lucky, the assistance of supernatural powers.
Chiromancy -> divination by examination of the hand Also: cheiromancy. It's a synonym of the more common word palmistry. Chiromancy has fallen in and out of favor over the millennia of its history. In Medieval times, those hunting witches using chiromancy looked for pigmentation spots on the hands, which signaled a pact with the Devil.
Cleromancy -> divination by means of casting lots Cast here means "throw" or "toss." Lots are objects—such as marked sticks or dice—used as a counter when determining a question of chance. In cleromancy, the lots are thrown and where and how they land provide clues about the future. If you use dice, you can refer to your particular kind of cleromancy as cubomancy.
Dactyliomancy -> divination by means of finger rings In one form of dactyliomancy, a ring is suspended by a fine thread over a round table marked with the letters of the alphabet. In its dangling state, the ring settles briefly over particular letters, spelling out a message. Dactyl- means "finger," "toe," or "digit."
Geomancy -> divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features Take a piece of paper and a pencil and make a whole bunch of dots on it. If you believe in geomancy (and if you've done the dot-and-pencil work right) you may find that answers to your questions and predictions about the future lie somewhere in the configuration of those dots. To try an older version of geomancy, throw some dirt down and find information about the future in where the particles land. The term also refers to divination by geographical features.
Gyromancy -> divination in which one walking in or around a circle falls from dizziness and prognosticates from the place of the fall The gyro- in this word is the same gyro- in gyroscope. It means "ring, spiral, circle."
Hydromancy -> divination by water or other liquid (as by visions seen therein or the ebb and flow of tides) This can be similar to catoptromancy—when it is a reflection that interests the reader—or it can have to do with the movement of water, either the water's own movement, or the way the water moves objects floating on it.
Lecanomancy -> divination by inspection of water in a basin The water inspected in lecanomancy may have stones tossed into it, or oil mixed into it. The word comes from the Greek lekanē, meaning "basin."
Lithomancy -> divination by stones or by charms or talismans of stone Lith- means "stone." In lithomancy, the stones are typically specially chosen stones, and are sometimes semiprecious (i.e., denoting minerals which can be used as gems but are considered to be less valuable than precious stones). Qualities of the stones are important in lithomancy, such as how reflective of light they are.
Necromancy -> conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically revealing the future or influencing the course of events Phrased less delicately than this definition, necromancy is divination by the dead. The word is also used to broadly refer to magic or sorcery. Necro- means "one that is dead" or "those that are dead." Necromancy should not be confused with sciomancy, which is divination by consulting the disembodied spirits of the dead.
Oneiromancy -> divination by means of dreams Dreams can seem like messages from some other realm, and oneiromancy asserts that they indeed are that. The Bible's book of Genesis tells of Joseph's oneiromancy skills; he explains that Pharaoh's dreams of fat and lean cattle, and full and thin heads of grain, predict of years of plenty to be followed by years of famine.
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1-hopus-pocus-fan · 2 months
Another cuphead theory/headcanon (except I finally get the chance to talk about my favourite character of all time).
(‼️This is gonna be very long, if you don't want to you don't have to read it‼️)
We all know that Hopus is a magician, he does card tricks but also makes things appear out of nowhere etc. which makes him (a sort of) a performer. Guess who another, more famous, performer is: King Dice.
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So here is what I think is what got Hopus Pocus to work at the Devil's casino:
I'm pretty much convinced Hopus and King knew each other and were rivals in the past. Dice was a great opponent, since his performance overall was probably just more intriguing than what Hopus showed off. (It's also supported by the fact itself that King Dice is technically younger than Hopus and as someone who is new to the entire "stage brand" he would seem more interesting than a rabbit who has done it for years).
So what if (hypothetically): Hopus Pocus and King Dice decided to put an end to the rivalry, seeing who the winner is by making a bet, some time after King started working for the Devil? What if Hopus lost and not only his spotlight was completely stolen but also his soul?
The stake if Hopus had lost (which he had in this scenario) would not only include the fact he wouldn't be allowed to have a job as a public performer/magican (like performing at his own local or any other around the inkwell isles) but have to do it only at the casino, while also giving his soul away to the Devil.
I can imagine King Dice tricking Pocus into signing up the soul contract. They could as well just play a game for reputation but Hopus didn't know/wasn't told about the consequences if he had lost.
Now, here are some pics that apply King and him have known each other in the past (only in the casino cups AU, but it could still be canon in the game if you want to imagine it):
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(⬆️ Not in order btw.)
(They're both insane but that's why I love them so much!!🙏)
Idk if I made any grammar and/or spelling mistakes, I'm really tired rn.
‼️Update: the rabbit in the pictures from casino cups isn't Hopus Pocus. I saw someone saying it's him and believed it (even though I didn't at first either) BUT it's still most likely that it's someone related to him/ someone Hopus might know.‼️
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legs-art · 2 months
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Hiiiiiii first art post I'm sharing publicly! This has been a month in the making but it's so worth it. These are a handful of characters in my OC universe, the Elemental Realm! AKA the Eclectic Chamber, I'm currently going through a name change from elemental realm to eclectic chamber. Don't worry about that.
Italicized names mean those are placeholders while I still try to come up with a better name. For some, those placeholders have been there for years :P whoops
These comprise pretty much all the significant characters I have (with a guideline of appearing in at least 2 stories although there's some exceptions). There are roughly another 100 or so characters that I opted not to include because they're either not as significant, I don't have an interesting design for them, or I just didn't feel like it. Full namedrop behind the read more in case you're interested! Maybe I'll do a part 2 of this in a year or so, who knows.
If there's any characters here that tickle your fancy, shoot an ask or a comment for me to infodump about them! Quality of infodumping may vary, especially considering I still have to step around spoilers and whatnot, but I'm very interested to show you how these characters have been sculpted in my head over these past several years. (Also, I will be revealing some info about the story ideas I already have in mind for the Elemental Realm soon, so stay tuned for that!)
Uhhhhhh yeah. Hopefully I'm not forgetting to say anything important. I really love what I made lol I hope I can finally start moving this universe outside of my head and into the world ^_^
Anyway, yeah, sorry to the following for not making the cut:
The Pawn
Pirate Cat
Frost Wyvern
The Other Plant Species
Olive Hills Grandmother
Disco Restituo Grandmother
TVHead Salesperson
The Hidden Prime Minister
Operatic Nobeard
KUR-180 (Ferret Form)
Hyperlink Trace II
Wibblewobble Vortex
Cuttlefish "Danger" Aromantic
Teodoro Locksmith
Galleria Monies
Vapo Sea Devil
Sternum Crease
Base Sorceress
Nom Diamonds
Zareen Hangus
Mark Genuine
Blundered Impersonator
Cow Cowboy
Blood Knight
Ice Prince
Ice Squid
Ice Cephalopod
Old Guy With Badger Stand
Blobular Shapeshifter
Chad Shakespeare
Elephant Friend
The Tourist Trap
Fluffy Boy Rabbit
Fluffy Boy Bear
TTRPG Komodo Dragon
Windmill Gnome
Robot Police Dog
Little Mouse Guy
Perfect Soup Nerd Bird
Sentient Tiny Hot Air Balloon
Verde Mermaid
Clownimatronic / The Machine
The Crescents
Mongoose Man
Blizzard Wizard
Kulfi Wala
The Beast
Still Chaos Penguin
Caged Water Beast
Monsterfucker Snake Robot
Crystal Aurora King
Star Matter Ursa
Pyramid Of Mayhem
Top Hat
Alien Traffic Control Tower
The Stalker
Majesty Of Colors
Andromeda V5
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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Lost and Found - Eddie Munson x Reader (Part 1) (PREVIEW)
Summary: Just your luck, you get dress coded on your first day at Hawkins High. You're already ridiculed for being the senior transfer, and now on top of that, the only shirt that covers you up in the lost and found belongs to the school freak.
Contents/Warnings: reader wears eddie's shirt, reader gets bullied, lots of teasing, slight innuendos/suggestive material
this is just the preview for the full fic. the full fic will be posted 24h from now, so please let me know if you’d like to be tagged, and thank you for reading!
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After sorting through the bin for almost five minutes, the only thing even remotely suitable for you is a baseball tee that looks like it’s homemade.
It’s a white shirt with black sleeves, and a ring around the neck. It’s certainly interesting. There’s a red devil on the front, horns protruding eerily from its head, and weapons frame its face, ready for battle. Then two multifaceted dice are poised below the text, numbers etched into their faces.
The bold black text over the picture reads ‘HELLFIRE CLUB,’ and it stinks of what you’re suspicious is weed. You’re not sure what the Hellfire Club is, you presume it’s an underground band of some sort, but you don’t have time to figure it out. There’s a red stain on the chest, what you presume (and pray) is spaghetti sauce, but it’s your best bet in the lost and found bin, so you slip it on and hope that they’ll let you go without any further incident.
“Eddie,” Dustin is out of breath when he sits down, too excited to inform his friend of the strange thing he’d managed to witness in the lunch line to think about breathing, “Eddie, the new kid’s wearing a Hellfire shirt!”
Eddie’s brows furrow and he munches skeptically on a pretzel, “You’re out of your mind, Henderson.”
“No! No,” He shakes his head, “Honest! Look,” He points to you, the text over the devil on your shirt clear as day over your book, “I saw her on my way back from class! She just walked in with it.” He let out a breathy laugh, “Do you think it’s catching on? Like, you think there’s more than just us? Do you think there’s members all around the world?!”
"Pray tell," The boy who crouches in front of you has dark eyes, his white sneakers creasing as he bounces on his thighs, "What are you doing in my shirt?"
You stare up at him blankly, your eyes drifting over the pins adorning his jacket. You recognize a few bands, a curse word or two, but then he dips his head to meet your eyes, his question still in the air.
"Oh, I-" You flounder, tugging at the hem of the shirt nervously, "I'm really sorry. Is this yours? I didn't know."
"It's mine," He reaches up to flick the stain on the front, "That was from an unfortunate driving-while-eating incident."
You giggle at the thought, and his eyes snap back to yours, his grin ever-growing as you speak, "It was in the lost and found. They dress coded me," You recall exasperatedly, "It was the only thing I could find."
"Dress coded?" He cocks his head to the side, "Shit, what are you wearing underneath?"
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this is just the preview for the full fic. the full fic will be posted 24h from now, so please let me know if you’d like to be tagged, and thank you for reading!
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karinasbaby · 3 months
omg do u have any fic recs? sfw or nsfw im rlly craving angst ^_^
hello my love !! i’m going to share a few (a very very little amount) of my favourite fics i’ve read till now and i probably will make a whole post for my fic recs soon but for now here’s my lil list for (mainly) sfw & nsfw fics !! (some of them have angst too !!)
i recommend checking out all the works these talented writers have posted (as i’ve yet to read a work by them that didn’t make me go ‘woah :0’ also !! might make a diff one for smaus but if anyone’s interested in reading any sort of smau i 100% recommend starting off with heesbaby & onlyjaeyun’s smaus because they’re top notch 🙏🏼)
tides of regret by my beloved seph (pprodsuga)
priorities by my dearest hana (enha-stars)
in which jungkook loses u in a grocery store by the talented artemis (onlyswan)
(sharing this one as onlyswan is actually one of my fav writers on this entire app and this one specifically is one of my fav drabbles by artemis !!! i 100% recommend all of their work they’re all so so perfect and artemis has one of the best balance between nsfw/sfw works ever so !!)
those eyes by the talented alvojake
royal sacrifice & picturesque by the talented ja3yun
hello kitty meets batman & you’ve got to be kitten me! by the talented star-sim
flatline by the talented en-ternity
rule number 1: don’t fall in love by the talented jaylaxies
there for you by the talented seattlesolace
ribs by the talented jinnify
haru yo, koi by the talented amakumos
devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes by the talented stolenslumber
as stated before this is just a small chunk of my favourite fics that i’ve read here and was able to name off the top of my head !! there are still so so many fics that i’m planning on making a whole post for so hopefully i’ll be able to finish that before this week ends, i hope you enjoy these my beloved anon :D !! ♡
(p.s these are all enha fics i could also make an nct one if anyone’s interested :0 !!)
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blazinginferno626 · 1 year
Valentine’s day special
Since today is valentine’s day I decided to do a post about this one thing I noticed between King Dice and The Devil. The first scene with King Dice and the Devil is in Roll The Dice where King Dice calls the Devil to tell him he has Cuphead’s soul. One thing I find interesting is that in that scene the devil’s eyes are covered with cucumbers.
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The next scene with them is in the same episode when the devil fires king dice from his show. His face is obscured in shadows so you can’t see his facial expression. 
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The in release the demons when King Dice first walks in the room once again you can’t really see how the devil reacts to his presence there. Only his demand for his second finest demons.
Then in down and out the first time we see the devil’s reaction to seeing king dice is his pupils dilating. Note that this is the first time we see his reaction and King Dice is not able to see him in return. 
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Then when he confronts king dice personally, he’s once again obscured in shadows to the point where you can’t see his facial expression.
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Now I bring all of this up because, I have my own personal head canon/theory that this may represent how he wants to hide how he feels about king dice. I definitely think that the shadow obscuring his face might symbolize this. I also think that it’s interesting that as far as I could tell he never did that around any other character and thought it make a crazy theory about it for valentine’s day. Also don’t forget to #renewthecupheadshow by spreading the hashtag around and watching it on netflix.
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chaos-is-beautifvl · 2 years
𝐢 𝐬𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞...
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: eddie munson x fem!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you think your “tiny” crush on one d&d-playing, ring-wearing, poodle-rivaling brunet goes unnoticed until you’re confronted in a pizzeria of all places
𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠: fluff, cursing (possible overuse of ‘shit’), excessive and shameless but respectful staring lol, dustin being a good wingman (wingboy? idk), mike being a little shit, & mentions of weed
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3370
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: didn’t think i’d be joining the eddie munson band wagon but he and joseph quinn have stolen my heart & won’t give it back || i just finished vol. 2 … i am not okay 😀 i hope you enjoy & feedback is golden so let me know what you think! feel free to send me a request, guidelines here
buy me a coffee ☕️!
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Eddie is different. And not because of his long hair with fluffy curls that could rival a poodle. Not because of his affinity for using his hands to make devil horns in that same poodle-rivaling hair. Not because he likes D&D, smokes weed, or does any of the other bullshit people find a reason to dislike.
Eddie is just different. But in the best way possible.
Like Steve, you had been roped in as mother hen number two, caring for the little troublemakers. It was comical how often they came looking to you for help when the other mother pawned them off on you, dubbing it “your weekend”.
It didn’t bother you. Like at all. In fact, you were more than comfortable with playing house. You would like to say that it’s because you have nothing else to do, but that is only partially true. There are a million and one other things you could be doing than waiting to catch a glimpse of Eddie “the freak” Munson.
And, yeah, maybe you are paying too much attention to someone who has hardly shown you interest; but life is short. Why not spend your time ogling?
You ogle discreetly - you never stare for longer than three seconds. Also, you always try your hardest to stay engaged in the ongoing conversation to not draw unwanted attention. While it may be a bit much, the plan is yours, and well, it works.
At least, it usually did. You blame the kids. The day had been chock-full of taking the little gremlins two towns over to get their sticky paws on the latest version of a video game, which resulted in your car breaking down. Then you had to get it towed and blah, blah, blah. Needless to say, your day had not exactly gone to plan.
Your day was a bit stressful, and who wants to feel stressed? Certainly not you. So, to feel better, you do what you have to. And it does its job. You decide to allow yourself more than three seconds to stare respectfully. What? You still have manners.
Staring at Eddie is like going to an art museum. You stare at the art because it captivates you, right? In your defense, Eddie Munson had captivated your attention on more than one occasion.
The thunking of the dice rolling on the table was followed by a collective groan. The frustration gave you the perfect opportunity to look back at Eddie. His head was tilted back in a hearty laugh as what he previously predicted came to bite the group in their asses. You wanted to feel bad for the kids, but he did warn them, so whatever happened was their fault. 
You were too busy window shopping to hear the repeated calls of your name. You pulled yourself out of your daydreaming, noticing Eddie staring at you. Wait... Not just staring at you. Eddie was staring at you, staring at him.
You quickly turned your gaze away from his brown eyes, praying to whatever higher power was out there he hadn’t seen you ogling him the entire time. Clearing your throat, you turned to Dustin, “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Uhh, nothing.” The words came out way too fast, and you furrowed your eyebrows. Obviously, nothing meant there was something.
“Okay...” You felt your eyes drifting over to the brunet, poodle-rivaling D&D player. Before you could embarrass yourself any further, you stood up, the scraping of your chair against the floor directing all attention to you. Yeah, not really the effect you were going for.
“You guys hungry?” Simple. Effective. Mom hen-ish.
The group sang choruses of yes and omg, I’m starving. So, naturally, you were spared humiliation when you took a vote and landed on pizza. They were nearing the end of their campaign, and you knew they would be both hungry and tired afterward.
Just before you made it out the door, Mike called you back. You sighed, hoping he wasn’t trying to change the pizza order. What he said instead took you by surprise. “How are you gonna get there? I mean, your car is toast - like burnt toast. Like really burnt."
You narrowed your eyes, resisting the urge to roll them. Why did he feel the impending need to remind you of the hot shit you were already wading through? Michael Wheeler, everybody! The kid who gives no fucks!
“I can just get it,” Eddie suggested, leaning forward with elbows resting on the table. His hair was released from its ponytail - if it could even be considered one with its looseness. You found yourself staring a bit too long, directing your attention back to his face, where you discovered a cocked brow and tiny smirk tugging at his lips.
“Or!” Dustin shrugged, tilting his head back and forth. “You could just go together.” He sent a slightly sympathetic look to his older friend, “No offense, Eds, but you’re pretty shit at remembering things. Besides, who is gonna help you with all those boxes?” Dustin did an enthusiastic drum roll on the table, smiling, “Y/N! She’s pretty strong.”
You were trying to be strong; you really were. The ride into town was awkward, putting it mildly. You realized that it may have seemed rude to have your entire body facing the door and not to say a word, but being in a tight space, so close, you were trying your hardest not to stare.
Once the pizza place came into view, you quickly hopped out of the van as soon as he unlocked the doors. Your feet dragged you over to the entrance before you could stop them, and you felt bad when he reached over and held the door open for you.
You muttered a small thanks. Any more words, you would probably have exposed your silly little crush. 
It was mostly empty, and you took your time staring at the posters and writings on the walls, attempting to not stare at the one thing (or one person, to be exact) you should not be looking at.
But eventually, like they usually did, your eyes wandered over, and you found yourself staring at Eddie again. It was beginning to become a problem at this point. And that was further proven when he started talking.
“Hey, Paul, how ya doing? So we’ll get two...” Eddie squinted his eyes, tapping the counter with his fingers as if that would speed up the recollection process.
You snapped out of your stupor and stepped forward. “Hi, could you get us four pepperoni pizzas and one supreme?”
“Right.” Eddie clasped his hands together, nodding like he was the one who remembered, not you. “Four pepperonis and one supreme. Right, right, right.”
Paul jotted it down on his tiny notepad. Not looking up, he mumbled the price, and Eddie stopped you when you went to pull out your wallet.
Leaning on the counter with his elbows and hair sweeping over his shoulders, he flashed a grin at the boy. “Paul, my man, you remember that time you got some-” 
The brunet glanced at you, “substances... a.k.a. weed from me." Eddie coughed, whispering the words out. “And, you didn’t pay because your mom took away your allowance since you wouldn’t clean your room? Remember how I let it slide?”
Paul looked around the pizzeria nervously, hoping no one was listening. Once the coast was clear, he nodded, swallowing.
“Yeah, well, now is the time to pay. Soooo,” Eddie tapped his fingers on the counter as he straightened. “We’re gonna get these pizzas on the house, and you don’t have to worry ‘bout paying me back. Cool with you? Great! Go get ‘em, bud.” He patted Paul on the shoulder, sending him scurrying away to the back.
You watched the entire exchange with wide eyes. There was something so wildly attractive about Eddie taking charge, even if he couldn’t remember a simple pizza order. You thanked him quietly, again sure that if you said another word, it would be your inevitable downfall.
A silence settled over the two of you. Continuing to stare at the art on the walls and the work of art standing right next to you, you tried to recollect yourself. Though Eddie was probably a gift from whatever higher power was out there, your obsession was getting out of hand.
Sure, he might be nice to look at, but you weren’t some middle schooler who just figured out what crushes were and how exciting they could be. You were older and more rational and-
Before your affirmations could take off, a voice pulled you back to the present. You turned to see Eddie facing you. He chuckled softly, noticing that you weren’t paying attention to a word. You were stuck up in your head somewhere.
“Sorry, what?” You felt sheepish. Not only had you repeatedly stared at him like he was on display with you watching through the window to see if you wanted to try him on, but he had caught you doing so. Your zoning out and ignoring him was the cherry on the insurmountable pile of shit you were digging your way out of. If there was even a tiny chance in hell that Eddie was interested in you, it was now flushed down the drain for how rude you have been. 
“I said, do you wanna sit down? Probably be a while till Paulie boy is done, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to stand the entire time.” He shrugged, “Or, maybe you do. Who knows?”
“No, sitting sounds good.”
It wasn’t. The first couple of minutes were treacherously slow. Maybe your communication skills were terrible or maybe your eyes couldn’t stop staring at the tiles on the floor. Either way, the silent thing was not working, and you honestly felt so bad that Eddie had to put up with you.
Apparently, Eddie was as discontent with the awkward silence as you were. After humming and tapping his fingers on the table to a song oddly resembling Cherry Bomb by The Runaways, he leaned forward.
“Let’s play a game.”
A what? “Huh...” was your dumb reply. In your defense, you were still stuck on him knowing that song. Doesn’t he only listen to metal? At least, that’s what you heard during your stalking hours, which are anytime you two were in the same vicinity.
His laugh caught you off guard, but in a pleasant way. “God, you really are in your head a lot, aren’t you?” Warmth rushed to your face, and you suddenly felt like he had placed a spotlight directly on you.
“I- uh- I’m not-” You are so embarrassing. That thought was followed with a mental facepalm because what the hell were you saying.
“I’m sorry. That must be pretty annoying. What game did you have in mind?” Good, there you go. Normal speaking like a normal human.
Eddie watched you with interest, rolling his lips so the amusement begging to show would remain hidden. Ignoring the laughter bubbling in his throat, he made a circle with his hand and put it to his eye.
“Let’s play I Spy...”
You stared blankly for a few seconds, letting it marinate. Eddie was humming a song suspiciously similar to something you would have never guessed the brunet to be into. He also wanted to play a game. With a tilt of your head, you expressed your bamboozlement.
“Oh, okay. You don’t know- Basically, the way the game works is someone finds something and-“
You held up a hand, halting his speaking as you chuckled. “I know what I Spy... is, Eddie. I just- You actually wanna play that? Or are you, I don’t know, just trying to fill the silence?”
He stared at you quizzically, and you figured you had said too much until he shook his head. 
“Nope, I wanna play. So, you in, daydreamer?”
“Sure.” Why not? What could possibly go wrong? 
And the game began. First, it was small things like something black and white. The floor tiles. Or something red. That one took Eddie a second because the two of you were in a pizza place where almost everything was red. But it was the jukebox collecting dust in the corner.
Then, things took a turn for the worst. Well, correction, they weren’t that bad (only slightly), but boy, did they take you by surprise. 
Eddie was next, and you were a bit nervous as he had given you surprisingly difficult, specific things to find. His brown eyes looked around the pizzeria before they landed on you, accompanied by a mischievous glint and a conspiratorial grin.
“I spy...” Eddie paused for dramatic effect, putting you on the edge of your seat, “with my little eye...”The brunet winked at you, and you mentally cursed whatever higher power created him. One simple gesture had you wishing you could stop window shopping, go into that metaphorical store, and take him home.
“A person.”
Is he serious?
“Wearing black.”
Is he talking about himself or...?
“Who is always stuck in their head.”
That’s oddly specific.
“And...” His grin morphed into a smirk as he squinted his eyes at you. You doubt he realized he was enunciating the purpose of the game. “Andddd is a little stalker.”
Can you guess who he’s talking about? Ding, ding, ding. You! We have a winner! Or maybe, this isn’t as much of a win, considering your crush (ahem, obsession) was just exposed.
“I can totally explain-” Could I, though? “I am so sorry.” That was partially true. You felt bad but who wouldn’t want to stare at Eddie Munson. “God, you must think I’m such a creep.”
Your worried rambling was cut short by the most angelic sound - Eddie’s laughing. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole. He was laughing at you. Laughing. You swear you have never felt as embarrassed in all your years.
“I think I’m just gonna go...”
Wait, how am I going to get home? Walk? Nah, too far. Hitchhike? Too dangerous. I’ve seen enough TV and newspapers warning against that to try it myself. I may be obsessive, but I’m not stupid. Wait, maybe I could-
Eddie covered his mouth, attempting to hide his laughter behind his hand. He shook his head, his face tinting red as he composed himself. “No, no. You’re- God-” He started laughing again. “You’re just, uh- it’s kinda cute, you know?”
He interrupted before you could ask what exactly that meant. “You probably think you’re pretty discreet, right?” Well, you did at first. But now, it was obvious that you had not been. “It’s just- it’s kinda obvious. Like the whole looking, then looking away, and the whole daydreaming thing.”
Oh. Were you really that obvious?
“C’mon, don’t be so embarrassed.” Eddie peeled your palms off your face. You looked up to see a wondrous sight. His face was reddened from all the laughing, and a wide grin had broken through the surface.
“Don’t be-” You pulled your hands away, pouting as you slumped in your seat. “Of course, I’m embarrassed, Eddie. You weren’t supposed to find out.”
This was torture.
“So, if I hadn’t called you out on it, you would keep doing it?” He caught you there.
“Well- um...” There was no way for redemption, so you shut your mouth. It was bad enough that he’d caught you, and you definitely didn’t want to make the situation even worse because your mouth wouldn’t stop moving.
Eddie watched your internal battle with an overly amused interest. Had the situation been different, you probably would have given him a piece of your mind. Instead, you sat in your seat, brows furrowed and lip jutting out as you tried to alleviate the sticky mess you found yourself in. 
“Look, Eddie, I’m sorry, really.” You took in a breath, “I completely understand why you might be creeped out and-”
“Hold on, wait.”
You stopped talking, finally turning to look at him. And, no, not like that. You were too embarrassed to enjoy the view. 
“You don’t think I’m actually mad, do you?" Your silence elicited an incredulous look from the brunet. “Do you?” A halfhearted shrug was your reply.
Sensing your embarrassment, Eddie stifled his laughing for real this time, ducking his head to look at you. All your previous thoughts about not being a crush-obsessed middle schooler were flushed down the clogged drain of your problems. It was silly, but you wanted to cry at how embarrassed and, quite frankly, mortified you felt. 
“Hey... you know I’m just messing around, right?” He scoffed, “Hell, I’m an attention whore so all your staring is going straight to my big ego. Do you realize that?”
A soft chuckle and a shake of your head made Eddie smile. “No, really. I’ve just been soaking it up. I’m a real glutton for praise, but hey, maybe next time, you should ask me out before undressing me with your eyes.”
You gawked at him, finally meeting his gaze. While you weren’t expecting him to be okay with it, it was an even bigger shock for him to say that.
It seemed that the gods or whoever was out there decided to end your misery. Or, they were sick and tired of you embarrassing yourself. Either way, Paul set the pizzas on the counter, calling the two of you over. 
“Oh, would you look at that? Our pizzas are done. I’m gonna go get them...” You mumbled out the last couple of words as you hurried to the counter like a dog with its tail between its legs.
Eddie watched in astonishment and amusement as you somehow bundled up all five pizza boxes in your arms, kicking the door open with your foot.
Dustin wasn’t kidding about you being pretty strong. Not that five pizza boxes are a whole lot. But still, Eddie was impressed.
He turned to Paul, who was wearing a similar look. “She’s pretty cool, huh?”
Paul could only nod, rubbing the back of his neck. Before the boy went to answer the ringing phone, he muttered and shook his head, “They make an odd couple.”
The two of you made it back, Eddie carrying most of the boxes (which he said was part of him making up for the immense teasing). You weren’t as discreet with your staring now. Why would you be? The cat was out of the bag, and you had a pending date with the person who opened it.
Dustin, who sported a shit-eating grin, remarked how Eddie could drive you around until your car was fixed. You realized that the little shit had orchestrated the whole thing. Not the car breaking down, but you and Eddie going together. You weren’t complaining, though.
A week or so later and the date came. When Eddie picked you up, you asked if you could play some music. In the glovebox where he kept all his cassettes and CDs was a mixtape with a song you knew all too well.
If you couldn’t guess, it was Cherry Bomb by the Runaways. Yeah, you aren’t letting that one go anytime soon.
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