#no financial maths
If an córas sláinte or an córas oideachais doesn't come up tomorrow I will be very sad
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Basic Financial Rules To Live By 💰✨
Create a plan that shows how much money you get and how much you spend. This helps you see where your money goes.
Set aside a part of your money as savings. Try to save at least 10-20% of what you earn.
Be careful with borrowing money, especially if you have to pay back a lot of extra money (interest).
Save some money for unexpected things like medical bills or losing your job. Aim to have enough to cover your living costs for a few months.
Put your saved money into different things that can make it grow, like stocks or real estate. Be patient, as it takes time.
Don't spend more money than you make. Stick to buying what you really need, not just what you want.
Decide what you want to do with your money, both in the short term (like a vacation) and long term (like retirement).
Set up automatic transfers to your savings and bills so you don't forget to save or pay your bills on time.
Make saving money a top priority before spending on other things.
Regularly look at your money situation, adjust your plan as needed, and see how your investments are doing.
Pay your bills on time and use credit wisely (like credit cards) to keep a good credit score, which can help you get better deals on loans.
Save money for when you're older and don't work anymore. Use retirement accounts to help with this.
Think before you buy things. Don't buy something just because you want it; think if it's necessary.
Keep learning about how money works and how to make smart money choices.
Only use your emergency fund for real unexpected problems, not for things you just want to buy.
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hella1975 · 5 months
i have the same lecturer for both development economics and macroeconomics and one thing about this man is he will yap about the 2008 financial crisis but has there been a single question on it in either module in so much as a mock exam? none to speak of. a girl can only write about subprime loans so many times before she begins to wonder what the point of it all is
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local-limebug · 2 months
most people try to live their lives in a god honouring way. i am trying to live it in a spock honouring way (and still failing but it's the thought that counts right)
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I want to pretend stocks and bonds etc. are interesting I really do I understand how important they are if you want to secure a financial future (if you already have the money to invest) but. It's just so boring. I can't do it. Maybe it's one of those things that will come to me in the future
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unpretty · 2 years
oh thank god it sounds like the data they used to guess at infowars' annual net revenue was inflated for ego reasons
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lostsemicolon · 29 days
A bit of a bugaboo of mine is reading an education or teacher's forum and someone says that thing about how we should maybe possibly be teaching financial literacy in schools and someone chimes in that we in fact do and just nobody pays attention. No we fucking don't. We teach compound interest for like one section of an algebra class, or the absolute basics of how to balance a checkbook which almost feels condescendingly obvious.
I was taught a watered down version of how progressive tax brackets work, but it was taught to the whole grade level at once and so my confusion about it couldn't be answered at the time and I didn't actually learn how it works until years later.
Anyway bringing up these concepts one time shoehorned into a math class where kids are already struggling to keep up isn't teaching financial literacy and people should stop saying that it is.
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i-rationality · 10 months
Am I the only one who doesn’t like the girl maths trend?
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prof-polaris · 8 months
just had a sudden memory of when i had to take financial accounting in college. disgusting.
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peculiarnation4u · 7 months
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Math jumpscare
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Wealth Building: What Rich People Do Differently
Wealthy people prioritize learning about personal finance, investing, and wealth building strategies. They always strive to gain more knowledge in these areas.
They maintain a long term perspective when setting financial goals and are patient in their pursuits.
Wealthy people diversify their investments across various asset classes to manage their risk.
Many of them are entrepreneurs who create and manage businesses as a means to build wealth.
They build and nurture professional networks opens doors to opportunities for investments, partnerships, and business growth.
They set clear, specific financial goals and regularly review and adjust their strategies to stay on track.
Wealthy individuals exercise discipline in their spending habits, avoiding impulse purchases and consistently saving and investing.
They assess and manage investment risks carefully, often with the guidance of financial advisors.
Many engage in philanthropy and charitable giving, recognizing the importance of supporting their communities and causes they care about.
Wealthy people invest in their personal development, acquiring new skills and knowledge to increase their earning potential or make better investment decisions.
They use legal tax strategies to minimize tax liabilities, such as tax advantaged accounts and tax efficient investments.
Legal structures like trusts and estate planning are employed to safeguard assets and facilitate smooth wealth transfer.
Wealthy people can adapt to changing economic conditions and market trends by diversifying income sources and investments.
Building wealth often involves overcoming setbacks and failures, and the wealthy demonstrates the result of persistence in their pursuit of financial success.
They have a positive and growth oriented mindset drives their belief in their ability to succeed and willingness to take calculated risks.
They prioritize acquiring and growing assets, emphasizing that assets generate income and wealth over time.
They are cautious about spending in liabilities (Things that do not make you money) and maximize their assets (add value) and those that detract from wealth (liabilities).
Instead of working solely for money, they make money work for them.
When they indulge in luxury purchases, they do so using returns on their investments rather than the money they earn or have saved.
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arlo-venn · 9 months
I know it doesn't seem like it, but things really are starting to get a little better for me. My health isn't, but I'm working on it. My next big disability hearing is on October 24th or 28th (I forget which)— this is when I'll find out if I'm approved or if I have to appeal again.
I can't say that I feel particularly great about my chances or my current preparedness as far as evidence goes, but I am feeling relatively optimistic about life in general, and I have been becoming increasingly more functional (mentally/executive dysfunction-wise), too. We're in the process of moving me and Arlo out of the basement and into what is currently the craft room upstairs. I've been sleeping up there with him for about a month now, but we haven't switched the furniture yet. I suspect the basement was contributing to how sick I've been at least a little bit, so I'm happy to have Arlo out of there.
Somehow I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, even though it doesn't feel likely that we'll win this round of disability, which is going to wreak havoc on my current survival support system as Tyrell has made it very clear that she cannot do this for another year if I have to appeal again. Trying not to think about that and focus on the things I need to do to strengthen my case instead... between me & the thousands of you I really thought my lawyer would be more helpful/more involved/offer more guidance than he is. At this point there's just not a lot of time left for more doctor's appointments. Being entirely nonfunctional through the whole of 2022 really set me back.
It's weird because things should be looking quite bleak from my perspective, but for some reason, they don't.
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paranoidmayfly · 9 months
i hate the tiktok bimbo trend so much I'm loosing it. it's all just misogyny repackaged in a pink pseudo-progressive box.
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chuuyanakaahara · 6 months
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we live in hell! at least the spreadsheet is pretty
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vonlipvig · 6 months
emily baby don't cry i couldn't do that either
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ethics-wizard · 1 year
Salutations peoples of tumblr! I twas doing the retched finances today and money for college this year is going to be real tight so, inexperienced though i may admittedly be I'm opening music commissions. Need a theme song to annoy friends with? Want a jaunty tune for which to be merry? Feel free to hit me probably doing whole songs for round 15$ though that number could go up or down depending on what you want. I'm best at dance electro but honestly I can make quite a bit work as school assignments have shown so here's a link to my current published works and hopefully some new stuff ill get up soon! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjNquhlhd8dApI9qpNSHxPQ
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