#no idea what that's about but i'm like ok cool thanks for being my coping mechanism bestie
magentagalaxies · 11 months
love it when i'm feeling stressed so i go to put on any random scott thompson video where he talks about trauma and comedy bc they're so cathartic 10/10 coping mechanism but then i see in the recommended the goddamn "human urinal" standup set and i just go well this isn't what i was looking for at all but now i need to watch this again
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userlando · 1 year
Currently thinking about how THICK landos neck is omg it’s just perfection the things I want to do to it
Imagine giving bsf lando a massage after a little shunt on the track and he’s letting out the unholiest of sounds which have you literally squirming and trying not to whimper and keep your cool yourself
Maybe one evening you’re just a bit sad and down and he pulls you onto his lap to reassure and snuggle you and wow your face just slots right into his neck and you’re just nuzzling into him whilst you get it together with lots of supportive whispers and back tickles encouraging you
One night you guys are hitting the club as a big group and pair off to do shots as a funny challenge or something which max f thinks is a brill idea, someone puts salt on his neck for you to lick off and the lime is in his mouth. With all the alcohol in his system he’s loosened up with way less filter, ending up panting and groaning as you lick his neck and then into his mouth and the EYE contact you guys have as he then has to lick the salt off your chest because EVERYONE knows that you guys are crazy about eachother but the two of you so they’re doing everything they can short of pushing you guys into eachother
Continuing with bsf or maybe even fwb lando imagine being in his lap for something like doing his brows or an innocent reason but all of a sudden there’s a massive shift and one of you finally has the guts to make a move. You’re gripping his neck to steady yourself because wow that first kiss makes you feel dizzy and can’t help yourself when you pull back for air he’s rambling that he hopes that was ok and there’s no expectation blah blah blah blah but you just can’t stop looking at his neck and you just HAVE to kiss it suck it bite it squeeze it (bop it lol) and he is squirming and almost gets too much when you find his sweet spot and he’s gripping your hips and whimpering about how good it feels and how sensitive he is there and to please not stop omg maybe cums in his pants(I love that piece you wrote with that happening omg truly my fav concept)
This man’s neck and hands are literally on my brain 24/7 I really can’t cope hope it’s ok that I’m sharing so others may now suffer lol. I can’t decide what kind of kisser I think he’d be in general?
Also I hope you’re having a great week and doing well or that things are getting better for you! I literally think re-reading most of your fics everyday will cure my covid lol just when I think I’m done for the day keep coming back for more because your writing just scratches that itch in my brain and is the best distraction
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help. MEEEEEEEEEEE. what is this!!! i'm bawling my eyes out!!
you can't tell me he's not a good kisser because that man would rock your world. he'd be all slow and deep, really tasting you and rendering you into a whimpering mess. he's the kinda man who'd gently hold your jaw/throat and kiss you so deeply that you can't help but want more. and he'll absolutely give you more and then some 😭 lord have mercy on me
thank you for re-reading my work, it warms my heart like you couldn't believe!! i hope you're feeling better now, but i'll send all my energy and love your way 🤍
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Things I Watched/Listened/Read These Past Few Days
So, I had a rather stressful month due to an assignment deadend - things are ok now - and I have decided I would watch or read or listen to any media I could, at least once a day, to cool down.
The movies on this post are the ones I watched to cope with the stress. I will be talking more about them as each of them go, if I liked them or not and etc. This is not a critical post, though, it's more... idk personal.
1. The Secret of Kells
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It is Cartoon Saloon's first movie ever. It's story is simple and you may not understand the importance of the Book of Kells without some historical background, but you will be able to enjoy it either way. My favorite scene is when Aisling starts singing and aaaaaaa it's too much. Gorgeous.
My only problem though... was that one black character's design. It seemed too close to the Black FaceTM. I got kinda turned off by it.
2. Wolfwalkers
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Yeah, I know, I know I should have watched it in a manner to support the artists the way they deserve to be supported and I really wish I could have done that. Either way, it is a beautifully animated film and to anyone able to afford Apple TV+, I highly beg you to support this movie and watch it. There is a HEART to it, a soul I've been missing in animated movies and only occasionally see.
You may think you figured out the entire plot from the trailers, but there is one aditional plot tied to it involving Mébh and I enjoyed the surprise of it. The movie is beautifully animated, I love the accents the characters have even if I need to force myself more to understand them - you see, I am not a native speaker and always listened more to a 'standard' american accent so hearing irish for the first time was hard. I figured it out though!! Am really proud.
Pleasepleaseplease support this movie is what I'm saying.
3. Ponyo
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I wish we could have known more about Ponyo's family, but other than that I really enjoyed seeing what happened on-screen and how it was delivered. It's a cute tale. Manages to be creative and simple at the same time??? Don't expect much more than cute and simple and GORGEOUSLY ANIMATED though
4. The Old Guard
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Listen, I know they did it very differently than the comics - but sometimes you just want to see some immortal gays being badass you know :,)
It's hard to point what I love more about the movie. Cinematography, the creative idea (although we should thank the comic writers for that), the characters, their struggles, representation and they even ground the immortality superpower. I don't know how they do that but every action scene is tense even if you know they can not die. You just wonder if they will be ok. I don't know how they did that!
5. Oliver Twist (2005)
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I do not know the public reception of this, but I have been curious as to Oliver Twist since I heard of Disney's Oliver and Company inspiration. Therefore, once Prime added it then the oportunity came and I really liked it. I know it is narrated with a humorous tone but I do feel like it's descriptions of the horrors the main character faces were all right, I might as well have learned something.
It follows what many already know as the book - I haven't read it personally, therefore I do not know if it is a trustworthy adaptation - and we have Edward Hardwicke. Just. Edward Hardwicke.
6. The Mystery of the Sleepy Hollow
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I did enjoy this movie, doesn't mean I liked everything about it. I did think the main character jumped into conclusions often, as if the script could not decide if he should be competent or incompetent and it really bothered me. I do am a sucker for a mix between horror and mystery, though, and thus did not mind watching this one at Halloween night.
Also, main character passes out at least 4 times in this thing - can you see this is based on gothic literature yet?
7. BBC Radio 4's "A Study in Scarlet"
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It's a nice adaptation with many aditional moments that really warm your heart. Reading Holmes being excited is one thing - listening is a whole other and I love how his voice sounds in this one. He speaks fast but it's easy to understand and hIS TONE OF VOICE IS HIGHER THAN YOUR USUAL ADAPTATION, LIKE WATSON CONSTANTLY POINTS OUT IN THE BOOKS
Stamford gets aditional moments aswell, and they are great.
8. Upside Down
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I have been curious about this movie since my father watched it back in 2013. I remembered the name and the basic premise for all these years - because I thought it was unique. I never watched it before because I thought it would be a cheesy romance movie bUT-
It has an unique worldbuilding and I love it. I even liked how the camera angles made me kinda umconfy because can you imagine talking to someone who's upside down LMAO. It's world have limits too, and I really appreciate that.
I simply did not understand how can someone get pregnant in Eden's situation but 😳 who am I to question 😳. I also wish Eden could have had more of a presence too, like I wish I could have seen more of her even with her amnesia :( I felt she had one of the weakest characterizations. I wish we could have seen Adam and Eden talking to each other more, seeing they slowly grow into lovers. I also didn't like how much exposition it had as well, like I did not understand the first 5 minutes of the movie at ALL.
Still enjoyed it tho. It's just... kinda average but thats ok i guess
9. Bojack Horseman S04EP09 “Ruthie”
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Massive comfort episode! I must have watched Ruthie more than any other Bojack Horseman episode, to be honest.
This episode is just a huge bad day for Princess Carolyn and the way she copes with it and how it is incorporated into the story is... beautiful and tragic. I love Princess Carolyn-centered episodes, and even though this one isn't compared to the trend this series has of making a fantastic Episode 11 for each season, it is still enjoyable and sad. That and I did have a small giggle at the miscarriage jokes, I'm so fucking sorry.
10. Brooklyn 99 Pilot Episode
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(Of course this image is not from that episode I just find this scene funny)
I had watched Brooklyn 99 before - but it's been a long time since I've seen the first episode that ever aired. I really enjoyed it and it did make my mother and I chuckle a little bit.
God, I need to keep up with this series again; it's been such a long time since I stopped watching due to stress getting in the way lmao
Part 2 will come as soon as I finish another 10 days 😊
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butchford · 3 years
prompt: YukiYuno + "A Dream" by Jacob Tillberg (with Yuki having moved on and currently dating Aru and Yuno being the supposed/actually dead (whichever way you wanna take it))
She said
Do you really wanna know it all?
He said
You're not real
I got their call
I know you're gone
I'm moving on
Yuki knows that Yuno’s gone. Seen the body attended the funeral. Watched the gunshot get her in the heart and her instantly crumple to the floor. No goodbye no closure no hope of even begging her to stay. She was just…. Gone. Yuki knows this Yuki’s seen this Yuki’s gone through the several steps of certifying that she’s never coming back. But he sees her out of the corner of his eyes at night. Hears her voice when nobody’s speaking. Feels her intently staring at the back of his head. Yes, Yuno was a mixed bag. Yuno stalked him and clung to him and killed for him and kidnapped him and he somehow managed to call it love. To keep himself sane enough, he supposes. Had he been able to acknowledge the fact that neither of them had any idea what “love” outside of obligation meant, and that the girl that was his one shot at making it out of a literal killing game was actually just constructing him as a concept of hope for a future outside of her horrendous past ie her parents and the cage and the… the fact that she’d tried this before and won but couldn’t conceptualize a future without him in it… perhaps more than a few lives, including her own demise which befell her by running out of options and throwing herself in front of him to take a bullet to the heart in his place, could’ve been spared. Yuki knows whatever he “felt” for her and she “felt” for him were built out of a mutual sense of desperation that neither were able to fully acknowledge until one was gone. Dead on the spot. No closure. No goodbye. Gone. Yuki feels sick to his stomach the more he thinks about it. The more he tries to write off the specter that’s entered his life the second the… girl left it, the more clearly he can see her face in the bathroom mirror behind him. He splashes the tears off of his face with cool water. She’s gone. He closes his eyes. He hears a single but clear as day “Yuki” in Her unmistakable voice. He falls to the floor clutching his knees. “Please leave me alone, I know you’re gone. I know you’re gone. Yuno you…. You’ve gotta go. I know you…” his voice fails him. What does he know? That she made him into a living coping mechanism? That everything they ever did was both of them trying to overcompensate for the overwhelming lack of hope in their life? He repeats himself “Please leave me alone Yuno..” A hand on his shoulder that he narrowly avoids swatting away. Another “Yuki?” but this ones softer… this ones more real. A gentle mutter of concern that’s so close the breath tickles his ear. Yuki opens his eyes after the count of ten. “Aru” “Yup, me alright” they assure him, worry flitting through their eyes. Another half minute passes. “Would it be ok if I…” they trail off and haphazardly open their arms. Yuki falls into their embrace without much hesitation. Aru instantly takes to running their fingers through his hair and placing their forehead against his. “Seeing Yuno again?” Yuki nods. “Do you wanna talk about it?” “I don’t know” “If you do…” they trail off again and place their lips to his forehead. Yuki knows this is what actual love feels like. Something not built out of desperation on both ends. Something quiet and reassuring and persistent and unquestionable. And Yuki, despite what he tried to tell himself for a good while, knows that he’s always held a bit more than fondness for the person who introduced themself with a stroke of his cheek followed by a “don’t worry hot stuff.” Funnily enough, the deep-seated affection he feels for his self proclaimed guardian angel hasn’t raised any of the concerns and persistent “oh this is Wrong”s that plagued his… time with Yuno. Yuki’s drawn out of his thoughts by Aru starting to doze off with their forehead still pressed to his, which figures given the fact they’ve always been a sleepy type of person the second they’re a: not trying to piece several things together and b: within Yuki’s presence. Yuki knows quite well why they can’t fall asleep without somebody watching over them, but never mentions it. He gently places their head against his collarbone and just… watches them.
Takes note of the gentle rise and fall of their chest, their pale hair and assortment of scars catching the starlight, the small smile that graces their face as he runs his thumb along their cheekbone. Aru may as well be the ghost given their appearance. Yuki finally lets his eyes stay from his partner, and of course he sees Yuno in the corner of the room with more substance than Aru appears to be. And finally Yuki can speak; can get closure. “Yuno I… I know everything about you. The real you. I know that you never really loved me and that I… that I never really loved you. I can never,” he pauses to laugh a little melancholically as tears bead in the corners of his eyes, “I can never pay you back from keeping me alive long enough to have been lucky enough to meet Aru. I can never pay you back for keeping me alive, period. So thank you. I’m sorry that things worked out the way they did I’m sorry you’re dead I’m sorry it’s undeniably my fault. But I think it’s time we both move on. I…” he glances down at Aru, still with a ghost of a smile on their face, “I’ve moved on. I hope you can too.” His voice finally breaks completely and his tears burn his cheeks. But he allows himself to smile nonetheless. And Yuno returns the smile with a small nod, and then she’s gone. Aru wakes up, their voice slurred with sleep, and manages to say “Yuki…? Oh god you’re crying, what’s wrong?” And they sit up and wipe away a few of Yuki’s tears and Yuki looks back at them before shakily saying “Nothing, I’m good now actually.” And he examines the concern marring Aru’s face and their reassuring touch and Yuki cups their cheeks before placing his lips against theirs slowly, deliberately, gently as though Aru will shatter if he presses any harder. “I love you, Aru. I love you a lot and god do I hope you know it,” and now Aru’s blinking away tears as they instinctively answer “All the same to you” which warrants a laugh from Yuki. And Yuki wraps them in a hug that’s tight enough to ensure the message of “if I let go I fear you’ll forever disappear and by god I cannot allow that” is received. And Aru returns it slowly and they bury their face in his shoulder and murmur, “I’m not going anywhere Yuki,” before pressing their lips to his cheek. And Yuki knows they mean it.
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juupajaa · 5 years
Hullo! So I've already been quarantined for a week and I'm really struggling not getting into old bad eating habits. Technically I've already relapsed, B/P. I used to cope by leaving the house a lot, hanging out with people in the park and so. But now I'm stuck in a tiny apartment with other 3 people and it's becoming unbearable. Do you know how to cope when you can't leave a tiny space? Thanks a lot, Hope you're doing okay Xoxo
Hei hei ✌ Not gonna lie, this is High Season for relapses so don't feel bad for it. I mean we're all stressed out and anxious, our lives are changing, there's a lot of uncertainty and we need ways to cope with all this crap that's coming from every direction. But the same stuff applies now as it would any other time: relapses happen, but they don't have to be long-lived.
Sadly, going back to your disorder and that horrible coping mechanism isn't going to solve a thing. Even if it feels like it would be easier to just get that obsession going again so you'd have no time to think about anything else, you know very well that it won't make you feel any better.
I'm trying to quit smoking right now and it's pretty brutal, but also it reminds me a lot of the struggle to stop doing disordered behaviours. You just have to bang your head against the wall and forcibly and aggressively distract yourself until the worst passes.
Finding stuff to do is important not only in keeping you form going to disordered behaviours, but also to keep you from getting brutal cabin fever.
A lot of good quarantine tips videos and posts have already been made so I recommend looking those up to get more ideas on what to do, but here's stuff that I'm doing to keep myself busy and my head cool, being stuck indoors:
Cleaning/organizing. Dude, you have all the time in the world now. Sort out your closet, clean your desk, rearrange your room, do a deep cleaning, this is the time
Baking. Making things from scratch is an excellent choise, because A) It takes up a lot of time B) You need to go to the store less C) Baking will make you feel better bc you accomplished something and D) yummmmy
Yard work/gardening, if you have a yard/balcony/house plants etc. I have a big ass yard full of snow and shoveling it is a job that will never be over. I also have a lot of house plants and keeping up with them is good for the soul
Art/craft projects. The bigger the better, the more the better. I've been drawing, making music, making crafts, writing, just keep those hands and mind busy so you don't freak out by the boredom.
Games/shows/docs/movies etc. I've been playing sims with my friend for like 5 days straight and it's been so good. The whole day just whooses by so fast. Now's also the perfect time to go through your Netflix list and clear it once and for all.
Honestly I wouldn't be opposed to doing some livestreams with you guys or something like that. It can get really lonely and boring and maybe some chats would help??
Edit: Also, taking "me time" breaks is 100% ok and you should do it. Find your own corner and sit in it for as long as you have to. You can dven tell the other to not bother you, tell them you'll take a nap. If you have a room of your own, close the door and put your headphones on, close your eyes and listen through your favourite album or something. Giving others their personal space is so important, especially now.
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trynnabemultifandom · 5 years
Bodyguard| Captain America x Reader
Requested: No, made it coz I like the idea of it
Summary: you're the presidents daughter and because of a traumatic event that has happened in the past, he hires Steve Rogers to be your body guard when you visit. Will this trip be all happy families? keep reading to find out
Warnings: swearing(ish) towards the end
A/N: Y/N = Your Name
F/N = First Name
L/N = Last Name
From a young age, my life had been hectic. 'Why?' you might ask. Well because, my father had decided to run for mayor. Crazy right? I know what you might be thinking, 'having your dad as mayor will be a good thing', but it has been nothing but trouble. My life got destroyed when I was 7. I watched my mother get shot right in front of me and that is something that stays with you forever. Some people say it was my dad's fault and others say it was her own because she got involved with this sorta stuff, but I honestly have no clue who's fault it was. the thing that angers me the most is that I wasn't even able to do anything to prevent her getting shot, for the past couple of years I have been blaming myself for it all happening and people do try there best and tell me it wasn't my fault, but I know it was. I could have done something to stop her being shot. Moving away from that, my dad was really getting involved in all the political stuff and not backing down from it. As I grew up, I had given into the fact that my dad wasn't going to stand down any time soon, so I just had to accept that. When I was 13, my dad had ran for president. it wasn't until I was 16 that he got enrolled though. I am now 21, no longer living with my dad and doing ok on my own. It has been a while since I have seen him so why not give him a visit.
(Time skip to when you're at his house)
It is now 6 o'clock. I have finally arrived at my dad's house. The last time I saw him, I was a depressed 17 year old, who was still trying to cope with my mother's death. My taxi pulled up in front of his big house. "Mason, wake up. we're here" I said to my 3 year old son. Once I was ready, I started to make my way to the front door. Before I even got a chance to knock, the front door opened and 2 or 3 people were ushering me inside the house. They picked up my bags while talking fast and saying "we'll take your bags to your room" I nod and look down at Mason who was still sorta still sleeping with his head on my shoulder. He looks so peaceful.
I decided to put him to bed. When I came back down, I saw my dad sitting on the sofa with a good looking guy wearing a blue, red and white suit and a cool looking shield on his hip. I walk over to them and sit on the seat beside my dad "hi dad" I smile at him "hello (Y/N)" I look at what he's wearing "are you going out somewhere?" he looks at me "yeah, I have a meeting downtown. I will be home later though" he stands "Mr. Steve Rogers will be here protecting you, and if you want to go out to town, he will act as your bodyguard" before I can say anything in protest, he was gone. "and just like that, he's gone" I put my head in my hands and sigh. I feel the sofa dip on the side my dad was sitting on before he left. I look up to see Steve sitting beside me
"why don't we get to know each other" i nod "sure" "ok, I'll go first. My name is Steve Rogers, I work with Nick Fury and a bunch of other badasses and when we are all together we're called The Avengers. Of course, none of my team mates are as badass as me" I chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood "of course not Mr. Rogers. so I suppose its my turn for the introductions now" Steve nods and smiles. I take a deep breath and continue "ok, my name is (F/N) (L/N), I currently don't have a job, I came here to try and have the father-daughter relationship I missed out on years ago. I have a 3 year old son and his name is Mason" he looked shocked at the last part
"you have a son?" I nod and look down "yeah" I can already tell he has a lot of questions about it all "where's the father" i freeze on the spot "he's uh- he's gone" i try my best to hold back the tears. I feel a hand on my shoulder "hey, it's ok. for as long as you're here, I promise I will do everything I can to help and protect you and your son" I look up at him and smile letting a couple of tears fall "thank you Steve, that means a lot to me" he smiles and I hug him "all part of the job" he says hugging me back. we were pulled from our moment by small footsteps making their way down the stairs
"mommy I can't sleep" I turn around and see Mason standing there looking tired "come here baby" I reach out my arms for him to sit on my lap "you ok Mace?" he shook his head and hid behind me. I turn him around "Mason this is Steve, he'll be looking after us while we're here" I turned to Steve "Steve this is Mason, he's a little shy" "mommy can I have some food?" I smile "of course darling" I leave Mason and Steve to get to know each other and head off to make food for Mason
(Time skip to when your dad comes home)
Because I had arrived just hours ago, my clothes still had to be unpacked so Steve told me to go unpack and he'll keep Mason occupied. I have to say, for someone who has to keep it so professional, he's really childish and sweet around Mason. Just as I finish unpacking, I hear dad come in the front door with all his little minions. "oh shit" I mumble to myself. he doesn't know about Mason. it's not like I wanted to keep it a secret that I had a kid but I know how he'll react. I quickly get my stuff put away and run down the stairs, I was too late to stop him from seeing Mason. As soon as Steve saw me, he had the look of he sorry written in his face. I mouth "its ok" just so he knows that I'm not mad at him
When dad seen that Steve was looking over towards the stairs, he then looked in that direction and seen me "when were you going to introduce me to this little guy?" I didn't know whether to be cold or not when answering him because I know no matter what I say to him, he'll be mad and act out. My dad wasn't really the best of people, although he never physically abused me in any way, he would always prioritise his work over me and that made me feel shit "when you were gonna stick around for more than 5 seconds" he looked shocked at my answer "I'm here now aren't I (Y/N)?" I scoff "i am not talking about this here. I want Mason upstairs with one of the maids before we even discuss anything"
At the snap of his fingers, Mason was being brought upstairs and my dad was showing me to his 'study' as he calls it. I was honestly scared to confront him after all these years, because not only will he probably react badly to the fact I had a child at 18 and the father is gone, I never even told him. I thought it was just us two until I look behind me and see Steve standing at the door. he gives me a look of reassurance. I turn back to my dad and I was going to figure out where to start but he already bet me to it "so when were you going to tell me you had a kid, and don't give me shit saying 'when you stick around more' or whatever. I want the truth because nows your time" I nod, "if I'm being honest, I don't know when I would have told you" "I suppose you don't know who the father is" I look at him for a second
"I'm sorry, who do you think you are? Are you forgotting that I'm your daughter and not some hooker you seen on the side of the road?" I can feel my anger bubbling already and I haven't even started yet "tell me when it happened" I was hesitant at first because not only would my dad be ashamed of me, but so would Steve "my 18th birthday party, I got drunk and some guy took advantage of me. I ended up pregnant which in a weird way was the best thing that ever happened to me. although it wasn't under the most perfect circumstances, Mason is my everything. he is my sunshine" my dad scoffs. I glare at him "look, I'm just looking out for you. Now that you're with me, you can unwantedly be in the attention of the public and people could try to harm you like what happened to your mother" oh that's it. he's crossed a line
I stand up abruptly, tears forming in my eyes and so angry "Don't you fucking dare talk about her. you hardly knew anything about her because you were always busy working to pay attention to either of us. you weren't the one who was standing right beside her when she was shot and killed and you weren't the fucking one who held her lifeless body and cried for her to come back. No because you were too busy, too busy to check and see how I was at her funeral, too busy to check on me everytime I had a nightmare and too busy to get me through the hardest time of my life. So please, don't you fucking dare pretend like you feel the same amount of pain I do, because I know you don't" i take a breath and start to fully breakdown. I run out of the room and into the living room.
I was too busy breaking down to realise that Steve had come in after me "hey (Y/N), come here" he immediately imbraced me in a hug and I just let it all out, at this point I didn't care if I looked a mess or not. After a while of Steve hugging me as I cried, I finally pulled away and looked up at him "i am sorry you had to see and hear that. you probably think I'm a disgrace" he sighed and shook his head "never. if anything I think you're very brave. the way you explained how much Mason means to you and how you actually managed to tell him how you felt and get everything off your chest" he hugged me once more and rubbed my back. "get comfortable, because you're going to put on a movie and I'm gonna make you some food. you need it. I'll see if Mason wants to join us" I smile "thank you so much Steve. I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here" he smiled and went off to find Mason and I sat down on the sofa to pick a movie. Maybe this trip won't be so bad after all
please give me your honest feedback from this because I want to know if its good before I can make a part 2. tell me if there's anything I need to fix
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hello!!! i've been reading your aus and headcanons lately and i really like them, you are so productive!! thank you so much for all of those solangelo stuffs, you're doing me a favor i would really love to write abt them. you said you dont need permissions but i still want to ask you for it, ty
and also i have questions for you!! if you dont want to answer, its ok.
what tags do you hate the most on ao3? (with s)
did you watch encanto?
what au on your mind lately?
again ty so much forrien!!!
thank you for your kind words! it made day! this is my first ever Q&A, i'm really happy, thank you so much! yes of course you can, use any of my AUs and headcanons, it makes me overjoy how my things get notes and reblogs a lot the past weeks. so i would be in tears if some of you guys write about my things (pls do i will be very happy).
Q1: i hate a lot of tags lol, but i hate them more if they go together, like who and why and how can you write a "hurt no comfort, enemies to friends to lovers to enemies, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self-harming, (genders) threesome, (characters) is horny, with bunch of explicit tags, angst with happy ending" fic??? (and last time i checked it's completed wtf are you ok???).
Q2: YES I DID! Encanto is very cool and the characters are very pretty! I will watch it again after exams season.
Q3: photographer nico/detective will AU! it's very cool in my head but i don't know how to put it into words. detective will is such a refreshing idea, i like him already.
you know what frick it you had my first ever asker privilege, buddy. here's the AU.
whoever thinking abt writing this au be warned: it's gonna be long and required a lot of dedication and rightfully amount of researches lol (no one gonna write this, its a headache). mainly bc of slow burns, smart crime solving detective will but he predicts most of the thing and somehow always got them right, accompany with nico's sharp photorapher skills that are secretly very crucial to the investigation.
basically it all happens in nico's small quiet hometown. of how nico once took a photo of a serial killer three years ago, but nobody knew until an anonymous spreads it suddenly. angsty time, no one likes him there for dumb reasons (think as you may, i just thought they hating on nico bc he doesnt and refuses to take family photos,nude models, weird 24/7 things where he follows them around and capture every moments of them doing stuffs or cheating/exes/exposed rqs - this is a very toxic town i know, but nico still does his job normally and keep his professional ethics clean. he doesn't want money, hes following his dreams), so they being stupid and believed everything bad abt nico and make up even more terrible things. they are assholes, they blame him for every deaths possible, even individuals who didn't get involved in the town's drama compare him to somekind of plague, its horrible. oh but dont be panic, no one actually hurts him, they just barks with no bites so thats a relief (but no, it really is not to nico yikes)
and the rumor spreads to ny-city-investigator-will, "an experienced and intelligent with high-problems-solving-and-critical-thinkings-and-charming-crowd-working-TO-people skill" detective. he wanted to be a therapist like his father but somehow ends up with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and/or psychology. so anyway, why not, and detective will is born. hes on his way to his case and as he first steps foot in the town, he immediately knows how problematic it is. that bad. so he clears nico out, bonds with nico. slow burn occurs. they work together. the town's uncooperative, 1-2 dead dudes, close to death-woman, will out-smarts the serial killer, some sad backstories abt the town and them, how they actually adored nico and hes the only one that was nice to them, more solangelo moments, plot twists, "its not the serial killer its the corrupted town!" moments, nico moves in with will and they live happily ever after, except there are still crime stuffs happening and sequel nico in the action with his bf, chef kiss.
thank you for the questions!
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drawacharge · 6 years
I'm a nuisance so here's a shit ton of questions =/ Cal - 10, 11, 13, 18, 22 / Camilla - 8, 14, 16, 23, 27 /Ant - 7, 9, 20, 24, 29 / Hannah - 2, 4, 15, 26, 39 / Daniel - 5, 13, 15, 22. And also, answer B, D and E for all the characters =] that's all
 god, cindy, you make me & my ocs feel so loved.
so, this is very fucking long, and under a read more because i highly doubt anyone cares except u. but also this was actually very fun so thank u.
( cal ).
what lie do they most frequently remember telling? does it haunt them?
tbh cal’s most frequently spoken lie was probably literally everything he ever said in front of neil. and it absolutely does not haunt him. in fact, he probably smiled as pleasantly as one can when they secretly wish for your death.
how do they cope with confusion?
he definitely seeks clarification, asks you to specify or explain, etc. cal has like no social anxiety lmao. he has no problem speaking his mind.
what color do they think they look best in? do they? 
cal thinks he looks best in soft blues, and yes he absolutely does. however, cal looks great in everything so its not particularly hard to pull off.
what embarrasses them?
little. even when cal is shut down by romantic prospects he takes in pleasant stride. maybe if he like, pissed himself in public he’d be embarrassed, but that’s about it dfgd
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
cal doesn’t really get jealous. in fact, he’s had girlfriends in the past that took issue with the fact that he doesn’t get jealous. however, cal figures that if you’re with him, its for a reason, so he has no reason to feel jealousy over your interactions with other people.
( camillia ).
what were they told to stop/start doing as a child?
camilla was a destructive ass child so, everything? she had a habit of ripping the heads off her little sisters’ barbies, so there’s that.
what animal do they fear most?
snakes. look, cami is a brave ass bitch. she has, on multiple occasions, offered– 100% sincerely– to go toe-to-toe with billy’s father. but when she sees a snake she’s done. she’ll climb a fucking tree to get away if she has to.
what makes their stomach turn?
neil hargrove & white people food.
how does envy manifest itself in them?
if she’s envious of something she can attain herself ( ie: an accomplishment, life style choice, etc ) it simply gives her motivation to do something about it. nothing motivates camilla more than wanting to be better than someone else lmao. except maybe resentment. 
what causes them to feel dread?
literally any and every time billy, ant, or hannah have to go home ( all three of which were raised within less-than-ideal home lives )
( ant ).
what triggers nostalgia for them? do they enjoy it?
sure. most people enjoy nostalgia, don’t they? i’d say the smell of fish and the sea mixed together since he would go fishing with his father a lot as a kid before he died. so, i guess its sort of a melancholy feeling.
do they swear? do they remember their first swear word?
he probably swears the least out of the group, but yeah, ant swears. his first swear was probably one of the more tame ones, though, like shit.
if they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
jesus christ, ok, uh. he’d say the difference between romantic and platonic is simply that he also wants to fuck his romantic partner lol. like, for instance, he has platonic love for cal, and romantic love for hannah. he could see himself spending the rest of his life with either of them, but he only wants to kiss and hold and romance hannah, not cal.as for familial he’d say it’s platonically loving someone to a point that you feel as if you’ve loved them that way your whole life. he feels this way to most of the group tbh, daniel especially who is his best friend and brother.
is sex something they feel comfortable talking about? to whom?
everyone in this group feels comfortable talking about sex, and all to each other. there ain’t one shy bitch in the bunch when it comes to that.
do they usually live up to their own ideals?
well, he tries. ant is 6′2″ and big. he speaks peace and being passive, however. the day before neil yanked billy from everything he loves and took him across the country, ant lost his cool and slugged the piece of shit across his face.
of course, neil had just put his best friend in the hospital and beat his own son, so, can you blame him?
( hannah ).
how easy is for your character to laugh?
super easy. hannah is very bubbly. she’d probably laugh at one of dustin’s jokes while billy shoots her a disappointed look from across the booth. 
how easy is it to earn their trust?
actually, not easy. hannah is friendly, but she’s not stupid. she’s basically that quots from captain america: winter soldier where nick fury is talking about how his father carried a gun on his walk to work every day, and when he explains why he goes, “my dad liked people, he just didn’t trust them very much” that’s hannah. 
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
does she have a filter is basically the question i’m guessing. yeah, she does. most of them do except camilla and billy. and cal on occasion.
what is their preferred mode of transportation?
cal’s van lol. hannah hates driving, she doesn’t even have her license. if cal isn’t around to drive her, she just rides her bike.
how easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
depends on the flaw. billy has… issues, we all know this. sometimes he says shit he doesn’t believe, more or less just repeating his father, and she understands, but i don’t think ignoring is the right word. hannah is the mom friend. when billy, or someone else, says something offensive she goes, “hey, watch it,” and then explains like why they shouldn’t say that kind of thing.
believe it or not, calling billy out on his shit is the best way to deal with him. people just usually don’t. 
( daniel ).
how easy is it to earn their mistrust?
daniel is a sweet, good boy, and if you fuck him over he’s probably likely to forgive you. however, if you hurt one of his friends there’s no way in hell he’ll ever trust you again, even if said friend forgives you first.
what color do they think they look best in? do they actually look best in that color?
reds, blacks, and tans. daniel actually looks best in yellow, but he’d rather die than wear yellow, so.
how do they speak? is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
daniel has a great filter and knows how to be polite. he, however, lets it down around billy and would often speak his mind freely since billy was the last person on the planet to ever judge him for whatever he were to say.
how does jealousy manifest itself in them?
probably like. self-esteem issues. he gets edgy, maybe considers that there’s something wrong with him. he’d never show it though, never get pouty with his boyfriend or get snippy. he’d just internalize that shit. 
and now for the bit just for me i guess??
what inspired you to create them?
well, i always figured billy had a friend group in cali he hated leaving behind, and i made daniel first because he was the boy billy had been caught fooling around with by his dad. the others came when i decided to write a jealous!steve fic.
idk, for me it’s important that billy had someone(s) in california, that he wasn’t alone or just playing a role like he is in hawkins. i think it explains his anger towards being ripped away even better.
have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
hm. i think they all started the way they are. i think, maybe briefly, i gave cami the buzz cut, but thought it’d just be too stereotypical for her personality. plus, i loved the idea of sweet, tiny hannah with season one eleven type hair.
are they someone you would get along with? would they get along with you?
hmm. i’d probably get along with all of them, but i’d probably still butt heads with camilla, just like i know i’d butt heads with billy if he was real. actually, if billy was real, we’d probably physically fight each other, but you call me billy anyway so no one is surprised.
also if hannah tried to mom me and chastise me too much i might hit her lmao.
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sterek · 7 years
i can't believe i actually got teary-eyed while reading your derek hale answer for that character asks. ghad, smh. i don't think i'm at your "level" (whatever that means) of loving him yet but i can freaking empathize about having a hard time breathing even just imagining him getting hurt. like, my whole being is being just NO NO NO AND WHY because this boy DESERVES EVERYTHING GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPINESS AND STILES AND. i really just want to protect him, god. i get really frustrated when
he's being his martyr self too because it's like his feelings of worthlessness is so deeply-ingrained he doesn't even think consciously about freaking sacrificing himself, he just goes and gets hurt and i just---gawd, just typing all these hurt, god. uhm, so yeah. thank you. for that. for answering that ask. idek. gawd, i hope this isn't a getting into the weird message category or anything. because it sounds like i'm thanking you for loving derek so much and i don't even know why.
It took me a while to realize what you were referring to because i’m constantly talking about how much i love that boy. I say it to someone at least once a day I stg.
So, ok first of all, i don’t believe there’s really a level of love for a character because love isn’t something anyone could ever quantify, so i don’t like to say that i’m like... his number 1 fan or one of them because while i might tell myself that secretly from time to time it’s just not possible to see who loves more, you know? So i don’t want you to feel like you still have a lot to go to be able to fully sympathize with me because if you love him then you love him and you are allowed to relate to anything about him.
But ugh this is so hard for me to explain because i feel kinda stupid and i don’t really know what to say to make people understand how i feel about him, but he’s just... my whole heart. He’s my comfort character and it has come to a point in my life where i’ve practically made his essence my own and he’s part of me in a way that when he’s hurt i feel physical pain in my chest and him being sad or mistreated brings down my mood and puts me in a very low point. And, if we’re going to be pathetically honest here, this kind of stuff had made me cry, and i mean - full on sobbing, because I feel sometimes that I put so many of my feelings on him that seeing him hurt hurts me more than actually bad stuff happening in my life. I met Derek at a very low point and the more i started to read him and understand him, the more he started to mean to me and the more i depended on him, like my happiness was somewhat in the hands on a fictional individual. And again, it’s probably stupid and I can’t even tell if it’s a good coping mechanism or a horrible one, but to me he stopped being just a character that i love and became so much more than that. 
And I just realized I started answering this telling myself not to be pathetic and be cool about this, but apparently I cannot for the life of me be cool about how much I love Derek freaking Hale. Also I have no idea where I’m going with this anymore, but yeah... i love him and i love you for loving him too
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Hello! I'm the anon who sent in the really long message about being kind of jealous of my freind (and ex)'s other friends!! So, said friend is having a halloween party next weekend. I'm really excited cause I know it will be really fun, but I'm also really nervous, cause all of their other friends will be there, and I don't know them. I have a tendancy to overthink things when I get nervous (1/?)
and I have a lot of freind anxieties (plus my mental health hasn’t been Excellent lately), so I’m kind of worried about what will happen if I get anxious. Plus, I haven’t seen my friend irl since the breakup, so I don’t know how that will affect me. I know I should go to this party (and don’t get me wrong, I’m really looking forward to it and I know it will be good for me) so do have any ideas on how to keep my cool and not overthink things (and possibly make more friends :D)? Thank you sm!! (2/2)
hi again! well first i think the most important thing we can do when we’re about to feel anxious or scared is not avoiding that emotion. i often tend to try and pretend i’m not feeling anxious and in the end i’ll end up feeling even more anxious! so whenever i feel like that, first i need to reassure myself that it’s ok that i’m not feeling absolutely ok, and then i go on to try and cope in healthy ways.
i think the best way to be able to enjoy the party without the overthinking getting in the way of fun would be to be able to do some distracting stuff in case you start to overthink too much. for me it helps to go to an alone place for a few minutes and maybe read a little, or scribble, or just listen to calm music. even being able to text someone and tell them about the way you’re feeling for a while! so that you don’t have to stay surrounded by other people for the whole party. maybe going to the bathroom or to another room could help!
and for making new friends, i think sometimes thinking about it too much just doesn’t help at all? so for me the best thing would be trying to be yourself + bringing up conversation topics with them. whenever i want to start conversations and i’m feeling insecure about my social skills, i will wear maybe a graphic tee or some badges that people can notice and that could help start a conversation, theme stuff! that’s what i would do, hope i was able to help a little! 💖
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