#no fun when i don’t even have the option😤
napping-sapphic · 6 months
Need an emotional support gf for horror movies because i really like horror stuff but i’m too anxious about the idea of getting scared to start it when i’m by myself
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brittle-doughie · 3 months
Playing hide with the beasts would either be the most terrifying and fun thing in the world, change.my.mind
(Also thank you for liking my stuff AAAAA-😩😭✨💖😤)
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Hiding Y/N, Seeking Beasts (The Five Beasts)
Yeah, man. I thought it was some pretty neat stuff :]
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Shadow Milk Cookie will try to lure you out with whatever he can come up with. He won’t sweat it too much as he looks around the area, but it’s for the best that you don’t poke fun at him for not finding you. He can and will put more effort into trying to find you by placing various dolls and such that will alert him if they spot you. Don’t always believe that he doesn’t know where you are. He might just know more then you think…
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Eternal Sugar Cookie is more straightforward, gunning for whatever source of noise that’s emitted, taking any chance on the possibility of finding you there. She’ll offer you loads of cuddles and kisses if you make yourself known, she was going to do so anyway, but the sooner the better! She might even hide away for a little bit among the clouds, making you believe that she’s gone only to swoop down toward you once you’re out in the open. Keep moving, Eternal Sugar will always be hunting you.
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Burning Spice Cookie isn’t about patience, he’ll try to increase the heat of the air in a certain area in a bid to draw you out. It has a particularly significant range radius, so when the air starts to get warm, that’s your cue to go to a different hiding spot, he has poor reaction time as he’s too distracted letting everything burn, so it should be fairly easy to move between spots. He’ll always be slowly moving about, so change spots often! What’s the matter, is he too hot for you?
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Mystic Flour Cookie is a bit more..extreme with her methods. If she can’t locate you and if the game is out in open land, she will start to destroy aspects of the environment to limit the number of hiding spots you’ll have left. This will go on and she’ll get more aggressive with this tactic until she finds the spot you’re holding up in. Your best option is to lure her away to a different spot before rushing out of yours and relocating. She isn’t a fool, so use these distractions sparingly.
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Silent Salt Cookie is another pretty straightforward seeker. It’s in their name, Silent Salt is…well silent, the only indicator that they’re in the area is the sound of their footsteps. This can work against you as you’d need to be as quiet as possible when moving, if you make a noise, they’re almost guaranteed to go and investigate it. Take a page from Mystic Flour and try to make noise elsewhere from your spot, then quietly move to another location while Silent Salt is investigating. They wise up fast, so pick a very good spot to start off with.
Winning keeps you safe from them for now…
Losing has you as their cookie for eternity! (They have a schedule, each Beast having you for a certain time in the week. They get angry if someone doesn’t hand you over on time! )
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hello, hello, hello! I saw your requests were still open and since your one of the few tfp writers that has their requests open(plus your writing is awesome) I’ve returned with another request>:3 I really enjoy seeing headcanons where reader is similar to a character I love soooo, here I am as you did so well last to, could I possibly request some headcanons for TFP Ratchet, TFP Shockwave, TFP Optimus Prime, and if your able to TFP Soundwave(completely optional!) with a S/O who’s very nervous and twitchy, very similar to tweek from South Park(I can’t think of another way to describe it:,))
If you don’t feel like doing that, some scenarios with TFP Bumblebee, Optimus Prine(Bayverse or TFP, your choice:>) with a reader like Eska from The legend of korra, similar to Bolin and Eska’s relationship( here’s a video as an example: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTUnBXW/) idk why but they are just oddly cute-
Anywayyyyss! Remember to take breaks, and don’t feel forced to write this, I shall eventually return with hopefully more creative ideas! Have fun!
I'm so happy you enjoy my writing! It makes me all giggly seeing people say that. I agree there is not many transformer writers or they take a long time to respond. Also, thank you for telling me to take breaks! Don't worry, I will (meaning I will immediately go grind on a game that will make me mad). I hope this is up to your standards and that you love it! Don't remmber to take breaks yourself. (Sorry this took a bit)
TFP x Nervous Reader
When optimus met (Y/N), the first thing he noticed was (Y/N) was twitching and was extremely nervous.
He was gonna tell them to stay calm and he ment no harm.
Intel the decepticons appered.
(Don't ask)
Once he got to a safe place, he faced (Y/N).
He was concerned at first and asked if they were ok.
He learned that they are fine but can't control it.
When (Y/N) was brought to base, leave it to miko to make (Y/N) uncomfortable.
She probably said something like "why do you twitch? Is there something wrong with you're head?" 😑😑😑appeared.
Which caused bulkhead to yell at miko
Optimus looked up what was wrong with (Y/N), along with ratchet.
When he figures out what was wrong. He made sure to help (Y/N) as best as he can.
He loves being with (Y/N) since (Y/N) is very nice when they are calm.
He also made sure to keep little things inside of his subspace for (Y/N) like blankets, fidget toys, snacks, etc.
When ratchet meets (Y/N), it was when optimus brought them to base, after they where almost captured by the decepticons.
Even though he is a grump, he aint a asshole.
He knows something wrong, he might be annoyed at first but he will come around.
I can see ratchet being really protective of (Y/N), since they can hurt themselves from twitching alot.
He will look up ways how to help (Y/N) with their twitching.
Once he figures out, he will act on it immediately.
He will take (Y/N) away from anything that will cause them to twitch or get extremely nervous.
He will also ask the kids to get fidget toys from (Y/N) so they have something to do.
Ratchet now has a friend with him while he works on his Computer.
He will listen to (Y/N) talk, since when they are calm, they have a very nice voice.
He will also listen to (Y/N) when they tell him to take a break or take a drive with them.
He will also be willing to drive them to work/school/home.
When he met (Y/N), it was when the vitcons kidnapped them, megatron couldn't figure out why they were twitching, so sent then to Soundwave.
Since Shockwave was busy with predaking or he wasn't here at the time.
Soundwave immediately put (Y/N) in a caps thing (I don't know the name) and watched them
Obviously (Y/N) would twitch non-stop and Soundwave wrote this down.
Eventually, Soundwave will look up what (Y/N) has and once he figures out, he reports it.
Sorry (Y/N), you are the new pet of the decepticons.
(Get you're fucking head out of the gutters you sinners! Shame on you!😤😤😤)
Eventually Soundwave would actually start to build a friendship with them.
He would tell lord megatron they will be their "guardian" and protect (Y/N).
Lazerpeak also loves (Y/N) since they pet their head when relaxing.
(Y/N) is mostly stuck with Soundwave, so Soundwave gets used to (Y/N) just sitting next to his keyboard.
Soundwave would listen to (Y/N) and is penitent when he waits for (Y/N) to finish their sentence.
I can see him trying to teach (Y/N) how to speak normally while stressed.
Random funny pitcher.
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pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
Howdy! I’ve been following you for 2 or 3 years (started on Instagram then moved here) and your art is always so crisp and clean. Have any secrets to share on how to post pieces at such high quality? I use procreate too but you’ve seemed to mastered it.
THATS SO LONG OMG HIIII ty ty for all the support 😭🙏💕💕 you must be one of the OGs!
and oh boy what a compliment haha, I’ve definitely learned a thing of two over the years but I swear I am still learning new tricks everyday 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
happy to help 😤💪✨first and foremost, I think the most important part of getting your art to look less pixelated boils down to what canvas size you’re using! I do my best to finish my canvases off at 1400x1400 at the very minimum! The larger it is, the more smooth the piece looks—but as of course the larger it is, the less layers you’re able to add :/ I do wish procreate allowed for a greater range but oh well, do your best to keep those layers organized so you can mash em down later✨
I almost always start off each piece using the built-in Screen Size canvas option when starting a new piece (I don’t even toggle with the DPI, which if I remember correctly, is just set to 150 for that canvas) and then I adjust the sizing as needed
here’s a few finishing touches I like to give my pieces to make them look more crisp!
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Another thing to note! Take advantage of the noise brush and the noise effect Procreate has! (Noise effect is found under the Magic Wand tool and I believe that the brush lives originally in the pre-set Materials brush pack) Just a bit of noise added to your background can often help the characters stand out from it as well 👍✨
Also! I’ve recently started shading things like the soft curves of muscle or rounded parts of metal using the noise brush to erase to make things look more blended/add some variation to my cel shading
There’s still tons of things I want to try out on procreate as well! I think that for as cheap of an app as it is, there’s a lot of potential to be unlocked and it’s just a matter of finding the right people to show you some tricks
I’ll link a few tiktoks as well that could help out or just add some fun tricks to the art process oml they’re sm better at explaining/showing than I ever could!!
Double Compliments coloring
Art Window Effect
Procreate Gradient Maps in Action
Procreate Perspective Grids
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evansbby · 10 months
Oh Stevie, I’m not trying to steal omega from you, I’m just giving her another option 😌
And don’t fret big boy, I’m 5’3 and 100 pounds, you don’t need to feel threatened by me ☺️
If omega were away from you and your friends she wouldn’t need any defending. She’d be with me 🥰💖, and hanging out with Natasha and Marta and Wanda, and we’d have the most fun and cute time, and she’d be safe and happy 🥰
But suit yourself, delude yourself into thinking she’d have the happiest life with you 🥱
Omega knows my face and name, my invite always stands for her should she wish to accept it 💖💋 (those are for omega, not you mr aLpHa)
Well, Natasha is a slut, Marta is a gold digger and I don’t even know who Wanda is, but I don’t trust her 😤😤😤 I don’t trust any of you with my omega!
You can’t “give her another option” when she’s already in a relationship, that’s disrespectful towards ME. 😤😤😤 You can be her friend if you behave, but nothing more. Don’t you dare even touch her! I will know.
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gavinsmg24 · 1 year
This post will be responding the “I love everything you do for me” post 💘
First off. Of course I’m flattered 🥹 everything you say about me. Makes me smile so big. Like. I love you! So of course I want and admire your love ☺️ like. Happy tears for me. :,+) makes me wanna tear up too!
But on the other side of that coin of course. You say that you also cry bcuz your partner doesn’t make you feel that way. But. I’m sure they will! Or that they do care. Just unfortunately it’s like. (What I’m about to say isn’t against you just a statement) like when I think about you and me. I’d say we’re pretty emotional? Like of course sometimes we’re logical or are short or etc. but it seems like your partner is more like some people who are more blunt and straight forward with not a lot of the lovey emotional stuff that reassures their feelings. They shouldn’t have to all the time but also like. It’s clear or should be that you’ve been upset with how they treat you. Or. Don’t treat you. Just hmph. I try not to say too much cuz I dont know everything and also I truthfully. No matter how much I want you. I dont want to be the reason anything would happen with you two. Or. Also don’t ever think I’m the only other option! I love you! I want you! But I want to earn it! But also hmph I hate that mind game shit. Like. It’s okay to mess up. Just talk to me. Then interrupts and gets mad when things do happen. Frustrating! 😤
I’m happy you showered and maybe napped that day! Also I’m happy you’re trying to manifest that positivity! But also! Don’t push yourself! Feel how you feel but I’m happy your doing your best! Daddy wants you to get sleep and eat good! But also have fun! Which of course is what you want and is hard when you get put down. But I’m proud you’re still trying each day. Living. And trying! 🥰
Now. To finish this up! So glad I make you feel seen and loved. That’s what I want! For you to feel seen and loved. You deserve that! So happy my story gave you happy feelings even if it caused tears. Your so sweet. But also powerful! Im happy that I help! And like I said! I know I dont have to respond. But I always want to. And I’ll always get around to responding! Mwah! I love you!
I’ll respond to the other posts sometime babygirl! But! Enjoy this when you can! 💜🧡
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bubuthoughts · 2 years
Let’s start with something fun
Why not 🤷‍♂️? I mean is Monday we are all lazy let’s do some questions I think maybe that’s fun 🦭 I hope you consider it a bit fun 🫣
How do you de-stress after a tough day?
I like to live on edge HAHAHAH jk jk. I have two options for this one. I really like going out by myself. After a long day of working I would just go out to eat, to a cafe or restaurant whatever really. I love just eating by myself and relaxing enjoying my food. Then I would come home and shower probably get off my phone a bit and watch a movie or something.
The other option is just go directly home, my introvert ass needs that most of the times. Order some take out or depends on how tired I am I would cook not a full meal but probably something small. I would eat while watching TV, I would open a can of beer or open a bottle of wine (beer is more often 🤣). I would talk to my girlfriend until I fall asleep (now I just listen to music and write this silly things until I get tired). I love my night routine Tbh.
What’s your ideal sandwich?
Damn this is a hard one 🤔🤔🤔 I’m not very picky on my sandwhich tbh 🤔 I eat whatever but if I had to pick.
Bread (any bread)
Pepperoni (whatever kind, I’m not picky 😋)
Caramelized onions
Tomato and lettuce (keeping it healthy)
Bacon (keeping it not healthy)
Some nice cheese (I don’t really know the kind of cheeses there are but just some good ass greasy cheese)
Garlic mayo
Try it please, I swear is heaven! I know your tummy will hurt but 🤣 you gotta try
What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
👁️👄👁️ I’m going to tell it quick but one time in highschool a girl had invited me over to her house and apparently it was a date. Well it didn’t go well cause we ate some chocolate. That specific chocolate got me horrible diarrhea and I spent the whole time at her house shitting my pants out. We never spoke again.
What's your favorite season?
I really love spring or autumn. I love rain and I love when the weather is a bit cold.
Deep dish pizza or thin crust?
Deep dish. I know you hate deep dish HAHAHAHHA but I love it. I like my pizza how I like your legs thick
What’s your favorite aisle in the grocery store?
I really like the cleaning aisle 🤔 like to know which productos I can use. The washing clothes aisle is so cool too 🤔. Also I really like the snacks and the drinks aisles those four are the most fun aisles in the grocery shop. The other ones I just grab stuff in automatic mode.
Tbh I really wonder what yours are
What shows are on your Netflix queue?
I’m currently watching cyberpunk. So freaking good. I just feel like you will love it. It’s by your favorite anime studio I think. But yeah 👉👈. Also I’m watching all horror movies I can cause well is October 🤷‍♂️ it’s fun. Last night I watched Goodnight mommy, I give it a 3.9/5 it was kinda good tbh. Today I’m probably watching Hush. I will tell you how I rate it.
Is this entertaining? I feel like it’s a bit boring 🫣
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Any IU song 🤷‍♂️. Any kdrama OST song ever made, I know them all. Oldies but Goodies.
In english probably Harry styles, Sam smith (I like him lately) also frank ocean and I wished artic monkeys but I can’t hit his deep notes 🥲.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Is it annoying if I say you? Cause you 😘 I mean I am not even lying at this point 🤷‍♂️.
I don’t really know, all I can think about is deep dish pizza at this moment 🤔 and you also 🤔 ugh hard.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
I sleep with just one 🤣 I’m simple. I Can sleep on the bare mattress 🤷‍♂️.
That’s all :3 I know it was a lot 👉👈 I hope you have a beautiful day today. I’m proud of you everyday.
I love you
Here is the little quote of today: you can’t go back to change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
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Baji Keisuke general relationship headcanons
Author’s note: I feel like I’m doing these too much but it’s fun so whatever 😤 Please send TR requests if you want I’d really love to write for it more :D
-Going shopping together and filling the carts but then racing with them and crashing into everything and you both probably got kicked out of several stores
-Going for walks just to search for stray cats to take pictures of them and give them food
-Having sleepovers at his place!
-He would try to bake something for you while you’re napping but then interrupt your peace and quiet by setting off the fire alarm
-Doing each other’s hair! He has long enough hair that you could try multiple different styles on him and he’d do his best not to move so he won’t ruin your hard work  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
-Attempting chores together but being chaotic and making an even bigger mess like breaking dishes while trying to put them away after washing them :’)
-The relationship would not have happened at all if Chifuyu didn’t like you
-But he does so the three of you have hangouts where they’re each reading their own manga out loud at the same time trying to get your attention while you’re sitting between them 
-You and him trying to draw each other but I headcanon that he’s left-handed and not a very good artist so it would be all smeared but you’d keep it anyway because it’s his 😤
-You know how people slap your back really hard when you’re coughing but it makes you cough more? He’d do that or just watch you suffer in silence
-Helping him study so he doesn’t get held back another year
-Watching dramas together and being annoyed at how slow the story moves on but he’s very invested in the storyline and it’s also extra bonding time 
-He’s the type to burn his tongue immediately when he gets a hot drink every single time and he never learns his lesson, but he’d blame you for not warning him even if you’re not the one who handed it to him
-He gardens with his mom sometimes and gets his hands all dirty from the soil, so when you pass by, he’ll act like he’s gonna ruin your clothes by wiping his hands on them
-He’ll buy you (his favourite) snacks and candy but end up taking most of it for himself 
-And he’d instinctively smack your hand away if you tried taking them back
-If you’re ever embarrassed by something he says and you try covering his mouth with your hand, he’d either lick or try to bite it to make you let go
-Or if he wanted to embarrass you even further, he’d kiss your hand instead
-He’d read comics and manga to you out loud, and it would be somewhat peaceful but then in any action scenes he’ll add very loud sound effects even if there are none because it “makes it better”
-You two would “share” noodles but he’d end up taking more than half of it
-Hanging off of him like a koala and he just carries on with his day, I feel like he’d even try to fight someone like that if it ever happened
-Him flirting with you as if you’re not already together
-Stealing his clothes
-He has a lot of clothes and probably has a huge closet too, so you have many options like jackets, t-shirts, hoodies and hats
-Him getting his wisdom teeth removed and pushing you away saying he’s taken already
-Baby talking around you but then he switches his tone immediately around anyone else
-I don’t think gift giving would be super frequent since he wants it to be more of a surprise and have more meaning when he does it
-But he’d get you matching necklaces
-And those snow globes that play music and have cats inside
-He’d do that thing where he stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on your shoulder and just stands there for the longest time
-He’d complain if you tried to move though
-He’d send audio messages or call you at like 2am asking how to spell a certain word 
-You’d have conversations where he has so many typos, you’re like the only person who can decipher what they’re saying
-Rip if you have heels, he would take them and then be like “You take my stuff all the time what’s the problem”
-He wants to be “ready in case something happens” so he’d practice walking and running in heels even after falling on his face several times
-He’ll definitely end up breaking a pair
-He’d even try to practice fighting while wearing them
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yanderegremlin · 3 years
Just read through your Bakugou HC’s 🧨Delish ~💋 Anywhooo; Tumblr could just be acting wonky (as usual on mobile 🙄😓) but I’m not seeing any RULES post, and I want to make a request. Please don’t get upset or take offense if I ask for something off limits (If so, Sorry in advance). I’d really like for you to expand on the whole “Rage/Rampage” thing 😘 Let’s say that someone helped us escape deranged Katsuki’s clutches, of course the attempt fails and the person helping us had to be doing so because they want you for themselves (according to Katsuki) cause no one just helps a falsely imprisoned young woman since it’s the right thing to do 😤 So he decides to teach the reader that she is property of Katsuki Bakugou, and every part of her belongs to him.
Tbh I’m hoping for some good ok’ NSFW here 🙈 but like I said above, if you aren’t down with that then SFW is good too!
Arthur notes: aww thank you! Honestly it was really fun to write him, I love him as a character.
Thank you for the request! :D I’m very new to posting content lol so I’m sorry for the confusion and inconvenience, I’m still trying to figure out how tumbler works 😅 but I don’t write NSFW I’m sorry and don’t worried I love this request because I was thinking about Bakugou rampage mode when you sent this, great minds think a like! Hope you don’t mind me making Bakugou super soft in this one. Honestly soft Bakugou differently lol. 
I also made a request rules here! Once again my bad I should have the request rules first, sorry for that. But without further ado here’s the one shot :3
Rampage mode - Bakugo Katsuki
Bakugou surprises you by celebrating your one year anniversary of being a “couple” only to find Jirou trying to whisk you away from him.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, age up characters (Bakugo is in his mid 20’s), Graphic descriptions, violence, Censored language, character death, reader gets injured not majorly though, Mentions of marriage, soft?? Bakugou
Bakugou was the happiest man alive because today was your first anniversary as a couple, and to top it off you have been starting to be more nice and loving towards him. He couldn’t ask for anything more than that. You just being with him was all he could ask for. Well maybe one more that will have to wait later that evening.
Waking up that morning with you wrapped in his arms was a dream come true. He woke up 30 minutes before he had to get out of bed just so he could admire you. He was restless, he had big plans for today. You're the only one who made him want to have a wife, a family. A future without you isn’t an option for him.
Before his thoughts ran too far wild his alarm went off and you just had to open your gorgeous orbes you called eyes looking at him like you just woke up from hibernation. Bakugou genly moved you off of him to go make you breakfast. He would like for you to cook with him but you're too sleepy to handle a knife properly and besides you could cook with him this evening for dinner anyways.
After breakfast is getting ready for the day. You do your morning routines together, him helping you out when he can and you doing the same for him. He wanted this day to be just the two of you but today was a very important meeting his HR manager scheduled for him and he couldn’t move it. That's alright though, it gives him the excuse to go and pick up the ring he ordered for you.
He was so lost in his own thoughts he almost forgot to give you a goodbye kiss and hug, but do you know what he did forget? The F@cking documents he needed for the meeting. Don’t get him wrong, he wasn’t mad about seeing you again, no he was mad that he was most likely going to be late for that meeting. Which means his HR manager is going to have a field day with him.
With a sigh Bakugou turned around and drove as fast as he legally could (he doesn’t want to risk getting into a car accident) back home. Nothing could ruin this day for him, not the student meeting, not the dum papers he forgot, not the front door being ajar, not- wait the front door!
Without another thought Bakugou rushes in, slamming the door open to find you and Jirou standing in the living room in nothing but civilian clothing. Quickly Jirou steps in front of you protectively, ready to fight Bakugou. On the other hand Bakugou just stood there thinking, trying to figure out what exactly was going on here. Were you trying to escape? No, your affection was more than enough proof that you loved him and wanted to stay. It was Jirou who was trying to kidnap you and obviously didn't plan on him showing up.
He knew that she would try something like this but on their anniversary? His blood began to boil, he slammed the front door and locked it in one fell Swoop. Jirou and you must have seen the murderous look in his eyes because Jirou push you back and sid something to you but Bakugou didn’t hear it. Not after his explosions started to rang throughout the apartment. The first explosion you both dodged it, the second one knocked her off balance but unfortunately she recovered. By three one Bakugou is so angry and frustrated that he did even realize that you had jumped in front of him until it was too late.
Severely burned you land hashly on the floor right next to jirou. One moment he was standing there shocked and then the next jirou’s brains painted the walls, her body laying next to yours. Bakugou didn't know why you had done that but that's not important right now. With coarse hands Bakugou picks you up gently, taking you somewhere no one can even find you.
After patching you up, Bakugou takes you to the cottage that he owns for when he wants to go on a long trip. The one far away from anyone. When he gets you there you are half awake groaning tiredly, in pain obviously. He carries you in whispering soft apologies in your ear. This time he will make sure you will be safe with him. Weather you want it or not.
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I hope you like this lol if there is anything Spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know! Thank you for reading and for your request! :D
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key201303 · 3 years
omg happy birthday!! i hope you have a great day!! 🥺💜 i was wondering if you could do the nsfw a-z with ateez’s san? i’ve been in my san feelings so much lately 🤧 thank you so much!!!
Heyyy!! I’m so sorry for taking so damn long 😭😭😭😭 Still I hope you enjoy this ❤❤
Warnings: NSFW content, smut, +18 content
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A - Aftercare
I believe the baby side San holds when he’s out of the stage will appear in this kind of situations. He would just embrace you so tightly yet so gently and will shower you with love, compliments and kisses being the clingy ass he’s always whenever he’s off stage
B - Body part
On him, is no joke how confident this kid is about his hips. Like, the power he holds in there UGH 😤 it’s frustrating LMAO
And on you I do believe he LOVES your neck. Doesn’t matter if he can just leave butterfly kisses or if he can go further and mark it with some love bites but he would definitely be in love with your neck.
C - Cum
I see San as someone really playful I don’t even know why but just because of that I think he would enjoy being a it messy when it comes to releasing his juices. Seeing his cum dripping down your chest would definitely drive him crazy.
D - Dirty secret
He is into chocking but he’s too scared of hurting you that he always kept that as a secret and might not reveal it anytime soon unless you tell him you’re also into that. The last thing he wants to do is to hurt you or to make you feel uncomfortable around him
E - Experience
I don’t know why but I have the feeling he has actually had a few partners already so he definitely has good experience
F - Favorite position
Any position as long as he can look at your eyes. I’m sorry but I still can’t get over the Woosan fake love dance cover and the eye contact moment. Soooo, he would love having sex or making love with you looking straight into your eyes as you come undone for him
G - Goofy
It depends on his mood. But when he is in the mood of being his extra and goofy self, sex would be definitely super fun and he won’t be able to hold back his little giggles about anything you two did or said
H - Hair
I don’t think he has that much hair down there so yeah 🙂
I - Intimacy
He LOVES being intimate with you and the words ‘I love you’ would be always in the tip of his tongue, doesn’t matter if he has said it a minute ago or 5h ago. He wants you to know he loves you a lot and he doesn’t want to only show it through his actions but also through his words
J - Jerk off
The boy is needy and he has some necessities to fulfill. Wouldn’t happen much when he doesn’t have promotions or stuff like that, he’d rather have sex with you before jerking off. But when his schedules are tight and he barely has time to sleep and eat, he believes it’s a really good option to release some stress. He would always let you know though in case you can help him in some way though
K - Kinks
I don’t know why but I see San as someone kinky but too shy to actually be kinky with his partner. Anyway, here I come:
Chocking: As I said, he is actually into chocking but he’s too afraid of hurting you. But still, he would take advantage of any chance he gets during sex to slightly wrap his hand around your neck even if it’s without actually pressing your neck. He just wants to have his hand around your neck
Dirty talking: He loves dirty talk, doesn’t matter if he’s the one whispering dirty thoughts into your ear or if it’s you the one pushing him against the edge. Though he prefers being him the one whispering things into your ear.
Spanking: I feel like he would enjoy spanking you from time to time, just when he is in the mood of teasing 
Mirror sex: I live for the concept of San having sex with you and looking at your face through a mirror. I don’t even know why am I doing this to myself 😭
L - Location
Actually anywhere. He’s fine with having sex with you at any place as long as you two don’t risk your lives. For some reason I believe he would enjoy having sex with you in the practice room. Like, is a place where he spends most of the time and a really special place for him so it will be really meaningful to have sex with you in there, always with the door well locked of course. 
M - Motivation (turn on)
Whenever you wear crop tops or a revealing shirt. It would definitely drive him crazy, specially if you let your neck exposed by wearing a ponytail. Just wear that and you’ll have him doing some dirty talk into your ear as soon as the rest of the members leave you two alone.
N - No no (turn off)
Threesomes. He loves you too much to accept another person joining, doesn’t matter how friendly the other person is or if it’s a girl or a boy. It’s just a no no for him and he would never accept sharing you with other people.
O - Oral
He loves going down on you but when you go down on him oh the boy gets hella excited. Would love taking your hair out of your face so he can perfectly see your face as you suck him off and he would love it even more if you made eye contact with him from time to time.
P - Pace
Depends on the mood. I’m sure you have seen the videos of his hip thrust so I guess you know what I mean. When he’s in the mood of teasing you until you’re begging, the pace will be super slow and sensual, he would want you to feel every single inch of him. But when he’s not in the mood for teasing you, he would have a rpetty fast pace and would take you to Heaven in no time.
Q - Quickies
He loves them. Remember I mentioned he loves having sex in the practice room? Well, he would do it as much as he could, specially during promotions when you can hardly see each other.
R - Risk
I think he would be really risky as long as both of you are completely safe. As I said, the last thing he wants to do is hurting you and if a risk means hurting yourself then it’s a no no.
S - Stamina
Okay but nobody can change my mind about this kid being super energetic 🙂 I still can’t get over the dance break in hala hala and the power he holds whenever he performs it so I do believe he has a lot of energy when it comes to sex as well
T - Toys 
Always prefers to use them on you. He enjoys being a teaser but doesn’t really feel comfortable when you’re the one teasing him so maybe using a toy on him is not a really good idea. Though he would give it a try if you asked him and would let you use them if you really asked him to. 
U - Unfair
Boi this kid is one of the most unfair males I have ever seen. He absolutely loves teasing you and not only on a sexual way but in any way that can be possibly happen. He just loves teasing you and seeing your reaction whenever he teases you. 
V - Vocal
He definitely loves talking during sex and telling you how good you feel and all the things he would like to do with you if it weren’t because you were in somewhere public or stuff like that. The dirty talking kink would perfectly show off in here.
W - Wild card
Sex after tour. It’s the first time you two meet after months of being apart because of a tour. As soon as he sees you, he wouldn’t waste a second to smash his lips with yours and start a heated make out session that will always end up in something else if you know what I mean 😏
X - Xray
Well hehe, I believe he has a pretty good size 🙂 that’s all I’m going to say and gonna go grab some holy water after this 🙂
Y - Yearning
It doesn’t happen much until he has to promote with the rest of the group and can only see you once in a week or even once every two weeks. In that moment when he can’t be around you, is when he will go crazy about it
Z - Zzz
As I said, he has a lot of energy so he would probably fall asleep a few hours after you’ve done so. Would love to stay awake while you fall asleep on his arms so he can be his baby self again and admire you just because you look amazing in his arms.
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redd1e · 3 years
thank you @lovebillyhargrove for tagging me you’re so sweet!!! as someone who wants to write but never finds the motivation to carry on her ideas i LOVE sharing my HCs <3 so let’s get started!
oh and idk who to tag but if you see this feel free to join!
1. Do they get together BEFORE MF possessing Billy or AFTER shit goes down? (Or maybe DURING😲)
before 100%!!! because then steve starts noticing that billy is acting weird and is able to help him in time. but now that i think about it it’s really interesting to imagine billy being reckless while being possessed, saying fuck it and ask steve out :’)
2. Who kisses who first?
steve kisses billy first! billy is brave and a flirt but super bad at soft intimacy such as first kisses
3. Where do they have their first sex? (Location) (HJs and BJs count)
uhhhhh so many options with this one! the camaro? a random bedroom at the halloween party? steve’s pool? in the locker room at school after everybody’s gone home? i don’t know where but i’ll go with some random place, not in an intimate place like steve’s bedroom, that’ll come later but for their first (and second and third) time i picture a casual place after they bicker or fight and get horny (starting as fuckbuddies like gallavich yknow?)
4. Who says 💖 I LOVE YOU 💖 first?
ohhhhh definitely steve, his big heart blurts it out after billy has done something meaningful for him or just after a random but nice date because he had such a good time and he stares at billy and just can’t stop himself for saying it
5. Bottom!Steve or Bottom!Billy?
i think i’m the 1% who doesn’t really have an opinion on it lol. both are good!
6. Do they give gifts to each other?
omg steve automatically buys everything billy wants like he’ll casually mentions he likes a pair of boots while they walk past a shop and boom the next day they’re his. to steve it’s not even spoiling, he just wants to make his boyfriend happy since he can. but billy is so mad because he sees it as a competition and he can’t afford things like steve can so he’s like 😤🤬🤬😤
7. Where do they end up living? California, Chicago, Hawkins... Idk .. Alaska??)))) Any other location?
cali is billy’s happy place so i see them moving there ahhhhh <33 billy being in his element again and steve staring at him having fun surfing with a big smile on his face, a bucket hat and A LOT of sunscreen on himself
8. What are their future jobs?
i see billy being a mechanic or something music related while steve hmm something that keeps him in contact with people since he’s a big extrovert? or omg make him work in a dog shelter!!
9. Who’s a better cook?
i’ve always pictured steve being really good at cooking since he’s at home alone 99% of the time so he learnt, also to distract himself for the loneliness. but also billy being a good cook sounds amazing so either steve or both!
10. Steve Hargrove or Billy Harrington?
✨ billy harrington ✨
11. What's Max's reaction when she hears they're together?
she suspected it and now mike owes her 20$
12. Describe in ONE SENTENCE Hopper's reaction when he hears the names Hargrove and Harrington mentioned together?
big BIG B I G sigh + eye roll because he can already predict the mess that duo will cause
13. Does Robin like Billy OR does Robin hate Billy?
BILLY AND ROBIN BESTIES PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! they talk about music, movies and how dumb steve is (affectionate)
14. What about Dustin?
dustin is very protective of steve so he does the “hurt him and i’ll kill you” thing with billy to which he LAUGHS because what is that kid gonna do ??? but oh don’t ever underestimate dustin
15. Fav Harringrove AU?
pirate and merman is just SO chef’s kiss
16. Billy+Camaro=...???
his first love, but now it’s also tied to steve so whenever billy is alone and gets in he smiles because he remembers all the moments with steve in that car... the kisses, the sex, the confessions at 2 am, steve buying him red roses and accidentally spilling them all over the car, the car smelling like steve,... plus when he has to replace it he forever keeps a picture of it on his nightstand !! why did this get so sappy! oh well!
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I'm a little late with this NHCC but I finally have a break to read your story and I stopped by to make a few comments about it hope that's alright with you.
I like this so far Nat and Peter as reader best friends is so good to see and Wanda a white lie is still a lie I mean it could had been awkward at first cause they were moking about rich people but still, this doesn't lead to a good path
"What about you, then? Who was your best kiss?” why am I think it was Natasha?
...Fucking hell, you are a good kisser... RIP to Jarvis and also Have fun for me, Jarvis 🤨 did she cheated??!!
Start over again:
Natasha always teasing classic on her and Wanda 😞 she indeed cheated woah break or not break she's still lying and waiting an hour for her nah I can't relate sorry and well that surely wasn't a good first date.
Pietro and Nat the ones with common sense but after all that apology from wanda let's hope the second date go better.
...Call me. I miss you... Wanda darling nothing good comes avoiding the elephant in the room
Eating in a car as a date cause she thinks it's more intimate... 🚩🚩it could be romantic of course but when going to camping and that kinda stuff but that's ISN'T the case 😤 okay okay let me just breathe
“My parents don’t let me date.” sure thing Wanda, ugh there are a lot of bad things here, Wanda hiding from the outside, changing Jarvis name and making it believe it's her cousin jeez, making poorly excuses and reader eating them up gosh
And once again Pietro is the one with common sense.
“Jarvis doesn’t deserve that, breaking his heart through the phone and I don’t know where I’ll be when he comes back. Maybe this feeling is only temporary. What if Jarvis comes back and she and I aren’t even together anymore?” So is reader some kind of a second option to YOU Wanda?!!! Is reader someone for you to come only when you feel lonely or when things go as you plan to?!
And now the mother trying to setup Pietro with reader freaking fantastic 🙄
It's more than alright to send me comments like these. I love that you took your time to write it out!
Water: RIP to Jarvis indeed lol
Start Over Again: Reader's got it bad for Wanda to wait an hour. Pietro and Nat really are the ones with their heads screwed on right
Permission: So many red flags, but it seems reader is color blind
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