#no fr this time I JUST finished this and i need to go buy groceries
basu-shokikita · 8 months
Dethentines 2024 Day 5
In the style of a romance novel
So, uh, because I'm not a reader of romantic novels @mirrorshards suggested I use a manga for today which I thought was better for me because I'm infinitely more knowledgeable in that field. That said, she still ended up helping me choose a title...
And like that, have a Skwistok version of the BL Therapy Game. This entry is a little more suggestive than the others, so take that as a warning. It was definitely challenging to adapt this story to these two for a handful of reasons but I think I managed! So, here we go~
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Skwisgaar was used to messing around. 
With women, with men, it was all the same to him. None of them really meant anything to him besides temporary fun and a good distraction.
And so, he didn’t think of anything different when this guy Toki walked around, weeping about his girlfriend who dumped him for somebody else. He was drinking his heart away for different reasons, anyway. His best friend and companion, the guitar, didn’t want to hang out with him these days. 
Not that this guy would understand. 
“Ahhh!!” Toki cried into his hands. “Linda, whys…you ams- hic- you ams the love of my lives…”
“T’ere, t’ere…” Pickles patted his back sympathetically while giving his friends a look.
Toki tried to reach for a half-empty bottle of Red Label, but Nathan grabbed it before he did. “I think you’ve drunk enough, buddy.” 
“No ways!” Toki exclaimed, barely able to keep his body straight. “I wants to…I wants to drinks untils I die!”
“He’sch way over the line.” Murderface said with crossed arms and disdain on his face. 
“Ja…” Skwisgaar agreed. “He shouldks probables gets goings.”
His three friends stared at him while Toki kept rambling like a drunkard.
“Whats?” Skwisgaar was confused.
“Well…” Pickles glanced to the side.
“You brought him over to us.” Nathan said, eyelids heavy but still stoic.
“Yeah!” Murderface pointed accusingly. “Thisch isch your fault!”
“Are you fuckings-”
“Whats ams you alls talkings abouts?!” Toki cried. “Nothings- hic- matters! Nothings matters but Lindas!” He threw his hands into the air. “Oh, Lindas, why!”
“God damns it…” Skwisgaar pinched the bridge of his nose.
“‘S okey, Toki.” Pickles rubbed his back. “Skwisgaar will teik you home, right, Skwisgaar?”
“Fucks you.” Skwisgaar whispered to his friend. “Fines!” He slung Toki’s arm around his shoulder and picked him up. “Let’s goes home, cries babies.”
“Have fahn! But not too much fahn!” 
“Yeah, definitely not too much fun.”
“Eschpeschially not too much fun.”
Skwisgaar rolled his eyes as he carried the babbling Toki away. Why did he have to take care of the idiot?!
At the end, Toki was so incoherent that Skwisgaar had to drop him at a hotel, because he didn’t remember his address. He was feeling a little sorry for him, though, so he watched over him until he stopped weeping against the pillow. This wasn’t the first time he had looked after a drunk person, anyway. 
“Dids you calms down alreadies?” He asked, when Toki was staring at the ceiling silently. “I wants to goes home, you knows?”
Toki glanced at him, blinking. “Ams you?”
“You saids you was sads about de guitars…”
Skwisgaar was surprised Toki had remembered it in his state, but he shrugged it off. “Pfft, dat ams a differents kinds of lonelies nest.”
A grin spread across Toki’s face as he dragged Skwisgaar closer with his legs.
“W-Whats?” Skwisgaar asked in confusion, only now realizing how strong Toki was.
“Lonelies nest ams still lonelies.” He said before wrapping his arms around Skwisgaar. “Soes you gets a hugs.” His hand patted the back of Skwisgaar’s head.
“Eugh, lets goes…” Skwisgaar grumbled though he didn’t actually move away. “We amsn’t even friends…”
“We ams friends nows…” Toki squeezed him by the waist, his lips brushing with Skwisgaar’s ear dangerously. “Rights?” He whispered.
Surprised, Skwisgaar pulled away. Toki’s expression had abruptly changed, from friendly and innocent to dark and suggestive.
“Heys…” He cupped Skwisgaar’s face sweetly. “It ams fines to wants to be spoileds, you knows?”
In slow motion, Toki’s eyelids fell shut and his face began to grow closer. It’s not like Skwisgaar wasn’t used to being hit on by strangers constantly…
Wasn’t he straight though?
“You ams too drunks…” He tried to resist but Toki’s grip on him didn’t relent. Reluctantly, Skwisgaar let their lips meet and it was like a surgeon of electricity spread inside his entire body, shocking him.
Bewitched, Skwisgaar wrapped his arms around Toki’s neck, giving into it. He had never experienced such enticing tenderness before and he was swiftly growing addicted to it. Toki’s hands, lips, eyes on him…
Even if he had wanted to pull away, he wouldn’t have been able to. 
He never wanted Toki to let him go now.
“Sorries…” Toki apologized the morning after. “I acts stupids sometimes when Is drunks…I don’ts remembers anythings…”
Skwisgaar was baffled. Seriously? The one time sex felt meaningful for him, the other party didn’t even remember it? 
What kind of sick joke was that?
He cleared his throat. “I sees…” He said, unclasping his black leather choker from his neck. “You was pretties wasteds last nights soes…”
“Ja…” Toki seemed genuinely apologetic. “I never learns…”
“It amsnt your faults.” Skwisgaar gently grabbed him by the wrists and Toki looked up. “You gots brokeneds hearts.”
Toki’s eyes had a glimmer of hope. “Soes your forgives-”
“Hows ever.” Skwisgaar interrupted him, blue eyes piercing into blue. “Ams not letting last nights turns into nothingks.” With one smooth movement, he straddled Toki’s naked torso. 
“W-Whats?” Toki’s eyes widened.
“You don’ts remembers?” Skwisgaar leaned towards him. “Dat ams fine. Alls makes you remembers…” He began undoing the button of Toki’s pants. 
“Waits a minutes-”
“Nice and slows…” Skwisgaar continued, his fingers trailing along the zipper.
“I-I don’t wants to!” The panic was beginning to show in Toki’s face.
Skwisgaar smirked. “So you gets to takes advantages of someones and then refuse to acks knowledge? Dat amsn’t nice.”
“Dat’s not-” When Skwisgaar was about to shove a hand inside, he yelled. “Stops!”
It took a few seconds for Skwisgaar to figure he had fallen out of the bed and that the flashing pain on his stomach was from being kicked by Toki’s feet. 
“Eugh…what ams you a monsters…” He groaned, doubling over.
Toki rolled to his side and stood up, a look of disappointment in his face. “Ams you always likes dis?” His breathing was visibly hitched. “Always being doings whats you wants? Beings spoileds?”
Skwisgaar squinted. “Whats?”
With barely any effort, Toki untied the choker from his wrists and threw it on the bed. “I thoughts we coulds be pals, but you ams a jerks.” He grabbed his clothes and walked towards the door before turning back. “And you ams gonna be all alones your holes lives!” The door was slammed behind him.
Stunned, Skwisgaar sat up. Did that crybaby runt just walk out on him?
“Fuckings dildos! Who ams he? What ams he- What de fucks!” Skwisgaar slammed his glass against the counter. “I hates him!”
“Dood, Skwisgaar, he was a guy mournin’ his girlfriend. Why did you even lay your hands on him?” Pickles took a sip of his bottle. “We told ya naht to have too much fahn with him.”
“I didn’ts-”
“Yeah, Skwisgaar, he was obviously straight.” Nathan added. “You gotta raise your standards, dude.”
“I wasn’ts-”
“Not everyone isch gay, Schkwisgaar.” Murderface said. “You schould remember that, I mean, you’re friensch with me and I’m not gay. I love ladiesch and titsch.” 
They all went silent.
“Anyways, I didn’t starts anythingks, okeis?” Skwisgaar said. “He ams de ones whats jumps at my arms and has his ways wif mes. Ams innocents dis times.”
“This time…” Pickles rolled his eyes. “How many times have ye been tha one on tha other side of this cahnundrum, huh?”
“Yeah, why are you suddenly mad about this? You’re always breaking people’s hearts.”
“You’re a fucking schlut isch what you are!”
Skwisgaar buried his head in his arms. This was the opposite from being encouraging, they were just dogpiling on him. 
“Just forget about tha dood. You’ll find someone new in no tahm. In fact, by tonight, even.” After a moment, Pickles added. “Guess there’s really people even Skwisgaar can’t seduce, huh.”
“He went too far.” Nathan agreed.
“Too smug.” Pickles continued.
“Too arrogant!” Murderface finished.
“Alrights, you know whats?” Skwisgaar sat straight, suddenly determined. “Dats it, alls does it!”
The other three stared at him like he was insane. “Do whet?” Pickles asked.
“Ams gonna makes dat stupid straights guys falls for me.” He raised his glass, smirking. “And dens alls breaks his hearts. Dat will teaches hims, nobody messes with Skwisgaar.”
While Nathan and Murderface shook his head in disapproval, Pickles snuck a hand inside his packet. “Well, I wasn’t gonna tell ye but if ye’re so hellbent on acting stoopid…” When he pulled out his hand, there was some sort of card on it. “He dropped this yesterday, mind givin’ it beck?”
Skwisgaar grabbed the card and inspected it closely, smiling when he recognized the item. It was Toki’s ID. 
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
Whumper-Turned-Caretaker CYOA 13
CW for the series | Masterlist
You chose to let Whumpee sleep but carry them to the living room.
You get out of bed and walk to the side of Whumpee’s mattress. You pause for a moment, thinking about how you’ll do this. You gently slide your arms under Whumpee and lift them up, blankets and all. It's not exactly easy to carry a grown person, but you can manage long enough to get to the living room. You deposit them on the living room couch; by some combination of luck and carefulness, you managed to get them there without waking them up. You go to the kitchen to start making food. The rooms are next to each other, so you’ll hear if Whumpee gets up or has some sort of problem.
You start to cook breakfast, your stomach prompting you to hurry up.
When you’re close to finishing the cooking, you hear something shift in the next room. You turn off the stove and peek into the living room. Whumpee woke up, possibly roused by the smells. They’re looking around blearily, appearing confused.
“I moved you so you wouldn’t have to be left alone while I got the food ready,” you explain. “Come on, let’s have breakfast.”
You have to order them to eat again, but when you do, they comply without a hitch.
As they eat, you go over a list in your head of things you could do today that might make things better for Whumpee. There are a lot of options now that any emergency-level needs have been taken care of and it’s during business hours.
You could stay with them: do something fun and comfortable with them to try to build trust and help them relax around you more. Or take them outside, where they can get some fresh air and sunlight like they haven’t had in…a long while. Your backyard has high fences, so you should be safe from prying eyes with them back there. They also didn’t actually get a full, proper bath last night.
Or you could go out and get something for them. You can manage for now if you need to, but you’ll have to do some shopping sooner or later to make sure Whumpee has everything they need to live comfortably. Two changes of clothes aren’t a lot, an air mattress is more of a temporary thing, and the first aid kit won’t stay full forever. You also remember you thought about getting some books from the library for them, though maybe that’s a lower priority at this point.
If you go out in public, you will probably have to leave Whumpee at home. There are just too many unknowns, including what they’ll be able to handle and how likely you are to get caught towing around a victim. Former victim.
>>bonus poll<<
Taglist: (I'm putting it under a cut now because it's gotten pretty long. If this causes any issues for you please let me know.)
@kabie-whump, @whumpanthems, @whumpsoda, @3-2-whump, @generic-whumperz, 
@taterswhump, @alivenova, @whumped-by-glitter, @expressionless-fr, @whumpycries, 
@whumpsday, @moons-cozy-corner, @echo-goes-aaa, @whumplr-reader, @starfields08000, 
@whump-blog, @ivymyers, @currentlyinthesprial, @lumpofsand, @coffin-hopping, 
@sunglasses-in-the-bentley, @catnykit, @indigoviolet311, @dragongodryss, @kira-the-whump-enthusiast,
@risk606, @natthebatt, @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
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moodywyrm · 1 year
yay squares!! do you have any ideas on what kind of stuff you want to make in the future? :o real!! sometimes i’ll buy some ribbon just bc it looks cool 😭
60 !!! jesus christ i could never!! it took me 4 months to finish one book 😭
exactly!! and i have no idea 😭 i just follow my gfs advice tbh, she’s a lot more experienced,, she got her first at 17 and now has a lot so i’m like. whatever u say babe
me too 😞 i hate the bright lights and the people but i normally put my airpods in and ignore everyone
a chill day!! that’s so nice omg <3 i would love to listen to audiobooks but if i get too focused on something else i’ll just tune it out :( and i hope yall like it!! it’s on my watchlist :o
my day was good!! i was able to wfh today and my gf was off so we spent the day together :) it was very nice and we’re planning our vacation rn! we’re going to try to go in the next couple weeks since i’ve saved up 9 PAID!! vacation days for this year! other than that it was chill, we just finished up with dinner and i’m going to watch a movie with binx while she’s at the gym <3
how’s your day?
- 🩷
squares!! once I get a handle on all the basic stitch types I think I wanna make little headphone sprouts? eventually the goal is to make sweaters (I really wanna make marceline's sweater from Adventure Time) and those like fairy tops that tie in the front? but for now we have squares <3 and no fr, I just like having pretty ribbon <3
that's so fair!! everyone reads at different paces and mine fluctuates a lot, but I read a lot bc of my major and audiobooks. I average in a year is usually like 50? im at 30 for this year so far <3
real, I haven't gotten a tattoo yet but I just listen to what my friends say bc most of them have tattoos! still sad though, I really wanted the snake on my arm before I graduated college :(
fuck bright lights! if grocery stores were just sensory hour all the time I would like it more :( but headphones are the real mvp of grocery shopping <3
it was a nice day!! audiobooks help me when one of my tasks is more visually oriented? so like stardew or crocheting, snd then I can listen to the audiobook and keep track of both! idk how that works but the dual input really works for me. I like it so far!! it's funky and visually stimulating, so im excited to keep watching <3
aww that's sweet!! im glad yall got a day together <3 nine days PAID!!! dude!! that's fucking epic, I hope yall have an incredible vacation <3 binx and a movie!! he's a filmbro but in the best way <3
yesterday was sweet, and today's been good so far!! i walked and played with the dogs, and I've been rotating between reading, cleaning, crocheting, and playing with them <3 I've also been planning all the shit I need to buy before I leave for college again, which means hopefully a few hauls from marshals n Costco over the next few weeks <3 and I've been staring at yarns on Marshalls, so I might get some supplies before I go back, just bc I don't have a craft store over there :(
how's your day been?
0 notes
everafterkeiji · 3 years
hellooo can i request chifuyu & baji baking with their s/o? :] (btw love ur writing!<3)
hai haiii~ THIS IS SO WHOLESOME FEJNDKW fr i want to experience this with them so thank u for loving my work and requesting mwah stay safe always babee and have an amazing day (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ this was also unexpectedly long im so sorry also not proofread
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PAIRINGS: Baji & Chifuyu x gn! reader
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 would've 100% suggested this because you two were home alone and he decides how saving it is if you just baked the cake instead of buying it from the store. So he's dragging you to the kitchen, skimming through his mom's cabinets while you have little to no idea what you even wanted to bake.
"Are you sure you want a cake? What are we celebrating anyway?"
"We can celebrate our monthsary!"
"Kei, can you tell me what monthsary it is?"
"Unnecessary question—let's bake!"
- You two finalized on brownies because if you were to be realistic, his mom wasn't a fond of buying that much cake products so you had to settle with the chocolates she left for Baji. You insisted to check everything on the box while your boyfriend was the one who was grabbing the ingredients with every word you said.
- You were also looking through your phone for whatever else you had to have but it seems like their recent stock for groceries was perfect for this. While you got the butter from their refrigerator, you reached for the bowl to your right and you noticed how Baji was silent.
"Babe? Where-" You turned your body to be welcomed by your boyfriend wearing an apron with his arms up to support him right before he can tie his hair while he held a hairtie to his mouth which knocks the breath out your lungs as you stared at him. He looks at you with a smile, grabbing the elastic from his mouth.
"Do you wanna give me a hand?" He asks and you could only give a nod, wrapping your arms to his neck so you can tie his hair while you stood in front of him. He watches how you gather his locks, making sure it's all going to be caught in his tie and Baji out of his likeness to you, places a peck to your nose. You stopped your actions to look at how proud he looked before grinning on your own, finished that you put his hair in a low bun.
"Do I look handsome?"
"As always, Baji."
- You start to put the cocoa powder in the bowl with him clinging to your waist from behind. It was distracting to say the least—having someone that good looking while you worked is definitely a challenge.
"Can you get me some eggs? I need four." You asked him while he goes out to give them to you, looking like your little servant but he's just too happy to be there and act lazy when quality time is all that he's been looking for recently.
"I have to preheat the oven, you can start breaking the eggs and I'll melt the butter."
"Sure thing." He comments then you separated from him just for you both to work on your own orders.
You placed the spatula on the counter, placing the bowl of butter to the microwave and when you turn around, your boyfriend hands were busy from the eggs he held.
"Kei, what's with that hold on the spoon? Are you gonna murder all four of them?" You chuckled, seeing how he had the spoon in hand as if it was a weapon, possibly a bat just for him to beat it. You covered your mouth to stifle a laugh at how he stood conflicted knowing it was what you wanted him to do.
"Was I.. wrong?"
"Babe, the shells are gonna crash onto the mix and I don't think we're gonna like extra crunchy brownies. "
- As you cut open the flour, that's where the first wave of chaos begins when Baji missed the measuring cup from how close he was paying attention to making sure he actually hit the right amount which led to the powder to land on the counter and you two share a glance knowing exactly what it meant for the two of you.
- Out of panic even if you two were well aware how she was going to come home late, you two tried to make it look as spotless as before so none of your heads would get caught off by her. If anything, meeting his mom was amazing but it doesn't erase the tiny fear to see her get mad at him.
"Okay, I think we got that-" Turning to your boyfriend, you were face to face with a whiff of powder as Baji blew it to your direction and you merely blinked at how slow your senses were to react to even dodge. The flour decorates your forehead, down to your nose then to your lips while the conniving bastard lets out a cuss before he's off his feet to escape your reign of terror while you grabbed a handful of the flour on the counter, running to catch up to him, furious at how the powder got to your nose and it was bothering you to a immense level.
- In defeat and not wanting to leave any more trails of irresponsibility, you resorted to wash your face and Baji laughs at how you stopped chasing him. You returned to your station while he sits in front of you, his chin to his palm as he stares at you.
"Are you done with your silent treatment?" He mocks, implementing how your expressions miserably failed to read what you were supposed to feel. You scrunched your nose, rubbing the tip of it, sending him a tiny message at how the powder flew right to your nose which makes him chuckle, understanding what you meant.
"Oh don't act like that." Baji argues before he walks his way back to be behind you, holding your hands while he lets his hand maneuver yours with how you mixed it wrong when he noticed how bubbles could form by the way you did it.
"My mom would always tell me about how I should pay attention to the details when it comes to cooking or else it'd be bad." He explains while you smiled at how affectionate he was of his mother. "I also told her I was going to cook her something but I'm not someone you can trust with fire. "
"You don't need to tell me twice about that, Baji."
"Well well well, look who can't last a minute without coming back to me."
- Once you've got everything done for the combining of ingredients, you reached for a tray to place them in and before you could slowly tilt the bowl, a sneaky finger comes from beside you, dotting into the mixture while Baji steals a taste out of it and he doesn't care about the look of concern that flashes through you.
"Pretty sure you can't eat raw eggs."
"I didn't see that in a single rule book. Oh! It tastes good, babe. Do you want some?"
- Now that you got the tray to the oven, you both decided that it was good to clean up all the used bowls and utensils just so when it was finally done, you wouldn't have to worry about it afterwards so you two are side by side washing the dishes and taking in turns in wiping the table and drying them off.
"Kei, come here." You ordered him with left over flour in your fingers while he just comes your way since he was done on his part. Baji is in front of you once again while your thumb places a dash of the flour to his nose as he rolls his eyes. You drew three lines on each of his cheek and he just lets you have a go at it since he did see how the previous incident was soaked in by your nose.
"You look cute, babe." You bid him with a smile and he rests his hand to your hip. "Did you have fun taking your revenge on me?"
- The waiting process seemed to make up for the banter from earlier when you're laid on his chest at the sofa, assumably play fighting just to consume time with that flour latched to his face, not minding to the point you're even taking pictures of him and he follows through, even going along with the poses he's doing which just sends you to laugh at each one.
- It seems that the alarm going off was the only thing that raised both your heads from each other's lip, chuckling at how it broke you apart when you kissed. "I can't even get at least two minutes without someone interrupting. " He pouts while you smiled giving him one last peck before standing up to check on the tray.
Both of your eyes just shined at how it worked, not really expecting it to look good since it was your first time to cook with him but you were glad nonetheless. You carefully took it out, following another instruction just to check if the insides were done well so you smile when everything fell in place.
Baji places a kiss to your shoulder now that he let his hair down again, arms circling your waist as you turned to him.
"I can call myself a half baker now."
"Half baked? You got stoned huh?"
"You're an idiot."
- When it cooled, you two were up to his room while you were sat on his lap, humming in satisfaction at how it tasted, like you two were in sync with each other's reaction. Baji just smiles as he pets the cat that fled to his room while he holds you close to him. Noticing a smudge of chocolate on your lips, he taps your cheek making you turn your head to him and his thumb softly wipes away the smudge of it and as usual and mundane as it is, it didn't matter because when you're with him, everything just feels right.
"I might have to keep asking my mom to buy baking mixes just so I can do them with you."
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♡ 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐘𝐔 thought it was funny how he was just wishing he could relive a certain panel he was reading then you suddenly show up knocking on their door with paper bags on both your arms.
"Hey Chifu! You wanna bake something with me?"
- He was lucky that he was home alone but he doesn't fully consider it because of Peke J who actually came to greet you when you entered. Once the door closes, he's just embracing you.
"What's the inspiration for today's plans?"
"You were craving for cookies so I thought it'd be nice if we get to make it since you were free."
*cue his heart exploding from how you remembered and how you went the extra mile just for him*
- You started by pulling out the things you bought from the store while your boyfriend just watches in awe at how you didn't miss a single ingredient.
"Thanks, babe." He says, slinging his arms over your shoulder even as you walked just to grab a tray and the bowl for you to work in along with a few utensils to kick start the process. Meanwhile, Chifuyu rolls up the sleeve of his sweater and finds his mom's apron to give to you because he knows damn well you were the one who was going to need it more than him. So he hovers it over you as he tied it from behind, beaming at how gratifying it was to be this domestic and something so simple began to transform into a better view as if it was anticipating to fall in love with the normality.
"When did you even have the time to buy all of these? It's a pile, Y/N."
"I just have a lot of time on my hands after school recently."
"That can be lessened if you just spent the rest of the day with me y'know?"
- "Okay now we have to melt the butter first." You said, popping it into the microwave. You heard a swift sound of a bag opening which you assumed was the flour so he can help but when you shifted your body, you saw Chifuyu on the counter munching on the chocolate chips. You smile at how he looked with his cat on his lap as he pets Peke.
"Spare the batter for some of that." You teased as taps your nose, holding a chip in hand while you just opened your mouth while he feeds it to you and you couldn't stand down from how good it actually was. You noticed how when he turns his head to pick up a snack, his hair frames his eyes so you called out to him.
"Let's tie your hair, Chi." You suggested while he spreads his legs a little bit more open for you to be in the middle as he lowers his head. You tie the front of his hair since it was the only section that was capable enough to be secured in a pony so when his head rises, your heart grows in fondness.
"That's way better, thanks babe!" He cheers while you settle your hands to his cheek. "You're too cute." You complimented him as he scoffs and sports his hairstyle like there could've been a sparkle next to his eye.
"Why of course."
- Apart from the sweet moment, the second he gets the butter out of the microwave, he lets out a tiny squeal, not expecting it to be that hot so you cackled at how he speed run his way to place it in the table.
- You two split the job. One gets to measure everything out so it's quick and done while the other was left to combine the rest of what's left. Chifuyu was the one to measure everything while you were mixing everything in, looking through your phone just to be safe that you were following every instruction but he had other plans.
While you threw in a dash of salt, you spoke. "Can you hand me the flour?"
"It's right here, bub."
And just like that, both hands covered in flour squishes your cheeks while you closed your eyes and Chifuyu's laugh surrounds the room while he distances himself to save his face from your wrath and it comes true just like he expected when you got off your feet with flour in hand to return the gesture.
"Good luck trying to catch up to me!"
"Stop! You're too good at running!"
- It was quite stupendous how you've gotten the table war aka going round in circles trying to catch each other but you're just not making a single mount of process to succeed in plotting revenge so you sighed. You can hear the victorious cheer from Chifuyu now that he won so with raised hands to boast, he approaches you.
"For your defeat, I deserve a kiss."
"Whatever you want, Chi." You said wrapping arms around his shoulders before he's leaning inwards to meet your lips while you held back a laugh for him to fall through it and that's where you covered his mouth with your hand that was covered in flour as well as taking the chance to smudge it across his face. You decided to embrace him so he's being held down from attacking you while you let out a laugh.
"Sorry babe."
"That's just unfair, hmp."
"Oh quiet." You then placed a kiss to his lips which coats them with flour as he smiles.
"Touché, Y/N."
- When you're putting the chocolate chips into the bowl, you had to toss in a few of it to his mouth and it stirs up a challenge for you and him like a team up match to catch the farthest chip. You were on the left side of the counter while he was to the other and you ready him and he nods. You threw it and there's determination painted to his features and just like that, the chip landed right to his mouth and you both are wide eyed. The blonde rushes to you and lifts you from your waist to celebrate.
- All that's left to do was scoop them up and place them on the tray. For being a winner, he decided to do the honor of doing it for you while you embraced him from behind as he smiles.
"Do I look like a good chef?"
"Hm, I think husband suits it better."
"..h-huh? Really?"
- The waiting process was the two of you cleaning up the mess you made, munching on the left over chocolate. You also went to the bathroom to wash of the flour from earlier, still engaging in a mini fight just so splatter each other with water. You consumed a lot of time so when the alarm sets off, you two are scurrying to go to the kitchen to get them.
"Ooh, they're not burnt."
"That seems offensive even for the both of us."
"Sorry sorry." He chuckles while you pull out the tray to place, grabbing a plate to put the rest of them in. Chifuyu was about to touch it but when you eye him to bid him a warning at how hot it'd be so he stops.
- Once it cools, Chifuyu is already taking a bite out of it, closing his eyes and humming from how you've mentioned that he craved this since a week ago. You chuckled at his response, eating a cookie of your own, leaning your head on his shoulder, finding it good for your attempt. Your boyfriend intertwines your free hand with his and sends you a grin.
"Thanks for everything, Y/N."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999 @beezebub @l-luci @bekky06 @keiisukebaji @manjiroarchiviste @smileysmileysmiley @tendo-shairdye @toshiswifey @thispenguinrocks @kleesboom
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee @crapimahuman @meguroshi @floydenai @dai-tsukki-desu
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
My Perfect Angel
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) x (F) Reader 
Description: After enough people pointing out your insecurities and snap and ask Kai something you thought you never would. 
Based off of a tik-tok I saw by h0ney.cos there overhaul cosplay is really good! 
Warnings: insecure reader, sweet Kai, angst, fluff fluff fluff, angst again, bullying, reader is Overhauls age, chubby reader, catcalling turned to harassment, fat shaming, mentions of sex (not by Kai)
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“Dammit Chisaki why wont you do it?!” I screamed at the man in front of me. 
“Why do you want me to so bad?!” He yelled back frustrated. I stood there staring at him chest heaving and heart pounding. 
“You don’t understand.” I whisper as I look down at the floor, silently begging the tears not to fall. Not now, not in front of him. I see as his shoes appear in front of me and then I feel his hands gently cup my cheeks.
“Then make me.” He whispers pleadingly as he looks into my eyes. 
As I walk down the market place, basket in hand there is a warmth in my chest. I had gotten everything off my checklist and I still had a little money left over! I could probably even buy Kai a little present. Just as I thought that his words from earlier rang in my head. 
“Remember if you want to get me a present just buy yourself something instead. I always love to see my angel happy, that alone is better than any gift in the world.” 
‘He always is such a charmer.’ A smile makes it’s way to my cheeks. And with that thought I head to a clothing store I passed on my way here. As I walk into the store I smile. 
Kai brought me here once, I remember he had pointed out a dress he said I would look beautiful in. By now it should be on sale and I might even have enough money to buy it as a surprise for him! 
As I look around the store I’m approached by a young teenage sales lady. 
“Hi can I help you?” She asks smiling at me, her voice was friendly but high pitched. I could tell it wasn’t her real voice, it was the voice all people in sales have. 
“Oh no im just looking for a dress my boyfriend pointed out to me a little while ago!” I said as I smiled back at her but it quickly vanishes once she speaks again. 
“Pfft boyfriend? Are you sure you’re in the right store?” She spoke raising an eyebrow, her voice no longer high and friendly and leaning more towards an accusatory tone. 
“I beg your pardon.” I said furrowing my brows, honestly I knew exactly what she meant I was just so taken aback by her rude behavior. 
“I’m pretty sure there’s a maternity store a few doors over.” My eyebrows shot up as she had a triumphant smirk on her face.
“How dare you!” I shout at her reeling my hand back to smack her before falling short as I saw people around us laughing while staring at me. 
“Go ahead,” she said opening her arms “hit me.” She looked at me challenging me. 
I was so angry I pulled a card I never pulled, “I would love to hear what my boyfriend said about this.” I said in a surprisingly calm voice as I crossed my arms.
“Aw you hear that? Shes gonna cry to her boyfriend about it!” The sales lady bust out laughing but it swiftly died the moment my next sentence hit her ears. 
“Yes Kai Chisaki, I wonder what he would do if he was here.” She stared at me wide eyed and the laughter from around the store died. 
“Kai Chisaki?” One oblivious woman whispered confused. 
“He’s the Yakuza, captain of the Shie Hassaikai.” Another whispered to her with a tremble in her voice. 
Everyone knew about Kai, or as he was better known Overhaul. And everyone knew he had a girlfriend. The only reason being the last person who hurt me was obliterated on spot, Kai vowed then and there anyone who hurt me, in any way would pay the consequence. 
So I usually lived problem free, unless someone didn’t know what I looked like, which happened in this case. 
I looked at her pulling off a mock pout, “Aw someones not so brave anymore.” I said my voice laced with fake sympathy. “No sassy words, no witty come backs, no more snide comments?” I waited a moment looking around. 
As I did I saw one of the ladies happened to be standing right in front of the dress I wanted. I walked up to her as she trembled, I leaned in close to her face before looking past her and grabbing my size.
As I turned around and walked out I dropped the money next to the rude sales girls, “Shame, I would have loved to see the show.” And with that I left the store. 
Truth is, I had told Kai not to do that to anyone else again, and I honestly didn’t enjoy watching the effects of his quirk on people. But they had me worked up in that moment, it felt oddly good to leave them all speechless and shaking where they stood.  
I walked through a back alley trying to regain composure before I made it home, but of course luck wasn’t on my side and I was walking past a group of three shady men. Hoping for the best I continued on like I didn’t see them but of course they had to say something, after all it was my lucky day for that.
“Hey there baby.” One man called from behind me as I heard them coming closer. 
“Not interested.” I said as I started walking faster. 
“Oh come on!” One said as they sped up “We could show you a real good time.” What I’m sure was meant to be seductive came out more threatening, or maybe that’s how it was meant. 
After I had said no again the barrage of insults began. 
“Well who would want you anyways? You’re just some pig.” 
“Yeah your eyes are so dull and your hair so gross, who would want to look at that while having sex?” the second said as I sped up. 
The insults didn't stop as I was out of there sight, they only stopped once I was out of earshot. 
I ignored the tears threatening to spill. Why am I even crying anyways? It’s just some stupid people, there opinions don’t matter, the only one who does is Kai. 
And he loves me just the way I am. ‘....Right?’ the doubt had crept into my mind and the seed was planted. 
The seed of doubt, and self hatred. It festered and grew, feeding off of any small microscopic doubt I had ever had. And as it grew it began changing events in my mind. Kai moving me off of him to go to the bathroom was now Kai’s legs where being crushed so bad he had to fake going to the bathroom to rid himself of me. 
Our portions being smaller had nothing to do with us needing to go grocery shopping and everything to do with my size. Him pointing out a dress wasn't because of the color but because he didn't like the way I always dressed. 
By the time I was home the warmth in my chest was gone, no smile was on my lips and I had thought the tears were gone. I dropped off my basket and immediately went to Kais office. 
‘He can make me beautiful,’ I thought. ‘If he uses his quirk on my then he can put me back together as the perfect woman, then I can be beautiful for him.’ 
The possessions thoughts ran threw my head on a loop as I knocked on his door. When I was told to enter I did so silently. 
“Hello there angel!” He said happily moving to pick me up and spin me around. 
“Put me down Kai I’m to heavy!” I shouted as he did so. 
“Nonsense!” He said as he continued. 
“No!,” I said as I wiggled from his grasp. “I am,” I grabbed his hands and took them in my own, “but I don’t have to be.” 
“What do you mean y/n/n?” he said squeezing my hands. 
“I don’t have to be to heavy, if you use your quirk then you ca-” He cut me off within the second that I mentioned him using his quirk. 
“Absolutely not!” He said gasping. 
“Please Kai, you can use it and then put me back together as the perfect girl!” I said desperately grabbing at his retreating hands. 
“No! Even if I didn’t think you where perfect- which I do! I would never use my quirk on you, to put you threw that pain...” He trailed off. 
“Please Kai! I wont be in pain for long! And it wont even be that bad! You cant even be guilty because I’m asking!” I said quickly. All rationality had turned off in my brain. 
“No! I wont!” He said determined. 
“No y/n and that’s final!” He spoke eyes firm. 
“Dammit Chisaki why wont you do it?!” I screamed at the man in front of me.
“Why do you want me to so bad?!” He yelled back frustrated. I stood there staring at him chest heaving and heart pounding.
“You don’t understand.” I whisper as I look down at the floor, silently begging the tears not to fall. Not now, not in front of him. I see as his shoes appear in front of me and then I feel his hands gently cup my cheeks.
“Then make me.” He whispers pleadingly as he looks into my eyes.
Tears slipped down Kai’s cheeks once i was finished just as they did my own. “I-I’m sorry Kai- I just- I just want to be perfect for you so bad.” I sobbed as I fell into his arms. 
retelling the events of today was enough to bring my brain a bit more down to earth, yet I still so felt so insecure and unworthy. 
“Angel... You already are.” He spoke as he pet my hair gently, his other arm securely going around my waist. “Even if my quirk didn’t bring you pain and I did do it, you would still look exactly as you are now, because this is how I love you.” 
I pulled away slightly looking up at him. “Really?” I whispered. 
He smiled gently his one hand removing his mask as the other cupped my cheek. I gasped when I watched him drop his gloves and mask to the floor. It was becoming more and more common for Kai to take his gloves off for me and even his mask, but for him to so carelessly drop them on the floor was shocking. 
He smiled rubbing my thumb with his cheek, “You’re my angel, there has never and will never be a thing I change about you.” I smiled softly but it faltered a little when he spoke again. “Well there is maybe one thing,” the smile on his face told me it wasn’t anything bad but I couldn’t help but be slightly worried. 
“What is it?” I whispered. 
“He pressed his forehead against my own before leaning in farther so our lips brushed against each other as he spoke “Your last name.” 
I smiled even as our lips connected into a soft kiss, every kiss with him brought butterflies to my stomach because they where always so special. His fear of germs prevented them from happening very often so i always cherished them. 
“I love you Kai.” I whisper pulling away so our foreheads where touching.
“And I love you Angel.” it was a sweet moment, just staying in his arms his next words contradicted the gentle brushing of his thumb on my bare waist. “Now where did you say these events happened, and could you give me a description of the people.” 
I pulled away raising an eyebrow with a small smile on my face. “Kai,” I said in warning. 
“What? Just trying to.... visualize your story better is all.” He said shrugging smiling at his half ass lie. 
I laughed smiling wider he always could make me feel better. During my laughter i couldn't see the sparkle in Kais eye as he stared down at me happy to see me smiling and laughing again, even if it only was taken away from him for thirty minutes. 
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lesbianmonsterlover · 5 years
Waterfalls and Whirlpools (1)
So, I’m doing Camp NaNoWriMo this year.  This here is my first day of writing, would you guys be interested in any more?  If so I’ll post here daily with updates!  The title is currently a work in progress
In an antique store in the middle of Perlston, Washington is a journal that’s surprisingly still empty considering the age of it.  The cover is worn brown leather and the spine is stitched with faded jade green thread in the shape of some runic sigils that were meaningless to the shop owner.  It sits in the glass front case where the cash register is, mostly just because of the age of the object but something in Walter Herrington’s gut told him not to shelve it with the collection of paperback bodice rippers in the worn old bookcase towards the furniture section.
Now, Perlston, Washington was not a big town.  It was situated a few miles off of SR-18 on the edge of the forest.  They didn’t get a lot of traffic from outsiders, with the exception of hikers stopping in to stock up before tackling the mountain trails ahead.  A new face, therefore, was always big news.  Erin Curett was the newest face in town, a librarian brought in fresh out of graduate school to take over for the old school librarian. 
Despite it being mid-July the air was still blessedly, the shining sun dappling through the canopy of trees leaving speckled patterns on the ground.  Wiping the bit of sweat from her forehead with her wrist Erin swept the frizz of her red curls away from her face.  Surveying the little house with a thankful sigh she closed the trunk of her car, the last of her things finally inside and mostly sorted.  The last few missing things she figured she could pick up from the antique store she had passed on her drive in.  
Stepping through the green front door Erin toes off her shoes and pads through the front hall to the living room.  Grabbing a bottle of water on the way through the kitchen, she sighs thankfully as she slumps down onto her favorite overstuffed sofa, a trusty companion through two graduate programs and three moves.  “Coffee table…” she mumbles to herself, beginning a mental list of the big things the house would need.  “Coffee table, bedside table, ah fuck I need some drawers too don’t I.  Shit…”  
Capping the bottle of water, Erin faceplants into the couch cushions, stretching out over the piece of furniture.  She briefly debates taking a nap before rolling off the couch heavily onto the blue carpeted floor.  Standing and brushing off her shorts she turns on the television, thankful to have set it up earlier so all she had to do was find something to watch before getting to work.  
Building bookshelves was a relatively easy task, although a little unwieldy for one person.  That was the first thing Erin did in every house, without fail.  Well, the second, after getting her bed setup, but she usually had help with that either in the form of movers or delivery people.  She found the process of setting up her shelves somewhat meditative though, and she found she preferred things in a just-so way, likely a manifestation of her anxiety.  At least according to her therapist.  With the first of the shelves setup she begins moving books from one of her sets of boxes out onto the shelf.  
Organizing home books by the Dewey Decimal System is overkill to most, but it means that everything has a home and is easily findable.  There’s no guesswork if everything is done properly.  Once the first two sets of shelves are full of books the sun has moved across the sky to paint the Western side of the house with dappled light.  The growling of her stomach pulls Erin away from where she had begun sorting through the pile of parts that made up the second bookshelf and into the kitchen.  
Dinner is pasta and jarred sauce, the house lacking fresh groceries entirely until she could get out to town tomorrow.  The rest of the evening is spent binge watching a new show and putting together two more shelves.  When Erin collapses into bed that night it’s with a satisfied sort of weariness.  Her thoughts are full, dreams and hopes and fears, would she be able to make friends here?  
Seattle had been too much for her, the pressure of the city bearing down no matter how green and friendly it may be.  She stuck it out for graduate school, but when the job here came through her email she knew a small quiet town like this would be a much better fit.  Besides, even if she didn’t make friends, the kids at the school would like her, right?  Her mind spiraled through all of the possibilities, and she lay there awake for what seemed like countless hours until a restless sleep overtook her.  
The next morning’s breakfast was some dry cereal shoved hand to mouth right out of the box, and a mug of hot slightly burnt coffee.  The shower was blessedly hot, with surprisingly impressive water pressure, and with still damp hair Erin made her way out of the house and to the car.  Her clothes were a little wrinkled, considering she still hadn’t unpacked her iron, but she did the best she could steaming them out in the bathroom while she showered.  The green shirt dress was one of her favorites, it seemed to hide what she considered her many flaws and made her look casual and presentable.  
The drive to the town center was quick, maybe ten minutes and she was going fairly slowly.  Pulling up behind another parked car, she eased on the parking break and stepped out into the fresh air and sunshine.  The trees were cut back here to make room for a few blocks of buildings.  An old diner, right next to an even older looking general store, across the street from them a pharmacy that took up an entire block, apparently still with an old-time soda fountain inside.  The bank was kitty-corner to the pharmacy and across the main road from the general store, and as Erin strolled along the sidewalks she found herself pausing in front of the antique store towards the edge of the main road.  She wanted to peek around, so with a little trepidation at the thought of social interaction she steels herself with a breath to open the door.  
Now, Walter Herrington had always been one for gut feelings.  If his grammaw had ever taught him anything it was to trust that instinct in the back of your mind no matter what anyone else tells you.  It had saved his hide more than once, especially out in the woods, so when he got his first glimpse of the newest resident of Perlston he found himself searching his gut for how to feel.  She was pleasant looking, with big red curls and flushed pink cheeks, but something about her just seemed a little...off.  Misplaced.  Like she wasn’t from this world.  She seemed somehow ethereal and yet so human and grounded, an odd mix that for whatever reason made the hair on the back of his neck raise.  Still, at her shy smile and awkward wave he can’t help smiling back and giving a hearty greeting, inviting her to browse around as she likes.  
Nonetheless he keeps a wary eye on her as she looks around.  She picks through a few pieces of furniture, noting a coffee table she likes and a set of dresser drawers she might come back for, but as she comes up to the counter to pay for the coffee table she gasps and almost presses her face against the glass at the sight of the leatherbound journal.  It’s beautifully tooled and looks somehow simultaneously ancient and new.  Her soul seems to call out to it, although she says that often when she buys a book somehow this time it feels like the truth.  “I need that book…”  Erin’s voice is low and reverent, her blunt nail tapping against the glass as she looks up at Walter with almost an air of desperation. 
He almost wants to say no, that look raising the hackles of his mind, but that feeling in his gut again tells him this is how it’s meant to go.  So he can only close his mouth and nod, unlocking the glass cabinet with shaky hands and pulling the leather bound tome out and placing it before her.  She strokes the front cover with a tenderness most people reserved for loved ones, and after a few moments of examining pays him wordlessly in cash for the total of both items.  “Can you hold the table for me until I’m done grocery shopping?  I’ll come back and collect it in an hour.”  
He’s all too thankful to get her out of his shop, her energy making the place feel tense somehow.  “Sure thing, if you want to leave your car unlocked I can get this loaded up into your trunk while you’re shopping.”  The bright smile, and cheerful expression of thanks, makes him lighten up a little.  His gut still pinched nervously at her presence but she didn’t seem like she’d be a danger, at least.  Weird he could learn to handle.  He breathed a sigh of relief when she walked out, taking the book with her, and found his son in the back to help load up the table.  
When Erin had finished buying groceries, and making small talk with the old lady behind the register who although slow was so sweet Erin couldn’t find it in her to be mad, she was happy to find the coffee table loaded into the back of the car.  She’d deal with getting it out later, that was a problem for future-Erin.  Present-Erin made the drive back to the house, put away the groceries, and went to get looking at the journal more thoroughly. 
It certainly looked handmade, and the supple leather is slightly worn at the spine and corners.  The simple tooling looks almost runic, although Erin couldn’t find anything about these particular symbols in any of her literature.  The green stitching on the spine was definitely symbolic, but her searches there turned up similarly empty.  The paper was slightly yellowed, but didn’t seem too brittle, and the end-pages were a lavish hand-dipped marbled paper in the same jade green as the thread and a deep cerulean blue.  Erin was in love with this book.  
Journaling had been a hobby of hers since she had begun therapy, her therapist assured her that writing out feelings and thoughts would help to make a neatness of her jumbled mind.  Erin found it helpful, a free space to get out all of her feelings and frustrations, to work through what problems needed confronting and what problems were entirely manifestations of her anxiety in her head.  Usually, she made her own journals, but something about this book made her want to write in it.  
She used to find writing like this awkward.  A letter to someone, herself maybe?  The universe?  The ether?  It made her feel judged, like someone would be reading it, but over time she got over it.  Somehow it was comforting, to get her feelings out like this. 
I know, new journal!  It’s strange isn’t it?  How moving to a new place can bring you to new places inside yourself?  Usually I’d be twisting inside about writing in something made by someone else, like my thoughts don’t belong to me but to whoever made the book.  But this journal I found today, it’s too beautiful to leave it so empty.  A book like this was meant to be filled.  Perlston is nice, the people here are friendly enough but sorta strangely guarded.  I was hoping this would be a better experience than the city, but it seems like making friends here will also be impossible.  I have to keep my chin up, though, it’s only been two days after all.  
Erin rambles on for a full page about the stress of unpacking and moving, but how happy she was to be out by nature.  She doesn’t notice how warm the page feels under her, or the way it takes in the ink almost instantly into its fibers.  When she signs the bottom of the page with a practiced and flourished “EC” she lets out a sigh and stretches.  The way her back pops makes her moan with satisfaction as she pushes away from her desk to head upstairs. 
The rest of the week is spent unpacking and organizing, getting the house into a state that’s less sterile and more homey.  By the time Sunday rolls around the house is mostly ready and Erin is itching to explore.  So, with her journal in hand and some boots on her feet she ventures off onto a small trail she found near her backyard.  As she follows it deeper into the forest, she finds a small stream and begins to follow it up until she reaches a pond fed by a thin trickling waterfall.  Well, pond might be too small a term for it, but lake wasn’t right either.  Still, the calming sound of running water and the fresh scent of grass and damp earth set her heart at ease. 
Settling down in the damp grass Erin pulls out her lunch and her journal.  Eating her sandwich with one hand she starts to write happily with the other.  Although a few sentences in she sees some ink begin to bloom on the bottom third of the page, making her eyebrows knit together.  Slowly before her eyes she sees a messy scrawl begin to appear.  
Are you there?
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while-im-home · 5 years
Sunday 15/03/2020
So today I was finally hit by whatever plague has been circling my immune system. I’ve had a kind of sore throat for about 3 days and feeling like I’m burning up every now and then and this morning, I felt like I had been hit by a tonne of bricks. My body aches, I’m sweating buckets, I feel a little confused and dizzy, my sore throat doesn’t seem to be here but something is definitely up. I climb into bed and put the fan on to try and combat this hot flush I’m having. There I stayed for the rest of the day, watching YouTube on my phone all day and hoping I would feel better as the day went on. This did not happen. Unfortunately I don’t remember much of that evening other than feeling sad that this was how I was feeling.
Monday 16/03/2020
Today was hard. Today was the anniversary of my mum passing away. I felt really horrible mentally and physically today. My soul ached not just because she was gone but also because I felt too crappy to do anything to remember her by. I planned to bake some cupcakes and B had given me a wonderful gift to remember her by, a video message that can be sent into space and he was going to record me and pay to send it into space through a company he found last year and had been keeping it a secret until today. It was so sweet of him. I cried for hours that day. I spent this day in bed again, feeling sorry for myself and also a little angry as my online food shop had arrived and half of my order was missing because of those asshole panic buyers swiping all the things. I took a turn for the worse tonight. I felt as though my face and body were pressed against scalding radiators and I felt very tired and delirious. B said I didn’t feel as though I had a temperature but my cheeks felt like they were going to catch fire any second. We tried to call 111 but we couldn’t get through. A lot of other panicked people it seemed. At this point we had been convincing ourselves that there was no way I had coronavirus, I had only seen one person and I was housebound anyway due to my agoraphobia. It must’ve just been a flu. I was drifting in and out of sleep as my body battled all these horrible feelings, my arms and legs felt so heavy and ached heavily. I managed to get to sleep with a cold flannel on my face.
Tuesday 17/03/2020
I woke up feeling a little better. I didn’t feel as though I was burning up anymore but I did feel shortness of breath and I messaged my friend who I had seen around a week prior to see if she had this feeling. She did. Granted her feelings were a lot more cold based where as I primarily had a fever and an achy body. She recommended I call 111 and see what they say. I decide to do it later when B had woken up (he had stayed up really late the night previously). Thankfully B had brought my Xbox into the bedroom for me and I began a playthrough of L.A.Noire. A game I adored but had never fully finished before. I will be talking about this a lot. I flew through Traffic and Homocide that day but before I could even think about starting Ad-Vice B had woken up. He was very anxious. He takes medication for his anxiety and was late in taking it so he was in rather a bad state mentally but called 111 for me anyway as my symptoms had started to worsen again. My ear was bright red and was burning up and that slowly traveled to my cheeks again. We got through this time and the woman was rather rude to me. She said because I had a fever and shortness of breath, they were going to transfer to me to the coronavirus specialist phonelines. I was sure I didn’t have it because I don’t have a cough. And that was the main symptom. They gave them my number and eventually called me back, she was the loveliest woman ever and said that they would keep me on their radar in case my symptoms worsen or anything but until then all I can do is self isolate and rest up. I fell asleep that night struggling to breathe and woke up many times in the night because of it. It was horrible.
Wednesday 18/03/2020
I don’t remember much from today. I remember feeling short on breath all day and feeling incredibly lonely. Self isolation is incredibly isolating, who would’ve known. I miss my friends and my boyfriend. He’s being cautious with me but is still managing to be a loving and caring boyfriend. My dad visited me but didn’t come into my bedroom, was the first time I had seen him in weeks. We don’t really have the best relationship. I remember eating more than I had done the day previously. And I remember that drinking had been a problem, I was struggling to force myself to stay hydrated, I only managed to force myself to drink one cup on one of the days but today I managed to drink around 4-5 pints of water (and a couple of them had orange squash in ☺️). I didn’t feel as feverish today but I did briefly that night. I was mostly very scared because the doom the media has been churning out had kept convincing me I was going to be put in hospital or that I was going to die.
Thursday 19/03/2020
Today was bad but for a different reason. After 5 hours of sleep I was rudely awoken by my own body. I was cramping. Hard. My period had arrived and wasn’t going easy on me. I managed to go and clean myself up and get back in bed. Unfortunately one of the symptoms I get with my period is that I get bad hot flashes. I burn up. So on top of my fever, it was hard to tell if it was my fever or my period causing me to toast marshmallows. And I couldn’t even have a hot water bottle to combat the cramps without completely overheating myself. I pushed through and it got better as the day went on. My shortness of breath felt a little easier but my sore throat had returned. Win some lose some. I finished L.A.Noire properly this time. And oh. My. God. I cried. I cried hard. The ending was so... unexpected and FUCKING SAD???? I have so many thoughts and feelings and although I’m really upset with the ending, it did make me love the game even more on a deeper level. I wasn’t in the mood for another game after that and ended up spending the entire rest of the day watching 2 Broke Girls on Amazon Prime. I’m actually really enjoying it. The writing is a little off and after a while it gets very repetitive. Caroline whines about how far she’s fallen and Max says vagina. There that’s the whole show. Fr though I am enjoying it. It’s a good distraction. B went out today, we know he wasn’t supposed to but we desperately needed some groceries that our online shop couldn’t get us. He was cautious, covered his mouth and tried not to touch ANYTHING he didn’t have to or wasn’t going to purchase to keep chance of spreading whatever I have to the absolute minimal. He also got me a present to cheer me up AND as an early birthday present. It was a Yachemon plush from Overwatch, I laughed so hard when I saw it my shortness of breath got worse. Oops.
Friday 20/03/2020
Today was the best day by far. I felt so much like myself, I barely felt hot at all, my shortness of breath was practically non existent and I actually felt a lot more human, however, I do have a lot Of phlegm in my throat and have had to cough and clear it a few times, still wouldn’t say I had a cough though. I’m a little wary of the people that have said it gets worse before it gets better so am keeping to the bed for a few days longer just in case. I feel so much like myself and was even able to get up briefly without feeling like I was going to pass out! It’s a step in the right direction at least! I was still mourning the L.A.Noire ending and was feeling incredibly lonely again (a common theme, I complained of loneliness to B a thousand times even though we both know he should only really come and see me if he HAS to). But he came down to hang out with me briefly to help me pick a few games to buy from the Xbox store. We picked some that were on sale, the first 5 chapters of Life Is Strange and Mafia II. I decided to start with Life Is Strange and I’m sadly really unimpressed with it. I’m not a massive fan of games where your choices effect certain things because they make me anxious I will choose the bad endings! I’m a little disappointed that it’s a supernatural storyline, I was hoping for something a little more realistic but it doesn’t ruin the game. I love the art style and voice acting, it’s a beautiful game with a promising storyline (even if it’s not specifically my cup of tea). I think the chapters were a little short considering how much they are at original price separately but I guess I’m just lucky I caught it on sale. I’m not itching to play more but I will anyway, I just hope it gets a little better :/.
We’re all caught up. I’ll try and write a diary entry every evening. It will mostly focus on reviewing the entertainment I have and describing my symptoms and just what I get up to. I’m writing for myself and people reading it is just an extra. It’d be nice to have something to talk at like a diary for a while. Even if it’s not talking back I appreciate the social effects it’s having on me.
Anyways. I’ll post today’s diary entry either tonight or tomorrow morning. Until then we take it easy. ✌🏻
0 notes
takokola · 7 years
Plot: Canyon Conquest - Prologue Part 4
((This story takes place during the Squid Sister Stories. Which is 9 months, after the Final Splatfest. Fynn was feeling melancholy since the new year had started. Just what made him down in the dumps?))
Team Pinkognito (Fynn, Angela, Maye, and Dewey), Team Sky Splash (Skyla and Scorpia), Mysti, and Tundra belongs to me.
Eimie belongs to @eiden-squid | @marchant-girls
Overtime, Fynn’s mobility and combat is improving since the first day of training. Each day, he recieved a heavier set of ankle weights from Tundra. As always, Fynn followed her instructions by walking in a patient manner around the dojo.
After perfecting his slightly toned ankles, he’s feeling as light as a Carbon Roller when he took them off. It feels weird at first, but it didn’t take long for him to move around freely. He was feeling quick and nimble as a result. Now that the first session is done, he stick to his usual regiment. 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 squats, and a 5km run around the dojo. After he was done with his set, Tundra and Fynn began sparring on the battlefield.
“C'mon, don’t tell me that’s all you got?” Tundra was wielding a Classic Squiffer for battle. She looked down on Fynn, who is on his knees and covered in teal ink.
“Haa… ha.. Not even close..” Even though he’s taken so many beatings, he still smiled up at him. Fynn slowly got up on his knees, still gripping his Wasabi Splattershot. “Again..!!” Fynn lets out his battle cry and charged in, guns blazing.
Tundra readied her charger and aimed at Fynn’s head. She might have lost her eye, but it doesn’t mean that she’s out of commission. She fired her weapon and… she missed!
Fynn had swiftly moved to the right and managed to get behind her. He dropped in a Splat Bomb near her feet.
“Oh, man..!!” She was too late for to escape from the blast. Luckily, she survived the inksplosion from the Splat Bomb. She was about to recover, until Fynn had trapped her. A cunning tactic to flush out the enemy and finish the job. She’s rather impressed than surprised.
Fynn looked down at her with his Splattershot in his hand. “Yield, now.” He demanded. He could splat her in any moment.
Tundra looked around to see that her weapon had fallen out of her hands and she’s unable to move in his own ink. She sighed in defeat and held her hands up. “Ya got me. I surrender.”
“Not falling for the same trick, again.” He still has his finger on the trigger. He was tricked the first time when Tundra had swept him off his feet, causing him to lose his balance.
“Shoot..! Thought it would’ve worked a second time..” She had been toying with the new disciple for a month and a half. It’s about to time to end today’s session. “I mean it, this time. I, Tundra shall admit defeat. Now, can you help me up?” She asked, extending an arm.
Fynn lowered his weapon and reached out his hand to Tundra. He pulled her up with a bit of strength left. He was completely drained from today. “So, that’s it for now?” He panted, lightly. He was wondering how long has he been cooped up in this dusty old dojo? After every session, he felt homesick. He really misses his girlfriend, Eimie and the rest of his friends and family.
“You’re worried about your friends, eh?” Tundra can read him like a book. She glanced over to see the calendar. Today’s July 5th and it's 11:00 pm, which is close to Fynn’s 20th birthday. “Since you’ve improved well since the beginning, I guess I’ll let you go for a few days.” She’s got some other errands to run while he’s away from the dojo.
Fynn’s eyes lit up when she said it. “F-For realsies?! I can return back to Inkopolis?!” He’s not sure if she was joking or not. Definitely not.
Tundra nodded happily. “You’re free to go for the time being. I got some other things to attend to." She walked upstairs to her own room. She looked back at him and said: "Hurry along, now. It'd be best to return home and rest.” She waved goodbye to him and proceed to take a nap in her room.
Several minutes later, Fynn was returning home from Octo Valley with his stuff in tow. It's already nighttime and everyone's either asleep or enjoying their evening. Once he made it home safely, he noticed a certain purple squid on the rooftop. She seemed very sad and lonely, which made Fynn worry. ("Eimie... please forgive me for leaving you....")
Eimie was about to get back down until she had noticed the random squid who is super jumping to her on the rooftop. Hopefully, it doesn't disturb the other neighbors. She was startle at first until she saw Fynn, right next to her. "F-F-Fynny..?!" Eimie stared up at Fynn, shaking like a leaf. It's been a month in a half since Fynn was missing. Not only Eimie was worrying about her boyfriend, but Team Pinkognito's Angie, Maye, and Dewey. Without warning, she hugged him tightly. "W-Where on earth have you been?! We were worried sick..!!" She began to sob.
"Shhh.. It's okay.. I'm here now... I'll explain this til' morning.." Fynn wrapped his arms around her waist and shushed her. It didn't take long for Eimie to calm herself down from the uncontrollable sobbing. All it matters is that he returned back to Inkopolis for the weekend.
Once the sun raises on the horizon, Fynn got plenty of good sleep with Eimie. For some odd reason, the nightmares were gone after each training session with Tundra. Now, Fynn was sitting by the dinning room table and he was face-to-face with Eimie. She was waiting for an answer from Fynn after so long.
"If you're wondering about my disappearance, I was out in Octo Valley. I met a pro battler like me who knows more about mobility and endurance. Her name is Tundra and she's my personal trainer at her own Battle Dojo. I've been training for at least a month in a half. Soon, I'll be finshed for a couple of months. It's a good thing, I got here in time to see you." Fynn smiles for a bit until he stared down at the table. "I'm sorry for making you and my friends worry like this.."
Without warning, Eimie flicked him on the forehead, causing Fynn to cover his forehead in pain. "You just don't go off without telling me, dork.." She couldn't stay mad at him after his explanation. She kissed the bruised spot on his forehead to make it feel better. "How about I make you some breakfast? You seemed starving from the training." She walked over to the kitchen to fetch some pancake mix, bacon, and eggs.
"I have been eating fruit because I'm staying fit." A little fattening wouldn't hurt him. He'll just burn off the calories during a light jog.
A few moments later, Fynn was feeling satified and refreshed after breakfast. It's great to have a girlfriend who can cook, as long as Fynn cleans the entire apartment room with ease. Fynn was sitting on the couch, reading all the birthday wishes, not to mention the "please come back safe" messages from his friends. He scheduled a meeting at his place in response. He sent the same message to both Sky Splash and Kriller Bees.
Once he was done with his phone, he noticed Eimie was about to leave. "We're you heading off too, babe?" Fynn asked, feeling curious. Before he left Inkopolis, he'd noticed that Eimie went off to see Eika.
"I'm going to stop by the grocery store and pick up some food and drinks. Just in case if your friends show up." Suddenly, Eimie gave him a kiss on the lips. "It won't take long, Fynny. Don't go anywhere~" Who knows what would happen if Eimie starts to worry again.
Fynn did some summer cleaning around the apartment while Eimie was out to buy some groceries. It's been an hour or two to make preparation for their arrival. As he was about done with cleaning, he heard a light knock on the front door. He spun around and made his way to the door. "I'm coming!" He said, before unlocking the door and opening it. Suddenly, he was immediately glomped by another pink inkling with a straw boater hat.
"Ohmygosh, you're back!! I've been trying to reach you, but you didn't answer and..." Fynn's teammate, Maye blurted out quickly. She was later, shushed by her twin brother; Dewey.
"Calm down, sis. He's not dead or anything." Dewey's gaze was focused on his captain. "Seriously, Fynn. Where on earth have you been? As a captain like yourself, you shouldn't just leave without an explanation. Everybody knows that."
And then, there's Angie with her roomate, Mysti. "The other two are arriving, shortly. Unfortunately for Dawn and Hanzo, they're both busy at the moment.. And Hunni's team aren't going to make it because they're already training for the tournament.." Behind Angie, Mysti was standing there and looking over her roommates shoulder. The Mimic Octoling seems to be a bit concerning about Fynn's health.
"I'm relieved, you're alright..!" She stepped closer to him and checked for any scars or injuries. She noticed that Fynn's face still has a bit of dirt from outside. ("There's no mistaken it.. He must've been training hard.. I know someone who would do such a thing...") She rubbed her chin until she looked up into Fynn's gaze. "There are no major injuries on your body. That's good."
Fynn was rather exhausted after each session. During training, he didn't whine or complain and he takes it easy on his own pace. "Of course, I'm alright. There's no need tp worry about me. Noow then, let's all sit down and I'll tell you what really happened." Everyone including Fynn sat down on either the couch or the floor. Before Fynn could confess, there was another knock at the door. He quickly opened the door ro reveal his cousin, Skyla and Scorpia. "Hey, cousin! Scorp! Come sit with us. I was just about to tell you my story." He went back to his seat.
"Where the hell were you for the past few weeks!? Dawn, Aunt Cherry, AND Uncle Ray were worried sick about you!" The tiny inkling sat down with the rest of them. She had already signed the applications for the fall semester and she has gotten the word from Angie.
"......" Scorpia leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. During Fynn's absense, she got a new mask from the new Galleria as a present from her sister, Azalea.
And so, Fynn explained why he was gone. He met a teal-colored inkling at Arowana Mall while Fynn and Dawn were out shopping. He accepted her as her new disciple and began training at her Battle Dojo in Octo Valley. He's been working hard for a month in the half, until he came back to Inkopolis to spend some quality time with the gang for the weekend.
I see.. So, that's why you kept this to yourself? And what about your nightmares that Eimie me mentioned about..?" Angie said, still worried about him.
"I.. kinda forgotten all about that during training. I slept well, I ate well, and there's nothing wrong with me." Fynn shrugged. He stopped worrying about himself and others, just his main purpose. "So, there you have it. I've been improving for a month in a half I couldn't bare the thought of letting my teammates down.. No, everyone down.." He lowered his gaze.
Everyone remained silent for a while until Skyla walked up to Fynn. She planted a light and painless jab to his cheek. She looked up at her cousin and smiles. "You really are an idiot by heart, but you're my idiot. There's no need to worry about us. Whatever training you're doing, don't lose faith." Skyla has known him for 6 years when he started moving in with his aunt, Naomi.
"Sky's right. You're still stronger than you think. We'll be there to support you." Scorpia took off her surgical mask and smiles. She's not worrying about revealing her scar on her mouth.
Next up is the Berri Twins. Dewey stepped up to face Fynn. "I've always been frustated because of you. But you're a great addition to the team. I hate to admit it, but I respect you."
Maye nodded, ethusiastically. "I couldn't thank you enough for treating me for ice cream after my rejection, about a year ago. I'm happy to have you as our captain!"
Last but not least, Angie and Mysti approached to Fynn. "You're not a burden to everyone. You've done so much for the past year. You don't need to worry about us, all the time. If you're feeling down, please tell us. Because that's what friends do.." And with that, Mysti nodded happily with her.
Fynn was moved by everyone. He's been worried about his dark past for a while. Angie was right about one thing, he has friends to support him and guide him in the right direction. "Everyone.. Thank you.. You don't know how much this means alot to me.." Fynn was about to shed a tear, but he dried up.
The heart-warming moment was interrupted when his girlfriend immediately opened the door with some groceries in her hand. She looked very shocked and frightened.
"F-Fynn, everyone, You've got to see this!" Eimie cried, reaching for the remote to the TV. She flipped the channels until she found the Inkopolis News.
"Eimie.. What's going o-" Fynn stopped his sentence when he saw there's no Great Zapfish on the tower in Inkopolis PLaza. It's been captured again. But they were far from over. Everyone was questioning about Callie's disappearance. Once the news is over, everyone went silent again.
"M-Missing..?!" Mysti gasped. She knows who is behind all of this. The Mimic Octoling has heard about her kind's attempt at stealing the Great Zapfish once. She's got a bad feeling about this.
"W-What happened to Callie?! I thought, she was going to do a fan meeting at Starfish Mainstage..!" Maye panicked, a bit.
("This can't be happening.. At a time like this..?!") As a former agent like Fynn, he used to defend Inkopolis during situations like this one. Now that the Great Zapfish is missing again, they'll lose power for good. He needs to find Tundra and fast. Maybe, they'll investigate the problem and inform a Squidbeak Splatoon member. If only Agent 3 was here.
"E-Everybody, remain calm!!" Eimie stood in the middle of the group. "We still have generators, in case of emergency. For the meantime, I brought snacks and drinks over. Ain't that right, Fynn?" She looked around to find Fynn, but he vanished without a trace. Eimie's heart felt cold. "F-Fynn..?! Fynn..!!" She cried out, but he was long gone.
The group searched for Fynn as well, still no use. He must've snuck out to find help while Eimie was talking. "Oh no... Where did Fynn go, this time...?" Angie said, worrying about him even more.
Fynn rushed out of the apartment, heading straight towards the Plaza by bike. The situation is starting to take effect. Some of the lights began flickering on and off until the flickering stopped. He must head back to the dojo, before it's too late.
A few moments later, Fynn arrived at the Battle Dojo and he came to a screeching halt. He quickly stepped inside of the dojo and Fynn froze in place. The entire dojo is trashed and covered in fuschia ink. That ink is color is coming from the Octarians. ("There's no mistaken the ink.. It's from the Octarians.. I need to search for Tundra..") Before he could go up the stairs, he heard an eerie and cute giggle from afar.
"Lost, little rat?" A female voice filled Fynn's ears. It wasn't long until one Octoling approached to him with an Octoshot in her hand. If Fynn could see through her new shades, her eyes were filled with inklust. Suddenly, the other three soldiers have surrounded him.
"Okay.. What's going on..?" Fynn looked around to see the 4 Octolings that are aiming at him. Could they be out for revenge from 2 years ago?
"I'll ask the questions here, punk!!" The black-tentacled elite barked at him, causing Fynn to silence himself. "Tell us where Unit-237 is or we'll start splatting you to bits. We've already found your location during your so-called training." She has her finger on the trigger and ready to shoot if he tries to escape or not answer to her question.
Today's been a huge mess for him. There was no Great Zapfish, no sign of Tundra, and worst of all, no escape. The four elite have cornered him in all directions. ("So much for a pleasant weekend from the dojo.. Without my gun or roller, I'm screwed... Unless, I need to think carefully and fast..!") His memories came rushing back to the ankle weights training. Maybe, he could juke them out and outsmart them without his weapons. Fynn's sufficient training with Tundra will be put to good use for odds like this.
To Be Continued...
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cmpsbls · 8 years
These are tips for future Nicole fr past Nicole who made a lot of mistakes this school year ┗(•̀へ •́ ╮ ) so I hope at least some of you can relate to this stash of tips I have kept for myself in my notes for incoming Senior High levels!
1.  WRITE NOTES ON GIVEN ACTIVITY SHEETS & keep your papers organized (please)
Write tiny notes on the given activity sheets instead of putting them in your binder notebook (ok my own preference tho!!) bc one paper = topic is better than multiple messy papers = one huge topic!
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2.  Find the best kind of review style
so this year actually last school year but its been 100% proven this yr that I don’t really remember well when I read notes from a notebook (weIRD IDK WHY) so heres a list of the methods I personally use (bc Im pretty sure someone alrdy made a different kinds of studying methods here!! :> ) a) Loose leaf paper + intense color code: by intense color code I mean theres a specific color palette for every topic! b) Flashcards + color code: best when it comes to language classes (in my case I should have done this with every short story we read but I didn’t so I had a hard time n i only remembered terms fr my friends flashcards! (ᴗ˳ᴗ) ) c) Notes in book: useful when you need to remember like parts of something (like biology) you put the starting letter of every term under the major topic they’re under! like posterior pituitary: O, A : oxytocin and antidieuretic hormone! ヾ(´・ω・`)
3. Color code your notes
I gave up like half way through the school year bc my pens started to dry out and I was too busy to go out and thrift cute gel pens that didn’t skip either ヾ(´・ ・`。)ノ” (also my askbox is open to fellow fil studyblrs who know cute gel pens..that aren’t mygel HUHU) and I do regret not color coding my notes bc since my attention span is so sHORT and looking at monochromatic notes doesn’t hELP THAT AT ALL u know i just ended up never opening my notebook so a) Color code your notes : use the same colors for everything b) How to color code: look at past notes and base it on that 。゚(゚^ω^゚)゚。
4. Rewrite notes (especially Math drills) (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
I don’t have pictures of my Math notebook at the moment since we submitted it but when I rewrite my notes I put notes on the drills I failed (ahem ..most of them) ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ so that I don’t forget like on this Algebra reviewer I had (like bc i forget to square root n shiz)
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5. Buy pens you actually like
ok we’re all certified stationery addicts in this side of Tumblr but ok I regret all those D*iso ballpens I bought just bc they were cheap. I hated using them & they made my notes ugly? (・_・ヾ so @ / nic specifically pls buy gel pens only it fits ur aesthetic and u are oc with ur notes so just pls buy pens u like (also remember that planner u loved so much that u ruined it bc u used different ballpoint pens so now it looks uglie good job nice)
6. Get a TO-DO List app &  planner (o・_・)ノ”(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
I had various planners throughout the year (or more like any random notebook within my reach n copying the assignments on there) but as I got attached to This One planner I started filling it up but when I got home.. I don’t open my planner…at all. (シ_ _)シ so I found some apps that helped remind me to do my homework. Most of the time I would just put a reminder with the topic of the subject then the content would be: Check your planner so these are the few apps I downloaded a) Memorigi: ALL TIME FAV! the design is so minimalist n the icons + colors are super cute n theres enough space to put a lot of content n thats what I need for overlooking project progress SO YES MY FAV ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ b) Google Keep: perfect for like random brain dumps & checklists! c) Any.do: perfect for checklists or like short summary tasks! d) Wunderlist: same with for any.do if your tasks don’t need any specific details (like a grocery list for example) this app is perfect for u e) Ike: THIS IS CUTE bc like there r 4 boxes then u rename it to whatever u want (& they have cute color palettes too!!) then you assign your tasks to any box (like i had a christmas break goal, & a TO DO RN & a TO DO of the month & dreams/bucketlist) so this is super nice if u wanna see ur life goals not just acads!!
7. Shower when you get home
Literally I just started doing this at the end of the school year  (bc there was so much work to be done that One Week)(I usually shower like after dinner) & it helped so much, I, a certified coffee drinker/lover, was surprised that showering as soon as I got home helped more than having dinner with coffee (I kno..it bad) first before my shower! also wear comfy clothes while studying! (✿◠‿◠)
8. Wake up early on weekends to rewrite notes
FIRST OF ALL THIS IS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD! like im not even saying this like sarcastically but i felt like a true hashtag studyblr when i started doing this, bc 9.1) u can watch a movie from like 5am - 8 am without feeling guilty bc damn gurl i still got the entire day 9.2) its like ur fooling urself bc when its commercial break u can start doing homework n by the time the movie starts playing again ur like halfway done 9.3) good breakfast will push u to actually finish ur work ?? idk if its just me but it does 9.4) no one is awake at 5am on saturdays so (maybe) u have the entire house to urself u can sit on the floor while reading or plug in ur usb to ur tv and jam to ur study mix (bc admit it…having earphones on can be like sometimes distracting idk) 9.5) NOTHING INTERESTING ON UR TIMELINE!! bc everyones sleeping or ded or hungover fr friday night so ur forced to like do something else than just chat with friends
9. Do studyblr challenges (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
I didn’t do any this school year but I feel like if I did 100daysofproductivity challenge I think I would feel guilty for skipping so much (✖╭╮✖) so this is a list of things I want to do next school yr a) 100daysofproductivity: post 100 days of productive days here on tumblr or anywhere! b) don’t break the chain: especially if it comes to math practice  (。-`ω´-) or exercise maybe! c) pomodoro timer: 25 minutes of intense studying //  i think i need to start using this method again!
so thats a wrap up for school year 2016-2017! it was a hellish school year (ノ´д`) NO JOKE I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY PHYSICALLY stressed this year idk why but it was for me one of the worst school years and oh btw (don’t have a crush on ur classmate ur life will be ruined..or if they’re too cute..try getting into a new show or get a hobby n keep them out of ur brain bc u only need Knowledge And Wisdom for now my bbs don’t be like stupid nice) OK THATS THAT I hope you all have a wonderful day! Take care!! 。゚(゚^ω^゚)゚。
206 notes · View notes
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They start meeting just about every day after school, at Regan’s house. The first few times, it’s a lot of demonstrations and a lot of Jason getting knocked on his back. He’s sorer than he’s been since he finished his physical education requirements.
It’s still worth it, though. Both for knowing he’ll have a better chance of defending himself, and for when he successfully gets out of Regan’s grip and feels a swell of pride, earns a big grin.
“You’re a quick learner,” Regan compliments, when Jason manages to successfully counter a grapple. Jason’s top is drenched with sweat and Regan barely looks tired, so that’s still a problem, but Jason can already feel himself getting stronger.
“Or you’re a good teacher,” Jason counters, using his shirt to wipe sweat off his forehead.
“Let’s go with both, then we can both feel good.”
Jason laughs a little. Over the course of the last week, he’s gotten increasingly comfortable with Regan. It’d been awkward to be around him without his binder on at first, but Regan hadn’t even seemed to note it. And it’s easy to get comfortable with someone who unquestioningly backs off when you call uncle in a sparring match.
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“How long did it take you to get good at this?” Jason asks, going to get a sip of water.
“Well, I’ve been in sports on and off since I was pretty young.”
“So I’m as good as you were when you were eight?” He guesses.
“Pff. More like eleven.”
“That’s sooo much better.”
“Hey, if you keep up the good work, you’ll close the gap eventually.”
“Eventually,” Jason sighs. “Guess we should get back to work, then.”
The next day, he feels a bit like his arms are about to fall off. Lugging his backpack around all day is hellish. At least it’s a satisfying sort of burn. The kind he knows means he worked hard.
Still, he can’t help but be relieved that there’s no film club today. He gets picked up and dropped off at home and gets to flop down on the couch and just breathe. It’s a recovery day, so he’s going to do approximately nothing but watch T.V. Maybe study a little, if the news doesn’t stop popping on talking about the Camera Killer’s most recent video.
At least, that’d been the plan. His dad starts to fumble around in the kitchen, walks into the living room, back into the kitchen, then back out, juggling a number of files, floorplans, a thermos, his wallet, and his cellphone.  
“You alright there?” Jason asks, watching his dad struggle to sort through a couple papers.
“Yeah, just-” He checks his phone, quickly, then pulls some money out of his wallet and holds it out to Jason. “Some problem came up at the house I’m working on and I need to go check it out. Ask my contractor how it is going to affect the budget. I didn’t get to go grocery shopping, so just run down to the 7/11 and grab something. I’ll bring you late dinner when I get this worked out.”
“I…” Jason stares at the money, then looks up at his dad nervously.
His dad is confused for a second, and then the gears start turning. “Hey,” he says, sympathetically, “it’s only a fifteen minute walk there and back. I’ve got my phone on me, you’ve been doing your self defense stuff. Just make sure to go while it’s still light out.”
“Right…” Even though he takes the money, he doesn’t look too pleased about it.
“I’ll probably be home around eight,” his dad informs him before rushing out.
Jason puts it off for as long as he can, before he actually has to start worrying about the sun going down. Before he steps out the door, he messages Regan.
Jason: walking down to 7/11. let’s hope I don’t have to use my new skillset. :^/
Regan: you got this jj
Jason smiles a little at the nickname, wondering if he could make an equivalent for Regan. R.A.? No. That’s what you call the dorm advisor in college.
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Regan: remember if a big guy comes at you, use his weight against him
Jason: what do I do if a small guy comes at me?
Regan: tell him you know dmitri and he’ll have to stop. short guy code
Regan: fr tho momentum is ur friend
Regan: hmm. maybe i should draft dmitri for short guy sparring practice
Jason: I feel like he would bite me.
Regan: he would definitely bite you
Jason: how would I explain that to my parents?
Regan: tell them ur new gf is kinky
Jason: I’m pretty sure that’s how you get grounded.
Talking with him is making this walk a lot less nerve-wracking. Constant communication, focusing on anything but his paranoia.
Regan: wat are you buying?
Jason: chips, probably. or ice cream.
Regan: bro
Jason: what?
Regan: bro youre trashing ur body
Jason: omfg. what healthy thing could i buy from 7/11!!
Regan: multigrain bar or some nuts
Jason: what swamp did your tastebuds crawl out of?
Jason: creature from the black legume.
Regan: dont diss legumes dude
Jason: I’m buying a slushie out of spite.
He walks into the store, hearing the jingle of the bell overhead. He’s got just enough to buy himself a slushie, a bag of chips, and a candy bar.
Jason: mission success- bought junk food without dying.
Regan: 🎉
Jason: now for the encore.
Jason steps out of the 7/11 and starts the short journey home. Drinking from his slushie makes texting a little harder, but he’s so got this.
Jason: so what’re you up to?
Regan: just got home from riley’s
Regan: gonna make myself a salad like a responsible teen
Jason: meanwhile I’ve got chocolate.
Regan: i should make a chocolate vinaigrette
Jason: you cook?
Regan: hell yeah dude
Regan: i dont know how to make a chocolate vinaigrette tho
Regan: that was a joke  
Regan: i guess i could look it up
Regan: i make a mean half moon pie i should make some for you sometime
Jason: I don’t know what that is but it has pie in it so I’m in.
He takes another big slurp of his drink and grins around his straw when Regan starts to ramble about how to make this dessert.
Then something is wrapped around his throat. A presence suddenly behind him, a taut rope wrapped around his neck, strong arms pulling back. Everything falls out of his hands when he yelps in surprise.
He wasn’t paying attention.
His mind races. Choking. How to- he tries to tuck his chin, but the rope is under it, that doesn’t help, this isn’t a choke hold.
The rope is digging in and up, any time he tries to get solid footing, another yank almost makes his feet almost leave the ground. He flails, elbows, grabs at the unknown assailant’s face. The more effort he exerts, the more his lungs scream in protest.
Unfortunately, he can’t do the same; his voice coming out rasped and restricted.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. None of Regan’s lessons prepared him for this.
He tries to dig his fingers under the rope, shift his weight to ease the pressure, throw off the attacker’s center of balance, but none of it works. His vision slowly gets dark around the edges. His brain is still on full panic, heart hammering rapidly. But his consciousness goes soft and for the second time in very few days, he blacks out.
Waking up this time isn’t like last time. It isn’t a slow climb out of a muddled state. It’s sharp, disorienting; he was in one place but now he’s in another.
And this place is very dark and this time there’s no Sidney kicking walls or silly harmless clocks.
There’s just frigid cold. Pale light coming in through high windows, casting long shadows. He can barely look around. He’s strapped to a chair. With mild horror, he realises it’s a dentist’s chair. Modified, his legs and arms bound. The bindings are tight. No silly amatuer stuff, no pulling at the right angle to get out. Fear seizes him. His stomach is doing flips.
He’s alone, for quite some time. He doesn’t know how long. The light outside is fading fast. He dropped his cellphone. What if the killer has it? What if he texts his friends, parents? No one will even know he’s missing. Not until tomorrow.
A door creaks from somewhere and he tries to twist and look, but his mobility is a little limited right now. There’s a sound of rolling wheels, along with heavy, booted footsteps.
“Hey,” Jason croaks, before he can even consider if it’s a good idea to speak.
“Mr. Joon-ho, you’re awake,” comes a low southern drawl from somewhere behind him. “I hope you had a nice nap, because we are going to be very busy.” The voice slowly rounds round until Jason can see its owner. It’s deep and rich, the kind of voice that would be soothing, if not for the fact that it is coming from behind what is clearly a mask of cured human skin.
The rest of his clothes look too normal. Jean jacket, plaid shirt...hunting gloves. He’s pushing a cart with what can only be described as an array of sharp tools on it.
That comes to a stop a good five feet away, but the man paces closer.
Jason can see his chapped lips and dark eyes through the rough cuts in the mask, hear his heavy, unfiltered breathing, imagining the humidity inside the mask; he feels nauseous, wants to cry.
“Let me out of here,” he demands, tries to sound insistent, but he knows how scared he sounds. He gets a laugh in return. A short one, a facsimile of politeness, like he’s chuckling at a dear friend’s witty joke.
“Bless your heart,” the killer says, and Jason’s skin itches. “Can’t do that, little buddy. You see, you’re a delicacy.” He plants a hand on Jason’s arm. “Surviving five murder attempts? That’s some kinda record. I’d love to let you marinate for a bit longer. Seen how you’ve been strengthening up. Would taste a lot better with some meat on you.”
His other gloved hand pats Jason’s face and Jason’s brain goes haywire as he realizes who this is. He jerks and tries to curl in on himself, but he can’t. He can’t protect his squishy middle bits from what this fucker is no doubt about to do to them.
“But let’s face it. You’re just a pit stop on my cross country tour. Can’t wait around any longer.” The Cannibal withdraws both his hands and taps his chin. “In fact-” And he’s moving back to that cart.
“Help!” Jason shouts, as loud as he can, jerking against his restraints. The sounds bounce uselessly off the walls.  
“Hey now,” the Cannibal says, turning around, walking back towards him with some nondescript item in his hand. Jason can only see the handle. “None of that. There’s no one out here, anyways. And you should save your voice. There will be plenty of time for screaming later.”
“Fuck you,” Jason says, throat tight. Before he knows what happens, he feels a burst of pain. The Cannibal just punched him in the face with a meaty fist. His head is spinning.
“Watch your language,” the Cannibal comments, even voice turning acidic for just a second. Jason laughs as he feels the blood flow from his nose, tastes it on his lips. This guy’s about to carve him up like a Christmas ham and he doesn’t want to hear him swear. Incredible.
The object shifts from one of the Cannibal’s hands to the other and Jason can see, now, through skewed glasses, that it’s a potato peeler. Just a run of the mill potato peeler. His stomach sinks.
“Any gourmet worth his salt is always going to sample his ingredients,” the Cannibal jokes as he seems to test the sturdiness of the peeler against his glove.
“Why do you do this?” Jason asks.
The peeler halts. “I already told you you’re a delicacy. A rare treat.”
“No, why do you do this?! This sh- stuff, why do you-”
“Well aren’t you precious?” The Cannibal asks. “You still believe in motives.” He presses the peeler to the side of Jason’s face. When Jason tries to turn his head, the other hand comes to hold him still. “I do it because I want to, and because no one can stop me.”
The peeler doesn’t rake down fast. It digs in, and carves, slicing off a strip on his right cheek in a slow, agonizing pull. It hurts, sears, like the world’s worst rugburn.
He can’t help that it pulls chokes and sobs from him even when he grits his teeth.
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The Cannibal releases his face and takes the strip of skin between two fingers. Jason can feel his pulse pounding in his cheek, can feel the fresh blood.
Without preamble, the Cannibal lifts the sliver to the hole in his mask and pops it in his mouth, like it’s nothing, like he didn’t just tear it off of someone. Jason gags.
“Sorry to say, squirt, but I’ve had better,” he jokes, wiping the peeler off on a handkerchief he draws out of his pocket. “I can work with you, though.”
The Cannibal returns to his cart.
“Please don’t do this,” Jason begs.
“I worked up quite an appetite bringing you all the way here,” he answers nonchalantly, while examining knives, like he’s trying to decide which one will do the best job.
There’s a very loud sound from outside the room.
Like the sound of a door being kicked in.
The Cannibal tilts his head, like one would when confused. His hand slides to a particularly large knife and he takes it up, walking towards the door.
“Stay right there, peaches,” he hisses, sounding less like his fake-polite persona and more like an angry serial killer.
He opens the door and peeks his head out. Almost immediately, there’s a gunshot. He hears the Cannibal grunt and stumble back, but not fall.
Another slamming sound, probably someone kicking the door the rest of the way open, then a second gunshot. This time, there is a solid thump as the Cannibal hits the floor. A third gunshot comes anyways, and then there’s quiet. If Jason strains his ears, he can hear the mechanical rasp of the Plague Doctor, breathing heavily.
Jason closes his eyes, tears welling up. He doesn’t want to be relieved. He doesn’t want to be relieved that they’re here, but he is.
“Are you in here?” They ask, after a moment.
“What took you so long?” Jason responds, voice shaking.
“This is a big place.” They walk over, footsteps more hurried than usual. It’s the tall one. When they see him, they stop. Jason wonders if it’s really that bad, or if all the blood is misleading. Instead of commenting, they use their free hand to undo Jason’s bindings. He can’t help but note that they’re holding Christian’s gun. He doesn’t want to think about it.
When he’s free, he rubs his wrists and sits up, slinging his legs off the side of the chair.
“Do you need me to call 911?” Funny. It’s the first time they’ve asked.
“Do I need stitches?” Jason returns.
He sighs, and pushes himself to his feet, despite the tremors in his legs. “Alright.”
The Plague Doctor returns to the body of the Cannibal, crumpled in the corner, and searches him. He doesn’t have a phone of his own on him, but he does have Jason’s. So they hand the phone to him and he gets to dial the number himself.
“911 operator, what’s your emergency?”
“It’s Jason Joon-ho. I was kidnapped by the Cannibal. The Plague Doctor saved me, but I’m hurt. I’m currently in…”
“In Warehouse number fifteen,” the Plague Doctor informs him.
“Warehouse fifteen,” he repeats.
The Plague Doctor turns to go.
“That’s not your gun,” Jason finds himself saying, before he can stop himself. The Plague Doctor looks at Jason, then at their hand.
“Better in my hands than in one of theirs,” they state.
“Better in no one’s. Better if you leave it here.” Jason stays firm.
They test the weight of the gun, like they’re still unfamiliar with it.
“Hopefully we’ll reach the point where I can give it up, soon,” they say, lowering their arm. That gives Jason pause.
“How do you sleep at night, after doing shit like this?” He asks.
“With all my windows locked.” They leave.
The police and paramedics come and his brain sets on autopilot. He barely thinks. Even when his dad gathers him up in a tight hug and apologizes.
Getting home feels weirder than after the previous attacks. He goes to bed without eating. No appetite. And as he lies there, he thinks about how every other time, there’d been some sliver of a chance, some way he could’ve hoped to have gotten out. But this time, he really would’ve died without the Plague Doctor.
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moodywyrm · 1 year
that’s good!! are you making anything rn or just practicing? :o god!!! the jewelry and ribbon sections are so fun!!! i love standing there and just staring at everything it’s all so sparkly and pretty
yess 🤭 i spent some of it on new books even though i haven’t even started my other 2 😞 and i know!! i was so ugh >:( but he is!! he’s there rn because i was at work and i’m about to go grocery shopping, my neighbor said he’s still getting used to everything but he’s doing well :o
omg!! i want to get my dog’s ears tattooed but i can’t decide where 💔 and i think they are but i’m getting mine on my upper back/spine, and when i talked about it w/ my tattoo artist he said it won’t hurt as much as a regular spine tattoo?
my day was good!! i had to go into work early today again which was awful bc of my sleep problems 😞 but they let me off early!! and like i said i’m about to go grocery shopping,, my gf is making my favorite dinner tonight :) nd i need to stop by my gf’s friend’s house bc i forgot my purse at the bonfire and haven’t had time to get it back 💔
how’s your day?
- 🩷
it's really fun!! rn im not really working on any specific projects, just practicing the basic stitches! I made squares >:) idk what I'll do with them one day but they're there! and no fr, I love the ribbon and jewelry sections, I love adding lil details to my clothes and accessories! I actually wanna make new boot charms
that's so real, my physical tbr this year started at like 60 books ,,, I have a problem but I do get buying more books before you've finished the ones you have kjdjsld and binx!! the lil guy!! im glad he's doing well!! happy lil guy <3
same!! I have a lot of trouble thinking of placements for small tattoos? it's so much easier to imagine a larger tattoo? and that's good!! maybe it's just lower/mid spine that hurts? which I guess would make sense, I feel like you're closer to the bone there
oh honeybee :( it's good that they let you off early!! I have a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping but your favorite dinner!! I hope it was yummy!! rip I hope you got your purse back skfjh
yesterday was good!! i just did some chores around the house, listened to an entire audiobook and practiced crochet!! I've been in a very big audiobook mood so I've finished like three in the last seven days? and I started another one this morning? wild! but rn im taking a break to rewatch the first two seasons of only murders in the building so my sister and I can watch the new season together! very sleep though, the coffee is not hitting me :(
how was your day?
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bexsbaxters · 7 years
the one in which chris's music taste is shit
Book: The Freshman/The Sophomore 
 Pairing(s): James x Chris x Zig x MC, Abbie x Tyler, Zack x Brandon, Kaitlyn x Becca (can be seen as either platonic or romantic) 
Rating: PG (besides the occasional use of the word shit ?? is that like even a proper swear word ? idek anymore)
 Summary: in which mc loses her boyfriends, starts her preparation for facemasks friday and gets it up to here with her boyfriend’s hair gel addiction. 
A/N: i lowkey decided to make this poly fic because i love all three of my boy babies, i would’ve added kaitlyn but the way she treated mc was horrible and she wasn’t really apologetic ?? and becca is meh, especially after this new episode. i highkey wish we had the chance to romance abbie 😭😭. btw for future reference, in my fic land, all the original roomates + zig and james, live in vasquez’s old house. —–
mc stood in the middle of the busy supermarket, her basket on the floor as she studied the confectionary aisle, mind lost in thought. she had decided to leave her loose wavey hair hanging, yet when it started to annoy her she ached for a hair tie to be available to put it out of the way.
she had originally arrived there with james, zig and chris but had lost them in the throng of shoppers. she dithered between the sour patch kids or a packet of skittles but being the weak person that she was, she had caved and put them both in.
her weakness was probably the number one cause for her brokeness.
she moved between the shelfs, looking for her three musketeers. she thought she vaguely saw a flash of black leather and slicked hair by the frozen food but it turned out to be some high school student. but she had lost them for over twenty minutes and she was slowly getting desperate.
“zig? james? chris?” she called out, but softly trying not to attract attention, she held on her basket tighter, heart beat quickening when she thought she had lost them forever until she stumbled on them in the cereal aisle.
“i thought i lost you!” she cried out, as they all turned to look at her. hair frizzing, eyes watering and her strong grip had turned her knuckles to white.
yet, she still looked beautiful.
they didn’t know how she did it, was it some sort of cream? a potion? they all made a mental note to ask sometime in the preferably future.
“it’s all zig’s fault!” chris blurted out, pointing at the man with the white t-shirt who held his hands up as if to prove his innocence.
“it wasn’t me, honest”
james was holding a box of lucky charms, eyes rolling at the other two’s antics as they got in a row over who was to blame.
“honestly, without you james i wouldn’t be sane with these knuckleheads” mc said fondly, leaning her head on james’s shoulder, sighing contently.
“we still haven’t finished the list you know, zack is probably going to kill us” james commented, resting his head on top of her’s and snaking an arm around her waist.
she nodded, before moving to grab both chris and zig’s ears. they hissed in pain, even though that mc’s grip wasn’t strong but it was due to the fact she had caught the two burly football players out when they weren’t paying attention. james tried to hold his laughter so he started chewing gum to conceal his giggles at the thought of his small 5'8 girlfriend berating two 6'2 men.
“we need to actually get some shopping done before kaitlyn and zack kill me!” she moaned, the boys nodded not wanting to face her wrath any longer.
“chris and james, you can go get this half of the list” mc said, tearing the piece of paper in half and handing it to james aka the more responsible one. chris had his moments, either on the football field and when he was doing his presidential duties but all the other time, he was very goofy (let’s put it that way).
“zig and i, will get the rest and we will reconvene here in twenty-five minutes” mc stated as the other two nodded, already on their search for garlic bread. mc took out a pen where she had started to cross off certain items she had already added.
“you know i love it when you act all strategic” zig murmured, putting his hand on her lower back as she rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
“babe, this is not a time to get horny, we’re in the dog food aisle, i can hardly see how that’s a turn on” she replied, kissing his shoulder before moving to a different shelf and grabbing some toilet paper.
zig had offered to take her shopping basket for her, so he held it with his left and moved to hold her hand with his right.
“we should buy not another teen movie for facemask friday” zig commented idly, as mc grabbed some milk and butter. “i mean who doesn’t love young, dark haired chris evans?”
“you drive a hard bargain sweetheart” mc laughed before giving the go ahead for zig to put it in the basket. now, zig was holding two baskets and his arms were straining, veins almost popping out against his olive skin.
“you need any help with that?” mc asked, looking worried as zig shook his head.
“nope i’m good!” mc side-eyed him.
“ok, if you say so, it’s your funeral”
she grabbed a packet of cookies and started moving to meet up with her other two boyfriends.
chris ran to her, sweeping her up in a hug as she giggled.
“i missed you so much mc, don’t ever leave me again”
“chris i was literally only two aisles from you”
“i know! the torture!”
mc laughed before motioning him to let her out of his grasp which he stubbornly refused, half-carrying her to the checkout in which there was a cute boy working. his name tag spelt kian in bold lettering, his strawberry blond hair was swept up in one of the latest hair styles and his green eyes twinkled when he caught a glimpse of the foursome.
“how many bags will you be wanting” he asked, his voice had a soft irish accent lacing the words.
“um, about seven?” mc replied, kian nodded and started scanning the items through. zig leant on james, putting his arm around his waist and leaning his head on his shoulder which james responded happily to. they then wandered off to go find where chris had disappeared to, most likely to try and pick some more hair products to sneak in with the shopping.
“you’ve picked a lot of popcorn, you planning on having a movie night?” kian politely intruded, trying to make some sweet small talk.
“yes, i mean my roommates and i usually have a facemask friday in which we all make facemasks for each other, eat ice cream, popcorn and order pizza and watch a cheesy chick flick that zack and brandon will ultimately ignore as they would be too busy making out on one of the beanbags.” mc laughed as kian chuckled appreciatively.
“it sounds fun”
“it is super fun, i mean all of our main friends come around and it’s a time where everyone can just relax you know?”
“yes i agree, i mean my roommates are die hard study geeks and i wish they had that time to take a breather, because they shouldn’t just be focused on work but more about they mental health and relaxation so i might induct this into our roommate time if you don’t mind me stealing your idea?”
“go ahead by all means, i think i lowkey stole it from pinterest anyways” mc giggled as kian smiled, they had finished packing just as james, zig and chris returned, holding a something small in their hands.
“what is that” mc questioned as the boys looked sheepish.
“i swear to god if it’s more hair gel i’m jumping you”
“by jumping us you mean jumping our bones then it is hairgel but if you meant jumping us like attacking us it’s not?” james started out confident then ended up drawing slowly into silence.
“put it through i guess,” mc exhaled, the boys whooping loudly until mc with flushed cheeks told them to be quiet.
“how much is that?”
“$86 dollars”
mc pulled out their house affairs credit card, paying for the items quickly and letting the boys hold them not because she couldn’t but mainly due to fact she wouldn’t.
“i’m driving!” mc called as james threw her the car keys from where they had been safely stashed in his pocket.
“i’m riding shotgun!” chris shouted as zig let out a groan of discontentment, james rolled his eyes before opening up the boot of the car and placing the groceries in, the other two following suit.
“i only agree with this if chris isn’t allowed to play his shitty music”
“james ashton how dare you” chris exclaimed in mock anger, clutching his chest. “my music taste is very well refined”
“well refined where? if big green tractor was a person that person would be you with that ugly green sweater on” zig declared crossing his arms over his chest, chris frowning and james and mc falling about in giggles.
“leave chris’s sweater alone zig, babe your sweater is cute” mc said, wiping the tears from her eyes before starting up the engine. chris leant forward and gave her a kiss as zig grabbed a hold of james’s hand in the backseat, playing with the older man’s fingers.
“so does this mean i can play my music then?” chris queried hopefully after a few minutes of silence.
“NO” came a joint reply as chris moaned and slunk back into his chair like a four year old, sticking his tongue out at his two boyfriends and girlfriend.
“your music taste isn’t any better then mine!”
“um yes it is”
“james just listens to the hamilton soundtrack, zig just listens to 808s & heartbreak and mc just listens to old throwback songs and beyoncé.”
“i dispute that” james said, “i occasionally listen to disney soundtracks i am a very musically cultured person!”
“i listen to other songs! i mean fr example, just yesterday i listened to despacito” zig called out, as mc looked shocked.
“zig, hun, that song and the remix have been out for ages, how is this the first time you’ve heard of them?”
“i, um, well as you can tell, i don’t get out much”
“i can see”
mc laughed as zig pulled a face in the backseat in reply.
“and what’s wrong with listening to throwback songs and beyoncé?”
chris kept quiet, moving to the window so that mc didn’t interrogate him further.
“it’s only tuesday, why can’t this week be over already” abbie moaned as they walked in the house with the groceries, tyler and kaitlyn getting up to help them.
“damn, how much shopping did you guys buy!” tyler asked as they started to put them away.
“blame zack, he gave us the list”
“blame zack for what?” zack said, moving into the kitchen to grab some apple juice.
“blame zack for forcing me to go out with this loser bunch and get shopping” mc said, hip bumping james smoothly to get to the refrigerator.
“hey, i just wanted to give you a little time with your boys, sorry for helping you sheesh” zack replied, smiling as he held up his hands, mc lightly slapped his knee as he chuckled.
“who’s cooking today?”
“it’s kaitlyn and becca’s turn!”
“if they can stop making lovey-dovey eyes at each other for a second to actually make the food” abbie commentated, sitting on the counter and chomping on an apple. “i honestly don’t know what you see in that girl but you should make a move liao”
“i will! i mean i’ll try?” kaitlyn replied sheepishly, abbie smiling fondly at her.
they had patched up their friendship after their falling out and although it wasn’t like before, it was better then it used to be.
the doorbell rang.
“that’s brandon!” zack gasped, rushing to greet his barista boyfriend as james draped his arm over mc’s shoulders, leaning down to give her a kiss as zig and chris were preoccupied with trying to fit as much pizzas into the same freezer compartment.
“i’m actually worn out after today, i’m gonna take a nap, care to join me?” mc asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
“when would i ever deny that opportunity my lady?” james responded, giving her another kiss.
“come on, we’re going in your room because it smells like you” mc said as james nodded, letting mc pull him up to his room and when chris and zig had finally fit in six pizzas, they were fast asleep. —
(nine minutes later)
“so what do you want to do now then?”
“i don’t know, do you wanna have sex?”
zig hesitated before turning to his blond boyfriend with a dimpled grin.
“last one up to your room is a smelly egg!”
— will i return and write a saga about the gang’s facemask friday ?? perhaps i shall, perhaps i shalln’t (which isn’t a word i probably made it up) but feel free to message me so we can talk about the freshman/the sophomore headcanons ! 😋✊🏾
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