#no echo is alright
bibannana · 2 years
Fives *slaps Rex on the back*: This bad boy is filled with so much stress.
Rex *muttering*: And half of it's from you.
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siggiedraws · 2 months
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Second Wind
sketch comic based on chapter 3 of sonic horizons by @blurredblu
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echoes-of-courage · 3 months
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Bonus to this
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techs-goggles9902 · 6 months
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Made it yesterday for that one post lmao
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rowynri · 11 days
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so i had this theory
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sukuna-dees-nuts · 5 months
rizzless sukuna pt 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
at long last!!! it's here, im back!
It’s been about two weeks since Sukuna had his date with Megumi. His mood is the best it’s been in awhile; the change is enough for his parents to notice. When they try questioning him about it, he brushes them off with an easily crafted lie. He’s not quite ready to tell them that he’s possibly dating his younger brother’s best friend (who they almost consider their own son at this point).
Sukuna isn’t ashamed or anything. He knows that his parents wouldn’t give a flying fuck if he told them he isn't straight, but he also didn't think it necessary to tell them anything. Who cares? It isn’t anyone’s business but his own. They’ll figure it out when Sukuna brings Megumi as his date to dinner or something. The idea alone gives him butterflies and he scowls at himself. 
He and Megumi have been texting back and forth nearly nonstop since their date. Well, nonstop in the sense that he talks to Megumi more than anyone else, which only happens to be his brother and Maki. Sukuna has never been one to hold a conversation (which was obvious during their date), but there’s something about Megumi that makes Sukuna want to talk. He wants the conversation to keep going. Every time it drops, he finds himself picking it back up again, usually with a movie related question.
Megumi still questions the fact that Sukuna says that he is not a movie buff simply due to the amount of movies that the older boy has seen. The more Megumi mentions it, the more Sukuna starts to believe it himself and he curses his younger brother’s effect on him, not that he’d ever admit it to Megumi or Yuuji. 
At the moment, the two of them are arguing over who is better: The Joker or Loki. 
Raisin Boy: Idk I think that Joker could outmatch Loki
Sukuna's jaw drops and his thumbs furiously tap away at the screen, not listening to whatever Yuuji is saying to him. He's in the middle of an important argument!
’There's no way. Loki has Joker beat 100 times over! He’s taken punches from Thor and The Hulk,  and he has magic. There's nothing the Joker could do to Loki!’
He huffs and drops his phone onto his leg, crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for Megumi's reply. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” Yuuji asks, briefly glancing at his brother before looking back to the screen so that he can dodge an attack. 
Sukuna shakes his head and scoffs, “Your shitty gaming skills. You still haven't beaten this boss?” 
The younger boy grunts. He stays quiet for a moment as he concentrates before he replies, “His spinning maneuver that he does always catches me off guard.”
Another beat of silence stretches between them and Sukuna momentarily forgets about his little argument with Megumi as he watches Yuuji rolling around on the screen. He manages a few hits on the boss character before ultimately meeting his doom when he goes into his spin attack and kills Yuuji’s character immediately.
Yuuji huffs and slumps back against the couch in defeat. “See what I mean?”
“Gimme that,” Sukuna grumbles. Reaching over, he snatches the controller out of his brother’s hands. He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees (his ‘boss fighting position’ as Yuuji has appropriately named it). 
The only sounds in the living room are the sound of Sukuna’s fingers rapidly hitting buttons on the controller and Yuuji’s gasps in surprise. He sits up with wide eyes as he watches Sukuna effortlessly fight this boss character that Yuuji has been struggling with for about a week now. Of course, leave it to Sukuna to pick up on Yuuji’s slack. 
When Sukuna’s phone dings, his concentration goes out the window and he glances down at his phone to see who the message is from. A bad decision on Sukuna’s part because within that same second, his character dies from a large attach from the boss, leaving Yuuji’s character defeated once again. 
“Wh—Sukuna!” Yuuji groans. “You almost had it!”
Sukuna shrugs and tosses the controller back to his brother. He picks up his phone with a shrug, unlocking it to read Megumi’s message. “Sucks.”
Yuuji stares at his older brother for a long moment, taking in the expression on his face. There isn’t a smile per se, but he notices the way Sukuna’s features seem to relax when he reads the message he just got. It makes Yuuji raise an eyebrow in intrigue. Who could he be talking to that would earn just barely a hint of a smile from Sukuna?
He leans over, trying to peer at Sukuna’s screen, curiosity getting the better of him. “Who are you talking to?” Yuuji asks. 
The older boy’s trance is broken at the sound of Yuuji’s voice and whatever “smile” was on his face falls immediately and he narrows his eyebrows at his brother. “What?” he asks, instinctively leaning away from Yuuji. 
“You never just lose a boss battle because someone texted you. Who is it?” Yuuji asks again, a shit-eating grin on his face and he leans even closer to try and get another look at Sukuna’s phone. 
Sukuna scoffs and shoves Yuuji away roughly. “None of your damn business.”
“Well it has to be someone!”
“Yeah, I’m asking the adoption agency if they’ll take you back if we still have the receipt.”
“I wasn’t even adopted!”
Sukuna raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that? I’m hot and you’re…” He pauses, his eyes quickly glancing over his brother and grimaces, “eugh.”
Yuuji’s jaw drops. “What do you mean eugh? We look the same! We have the same face!” 
Sukuna slowly turns his attention back to his phone, turning his body so that Yuuji can’t peek at his screen. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.”
With a shake of his head, Yuuji kicks his brother in the leg and goes back to playing his game, grumbling under his breath. 
Focusing back to his phone, the older boy goes back to replying to Megumi. He types out a message only to backspace and try again. This happens 3 or 4 times which seems to be enough to concern Megumi because another message pops up.
Raisin boy: I'm just pulling your leg 😂 I agree that Loki is far better than Joker
Sukuna’s jaw drops as he stares at the message. Another one pops in.
Raisin boy: As your brother likes to say… Got em
Unable to keep himself from chuckling, Sukuna shakes his head and his mouth cracks a smile. “Oh my God.”
Yuuji glances over, his attention caught by the sound of his brother laughing. “Okay, seriously, who are you messaging?”
“Shut up,” is Sukuna’s reply.
Raisin boy: And you say that you’re not a movie buff
Biting his lip, Sukuna mulls over what he wants to say next. Since they’re on the topic of movies, he wants to ask Megumi to come over when his family isn’t home so they can actually watch The Exorcist and The Conjuring together as they’ve had planned.
He kicks Yuuji in the leg. “Do you still have plans with your friend Johnny or whatever on Thursday?”
Yuuji makes a face. “... you mean Junpei?” 
“Yeah, sure.”
The younger boy slowly nods his head. “Uh yeah, why—”
“'K, thanks.” 
Sukuna begins typing out his message, asking Megumi if he’s busy on Thursday afternoon. He hopes whatever higher being is out there watching that the other boy isn’t busy. It’s almost disgusting to Sukuna how much he wants to spend time with Megumi. Sukuna doesn’t even want to spend this much time with his own friends. Or friend, in this case. Maki doesn’t mind, of course. She has her own life and isn’t reliant on Sukuna for socialization. 
“Who are you bringing over?!” Yuuji exclaims, dropping the controller to turn his full body in Sukuna’s direction. “That’s the only explanation!”
Sukuna scoffs. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“I would!” 
The next thing Sukuna knows, Yuuji lunges at him. He tries to grab the phone out of Sukuna’s hands but his grip is strong, the two of them playing tug-of-war with it. Yuuji tries twisting his body so that his back is facing Sukuna, pinning the older boy’s arms under his armpit to give him better leverage when attempting to pry the device out of Sukuna’s fingers. 
“Yuuji, you brat! Let go!” Sukuna grunts.
“You first!” 
Sukuna makes the decision to let go with one hand so that he can tickle Yuuji’s side, in hopes of making his brother lose his grip. It works, but not in the way that he had hoped. The phone slips free of Sukuna’s fingers and Yuuji’s jerky movements are enough to send it falling and sliding acros the hardwood floor. 
Naturally, Yuuji dives for it first, scrambling along the ground to grab it. He cheers in victory and flops down on his back, holding the phone above his face as he reads the name on the screen. Sukuna is quick to jump to his feet as he snatches the phone out of his brother’s hands. However, the damage is already done, judging by the confused look on his face.
Yuuji sits up, yelling after his brother's retreating figure. “Who the hell is Raisin boy?!"
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starwarsbundle · 5 months
TBB Headcannons they probably deserve.
Did you know that a headcannon means something you (YOU) think is cannon about a character?
WELL I DID NOT. Until a couple of days ago.
Also I started binging the Bad Batch; so now I have thoughts.
Hunter is probably most of those thoughts, so he’ll go first.
He absolutely listens to Hozier’s “Too Sweet”. And Britany Spears’ “Gimme More”. No I will not elaborate.
He looks like he should know how to braid hair but DOESN’T. He’d let Omega braid his hair though. Or Tech, but only those two. Again, I will not explain the specifics.
His Fett(tm) Dad(tm) instincts immediately emerged the minute he saw Omega. Unfortunately poor guy makes up parenting as he goes along.
He has reactions to certain sounds/scents/textures, due to his enhanced senses. And by reactions I mean cat-bristle-pine-tail-standing-up-on-end reactions.
Awkward hugger. Doesn’t know how to hug/be hugged. This guy hasn’t figured out how to properly express affection. He’s getting there.
LIKES hugs though. Just doesn’t know what to do about it.
Would definitely throw random sh$t at his batchmates if he was annoyed. Like, whatever is to hand - tools, Lula, socks (sometimes his own boots).
Can and will sleep sitting up with his helmet on if too overstimulated. Will be cranky the next day though from an aching back.
Sleep migrates. As in, went to sleep in his bunk, woke up in someone else’s. With them. The Batch is used to it. Wrecker gives him hugs if he finds him. Crosshair complains but will snuggle closer to Hunter if he wakes up first. Echo pretends he doesn’t notice. Tech gets annoyed because Hunter sleep-steals his blankets. Doesn’t shoo him away though.
Mends his own socks. Can’t mend anything else for the life of him, however.
Spinning his Knife(tm) is a form of stress relief. It definitely intimidates strangers who don’t know the poor guy is just stressed.
Surprisingly is NOT food fussy, despite his enhanced senses. It is an ongoing mystery for Tech.
I might make more of these. We’ll see.
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orbmanson7 · 2 months
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Reread Frankenstein In Echo by VoiceOfNurse's fic series "What's A Little B&E Between Friends?" yet again so this happened
I've been trying to fill out this new hardcover sketchbook I just got, so yay another page done, haha
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alexkeller-doodles · 5 months
so uh. fish?
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echosong971 · 2 months
Mav is tumblr sexyman material fr
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perfect >:)
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clownery-and-fuckery · 7 months
Thinking !!!!
Thinking about how Tech already knew Echo had turned off his comm. Thinking about Tech checking it everyday before and after anyway.
Thinking about Tech waiting by his comm in case Echo wanted to check in with him Thinking about how he didn't.
Thinking about Tech being the one who found out Crosshair had left them a message.
Thinking about Tech sitting by the comm checking everyday since the day Crosshair left for a message from him. Thinking about Tech waking up disappointed and going to sleep disappointed, too.
Thinking about how long Tech sat there, comm in reach, waiting. Hoping, but never being called. Thinking about how lonely he must have felt sitting there, alone. Waiting and waiting for his brothers to talk to him.
Thinking about how he must have scrambled to the comm when Crosshair finally messaged them. Messaged him. Thinking about Tech lighting up with joy, thinking his brother finally wanted to come home. Thinking about how happy Tech must've felt thinking his brother called them because he missed them.
Thinking about Tech rehearsing what he wanted to say, so he was ready when his brothers would comm him. Thinking about Tech who would've waited until the end of time for his brothers to call him.
Thinking about how they never did.
Thinking about Echo waiting by the comm after Tech fell. Thinking about Echo tapping his good hand against the console, waiting. Waiting, knowing he won't get the call. Knowing this is what he had felt like. Lost but hoping against all odds, that the comm would ping. Thinking about how it might not.
Thinking about Echo regretting every free moment he had spent lounging around between missions knowing he could have called. He should have called.
Thinking about Crosshair refusing to call again. Because it was his call that killed his brother. His brother who never gave up on the hope that Crosshair would comm them. Comm him. Thinking about Crosshair calling him anyways, on their private channel, just to apologise.
Thinking about Echo and Crosshair. Echo who wished he had called, and Crosshair who wished he hadn't.
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strawberryswirlix · 1 year
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
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FINALLY yall get to see this lmao, basically Ive had an au (??) rattling around in my head where Apollo decides to hire Kay, a private investigator, to help him find and track down his birth mother, shenanigans ensue, some more things abt it under the cut (feel free to ask anything abt it it lives rent free in my head JHKLJ)
-Most likely takes place a year after SOJ- Though I havent actually watched it for myself yet so Im just going off of info from the wiki HGJKHL
-Kay is 26! shes been a PI for about 3 years now and has gained a rep for being VERY good at her job
-Apollo approaches her with basically nO info or leads and while its gonna Make their job MUCH harder, Kay decides to take it on anyways on the condition that Apollo acts as her assistant during this case
-Basically this is just Apollos lil secret mission for himself, he doesnt tell anyone else abt it since its so emotionally heavy for him
-Im not sure exactly /how/ theyd do it, but I do know that Apollos bracelet would be the best bet after looking through way too much paperwork, probably via finding out what its made out of it since its a special kind of metal
- Basically it'd go like: Find out who commissioned said bracelet > turns out it was Magnifi Gramarye > Uh Oh.PNG > Theres only one woman who was in Troupe Gramarye > Apollo crisis whenever he sees Trucy now > He needs more proof though beside that > Kay finds an older recording of Troupe Gramarye, Thalassa is seen out of costume, wearing both bracelets > Well it cant be just coincidence now > He Is Now a lil Magician man > Now they have to find Thalassa > Turns out shes dead > find out that she didnt ACTUALLY die, Magnifi faked her death> not sure how they would get from here to finding out Thalassa is Lamiroir > Also find out that Phoenix has knwon this entire time and didnt tell either trucy or Apollo > mixed emotions over aLL of it but GOD Apollo is just happy to know his mother is still alive
-I like to think that Trucy joins Apollo and kay at some point in their investigation since shes directly involved at that point
-Maybe a small side plot where Apollo hasnt told Kay about the perceive thing and so he knows shes lying about /something/ unrelated to their case (the whole being the yatagarasu deal)
-overall I think Kay and Apollo would be good friends they could ABSOLUTELY match each others energy and it'd be a good time, they're trans girl trans guy solidarity
-It /c o u l d/ be like an Investigations like plot wheres theres different cases that all tie into the greater mystery OR finding his mom is the focus of it Im not totally sure yet hjgkhlj
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isaac--r · 1 year
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When you carry the artefact vs when you put it down.
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yellow-yarrow · 6 months
he's so normal about this
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smol-bean-boi13 · 16 days
* ‼️ Tw character injury/ implied death‼️*
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Heya 😁🤠👋
Still trying to get used to drawing Frida and Mars, but for now ✨ a n g s t ✨
Main masterpost - Echoed masterpost
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